At a Glance
Business Challenges
Applications are the face of your business and users have a multitude of choices. It only
takes a few seconds for a user to either accept or reject your app. The challenge is to make
your applications become the ones users stay with because they like the experience.
While impeccable performance is the key to a flawless end-user experience, there are
difficulties in ensuring great performance:
Speed and complexity across the application delivery chain requires performance
management that can span across physical to virtual, on-premises to hosted components
and support new, modern application technologies.
A wealth of data quickly becomes too much. Billions of metrics a day require new
approaches to visualization, and intelligent analytics to sift through the metrics and
identify the relevant variables.
Mobile access can no longer be considered special and must be fully integrated into the
performance picture.
Performance must be tested continuously, pre- and post-production, to ensure customer
satisfaction and retention.
Solution Overview
In a time when businesses are literally being rewritten by software, APM is necessary to
deliver a solution across the application lifecycle that is:
Easy to deploy and manage with APM agents that get value in minutes.
Proactive in identifying problems via automatic transaction traces and a unified end-user
view into every transaction—including mobile app, synthetic or web-based—to fix issues
before users are impacted.
Intelligent in using APM big data to better understand your end users’ interactions with
your applications, from the mobile app and device all the way to the mainframe back end.
Collaborative across the organization to reduce data complexity and provide task-relevant
views for every user, from developers to level one support operators, thereby instilling
continuous performance improvements at every stage of the software lifecycle.
Key Benefits/Results
Easily deploy and manage APM to gain
value quickly.
Proactively manage the user experience
to create a competitive advantage.
Utilize system intelligence through advanced
analytics and smart instrumentation for
rapid triage.
Fuel collaboration across the organization
to enable continuous performance and
quality improvements.
Key Features
Assisted Triage provides intuitive
root cause analysis workflows based
on analytics.
Perspectives simplify complex app
topologies through task- relevant views.
Timeline speeds triage by showing the impact
of change, helping you easily locate where
performance problems originate.
Differential Analysis helps you quickly
recognize and understand the most
critical problems.
Mobile-to-mainframe APM gives you
20/20 insight into your apps from mobile
to mainframe.
Digital Experience Insights delivers
APM as a SaaS-based monitoring and
analytics solution.
Zero Configuration agent automatically
collects deep transaction traces when a
problem occurs.
In an era when mobile and digital interactions reign supreme, enterprise organizations must proactively manage
the applications that drive their businesses and reputations.
CA Application Performance Management (CA APM) helps global brands proactively identify and resolve issues across
physical, virtual, containers, cloud and mobile applications. CA APM offers analytics-driven insights that uniquely position
your organization to deliver app experiences where every transaction becomes a loyalty-building transaction, differentiate
your business and allow your experts to focus only on impactful issues.
CA Application Performance
Copyright © 2017 CA. All rights reserved. Java is a trademark of Oracle Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their
respective companies. CS200-276185_0517
APM simplifies and speeds the triage process through prescriptive workflows and
experience views across the entire application environment.
CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) creates software that fuels transformation for companies and enables them to seize the opportunities
of the application economy. Software is at the heart of every business, in every industry. From planning to development to
management and security, CA is working with companies worldwide to change the way we live, transact and communicate—across
mobile, private and public cloud, distributed and mainframe environments. Learn more at
For more information, please visit
Related Products/Solutions
CA App Synthetic Monitor provides
synthetic transaction monitoring from
a global network.
CA App Experience Analytics provides
insights into the user experience and
performance metrics across web, mobile
and wearables.
CA Application Delivery Analysis
Manager provides network-aware
application triage.
CA Cross-Enterprise Application
Performance Management provides
insight into performance through
the mainframe.
CA Infrastructure Management
allows you to proactively optimize
performance across on-premises and
cloud IT infrastructures.
Supported Environments
CA APM is a cross-enterprise APM solution
that is designed to integrate with virtually
any application infrastructure.
Modern application support with added
functionality for Java™, .Net, PHP, Node.js,
Docker Containers, Cloud Foundry, AWS
and more.
SaaS Delivery Option: CA APM is available
on-premises for enterprise customers or
through CA’s Digital Experience Insights,
our SaaS-based digital operations
monitoring and analytics platform for
cloud natives.
Critical Differentiators
ROI of as much as 306 percent, realized
in 4.4 months.
Nearly half of customers reduced mean
time to resolution (MTTR) by 50 percent
or more.
Half of customers prevented 50 percent
or more app issues.
Nearly half of customers improved end-
user experience by 50 percent or more.
A majority of customers improved
customer satisfaction by 40 percent
or more.
Scale you can trust: one-third of customers
monitor more than 1,000 Java virtual
machines (JVMs), capture more than 500
million metrics and monitor more than
500,000 transactions per day.
A large service provider uses CA APM
to capture 144 billion metrics per day.
On average, CA APM customers collect
43 million metrics per day.
CA APM, coupled with the Node.js agent,
provides ITAU Unibanco with the end-to-
end visibility from mobile to mainframe.
Orange uses CA APM for troubleshooting
and the product has helped reduce the
delay to solve and fix issues by 40 percent.
ANZ Bank DevOps project experienced an
87.5 percent reduction in MTTR due to
quickly identified root causes, 10 to 15
high-severity issues eliminated with app
rollouts and four weeks of time saved.