Today we salute our graduates,
who stand ready to take the next steps
into the future. And we honor the
students, faculty, staff, parents and friends
who shaped SMU’s first 100 years
and laid the foundation for an
extraordinary second century.
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Half Past Eight in the Morning
Cchea Nugent, Carillonneur
Fondren Science Tower
Kevin Paul Hofeditz, Ceremony Marshal
The audience remains seated during the academic processional and recessional.
Thomas B. Fomby, Chief Marshal Emeritus
Darryl Dickson-Carr, Platform Marshal
Joseph F. Kobylka, Marshal Lector
Candidates for Graduation
50-Year Reunion Class
Representatives of the Faculties
The Platform Party
Sydney P. Castle ’23, Howard Lantern Bearer and Student Body President
Emory J. McDowell, SMU Banner Bearer, Student Representative member
of the SMU Board of Trustees’ Academic Affairs Committee
Elizabeth G. Loboa, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Elisabeth A. Garvin, Chaplain and Minister to the University
John Stafford Smith and Francis Scott Key
Matthew B. Merritt ’23, Commencement Vocalist
David B. Miller ’72, ’73, Chair of the SMU Board of Trustees
Elizabeth G. Loboa
Baccalaureate Speaker
50-Year Reunion Class
Other Members of the Platform Party
Robert Frank, President of the SMU Faculty Senate
Caroline Brettell, retiring as Professor Emerita of Anthropology
Kevin Paul Hofeditz, retiring as Professor Emeritus of Theatre
S. Lynne Stokes, retiring as Professor Emerita of Statistical Science
R. Gerald Turner, President of the University and
ex officio member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Brian S. Tyler, Chief Executive Officer of McKesson Corporation
SMU Forever
Jimmy Dunne
Matthew B. Merritt, Commencement Vocalist
Please refrain from applause until all candidates have been presented.
Presented by Elizabeth G. Loboa
Conferred by R. Gerald Turner
Deans and Director of the Schools and Programs
Gary Brubaker, Director of SMU Guildhall
Thomas DiPiero, Elisabeth Martin Armstrong Dean of Dedman College
of Humanities and Sciences
Samuel S. Holland, Algur H. Meadows Dean of Meadows School
of the Arts
Nader Jalili, Mary and Richard Templeton Dean of Lyle School
of Engineering
Stephanie L. Knight, Leon Simmons Dean of Annette Caldwell Simmons
School of Education and Human Development
Bishop Michael McKee, Leighton K. Farrell Dean ad interim of Perkins
School of Theology
Matthew B. Myers, Dean and Tolleson Chair in Business Leadership of
Cox School of Business
Jason Nance, Judge James Noel Dean of Dedman School of Law
Robin Poston, Associate Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the
Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies
A s s i s t i n g :
Robert L. Lothringer, University Registrar
Samantha Tellone, President of the SMU Staff Association
Sydney P. Castle ’23
Oh we see the Varsity,
Varsity, Varsity,
As she towers o’er the hill
Over there.
And our hearts are filled with joy,
Alma Mater, we’ll be true
Bishop Michael McKee
* Citations for all retiring emeriti faculty are found at
Or d e r Of e x e r c i s e
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Jennifer Burr Altabef ’78, ’81, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Michael M. Boone ’63, ’67, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Tucker S. Bridwell ’73, ’74, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Christa J. Brown-Sanford ’04, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Brad E. Cheves, Vice President for Development and External Affairs
Jeanne Tower Cox ’78, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Katherine Raymond Crow ’94, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
David C. Haley ’86, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. ’66, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Kristin W. Henderson ’82, Chair of the SMU Alumni Board and ex officio Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
David S. Huntley ’80, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Holly E. Jeffcoat, Dean of SMU Libraries
Paul B. Loyd, Jr. ’68, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Bobby B. Lyle ’67, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Kenechukwu (K.C.) Mmeje, Vice President for Student Affairs
Suku Nair, Vice Provost for Research and Chief Innovation Officer
Connie Blass O’Neill ’77, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Caren H. Prothro, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Chris Regis, Vice President for Business and Finance and Treasurer
Harold W. Stanley, Vice President for Executive Affairs
Melinda Sutton ’97, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Richard Ware ’68, Member of the SMU Board of Trustees
Nathan Balke, Procession Marshal
Sreekumar Bhaskaran, School Marshal
Gauri Bhat, School Marshal
Carol Dickson-Carr, School Marshal
Bradley Kent Carter, Chief Marshal Emeritus
Anindita Das, School Marshal
Scott L. Davis, School Marshal
David Doyle, Jr., Reunion Marshal
Francesca Go, School Marshal
Roy L. Heller, School Marshal
Mark Kerins, School Marshal
Barbara W. Kincaid, Reunion Marshal
Maribeth Kuenzi, School Marshal
Jose Lage, School Marshal
Angelika Leskovskaya, Faculty Marshal
Simon Mak, School Marshal
Theodore Manikas, School Marshal
Alicia Meuret, School Marshal
Eli Olinick, Doctoral Marshal
Alberto Pastor, School Marshal
Mike Porter, School Marshal
Andrew Quicksall, School Marshal
Stephen Robertson, Assisting Procession Marshal
Julie Rogers, School Marshal
Bivin Sadler, School Marshal
David Sedman, School Marshal
Mathew Wilson, Faculty Marshal
Jessie Zarazaga, School Marshal
Gerald B. Alley ’75
William D. Armstrong ’82
Bradley Brookshire ’76
Thomas G. Burish
Laura Welch Bush ’68
Pastor Richie L. Butler ’93
Kelly Hoglund Compton ’79
Gary T. Crum ’69
Robert H. Dedman, Jr. ’80, ’84, Secretary
Martin L. Flanagan ’82
Gerald J. Ford ’66, ’69
Antonio O. Garza, Jr. ’83
Clark K. Hunt ’87
Ray L. Hunt ’65
Scott J. McLean ’78
Frances A. Moody-Dahlberg ’92
Jackson Overton ’21, ’24, ex officio
Sarah Fullinwider Perot ’83
Jeanne L. Phillips ’76
The Rev. Paul L. Rasmussen ’04
Bruce A. Robson ’74
Carl Sewell ’66
Richard K. Templeton
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Patricia Alvey, Professor of Advertising
Caroline Brettell, University Distinguished Professor of Anthropology
Charles E. Curran, Elizabeth Scurlock University Professor in Human Values
Dale Dietert, Senior Lecturer in Music
Pamela Elrod Huffman, Associate Professor of Music
Barnaby Fitzgerald, Professor of Art
Ezra Greenspan, Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Chair in Humanities and Professor in English
Hank Hammett, Senior Lecturer in Music
Kevin Hofeditz, Professor of Theatre
JoAnn Hubbard, Clinical Professor of Legal Research, Writing and Advocacy
Margaret Keeling, Clinical Professor of Counseling
John S. Lowe, Professor of Law
David Mancini, Associate Professor of Music Theory
Judy Newell, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
Peter Noble, Professor of Practice in Advertising
Tony Pederson, Professor of Journalism
James E. Quick, Professor of Earth Sciences
Carol Seets, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
S. Lynn Stokes, Professor of Statistical Science
Jingbo Ye, Professor of Physics
B r i A n s . t y l e r
Brian Tyler is chief executive officer of McKesson Corporation. As a leading
healthcare organization, McKesson partners with biopharma companies, care
providers, pharmacies, manufacturers, governments and others to deliver
insights, products and services that help make quality care more accessible
and affordable.
Since joining McKesson more than 25 years ago, Tyler has held a wide
variety of leadership roles throughout the organization. Prior to being
appointed CEO, he served as the company’s chief operations ofcer,
playing a key role in helping McKesson improve the way products get from
the manufacturer to the patient. Additional leadership positions Tyler has
held with McKesson span across McKesson Europe, North American
Pharmaceutical Distribution Services, Corporate Strategy and Business
Development, U.S. Pharmaceutical, Medical-Surgical Solutions, McKesson
Specialty Care Solutions and McKesson Distribution Solutions.
Tyler is on the board of directors for Republic Services and the International
Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers and is a member of the National
Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative, the Wall Street Journal CEO
Council and Business Roundtable. He is also the chair of the American
Cancer Society’s North Texas chapter of CEOs Against Cancer and a member
of the President’s Advisory Board for UT Southwestern Medical Center and
the SMU Cox Executive Board.
Tyler holds a doctorate and master’s degree from the University of Chicago,
where he studied under a grant from the National Science Foundation. Tyler
also earned a Bachelor of Arts in economics with high honors from University
of California Santa Cruz.
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M a y 2 0 2 3
The students listed below have anticipated Latin honors based upon estimated academic information.
Jennifer Nichole Abbott
Donald Gene Acton
Fernando Berwig Silva
Stephanie Denise Bohan
Pamela Seung Brantley
Jeremy Daniel Brewer
Julia Nicole Castleman
Isaac Travis Cirinna
Jeremy William Clark
Keneshia Colwell
Brennan Reid Cummings
Stephen Douglas Kimmel
Stephen B. Lefebvre
Kelly Dee Long
Whitney Mertz
Rachel Michelle Mumaw
David Michael Schmidt
Jillian Abbey Shannon
Benjamin Wesley Sinclair
Tanner Joseph Smith
Jessica Tucker Spillers
Alexandra Sarah Stokes
Ashlee Renae Sweeney
Jonathan Paul Totty
Mary Mykayla Lyn Turner
Kristen Ruth Von Gonten
The students listed below have anticipated honors based upon estimated academic information. These honors include Honors in Business, Honors in Liberal Arts,
Departmental Distinction and Latin honors.
Riley Elizabeth Abney
Daniel Olayinka Abraham
Haley Elizabeth Adams
Zuhair A. Almahayni
Kaylee Marie Almeter
Liam Lopes Amado
Joshua William Anagnostou
Lily E. Anderson
Julia Alexis Annabi
Celeste Carolina Ansari
Amanda Payne Arsenault
Hagan A. Ausmann
Frances Altland Badgett
Hiren Singh Bagga
Dima B. Balut
Grant Avery Barden
Jadyn Kathryn Bauss
Razan Mohammad Bayan
Martin Zadok Bayazitoglu
Matthew Dalton Beck
Nicholas James Beecher
Jarratt Clark Bell
Amanda Jane Benbow
Bennett Michael Berlin
Sinan Martin Beskok
Brooke Allyson Betik
Aden Louise Black
Alyssa Rose Bleyle
Brinda Reddy Bobbala
Samuel Joseph Bodine
Maxwell Starke Boeger
Evan Gabriel Bogoslavsky
Amber Nicole Bormann
Helen Sophia Bougás
Alexander Wolfgang Brandt
Grace Estelle Brandt
Matthew Reece Breaux
Zachary Tyler Brinker
Alexandra M. Brizius
Natalie Jane Browne
Trevor Darryl Burke
Mary Jandy Cabanas Cardenas
Rodrigo Camogliano Telge
Gina Marie Campagna
Madelyn Leigh Campbell
Camille Audrey Carson
Laura Scott Cary
Manuel Alejandro Castells Rendon
Sara Aliza Castle
Constantine George Catranis
Maria Michel Chammas
Tyler Yi-Chili Chang
Sunjay Chawla
Dedeepya Chinnam
Jonathan Michael Joseph Ciccone
Alexis Horacio Cisneros
Luciano Salvatore Cocivera
Jacob Shafer Cohen
Kamryn Emily Cook
Daniel Alexander Covert
Jackson Slade Covert
Kaegan Joseph Cowan
Katherine Koppen Cowles
Anika Jhaveri Crouser
Libby Kaye Curtis
Matthew Ryan Daniel
Annabelle Christine Daniels
William McCarthy Daughton
Ryan August Dayal
Kaitlyn Rose DeMaster
Saavni Nirav Desai
Eric A. DesJardins
Liliann Faith DeVos
Raleigh Alexander Dewan
Annette Diaz
Blake Buchanan Dieterlen
Thatcher Reed Dunlap
John Stephen Easton
Jonathan Ebrahimian
Hayden John Robert Eelkema
Krystal Ada Egbuchunam
Alexandra Marie Eid
Xena El Shamy
Ruth Anne Emerson
Feisi Fang
Anthony George Farhat
Alexandra Noel Fassnacht
Elizabeth L. Feltovic
Marissa Eveann Ferm
Luis Eduardo Fernandez
Sophie Grace Fernando
Jacqueline E. Fidellow
Alexandra Kimberly Field
Karsten Elaine Fields
Isabel Marie Finkbeiner
Liana Forss
Oliver Davis Forst
Austin Taylor Foster
Madeline Leilani Frederick
Asa John Fris
Estelle R. Gabriel
Nathan A. Gage
Connor James Gamble
Sebastian Garcia
Sydney Ireland Gibbs
McKenna Ann Gilbreth
Camila Giron Errazuriz
Will Brennon Glaesser
Regan Lee Gleghorn
Wade Drayton Glover
Katherine McCormick Goins
Cole Robert Goode
Riordan Connor Goodwin
Julia Patricia Griffin
Grace Elizabeth Griggs
George William Guckenberger
Nathan Joseph Gulla
Janelle Aylin Gursoy
Clayton Elway Hackler
Piper Peña Hadley
Stephen Peter Haggerty
Emily Jacquelyn Hall
Carolyn Ruth Hammond
Rameez Khalid Hanif
Joshua Andrew Hascall
Lucia Kennedy Hasselbrink
Jackson Paul Heck
Maxwell Dexter Henninger
Amy Nicole Hermann
Olivia Elaine Hernandez
Dominic Jonathan Hoefer
Eve Marie Hoeltgen
Imani Aaliyah Holmes
Julia Cameron Howe
Brittney Jeanne Hutchison
Natalie Beth Igo
Patrick Tallmus Isaac
Catherine Alice Jacob
Benjamin Todd Jaksick
Michael Patrick Jewett
Zhengran Jiang
Curtis Reagan Johnson
Victoria Louise Jozwiak
Deana R. Kajmakovic
Ryaan H. Kara
Cameron William Katzman
James Clifton Kays
Abigail G. Kelley
Shea N. Kells-Murphy
Giuliet L. Kibler
Frederica A. Kizek
Maria S. Knasel
Saaketh Koka
Olivia Terese Kramer
Lior Kremer
Niklas Kamran Heshmati Krutiak
Kort Matthew Kuenstler
Benjamin Isaac Kuo
Zachary David Kushubar
John Acker Kynerd
Madeline Piper Langley
Jacklyn Sarah Lappin
Shannon Xintong Lee
Carys Eleanor LeKander
Michael Patrick Lennon
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Kevin Ken-Vun Leong
Brandon Robert Lindvall
Sophie Kate Lipman
Emma Katherine Lochabay
Aaron Tianyu Lu
Ayden James Machajewski
Garrett Patrick Madison
Sayumi P. Mahawanniarachchi
Rachel Page Manak
Elias Lima Mann
Talia Marie Markowski
Emma Jane Martin
Henry Stephen Frederick Maw
Emily Tyler McCall
Della Lee McDougal
Emory James McDowell
Riley Nicole McGlasson
Garrett Thomas McNamara
Keely Alexis McNeme
Michaela Elizabeth McTee
Simone Jeong Melvin
Isabelle Mermilliod
Ruth Ann Miller
Belleza Marie Mitchell
Camilia Riad Mohamed
Karmen Ariel Moore
Sydney Julia Mora
Rebecca P. Morris
Grace Macintyre Moses
Benjamin Alan Murphy
Olivia Grace Murphy
Megan Elizabeth Muscato
Anna Elizabeth Musich
William Granville Nahley
Rachel Victoria Neil
Garret R. Nelson
Avery Nicole Nesson
Andrew Paul Neumann
Son Hong Nguyen
Nicole Elizabeth Nilsen
Elaina Ann Norman
Timothy McCord Olson
Nwadinobi Olaku Onyeagocha
Dawson August Ovard
Samantha Jean-Marie Owen
Conner Daniel Packebush
Arturo Max Pagan
Lucas Briggs Palmer
Raahim Abid Pathan
Justin Bryant Patty
Caroline Grace Peterson
Joseph William Pfeifer
Lindsey Nicole Philips
Alexandra Nicole Pielet
James Rankin Poage
Robert Bennett Prag, Jr.
Rhys Michael Prosser
Nushah Farzin Rahman
Macy George Ramsby
Justin Marc Rbeiz
Jordi Bastiaan Jan Redelijk
James Michael Reese
Mary Tarver Ellis Reid
Caleb Stanley Reynolds
Chloe Qian Richter
Katie Rink
Ashley Marie Rocco
Juliana Grace Roller
Grant Marshall Rosenthal
Jacqueline Olivia Ryan
Drishti Sachdeva
Wyatt Bliss Saltzman
Yash Raj Sarada
Diana Sattarova
Julia Ashley Savage
Alexandra-Ana-Maria Savu
Claire Elizabeth Schmidt
Rebecca Leigh Schneider
Margeaux Renee Scholz
John Blue Scofield
David H. Selis
Raiya Parikh Shah
Lexie Shamir
Sophia Jean Shapiro
Alexander Andreadis Shockley
Kyra Silvanose
Kaleb Dominique Simes
Gavin Glen Simmons
Nicholas McGuire Simpson
Bhavna Singh
Aden Wayne Smith
Sandhya Srinivasa-Narasimhan
Samuel Joseph Straub
Victoria Lynn Sullivan
Katherine Yanlin Tao
Alexander Wright Tate
Jillian Faith Taylor
Sarah Marie Tersigni
Caroline Wells Thompson
Carter Brooks Thompson
Samuel L. Timmins
Abigail Elizabeth Tirey
Dorothy Joy Limchesing Tiu
Maren Gayle Tonini
Julie Tran
Daphne Trinity Tsitsonis
Shaun Michael Turner
Matthew S. Urrutia
Kyle Matthew Voulgaris
Rachel Lauren Wagner
Muaz Wahid
Rafay Wahid
Emma Rose Waite
Ashlee Summer Walkowiak
Ashley Olivia Wang
Jordan Ezra Wartell Cortez
Peyton Riley Webb
Alwin Yutao Wen
Elizabeth Jacqueline Whitbeck
Audrey Emma White
Melissa Jean Whitler
Laura Wildman
Kayla R. Wilkerson
Preston Martin Williams
Julia M. Wilson
Shenley Ward Wish
Melanie Elizabeth Wright
Isaac Chester Yau
Alexandra Hyde Yeager
Alexandra Louisa Zaharia
Isabella Marie Zambrano
Fanyin Zhou
Sophia Mae Zuckerman
M a y 2 0 2 3
in ded Ma n cOll e ge Of Hu Ma nit ies and scie nc es
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P h i l o s o P h y
Jonathan Angulo History
BA San Diego State University
Dissertation: “An Undocumented Economy: Side Hustles, Gigs, Swap Meets,
and Migration in the Imperial-Mexicali Valley, 1917-2000”
Adviser: John R. Chavez
Jackson Paul Barth Statistical Science
BS MA University of Alabama
Dissertation: “Development of Bayesian Hierarchical Methods involving
Adviser: Xinlei Wang
Kristina Anne Bishop Economics
BS MS Brigham Young University
Dissertation: “Three Essays in Household Economics”
Adviser: Daniel Millimet
MaryLena Bleile Biostatistics
BS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Optimizing Pre-Clinical Tumor Xenograft Experiments via
Bayesian Linear and Non-Linear Mixed Modelling and Reinforcement
Adviser: Daniel Francis Heitjan
Ryan Patrick Breslawski Anthropology
BS University of Utah
MS Utah State University
Dissertation: “The Geography of Altithermal Subsistence Adaptations on the
North American Great Plains”
Adviser: David J. Meltzer
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Brian Christopher Clark Religious Studies
BA Indiana Wesleyan University
MDV Princeton Theological Seminary
Dissertation: “Eudaimonist Exemplarism and Saints”
Adviser: Stephen D. Long
Lane Edward Davis Religious Studies
BA Huntingdon College
MDV Harvard University
Dissertation: “Educating a Denomination: Albert C. Outler and American
Theological Education, 1925 - 1974”
Adviser: Ted Allen Campbell
Tyler Evans Computational and Applied Mathematics
BS MS Lamar University
Dissertation: “Viscous Thin-Film Models of Nanoscale Self-Organization
Under Ion Bombardment
Adviser: Scott Allen Norris
Alex Fish Computational and Applied Mathematics
BS University of Nebraska, Omaha
MS University of Washington
Dissertation: “Adaptive Multirate Infinitesimal Time Integration”
Adviser: Daniel Reynolds
Eric Emmanuel Guzman Physics
BS University of Texas, Dallas
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Deep Learning Applications For Secondary Cosmic Microwave
Background Anisotropies”
Adviser: Joel Meyers
Norah Abubakar M. Hakami Computational and Applied Mathematics
BS Jazan University
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Practical Implementation of the Immersed Interface Method
with Triangular Meshes for 3D Rigid Solids in a Fluid Flow”
Adviser: Sheng Xu
Uroob Haris Chemistry
BB Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Microscale Chemical Manipulation and Imaging Using
Luminescent Molecules and Light”
Adviser: Alexander Ryan Lippert
Mayar Tarek Ibrahim Mahmoud Mohamed Theoretical and
Computational Chemistry
BS Zewail City of Science and Technology
Dissertation: “Protein Dynamics in Allostery and Computer-Aided Drug
Adviser: Peng Tao
Thi Thanh Hang Nguyen Biostatistics
BS University of Houston
Dissertation: “Statistical Methods for Evaluating Treatment Effects from
Surgical Registry Data”
Adviser: Daniel Francis Heitjan
Jenny Jiheon Park Biostatistics
BM Texas State University
MM University of Texas, Austin
Dissertation: “Contributions to Causal Inference in Observational Studies”
Adviser: Daniel Francis Heitjan
James Joshua Phillips History
BA Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “A Southern People: The Choctaw Nation From Removal
Through the Civil War”
Adviser: Ariel Ron
Jingjing Qu Statistical Science
BS MS Shandong University
PhD Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dissertation: “Empirical Likelihood Ratio Tests for Homogeneity of
Distributions of Component Lifetimes from System Lifetime Data with
Known System Structures”
Adviser: Hong T. Ng
James David Ray English
BA University of Texas, Dallas
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Autographia: Text Agency in the Long Eighteenth Century”
Adviser: Rajani Sudan
Cole Janson Ryberg English
BA University of Texas, Austin
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Novel Humans: Character, Space, and the Aesthetics of the
Adviser: Beth S. Newman
Megan Elizabeth Simons Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
BS Rhodes College
Dissertation: “New Methods for Core-Hole Spectroscopy Based on Coupled
Cluster Theory”
Adviser: Devin Alexander Matthews
Arkadijs Slobodkins Computational and Applied Mathematics
BS MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “A Node Elimination Algorithm for High-Dimensional
Adviser: Andrea Katherine Barreiro
Kelsey Nicole Spinnato Religious Studies
BA Belmont University
MTS Emory University
Dissertation: “Rebekah Retold: A Functional Reception-Historical Analysis of
Rebekah in Narrative Retellings of Genesis”
Adviser: Roy L. Heller
Hao Tian Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
B.ENGR. Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Dissertation: “Exploring Protein Conformations and Functions Through
Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Machine Learning”
Adviser: Peng Tao
Louis Camilo Vazquez Statistical Science
BS University of Florida
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Influence Diagnostics for Generalized Estimating Equations
Applied to Correlated Categorical Response Data”
Adviser: Ian R. Harris
Steven Walton Computational and Applied Mathematics
BS University of Texas, Dallas
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Numerical Methods for Wave Turbulence: Isotropic 3-Wave
Kinetic Equations”
Adviser: Alejandro R. Aceves
Yiqing Wang Statistical Science
BS Wuhan University, China
MA Wake Forest University
Dissertation: “Deep Learning Prediction and Its Application in Antimicrobial
Adviser: Xiaowei Zhan
Travis Whitacre Economics
BS West Texas A&M University
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Three Essays in the Economics of Child Development and
Inequities in Health Care”
Adviser: Daniel Millimet
Tyler Womack Religious Studies
BA Texas A&M University
MA Duke University
MA Fuller Theological Seminary
Dissertation: “Monetary Muddles: Money and Language, Ethics and
Adviser D. Stephen Long
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Ming Zhang Statistical Science
BS MS Stony Brook University
Dissertation: “Bayesian Methods in Random-Effects Meta-Analysis of Rare
Binary Events and in Genome-Wide Association Study”
Adviser: Xinlei Wang
Weiyu Zheng Geophysics
BS University Science & Technology of China
Dissertation: “Quantifying and Analyzing Oil and Gas Industry Related
Geohazard Using Radar Interferometry and Hydro-Geomechanical
Adviser: Robert T. Gregory
In Bo B By B. Ly L e Sch o o L o f eng I n e e r In g
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P h i l o s o P h y
Anuruddha Bhattacharjee Mechanical Engineering
BSME Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dissertation: “Electromagnetically Actuated Modular Robots with Controlled
Self-Assembly and On-Demand Disassembly”
Adviser: Minjun Kim
Stephanie Buongiorno Applied Science
BA University of Texas, Arlington
MA West Virginia University
Dissertation: “Grammatical Triples Extraction for the Distant Reading of
Textual Corpora”
Advisers: Corey Clark and Jo Guldi
Zizhen Chen Computer Science
BS North China Electric Power University
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Visualized Algorithm Engineering on Two Graph Partitioning
Adviser: David W. Matula
Yubo Cui Mechanical Engineering
BE University of Science &Technology Beijing, China
MS Texas State University
Dissertation: “Experimental and Computational Characterization of GaN and
Si Power Devices and Development of their Generalized Reduced Models”
Adviser: Peter E. Raad
Mohammad Karim Dehghan Manshadi Mechanical Engineering
BSME Shiraz University
ME Shiraz University
Dissertation: “Transport Mechanisms in Electrochemical Immunoassay
Biosensors With Applications to SARS-COV-2 Neutralizing Antibody
Adviser: Ali Beskok
Leven T. Deputy III Civil and Environmental Engineering
BS MS University of Texas, Austin
MBA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “A Mechanics-based Analytical Solution Restrained for Beams
with Application to Progressive Collapse Behavior”
Adviser: Brett Alan Story
Javad Jomehpour Chahar Aman Civil and Environmental Engineering
BS Islamic Azad University, Iran
MS Sharif Univ, Iran
Dissertation: “Equity in Transportation: Data-Driven Analysis of
Transportation Services and Infrastructures”
Adviser: Janille Antoinette Smith Colin
Chengyu Ke Operations Research
BS Southwestern University
MS University of Southern California
Dissertation: “Nonconvex Optimization for Statistical Learning with
Structured Sparsity”
Adviser: Miju Ahn
Robert S. Oshana Computer Science
BS Worcester Polytechnic Institute
MBA University of Dallas
MS Southern Methodist University
MS University of Texas, Arlington
Dissertation: “Real-Time Detection and Suppression of Malicious Attacks
Using Machine Learning and Processor Core Events”
Adviser: Mitchell Aaron Thornton
Nisharg Pankaj Shah Computer Engineering
B.ENGR. University of Mumbai
ME Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Computationally Efficient Design, Diagnosis, and Test of
Analog Integrated Circuit Analysis”
Adviser: Jennifer Lynn Dworak
Jaime Ottoniel Junqueira Da Silva Mechanical Engineering
BS BSME MSME Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Photonic Sensors Based on Integrated Ring Resonators”
Adviser: Volkan Otugen
Jase Doran Sitton Civil and Environmental Engineering
BS Whitworth College
MSCE Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Indirect Bridge Monitoring Using Crowdsourced Smartphone
Data from Passing Vehicles”
Adviser: Brett Alan Story
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f e n g i n e e r i n g
Stacey deWitt Elliott Software Engineering
BSE Northwestern University
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Modified Dominator Algorithm for Strategic Placement of
Resources for Enterprise Security”
Adviser: Suku Nair
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in ann ett e ca l dwe ll siMM On s scH OOl Of edu cat i On an d HuMa n de ve lOp Me nt
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P h i l o s o P h y
Emily Louise McClelland Education
BS MED Bowling Green State University
Dissertation: “Morphology, Mechanics & Sex Differences in Running &
Jumping Performance”
Adviser: Peter Weyand
Robyn Kristine Pinilla Education
BA University of Texas, Arlington
MED Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Understanding How Early Childhood Educators Teach Spatial
Reasoning Through Mathematics”
Adviser: Anne Garrison Wilhelm
Dayna Russell Freudenthal Education
BA Wellesley College
MA College of Mount Saint Joseph
Dissertation: “Exploring Reading Growth On A Computer-Adaptive
Progress Monitoring Test: Focusing On Students With or At Risk For
Reading Disabilities
Adviser: Stephanie Al Otaiba
Ann Marie Wernick Education
BA Miami University
MED University of Notre Dame
Dissertation: “Exploring the Use of Mixed-Reality Simulations as a Tool in
Teacher Training to Support Language for Academic Purposes”
Adviser: Anne Garrison Wilhelm
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f e D u c A t i o n
Veronica Alarcon Educational Leadership, PK-12
BED University of Texas, El Paso
MED University of North Texas, Dallas
Dissertation: “Leading Writing Instruction: Leadership Behaviors and
Actions that Contribute to a Culture of Writing in an Elementary Setting”
Adviser: Akihito Kamata
Cynthia Vega Alva Higher Education
BA University of Notre Dame
MED Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Faculty Engagement in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A
Critical Examination of Institutional Culture”
Adviser: Sondra Nicole Barringer
Victoria Marie Ramirez Babb Higher Education
BS MS Texas Christian University
Dissertation: “Examining Sense of Belonging in First-Generation and Low
Socioeconomic Status Students: The Influence of In and Out-Of-The
Classroom Faculty Interactions”
Adviser: Ashley Nicole Stone
Kate Belknap Higher Education
BA University of The South
MLS University of Dallas
Dissertation: “Teaching at a Regional Public University: Investigating How
Faculty Learn the Craft”
Adviser: Michael Scott Harris
Margarita De La Rosa Educational Leadership, PK-12
BED University of Texas, Pan American
MED University of Texas-Brownville
Dissertation: “Strategies Successful Superintendents Implement to Build
Meaningful Relationships with School Board”
Adviser: Alexandra Pavlakis
Jessica Spencer Fair Educational Leadership, PK-12
BB Southern Methodist University
MED Arizona State University
Dissertation: “Meeting the Complex Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students:
A Call to Educational Leaders”
Adviser: Leanne Robyn Ketterlin Geller
Laura Garza Educational Leadership, PK-12
BA University of Texas, Austin
MED Texas A&M University Commerce
Dissertation: “Principal Supervisors: Coaching Principals to Lead for Equity”
Adviser: Watt Lesley Black, Jr.
Heather Jane Hennesey Educational Leadership, PK-12
BA College of The Holy Cross
MED Arizona State University
Dissertation: “The Leadership and Followership Equation Defined as a Co-
Created Process in a Change Initiative”
Adviser: Roxanne Baker Burleson
Jennifer M. Jones Higher Education
BA MLA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Black Women Can Jump: The Untold Stories of Black Women
in Higher Education”
Adviser: Sarah Kiersten Ferguson
Sungman Tyler Kim Higher Education
BA Sogang University
MEd Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “The Experiences of Asian International Students in a
Predominately White Institution During the Era of COVID-19”
Adviser: Sarah Kiersten Ferguson
Anne Marie Light Educational Leadership, PK-12
BA University of Texas, Dallas
MED Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Brute Force Teacher”: Outlasting the Turbulent Cycle of
Teacher Turnover”
Adviser: Meredith Paige Richards
Alyssa Lee Lowe Higher Education
BS Tarleton State University
MED Baylor University
Dissertation: “Women’s Student Leadership Experiences: Understanding
Leadership Identity Development”
Adviser: Ashley Nicole Stone
Heather Marie McClary Higher Education
BS Texas A&M University
MPA University of North Texas
Dissertation: “Responsible Conduct of Research Training Practices at
Research Universities”
Adviser: Sondra Nicole Barringer
Frank C. McKinley Higher Education
BB Delta State University
MS Georgetown University
Dissertation: “A Critical Analysis of Racial and Gender Diversity In
Postsecondary Fire Service Education Programs”
Adviser: Sarah Kiersten Ferguson
Ana Maira Alejandra Meki Higher Education
MS Indiana State University
MS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Do You Feel Like a Fraud: Exploring the Effects of Academic
Advising on Self-Efficacy and Feelings of Impostorism Among Women in
STEM Higher Education.”
Adviser: Ashley Nicole Stone
Cheryl Carmille Nevels Educational Leadership, PK-12
BS MED Texas A&M University Commerce
Dissertation: “African-American Female Perceptions of Cognitive and Non-
Cognitive Factors”
Adviser: Leanne Robyn Ketterlin Geller
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 9J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 9 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Teresa Valerio Parrot Higher Education
BA University of Colorado, Boulder
MPA University of Colorado, Denver
Dissertation: “Presidential and Board Governance of Division I
Intercollegiate Athletics: How the Players, the Rules and the Game are
Influenced by Temples, Prestige and Positioning”
Adviser: Sondra Nicole Barringer
Hiba Suhail Rahim Educational Leadership, PK-12
BED Northwestern University
MED Harvard University
Dissertation: “A Qualitative Examination of Family, School, and Community
Interactions for Improved Muslim Refugee Student Outcomes in North
Adviser: Roxanne Baker Burleson
Matthew Kyle Robinson Higher Education
BA MED University of Oklahoma, Norman
Dissertation: “The Newbury Center: Creating a New Legacy for First
Generation College Students”
Adviser: Ashley Nicole Stone
Josue Eli Romero Educational Leadership, PK-12
BA University of North Texas
MED University of Texas, Arlington
Dissertation: “Effective Leadership in High and Low SES campuses”
Adviser: Watt Lesley Black, Jr.
Anabel Ruiz Educational Leadership, PK-12
BB MED University of Texas, Arlington
Dissertation: “Untapped Potential: Latinas, Their Strengths, and Support
Needed to Tap into Their Superintendency Leadership Potential”
Adviser: Alexandra Pavlakis
Emmanuel Eduardo Trevino Educational Leadership, PK-12
BA University of North Texas
MED Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Dismantling Systems of Inequality: Understanding the PK-12
Experience of Latinx LGBTQ+ Educational Leaders”
Adviser: Roxanne Baker Burleson
Antonio Luciano Verduzco Educational Leadership, PK-12
BA Texas A&M University
MA Southern Methodist University
MED University of Texas, Arlington
Dissertation: “The Impact of Principal Instructional Leadership on School
Climate and Culture at High Performing National Blue Ribbon Campuses”
Adviser: Leanne Robyn Ketterlin Geller
Morteza Zoroufchian Higher Education
BA Islamic Azad University, Iran
MA International Cases
Dissertation: “The Consolidation of Dallas County Community College
Adviser: Michael Scott Harris
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f L i b e r a L S t u D i e S
Michael Lamond Counter, Jr.
BA Midwestern State University
MLS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Radical Sanctuary: Black Cultural Products as Sights/Sites/
Cites of Empathy”
Adviser: Ashley Mag Gabbert
Joshua Joseph Dodds
BA University of North Texas
MLS St. Edward’s University
Dissertation: “To Be Neandertal: Twenty-First Century Humanities-Based
Academic Programs, Pluralistic Conceptions of the Human Condition and
New Virtual Realities”
Adviser: Jennifer Lynn Culver
Courtney Carter Harbour
BA MLS University of North Texas
Dissertation: “Remixing a Revolution: Embodied Politics, Identities, and the
Transfiguration of Hip Hop Culture”
Adviser: Ashley Mag Gabbert
Diane Elizabeth Jay
BBA Texas Wesleyan University
MLS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Healing Trauma Through the Trauma Graphic Novel: A
Hybrid Approach to Art”
Adviser: Lori Ann Stephens
Pamela Jean Merryman
BS Howard Payne University
MLS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Language as an Agent of Change: Eudora Welty’s The Shoe
Bird and Kenneth Burke’s Theory of Permanence and Change”
Adviser: Lori Ann Stephens
Emmeline Alene Miles
BA Scripps College
MLA Texas Christian University
Dissertation: “The Voice Within: Addressing Trauma with Musical Creativity
and Expression-Based Education”
Adviser: Brandy Schumann Tomlinson
Candace Reese
BA University of Houston
MA Texas Southern University
Dissertation: “Creative Power: Womanist Storytelling and Soul Sharing in the
Work of Alice Walker, Zora Neale Hurston, and the Twenty-First Century”
Adviser: Ashley Mag Gabbert
Ronald E. Stout
BA University of Texas, Dallas
MS University of North Texas
Dissertation: “Critical Thinking Using CTQs and CTDs: A Simplified
Pedagogical Approach for First Time in College and First-Generation
Community College Students to Become Proficient in Basic Critical
Thinking Skills”
Adviser: Bruce Levy
Trea C. Yip
BBA Loyola Marymount University
MLS Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Ecofeminism: 1492–1974”
Adviser: Karen Baker-Fletcher
In Me a do w s sc h o o l o f t h e a rt s
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P h i L o S o P h y
Danielle Rebecca Ezor Art History
BA Wellesley College
MA Williams College
Dissertation: “Whiteness at the Dressing Table:
Race, Gender, and Materiality in Eighteenth-
Century France and the French Caribbean”
J020073a-SMU-Commence-R1.indd 10J020073a-SMU-Commence-R1.indd 10 5/8/23 3:51 PM5/8/23 3:51 PM
in per kin s sc H OOl Of tHe Ol Ogy
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f M i n i s t r y
Chase Hunter Burns Nerissa Grigsby Walter Alfred Prescher
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f D i v i n i t y
Donald Gene Acton
Sandra Rene Allison
Hunter James Barnett
Julia Nicole Castleman
Jeremy William Clark
Keneshia Colwell
Brennan Reid Cummings
Melissa Garza
Robert Ivan Gulledge
Hope Marie Hooper
William Ross Keck
Hyung Seop Kim
Charles Muthiani Kitua
Sang Won Lee
Tae Hwa Lee
Steven B. Lefebvre
Rachel Michelle Mumaw
Sheridan Nicole Priddy
David Michael Schmidt
Jillian Abbey Shannon
Tanner Joseph Smith
Ashlee Renae Sweeney
Jonathan Paul Totty
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s A c r e D M u s i c
Fernando Berwig Silva Mary Mykayla Lyn Turner
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f t h e o l o g i c A l s t u D i e s
Pamela Seung Brantley
Isaac Travis Cirinna
Stephen Douglas Kimmel
Jessica Tucker Spillers
Alexandra Sarah Stokes
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s i n M i n i s t r y
Jennifer Nichole Abbott
Stephanie Denise Bohan
Jeremy Daniel Brewer
Hannah Hedgpeth
Kelly Dee Long
Whitney Mertz
Benjamin Wesley Sinclair
Patricia Swanson
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f t h e o l o g y
Kristen Ruth Von Gonten
in ded Ma n scHO O l O f law
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f t h e s c i e n c e o f l A w
Chinonso Anozie Law Xiaoyu Fan Law
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f l A w s
c o M P A r A t i v e & i n t e r n A t i o n A l l A w
Aminat B. Ajala
Mateus P Alves
Nathasha Amaral Da Rocha
Sung Yoon Baek
Liiana S. Eritcian
Kaline Fegely
Getahun Gesso
Muhammad Asad Haq
Sohyun Hong
Manan Khera
Chang Lu
Peter W. Marocco
Candida Mascara
Oluwaseyi Ogunlolu
Komal K. Patil
Hector G. Sada
Tongdan Wang
Yanren Wang
Carmen I. Zapata Martinez
Yuan Zhang
Shuang Zhao
Xin Zhao
t A x A t i o n
Angela D. Alloju
Aarti S. Balch
Yuri G. Hayslett
Sujin Kim
D e g r e e o f J u r i s D o c t o r
Uchenna Cenia Abakwue
Eric Achatz
Emily A. Adams
Tahir Ghazanfar Ali
Ryan Christopher Alley
Cullen J. Angonia
Abigail J. Arnold
Peter Gordon Arthur
Tyler E. Atchison
Adnan Bajramovic
Taylor Theresa Banks
Nicholas Andrew Beals
Sean D. Beck
Lauren N. Bingham
James P. Blanchard II
Garrett Richard Blevins
Tiereney LaNise Bowman
Shelby M. Brancato
Christopher W. Brandler
Kayla Marie Bright
Christa L. Bunce
Cayro A. Bustos
Madeleine Grace Calderon
Samuel W. Calkins
Tully McClellan Campbell
Joseph M. Castaldo
Bailey Champagne
Haley E. Chapa
Thomas William Chidlaw
Grayson Hunter Cieszkowski
Ben Gill Clements
William H. Clemons
Hailey C. Collett
Colleen Marilyn Collins
Emma Elizabeth Conde
Karla R. Connell
Chloe Elizabeth Cornett
Cassandra C. Corrigan
Morgan R. Craft
Carolina G. Cuppetilli
Cydni Katherine D’Elia
Patrick Roberts Darby
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 11J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 11 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Jian Micah Porio De Jesus
Javier De Luna
Kaleb Clark Degler
Ryan J. Demarest
David Joseph Deutch
Joshua A. Diaz
Aaron D. Dohanich
Maya Dokic
Isabelle Olivia Dominguez
Clint William Edens
Thomas James Emeterio
Ariane Erfani Jazi
Kathryn E. Faulk
Victoria Renee Faz
Weston A. Fisher
Nathan C. Flanigin
Stuart A. Foister
Luke A. Frederick
Peter Freeman
Maxwell Gerard Gaddy
Matthew Curtis Gamboa-Lutz
Christian Garcia
Benjamin M. Gerzik
Sarah G. Ghaffari
Sanaa Mohammed Ghanim
Margaret Gianvecchio
Jacob R. Gilbertson
Colson Ginger
Garett W. Godkin
Robert Caillo Gojuangco
Brandon I. Goldberg
Elise D. Gonzalez
Donyea E. Grayson
Cameron N. Green
Michael M. Guerra
Alex Daniel Guerrero
Alizabeth Adam Guillot
Natalie Jean Gullo
Emma Hackney
Danielle L. Harlan
Joshua D. Harper
Rylie S. Hayes
Paul Frederick Herz
Joy N. Hetrick
Preston Gregory Hext
Pauline Garance Hodencq
Allison Leigh Hopkins
Jacqueline Riley Howard
Hufsa K. Husain
Ashley A. Hutcheson
William Kemp Jaynes
Emma C. Jenevein
Gwendolyn Elizabeth Johnson
Bradley Jones
Cameron Jones
Kaci Marie Jones
Anna Maria Justice
Jack Millay Kelley
Samuel C. Keltner
Stephanie Kim
Kylan Aclipse Kinkade
Sydney Danae Kossow
Abigail A. Lahvis
Xiaolei Lai
Jessica Hakyoung Lee
Kevin S. Lee
Reese Elizabeth York Letourneau
Sera Anne Y. Levine
Jessica H. Long
Linda A. Luaces
Jordyn Lubin
Emma Katherine Lynch
Ziqian Ma
Joseph Grayson Madonia
David C. Madrazo
Mary Christine Mallory
Coury Barakat Malooly
Karlee Nicole Mansfield
Gladys A. Marcos
Tyler Elizabeth Mayer
Peyton N. McAlister
Michael C. McCluskey
Sterling R. McKinney
Randall L. McLemore Jr.
Eryka Jane Mendoza
Stephanie N. Mills
Aidan A. Moffatt
Christopher Monsivais
Kaleb E. Moore
Patrick Daniel Moore
Larissa Mussi
Kaitlyn Naylor
Amy Quynh Anh Nguyen
Stephanie J. Ni
Sophia Niemyski
Taylor G. Nkollo
Darby C. O’Grady
Toluwalase P. Olawale
Kimberly Evelyn Olea Cervantes
Natalia Ortiz
Joo Yeun Paek
Meredith Nicole Palmer
Jihye Park
Erin Parker
Owen C. Parmer
Haley M. Pevsner
Anesha I. Pink
Rachel Olivia Post
Quinlan T. Prchal
Elizabeth Caroline Priest
Sonya Punjwani
Megan E. Ramirez
Caroline Elizabeth Rao
Emily Margaret Reese
Carolyn Ann Dull Rietig
Samuel G. Roach
Christopher J. Rogers
Timothy H. Rogers
Alex Romo
Nicholas M. Salinaro
Jackson Alexander Kissling Sawko
Felix Schigel
Adam Joseph Schlossberg
Michael J. Schluterman
Abigail Evelyn Schultz
Kevin R. Sheneberger
James Howard Sifford, Jr.
Sloane C. Silverman
Skyanne Leigh Simonson
Hunter Austin Simpson
Cordell Spires, Jr.
Avery A. Steen
Stacy L. Stevens
Haley Renee Stevers
Louis Rowe Stipe
Jacob C. Swanson
Samara Nicole Taper
Micah Tardy
Cody A. Taylor
William P. Thames
Alexander Crandall Thompson
Krista Marie Thompson
Ali M. Thorburn
Edward Warner Tooley
Jacob T. Towles
Robel Tsegu
Mary K. Vanravenswaay
Ryan Elizabeth Vayner
Ariel Veytsman
Lauren Taylor Villanueva
Michael Nguyen Vuong
Sarah Elizabeth Walden
Marshall Wright Wallace
Nicholas Haoran Wang
Xi Wang
Brittany MacLean White
Cynthia Susan White
Luc Whyte
Davis Lee Williams
John Travis Williams
Riley Paige Wilson
Reagan S. Wish
Brennan R. Wong
Kadia Wright
DeRonnius Rashad Young
Sarah Youssef
Qing Yue
Joshua Yun
in ded Ma n cOll e ge Of Hu Ma nit ies and scie nc es
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s
Jocelyn Bell Anthropology
Kristina Anne Bishop Economics
Amy Dixon Anthropology
Brett Leroy Fearer History
Thesis: “Prodigals or Traitors: American POWs
During the Korean War, Brainwashing, and
National Security”
Madison Dawn Fillinger-Rumora Anthropology
Rose Elyse Hurwitz Anthropology
Carolyn T. Mason Anthropology
Margot Lyn Salsman Psychology
Thesis: “Investigating the Relationship Between
and Fear of COVID-19 in a Sample of Adults
with and Without Asthma”
Halle M. Tarvin Anthropology
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 12J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 12 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e
Mohammed Ahmed Abdelrazek Aboelela
Ilektra Varvara Lebl Organizational Psychology
Caitlin Lotter Organizational Psychology
Nathaniel J. Murray Statistical Science
Dylan Aubrey Owens Statistical Science
Kathryn Anne Palmer Organizational Psychology
Kun Shang Geology
Thesis: “Geometry of Fractures in the Austin
Chalk and the Eagle Ford Shale
Timothy Warren Stubblefield Statistical Science
Yining Tong Applied Statistics and Data Analytics
Leonel Varvelo Chemistry
Thesis: “Modeling Excited State Processes
in Molecular Aggregates by Constructing an
Adaptive Basis for the Hierarchy of Pure States”
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n A P P l i e D e c o n o M i c s A n D P r e D i c t i v e A n A l y t i c s
Alex Thomas Balazs
in Mea dO ws scH O Ol Of tH e arts
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s
Mary Elizabeth Baker Arts Management
Stella Ryan Cofoid Advertising
Sarah Jane Eckelkamp Advertising
Ella Albright Ekstrom Arts Management
Megan Elizabeth Jarchow Arts Management
Lauren Kistler Linehan Arts Management
Darby Linn Art History
Laura Martin Art History
Mary Pearson Moore Arts Management
Alexis Ai-Ly Nguyen Arts Management
Destiny Nicole Perez Arts Management
Gabriela Vascimini Advertising
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f f i n e A r t s
Courtney Amaro Theatre
Sara Riley Dotterer Art
Cory Howard Garrett Theatre
Ian Grieve Art
Shahrzad Mazaheri Theatre
Hannah Sylvia Wolland Theatre
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f M u s i c
Monica Lenee Avalos Percussion Performance
Benjamin Robert Baldwin Clarinet Performance
Krista Benesch Voice Performance
Jared Vincent Beu Instrumental Conducting;
Music Composition
Hannah Fox Britt Music Education
Ian Ross Brown Trumpet Performance
Emilie Catlett Musicology
Brandon Jinwoo Choi Music Education
Seth Emmanuel Clarke Voice Performance
Kaitlin Rhea Teske Gallman Music Education
Christian Levon Harvey Violin Performance
Nathan Daniel Howard Instrumental
Bethany Rae Jelinek Voice Performance
Brenden Kyle Johnson Music Education
Jessica Renee Leutwyler Music Education
Israel Ulises Lozano Vazquez Piano Performance
& Pedagogy
Alicia H. McCormick Music Education
Christopher Ryan Mehrafshan Percussion
Logan Miller Clarinet Performance
Kristina Michelle Morrow Music Education
Jonathan Ray Passmore Theory Pedagogy
Luke Rogers Double Bass Performance
April Michelle Simmons Harp Performance
Natalie Ann Smith Violin Performance
Xiaotong Wang Violin Performance
D e g r e e o f P e r f o r M e r s D i P l o M A
Nathan Edward Bowles Voice Performance
Karina Julixa Buruca-Kunda Voice Performance
Diego Ignacio Campos Medina Violin
Alyson Marie Davis Cello Performance
Kathryn McClure Downs Flute Performance
Rachel Joy Ellis Cello Performance
Joseph Goodale Voice Performance
John A. Hunter Double Bass Performance
Nathan Michael Ingrim Oboe Performance
Nicholas Avery Laham Viola Performance
Nathan Bruton Little Trumpet Performance
Luis Martin Moreno Tuba Performance
Avuya Ngcaweni Voice Performance
Blaise Morales Rothwell Percussion Performance
Jose Manuel Uzcategui Rojas Percussion
Lewis James Warren, Jr. Piano Performance
Dongni Xie Piano Performance
in edw in l. cO x scHO O l O f Bus in ess
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f B u s i n e s s A D M i n i s t r A t i o n
Savannah Taylor Aaron General Business
Fajrian Afandhi Finance
Franklin Okechukwu Agunanne General Business
Amaan S. Ahmad General Business
Bethany Janeise Alexander General Business
Donald Keith Allen Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Corbin Charles Anderson Finance; Real Estate
D’Andre Lamont Anderson General Business
Jason Lynn Anderson General Business
Anuroop Chandra Anuraag Business Analytics;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
David Aiken Ascik General Business
Richard Develentey Ash General Business
Sundara Subramanian Athinarayanan
Sundaram Mohan General Business
Margaret Inglis Austin General Business
Hussein Baghdadi Mroweh General Business
Mary Elizabeth Baker General Business
Rachel Michelle Ball-Phillips Strategy and
Rakshit Jagdish Bankar General Business
Annie Sirion Barahona General Business
Yasmin M. Barnes General Business
Jorge Santos Barrera Garza Strategy and
Eric Robert Bartmess Real Estate
Blake Andrew Bassett Finance; Strategy and
Sterling Creighton Beard Management; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
William Joseph Beeby Finance; Strategy and
Jacqueline Antionette Bescherer General Business
Darron Belamar Blair General Business
Thomas Matthew Blas General Business
Jesteen Vedanayakam Bolle General Business
Lorenzo Mauricio Bolton General Business
Satish Kumar Reddy Bomma General Business
Margot Kathryn Bonomo Marketing; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
Shubham Rajendra Bothara Strategy and
Erich Nicholas Bouknight General Business
Philip Joseph Bowie Finance; Strategy and
William Scott Breitkreutz General Business
Blake Thomas Brinson Real Estate; Strategy and
Caroline Blanche Brookshire Strategy and
Clifford B. Brookshire Business Analytics
Luxor D. Brothers Business Analytics; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
Jontae Andre Brown General Business
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 13J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 13 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Emmy Mary Evelyn Buck Management
Aaron Michael Burns General Business
Jennifer Mildred Cain Finance; Strategy and
Veronica Cherie Campbell Management; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
Cresencio Cantu General Business
Vienna Carolina Catalani General Business
Victoria Elaine Celis General Business
Vanessa Cerda General Business
Andrew William Charapko Finance
Shaurya Singh Chauhan Finance
Jungyoul Choi Business Analytics; Finance
Eloise Cobos General Business
Caelan Tramoni Colburn Finance; Strategy and
Graham D. Comstock Real Estate
Gabriel Simeon Constantine General Business
Catherine Olivia Cook General Business
Nicholas John Costanza Finance; Real Estate
Peter Lacy Crain Real Estate; Strategy and
Lion Robert Forman Creel Strategy and
Matthew David Culver Finance; Strategy and
Brynlin Curry General Business
Robert Chandler Darwin General Business
Jared Thomas Davis General Business
Nellie Frances Davis Marketing; Strategy and
Sydnee Lane Davis General Business
Mallory Evans Dean General Business
James Thomas Denton General Business
Shelby Carter Dewlen General Business
Cathleen O’Brien Dolt General Business
Marcia J. Dunn General Business
Emmanuel Matthew Ekong General Business
Ella Albright Ekstrom General Business
Victor Manuel Escobedo Real Estate
Thomas Elliot Farnsworth General Business
Eleazar Charlie Flores IV Strategy and
Mujidat Morenikeji Folawiyo Management
Hailey J’Von Franklin General Business
Daniel Philip Furie General Business
Stephen Paul Gates General Business
Angelo Edward Gnodle Management; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
Sourav Goel Business Analytics; Strategy and
Entrepreneurship; Supply Chain and Operations
Alexis Goes General Business
Siddharth Gorecha General Business
Chandni Goswami General Business
Kelsey Alyse Graham General Business
Shea Patrick Graul Finance; Strategy and
James William Green General Business
Schuyler Everett Grey IV General Business
Javier Guerra General Business
Trisha Rani Guin Management; Strategy and
Bonnie Joann Hainline General Business
Kristin Case Hallam General Business
Casey Rachel Handwerger General Business
Katherine Hamilton Harris Business Analytics;
Valecia Chante Harris Strategy and
Hayden Robert Harrison General Business
Richard Brian Hart General Business
Rylie S. Hayes General Business
Luke Hazen General Business
Megan Lee Helgerson General Business
Nia Bianca Henson General Business
Margette G. Hepfner General Business
Elizabet Adriana Hernandez Strategy and
Preston Gregory Hext Finance
Charlotte A. Hill General Business
Benjamin Thomas Hobson General Business
Samira Jabeen Hoda General Business
Jill LaRae Hogg General Business; Strategy and
Laura Renee Holland General Business
Alvaro Holschneider Rincon Gallardo Finance
Graceanne Elisabeth Howard Business Analytics
Joseph Hunter Huff General Business
Meredith Rankin Huggins Finance
Amanda Yvonne Hull Business Analytics;
Management; Supply Chain and Operations
Samuel Ellsworth Hunter II General Business
Khawaja Hamza Hussain Business Analytics;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship; Supply Chain
and Operations Management
Abraham-Mounzer Ziad Husseini Strategy and
Jenna Sunny Jacobs Management; Marketing;
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Megan Elizabeth Jarchow Marketing
Amrit Kaur Jassar Management
Madison Jewell Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Yuantao Jin General Business
Benny Ray Johnson General Business
Garrett Dean Jones Real Estate
Jason Fouad Jordi General Business
Mark Douglas Jungmann Finance; Strategy and
Keith Lyn Juricek General Business
Kevin Singh Kalra Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Priscilla Linda Kanata General Business
Kondala Rao Kandregula General Business;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Charles Allan Karas General Business
Sandesh Karki General Business
Francis Steven Kimball Accounting
Andrew Christopher Klein General Business
Jason Philip Knott General Business
Risheek Varma Kosuri General Business
Theodore Demetrios Kourpas Real Estate
Micah Aaron Kruse General Business
Peter A. LaNasa Real Estate; Strategy and
Clarence L. Landen IV General Business
Kelsey Nicole Lang General Business
Nicolaus Larez General Business
Mary Hilliard Larkin Strategy and
Michael David Lawrence Strategy and
Heather Chimarys LeClair General Business
Young J. Lee General Business
Sera Anne Y. Levine General Business
Lauren Kistler Linehan Strategy and
Jacob Liu General Business
Robert Andrew Liu General Business
Maribel Lomeli Business Analytics
Casie Rae Maggiacomo General Business
Matthew Laurence Mandelbaum Real Estate
Casandra Marcella Manning Lozano General
Rebecca Ann Marchant General Business
Matthew Blaine Mardis General Business
Grant Miller Mason General Business
Barret Walker Matthews Management; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
Karin Judith Matz General Business
Annette Ruth Mayne Marketing; Strategy and
Patricia Mayorga Management; Marketing
Louisa Carroll McCarty Strategy and
Connor Stanton McDonough Finance
Joseph Robert McGurty General Business
Michael Fuller McNamara General Business
Caleb Allen Messer General Business
Daniel Preston Milavec General Business
Alison Lee Miles Finance; Strategy and
Michael P. Miles Business Analytics
Logan Tyler Miller General Business
Mark Ryan Miller General Business
Sutton Christopher Mills Finance; Strategy and
Zebnish Amirali Modi General Business
Mary Pearson Moore Strategy and
Savannah Nicole Moore Strategy and
Juan Fernando Moscoso Rojas Finance; Real
Meagan Rachelle Mowles General Business
Robin Wilcox Murray Investments; General
Narendra Raju Nadimpalli General Business
Ramya Narapareddi Management; Strategy and
Shehadeh Nicolas Natour, Jr. Finance; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
Charles Edward Neagle General Business
Alexis Ai-Ly Nguyen Marketing
Okechi Nnanna Nwabara Business Analytics;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Brandy Lauren Obennoskey General Business
Christina Marie Oliver General Business
Kevin J. Ortiz General Business
Alejandro Ortiz Becerra Real Estate; Strategy and
Ashley Jiyoung Park Business Analytics;
Casey Allen Parsons General Business
Astha Pradeep Patel General Business
Nimesh H. Patel Finance; General Business;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Poonam Ratilal Patel General Business
Destiny Nicole Perez Management; Strategy and
Paul Anthony Perez General Business
Matthew Joseph Philichi General Business
Alyssa Nicole Phillips Management
Austin Keller Pipkin Finance; Real Estate
Rhea Brielle Pollard General Business
Benjamin Douglas Pollock General Business
Sergio Ivan Poppe General Business
Robert Michael Porter Finance
Preston Clark Pownell Real Estate; Strategy and
Quinlan T. Prchal General Business
Michael Joseph Putman General Business
Albert Nasir Quaye General Business
Adil Raza General Business
Carlos Angel Reyes General Business
Madison Russo Rigby Management; Marketing
Darrick Roberson Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Christopher J. Rogers Finance
Ruth Lysbeth Ropp General Business
Emily Kate Rosenbloom Finance; Management;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Prerana Roy Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Reuben Jacob Rusk General Business
Tara Sadat-Tehrani Strategy and Entrepreneurship
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 14J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 14 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Gail Frances Saegert Management
Gloria Ofelia Salinas General Business; Strategy
and Entrepreneurship
Pratik Saxena General Business
Brent Nicolas Schlagel Business Analytics;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship; Supply Chain
and Operations Management
Destiney Lea’ Scott Management; Strategy and
J. R. Sethi Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Sophia Ali Shah General Business
Sean Matthew Shepard General Business
Sanghoon Shin General Business
McKenna Rhea Shirley General Business
Ryan James Shook General Business
Sloane C. Silverman General Business
Samantha Elizabeth Simank General Business
Connor Stephen Simpson General Business
Emily Charlotte Sims Strategy and
Shashank Singh Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Robert William Slack General Business
Jerod Lance Slay General Business
Jasmine Eprana Smith Real Estate; Strategy and
Michael Vales Snyder General Business
Rodolfo Solis, Jr. General Business
Allan Eric Spiegel Business Analytics; Strategy and
Entrepreneurship; Supply Chain and Operations
Harish Sridharan Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Phillip Logan Stahl General Business
Shelbe Payten Sterling General Business
Andrew James Stonebarger Finance
Alexandra Lauren Stoops General Business
Dean Robert Stromme General Business
Deepa Anandaraman Subramaniam General
ByeongGwan Suh Business Analytics; Finance
Grant Reid Sullivan Business Analytics
Jake Reid Sullivan Business Analytics
Justin Randall Tackett Marketing; Strategy and
Syed Mohammed Taiyab General Business
Isabella Rose Taylor General Business
Justine Taylor-Raymond General Business
Landry Caroline Teeter General Business
Charles Caldwell Templeton Strategy and
David Sydney Tilden General Business
Christie Gayle Tomasz General Business
Estefania H. Torres General Business
Juan Jesus Trevino Hernandez Real Estate;
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Robel Tsegu General Business
Brad William Viernow General Business
Hai-Mac Vu Finance
Kristi Leighann Walker General Business
Rachel Anne Watson General Business
Liam Glenn White Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Mark Edward White General Business
Savannah Dominique Wilkinson Marketing
Ryan Spencer Williams Strategy and
Bowie Hoecker Wynne General Business
Sahar Yaqubi General Business
Catherine Ames Yarbrough Finance; Real Estate
DeRonnius Rashad Young Real Estate
Ana Fernanda Zahlten Rodriguez Strategy and
Julie Ann Zamarripa General Business
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n A c c o u n t i n g
Derian A. Acosta
Travis Neil Almand
Cooper J. Arnold
Harrison Smith Avery
Christopher Neil Beals
Chloe Parker Beggs
Anthony Scott Berni
Grant Perkins Booth
Erika Chavez
Dongting Chen
Hana Delaney Cloherty
Ariana Youngcong Daniel
Talin M. DeJong
Robin Nicole Drewery
Amanda Marie Duke
Lauren Frances Eagen
Ashley Eleanor Eickholz
Linus R. Emmett
Pierce William Farlow
Stone Favrot
Michelle E. Fearon
Grace Catherine Flynn
Carter Bowen Frederick
Elena Kristine Gambarin
Connor James Goode
James Dillon Grafton
Christopher Arthur Hanson
Erica Jean Hoffman
Cade Michael Holliday
Jack William Holliday
Mary Louise Howland
Elizabeth Marie Johnson
Yigit Can Karaca
Katherine Elizabeth Keenan
Benjamin Killian
Sana Lalani
Ana Paula Lleras
Robert Joseph Malley III
Peyton Ann Mallonee
Zackary Paul Mashni
Mary Rose Massey
Morgan Blaine McAleb
Natalie Katherine Miller
Travis Rogers Mote
Lillian Stewart Myers
Sarah Christine Myers
John Ross Jure Novogradac
Piper Nicole Odom
Giovanna Elena Olivieri
Jared Henry Pastore
Ryan Lanning Porter
Avery Grace Portz
Michael Andrew Post
Maria de Jesus Rangel Patron
James William Rhodes
Jason Matthew Richardson
Kassidy Rene Rios
Ipek Imren Rudd
Ivonne Itzel Santoyo
Erik Mathieu Shaw
Elizabeth Kay Shumway
Andrew Bryce Siren
Jaclyn Elizabeth Smiesko
Dylan Beyer Smith
Everett M. Smith
Brytin Danielle Staab
Elizabeth Stanislav
Daniel Steven Stark
Ivanna Sofia Stefan Flefil
Brooke Nicole Stricker
Christopher Ye Sun
Peter Ryan Voehringer
Megan Elaine Waldron
Laura McConnell Wilson
Madeline Alexa Work
Margaret Layne Zaegel
Domonic Zarrini
Lydia Catherine Zuklic
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n B u s i n e s s A n A l y t i c s
Madeleine Ann Adam
Jacob William Ahrberg
Murad Ibrahim Al Kassem
Syed Tayyab Bin Aman
Ilse Carolina Arevalo
Lan Chi Bach
Abiba Tidena Bamba
Ryan Graham Booth
Andrew James Brown
Felipe David Bucheli Celi
Kiley Christine Burns
Yuchen Cao
Brian Emmanuel Richard Caviness
Surbhi Chandhok
Saksham Chauhan
Cooper Jonathon Clark
Esperanza Maria Colmenares Sandoval
Felix Juan Cruz-Montanez
Kriti Dhaulakhandi
Patrick B. Dooley
Keeana Ros Esmaeeli
Gabriella Amoedo Fielding
Kieran Saul Furse
Youssef Ayman Abdallah Galal
Dhanesh Deoraj Ganesh
Sophia Daniela Garcia Rivas
Parag Garg
Varun Sanjay Gokhale
Jeffrey Alex Grill
Dawei Gu
Yash Guptaa
Katherine Grace Hadley
Mary Elizabeth Covington Hartsfield
Le Viet Phuc Ho
Chin-Chun Huang
Adeyoyin Gazalat Imam
Min Jiang
Zijie Jin
Napat Jivakanun
Kathryn Marie Jones
Dilasha Joshi
Sahar Mujahid Khan
Mitchell Charles Otieno Kodhek
Raunaq Singh Kohli
Yoon Ho Lee
Jiayue Lei
Yuhang Ling
Saubakkiya Lingasamy
Wanying Lu
Cheng Lyu
James Matthew McDaniel
Cameran Olivia Myler
Shanker Nagarajan
Sumita Unnikrishnan Nair
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 15J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 15 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Sai Prasanthi Narramneni
Sai Dheemant Nathani
Saugat Nayak
Venkata Ganesh Nimmala
Jacqueline Caroline Madeline Nylander Altelius
Constance Chinwe Ogburie
Nicole Ann Parmelee
Tejasree Patibandla
Cian Ping Peng
Chanchanok Phongphaothong
Thy Thuy Dang Phung
Rachana Pokhrel
Kinnera Puppala
Laura Margaret Purvis
Yue Qiu
Gangadhar Sallagundla Chowdary
Jakeline Sanchez
Patyod Sathirapanya
Caroline Linwood Searcy
Benjamin Seay
A. Cristina Segreda Rodríguez
Yashagra Sharma
Jennifer Silva
Simran Singh
Rachana Devendra Sontakke
Douyere Kisselnan Frederic Soro
Taylor A. Souryachak
Abhishek Subbarayalu
Yiyun Sun
Hima Suram
Karen Tabet
Cara Gahee Takeda
Harsh Anilkumar Tandel
Xiangxiang Tang
Rayten Tiano
Nupur Upadhyaya
Jeriel Wadjas
Jiaowei Wang
Luo Wang
Yin Wang
Lindsay Ellen Winters
Karolina Malgorzata Witek
Wenjie Wu
Ya Xie
Xin Xiong
Kunchen Yao
Yow Wan Yi
Ke Yu
Yiwan Zhang
Xinyi Zheng
Yu Zhou
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n f i n A n c e
Zaid Abderrahman
Knut Ahlander
Adriana Arrazola Woltmann
Beau Evan Barrington
Bryson Charles Bianco
Colton Thomas Blacketer
Rowen Robert Brown
Kaiyu Chen
Edul Chinoy
Owen Sellers Condon
Alexander Gabriel Conrad
Kendall Blair Couch
Charlotte Faith Devine
Humberto Jose Diaz
Alexander Kipling Durham
Madigan Laurie Eppink
John Braxton Eubanks
Alexander Jacob Feuer
Jane-Anne Catherine Fill
Leonard Charles Franques
Byron James Frohnen
William Joseph Greskovich
Cole Stephen Grimes
William Zane Harmon
Caroline Bryant Harper
Lane Robert Harris
Hutton Mills Horn
Blaine Jacob George Hovenier
Timothy Brice Inbody
Gabriel Alan Jacques
Phillip Sullivan James
Jordan Janse van Rensburg
Macie Claire Lawrence
Jianan Janna Li
Austin James Liu
Margaret Elizabeth Martin
Travis Emerson Martin
Barrett Van Mattson
Ryan Nathaniel May
Seamus Eugene McFarland
Kason Wayne Meers
Jose Antonio Muniz Hidalgo
Ryan Kristopher Myers
Juanita Maria Nunez
Henrik Gustaf Olsson
Eric Fernando Padilla Casillas
Jillian Paige Parker
Angela Dalia Perez
Regina Perez Lozano
Marcelo Luis Pier
Joseph Christopher Price
Arvindakshan Rajesh
Robert Preston Ramsey
William Charles Rosenwinkel
Luis Francisco Rueda Lozano
Claiborne Burke Sanders
Ivan Santillan
Kunaal Sehgal
Charmi Shah
Cade Steven Shonkwiler
Alexandra Stankova
Namrit Varghese Thomas
Charles Reynolds Thompson
Justin Crowell Thompson
Raees Hain Ung
Stanley Denton Walker
Jessica Renea Wallis
Matthew Charles Ward
John Mark Weaver
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n M A n A g e M e n t
Oscar Pedro Alegria
Carla Estercio Alves
London Eve Austin-Roark
Amber Danielle Bacon
Paige Kelly Anne Bayliss
Joseph Hywel Bissinger
Amanda Castrejon
Donald W. F. Conkey
Annabelle Grace Corcoran
Ryan Brinton Coxe
Amber Nicole Dyer
Mateusz Dziekan
Isabel Fairhurst Eastment
Gabriela Estrada Hernandez
Jon Paul Fernandez
Marcella Raquel Gerszten
Erin Marrie Gramley
Hadi Imran Iqbal
Matthew Paul Jenkins
Ar’mani Laighton Nathaniel Johnson
Katia Alexandra Khammar
Charles Reed Lewis
Hayden Elizabeth McGuffin
Carson Rose Miller
Lauren Patricia Miller
Abria B. Morrow
Pranay Dilipkumar Panchal
Carlton Sterling Harris Peterson
Carmen Elise Regina
Rachel Erin Schwandt
Devin Ashley Seek
Arden Bette Shannon
Caroline Grace Smith
Christopher Collins Staley
Jordan Paige Whitefoord Steward
Sydney George Suntrup
Brandon M. Terwege
Rhett Hudson Thomack
Tatum Michelle Ticknor
Benjamin Paul Tipton
Marieke Johanna Theodora van der Mark
Mallory Michelle Vroegh
Erin Michelle Wanek
Kathryn Olivia Wright
Di Xu
Andrew Zahabi
in BOB By B. ly l e scH OOl O f engi n eer in g
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s
Leroy Ahwinahwi Sustainability and Development
Emma L. Goff Design and Innovation
Lourdes Yessenia Gracia Sustainability and
Steven Kinder Design and Innovation
Kenedy Faith Kundysek Design and Innovation
Alain Mota Design and Innovation
Harrison James Tassopoulos Design and
Tanner Williams Design and Innovation
Jacquelyn Wong Sustainability and Development
Zhizhong Wu Design and Innovation
Aline Zuniga Design and Innovation
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 16J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 16 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
D e g r e e o f M a s t e r o f s c i e n c e
Abeer Nasr Albadani Network Engineering
Jason Richard Alfaro Systems Engineering
Reem Riad Alkhatib Systems Engineering
Mohanad Saad M. Almodhi Systems Engineering
Salwa Abdulaziz A. Althuwaini Cybersecurity
Travis Armistead Computer Science
Gabriel Ifeanyichukwu Azuike Systems
Niharika Balabommala Computer Science
Michael Anthony Bazan Systems Engineering
Miheer Shailesh Bhilare Network Engineering
Sarah Grace Bivens Manufacturing Management
Umar Bradshaw Cybersecurity
Alec Lee Brisbin Manufacturing Management
Khoa Anh Bui Systems Engineering
Rachel Brianne Bullard Network Engineering
Michael Byron Cassidy Cybersecurity
Jesse Manuel Castro Systems Engineering
Hayden Flynn Center Computer Science
William Li Chan Computer Science
Jiayu Chen Datacenter Systems Engineering
Kimberly Marie Clough Manufacturing
Sheldon Cook Systems Engineering
Wyatt Brian Cook Systems Engineering
Collin Corcoran Systems Engineering
Paola Cristina Cordero Maldonado
Manufacturing Management
James Cornell Systems Engineering
Mary Catherine Crutchfield Manufacturing
Jillian E. Deaver Systems Engineering
Natalie Michelle Decco Manufacturing
Bristol Delancy Systems Engineering
Joseph Patrick Dempsey Manufacturing
Katherine Elizabeth Deremo Systems Engineering
Nikita Nandkumar Dhulap Network Engineering
Mariétou Mamadou Diallo Computer Science
Fabian S. Diaz Systems Engineering
Sanjay Kumar Dubey Computer Science
Caleb Edward Duncan Software Engineering
Maxey Love Duncan Systems Engineering
Truong Xuan Duong Computer Science
Erik Thomas Eliason Manufacturing
Corey Jace Ellis Computer Science
Michael Engelhardt Systems Engineering
Corey Everitt Cybersecurity
Elizabeth Feeley Manufacturing Management
America Fernandez Systems Engineering
Jared Thomas Foster-Smith Systems Engineering
Calvin Wagner Frederick Manufacturing
Jennifer Kristin Fugate Systems Engineering
Casey Sue Fulton Systems Engineering
Rolando Garcia Systems Engineering
Jordan Tyler Gnatowsky Manufacturing
Marshall Barney Grey Manufacturing
Adam Griffin Software Engineering
Garret Antonio Guerrero Manufacturing
Chari Guidry Cybersecurity
Nathan Charles Gustason Systems Engineering
Thomas Harris Manufacturing Management
Andrew J. Havard Cybersecurity
Nicholas Henney Systems Engineering
Brian Hernandez Systems Engineering
Mackenzie Marie Hicks Manufacturing
Amy Ho Manufacturing Management
Anthony Thai Binh Hoang Systems Engineering
Hai Linh Hoang Computer Science
Luis Carlos Holguín Manufacturing
Lauren Joan Horton Cybersecurity
Ashley Elizabeth Huddleston Systems
Shubham Ravindra Jain Network Engineering
Mickell Jerome James Systems Engineering
Valeria Jimenez Manufacturing Management
Liane Elisabeth Jordan Manufacturing
Jordan Paul Junot Systems Engineering
Trevor Clyde Kask Manufacturing Management
Ryan Kerezman Systems Engineering
Vishal Dattatray Khot Network Engineering
Khushbu Khushbu Computer Science
Sage Elizabeth Konstanzer Computer Science
Pramson Kurien Manufacturing Management
Magnus David LaDue Computer Science
Eli Joseph Laird Computer Science
Heny Laishram Network Engineering
Henry Dalton Lambson Computer Science
Hector Larin Systems Engineering
Jeffrey Karl Leistico Systems Engineering
Jerry Yuqing Lewis Systems Engineering
Mengyuan Li Computer Science
Shuang Liang Computer Science
Chang Liu Computer Science
Nick Liu Computer Science
Sydney Patricia Lobato Systems Engineering
Huy Nhat Ly Software Engineering
Cuu Mai Manufacturing Management
Joshua Thomas Mathew Systems Engineering
Eric Robert McCombs Systems Engineering
Hannah McKernan Systems Engineering
Elizabeth Anne McPherson Operations Research
Jordan Michael Meade Systems Engineering
Alexander Joseph Meech Computer Science
Lauro Mejia Systems Engineering
Biruk Demessie Mekonnen Network Engineering
Tristan Mendez Systems Engineering
Benedict Marcus Miller Systems Engineering
Toby Allen Morris Cybersecurity
Pascual Muñoz, Jr. Manufacturing Management
Aditya Rajiv Nair Network Engineering
Zackery Neely Systems Engineering
Hailey Elizabeth Nelson Systems Engineering
Jonathan Newton Manufacturing Management
Jennifer Nguyen Systems Engineering
Asher Ahmed Nizamani Systems Engineering
Caitlyn Beth Novy Manufacturing Management
Andree Ordaz Manufacturing Management
Neha Mahesh Pandit Network Engineering
Sabrina Helen Peng Computer Science
Nicholas James Pewitt Systems Engineering
Jose Hiram Piceno, Jr. Systems Engineering
Praneeth Praveen Kumar Jain Network
Tooba Qureshi Manufacturing Management
Christian Zavala Ramos Manufacturing
Bharath Rangaswamy Network Engineering
Christina Esther Ream Manufacturing
Pedro Rivera Software Engineering
Felix Cruz Rocha Systems Engineering
Jacob Davis Rosenblatt Computer Science
Christopher J. Ryu Systems Engineering
Danielle Salas Manufacturing Management
Layton Michael Sanders Manufacturing
Vedika Kishor Satpute Network Engineering
Jitendra Subhash Sawant Network Engineering
Shubham Arun Sawant Network Engineering
Austin Colton Schoepf Systems Engineering
Andre Reynard Scott, Jr. Manufacturing
Dhruv Mehul Shah Network Engineering
Mark Donald Skradis Manufacturing
Brady Louis Skuza Software Engineering
Cody Jack Stinnett Manufacturing Management
Mikayla Streetman Systems Engineering
Brandon Thieme Manufacturing Management
Sheba Mary Thomas Systems Engineering
Aaron Thompson Manufacturing Management
India Janae Thompson Cybersecurity
Sai Charanteja Usa Network Engineering
Whitney Raye Usie Systems Engineering
Edgar Villa Systems Engineering
Jeremy Qu Waibel Computer Science
Christopher Douglas Walterscheid Software
Anthony Yichun Wang Computer Science
Soham Deepak Warde Network Engineering
Kendall Parrish Whitbeck Systems Engineering
Zechariah Donald James Wolf Computer Science
Thesis: “Data Leakage in Isolated Virtualized
Enterprise Computing Systems”
Rong Guang Xu Manufacturing Management
Yiwen Xu Computer Science
Chandler J. Yates Systems Engineering
Genna Ibarra Yates Systems Engineering
Xiong Yin Software Engineering
Britney Anne Yuchasz Manufacturing
Shaun Alan Yuchasz Systems Engineering
Kehan Zhang Computer Science
Zhenbang Zhang Computer Science
Zexin Zhuang Cybersecurity
Anke Zuo Software Engineering
D e g r e e o f M a s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g
Dominic Louis Carollo
Kamellia Kaylie Firouzi
Maya Gabrielle Mercade
Eduardo Navarro Navarro Gomez
Omongiade Gerald Okunsebor
D e g r e e o f M a s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n D a t a e n g i n e e r i n g
Aditya Harishchandra Ambre Samuel Beaty Reed Ginn
J020073a-SMU-Commence-R1.indd 17J020073a-SMU-Commence-R1.indd 17 5/8/23 3:51 PM5/8/23 3:51 PM
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n c o M P u t e r e n g i n e e r i n g
Yi Hu Jinhao Wang Chenqi Zhang
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e l e c t r i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Nicholas Andrew DeJulia
Gabriella Rose DiLiegro
Najib El Helou
Dhiraj Mahadeo Jadhav
Adrienne Leigh Phillips
Olivia Jewel Rodgers
Zhiyang Tang
Lingyu Yang
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e n g i n e e r i n g M A n A g e M e n t
Jessica Mariah Abraham
Jack Michael Aiello
Christian Adam Alvarez
Jordan Lea Streater Antequera
German Alvaro Barraza
John N. Carey
Salvador Junior Cuevas
Mark Daugette
Nicholas James DeMarco
Drake Duman
Caleb Ebanks
Michelle Farina
Katherine Elizabeth Garrett
George Gerges
Joshua Heads
Tyler Atherton Heath
Allen Jacob
Callie Dianne McClellan
Martick Vaughn Najarzadeh Barogh
Yesmeen Nasir
Marissa Nicole Ortega
Oscar David Parra
Punit Rajesh Patel
Kennisha LaSha Roberts
Anthony Michael Rodriguez
Nicole Anne Buenaflor Rolda
Andrew Duran Rubio
Hemang N. Sheth
Stephanie Renee Shoot
Ahmed Soliman
Valeria Soto
Brandon Southern
Martin Vincent Starta, Jr.
Andres Tamez
Michael Upp
Amanda Nichole Urioste
Ramon Vega III
Edgar Villa
Christopher Michael Watson
Grace Jennifer Winslow
Kelsie Ann Woodyard
Mandy Zaldivar
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e n v i r o n M e n t A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Sofia Valeria Lara Carrillo
Derek Sean McAden
Stephen Derek Moen
Justin Oliver Rains
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n M e c h A n i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Rebecca Bailey
Trevor Darryl Burke
Chase Joseph Dunn
Matthew C. Dykes
Masoomeh Hooman
Grant Alexander MacDonald
Samantha Erin Streb
in ann ett e ca l dwe ll siMM On s scH OOl Of edu cat i On an d HuMa n de ve lOp Me nt
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s i n D i s P u t e r e s o l u t i o n
Tammy L. Hayes
Xochitl Lopez
Tiffany Ann Rafael Nicasio
Kelly Lee O’Neil
Brenna Kevyn Rhodes
Shelby Rose Sibilsky
Elizabeth Wilhelmina Wright
Eden Wyker
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f B i l i n g u A l e D u c A t i o n
Anthony Joseph Berger Marita Elena Bustamante Elizabeth Dolores Ucles
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f e D u c A t i o n
Carissa Rose Aglietti
Sumaiya Ahmad Higher Education
Camille Alam Higher Education
Alexis Ball
Louis Gordon Bertenshaw V Urban Educational
Naveena Aishwarya Bontha
Addison Rae Brewer
Vickie Milagros Burgos Urban Educational
Riley Dylan Bush
Beatriz Bustamante Urban Educational
Yuliana Cardona
Monalisa Chadha Urban Educational Leadership
Leah Marie Chandler
Kevin Cooper
Rene Sebastian Crespo Urban Educational
Kalkidan Wondwossen Desta Higher Education
Kristy Nicole Dewberry Urban Educational
Jesusa Mariel Andrea Dilao
Matthew David Esparza Higher Education
Emily Christen Evans-Miller
Olliedra Foppe Urban Educational Leadership
Henry James Forcier
Lillian Abigail Frazier
Samuel Fyfe
Nelda Azucena Gomez Castillo Urban
Educational Leadership
Alexandria Greene Urban Educational Leadership
Jacqueline Paige Greenwell-Strunk
Ian Charles Grey
Esraa Haidar
Hana Zegeye Haile Urban Educational
Maria Hernandez Higher Education
Santiago Hernandez Urban Educational
Samuel Joseph Incardona
Maria del Pilar Johns
Elizabeth Anne Koch
Dominique Gabriel Lange Higher Education
Hannah Lawrence
Yasmeen Leal Urban Educational Leadership
Yuridiana M. Lewis Urban Educational
Marius Tremaine Martin Urban Educational
Fabiola Martinez Urban Educational Leadership
Kylie Rebecca Mason
Rochelle Mayweather
Stacey McNeal
Neha Paresh Mehta
Elizabeth Grace Milano
Jakara Mills
Isabelle Nogoy
Shakoya O’Quinn Urban Educational Leadership
Patti Jean Osborne
Rheanna Mae Osborne
Michael Padgett Urban Educational Leadership
Dylan George Pflum Higher Education
Shania Ashley Pierre
Lilibeth Ramírez Higher Education
Deanna Gail Restrepo
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 18J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 18 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Daisy Angelina Rivera Urban Educational
Victoria Ruggiero Urban Educational Leadership
Jacob Dennis Scheibe
Marina Spataro Urban Educational Leadership
Mark D. Sterling
Cailyn Faith Stewart
LaCresha Stewart Urban Educational Leadership
Kevin Daniel Tortolini II
Chandler Marie Tuttle
Carolina Elizabeth Vasquez Urban Educational
Holly Weinstein
Rylea Noel Wertzberger Higher Education
Cassie White Rodriguez Urban Educational
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f l i B e r A l s t u D i e s
Brennan Tiege Corrales
Monica Lynn Diaz
Caitlin Drott
Sayed Ahmer Gilani
Dean Malabanan, Jr.
Linda Sonia-Dee Marlow
Jennifer Marie Nollkamper
Magdeline Pike
Tyler Reames
Trevor James Roberts
Moriah Marie Scott
Matthew Tiler Siggers
Jocyln Yvette Ventura
Holly Peacock Young
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n c o u n s e l i n g
Justin Daniel Blackburn
Morgan Boone
Giovanni Eliseo Gianpietro Calarco
Avery Elizabeth Campbell
Taryn Colgrove
Madeleine Dale
Caroline Victoria Damron
Regina Ann Debilio
Valeria Maria Delgado Vilchez
Katherine McKittrick Johnston
Madison Stober Phillips King
Ryleigh Noel Krier
Emery Grace Letter
Elisabeth Preston McHugh
Aldjenatu Ellard Romero
Abigail Moriah Smith
Emily Elizabeth Smith
Azia Monét Tisdale
Eliza Frances Wagley
Avery Kate Wasson
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n s P o r t M A n A g e M e n t
Jaclyn Marie Beck
Deniz Berkay
Julissa Cisneros
Prashant Giri
Drew Jacob Greenberg
Alexandra K. Horton
Wendell Taylor Isom
Bailey Alison Lindsey
Tara Bebe Mireskandari
Charles David Rose
Zachary Henry Rothenberg
Megan Marie Vila
Damon Anthony Wright
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n h e A l t h P r o M o t i o n M A n A g e M e n t
Alexis Marie Hinojosa Francis Herbert Schmitt Cassie Tooke
sMu guildHall, linda and MitcH Hart ecenter
c e r t i f i c A t e i n D i g i t A l g A M e D e v e l o P M e n t
Jackson Conrad Barrett Specialization in Software
Wen Che Specialization in Art Creation
Su Chen Specialization in Level Design
Yuxian Chen Specialization in Art Creation
Zhenghao Chu Specialization in Level Design
Griffin DeClaire Specialization in Level Design
Timothy Blake Dooley Specialization in Level
Christopher Durham Specialization in Software
Gabriel Michael Eubanks Specialization in Level
Yiou Gao Specialization in Art Creation
Yuyi Gao Specialization in Art Creation
Jacob Tyler Grove Specialization in Software
Yixun Guo Specialization in Level Design
Jaelen Ericessen Hawthorne Specialization in
Level Design
Jiawei He Specialization in Level Design
Ramon Hernandez Specialization in Art Creation
Timothy Victor Herrmann Specialization in
Software Development
Robert Douglas Hicks Specialization in Software
John Anderson Hollinshead Specialization in
Level Design
An Huang Specialization in Level Design
Pranav Jain Specialization in Software
Binyao Jian Specialization in Level Design
Christopher Clyde Kitchen Specialization in
Software Development
Braden Timothy Kubit Specialization in Level
Changzun Li Specialization in Software
Shisong Liu Specialization in Level Design
Yuchen Liu Specialization in Level Design
John Andrew Lopoo Specialization in Level
Alberto Mancias Specialization in Level Design
Stern Smoger McGee Specialization in Software
Vignesh Mohan Specialization in Software
Ryan Thomas Moncrief Specialization in Level
Jonathan Joseph Murray Specialization in Level
Ying Niu Specialization in Art Creation
Juan Pablo Ospina Bustamante Specialization in
Software Development
Boshan Pan Specialization in Level Design
Balpreet Purewal Specialization in Level Design
Leyi Shen Specialization in Level Design
Aubrie Neal Starks Specialization in Level Design
Minqian Sun Specialization in Art Creation
Titus Thompson Specialization in Level Design
Taylor Anne Volek Specialization in Art Creation
Wenyuan Wang Specialization in Art Creation
Jacob Ryan Wheeler Specialization in Level
Tianze Wu Specialization in Level Design
Jiaxin Yan Specialization in Level Design
Jinghan Zhang Specialization in Level Design
Qiwei Zhang Specialization in Art Creation
Yining Zhang Specialization in Art Creation
Xiuying Zheng Specialization in Art Creation
Yuchen Zhu Specialization in Art Creation
Mingkang Zhuang Specialization in Software
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D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f i n t e r A c t i v e t e c h n o l o g y
Emma Grace Anderson Digital Game
Development - Production
Thesis: “Coaching Video Game Development
Teams in Communication Methods: Effects on
Emotional Intelligence and Team Effectiveness”
Jackson Conrad Barrett Digital Game
Development - Software Development
Thesis: “3D Skeletal Animation System”
Wen Che Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Stylized VR Environment with
Digetic UI”
Su Chen Digital Game Development - Level Design
Thesis: “Best Practice: Creating Tension with
Colored Lighting Contrast”
Yuxian Chen Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Interior Transformation of a Space
Zhenghao Chu Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices: Application of Difficulty
Curves for Ambush Design”
Griffin DeClaire Digital Game Development -
Level Design
Thesis: “The World Speaks: Best Practices for
Environmental Storytelling”
Timothy Blake Dooley Digital Game
Development - Level Design
Thesis: “Motivated Design: Best Practices
for Using Gamer Motivators to Create Level
Frameworks and Curated Encounters”
Gabriel Michael Eubanks Digital Game
Development - Level Design
Thesis: “Best Practices for Pattern Recognition
in Stealth Level Design”
Yiou Gao Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Tibetan Architecture with Dynamic
Weather System”
Yuyi Gao Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Concepting and Animating a Moving
Adam Paul Gothard Digital Game Development
- Art Creation
Thesis: “Disaster FX: Explosions and Weather”
Jacob Tyler Grove Digital Game Development -
Software Development
Thesis: “Design-focused Entity Component
System for a Survival City Builder”
Yixun Guo Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices: Effectively Placing Secret
Collectibles Utilizing Design Techniques”
Jiawei He Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices: Using the Valence
Theory to Guide Players”
Timothy Victor Herrmann Digital Game
Development - Software Development
Thesis: “FusionSim: Real-Time Cross-Platform
Data Driven Graph Based Simulation Engine
with Scripting Capability”
Robert Douglas Hicks Digital Game
Development - Software Development
Thesis: “Pathing and Planning: Formation-
based Real-time Combat”
John Anderson Hollinshead Digital Game
Development - Level Design
Thesis: “Best Practices In Designing Stealth
Combat Levels”
An Huang Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Going Fast: Map Design of High
Mobility First-Person Shooter (Best Practices
for Wall Running, Double Jumping, and Sliding
Pranav Jain Digital Game Development - Software
Thesis: “GPU and CPU Particle Systems”
Binyao Jian Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practice: Using cover to create a
stealth friendly level in an open area”
Braden Timothy Kubit Digital Game
Development - Level Design
Thesis: “Best Practices for Affecting Game Feel
through Design”
Changzun Li Digital Game Development -
Software Development
Thesis: “Game AI Behavior Tree System and
Shisong Liu Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices for Utilizing
Backtracking and Reuse of Space”
Yuchen Liu Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices: Controlling Player
Pacing Through The Implementation of
Environmental Puzzles”
John Andrew Lopoo Digital Game Development
- Level Design
Thesis: “Best Practices in Conveying
Affordances using Player-Based Metrics”
Alberto Mancias Digital Game Development -
Level Design
Thesis: “Best Practices: Using Environmental
Storytelling Methods to Modulate Player
Stern Smoger McGee Digital Game Development
- Software Development
Thesis: “Triangle Cluster Generation and
Culling using the D3D12 Mesh Shading
Vignesh Mohan Digital Game Development -
Software Development
Thesis: “Raytraced Global Illumination”
Ryan Thomas Moncrief Digital Game
Development - Level Design
Thesis: “Undercutting Overload: Best Practices
for Mitigating Cognitive Load in Games”
Ying Niu Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Bringing Realistic Characters to Life”
Juan Pablo Ospina Bustamante Digital Game
Development - Software Development
Thesis: “Hair Rendering and Simulation using
Mass Spring Systems and Dynamic Follow-The-
Boshan Pan Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices: Utilizing Lock & Key
Systems to Affect Flow”
Balpreet Purewal Digital Game Development -
Level Design
Thesis: “Best Practices for Balanced Tactical
FPS Map Design”
Leyi Shen Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices for Creating Bonds
Between Players and AI Companions”
Minqian Sun Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Historical Recreation & Destruction of
Zhou Zhuang”
Wenyuan Wang Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Biomechanical Creature with Advanced
Tianze Wu Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Using Flow Theory to Improve
Backtracking in Level Design”
Jiaxin Yan Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Using Cover to Modulate Pacing”
Jinghan Zhang Digital Game Development - Level
Thesis: “Best Practices for Guiding Players
Through the Use of Visual Stimulation”
Qiwei Zhang Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Procedural Hyper Modular Vehicle and
FX Systems”
Yining Zhang Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Notre Dame - Recreation and
Xiuying Zheng Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Concepting for Hyper Modular
Yuchen Zhu Digital Game Development - Art
Thesis: “Destruction of a Space Station with
Mechanical Animation”
Mingkang Zhuang Digital Game Development -
Software Development
Thesis: “Inventory System with UI Framework
and Server Persistence”
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in res ear c H a n d grad u ate st u die s
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n D A t A s c i e n c e
Braden Donald Anderson
Robert Burigo
Wailun Chung
Jeremy Dawkins
Connor Dobbs
Joaquin Dominguez
Onyeka Emmanuel
Scott James Frazier
Jacob Gipson
Joseph Allen Hoskins
Triston Allen Hudgins
Shijo Antony Joseph
Randy Kim
Richard Kim
Ryan Kinney
Eli Kravez
Minh Hien Lam
Andrew Leppla
Brittany Lewandowski
Katherine Grace Lockard
Rayon Morris
Pearly Merin Paul
Jeffrey Reed
William Sherman
Yucheol Shin
Yvan Cyrus Sojdehei
Brandon Sucrese
Siddeswara Swarupananda
Kevin Thompson
Chia Chun Queena Wang
Siu Wai Anthony Bernado Yeung
Kwok Man Douglas Yip
Limin Zheng
in ded Ma n cOll e ge Of Hu Ma nit ies and scie nc es
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Ruth G. Abebe Political Science
Arman Abelian Psychology
Riley Elizabeth Abney French; Political Science
Daniel Olayinka Abraham Political Science
Austin Samuel Acevedo Biological Sciences;
Haley Elizabeth Adams English
Noor Sadik Al-Musawe Biological Sciences
Kaylee Nicole Alanis Psychology
Lamisa Z. Ali Human Rights; International
Skylar B. Allen English with a Creative Writing
Kaylee Marie Almeter Economics
Lily E. Anderson Spanish
Jacob Benjamin Armstrong Physics
Syanne Avery Auchter Psychology
Sydney Ruth Aylsworth Psychology
Frances Altland Badgett Human Rights;
Hayeon Bae Psychology
Brenda Baez Spanish
Emily Victoria Baker English
Sharee Baloch International Studies
Dima B. Balut History; International Studies
Razan Mohammad Bayan History; Human
Valentina Becerra Quintanilla Spanish
Matthew Dalton Beck Political Science
Taylor Noelle Beck Philosophy; Psychology
Nicholas James Beecher Economics
Karrington Nicole Bennett Political Science
Charlotte Dawn Betts English
Maha R. Bilal Psychology
Amira Nichole Bivens Human Rights
Alyssa Rose Bleyle English; Public Policy
Brinda Reddy Bobbala Psychology
Evan Gabriel Bogoslavsky French
Casey Lunell Bowden Mathematics
Nancy May Bowdouris Economics
Palmer Charles Bradshaw History
Lydia Lenore Brahler Psychology; Sociology
Grace Estelle Brandt Political Science
Alexandra M. Brizius English
Molly Elizabeth Brown Psychology
Brandon Urick Brown-Marks Psychology
Natalie Jane Browne Economics; Public Policy
Joseph Samuel Bruce Psychology
Aaron Cole Bruns Economics
Trevor Darryl Burke Chemistry
Bethan Laura Burley Sociology
Keontae Tyrece Burns Economics
Mary Jandy Cabanas Cardenas Mathematics
Charles Tobin Cahill Political Science
Sparrow G. Caldwell Earth Sciences; Political
Wes Reynolds Carr Economics
Ashley Brooke Carter Political Science
Rachel Marie Carter Psychology
Anthony Henry Castro Political Science
Christian David Castro Religious Studies
Nicholas Charles Cernicky Economics
Kenli Chen Economics
Jonathan Michael Joseph Ciccone History
Eleanor Grace Clark Psychology
Luke Ronnie Clark Economics
Janiah T. Clarke Psychology
Micah G. Clayton Spanish
Luciano Salvatore Cocivera Psychology
James Harrison Coit Markets and Culture
Richard Horace Cole Political Science
Kennedy S. Coleman English; Political Science
Kate Collins Anthropology; Psychology
Meredith Anna Cone Psychology
Madeline Elizabeth Coon Psychology
Caroline Grace Coulter Markets and Culture
Daniel Alexander Covert History; Political
Jackson Slade Covert International Studies
Kaegan Joseph Cowan Biological Sciences
Jocelyn Rose Crabtree Psychology
Hannah L. Craley Chemistry
Chloe Grace Crissman Political Science
Faith McCall Crist Psychology
Alejandra Ruth Cuellar English with a Creative
Writing Specialization
William McCarthy Daughton Spanish
Faith Madeline Davis Biological Sciences
Kathryn G. Davis Psychology
Kaitlyn Rose DeMaster Economics
Liliann Faith DeVos Biological Sciences
Caroline Grace Decker Political Science
Katherine Britzius Decker Chemistry
Carolina Del Pozo French
Austin Graham Dennis Biological Sciences;
Religious Studies
Katherine Michelle Dennis Psychology
Saavni Nirav Desai International Studies;
Political Science
Raleigh Alexander Dewan English with a
Creative Writing Specialization
Annette Diaz Psychology
Beatriz Diaz Markets and Culture
Sarah Elizabeth Dietsch Psychology
Emma Elena Donovan Markets and Culture
Cameron Darshan Dosanjh Markets and Culture
Olivia Ann Doyle History
Jonmichael Milan Dragojevic World Languages -
Thatcher Reed Dunlap Philosophy
Avery Somers Egerton-Warburton Psychology
Alexandra Marie Eid Economics; French; Political
Sara Elisabeth Ellington Human Rights
Ruth Anne Emerson Economics
McKenzie Ann Ertel Psychology
Helja Lynette Estrada Psychology
Raul Estrada Human Rights; Philosophy
Lauren Svea Ewing Political Science
Anthony George Farhat Economics
Alexandra Noel Fassnacht Political Science;
Public Policy
Shelby Marie Faulkner Psychology
Elizabeth L. Feltovic English with a Creative
Writing Specialization; Political Science
Michael Anthony Ferry History
Jacqueline E. Fidellow Biological Sciences
Isabel Marie Finkbeiner History
Morgan Mae Fischer Economics; Markets and
Culture; Public Policy
Steven Michael Fischer Economics; Public Policy
Aidan Nicole Foley Human Rights; Philosophy;
Andres Fonseca Economics
Liana Forss Human Rights
Oliver Davis Forst Spanish
Austin Taylor Foster Political Science; Public
Elizabeth R. Friedsam Psychology
Asa John Fris Psychology
Claire Elizabeth Galea Biological Sciences;
Religious Studies
Sharon Garcia Mezo International Studies
Delaney Brooke Gaston Biological Sciences
McKenna Ann Gilbreth Political Science; Spanish
Natalie Emily Giresi Psychology
Will Brennon Glaesser Religious Studies
Rowan E. Goble Human Rights; Philosophy
Katherine McCormick Goins English; Psychology
Andrea Merary Gonzalez Economics
Bernardo Gonzalez French
Ava Bryn Gorell English
Denia Ines Graham Psychology
Degree awarded posthumously
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John-Paul Gray Markets and Culture
Julia Patricia Griffin Psychology
Shelby Lauren Griffith Economics; Public Policy
Grace A. Grimes Psychology
George William Guckenberger Chemistry; Physics
Nathan Joseph Gulla Political Science
Paola Andrea Gutierrez Psychology
Kyle Patrick Haener Sociology
Emily Jacquelyn Hall French; Markets and
Heather Ann Hall Political Science
Avery Delaney Hamilton Psychology
Sydney Noelle Renee Hamilton Human Rights;
International Studies; Political Science
Morgan Faye Hamler Psychology
Carolyn Ruth Hammond History; Political
Troy David Hampton Psychology
Engie M. Hamza Psychology
Iris Goeun Han Political Science
Thad Stewart Hand Psychology
Mary Hannah Hardison Psychology
Jordyn Mashel Harrell English with a Creative
Writing Specialization
Riley James Healy Philosophy; Psychology
John Robert Heldman French
Katherine Paige Hellmers Markets and Culture
Olivia Elaine Hernandez English
Eve Marie Hoeltgen French; Political Science
Piper Elizabeth Holden Public Policy
Heidi Anne Hubacek Economics
Brittney Jeanne Hutchison English with a
Creative Writing Specialization
Catherine Alice Jacob Spanish
Skylar Ashley Jacobsen Economics; Public Policy
AnaMarija Jakimovska Psychology
Jane Hayoung Jang World Languages - Spanish
Luke Wilkinson Jannotta Economics
Philip M. Jenevein Public Policy
George Aaron Joseph Public Policy
Jordan Scott Judson Psychology
Abigail Jung World Languages - Chinese
Cameron Reese Pennington Jury Political
Samantha Blair Kagy Psychology
Deana R. Kajmakovic Political Science
Timothy George Kanteladze Political Science
Ryaan H. Kara Biological Sciences
Sarah Margaret Katz Psychology
William Cooper Katzenmeyer Economics
Charles Domenick Kaye Economics
Megan Keller Earth Sciences; English with a
Creative Writing Specialization
Carolyn Eun Kim Human Rights; Psychology
Seohyun Cindy Kim Psychology
John William Kirwan History
Harrison Lowe Kisber Political Science; Public
Nolan Landis Klein Economics
Justin Thomas Knapp Psychology
Lior Kremer Biological Sciences
Ayah Ali Krisht Psychology
Niklas Kamran Heshmati Krutiak Economics
Kristin Tamara Kulik Psychology
John Acker Kynerd Philosophy
Aly Salman Lakhani Economics
Émilie Anna Lamarsaude Health and Society
Nilsson Locke Lawrence Economics; Public Policy
Jada Laneice Laye Biological Sciences
Nancy Tran Le Health and Society; Psychology
Payton Kelsea Leeby Psychology
Ainslee Lehner Sociology
Jared Edward Littlefield Public Policy
Allyson Marie Lobel Psychology
Zoe Katherine Lowney Biological Sciences;
Aaron Tianyu Lu World Languages - Spanish
Hannah Virginia Maddox Psychology
Sayumi P. Mahawanniarachchi Psychology
Rachel Page Manak History
Garnett Livingston March Markets and Culture
Alberto Marrufo Markets and Culture
Allison Elizabeth Martin Human Rights;
Religious Studies
Emma Jane Martin History
Victoria Elena Matos Psychology
Elizabeth A. Matthews International Studies
Henry Stephen Frederick Maw Spanish
Emily Tyler McCall Political Science
Margeaux Stevens McCastlain Psychology
Emory James McDowell English; History
Keely Alexis McNeme International Studies;
Political Science
James Andrew McNulty Economics
Isabel Margaret Meadows Markets and Culture
Simone Jeong Melvin English with a Creative
Writing Specialization; Philosophy
Noemi Lorenza Meraz Public Policy
Isabelle Mermilliod Psychology
Alexa Amber Meyer English with a Creative
Writing Specialization
Lauren Nicole Miller Markets and Culture
Haley Lynne Milton Psychology
Gloria Angela Mireles Biological Sciences;
Chase Allister Moabery Public Policy
Camilia Riad Mohamed Anthropology
Katherine E. Morales Economics; Public Policy
Avery Ann Morris Psychology
Rebecca P. Morris Psychology
Elena M. Muir Anthropology
Olivia Grace Murphy Political Science; Psychology
Anna Elizabeth Musich Spanish
Reagan Louise Nagel Psychology
Rachel Victoria Neil English
Christine Vassilia Nelli Psychology
Emily Vennart Nielson Psychology
Cailey Elizabeth Noonan Political Science
Zachary Markeith Nutall Sociology
Samuel Duncan Oliphant Earth Sciences
Carolina Maria Ortiz Psychology
Patricia Ortiz Spanish
Samantha Jean-Marie Owen Economics
Conner Daniel Packebush Economics; Public
Raahim Abid Pathan Biological Sciences
Justin Bryant Patty History
Lauren Caroline Pennington Economics; Public
Madalyn Jo Penwell Psychology
Nikita Dmitryevich Perevalov International
Katrina R. Perkins English with a Creative
Writing Specialization; Psychology
Benjamin Alan Pliske Biological Sciences
James Rankin Poage Philosophy
Jack Morgan Poncy Political Science
Rhys Michael Prosser Political Science
Barrett Stanford Purvis Economics
Xiyue Qin Economics
Nushah Farzin Rahman Psychology
Paige Elizabeth Ramel Biological Sciences
Ana Carola Ramirez Perea Economics
Chiarra Raquel Ramon Markets and Culture
Cielo J. Ramon Spanish
Macy George Ramsby Spanish
Rebeca Reens Psychology
Jacob Emmanuel Resendiz Psychology
Antwan Kinnard Jai Richardson Markets and
Samantha Paige Ritchey Political Science
María Magdalena Ríos Psychology; Spanish
Mariana Ruiz Lua English
Priyashi Saha Human Rights
Julissa J. Sanchez Markets and Culture
Roxana Guadalupe Santillan Economics
Diana Sattarova Psychology
Alexandra-Ana-Maria Savu French
Margeaux Renee Scholz International Studies
John Blue Scofield History
David H. Selis Political Science
Enad Ahmad Shalabi Biological Sciences
Faiz Shallwani Economics
Sullivan John Shave Biological Sciences
Catherine Joanne Shelehov Economics
Mackenzie Kay Shell Political Science
Graham Clark Shockley History; Political Science
Ellie Marie Sidebottom Psychology
Nisandi Semali Silva Economics
Kyra Silvanose Psychology
Vashati Justus Silvaz Political Science
Kaleb Dominique Simes Political Science
Bentley Grace Siner Markets and Culture
Camryn Kennedi Smith Human Rights
Elizabeth James Smith Political Science
Madison Lee Stearns Psychology
Parker Leland Stone Markets and Culture
Anna Kathyrn Swauger Biological Sciences
Jack Reilly Sweat Anthropology
Avery Ian Thomas Spanish
Abigail Elizabeth Tirey English with a Creative
Writing Specialization
Rachel Hart Todd Markets and Culture
Sofia Alexandra Tonelli Political Science
Maren Gayle Tonini World Languages - Italian
Jenna Torrance French
Daphne Trinity Tsitsonis English with a Creative
Writing Specialization
Elizabeth Susan Tullio Psychology
Shaun Michael Turner Chemistry
Anmol K. Uppal Biological Sciences
Louis John Urtecho Earth Sciences; Economics
Marshall Aaron Voorhies History
Christina Walker Political Science
Hallie Gayle Walters Economics; Markets and
Madeleine Grace Warren French
Miriam Nicole Wassef English
Madison Lee Weber Political Science
Logan Stewart West Economics
Samuel Lance Westfall Markets and Culture
Elizabeth Jacqueline Whitbeck Political Science
Audrey Emma White Psychology
Chloe I. White English with a Creative Writing
Melissa Jean Whitler English; Human Rights
Luisa Weber Whitney Political Science
Julia M. Wilson Political Science
Holden Turner Wisener English
Shenley Ward Wish Religious Studies
Stephon Antoine Wright Sociology
Justina Dabin Yun Psychology
Kate Christine Yurosek Biological Sciences
Alexandra Louisa Zaharia World Languages -
January 2023 graduate
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D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Joseph S. Adair Economics with Finance
Noor Sadik Al-Musawe Psychology
Audrey Marie Alasad Biological Sciences
Ricardo Carlos Albarran Mathematics
Madison Claire Albert Psychology
Zuhair A. Almahayni Biological Sciences
Kaylee Marie Almeter Statistical Science
Saima Amin Alwani Biological Sciences
Adrianna N. Arguello Biological Sciences
Jacob Benjamin Armstrong Economics with
Finance Applications
Amanda Payne Arsenault Health and Society;
Hagan A. Ausmann Biological Sciences
Hayeon Bae Biological Sciences
Hiren Singh Bagga Chemistry
Emily Victoria Baker Psychology
Grant Avery Barden Mathematics
James Joseph Barta Biological Sciences; Health
and Society
Matthew David Bauer Economics with Finance
James Christian Beauchamp Mathematics
Nicholas James Beecher Statistical Science
Evan A. Bell Biological Sciences
Amanda Jane Benbow Biological Sciences
Bennett Michael Berlin Economics with Finance
Applications; Statistical Science
Benjamin Jacob Billman Economics
Olivia Nicole Bock Economics with Finance
Jonathan Dwight Boothe Biological Sciences
Nancy May Bowdouris Statistical Science
Bradley Travis Brennan Economics with Finance
Catherine Sager Bruce Mathematics
Henry Thibault Bryant Statistical Science
Maxwell Cullen Bryant Mathematics
Trevor Darryl Burke Mathematics
Daisy Alethea Butterworth Psychology
Camille Audrey Carson Biological Sciences;
Health and Society
Sara Aliza Castle Biological Sciences
Dedeepya Chinnam Economics; Statistical Science
Byungjoon Cho Statistical Science
Justin Doug-Loong Chow Economics; Statistical
Alexis Horacio Cisneros Statistical Science
Kristen Marie Clapp Anthropology; Statistical
Mary Grace Clayton Biological Sciences
Luciano Salvatore Cocivera Biological Sciences
Jacob Shafer Cohen Mathematics
Garrett Andrew Cooley Mathematics
Nicholas Robert Coppola Economics with
Finance Applications
Kaegan Joseph Cowan Statistical Science
Samuel Brayton Cox Economics with Finance
Marcos Guillermo Curiel Economics with Finance
Faith MacLean Daniels Biological Sciences
Kathryn G. Davis Anthropology
Ethan Michael Dawson Economics with Finance
Michael Shea Derrig Economics with Finance
Kennedy Nicole Derzapf Statistical Science
Eric A. DesJardins Mathematics
Thatcher Reed Dunlap Psychology
Hayden John Robert Eelkema Statistical Science
Krystal Ada Egbuchunam Psychology
Xena El Shamy Biochemistry
Jiaqi Fang Statistical Science
Anthony George Farhat Biological Sciences
Kamran E. Farid Mathematics
Jacqueline E. Fidellow Psychology
Karsten Elaine Fields Biochemistry
Rebecca Lynn Figueroa Biological Sciences
Isabel Marie Finkbeiner Mathematics
Jackson Scott Fitzgerald Economics with Finance
Brandon Flores Biological Sciences; Health and
Liana Forss Health and Society
Oliver Davis Forst Biological Sciences
Katharine Agnes Fox Economics
Brooke Mary Franks Economics with Finance
Ali Gadzhiev Economics with Finance Applications
Aram Gavranian Economics with Finance
Connor Bruce Gibson Economics with Finance
Natalie Emily Giresi Health & Society
Riordan Connor Goodwin Economics; Statistical
Collin M. Grasher Mathematics
Julian Daniel Grove Economics with Finance
Kailey M. Hampton Biological Sciences
Rachel Jisoo Han Biological Sciences
Rameez Khalid Hanif Economics with Finance
Jackson Paul Heck Mathematics
Amy Nicole Hermann Physics; Statistical Science
Ann Lucas Lucas Herrick Statistical Science
Bennett Merrill Hobin Economics with Finance
Brandon Philip Holmes Biological Sciences
Imani Aaliyah Holmes Biological Sciences
Allison Hunter Biological Sciences
Abigail F. Inbusch Economics with Finance
Patrick Tallmus Isaac Biological Sciences
Lillian Michelle Jach Biological Sciences
Catherine Alice Jacob Biological Sciences; Health
and Society
Skylar Ashley Jacobsen Statistical Science
Benjamin Todd Jaksick Economics with Finance
Cassidy Rose Janecek Biological Sciences
Ashantha Dilshan Jay Statistical Science
Olivia Marie Jerge Health and Society; Psychology
Motong Jia Mathematics
Curtis Reagan Johnson Anthropology
John Patrick Joyce Statistical Science
Ethan Judge Economics with Finance Applications
James Clifton Kays Economics with Finance
Thomas Joseph Keady Economics with Finance
Andrew Kenneth Kelley Mathematics
Alina Denise Khan Biological Sciences
Giuliet L. Kibler Biological Sciences
Frederica A. Kizek Biological Sciences
William Frederick Kornreich Mathematics
James Andrew Krekeler Economics with Finance
Lior Kremer Chemistry
Niklas Kamran Heshmati Krutiak Statistical
Logan Michael LaPole Economics with Finance
Chase Noah Lazarian Economics with Finance
Shannon Xintong Lee Mathematics; Statistical
Michael Patrick Lennon Mathematics
Richard Samuel Berman Levy Economics with
Finance Applications
Christopher James Lewis Economics with Finance
Tianyi Li Statistical Science
Kellan Samuel Liguori Psychology
Lauren B. Limp Biological Sciences
Brandon Robert Lindvall Mathematics
Lingzhi Liu Economics
Ruiming Ma Statistical Science
Sean Travis MacKenzie Economics with Finance
Garrett Patrick Madison Mathematics
Sayumi P. Mahawanniarachchi Biological
Savan Santosh Malla Economics with Finance
Daniel Manrique Mathematics
Blake James Marsh Economics with Finance
Kaileigh Nichole Martin Mathematics
Joseph Malcolm McCaskill Economics with
Finance Applications
Margeaux Stevens McCastlain Biological Sciences
Aidan Nelson McClelland Economics with
Finance Applications
Riley Nicole McGlasson Data Science
Yu Mei Statistical Science
Noemi Lorenza Meraz Economics with Finance
Isabelle Mermilliod Biological Sciences
Ruth Ann Miller Psychology
Chase Allister Moabery Economics
Peyton Grizelda Moore Anthropology
Rebecca P. Morris Health and Society
Jack George Motta Statistical Science
Elena M. Muir Earth Sciences
Kolos Kalman Nagy Biochemistry
Avery Nicole Nesson Biological Sciences
Andrew Paul Neumann Economics with Finance
Zachary Christopher Newton Mathematics
Toan Quang Tri Nguyen Economics with Finance
Sanam Niknam Psychology
Eben William Noverr Economics
Nwadinobi Olaku Onyeagocha Health and
Patricia Ortiz Biological Sciences
James Lee Owens Biological Sciences
Arturo Max Pagan Mathematics
Benjamin Robert Palmer Biological Sciences
Carmela Palmieri Biological Sciences
Justin Bryant Patty Biochemistry
Dominic J. Pavetto Biological Sciences
Lindsey Nicole Philips Biological Sciences
Edgar Alan Pineda Cubeiro Biological Sciences
January 2023 graduate
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James Rankin Poage Economics
Kevin John Pop Biological Sciences
Alexandra Nichol Procce Biological Sciences
Lilah Kalista Qubrosi Mathematics
Laura Abigail Ragland Biological Sciences
Nushah Farzin Rahman Health and Society
Paige Elizabeth Ramel Psychology
Ruchi K. Ranganathan Statistical Science
Rebeca Reens Biological Sciences
James Michael Reese Psychology
Robert Tate Reeves Chemistry
David Pierce Richardson Economics with Finance
Chloe Qian Richter Chemistry; Mathematics
Francesco Martin Risso Elias Economics with
Finance Applications
Mariela Rodriguez Biological Sciences; Health and
Edward Alden Roebuck Biological Sciences
Kailey Yena Roh Economics with Finance
Juliana Grace Roller Mathematics
Timothy Shaun Ryan Mathematics
William Rodney Saad Biological Sciences
Broderick Edward Sam Mathematics
Alan Sarieddine Data Science
Julia Ashley Savage Biological Sciences
Alexandra-Ana-Maria Savu Mathematics
Riley Richard Schmidt Economics with Finance
Kavon Setayesh Economics with Finance
Raiya Parikh Shah Biological Sciences
David Terry Lawson Shainberg Economics
Qianzhi Shao Mathematics
Sophia Jean Shapiro Psychology
Nicholas McGuire Simpson Health and Society
Bhavna Singh Biological Sciences; Health and
Yashraj Sinha Statistical Science
Aden Wayne Smith Biochemistry; Mathematics
Chancellor Jarrod Smith Biochemistry
Sandhya Srinivasa-Narasimhan Economics
Nicole Taylor Stambo Biological Sciences
Katherine Yanlin Tao Sociology
John M. Teixeira Economics with Finance
Ruth Theodros Biological Sciences
Carter Brooks Thompson Mathematics
Ryan Jeffrey Thoreson Biological Sciences
Dylan Patrik Tietje-Mckinney Biological Sciences;
Chemistry; Mathematics
Dorothy Joy Limchesing Tiu Statistical Science
Julie Tran Biological Sciences; Health and Society
Katelyn Thy-An Tran Biological Sciences
Quinn Mulkerin Tulimieri Psychology
Renata Valenzuela Biological Sciences
Jesse Ray Vigil Economics with Finance
Muaz Wahid Biological Sciences; Health and
Rafay Wahid Biological Sciences; Health and
Qiutong Wang Mathematics
Shun Wang Economics with Finance Applications
Jordan Ezra Wartell Cortez Biological Sciences
Mary Alston Whitaker Psychology
Laura Wildman Anthropology
Kayla R. Wilkerson Biological Sciences
Dujuan James Wilmer Economics with Finance
Megan Malia Haru Wilson Biological Sciences
Shenley Ward Wish Biological Sciences; Health
and Society
Melanie Elizabeth Wright Anthropology
Qinning Yan Statistical Science
Alexandra Hyde Yeager Health and Society
Kate Christine Yurosek Psychology
Michael Christopher Zammataro Economics;
Statistical Science
Fanyin Zhou Psychology
Yihan Zhou Mathematics
in Mea dO ws scH O Ol Of tH e arts
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Haley Elizabeth Adams Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Skylar B. Allen Public Relations and Strategic
Saima Amin Alwani Film and Media Arts
Charlotte McKenzie Andrews Advertising
Sofia G. Antico Public Relations and Strategic
Justin Cole Baker Corporate Communication and
Public Affairs
Nicole Louise Barnes Advertising
Amalie Grace Beard Advertising; Fashion Media
Lillie Margaret Benson Fashion Media;
Helga Elizabeth Berling Journalism
Julia Rose Berman Art History
Brooke Allyson Betik Advertising; Journalism
Charlotte Dawn Betts Music
Amber Nicole Bormann Advertising
Helen Sophia Bougás Advertising; Fashion
Media; Journalism
Kayla Ashley Bowmer Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Eleanor Walker Brown Advertising
Lucille Corrine Burke Journalism
Harrison Everette Caltagirone Film and Media
Gina Marie Campagna Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Grace Chamberlin Castner Fashion Media
Katherine Claire Chambers Fashion Media; Film
and Media Arts
Maria Michel Chammas Fashion Media;
Mary Thompson Charlebois Fashion Media;
Jihoon Choi Music
Tiffany Chun Art History
Jonathan Michael Joseph Ciccone Music
Lillian Renee Clarkson Advertising
Hanna Collins Corporate Communication and
Public Affairs
Madison Ann Marie Connell Fashion Media
Tessa Grace Conti Advertising
Catherine Alexanda Cook Advertising
Madeline Elizabeth Coon Advertising
Jackson Slade Covert Art History
Tana Simone Cross Film and Media Arts
Anika Jhaveri Crouser Advertising
Alejandra Ruth Cuellar Film and Media Arts
Alex C. Daly-Hill Advertising; Film and Media
William McCarthy Daughton Journalism
Chloe Christina Davenport Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Elizabeth C. Davis Public Relations and Strategic
Caroline Grace Decker Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Sarah Elizabeth Dietsch Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Hadley Shaye Doyle Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Isabella Katherine Duffy Journalism
Emily Sue Elhilow Advertising
Ruth Anne Emerson Journalism
Camille Delaney Enes Fashion Media
Feisi Fang Music
Megan Talmadge Ferm Advertising
Andrea Fernandez Aramburuzabala Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Alexandra Kimberly Field Fashion Media;
Virginia Fielder Corporate Communication and
Public Affairs; Public Relations and Strategic
Brianna C. Flores Journalism
Madeline Leilani Frederick Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Anna Christine Garrett Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Delaney Rose Gendron Advertising
Catherine Alexandra George Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Lilly Grace Ghesquiere Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Wade Drayton Glover Corporate Communication
and Public Affairs
Philip James Campbell Goeken Film and Media
Alexis Paige Goodman Fashion Media;
Anna Stuart Greco Journalism
Melanie Ann Greene Film and Media Arts
Grace Ellen Grotnik Art
Morgan Allene Gruwell Fashion Media
Piper Peña Hadley Art History
Weston Owen Haggard Advertising
Madison Caroline Hale Fashion Media
Jordyn Mashel Harrell Journalism
Sophie Louisa Heidenreich Advertising
Anne R. Heller Art History
Lily Frances Henley Fashion Media
Olivia Elaine Hernandez Advertising
Bennett Kenneth Hill Fashion Media
Natalie Beth Igo Music
Chloe Rose Jackson Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Sinclair Noel Jelleme Fashion Media
Michael Patrick Jewett Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Curtis Reagan Johnson Film and Media Arts
Lucy Claiborne Jones Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 24J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 24 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Taylor Mackenzie Jones Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Katherine Hepburn Kennedy Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Kailin Kerzner Advertising
Olivia Terese Kramer Film and Media Arts
Ayah Ali Krisht Art
Lucy Grace Ladis Fashion Media; Journalism
Aysia Rachelle Lane Film and Media Arts;
Nancy Tran Le Corporate Communication and
Public Affairs
Avery Nicole Le Voyer Advertising
Logan Jane Ledger Journalism
Anna Marie Leist Corporate Communication and
Public Affairs; Journalism
Kevin Ken-Vun Leong Creative Computing
Emily Ruth Lewis Advertising
Mingda Li Film and Media Arts
Austin Dasun Liu Music
Nikko None Martiano Music
Matthew Andres Martinez Creative Computing;
Film and Media Arts
Alexandra G. May Advertising
Gwen V. Mayo Journalism
Carla Rene McCanna Journalism
Christina Anne McDougall Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Emory James McDowell Music
Reagan Kenna McGinnis Advertising
Mary Chandler McGuffin Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Brooke Denning McLanahan Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Ava Jane McNeill Corporate Communication and
Public Affairs
Keely Alexis McNeme Corporate Communication
and Public Affairs
Emerson Rose McPhail Art History
Emma Caroline McRae Journalism
Michaela Elizabeth McTee Fashion Media;
Caroline Anne Medellin Advertising
Rachel Allison Meichelbock Art History
Armani Morgan Messner Fashion Media
Mckenzie Faith Miranda Fashion Media
Helen Ellyson Noland Advertising
Alexia Ouellette Public Relations and Strategic
Kailas Vikas Patel Advertising
Jasmine Jean Patrick Film and Media Arts
Grace Elizabeth Peek Advertising
Barbara Dorset Pierce Fashion Media; Journalism
Isabella Pinera Advertising; Journalism
Mary Gwendolyn Polos Fashion Media
Lindsey Elizabeth Reimer Advertising
Joshua Gregory Rhodenbaugh Creative
Hadley Claire Richards Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs; Fashion
Samantha Paige Ritchey Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Regan Boggs Roberts Art History
Emily Carden Rourke Fashion Media
Marian Rowley de la Guardia Fashion Media
Allison Roy Advertising
Zach Ruwitch Film and Media Arts
Drishti Sachdeva Fashion Media
BreyAnn Tessa Sands Advertising; Journalism
Pavithra K. Saravanan Film and Media Arts
Alan Sarieddine Advertising
Kate Elizabeth Scharfenberger Fashion Media;
Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Annalise Fields Shaw Film and Media Arts
Carson Alaina Sherman Advertising
Calli Marie Singdahlsen Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Morgan Kathryn Sipp Fashion Media
Fayre Ittleson Smith Journalism
Kathryn Russell Smith Advertising
Jonathan Lee Snare Film and Media Arts
Caroline Noelle Soja Advertising
Jordyn Elizabeth Stallings Journalism
Hannah J. Stephens Film and Media Arts
Alexandra Carol Stevens Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs
Julia Walsh Sutherland Art History
Jillian Faith Taylor Creative Computing;
Karl Taylor Corporate Communication and Public
Michael Mackenzie Then Art; Creative
Adrianne Grace Thompson Journalism
Annika Jill Trobman Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Daphne Trinity Tsitsonis Art History
Meriel Hess Upton Advertising
Reilly Thoresen Van Duyne Advertising
Rocio Margarita Vietina Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Kendall L. Wade Fashion Media
Rachel Lauren Wagner Advertising
Abigail Marie Wakeman Fashion Media
Olivia Margaret Ward Fashion Media; Public
Relations and Strategic Communication
Peyton Riley Webb Journalism
Madison Lee Weber Corporate Communication
and Public Affairs
Nathan Allan Welle Corporate Communication
and Public Affairs
Chloe I. White Film and Media Arts
Ella Kathleen White Public Relations and
Strategic Communication
Gillian Strong Williams Fashion Media
Ashlyn Kathleen Wingett Fashion Media;
Michael James Wirtz Film and Media Arts
Elizabeth Kate Witkowski Fashion Media;
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f f i n e A r t s
Xinyu Ai Art
Tyler Benjamin Baker Theatre
Natalie Jane Browne Dance Performance
Anna E. Butcher Film and Media Arts
Mary Rose Matthews Campos Dance
Diego E. Carlos Film and Media Arts
Laura Scott Cary Theatre
Micah G. Clayton Theatre
Macy Mae Cowart Theatre
Anika Jhaveri Crouser Dance Performance
Annabelle Christine Daniels Dance Performance
Kayla Moné Earl Theatre
Marissa Eveann Ferm Dance Performance
Maria Ann Ferraro Dance Performance
Brianna C. Flores Film and Media Arts
Liana Forss Dance Performance
Asa John Fris Theatre
Sebastian Garcia Dance Performance
Jordan Diane Greenlee Dance Performance
Bailey Rea Hacker Theatre
Piper Peña Hadley Film and Media Arts
Madison Nicole Harvey Dance Performance
Brittney Jeanne Hutchison Film and Media Arts
Abigail Carmen Jacobs Art
Zachary David Kushubar Dance Performance
Jeremy Alexander LeBlanc Theatre
Jack Spencer Lewis Film and Media Arts
Emma Katherine Lochabay Dance Performance
Alyssa Sharon Marchant Theatre
Talia Marie Markowski Dance Performance
Alexandra G. May Film and Media Arts
Della Lee McDougal Art
Chase Houston McGrath Dance Performance
Belleza Marie Mitchell Dance Performance
Karmen Ariel Moore Dance Performance
Sydney Julia Mora Dance Performance
Megan Elizabeth Muscato Theatre
Tharmella Nyahoza Theatre
Katherine Sofia Pawlowski Dance Performance
Mary Mia Veronique Philippon Dance
Kiana Lynn Sanderson Dance Performance
Alexandra-Ana-Maria Savu Film and Media Arts
Margeaux Renee Scholz Theatre
Brennan Comley Shackelford Dance
Lexie Shamir Film and Media Arts
Amanda Nicole Stone Dance Performance
Qi Su Film and Media Arts
Crystal Tierra Tigney Theatre
Benjamin Emmanuel Woods Theatre
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f M u s i c
Cipriano Raymond Bell Viola Performance
Aden Louise Black Music Education; Voice
Lorelei May Gifford Music Education
Shea N. Kells-Murphy French Horn Performance
Ayden James Machajewski Music Composition
Macy Lynn Mullins Voice Performance
Sebastian Gordon Poorman Voice Performance
Brandon Keith Richardson Trumpet Performance
Maren Gayle Tonini Oboe Performance
Jordan Ezra Wartell Cortez Music Composition
Matthew Bennett Wortham-Merritt Music
Jiayi Xu Piano Performance
Isabella Marie Zambrano Voice Performance
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 25J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 25 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
in edw in l. cO x scHO O l O f Bus in ess
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f B u s i n e s s A D M i n i s t r A t i o n
Graham Patrick Abaoag Real Estate
Nicole Alice Abouchahla Finance
Mason Alexander Abrahams Real Estate
Carla Maria Adem Accounting
Brandon Thomas Ahearn Finance
Isabella Garrett Alban Management
Isabell Catherine Alexander Marketing
Kaylee Marie Almeter Finance
Joshua William Anagnostou Finance
Thomas Alexander Andrews Finance
Jacob Vincent Ange Accounting
Celeste Carolina Ansari Finance
Timothy Vincent Anthony Real Estate
Ryan Scott Aroesty Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
Maxwell Lev Atha Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
Javier Avila Finance
Sydney Ruth Aylsworth Marketing
Hamza Azeez Management
Brenda Baez Marketing
Amina Baker Accounting
Wyatt Henry Baldridge Finance
Hunter Cole Ballard Finance
Grant Avery Barden Finance
Caroline Annabelle Barr Real Estate
Victor Manuel Barrionuevo II Management
David Montgomery Batcheller Real Estate
Elizabeth Claire Bayliff Finance
James Christian Beauchamp Finance
William Knowles Becker Management
Beau C. Beckner Finance
Nicholas James Beecher Finance
Gregory William Begun Finance
Jarratt Clark Bell Finance
Weston Thomas Bender Finance
Julia Rose Berman Marketing
William Foster Bias Finance
Katherine Ann Bidwell General Business
Nicolette Frances Bleidt Management
Brinda Reddy Bobbala Finance
Samuel N. Bodden Finance
Samuel Joseph Bodine Finance
Maxwell Starke Boeger Finance
Blakely Anthony Boeh Finance
Celeste Johanna Elisabeth Boele Marketing
Evan Gabriel Bogoslavsky Finance
Joseph M. Bolduc Finance
Amber Nicole Bormann Marketing
Judd Aidan Bortz Finance
Floyd Thomas Boudreau Finance
Haley Rose Bovino Marketing
Casey Lunell Bowden Finance
Sydney Claire Bowlin Finance
Eloise Nicole Bowmer Finance
Peyton Miller Brandt Finance
Michael Chase Branigan Finance
Matthew Reece Breaux Real Estate
Virginia Sutton Breen Marketing
Bradley Travis Brennan Finance
Zachary Tyler Brinker Finance
Graham Perkins Brittain Finance
Catherine Sager Bruce Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Juan Alberto Bueno Finance
James Benjamin Burgess Finance
Fisher Robert Burke Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Grant Logan Byers Finance
Zachary A. Cable Finance
Christopher James Caccavo Finance
Kendal Siena Cacioppo Real Estate
Christopher Callison Finance
Davis A. Camacho Finance
Rodrigo Camogliano Telge Finance
Madelyn Leigh Campbell Marketing
Quynh An Cao Marketing
Mia Rose Carrabba Finance
Elena MeiYing Casement Marketing
Manuel Alejandro Castells Rendon Finance
Sydney Paige Castle Marketing
Constantine George Catranis Business Analytics
and Supply Chain Management
Daniel Allen Chandler Real Estate
Tyler Yi-Chili Chang Finance
Sunjay Chawla Finance
Connor Daniel Cheetham Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Dedeepya Chinnam Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
Jihoon Choi Management
Ming Lung Chung Finance
Jonathan Michael Joseph Ciccone Finance
Alexis Horacio Cisneros Finance
Kristen Marie Clapp Finance
Luke Ronnie Clark Finance
Nicholas Alexander Clement Finance
Georgia Heathcote Cleveland Real Estate
Aidan Flynt Click Finance
Jack Gabriel Conneally Finance
Lily Sterr Connery Real Estate
Kamryn Emily Cook Accounting
Garrett Andrew Cooley Finance
Joseph Coors Finance
Caroline Elizabeth Courtney Marketing
Katherine Koppen Cowles Finance
Harry Hejka Craig Finance
Nash Pitman Crook Real Estate
Nolan Barrington Cutler Management
Matthew Ryan Daniel Finance
Faith Madeline Davis General Business
Ryan M. Davis Finance
Lucas Joseph DeMaio Finance, Data Science
Kaitlyn Rose DeMaster Finance
Liliann Faith DeVos Management
Brooklyn Rae Dean Management
Whitney Marie Dean Finance
Carolina Del Pozo Real Estate
Alana Lynn Deluccia General Business
Zachary Cantrell Dender Finance
Payton Elizabeth Deuberry Marketing
Raleigh Alexander Dewan Marketing
Dylan Lawrence DiBello Real Estate
Annette Diaz Finance
Blake Buchanan Dieterlen Finance
Nathan J. Ding Finance
Arjun Dodanari Accounting
Candler Ruth Dodd Real Estate
Madison Jo Doherty Management
Abigail Elizabeth Doll Marketing
Alison Joy Donnini Accounting
Jonmichael Milan Dragojevic Marketing
Zachary Fitzgerald Draper Real Estate
Serena Chikodi Eboh Finance
Benjamin Paul Edwards Management
Davis H. Edwards Real Estate
Hayden John Robert Eelkema Finance
Nadia Isabella Elchami General Business
Glynn Joseph Elliott Finance
Camille Delaney Enes Marketing
McKenzie Ann Ertel Marketing
Tandis Tara Esfandiari Marketing
Jiaqi Fang Finance
Mackenzie Anne Faughnan Marketing
Kennedi Grace Feigl Finance
Lucas Fernandez-Ramirez Real Estate
Ryan Mark Fiedorek Finance
Steven Michael Fischer Finance
Brooke Anne Fitzgerald Management
Christopher Charles Flabiano Finance
Cole Douglas Fleming Finance
Alison Hoi-Ying Fong Management
Austin Taylor Foster Finance
Madeline Leilani Frederick Marketing
Jaylen Unique Freeman Accounting
William Aidan Freeman Marketing
Speed Smith Fry Finance
John Robert Fuhrman Accounting
Tatum Verena Fuller Marketing
Benjamin William Furgal Finance
Elias Michael Furgal Finance
Polina Galieva Finance
Shenghan Gao Finance
Rachelle Mariana Garza Marketing
Michael Mane Gavric Finance
Danielle Negin Gebo Finance
Charles Ford Gibson Finance
Kathryn Ashley Gilbert Management
Brian D. Gillespie Accounting
Henry Kai Glaesser Real Estate
Will Brennon Glaesser Finance
Regan Lee Gleghorn Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Wade Drayton Glover Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Bernardo Gonzalez Finance
Cole Robert Goode Finance
Trevor James Goodfellow Finance
Riordan Connor Goodwin Finance
Wyatt Charles Gorman Finance
Thomas Porterfeld Gotovac Finance
George Louis Graziadio Finance
Addisyn Rylee Green Real Estate
William James Greening Finance
Trent Callan Greenman Finance
Grace Elizabeth Griggs Real Estate
Owen Blake Grimm Management
Morgan Allene Gruwell Marketing
Owen Nicholas Gwozdz Real Estate
John Louis Habe Finance
Stephen Peter Haggerty Finance
Jackson Edward Hajdu Finance
Emily Jacquelyn Hall Finance
Eric Allen Hall Real Estate
Morgan Faye Hamler Marketing
Jack Harrison Hammond Finance
William Blake Hardy Marketing
Ayrton Sean Long Harried Accounting
Savannah Rose Harris Marketing
Joshua Andrew Hascall Finance
Lucia Kennedy Hasselbrink Finance
Thomas Hulsey Hatton III Business Analytics
and Supply Chain Management
Josh Hunter Hawn Finance
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 26J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 26 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Ashlyn Victoria Heintzelman Marketing
Calvin William Heise Finance
John Robert Heldman Finance
George Henry Hempel Finance
Emily R. Henderson Finance
Elizabeth Alden Hendricks Marketing
Maxwell Dexter Henninger Finance
Camille Endsley Henry Real Estate
Grayson Kendall Hensley Finance
Dylan A. Hernandez Accounting
Milton Brian Hernandez Finance
Jennifer Elizabeth Hernandez Benitez
Tanner Dayne Hickson Marketing
Bennett Kenneth Hill Marketing
Eric Willoughby Hirschbrich Finance
Piper Elizabeth Holden Management
Olivia Grace Holley Finance
Noah Richardson Hopkins Finance
Roy Mac Horlock Finance
Tucker Alexander Hotz Accounting
Kristin Claire Houpt Real Estate
Julia Cameron Howe Finance
William King Howenstein Finance
Taylor Nicole Hoying Marketing
Cameron Claire Hummel Accounting
Alexander Michael Hurley Real Estate
Elisa Sue Hutchins Finance
William Houston Hyde General Business
Natalie Beth Igo Finance
Abigail F. Inbusch Finance
Caroline Alise Ivankovich Accounting
Benjamin Todd Jaksick Finance
Charles Edward Jarvis Finance
Michael Peter Jesse Finance
Abigail Mary Johnson Accounting
Keyshon Terrell Jones Management
William Herman Jordan Finance
Victoria Louise Jozwiak Accounting
Cole Jeffrey Junker Finance
Deana R. Kajmakovic Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Erin Grace Kang Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
James Clifton Kays Finance
Abigail G. Kelley Accounting
Andrew Kenneth Kelley Finance
Elizabeth Ritchey Kellogg Real Estate
Katherine Taylor Kerl Marketing
Reece Woods Keusch Marketing
Alina Denise Khan Management
Seohyun Cindy Kim Marketing
Taylor Elizabeth King Marketing
Luke Elijah Klentner Finance
Maria S. Knasel Finance
Niklas Kamran Heshmati Krutiak Finance
Kort Matthew Kuenstler Management
Rohan Thacker Kumar Finance
Luke L. La Shelle General Business
Cole Wegener LaCour Finance
Cade Austin Lahn Finance
Keely Lam Management
Nichoals Wright Lang Finance
Brooks J. Lange Management
Madeline Piper Langley Finance
Jacklyn Sarah Lappin Marketing
Blake A. Laureti Real Estate
Maria Blessia Lee Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
Shannon Xintong Lee Accounting
Andrew H. Layton Accounting
Jack Michael Leiser Finance
Elijah T. Leslie Finance
Jack Spencer Lewis Management
George Zhi-Xin Li Finance
Tianyi Li Finance
Jinjie Lin Finance
Sophie Kate Lipman Finance
Tate Marie Lissaur Marketing
John Stephen Livaditis Real Estate
Rebecca Ann Livney Finance
Sophie Nicole Loeb Marketing
Costakis Philipos Loizou Finance
Marco A. Lopez Acounting
Aaron Tianyu Lu Accounting
Jack A. Loughlin Finance
Alexandra J. Lumley Marketing
Sofia Hope Lyon Marketing
Ruiming Ma Marketing
Cameron Omar Maalouf Finance
Camryn Elizabeth Maginel Finance
Maxwell Alexander Mahan Finance
Andersen Joseph Mainord Finance
Jeada Brianna Malin Finance
Karla Michelle Mantilla General Business
William Porter Marino Finance
Princess Precious Matthew-Mba Marketing
Allison Elizabeth Maurer Marketing
Lana Sharon Mavor Management
Henry Stephen Frederick Maw Accounting
Darius Nathaniel McBride Finance
Audrey Quinn McClanahan Accounting
Connor David McKee Finance
Michael Shamus McMeans Finance
Garrett Thomas McNamara Real Estate
William John McNeill Finance
Michaela Elizabeth McTee Marketing
Imaan Meghani General Business
Liam Philip Mennitt Finance
Armani Morgan Messner Marketing
Hannah Jean Miraglia General Business
Alejandro Miranda Finance
Mckenzie Faith Miranda Marketing
Parth Misra Finance
William Edward Mockabee Marketing
Robert Perry Moffitt Finance
Camilia Riad Mohamed Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Christian Daniel Montgomery Marketing
Ryan Elizabeth Moore Real Estate
Matthew Edward Moreland Accounting
John Thomas Morgan Marketing
Armond Joseph Mortazavi Finance
Ryan A. Mortazavi Finance
McKenna Sage Mosely Finance
Grace Macintyre Moses Real Estate
Oliver Farrell Moss Finance
J. Thomas Muhly Finance
Olivia Ansay Munnell Finance
Benjamin Alan Murphy Accounting
Anna Elizabeth Musich Marketing
Garrett Alderton Mutch Financial Consulting
William Granville Nahley Finance
Connor Joseph Nassetta Finance
Athan William Natsues Real Estate
Sarah Nauli Marketing
Garret R. Nelson Real Estate
Tucker Louis Nelson Accounting
Phong Chan Nghiem Management
Jonathan Dennis Nixon Finance
Riane Jowi Njenga Finance
Kennedy Claire Noble Finance
Elaina Ann Norman Finance
Emma Wallin Norwood Finance
Nigel Eulogio Novilla Finance
John Edward Nutt Management
George Richard O’Brien Finance
Quinn William LePrey O’Connor Real Estate
Joseph Reid O’Donnell Finance
Annie Laurie O’Neill Finance
George Odongo Odwesso Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Arethekha Aaron Okolo Finance
Samuel Duncan Oliphant Management
Karin Sofia Olsson Finance
Matthew Edward Ontiveros Finance
Dawson August Ovard Real Estate
Samantha Jean-Marie Owen Finance
Branson James Packard General Business
Jessica Lynn Page Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
Lucas Briggs Palmer Finance
Harrison Brooks Pancerz Finance
Dhruv Sandesh Patel Finance
Kailas Vikas Patel Marketing
Jasmine Jean Patrick Marketing
Mary Grace Patrick Marketing
Antonios Elias Patsatzis Finance
Alexia Lyann Pena Finance
Audrey Anne Nicole Penn Real Estate
Daniela Perales Marketing
Monica Perez Accounting
William McLain Peters Finance
Nicole Marie Petrosky Finance
Briggs M. Peus Finance
Joseph William Pfeifer Finance
Victoria Phung Pham General Business
Taezja Monet Phelan Finance
Jack Stephen Phelps Management
Mary Mia Veronique Philippon General Business
Spencer Crawford Pierce Accounting
Nicholas John Podolak Management
Katherine Walker Poindexter Finance
Jacob Mark Poling Real Estate
Jack Morgan Poncy General Business
Matthew Joseph Potenza Finance
Robert Bennett Prag, Jr. Accounting
Sri Hari Prasad Uppalapati Finance
Jordan H. Pratt Finance
Hanna Mae Preiss Marketing
Michaela Erin Pritchett Finance
Rhys Michael Prosser Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Sasha A. Radovanovic Finance
Samir Neel Rahman Finance
Karen Anne Gagan Rakow Marketing
Ana Carola Ramirez Perea Finance
Cielo J. Ramon Finance
Matthew Tyler Rapaport Real Estate
Justin Marc Rbeiz Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
Jordi Bastiaan Jan Redelijk Finance
John E. Regan Finance
Mary Tarver Ellis Reid Finance
Lindsey Elizabeth Reimer Marketing
Caleb Stanley Reynolds Accounting
Antwan Kinnard Jai Richardson Accounting
Owen Michael Riley Finance
Johnie Vance Rodgers Finance
Isabella Lucia Rodriguez Finance
Kathryn Grace Romano Management
Sarah Michelle Roppel Management
Grant Marshall Rosenthal Accounting
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 27J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 27 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
Michael Louis Rosenthal General Business
Donovan Caroline Ross Finance
Parker James Ross Finance
Emily Carden Rourke Finance
Marian Rowley de la Guardia Marketing
Maximiliano Tadeo Rubio Bustamante
Auden Orion Rudelson Finance
William Jamison Rudolf Finance
Alexander Miles Russo Finance
Jacqueline Olivia Ryan Finance
Drishti Sachdeva Finance
Ashley Labroo Safaya Finance
Jorge Alberto Saldivar Vazquez Finance
Raymond Frederick Saleeby Finance
Garrett Frost Sampson Finance
Sarah Danielle Samwick Finance
Roxana Guadalupe Santillan Accounting
Yash Raj Sarada Business Analytics and Supply
Chain Management
Bennett Thomas Satterlee Accounting
Alice Aileen Scannell Management
Lauren Elizabeth Schimandle Finance
Claire Elizabeth Schmidt Accounting
John Blue Scofield Finance
Miranda Nicole Seade Marketing
Jenna V. Semenova Marketing
Faiz Shallwani Finance
Gleb Sharapov Finance
John Clayton Sharp Finance
Kyle Davis Sharp Management
Annalise Fields Shaw Management
Malcolm Heughes Shaw Finance
Darius Kea ShayanSmith Marketing
Mackenzie Kay Shell Accounting
Michael B. Sherlock Real Estate
Mark Shut Real Estate
Alex W. Sickafoose Finance
Kyra Silvanose Management
Natalie Jean Simoneaux Finance
Bentley Grace Siner Finance
Caroline Elizabeth Singletary Finance
Morgan Kathryn Sipp Marketing
Brandon Tyler Skavroneck Management
Jackson Levi Skigen Business Analytics and
Supply Chain Management
Olivia Elise Smith Accounting
Jonathan Lee Snare Marketing
Saara Siddiqi Sondej Finance
Caroline Reilly Spitz Finance
Mathew Patrick Stacy Finance
Sophia Therese Stangl Accounting
Lillyana Stefanakis Finance
William Wathen Stevens Real Estate
Carl-Mckendree Alexander Stimmel Finance
Ethan Lane Stokes Marketing
Matthew Stolper Finance
Hunter James Stovesand Finance
Solon Stratton Finance
Samuel Joseph Straub Finance
Kevin King Sugavanam Finance
Victoria Lynn Sullivan Marketing
Hamish John Suter Finance
Alek Joseph Szczupak Finance
Alexander Wellford Tabor Finance
Christina Keiko Tani Finance
Alexander Wright Tate Finance
Zachary Richard Tempel Real Estate
Sarah Marie Tersigni Marketing
Avery Ian Thomas Finance
Caroline Grace Thomas Finance
James William Thompson Finance
Timothy Sands Thompson Finance
Tristan Joseph Elliott Thompson Finance
Lucas Max Tippett Finance
Natalie Marie Tirrill Marketing
Dorothy Joy Limchesing Tiu Finance
Richard Khang To Finance
Christopher Ryan Tolkin Finance
Ryan Majidi Torabi Real Estate
Jenna Torrance Finance
Katelyn Thy-An Tran Accounting
Amara L. Trent Finance
Alexander Jane Trumpore Finance
Yu Jui Tsai Accounting
Jacob Ahmet Tulek Finance
Elizabeth Susan Tullio Marketing
Thomas Maxwell Turi Finance
Benjamin K. Turner Accounting
Anmol K. Uppal Management
Matthew S. Urrutia Finance
Jacqueline Louise Valdez Management
Neil van der Merwe Finance
Matias Clemente Vallejo Finance
Benjamin John Veazey Finance
Isabella Lucile Vennetti Management
Cole David Vicknair Finance
Benjamin Spencer Vise Real Estate
Jackson John Voller Finance
Kyle Matthew Voulgaris Accounting
Kendall L. Wade Real Estate
Joshua S. Wainman Finance
Samuel Mitchell Walker Finance
Ashlee Summer Walkowiak Management
Ashley Olivia Wang Real Estate
Lexin Wang Finance
Yeyu Wang Management
Ethan David Ward Real Estate
Madeleine Grace Warren Management
John Chauncey Washburn Finance
Clayton Samuel Watson Finance
Liam Macias Watson Finance
Lillian Catherine Weissmueller Marketing
Alwin Yutao Wen Finance
Jillian M. Wendler Accounting
Logan Stewart West Finance
Ainslie Grace White Marketing
Mackenzie Camilla White Finance
Matthew Patrick Whitehouse Finance
Joel Henry Wiegert Accounting
Campbell Lynch Wilkerson Finance
Preston Martin Williams Finance
Michael James Wirtz Finance
Juan Emilio Wong Cevallos Business Analytics
and Supply Chain Management
Kyle Stephen Worrall Real Estate
Carson William Wright Finance
Julia Melaine Kim Yakushi Business Analytics
and Supply Chain Management
Justina Dabin Yun Marketing
Alexandra Louisa Zaharia Finance
Michael Christopher Zammataro Finance
Jack Alexander Zekelman Management
Mingyang Zhou Accounting
Sawyer James Zimmerman Finance
Sophia Mae Zuckerman Accounting
Connor Dixon Zylstra Finance
in BOB By B. ly l e scH OOl O f engi n eer in g
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Michael Thomas Amberg Computer Science
Omateolashi S. Asenime Computer Science
Muhammad Jawad Ashraf Computer Science
Sofiya Chaku Computer Science
Jeremy Burns Clark-McKay Computer Science
Nathan J. Ding Computer Science
Nathan A. Gage Computer Science
Joshua Andrew Hascall Computer Science
Nathan Sun-Yin Hon Computer Science
Braiden Glen Hook Computer Science
Winnie Houng Computer Science
Madeline Alane Hulcy Computer Science
Robert Ford Jackson Computer Science
William Frederick Kornreich Computer Science
John Acker Kynerd Computer Science
William Hilario Landin Computer Science
Rodolfo Rodrigo Lucas Computer Science
Elias Lima Mann Computer Science
Avery Ann Morris Computer Science
Matthew Z. Pacapac Computer Science
Katie Rink Computer Science
Diogo Benetti Faé Rodrigues Computer Science
Cameron Dempsey Rosenberger Computer
Cesar Eduardo Sanchez Computer Science
Steven Shemar Sells Computer Science
Brandon Tyler Skavroneck Computer Science
Nicole Bianca Sood Computer Science
Jadon David Stronge Computer Science
Kasra Taghavi Computer Science
Robert Scott Thoeny Computer Science
Brandon Michael Vincitore Computer Science
Peiqi Weng Computer Science
Oliver Tianyi Zhu Computer Science
January 2023 graduate
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 28J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 28 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Lily E. Anderson Management Science
Matthiew Allen Baker Data Science; Management
Jadyn Kathryn Bauss Management Science
Claire Elizabeth Brandenberger Management
Julian Xavier Perry Brown Management Science
Mark Morris Brubaker Computer Science
Omar Alexander Cerpa Computer Science
Carcen Chloe Chatham Management Science
Courtney Jane Chen Data Science; Management
Everett Graham Cienkus Computer Science
Garrett Andrew Cooley Management Science
Tania Caldua Cuff Data Science; Management
Christopher Deng, Jr Computer Science
John Thomas Dolan Management Science
Temitope W. Dosu Computer Science
Jonathan Ebrahimian Computer Science
Cameron Jonathan Ervin Management Science
Sophie Grace Fernando Management Science
Matthew W. Flynn Data Science; Management
Caitlin Jane Fotsch Management Science
Katharine Agnes Fox Management Science
Connor James Gamble Computer Science
Rachel Laila Giadolor Management Science
Sydney Ireland Gibbs Computer Science
Christian A. Gould Computer Science
Matthew Blair Grover Computer Science
Jackson Paul Heck Computer Science
Brandon Sam Herman Computer Science
Dominic Jonathan Hoefer Management Science
Eric Houtman Computer Science
Cole Aaron Jenkins Management Science
Zhengran Jiang Computer Science
Dongchan Jo Computer Science
Saaketh Koka Computer Science
Ariyan Kumaraswamy Computer Science
Marley Thomas Larsen-Dunn Management
Carys Eleanor LeKander Computer Science
Michael Patrick Lennon Computer Science
Kevin Ken-Vun Leong Computer Science
Lidan Li Computer Science
Zihao Lin Computer Science
Austin Dasun Liu Computer Science
Nathan Benjamin Londal Management Science
Kellen Loren Long Computer Science
Peyton John Maass Computer Science
Camryn Elizabeth Maginel Management Science
Naishur Malhotra Computer Science
Talia Marie Markowski Management Science
Jordan D. Mays Management Science
Riley Nicole McGlasson Management Science
Blake McHarry Miller Computer Science
Conner David Morton Computer Science
Zachary Christopher Newton Computer Science
Timothy McCord Olson Computer Science
Conner Joseph Ozenne Computer Science
Arturo Max Pagan Management Science
Darja Prokopeca Management Science
Kyle Andrew Pruzick Management Science
Ashwin Rajesh Computer Science
Katie Rink Data Science
Morgan Ann Roberts Management Science
Ashley Marie Rocco Management Science
Amberly Renee Rodriguez Management Science
Wyatt Bliss Saltzman Computer Science
Brennan Grady Savage Data Science;
Management Science
Logan Alexander Schmitt Computer Science
Alexander Andreadis Shockley Computer Science
Yashraj Sinha Computer Science
Alexander Andreadis Shockley Computer Science
Yashraj Sinha Computer Science
Reed Woodfin Smith Data Science; Management
Sandhya Srinivasa-Narasimhan Management
Reagan E. Steele Management Science
Grant R. Stoehr Computer Science
William H. Strickland Computer Science
Oluwaseun Oluwanifemi Suberu Computer
Matthew Isaac Sulla Management Science
Caroline Wells Thompson Management Science
Samuel L. Timmins Computer Science
Chase Connor Vaught Management Science
Brandon Michael Vincitore Data Science
Frederick Christopher Wang Computer Science
Colin M. Weil Computer Science
Yuncheng Zhang Computer Science
Yihan Zhou Computer Science
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g
Ahmad Muamar Anani
Ryan August Dayal
Mia Lynn DeSimone
Jackson Fenly Delmer
Danielle Avery Amparo Escutia
Ian James Eliser Gillett
Camila Giron Errazuriz
Abbie A. Haws
Eugenio None Montemayor
Julia Jeannine Sanman
Madison Isobel Stafford
Raegan Danae Willis
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n c o M P u t e r e n g i n e e r i n g
John Stephen Easton Amanda Jayne Johnson Nathan James Park
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n e l e c t r i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Latifa R. S. Y. S. Alsafy
Jacob Shafer Cohen
Emma G. Eades
Boyuan Li
Matthew A. Morris
Joshua Avi Nachassi
Steven Louis Pecoraro
Yufei Qu
Arman Sanatinia
Allen Conrad Small
Joseph Anthony Spencer
Jon D. Steller
Alexa Kathryn Sigle Sutherlin
Kynleigh Ann Williams
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n e n v i r o n M e n t A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Fatima Moid Kunwer
Erin Frances Morris
Juliana Grace Roller
Helena Xochitl White
Sophia Hamid Yusuff
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n M e c h A n i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Tyler Miller Barfield
Martin Zadok Bayazitoglu
Alexander Wolfgang Brandt
Maxwell Cullen Bryant
Trevor Darryl Burke
Megan Susanna Cox
Libby Kaye Curtis
Malvina Hannah Fahel
Feisi Fang
Kamran E. Farid
Ashley Renee Federer
Luis Eduardo Fernandez
Estelle R. Gabriel
Zeira Emiline Galindo
John Matthew Garcia
Collin M. Grasher
Nathaniel Michael Graves
Janelle Aylin Gursoy
Jose Manuel Hernandez
Megan Alexandra Hewison
Eric Willoughby Hirschbrich
Benjamin Isaac Kuo
Brandon Robert Lindvall
Garrett Patrick Madison
Daniel Manrique
Son Hong Nguyen
Sean D. Patton
Antonio Ruan
Timothy Shaun Ryan
Rebecca Leigh Schneider
Gavin Glen Simmons
Shaun Michael Turner
Emma Rose Waite
Isaac Chester Yau
Catherine Elizabeth Zaunbrecher
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 29J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 29 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
in ann ett e ca l dwe ll siMM On s scH OOl Of edu cat i On an d HuMa n de ve lOp Me nt
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Liam Lopes Amado
Joshua William Anagnostou
Martin Jerry Bishara
Sydney Claire Bowlin
Reagan E. Bradley
Molly Elizabeth Brown Educational Studies
Andrew Joseph Buckley
Samuel Allen Burns
Mary Jandy Cabanas Cardenas Educational
Holland Wilkins Carlton
Jonathan Wyatt Chase
Elijah Levirea Chatman
Donald Clyde Clay
Brandon Montrelle Crossley
Alexander Luke Cummer
Eric A. DesJardins Educational Studies
Faith V. Epp
Lourdes Edith Gaytan
Jack William Gerow
Caroline Elizabeth Grout
Clayton Elway Hackler
Chloe Olivia Haupfear
Riley Garrison Hill
Taylor N. Hipp
Schaefer Roddey Jackson
Sarah Margaret Katz Educational Studies
Cameron William Katzman
Sydney Grace Kellam
Chandler Elizabeth Klevana
Mary Katherine Kruczek
Benjamin Francis Kuiper
Patrick Michael Langer
Ryan Henry Lee
Ainslee Lehner Educational Studies
DeVere Rodell Levelston
Emma Jane Martin Educational Studies
Desirae N. Mathis
Nolan Dwight Wayne Matthews
Tatum Jayce McDaniel
Belleza Marie Mitchell
Bryce Tanner Moreau
Joseph Joshua Mulholland
Ali Ahmad Nayeb
Nicole Elizabeth Nilsen
Caroline Fox O’Connor
Anna Duphorne Payne
Caroline Grace Peterson
Nathan David-Robert Petronzio
Alexandra Nicole Pielet
Addison Louise Piper
Samuel Finnegan Polk
Maxwell Tyler Prather
Macy George Ramsby Educational Studies
Remi Rosencrans
Spencer Saada
Amy Ann Salesky
Kyle Joshua Sillman
Gabrielle Blythe Silver
Peter Frederick Smithson
Daniel Adam Steckler
Alexandra Carol Stevens
Lauren Mackenzie Sulzen
Tatum DeAnn Sutherland
Caryna Alexis Vazquez
Miriam Nicole Wassef
Carson Welch
Alexandra Hyde Yeager
Jack M. Young
The May portion of the program contains names of candidates for degrees and honors. Inclusion in the program does not constitute evidence of completion of degrees
and honors requirements.
s u M M e r 2 0 2 3
in ded Ma n cOll e ge Of Hu Ma nit ies and scie nc es
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P h i l o s o P h y
Talhah Ahmed Alvi Psychology
BS University of Texas, Dallas
MA Columbia University
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Examining the Association Between Social Anxiety and Social
Cognition on Daily Interpersonal Stress”
Adviser: Benjamin A. Tabak
Patricia Kathryn Gower Psychology
BA McGill University
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: ““A Longitudinal Investigation of Positive Biases and
Psychological Functioning during the Coronavirus Disease 2019
Adviser: Holly J. Bowen
Anni M. Hasratian Psychology
BA University of California-Irvine
MA Pepperdine University
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Examining the Mediating Role of CO2 in Symptom Change
during Capnometry-Assisted Respiratory Training (CART) using a
Transdiagnostic Sample”
Adviser: Alicia E. Meuret
Divya Kumar Psychology
BA Washington University
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Behavioral Activation Plus
Savoring for Positive Affect Dysregulation in University Students”
Adviser: Alicia E. Meuret
Hannah O’Reilly Nordberg Psychology
BA University of Southern California
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Hippocampal Neurochemistry, Cognitive Function, and
Lifestyle Factors in Middle and Older Age Adults with Asthma”
Adviser: Thomas E. Ritz
Sharyl Esther Wee Psychology
BA University British Columbia
MA Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Daily Stress and Negative Affect as Predictors of Orthorexia
Nervosa Symptoms among College Students: Testing Direct and
Moderated Associations using Daily Diary Methodology”
Adviser: Chrystyna D. Kouros
in per kin s sc H OOl Of tHe Ol Ogy
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f M i n i s t r y
Wanda Elaine Ward
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 30J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 30 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f D i v i n i t y
Tamara Marie Schlueter Bayo
Braxton Emon Bush
Ethan Truth Sechler Cutrone
LaToya Chameka Johnson
Mary Jo Ann McGregor Meek
Courtney Patrick Mitchell
Michele Anne Mrak
Anita Cheramie Pittenger
Genie Ellen Potes
Claudia Stephens
Dario M. Vargas
Deborah Lynn Wade
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f t h e o l o g i c A l s t u D i e s
Caleb E. Palmer
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s i n M i n i s t r y
Dre’Shun’ Demarcus James Brady McQueeney
in Mea dO ws scH O Ol Of tH e arts
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f M u s i c
Hannah Fox Britt Music Education
Kelton Robert Burnside Music Education
Seth Emmanuel Clarke Voice Performance
Diana Lynn Deming Music Education
in edw in l. cO x scHO O l O f Bus in ess
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f B u s i n e s s A D M i n i s t r A t i o n
Jane Marie Anderson Strategy and
Niya Christian Bacon General Business
Jamie Nicole Baker Management; Strategy and
Colleen Evelyn Barnett General Business
William Austin Barrett Strategy and
Samantha Marie Bartell General Business
Danielle Bell General Business
Jessica Ann Bendig General Business
Nicholas Daniel Blazek Real Estate
Matthew Edward Bogobowicz Strategy and
Emily Bianca Bonadelle General Business
Alyssa Candace Brooks General Business
Aryana Monique Burgos Finance
Jacob Allen Burkholder General Business
Philip John Bush General Business
Neeti Nilesh Butala General Business
William Colin Byk General Business
Tyler Louis Casazza General Business
Amber Renee Casey General Business
Ariana Joy Catalano General Business
Emma Jane Cissel General Business
Haley Ranae Coates Real Estate
Carey L. Colley General Business
Margaret Esther Henley Collins General Business
Rebecca Noel Cott General Business
Durel Eugene Dolford General Business
James Tabe Ebot General Business
Nicholas Mark Ellington Finance
Abigail Locke Evans General Business
Roy Don Flowers General Business
Kristopher Sterling Ford Strategy and
Martin F. Gaines General Business
Luke Aaron Gibbons General Business
Juan Jose Gonzalez General Business
John Edward Good III Finance
Grant Robert Gorman General Business
Elizabeth Ann Graham Strategy and
Hayley Nicole Guevara General Business
Cole Allen Hamilton General Business
Heather LeAnne Hansen Management
Brendan James Hayes General Business
Sarah Kristina Hill General Business
Ty Douglas Hook General Business
Akan-Inyene Kevin Ikpo Management
Dwayne Delery Irvin General Business
Magnus John Jacob General Business
Parker Scott Johnson General Business
Shakayla Johnson General Business
Dorothy Robinson Jones General Business
Kody Lee Jones General Business
LaMar Alvin Jones Real Estate
Eric Robert Kayne General Business
Brooke Caroline Kellam Strategy and
Tae Il Kim General Business
Sienzhi Kouemo General Business
Michele Giese Landes Strategy and
Armando Ray Landin General Business
Alina Munoz Light General Business
Melanie Paige Lockard General Business
Claiborne Manchester Lord Real Estate
Nathaniel Mitchel Lovato Finance
Genevieve Daisy Lukoff Strategy and
Shannon Bree Mathis General Business
Antonio Rafael Matta III General Business
Duncan William McAulay Finance
Adrian R. McClure General Business
Michael John McLaughlin General Business
Luciana Mendes General Business
Luke Thomas Meyer Management
Jeffrey R. Midgett, Jr. Finance
Treston L. Moore General Business
Taylor Philip Moran General Business
Christopher Jorden Moxley Strategy and
Amanda Nicole Narvaez Strategy and
Ann Marie Nordin General Business
James Joseph O’Connor III General Business
Amarachi Nwabundo Oji Strategy and
Alejandro Orduña Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Kaajal Nimesh Patel Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Brandt Fletcher Payne General Business
Senanga Joseph Perera General Business
Christopher Shayne Peterson General Business
Thais Gomes Pimentel General Business
Mark Christopher Pruett Strategy and
Rojin Rahimzadeh Nobari General Business
Jena Carys Rangnow Strategy and
Justin James Regan General Business
Adam Robert Rice General Business
James Lewis Rimer Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Darrah L. Rippy General Business
Lauren Mary Ritson General Business
Michael John Salvador General Business
Cesar Arturo Sanchez Gallardo Strategy and
Cole Rutger Schreiner Real Estate
Celia Patricia Sencalar Management
Hunter Christian Sheuerman Supply Chain and
Operations Mn
Taylor Nicole Silvestry Strategy and
Sarah Mackenzie Smith Strategy and
William Oakley Smith General Business
Sadie Ann Solis Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Brandon David Solomon General Business
Madison Alaina Spears General Business
Carinne Michelle Stiles Finance
Sarah Alexandra Stratton General Business
Stephen Andrew Stuart General Business
Catherine Yike Sun Accounting
Chad Gaston Susman General Business
Matthew James Svoboda General Business
Nathaniel Andrew Taylor Strategy and
Brandon Lee Thomas General Business
Alexandra Marie Underhill Strategy and
Melis Defne Uzkan General Business
Scott William Valencia General Business
Robert Steven Vick Real Estate
Shelby Nicole White General Business
Tempest Marie Williams General Business
Bradley Robert Wilson General Business
Drewnard J. Woods Real Estate
Joshua Curtis Wormington General Business
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D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n B u s i n e s s A n A l y t i c s
Divya Gaihar Jonathan Robert Grams
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n f i n A n c e
Anindya Kanti Das
Alejandra Hurtado
Sandro Kharebava
Pranav Kumar
JunHong Li
Franklin Mark Pakes
Lauren Kelly-Perez Peebles
Ryan Matthew Stover
Jackson Matthew Winkler
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n M A n A g e M e n t
Terrance Durrell Newman Ana Paula Ramirez Perea
in BOB By B. ly l e scH OOl O f engi n eer in g
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e
Lauren Marie Cozzi Manufacturing Management Victor Lin Systems Engineering
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e n g i n e e r i n g M A n A g e M e n t
Mandi Maxwell
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n M e c h A n i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Abigail Elizabeth Hays
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e l e c t r i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Austin Brian Modoff
in ann ett e ca l dwe ll siMM On s scH OOl Of edu cat i On an d HuMa n de ve lOp Me nt
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f B i l i n g u A l e D u c A t i o n
Olga Anderson Cassandra Macias Evelyn Negrete
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f e D u c A t i o n
Colette Adams-Taylor Educational Leadership
Ayanna Akinyemi Educational Leadership
Laura Elena Almendariz Educational Leadership
Melina María Aponte Gómez
Diocelin Martinez Castruita Educational
Paige Marie Darstein
Brian Eisele Educational Leadership
Jill Patricia Emery Educational Leadership
Alayna Enos
Angelica Gomez Educational Leadership
Sabrina Annette Gonzales
Cameron Thomas Hedden
Brittany Mari Hudson Educational Leadership
Abril Nataly Jimenez Educational Leadership
Zari Daviona Josey
Logan Kleiman Educational Leadership
Charles Wayne Lee Educational Leadership
Misha McGuin Educational Leadership
Eva Margaret McKee
Carissa Nicole Moreno Educational Leadership
Tamara Ricketts
Kathryn K. Roberson
Cristina Nicole Romero Educational Leadership
Leslie Roper Educational Leadership
Amanda Catherine Erika Rothe
Anne Snell
Victoria Taylor Educational Leadership
Khadijah Thibodeaux
Christina Marcelina Vasques-Varnell
Randi Dorothy Walker
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n c o u n s e l i n g
Rachel Diane Beach
Jasmine Carty
Jose Jaime Cervantes
Matthew Thomas Cross
Kailey Dale Derting
Destinee Dickinson
Baylee L. Frank
Autumn Maree Green
Devyn Elizabeth Hagan
D’Anna Grace Klassen
Makenzi Joan Kostel
Emi Liechty Long
Alyssa Rose Martin
Jessica Eileen Moe
Taylor Owens
James Michael Pacifico
Monica Rios
Danielle Sanders
Shivani Solanki
Christopher Washington
MacKenzie Bruck Woodley
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n s P o r t M A n A g e M e n t
Sydney Brunette
Ryan Bujcevski
Pearson Byrne
Tori Coleman
Bryan Filker
Will Gibson
Colleen Gillis
Taylor Johnson
Ben Pike
Marcelo Uribe
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in ded Ma n cOll e ge Of Hu Ma nit ies and scie nc es
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Caleb Patrick Almond Psychology
Sophia Arias World Languages - French
Olivia Elizabeth Atkins Individualized Studies in
Liberal Arts
Anna Noelle Beckley English
Jose Miguel Berrocal D’Anello Markets and
Anneliese Bring Political Science
Angelina Mariani Choucair Psychology
John Morgan Clarey Economics
Jose Manuel De Paz Cuevas Economics
Ria Marjorie Dela Pena Political Science
Michael Anthony Filoso World Languages -
Simon Anthony Gonzalez Markets and Culture
John Patrick Haley Markets and Culture
Natalie Rose Harrison French
Jesica Priscila Huerta Alcantara Markets and
Shara Jade Jeyarajah Human Rights
David Robert Johnson Psychology
Hannah Shae Johnson Anthropology
Jenner Thomas Kay Sociology
Alexa Lee Kramer Psychology
Joie J. Lew Human Rights; Political Science;
Public Policy
Alejandro Winston Martynek Economics
Paul Michael Matzkin Markets and Culture
Linda Rubi Molina Psychology
Travis Jeffery Peck Public Policy
Christopher Wimberly Piekarsky World
Languages - Spanish
Heston Scott Pinard Economics
Brandon Pablo Rodriguez Sociology
Landon Scott Ryden Economics
Alba Carolina Salcido-Diaz Human Rights;
Ryan Faulconer Sands Economics
Parker Kelley Shelton Psychology
Giovanna Solorzano Economics
Tyler Jeffrey Strauss Physics
Riley Patrick Sullivan Economics
Asher Kye Thye Anthropology; Human Rights
Alexandra M’Lis Walters Earth Sciences
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Briseida Nohely Aleman Ardon Economics with
Finance Applications
Frank Vincenzo Avantino Biological Sciences
Natalie Rose Harrison Biological Sciences
David Robert Johnson Economics with Finance
James Benjamin Lassetter Economics with
Finance Applications
Sheridan Lee Metternick Economics with Finance
Geoffrey Banks Paxton Economics with Finance
Travis Jeffery Peck Economics
Landon Scott Ryden Statistical Science
Wendy Santillan Santillan Diaz Biological
William Cannon Wilkinson Economics with
Finance Applications
Blaise Broderick Wittern Economics with Finance
Yongqi Xu Mathematics
Siqi Zhu Biological Sciences
in Mea dO ws scH O Ol Of tH e arts
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Maxwell Oliver Berry Fashion Media
Alan Levi Cowan Film and Media Arts
Fernanda Gonzalez Palma Corporate
Communication and Public Affairs; Public
Relations and Strategic Communication
Sereen K. Hamideh Creative Computing
Julia Marie Harris Music
Nathaniel Akira Hiles Film and Media Arts
Anna Louise Howell Fashion Media; Journalism
David Arthur Hudson Film and Media Arts
Shara Jade Jeyarajah Music
Nicholas Franklin Lemon Music
Kyle M. Pham Advertising
Christopher Wimberly Piekarsky Advertising
Madison Lynn Savoy Film and Media Arts
Parker Kelley Shelton Corporate Communication
and Public Affairs
Louis John Urtecho Music
Phillips Patton Wood Advertising
Taylor Anne Zimmerman Journalism
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f f i n e A r t s
Abigail Carmen Jacobs Art Monica Jasmine Jones Theatre Carly Ann Rogers Theatre
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f M u s i c
Julia Alexis Annabi Music Therapy Fenisha Ruth Franklin Music Therapy Cela Bithiah Patras Music Therapy
in edw in l. cO x scHO O l O f Bus in ess
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f B u s i n e s s A D M i n i s t r A t i o n
Alagammai Shreya Annamalai Accounting
Sophia Arias Management
Colin Montgomery Besh Accounting
Benjamin Andrew Cappelli General Business
Alfredo Gutierrez General Business
Osric Nahum Wellington Lee Finance
Emily Tyler McCall Management
Yunus Merchant Finance
Katherine Sofia Pawlowski Marketing
Chandler H. Smith Finance
in BOB By B. ly l e scH OOl O f engi n eer in g
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Isabella B. Aijo Computer Science
Joshua Adeoluwa Ayodele Computer Science
Josiah Emilio Castillo Computer Science
Calum Jamison Kuhn Computer Science
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Dylan Alexander Caro Computer Science
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g
Justin Christopher No Shawn Kareem Noorani
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D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n c o M P u t e r e n g i n e r i n g
Ross Elliot
in ann ett e ca l dwe ll siMM On s scH OOl Of edu cat i On an d HuMa n de ve lOp Me nt
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Krittanat Archjananun
Gage Hunter Bowen
CerTaidrian Devryl Brooks
John Edward Cadena
Julia Marie Harris
Samuel David Joyner
Ryan Carl Leaven
Oliver James Lindenbaum
Joseph David Peterson
Jacob Leonardo Ramirez
Isaac Herschel Rosen
Henry H. Scott
f a l l 2 0 2 2
in ded Ma n cOll e ge Of Hu Ma nit ies and scie nc es
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P h i l o s o P h y
Bianca A. Luedeker Statistical Science
BS MS MS Northern Arizona University
Dissertation: “Compositional Datasets and the Nested Dirichlet Distribution”
Adviser: Monnie McGee
Rong Rong Biostatistics
BS University of Illinois - Urbana
MA Bowling Green State University
Dissertation: “Regression Modeling of Complex Survival Data based on
Adviser: Hong Zhu
in BOB By B. ly l e scH OOl O f engi n eer in g
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P h i l o s o P h y
Senwen Kan Computer Engineering
BS Baylor University
MS Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dissertation: “Towards Multipronged On-Chip Memory and Data Protection
From Verification to Design and Test”
Adviser: Jennifer Lynn Dworak
in per kin s sc H OOl Of tHe Ol Ogy
D e g r e e o f D o c t o r o f P A s t o r A l M u s i c
Hillary Doerries Stanton David Nelson
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f D i v i n i t y
Courtney Reid Bond
Summa Cum Laude
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f t h e o l o g i c A l s t u D i e s
Amber Leigh Benson
Summa Cum Laude
in ded Ma n scHO O l O f law
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f l A w s
c o M P A r A t i v e & i n t e r n A t i o n A l l A w
Marco Pasian
D e g r e e o f J u r i s D o c t o r
Ryan William Boyle
Cum Laude
Daniel Hennessy
Cum Laude
Robert Sterling Shapiro
J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 34J020073a-SMU-Commence.indd 34 5/8/23 11:05 AM5/8/23 11:05 AM
in ded Ma n cOll e ge Of Hu Ma nit ies and scie nc es
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s
Md Tahmeed Hossain Economics
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e
Yasmin Jamalia Jackson Geology
in Mea dO ws scH O Ol Of tH e arts
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s
Madeleine Davis Advertising
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f M u s i c
Hannah Peterson Flute Performance; Theory Pedagogy
in edw in l. cO x scHO O l O f Bus in ess
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f B u s i n e s s A D M i n i s t r A t i o n
Christopher Cunningham General Businss
Sheung Ho Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Kelly Ann Landen General Business
Robert Leonard Nelson General Business
Xue Yang General Business
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n B u s i n e s s A n A l y t i c s
Michael Grado
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n M A n A g e M e n t
Michael James King II
in BOB By B. ly l e scH OOl O f engi n eer in g
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e
Pranali Suresh Chintam Telecommunications and
Network Engineering
Paarul Dixit Computer Science
Vishakha Keshav Kamble Telecommunications
and Network Engineering
Rucha Dattatraya Kiwlekar Network Engineering
Rohan Milind Kulkarni Telecommunications and
Network Engineering
Ashish Bhanudas Mahajan Telecommunications
and Network Engineering
Kelsey Michelle O’Leary Operations Research
Kalyan Jyothi Patthi Network Engineering
Rakesh Pyata Telecommunications and Network
Himanshu Mangesh Sakat Telecommunications
and Network Engineering
David Michael Smith Datacenter Systems
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e l e c t r i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Amogh Mangesh Angre Becky Miriam Samkutty
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e n g i n e e r i n g M A n A g e M e n t
Vishal Suresh Malar
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n e n v i r o n M e n t A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Adebowale Adesanya
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n i n f o r M A t i o n e n g i n e e r i n g M A n A g e M e n t
Alejandro Zaldivar
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n M e c h A n i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Gorkem Guclu
in ann ett e ca l dwe ll siMM On s scH OOl Of edu cat i On an d HuMa n de ve lOp Me nt
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f A r t s i n D i s P u t e r e s o l u t i o n
Justin Thomas Ryan
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D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f e D u c A t i o n
Emma Katherine Brandow Adaobi Vivien Chika Cynthia Diane Valverde
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f l i B e r A l s t u D i e s
Heather Seymour Razak
in res ear c H a n d grad u ate st u die s
D e g r e e o f M A s t e r o f s c i e n c e i n D A t A s c i e n c e
Nathan Deinlein Zachary O’Neal Harris Adeel Qureshi
in ded Ma n cOll e ge sc HOO l Of HuM a nit ie s a nd sc ien c es
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Ho Tin Chan Philosophy
Georgia Caroline Eberly Psychology
Samuel Levy Psychology
Dylan Thomas Mark Economics
Anna Elinor Whitehead Psychology
Sarah Noel Wintergalen French Studies
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Lily Alice Foregger Economics with Finance
Yezhao Ma Statistical Science
Gavin Daniel McGuire Economics with Finance
Rachel Solomon Psychology
in Mea dO ws scH O Ol Of tH e arts
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Ho Tin Chan Music
Caroline Elizabeth McNaghten Fashion Media;
Film & Media Arts; Journalism
Nataliya Duniya Mehta Journalism
Kyra Giselle Alegria White Music
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f f i n e A r t s
Thi Ngoc Thuy Phan Art
in edw in l. cO xsc HOO l Of Busi ne ss
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f B u s i n e s s A D M i n i s t r A t i o n
Travis Beau Barker Finance
Matthew Robert Bischof Finance
Keeton Aubrey Brewster Finance
Mikayla Leigh Devin Finance
Riley Alanna Devlin Finance
Andrew James Farrier Finance
Jimmy H. P. Joe Finance
Sophia J. Kim Finance
Iraj Lakhani Management
Colby Lamkin Finance
Tiffany Jayden Landgraf Finance
Yezhao Ma Finance
Dylan Thomas Mark Finance
Brendan L Murray Finance
Isaac Douglas Owens Pierre Finance
Summer Elizabeth Rettig Accounting
Brogan Patrick Smith Finance
Rex Harrison Stamatis General Business
Zhiying Wang Finance
Eric Lu Zheng Finance
in BOB By B. ly l e scH OOl O f engi n eer in g
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f A r t s
Peter Hong Sun Computer Science
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e i n M e c h A n i c A l e n g i n e e r i n g
Kyra Giselle Alegria White
in ann ett e ca l dwe ll siMM On s scH OOl Of edu cat i On an d HuMa n de ve lOp Me nt
D e g r e e o f B A c h e l o r o f s c i e n c e
Anna Elinor Whitehead Educational Studies Sarah Noel Wintergalen Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
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nati O nal fe l lOw s Hip s a n d awar ds 20212023
Isabelle Galko, Environmental Sciences, Marshall Scholar 2022
Piper Holden, Management, Marshall Scholar Finalist 2023
Austin Hickle, Economics, Rhodes Scholar Finalist 2023
Samar Rawas, International Studies, Payne Fellow 2023Nia Kamau,
Human Rights, Pickering Fellow 2022
Mushfequr Rahman, Health and Society, Rangel Fellow 2023
JuliaGrace Walker, Economics, Rangel Fellow 2023
Jared Burleson, Physics, Schwarzman Scholar 2021-2022
Austin Hickle, Economics, Truman Scholar 2021
Juliana Antonio, graduate Chemistry, National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship, 2022-2027
Nicholas Bagley, graduate Mathematics, National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship 2021-2026
Alexa Hassien, graduate Biostatistics, National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship, 2022-2027
Joshua Ange, Physics, Goldwater Scholar 2023-2025
Gabrielle Gard, Biochemistry, Goldwater Scholar 2021-2022
Arvin Maghsoudlou, graduate Art History, Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at
the Metropolitan Museum of Art 2021-2022
Claire Trotter, graduate Applied Physiology, American Heart Association
Predoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023
Shandon Klein, graduate Religious Studies, Ford Foundation Fellowship
Honorable Mention 2023
Carolyn Mason, graduate Anthropology, Ford Foundation Fellowship
Honorable Mention 2023
Jaxson Haug, graduate Anthropology, Ford Foundation Fellowship
Honorable Mention 2022
José Santana, graduate Religious Studies, Ford Foundation Fellowship
Honorable Mention 2022
Carrie Perkins, graduate Anthropology, ACLS Emerging Voices Fellowship
Evan Schumacher, Dance, Fulbright Grant to Germany 2022-2023
Giana Ortiz, Finance, Fulbright Grant to Finland 2021-2022
Joshua Sylvester, graduate Computer Science, Fulbright Grant to Germany
Cailyn Stewart, graduate Education, Fulbright English Teaching
Assistantship to Poland 2023-2024
Saavni Desai, Political Science, Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to
Uzbekistan 2023-2024
Camilla Martinez, graduate Theatre, Fulbright English Teaching
Assistantship to Bulgaria 2022-2023
Anna Taglioli, World Languages: Chinese, Fulbright English Teaching
Assistantship to Taiwan 2022-2023
Izzah Zaheer, Political Science, Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to
Belgium 2022-2023Kalkidan Alemu, Biological Sciences, Fulbright English
Teaching Assistantship to Malta 2021-2022
Margaret Avera, graduate Education, Fulbright English Teaching
Assistantship to Poland 2021-2022
Caroline Gunderson, Accounting, Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship
to Germany 2021-2022
Jackson Covert, Art History, Alternate, Fulbright Grant to Belgium
Sara Dotterer, graduate Art, Alternate, Fulbright Grant to Thailand
Kit Freeman, graduate English, Alternate, Fulbright Grant to the United
Kingdom 2023-2024
Curtis Johnson, Anthropology, Alternate, Fulbright Grant to Mongolia
Bryan Jones, graduate Liberal Studies, Alternate, Fulbright Grant to
Argentina 2023-2024
Virginia Ridley, graduate Education, Alternate, Fulbright English Teaching
Assistantship to Luxembourg 2022-2023
Xxavier Carter, graduate Art, Alternate, Fulbright Grant to Norway
Sienna Dugan, Health and Society, Alternate, Fulbright Grant to Rwanda
Angela Wang, Human Rights, Fulbright Fogarty Fellowship, 2021-2022
E.J. Rorem, Political Science, Boren Scholarship to Tajikistan 2023
Benjamin Feinstein, History, Boren Scholarship to Kazakhstan 2022-2023
Matthew O’Donohue, graduate Engineering, Boren Fellowship to South
Korea 2022-2023
Madeline Pan, Biological Sciences, Boren Scholarship to China 2022
Mushfequr Rahman, Health and Society, Boren South Asian Flagship
Initiative Scholarship 2021-2022
Madeline Pan, Biological Sciences, Alternate, Boren Scholarship to China 2021
Shandon Klein, graduate Religious Studies, Louisville Institute Doctoral
Fellowship 2022 - 2024
Danya Epstein, graduate Art History, Graham Foundation Carter Manny
Research Award, 2021-2022
Ashton Reynolds, graduate History, Beinecke Research Fellowship 2022-2023
Collin Yarborough, graduate Engineering, US Department of
Transportation Dwight Eisenhower Transportation Fellow, 2021-2022
Shara Jeyarajah, Human Rights, Public Policy and International Affairs
Junior Summer Institute 2021
Anne Parfitt, graduate Anthropology, National Science Foundation Doctoral
Dissertation Research Improvement Grant 2022
Elizabeth Thomas, graduate Anthropology, National Science Foundation
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant 2022
Regina Nguyen, Civil Engineering, National Science Foundation REU
Undergraduate Research Grant 2023
Andrea Reyes, Physics, National Science Foundation REU Undergraduate
Research Grant 2023
Jacob Stavely, Business Analytics and Supply Chain Management, National
Science Foundation REU Undergraduate Research Grant 2023
Amy Hermann, Physics, National Science Foundation REU Undergraduate
Research Grant 2022
Ash Thye, Human Rights, National Science Foundation REU
Undergraduate Research Grant 2021
E.J. Rorem, Political Science, Critical Language Scholarship for Persian
2023, 2021
Nia Kamau, Human Rights, Critical Language Scholarship for Arabic 2022
Samar Rawas, International Studies, Critical Language Scholarship for
Arabic 2022
Isabelle Galko, Environmental Sciences, Critical Language Scholarship for
Indonesian 2021
Nia Kamau, Human Rights, Critical Language Scholarship for Arabic 2021
Erin Pierce, Chemistry, Critical Language Scholarship for Arabic 2021
Mushfequr Rahman, Health and Society, Critical Language Scholarship for
Urdu 2021
Raleigh Dewan, Marketing, Alternate, Critical Language Scholarship for
Portuguese 2023
Saavni Desai, International Studies, Alternate, Critical Language
Scholarship for Arabic 2022
Rodney Johnson, International Studies, Alternate, Critical Language
Scholarship for Arabic 2022
Katelyn Tran, Accounting, ACE Teaching Fellow, 2023-2025
Ruth Kinyua, Biochemistry, Gilman Scholarship to Spain 2023
Cassandra Chapa, graduate Education, Johnny L. Veselka Award for
Aspiring Superintendents 2023
Shandon Klein, graduate Religious Studies, GBHEM Women of Color
Scholar 2022
Nicolette Edwards, graduate Anthropology, Humanities Without Walls
Fellowship 2023
Nusaiba Chowdhury, graduate Anthropology, Humanities Without Walls
Fellowship 2022
Christopher Walton, graduate History, Military Historical Society of
Massachusetts Fellowship 2022-2023
Christopher Walton, graduate History, American Congregational
Association Boston Athenaeum Fellowship 2022-2023
Marie Schrampfer, graduate Religious Studies, Hank Center Fellowship in
the Catholic Tradition 2022
Amanda Atkinson, graduate English, Huntington Fellowship Short-term
Travel Award 2022
Kirk Ogunrinde, Journalism, Fellow to the Institute for Responsible
Citizenship 2023
Sneh Jhaveri, graduate Psychology, Mamie Phipps Clark Diversity Research
Grant 2022-2023
Lauren Simms, graduate Religious Studies, Aquinas Institute Workshop for
Emerging Scholars 2022
Dani Ezor, graduate Art History, AECS Women’s Caucus Race and
Gender Intersectional Award 2022
Christopher Walton, graduate History, American Revolution Institute
of the Society of the Cincinnati Research Fellowship 2022
Rodney Johnson, International Studies, Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center
Summer Arabic Language and Media Scholarship 2022
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sO u tHe rn Me tHO d ist univ er sit y
In 1911, a Methodist education commission made
a commitment to establish a major Methodist
university in Texas. More than 600 acres of open
prairie and $300,000 pledged by a group of Dallas
citizens secured the university for Dallas, and it
was chartered as Southern Methodist University. In
appreciation of the citys support, the first building
to be constructed on the campus was named Dallas
Hall. It remains the centerpiece and symbol of SMU.
When the University opened in 1915, it consisted of
two buildings, 706 students, a 35-member faculty
and total assets of $636,540. The original schools of SMU were the College
of Arts and Sciences, the School of Theology and the School of Music.
Today SMU offers more than 117 undergraduate majors, master’s degrees
in more than 122 areas, doctoral degrees in 35
fields and more than 77 certificate programs.
Enrollment for the spring 2023 term was 11,597,
including 6,879 undergraduate students and 4,718
graduate students. SMU students come from 50
states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and
90 countries. About 73% of first-year students
received some form of financial assistance for spring
In addition to preparing students for graduate
and professional schools, or more directly for their
life’s work, the University strives to enhance their social, moral, intellectual
and religious development so that they may lead worthy lives as individuals
and citizens of the nation and of the world.
ac a deM ic prOc e ssi On, reg al ia tr adi tiO n an d sMu rega li a
The academic procession and the regalia worn by the faculty and officers of
the University symbolically represent the continuing link between the modern
American university and the founding of the great medieval universities in
Europe – chief among them Bologna, Paris and Oxford. As those institutions
were derived from the Catholic Church, the universities adopted many of the
ceremonial trappings of the church in their official public functions.
The caps and gowns worn in the procession vary from place to place.
There are variations in design to indicate the degrees held by the wearers,
and many universities in America have introduced colorful gowns and other
distinguishing details (in place of the customary clerical black from which all
originated). The caps, too, vary according to the customs of the university
from which the wearer received a degree. While most American universities
adopted the “mortarboard” style of Oxford, others have chosen styles based
on other European institutions. The color of the tassel worn with the cap
may be black for any degree, or the color may be that of the faculty of the
major field of learning (e.g., arts, engineering, law). Persons holding doctoral
degrees and governing officials of institutions are entitled to wear tassels of
gold metallic thread.
Within the great varieties of styles and colors in gowns and caps, there
has been one universally accepted code for the hood worn trailing down the
wearer’s back. Originally, it was like the hood on the habit worn by monks
and very useful for protection against the weather and even for begging for
alms. Nowadays, the hood through length and color shows the degree and the
specialization of the wearer, and the university that granted the degree.
Candidates for degrees at SMU are robed in custom regalia, designed to
incorporate SMU’s colors and symbols.
The doctoral gown in dark blue includes velvet chevrons on each of the
bell sleeves. The front velvet panels are embroidered in gold thread with the
SMU seal, and gold braid outlines the chevrons and panels. An eight-sided,
crimson red velvet tam with a gold silk tassel completes the regalia.
The master’s gown, also in dark blue, has a front yolk outlined in red
braid, and the SMU seal is embroidered in red on the left side. Gowns have
a long sleeve through a slit at the wrist. A mortarboard with a colored tassel
representing the discipline in which the degree is earned also is worn.
Doctoral and master’s candidates wear hoods that are 3½ feet long and 4
feet long, respectively. SMU’s hood lining is blue with red chevron.
The bachelor’s gowns’ distinguishing characteristics are the long pointed
sleeves and full front pleats. A red silk Stole of Gratitude embroidered in blue
with the SMU seal is worn across the shoulders. It is tradition for graduates
to present their stoles to individuals who have made a positive impact in their
lives. Bachelors gowns are worn with a tassel and mortarboard.
Through these colorful ceremonies, SMU symbolically displays the
continuity of its educational purposes with the origins of organized learning
in the Western world.
en gag ed lear n ing pr O jec ts : apr il 24, 2023
For more information, visit
Charlie Andrews, Prevention Against Texting While Driving.
Anna Butcher, I Want a Body of My Own.
Mace Cowart, The Gaga/Theatre Project.
Raleigh Dewan, SteadiSpoon: Self-Stabilizing Assistive Eating Device.
Sipho Dongozi, An ethnographic study of the effects of Zimbabwean and
colonial patriarchal patterns on women’s rights.
Aiden Egbuchunam, English-native racial minority and ESL/EFL
experiences of code-switching at Southern Methodist University.
Aidan Foley, Breaking Down Barriers: Establishing Pet-Friendly Practices
Within the Existing Homeless Shelter Field.
Piper Hadley, I Want a Body of My Own.
Sophie Heidenreich, Texting and Driving PSA for Project Yellow Light.
Lior Kremer, Synthesis and modification of Maleimides to control properties
of degradable adhesive networks.
Shannon Lee, Excelling at English: A Podcast Featuring Tips and Success
Stories fromNon-Native Speakers of English.
Ayden Machajewski, SMU Guildhall Capstone Recording Sessions.
Sayumi Mahawanniarachchi, Addictive Health Risk Behaviors of
Undergraduate Students: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Tate Reeves, Volumetric 3D Printing via Visible Light.
Alexandra Savu, Love in the Evening Thesis Films.
Lexie Shamir, The Dinner.
Raiya Shah, Children’s Literature as a Health Education Tool.
Nicholas Simpson, Levels of Communalism in the Ecuadorian Amazon:
Combatting Modernity with the Help of Indigenous Radio.
Chancellor Smith, Chemiluminescence Probe for Real-Time Drug Tracking
and Real-Time Monitoring of Drug Release.
Caroline Soja, Prevention Against Texting While Driving.
Dylan Tietje-Mckinney, Copper Nanoclusters to Selectively Kill Cancer Cells.
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pr e sid ent i al cOll ar a nd Me dal li On
Chains of office, also known as collars, were used
as badges of office in the Middle Ages. Today they
are custom-designed metal necklaces worn by the
president during academic ceremonies as part of
his or her regalia.
The chain of office designed for the 10th president
of SMU, R. Gerald Turner, is made of bronze,
a strong and durable metal. The medallion of
the necklace is dominated by the University seal
design, just as the seal is the centerpiece in the floor
of the Rotunda in Dallas Hall, SMUs historic
rst building.
The bail, joining the medallion and the chain,
represents the institution’s bond between the faculty
and the student body. Equally, the 32-inch chain, a work
of art whose two ends are clasped together, represents
the joining of the desire to teach and the eagerness to
learn demonstrated by SMUs faculty and students.
tH e HO war d lan ter n
The Howard Lantern is dedicated to Professor Lorn
Lambier Howard, chief marshal emeritus of SMU from
1978–1987. Crafted out of steel, aluminum and water
glass, the lantern depicts the Rotunda of Dallas Hall.
Engraved around the base is the University’s motto,
Veritas Liberabit Vos, which means “The truth will
make you free.”
Around the top band are the words to Varsity,
SMU’s alma mater. The lantern serves as a reminder of
the important traditions that make up our University life
and the light of learning and intellectual curiosity that
shines within the students, faculty and staff at SMU.
tH e un ive r sit y Ma ce
Staffs that call groups to order are as old as civilization
itself. Today’s ceremonial maces descend particularly
from medieval armor-piercing clubs topped by
bludgeoning balls. These fierce weapons swiftly
acquired symbolic meaning. By the 14th century,
a mace, carried at the front of formal processions,
required bystanders to note the authority and integrity
of the event. In the 16th century, this formidable
weapon lost its battle utility but took a symbolic turn:
the spiked head evolved into a decorative orb. The
European tradition by which universities presented
maces on solemn occasions to signify their independence and protective
power was adopted by their successors worldwide. The mace-bearer, who
is the president of the Faculty Senate, leads formal
ceremonies carrying this visible reminder of the
University’s history and status.
The 22-pound mace currently in use at SMU
is linked to the inauguration of President Willis M.
Tate (1954–1972 and 1974–75) and is known as the
Tate Mace. The 57-inch staff is topped by a 10½-inch
orb that represents not only the University’s worldly
authority but also echoes its distinctive neoclassical
style. The orb is impressed with the seal of the
University and is encircled with SMU’s motto, Veritas
Liberabit Vos (“The truth will make you free”). Surmounting the orb is a cross
painted vividly in SMU red, a reminder of SMU’s religious heritage.
tH e Br adl e y ke nt cart e r Bat O n
The Bradley Kent Carter Baton is carried by the chief
marshal during academic ceremonies and represents
the authority of the collective faculty in the academic
life of the institution and of the role of chief
marshal as master of ceremonies at formal university
A tradition dating back 500 years ago to the
University of Oxford, the chief marshal oversees the
faculty members of the Guild of Marshals. Faculty
marshals are responsible for the execution of the
ceremony, the upholding of decorum and traditions,
and the processions of candidates, faculty and the platform party. SMU’s
marshals are identified by their bright red gowns with black chevrons.
The Carter Baton is dedicated to Associate Professor Emeritus of Political
Science and chief marshal Emeritus Bradley Kent Carter, who served for
many years in the Guild of Marshals before serving
as chief marshal from 1991–2008. Professor Carter
is a staunch supporter of the traditions and customs
of academic ceremonies, but also added his own
mark in fostering a number of the traditions now
Made from rosewood, the Carter Baton initially
served as the University’s first official academic
ceremonial mace until it was replaced in 1954 by the
Tate Mace, currently still in use. The orb of the Carter
Baton bears the seal of SMU. In the fall of 2017, it was
refurbished with bronze bands honoring all known chief marshals in SMU’s
history. During the ceremony it is placed on a custom stand. The original
designer and manufacturer of the baton are unknown. Refurbishment was
completed by Medallic Art Company.
SMU is the nationally ranked global research university in the dynamic city of Dallas. SMU’s alumni, faculty and more than 12,000 students in
eight degree-granting schools demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit as they lead change in their professions, communities and the world.
Building on its history of excellence, the University has launched SMU Ignited: Boldly Shaping Tomorrow – a multiyear $1.5 billion campaign
to empower outstanding students, to enrich teaching and research, and to enhance our campus and community.
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