Updated: 10/2016
Regional Meeting/
Specialty Conference
Abstract Submitter
MAPS User Guide
Table of Contents
GETTING STARTED..................................................................................................2
Creating an ACS ID………………………………………………………………..2
CREATING A NEW ABSTRACT………………………………………………………..3
Step1: Title/Body………………………………………………………………………….4
Submission Deadline……………………………………………………………...4
Abstract Word Limit
Guidelines for Entering an Abstract……………………………………………...4
Abstract Body……………………………………………………………………….4
Images and Tables (optional)……………………………….……………………5
Step 2: Select a Symposium
Presentation Type………………………………………………………………….6
Step 3: Authors
Adding Presenters or Coauthors…………………………………………………7
Create New Author……………………………………………………………...8
Assigning Affiliations………………………………………………………………9
Adding Affiliations………………………………………………………………….9
Editing Affiliations………………………………………………………………….9
Assigning Presenters…………………………………………………………….10
Changing Presenter and Coauthor Order…………………………………...10
Step 4: Disclosures
Step 5: Review and Submit……………………………………………………………12
Editing an Abstract……………………………………………………………………...13
Withdrawing an Abstract………………………………………………………………14
Visa Letters……………………………………………………………………………….15
Acceptance and Scheduling Notices………………………………………………...16
Help (MAPS Support)..............................................................................................17
MAPS (Meeting Abstracts Programming System)
MAPS is ACS’ online meeting programming system. MAPS will allow you to view, edit, and
prepare abstracts seamlessly in a central location. MAPS can be accessed using your ACS ID.
More than likely you already have an ACS ID, which is used to log into many ACS services.
To access the MAPS:
1. Go to http://maps.acs.org
2. Click on the meeting you wish to submit an abstract to
3. Sign in using your ACS ID and password
Creating an ACS ID
If you do not have an ACS ID you may create one at http://maps.acs.org
1. Click on the meeting you wish to submit to
2. Click
3. Create your ACS ID by providing the required information marked with an asterisk (*)
4. Select Yes, I want to participate in the ACS Network”…
5. Click
6. Click Return to MAPSand log in
1. From the Welcome Screen click Submission to access the Submission Center
2. Click Create New Abstract on the left navigation bar
3. Complete Steps 1 5
Step 1: Title/Body (Title and Abstract Body)
Submission Deadline is located at the top of the page.
Abstract Word Limit (Total Characters) is 300 words or 2,500 characters (including:
Abstract Body, Images, and Tables (in image format); each image counts as 560 characters).
You are allowed a maximum of 2 tables and/or images.
Complete the required fields as denoted by an asterisk (*).
Guidelines for Entering an Abstract
The title should be entered in sentence case. Capitalize only the first letter of the title, any
proper nouns or acronyms, and the first word following a colon (:).
Do NOT begin abstract titles with "The", "A", or "And". These will be removed before
Do NOT end titles with a period (.)
Sample Title:
Engineering gene expression of Escherichia coli by mRNA: Applications in molecular
Abstract Body
Do NOT include self-citations, references, keywords, bibliographies, acknowledgments,
support/grants, or disclaimers in your abstract. Any references found in the abstract will be
removed before publication.
When you have completed Step 1, click Save to save changes and remain on the page or click
Save & Continue to proceed to Step 2
Step 1: Title/Body (Images and Tables) (optional)
Images include both figures and tables
Each image is 70 words or 560 characters from your total count
You are allowed a maximum of 2 images/tables
The following file types are allowed: gif, png, tiff, tif, jpg, and jpeg
Recommended file size is 2–4 MB
To upload an image:
1. Click Select Image to open a file upload window and choose your image
2. Click Upload Chosen Image to include the image in your abstract submission
3. Uploaded images will display in the Chosen Image(s) table
4. Add an optional caption by clicking on the Add Caption link
To delete an image:
1. Clicking on the X under REMOVE in the Chosen Image(s) table
When you have completed Step 1, click Save to save changes and remain on the page or click
Save & Continue to proceed to Step 2
Step 2: Select a Symposium
Presentation Type
Select from one of the presentation types:
Oral Onlycan only submit to an oral symposium
Oral Preferredcan submit to either an oral or poster symposium
Poster Onlycan only submit to a poster symposium
Poster Preferredcan submit to either a poster or oral symposium
(Note: If you select a symposium that does not match your preference, you will receive a
warning message. You can either choose another symposium or continue with your
Select a Symposium to submit to from the Symposium drop-down list
(Note: You must first select a Presentation Type before selecting a symposium otherwise
the symposium list will be blank.)
When you have completed Step 2, click Save to save changes and remain on the page, click
Save & Continue to proceed to Step 3, or click Previous Step to go back to Step 1
Step 3: Authors (Presenters, Coauthors, and Affiliations)
As the submitter you will be listed as the presenter by default. If you are not the presenter or
coauthor of the abstract you, can remove your name by clicking x Remove.
Adding Presenters or Coauthors
1. Click the Add Author button
2. Enter first name, last name, and/or author’s email and click Search
3. Click Add to add the person as an author
(Note: If the author does not have an affiliation you will be prompted to add one. Only create
an affiliation for the author if the affiliation is different from other authors on the abstract.
Click Cancel and select an affiliation under Affiliation #1 for the author.)
Create New Author
In the event that you cannot find the author you are looking for:
1. Click Create An Author
2. Complete the required fields (First/Given Name, Last/Family Name, and Author’s Email)
3. Click Submit Created Author
4. Before the author is added, please verify the author’s information. If an error is found,
click Edit. If the information is correct, click Submit Created Author.
Assigning Affiliations
All authors must have an affiliation. To assign an affiliation to an author, select an affiliation from
the dropdown list.
Adding Affiliations
In the event that the affiliation is not listed, select Create New Institution from the dropdown
list, enter the required fields, and click Submit Created Institution.
Editing Affiliations
To edit an affiliation, click Edit under the affiliation you wish to edit.
Assigning Presenters
Select one or multiple presenters by click the checkbox in the Presenter column.
Changing Presenter and Coauthor Order
You may change the order of presenters and coauthors by selecting the appropriate numbers in
the Author Order column. Click Update Author Order.
When you have completed Step 3, click Save to save changes and remain on the page, click
Save & Continue to proceed to Step 4, or click Previous Step to go back to Step 2.
Step 4: Disclosures
You will be required to complete the disclosure page before you can submit your abstract.
Questions marked with an asterisks (*) are required.
*Reason for Submitting
Are you submitting your abstract in response to the Call for Papers, or from a specific invitation
to present?
* Agree to Bylaws
The criteria outlined in ACS Bylaw VI, Section 6(C) are met? (For contributed papers only.)
* Registration Requirement
If the abstract is accepted, the presenting author will register for the meeting and make the
presentation (oral or poster) based on this abstract. Authors who do not register for the meeting
and do not show up for their scheduled presentation (oral or poster) without formally
withdrawing inconvenience their colleagues and increase meeting cost.
*Meeting Attendance
If the presenting author (or co-author) cannot attend the meeting, the abstract will be withdrawn
from the regional meeting.
* Withdrawal Confirmation
If the abstract is not withdrawn from the meeting and is not presented at the meeting the
abstract will be withdrawn from the online program and CAS.
* Multiple Submissions
Submission of an abstract that describes the same work to more than one session is not
allowed. This abstract will only be submitted once to the specialty conference.
Equipment Needs (Optional)
All technical session rooms are equipped with LCD projector with VGA connection cable and
switcher, Screen, Laser pointer, and Lighted podium with microphone.
Comments to Organizers (Optional)
Please enter any comments you wish to send to the program organizers.
Student Type (Optional)
Select a student type if applicable
International Applicants (Optional)
If you are an international applicant, please answer the following:
1. What is your country (or countries) of citizenship?
2. What is your country of birth?
3. What is your current country of residence?
When you have completed Step 4, click Save to save changes and remain on the page, click
Save & Continue to proceed to Step 5, or click Previous Step to go back to Step 3.
Step 5: Review and Submit
Before you submit your abstract, you can preview and edit all the information entered in each
step of the submission process.
A green check mark displays to the left of successfully completed steps. The checks confirm
that each section has been completed. It does not assess the content. Please take the time to
review what you have entered.
If there are any incomplete sections, you will receive an error message at the top of the page.
The error message provides you with the area that needs to be completed.
To view the final version of your submission, click View Proof at the bottom of the page.
When you have reviewed your abstract, click Submit to submit the abstract, or click Previous
Step to go back to Step 4.
Editing an Abstract
You can edit your abstract any time before submission closes. When you edit your abstract it is
returned to draft and is no longer submitted for review. You must resubmit your abstract for it
to be include for review.
To edit an abstract:
1. Go to the Submission Center
2. Use the Action dropdown list of the abstract you wish to edit and select Edit
3. Click Yes, Move to Draft to proceed with editing your abstract.
4. Make any necessary edits
5. Navigate to the Review and Submit and click Resubmit at the bottom of the page
Withdrawing an Abstract
You may withdraw your abstract if you no longer wish to present your abstract at the meeting.
To withdraw an abstract:
1. Go to the Submission Center
2. Use the Action dropdown list of the abstract you wish to withdraw and select Withdraw
3. Provide a reason for withdrawing your abstract
4. Click Yes. Your abstract status will be listed as Author Withdrawn
Visa Letters
Personalized visa letters are available for presenting authors to download once your abstract
has been accepted by the symposium organizer or program chair.
(Note: If you are a presenter of an abstract but did not submit the abstract, please email
for a copy of your visa letter.)
To download a visa letter:
1. First check the status of your abstract to see if it has been accepted
2. Click Messages on the top right of the page, then Visa Letters
3. Click the View Visa Letter
4. The visa letter will open or save as a PDF
Acceptance and Scheduling Notices
Acceptance notices are sent out via email approximately 4-6 weeks before the meeting once
program chairs have finalized the program. Once acceptance and scheduling notices have been
sent, you may also view them via MAPS.
To view an acceptance or scheduling notice:
1. First check the status of your abstract to see if it has been accepted
2. Click Messages on the top right of the page, then E-mails
3. Use the Action dropdown list of the email you wish to view and click View E-mail
Help (MAPS Support)
Visit the MAPS Resource Page
which includes:
User Guides
If you have additional questions or concerns about MAPS:
E-mail: maps@acs.org
Call MAPS Support: 8:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m. ET
o 1-800-333-9511 (US only)
o 1-614-447-3776 (outside the US)