Recreational Cannabis Business License
Application Guide
Table of Contents
REGISTRATION OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................... 3
LOG IN .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 6
LICENSE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 7
APPLICANTS ............................................................................................................................................... 8
QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 9
PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON ................................................................................................................. 10
LOCATION INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 11
QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 12
DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 16
PAYMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 19
REVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
LICENSE DASHBOARD AND APPLICATIONS DASHBOARD ............................................................... 21
PAYMENTS & INVOICES .............................................................................................................................. 22
UPDATE APPLICATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 27
CHANGE PASSWORD ................................................................................................................................. 27
SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................................... 28
PROGRAM HELP ........................................................................................................................................ 28
TECHNICAL HELP ....................................................................................................................................... 28
HELP SCREENS AND ONLINE USER GUIDES ................................................................................................ 28
Registration Overview
Review this guide before beginning the application process for a New Jersey recreational
cannabis business license, then refer to the document as you navigate through the online
application platform. Applications can only be submitted online. Required supporting
documents must be scanned and uploaded with your application. Only electronic submissions
will be accepted.
A list of required documents is available here:
Once you begin to fill out the application, use the Save & Continue feature regularly and be sure
to answer all questions that relate to your application. Questions may seem to repeat but it is
important to submit a complete and accurate application. An incomplete application will not
This symbol appears through the application platform. Click on it for additional
information or links to CRC web pages that will help you complete the application
New platform users must first register an account by clicking on the Apply Here button at or going directly to!/nj-
Once the registration information is submitted, confirm your email address by clicking the link
sent to your inbox at the email address you used to register.
Log In
Once your new account email has been verified, you can log in:
If you forget your password, click the Forgot Password button, provide your email address, and
follow the instructions.
Be sure to verify that you are working in the proper account by verifying the information in the blue
box. Click Create Application to start the application.
Note: User accounts may have more than one application in process.
Follow the tabs outlining the required information and documents.
Business Name must be identical to the name on business formation documents, as registered with
the New Jersey State Department. You may note any existing trade names, alternate names, or
“doing business as” names here. However, licensed business may only operate under its registered
business name, and not under any alternate names.
Entity ID/Corp ID refers to the 10-digit identifier on your Tax Form 941.
Be sure to use a monitored email address, as this will be the most immediate means of
communicating with you during the registration process.
License Information
An overview of the recreational business license types is available at
Applicants for retail licenses will not be able to submit an application before March 15, 2022.
You are eligible for a conditional license if you and your team meet income thresholds from the
preceding tax year. Apply for a conditional license in order to pursue a temporary license without
gaining site control or municipal approval first. Conditional applications are prioritized.
If applicants don’t meet the criteria for a conditional license, or have site control and municipal
approval, they can apply for an annual license. Annual applications are reviewed after conditional
Diversely owned as certified by New Jersey Department of Treasury’s Division of Revenue and
Enterprise Services. Applicants will need to submit proof of certification.
Information on Impact Zones and Social Equity applicants is available at
Social Equity applicants should review and submit the Social Equity Business Certification on the
CRC’s website, along with proof of qualification for the Social Equity Business designation.
A “Person of Interest(POI) is any person substantially involved in the financing, operating, or
management of a license applicant or license-holder. It includes owners, principals, management
services contractors, and financial sources but does not include passive investors, employees, or
volunteers. The primary contact for a license applicant must be a Person of Interest.
The POI’s title is at it appears in the organization’s chart or business plan.
The Adjusted Gross Income must be taken from the Person of Interest’s Federal Income Tax return
for the immediately preceding year.
A “Significantly Involved Person” is person/entity a person that holds at least 5% investment interest
in a proposed or licensed cannabis business, or who is a decision making member of a group that
holds at least a 20% investment interest in a proposed or licensed cannabis business, in which no
member of that group holds more than a 5% interest in the total group investment interest, and the
person/entity makes controlling decisions regarding the proposed or licensed cannabis business.
Applications can be submitted even if an address is not verified by the system.
Be sure to state your stake in any other applications (in New Jersey or anywhere else) or in any
existing cannabis business.
Primary Contact Person
Location Information
For annual license applicants, municipal approval for your business and evidence of site control will
need to be submitted with your application.
Conditional license applicants need to have a location identified and listed in the application, but do
not need site control or municipal approval at the time of application.
Some marijuana offenses qualify applicants for priority under the Social Equity category. Information
about Social Equity applications is available here Economically Disadvantaged Areas ( and
information about getting court records, including expungement certificates, are available are Copies
of Court Records (
Information about Management Services Agreements and Financial Service Agreements is available
here MSA FSA Need to Know.pdf (
Please consult the Notice of Application Acceptance for a list of the documents required for your
specific application type. The documents with an “*” are required for your application by the system,
however, based on the Notice there may be additional mandatory documents that need to be
submitted. Simply because the system let’s you submit, does not mean the application is complete.
Applicants are solely responsible for reviewing the rules, the Notice of Application Acceptance, and
associated guidance, and for ensuring their application submissions are complete.
Applicants may submit a current, unexpired document from this list as proof of residency:
New Jersey driver’s license
Federal, state, or local government issued identification card showing applicant’s
name and current New Jersey address
Utility bill issued within the 90 days preceding the application date addressed to the
applicant and at a New Jersey address
Correspondence from the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) or the New Jersey Division of
Taxation issued within the year preceding the application date addressed to the
applicant at a New Jersey address
Identification card issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Correspondence from the federal, state, or local government issued within the 90 days
preceding the application date addressed to the applicant at a New Jersey address
Bank statements or credit card bills issued within each of the three months preceding
the application date addressed to the applicant at a New Jersey address
Residential lease or rental agreements with the name of the applicant as lessee or
Deed or title to real residential property
Pay stubs for the prior three months that show the applicant’s name and New Jersey
Government issued identification must be current, unexpired photo identification issued by a local,
state, or federal government entity.
Every applicant (POI) is subject to a background check. You are not required to submit records here
regarding a prior conviction or adjudication for a criminal offense. Applicants may, however,
voluntarily provide documentation in support of a priority application, or as evidence of
rehabilitation since conviction or adjudication. Prior application support documents include (but are
not limited to) local, state or federal court records that indicate the disposition or outcome of a
criminal case, sealed court records, expungement certificates, an order of expungement signed by a
judge, or an expungement petition.
For Diversely-Owned license-applicants, only certificates issued by the New Jersey Department of
Treasury’s Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services will be accepted with your application.
You will be directed automatically to a third-party secure site for processing payments. You will
receive a receipt via email.
Applicants can pay fees with credit card or ACH (automated clearing house), but any payment over
$250 must be paid via ACH.
Information on licensing fees is available here
Ensure all your information is complete. Review the Notice of Application Acceptance to ensure your
application includes all required information. Applicants are solely responsible for reviewing the
rules, the Notice of Application Acceptance, and associated guidance, and for ensuring their
application submissions are complete.
A red X indicates that edits or additional information is needed before the application can be
Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email notification. Be sure to monitor your
email inbox for updates as your application is reviewed. If there are any potential issues with your
application, you may receive a “rejected” application. You will receive an email notification when
this occurs. Rejected applications must be corrected and resubmitted through this system.
License Dashboard and Applications Dashboard
License Dashboard will display the approved applications, licenses.
The Applications Dashboard will display all your applications, whether submitted, rejected, open and
saved. When an application is incomplete or otherwise not accepted the primary contact person will
be contacted with next steps. Applicants whose applications are denied will have an opportunity to
cure and resubmit.
Payments & Invoices
The balance amount that is due will be invoiced and sent to your dashboard. You will receive a
notification that there is an amount to pay.
The invoice view, after it has initiated and needs an action taken on it.
Fees over $250 can only be paid via ACH.
After successful payment, you will see this screen:
When you return to invoice, you will see status as “paid.”
If you do not agree with the invoice amount, you may select “Dispute Invoice” and give a reason for
the dispute. This is sent back to the regulator portal.
Update Applications
From time to time, a licensee may need to update information on file, such as name or address. To
report such a change, select the Update application type and complete the required information.
Change Password
While logged in, you will find “Change Password” when you click on your name in upper right corner.
Program Help
More information about the application process and supporting documents is available here
Technical Help
If you have technical support questions and need assistance with logging in, or utilizing the portal
properly, click on the Help/FAQ icon at the top of your dashboard screen.
Help Screens and Online User Guides
Help information, contact numbers, emails and this user guide are in the portal. Click on the Help
button in upper right of your screen.