A meal plan is required for all students housed in the University’s residence halls (University Commons). The meal
plan is charged to your student account for the fall and spring semesters. Meal plans are automatically loaded to
your Comet Card and are AUTOMATICALLY RELOADED from the fall to the spring term. If a required student does not
select a meal plan, the default plan will be the Comet 14.
The following constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the meal plan:
A. Housing and meal plan online application or submission of meal plan preference forms;
B. Initial payment of meal plan; or
C. Any meal plan and meal money loaded to your Comet Card used in any food venue
A. Incoming first-year students in residence halls may select from the 3 meal plan types:
a. The Comet 19-meals-per-week in Dining Hall West coupled with
$50 in meal money per semester to spend in the various retail food concepts;
b. The Comet 14-meals-per-week in Dining Hall West coupled with
$100 in meal money per semester to spend in the various retail food concepts
c. The Comet 10-meals-per-week in Dining Hall West coupled with
$150 in meal money per semester to spend in the various retail food concepts.
B. Commuter Students (any class level) and Students residing in on-campus apartments, in addition to the plans
listed above for first-year students, have the option of selecting:
a. The Block 30-meals-per-semester in Dining Hall West coupled with $300 in meal money per semester
b. The Block 50-meals-per-semester in Dining Hall West coupled with $500 in meal money per semester
c. Whoosh 550 - 550 Meal Money expires at the end of the semester
d. Whoosh 800 - 800 Meal Money expires at the end of the semester
*Upperclass or graduate students residing in the residence halls (University Commons) must select one of
the 5 meal plan types (Comet or Block).
C. Meal Money is the dollar-for-dollar credit built into a meal plan for you to spend in the retail food concepts. For
additional buying power, you may purchase Comet Cash at any time through the Comet Card Oce’s website.
Meal money associated with the meal plan expires each semester, but Comet Cash rolls over from year to year.
Meal Money expires at the last operational day of each semester: December 13, 2024 for fall and May 16, 2025
for spring.
D. You will be automatically re-enrolled for the same meal plan selection in the spring as you are in the fall unless
you request a change before the spring semester’s census day deadline.
E. Meals in a meals-per-week plan not eaten during a week are not refundable, nor are they held in reserve for use
at another time. The weekly cycle resets beginning every Monday. Students on these plans may use only one
meal per meal period (Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch or Dinner) in the dining hall.
Meal Plan Types:IV.
Dining Services provides meals for meal plans for fall and spring semesters. Fall semester’s operational dates begin
with dinner on August 13, 2024 and end with dinner on December 13, 2024. Spring semester’s operational dates are
to be determined at this time. Meals are not provided during some holidays and break periods, including Spring
Break (March 17-23, 2025). Visit utdallas.edu/dining for details.
Service Periods:II.
Meal Exchanges are oered with your meal plan. One Dining Hall West meal swipe per day, Monday-Friday, may be
substituted for a pre-determined meal combo at participating retail venues on campus. Meal Exchange locations and
selections are posted online at utdallas.edu/dining as well as at each participating location.
Retail Meal Exchange:V.
The full charge for the meal plan is posted to your EZ Pay student account through the Bursar’s Oce and is due in
accordance with the University’s Payment/Refund calendar. Any payment you make to your student account is first
applied towards tuition and then towards all other university fees, including the meal plan. Failure to make payment
when due may result in penalties, including a block on registration and/or transcripts.
University administered financial aid (scholarships, loans, grants, etc.) may be applied in total by the university
against amounts owed hereunder notwithstanding any payment plan option elected by the student. If financial aid
fails to cover any portion of the meal plan cost, the student understands the balance of the meal plan cost will be the
responsibility of the student. Further, the student understands that enrollment in the meal plan may not be canceled,
due to financial aid not covering all or any portion of the meal plan costs.
Financial Aid:VII.
Medical appeals must be submitted with the appropriate Accommodation Request Form and physician’s supporting
documentation before census day. Please contact the Oce of Student AccessAbility at https://studentaccess.
utdallas.edu to apply for a medical accommodation. You must clearly indicate why you are medically unable to eat
the food provided in the various dining locations on campus.
Medical Appeals:IX.
Withdrawing from all your courses for the semester (loss of student status) may result in a refund of a percentage of
the advance payment minus a weekly charge for the number of meals that were available and meal money spent.
The meals-available charges apply to the meals that have been served and not necessarily those that have been
eaten by the student. The University will not issue a refund for any missed meals. Refunds are given based on this
schedule after the dining plan usage has been deducted:
Per the Bursar’s Oce, all refunds to the student will be applied first to any outstanding debt to the university
including, but not limited to, past due accounts and future installment payments, unless prohibited by applicable law.
Any remaining refund due will be mailed to the permanent address on the student’s records when processed by the
Bursar’s Oce.
Cancellation requests during the first five class days of the semester are refunded 80%
Cancellation requests during the second five class days of the semester are refunded 70%
Cancellation requests during the third five class days of the semester are refunded 50%
Cancellation requests during the fourth five class days of the semester are refunded 25%
Cancellation requests after the fourth five class days of the semester are not refunded
Refund Policy for University Withdrawals:X.
Changes or cancellations will not be accepted in any circumstance, including moving out of residence halls, after
September 4, 2024 for the fall semester and February 5, 2025 for the spring semester. All changes or cancellation
requests must be requested prior to the dates specified above via the change request online form found on Dining
Services’ website (utdallas.edu/dining). Prior to the change/cancellation deadline, you may submit one online
change request free of charge. Each additional submission will incur a $25 charge.
Changes or Cancellations:VIII.
The meal periods are:
7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.