(Insert logo if desired)
Emergency Operations Plan
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Church Name
Church Address
Basic Plan
This document outlines the policies and procedures related to emergency operations for Church
Name. It describes the organization and assigns tasks as required to ensure the safety of the
congregation and continuity of operations.
Promulgation Document
The mission of Church Name is to share God’s extravagant welcome with all people and
provide a safe place for our community of faith to gather together in worship and fellowship. To
accomplish this mission, Church Name must ensure its operations are performed efficiently and
with minimal disruption, especially during an emergency. This document provides planning and
program guidance for implementing the Church Name Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and
programs to ensure the organization is capable of conducting its essential missions and
functions under all threats and conditions.
Key Church Name personnel listed under this plan are collectively known as the Church
Emergency Response Team (XERT). Upon plan activation, these members will initiate and
carry out the Action Plan related to the specific occurrence as directed by the Threat/Hazard
and Functional Annexes.
This plan has been developed in accordance with guidance in the FEMA Guide for Developing
High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship (June 2013)
__________________________________ __________________________________
Pastor Name Secondary Approver Name
Pastor Secondary Approver Title
Church Name Church Name
Date: ____________________ Date: ____________________
Approval and Implementation
This document is the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for Church Name, which will be
implemented in the event that a threat or hazard occurs while people are in attendance at the
church. It is the first written plan for Church Name. If previous documentation should be found, it
will be superseded by this version.
Modifications to the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) may only be made by the Church
Emergency Planning Committee (EPC). Minor spelling, grammar or formatting edits may be
made with verbal approval from the Committee. As the Pastor and the Secondary Approver are
members of the Committee, written approval is not required for any significant language or
procedural changes, however, they must be present when such changes are presented or
provide approval via e-mail.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Pastor Name Secondary Approver Name
Pastor Insert Secondary Approver Title
Church Name Church Name
Date: _____________________ Date: ____________________
Record of Changes
Initial Release
Record of Distribution
Date of
Copies Name Title Organization
Table of Contents
Purpose Overview
Concept of Operations
Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities
Direction, Control and Coordination
Information Collection, Analysis and Dissemination
Training and Exercises
Administration, Finance and Logistics
Plan Development and Maintenance
Authorities and References
Glossary of Acronyms Used
Functional Annexes
Shelter in Place
Threat/Hazard Annexes
1. Fire
2. Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado
3. Hazardous Materials or Bomb Threat
4. Protester/Disrupter
5. Active Shooter
6. Medical Emergency
7. Winter Storm
8. Earthquake
9. Lift/Elevator Failure
10. Pandemic
Appendix A: Risk Assessment
Appendix B: Fellowship Hall Safety Checklist
Appendix C: Lift/Elevator Operations
1. Operating the Lift/Elevator in an Emergency
2. Quick Troubleshooting Guide
Appendix D: After Action Report (AAR)
Appendix E: Evacuation Schematics
Purpose Overview
The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for Church Name outlines goals and objectives specific
to various hazards or threats that may occur while people are in attendance at the church. The
documented threats or hazards include natural, man-made or technological disasters or
disruptions. It provides action plans to support those goals & objectives. It also provides for
creation of an Emergency Response Team (ERT) and standard procedures for training of the
team as well as preparedness education for the congregation.
Situation Overview
An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the
congregation, church staff and all worship/gathering participants. The Emergency Planning
Committee (EPC) performed a risk assessment to determine the specific threats or hazards that
might affect the church while people are present in the building (see Appendix A: Risk
Assessments). There are several factors that must be considered regarding our house of
worship: (edit the bullets below to suit your building & congregation)
The age of the building and the materials used for construction make it particularly
susceptible to fire.
The number and size of the windows poses a risk for damage and injury from severe
thunderstorms, tornadoes or earthquakes.
Proximity to Route 176, a major east-west travel route, poses a risk for exposure to
hazardous materials spills from passing trucks and nearby railways.
The average age of the congregation increases the probability of a medical emergency.
As an open and affirming, pro-choice congregation, there is an increased risk of
targeting by protesters.
The age of our lift and its complexity of operation make it prone to failure.
We are dependent on the assistance of First Responders. 911 will be called for major incidents
as indicated in the Threat/Hazard Annexes. Fire Department Name is less than X minutes away
and will be dispatched in the event of a fire, hazardous materials spill, life-threatening medical
emergency or if the lift fails and is stuck between floors and rescue is required. The responding
Sheriff or Police Department name will be dispatched if a protester disrupts the service and
refuses to leave or an active shooter event occurs.
Concept of Operations
In the event of a true emergency, this plan is designed to be activated by whoever first notices the
threat, i.e. if smoke or fire is detected, the individual that discovers it should pull the fire alarm. In
any other situation, the trained leadership or Emergency Response Team (ERT) will initiate action.
Concept of Operations, cont’d
The head usher during a regular service, or head of any group on premises during other
events/meetings, is the designated point of contact for First Responders. This person will initiate the
call to 911, meet and direct First Responders as they arrive, and gather and relay important
information such as head count, exact location assistance is needed, etc.
Young children are located in the nursery during the main portion of the service. The nursery staff is
part of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and has separate instructions for where to take the
children depending on whether evacuation or sheltering in place is required. Parents are instructed
to meet their children in these locations to reduce stress as much as possible. The outdoor
gathering point is (insert location) to provide them activities to keep them occupied and safe.
The elderly and those needing assistance may not be able to use the lift to descend to the
basement or evacuate the building, depending on the type of threat. They will be guided to locations
near (but not blocking) the exits and will be assisted as soon as the stairwells are clear. The
Emergency Response Team (ERT) has been trained on chair carries and will carry or help them
down the stairs as needed. Collapsible wheelchairs will be available (insert location) to bring
outside for those not able to walk to one of the gathering points once they have exited the building.
An alternative gathering point (insert location) has been designated for those who are not able to
walk to the main gathering point (insert location).
Red emergency paddles with reflective tape are located in various locations throughout the building
and will be used by Emergency Response Team members to lead everyone to the gathering points.
This will provide an additional visual aid to any hearing impaired attendees. Visually impaired
persons will be assisted by an Emergency Response Team (ERT) member as needed.
Copies of the Church Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) will be distributed to the main responding
agencies, Fire Department Name, the Sheriff or Police Department name and the County Name
Emergency Management Agency.
The primary purpose of actions taken before an incident, such as regular building & equipment
maintenance, purchase & placement of safety equipment, dissemination of the plan and training, is
to prevent, protect from and mitigate the impact on life or property.
The primary purpose of actions taken during an incident per the plan is to respond quickly and
appropriately to the specific incident and minimize its impact on life or property.
The primary purpose of actions taken after an incident is to recover from its impact on life or
Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities
The Church Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) consists of 8 members, including the Pastor,
representatives from the Board of Trustees, the Board of Deacons and the Board of Christian
Education, other elected leaders and church members who are active in local Community
Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and Emergency Management. This committee is responsible
for creating and maintaining the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), scheduling and leading
training for the Church Emergency Response Team (ERT), scheduling & leading drills for the
congregation, and coordinating with responding agencies. The Committee will also compile and
review After Action Reports (AAR, refer to Appendix D) and Fire Drill Reports from the Fire
Department Name to determine if any modifications to the Plan or additional training are necessary.
The Church Emergency Response Team (ERT) consists of all key church leadership, including the
Emergency Planning Committee, all Church Council officials, the Youth Director, Nursery staff, all
Deacons, all ushers & greeters, and at least 1 member of any other committee that meets
individually at the church. These include, but are not limited to, the Music Staff, Pastoral Relations
Committee, Memorial Committee, Women’s Connection, Men’s Service Club and Men’s Social
Club. This team is responsible for attending training at least once a year and taking leadership roles
as necessary during drills and in the event of plan activation. This can include leading and assisting
during evacuation or sheltering in place, organizing the gathering places, keeping head counts and
documentation and administering basic first aid (if trained). All members are encouraged to
participate in First Aid, CPR & AED training courses when provided.
Fire Department Name Fire Prevention Bureau: XXX-XXX-XXXX
First responders will be dispatched via a call to 911 in the event of a fire, hazardous materials spill,
medical emergency or lift failure resulting in entrapment occur. They may also provide various
aspects of training for the Church Emergency Response Team, supervise evacuation (fire) drills
and provide Fire Drill Reports.
Sheriff or Police Department Name Community Safety Team: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Sheriff will be dispatched via 911 in an active shooter event or for a protester that disrupts the
service and refuses to leave. They may also provide traffic control as needed.
County Name Emergency Management XXX-XXX-XXXX
County level Emergency Management personnel may provide guidance on the church Emergency
Operations Plan (EOP), additional training resources and/or emergency management services as
Community Name Emergency Response Team (CERT) Contact via Church EPC Member
Community Name CERT has Red Cross certified First Aid trainers who may provide First Aid
training for the Church Emergency Response Team (ERT).
Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities, cont’d
Outline resource sharing agreements here, if any.
Direction, Control and Coordination
Command is to be assumed by the head usher during a regular service, or head of any group on
premises during other events/meetings, with the assistance of the Pastor if needed/available.
Members of the Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) will assist in coordinating the efforts of
Emergency Response Team (ERT) members, and shall report in to the head usher or group head
in command.
The Church Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is designed for short-term operations, as the
church is occupied daily only by select church staff and is only in use by large groups for short
periods of time. As soon as the situation has been assessed to be safe, members & attendees will
be released to return to their homes. Further discussion with local agencies is needed to determine
the relationship between the church plan and the broader community’s emergency management
All equipment, resources and supplies for short-term operations are available at the church,
however, full execution of the plan for certain threats/hazards is dependent on the availability of
First Responders as noted.
Information Collection, Analysis and Dissemination
Information necessary to the successful implementation of the activities that occur before and
during an incident include:
Weather reports
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) radio alerts
Law enforcement alerts
Crime reports
A weather radio is located (insert location). All Church Emergency Planning Committee (EPC)
members should be monitoring weather reports & various alerts via cell phone, internet or
television, including the local news on a regular basis.
Crime specific to houses of worship may also be reported to the Pastor via communications from
the United Church of Christ (insert region) Association, the wider church organization or other
religious affiliations. The Committee will discuss any reports of concern internally and determine if
any preventative/preparative action is necessary.
Information Collection, Analysis and Dissemination, cont’d
Concerns prior to a potential incident will be communicated to church members by email from the
Pastor or administrative staff and by phone via the Board of Deacons telephone tree.
During an incident the weather radio and local news will continue to be monitored as the situation
permits to determine when the threat or hazard has passed. Communications on-site will be
announced on the Public Address system, verbally person-to-person or via cell phone.
Information necessary to the successful implementation of the activities that occur after an incident
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) radio alerts
Local news
Websites and/or hotlines for mental health, Emergency Management and/or relief agencies
assisting in all aspects of recovery
All Church Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) members will continue to monitor weather
reports & various alerts via cell phone, internet or television as available to determine when the
threat or hazard has passed. The “all clear” or release will be announced on the Public Address
system, verbally person-to-person or via cell phone.
Any post-incident follow up communication will be disseminated to church members by email from
the Pastor or administrative staff and by phone via the Board of Deacons telephone tree.
The Church Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is designed for short-term safety while people are
at the church, however, depending on the impact of the incident, the Committee will also research
and provide information about additional resources available to members and attendees once they
return to their homes and share that information via e-mail. Counseling may also be arranged.
Training and Exercises
Training for the Church Emergency Response Team (ERT) will be provided as follows to ensure
that all members understand their roles & responsibilities and are properly prepared to take action:
Emergency Operations overview, including evacuation & shelter in place
procedures & chair carries
First Aid
Fire Extinguisher Training
Church-wide drills/exercises will be scheduled as follows:
Shelter in Place
Run, Hide Fight (2 the first year, then annually or semi-annually as needed)
Earthquake “The Great Shakeout”
Training and Exercises, cont’d
After Action Reports (AAR, refer to Appendix D) will be compiled & reviewed by the Emergency
Planning Committee (EPC) to determine if any modifications to the Emergency Operations Plan
(EOP) & Annexes and/or additional training are necessary. The Committee will also review Fire Drill
Reports provided by the Countryside Fire Protection District and keep copies on file with the Plan.
Administration, Finance and Logistics
The Church Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) has an annual budget to be used as needed for
supplies and training. As the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Pastor are both members of
the Committee, they will approve and handle expenditures and submission of receipts.
The Church Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) will log key activities in quarterly and annual
Committee reports. The Committee will also maintain records of all training provided and a list of
participants, as well as copies of an After Action Reports (AAR, refer to Appendix D) and Fire Drill
Reports from the Countryside Fire Protection District.
Vital records will be preserved in the same manner as the general church records, via both hard
copy and electronic copy with a backup electronic copy maintained off site.
Sources for replacement of assets, if necessary, would be determined by the Board of Trustees.
The Church Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is designed for short-term safety while people are
at the church. If large scale damage to the building or property occurs, the Board of Trustees would
then determine resource needs and keep any resulting financial records.
Plan Development and Maintenance
The Church Emergency Planning Committee (EPC, see Organization and Assignment of
Responsibilities, page 8) performed a risk assessment to determine the specific threats/hazards
that might affect the church while people are present in the building (see Appendix A: Risk
Assessments). The risks were prioritized and Threat/Hazard Annexes were written for each.
Functional Annexes were written to address each of the two common actions across multiple
hazards. The Basic Plan was then written to tie everything together.
The Emergency Planning Committee (EPC), under the guidance of the Committee Chair, is
responsible for overall planning and coordination of training dates & times (see Training and
Exercises, page 10 for frequency). The Committee will evaluate all plan-specific training &
exercises via After Action Reports (AAR, refer to Appendix D) to determine if any updates to the
Plan or training materials are needed. In addition, the Committee will review the Plan annually to
ensure it is current and relevant.
Authorities and References
This plan has been developed in accordance with guidance from the FEMA Guide for Developing
High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship (June 2013), under the authority
of: (replace local and state mandates below with those that apply to your location)
Village of Mundelein Municipal Code 2.100.050 Emergency operations plan (Ord. No. 13-08-
53, § 5, 8-26-13)
Illinois Emergency Management Act (P.A. 87), January 1, 1992
Illinois Emergency Response Plan, May 1998
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8, National Preparedness, December 17, 2003
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8, Annex I, National Planning, February 2008
In the event that the Pastor, head usher or group head leading the meeting or gathering is
unavailable or unable to make decisions, succession of decision-making authority in an emergency
is as follows:
Chair or member of the Emergency Planning Committee (EPC)
Chair or a member of the Board of Trustees on the Emergency Response Team (ERT)
Chair or a member of the Board of Deacons on the Emergency Response Team (ERT)
Glossary of Acronyms Used
Stands For
After Action Report
Automated External Defibrillator
Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate
Community Emergency Response Team
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Operations Plan
Emergency Planning Committee
Emergency Response Team
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Church Emergency Response Team
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Functional Annex
Function: Evacuation
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
1. Identify all exits to the building and create schematics
a. Ground level (list all doors & possible exits)
Exit 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Exit 4
b. Sanctuary level (list all doors & possible exits)
Exit 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Exit 4
c. Top level (list all doors & possible exits)
Exit 1
2. Identify location of fire extinguishers and alarms; include on schematics
a. Ground level (list all alarm & extinguisher locations)
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Extinguisher 1
Extinguisher 2
b. Sanctuary level (list all alarm & extinguisher locations)
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Extinguisher 1
Extinguisher 2
c. Top level (list all alarm & extinguisher locations)
Extinguisher 1
3. Identify location of emergency paddles (if using)
a. Ground level (list all paddle locations)
Paddle 1
b. Sanctuary level (list all paddle locations)
Paddle 2
Paddle 3
Paddle 4
Paddle 5
Paddle 6
4. Identify location of emergency packs & fire-proof blankets
a. Sanctuary level (list all emergency supply locations)
Pack & Blanket 1
Pack & Blanket 2
Pack & Blanket 3
b. Garage (if applicable,list all emergency supply locations)
Supplies 1
5. Identify gathering places in the event of an evacuation
a. Location 1nursery workers, children & parents
b. Location 2those with limited mobility
c. Location 3all others
6. Identify trained leaders (Emergency Response Team members)
a. ERT members to assess the situation and identify the best exit plans
In the case of a threat of fire, know where the fire is located
b. ERT members use a paddle device to identify themselves and direct persons to safety.
1 or more ERT members direct persons from inside the church
1 or more ERT members direct persons to safety after they exit the church
In general, the plan should be to quickly exit able-bodied people first.
c. ERT members to help those with limited mobility
Action Plan
1. Before ANY gathering in the church building, the Usher taking head count on Sunday or the
leader of each gathering should:
a. Familiarize themselves with the location of the nearest fire alarm, extinguisher, exit(s)
and emergency paddle(s)
b. Write down the head count
c. Have a cell phone (on silent) on their person at all times
d. Be prepared to call 911 - in an emergency your job will be to stay on the phone with
dispatch and go out to the driveway to direct First Responders when they arrive
2. Before ANY gathering in the church building, any trained Emergency Response Team
members attending a service or gathering should:
a. Familiarize themselves with the location of the nearest fire alarm, extinguisher, exit(s)
and emergency paddle(s) and identify a secondary exit in case the nearest one is
b. In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation, be prepared to:
i. Get the nearest paddle (and emergency pack if available)
ii. Go back to the section where you were seated, raise the paddle and get the
attention of the people in the rows around you
iii. Ask those people to follow you to the nearest safe exit - able-bodied people
should exit first (if there is more than one trained team member in your section,
one can lead and the other can follow) - REMEMBER if there is smoke, crawling
is safer
iv. Lead your group to the Gathering Point outside the building
v. If you are not leading a group, assist anyone with limited mobility
vi. Take a headcount of your group
3. Gathering Points
a. Location 1 - description (nursery staff, children & parents only)
b. Location 2 - description (those with limited mobility only)
c. Location 3 - description (all others)
4. Priorities:
a. Identify the hazard & determine the need to evacuate
i. WHO: Whoever notices the hazard first (i.e. smells or sees smoke)
ii. ACTION: If the hazard is fire, activate the nearest fire alarm AND grab the
nearest emergency paddle and raise it or shout to get the speaker’s attention
b. Activate & guide First Responders (Fire, Police, Ambulance)
i. WHO: Usher taking head count on Sunday OR leader of any smaller gathering
ii. ACTION: Call 911, stay on the line with dispatch and proceed to driveway to
direct First Responders to the problem when they arrive, compare reported
headcount from Gathering Points to total to identify any missing
c. Evacuate the building
i. WHO: Trained ERT members
ii. ACTION: Grab the nearest emergency paddle and lead the people in your
section to the nearest safe exit, proceed to Gathering Point and take headcount
for your group. If there are enough leaders, additional ERT members should
assist anyone with limited mobility. REMEMBER if there is smoke, crawling is
d. Eliminate hazard (protect people & property) if possible
i. WHO: Trained ERT members
ii. ACTION 1: If the hazard is fire AND it is smaller than an office wastebasket in
size, use the nearest extinguisher and attempt to put it out
iii. A
CTION 2: If a person’s clothing has caught on fire or they must pass close by
flames to exit, wrap them in the nearest fire proof blanket to extinguish the flames
or protect them while exiting
iv. Remember...STOP, DROP & ROLL
e. Provide First Aid or any necessary care to any injured
i. WHO: Certified medical professionals or trained ERT members
ii. ACTION: Use supplies in emergency packs to apply first aid or care as needed;
document name and age of person being treated, symptoms and actions taken
f. Manage Gathering Points
i. WHO: First trained ERT member to reach each Gathering Point
ii. ACTION: Get head counts from each ERT member reporting with a group and
send someone to communicate total headcount to Usher or leader in 4b, work
with ERT members to maintain order & calm, take note of anyone that chooses
to leave the scene if possible
iii. IF:
There are a large number of injuries, delegate additional ERT members to set
up a treatment area easily accessible to an ambulance and shift uninjured groups
to a different spot
g. Release participants
i. WHO: Usher taking head count on Sunday OR leader of any smaller gathering
ii. ACTION: When advised by 911 that it is safe to leave, notify both Gathering
h. Secure building if needed
i. WHO: The person that opened the building for the service/gathering
ii. ACTION: Close and lock the building or take action as directed by First
Functional Annex
Function: Shelter in Place
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
1. Identify all exit paths to the ground floor level
a. Sanctuary level (list all possible exits to ground floor)
Exit 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Exit 4
b. Top level (list all possible exits to ground floor)
Exit 1
2. Identify location of emergency paddles (if using)
a. Ground level (list all paddle locations)
Paddle 1
b. Sanctuary level (list all paddle locations)
Paddle 2
Paddle 3
Paddle 4
Paddle 5
Paddle 6
3. Identify location of emergency packs & fire-proof blankets
a. Sanctuary level (list all emergency supply locations)
Pack & Blanket 1
Pack & Blanket 2
Pack & Blanket 3
4. Purchase a weather radio for severe weather information. Set up in/on insert location.
5. Identify trained leaders (Emergency Response Team members)
a. ERT members to assess the situation and identify the best exit plans
b. ERT members use a paddle device to identify themselves and direct persons to safety.
1 or more ERT members direct persons to the nearest exit paths to the ground
floor level
In general, the plan should be to quickly move able-bodied people first.
c. ERT members to help those with limited mobility
Action Plan
1. Before ANY gathering in the church building, the Usher taking head count on Sunday or the
leader of each gathering should:
a. Familiarize themselves with the location of the nearest path to the ground floor level and
emergency paddle(s)
b. Write down the head count
c. Have a cell phone (on silent) on their person at all times
d. Use cell phone to monitor the situation (such as weather and/or community alerts)
2. Before ANY gathering in the church building, any trained Emergency Response Team
members attending a service or gathering should:
a. Familiarize themselves with the location of the nearest path to the ground floor level and
emergency paddle(s) and identify a secondary exit in case the nearest one is blocked
b. In the event of an emergency requiring sheltering in place, be prepared to:
i. Get the nearest paddle (and emergency pack if available)
ii. Go back to the section where you were seated, raise the paddle and get the
attention of the people in the rows around you
iii. Ask those people to follow you to the nearest safe path to the ground floor level -
able-bodied people should go first (if there is more than one trained team
member in your section, one can lead and the other can follow)
iv. Organize others in moving tables under windows to protect from flying glass.
v. If you are not leading a group, assist anyone with limited mobility
vi. Take a headcount of your group
3. Sheltering Points
a. Location 1for use by the nursery staff and children
b. Location 2restrooms can be used if there are no windows
c. Location 3use for adults, saving space for anyone with limited mobility who will be
brought downstairs last
d. Location 4 use for adults and older children who have the ability to crawl under tables
4. Priorities:
a. Identify the hazard & determine the need to shelter in place
i. WHO: Whoever sees/receives a warning first (such as storm warning)
ii. ACTION: Grab the nearest emergency paddle and raise it or shout to get the
speaker’s attention
b. Move everyone to shelter on the ground floor level
i. WHO: Trained ERT members
ii. ACTION: Grab the nearest emergency paddle and lead the people in your
section to the nearest path to the ground floor level. Start by filling up Location 1
with Nursery staff and children and by filling up the restrooms. If the hazard is for
severe weather and your church has no windowless areas, start moving tables
under the windows. For the best protection, use a set of two tables against the
wall along the areas with windows. Additional ERT members should assist
anyone with limited mobility.
c. After the threat is over, assess if additional help is needed (such as fire rescue due to
lightning strike or medical help due to injury).
i. WHO: Usher taking head count on Sunday OR leader of any smaller gathering
ii. ACTION: Call 911; activate & guide First Responders (Fire, Police, Ambulance)
iii. WHO: First trained ERT members
iv. ACTION: ERT members work to maintain order & calm, take note of anyone that
chooses to leave the scene if possible
d. Provide First Aid or any necessary care to any injured
i. WHO: Certified medical professionals or trained ERT members
ii. ACTION: Use supplies in emergency packs to apply first aid or care as needed;
document name and age of person being treated, symptoms and actions taken
e. Release participants
i. WHO: Usher taking head count on Sunday OR leader of any smaller gathering
ii. ACTION: If no emergency services were required, release after assessing that it
is safe. If emergency services are required, release when advised by 911 that it
is safe to leave
f. Secure building if needed
i. WHO: The person that opened the building for the service/gathering
ii. ACTION: Close and lock the building or take action as directed by First
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Fire
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Goal #1: Prevent a fire from occurring
Goal #2: Protect all persons and property from injury
Goal #3: Provide medical attention if necessary
1. Goal: Prevent a fire from occurring
a. Follow annual safety inspection schedule
i. Fire Marshall inspection and report; Board of Trustees to review and take action
if necessary
ii. Inspect and service alarm systems, fire and stove hood extinguishers
b. Equipment/technical needs
i. Secure important documents: contracts and financial files
1. Church Secretary to back up electronic files nightly and store on flash
drive(s) taken offsite at the end of the day
2. All other files will be backed up in the Cloud
ii. Develop long range technical and financial plan to bring smoke alarms up to
current code
iii. Purchase equipment identified by planning team
1. Fire blankets, mylar blankets
2. Emergency paddles (for guiding and directing people)
3. Medical packs (see 3.b below)
iv. Create and post evacuation routes and instructions
c. Training needs
i. Provide general training for the congregation
1. Review & practice the Action Plan
2. Hold evacuation drills twice a year
3. Provide first aid and AED/CPR training once a year
ii. Identify and train 12-20 persons who will act as Emergency Response Team
(ERT) members
1. Review & practice the Action Plan
2. Provide leadership training, including review of evacuation routes and
chair carry training to help mobility challenged individuals get down the
3. Provide fire extinguisher training
2. Goal: Protect all persons from injury
a. Develop & practice an evacuation plan (see Functional AnnexFunction: Evacuation)
b. Follow the Action Plan
3. Goal: Provide medical attention if necessary
a. Survey the congregation to build a list of persons with medical training
b. Purchase medical packs and place near major exits; store a more complete kit of
supplies in the garage
c. Offer first aid training once a year and encourage Emergency Response Team (ERT)
members to attend
d. Qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as needed
e. ERT members to help coordinate communication after evacuation
i. Collect info from anyone receiving first aid and document all treatment given
ii. Keep track of who is being transported to a hospital
iii. If possible, document names and times for anyone leaving the scene
Action Plan
Refer to Action Plan in Functional AnnexFunction: Evacuation
1. Sound fire alarm and/or call 911
2. Identify an ERT member to serve as the liaison to first responders. Note: during a regular
Sunday service, this should be whichever Usher has taken the headcount.
3. When practicable & safe to do so, use fire extinguisher(s) to put out or diminish the fire
4. Account for all persons to determine the need for a rescue effort
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Protect all persons and property from harm
Goal #2: Provide medical attention if necessary
1. Goal: Protect all persons and property from harm
a. Develop & practice a shelter in place plan (see Functional AnnexFunction: Shelter in
b. Purchase & install a weather radio in/on insert location
c. Identify and train 12-20 persons who will act as Emergency Response Team (ERT)
i. Review & practice the Action Plan
ii. Provide leadership training, including review of exit paths to the ground floor and
chair carry training to help mobility challenged individuals get down the stairs
d. Follow the Action Plan
2. Goal: Provide medical attention if necessary
a. Survey the congregation to build a list of persons with medical training
b. Purchase medical packs and place near major exits; store a more complete kit of
supplies in the garage
c. Offer first aid training once a year and encourage Emergency Response Team (ERT)
members to attend
d. Qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as needed
e. ERT members to help coordinate communication after threat of the storm has passed.
i. Collect info from anyone receiving first aid and document all treatment given
ii. Keep track of who is being transported to a hospital
iii. If possible, document names and times for anyone leaving the scene prior to the
“All Clear” signal.
Action Plan
Refer to Action Plan in Functional AnnexFunction: Shelter in Place
1. Monitor the weather radio to determine when the threat has passed.
2. After the threat has passed, if anyone was injured in the storm and needs additional assistance
beyond first aid, call 911 to request medical assistance. Note: during a regular Sunday service,
this should be whichever Usher has taken the headcount.
3. Account for all persons to determine the need for a rescue effort
4. If a lightning strike hits the building during the storm, as soon as it is safe to do so, assess if fire
rescue services are needed. If needed, call 911 for assistance.
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Hazardous Materials or Bomb Threat
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Protect all persons and property from injury
Goal #2: Provide medical attention if necessary
Overview: While we do not store hazardous materials onsite, the church is on a major road and is
near a major intersection. The potential exists for some type of traffic incident resulting in a
hazardous material spill. Hazardous materials can include health hazard materials, toxic materials,
corrosive materials, and explosive materials. A bomb threat or suspicious package would be
handled in much the same way. Given the range of risks, the plan is to notify first responders and
immediately and temporarily shelter in place until an assessment can be made.
1. Goal: Protect all persons from injury
a. Develop & practice a shelter in place plan (see Functional AnnexFunction: Shelter in
b. Develop & practice an evacuation plan (see Functional Annex Function: Evacuation)
c. Identify and train 12-20 persons who will act as Emergency Response Team (ERT)
i. Review & practice the Action Plan
ii. Provide leadership training, including review of exit paths to the ground floor and
chair carry training to help mobility challenged individuals get down the stairs
d. Follow the Action Plan
2. Goal: Provide medical attention if necessary
a. Survey the congregation to build a list of persons with medical training
b. Purchase medical packs and place near major exits; store a more complete kit of
supplies in the garage
c. Offer first aid training once a year and encourage Emergency Response Team (ERT)
members to attend
d. Qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as needed
e. ERT members to help coordinate communication after threat of the hazard has passed.
i. Collect info from anyone receiving first aid and document all treatment given
ii. Keep track of who is being transported to a hospital
iii. If possible, document names and times for anyone leaving the scene prior to the
“All Clear” signal.
Action Plan
Refer to Action Plan in Functional AnnexFunction: Shelter in Place
1. Identify if a traffic incident happens, a bomb threat is received or a suspicious package is
observed. Call 911 to report and provide the number of people currently sheltering in the church
building. Provide a call back phone number for first responders or stay on the line if instructed.
Do not attempt to assess the situation ourselves.
2. Emergency Response Team (ERT) members will initiate movement of all persons in the building
to the ground floor, assisting those with limited mobility
3. If instructed by first responders, initiate evacuation of the building to an upwind position
a. Refer to Action Plan in Functional AnnexFunction: Evacuation
4. After the threat has passed, if anyone was injured in the process and needs additional
assistance beyond first aid, call 911 to request medical assistance. Note: during a regular
Sunday service, this should be whichever Usher has taken the headcount.
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Protester/Disrupter
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Protect all persons and property from harm
Overview: Churches are private property. In the event of a protester entering the church property
(parking lot and/or building) we have the right to ask a person to leave the property. If necessary,
the police can and should be called to escort the person(s) from the property. Our main concern
should be the protection of our church members and visitors.
1. Goal: Protect all persons and property from harm
a. Develop a best practices plan for dealing with a protester
i. The protester should be told that they are welcome to worship but otherwise
should leave the property and the police will be called if necessary
ii. No one should physically engage with a protester
iii. Other than the initial welcome and warning, no one should verbally engage with a
iv. Provide extra supervision and protection for the nursery
v. Be clear on the boundaries of the private property
vi. Have a discussion with the local police about guidelines
b. Provide training to the Church leadership on the Action Plan for protesters. As part of
overall emergency preparedness training for the congregation, church members should
be advised to avoid engaging with a protester, touching, speaking with, and/or
approaching a protester.
c. Follow the Action Plan
Action Plan
1. If there is a protester outside the church on Sunday morning, the Pastor will call or specifically
ask an individual to call 911
a. The caller will explain that the purpose for the call is to request support for our desire
to gather at our place of worship without intimidation or disruption
b. The caller will be as clear and as specific as possible about the actions of
the protester and the details of the situation
c. Unless there is truly an emergency, or there has been an actual threat of violence,
the caller will be explicit in saying that an emergency response is not necessary
2. The Pastor will send 2 persons to stand near the nursery
3. The Pastor will ask the protester to cease their disruption and leave
a. Ushers will assist the Pastor, or may intercede if the Pastor is not present or first to
respond. Large physical presence is helpful.
b. Say, “Everyone is welcome, but not all behaviors are welcome. Disrupting a service
of worship is trespassing. Please leave the property immediately.”
4. The Pastor will ask accompanist to begin playing hymn #1 and ask everyone to sing
5. Several church leaders will position themselves in the parking lot to escort church members into
the building if needed
6. As soon as possible, the Pastor will inform the congregation of the situation. The Pastor will let
the congregation know that if they are uncomfortable with the presence of a protester they
should feel empowered to avoid or remove themselves from the situation. Church members are
under no obligation to keep themselves in a situation where they feel like their (or their family's)
emotional, spiritual, or physical well-being are at risk.
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Active Shooter
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Prepare for a potential active shooter event
Goal #2: Protect all persons and property from injury
Goal #3: Provide medical attention if necessary
Overview: Active Shooter / Active Deadly Threat is an individual actively engaged in killing or
attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. The activeaspect inherently implies
that both law enforcement personnel and citizens have the potential to affect the outcome of the
event based upon their responses.
1. Goal: Prepare for a potential active shooter event
a. Practice situational awareness (recognize the threat) and have a plan (see Action Plan)
b. Identify two possible escape routes (get familiar with posted escape routes)
c. Identify places to hide in an active shooter situation
d. Training needs:
i. Get an Emergency Planning Committee member certified as an ALICE trainer
ii. Provide ALICE or similar training for the congregation at least once a year
iii. Remind Emergency Response Team (ERT) members that they should help
direct/lead others and help keep a head count
2. Goal: Protect all persons from injury
a. Follow Action Plan
3. Goal: Provide medical attention if necessary
a. Survey the congregation to build a list of persons with medical training
b. Purchase medical packs and place near major exits; store a more complete kit of
supplies in the garage
c. Offer first aid training once a year and encourage Emergency Response Team (ERT)
members to attend
d. When safe to do so, qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as
e. ERT members to help coordinate communication after evacuation
i. Collect info from anyone receiving first aid and document all treatment given
ii. Keep track of who is being transported to a hospital
iii. If possible, document names and times for anyone leaving the scene
Action Plan
1. RUN
a. Leave your belongings & exit immediately (run if you can)
b. Encourage others to follow
c. Move far away & warn others
d. Call 911 when you are safe
a. If you can’t exit safely, find a place to hide
b. Act quickly & quietly
c. Secure your hiding place turn off lights, close & block door, take cover
d. Silence cell phones
e. Do your best to remain quiet & calm
a. Last resort
b. Fight as a group, improvise weapons and work to disarm the shooter
c. Make yourself a difficult target throw things to distract the shooter, constantly move
& yell until you have the opportunity to attack
4. When safe to do so, call 911
5. Identify an ERT member to serve as the liaison to first responders. Note: during a regular
Sunday service, this should be whichever Usher has taken the headcount
6. Account for all persons to determine the need for a rescue effort
7. When law enforcement arrives
a. Their first priority is to stop the shooter, they cannot stop to help the injured
b. Do not try to touch them they will be looking for a threat so put your hands up,
spread your fingers, show them your palms and stay still
c. If you have subdued the shooter and taken control of the weapon or have obtained a
firearm, do not hold it when police enter as soon as possible place it in a secure
location out of sight
8. Arrange a post-event Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) and offer counseling services
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Medical Emergency
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Provide medical attention if necessary
Goal #2: Minimize disruption to the service/meeting
1. Goal: Provide medical attention if necessary
a. Survey the congregation to build a list of persons with medical training
b. Purchase medical packs and place near major exits
c. Offer first aid and CPR/AED training once a year and encourage Emergency Response
Team (ERT) members to attend
d. Qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as needed
e. Follow the Action Plan
2. Goal: Minimize disruption to the service/meeting
a. Allow one or two qualified ERT members/congregants to care take charge of the medical
b. Move others away to allow the ill/injured person space and to protect their privacy
c. Continue the service/meeting if practicable or determine to adjourn
Action Plan
1. Call 911 with location and the nature of the victim’s illness/injury
2. One or two qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as needed
3. Identify an ERT member to serve as the liaison to first responders
4. Do not attempt to move an injured person
5. Comfort the person and reassure them that medical assistance is on the way.
6. Be aware of hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens. Do not come into contact with
bodily fluids. Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
7. After the person’s immediate needs have been taken care of, remain to provide pertinent
information about the incident
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Winter Storm
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Protect all persons from harm
Goal #2: Provide medical attention if necessary
Overview: Winter storms are predictable in most cases we know at least several hours if not days
in advance. When a winter storm is expected and is predicted to be severe enough to make roads
impassable or cause safety concerns, it would be up to the Pastor or Emergency Planning
Committee (EPC) Chair to determine whether the service or meeting should be cancelled and
communicate this to the congregation and Committee members. It is assumed that each individual
would determine whether it was safe for them to attend, and for most winter storms no one would
be at the church. This annex was included in case of a sudden blizzard or if a storm in progress
worsens unexpectedly during a planned event at the church.
1. Goal: Protect all persons from harm
a. Develop & practice a shelter in place plan (see Functional AnnexFunction: Shelter in
b. Purchase & install a weather radio on first aid counter in/on insert location
c. Follow the Action Plan
2. Goal: Provide medical attention if necessary
a. Survey the congregation to build a list of persons with medical training
b. Purchase medical packs and place near major exits; store a more complete kit of
supplies in the garage
c. Offer first aid training once a year and encourage Emergency Response Team (ERT)
members to attend
d. Qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as needed
Action Plan
You may refer to Action Plan in Functional AnnexFunction: Shelter in Place, however, it is not
necessary to move anyone downstairs or take cover. Staying inside is sufficient.
1. Monitor the weather radio to determine when the threat has passed
2. After the threat has passed, ensure paths are shoveled and salted
3. Provide assistance shoveling out, brushing off and/or moving cars as needed
4. Monitor anyone shoveling or assisting for potential medical issues (heart issues or hypothermia)
and call 911 if necessary
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Earthquake
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Protect all persons and property from harm
Goal #2: Provide medical attention if necessary
1. Goal: Protect all persons and property from harm
a. Develop, share and practice the Action Plan
i. Participate in Great ShakeOut nationwide drills
b. Identify and train 12-20 persons who will act as Emergency Response Team (ERT)
i. Review & practice the Action Plan
ii. Provide leadership training, including review of exit paths to the ground floor;
chair carry training to help mobility challenged individuals get down the stairs
c. Follow the Action Plan
2. Goal: Provide medical attention if necessary
a. Survey the congregation to build a list of persons with medical training
b. Purchase medical packs and place near major exits; store a more complete kit of
supplies in the garage
c. Offer first aid training once a year and encourage Emergency Response Team (ERT)
members to attend
d. Qualified ERT members or congregants to administer first aid as needed
e. ERT members to help coordinate communication after threat of the storm has passed.
i. Collect info from anyone receiving first aid and document all treatment given
ii. Keep track of who is being transported to a hospital
iii. If possible, document names and times for anyone leaving the scene prior to the
“All Clear” signal.
Action Plan
Earthquakes can happen without warning and result in injuries and damage to property and roads.
If an earthquake happens, protect yourself right away. (Source: https://www.ready.gov/earthquakes)
If you are outdoors, stay outdoors away from buildings
Do not get in a doorway
Do not run outside
Stay Safe During an Earthquake: Drop, Cover, and Hold On
Drop: Drop wherever you are on to your hands and knees. If you’re using a wheelchair or walker
with a seat, make sure your wheels are locked and remain seated until the shaking stops.
Cover: Cover your head and neck with your arms. If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl
underneath it for shelter. If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows).
Crawl only if you can reach better cover without going through an area with more debris. Stay on
your knees or bent over to protect vital organs.
Hold on: If you are under a table or desk, hold on with one hand and be ready to move with it if it
moves. If you can’t find a table or desk, cover your head and neck with both arms and hands. If
seated and unable to drop to the floor, bend forward, cover your head with your arms, and hold on
to your neck with both hands.
After the shaking stops:
1. Monitor the news for emergency information & instructions
2. If the building is damaged, evacuate and quickly move away from the building (refer to
Functional Annex, Function: Evacuation). Do not enter damaged buildings.
3. Be prepared for aftershocks
4. Account for all persons to determine the need for a rescue effort
5. Communicate via text messaging when possible, reserve phone calls for emergency use
6. If anyone was injured and needs additional assistance beyond first aid, dial 911 to request
medical assistance. Note: during a regular Sunday service, this should be whichever Usher has
taken the headcount.
7. If damage occurs to the building or grounds and someone becomes trapped, as soon as it is
safe to do so, assess if fire rescue services are needed. If needed, dial 911 for assistance.
8. If damage occurs to the building or grounds and a Trustee is present, conduct a damage
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Lift/Elevator Failure
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Protect all persons from harm
Goal #2: Get any trapped people safely out of the lift/elevator
Overview: A lift/elevator is available insert location to transport persons with mobility issues
between the ground level and sanctuary level. If the lift/elevator is not operable prior to a known
service or other event, calls will be made to church members to advise them. The information below
is for use in the event that there is a failure when someone is in the lift/elevator.
1. Goal: Protect all persons from harm
a. Establish and implement a routine lift/elevator inspection and maintenance plan
b. Train lift users, ushers and greeters on lift/elevator operation
c. Post instructions on where to find the door keys and how to use them (include general
notes here)
d. If the lift/elevator fails with someone inside, follow the Action Plan
e. If the problem persists, post signs on the lift/elevator doors on both levels that the
lift/elevator is out of service and notify the church office of the issue to request repairs
2. Goal: Get any trapped people safely out of the lift/elevator
a. Follow the Action Plan
Action Plan
Ushers and Pastor are trained in emergency operation of the lift/elevator. Other members of the
congregation may have been trained and can be asked for help as well.
1. If the lift/elevator is on the ground or sanctuary level, Insert instructions here
2. If the lift/elevator is between floor levels, Insert instructions here
3. If the above procedures fail or are not possible, call 911 for assistance in extracting trapped
person(s) from the lift. Reassure them that help is on the way.
Note: if assistance is not immediately available the trapped person(s) can activate the
emergency call button inside the lift to summon help.
4. After the safe exit of the trapped person(s), check to see if others are still on the sanctuary level
and need assistance to get down to the ground level
Threat and Hazard Annex
Threat: Pandemic
Last modified MM_DD_YYYY
Goal #1: Prevent further spread of disease
Goal #2: Ensure continuity of services & care
Goal #3: Plan & implement return to “normal” operations
Overview: As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will continue to share the love of God with everyone,
while prioritizing the safety of all. Planning & decisions will be made in accordance with the
guidance of the Centers for Disease Control, the State of Illinois and local government, and under
advisement of the United Church of Christ (UCC) Illinois Conference.
1. Goal: Prevent further spread of disease
a. Determine when/if in-person activities should be suspended; if yes, follow Action Plan 1
b. Provide regular status updates to the congregation
c. Implement proper disinfection, sanitation & social distancing practices when the building
is in use (refer to CDC and State of IL websites for specific guidelines)
d. Implement any additional HVAC measures necessary for safe air filtration
e. If anyone that has entered the building tests positive within 2 weeks, follow Action Plan 2
2. Goal: Ensure continuity of services & pastoral care
a. Pastor to coordinate with the tech team for virtual services
b. Board of Deacons to devise & implement virtual outreach programs
c. Purchase recording & technical equipment as deemed necessary by the tech team to
maximize automation
d. Create instructions and cross-train additional people to perform tech team & social
media functions
e. Follow Action Plans 1 & 2
3. Goal: Plan & implement return to “normal” operations
a. Form a Reopening Task Force comprised of the Pastor and members of the Emergency
Planning Committee (EPC), with representation from all Boards/Committees
b. Stay informed on current recommendations from the CDC, State of IL and local
government, and UCC Illinois Conference
c. Determine when in-person activities can be resumed and any associated limitations
d. Implement Fellowship Hall sign-up and Safety Checklist procedures (see Appendix B,
Fellowship Hall Safety Checklist)
e. For events where no sign-up or checklist is used, take photos and/or a short video to
facilitate contact tracing should it become necessary
f. Prominently post appropriate CDC health & safety procedures
g. Implement proper disinfection, sanitation & social distancing practices when the building
or property is in use
Action Plan 1
When the Pastor and the Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) determine that in-person activities
must be suspended:
1. Notify the congregation via website, Facebook, monthly newsletter, e-mail and/or telephone tree
2. Begin virtual services
a. Pre-recorded Sunday worship to be made available via YouTube, Facebook and
b. Virtual Coffee Hour and small group or committee meetings via Zoom
c. Virtual Youth Group online activities & at-home study materials
d. Congregational outreach programs per Board of Deacons
3. Make masks available for those that need them
4. Plan short “drive-in” events (carillon concerts, etc.)
Action Plan 2
If any of the essential core staff should test positive, follow steps 1-3. If any member of the
congregation that has been in the building in the past 2 weeks tests positive, follow steps 2-3:
1. Seek a substitute through the normal channels. Additional options:
a. Pastor
i. Substitute Pastor to submit recorded sermon
ii. Service sharing with Community Protestant Church
iii. Utilize a recorded message from the wider UCC
b. Music Staff refer to Excel library to select & insert pre-recorded preludes, hymns &
2. Initiate contact tracing using sign-up sheets, checklists and/or photos & videos of the event
3. Properly disinfect & sanitize all areas of the building that may have been in use
APPENDIX A (insert a snapshot of your church’s risk assessment here)
(Insert logo if desired)
This is a Checklist to help keep all that use this space healthy. Please adhere to it.
General Guidelines:
Wear a mask that covers both nose and mouth at all times.
Wash hands frequently.
Wash areas before use with supplied disinfectant spray. This includes
restrooms, light switches, door handles, etc.
Wash areas after use with supplied disinfectant spray. This includes restrooms,
light switches, door handles, etc.
Maintain social distance (6 tiles = 6 feet)
Please do not use the fireplace room.
Guidelines for use of Kitchen:
Any surface touched should be cleaned before and after use.
It is recommended that food and tableware be supplied by participants. Any
dishes used should be washed before and after use. A limited supply of
disposable tableware is available.
Garbage in. Garbage out.
Use of any equipment or appliance requires cleaning before and after use.
Guidelines for use of Fellowship Hall: (Please do not use fireplace room)
Note: Tables and chairs are currently spaced safely. You may move furniture, but
please return to 6’ placement.
Wipe off all hard surfaces before and after use.
(Cleaning products are available on kitchen counter).
To use water bottle, touch dispenser with a clean tissue.
All groups should contact the church office to schedule their gathering. A leader will
complete this checklist and record attendance on the back, with date and names of
Reservation for use of Church Name Church Fellowship Hall
Requested by:
Requested date:
Approved date:
Name of Group/event:
Insert lift/elevator emergency operation instructions/diagram
Insert lift/elevator troubleshooting instructions/diagram
(Insert logo if desired)
After Action Report
Date: ___________________ Event/Incident: ___________________________________________
Incident Commander / Member in Charge:________________________________________
Start Time:__________ End Time:__________ Total Duration:__________
Was the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) or training documentation for this event/incident
complete/adequate? If not, what was needed?
What should we
START doing, STOP doing or CONTINUE doing for future events/incidents?
Was there adequate staffing for the Event/Incident:
Were there any Emergency Response Team (ERT) or responder injuries or incidents?
Was any church equipment damaged, lost, broken or used that needs to be repaired or replaced?
Was any equipment needed that was not available?
Additional notes: