School of Computer Science and Information Systems
44-560-01/02/03/04 - Advanced Topics in Database Systems
(3hrs) Fall 2023
Contact information:
Instructor: Dr. Zhengrui Qin Email: [email protected]du
Office: CH 2240 Phone: (660)562-1932
Instructor: Dr. Prasad Chetti Email: [email protected]du
Office: CH 2930 Phone: (660)562-1551
Prerequisites: 44460 Database Systems with a grade of C or better (B or better for graduate students), or
graduate standing with prior database experience and experience in Java programming.
Textbook and supplementary materials:
Title: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management
Edition: 12e
Authors: Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris
Students must have frequent access to
Microsoft Office, including Word and PowerPoint
ERD Plus, LucidChart, Microsoft Visio or other ER diagramming tool
Java JDK 8, or later (free download)
NetBeans 8.2 or later (free download)
Oracle 12c and Oracle SQL Developer (free download)
A tool that will compress and decompress .zip files.
Students using an Apple Mac computer will need to download VirtualBox and install Windows 10 in order to
install Oracle.
Course description: Advanced topics in database systems, including database administration, distributed
databases, and data warehousing. Hands-on experience using a Database Management System in a
client/server environment. (3 credit hours)
Student learning outcomes:
identify the basic concepts of data warehousing, including the architectures used and the characteristics of
data warehouse data
design both operational databases and data warehouses, including dimensional modeling and
transformation of operational data into data suitable for storing in a data warehouse
utilize client-side activities in a DBMS, including creating and modifying database objects; adding, deleting
and modifying data; querying data; creating triggers and stored procedures; embedding SQL statements in
a programming language; accessing and modifying data in a database programmatically
identify the basic concepts of transaction management, including concurrency controls, locks, transaction
logs, and recovery
analyze access plans through the use of the basic concepts of query optimization
describe the basic concepts of distributed databases, including the various options for distributing a
database, the functions of a distributed DBMS, transparency requirements, and partitioning schemes
Student learning outcomes assessment methods: Assignments, quizzes, exams.
Instructional methods: Students should expect the following instructional methods; lectures, class
discussions, small group work, individual and group work, learner presentations, and guest speakers.
Final Exam: December 6
, 2023, from 7:30 am to 9:30 am.
Graded course requirements: (Points are estimates and may vary slightly)
Components Points
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam
Total Points 650
Miscellaneous 20 (bonus)
Note: Out of 20 bonus points, 10 points are awarded for installations, and the remaining 10 points are given
when students obtain an SQL certification on any platform and share the certification on LinkedIn.
Your score on each component will be posted in the online gradebook as soon as that component has been
graded. You are responsible for checking the gradebook at least once a week to ensure that your grades are
properly posted. If there is an error in grading, you must bring it to the attention of the class assistant or
instructor within two weeks of the time the grade is posted.
To satisfy the university policy that graduate students in 500-level courses must have requirements beyond
those of the undergraduate students, a different grading scale is used for undergraduate and graduate
Grading scale:
>= 78%
>= 80%
>= 70%
>= 70%
>= 60%
>= 60%
Course outline/major topics studied:
Review of ER Modeling
Transaction Management and Concurrency Control
Performance Tuning and Query Optimization
Distributed Database Management Systems
Oracle and SQL Plus/Developer
Advanced SQL
PL/SQL & Stored Procedures
Triggers & Cursors
Data Warehousing
NoSQL Databases
Note: The course schedule is subject to change with instructor notification and students will be responsible for
abiding by these changes.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes as specified in the course syllabi for each course.
Some in-class exercises may have points associated with them and may not be announced in advance. A
student who misses such an exercise due to an unexcused absence will not be allowed to make it up and will
receive a zero. Excused absences include attendance at a university sponsored event (documented with an
excuse signed by the university sponsor prior to the event) or by circumstances considered adequately
extenuating by the course instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to promptly notify his or her
instructor when unable to attend class. Please refer to the university policy on attendance at
Quizzes: There may sometimes be short quizzes, usually worth five points or less. Quizzes will not always be
announced in advance. They will usually be given at the beginning of the class. If you arrive late, after the quiz
has started, you cannot take the quiz. If you miss a quiz due to an unexcused absence, you will receive a grade
of zero on the quiz. If you have an excused absence, with the required written documentation, grades for missed
quizzes will be replaced by the average of the grades of all the quizzes you take during the semester.
Exam Policies: The tentative weeks for exams are given in the course schedule. Exact dates and other details will
appear on the course website. If you must miss an exam, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor prior to
the exam. Make-ups for written exams will be given only for valid and verifiable reasons. Valid reasons include
illness, family emergencies, and university-sponsored trips. Written documentation with suitable verification
must be supplied before a make-up will be allowed. All exams are closed book, closed notes, unless explicitly
noted in writing by the instructor. No calculators, cell phones, or other electronic devices can be used during
exams unless explicitly allowed by the instructor. If exams are scheduled online with Respondus Monitor, you
are responsible for the registration fee.
Due Dates: Each assigned, graded activity will have a due date posted. Late assignments will not be accepted
except in cases of documented illness or family emergencies.
Final exams:
If an emergency occurs that prevents the administration of a course scheduled final examination, the final
course grades will be calculated based on the work in the course completed to that point in time and the
faculty member’s considered judgment. Final exams will not be rescheduled, and a grade of “I” will not be
given as a result of an institutional cancellation of a final examination. This final exam policy does not apply to
online courses. Final exam will be on December 6, 2023 7:30am-9:30am.
Administrative drop: An instructor may request the Office of the Registrar delete a student from a course
roster if the student has not met the prerequisite for the course as stated in the catalog, or as a result of non-
attendance in the course.
Academic Administrative withdrawal: When it is in the best interest of Northwest Missouri State University
for a student to withdraw, a student will be given a W, put on administrative hold, and given notice that they
are about to be withdrawn. This action will result in removal of all credits associated with courses that have yet
to be completed in the semester in question and the student will be administratively withdrawn from the
University. An Administrative Withdrawal does not affect the student’s grade point average. Please refer to
Northwest Missouri State University’s Academic Administrative Withdrawal Policy at:
University communications: Students are expected to use their Northwest student email account for any
electronic correspondence within the university. Students are also strongly advised to check their email and
CatPAWS accounts on a regular basis.
Academic integrity policy: The students, faculty, and staff at Northwest endeavor to sustain an environment
that values honesty in academic work, that acknowledges the authorized aid provided by and intellectual
contributions of others, and that enables equitable student evaluation. Please refer to Northwest Missouri State
University’s Academic Integrity Policy at
Integrity.pdf. In addition, the document entitled Academic Integrity in CSIS Classes, posted on the course
website, clearly explains those types of behavior that would be considered academic dishonesty. You are
responsible for reading both documents, and abiding by the guidelines described therein.
Note that plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, failure to give credit for help received on a homework
assignment. Also note that all assignments are to be done individually, unless specified otherwise. You may talk
to classmates and other students about an assignment, but you must do all the work yourself from beginning to
end. Two or more students may sit down together and discuss an assignment as they are working on it, but each
student must do his/her own work in completing the assignment. You cannot copy another person's code or
written work. You cannot copy database objects or any portion of a database from another student's files.
Failure to follow these guidelines and the remaining guidelines described in the CSIS Academic Integrity Policy
will be subject to the penalties described in the catalog.
Professionalism: Students are expected to behave in a professional manner in their dealings with each other,
the class assistant, and the instructor. E-mails and other electronic communications should be politely written,
use proper grammar, and follow the rules of capitalization. Emails must include the course number (44-560) in
the subject line. For security reasons, I never open emails that do not include an appropriate entry for the
Learning or Living Accommodations Request Process: Northwest Missouri State University complies with
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 [ADA] and the ADA
Amendments Act of 2008 [ADAAA]. If a student has a documented disability that qualifies under the ADA/ADAAA
and requests accommodations, they should review the Accessibility and Accommodations webpage at for guidance, including the accommodations
application and supporting documentation requirements. Contact [email protected] or 660.562.1873 for
further assistance. For the university policy on disability accommodation refer to
Non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy: Northwest Missouri State University is committed to
maintaining an environment for all faculty, staff, students, and third parties that is free of illegal discrimination
and harassment. Please refer to the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy at
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policy: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended (commonly known as the Buckley Amendment), is a federal law which provides that colleges and
universities will maintain the confidentiality of student education records. Please refer to the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy at
Behavior and Wellness: Northwest focuses on student success—every student, every day.
The Wellness Center, 660.562.1348, offers free counseling for students coping with depression, anxiety,
alcohol or drug misuse, relationships, and other emotional, social, and academic stressors. In addition, faculty,
staff, and students who are concerned with student wellbeing can report their concerns, including
anonymously, to the Behavioral Intervention Team, so that the student can be offered relevant support, at this
link: Concerning Behavior Reporting Form. If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a student,
please call the University Police, who have specialized training in intervention, at 660.562.1254.
Disclaimer: Course schedule is subject to change and you will be responsible for abiding by any such changes.
Your instructor will notify you of any changes.