Academic Paper
Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
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Sample C
R Scoring Guideline
R Student Samples
R Scoring Commentary
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The Response…
Score of 1
Report on Existing Knowledge
Score of 2
Report on Existing Knowledge with
Simplistic Use of a Research
Score of 3
Ineffectual Argument for a New
Score of 4
Well-Supported, Articulate
Argument Conveying a New
Score of 5
Rich Analysis of a New
Understanding Addressing a Gap
in the Research Base
Presents an overly broad topic of
Presents a topic of inquiry with
narrowing scope or focus, that is
NOT carried through either in the
method or in the overall line of
Carries the focus or scope of a topic
of inquiry through the method AND
overall line of reasoning, even though
the focus or scope might still be
Focuses a topic of inquiry with clear
and narrow parameters, which are
addressed through the method and
the conclusion.
Focuses a topic of inquiry with clear
and narrow parameters, which are
addressed through the method and
the conclusion.
Situates a topic of inquiry within a
single perspective derived from
scholarly works OR through a variety
of perspectives derived from mostly
non-scholarly works.
Situates a topic of inquiry within a
single perspective derived from
scholarly works OR through a variety
of perspectives derived from mostly
non-scholarly works.
Situates a topic of inquiry within
relevant scholarly works of varying
perspectives, although connections
to some works may be unclear.
Explicitly connects a topic of inquiry
to relevant scholarly works of
varying perspectives AND logically
explains how the topic of inquiry
addresses a gap.
Explicitly connects a topic of inquiry
to relevant scholarly works of
varying perspectives AND logically
explains how the topic of inquiry
addresses a gap.
Describes a search and report
Describes a nonreplicable research
method OR provides an
oversimplified description of a
method, with questionable alignment
to the purpose of the inquiry.
Describes a reasonably replicable
research method, with questionable
alignment to the purpose of the
Logically defends the alignment of a
detailed, replicable research method
to the purpose of the inquiry.
Logically defends the alignment of a
detailed, replicable research method
to the purpose of the inquiry.
Summarizes or reports existing
knowledge in the field of
understanding pertaining to the topic
of inquiry.
Summarizes or reports existing
knowledge in the field of
understanding pertaining to the topic
of inquiry.
Conveys a new understanding or
conclusion, with an underdeveloped
line of reasoning OR insufficient
Supports a new understanding or
conclusion through a logically
organized line of reasoning AND
sufficient evidence. The limitations
and/or implications, if present, of the
new understanding or conclusion are
Justifies a new understanding or
conclusion through a logical
progression of inquiry choices,
sufficient evidence, explanation of
the limitations of the conclusion, and
an explanation of the implications to
the community of practice.
Generally communicates the
student’s ideas, although errors in
grammar, discipline-specific style,
and organization distract or confuse
the reader.
Generally communicates the
student’s ideas, although errors in
grammar, discipline-specific style,
and organization distract or confuse
the reader.
Competently communicates the
student’s ideas, although there may
be some errors in grammar,
discipline-specific style, and
Competently communicates the
student’s ideas, although there may
be some errors in grammar,
discipline-specific style, and
Enhances the communication of the
student’s ideas through organization,
use of design elements, conventions
of grammar, style, mechanics, and
word precision, with few to no errors.
Cites AND/OR attributes sources (in
bibliography/ works cited and/or in-
text), with multiple errors and/or an
inconsistent use of a discipline-
specific style.
Cites AND/OR attributes sources (in
bibliography/ works cited and/or in-
text), with multiple errors and/or an
inconsistent use of a discipline-
specific style.
Cites AND attributes sources, using a
discipline-specific style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few errors or
Cites AND attributes sources, with a
consistent use of an appropriate
discipline-specific style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few to no errors.
Cites AND attributes sources, with a
consistent use of an appropriate
discipline-specific style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few to no errors.
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Academic Paper
This performance task was intended to assess students’ ability to conduct scholarly and responsible research
and articulate an evidence-based argument that clearly communicates the conclusion, solution, or answer to their
stated research question. More specifically, this performance task was intended to assess students’ ability to:
Generate a focused research question that is situated within or connected to a larger scholarly context or
Explore relationships between and among multiple works representing multiple perspectives within the
scholarly literature related to the topic of inquiry;
Articulate what approach, method, or process they have chosen to use to address their research question,
why they have chosen that approach to answering their question, and how they employed it;
Develop and present their own argument, conclusion, or new understanding while acknowledging its
limitations and discussing implications;
Support their conclusion through the compilation, use, and synthesis of relevant and significant evidence
generated by their research;
Use organizational and design elements to effectively convey the paper’s message;
Consistently and accurately cite, attribute, and integrate the knowledge and work of others, while
distinguishing between the student’s voice and that of others;
Generate a paper in which word choice and syntax enhance communication by adhering to established
conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Quantitative Analysis of Android
Permission Requests
Word Count: 4402
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Table of Contents
Abstract 3
1. Introduction 5
1.1 Context 5
1.2 Past research 6
1.3 Significance 10
2. Method 11
3. Results and Analysis 15
4. Discussion 21
5. Conclusion 24
6. Work cited 26
7. Appendix A 30
8. Appendix B 31
9. Appendix C 33
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Android is currently the most popular mobile phone operating system worldwide
(StatCounter, 2019). How does the system safeguard user private information? It
employs a permission system to restrict hardware access and prevent malicious
applications from obtaining sensitive data. Previous studies indicate that there may be
an increased user awareness of this permission system when downloading mobile
applications from 2012 to 2017, yet no existing research has explored this possible
trend (Felt, 2012; Alani, 2017). This paper aims to address this gap by investigating how
the permission requests of the top 100 google play store Android applications have
varied in the United States from 2016 to 2018 via a quantitative analysis. Chart data
were extracted from an online database, and processed by a custom program that
parsed the values and generated graphs showing the relationship between time and the
number of permission requests. This quantitative analysis was performed on overall
permission requests, as well as individual requests, creating 193 graphs in total. These
graphs were further grouped and the findings were then summarized. The study
discovered a negative correlation between time and the total number of permission
requests and identified three potential factors that led to this downward trend (user
privacy awareness, the evolution of the Android permission system, and the end user
demand for new features) by analyzing individual types of permissions. Overall, this
study provides evidence for a downward trend of permission requests from Android
applications in recent years and sheds lights on the potential contributing factors for this
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trend. The findings can help application developers to better meet the needs of the end
users; system programmers to further perfect the permission system, and researchers
to understand and monitor user privacy awareness in a more quantifiable way.
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1. Introduction
1.1 Context
Android, a mobile phone operating system developed by Google, was first
released on September 23, 2008 (Morrill, 2008). It soon gained popularity among phone
manufacturers due to its open source nature with no licensing fees and minimal cost.
The adoption of the Android operating system has skyrocketed as more and more
people use mobile phones. As of 2017, out of the 4.43 billion mobile phone users
worldwide (eMarketer, n.d.), 73.54% of them are using the Android operating system
(StatCounter, n.d.).
This large influx of Android users inevitably leads to a noticeable demand for
Android applications. As the primary Android application store, Google Play store has
become the largest mobile application store in the world with more than 2.8 million
unique applications as of March 2017 (Loesche, 2018).
As mobile application development advances, applications are starting to utilize
more and more features available on the phone. For example, a camera application
would naturally utilize the camera hardware on the phone to achieve its purpose --
taking photos. On the other hand, malicious applications are also trying to access more
and more private information on a phone. For example, a malicious flashlight application
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might require the user’s contact list and location, which are unnecessary. To limit the
features a certain application can access, the Android operating system implements a
permission system to regulate application access to the phone hardware and sensitive
user information. An application has to clearly state the permissions it requires when
being installed. Under this model, applications can only have access to permissions that
they require and nothing more (“Permissions overview”, 2018).
In order for the permission system to achieve its goal of regulating and restricting
application access, applications need to follow the principle of least privilege first
proposed by Jerome H. Saltzer and Michael D. Schroeder in 1975 (Saltier, 1975). The
idea of the principle of least privilege is simple: each application should only declare
permissions that it needs. This way, even if an application is compromised, the least
amount of damage would be done, and it is up to the developers of the application to
comply with this rule.
1.2 Past research
In the past ten years, there have been some published studies analyzing the
Android permission system. However, due to its wide range of impacts and its
complexity, the current paper is not able to cover all aspects of the subject. In this
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section, I will review a few key studies regarding the Android permission system and
discuss certain aspects that are worth exploring.
Most of the current research focuses on the underlying design of the
Android permission system (Barrera, 2010; Felt, 2011; Au, 2012; Backes, 2016). In
the study Android Permissions Demystified
, Adrienne Porter Felt and her team
developed the first novel approach of analyzing Android applications and how they
interacted with the permission system. In their study, Felt’s team used a computer
algorithm to look through the underlying code of each application line by line and
deduce a list of permissions that were necessary for the program to function. Then the
researchers compared this list generated by their custom program and the actual
permissions requested by the application which were specified by the developers. By
comparing the two lists of permissions, Felt’s team discovered a general trend of
overprivileged applications where developers asked for permissions that were not being
used by the application. This creates potential vulnerabilities for applications to access
sensitive user data and may lead to compromised user privacy and security. Felt’s team
did a subsequent analysis on the reasons for these overprivileged applications and
attributed it primarily to the lack of documentation and developers’ mistakes. For
example, instead of spending the time to make sure that the least amount of
permissions are being requested, some developers might be lazy and request all of the
permissions available. While applications created this way are still functional, they are
more vulnerable to attacks and more likely to leak user information. One limitation of
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this study, however, is that the computer software used to deduce the minimum list of
permissions is not accurate enough, meaning that false-positives and false-negatives
do exist (Felt, 2011).
To improve upon this and get a better idea of how developers adhere to the
principle of least privilege, Michael Backes, Kathy Wain Yee Au, David Barrera, and
others researchers have all made incremental improvements to the computer software
for deducing the list of least permissions (Barrera, 2010; Felt, 2011; Au, 2012; Backes,
2016). These advancements include using dynamic analysis, which is to observe a
program while it is running instead of just looking at its source code (Au, 2012) and
code review, which is to analyze the source code for the Android operating system to
better understand the application (Backes, 2016).
On another front, researchers have also looked at how end users interact
with the permission system and how well the permission system is doing its job
of informing the end users. In Android Permissions: User Attention, Comprehension,
and Behavior
, Adrienne Porter Felt and her team observed participants in a lab
installing Android applications and found that only 17% of the participants looked at the
permission requests while 42% were completely unaware of permission requests. After
demonstrating the lack of end user attention to permission requests, the team went on
to give recommendations regarding how the user interface of the permission system
could be improved to increase user awareness (Felt, 2012). In 2017, Mohammed M.
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Alani conducted a similar experiment to explore the relationship between end users and
the permission system. Alani used the approach of a large-scale online survey instead
of a small-scale in-person experiment that Felt employed. Alani was able to conclude
that, as of 2017, 35.71% of the participants paid attention to permission requests all the
time while only 11.40% never read the permissions (Alani, 2017).
Felt’s and Alani’s studies indicate that there is a noticeable change in the
relationship between end users and the Android permission system from 2012 to 2017,
yet there’s no existing long-term research that has explored this trend of increasing user
awareness. In this paper, I seek to fill this gap in the research using a technical
approach similar to the Barrera, Felt, Au, and Backes’ method. In other words, I would
like to approach the topic of user awareness to permission requests using a quantitative
analysis and answer the question: Through a quantitative experimental analysis,
how have the permission requests of the top 100 google play store Android
applications varied in the United States from 2016 to 2018?
Past studies implied that there’s an increase in user privacy awareness from
2012 to 2017 (Felt, 2012; Alani, 2017). This increase means the end users are less
likely to download applications with a lot of permission requests; therefore, the
hypothesis is that there is a negative correlation between time and the average
number of permission requests of the top 100 google play store Android applications in
the United States from 2016 to 2018.
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1.3 Significance
This research holds significance as it could present new insights regarding user
awareness of the Android permission system. It serves the purpose of connecting the
dots of separate studies (Felt, 2012; Alani, 2017) and revealing the long-term trend that
is currently not clear.
From a social aspect, the long-term trend discovered could be used to measure
and support current notions regarding the end user privacy awareness, which currently
lacks quantifiable indicators. For example, if a decreasing trend of average permission
requests is discovered, it could be used to indicate an increase in user privacy
awareness in the past three years.
On the other hand, from a technical aspect, the result from the current study can
demonstrate how applications on the Android platform have evolved and provide
suggestions to developers regarding how an Android application should be designed to
best adhere to the end user’s demand.
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2. Method
In order to discover long-term trends, the research queries and analyzes data
from existing databases. This method is most appropriate for answering the research
question as it provides various data points at different times in the past. To achieve the
same amount of data points in a lab setting similar to Felt’s and Alani’s experiments
(Felt, 2012; Alani, 2017), many years of repeated data collection would be required.
Although such an approach would yield more accurate and consistent results, the time
required for the study exceeds the scope of the current research.
This research uses 42matters
, a for-profit online service, as the primary source of
data. This service is selected because no academic databases contain similar
information required by the study. The 42matters
service offers a comprehensive list of
information regarding the top 100 applications at any given day from Jan 1, 2016 (Table
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Table 1. List of information regarding the top 100 applications from 42matters
physical address
privacy policy
Table taken from https://42matters.com/docs/app-market-data/android/apps/object
Of all the information offered, the researcher only focuses on the “permissions
attribute as it is the most relevant to this study. To aid the data extraction process, the
research has developed a program in Javascript (see Appendix A) to interact with the
service and download the top 100 charts at 36 unique timestamps. The 36
unique timestamps chosen for this study are the first day of each month from Jan 2016
to Dec 2018. These timestamps are chosen as they are equally distributed throughout
the three year period.
After downloading all 36 copies of the top 100 app chart at a given timestamp,
the data are then condensed and filtered where only the “permissions” attribute
remains for each app, and the final data are stored as JSON files for analysis. The
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JSON file format is used here due to its compatibility with different programming
languages which is proven to be an advantage during the analysis phase.
After obtaining all the data, the research aims to analyze the correlation between
time and the number of permission requests. In other words, the researcher seeks to
investigate how popular Android applications have evolved from the permission
perspective. This goal is achieved through a linear correlation test where the average
number of permission requests (inclusive of all default Android permissions and
exclusive of custom app permissions) of the top 100 applications at a given time is
plotted on a scattergram, and the line of best fit is drawn over the scattergram. The line
of best fit, in essence, shows whether a correlation exists between the two quantities
plotted on the x-axis (time) and y-axis (number of requests).
Although the graph of average number of permission requests overall does
display the large picture with regard to the evolution of the Android applications, it,
however, lacks the specificity to answer question such as: Did the request for all types
of permission increase/decreased, or what type of permission experience the most
amount of changes in the three-year period? To address these questions and arrive at a
more comprehensive finding, the researcher also plots the number of permission
requests with respect to time for each individual request, such as requests for camera
access, location access, and etc. This generates an additional 191 graphs resulting in
192 graphs in total.
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Such analysis would necessarily demand a heavy workload if performed
manually with software such as Microsoft Excel or Logger Pro; therefore, to save time
and encourage repeated iteration, the researcher chooses to create the graphs through
programming using Python, Numpy, and Matplotlib (see Appendix B). The finished
program would digest JSON files generated during the data collection phase to produce
all the necessary graphs and calculate the corresponding slopes and r-values. In
addition, graphs with an absolute r-value greater than 0.5 and a sufficient amount of
data points are filtered out separately to signal the researcher about potential significant
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3. Results and Analysis
The experiments described in the section above are performed and the results
will be shared in this section.
Figure 1. Changes of average numbers of permission requests of top 100 applications in the
US from Jan 2016 to Dec 2018.
As shown in Figure 1, there is a moderate negative correlation between the
time since Jan of 2016 and the average number of permission requests (p < 0.05).
This suggests that between 2016 and 2018, popular Android applications on average
requested fewer permissions. This could be a result of better developer education and
better user privacy awareness in the US (Felt, 2011). However, the research cannot
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eliminate the possibility that the downward trend could also be the result of a shift in the
type of applications that are popular. For example, a social media app would certainly
request more features than a simple mini-game. Such a shift in the type of applications
that are popular is not accounted for in the research and future research would be
In addition to the holistic graph, a few insightful graphs of certain permission
requests will be presented below.
Supporting the overall trend, 23 individual permissions also showed a noticeable
decrease in usage during this time period (Table 2, also see corresponding graphs in
Appendix C):
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Table 2. List of individual permission requests that exhibit a significant decrease in
Allows an application to collect battery statistics
Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents.
Allows applications to change network connectivity state.
Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state.
Allows an application to clear the caches of all installed
applications on the device.
App can download content without alerting the user.
Allows an application to expand or collapse the status
Allows a regular application to use
Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts
Allows an application to find out the space used by any
Allows an application to get information about the
currently or recently running tasks. [deprecated]
Allows an application to call
Allows an application to modify global audio settings.
Allows an application to collect component usage
Allows an application to read the user's call log.
Allows read only access to phone state, including the
phone number of the device, current cellular network
information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of
any PhoneAccounts registered on the device.
Allows an application to read SMS messages.
Allows an application to record audio.
Allows an application to request authentication tokens.
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Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep
processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Allows an application to write the user's contacts data.
Allows an application to write to external storage.
Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
Content retrieved from https://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html
Permissions in applications, such as “READ_SMS”, “RECORD_AUDIO”, and
“READ_CALL_LOG” are clearly linked to user privacy suggesting how user privacy
awareness could be playing a role in the downward trend observed.
Figure 2. Significant decrease of GET_ACCOUNTS permission requests from Jan 2016 to Dec
Furthermore, as shown in Figure 2, the single permission request that
experienced the largest decrease in usage is the GET_ACCOUNTS permission. It is
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noted that some permissions do have a steeper downward slope, but they don’t have an
r-value greater than 0.5 to suggest at least a moderate correlation. The
GET_ACCOUNTS permission request “allows [an application] access to the list of
accounts in the Accounts Service.” (“Manifest.permission,” n.d.). In other words, this
permission let an app see if the user has logged into different accounts such as Google
or Facebook. Although its decrease in usage could be a result of increasing user
privacy awareness, it is more likely the result of the evolution of the Android permission
system. According to the official Android developer documentation, “beginning with
Android 6.0 (API level 23), if an app shares the signature of the authenticator that
manages an account, it does not need "GET_ACCOUNTS" permission to read
information about that account.” (“Manifest.permission,” n.d.) What this means is that
apps such as Facebook would no longer need to request this permission in order to see
if the user has logged into its own service, in this case, Facebook. This would most
likely explain the downward trend as Android phone users upgrade their phones to the
newer versions. Similarly, permissions that experienced a decrease in usage such as
“USE_CREDENTIALS” and “GET_TASKS” are also deprecated by the Android
permission system enforcing the idea that the evolution of the system itself plays a
role in the downward trend.
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Figure 3. Significant increase of READ_APP_BADGE permission requests from Jan 2016 to
Dec 2018.
The READ_APP_BADGE permission request, on the other hand, is the only
request that suggests a statistically significant increase in usage from 2016 to 2018
(Figure 3). This permission allows developers to display a notification badge on the
corner of the app icon. This permission is not a feature of the official Android permission
system instead device manufacturers (like Xiaomi) or third-party developers (like Nova
Launcher) implement it and allow app developers to use (“Badge on App icon,” 2016).
The finding here could indicate a larger adoption of such standard and a demand
from users to see such a feature being implemented.
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4. Discussion
In summary, the current study discovered an overall negative correlation
between the number of permission requests and time in the period from 2016 to 2018.
By examining the trends of individual permission requests, I am able to identify a few
potential causes that may explain the trend including 1. user privacy awareness; 2.
the evolution of the Android permission system; and 3. end user feature demand.
In this section, each of the three potential factors would be explored and discussed.
The idea that user privacy awareness would play a role in this research is first
addressed by Felt’s and Alani’s study which indicates that there is a noticeable change
in the relationship between end users and the Android permission system from 2012 to
2017 (Felt, 2012; Alani, 2017). This notion of increasing privacy awareness is further
supported by other research. A research conducted by Campbell at Miami University
finds an increase in awareness of privacy issues in college students from 1999 to 2000
(Campbell, 2001), and the 2017-2018 UK Information Commissioner’s Annual Report
has stated a “significant increase” in data protection complaints (up 15%), self-reported
breaches (up 30%) and freedom of information complaints (up 5%) (Ashford, 2018;
“Information Commissioner’s Annual Report”, 2018). All of these studies agree that user
privacy awareness is indeed prevalent and support the hypothesis that user privacy
awareness plays a role in affecting the number of permission requests. Although the
study is not able to prove direct causation between user privacy awareness and
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permission requests, it does, however, raise the possibility of such a relationship, which
would prompt future research in this direction. If such relationship is to be identified, the
average number of permission requests of the top 100 Android applications measured
in this research can become a more generalized indicator for quantifying user privacy
awareness, which up to this point cannot be measured quantitatively.
Similarly, there have been researches that suggest the evolution of the Android
permission system would play a role in affecting the number of permission requests
(Felt, 2011; Backes, 2016). The reasoning for this notion is simple: as the permission
system evolves, it would likely make changes to the permissions that are available and
regroup them in different ways. Just as a hypothetical example, the system might
discover that application that needs access to the camera usually needs access to past
photos as well, and applications do not usually request access to past photos without
requesting access to the camera. In this case, the permission system might decide to
deprecate the two individual permission requests and create a new permission request
that will grant access to both the camera and past photos. If this notion is correct, it
could mean that the popular applications may not be requesting fewer features; instead,
the same number of features are being bundled into fewer permissions by the system.
Therefore, the downward slope discovered could also imply a larger change in the
design of the permission system and the way it bundles features into permissions.
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In addition, end user demand might also play a part in effecting the trend. As
shown in the results section, the READ_APP_BADGE permission is the only one to
experience an increase in usage from 2016 to 2018, and it is primarily fueled by end
users demanding the feature from applications. As previously mentioned, this
permission is not defined by the official Android standard; instead, it’s only supported by
third-party developers who realize the demand for such a feature. This connects with
the evolution of the Android permission system as mentioned where the direction in
which the platform will evolve would very much be influenced by the demand from end
users. This notion of end user demand, however, does come in conflict with the notion
of increasing user privacy to a certain extent as more features access can lead to a
higher risk of application abusing its permissions and harming the end user’s privacy.
The downward trend discovered might also be viewed as an indicator that user privacy
might be playing a larger role in impacting the overall trend compared to the demand for
new features. This is also reflected in the latest version of Android - Android pie where
privacy and security are main features being advertised. On the official Android website,
it states “Android 9 safeguards privacy in a number of new ways. Now, Android will
restrict access to your phone's microphone, camera, or other sensors when an app is
idle or running in the background. (If an app does need to access a sensor, it will show
a persistent notification on your phone.) Android 9 also brings important improvements
that protect all web communications and offer private web surfing.” (“Android 9 Pie”,
n.d.) This suggests that there is a heavy focus on privacy compared to new features,
which echoes with the findings in this study.
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5. Conclusion
In conclusion, this study has bridged the gap in previous research and showed
how the average number of permissions requests of the top 100 google play store
applications has changed from 2016 to 2018. The study finds a negative correlation
between time and the number of permission requests matching the initial hypothesis. To
further investigate the driving factors behind the decreasing trend, individual types of
permissions are being analyzed and three primary factors are identified: user privacy
awareness, the evolution of the Android permission system, and the end user demand
for new features.
While the study did reveal the general trend of the number of permission
requests, it still has a lot of limitations. For example, the study is not able to clearly
identify the root cause of such trend nor is it able to gather more data for a longer period
of time. Therefore, future research should focus on gathering more data to see if such a
decreasing trend holds true for a longer period of time, and perhaps conduct lab
experiments with participants to obtain data in a more standard and controlled fashion.
The three driving factors identified in this study should also be investigated individually.
Overall, this study is able to shed light on a topic regarding the Android
permission system that has not been previously explored and offer new insights to the
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scientific community such as the decreasing trend of permission requests, and its
potential driving factors. Such research would be valuable for researchers trying to
understand the evolution of the Android permission system. More specifically, how
application developers interact with the system. In addition, application developers can
also find trend through this research to see how popular applications have changed
from 2016 to 2018, which would help them to develop better applications for the end
users. Last but not least, end users can understand through this study that factors such
as user privacy awareness and end user feature demand do play a part in shaping the
Android permission system and Android ecosystem at large. This study serves as the
first step toward a deeper understanding regarding the long-term trend of permission
request changes of Android applications.
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6. Work cited
Alani, M. M. (2017). Android Users Privacy Awareness Survey. International Journal of
Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 11(3), 130. doi:10.3991/ijim.v11i3.6605
Android 9 Pie. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2019, from https://www.android.com/versions
Ashford, W. (2018, July 20). Uptick in UK privacy awareness, says ICO. Retrieved from
Au, K. W., Zhou, Y. F., Huang, Z., & Lie, D. (2012). PScout. Proceedings of the 2012
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security - CCS 12.
Backes, M., Bugiel, S., Derr, E., McDaniel, P., Octeau, D., & Weisgerber, S. (2016). On
Demystifying the Android Application Framework: Re-Visiting Android Permission
Specification Analysis. Usenix.
Badge on App icon. (2016, November). Retrieved March 18, 2019, from
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© 2019 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Barrera, D., Kayacik, H. G., Oorschot, P. C., & Somayaji, A. (2010). A methodology for
empirical analysis of permission-based security models and its application to
android. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security - CCS 10. doi:10.1145/1866307.1866317
Campbell, J., Sherman, R. C., Kraan, E., & Birchmeier, Z. (2001). Internet Privacy
Awareness and Concerns among College Students. APS Annual Convention,
eMarketer. (n.d.). Number of mobile phone users worldwide from 2015 to 2020 (in
billions). In Statista - The Statistics Portal. Retrieved December 3, 2018, from
Felt, A. P., Chin, E., Hanna, S., Song, D., & Wagner, D. (2011). Android permissions
demystified. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security - CCS 11. doi:10.1145/2046707.2046779
Felt, A. P., Ha, E., Egelman, S., Haney, A., Chin, E., & Wagner, D. (2012). Android
permissions. Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Usable Privacy and
AP Research Sample C 27 of 36
© 2019 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Security - SOUPS 12. doi:10.1145/2335356.2335360
Information Commissioner’s Annual Report and Financial Statements 2017-18
. (2018).
UK Information Commissioner’s Office.
Loesche, D. (2018, January 09). Infographic: The Biggest App Stores. Retrieved from
Manifest.permission. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Morrill, D. (2008, September 23). Announcing the Android 1.0 SDK, release 1.
Retrieved from
Permissions overview | Android Developers. (2018, November 20). Retrieved from
Saltier, J. H., & Schroeder, M. P. (1975). Protection of information in computer systems.
IEEE CSIT Newsletter, 3
(12), 19-19. doi:10.1109/csit.1975.6498831
AP Research Sample C 28 of 36
© 2019 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
StatCounter. (2019). Mobile operating systems' market share worldwide from January
2012 to December 2017. In Statista - The Statistics Portal. Retrieved December
3, 2018, from
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7. Appendix A
Javascript program used to extract data from 42matters
const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');
const country = 'US';
const basePath = `./data/${country}/`;
const access_token = ‘TOKEN’;
(async () => {
for (let year = 2016; year <= 2018; year++) {
for (let month = 1; month <= 12; month++) {
const date = `01-${(month+'').padStart(2,'0')}-${year}`;
const r = await
axios.get('https://data.42matters.com/api/v2.0/android/apps/top_google_charts.json', {
params: {
list_name: 'topselling_free',
cat_key: 'OVERALL',
limit: '100',
fs.writeFileSync(basePath+date+'.json', JSON.stringify(r.data));
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8. Appendix B
Python program used to generate graphs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def graphLine(points, titles=('x', 'y'), filename=None):
x, y = points
xt, yt = titles
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x=x, y=y, marker='o', c='r', edgecolor='b')
# ax.set_title('Scatter: $x$ versus $y$')
ax.set_xlabel(xt, weight = 'bold')
ax.set_ylabel(yt, weight = 'bold')
ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=max(x))
ax.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=max(y)*2)
s = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
hy = s[0]*x+s[1]
r = np.corrcoef(x, y)[0,1]
ax.plot(x, hy)
ax.text(0.75,0.9,'Slope: {:.3f}'.format(s[0]), horizontalalignment='center',
verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, weight = 'bold')
ax.text(0.75,0.8,'R-value: {:.3f}'.format(r), horizontalalignment='center',
verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, weight = 'bold')
if filename is not None and abs(r) > 0.5:
x = np.array(list(range(36)))
y = [14.51, 15.57, 17.12, 15.57, 15.99, 16.26, 15.9, 17.84, 16.28, 17.06, 16.25, 15.94,
14.42, 14.55, 14.59, 15.13, 16.15, 13.85, 14.48, 15.21, 17.17, 16.65, 16.49, 16.76,
14.65, 14.98, 14.37, 15.63, 14.26, 13.22, 12, 12.81, 15.92, 14.39, 12.08, 14.53]
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graphLine((x, y), ('Number of month since Jan 2016', 'Average number of permission
requests'), './useful_graph/_main.png')
with open('./final_permission_data') as f:
data = map(lambda x: x.split(': '), f.read().strip().split('\n'))
data = map(lambda x: (x[0], [int(e) for e in x[1].split(',')]), data)
for name, values in data:
if max(values) > 10:
graphLine((x, values), ('Number of month since Jan 2016', 'Total number of {}
requests'.format(name)), './useful_graph/{}.png'.format(name))
print '{} graph done'.format(name)
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9. Appendix C
23 individual permission requests demonstrating a significant decrease in usage
from 2016 to 2018
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Academic Paper
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
Sample: C
Score: 4
This paper earned a score of 4 because the paper clearly identifies a gap that is situated in the literature, fully
explicates the methods used, and identifies the limitations of the study. On page 9 the paper discusses
previous literature and identifies a clear gap with a focused question. On page 10 the student explicitly states
their hypothesis and discuss the significance of the research question. On pages 9 and 11 the student defends
their method. The description of the method makes it replicable; pages 7–13 explain the process for gathering
news stories, analyzing the sentiment of each article using TextBlob, and rationale for the use of a
classification algorithm. On page 21, the student presents a new understanding: In summary, the current
study discovered...
This paper did not earn a score of 3 because the student explicitly connects their topic within the scholarly
conversation; for example (page 7), the students discussion of the scholarly literature on Android permissions
is both sophisticated and detailed. The paper logically defends their method, and the conclusion is supported
by the evidence.
This paper did not earn a score of 5 because the student does not provide a substantive analysis of their
limitations. The implications are present but underdeveloped. The writing is competent but not elegant (e.g.,
there are awkward sentence structures and changes of tense within a single paragraph). The new
understanding is supported but not well-justified. The paper does not discuss, for example, the different ways
the negative associations could be interpreted and how to distinguish in future research between those
possibilities (e.g., user concern about permissions vs. app developers finding ways to have fewer permissions).
Weak limitations are consistent with the score of a 4. On page 24, the paper notes, “it still has a lot of
limitationsand then offers only one sentence. These held the score to a 4 where implications are stated versus