Notice Business Corporations Act Filing Restated Articles of
Effective Date: This Notice is to be effective on the day that subsection 40 (1) of
Schedule 6 to the Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017 comes into force.
1. How to File Restated Articles of Incorporation Online
2. Required Documents and Information
3. Documents Issued by the Ministry
4. General Information
5. Effective Date
6. File Restated Articles of Incorporation by Mail
7. Related Legislation
Restated Articles of Incorporation under the Business Corporations Act (BCA) are filed
to consolidate all amendments and the original articles into one set of articles. Restated
Articles of Incorporation supersede the original articles of incorporation and all
amendments made to them (subsection 173 (4)). The directors of the corporation may
restate the articles of incorporation as amended at any time, and must do so when
required by the Director under the BCA (section 173). A corporation is not permitted to
restate its articles under section 173 unless the articles are in conformity with the BCA
(subsection 277 (3)). Filings must be made in the required form and format, and meet all
requirements and technical specifications established by the Director.
1. How to File Restated Articles of Incorporation Online
You can file Restated Articles of Incorporation online if you received a company key
giving you authority over the corporation (see Notice Company Key). You can file
directly with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (Ministry) through
ServiceOntario at our website www.ontario.ca/businessregistry.
You must use a valid and up-to-date ServiceOntario online account to complete and file
this application electronically with ServiceOntario. You may save drafts prepared online
for up to 90 days before filing; however, it is your responsibility to ensure that time
sensitive documents such as Nuans reports are filed before they expire, and that
requested effective dates are valid. ServiceOntario has no access to your drafts until the
application is filed.
2. Required Documents and Information
To prepare for filing Restated Articles of Incorporation, have the following
documents and information ready:
1. Corporate name and Ontario Corporation Number (OCN)
2. Administrative information (not shown on public record)
Contact information: name, email address
3. Date of Restated Articles of Incorporation Articles will be dated the date
received by the Ministry in accordance with the applicable requirements. A
future date is not permitted (see below Effective Date)
4. Restrictions on the business of the corporation, or powers the
corporations may exercise, as set out in the Articles of Incorporation and
all amendments made to them
5. Share structure and any restrictions on share transfers, as set out in the
Articles of Incorporation and all amendments made to them
6. Other provisions, if any, as set out in the Articles of Incorporation and all
amendments made to them
7. Be ready to confirm the following required statement: These Restated
Articles of Incorporation correctly set out, without any change, the
corresponding provisions of the Articles of Incorporation as amended and
supersede the original Articles of Incorporation and all amendments made to
8. A valid credit or debit card ready to pay the filing fee
Note: You are not required to provide information such as the corporation’s registered
office address, NAICS business activity code, director/officer information, etc. because
this information is in the Ministry records, based on the most recent filings by the
corporation. If the information has changed, you must file a Notice of Change before
filing Restated Articles of Incorporation. For more information, please see Notice CIA
Filing an Initial Return and Notice of Change Ontario Corporations.
Important Additional Required Documents and Information
During the transaction, you will be prompted to print or save a PDF copy of the articles
to have it signed by an officer or director of the corporation prior to filing (see below
Signature Requirements). Manual signatures or electronic signatures are permitted (see
Notice Filing Methods and Requirements).
Note: The corporation must keep a properly executed version of the articles, including
records related to an electronic signature if signed by electronic signature, at the
corporation’s registered office address in paper or electronic format and, if required by
notice from the Director, provide a copy of the executed version, including any records
related to an electronic signature, to the Director within the time period set out in the
3. Documents Issued by the Ministry
When the Restated Articles of Incorporation are completed, you will receive the
following documents by email:
1. The Restated Certificate of Incorporation this is the endorsement of the
articles; the certificate sets out the corporate name, Ontario Corporation
Number (OCN), and effective date
2. Restated Articles of Incorporation this is the copy of the official articles
recorded by the Ministry, endorsed with the above-mentioned certificate
3. Payment receipt
4. Terms and conditions for online filing
These documents will be emailed to the official corporation email address provided and
to the contact person specified. Terms and conditions must be agreed to by the
person(s) signing or otherwise authorizing the filing, and any person(s) acting on their
behalf (the “authorizer(s)”) and by the corporation and is a mandatory requirement for
To file by mail, see below File Restated Articles of Incorporation by Mail.
4. General Information
Signature Requirements
The Restated Articles of Incorporation must be signed by an officer or director of the
corporation. Set out the name and position of the signatory (see Notice Filing Methods
and Requirements).
Single Name
If your legal name is a single name (where your culture has a tradition of single names)
and you need to enter that single name on a form, please call ServiceOntario at 416-
314-8880 or toll-free at 1-800-361-3223 for more information.
Legal Advice
Please be advised that the Ministry cannot give legal advice. For further assistance or
legal information, please consult private legal counsel.
If you need a lawyer, you may wish to contact the Law Society Referral Service (LSRS).
The LSRS is a program of the Law Society of Ontario which offers up to one half-hour of
free legal consultation. Information about how to be referred to a lawyer through the
LSRS is available at www.lsrs.info. If you would like to be referred to a lawyer, you may
submit a request to the LSRS by completing the online request form at
Please refer to the BCA for details governing business corporations in Ontario.
The BCA is available at www.ontario.ca/laws.
5. Effective Date
When Restated Articles of Incorporation are filed with the Ministry, they are endorsed
with a certificate and are effective on the date set out in the certificate in accordance
with section 273 of the BCA. The date of any certificate issued will be the date the
Restated Articles of Incorporation, other required documents (if any) and the required
fee are received by the Ministry in accordance with signature and filing requirements
under the BCA, the regulations and the Director’s requirements.
6. File Restated Articles of Incorporation by Mail
To file Restated Articles of Incorporation by mail, go online and download the required
BCA Restated Articles of Incorporation Form Number 5263. You will be required to
provide the email addresses noted below.
You must complete this form on a computer, print it, and obtain the appropriate
signatures, and mail it to the Ministry at the address below with your payment. You will
1. Restated Articles of Incorporation One set of completed articles in
approved form (see above link), signed by a director or officer of the
corporation (see above Signature Requirements). Manual signatures or
electronic signatures are permitted (see Notice Filing Methods and
2. Company key giving you authority over the corporation
3. Corporate name and Ontario Corporation Number (OCN)
4. Administrative information (not shown on public record):
Contact information: name, email address, telephone number
An official email address for the corporation
5. Date of Restated Articles Incorporation You must select a preferred date;
however, the earliest effective date would be the date the application is
received, in order, by the Ministry. A future date is not permitted (see above
Effective Date)
6. Any restrictions on the business of the corporation, or powers the
corporations may exercise, as set out in the Articles of Incorporation and
all amendments made to them
7. Share structure and any restrictions on share transfers, as set out in the
Articles of Incorporation and all amendments made to them
8. Other provisions, if any, as set out in the Articles of Incorporation and all
amendments made to them
9. Fee Make cheque payable to the Minister of Finance. There will be a service
charge payable for any cheques returned as non-negotiable by a bank or
financial institution
Note: You are not required to provide information such as the corporation’s registered
office address, NAICS business activity code, director/officer information, etc. because
this information is in the Ministry records, based on the most recent filings by the
corporation. If the information has changed, you must file a Notice of Change before
filing Restated Articles of Incorporation. For more information, please see Notice CIA
Filing an Initial Return and Notice of Change Ontario Corporations.
Important Additional Required Documents and Information
Note: The corporation must keep a properly executed version of the articles, including
records related to an electronic signature if signed by electronic signature, at the
corporation’s registered office address in paper or electronic format and, if required by
notice from the Director, provide a copy of the executed version, including any records
related to an electronic signature, to the Director within the time period set out in the
Mailing Address:
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Central Production and Verification Services Bran
393 University Avenue, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2M2
When Restated Articles of Incorporation are completed, you will receive your
documents by email (see above Documents Issued by the Ministry).
Returned Applications
If your application is handwritten, missing the company key, required payment or email
address, or if the wrong form is used, it will not be processed and will be returned to you
by regular mail. Forms must be on 8.5” x 11” letter size paper.
If the form is missing any other required information or has not been properly
completed, the Ministry will cease processing the application and will return the
application for correction electronically to the email address provided on the form. A link
will be provided to the electronic business registration system, where you must
complete the transaction electronically. It is your responsibility to review the entire
application, and to ensure that all data is accurate and meets the requirements of the
BCA and regulations. You are also responsible for obtaining the required signatures,
whether manual signatures or electronic signatures, when prompted during the
electronic transaction. This will be considered a new application filed in an electronic
The effective date of returned applications that are resubmitted to the Ministry will be
the date they are received by the Ministry in accordance with the requirements for filing
under the BCA, the regulations and the Director’s requirements.
If you have questions, please contact ServiceOntario at 416-314-8880 or toll-free at 1-
7. Related Legislation
Business Corporations Act
Note: This Notice is to be subject to change or revocation by further Notice. This Notice
is to be made pursuant to the BCA and regulations. Requirements of the Director are to
be established pursuant to sections 271.2 and 272.2 of the BCA.