Notice of your rights for flights departing the
European Union in the event of a flight delay
or cancellation or denied boarding
This Notice contains important information about your rights established under EC Regulation 261/2004 in the event that
your flight is cancelled, delayed, or if you are denied boarding on a flight. This Notice explains your rights under EC261/2004
in respect of flights operated by United Airlines. You may be entitled to benefits under this Regulation if:
You have a confirmed reservation and United is the operating carrier for the flightconcerned:
The ticket for your travel was purchased at a fare available to the public, including a frequent flyerprogram.
You are not entitled to these rights if you are denied boarding on the grounds of health, safety, security or invalid
Flight Delay
In the event that your flight is
delayed by three (3) hours or more,
you are entitled to the benefits
defined under subsections A and C
of the Description of Your Rights
section of this Notice.
In the event that your flight is
delayed by five (5) hours from
its scheduled departure time,
you are entitled to the benefits
defined under subsection B of the
Description of Your Rights section
of this Notice, in addition to those
defined under subsection A and C.
Please note that you may not be
entitled to compensation under
subsection A in any case in which a
delay is determined to be as a result
of extraordinary circumstances
which could not have been avoided
even if all reasonable measures had
Flight cancellation
If your flight is cancelled, you are entitled to the benefits defined under
subsections A, B and C of the Description of Your Rights section of this
Notice. United is not obliged to pay you the flight compensation described
in subsection A if:
1) You are informed of the cancellation of your flight at least two (2)
weeks before the scheduled time of departure; or
2) You are informed of the cancellation between two (2) weeks and
seven (7) days before the scheduled time of departure and you are
offered re-routing, allowing you to depart no more than two (2)
hours before the scheduled time of departure and to reach your
final destination less than four (4) hours after the scheduled time of
3) You are informed of the cancellation less than seven (7) days before
the scheduled time of departure and you are offered re-routing,
allowing you to depart no more than one (1) hour before the
scheduled time of departure and to reach your final destination less
than two (2) hours after the scheduled time of arrival.
In addition, please note that you may not be entitled to compensation
under subsection A if the cancellation of the
flight is caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been
avoided if all reasonable measures had been taken.
Denied boarding
Before we deny boarding to any customer, we will request volunteers to surrender their seats in exchange for the agreed
upon compensation or benefits. If you voluntarily surrender your seat, you will be entitled to receive care as described in
subsection C of this Notice. You will also be entitled to rerouting or reimbursement as detailed in the subsection B of this
Notice. In the event that there are insufficient volunteers and you are involuntarily denied boarding, you will be entitled to
the rights defined under subsections A, B and C in the Description of Your Rights section of thisNotice.
Description of your rights
A. Right to compensation
1) If your flight is cancelled or delayed by 3 or more hours or you are involuntarily
denied boarding, you are entitled to receive €600 in compensation from
us. If, however, we offer you re-routing on an alternative flight that will
arrive within four hours of the arrival time of the flight on which you were
originally booked, your compensation can be reduced to €300.
2) We will pay any compensation due under this section in cash, by prepaid
card, EFT, bank check or, with your written agreement, in a travel voucher.
B. Right to reimbursement or re-routing
1) If your flight is cancelled, you are denied boarding, or your flight is delayed
by five (5) hours or more, you are entitled to choosebetween:
a) Reimbursement within seven (7) days of the full cost of the ticket at
the price at which it was bought, for the part or parts of the journey
not made, and for the part or parts already made if the flight no longer
serves any purpose in relation to your original travel plan and, if
applicable, a return flight to the first point of departure at the earliest
opportunity; or
b) Re-routing under comparable transport conditions to your final
destination at the earliest opportunity or, at a later date at your
convenience, subject to the availability of seats.
If we offer you a flight to an airport other than that for which the
booking was made (in case the town, city or region is served by several
airports), we will pay the cost of transferring you from that alternative
airport either to that for which the booking was made or to another
close-by destination agreed withyou.
2) We will reimburse you in cash, by prepaid card, EFT, bank check or, with
your written agreement, in a travel voucher.
C. Right to Care
If you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled, or your flight is delayed by
three (3) or more hours beyond its scheduled time ofdeparture:
a) and the expected departure time of your new flight (if any) is the same day
as the departure date of your originally ticketed flight, we offer you the
following free of charge:
Meals and refreshments in a reasonable relation to the waiting time; and
Two (2) telephone calls, telex or fax messages, or e-mail messages.
b) We will also offer you free of charge:
Hotel accommodations in cases where a stay of one (1) or more nights
becomes necessary or a stay additional to that intended by you becomes
necessary; and
Transport between the airport and place of accommodation (hotel or other)
If you are involuntarily denied boarding, or if your flight is cancelled or delayed
and the expected time of departure of the new flight is at least the day after the
departure of the originally ticketed flight.
We may limit or decline your right to care if provision of care would itself cause
Other rights not prejudiced
The foregoing rights apply without prejudice to any additional rights that you
may have to furthercompensation. Compensation described in this notice may be
deducted from such additionalcompensation.
Customer Care
900 Grand Plaza Drive, Dept. NHCCR, Houston, Texas 77607
Fax: 832-235-1806 / 800-214-0605
In order for us to process your claim expeditiously, please supply your name,
contact details (email address and/or mailing address), ticket number, flight
number, booking reference and details of the claim you are making.
To make a claim for compensation, please contact United Customer Care
online at:
CSM859-ENGLISH 2021-02-18
If we are unable to solve your
problem to your satisfaction, you
can complain to the relevant national
enforcement body. The following are
the contactdetails:
Direction générale ‘Transport aérien’
Directoraat-generaal ‘Luchtvaart’
CCN - 2ème étage - 2de verdieping
Rue du progrès 80 Bte 5,
Vooruitgangstraat 80 Bus5
Statens Luftfartsvæsen
Danish Transport Authority, Civil Aviation
Box 744
Ellebjergvej 50
Direction générale de l’aviation civile (DGAC)
Direction du transport aérien, Mission du
Droit despassagers,
Bureau des passagers aériens
50 rue Henry Farman
FR- 75720 Paris cedex 15
Fasanenstraße 81
10623 Berlin
TEL: +49 (0) 30.6 44 99 33 - 28
FAX: +49 (0) 30.6 44 99 33 - 31
Commission for Aviation Regulation
3rd Floor
Alexandra House
Earlsfort Terrace
L’Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile
Viale del Castro Pretorio, 118
IT - 00185 ROME
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport
Human Environment and Transport
Postbus 575
CAA Norway
P.O Box 243
NO-8001 BODØ
Instituto Nacional de Aviação Civil (INAC)
Rua B, Edifícios 4, 5 e 6
Aeroporto da Portela
PT - 1749-034 LISBOA
División de Calidad y Protección alUsuario.
Paseo de la Castellana 112
28046 Madrid
Consumer Protection Agency
Visiting address: Lagergrens Gata 8
Postal address: Box 48,
SE - 651 02 KARLSTAD
Tel. : +46 77 14 23 300
Fax : +46 54 - 19 41 95
Offi ce Fédéral de l’Aviation Civile
CH – 3003 BERNE
United Kingdom:
Passenger Complaints Unit
Civil Aviation Authority
Phone: 020 7453 6888