2023-2024 ALA CD#42.1
2024 ALA Annual Conference
ALA Committee/Taskforce
Report Form to Council
TO: ALA Council
DATE: June 14, 2024
RE: (select one)
Committee on Library Advocacy Activity since January 1, 2024.
The Committee is ready to vote on a script to accompany a PPT template of an
Advocacy 101 presentation born from the Advocacy Action Plan Workbook. COLA
members will use the script to present and share the ALA Advocacy Action Plan
Workbook at state, regional, local conferences and professional development.
The committee held virtual meetings on January 30, April 1, April 30, and May 21, 2024.
Committee Chair Eboni Henry met with the chairs of the Committee on Legislation and
the Intellectual Freedom Committee on May 6, 2024.
Committee Chair Eboni Henry and New York Library Association President and
Lindenhurst Public Library Director Lisa Kropp will present an Advocacy Action Planning
session at ALA Annual Conference on Saturday, June 29 from 1-2pm. The session will
showcase how the Advocacy Action Planning Workbook has been used in their advocacy
work at the local/school board level and state level advocacy.
2023-2024 Committee on Legislation Members
Eboni Henry, Chair, Susan P. Baier, Glen J. Benedict, Virginia Cononie, Brooke Corso,
Maura Deedy, Nicanor Diaz, Kimberly A. Patton, Kevin Reynolds, and Cynthia Wolff
COLA’s Ecosystem Subcommittee work since January 1, 2024:
The group refined a more concise work plan focusing on 7 key priorities.
2023-2024 ALA CD#42.1
2024 ALA Annual Conference
ALA Committee/Taskforce
Report Form to Council
The group presented at various in-person and virtual programs, including the
2024 NYLA SSL conference in May, where the Advocacy Action Plan Workbook
was also discussed.
The group increased outreach about the Ecosystem: co-chair Jen Alvino Wood
sent letters about the initiative to the ALA presidential candidates, and the group
created print materials to be distributed at Annual.
The group reconnected with states they’ve worked with to assess the current
state of their ecosystems, offer additional assistance and training, and gain
feedback to inform new Ecosystem tools. Members Dorcas Hand and Michelle
Robertson provided a follow-up Ecosystem webinar to Texas.
New graphics were created for use during slide presentations and additional
resources for the website were proposed.
Co-chair Jen Alvino Wood submitted an article proposal about the Ecosystem for
the Maine Policy Review’s special issue on libraries and was accepted.
Members and former members of the subcommittee published their
book, Strengthening Library Ecosystems: Collaborate for Advocacy and Impact, with
ALA Publishing in June 2024. The book will be available for purchase at ALA
Annual Conference 2024 and online.
2023-2024 Ecosystem Subcommittee membership: Leslin Charles (ACRL), Nanette
Donohue, Bryan Duran (co-chair and United for Libraries), Rhonda Gould (Office of
Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services), Dorcas Hand (founding subcommittee
member), Brianna Hoffman (Chapter Relations Committee), Sara Kelly Johns (founding
subcommittee member and AASL), Michelle Robertson (founding subcommittee
member), and Jen Alvino Wood (co-chair and founding subcommittee member)
Action requested from Councilors is to cast their vote to: (if applicable)
ACTION REQUESTED BY: (add committee name)
CONTACT PERSON: Eboni M. Henry (ebonih[email protected])
2023-2024 ALA CD#42.1
2024 ALA Annual Conference
ALA Committee/Taskforce
Report Form to Council
STAFF LIAISON CONTACT: Aimee Strittmatter (aimees@ala.org)
BACKGROUND: (add information)