Congratulations! Your abstract has been selected for presentation at one of our four virtual Poster Sessions.
In order to maximize the impact of your presentation at the meeting, please review these guidelines:
Virtual Poster Session Format
Although posters will be available throughout the virtual event for attendees to browse and read, each
poster is assigned a date and time for poster presentation. During the 60-minute poster sessions, pre-
recorded audio recordings will be available for attendees, and presenting authors must be available to
answer questions from attendees and judges as they browse the posters. The virtual poster session will mimic
the in-person interactions between authors/presenters and attendees. Key dates for milestones in the
development of the poster sessions approaching the Annual Pregnancy Meeting are as follows:
Registrants will be able to browse poster abstracts when the virtual meeting site launches on January
as shown in the screenshot below:
Poster upload and the optional audio recording must be completed by January 28, 2022.
Starting January 31
, posters (as PDF files) will be available for viewing.
On February 3
, poster audio (uploaded by January 28th) will be released for registrants.
During the scheduled poster sessions
Registrants will have the opportunity to ask questions of poster authors using a Q&A tab on the poster pdf.
Answering questions
Presenting authors must log in to the CadmiumCD presentation management system to view submitted
After clicking, “Respond now” you will see a list of questions submitted and be able to answer them. You
have the opportunity to answer questions privately; however, we would prefer that answers are public so
that other attendees can view responses.
You may edit your responses at any time if you notice something that needs correcting, and the system
will keep a tally of questions that have been answered and those that are still unanswered.
Poster Management System
The CadmiumCD speaker management system is being used to collect all content for the meeting. Poster
presenters will receive instructions on how to upload a one-page PDF of the poster, make an audio
recording of up to 5-minutes to present your research, and information regarding how to access the Q&A to
view and answer questions. Access the system here: Completed tasks will be
marked with a green checkmark as shown below:
Poster Templates and Format
SMFM will provide branded templates for 2 different poster styles: the traditional scientific poster template
and an updated poster template style made popular by Mike Morrison
( Either option is acceptable, and authors should
adopt the provided templates to their institutions branding or use their own template. The aspect ratio
(ratio of width to height) should be set to '16:9'. For publishing purposes, the poster upload must be a PDF file
at highest resolution possible. Many software programs that produce PDF files will refer to these high
resolution files as Press-Ready. See example below from Adobe Acrobat Pro DC:
As the presenting author of an accepted abstract, you are expected to register and attend the 42
Annual Pregnancy Meeting.
A team of judges will review all posters, and awards will be presented for each poster session. Awards will be
announced following the meeting by general SMFM announcement (email and web posting).
SMFM 2021 Pregnancy Meeting™ Poster Sessions:
All times eastern standard time (EST)
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Poster Session I 10:30 am Noon
Poster Session II 3:45 5:15 pm
Friday, February 4, 2022
Poster Session III 10:30 am Noon
Poster Session IV 3:45 5:15 pm
All times eastern standard time
Complete information regarding presentation deadlines is available via the CadmiumCD speaker
management site. Poster upload and the optional audio recording must be completed by January 28, 2022
Additional Questions?
Please contact Nneka St. Gerard at or 202.517.6345.
Poster Presentation Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to register to present my poster?
Yes. As in past years, all meeting participants, including course faculty, presenters, and abstract authors must
register for the Scientific Sessions.
I have not received the follow-up email with access to the poster management system.
Please click here:, click
“lost your access key?” and enter the email address that your acceptance letter was sent to.
Do I have to use the SMFM-provided poster templates?
No. The templates are provided as a guide; however, you are encouraged to use your institution’s template
or adopt the provided templates to your institution’s branding.
Do I have to upload an audio presentation to accompany my poster?
No. While all presenting authors are required to complete the poster upload task and upload a poster, the
poster audio task is optional and not a requirement.
I have multiple posters in the same poster session; how will I present all of them at the same time?
The benefit of the optional presentation audio is that it allows all registrants to listen to your presentation
while viewing your poster. Onsite, your posters will be located adjacent each other so that you can present
and answer questions.
Where can I find more information about the deadlines for manuscript submission to AJOG through SMFM?
More information regarding manuscript submission can be found here.
I have general questions regarding the meeting. Where can I find more information?
Please access the 2022 Annual Meeting FAQs document here.
Traditional Poster Template
Click here to download this template
Mike Morrison-Style Poster Template
Click here to download this template
If you are using this template, we recommend using the following sites to create free
static QR codes that redirect to a website (URL). The QR code can link back to your
department website for access to the poster and supplemental materials.