ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
Registry Complete Service Fees
/Name Searches
Price (CAD)
Turnaround Time
Reservation Report (AB, CD, NT, ON, PE)
1 to 2 hours
Reservation Report - Federal Biased (NU, YK)
1 to 2 hours
Reservation Report with Summary (ON, NS, NB)
1 to 2 hours
Reservation Report with Pre-Approval (CD)
1 to 2 business days
Name Reservation (BC)
10 to 20 business days (expedited
additional govt disbursement)
Name Reservation (MB)
5 to 7 business days
Name Reservation (NL)
1 to 2 business days
Name Reservation (SK)
5 to 7 business days (expedited
additional govt disbursement)
Corporate Document Filing Ontario
Ontario Articles of Incorporation
Ontario Initial Return / Notice of Change
Ontario Annual Return Filing
Ontario Articles of Amendment
Same day if received by 2 p.m. ET
Ontario Articles of Dissolution
Ontario Manual Filings Other
Corporate Document Filing Federal
Federal Articles of Incorporation
1 to 2 business days
Federal Annual Return
1 to 2 business days
Federal Manual Filings Other
ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
Corporate Document Filing Quebec
Quebec Articles of Incorporation
1 to 2 business days
Quebec Initial Return Manual Filing
3 to 5 business days
Quebec Notice of Change Manual Filing
1 to 5 business days
Quebec Annual Return Manual Filing
3 to 5 business days
Quebec Articles of Amalgamation Manual Filing
3 to 5 business days
Quebec Articles of Amendment Manual Filing
1 to 5 business days
Quebec Articles of Dissolution Manual Filing
Same day
Quebec Non-Prot Articles Manual Filing
3 to 4 weeks
Quebec Extra-Provincial Manual Filings
3 to 5 business days
Quebec Manual Filings Other
Corporate Document Filing Out of Province
(all other except Quebec)
Out of Province Manual Filings
Business Name Document Filing Ontario
Ontario Business Name Registration
Ontario Business Name Renewal
Same day if received by 2 p.m. ET
Ontario Manual Registrations Other
Business Name Document Filing Quebec
Quebec Manual Registrations
3 to 5 business days
Business Name Document Filing Out of Province
(all other except Quebec)
Out of Province Manual Registrations
ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
Corporate Searches Ontario
Pre-Search / Nationwide
COVR Profile
Corporate Profile Report Current Date
Corporate Profile Report Previous Date
Corporate Certificate of Status
Certicate of Status (Co-op)
1 to 2 hours
Certicate of Status (Credit Union)
3 to 5 business days
Certicate of Status (Trust and Loan Companies)
3 to 5 business days
Certificate of No Match
Corporate File Copies Certified
3 to 10 business days
Corporate Existence File Search
1 to 10 business days
Corporate Searches Federal
Pre-Search / Nationwide
COVR Profile
Corporate Profile Search
Corporate Files Copies Uncertified
1 to 10 business days
Corporate Files Copies Certified
10 to 15 business days
Corporate Certificate of Compliance
1 to 2 hours
Corporate Certicate of Conrmation (OSFI)
2 to 3 business days
Corporate Existence (Certificate of Existence)
1 to 2 business days
ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
Corporate Searches Out of Province
Pre-Search / Nationwide
COVR Profile (AB, BC)
<30mins (during Ministry hours)
COVR Profile (NB, NL, QC)
COVR Profile (MB, NS, NT, PE, SK, YK)
1 to 2 hours (during ESC office
COVR Profile (NU)
1 to 3 business days
Corporate Profile Search (AB, BC)
<30mins (during Ministry hours)
Corporate Prole Search (MB, NB, NL, NT, SK, QC, YK)
Corporate Profile Search (NS, PE)
1 to 2 hours (during ESC office
Corporate Profile Search (NU)
1 to 3 business days
Corporate Prole Search – Certied (NS only)
1 to 2 hours
Corporate Prole Translated (QC only)
1 to 2 hours
Corporate File Copies – Uncertied
Corporate File Copies Certified
Corporate Certificate of Status/Certificate of Good
Standing/Certificate of Compliance/Letter Under Seal
/Certicate of Attestation/Certicate of Regularite
Certicate of Status – Certied (NS only)
1 to 2 hours
Certicate of Attestation Translated (QC only)
1 to 2 hours
Certicate of Regularite Translated (QC only)
1 to 2 hours
Corporate Existence File Search
BC Document Ledger
1 to 2 hours
ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
Corporate Searches – United States
International Pre-Search
Corporate Prole Search
Corporate Certicate of Status
Corporate File Copies – Uncertied
Corporate File Copies – Certied
Business Name Searches – Ontario
Pre-Search / Nationwide
COVR Profile
Business Name Profile Report Current Date
Business Name Profile Report Previous Date
Certificate of No Match
Business Name - Copies Certified
1 to 2 hours
Business Name Searches Out of Province
Pre-Search / Nationwide
COVR Profile (AB)
<30mins (during Ministry hours)
COVR Profile (NB, QC)
COVR Profile (BC, MB, NS, PE, NT, SK, YK)
1 to 2 hours (during ESC office
COVR Prole (NU)
1 to 3 business days
Business Name Profile Search (AB, BC)
<30mins (during Ministry hours)
Business Name Profile Search (MB, NB, NT, SK, QC, YK)
Business Name Profile Search (NS, PE)
1 to 2 hours (during ESC office
Business Name Profile Search (NU)
1 o 3 business days
Business Name Prole – Certied (NS only)
1 to 2 hours
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Business Name Searches – Out of Province
Business Name Prole Translated (QC only)
1 to 2 hours
Business Name Copies Uncertied
Business Name Copies Certified
Certificate of Status/Certificate of Good Standing/Certificate of
Compliance/ Letter Under Seal/Certicate of
Attestation/Certicate of Regularite
Certicate of Status – Certied (NS only)
1 to 2 hours
Certicate of Attestation Translated (QC only)
1 to 2 hours
Certicate of Regularite Translated (QC only)
1 to 2 hours
Security Searches and Filings
Bankruptcy Superintendent (Official Receiver) Search (CD)
Company’s Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) Search (CD)
Bankruptcy - Provincial - Superior Court Search (ON)
1 to 2 business days
Bankruptcy/Litigation - Provincial - Civil Index (QC)
1 to 2 hours
Bankruptcy - Provincial/Territorial (all other Provinces and
Territories, except ON and QC)
Bulk Sales Act Search (ON only)
1 to 2 business days
Bank Act Search - Notice of Intention (all Provinces)
<30mins (during Registry hours)
Bank Act Search - Certificate of Release (all Provinces)
1 to 2 hours
Bank Act Search (NT, NU, YK)
Bank Act Copies (All Provinces)
1 to 2 hours
Bank Act Copies (NT, NU, YK)
ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
Security Searches and Filings
Bank Act Filing - Notice of Intention (all Provinces)
Bank Act Filing - Certicate of Release (all Provinces)
Bank Act Filing (NT, NU, YK)
Bank Act Filing - Renewal (1 year) (all Provinces and Territories)
Bank Act Filing - Renewal (5 year) (all Provinces)
Writs of Execution (Sheriff's Certificate) (ON)
Writs of Execution (Writs Detail Report) (ON only)
Writs of Execution (OWL Search Report) (ON only)
1 to 2 hours
Writs of Execution (Bailiff's Certificate) (BC)
Writs of Execution (Sheriff's Certificate) (all other Provinces
and Territories, except ON, AB, BC, SK, QC)
Judgment Registry (judgments filed after May 28, 2012) (SK only)
1 to 2 hours
Forced Executions (QC)
1 to 2 hours
Litigation Search - Provincial (5 year) (ON)
1 to 2 business days
Litigation Search - Provincial (10 year) (ON)
1 to 2 business days
Litigation/Bankruptcy - Provincial - Civil Index (QC)
1 to 2 hours
Litigation Search - Provincial/Territorial (5 year) (all other
Provinces and Territories, except ON and QC)
Litigation Search - Provincial/Territorial (10 year) (all other
Provinces and Territories, except ON and QC)
Litigation Search - Federal Court of Canada (10 year) (CD)
1 to 2 hours
Litigation Search - Federal Court of Appeal (10 year) (CD)
1 to 2 hours
Litigation Copies (ON, CD)
Litigation Copies (BC)
Litigation Copies (all other jurisdictions, except ON, BC, CD)
ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
PPSA Searches – Canada
Ontario PPSA Uncertified Search
Immediate (high volume next day)
Ontario PPSA Certified Search
Next business day
Out of Province PPSA Uncertified Search
1 to 2 hours
Out of Province PPSA Certified Search (MB, QC, SK only)
CSRA Copies - Pertinent Copies (ON only)
3 to 5 business days
CSRA Copies - Complete Copies (ON only)
3 to 5 business days
Reprint of Financing Statement (ON only)
1 to 3 business days
UCC Searches – United States
UCC Uncertied Search
UCC Certied Search
PPSA Registrations – Canada
PPSA Registration – Lien (all Provinces and Territories)
PPSA Registration Amendment (all Provinces and Territories)
PPSA Registration – Discharge (all Provinces and Territories)
PPSA Registration – Renewal (all Provinces and Territories)
Multi Non-ESC Amendment (all Provinces and Territories,
except QC)
1 to 2 hours
Real Estate Services
Real Estate Property Search (Parcel abstract) Ontario
1 to 2 hours
Real Estate Property Search (Parcel abstract) Out of Province
1 to 2 hours
Real Estate Copies
1 to 2 hours
MPAC Property Report (ON only)
1 to 2 hours
Tax Certificate (ON only)
1 to 2 hours
ESC Corporate Services Ltd. | | v. 1.10 02/01/2024
Additional Services
Enhanced Search Report (Full)
Please note: All prices are subject to change and fees are subject to applicable taxes as they may apply
For sales inquiries, or to set up an
account with ESC, contact us at