Business Operations Track Family
Business Fundamentals Specialty Curriculum
Customer Service Specialty Curriculum
Project Management Support Specialty Curriculum
Financial Operations Track Family
Accounting Specialty Curriculum
Anti-Money Laundering & Fraud Compliance Specialty Curriculum
Investment Operations Specialty Curriculum
Information Technology Track Family
Cybersecurity Specialty Curriculum
Helpdesk/Desktop Support Specialty Curriculum
Sales & Customer Support Track Family
Frontline Sales Specialty Curriculum
Software Development Track Family
Data Analytics Specialty Curriculum
Quality Assurance Specialty Curriculum
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Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 1
Business Fundamentals Specialty Curriculum
Customer Service Specialty Curriculum
Project Management Support Specialty Curriculum
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 2
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Business Fundamentals curriculum equips students with an understanding of the business landscape
prior to internship. Business Fundamentals introduces students to a broad set of courses in business that
typically aligns to business degree requirements in college programs.
Training includes:
Understanding the different types of business formation,
stages of business development, and management structures
Identifying various company functions, organizational structures,
and hierarchies
Building skills in customer service, project management,
personal finance, data analysis, business ethics, or introductory
accounting, dependent on market
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Review and analyze business processes for improvement
Drive forward independent project work
Review account records to inform payment and service decisions
Process claims, reconcile disputes, and track collections
Provide administrative support to make office operations
run smoothly
Example Teams Hosting Business Fundamentals Interns:
Back Oce Financial Services
Operational and Administrative Support
Project Support
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Operations Support Associate
Business Oce Project Analyst
Underwriting Assistant
Client Service and Support Associate
Introduction to Business
Demonstrate knowledge of basic business concepts and
Demonstrate an understanding of the management function
Understand the role of the marketing function within business,
including promotion, selling, merchandising, distribution and
producing goods and services
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethical
issues and social responsibility in business operations
Demonstrate an understanding of accounting and basic
financial activities
Demonstrate an understanding of how to use technology to
manage business information
Examine human resource management and motivation
Demonstrate an understanding of how businesses create value
in the marketplace and to shareholders
Project Management
Understand and articulate the importance of Project
Management in any business project
Understand project selection criteria and method of
project evaluation (cost benefit analysis, feasibility
Identify the ten Project Management knowledge areas
Recognize the first six Project Management knowledge
areas with key inputs, tools and techniques, and
outputs: Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality,
and Human Resources
Understand the interplay between the triple constraint
(Scope, Time, Cost) in the Project Management Plan
Identify the role and responsibilities of the project
manager and project team
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 4
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
In building toward an HDI Customer Service Representative or Support Center Analyst certification, our customer
service training provides students with foundational customer service skills prior to their internships.
Training includes:
Techniques to communicate effectively through oral and written
communication and exceed customer expectations
Best practices for call handling and assessing customer needs
Practice identifying and defusing challenging customer behaviors
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Maintain professional voice quality throughout telephone
Work collaboratively as part of a customer support team
Utilize best practices for incident and knowledge management
Create win/win interactions with customers and team members
Meet customers’ needs using active-listening and problem-solving
Customer Service
Example Teams Hosting Customer Service Interns:
Call Centers
Customer Service
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Information Security Specialist
SOC Analyst
Cyber Technician
Security Awareness Communictions Specialist
Fundamentals of Sales
Gain a real-world understanding of
the experiences and skills essential
for success at each stage of the sales
Understand how to qualify leads, get
through gate keepers, close the deal,
and deal with dry spells
Understand the role of sales, type of
sales, the sales cycle, and how sales
departments function
Acquire selling methods/techniques
(e.g. flows and scripts)
Advanced Customer Service
Develop an awareness of the core
processes and best practices of
support centers
Work collaboratively as part of a
customer support team
Understand best practices for
Utilize best practices for incident
and knowledge management
Create win/win interactions with
customers and team members
Assess customer business needs
Customer Service Fundamentals
Identify the qualities of successful
customer service representatives
Communicate effectively through both
oral and written customer interactions
Maintain professional voice quality
throughout telephone communication
Satisfy customers’ needs using active-
listening and problem-solving
Identify and diffuse challenging customer
Work toward exceeding customer
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 6
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Project Management Support curriculum provides students with project management concepts,
techniques, tools, and terminology prior to their internships.
Training includes:
Key tools (Gantt charts, Microsoft Project) and methodologies
(Agile, Scrum)
Building a project proposal, including: objective, scope,
deliverables, roles and responsibilities, schedule, milestones,
and budget
Defining, measuring, and communicating goals and outcomes
Analyzing and visualizing data in Microsoft Excel, through
PivotTables, charts, and other graphical tools
Meeting logistics, including scheduling via Microsoft Outlook
and preparing minutes
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates
are able to:
Support project managers and project teams
Communicate effectively between project teams and
key stakeholders
Use analytical frameworks to support the successful design
and execution of a project
Track and document project costs, progress, and processes
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Jr. Project Analyst
Program Assistant
Business Operations Analyst
Project Coordinator
Project Management
Understand and articulate the importance of Project
Management in any business project
Understand project selection criteria and method of
project evaluation (cost-benefit analysis, feasibility study)
Learn and apply the tools and techniques to execute a
Identify the ten Project Management knowledge areas
Understand the interplay between the triple constraint
(Scope, Time, Cost) in the Project Management Plan
Identify the role and responsibilities of the project
manager and project team.
Define and measure the goals of the project relative to
intended project outcomes
Understand how the various elements come together to
add value, from the project charter to project closure
Introduction to Business
Demonstrate knowledge of basic business concepts and terminology
Demonstrate an understanding of the management function
Understand the role of the marketing function within business,
including promotion, selling, merchandising, distribution and
producing goods and services
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethical issues
and social responsibility in business operations
Demonstrate an understanding of accounting and basic
financial activities
Demonstrate an understanding of how to use technology to manage
business information
Examine human resource management and motivation
Demonstrate an understanding of how businesses create value in the
marketplace and to shareholders
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 8
Accounting Specialty Curriculum
Anti-Money Laundering & Fraud Compliance Specialty Curriculum
Investment Operations Specialty Curriculum
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 9
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Accounting curriculum provides participants with a strong entry-level foundation by focusing on
fundamental accounting concepts, tools, and processes.
Training includes:
Understanding of the complete accounting cycle
Practice interpreting and analyzing year-end financial statements
Learning how to adjust and close financial entries and record
long-term liabilities and assets
Practice using computer applications, such as Excel
and QuickBooks, to develop and maintain accounting records
Understanding of how accounting data is used in managerial
decision making
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Ensure invoices are accurate and have been properly documented
and approved, prior to making a payment
Assist Accountants with monthly reporting and journal entry
adjustment activities
Verify and reconcile bank statements or department spending records
Connect and manage vendor invoices in expense management system
Troubleshoot and address issues in expense management system
Example Teams Hosting Accounting Interns:
Billing & Financial Processing
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Accounts Payable Specialist
Billing Specialist
Accounting Clerk
Financial Management
Explain how, where, and when financial statements
are used
Apply the basic principles of accounting, financial
analysis, and financial forecasting, working capital,
and asset management
Critically assess a business
Identify the sources of short term financing
Explain the role of ethics in financial management
Accounting Applications
Practice using computer applications such as Excel
and Quickbooks to develop and
maintain accounting records
Prepare accounting records and reports including
journals, ledgers, A/P, A/R and payroll
Accounting Fundamentals
Cover the fundamental principles of financial accounting concepts
and analysis with an emphasis on business organizations
Learn the complete accounting cycle including adjusting
and closing entries
Understand the key components of financial statements
Prepare, analyze and interpret year-end financial statements
Learn how accounting data is used in managerial decision making
Apply accounting principles to assigning costs, operational
and planning, and performance evaluation
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 11
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Anti-Money Laundering
and Fraud Compliance
Risk Management:
Our Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud curriculum, developed in collaboration with industry partners,
provides students with foundational skills prior to their internships.
Training includes:
Practicing investigative and research activities typical in
entry-level anti-money laundering and fraud compliance roles
Understanding the purpose and processes of alerts, reviews,
and escalation procedures
Following current events’ impact on financial institutions
and the regulatory environment
Building a vocabulary of terminology pertinent to compliance
Performing basic data analyses in Excel
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Prepare and complete forms for regulatory requirements, as needed
Compose accurate and sufficient narratives
Review, research, and report on suspicious items
and/or transactions
Perform searches across data platforms to review customer
and account information
Review compiled data and recommend for further investigation
Example Teams Hosting Anti-Money Laundering Interns:
Financial Investigations
Financial Crimes Compliance
KYC Due Diligence
Alert Dispositions
Fraud Investigations
Special Investigations Unit
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Compliance Analyst 1
KYC Compliance Analyst
Fraud Investigator
Fraud Analyst
Financial Management
Explain how, where, and when financial
statements are used
Apply the basic principles of accounting,
financial analysis, and financial forecasting,
working capital, and asset management
Critically assess a business
Identify the sources of short term financing
Explain the role of ethics in financial
Anti-Money laundering: Risk Management and Compliance
Describe the regulatory and financial environments
Identify the role of AML in financial institutions and the impact of
OFAC Sanctions Programs
Define terminology pertinent to money laundering and terror financing
Explain the role of compliance as it relates to FinCEN, including know
your customer (KYC), suspicious activity reporting (SAR), currency
transaction report (CTR), and politically exposed person (PEP)
Practice conducting and summarizing research with an emphasis on
concise, grammatically correct business writing
Practice key investigative activities pertinent to the money laundering
process; including using Excel for investigative activities and research,
analyses of specific ML typologies, researching and presenting an
investment vehicle or banking product that may be used in ML, acting out
compliance and AML scenarios to demonstrate understanding of red flags
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 13
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Investment Operations curriculum, developed in collaboration with industry partners, provides students
with foundational training prior to their internships.
Training includes:
Building a practical vocabulary and working knowledge of financial
Developing a foundational knowledge of how capital markets work
Applying basic principles of accounting to report, verify, and analyze
financial activity
Performing data analyses in Excel
Understanding the impact of current events on the financial sector
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
In a financial institution:
Reconcile daily account statements; ensure all
documentation is accounted for
Update fund pricing, meet end-of-day market close deadlines
Monitor cash and custody activity for a specified list of funds
In the finance department of an organization:
Ensure invoices are accurate and have been properly documented
and approved prior to making a payment
Complete timely entry and verification of customer information
Example Teams Hosting Investment Operations Interns:
Reporting & Data Verification
Billing & Financial Processing
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
In a financial institution:
Fund Administrator, Client Services Specialist,
Pricing Coordinator
In the finance department of an organization:
Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerk,
Billing Specialist
Financial Management
Explain how, where, and when financial statements are used
Apply the basic principles of accounting and financial analysis
Understand how to critically assess a business
Explain the role of ethics in financial management
Investment Operations
Understand the principles of a variety of financial products
and the factors that change their value
Differentiate the roles of participants in the investment arena,
such as portfolio managers, banks, custodians, and the SEC
Understand the role of the Federal Reserve and credit markets
Understand the importance of business ethics in the
investment arena
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 15
Cybersecurity Specialty Curriculum
Helpdesk/Desktop Support Specialty Curriculum
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 16
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Cyber Security curriculum, developed in collaboration with industry partners, provides students with a
solid foundation in cyber security concepts, functions, and applications as well as techniques for identifying
threats and securing network communications.
Training includes:
Personal computer hardware components and troubleshooting
Operating system installation & configuration
The elements that make up an organizational security policy,
and the measures needed to enforce it
The importance of cyber security to businesses and government
An introduction to network protocols, ports, and topologies
Tools and protocols to secure network communications
Fundamentals of network monitoring and incident detection
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Assist with developing security policies and procedures
Create training materials to inform users of secure practices
Monitor network traffic using a packet analyzer such as Wireshark
Diagnose Level 1 incidents and escalate if needed
Cyber Security
Example Teams Hosting Cyber Security Interns:
Incident Monitoring
Security Awareness and Training
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Information Security Specialist
SOC Analyst
Cyber Technician
Security Awareness Communictions Specialist
Cyber Security
Describe the impact of cyber
security in the United States and
Identify threats to network
services, devices, traffic, and data
Identify the features and
techniques needed to secure
network communications
Describe a PKI (Public Key
Infrastructure) and explain how
a PKI scheme is managed
Identify the elements that make
up an organizational security
policy; describe the measures
needed to enforce it
Describe how a security
infrastructure is monitored
Describe risk management and
identify network monitoring
tools that help support it
Computer Networking Systems
Identify and categorize
characteristics of network cables
Demonstrate knowledge of the use
of standards for cabling runs that are
terminated at a wiring closet patch
Completely set up a functioning
peer-to-peer LAN, troubleshoot LAN
operations, and choose appropriate
LAN topology for a given physical
and logical design
Identify and explain common TCP
and UDP ports, protocols, and their
Identify various types of networks
Design a workable set of IP addresses
for a given set of networks
Distinguish between number of bits,
format, and addressing capability of
IPv4 vs. IPv6
Computer Hardware
Identify the major components of a personal
computer; assembly and disassembly
Install, configure, and troubleshoot
motherboards, disk drives, expansion cards, ports,
and other peripherals in a personal computer
Understand and apply the fundamentals of
networking, including IP addressing, subnetting,
ports, MAC addressing, and securing wireless
Set up, configure, and troubleshoot personal
wireless networks
Diagnose and troubleshoot common hardware
and software issues using a troubleshooting
methodology and/or IT industry standard program
Identify and apply appropriate customer service
strategies that foster customer satisfaction
Navigate an industry standard ticketing
system (i.e. Zendesk) while learning to track
and record customer problems throughout
the ticketing process
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 18
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Helpdesk/Desktop Support curriculum provides students with hands-on learning in technical support
skills prior to their internships.
Training includes:
Diagnosis and troubleshooting of common hardware
problems in a personal computer
Operating system installation and configuration
(physical and virtual)
An introduction to the command line interface in Windows
and Linux environments
Customer service, including active listening, best practices for
call handling, and defusing challenging behaviors
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Reimage computers and set up user workstations
Research common issues and resolve them independently
Reset passwords and create accounts
Resolve tier 1 tickets
Maintain and improve internal documentation
and knowledge base
Respond to and manage complex technical issues
and escalate when necessary
Example Teams Hosting Helpdesk/Desktop Support Interns:
Application Support
IT Operations Support
End-User Support
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Helpdesk Analyst
Desktop Support Technician
Technical Support Specialist
Associate Systems Administrator
Operating Systems
Perform file management operations
Explain file attributes and file extensions; describe
the components of system software
Explain the four major functions of an operating
system; compare types of operating systems to
include purpose, limitations, and compatibilities
Identify requirements needed to install, and
upgrade various operating systems
Install an operating system (physical and virtual)
Perform functions using the GUI and command line
interface in a Windows and Linux environments
Utilize utility software within the Operating System
(backup, restore, imaging, defragmentation, device
management, process management, memory
management, and user accounts)
Utilize Windows Control Panel and Administrative
Tools; apply preventative maintenance techniques
Navigate and complete common tasks and
functions of an industry-standard directory service
Introduction to Customer Service
Identify the qualities of successful customer service representatives
Communicate effectively through both oral and written customer interactions
Maintain professional voice quality throughout telephone communication
Satisfy customers’ needs using active-listening and problem-solving
Identify and diffuse challenging customer behaviors; work toward exceeding
customer expectations
Computer Hardware
Identify the major components of a personal computer; assembly and disassembly
Install, configure, and troubleshoot motherboards, disk drives, expansion cards,
ports, and other peripherals in a personal computer
Understand and apply the fundamentals of networking, including IP addressing,
subnetting, ports, MAC addressing, and securing wireless networks
Set up, configure, and troubleshoot personal wireless networks
Diagnose and troubleshoot common hardware and software issues using a
troubleshooting methodology and/or IT industry standard program
Identify and apply appropriate customer service strategies that foster customer
Navigate an industry standard ticketing system (i.e. Zendesk) while learning to
track and record customer problems throughout the ticketing process
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 20
Frontline Sales Specialty Curriculum
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 21
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Frontline Sales curriculum, developed in collaboration with industry partners, provides students with
experiential learning in professional sales skills prior to their internships.
Training includes:
Techniques to build customer rapport, manage sales pipeline,
and close deals
Practice assessing customer business needs and diffusing
challenging customer requirements
Techniques to uncover customer needs and make
an upsell
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Qualify leads, get through gate keepers, close sales,
and maximize dry spells
Upsell products or services
Communicate effectively over the phone and in-person
with customers
Manage and resolve challenging customer issues and escalate
when necessary
Build customer rapport to grow long-term relationships
Navigate and update CRM systems
Use Outlook to schedule and manage meetings
Example Teams Hosting Frontline Sales Interns:
Inside Sales
Customer Support
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Inside Sales Representative
Business Development Representative
Customer Support Associate
Fundamentals of Sales
Gain a real-world understanding of the experiences and
skills essential for success at each stage of the sales process
Understand how to qualify leads, get through gate keepers,
close the deal, and deal with dry spells
Understand the role of sales, type of sales, the sales cycle,
and how sales departments function
Acquire selling methods/techniques (e.g. flows and scripts)
Experiential Learning: Professional Sales
Practice selling actual products to live customers
Gain exposure and experience by shadowing
high-performing employees in a sales organization
Sales Technology
Understand the use of sales technology
(e.g. CRM software)
Understand how to collect and use customer
Understand how to build reports, take customer
notes, and move customers through Salesforce
Understand how to research prospects and
Understand how to navigate resources to
research and identify customer solutions
Provide an introduction to sales digital media
and analytics
Sales Communication
Understand own behavior and motivations
Understand how to communicate over the phone with customers
Understand how to ask questions to understand customer need
and motivation
Acquire methods for managing challenging customer issues
and overcoming objections
Learn how to build customer rapport to grow long-term relationships
Understand how to set up and confirm meetings
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 23
Data Analytics Specialty Curriculum
Quality Assurance Specialty Curriculum
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 24
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Data Analytics curriculum, developed in collaboration with industry partners, introduces students to
the skills and knowledge pertinent to support roles on Business Intelligence and Marketing teams across
industries, enabling them to prepare, review, and analyze data.
Training includes:
Excel functions such as conditional formatting, H/VLOOKUP,
and pivot tables and charts
Role of database management systems within organizations
Fundamentals of database systems
Queries, inserts, joins, and unions in SQL
Data visualization and reporting
Introduction to scripting, with a focus on JavaScript or Python
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Write simple queries
Compile, interpret, and summarize relevant data from
various sources
Check data for errors and investigate errors
Join data sets for reporting
Create workflow diagrams, charts, and graphs to
represent data using tools such as Excel, PowerBI,
PowerPoint and Tableau
Data Analytics
Example Teams Hosting Data Analytics Interns:
Business Intelligence
Big Data
Sales / Marketing Operations
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
Junior Data Analyst
Data Quality Analyst
Scripting Languages
Build web pages that include JavaScript and advanced formatting
Create JavaScript functions properly incorporating variables,
expressions, operators, and arrays into syntactically correct
Understand server-side development versus client-side
Understand the application of JavaScript classes and ojects
Create forms that can capture, validate, modify, and exchange data
Learn to do error handling and debugging of scripts
Describe and apply the Document Object Model
Develop database tables as data stores for dynamic websites and
HTML forms
Manipulate databases with SQL and PHP scripts
Database Management
Describe the value of relational databases
Describe the role of database management systems in
an organization
Apply master key data elements, validation rules, and
default values
Product effective database design using E-R diagrams
Effectively use design tools to generate custom forms
and reports
Create filters and queries involving multiple tables
and relations to extract or update information
Specify referential integrity and perform queries
using SQL
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 26
September 2018
Arizona | Baltimore | Bay Area | Chicago | Dallas/Fort Worth | Greater Atlanta | Greater Boston | Greater Philadelphia | Jacksonville
Los Angeles | National Capital Region | New York | Puget Sound | Rhode Island | South Florida | Tampa Bay | Wilmington
    
Our Quality Assurance curriculum provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of the role
of QA within software development and the foundations of testing.
Training includes:
Introduction to the Software Development Lifecycle and the function
of each phase
Error analysis and bug reporting
Agile and waterfall methodologies (iterative and incremental Models)
Black box techniques to perform manual testing
Overview of white box, grey box testing and other testing methods
Introduction to development of test plans, use cases, test scenarios
and automated testing environments
Introduction to scripting languages, including HTML5/CSS,
JavaScript, SQL, and/or PHP
Introduction to test automation and using a testing framework
to write test code.
Upon completing the internship phase, graduates are able to:
Write test cases
Perform black box and white box testing (with training)
Document practices
Track and report defects using tools such as JIRA/Selenium
Write test scripts to automate application testing
Example Teams Hosting Quality Assurance Interns:
Manual Testing
Automated Testing
Example Roles Filled by Graduates:
QA Tester
Quality Assurance Specialist
Quality Assurance Analyst
Introduction to Database
Describe the value of
relational databases
Describe the role of database
management systems in an
Apply master key data
elements, validation rules,
and default values
Produce effective database
design using e-r diagrams
Effectively use design tools to
generate customized forms
and reports
Create filters and queries
involving multiple tables and
relations to extract or update
information from the database
Specify referential integrity
and perform queries using
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Describe the quality assurance process and its role in software
Identify and define the phases in the software development life
Distinguish between waterfall, incremental and agile
Identify and implement requirements for system processing,
control and testing
Analyze, devise, and execute tests described by a list of
test cases or a traceability matrix using project summaries,
requirements, and Functional Specification Documents (FSD)
Verify software features and bug fixes against a functional
specification, both manually and using automated testing tools
Write clear, approximated, and detailed bug reports
Use a follow-up procedure or system, checking for fixes on the
bugs reported
Work collaboratively to plan, test, and implement a functional
system design based upon customer requirements
Utilize software (such as JIRA) to track progress of software
feature requests and bug fixes
Define automated testing, identify its purpose, and write
automated test scripts
Scripting Languages
Build web pages that include
JavaScript and advanced formatting
Create JavaScript functions properly
incorporating variables, expressions,
operators, and arrays into
syntactically correct statements
Understand server-side development
versus client-side development
Create forms that can capture,
validate, modify, and exchange data
Learn to do error handling and
debugging of scripts
Describe and apply the Document
Object Model
Develop database tables as data stores
for dynamic web sites and HTML
Manipulate databases with SQL and
PHP scripts
Understand the use of JavaScript
classes and objects
All Year Up students are trained in Business Communication and Professional Skills, including
public speaking, professional etiquette, and business writing. Our standard training includes:
Public Speaking
Identify and illustrate an
understanding of the nature and
process of oral communication
Develop effective organizational
strategies for oral communication
Utilize modes of gaining and retaining
audience attention for varying settings
Learn and practice various types of
nonverbal communication
Deliver an informative, a persuasive,
and a special occasion speech
Identify and implement strategies for
combatting nerves and stage fright
Business Writing
Incorporate feedback on grammar, organization, and structure into writing;
write more clearly and effectively through practice, feedback, and revision
Generate ideas, drafts, outlines, and revisions in a timely and creative manner
Write proposals, presentations, reports, resumes, cover letters, emails, and
reports in a professional manner.
Proofread to identify and use the qualities associated with business
Collaborate productively with others in completing group projects
and assignments
Advanced Excel
Apply logical, statistical, financial,
and date functions to data
Apply H/VLOOKUP to find an
approximate or specific match
based upon conditions
Apply data validation techniques
to reduce errors in data entry
Export and import data to
and from various formats
Create and modify basic pivot
charts and tables
Record basic Excel macros to
automate sequences
Computer Applications
Perform basic file management operations
Manage Outlook environment, messages
and schedules
Create, format, edit business documents
including reports, business letters and newsletters
Create, format and edit spreadsheets; use formulas
and functions to compute and analyze data
Create, enhance and present slideshow
Career Development & Interpersonal Relations
Understand the principles and techniques of
effective communication and multiple learning styles
Apply professional communication strategies to
working in a team and with a supervisor, managing
workplace conflict, professional etiquette, and
conflict management
Refine professional portfolios through construction
of effective cover letters, resumes, networking
pitches, social media profiles, and action plans that
reflect immediate and long-term professional goals
Identify and apply principal components of effective
interviewing, including interview preparation,
effective non-verbal behaviors, and interview
Year Up Specialty Offering and Curriculum Catalog  | 28