the tax function
A practical guide to 2020
KPMG International
April 2018
This report was first published as Transforming the Tax Function in
China by Lachlan Wolfers, Head of Tax Technology for KPMG China,
and Alexander Zegers, Tax Technology Director, KPMG China. In its
current form, this publication has been expanded upon to provide
a global context and bring insights to audiences around the world.
Please note that KPMG China is a limited liability partnership and
one of the global network of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”).
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Part A — Introduction — before we begin 2
Use of this publication
Themes — Helping to understand the problem
A critical framework
Technology helps
Most change will be incremental
Technology goals need to be realistic
Part B — Now let’s begin our journey
Section one — Why transform?
The additional X factor — Supercharging your technology investment
Enhanced data collection and use of technology by tax authorities
What may hold back investment in tax technology?
Section two — What should you do?
Category one — Automating the tax compliance process
Category two — Solutions that provide greater insights
Category three — Process management solutions
Category four — Accessories, components and infrastructure
Section three — Who should help you do it?
Section four — How should you do it?
Part C — A glance into the future
Intelligent automation technologies
Stage one — Basic process automation
Stage two — Enhanced process automation
Stage three — Cognitive automation
What this means
Distributed ledger technologies (i.e. blockchain)
Conclusions — Putting it all together
Glossary of terms
Contact us
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Part A
Introduction —
before we
It is vital to remember that the use
of technology in a tax function needs
to serve a purpose beyond merely
the use of trendy new gadgets or
following the lead of others.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
An Australian journalist described the world as being “in a
moment between technology and techno-panic”.
This is
the idea that we are both excited about and fearful of what
the future may hold for us in a world where technological
developments are on the precipice of a revolution, one
that is increasingly being referred to as the fourth industrial
revolution. The onset of this revolution has left many tax
and finance managers feeling anxious about being left
behind and uncertain of where to start. Indeed, the term
‘disruption, which is so commonly bandied about to
describe the effect of this revolution, evokes images more
associated with fear than with education and opportunity.
The goal for this publication is to provide tax and finance
leaders with a foundation for transforming their departments
and increased confidence in embracing technology and the
benefits it can bring for managing and evolving the modern
tax function.
There are now many publications in the market that discuss
the ‘Tax Function of the Future, and they typically describe,
in ambitious terms, how to transform a tax function by taking
advantage of technological developments in fields such as
artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, blockchain,
machine learning, and augmented and virtual reality. Often,
these publications fail to set a practical foundation that
enables tax leaders to build on the current strengths of their
tax departments, veering too far into the realm of ‘techno-
rapture, which can have the adverse effect of sending readers
into ‘techno-panic’.
This publication focuses deliberately on the immediate
future — that is, the next 2 to 3 years. This publication is
founded on the premise that, for many in-house tax functions
today, the most common form of technology used to manage
their tax compliance processes relies heavily on Microsoft
Excel spreadsheets. In the best of cases, these spreadsheets
are stored on some form of commonly accessible drive
within the organization, but in many cases, they are housed
in disparate parts of the business. Most tax functions of
medium and large organizations still employ large numbers of
people whose roles are very process oriented. For example,
they may manually issue Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices,
engage in fulfilling repeated requests for information and data
from within their own organization‘s business lines, and/or
make adjustments or reconciliations between their financial
statements, their tax returns, their Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) systems, and the filing systems of the Tax
Authorities of the countries in which they operate.
‘How to ensure Australia thrives when the robots come,’ Peter Hartcher, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 September 2017,
‘Designing an Indirect Tax Function which is Fit for the Future,’ KPMG International, 26 September 2016,
This publication is founded on a core belief that to transform
an in-house tax function with technology, tax departments
need to ‘walk before they run. To transform an organization
that is rooted in traditionally manual tasks into a highly
technologically enabled tax function requires a journey over
a period of time. It is not a process that happens without
thoughtful planning, nor can it happen overnight simply by
investing in the latest technology solutions in the market.
It is vital to remember that the use of technology in a tax
function needs to serve a purpose beyond merely the use of
trendy new gadgets or following the lead of others. Rather,
meaningful technology-enablement is about making strategic
changes that benefit the function and the organization in
terms of time and cost savings, efficiency gains, and helping
to move the tax function up the value chain within the
organization, so that the tax department becomes a true
enabler of value inside the organization and beyond.
It is important to recognize that technology is but one, albeit
integral, component to tax function transformation. As the
below diagram highlights,
the operating model of a tax
function comprises six key components, with the seventh
component, performance management, as a measurement
and performance tool to monitor the value contributed to
the organization. Technology and the related components of
data and information that feed into technology solutions are
increasingly important as we move into the third decade of
the 21st century. However, technology also needs people
with skills to operate and maintain it, an organizational model
to support it, and it needs to enable or facilitate processes,
governance and risk. In short, technology may be at the
epicenter of any transformation strategy, but it must work in
unison with the other components in order to be truly effective.
Transforming the tax function through technology
and risk
People and
Process and
Source: KPMG International
Data and
Systems and
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Use of this publication
This publication is not intended to be suitable for all
organizations. To use an analogy to best describe the intended
audience for this publication, back in the late 1990s, plasma
screen and LED televisions first hit the market. You may recall
seeing one for the first time, perhaps on the wall of an upscale
restaurant, and being impressed by the clarity of the picture
and the vividness of the colors. At that time, the price of those
early plasma screen and LED televisions was high. Over the
course of the next several years, the technology became
more mainstream, prices dropped, competition entered the
market, demand increased, prices dropped yet again, and
then the price of a plasma screen or LED television became
accessible to a greater cross section of the general public.
In technological terms, the people who bought those early
expensive plasma screens and LED televisions were regarded
as ‘early adopters’; while those who waited for the price to
fall, for the technology to reach a point where it was also more
stable and reliable, typically bought when the product reached
its inflection point.
This publication is aimed at those organizations that prefer to
participate at the inflection point. While some organizations
that are early adopters may be more advanced and already
incorporating technological advancements such as artificial
intelligence and robotic process automation into their functions,
KPMG International’s ongoing surveys of tax leaders
that the vast majority of tax functions are earlier in their
transformational journeys. Many are asking why they should
change, and how they should begin. This publication seeks to
answer those fundamental questions, to help guide tax leaders
on a journey towards discovery and empowerment.
Importantly, this publication is not suggesting that more
advanced technological developments are beyond reach for
most tax departments today. Rather, this paper posits that
you must first have a strong foundation in place to then be
able to take advantage of these more advanced technological
developments in a few years’ time, once they too have reached
their inflection point. Furthermore, organizations like KPMG
International and its network of member firms invest heavily
in these advanced technological developments today because
of the need to remain ‘ahead of the curve, so as to guide
organizations through these changes when the technologies
reach their inflection point. With a strong foundation in place,
the possibilities of what these advanced technological
developments may deliver for tax functions is truly exciting.
As stated, the aim of this publication is to break down barriers
to transforming an in-house tax function through technology,
but to do so in a very user friendly and practical way. Throughout
this publication, we try to avoid the use of complex acronyms
or techno-jargon, but where it is necessary to use such
terminology, we provide a clear glossary of terms for you to
consult at the end for your reference.
KPMG International’s 2017 Global Tax Department Benchmarking Study Data
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Themes — Helping to
understand the problem
Of course, every organization is different and the problems
you may be trying to solve through technology will have
elements that are specific to your organization. However,
there are many recurring themes that KPMG professionals
hear when speaking with tax leaders around the world.
Consider the following examples:
“The people on our team spend a lot of
time doing manually oriented tasks to
support our tax compliance process — how
do we reduce that?”
“I’ve heard the tax authorities in my
jurisdiction are investing heavily in technology
so that they can carry out data and analytics
testing. I don’t know what they may find with
my organization.
“We need to spend a lot of time each
month checking, adjusting and/or
reconciling data to ensure the accuracy of
our tax returns. Even then, we are often
concerned it may not be correct.
“The budget in my organization will not be
sufficient to allow me to hire new people, or
to invest in technology to help me fix some
of our existing problems.
Our organization has trouble obtaining the
data we need to prepare our tax filings; the
data often comes in from many different
sources. Is there a better way?”
Our department seems to spend much of
its time trying to get the information from
the business, in managing tax problems for
transactions that have already happened;
how do we get the time to be able to prevent
problems from arising in the first place?”
As a tax leader, I struggle to have visibility
over the activities or transactions being
carried out by the business, or in knowing
how tax can best support our business
goals. Is there a way to help me with this?“
1 5
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
These themes highlight the problems most organizations
encounter, and suggest why many turn to technology
solutions to help address inefficiencies in current systems
and/or processes, to ensure greater accuracy or insights, or to
mitigate potential risks. Knowing the problem you are trying to
solve by technology is a critical first step in the journey. To use
an analogy, if a person wants to avoid unnecessary spending,
they may prefer to write a shopping list before entering the
store. The same is true with technology. Knowing what your
problem is before you embark on your journey helps you map
the right path to get there.
A critical framework
To help you start with your journey of discovery, let us share what we see as a
critical framework for achieving a technology enabled tax function.
Technology helps
Most tax technology solutions in the market today can be
broadly placed into one of four categories:
1. compliance
2. insights
3. process management
4. accessories, components or infrastructure, which enable
or facilitate 1, 2 or 3.
Let’s look at each of these in turn. First, however, let‘s use the
analogy of a house to explore each of these areas, and the role
they play in building a technology enabled tax function.
Compliance related solutions
Compliance related solutions refer to those solutions that
help you to prepare and/or file tax returns more efficiently and
accurately and/or in a more automated way. They may also
help you perform similar automation functions for invoicing
purposes. These solutions can help either with specific taxes
or with the full range of tax returns from VAT filings (including
invoicing), to corporate income tax filings, even to stamp duty.
Most tax professionals would readily accept that efficient
and accurate management of compliance activities is at the
core of their responsibilities; thus, compliance solutions are
among the most common seen in use by tax departments
To return to the house analogy, we might think of the
compliance related solutions as the walls and roof of a house;
they are both integral and critical to the overall structure.
Most tax professionals would readily accept that to get their
compliance handled both efficiently and accurately is at the
core of their responsibilities.
Insight related solutions
Insight related solutions refers to the broad category of
technology solutions that give you greater insights into the
accuracy of your tax related data, helping you to identify
potential tax risks up front and/or enabling you to identify
errors or inconsistencies in your tax filings. Examples
may include software solutions that allow you to carry out
sophisticated data analytics to identify potential errors in your
tax reporting, analyze the margins on transactions for transfer
pricing purposes, identify permanent establishment risks or
help calculate tax liabilities of expatriates employed by your
organization around the world. In terms of the house analogy,
insight related solutions may be viewed like the interior design
of a house. The interior features make the house more visually
appealing, and also more functional.
KPMG International’s 2017/2018 Global Tax Department Benchmarking Study Data
Source: KPMG International
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Process management solutions
Process management solutions are those that help to
manage either a specific process or an end-to-end process,
by making the right information available to the right person at
the right time. More specifically, these solutions may help to
manage workflow within your tax function, or possibly within
your organization. They are not solutions that ‘do’ anything
in the sense that they are focused more on facilitating and
optimizing the process, rather than changing the outputs
of the process. As such, they may not provide insights into
your tax data, and they may not prepare the tax returns
you need. Rather, they help to manage these processes by
helping your organization operate more efficiently. Examples
include workflow solutions, which help to track the tax return
preparation and approvals processes, and solutions that
store your tax working papers in one place so that they are
accessible to your tax team. When we think of these solutions
in terms of building a house, we might consider these types
of solutions the concrete that holds the bricks together.
Accessories, components or infrastructure
When we speak of accessories, components or infrastructure,
we are referring to those hardware or software solutions
that are typically built into your tax technology software, or
that enable or facilitate the automation of compliance or
the delivery of insight related solutions. Examples include
solutions that manage the data extraction process, help to
deliver visualizations of your data, or those that allow you to
store data, such as cloud computing or data warehouses.
Accessories, components or infrastructure may not be the
most exciting aspects of tax technology, but they will often
be the building blocks that can make the difference between
a successful deployment and one that may not succeed. We
might think of these as the foundations of the house. A house
needs to be built on a solid foundation, with well-constructed
walls, held together with concrete and designed in a way that
is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
A tax technology strategy needs to combine all of these
elements in harmony. Investment in one component to the
exclusion of another may not achieve the intended results.
However, you may not be able to invest in every area at once.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Most change will be incremental
For most organizations, the incorporation of technology
solutions into your tax function will be achieved incrementally,
not radically. Rather than try to lead the way in rapid
technology investment, most tax functions will strive to
invest gradually, focusing on becoming more efficient and
cost effective, and seeking to deliver more value to their
organizations, each year surpassing the last.
Again, while the early adopters may be striving more
ambitiously and experimenting and investing in research and
development early on, for most organizations, change will be
achieved through a series of steps.
Consider that when electronic payments were first launched
through the internet, consumers often expressed concern
about the security of their data. While those concerns may still
be evident to some extent, advances in digital security have
reduced those concerns, and most consumers engage now in
electronic payments on a regular basis. In other words, what
may have seemed risky or difficult 2 to 3 years ago is now a
routine task.
The challenge for the tax function will be to do things each
day or each month slightly differently from the day or month
before. Over time, your department and your organization
will adapt. Change does not happen automatically, nor does it
happen without facing some challenges along the way.
Technology goals need to be realistic
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
It is critically important to be realistic about what will be
achieved in the early days with tax technology. Sometimes,
tax leaders associate automation of the tax compliance
process with the idea that, each month, they will be able to
press a single button on a computer and produce a perfect
tax return, fully correct and complete. Unfortunately, that is
the work of science fiction. Moreover, if it were true, then
the role of the tax manager would likely become redundant
very quickly. But there are many benefits to be gained
already through early incarnations of automation, long before
total automation is a reality.
Why do we say that total tax automation is more aspirational
than real, at least in the period leading up to 2020?
While we may all wish for perfection in tax automation, it’s
important to recognize why limitations exist. For example,
perfection in tax automation would require an organization to
have perfect data in its ERP system, and for that data to be
collected and stored in a way that is deliberately set up for
the tax function; it would require the data to be complete,
with no manual reconciliations or adjustments needed.
This is simply unrealistic right now in most organizations,
especially multinational entities operating across multiple
jurisdictions. The reality is more like the following:
Many organizations maintain data in multiple
systems — this will often require some form of
reconciliation because those systems may not always
‘speak’ to each other.
The data that is maintained in ERP systems often
contains errors or anomalies or is incomplete,
because in many cases much of the data is still entered
manually. In the future, this may change with advances in
optical character recognition (OCR) technology, but this is
still a few years away for most organizations.
Most ERP systems are not built with the tax function
in mind, so we cannot expect the reporting data to be
perfectly suited for the tax functions needs.
Compliance with tax legislation in many jurisdictions
requires adjustments to be made that fall outside
transactions that are recorded in an ERP system.
A great example of this is deemed sales transactions
whereby output VAT may be payable for goods or
services which are given away for no sales revenue
(essentially ‘free’). Similarly, an organization may make
some exempt sales for VAT purposes, or incur non-
deductible entertainment expenses, and frequently
these adjustments happen through manual intervention.
There are many circumstances requiring changes to
happen ‘outside of the system’, and these require real
people to manage the effort.
There is an increasingly important field of expertise emerging
around data integrity, especially for the tax function. This is
the idea that while we may strive to use Big Data, ultimately
its utility very much depends upon having trust in the data
being used in preparing the tax returns — that is, that the
data is accurate, correct and complete. It is the adage that
any investment in technology is limited by the fact that the
outputs of data will only be as good as the input. Or, as the
saying goes, “garbage in will equal garbage out.”
In our experience, one possible outcome when first starting to
invest in tax technology is to discover that the solution being
deployed does not work effectively because the underlying
data lacks integrity. This may result in the immediate project
being diverted to fix the problems with data integrity — for
example, by including additional data points recorded through
an ERP system to allow better testing and analysis, or by
correcting errors in the data — referred to as ‘data cleansing’.
While this may seem frustrating at the time, it is important
to recognize that this can happen, but that the end result of
this temporary diversion in resources is a longer lasting and
higher quality series of outcomes. In other words, recognize
that you may need to take one short-term step backwards in
order to take two longer-term steps forward.
As a concrete example of this, KPMG China tax
professionals recently carried out an analysis of a client’s
ERP data. One of the client’s objectives was to identify
and reconcile the receipt of special VAT invoices as
recorded in the Golden Tax System, which is China‘s
system for taxpayers to record all transactional tax data,
with potentially available input VAT credits reflected in their
ERP system. However, while the team was able to carry
out the reconciliation process with reasonable accuracy,
through this process they identified a simple change needed
in the client’s data entry into their ERP system, which
would enable near real-time reconciliations to occur. The
primary outcome was a simple process change that would
better align the client’s data needs for the future, with
consequential efficiency benefits.
The moral of this story is that the adoption of technology
as part of a tax function transformation process may not
necessarily yield the immediate results you expect, nor
should you expect it to automate your tax function fully
at the outset. There will be learnings along the way, and
the journey you are embarking upon should be seen as a
permanent feature in your organization, not as a ‘set and
forget’ short-term project.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Part B —
Now let’s
begin our
Starting on a journey to embrace
technology, even on an incremental
basis, is necessary to keep up, and
also maintain or even enhance the
value of the tax function to the
organization it serves.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
So far, we have pointed out some of the challenges within an organization that tax
technology may help you to fix; we have shared a framework through which you
may consider how most tax technology solutions fit; we’ve discussed the need to
consider incremental change; and we’ve acknowledged the need for realism (and
patience) on the journey to transformation.
Now we move on to some important aspects of tax technology, and given our
emphasis on keeping this simple, we’ve broken the issues down into some
fundamental building blocks. In the following sections we explore each of these
questions in turn.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Section one: Why transform?
In other words, why do you wish to transform your in-house
tax function to be ready to embrace technological change?
Section two: What should you do?
That is, what types of tax technology do you need in
your organization?
Section three: Who should help you do it?
What people will you need?
Section four: How should you do it?
That is, how should you prioritize between different types of
technology solutions, and how should you build a business
case to do this?
Section one
Why transform?
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Even if you know you wish to transform your in-house tax function to be ready to embrace technological change, the
question is: why do it?
Is it because of the need to remove inefficiencies? Is it because of a desire to optimize tax outcomes? Is it because
your organization is susceptible to tax risks that you cannot get control of? The answer is ordinarily all of the above, but
different facets of your tax function may vary in terms of the priorities to be addressed.
In the previous section, we noted that most tax technology solutions can be placed into one of
four different buckets or categories. Now let’s give the reasons why most organizations choose to deploy them.
Types of tax technology solutions Why do it? (most common reasons)
Compliance related solutions to remove inefficiencies in existing manual processes
to ensure greater accuracy and/or transparency
of returns.
Insight related solutions
to optimize tax outcomes
to obtain better insights to help manage tax risks
to create efficiencies.
Process management solutions
for efficiency and accountability for decision-making
to ensure clear lines of responsibility
to share information within the organization.
Accessories, components or infrastructure
to enable or facilitate compliance, insight and process
management solutions
investment is not seen as a benefit in itself, but rather
a means to an end.
Even though a business may choose
to invest in tax technology because
of the benefits to that organization,
what typically causes an acceleration
to any investment decision is the
news that the tax authorities are
doing likewise.
There may be specific reasons why your organization may
wish to invest in certain technology solutions that differ
from the reasons set out in the above table, so this is just a
general guide.
The additional X factor — Supercharging your
technology investment
Even when an organization believes it knows ‘why’ it wishes
to invest in technology, there is an additional X factor that
may turbocharge any such decision resulting in investment
decisions being prioritized above all else. That additional X
factor is the tax authorities.
What do we mean by this?
Put simply, the reason organizations often choose to
accelerate their investment in tax technology is because
of the threat or concern that the tax authorities may have
developed their own technology that could shine a light on an
organizations deepest darkest secrets — to highlight its risks,
or any breakdown in controls that expose the organization to
tax liabilities.
In our experience, even though a business may choose
to invest in tax technology because of the benefits to that
organization, what typically causes an acceleration to any
investment decision is the news that the tax authorities are
doing likewise.
In this regard, it is useful to spend just a few moments
exploring what the tax authorities are doing around the world
in the field of technology solutions.
Enhanced data collection and use of technology
by tax authorities
The following summarizes some of the enhanced measures
through which many tax authorities are either getting
more data from taxpayers, or achieving higher quality data.
These are but five examples of the advanced investment
in technology and analytics we see happening in tax
departments around the world.
Five examples of how tax authorities are using technology:
Brazil ranks as one of the most demanding tax
jurisdictions for compliance requirements, and the
Brazilian government has been using technology to
streamline and simplify the tax filing process in a number
of ways. In 2006, it implemented electronic invoicing to
digitize product transactions and in 2009, it implemented
Digital Book-Keeping System (SPED) for paperless
Companies are required to submit transaction invoices
to the Brazilian authority for verification both at the time
of selling and of receiving products. SPED, implemented
in 2009, created an online book-keeping system. Digital
accounting booking (ECD) has been made mandatory,
effective May 2016. Beginning in June 2016, there was
a mandatory change from the reporting system (DIPJ)
in SPED to a new reporting system (ECF) to enable the
government’s access to more granular levels of information.
After implementation of SPED in 2009, tax collections rose
at a CAGR of 8.7 percent during 2010 to 2015, as compared
with a CAGR of 7.6 percent from 2007 to 2009.
Brazil upgraded the government web service to calculate
the share of taxes for each of the states involved in the
transaction of selling of goods to the final customer.
In this regard, the government has also created an
online document — the GNRE document. A recipient
acknowledgement process has been introduced in the
government web service through which companies are
required to validate their vendors’ XML.
Brazil signed the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development’s (OECD) BEPS initiative in October 2016,
and introduced Country-by-Country (CbC) reporting in Block
W of the ECF coming out of this. The Brazilian government
is promoting the use of Internet of Things (IoT) to build
digital services. It has also promoted Machine to Machine
(M2M) communication and related products by providing
tax benefits to companies. However, this may not have any
direct impact on the tax landscape of the country.
Inclusion of a ‘Block K’ requirement in SPED’s tax book-
keeping (EFD) has been made mandatory for companies
with revenues of more than BRL300 million beginning in
January 2017. Companies are required to submit inventory
and production reports on a monthly basis. e-Social, which
was made mandatory for companies with revenues of
over US$78 million in September 2016, has been made
mandatory for all companies, taking effect January 2017.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The State Administration of Taxation (SAT) launched the
“Thousand Enterprises Initiative” (TEI) in July 2015. This
program covers approximately 1,000 representative large
group enterprises from different industries. Under this
initiative the SAT collects data from the TEI-covered group
enterprises and their member entities (through local tax
authorities) for tax risk analysis. Based on the analysis, the
SAT has built risk analysis models with risk indicators for
different industries.
Circular Shuizongfa [2014] No. 105 SAT Opinion On
Strengthening Tax Risk Management sets out key tax
risk management tasks for tax authorities. These include
tax enforcement goal setting, information collection, risk
identification, risk ranking and risk resolution, as well as risk
management process monitoring, assessment and feedback.
The SAT on 18 April 2017 issued SAT Announcement
[2017] No. 10 (Announcement No. 10), which provides
taxpayers with the option of being assisted (through
an automated solution) in identifying and correcting tax
calculation errors, in advance of formally submitting their
CIT annual filing returns. As Announcement No. 10 makes
clear, this automated solution draws attention to potential
issues in tax calculations, non-correlation between tax
data and financial data, and other analytical results that
might prompt a taxpayer to reconsider their original
inputs. The information on which the analysis is based is
drawn from a variety of sources, including taxpayer tax
registration, historic tax filings, financial and accounting
data, record filings, and third party and industry data.
SAT Announcement [2016] No. 67 on The Filing of Financial
Statements Upon Submission of Tax Returns for “1,000
Group Enterprises” And Their Member Entities was
published on 26 October 2016 and took effect from
1 December 2016. This requires TEI enterprises to file
financial statement information with the tax authorities,
both at the time of filing periodic tax returns during the
year (i.e. quarterly), and with the filing of the annual tax
return (i.e. filed each May following tax assessment year-
end). Financial statements (to be supplied in electronic
form) include balance sheets, income statements,
statements of equity changes, and their disclosure notes,
for every legal entity in a corporate group in China.
SAT Announcement [2017] No. 7 on The Management
Measures on The “1,000 Group Enterprises” Catalogues
took effect from 1 May 2017. This requires TEI enterprises
to report certain entity information to the tax authorities on
an annual basis (i.e. each May), which will be maintained
on a data platform. This includes details of the taxpayer’s
in-charge tax bureaus, operating locations, industries of
activity, parent company, tax payments in prior years,
revenue in prior years and listed status.
The Golden Tax System Phase III provides for the
centralized collection of national tax data from all
taxpayers registered with the thousands of individual tax
bureaus at all levels of government across the country.
This covers both local tax bureaus (LTBs — responsible for
local government taxes) as well as state tax bureaus
(STBs — responsible for central government taxes).
The Golden Tax System Phase III aggregates data from
all taxpayer-authority interactions, including tax and
incentive filings, tax payments, tax audits/enquiries,
records of outbound payments from China, tax invoice
issuance/certification and information from reviews
of taxpayer internal tax controls. This is taken together
with webcrawler/public website searches on taxpayers,
industry profiling information used to assess tax risks,
information obtained from overseas tax authorities,
and from other domestic agencies, such as the foreign
exchange control regulator (SAFE — State Administration
of Foreign Exchange) and the commerce ministry
(MOFCOM — Ministry of Commerce). Tax officials in
different tax bureaus across China can tap into this
system, to see prior interactions that taxpayers may have
had with tax and other governmental authorities.
Under the forthcoming new Tax Collection and
Administration (TCA) Law, Chinese financial intermediaries
will be required to bulk report client account transactions
(exceeding a certain minimum value) to the tax authorities
together with the relevant clients’ tax identification
numbers (TINs) to facilitate data matching (e.g. cross-
checking of IIT filings), and risk ‘red flagging’.
SAT Announcement [2017] No. 14 on Administrative
Measures on Due Diligence Checks on Tax-related
Information of Non-residents’ Financial Accounts was
published on 9 May 2017, and took effect on 1 July 2017.
This provides the detailed rules under which China is
rolling out the OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
for the automatic exchange of tax information. Financial
institutions with operations in China were required to
register on the SAT CRS web platform by
31 December 2017, and then report to the SAT tax
information on the accounts of non-residents held with
their institutions (including tax ID, balance and receipt of
different income types) by 31 May every year (starting
May 2018).
Since 2016 the Golden Tax System has provided a powerful
platform for pooling tax data from all levels of tax bureaus
across China, covering both central government and local
taxes. Its user interfaces facilitate both taxpayer and tax
authority engagement and input, and drive standardization
of certain key data inputs. The upgraded system also
requires taxpayers to input “goods or service codes”
so that the authorities obtain standardized data on what
goods or services have been covered by the invoices. This
facilitates the tax authorities to closely monitor invoice
creation to detect fictitious invoices, ensuring the integrity
of invoice information and the authenticity of filing data.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The European Union
The European Commission has established a special
electronic and technological infrastructure and system
called Electronic Tax Management System (ETMS) for
e-filing of taxes. The majority of direct and indirect taxes
are filed electronically throughout the European Union
(EU). The e-filing process has been further simplified
through auto-filled returns and a standard e-invoicing
format for VAT/GST returns. The EU is focused on
increasing the e-governance offering in taxation by
modernizing the tax processes and reporting framework
through use of Information and Communications
Technology (ICT).
The EU as part of its e-governance initiative launched 20
public services in 2002 that included six offerings related
to tax. These e-tax initiatives evolved over the period
as the government established a special electronic and
technological infrastructure and system (ETMS) for e-filing
of taxes. Currently, nine major taxes including direct and
indirect can be filed electronically.
The EU provides the option of pre-filled tax returns to
ease the process of filing taxes. In 2014, the EU passed a
standard e-invoicing format for VAT/GST filing. The EU has
implemented System of Exchange of Excise Data (SEED)
and VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) for providing
a consolidated view of tax payable across the EU. The EU
has developed an EU Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) to
facilitate voluntary tax compliance and tax audits.
Over 60 percent of the direct taxes were filed electronically
in the EU in 2013 with Italy, Austria and Belgium among
leading countries. In July 2014, Electronic Identification and
Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation was issued to simplify
the authentication process. It will enable EU citizens to
use their national eID in other EU nations when accessing
public and private services online. The mandatory mutual
recognition among EU nations would apply beginning in
In January 2015, the EU set up a Mini-One Stop Shop
(MOSS), a web portal, to simplify and automate VAT
payment by companies offering digital services to EU
nations. In December 2016, the EU proposed extending
the applicability of MOSS to online sales of tangible goods
by 2021, removal of VAT exemption for import of small
consignments and the introduction of a new One Stop
Shop system for import of goods. Taxes accounted for
around 40 percent of the EU’s GDP in 2015.
The EU is adopting and going through digitalization
mainly aimed to ensure free flow of information driven
by regulations such as AEOI, BEPS and other regulatory
requirements. The EU SAF-T was developed to ease tax
audit and Eurofisc, a network for exchange of information,
to control carousel fraud. In 2017, the EU developed a central
repository for storing information on advance cross-border
tax rulings and advance pricing arrangements issued by any
one member state.
By 2020, the EU is looking to upgrade IT collaboration
tools such as Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI)
modules to ensure transparency of information among the
EU member nations. The EU is looking to adopt blockchain
technology to improve tax compliance.
The United Kingdom
The UK has one of the most advanced tax administrations
and the majority of direct and indirect taxes are filed online
in the UK. The British government is investing around
GBP1.3 billion to move to a completely digitized platform
through its ‘Making tax digital’ initiative.
Electronic submission of all company tax returns was
made mandatory for periods post 31 March 2010 —
implemented in April 2011. As of April 2012, VAT-registered
businesses in the UK were required to file their VAT
returns and Intrastat declarations electronically.
Following the EU guidelines, the UK adopted the MOSS
system. All businesses supplying digital services are
required to register for MOSS. Following Brexit, the UK
government might comply with EU-wide initiatives such
as adoption of MOSS as a non-union member.
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the tax
authority in the UK, is planning to integrate all its internal
systems to consolidate and provide tax information
digitally. As per the ‘Making tax digital’ initiative, all
taxpayers will have secure digital tax accounts and will be
required to record and pay all their taxes online by 2020.
The new system, besides enabling taxpayers to better
manage their tax returns and file error free returns, is
believed to save HMRC around GBP6.5 billion of tax that
otherwise goes unpaid every year.
Already, HMRC has mobile apps that help taxpayers
access their personal tax account information. HMRC
introduced voice recognition technology for its mobile app
in 2017. The government also plans to introduce a number
of technical changes to streamline and simplify aspects of
the tax rules for employee share plans.
The United States
The US has been a catalyst of change in the tax technology
landscape, and has now reached a stage of maturity. The
developments in the field of tax technology are micro
in nature and particularly deal with updating operating
systems or replacing legacy systems.
The Modernized e-Filing (MeF) system is used for e-filing
and ensures faster processing of returns. The Internal
Revenue Service (IRS), the governing tax authority, has
launched a mobile application providing various e-services
and also interacts with taxpayers on social media
platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Launched in 2011 by the IRS, the IRS2Go app is a mobile
application that lets taxpayers check their refund status,
make electronic payments and receive tax preparation
assistance. In 2012, the legacy 1040 e-file program was
completely phased out and replaced by the MeF system.
MeF supports XML, which is both easily readable by
humans and machines, and also ensures faster processing
of returns.
In 2015, 91 percent of all returns were filed electronically.
As a part of its Future State Initiative, the IRS is developing
online accounts to help taxpayers manage their accounts,
filings, correspondence, payments and data, and also
identify and resolve issues digitally. The MeF system now
supports the XML format for electronic return data.
The IRS is trying to simplify data management and
warehousing through its Customer Account Data Engine
(CADE2) program, which will merge the Individual Master
File (IMF) and Customer Account Data Engine (CADE)
databases into a single database that will house all
individual taxpayer accounts.
The Return Review Program (RRP) is an initiative of
the IRS to replace the legacy system, Electronic Fraud
Detection System (EFDS). The project is currently in an
early phase.
The IRS is trying to mitigate refund frauds by bringing
in a new system, the Real-Time Tax System, which will
assist in up-front quality checks on tax returns being filed
with the IRS. A consolidated authentication process is
a focus of the IRS to implement a better, standardized
authentication mechanism for all forms requiring an
electronic signature. Through Assisted services, the IRS
plans to initiate more consistent taxpayer interactions,
including secure email, e-fax, enhanced online and
automated telephone services.
What may hold back investment in tax technology?
The most common reasons in our experience for
organizations to hold back their investment in tax technology
fall into one of these four categories:
1. apathy
2. fear of the unknown
3. poor data quality
4. future finance transformation.
Let’s take each of these roadblocks in turn.
Apathy is the idea that, because the organization has always
done things in a certain way, why would there be a need to
change it? It’s the old saying — ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The problem with this paradigm is that the world is changing,
business models are evolving and tax authorities are
enhancing their technology as we have already discussed.
In short, technology is everywhere, and it is advancing at a
very rapid pace. So to do nothing in a world of technological
advancement is in fact to fall backwards rather than to lie
stagnant. Those who do nothing risk being replaced, or
perhaps more likely, for the status and value of their tax
function in their organization to reach a state of terminal
decline. Therefore, starting on a journey to embrace
technology, even on an incremental basis, is necessary to
keep up and also maintain, or even enhance, the value of the
tax function to the organization it serves.
The other phenomenon that we see all too commonly among
tax leaders is ‘fear of the unknown. It is the idea that by
deploying tax technology tools such as data and analytics
solutions, it will highlight errors, which may result in a loss of
face or status for those who have presided over those errors.
The problem with this type of fear is that, while it may defer
exposure or correction in the short term, in the longer term it’s
a strategy that will prove disastrous. Those same errors will
continue to accumulate, and moreover, with an ever greater
likelihood that they will be uncovered by the tax authorities
rather than by the organization itself. This is where the CFO
and other C-level executives need to take a greater role in
overseeing the governance and strategy of the tax function,
to ensure that they demand a high-performance culture and
a modern tax function. But it also requires an understanding
and acceptance that technology tools enable the tax team
to identify the proverbial ‘needle in the haystack’, which was
simply not possible before.
So the culture and environment in which tax technology is
deployed needs to recognize the value in shining a light on an
organizations previously unseen problems. This will help get
them under control, prevent their recurrence, and align reward
and recognition with the detection and prevention of risks
rather than being associated with the identification of past
liabilities. Moving to this type of culture produces long-lasting
Another common excuse often heard is that ‘tax technology
solutions will not be beneficial to our organization
because the quality of our data is poor.’ And so it shall
remain if this mantra is accepted! Here is where the
deployment of tax technology solutions may produce
benefits in two stages — the first stage being the
identification of data improvements that need to be made,
and the second stage being the greater insights obtained
from those data improvements.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
And finally, an oft-cited reason for deferring investment in tax
technology is that ‘we are rolling out a new ERP system
in X yearstime.While future changes in ERP systems may
reasonably defer major tax technology investment decisions,
typically this is put forward as an excuse for apathy. For
example, if the organization is really rolling out a new ERP
system in the future, then where is the strategy for how tax
technology will be deployed upon its arrival? And what is
the tax function doing to ensure that the new ERP system
delivers them the data they will need? The simple point here
is that there is much that can and should be done in readiness
for such a new ERP system — this should drive greater
change, not lessen it.
So, in short, the evidence clearly shows that organizations
need to consider turbocharging their investment in technology
if they perceive they may be exposed, either through errors
or heightened tax risks, or even where there is a lack of
transparency over their data, or controls over their tax
processes. Tax authorities now have an exponentially greater
prospect of finding them, even if you don’t. Furthermore,
many of the reasons put forward for not deploying tax
technology solutions merely represent excuses for apathy,
which potentially creates greater problems later.
Returning to the question of ‘why’ you would invest in tax
technology — the answer is for all of the reasons set out
above. However, in today’s environment, there is an added
pressure in place in many jurisdictions: namely, the prospect
of the tax authorities being able to shine a light in the deepest
darkest crevices of your organizations data and tax reporting.
Would you prefer to be in control of finding it and fixing it, or
would you prefer others to do it for you?
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Section two
What should you do?
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Once you know the answer as to ‘why’ you would choose to embrace technological change in your in-house tax function,
you then need to consider ‘what’ you will do. To help answer this question, we have returned to our four ‘buckets’ or
categories of tax technology solutions, and our aim here is to provide you with insights into some of the tax technology
solutions that are available, and aspects we see as being ‘core’ to your business needs, or ‘optional’ depending on your
specific organizational risks, efficiencies or business activities.
Category one — Automating the tax compliance process
The main purposes of tax compliance solutions are to improve
efficiency in generating tax returns as well as the accuracy of
those returns.
These kinds of solutions leverage data that has already been
collected as part of the core business processes carried out
by the finance function, namely procure-to-pay, order-to-cash
and record-to-report (general ledger accounting). In those
processes a variety of data is captured in the ERP system.
Let’s take the example of the order-to-cash process.
Salespeople initiate sales orders for the sale of products or
services. Information about the nature of these transactions
(goods or services) and critical location information such as
‘ship-to’ and ‘ship-from’ countries is captured as part of this
ERP systems support these processes and help to
automatically calculate (indirect) taxes as well as reporting
revenue for CIT purposes on an accruals basis, based on
the business characteristics of the transaction. In the case
of automated tax determination software, these decisions
are made based on what information is captured — for
example, the product code or service code may determine
the applicable VAT rate, or whether the sale is to be exempted
or zero rated. In the case of manual tax decisions, these
decisions are based on the level of tax expertise of the users
that capture these transactions.
Now, getting back to the tax compliance process itself. In
order to generate a tax return, the outcomes of the key
business processes relevant for tax are used to map these
tax outcomes to the relevant sections/boxes in a tax return.
As such, the key features of any tax compliance technology
solutions are to: (1) collect the relevant tax information from
the various data sources in an organization; and (2) make sure
that this information is automatically mapped to the tax return.
The core intelligence of these solutions sits in the
underlying logic that bridges relevant tax data with tax
return requirements. Furthermore, by deploying appropriate
infrastructure or technology components, additional benefits
beyond merely automation may be created by means of
visualization (to enhance user experience and oversight),
central data storage and even workflow. But we’ll discuss this
later as part of Category four, below.
As mentioned earlier in this publication, it is highly unlikely
that tax returns will be generated straight from ERP data, at
least for the foreseeable future. This is because of two main
factors: (1) the way the data in an ERP system is entered will
need to be ‘sliced and diced’ differently from the way it needs
to be presented for tax return purposes; and (2) because
ERP data is not the sole source of information for tax return
purposes — other sources and indeed manual interventions
may be needed.
By way of example, in many jurisdictions data such as
from customs or from manually prepared spreadsheets,
which record various adjustments, is needed for VAT return
preparation, and for reporting such as Country-by-Country
(CbC) reports, employee or human resources related data
may be needed. As such, the role of tax compliance solutions
is to serve as a channel or funnel to bring together these
different data sources, to ‘slice and dice’ the data to prepare
it for tax reporting purposes, and to serve as a prompt for any
necessary manual adjustment processes.
Another key aspect of high quality tax compliance solutions
is the functionality to run ‘trend analysis, by comparing key
indicators of the current return against previous periods. If the
total throughput VAT (i.e. the sum of VAT output
and VAT inputs) in the current period is significantly higher
(>20 percent) than for the previous period or significantly
greater than for the comparable period 12 months ago
(for seasonal businesses), this might be an indication that
something is wrong in the source data or some unusual
transactions have taken place. Similarly, an organization will
want to monitor its effective tax rates for CIT purposes, or
its proportion of entertainment expenses, to ensure it is
properly capturing this information given the propensity of tax
authorities to monitor non-compliance.
The core intelligence of tax
compliance solutions sits in the
underlying logic that bridges
relevant tax data with tax return
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
A concrete example of a tax compliance solution
is KPMG’s technology enabled compliance
solution for tax. This solution is a KPMG in-house
developed software solution for VAT and corporate
income tax compliance purposes. This solution has
all the components described above, generating
returns in four simple steps: (1) data upload, (2) data
consistency checks, (3) manual adjustments and
(4) return preparation. As part of the fourth step
(return preparation), the KPMG solution has trend
analysis functionality with key indicators that
can be used to identify potential errors, risks or
anomalies. And, as noted earlier, tax authorities
are already deploying similar tools, some of which
allow taxpayers to voluntarily check for errors in their
returns through the use of automated tools.
Finally, on the topic of tax compliance solutions,
as noted previously it is not simply the ability to
produce the final return, which is the end of the
process. Consider the other features of KPMG’s
Technology Enabled Compliance Solution for Tax
that highlight the need not only to consider the end
product, but also the means to that end, as well as
the other interdependencies with other categories
of the solution:
Key features of KPMG’s tax
compliance solution
Automated VAT and Corporate Income Tax returns
ready to file, together with local tax and surcharge
Flexibility to be provided as either an outsourced
service, where returns are prepared by KPMG, or for
your in-house use.
Trend analysis, which allows you to highlight
potential risks, errors or anomalies, before you file
the return.
Visibility over the current status of each return
and relevant due dates, with control and approval
Data storage flexibility utilizing either the cloud or
within your secure environment.
Uploading of invoices validated through the filing
systems of your local jurisdictions.
— Specialist VAT compliance modules for complex
taxpaying industries such as trusts or funds.
Dedicated telephone contacts to provide user
support for your compliance needs.
Category two — Solutions that provide greater insights
The second category of solutions are those that typically aim
to show you data, information or outcomes that you need to
know but may not have been able to see before. The main
idea here is to transform data into insights, which can then
deliver value to your organization.
In the data driven world in which we now live, these solutions
have the greatest potential for growth over the coming
years. Consider the operation of Moores Law,
which is
the observation that the number of transistors in a dense
integrated circuit doubles approximately every 2 years — a
theorem that is now routinely applied to data, too. It then
follows that the growth of data, and therefore the need to be
able to analyze it and identify trends or insights from it, will also
grow. It is truly amazing how much information and value may
be concealed in your data, which can be unlocked if you deploy
data and analytics solutions.
Solutions providing insights into data typically have three main
aspects to them:
1. data extraction — that is, where the data comes from
and how it gets into the solution
2. data transformation (or cubing) which we
colloquially call ‘slicing and dicing’, or more accurately,
where the data points are transformed, dissected,
amalgamated or cleansed
3. data visualization — this is what the user (you) sees and
is able to generate insights from.
Whereas 1 and 3 are mainly components, though very critical,
the core intelligence of insights (D&A) solutions is in the data
cubing area. This is where the data is transformed into value.
Data Analytics Visualization
Data extraction Data cubing Actionable insights
Aspect one — data extraction
An important component of a data insights solution is the
availability of sophisticated technologies to facilitate the
data extraction process. Data extraction is referred to as
the process of pulling or obtaining relevant tables and fields
from ERP systems, tax authority systems or customs. As
data volumes nowadays are incredibly large, data extraction
technologies are essential. The ‘old days’ of obtaining data
through requesting and delivering Excel spreadsheets is well
and truly over. If data extraction does not work or takes too
much time for the organizations IT department to prepare,
insights solutions simply cannot be successfully deployed.
In other words, data extraction is the foundational component
upon which all insights solutions are built. Absent the data,
absent the insights!
Effective data extraction needs to be able to work with
multiple ERP systems, and for multinational organizations,
this process can be complicated further by the fact that there
is much greater variety in the types of ERP systems used
across jurisdictions. For example, across much of Europe
and the US, multinational companies will typically use well-
known ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle, JD Edwards and
similar. Data extraction from these systems will often be pre-
configured so that the tax insights solutions can map the data
elds from these well-known ERP systems to the tax insights
solution. However, the same company may operate in China
using other ERP systems such as Kingdee, Inspur, Aisino
and other local Chinese systems. This means there is a need
for data extraction to be able to work with virtually any ERP
system when it comes to the needs of most multinational
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Aspect two — data transformation (or cubing)
The data transformation or cubing part is where the various
data points are connected to each other to build a so-called
‘tax data warehouse model’, which is a model that brings all
tax related data together with the right granularity and a lot of
calculated fields that contain critical information, to drive the
tax insights solution. As mentioned, this is where the data
is transformed, dissected, amalgamated or cleansed. Let’s
explain what we mean by this.
If you consider a common ERP system may have 50 different
data points for every transaction, such as the date the
order was placed, the price for the goods or services, the
number, quantity or extent of goods or services being sold
or purchased, the general ledger account number, details of
the seller or buyer, the delivery date, the ‘ship from’ country,
the ‘ship to’ country, and the list goes on. Some of these data
points may be relevant for tax purposes for certain insights,
but many will not be relevant — so the first objective of data
cubing may be to exclude those irrelevant data points for each
of the insights to be delivered. The second objective may be
to aggregate or disaggregate certain data points, or to match
different data points from each transaction. Think of it like a
very complex series of Excel spreadsheet formulas.
Aspect three — data visualization process
This is the end result or product of any insights-based
solution, and it is what the user experiences. Ease of use of
any tax insights solution is critical. The tax insights solution
needs to be logical, and for the most effective solutions, they
are often the result of many hours of user acceptance testing,
feedback and improvements. It is often said that what makes
Apple products so successful in the market is that they are
so intuitive, as evidenced by the number of 4- and 5-year-old
children able to operate products such as iPads and iPhones.
Just as these products are intuitive to the user, effective tax
technology solutions must be visually appealing, attractive
and enticing to the user, and above all else, produce insights
the user can readily see and interpret.
But it is equally important to remember that data visualization
must go hand in hand with proper data extraction and data
cubing. For example, we recall seeing for the first time the
demonstration of a new tax technology solution developed by a
third party software provider — it looked visually very appealing.
However, what differentiated those clients without much
technology experience from those with it, is that the former
group focused on the ‘wow’ factor, whereas the latter group
focused their questions on the following:
what data sources did you use in this solution?
what types of ERP systems can the data be extracted from?
how is the data cubed?
what types of analytics tests can be conducted?
It was only after these questions had been asked that it became
clear that the software provider had built what was akin to a
brand new car, but without building the engine. In short, what
they were showing was a fancy presentation but without the
underlying extraction and cubing having been built.
So in short, tax insights solutions will only grow in importance
to an organizations tax function as data expands at an
incredible pace, as the demands of tax authorities increasingly
shift to real-time reporting and as the multitude of different
reporting obligations continues to expand. But, as a buyer or
user of these tax insights solutions, the focus needs to be on
not just the ease of visualizing insights associated with these
solutions, but also their data extraction and cubing capacities.
If you take a look at a typical end-to-end tax process, tax
insights solutions will provide insight into the quality and
efficiency of the various steps in the process before the
compliance process starts. Typical examples of areas where
insights solutions can be of benefit include:
highlighting the accuracy of indirect tax calculations
calculating actual gross and net margins on
intercompany transactions
providing an overview of actual supply chains based on
real transactions
— determining business scenarios that are not reported
for tax purposes (but should have been reported)
managing tax residency risks through the tracking of
employee time in various countries
— identifying anomalies in HS codes used for goods
importations for customs purposes
— finding indirect tax savings opportunities due to the use
of wrong tax codes.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
An example of a typical insights solution is KPMG’s
Tax Intelligence Solution (TIS).
TIS is KPMG’s global data and analytics solution for
tax purposes.
At present, KPMG has developed specific modules of
TIS for VAT, Customs, Transfer Pricing and (soon) for
Direct Tax.
Key features of KPMG’s Tax Intelligence Solution (TIS)
Tax Intelligence
and Trade
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
General features
Built with data security in mind, as the data never
leaves the organizations premises.
Availability of industry-leading data extraction tools,
which minimizes the burden on an organizations IT
departments when collecting the data.
TIS has been developed using a ‘common data
model’, meaning that it works for most ERP
User friendly data visualization and reporting
tools to allow easy manipulation and refinement
of outputs.
TIS VAT features
50+ available VAT exception reports.
Visibility over VAT throughput, including whether
VAT is overpaid and/or where VAT credits have been
Oversight to reconcile invoices recorded in your
ERP system and those sent or validated by the local
tax authorities.
Oversight over input VAT transferred out as a result
of exempt sales or non-creditable purchases.
Insights into whether organizations comply with
provisions for accounting for VAT on free gifts and
other benefits.
TIS Transfer Pricing features
Provides valuable insights into the global supply
chain, by analyzing sales and intercompany
BEPS13 module enabling data collection for Master
File/Local File drafting, as well as for Country-by-
Country reporting.
Operational Margin Analysis: Calculation of gross
margin and net margin by legal entity, product group
and SKU level.
Standard exception reports to test for anomalies in
net and gross margin calculations.
TIS Customs features
Identification of irregularities and inconsistencies in
the data reported to customs authorities.
Insight in supply chain savings opportunities as well
as opportunities for process improvements.
Ability to highlight different areas (valuation,
classification or country of origin) that may have
led to overpayments of customs duty and value-
added taxes.
The ability to analyze trade and customs data on
free trade agreements available based on specific
trade lanes and identify untapped trade agreement
Data visualization and reporting to allow easy
manipulation and refinement of relevant trade data
topics (e.g. tariff classification, country of origin,
entry type, incoterm, etc.).
Effective tax technology solutions must be visually
appealing, attractive and enticing to the user, and
above all else, produce insights the user can readily
see and interpret.
Category three — Process management solutions
The third category of solutions is usually referred to as
‘workflow’ solutions since the main purpose of these
solutions is to create better controls, governance or
efficiencies over the completion of work tasks, usually by
enforcing’ a process.
During a process a lot of information may be captured and
processed by a number of different people. Furthermore, there
may be a lot of dependencies between various steps in an end-
to-end process. By way of example, the completion of a single
tax return may require data to be input by three or four different
people within an organization; the tax return may be prepared
by one person, reviewed by a second person and ultimately
approved by a third person.
In order to facilitate this process, technology solutions may
be used. These solutions have modelling capabilities in order
to bring in the relevant company-specific process steps,
documentation requirements and activity dependencies.
In modern tax functions, process management solutions are
being used for:
handling of research and development (R&D) claims
(see case study on page 29)
preparation of VAT and CIT returns (as a component of
any tax compliance solution)
Transfer Pricing documentation preparation
tax invoice handling
Global Mobility process tracking.
In general for all these kinds of processes, process
management solutions help to improve the efficiency and
transparency of the entire process. They make sure that
information is available on a timely basis and to the right
people. The time taken to complete the process may also be
reduced because the waiting time due to missing information
may be minimized and miscommunication in terms of roles
and responsibilities is also clarified.
Workflow management solutions also serve to better control
risks associated with various tax processes. For example, the
policy of an organization may be that issuing a special VAT
invoice higher than a certain amount requires approval from
a certain tax manager before issuing it to the customer — a
workflow management solution can be used to force these
kinds of approval steps.
Similarly, company processes that were historically
documented and defined using manuals gathering dust on the
shelves can now be embedded into workflow management
solutions, to ensure clear lines of accountability. An excellent
example of this is for companies deploying the RACI
framework — this is the framework through which key tax
risks or decisions should be assigned based on who is to be
‘responsible’, ‘accountable’, ‘consulted’ or ‘informed’. Now
these frameworks can be built into workflow management
solutions. User access, approvals or tasks may be assigned
to a variety of different users with different profiles (roles and
In practice, we very often see process management solutions
combined with compliance or insights solutions, rather than
being implemented as stand-alone solutions. In other words,
they may be a feature of either Category one or Category
two solutions.
Process management solutions make
sure that information is available on a
timely basis and to the right people.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Category four — Accessories, components and infrastructure
The last category of tax technology solutions, previously
referred to in this article as akin to the foundation of a house,
are key enablers for all tax technologies. The solutions in
categories one to three simply cannot run without having a
proper infrastructure in place to host the technology or to be
the visualization towards the end-user via a user interface.
A key characteristic of any accessories, components or
infrastructure is that they are not tax-specific in the same way
as the core tax intelligence (compliance, insights or process
solutions) referred to in categories one to three. Other non-tax
technologies used in the business may be able to leverage the
same underlying infrastructure, accessories or components.
To use an Apple iPhone analogy, the platform is the iOS that
enables all apps (our categories one to three) to run smoothly
and leverage the usage of shared components (storage,
visualization libraries, etc.)
So in fact this category isn’t a solution in itself but rather a part
of all the other three categories of tax technology solutions,
however equally important.
Usually this category contains existing software applications
developed by third party providers, programming language
work benches or cloud environments. Let’s discuss some
specific examples of what types of software are contained in
this category.
Take the example of a powerful tax insights solution, which
needs a good visualization front-end in order to make it
easy for the end-user to see vast quantities of data, or to
identify patterns from that data. Industry-leading Business
Intelligence (BI) software providers like Qlik, Tableau or
Microsoft have developed applications (QlikView, QlikSense,
Tableau or Power BI) that can be used in any tax technology
solution. The benefits and importance have already been
outlined in the tax insights solution category.
Similarly any tax technology solution that uses data also
needs to deal with the process of receiving data and making
sure it is loaded into the right format for the solution. The
process of moving from obtaining data, transforming it into
a structured format and then loading it into a database is
usually referred to as Extraction, Transform and Load (ETL).
The ETL process is a very technical process, but critical in
the sense that if it isn’t done properly, the data engine that
contains cubing procedures simply does not work. Once the
ETL process has been set up, usually starting with a one-off
definition of the various process steps, it can then be set up
as a repetitive process. This is also an interesting area for the
application of Robotics Process Automation (RPA), which is
discussed later in Part C of this publication. There are various
third party software solutions available to support the ETL
process. The most well-known software applications are
Informatica PowerCenter, SAS Data Integration Studio and
Oracle Data Integrator.
A third example is related to infrastructure: hosting and
storage. Any tax technology solution provided on a cloud/
online basis needs to use hosting and storage services.
Hosting is effectively an online environment where programs
can run. Storage refers to the amount of space that is available
in that online environment to store data. Users of technology
solutions usually only notice hosting and storage servers
when they are not working; for example, when the server is
down and they cannot access their programs and data. Or
when there is not enough storage to capture data — i.e. the
disk is full.
Therefore, an important quality criteria for third party
providers of hosting and storage services is to provide an
environment that is accessible anytime, anywhere and with
virtually no down-time. Furthermore they should provide
sufficient flexibility to scale up or scale down in terms of data
storage, processing power, etc., in case there are unexpected
increases in data volumes that need to be processed. This
is indeed one of the key benefits of using cloud services,
because most customers pay cloud providers based on an
actual cloud ‘usage’ basis, rather than on a fixed license basis.
Some major cloud-service providers on a global scale are
Microsoft (Azure), Amazon (Web Services) and Alibaba (Cloud).
Although these examples don’t seem to have a lot in common
at first sight, the real benefits to support tax technology
solutions will arise when you start combining and packaging
them into a platform concept. The term ‘platform’ is, in our
view, an often over-used or mis-used term because people
associate the success of many e-commerce giants with
having an effective ‘platform’ and therefore others have
often tried to mimic this by describing particular solutions as
comprising a platform.
A ‘platform’ is simply the package of solutions, applications or
components that all come together effectively for the benefit
of its users. The platform may have standard components
that may be relevant for each ‘application, such as data
visualization, ETL, storage, workflow, etc.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
An important quality criteria for third party providers
of hosting and storage services is to provide an
environment that is accessible anytime, anywhere
and with virtually no down-time.
The combination of these is what creates a common
platform on which various solutions (or apps) can then run.
With a common platform a lot of benefits can be realized:
uniformity of user experience: all applications have the
same look and feel
rapid development and/or deployment of new
applications: components may only need to be set up
once and can be leveraged across new applications
centralization of data storage: data can be used for
multiple purposes across different applications
centralization of user management: users can access
applications via a single login and access is granted based
on a ‘need to know, need to have’ basis.
So what we have learned is that the accessories, components
or infrastructure may not be specific to the tax function,
but rather they typically leverage these within the broader
organization. Their significance is akin to the foundations of a
house — they are integral to the success of deploying any tax
technology solution.
In the below figure we have outlined a typical client end-to-
end tax process and mapped each of our four described types
of tax technology solutions in order to illustrate where in the
process the typical benefits are created.
Transactional tax
The end-to-end tax process
Process management solutions
Infrastructure (storage/hosting, etc.)
Platform (shared components/accessories)
Insight solutions
ETL Workflow Visualization
Compliance solutions
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The McKinsey Global Institute, for instance,
estimates that only 5 percent of occupations
will be able to be fully automised by 2065.
But it reckons that about half of the activities
within occupations will be automatable. So,
95 percent of occupations will remain but the
work within will change. Over the next half-
century. You can see why this study didn’t get
as much publicity as the apocalyptic ones —
jobs will change over the next 50 years, nothing
too shocking, not many hurt.
But the most important counter to the panic
is the evidence of the past three centuries.
As each wave of technological change has hit,
from the agricultural revolution to the industrial
to the digital, many job categories have indeed
been wiped out. But many more have been
created. So that there has been a net gain
every time. The simple fact is that we can
always see jobs disappearing but we can never
imagine the jobs that will arise in their place.
The same journalist portrayed the future as follows:
Section three
Who should help you
do it?
‘How to ensure Australia thrives when the robots come,’ Peter Hartcher, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 September 2017,
‘How to ensure Australia thrives when the robots come,’ Peter Hartcher, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 September 2017,
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The short answer, if you spend too much time reading sensationalist media reports, is that you don’t need people,
instead you just need robots. You can happily make your staff redundant and replace them with robots — machines
that don’t take coffee breaks, don’t need to get paid overtime, and don’t take sick leave or require annual leave — the
perfect employee!
Thankfully the above paragraph is nothing more than a work
of fiction.
An Australian journalist recently pulled apart some of the
sensationalist reporting that had suggested that 40 percent of
jobs would be automated within the next 10 to 15 years. The
journalist referred to more reasoned studies by organizations
such as the McKinsey Global Institute, which suggest
something much more balanced:
The significance of these quotes is twofold. First, the vast
majority of jobs will not disappear, and will not be replaced
by robots, at least over the next 50 years. Rather, the nature
of the tasks and responsibilities in most jobs will change.
Second, while some jobs may disappear (and obviously there
is not a consistent view from the experts on the percentage
affected), new jobs will emerge in their place. In other words,
it’s an evolution, not a revolution!
So the true answer to the question — what people will I
need to help me do that? By and large, you will still need your
current people. However, the nature of their roles will need to
change, and you need to start them on that transformational
journey now, albeit by taking incremental steps.
Let’s consider how best to do that. Set out below we provide a framework of the skillsets you will
need within a technology powered tax function:
Enablers of technology
These will typically be people with IT capabilities,
able to evaluate and deploy technology, train users
and carry out day-to-day troubleshooting.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Users of tax
These will typically be the
people in your tax team,
whether they are in advisory,
compliance or planning.
Data and
analytics experts
These will be people who can
identify tax technology needs
in your organization, or process
improvements and efficiencies.
Critical to the success of a tax technology enabled
tax function is that you will need IT people to
develop some tax skills and tax people to develop
some IT skills.
The very simple proposition is to recognize that if your tax
function uses technology to carry out much of its work,
then you will need people within your organization with tax
skills and IT skills. However, critical to the success of your
technology enabled tax function is that these skillsets need
to meet in the middle — in other words, you will need your
IT people to develop some tax skills, and your tax people to
develop some IT skills. Let’s explore this a little further.
Starting with your IT people: they may currently sit within
your IT function, and your role is to provide them with only
a high-level of information about your tax systems and
processes. They need just enough knowledge to be able to
help you to ‘fix’ the problems you encounter. Spend some
time with them so that they know what you do, and how you
do it. They don’t need to understand tax technical issues —
rather, they need you to walk through things like the
compliance process — show them how you progress from
the data in your systems to the completion of tax filings. Also
show them the problems you are currently experiencing —
say, for example, you don’t receive the data in the format you
need it, or you don’t have visibility over certain data.
Importantly, for those with IT-related skills, as mentioned
you can typically access these people within your existing
IT function. However, it may be important that you get a
specific allocation of those people. Put simply, you do not
want a situation where you are calling a virtual help line every
time there is a problem and encountering someone different
without any background knowledge in the technology solution.
Otherwise, they won’t be able to meet you in the middle.
You want them to develop an affinity for your business; you
want them to develop experience so that they get to see the
same issues over and over and learn from them; you want
them to have formed working relationships with you, so that
they are accountable to, and feel invested in, the outcomes
from your tax function. And if you don’t have these people
available to you within your organization already, then you
will either need to hire them, or you need to ensure that
full and consistent access is provided to you as part of any
outsourcing arrangement. In other words, if your organization
will not allow you to invest in IT expertise in-house, consider
whether you can access that expertise under an arrangement
with your technology provider.
For the tax people in your organization, you need them to
develop some IT-related expertise. This does not mean they
need to learn how to program, nor do they need to become
IT experts. Rather, you want your tax team to possess skills
in areas such as data and analytics — that is, the ability to
identify anomalies or discrepancies in data, or to see patterns
in data. They may need to be able to see how solutions can be
built through computer programming, though they need not
have the skills to do the programming themselves. They need
to understand the processes within your organization —
for example, how to get from data entry through to the
completion of a tax return. These people will often have
a background in areas such as mathematics, science or
computer science. Even consider people who write Excel
spreadsheets at the moment and are adept at thinking of tax
problems in terms of formulas, or tax compliance in terms of a
series of processes.
To use a football or soccer analogy, the whole aim of this
exercise is to develop people who can ‘kick with both feet’,
meaning they can speak intelligently or proficiently to both tax
and IT matters, while not necessarily being an expert in both.
Think of these people as akin to translators — they need to be
able to speak the language of tax and of IT well enough that
they can build a bridge in communication between your tax and
IT teams.
The most important aspect to recognize is that this is a skill
that can be learned, rather than necessarily acquired. A tax
person who is adept with numbers and at problem solving
can develop the IT capability by working hand-in-hand with
their IT counterparts, and in generally taking an active interest
in technology developments, and what the market needs.
Likewise, an IT person who invests sufficient time understanding
your tax function, being co-located with your team, and learning
the processes and systems you use will quickly develop the
capability to serve as the ‘bridge’ for your organization.
Critically, the tax technology solutions your organization is either
acquiring or developing serve to ‘enable’ the tax function —
they do not serve to ‘replace’ decision-making within the tax
function. This means, for example, that workflow solutions
should serve to facilitate processes within your organization,
but in each step of the process, it may not necessarily act as
a substitute for your tax knowledge or ability. Oftentimes we
see tax people becoming bogged down in trying to design
processes to deal with the 1 percent of situations, whereas a
process that automates the other 99 percent of situations with
the ability to override for the 1 percent, would suffice.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Let’s take a simple case study to illustrate how this comes to life.
An IT person who
invests sufficient
time understanding
your tax function,
being co-located
with your team,
and learning the
processes and
systems you use
will quickly develop
the capability
to serve as the
‘bridge’ for your
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Case study
An R&D claims process
Assume your organization currently makes claims for various tax concessions
applicable to research and development expenditure in one of your operating
countries. Those R&D claims are currently prepared and lodged by a member
of your tax team. That tax team member complains, on a regular basis, that the
challenge they have in preparing the R&D claims is in accessing the data that
helps to quantify the eligible R&D expenditure. That is because the expenditure
is not coded into your ERP system each month as ‘R&D expenditure’. Instead,
it may be buried among employee labor costs, in specific equipment or parts
purchases, or in hiring third parties to provide expert support. Let’s assume
that your staff member who prepares the R&D claims also complains that
he or she has difficulty assessing whether the R&D your company carries
out sufficiently contributes new knowledge, or whether it makes substantial
improvements in technologies, in products or processes.
The ‘old’ way of doing this would be for your tax team member to regularly
engage in discussions with those staff who are principally responsible for
the development of the R&D and, through a process of discussions and
consultations, to then work backwards and search expenditure records
to try to reconstruct what was actually done. The outcome was usually an
underclaiming of R&D expenditures because the eligible expenditure records
were not readily identifiable.
A tax person with some IT capability may see this as an opportunity for
improvement — an example of where a technology solution could be used to
solve the time intensive and frequently inaccurate problems of the past. So
the tax team member sits down with your IT team and the engineers in your
organization (because they usually carry out the R&D) and they each start by
asking the engineers to outline the processes they follow.
From this process, the tax and IT team will start to get a clear picture of
the end-to-end process from the decision-making surrounding potential
exploration of R&D, right through to its realization (whether successful or
not). The whole secret in bringing everyone together is to see the process
as leaving a series of ‘data points’ or digital footprints. For example, if the
engineers are required to follow some sort of process in which investment
in R&D is considered, approved, developed, tested and then brought to an
outcome, each step of that process will ordinarily leave some form (or more
likely multiple forms) of digital footprint. You now have the components
necessary to apply a technology solution.
The tax and IT team can then explore the tax technology solutions that may be
available in the market to assist companies in managing their R&D claims. And
in doing so, they will be looking to deploy a technology solution that leverages
those ‘digital footprints.
Section four
How should you do it?
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
In the previous sections of this publication we have considered why you should develop your tax technology capabilities,
what you should do to develop a technology centered tax function and who should help you do it. The last question is:
how should you do it?
In our experience, even where the tax managers in an
organization may want to implement a technology centered
tax function, they still need to overcome one of the biggest
inhibitors to any change, and that is the need to have a valid
business case to support any investment decision.
In this section of our publication, we examine some of the key
aspects to building a successful business case for change.
And the process for building any business case for change is
really no different from any normal budgetary process. The
numbers need to add up.
Consider the following two examples:
The tax leader at Organization A learns about a new tax
technology solution being provided by a third party software
provider. He examines the costs and submits a request to buy
the technology solution at a total cost of US$1 million. The tax
leader says it will make his job more efficient and will help him
in preparing tax compliance returns. The tax leader puts this
proposition to the CFO but is rejected.
Now consider the position of a tax leader at Organization B,
who learns about the same tax technology solution. He
examines the costs in some detail, understands the different
‘purchase’ options available — from an outright purchase, to
a periodic license, to full outsourcing of the tax compliance
process. He concludes from his assessment that a 3-year
license period most likely represents the effective life of the
solution. He assesses the extent of man hours that the solution
will save and the consequential flow on impact to costs. He
then approaches the CFO with a proposition around deploying
the tax technology solution in exchange for a reduction in
headcount in the compliance function (to be achieved through
natural attrition). The outcome of the proposition is a net cost
saving, and this is even before factoring in the benefits of
greater accuracy. To help to manage any unexpected problems
or risks in deploying the solution, the tax leader also negotiates
an obligation-free trial period for deploying the tax technology
solution. Not surprisingly, the CFO accepts the proposition.
Please see an example business case to deploy a tax data
insights solution in the breakout box.
Case study
Example business case to
deploy a data insights solution
An organization wants to implement a data insights solution to identify
opportunities and risks sitting in the indirect tax (VAT) process in four countries.
The strategy is to build in-house capabilities to work with a data insights
solution from an end-user perspective. From a development perspective they
are looking to existing solutions and preferably deploy them on an on-premises
basis in order to manage IT data security risks.
The tax manager has decided to run a ‘proof-of-concept’ (PoC) with a tax
D&A solution, delivered by an external tax technology service provider, with a
relatively small fee (US$15,900).
By analyzing a 6-month period of transactions for only one country, they found
an amount worth US$28,700 of unclaimed VAT. Furthermore, the PoC showed
invoices that were not reported in the VAT return because the ERP system did
not flag them as relevant for VAT. This has potentially led to an underpayment
of VAT, which might result in the imposition of penalties and fines from the tax
authorities if the organization is subject to audit or review by the tax authorities.
Based on the PoC results, the tax manager has presented the high-level business
case to the CFO to deploy the tax D&A solution based on an on-premises
implementation for a 3-year usage period. The high-level business case highlights:
the potential VAT savings over a 3-year period across four countries,
assuming a comparable level of unclaimed VAT is detected
the potential savings to the business in terms of mitigation of audit costs,
fines and/or penalties
the costs of implementing the technology solution for the 3-year period,
covering one-off costs, maintenance costs and some minor new IT
components needed to implement the tax D&A solution.
The business case looked like this:
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Benefits 3 Years (US$)
Direct (one-off) VAT/GST cash savings (unclaimed VAT/GST) Four countries for 3 years at US$28,700 per half year per country 688,800
Risk mitigation of potential fines/penalties For four countries, high-level assessment of likely interest/penalties 79,600
Reduction of manual work to perform monthly VAT 0.5 FTE per year per country 165,600
return checking
Total benefits (3 years) 934,000
One-off implementation costs (incl. PoC) Consultancy fees to deploy the solution (incl. training) 119,400
One-off investment in IT components Fees for IT services (e.g. hardware) 23,900
Tax D&A solution usage fee, incl. maintenance (recurring) License fees over 3 years 71,700
Total costs (3 years) 215,000
Total net benefit (3 years) 719,000
Source: KPMG International
What these examples highlight is that the same tax
technology solution, when proposed in two different ways
but for the same purpose, may give rise to two very different
outcomes. The outcome of any proposal is very much a
function of how it is positioned within the business, and
the ability to present a business case in a persuasive way
to stakeholders.
While this example may be overly simplistic, in the real world
there may be other more complex factors that can be used
to support any business case for change. Fundamentally
though, the task is always the same — it is around aligning the
benefits from deploying the tax technology solution with your
organizations overall strategy and objectives, and this may
mean pitching any solution as fulfilling objectives such as:
providing stronger governance and controls, which
is especially important in organizations that may have
recently been subject to adverse audit outcomes, or self-
reporting of unexpected liabilities
providing cost savings or efficiency gains to the
organization, through reductions in headcount,
overcoming manual processes or freeing up resources to
focus on high value added activities
meeting new compliance challenges, which may
be as diverse as country-by-country reporting, new
R&D incentives or even an organizations internal audit
requirements to enhance controls
moves to adopt greater real-time reporting, which may
necessitate investments in insights-based solutions to
monitor data reporting
measurement of tax function performance (or even
individual performance) through Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) aligned with the successful deployment
of value creating tax technology solutions.
In addition to aligning tax technology investment decisions
with overall business strategies and objectives, consider a
few tips that may help to get investment decisions ‘over the
line’, such as:
Do you really need to buy it? For many organizations,
large capital investments may be subject to greater
oversight and control, as compared with periodic
expenditure. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based solutions
may help to bridge that gap.
Do you really know the cost or value to the
organization? In the above example, the savvy tax
manager was able to successfully deploy the tax
technology solution initially on a trial basis, which can
help to validate and quantify the potential benefits to
the organization before committing to a longer-term
investment decision.
Whose budget should the investment come from?
While the cost of tax compliance solutions would logically
fall within the tax budget, solutions providing insights
to particular aspects of your business operations, such
as an R&D technology solution, may reasonably have
their costs met by other parts of the business. Likewise,
infrastructure, accessories or components may serve
many parts of the organization and therefore their costs
allocated accordingly.
Can you get some quick ‘wins’? Tax technology
solutions such as certain data and analytics solutions
can initially be deployed to find tax savings, which in turn
justify the costs of deploying the technology solution.
The flipside is to recognize potential ‘traps’ or hazards along
the way. For example, consider how to manage key risks in
deploying tax technology solutions, such as:
the risk of premature redundancy — that is, the risk
that the technology solution or even the tax problem the
technology is seeking to solve may become redundant
earlier than anticipated. Access to regular updates as part
of a solution package should be seriously considered
the need for maintenance and repairs — all technology
solutions require regular repairs and maintenance and this
should be packaged into any budget request
the risk of cost overruns or delays in deployment
the tendency for many IT-related projects to be subject to
cost overruns or delays is very real, and the same is true
with tax technology deployment. Project managing this is
critical, and so too is the need for input and ‘ownership’ by
your IT specialists.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
While all of these aligning features, tips and traps should form
part of your business case for investment in tax technology,
it is worthwhile to quickly summarize the key components of
any business case. They are:
1. What is the specific request you are making, and the
context in which you are making it?
2. What are the objectives in deploying this tax technology
solution, and how do they align with both your broader tax
function goals and your organizations overall objectives?
3. What value or benefits will this deliver for the
organization? Consider short-term versus long-term, and
financial versus non-financial benefits.
4. How will the tax technology be deployed, what is
the timeline including key milestones, what is the
allocation of responsibilities, what are the key risks, the
dependencies, etc.?
5. What are the other available alternatives to deploying
this technology solution, and how do they stack up on a
comparative basis?
6. What other similar organizations are deploying this
technology and what has been their experience?
7. How will success be measured, and are there ways to
mitigate investment risks?
Finally, and perhaps most fundamentally, any investment
in tax technology solutions needs to be aligned with the
objectives of the business, and it must serve the business.
For example, consider how the deployment of any tax
technology solution aligns with your organizations broader
risk tolerance, or how it aligns with your organizations
governance procedures.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Part C —
A glance
into the
Bots are another way of using
process and technology to solve
a problem.
They are best implemented
when there is (or can be) high
standardization and high volume.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
In this publication we described a framework that helps to determine, deploy and deliver on a tax technology strategy.
The ‘why’ question is fundamental and effectively provides the basis for the other three key questions (what, who and
how), independently of the type of technology being used. As such when we talk about new and emerging technologies,
these do not really affect the reason ‘why’ we deploy them — the ‘why’ is still to achieve benefits in areas such as
efficiency, optimization, accuracy, insights, etc. However, new and emerging technologies typically impact ‘why’ is being
deployed, as well as ‘who’ you will need to deploy them, and ‘how’ to deploy them.
To better understand some of these new and emerging technologies, and how these can help the tax function in
the future, we have grouped a vast array of new and emerging technologies into two main categories — intelligent
automation technologies and distributed ledger technology (commonly referred to as ‘blockchain’). While these two
categories may not perfectly encapsulate the full spectrum of new and emerging technologies, it does provide a
framework through which to understand an increasingly complex and fast changing environment.
Intelligent automation
Readers may have heard of new and emerging technologie
with buzzwords like robotic process automation (RPA),
machine learning (ML), enhanced process automation,
natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence
(AI) and cognitive automation. It is not difficult to feel
intimidated by this vast array of terminology, which
sometimes feels like it belongs to a dystopian universe.
In a recently published article in Tax Executive,
professionals in the US helpfully clustered these
solutions under the banner ‘intelligent automation, and
then equally as helpfully plotted the timeline for their
usefulness to tax and finance functions. The summary
below is extracted from that article, though with minor
modifications to remove US-specific references:
Stage one
Basic process automation
Cognitive automation
Enhanced process automation
Stage two
Stage three
‘Bots, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning’, Rainey, S, Brown B and Kirk, D, Tax Executive, 21 September 2017,
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Stage one — Basic process automation
Robotic process automation, bots, process automation, basic
process automation, basic robotic process automation — these
terms describe essentially the same thing. Confusion often
arises from the term ‘robotic’ in robotic process automation;
why call such a solution ‘robotic’ if the automation doesn’t use
physical robots?
The short answer is that ‘robotic’ describes the underlying
process, not the automation. In other words, we are
automating a process that is naturally robotic, even if humans
perform it with manual labor. Such work is done the same way
over and over, like copying content from field A and pasting
it into field B. When we apply automation technologies to
this process — that is, we automate it — we consider that
solution a software robot.
Basic process automation (or, for simplicity’s sake, a ‘bot’)
leverages a class of technology to automate rudimentary
processes found in almost all organizations today. Many
tax departments have begun exploring the use of bots to
automate repetitive tasks.
You may be familiar with creating a macro within Microsoft
Excel. That macro typically automates sequential mouse clicks
within Excel. By analogy, in its simplest form, a bot is also a
macro. However, the bot is a macro that can sit atop multiple
software programs rather than be confined within Excel. In
this way, bots appear to integrate various software programs.
In the past, a computer programmer could always write
software code to integrate disparate software programs.
However, the newer class of bot software has a user
interface where a tax professional can more easily program
a bot. As a result, professional software programmers may
be unnecessary.
The processes most suitable for basic process automation
are typically repetitive, involve multiple systems and follow
very explicit steps, such as when a human captures (cuts)
information from one system (e.g. the trial balance from a
legacy mainframe system), possibly reformats that data, and
then enters (pastes) it into another system (e.g. an Excel
These tools leverage capabilities such as workflows and rules
engines to automate existing manual processes.
The real power of cognitive computing
is its ability to ingest massive amounts
of data about which to formulate
A particular bot program may reside on the desktop and run
at the user level (acting as human users, with system logon
credentials like users have), or it may be deployed on a server
and accessed by multiple users.
As an example, suppose your new tax software requires that
you set up a folder for every unique branch. The setup involves
selecting (or clicking) the same six options for each folder.
You click once to create the folder, click again to select which
branch you want, then again to indicate that you want all the
subfolder options, and so on.
Without being augmented with a bot, a tax professional would
be required to click 60,000 times just to set up the folders
needed to ensure compliance. But with a bot, because the
process is standard and repeatable, it can be automated using
the bot software, thereby reducing 60,000 clicks to a single
click. Once programmed, with a press of a button, the bot will
go through all 60,000 steps in a fraction of the time and far
more precisely than any human could.
In general, these basic automation tools can be thought of as
quick-hit technologies that allow for an incremental approach
to automation. Bots are another way of using process and
technology to solve a problem. They are best implemented
when there is (or can be) high standardization and high
volume. Like all tools, they have strengths and weaknesses.
Bots should be viewed as a supplement to other technology
tools; they may be great tools in specific situations, but may
not be the best in others.
Tax functions are often seen as being
more compliance-driven with less
focus on adding value to the core
revenue driving processes.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Stage two — Enhanced process automation
Enhanced process automation leverages capabilities
beyond those discussed above. The tools/platforms involved
with enhanced process automation typically can:
understand natural language (through natural language
processing, or NLP) and therefore interpret unstructured
data (i.e. data that is not organized in a predefined
structure, such as free-form text)
use machine learning (ML) to develop a knowledge base
by consuming significant amounts of data to learn and
develop a set of algorithms. This set of algorithms is then
used to make predictions about data.
With these abilities, tools in this category can deal with
processes that may involve many complex transactions and
require a deeper level of analytics involving both structured
data (e.g. a database) and unstructured data (e.g. free-form
text). At the same time, these tools can leverage years of
experience gained across multiple sets of data, information
and knowledge.
A combination of natural language processing and machine
learning makes it possible to automate the capture, array and
analysis of unstructured data and transform it into structured
data that may be used in a tax application. Hence, the tax filing
process may be expedited, and quality and consistency can
be enhanced by reducing the likelihood of manual errors.
In general, enhanced process automation tools are more
complex and take longer to develop and implement than
basic process automation. These tools typically also take
longer to integrate into the environment, do not reside on the
desktop and may require connections to the cloud to gain the
maximum benefits.
Stage three — Cognitive automation
Cognitive automation is probably the most confusing and
most hyped technology but also holds the greatest potential
to revolutionize how you work. Not surprisingly, it also
requires the largest investment in time and dollars.
What is cognitive automation? Cognitive software mimics
human activities such as perceiving, inferring, gathering
evidence, hypothesizing and reasoning. And, like humans,
cognitive software is taught rather than traditionally
In other words, while we program explicit steps into a
traditional computer to solve a problem, in a cognitive solution,
we teach the tool the area of interest, or ‘domain. Once the
base domain knowledge is established within the software,
the cognitive solution typically continues to learn and solve
problems within that domain, generally all on its own.
A domain may include all or a portion of a tax regulation or rule.
The real power of cognitive computing is its ability to ingest
massive amounts of data about which to formulate hypotheses.
The human brain cannot handle this volume of data and does
not have the time to absorb it, let alone process it.
When cognitive solutions are combined with automation, these
systems can be trained to execute judgment-intensive tasks.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
What this means
When plotted on a graph, the evolution of these technologies
may appear something like this:
Complexity vs. time
Time (in years)
Source: KPMG International
function today
Cognitive robotics Process robotics
function 2020
Source: KPMG International
A concrete example for a tax function is to use RPA software
for periodic (often time-consuming) VAT/GST reconciliation
processes. These processes are repetitive and contain relatively
simple tasks: run ERP reports, load into Excel, compare and
match certain data points and produce a list of non-reconciling
items. By using RPA, the time to run such a process can be
reduced from 3 to 4 hours to a matter of a few seconds.
The diagram on the right illustrates how we foresee that tax
functions will change over the next 5 years and the role which
basic automation (RPA) and cognitive automation will play.
At this moment, most time in organizations is spent on
transactional (task-driven) and functional (reasoning)
processes. These functions are usually more internally
oriented, since they aim to support internal business
operations. Less time is spent on activities that truly add value
associated with being a business partner in the organization.
This is why tax functions are often seen as being more
compliance-driven with less focus on adding value to the core
revenue driving processes. Importantly though, the use of
RPA and cognitive solutions will enable those transactional
and functional processes to be largely automated, thereby
allowing more time to be spent on value adding activities,
more closely associated with being a business partner in the
Right now, as much as 80 percent of the world’s data is
What’s more, 90 percent of this unstructured
data has been created since 2011.
The ability to leverage
this data, meaningfully consume it and build the associated
knowledge ontology in an automated fashion changes the
promise of this technology.
While the tremendous upside of cognitive automation tools
is tantalizing, they generally require a much more significant
investment in time and resources, including personnel,
training and dollars. The contextual learning stage alone can
represent an investment measured in years, not months.
These are not back-office tools for which you can write a script
and fire off an automation program.
The role of cognitive automation in the tax profession, and in
the business world in general, is still evolving. But we are still
in the early days of the evolution of these technologies, and
much has to be learned, developed and tested — and these
are not inexpensive endeavors.
‘Structure, Models and Meaning: Is‘Unstructured Data Merely Unmodeled?’ Seth Grimes, Information Week, 7 February 2005
‘Big Data, for Better or Worse: 90% of World’s Data Generated Over Last Two Years’, SINTEF, Science Daily, 22 May 2013,
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Distributed ledger
technologies (i.e. blockchain)
One of the most hyped technologies over the past year
or so is distributed ledger technology, often referred to as
blockchain. The most widely known example of blockchain
technology is Bitcoin. However, while many people may
have heard of Bitcoin and some may have a rudimentary
understanding of blockchain, its use in the tax function is less
well known.
In its simplest form, blockchain technology or distributed
ledger technology (DLT) refers to a distributed database —
that is, data not being stored in a central place but rather,
decentralized across multiple platforms. At the core of the
blockchain are ‘digital ledgers’ that are distributed among all
network participants to serve as a common source of truth —
all parties store and access their copy of the database, but
with no single control hub holding a master key. In this respect,
one of the key advantages of blockchain is that databases
can be shared across many users without having a central
administrator who proves and validates all transactions.
Instead, blockchain transactions contain their own validity proof
so that the role of an intermediate authority in that transaction
(for example, a bank) may become obsolete.
The technology ensures that access to records in the
database is granted to the users that own the specific part
or a ‘block’. Blockchain therefore also feeds demand for
transparency, as the ledger may be public and searchable. It is
also almost impossible to change the information in the blocks
because all blocks refer to other blocks (the chain) and are
cryptographically protected.
The best analogy to describe how blockchain works is to relate
it to how real estate transactions may occur. Assume you are
buying a parcel of land. However, in order to buy that parcel of
land, you will want to prove that the seller owns the land so
that they can convey good title to you. Likewise, when that
seller wanted to prove title to the land they purchased, they
also sought proof of ownership of the land from the seller they
bought from. This process of proving each owner of the land
may repeat itself until such time as we establish good title to
the land right back to the original grant of the land use rights by
the local government. This is effectively what blockchain is. It
is a series of blocks that establish or record ownership or title
to an asset between parties. In reality though, this proof of
ownership is managed for us through the system of property
registration managed by the government. The variation in the
analogy in this case though is that blockchain allows private
parties to do this directly between them, without the need for a
governmental authority acting as an arbiter.
While this analogy may be helpful to explain the concept of
‘blockchain, let’s use a different analogy to explain how it also
serves as a common source of truth.
If we remember back
to our school days in the playground playing lunchtime soccer
with our classmates, typically there was no referee, or in
transactional terminology, there was no intermediary. Similarly,
there was no scoreboard. Instead, the ‘source of truth’ in terms
of the score would always be the collective decision of the
players on the field. This means that if a goal was scored and
accepted as being legitimate, both teams would acknowledge
the score was 1–0. In this sense, the source of truth lies in all
participants, and no single participant would be the arbiter. This
is again how blockchain works. Where the transaction follows
the rules laid down by the participants, the outcome of the
transaction in terms of how it is recorded in the blockchain itself
would be the source of truth.
Now there is one further concept that needs to be understood
before we examine the application of blockchain in a tax
context. And that is the concept of ‘smart contracts’. This is
a term we do not particularly like, because it firstly implies
that other contracts are somehow ‘not smart’, and secondly,
it suggests some kind of shortcut way to contracting. In
reality, even things like standard terms that are used by
many companies to manage straightforward commercial
arrangements for the supply of goods or services do not
replace the need for negotiation, in certain circumstances.
This analogy is adapted from the following blog -
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The concept of ‘smart contracts’ really only refers to contracts
that underpin how the blockchain works, and are entered into,
verified and settled automatically. In the analogies used above,
the blockchain acts as the source of truth in terms of the
ownership of the land, or in terms of the score on the soccer
eld. But what ‘smart contracts’ seek to do is to expand the
blockchain beyond merely recording ownership or title to an
asset, to actually executing the transactions. In other words,
‘smart contracts’ attach to, and form part of, the blockchain
transaction to record not only the transfer of title but also the
commercial terms of such a transfer.
Although the concept of blockchain is very complex and
its potential application in the field of taxation is yet to fully
emerge, we believe it may serve in the following areas:
Helping to prevent VAT fraud.
Blockchain technology
can be used to link purchase and sale transactions and
therefore to ensure that the output VAT of the seller is
matched by the input VAT of the buyer.
In facilitating the collection of taxes (like VAT) based
on the place in which goods or services are consumed,
for example, by validating the residency of the consumer.
While its application in many jurisdictions is mostly limited
to VAT, over time it is expected that taxes such as CIT will
move more from a source basis to a destination basis.
In withholding individual income taxes, in terms of
both separating withholding taxes from salaries and
wages, and in automating the collection of those taxes
from employers.
In transfer pricing, in facilitating profit splits on individual
transactions for transfer pricing purposes, rather than on
an aggregated basis.
Generally in supporting the tax collection process by
tax authorities. Tax authorities in various jurisdictions
have expressed ambitions to make the entire tax process
digital. This means providing 100 percent real-time access
to tax authorities’ systems for taxpayers, which enables
tax authorities to improve the tax collection process
significantly. For tax authorities this will have a big impact
on how they are organized in terms of managing data,
which technology to use and which (new) people skills are
needed to support the digital tax process. The application
of blockchain in this area serves to provide secure and
auditable access to tax authorities’ applications.
In a stamp duty context, it may be questioned whether
blockchain potentially poses a threat to it. Given that
stamp duty is traditionally levelled on documents, a shift
may be needed to ensure its continued application in an
entirely electronic environment of blockchain transactions.
In electronic invoice issuing. Some governments have
expressed interest in using blockchain technology to
support the process of electronic invoicing. China, for
example, has announced its intention to do so.
‘Blockchain Technology might solve VAT fraud’, Ainsworth, Richard T, Shact, Andrew, Tax Notes International (Volume 83, no 13).
‘New Frontiers: Tax Administrations Explore Blockchain’, Johnston, Stephanie Soong, Tax Notes International, 2017.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Overall, we see more and more use cases for the application
of blockchain technology, though we do not expect that it will
radically change the tax function within the next 2 to 3 years.
However, when thinking about your tax technology (digital)
strategy we recommend keeping an eye on the potential
benefits and developments in blockchain for your organization
and whether your organization has the required skillsets to
adapt to the application of these new technologies. There
may also be opportunities to obtain a competitive advantage
by finding a way to use blockchain technology for better
interactions with business partners and even tax authorities.
Finding the right technology alliance partner may be a very
good first step in this journey.
Blockchain transactions contain their
own validity proof so that the role
of an intermediate authority in that
transaction (for example, a bank) may
become obsolete.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Conclusions —
Putting it
all together
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
By now, you should be ready to begin your tax technology journey, supercharged with our framework through which to
put your ideas and plans into action, and some pointers and tips on what to do and what not to do.
Now all that is left is to summarize how to do it through the following 10 pointers:
The embedding of technology into your tax function
is generally achieved incrementally (‘walk before you
run’), and recognize that it needs to be a permanent
feature of your tax strategy and plans. This cannot be
a ‘set and forget’ approach.
Any investment in tax technology solutions needs
to be supported by a persuasive business case.
This may require alignment with your broader
organizational objectives in better serving the
business (for example, to manage risk), through
efficiency gains (in terms of headcount reduction
spent on compliance), in the realization of real cash
savings, or to mirror technology developments made
by the tax authorities.
Transforming a tax function relies on technology
as an integral component of any transformation
strategy, but it must not be the sole component. You
need people with the skills to make the technology
work and to be maintained; your data and processes
need to work in harmony with the technology; and
your technology should serve to help you manage
risk and implement your governance framework.
Any investment in tax technology solutions needs
to ensure that these solutions work properly in the
markets in which you operate, and in the context
of your ERP systems and data security policies.
Also consider ways in which you can invest flexibly
and in a more agile way, for example, through SaaS
solutions or trial testing, or in taking advantage of
updates that take account of regulatory change.
Before investing in tax technology solutions, make
sure you know ‘why’ you are trying to do it. Once
you know that, spend some time investigating and
considering ‘what’ you should do, ‘who’ should
help you to do it, and ‘how’ you should do it. This
is really about knowing the problem you are trying
to solve before you embark upon any investment.
Consider whether your tax technology strategy will
rely predominantly on outsourcing your technology
needs, or in-house development and deployment (or
possibly a mix of both), because this will impact on
your resourcing needs and your speed to market.
When you embark upon your tax technology journey,
expect to encounter unexpected problems. For many
organizations, once you have the tax technology in
place, the new challenge is around the integrity (i.e.
the accuracy and completeness) of the data feeding
into to your technology.
The two most common forms of specific tax
technology solutions are those solutions that
automate compliance, and those that provide tax
insights in helping you to either manage risk or
achieve efficiencies. Be realistic — automating the
tax compliance function is not like clicking a single
button and out pops a perfectly completed tax return.
Keep an eye out for new and emerging technologies
such as intelligent automation and blockchain, and
don’t be intimidated by them. If your organization
usually invests at the inflection point, then this
may still be a few years away before they enter the
mainstream. Following them now will help to ready
you for this change.
Any investment in tax technology solutions is like
building a house — you need strong foundations
(these are the accessories, components or
infrastructure), you need the walls and roof of the
house (these are the tax compliance solutions), you
need the concrete to hold the bricks of the house
together (these are the process management
solutions), and you also need the interior decorations
of the house to better enjoy it (these are the insights
related solutions).
Start the journey today. Apathy, fear of the unknown,
poor data quality and future finance transformation
are the most commonly used excuses for not starting
on a journey of transformation. If change is not made,
then the value of the tax function to the organization
will diminish, and very commonly, you may lose the
ability to control or be involved in that change.
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Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Glossary of terms
Artificial intelligence (AI)
A form of technology that can imitate and even exceed
human performance through self-learning. It has the ability to
understand complex content and draw its own conclusions.
Common examples of AI include self-driving cars and automatic
speech recognition.
Blockchain or Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) refers to a
decentralized database that consists of several sequentially
grouped ‘blocks, forming an immutable chain secured by
cryptographical techniques. The most famous example of an
application where blockchain technology is used is Bitcoin, a
cryptographic currency.
Cloud computing
The concept of using (a network of) remote servers hosted
on the internet to store data, rather than a local server or
a personal computer. Applications, platforms and even
infrastructure components can be hosted on cloud platforms
provided by cloud server providers.
Examples of large cloud computing service providers are
Alibaba, Microsoft, Amazon, Google and IBM.
Cognitive automation
A form of technology in which software is taught to act like
the human brain to help improve human decision-making.
Cognitive software is able to interpret, gather evidence, judge
and reason — just like the human brain.
Data cubing
The concept of bringing (raw) data together in a
multidimensional way from different data sources so the data
can be analyzed and viewed in different ways. For example,
financial data (such as general ledger data) can be connected to
logistics data in order to enrich accounts payable transactions
with supply chain information.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system
Integrated business management software that organizations
use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many
business activities, like financial accounting, inventory
management, production planning or sales/procurement.
Examples of internationally well-known ERP systems are SAP,
Oracle, JD Edwards and Microsoft Dynamics.
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)
The process of moving from obtaining (extracting) data,
transforming it into a structured format, and then loading it
into a database. Each technology/solution that consumes data
needs to have ETL components in order to ensure that different
source data can be used in the application itself.
Machine learning
An area of computer science that explores and constructs
algorithms that are able to learn and make predictions
from data. These algorithms use computational methods
to learn information directly from data without relying on a
predetermined equation as a model. Machine learning is an
application of artificial intelligence (AI).
Natural language processing (NLP)
A form of technology that helps computers understand,
interpret and manipulate human language.
NLP helps to fill the gap between human communication
and computer understanding by using a combination of
techniques in disciplines such as computer science and
computational linguistics.
NLP is an application of artificial intelligence (AI).
Optical character recognition (OCR)
The concept of software that recognizes printed or written text
characters so that unstructured data can be transformed to
structured data (e.g. in table form). OCR is commonly found
in invoice scanning systems for ERP systems and mobile
applications like real-time translation of foreign languages.
Robotic process automation (RPA)
A form of technology to automate repetitive and often rules-
based processes by ‘software robots’ or ‘bots’ for short.
These tasks may include (financial) transaction processing, IT
management and automating online assistants. These software
robots can replace human beings for these tasks.
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Contact us
Tim Gillis
Global Head of Tax Technology
and Innovation
KPMG International
T: +202 533 3700
Lachlan Wolfers
Head of Tax Technology
KPMG China
T: +852 2685 7791
Scott Weisbecker
Global Head of Tax
KPMG International
T: +1 212 872 3547
E: sfweisbec[email protected]
Alexander Zegers
Director, Tax Technology
and Analytics
KPMG China
T: +852 2143 8796
Transforming the tax function through technology
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. © 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we
endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue
to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.
© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.
Designed by Evalueserve.
Publication name: Transforming the tax function through technology
Publication number: 135226-G
Publication date: April 2018