4143 East 31
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135
Rob Shofner
1.800.945.1301 ext. 833
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
An Introduction to Aberdeens
Court Cost Recovery Program
About Aberdeen
Established in 2006, Aberdeen Enterprizes II, Inc. (“Aberdeen”) has developed a highly successful process
for court cost recovery, which provides solutions for courts and defendants alike.
Our mission at Aberdeen is to provide ways to resolve outstanding warrants, increase court recovery and
reduce court costs, all with a personal approach. We believe debtors can fully satisfy their court debts by
receiving respect, customized payment plans and direction to needed community resources. We believe
that counties and municipalities deserve a solution that generates additional revenue, while costing
zero in collection expense and reducing court and jail costs.
Aberdeen oers a variety of benets that will increase revenue, decrease costs, and allow defendants
to fulll their obligations in a respectful manner. Aberdeen works exclusively with courts at the state,
county, and municipal levels. This focus allows us to better understand the needs, workload, processes,
and relationships inherent in the court system.
Aberdeen diers from other agencies by believing the defendant deserves our respect. We believe that
our job is not to be a problem for the defendant, but rather an aid in resolving their court debts.
Aberdeen understands that most defendants want to take care of their obligations to the court, but
may be experiencing dicult nancial circumstances or other hardships. We strive to build a relation-
ship with each defendant in order to understand their situation and help them build a plan to pay their
court debts in a manner that works for everyone. Aberdeens case managers encourage defendants to
pay their nes and fees in full, but also understand the need to arrange payment plans that t within the
defendant’s capabilities. Our case managers are dedicated to maintaining the relationship with a
defendant through payo, thus ensuring they have fullled their obligations to the court.
Aberdeen has earned the loyalty of our clients due to their condence in our process, sta, and the
results obtained. We are ready to create and implement your customized court cost recovery program.
We look forward to serving you.
Aberdeen Enterprizes II, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
Advantages of Aberdeen
Aberdeens process creates an income stream for the court, rather than a get what you can approach to
collections. Our experience with court cost administration teaches us that upon locating and contact-
ing a defendant, the chance of completing full collections is very high. We think in terms of full recovery
over time, based upon the size of the obligation and the defendant’s ability to pay. Presently our income
stream for the state of Oklahoma is over a million dollars per month and growing.
Aberdeen is dedicated to keeping the court clear of uncollectable cases. We identify deceased
defendants to close les and recall failure to pay bench warrants. We also locate and track incarcerated
defendants until their release. Aberdeen identies true hardship cases and noties the court. We identify
the unemployed, persons on xed incomes, and social security disability recipients to set up payment
plans within their means. Our success is based upon understanding the defendants abilities to pay and
aiding them in resolving their debt fully.
Aberdeen is also dedicated to full recovery of older cases. Although the age of a case is a denite vari-
able, we have found that it does not determine the collection results. Aberdeen has successfully col-
lected outstanding nes and court cost on 20 year old cases, as well as more recent ones.
The benets to the court of using Aberdeen for court cost recovery include:
• Signicantly increasing the revenue going to the general and operations fund, permitting a
budget increase for all oces
• Recovering payable trac citations and ordinance violations that have gone uncollected
• Recovering court-ordered nes and costs that have been unpaid by defendants
• Recovering restitution
• Recovering outstanding parking tickets
• Sharing updated contact information for defendants
• Identifying deceased defendants and recalling warrants
• Identifying disabled defendants and creating a payment plan that ts their nancial abilities
• Referring defendants with records to employers that hire persons with records
• Fewer defendants jailed for failure to pay nes
• Less hours in custody to manage arrested defendants
• Reducing liability for medical expenses while in custody
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
Collection Process
Aberdeen does an individual deep skip trace to obtain a current address and/or telephone number
within 5 days of case assignment. Letters are then sent, oering a solution to the issue of outstanding
nes. The defendant can either resolve their nes fully by any number of our various accepted payment
options or they can contact us to receive a case manager. Their case manager will answer any questions
regarding their outstanding debt to the court and aid them in fullling their obligation. Case manag-
ers will also follow up on any letters that are not quickly responded to, either by phone, if available, or a
more in-depth skip trace to correctly locate and identify each defendant.
If the defendant contacts the court clerks oce, they can be easily redirected to our 1-800 number so a
case manager can handle any of the defendants needs, saving the court clerk valuable time. Even if the
defendant is arrested, Aberdeen can set up a payment plan or accept payments based on the rules of the
court. The sheri or police can then release the defendant from jail, reducing costs and court
appearances before the Judge.
Aberdeen enters all case information into our Debtmaster Professional system. Debtmaster creates an
individual case le for each defendant that is highly secure and tied to the courts case le number to
ensure accuracy of information. Debtmaster will track all information for each defendant including
contact information, contacts made via telephone and letter, payment plan, payments received, and ac-
count activity by case managers. All information in Debtmaster is secure and backed-up daily.
Aberdeen expects full collection after locating and contacting a defendant in:
• 60 days for cases of $400 or less
• 120 days for cases of $401 - $800
• cases of $801+ being resolved based on the ability of the defendant to pay over time
Typically, we will put persons on disability or SSI on a minimum payment schedule of approximately $50
per month. Collection for incarcerated defendants may be delayed until their release. We locate and track
incarcerated individuals until released.
Our case managers will follow the guidelines outlined by each client in the customized collection plan
created with Aberdeen, but often plans include these general practices:
• Collect full balances under $500, with some exceptions
• Establish a 40% rst payment to recall the warrant on cases where the balance is over $500, fol-
lowed by reasonable monthly payments until the debt is resolved
• Provide a voice mail reminder 3 days prior to each payments due date
• Contact the debtor by phone to seek resolution, if payment becomes past due
Collection Process Con’t
Assignments of accounts and updates
Aberdeen information imported
Aberdeen skips in house for current
address and phone conrmation
and/or new information
Letters mailed
Telephone contact
Case closed with nal payment
Defendant payment processed and
Client Portal updated
Mail returned
Mail received
Debtor contacts
Aberdeen and is
assigned a
language specic
case manager
Aberdeen contacts
debtor to assign
a language
specic case
Cannot contact
Debtor makes
payment through
Aberdeens various
payment options
to resolve debt
Aberdeen receives
initial payment
and a payment
plan is created
Aberdeen receives
initial payment
and a payment
plan is created
Aberdeen receives
full recovery of
court debt
Aberdeen receives
full recovery of
court debt
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
Payment Options
While either the client or Aberdeen can accept the entirety of payments, we believe that recovery is
signicantly higher if Aberdeen processes the payments exclusively. Client recovery requires the
defendant to be proactive in a way that will reduce the likelihood of full recovery. Aberdeen has found
that creating a relationship, completing an initial payment, and consistent contact with the defendant
generates greater recovery with less reliance on the defendant.
Aberdeen is fully equipped to process all payments and provides the defendant with a variety of
payment options to better enable the completion of the payment plan. Aberdeen accepts:
• Mail-in Payments (money order, cashiers check, certied check)
• Credit Card/Debit Card (via phone or secure payment website)
• Online Payment
• Check over the Phone
Aberdeen will provide the court with printed literature for defendants that may come to the court in
person. This will direct the defendant to our 1-800 number and website to set up a payment plan or to
make payments directly.
Aberdeen also provides a hybrid payment option. This allows defendants to pay through Aberdeen or in
person at the court. To facilitate the exchange of information, Aberdeen oers real-time access to pay-
ments made in our oce via the client portal, as well as bi-weekly disbursement updates via the Trust
Statement. Court sta can use the client portal to locate payment information for each defendant includ-
ing any payment plan agreements they have made with Aberdeen. Clients can upload a list of payments
taken at their location via the same secure portal.
Client Portal
Aberdeen provides access to case
information by way of an internet
based client portal system. This
secure online resource provides
valuable, real-time information to
the court sta. This information
• First Payment Received -
This lists the rst payments
received by Aberdeen and
noties the court that any
warrants for failure to pay/
contempt citation may be
• Payment in Full - This lists
balances paid in full and
noties the courts that any
warrant for failure to pay/
contempt citation may be
• Closed AccountsThis lists
the cases that should be re-
called from Aberdeen without
a balance reduction due to
the case being assigned in
error or the defendant being
• Payment Agreements – This
is a comprehensive list of all
defendants making payment
arrangements during the
given time frame.
• Broken Promises – Aber-
deens has a due process
notice requirement, taking
about 45-60 days to attempt
to cure a defendants failure
to pay. Broken Promises lists
defendants that fail to make
payments under a payment
plan even after a due pro-
cess notice. This noties the
court a failure to pay bench
warrant/contempt citation is
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Client Portal Con’t
• Defendant Refuses to Pay
Although very rare, this is a
list of defendants who refuse
to pay or make payment ar-
rangements. Our information
will show our last address
for possible enforcement of
a failure to pay warrant/con-
tempt citation.
• List of All Active Accounts
This is a comprehensive list
showing case number, name
of defendant, statement and
balance remaining of all
active cases.
• Newly Listed Account – This
list shows newly listed cases
by case number, name of
defendant, state, date and
balance remaining of as-
signed cases.
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Client Portal Con’t
Aberdeens Client Portal also allows your oce to search for a defendant by name or case number.
The searches will provide such vital case information as the full name, case number and status, current
balance, drivers license numbers, state of issuance, and current address. It will also state the date and
amount of next payment due.
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Remit Collections to the Court
Aberdeen will send a Trust Statement to the court every two weeks that details the amounts collected,
case information, and case balances. The Trust Statement provided to the client will detail all of the funds
collected and those funds due Aberdeen. Each month, Aberdeen will remit 100% of all funds collected to
the client. To assist with proper accounting practices, the client will receive all funds collected and then
remit Aberdeens fees on a monthly basis.
Aberdeen Enterprizes II, Inc.
4143 E 31st Street
Tulsa, OK 74135
Phone: 918-794-0810
Fax: 918-747-7339
City of , OK
Historical Trust Statement
City of Anywhere,OK COURT CLERK 09/16/2012 to 09/30/2012
121 Main Street Client: 1131
Anywhere, OK 78610
Payments Received:
Pmt Date Debtor Name Debt ID Clt Ref No
Paid Us
Paid Clt
Due Us
Due Clt
Balance on
9/21/2012 ALLEN, LINDA ARLETTA 47963 CF-2009-00316 OK DRC 0.00 50.00 11.54 (11.54) 325.85
9/27/2012 ANASTASIO, JOSHUA 119715 CM-2004-00116 OK CCD 1,479.45 0.00 341.41 1,138.04 0.00
9/27/2012 ANASTASIO, JOSHUA 119715 CM-2007-00411 OK CCD 520.55 0.00 120.13 400.42 1,766.27
9/25/2012 ANDERSON, SHANE LEE 128526 CF-2010-00350C OK CSH 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 1,711.95
9/21/2012 BARNETT, JUSTIN 105105 CF-2009-00216 OK CCD 98.00 0.00 22.62 75.38 2,489.10
9/20/2012 BEARD, BEAU JACOB 143318 CF-2005-00139 OK CCD 50.00 0.00 11.54 38.46 4,341.10
9/19/2012 BEARPAW, MICHAEL WAYNE 44068 CM-2010-00584 OK DRC 0.00 100.00 23.08 (23.08) 4,084.10
9/24/2012 BLEVINS, CHARLES WAYNE 60706 CM-2010-00051 OK DRC 0.00 12.50 2.88 (2.88) 1,040.10
9/27/2012 BLOSSOM, JOHN A. 105153 CF-2004-00296 OK DRC 0.00 100.00 23.08 (23.08) 833.19
9/25/2012 BRANDON, CRYSTAL 114780 CF-2007-00179 OK MO 125.00 0.00 28.85 96.15 4,485.80
9/18/2012 BRANDON, RITCHIE ALLAN 128577 CF-2010-00241 OK MO 75.00 0.00 17.31 57.69 5,291.63
9/17/2012 BREWER, CHAD 128581 CF-2007-00195 OK CCD 125.00 0.00 28.85 96.15 1,346.22
9/28/2012 BRITTON, BYRON 114619 TR-1998-01116 OK CCD 202.80 0.00 46.80 156.00 0.00
9/17/2012 BROCK, JOYCE 105197 CM-2007-00497 OK DRC 0.00 356.45 82.26 (82.26) 0.00
9/27/2012 BROWN, JOHN C. 42737 CF-1996-00104 OK DRC 0.00 100.00 23.08 (23.08) 3,144.36
9/20/2012 BROWN, KEVIN WAYNE 128585 TR-2011-00003 OK MO 105.80 0.00 24.42 81.38 0.00
9/28/2012 BUDDER, TRAVIS DEAN 105215 CM-2009-00164 OK CCD 50.00 0.00 11.54 38.46 955.55
9/28/2012 CANADA, LASONDA 70545 CM-2010-00606 OK CCD 600.00 0.00 138.46 461.54 418.55
9/20/2012 CARTER-COCHRAN, AMIE 11544 CM-2006-00451 OK CSH 25.00 0.00 5.77 19.23 1,479.11
9/21/2012 CHILDERS, RHONDA KAY 147925 CM-2009-00732 OK DRC 0.00 60.00 13.85 (13.85) 44.35
9/19/2012 CHILDERS, RHONDA KAY 147925 CM-2009-00732 OK DRC 0.00 90.00 20.77 (20.77) 44.35
9/24/2012 COLE, ROBERT C. 122700 TRC-2007-02042 OK CCD 75.00 0.00 17.31 57.69 364.80
9/21/2012 COPPIN, DONNIE M. 105330 CF-2008-00224 OK CCD 209.00 0.00 48.23 160.77 2,781.64
9/27/2012 CUMMINGS, MATHEW E. 157048 TR-1999-01490 OK DRC 0.00 205.00 47.31 (47.31) 45.25
9/28/2012 DORSEY, GABRIEL STEPHEN 128669 CF-2010-00096A OK CCD 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 2,759.65
9/27/2012 EDWARDS, RORY MICHAEL 153088 CM-2010-00183 OK DRC 0.00 50.00 11.54 (11.54) 0.00
9/21/2012 EDWARDS, RORY MICHAEL 153088 CM-2010-00183 OK DRC 0.00 50.00 11.54 (11.54) 2,518.60
9/24/2012 EVANKOVICH, ASHELY MARIE 122139 CF-2010-00119C OK CCD 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 6,085.40
9/28/2012 EVANKOVICH, ASHLEY MARIE 122139 CF-2010-00119C OK CCD 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 6,085.40
9/19/2012 FARRIS, MELODY GAYLE 147931 CF-2010-00130 OK MO 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 5,613.10
9/21/2012 FIELDS, CHRISTOPHOR D. 117083 CM-2010-00285 OK DRC 0.00 100.00 23.08 (23.08) 5,613.10
9/24/2012 GONZALES, MANUEL 40948 CF-2010-00251A OK DRC 0.00 700.00 161.54 (161.54) 5,557.75
9/24/2012 GONZALIS, KEITH DARREN 105568 CM-2010-00372 OK CCD 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 1,581.15
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
Remit Collections to the Court Con’t
All nancial data, including Trust Statements and payment information, is backed up and maintained
indenitely. Clients will have access to historical data, at their request, for audit purposes. As our Trust
Statement and Client Portal show, we are diligent in maintaining a correct balance for all of our cases.
When sending you the gross amount of fees, nes, restitution and any other amounts collected (includ-
ing the admin fee) the balance will be correct and up-to-date.
9/27/2012 JUSTICE, CALVIN LAMAR 128789 TRC-2006-02421 OK DRC 0.00 465.92 107.52 (107.52) 251.00
9/20/2012 KIMROUGH, CODY JAMES 164537 TR-2011-01637 OK CCD 122.30 0.00 28.22 94.08 6,256.10
9/21/2012 KNIGHT, BOBBIE JO 105802 CM-2006-00814 OK DRC 0.00 50.00 11.54 (11.54) 0.00
9/17/2012 LASTER, JACKIE M. 76473 CF-2009-00389 OK CCD 50.00 0.00 11.54 38.46 0.00
9/18/2012 LEWIS, JOHN CHRISTOPHER 122166 CF-2001-00435 OK CCD 125.00 0.00 28.85 96.15 0.00
9/18/2012 LITTLEDAVE, LEONARD J. 105845 CM-2009-00505 OK DRC 0.00 50.00 11.54 (11.54) 2,025.52
9/18/2012 LLYOD, JIMMIE 122169 CM-2010-00592 OK MO 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 537.30
9/17/2012 LONG, JOHN WILLIAM 128818 CF-2005-00102 OK CCD 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 1,339.34
9/28/2012 MCFARLAND, DALE L. 176348 CM-2011-00656 OK DRC 0.00 10.00 2.31 (2.31) 860.15
9/18/2012 MILLS, JUSTIN E. 128846 CM-2010-00490 OK DRC 0.00 35.75 8.25 (8.25) 628.80
9/24/2012 MORRIS, JAMI BETH 87098 CF-2009-00311 OK CCD 400.00 0.00 92.31 307.69 2,017.06
9/26/2012 NEVEL, DEBORAH A. 176350 CF-2010-00251B OK CSH 642.20 0.00 148.20 494.00 0.00
9/27/2012 PENA, LETA 106104 CM-2005-00348 OK DRC 0.00 194.00 44.77 (44.77) 1,673.70
9/19/2012 PHILLIPS, JOHN JAY 163465 CF-2011-00037B OK MO 125.00 0.00 28.85 96.15 200.42
9/28/2012 ROBERTS, MICKEY LEE 106219 CF-2004-00051 OK CCD 125.00 0.00 28.85 96.15 4,008.30
9/18/2012 SERAGE, MATTHEW CARL 106306 CF-2006-00099A OK MO 125.00 0.00 28.85 96.15 1,026.76
9/17/2012 SMALL, CAROLYN R 42039 CM-2009-00190 OK CSH 25.00 0.00 5.77 19.23 6,098.44
9/24/2012 SMITH, LESTER LEROY 173560 CF-2010-00200B OK DRC 0.00 1,200.00 276.92 (276.92) 910.79
9/25/2012 SOLIER, JULIA (JULIE) 106363 CM-2000-00696 OK CCD 500.00 0.00 115.38 384.62 151.35
9/27/2012 STANLEY, JAMES CHRISTIAN 174858 TR-2011-01582 OK DRC 0.00 99.50 22.96 (22.96) 2,603.10
9/17/2012 TANNER, SANTO CARL 106426 CF-2008-00252 OK CCD 125.00 0.00 28.85 96.15 1,799.05
9/21/2012 TEAGUE, PAMELA MARIE 128994 CM-2009-00436 OK DRC 0.00 100.00 23.08 (23.08) 7,385.30
9/18/2012 THOMAS, HENRY LEE 106452 CF-2006-00333 OK CCD 129.56 0.00 29.90 99.66 8,317.18
9/21/2012 THOMPSON, CHARLES A 84696 CM-2008-00655 OK CSH 50.00 0.00 11.54 38.46 76.44
9/18/2012 WHITE, MARY ANITA 129043 CF-2010-00242 OK CCD 100.00 0.00 23.08 76.92 3,438.85
9/18/2012 WILLIAMS, TERRINA D. 163484 TR-1995-00786 OK DRC 0.00 135.26 31.21 (31.21) 0.00
7,808.66 6,308.30 3,257.88 4,550.78
(69 Payments)
Credit Amount
Remit Amount
Amount Refunded
Prior Fees Unpaid
Amount Withheld
Prior Credits
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Tax Warrant Intercept Program
Aberdeen can help prepare your tax intercept documents for our cases. We will identify the cases that
meet the tax commissions criteria, format them and provide them to the tax commission. We will also
mail the Notice of Intercept to the defendant. Below is the process used to create a tax intercept.
City or town
Assigns cases to Aberdeen
OTC received tax oset notice from Aberdeen
Set up case le and prepare notication to OTC with name, identication and amount due
Notication of set o sent to debtor, notice sets out procedure
(Due process notice)
1. Waiver of hearing rights
2. Default date
3. Right to set hearing
Debtor Debtor Debtor
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
1. Waiver of hearing rights
Release sent to Aberdeen
Oset applied to
debtor account
2. Default
60 day default
Oset applied to
debtor account
3. Right to set hearing
Refund to
Court order
Oset applied to
debtor account
www.aberdeen-2.com 1.800.945.1301 rds@aberdeenenterprizes2.com
Collections Results
Collection results for individual municipalities and counties vary according to the number of cases and
the outstanding balance of each case that is submitted to Aberdeen for recovery. With these variables in
mind, the following are examples of collection results based on municipality/county population for 2012:
Municipality/County Population Total Collected in 2012
Our mission at Aberdeen is to provide ways to resolve outstanding warrants, increase court recovery
and reduce court costs, all with a personal approach. We believe debtors can fully satisfy their debts by
receiving respect, customized payment plans and direction to needed community resources. We believe
that counties and municipalities deserve a solution that generates additional revenue, while costing zero
in collection expense and reducing court and jail costs.
We look forward to talking to you about our procedures and all of your recovery needs.
Over 500,00
200,000 - 500,00
50,000 - 200,000
20,000 - 50,000
10,000 - 20,000
Under 10,000
Aberdeen Enterprizes II
Ordinance No. ________
WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Legislature by enactment of House Bill 1800, and as approved by the Governor, has autho-
rized an increase from $25.00 to $30.00 for Court cost of Municipal courts not of record; and,
WHEREAS, the same legislature authorized the governing bodies of municipalities to impose a thirty-ve (35%)
COLLECTION FEE TO BE ADDED TO Court penalties, cost, nes and fees in which the accused has failed to appear or
otherwise failed to satisfy a monetary obligation ordered by the Court if the governing body enters into a contract
with a collection agency for the collection of the same; and,
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to approve an increase in the amount of Court costs and to impose
a collection fee if the city enters into a contract for the collection of the funds due the Court as authorized by the
Legislature and to be eective ______, 20__.
________________ of the ___________ City Code be amended as follows, and that a new article _____ be added
to Chapter ______ to be entitled “Collection Fees”, to read as follows, with the eective date of the same to be
__________, 20___, to-wit:
Section ____________ Defendant to pay cost.
(A) The Clerk of the Court shall tax the defendant in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars ($30.00) plus the fees
and mileage of jurors and witnesses, all of which the defendant shall pay, in addition to any ne or administra-
tive fees that may be imposed, and in addition to any State mandated fees or costs. No Court cost will be as-
sessed for parking or seat belt violations.
Article ___ Collection Fee
Section _________ Collection Fee
(A) A collection fee of Thirty-ve (35%) of Court penalties, cost nes, and fees in cases in which the accused has
failed to appear or otherwise failed to satisfy a monetary obligation imposed by the Court shall be added to any
such case which is referred to a collection agency for collection.
APPROVED this _____ day of __________, 20___.
Since the immediate operation of the provisions of this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of public health,
welfare and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and eect from
and after its passage by the City Council.
Passed with Emergency Clause ruled upon separately this ______ day of _________.
City of _____________________, OKLAHOMA
Attest: Mayor
City Clerk
City Attorney