F.Y.B.Com. 117A Additional English
Prescribed Text: Pearls of Wisdom (Board of Editors-Orient Blackswan)
1. The Sporting Spirit – George Orwell
2. The World Is Too Much With Us – William Wordsworth
1. Do Insects Think? - Robert Benchley
2. The Fortune Teller - Joseph Furtado
1. Good Manners – J.C Hill
2. Where the Mind is Without Fear - Rabindranath Tagore
1. My Financial Career-Stephen Leacock
2. I Sit and Look Out - Walt Whitman
1. Playing the English Gentleman - M.K Gandhi
2. All the World's a Stage - William Shakespeare
Unit- VI
1. How Wealth Accumulates and Men Decay – G.B Shaw
2. My Grandmother’s House- Kamala Das
Unit- VII
1. What Men Live By? - Leo Tolstoy
2. Laugh and be Merry - John Masefield
Unit- VIII
1. The Pleasures of Ignorance – Robert Lynd
2. To Daffodils- Robert Herrick