The link between sustainable development and nonre-
newable resources appears at first glance to be inconsistent,
because nonrenewable resources are finite. The concept of
sustainable development has generated a great deal of debate
and spawned a multitude of definitions since it was put for-
ward by Malthus (1798) about 200 years ago. He argued that
the fixed land base could not sustain the continuing growth in
human population and, if people did not restrain their repro-
duction, the population would be controlled by war, pesti-
lence, and starvation. This early thinking evolved to what we
now accept as the fundamental premise of sustainable devel-
opment as stated by the World Commission on Environment
and Development (Brundtland, 1987, p. 8)—“development
that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.The
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) believes
that development must have a human face and coined the
term “sustainable human development. Its mission, there-
fore, is to help countries in their efforts to achieve sustain-
able human development by assisting them to build their
capacity to design and carry out development programs in
poverty eradication, employment creation and sustainable
livelihoods, the empowerment of women, and the protection
and regeneration of the environment, giving first priority to
poverty eradication.
The idea of sustainable development in the context of
nonrenewable resources, in particular mineral resources, may
seem a contradiction if a one-dimensional view is taken. Min-
eral resource development is unsustainable only if we ignore
the complex interaction of economic growth, social develop-
ment, and the environment. It is not always self-evident that
our present modern technological society requires an ongo-
ing supply of minerals. Mineral production, although having
environmental impacts, is and will continue to be an essential
part of ensuring the economic well-being of our society. To
satisfy the present global mineral needs without compromis-
ing the mineral resource needs of future generations, it is
imperative that we approach mineral resource development
within a holistic framework comprising all components of
the complex interaction between humans and the ecosystem
on which they depend. By using nonrenewable resources for
capital formation that will be reinvested in social, economic,
and environmental activities, the concept of sustainability and
mineral resource development would no longer seem to be a
Since the establishment of the UNDP in 1965, the organi-
zation has supported mineral resources development activities,
including exploration, feasibility studies, capacity building, and
institutional strengthening of mining departments in develop-
ing countries. As a result of these activities, several important
mineral deposits were discovered, including one of its earliest
and largest discoveries, the Baja la Alumbrera copper deposit
in Argentina. Today, UNDP’s direct involvement in the min-
eral sector is minimal, mainly because it is felt that this activ-
ity should be left to the private sector. However, the wealth of
information that resides within UNDP archives could contribute
to the global assessment of future sources of mineral supplies. A
global mineral resource assessment is seen as a prerequisite to
adequate planning for the sustainable use of these nonrenewable
resources and as a contribution to the achievement of UNDPs
overarching goal of poverty eradication.
This paper discusses the evolution of the concept of
sustainable development and the need to treat mineral resource
development as one component in a complex interaction
between humans and their environment. UNDP’s approach
and contribution to fostering an enabling environment for
global mineral resource development within the framework of
sustainable human development are presented.
Sustainable Development
Evolution of the Concept
The concept of sustainable development can be traced
back to the 18th century, when there was concern that the
limited amount of land and resources would retard economic
growth. Tahvonen (2000) traced the development of economic
thought on sustainability and scarcity of natural resources by
citing four main periods, as follows.
Sustainable Development and Nonrenewable Resources—
A Multilateral Perspective
By George A. Nooten
Former Officer-in-Charge, United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural
Resources Exploration, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (e-mail:
36 Proceedings, Workshop on Deposit Modeling, Mineral Resource Assessment, and Sustainable Development
The 1st period
1798 Thomas Malthus (1798) believed that the fixed
land base could not sustain the continuing
growth of human population. He predicted that,
if humankind did not make the moral decision
to control the increasing number of people on
the planet, populations would be held in check
by war, pestilence, or starvation.
1862 John Stuart Mill (1862) emphasized that, while
the limited amount of natural resources could in
principle constrain increases in production, this
limit would not be reached in any country over
any meaningful timeframe.
The 2d period
1890–1920 The U.S. conservation movement in its doctrine
stated that economic growth has clear physical
boundaries that cannot be avoided by technological
development. Too rapid use of nonrenewable
resources was considered a major threat to future
generations. It was argued that, the lower the use of
nonrenewable resources, the better.
1931 Studies by Hotelling (1931) proposed a
theoretical model in which social well-being
from nonrenewable resources was maximized
over an infinitely long time period.
1963 Barnett and Morse (1963) questioned the
pessimistic Malthusian view and the basic
premises of the conservation movement. They
found that, on the basis of price and cost time
series data on minerals, agriculture, and renewable
resources, (1) the price and production costs had
fallen or remained constant during the period
1870–1957 and (2) only the price level of forestry
had shown an upward trend. These findings
were explained by technological development,
which produced substitutes for scarce resources,
decreased extraction costs of minerals, and
expanded the size of economic reserves.
The 3d period
1972 The “Limits to Growth” report for the Club of
Rome by Meadows and others (1972), using
the modeling method called “systems analysis,
predicted that the future world population level,
food production, and industrialization would first
grow exponentially but then collapse during the
next century. The collapse would occur because
the world economy would reach its physical
limits in terms of nonrenewable resources,
agricultural production, and excessive pollution.
The study predicted that 11 vital minerals could
be exhausted before the end of 2000.
1977 Wassily Leontief and others (1977), on
request by the United Nations, applied equally
pessimistic assumptions as the “Limits to
Growth” report, except that they took into
account that demand may respond to higher
prices. Their results showed that only two
minerals were in danger of being exhausted.
The 4th period
After 1974 Presustainability from 1974 onward.—Two
economists, Partha Dasgupta and Geoffrey
Heal (1974), asked whether an economy can
maintain a positive consumption level forever,
given that there is no technical development
and that the production of commodities is
possible only by using limited nonrenewable
resources like oil. Their analysis revealed that it
is possible to maintain a positive consumption
level only if capital can be substituted for
nonrenewable resources without technical
The concept of sustainable development has evolved
and gained global recognition since the report by the World
Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland,
1987) and the United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development in 1992. The concept is complex, requiring
a delicate balance among economic growth, environmental
protection, and social development to secure the well-being of
the increasing population on a sustainable basis.
Defining Sustainable Development
The complexity of sustainable development has spawned
a myriad of definitions. The most quoted definition is by the
World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundt-
land, 1987, p. 8), which says that sustainable development
is “development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.” The concept is further elaborated therein by the
statement, “In essence, sustainable development is a process of
change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of
investments, the orientation of technological development, and
institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current
and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.
In 1991, “Caring for the Earth—A Strategy for Sustain-
able Living,” published by the International Union for Con-
servation of Nature and Natural Resources, United Nations
Environment Programme, and World Wide Fund for Nature
(Munro and Holdgate, 1991), defined sustainable development
as, “improving the quality of human life while living within
the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems.” The Austra-
lia Ecologically Sustainable Development Working Group on
Mining (1991) defined sustainable development as, “ensuring
that the mineral raw materials needs of society are met, with-
out compromising the ability either of future societies to meet
their needs, or of the natural environment to sustain indefi-
nitely the quality of environmental services (such as climate
systems), biological diversity, and ecological integrity.
UNDP advocates sustainable human development, which
is an approach that seeks to expand choices for all people—
women, men and children, current and future generations—
while protecting the natural systems on which all life depends.
Moving away from a narrow, economy-centered approach to
development, sustainable human development places people
at the core and views humans as both a means and an end of
development. Thus, sustainable human development aims
to eliminate poverty, promote human dignity and rights, and
provide equitable opportunities for all.
In addition to the several definitions of sustainable devel-
opment, the concept is elaborated in principles 1, 4, 5, and 8 of
the Rio Declaration (United Nations, 1992), as follows:
Principle 1. Human beings are at the center of concerns for
sustainable development. They are entitled to
a healthy and productive life in harmony with
Principle 4. In order to achieve sustainable development,
environmental protection shall constitute an
integral part of the development process and
cannot be considered in isolation from it.
Principle 5. All States and all people shall cooperate in
the essential task of eradicating poverty as
an indispensable requirement for sustainable
development, in order to decrease the
disparities in standards of living and better
meet the needs of the majority of the people of
the world.
Principle 8. To achieve sustainable development and a
higher quality of life for all people, States
should reduce and eliminate unsustainable
patterns of production and consumption and
promote appropriate demographic policies.
Although several definitions exist, the three main ele-
ments—economic growth, social responsibility, and envi-
ronment and natural resource conservation—are persistent
in the definitions of sustainable development. There is an
unquestionable global acceptance of the need for all nations
to embrace the concept of sustainable development, which
upholds the universal values of fulfilling basic needs and
access to good health, wealth, dignity, knowledge, justice,
equity, and peace.
Nonrenewable Resources
At first glance, a nonrenewable resource seems to be
incompatible with sustainable development. This is true
because the concept of a nonrenewable resource implies
that, once a resource is used, since it cannot reproduce itself,
sustainability is not possible. This one-dimensional view of
nonrenewable resources seems to support the widely held
view that the extractive industries cannot be supportive of the
concept of sustainable development. A closer examination of
the issue, however, reveals a different perspective.
Nonrenewable resources, in particular mineral resources,
are necessary for the economic well-being of our societies.
It is not always self-evident that without a supply of mineral
products our living standards will be drastically reduced and
the impact on the global economy will be disastrous. The
modern conveniences, such as automobiles, building and trans-
portation infrastructure, fertilizers for increased food produc-
tion, television sets, computers, solar panels, aircraft, medical
diagnostic and treatment methods and instruments, farming
equipment, and cooking utensils, require mineral products.
It is a truism that what is not grown must be mined. To have
access to mineral resources, their extraction from the Earth
and the environmental impacts associated with this activity are
In limiting the concept of nonrenewability to exhaustion
and depletion in the case of mineral resources, we are ignoring
the impact of technology. Advances in technology, new min-
eral discoveries, and limits on the material riches desired by
our societies can minimize the possibility for exhaustion and
depletion of the Earth’s recoverable mineral supply. Technol-
ogy provides the possibility of finding ways to renew the sup-
ply of minerals through advances in exploration techniques,
extraction processes, recycling, and substitution. In the case of
some resources we think of as renewable, such as biological
resources, the reality is that some bird and fish species have
become extinct and, therefore, also can be considered nonre-
newable. In viewing mineral resource depletion at the scale of
individual mine sites, the limited perspective of nonrenewabil-
ity can apply; on a global scale, however, given the untapped
resources of the oceans and deeper parts of the Earth’s crust,
we should consider a broader view of nonrenewability.
Given the important role that minerals play in our societ-
ies, it is necessary to view mineral development as one of the
important components of continuing economic growth without
impairing the capacity of future generations to enjoy the same
or a better standard of living. Sustainability requires economic
growth, environmental protection of our ecosystem, and social
responsibility. The dynamic interplay of these three compo-
nents is a prerequisite for achieving the goals of sustainability.
Mineral development can be viewed as supporting the concept
of sustainable development if the extraction of minerals takes
place in a manner that minimizes the environmental impacts;
equitably shares the benefits from the new wealth created;
utilizes the capital obtained to provide adequate healthcare,
education, and other social services; and reduces the level of
waste through recycling and improved technologies to opti-
mize recoveries.
In considering national and international mineral sup-
plies, it is necessary to recognize the dynamic characteristics
Sustainable Development and Nonrenewable Resources—A Multilateral Perspective 37
38 Proceedings, Workshop on Deposit Modeling, Mineral Resource Assessment, and Sustainable Development
of the minerals industry and to take into account the other
factors apart from the economic and geologic ones. It is well
accepted that the environmental and sociocultural aspects must
be an integral part of the way the minerals industry operates.
Sustainability of Mineral Supply
Although some authors predicted that the world would run
out of some minerals, thus contributing to constrained economic
growth, this pessimistic prediction has failed to materialize
despite increasing consumption and population growth. The
main reason for this failure was that projections of supply and
demand models failed to take into account the dynamic nature
of the minerals industry. Some minerals in use today were not
in use 50 years ago, while others have been substituted for by
plastics, composites, and other materials. For example, we are
seeing an increased use of optical fiber replacing copper in the
communications industry. It is possible that with new tech-
nologies the future uses of some minerals will require reduced
quantities of the mineral raw material to be mined.
Dzioubinski and Chipman (1999) presented an overview
of the trends in production and consumption of copper, lead,
and aluminum. They found that there will be no shortage of
copper due to depletion of ore in the foreseeable future. The
reserve base of copper will last for more than 40 years, and
copper resources for more than 105 years. For lead, the reserve
base is sufficient for 40 years, and identified resources for 500
years. For aluminum production, the primary raw material
is bauxite. Reserves of bauxite will last for about 100 years,
and estimated resources between 170 and 200 years. As can
be seen, there is no evidence that these or other nonrenew-
able resources will be scarce due to extraction and depletion
in the medium to long term. As technologies emerge for the
development of resource substitutes, recycling methods, and
improved exploration and mining methodologies, together
with the potential for discovery of minerals not yet known,
global mineral supply is in no danger of becoming scarce due
to depletion of mineral resources.
UNDPs Contribution and Role
Mineral exploration activities in the developing world
have been supported by the United Nations (U.N.) and in
particular by the UNDP for more than 40 years. This support
was in recognition that the mineral wealth of a country was an
engine of economic growth. The U.N. programs covered many
aspects of mineral resource development in the developing
countries, including the following:
Institutional strengthening of geological surveys and min-
eral resource departments and ministries.
Training of nationals in all fields of mineral resources.
Mineral exploration using geochemical prospecting,
airborne and ground geophysics, analytical chemistry, and
Economic feasibility studies.
Mining and mineral processing—establishing mining and
metallurgical institutes.
Mining legislation.
Exploration results have been positive in many of the
exploration programs undertaken by UNDP. The discovery
of the Cerro Petaquilla porphyry copper deposit in Panama
(1965–71) attracted international mining companies that began
exploration in Panama and neighboring countries for similar
deposits in the circumpacific orogenic belt in the Americas.
In Mexico, UNDP projects led to the discovery of La Cari-
dad porphyry copper deposit and the Las Truchas iron ore
deposit. In Asia, discoveries include the Mamut porphyry
copper deposit in Sabah, Malaysia; offshore tin in Indonesia;
and the Sar Chesmeh copper deposit in Iran. In Africa, several
deposits were found by UNDP mineral exploration programs;
notably, lateritic nickel in Burundi and Tanzania, iron ore in
Guinea, and gold in Burkina Faso.
Rapidly changing external and internal factors have
necessitated a change in focus of the activities of the UNDP.
Externally, there have been major global political changes
such as the breakup of the Soviet Union. Several armed
conflicts in the developing world have created a major refu-
gee crisis requiring the intervention of U.N. peacekeeping
teams. There have been important social changes, such as the
emergence of global movements regarding women and indig-
enous people and regarding environmental and human rights.
Internally, major reforms of the organization have taken place,
resulting in the reorientation of programs to respond to the
demands of these dramatic changes. The current development
approach embodies all the elements of sustainable develop-
ment, with a major focus on poverty elimination.
In response to the many changes, mineral exploration
activities by UNDP declined and were replaced by an empha-
sis on processing and manufacturing activities. Examples of
this new direction are (1) providing advice to governments in
reforming their mining codes and their fiscal regimes, (2) pro-
viding policy advice in environmental matters, (3) promoting
women’s issues, and (4) providing assistance in the transfor-
mation of informal small-scale mining to a formal sector.
The stated mission of UNDP is to contribute to halving
world poverty by 2015. To achieve this goal, the emphasis
is on pro-poor and sustainable growth. It is recognized that
sustained poverty reduction requires socially, politically, and
environmentally sustained economic growth in all countries.
The present activities in the natural resource sector focus on
poverty reduction strategies, and because the private sector
is better positioned to play a key role in the mineral sector,
UNDP now concentrates on issues pertaining to good gover-
nance, capacity building, and the strengthening of institutions.
In the natural resources management cluster, emphasis is
placed on water, sustainable agriculture and food security, and
renewable energy and energy policy.
Although UNDP no longer is directly involved in mineral
exploration activities, it continues to contribute to the mineral
sector through implementation of the sustainable livelihoods (SL)
approach to artisanal mining. As one of UNDP’s five corporate
mandates, SL offers both a conceptual and a programming frame-
work for poverty reduction in a sustainable manner. Conceptually,
livelihoods connote the means, activities, entitlements, and assets
by which people make a living. Assets, in this particular context,
are defined as not only natural or biological (that is, land, water,
minerals, common-property resources, flora, fauna) but also
social (that is, community, family, social networks, participation,
empowerment), human (that is, knowledge creation by skills),
and physical (that is, roads, markets, clinics, schools, bridges).
The sustainable livelihood approach could be instrumental in tap-
ping the vitality of mining to improve community livelihoods and
contribute to poverty eradication.
UNRFNRE’s Role in Sustainable
In 1973, the U.N. Revolving Fund for Natural Resources
Exploration (UNRFNRE) was established to respond to fears
expressed about the future scarcity of mineral supply. The
revolving fund acted as a catalyst in mineral resource develop-
ment through its executing and financing mechanism, which
promoted self-reliance and cooperation among developing
countries. The creation of the fund was a cooperative attempt
by the world community to expand the inventory of mineral
resources at mankind’s disposal for the future. Voluntary con-
tributions made by donors both from developing and developed
countries provided the high-risk capital for mineral exploration
at no cost to the recipient governments. The only requirement
was that, in the event that the fund was successful in discovering
an economic mineral deposit that went into production, the gov-
ernment was obligated to make replenishment payments to the
fund. The replenishment rate was 2 percent (1 percent for least
developed countries) of the gross value of annual production
for a period of 15 years, with a ceiling of 10 times the amount
of the cost of exploration incurred by the fund. It was estimated
that, after 25 years, the fund would be self-sustaining and not
dependent on contributions from donors. The replenishment
payments would be the pool of high-risk capital for developing
countries to utilize for their mineral exploration activities. In this
way, countries would share the risk and be self-reliant in financ-
ing their mineral exploration activities.
During its 26 years of existence, UNRFNRE has assisted
developing countries to locate and define the economic min-
eral deposits within their borders. With a total expenditure
of nearly US$100 million, the fund has evaluated over 100
mineral prospects, carried out 34 mineral exploration projects,
and discovered 10 economic mineral deposits with an in-place
value of approximately US$3.4 billion. To date, deposits of
gold in Peru and Ecuador and chromite in the Philippines have
been mined. On August 3, 2000, one of the fund’s projects, the
Geita, Tanzania, gold mine, was officially opened; it will be
producing 500,000 ounces of gold annually from a reserve of
5 million ounces and a resource of 12 million ounces.
The changed focus of UNDP to concentrate on process-
ing and manufacturing activities, and the decision to phase out
the activities of the fund by the end of 2000, brings an end to
the mineral exploration activities within the UNDP. It is hoped
that the new wealth created by the fund’s discoveries will be
reinvested in social, economic, and environmental activities in
line with sustainable development objectives.
Nonrenewable resource development and sustainable
human development are inextricably linked, complemen-
tary, and multidimensional. Development is unsustainable if
equity does not exist or where large numbers of people live in
abject and degrading poverty. As a development organization,
UNDP supports the development of national capacity in the
participating countries through sustainable human develop-
ment activities. The approach is holistic and multidimensional,
recognizing the mutual dependency and complementary nature
of the social, economic, environmental, cultural, civil, and
political dimensions of development.
Although UNDP and UNRFNRE will no longer engage
directly in mineral exploration activities, contributions to the
mineral sector will continue through UNDPs four main areas of
sustainable human development programming—(1) eliminating
poverty and implementing sustainable livelihoods, (2) promot-
ing the advancement of women, (3) protecting and regenerating
the environment, and (4) developing capacity for good gover-
nance. All of these areas have dimensions pivotal to the devel-
opment of nonrenewable resources in a sustainable manner.
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