Revision Date 10/2016
PPSM- 70: Complaint Resolution
It is in the interest of everyonestaff members and the Universityto resolve differences
as quickly and as informally as possible. Employees shall attempt to resolve problems
through informal discussions with their supervisors. Resources available include the
Employee & Labor Relations (ELR) Unit and Staff Ombudsperson.
A. Informal Resolution. It is in the interest of everyonestaff members and the
Universityto resolve differences as quickly and as informally as possible. Employees
shall attempt to resolve problems through informal discussions with their supervisors.
Resources available include the Employee & Labor Relations (ELR) Unit and Staff
Ombudsperson. An attempt to resolve the issue informally does not extend the
deadline for filing a written complaint (PPSM-70 Section III.B.5.).
B. Administration of Policy. Employee & Labor Relations is the office designated to
administer this policy, including responsibility for the time limits for filing and
appealing complaints, and for official receipt of written complaints and appeals.
Employee & Labor Relations is the office of record of the maintenance of
documentation related to all complaints and appeals.
Responsible Official:
Human Resources
Responsible Office:
Human Resources check policy
Effective Date: 8/2011
Date Revised: 7/2017
Provides information to be utilized to resolve complaints.
Fabiola Elizalde, ELR Manager
University of California, Merced
Complaint Resolution Procedures:
Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and
Manager & Senior Professionals (MSP)-
Manager 3 and Below and Equivalent Positions
Employee: For the purposes of this policy, an “employee” is defined as an active
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C. Consolidation of Complaints. Multiple complaints regarding the same or related
action or issue, arising out of actions taken or events occurring in the same
department, may be consolidated into one complaint for review under this policy at
the discretion of ELR.
D. Right to Representation. An employee is entitled to be represented by the person
of her/his choice at every stage of the complaint resolution process. However, if you
are not a supervisor and wish to have a fellow employee represent you, then you
must ask an employee who is also not a supervisor. If you are a supervisor and wish
to have a fellow employee represent you, then you must ask an employee who is also
a supervisor.
E. Pay Status. Employees, and their representative (UCM employee) shall be afforded
reasonable time on pay status to attend meetings called by the University, and for
attendance at hearings under the complaint resolution policy. Employees are required
to obtain prior approval for their absences during normal work hours for attendance
at meetings related to complaint resolution.
F. Time Limits. Initial complaints and appeals to Step II or Step III must be filed within
the time limits as stated in the complaint review procedure below. An appeal that is
not received within the time limits will be considered resolved on the basis of the last
University response. Time limits that fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or University holiday
are extended to the next business day.
Administrative Review: An appeal at Step II of the Step I decision. For PSS employees,
Administrative Review is one of three possible options available at Step II if an employee
appeals the Step I decision.
Appeal: A request for a review of a decision.
Complaint: A written claim by an employee regarding a specific management action(s) that
meets the criteria in PPSM- 70 Section III.A.3, III.B.4.a.i, or III.B.4.a.ii, as applicable.
Complaint Liaison: The office or individual designated locally to receive complaints eligible
for review under this policy.
Conflict of Interest: For purposes of this policy, a situation where a factfinder, University
hearing officer, and/or decision-maker has a bias or personal interest in the outcome that
would prevent him/her from serving impartially.
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or a former employee who was involuntarily separated.
Factfinder: A person appointed by a location to determine whether the material allegations
of the complaint are supported by the preponderance of the evidence.
Make Whole Remedy: Restoration of University pay, University benefits, and/or rights
provided under University policy that the employee could have been awarded if the
employee prevailed at a Step III Hearing (PSS) or Step III Fact-finding (MSP-Manager 3 and
below and equivalent positions) under this policy. See PPSM- 70 Sections III.B.8 and
Preponderance of Evidence: The standard that the employee or University must meet in
order to prevail. It is satisfied when one party has shown that its version of the relevant
events is more likely than not the correct version.
Remedy: Relief that addresses the adverse effect(s) of the management action(s) that
was reviewed under this policy.
1. Informal Resolution
The employee shall make every effort to resolve the complaint through informal
discussion(s) with their immediate supervisor. Such discussion is a condition for filing
a request for formal review.
An employee who alleges sexual violence or sexual harassment may choose to
substitute the local implementing procedures for the Policy on Sexual Violence and
Sexual Harassment (SVSH).
2. Filing
a. To file a request for formal review, the complaint must be submitted on the
Request for Formal Review Form, Attachment A. The complaint must be filed
with the Employee & Labor Relations Office, 5200 North Lake Rd, Merced, CA
95340, within thirty (30) calendar days after the date on which the employee
knew, or reasonably should have known, of the event or action giving rise to the
complaint, or within 30 calendar days after the date of separation from
University employment, whichever is earlier. If the complaint alleges a series of
policy violations or pattern of management actions that are subject to review
under this policy, the complaint must be filed within 30 calendar days after the
most recent policy violation or management action.
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For a complaint regarding a layoff, the employee must file the written complaint
within 30 calendar days after the effective date of the layoff. If a laid off
employee alleges that his or her recall or preference for reemployment rights
have been violated, the employee must file the complaint within 30 calendar
days after the date on which the employee could reasonably be expected to have
known of the alleged violation, but no later than 30 calendar days after the
employee’s recall or preferential reemployment eligibility period ends, whichever
is earlier.
An employee may file a complaint regarding sexual violence or sexual
harassment under both this policy and the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual
Harassment. If an employee chooses to do this, the complaint under this policy
must be timely filed in accordance with this section.
b. A complaint is considered “filed” on the date it is postmarked, the date it is
personally delivered, the date it is faxed, or the date it is emailed.
c. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Employee & Labor Relations Office will
i. Whether the complaint is within the scope of PPSM-70, Section III. B.4;
ii. Whether the complaint is timely, Section III.B.5; and
iii. Whether the complaint qualifies for review through Step II or Step III
iv. The Employee & Labor Relations Office may require the employee to provide
additional details. In such cases, the employee will be notified of the
additional detail needed. The complainant shall be granted up to ten
(10) calendar days to correct and resubmit his/her complaint. If the
employee does not provide the additional detail within the timeframe
established in these procedures, the incomplete claim(s) will not be accepted
for review. If multiple claims are raised in the complaint, the Employee &
Labor Relations Office may choose to process the claims separately.
v. If the complaint is eligible for review, the Employee & Labor Relations Office
sends an acknowledgement letter to the complainant specifying what issues,
if any, have been accepted for review. Notice will include whether the
complaint qualifies for review through Step II or Step III.
vi. If a complaint is rejected by the Employee & Labor Relations Office, the
employee will be notified in writing, including the reasons for the rejection.
If the employee decides to appeal this decision, the appeal must be received
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by the Office of the President, Human Resources, within 20 calendar
days of the campus decision.
An employee may appeal only the following local decisions to the Office of
the President, Human Resources: whether the complaint was timely;
whether the complaint is within the scope of PPSM 70; whether the remedy
granted as an early resolution constitutes a make whole remedy, and/or;
the closure of the complaint due to the employee’s failure to participate.
Step I Department Head
Upon acceptance of a formally filed request for review, the Employee and Labor
Relations Office shall transmit a copy of the complaint to the Department Head for
response. The Department Head may elect to review the complaint or may
designate a Step 1 reviewer.
After considering the facts to the matter, the Department Head, or designee, shall
transmit a written response to the employee within twenty (20) calendar days
from the date the Department Head received the complaint from the Employee and
Labor Relations Office. The written response shall be in letter or memo format and
forwarded by U.S. mail, delivered in person, with Proof of Service, or via email with
a copy to the Employee and Labor Relations Office.
Any complaint filed under this policy regarding sexual violence or sexual harassment
will be referred to the local Title IX Office for processing under the Policy on Sexual
Violence and Sexual Harassment. The review conducted under that policy will serve
as Step I under this policy. After that process has concluded, the employee may
submit a written appeal to Step II under this policy if there are sexual violence or
sexual harassment claims that were not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction. The
investigative report issued under the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual
Harassment may be used as evidence in proceedings under this policy.
1. Professional & Support Staff
a. Step II Appeal
If the complaint is not resolved at Step I, the employee may file a
written notice of appeal to Step II, but only on issues and remedies
remaining unresolved that were accepted for review at Step I.
The request must be in writing, in letter or memo format, signed by the
employee and filed with the Employee and Labor Relations Office within
twenty (20) calendar days following the issuance of the Step I
response, or if not issued, the date due.
In that appeal, the employee must select one of the following Step II
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i. Administrative Review. Refer to Section C Administrative
ii. Fact-finding. If the employee selects fact-finding, the employee
is not eligible to appeal the Step II decision to Step III, even if the
complaint alleged a policy violation that would otherwise be
eligible for review at Step III. Refer to Section E Fact Finding
iii. Proceed Directly to Step III. If the University agrees, a career
employee may select this option to proceed directly to Step III for
hearing, provided that the complaint alleged a policy violation
eligible for review at Step III (PPSM-70, Section V.E.2.a.). Refer
to Section D University Hearing.
b. Step III Hearing
If the complaint is eligible for review at Step III (In accordance with
policies listed in PPSM -70, Section V.E.2.a.), and the claims have not
been satisfactorily resolved at Step I or Step II, the employee may
submit a request for a Step III hearing. Such request shall be in writing,
in letter or memo format, signed by the employee and filed with the
Employee and Labor Relations Office within twenty (20) calendar
days of the date the Step II response was issued or, if not issued, the
date due. Expenses for the cost of a non-UC Officer will be borne equally
by the parties pursuant to PPSM-70, Section V.E.2.b.
2. Management & Senior Professional Manager 3 and Below and
Equivalent Positions
a. Step II Appeal
If the complaint is not resolved at Step I, the employee may file a
written notice of appeal for Administrative Review at Step II, but only
on issues and remedies remaining unresolved that were accepted for
review at Step I. The appeal must state which claims alleged in the
complaint were not resolved at Step I and specify the remedy
requested. The decision is final and binding unless the complaint is
eligible for review at Step III. Refer to Section C Administrative
The request must be in writing, in letter or memo format, signed by the
employee and filed with the Employee and Labor Relations Office within
twenty (20) calendar days following the issuance of the Step I
response, or if not issued, the date due. Alternatively, if the University
agrees, a career employee may elect to proceed directly to Step III for
fact-finding, provided that the complaint alleged a policy violation
eligible for review at Step III (Section C. 2.b)
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b. Step III Fact-finding
If the complaint is eligible for review at Step III (In accordance with
policies listed in PPSM -70, Section V.E.2.a.), and the claims have not
been satisfactorily resolved at Step I or Step II, the employee may
submit a request for fact-finding and specify the remedy requested.
Such request shall be in writing, in letter or memo format, signed by
the employee and filed with the Employee and Labor Relations Office
within twenty (20) calendar days of the date the step II decision was
issued or, if not issued, the date due. Refer to Section F Fact
C. Administrative Review
The AVC HR, or designee, will appoint an Administrative Review Officer (ARO) from
outside the department or the reporting line in which the complaint arose to review
the complaint. The ARO will convene a meeting within thirty (30) days of being
appointed. The meeting(s), at which the ARO presides, is held with the complainant
and/or with other individuals, individually and/or jointly, whom the ARO determines
would be helpful to obtain sufficient facts to render a fair decision. The purpose of
the Step II meeting is to provide the complainant with a fair opportunity to present
evidence in support of the employee’s complaint. The ARO shall issue a written
response to the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days after the conclusion of the
Step II meeting(s).
The ARO’s decision is final and binding unless the complaint is eligible for review at
Step III.
D. University Hearing
1. Appointment of University Hearing Officers
The AVC HR, or designee, shall select and appoint a panel of University employees
to serve as University Hearing Officers for such terms of office as the AVC HR
deems appropriate.
2. Non-University Hearing Officer
If the employee elects a non-University Hearing Officer, the Employment & Labor
Relations Manager shall furnish the employee and the department with a Hearing
Employees selecting a non-University Hearing Officer will be required to pay one-half of
all fees associated with the selection and services of the Hearing Officer.
3. Hearing Process
a. The Employee Labor Relations Office shall coordinate the time and place of the
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b. The Department Head/Employee and/or their representative, shall have the
opportunity to call and examine witnesses and submit relevant documentary
evidence at the hearing. Each party shall provide the other with relevant
material, including a written list of all witnesses, which either intends to
introduce at the hearing. To the extent possible, this material should be
provided at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the hearing. At the request
of either party, all witnesses other than the principal parties, their
representatives (if any), and a representative of the Employee Labor Relations
Office, shall be excluded from the hearing except when testifying. Witnesses
at the hearing who are employees covered by these policies shall appear on
University time.
c. The Hearing Officer shall provide the parties with a written final and binding
decision within thirty (30) working days of the close of the hearing.
4. Hearing Authority
a. Shall conduct a hearing to determine the facts and whether the management
action grieved was in violation of the Personnel Policies for Staff Members or
the campus implementing procedures, or if the complaint involves corrective
action or dismissal, whether the management action was reasonable under the
b. Shall not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify personnel policy or campus
implementing procedures, issue subpoenas, or order stenographic records.
c. Is limited to restoring any pay, benefits, or rights lost as a result of the action
5. Hearing Record
a. A single tape recording or stenographic report of the hearing shall be arranged
by the Labor Relations Office.
b. Fees for stenographic services shall be paid by the party requesting such
services, unless both parties agree otherwise in advance.
c. Copies of the stenographic reports may be provided to a party only upon
payment of one-half of the total cost for stenographic services.
d. The Labor Relations Office shall be the official custodian of the original hearing
record and of all documents introduced at the hearing.
6. Observers
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Observers may not attend a hearing unless prior authorization is received by the
E. Fact Finding
1. Appointment of Fact Finder:
a. The AVC HR, or designee, shall appoint the fact finder from this campus or another
location with the University of California system. If from this campus, the fact
finder shall be from outside the campus unit or reporting line in which the
complaint arose.
b. The fact finder shall arrange a timely meeting with each party to the complaint,
separately or jointly, as necessary. The fact finder shall take whatever steps
reasonably necessary to investigate the complaint and report findings of fact to
the AVC HR. The fact finder shall provide a written report to the AVC HR within
twenty (20) calendar days of the close of the investigation.
The fact-finding report shall contain the following information
i. A clear statement of the issues under review;
ii. The position of the parties;
iii. A brief summary of the information received, people interviewed and
documents relied upon;
iv. Findings of fact; and
v. Policy violations, if any
c. The report and all documentation received by the fact finder shall be attached to
the AVC HR final and binding decision.
F. Representation
1. The employee may have a representative present at any stage of the complaint
process; however, the representative may not disrupt the proceedings. If the
representative is present during fact-finding, the representative cannot speak for the
employee. An employee who has been designated managerial, supervisory, or
confidential by the University shall not represent a non-managerial, supervisory or
confidential employee and vice versa.
2. When an employee decides to be represented, they shall furnish in writing the name,
business address and telephone number of the representative to the Employee Labor
Relations Office. Changes in representation shall also be made in writing to the
Employee Labor Relations Office.
G. Pay Status for Time Spent on Complaint Resolution
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1. Time spent by an employee and/or the employee’s representative (covered under UC
Personnel Policies for Staff Members) in preparing a case (other than interviewing
otherwise unavailable employee witnesses) shall be during non-work hours and
without pay.
2. Requests by an employee and/or the employee’s representative for amounts of paid
time off to investigate in preparation for the hearing shall be submitted in writing to
the AVC HR, or designee. Such absence will be either vacation, compensatory time
off, or leave without pay.
3. Request for reasonable time off with pay during scheduled working hours from an
employee and an employee’s representative (covered under UC Personnel Policies for
Staff Members and is not paid for such representation by the employee filing the
complaint or others) for hearings or meetings convened by the University to consider
and resolve complaints shall not be unreasonably denied.
H. Conflict of Interest
If an employee has concerns about a conflict of interest on the part of the factfinder,
University hearing officer, and/or decision-maker, the employee should raise those
concerns with the Employee & Labor Relations Office. The ELR Office will determine
whether an actual conflict of interest exists. In situations where it is determined that the
factfinder, University hearing officer, and/or decision-maker has an actual conflict of
interest that would prevent him or her from serving impartially, the ELR Office will
designate a different factfinder, University hearing officer, or decision-maker.
I. Witnesses
Witnesses requesting approval to participate in a hearing and/or meetings convened by
the University shall be approved on an operational needs basis, however, shall not be
unreasonably denied.
J. Settlement Agreements
The terms of settlement shall be subject to approval by the AVC HR, or designee. Such
settlement agreements shall be reduced to writing and shall be filed with other
documents of the complaint in the Human Resources Department.
K. Extension of Time Limits
The AVC HR, or designee, prior to the expiration of a time limit, may grant an extension
for cause upon the written request of either party.
Absent an extension of time requested in advance and granted in writing, failure of the
employee to comply with the time limits established and cited in Policy 70 and the
Complaint Resolution Procedures shall result in the dismissal of the complaint.
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Revised 10/2016
ATTACHMENT A Request for Formal Review
Human Resources
PPSM 70 Complaint (Required by UC Merced Procedure 70)
A. Complainant
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Payroll Title:
Hire Date (M/D/Y):
Home Address:
Home/Cell Phone No.:
Work Phone No.:
Email Address:
B. Supervisor
Last Name:
First Name:
Email Address:
Work Phone No.:
C. Representative (if any)
Last Name:
First Name:
Phone No.:
Email Address:
D. Informal Resolution
Please attach a statement that identifies and details your informal resolution attempt(s), including the dates of such attempts, and
the name(s) of the person(s) contacted.
E. Statement
Please attach a statement detailing:
(1) which University policies were violated, including the specific sections of such policies;
(2) the specific management act(s) that gave rise to your complaint;
(3) when the act(s) occurred (or when you became aware of such act(s));
(4) how the act(s) violated the specified University policies; and
(5) how you were adversely affected.
F. Remedy
Please describe your requested remedy.
G. Complainant’s Signature:
For Human Resources Use Only
Complaint No.: Date Received:
Appealable to Step II
Eligible for Factfinding
Appealable to Step III
PPSM 70 Complaint Form Revised 05/2016
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Human Resources
H. Complaint Review Step I
Date Received:
Date of Response:
Decision Attached:
Signature of Step I Reviewer:
Email Address:
Printed Name and Title:
Work Phone No.:
I. Complaint Review Step II
I do not accept and appeal
to Step II (state reason below)
Complainant’s Signature:
I request Administrative Review
I request Factfinding
Reason(s) for appeal and unresolved issue(s):
Date Received:
Date of Response:
Decision Attached:
Signature of Step II Reviewer:
Email Address:
Printed Name and Title:
Work Phone No.:
J. Complaint Review Step III
I do not accept and appeal to Step III
(state reason below)
Complainant’s Signature:
I request a University Hearing Officer
I request a Non-University Hearing Officer
Reason(s) for appeal and unresolved issue(s):
PPSM 70 Complaint Form
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