Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
Software Update
This Software Update is for the Touch Screen Radio available in select John Deere Operator Stations.
Software version JRA.22.08.00 is the official software release in 2022.
Overview of the included changes:
Added Android Auto functionality
Fixed issue with frozen/unresponsive touch screen
Release Notes Content
How To Verify Software Version on Radio
Downloading Software from StellarSupport
Installing Software from USB to Radio
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
How To Verify Software Version on Radio
1. Select “Settings” from Home screen
2. Scroll down to “System Information”
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
3. Select “System Information” to see software version.
NOTE: If the software version on your radio is not JRA.22.08.00 or newer, the latest software needs to be
downloaded from StellarSupport™.
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
Downloading Software from StellarSupport™
1. Go to StellarSupport™. Select your country to download the correct software. If your country is not
listed, select a nearby country with your desired language or an International page. For Japan, please
see Japan specific software under All Other Asian Countries English page”.
You may need to click “Expand all” or “Full list of Software” to see the full list of available options.
Scroll down to touch screen radio item and expand.
There may be several options to choose from based on region and/or radio functions. Make sure to
select the download that fits the radio on your vehicle.
2. PerformFull Format on USB Drive in FAT32 filing system (32GB is max recommended drive size):
3. Copy the .zip file onto the USB drive
a. Extract the software onto the USB drive, navigate to the .zip file on USB drive and select
“Extract All”.
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
b. After extraction a subfolder called “update” should appear under the extracted file, similar
to the following picture (parent folder name may be different, depending on the
downloaded file):
4. The “update” folder MUST be moved to the root directory of the USB drive:
a. Move folder named “update” to root directory:
b. USB file and folder structure after moving the folder:
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
c. You may delete all folders except folder named “update” from the USB. You may delete the
zip file from the USB root directory.
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
Installing Software from USB drive to Radio
1. Insert the USB drive into the USB port for the radio (AUX/USB connector)
2. Wait for authentication.
3. You will see the pop up “Authentication successful…” on the screen. Select Next.
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
4. You will see this pop up. If the vehicle is not in an enclosed space or engine is off, select “Next”.
5. Select “Install Nowif the available version is the software version you want to install. The current
version called out on the pop up depends on the current software on the radio, the available version
called out on the pop up depends on the available version on the USB connected to the radio. The
pop up will look similar to the following picture:
NOTE: Software installation will take approximately 10 to 30 minutes. Radio will show a progress bar
and may shut off the display several times. The radio will restart once the update is finished, do not
cut power to the radio during the update process. Do not remove the USB connected to the radio
during the update process.
Touch Screen Radio
JRA.22.08.00 Software Update Release Notes
6. Once installed, do an additional key cycle of the vehicle to complete the installation process.
If the screen “USB Authentication Failedappears or another failure of software installation occurs, these are
recommended troubleshooting steps:
Verify you have downloaded the right software version for your country or region. Go to
selector.html and select your country to download the correct software. If your country is not listed,
select a nearby country with your desired language or an International page.
NOTE: The exception to this is Japan. Please see Japan specific software under All Other Asia English
page (
Verify USB format is correct. Recommended formatting is FAT32.
Verify USB size is not too large. Recommended USB size is 32GB or smaller.
Try another USB brand. Different or older USB brands format USBs differently and may not be
Try to download the USB files again from StellarSupport. Connection issues can corrupt a file during
download (e.g. connection interruption …).
Try downloading the software using a different web browser.
Verify there is a folder named “update” on the USB if nothing appears on the radio when you plug in
the USB.
Attempt an additional key cycle if software does not seem to work after programming with USB.
Release Notice
These are software update release notes for the touch screen radio available in certain John Deere machines.
Release notes can be found on StellarSupport™ webpage at the same location the files are downloaded.
Note: Your use of the software is governed by the End User License Agreement included with the software.
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