All aboard - travelling Europe by
Towards cheaper night train tickets for people
June 2023
European night trains are slowly making their comeback in Europe. They are one of the
solutions to shi passengers from air to rail. Nevertheless, the night train business model
suffers from structural and regulatory disadvantages compared to planes. As a result, it is oen
more expensive for passengers to travel by rail for the same distance, despite the low-carbon
impact of this transport mode. Night train travel has an on average a 28 times lower climate
impact than air travel
In this briefing, Back-on-Track Europe and Transport & Environment are showing how the EU
and Member States can easily reduce the price of a cross-border night train ticket and push for
the creation of new lines.
We find that setting a 0% rate of value-added tax (VAT) on cross-border routes and reducing the
track access charges (TAC)
can lower the ticket price by between 3% and 48% depending on
the passenger profile scenario taken. On average, the ticket price reduction for all types of
users on European lines studied is 15%.
European countries should also temporarily or permanently exempt night trains operators
from TAC to incentivise railway operators to create new lines. This exemption would be
particularly welcome to allow rail operators to acquire or refurbish night train rolling stocks.
Back-on-Track Europe and Transport & Environment are calling on Member States and the
EU to set up the relevant binding measures to achieve this price reduction and kick-off the
market of European cross-border night trains.
Track Access Charges (TAC) are tolls paid by rail operators to use the rail infrastructure. See for detailed definition of TAC
Back-on-track Europe (2022). The Global Warming Reduction Potential of Night-Trains.
Table of content
Introduction - First of its-kind analysis shows that the EU and Member States can easily reduce the
ticket price of European night trains 3
1. Context - The come back of night trains to shi air to rail 3
1.1. The slow renaissance of night trains in Europe 3
1.2. The contribution of night trains to fight climate change 3
1.3. Night train cost structure: a difficult business to operate 5
1.4. Governments are slowly acting to make night trains cheaper 7
2. Analysis: significant price reduction is feasible on cross-border European night trains 8
2.1. Ticket price reduction across all passenger profiles for European night trains 8
2.2. Multiple factors behind the difference in ticket price reduction for the lines studied 9
2.3. Exemption of TAC to facilitate the launch of new night trains by rail operators 10
2.4. Financially affordable measures for governments 10
3. Policy recommendations and Conclusions 12
3.1. Policy recommendations 12
3.2. Conclusions 13
Annexes - Methodology and detailed results 14
Introduction - First of its-kind analysis shows that the EU and
Member States can easily reduce the ticket price of European night
1. Context - The come back of night trains to shi air to rail
1.1. The slow renaissance of night trains in Europe
The network of night trains
in Europe since the year 2000 has declined considerably. The offer at national
and European levels for night trains have been considerably reduced all over Europe, reaching the state of
extinction in some countries, like in Spain. Years of underinvestment has decreased reliability and
comfort, making it an unpopular choice for travellers. This, combined with the rise of low-cost airlines
made sleeper trains uncompetitive and their profitability was further reduced.
However, from 2020, a few new night train connections have been launched, partly to respond to the
growing urgency to shi to low-carbon transport modes. For example, Brussels and Berlin are now finally
connected again with a night train operated by the new rail company European Sleeper.
1.2. The contribution of night trains to fight climate change
Night trains emit little CO2 (on EU average 14gCO2/km) and have on EU average a 28 times lower climate
impact than air travel
. This is one of the most climate friendly modes of transport and it allows to cover
long distances at night. A night train between Brussels and Malmö in Sweden would emit only 15 kg CO2e
per person against 305 kg of CO2e for the plane
. From Berlin to Naples or Brussels to Vienna, the
emissions savings of taking a night train over a plane for a family of four would be 2.8 tonnes and 3.6
The contribution of night trains to reducing GHG emissions and climate-related impacts is higher on
longer distances (beyond 1,500 km) than on shorter distances, reinforcing the case for developing
long-distance European night trains. Various reasons can explain this:
- Longer flights have greater emissions. Planes heat up the climate the higher they fly (non-CO2
effect) and they fly higher on longer distances;
According to using a non-CO2 multiplier (RFI Factor) of 3 for the current climate impact of aviation.
Back-on-track Europe (2022). Waking up in Malmö is still an utopia. Retrieved from:
Back-on-track Europe (2022). The Global Warming Reduction Potential of Night-Trains. Retrieved from:
A night train can be defined as a train running for at least 7 hours including the 02:00 to 05:00 segment and conveying berths and/or
- On longer distances, night trains will compete essentially with aviation. On shorter distances
night trains do also compete with cars and coaches. However, aviation has far higher emissions
than coaches and most cars;
- While high-speed daytrains could cover distances up to 1,000 km with acceptable journey times,
night trains can cover the same distance or longer at lower speeds with less time “lost” as the
passenger can sleep;
- If high-speed-compatible night trains could use existing high-speed lines particularly in the
evenings and in the mornings they could serve more metropolitan areas than with lower speeds.
A single night train could serve both Madrid and Barcelona on one end and Amsterdam, Brussels
and Paris on the other within an attractive timeframe when using the existing high-speed tracks
on both ends, whereas a slower night train, confined to slower tracks, could only connect
Amsterdam/Brussels with Barcelona skipping Paris. Serving more metropolitan areas means
attracting a higher passenger volume. This will help to make use of the full capacity of a single
night train of up to 700 passengers per train thus using energy and existing infrastructure even
more effectively.
Nevertheless, we have to bear in mind that two-third of aviation emissions in Europe are from extra-EU
flights, which cannot, for most of them, be replaced by trains (e.g. Paris to New York). If you add flights to
all the islands in Europe (Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, Balearic Islands, Canaries, Sardeigna, Greek Islands), rail
can only shi passengers from air to rail to a reduced share of the travels
. But, developing night trains is
also about convincing citizens to choose a holiday vacation that is accessible by rail (e.g Berlin to Naples,
and then to Capri) rather than taking a flight to Cancun. Night trains participate in changing the
perception of rail travel, pushing citizens to consider rail instead of aviation for distances beyond 500km.
To do so, night trains must be comfortable, plentiful and most essentially affordable to a wide range of
In a poll conducted by Yougov for Europe on Rail
, it is found that a large majority in Germany, Poland,
France, Spain and the Netherlands would be willing to use night trains (69%) and that nearly three out of
four respondents (73%) think that rail travel on the same route should generally be cheaper than air
travel. It has also been recently observed that the German and Spanish cheap rail tickets offers have
increased the number of passengers travelling by rail.
Matalucci, S. (2023, March 26). Subsidised train tickets: Germany and Spain set an exemple. Voxeurop. Retrieved June 8, 2023, from
New European public opinion poll shows support for shiing to rail. (2020, March 21). Retrieved June 6, 2023,
Transport & Environment (2022). Maximising air to rail journey. Retrieved from:
1.3. Night train cost structure: a difficult business to operate
This section looks at the night train business model. One of the major barriers identified regarding the
shi from plane to night train is the disadvantage of cost structure in competition with (budget) airlines.
This cost structure disadvantage is explained by:
- The utilisation rate (the number of people that can travel in a single train in 24h) of night trains is
lower compared to daytime trains, as reclining seats require an additional space of 10-30%,
need 30-100%, and sleeper cabins 100-300% more space. While the newly
introduced capsules will decrease the need for booking couchette or sleeper compartments
exclusively for privacy reasons they also need 30-100% more space than a daytime train. Night
train rolling stock is also used less than high-speed trains or planes that can make multiple
journeys within a day. A long-distance night train can make no more than one journey every 24h.
- The cost structure of plane trips is less distance-related compared to night trains. As a large share
of the cost structure in aviation comes with the time and fees involved with take-off and landing,
trains have a cost advantage only on shorter distances. The track access charges (TAC)
paid by
the rail operators are essentially proportional to the distance travelled by train. The longer your
line (km) is, the greater the share of TAC on the total cost of operating a night train will be. This is
particularly significant beyond 1800 km.
Track access charges (TAC) are tolls paid by rail operators to use the rail infrastructure. See annexes for detailed definition of TAC
A couchette is a single bed in a shared compartment (usually between 3 to 6 persons). A sleeper cabin is a private compartment with
usually 1 to 3 beds. A capsule is a newly developed sleeping arrangement from Austrian railway operator OBB consisting of a couchette
that you can close for privacy.
Figure 1. Night trains average ticket price components dependending on the distance travelled (in
- Unlike planes and coaches, train sets have to comply with different technical requirements
(signalisation, power supply, track gauge and size of the train for tunnels, languages) in Europe,
which depend on the chosen route. This can be partly avoided by using interoperable train
coaches (TSI-compatible
), but as a result concessions on speed would be necessary. Using other
more specific trains involves a risk that they can not be used elsewhere which makes financing
new rolling stock difficult, particularly for new rail entrants.
- The leasing and second-hand markets for night trains are not mature unlike in the aviation and
coach sectors. This is because many modern night train cars were scrapped or le to decay aer
the massive rise of budget airlines alongside with the extension of high speed trains in the
beginning of the 2000ʼs. If there is rolling stock available for leasing at all, it is coaches from the
50ʼs, 60ʼs and 70ʼs which did not have a proper update in terms of comfort.
- Some costs are specific to night trains and make them more expensive in comparison with planes
like higher staff costs due to night shis on journeys lasting more than 8 hours or higher cleaning
costs due to using beds with linen
Curtale, R., Larsson. J., & Nässén. (2023). Understanding preferences for night trains and their potential to replace flights in Europe. The
case of Sweden. ScienceDirect.
Technical Specifications for Interoperability. Retrieved June 6, 2023, from
- Generally, cross-border trains in Europe "suffer from weak international cooperation,
administrative hurdles, the lack of trains which are technologically possible to use in different
countries, the absence of easy international booking and the lack of a legal framework that
guarantees passengers' arrival times."
1.4. Governments are slowly acting to make night trains cheaper
At the EU level, The Commission published in December 2021 an Action Plan to boost long-distance and
cross-border passenger transport
. Unfortunately, the EC has not tabled binding legislation to reduce the
cost of trains. It has put forward several initiatives including:
- Publication of “guidelines in 2023 for setting track access charges which support and encourage
the development of long-distance and cross-border passenger services
- Assessment of “the need for an EU-wide exemption of international rail tickets from VAT to
significantly reduce the cost to rail passengers”.
- The administrative support to 10 cross-border rail pilot projects including two new night train
services between Paris and Venice and Amsterdam and Barcelona.
At the Member States levels, several countries have set up or are in the process of setting up national
policies that would reduce the cost of international night trains.
- France has reduced track access charges for non-high-speed night trains to direct cost.
- In Austria, VAT has been removed on international train tickets since 2023.
- In Germany, from 2024, the night tariff will generally apply for genuine night trains.
- In Belgium, night trains will be exempted from paying TAC and traction energy for 2 years in order
to kick off the market of European night trains. The federal government has earmarked a budget
of 2 millions euros for this support to European cross-border night trains.
Therefore taking into account the agenda at the EU level and Member States level, we decided to
focus on two components of the cost structure of night trains: track access charges (TAC) and
value-added tax (VAT).
The VAT is charged on ticket price sold by the rail operator while TAC are part of the overall cost structure
of the night train. TAC are tolls paid by rail operators to use the rail infrastructure.
European Commission (2021). Action plan to boost long-distance and cross-border passenger rail. Retrieved from:
2. Analysis: significant price reduction is feasible on cross-border
European night trains
Our analysis found that setting a 0% rate of value-added tax (VAT) on international tickets and a reduction
of track access charges (TAC) for European night trains could significantly reduce the cost of the train
ticket on five of the lines studied. Across the seven lines studied the average price reduction is 15.34%.
The methodology of our analysis is explained in the annexes and our calculations sheet can be
downloaded on both Back-on-Track Europe and Transport & Environment websites. This briefing focuses
on looking at the price reduction on open access lines (instead of public services obligations).
2.1. Ticket price reduction across all passenger profiles for European night
There is a significant ticket price reduction on five of the lines studied (Amsterdam-Madrid, Berlin-Naples,
Vienna-Brussels, Berlin-Brussels and Stockholm-Brussels). The price reduction is on average between
12.80% and 30.73%. The ticket price reduction for two of the lines studied (Berlin-Stockholm,
Rome-Paris) is less significant. It is respectively 7.91% and 5.48%.
The analysis was performed with
three scenarios corresponding to
three different passenger profiles (a
family of four, a business traveller
and a solo low-cost traveller). The
detailed results per scenario can be
found in the annexes. We have also
calculated the ticket price
reduction for two national lines
(Paris-Briançon and Milano-Lecce)
that can be found in the annexes.
Figure 2. Average ticket price
reduction for the seven European
night trains lines studied
Figure 3. Average ticket price reduction per passenger scenario
Example: A family of four on a return trip from Amsterdam to Madrid could save up to €365 on their night
train tickets, from a departing price of €1,482
2.2. Multiple factors behind the difference in ticket price reduction for the
lines studied
There is a significant ticket price reduction possible on five of the lines studied. On the two other lines,
the reduction is less significant. The difference in the fare reduction between routes is based mainly on
the following factors:
- The distance of the night train. The TAC are km-related. Longer is the distance travelled by the
night train, bigger is the weight of the TAC on the ticket price. This explains partly why the two
lines with the highest ticket price reduction are Amsterdam-Madrid (2286 km) and Berlin-Naples
(1745 km). Nevertheless, it cannot be the only explaining factor because the Rome-Paris line
(1510 km) has only a ticket price reduction of 5.48%.
- A 0% rate of VAT. If the line has a significant part of its journey in a country where a VAT rate of
0% is already applied to cross-border night train tickets, the ticket price reduction will be smaller.
This explains partly the low ticket price reduction for Paris-Rome as both Italy and France already
apply a VAT rate of 0% for cross-border trains. Nevertheless, it cannot be the only explaining
factor as Amsterdam-Madrid and Berlin-Naples also have a significant part of their journey in
France and Italy while having an important ticket price reduction.
- A TAC system is already in favour of night trains. This explains the low ticket price reduction for
the Paris-Rome line as night trains in France already benefit from a specific market segment with
reduced TAC.
Several other factors can explain the price reduction differences between the lines. One of those is the
optimisation of the TAC by the rail operator, for example by combining two night train lines to one train
on parts of the journey. This allows sharing the burden of TAC among a bigger number of passengers.
2.3. Exemption of TAC to facilitate the launch of new night trains by rail
In Belgium, the federal government exempted night trains from paying TAC and traction energy for two
years to kick off the market of cross-border night trains. In our calculations sheet, we show how a full
exemption of TAC would impact the ticket price. The night train operator could either:
- Apply this exemption of TAC to further reduce the ticket price
- Use this exemption of TAC to invest in night train rolling stock.
TAC exemption reduces the risk of operators making losses with new lines. Establishing new lines is risky
and costly and this risk would be minimised with TAC reduction and 0% rate of VAT. A railway undertaking
could opt for not investing and just harvesting the temporary suspension. But then it is risking losing
passengers in competition with another rail operator which invested in new modernised rolling stock,
offering higher comfort and reliability.
2.4. Financially affordable measures for governments
We believe reduction or a (temporary) exemption of TAC, as well as setting a 0% rate of VAT for European
train tickets will bring additional benefits to the EU and the Member States because:
- It would only be indirect subsidies, completely in line with the EU directives and not requiring
direct subsidy (public service obligations) to long-distance passenger transport (which some
member states would be reluctant to use);
- It will not significantly reduce the amount of revenues for the States and the infrastructure
managers as the reduction will apply to services that hardly exist today;
- Some rail infrastructure, sometimes funded with EU money such as the high-speed link between
Perpignan in France and Figueras in Spain, have spare capacity. Night trains could improve their
Moreover, reducing TAC and VAT for European cross-border night trains would create a more level playing
field in competition with air travel which enjoys a 0% rate of VAT for international journeys due to
international agreements and takes advantage of a cost structure which does not cover the full
environmental cost of its emissions. As long as the 0% rate of VAT for international air travel is not lied,
rail travel should benefit from the same advantage. Night trains are a new market with a low profitability.
They need help in order to kickstart the market.
3. Policy recommendations and Conclusions
3.1. Policy recommendations
Due to the market and regulatory difficulties faced by European night trains, they need to be supported
by governents. Both Member States and the EU can act at their level, with the EU having the possibility to
harmonise the rules at the European level to kick off a proper rail market.
Back-on-Track Europe and Transport & Environment are specifically calling on the Commission of the
European Union to:
1. Define night trains as a market segment (in addition to freight services, passenger services
within the framework of a public service contract and other passenger services) for which
infrastructure managers must evaluate their relevance for mark-ups.
2. Make a TAC reduction on direct costs mandatory for the night train segment until its relevance
for mark-ups is proven.
3. Recommend an EU-wide VAT rate of 0% for European night trains.
While the EU has the power to harmonise TAC and VAT rules
Member States can also directly act at their
national level to reduce the price of European night trains. Back-on-Track Europe and Transport &
Environment are specifically calling on Member States to:
1. Reduce TAC on night trains to the direct cost.
2. Set at their national level a 0% rate of VAT for all European night trains
3. Explore a (temporary) exemption from TAC for European night trains to kick-off the market. We
recommend at the minimum a temporary suspension and gradual reintroduction of TAC on a
standardised direct cost level during a 7 year period 2026-2032 which would be sufficient for
existing and new operators to order new or refurbished rolling stock in order to take advantage of
the introduction period.
4. Not exclude the night train segment from using existing high-speed lines (like in France) to
anticipate further developments in night train technology.
Policy recommendation specifically addressed to Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Croatia and Greece as the other EU countries
already applied a 0% rate of VAT
Unanimity at the Council is required to update VAT rules
Back-on-Track Europe and Transport & Environment are calling on both Member States and the
European Union to reduce the financial burden on European night trains to stimulate the offer and
make them more price competitive.
3.2. Conclusions
Across the seven lines modelled in the briefing, reducing TAC and setting a 0% rate of VAT for European
night trains would allow travellers to save on average 15% on their night train ticket. Nevertheless, even
with this reduction, the ticket price on some of those routes can remain high and constitute a barrier for
travellers to shi from air to rail.
Governments must further explore policy solutions to put rail and air on a level playing field, further
reducing the price of rail and increasing aviation costs. We would recommend Member States and the EU
to explore the following options:
- Reduce energy taxes on train that represent an increasing share of the operating cost of the rail
- Increase the price of aviation with for example a tax of kerozen which is today untaxed and
removing the 0% rate of VAT for international connections. Aviation must pay for its high climate
- Reduce the station charges that can represent a significant cost for operating a night train (e.g.
the expensive station charges in Paris Austerlitz);
- Improve the interoperability of the European network to reduce the cost of operating night trains.
This would require the EU and Member States to step up the investments in the modernisation
and standardisation of the network as well as remove administrative bottlenecks.
The goal of this briefing was to explore how we can reduce the price of European night trains tickets
running on the Open Access model. Nevertheless, to further reduce the price of the tickets, Member
States and the EU could explore the possibility to create European public service obligations (PSOs) -
particularly in areas with lower population density - to subsidise a significant share of the operating cost
of running night trains. But, this option would require a stronger financial engagement of Member States
and the EU.
Annexes - Methodology and detailed results
Annexe 1. Train routes
The following criteria were used to select the train routes studies:
- Routes with high-volumes of air passengers
- Combination of existing and potential routes
- Geographical balance (Eastern Europe is not represented due to a lack of data)
- Essentially European lines but also two national lines for comparaison
- European lines that are (mostly) operated on Open Access and not on Public Service Obligation to
reflect the ticket market price.
The selected routes are the following:
European lines
National lines
Annexe 2. Ticket price reductions
a) Ticket price estimation
There were two methods for estimating the ticket price for the routes selected:
- If this is an existing line we looked on the booking website of the rail operator
- If this is not an existing line we made an estimation based on several characteristics of existing
lines with a similar profile
Three passenger scenarios were selected to estimate the price of the ticket:
- Business traveller scenario. We looked for a 1 day return for one person exactly on Wednesday
next week. We chose a bed in a private compartment or a capsule (if Wednesday is unavailable we
were looking for the next available working day).
- Family of 4 scenario: We looked for a 6-8 day return trip for two adults and two children (6 and
12 years old) in a specific week, exactly 10 weeks ahead choosing the cheapest option with 1 day
flexibility. We chose a private compartment with 4 couchettes.
- Solo low-cost traveller scenario. We looked for a 4-8 day return trip 9-11 weeks ahead for one
person choosing the cheapest option. We chose a shared couchette.
b) Calculation of track access charges (TAC)
For TAC, we use the information provided in the network statements of the various infrastructure
managers. Following our calculations, we contacted the infrastructure managers for a peer-review of the
Track access charges (TAC) are composed of two parts:
- a direct cost;
- mark-up costs.
What is the direct cost?
What is the mark-up cost?
The direct cost is the fee that the rail operators
pay to compensate the infrastructure manager
for the cost caused by the rail operator (mainly
maintenance and operation of the
infrastructure). They may include surcharges
for environmental damage (noise) or use of
congested lines.
Mark-ups come on top of the direct cost. They
shall help the infrastructure manager
refinancing the original construction cost of
the existing infrastructure. However these
market markups must be charged impartially
and anticipate the market segmentʼs ability
to pay these markups
3 variables were selected:
- Current TAC situation (CTAC)
- Reduction to the direct cost in the EU (mark-ups removed) (MCEU)
- Temporary exemption of TAC in the EU (following the Belgian model) (TSEU)
There is a big difference in the direct cost defined so we assume that some infrastructure managers only charge marginal cos.)
c) Calculation of VAT per train routes
For VAT, we took the available information on official government websites in each European country
2 variables were selected:
- Current VAT perceived on cross-border night trains
- A 0% rate of VAT for European night trains tickets
Annexe 3. Overview table of the ticket price reduction across all scenarii
New ticket
price aer 0%
VAT rate and
TAC reduction
(in €)
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Solo low Cost
Family scenario
Further information
Victor Thévenet
Rail Coordinator
Transport & Environment
Juri Maier
Back-on-Track Europe