Teaching undergraduate students to read empirical articles:
An evaluation and revision of the QALMRI method
Nicholaus P. Brosowsky
, Olga Parshina
, Anthony Locicero
, &
Matthew J.C. Crump
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University
Department of Psychology, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Preprint submitted for publication.
Reading and comprehending empirical articles are important skills for stu-
dents to develop, yet many students struggle to identify and connect the
essential information from empirical articles. Here we describe and evaluate
a scaffolded approach for teaching undergraduate students to read empiri-
cal articles called the QALMRI method. The QALMRI is a generalizable
instructional tool for teaching students to identify the key conceptual infor-
mation necessary for the comprehension and critical evaluation of empirical
articles. We had students in a first-year introductory course and students in
a third-year research methods course read empirical articles and complete
QALMRI outlines throughout the semester. We found that students very
quickly learned to use the QALMRI outline in both upper and lower course
levels, with performance corresponding to traditional written summaries.
However, we also found that students consistently performed poorly on some
items, prompting an update and revision to the QALMRI method to address
these limitations.
Keywords: QALMRI, reading, summarizing, instructional materials, empirical
One important goal for any undergraduate psychology program is to teach students
skills for critically consuming research. The American Psychological Association (APA)
guidelines lists scientific literacy as its second major learning goal (Halonen et al., 2013),
and surveyed, life sciences faculty rated skills like interpreting data, writing reports, and
critically analyzing research articles among the most important for undergraduate students
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Nicholaus P. Brosowsky, Duke University,
417 Chapel Dr, Durham, NC 27708, USA. E-mail: nicholaus.broso[email protected]
to learn (Coil, Wenderoth, Cunningham, & Dirks, 2010). In support of these goals many
psychology instructors incorporate primary source readings into their curriculum; for example,
Oldenburg (2005) estimated that 70% of liberal arts college instructors assigned primary
source readings. And although more prevalent in upper level courses, 46% of introductory
psychology instructors assigned primary source readings (Oldenburg, 2005).
Table 1: An outline of the QALMRI method
Questions What was the broad question being asked by this research project?
What was the specific question being asked by this research project?
Alternatives What was the author’s hypothesis?
What were the alternative hypotheses?
Logic What was the logic of the hypothesis?
i.e., if the hypothesis was true, what should we expect to happen?
Methods What were the methods?
Results What were the important results?
Inferences What inferences about the questions and hypotheses can be
made base on the results?
Adapted from Kosslyn and Rosenberg (2003); See also Brosowsky and Parshina (2017)
for a more detailed description and additional instructional materials
Primary source readings may not typically be introduced with the purpose of teaching
students how to read primary sources. Instead, primary source readings, like empirical
articles, are incorporated into the curriculum as a tool to help students learn related course
content by way of demonstration and/or elaboration. For example, primary source reading
has been used to demonstrate basic statistical and methodological principles (Christopher
& Walter, 2006; Pennington, 1992; Ware, Badura, & Davis, 2002), demonstrate writing
strategies (Price, 1990; Ware et al., 2002), to spark classroom discussions about course
content (Suter & Frank, 1986), promote critical thinking (Chamberlain & Burrough, 1985),
help motivate student engagement with course content (Carkenord, 1994), and as a tool to
assess student learning and performance (Bachiochi et al., 2011). Although these learning
goals do not explicitly include reading and comprehension, it is of course necessary and begs
the question: how do students learn to read empirical articles in the first place?
If empirical articles are to be a useful pedagogical tool for learning other course content,
students must have the basic skills required to read those articles. Moreover, becoming
a critical consumer of the scientific literature is an important step in transitioning from
post-secondary education into the scientific community–in and of itself an important goal.
Yet there has been considerably less focus on teaching students how to read and critically
evaluate empirical articles (e.g., Kershaw, Lippman, & Fugate, 2018; Sego & Stuart, 2016).
In the current study, we evaluated a scaffolded approach for reading and summarizing
empirical articles known as the “QALMRI” method in both lower- (first-year introductory
course; study 1) and upper-level (third-year methods course; study 2) psychology courses.
Reading empirical articles
Empirical articles can be more challenging than other reading materials, like textbooks,
commonly encountered by undergraduate students. Generally speaking, textbooks are written
for students and empirical articles are written for other experts. As a result, textbooks often
provide a great deal of guidance for the reader by exploiting text structures and signaling
techniques to highlight important information (Kardash & Noel, 2000; Sanchez, Lorch, &
Lorch, 2001; Varnhagen & Digdon, 2002); however, empirical articles often contain unfamiliar
terms and explanatory and argumentative text structures written without non-experts in
mind (e.g., Britt, Richter, & Rouet, 2014). Writing style may also inspire reading style.
For example, textbooks that express content as accessible units of facts may inspire a rote
approach to the content, where students assume their task is to memorize details of the
well-written paragraphs. By contrast, empirical articles contain persuasive arguments (Gillen,
2006; Suppe, 1998) with data and references to convince the reader of some claim (Latour,
1987; Van Lacum, Ossevoort, & Goedhart, 2014); and, although reading argumentative prose
might inspire students to the task of critically evaluating the basis for claims in the article,
they might also inappropriately persist in applying reading strategies like rote-memorization
that were previously useful for textbook readings.
Because students are engaging with materials intended for an expert audience, they
often find common assignments like summarizing an empirical article (e.g., Anisfeld, 1987;
Gillen, 2006; Karcher, 2001; Levine, 2001; Suter & Frank, 1986) to be quite challenging (e.g.,
Day, 1986; Taylor, 1983). Students struggle identifying and understanding key components
of empirical articles. For instance, they can have difficulty understanding the motivation and
argument structure presented in an Introduction (Newell, Beach, Smith, & VanDerHeide,
2011; Van Lacum et al., 2014; Van Lacum, Ossevoort, Buikema, & Goedhart, 2012), the
concepts of experimental design in the methods (Zieffler & Garfield, 2009), and the statistical
concepts found in the results (Dasgupta, Anderson, & Pelaez, 2014).
In short, reading empirical articles poses a unique challenge for undergraduate students.
Two aspects relevant to the current study are worth highlighting: First, students must be
able to find and identify important conceptual information that may or may not be explicitly
stated. For example, the author may or may not explicitly state their hypotheses, yet the
reader should be able to discern the author’s hypothesis from the introduction of the study.
Second, students must be able to understand the logical connections between important
ideas, both within the context of the individual research article and in the broader context
of experimental design and the scientific literature. Students should, for example, be able to
identify the author’s research question, the logic of how the experimental design can address
that question, and how the author’s conclusions relate to both.
Scaffolded learning, drawing on the metaphor of scaffolding in building construction,
describes how students can perform more complex tasks than they would otherwise be
capable with the help and guidance of someone more knowledgeable (Wood, Bruner, & Ross,
1976). Scaffolded approaches can make learning more tractable for students by changing the
task to be more accessible and better aligned with the student’s current abilities (Quintana
et al., 2004; Rogoff, 1990; Vygotsky, 1978). One important feature is that it provides support
and instruction about both how to do the task well and also why it should be done that
way (Hmelo-Silver, 2006; Hmelo-Silver, Duncan, & Chinn, 2007). In the context of reading
empirical articles, scaffolded approaches should aim to reduce the complexity of the specific
task given at the time (e.g., reading a specific empirical article to learn the course content)
while, at the same time, helping students develop more general reading, comprehension, and
critical evaluation skills.
Two scaffolding approaches for reading primary sources have typically been emphasized
(e.g., Kershaw, Lippman, Fugate, 2018). The first approach is to adapt an article to be
more easily understood by the student while at the same time maintaining the article’s basic
argument structure and content (e.g., Yarden, 2009). For instance, one could simplify an
article by removing technical jargon and unnecessary information or add text structures
and signalling techniques more common in textbooks like headers, highlighting, ancillary
side-notes, etc. The adaptation approach has been used in biology and the life sciences
and provides some benefit for critical reading (Baram-Tsabari & Yarden, 2005). There are
however, associated costs in time and effort to the instructor in producing adapted articles;
and although adaptations should improve comprehension of the adapted articles, it is not
clear whether adapted materials help student develop more general strategies for tackling
empirical articles.
A second approach is to design instructional materials that scaffold reading compre-
hension without altering the original article (Reiser, 2004; Varnhagen & Digdon, 2002).
Supplemental materials can give students the opportunity to engage with complex materials
that would otherwise be beyond their current abilities. For example, supplementing readings
with organizational signaling materials like overviews (Lorch and Lorch, 1996), outlines or
graphical organizers (Easterday, Aleven, & Scheines, 2007; Nussbaum & Schraw, 2007; see,
also Newell et al., 2011; Scheuer, Loll, Pinkwart, & McLaren, 2010) have been shown to
improve comprehension. Instructional materials can include prompts, directing students’
attention toward key features of a text (Hmelo-Silver et al., 2007) or organizational outlines
to teach students explicitly about the structure in the text.
The instructional material approach also scales well to articles in general or specific.
For example, Van Lacum et al. (2014) provide an outline for the general identification of the
rhetorical moves used to present an argument in the Introduction of a scientific article. Sego
and Stuart (2016) created a set of 22 general, open-ended questions that could apply to a
number of empirical articles (e.g., “What was/were the independent variables?”). Bachiochi
et al. (2011) developed a more targeted approach tailoring a set of questions to a specific
article. Using these kinds of materials students tend to improve in their ability to dissect
empirical articles (Bachiochi et al., 2011; Sego & Stuart, 2016).
In the current study we evaluated one such scaffolded approach known as the
“QALMRI” method. The QALMRI is an instructional tool for teaching students to identify
the key conceptual information necessary for the comprehension and critical evaluation of
empirical articles (Brosowsky & Parshina, 2017; Kosslyn & Rosenberg, 2003). “QALMRI”
is an acronym for Question, Alternatives, Method, Results, and Inferences (Table 1; see
Brosowsky and Parshina, 2017 for a more detailed description and student instructional
materials). It is a general framework to help students identify and draw connections between
2 3 4 5
QALMRI Session
Figure 1 . Results from Study 1 showing participant performance on the QALMRI summaries.
The dashed line shows performance on the first QALMRI session (prior to the instruction
intervention) and error bars represent 95% confidence intervals around the mean.
the research questions being asked, how the researcher tried to answer them, and the
implications of the answer. The QALMRI methods differ from some of the earlier described
approaches in that it takes a broader perspective, asking students to examine the bigger
picture. That is, rather than asking students to list facts about an article (e.g., “who was
the author?”, “how many participants were in the study?”), it asks students to think about
the empirical article in terms of its broader goals (i.e., asking and answering questions).
Additionally, the QALMRI method is meant to be a simple outline that is easily remembered
and can be applied more broadly to any empirical article.
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the use of the QALMRI method in
undergraduate psychology courses. In study 1, the QALMRI method was introduced and
used in an introductory psychology course. In study 2, the QALMRI method was introduced
and used in two third-year experimental psychology methods courses.
Study 1
Participants were 28 students enrolled in the Introductory Psychology course at the
College of Staten Island of the City University of New York. Participants completed the
QALMRI assignments as part of their course requirements.
Participants completed QALMRI and written summaries of five empirical articles
throughout the semester. Articles were chosen on the basis of their topics, such that the
article content was relevant to the current course and textbook material. To align the
technical level of the articles with the reading level of the first-year students, articles were
selected from the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research (e.g., Sego and Stuart, 2016;
see Appendix A for a list of chosen articles).
Throughout the semester, students completed five QALMRI sessions. During each
session students read an empirical article and complete a QALMRI summary in-class. The
instructor reviewed the article and QALMRI content providing additional instruction and
demonstration on how to find the relevant information in the article. Critically, students
did not receive any prior instructions on how to use the QALMRI before the first session.
They were simply given the article and QALMRI outline and told to read the article and
answer the questions. The first session therefore serves as a baseline (pre-intervention) to
compare subsequent performance.
QALMRI responses were evaluated per section on a pass/fail basis. That is, students
received a pass (for the “Alternatives” section, for instance) if they provided a response that
resembled the answer key and received a score out of a possible 6. QALMRI responses were
scored by two independent raters and any conflict reconciled between the raters. Given
students could provide a range of possible (and possibly correct) responses to the “broad
question”, we only assess responses for the “specific question”.
Results and Discussion
We were primarily interested in understanding how well students in an introductory
course would learn to use the QALMRI as a method for summarizing empirical articles.
To that end, we compared performance on the QALMRIs prior to any instruction (pre-
intervention) to the subsequent four QALMRIs. Participants who failed to complete at least
3 out of the 5 QALMRIs were excluded, which, in this case, did not exclude any participants.
We used a linear mixed effects model with QALMRI session as a fixed effect and participant as
the random effect (linear mixed models use maximum likelihood estimation and is capable of
handling missing data). The resulting analyses showed that participants scored significantly
higher on the QALMRI after receiving the instruction intervention on each of the following
sessions (see Figure 1): Session 2,
59) = 6
27 ,
p < .
001; Session 3,
97) = 8
73 ,
p < .
001; Session 4,
56) = 11
28 ,
p < .
001; and Session 5,
56) = 11
51 ,
p < .
Study 2
Participants were students enrolled in third-year experimental psychology methods
courses at the College of Staten Island of the City University of New York (N = 38) and
2 3 4 5
QALMRI Session
Figure 2 . Results from Study 2 showing participant performance on the QALMRI summaries.
The dashed line shows performance on the first QALMRI session (prior to the instruction
intervention) and error bars represent 95% confidence intervals around the mean.
Brooklyn College (N = 85). Participants completed QALMRIs as part of their required
course assignments.
Five empirical articles were chosen to align with the course content. In this case,
articles were chosen based primarily on their experimental design and increased in difficulty
according experimental design (e.g., single factor with two groups, repeated measures designs,
two by two factorial designs, etc.). See Appendix B for a complete list of the chosen articles.
The procedure is largely the same as Study 1. In addition to the in-class QALMRI
summaries, the College of Staten Island students subsequently completed a written summary
of the same article. Students performed in-class replications of the experiments (using
themselves as participants) and wrote APA-style research reports detailing the attempted
replication and results. The original article was summarized in the introduction of the
research report as part of the literature review.
Results and Discussion
QALMRI performance
To evaluate QALMRI performance we compared scores on the QALMRIs prior to any
instruction (pre-intervention) to the subsequent four QALMRIs. Participants who failed to
complete at least 3 out of the 5 QALMRIs were excluded, which excluded 10 participants.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Written Report Score
Figure 3 . Results from Study 2 showing participant performance on the QALMRI summaries
plotted against written summary scores, r = .51, 95% CI [.23, .71], t(36) = 3.56, p = .001.
We used a linear mixed effects model with QALMRI session as a fixed effect and participant
and article as random effects. We collapsed over class, as we were not interested in differences
between classes, however, we included article as a random effect to take into account the
variability in difficulty between articles. The resulting analyses showed that participants
scored significantly higher on the QALMRI after receiving the instruction intervention on
each of the following sessions (see Figure 1): Session 2,
39) = 3
99 ,
= 0
003; Session 3,
39) = 4
92 ,
p < .
001; Session 4,
78) = 2
57 ,
= 0
029; and Session 5,
21) = 3
34 ,
p = 0.008.
QALMRI summaries as compared to traditional written summaries
The College of Staten Island participants also completed traditional written summaries
of the same articles. We compared performance between the average written QALMRI
summary scores and found a significant positive correlation (see Figure 3),
51, 95%
CI [
(36) = 3
001. This result is perhaps unsurprising in that students
who do well in the written summaries also do well on the traditional written summaries.
However, it validates the QALMRI method both an instructional tool and assessment tool,
in place of more traditional summary assignments. Furthermore, it suggests the QALMRI
could be a useful tool for both scaffolding reading and written assignments.
QALMRI performance by item
Finally, we were interested in how we could improve and revise the QALMRI method.
Therefore, we analyzed performance across QALMRI items to determine where students
were having difficulty. To that end, we analyzed QALMRI scores from sessions 2 through
5 using a repeated measures ANOVA with QALMRI item (Q,A,L,M,R, and I) as the
Average Score
Figure 4 . Results from Study 2 showing QALMRI item scores averaged across QALMRI
sessions 2 through 5.
repeated measures factor and found a significant difference across items,
365) = 90
MSE = 0.04, p < .001, ˆη
= .555, 90% CI [0.5, 0.59]. Generally speaking, performance was
worse for the Methods and Inferences sections as compared to the rest of the items.
General Discussion
In two studies we evaluated student performance using the QALMRI method to
summarize empirical articles. In general, we found that students in a first-year introductory
course and a third-year experimental methods course learned very quickly how to use the
QALMRI after only a single instructional session. This suggests the QALMRI method
straightforward tool that students can easily adopt, and demonstrates its usefulness across
varying educational levels. We also found a strong correspondence between QALMRI
performance and later performance on a more traditional written summary assignment. This
result suggests that the QALMRI assignment could substitute for more traditional forms of
scientific literacy assessments. Furthermore, it suggests that the QALMRI could also be
used to scaffold writing assignments.
We also note however, that students did not improve to the same degree across all the
QALMRI items. In study 2, we found that students performed much worse, on average, on
the methods section, and to a lesser degree, the inferences section. The low scores in the
methods section of the QALMRI particularly stand out: students scored very low across
all the QALMRI sessions. The methods section contains the most factual information and
missing any of the required information could result in a score of 0. So, low performance,
may be an artifact of how we assessed the QALMRIs. However, low performance could
also indicate difficulty in understanding which aspects of a methods section are important.
Qualitatively, student responses varied a great deal. For instance, some students focused
Table 2: An outline of the revised QALMRI method (2020)
Questions What was the broad question being asked by this research project?
What was the specific question being asked by this research project?
Alternatives What was the author’s hypothesis?
What were the alternative hypotheses?
Logic What was the logic of the hypothesis?
i.e., if the hypothesis was true, what should we expect to happen?
Methods Briefly describe the study design
What were the independent and dependent variables?
Briefly describe the study procedure in everyday terms
Results What were the important results?
Inferences What did the authors conclude from their study?
How did the authors use the results to make inferences and conclusions
about the hypothesis and research question?
Adapted from Kosslyn and Rosenberg (2003); See also Brosowsky and Parshina (2017)
for a more detailed description and additional instructional materials
heavily on minor details (e.g., number of trials, detailed experimental procedures) and
missed important aspects (e.g., identifying the independent variables), while other students
presented only vague responses. The inferences section was also challenging for students.
Again, qualitatively we found that students had difficulty separating their own conclusions
and inferences from those of the authors. This might be the result of the vaguely worded
prompt which does not specifically indicate which it is referring to (“What inferences about
the hypotheses and questions can be made based on the results?”). A final limitation we
found with using the QALMRI method, is its inability to deal with multi-experiment studies.
The sections simply do not have enough space and are not organized in a way that allows
students to summarize each experiment.
Given these limitations and student performance on the QALMRI, we have revised
the QALMRI (see Table 2). First, we have added more specific questions about the methods
that still generalize across studies, but provide more guidance for students. Second, we
have re-worded the inferences section to clarify that that the students should identify the
conclusions the authors are drawing from their results. Finally, we have created an alternative
multi-experiment QALMRI which simply bookends the original QALMRI with the broader
questions the entire article is asking and the inferences the author’s draw from the entirety
of the article. Instructors can include as many experiment-specific QALMRIs as needed.
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Table 3: A multi-study QALMRI
Questions What was the broad question being asked by this research project?
Study 1:
Questions What was the specific question being asked in this study?
What was the author’s hypothesis?
What were the alternative hypotheses?
Logic What was the logic of the hypothesis?
i.e., if the hypothesis was true, what should we expect to happen?
Methods Briefly describe the study design
What were the independent and dependent variables?
Briefly describe the study procedure in everyday terms
Results What were the important results?
Inferences What did the authors conclude from their study?
How did the authors use the results to make inferences and conclusions about the
hypothesis and research question?
Study 2:
Questions What was the specific question being asked in this study?
What was the author’s hypothesis?
What were the alternative hypotheses?
Logic What was the logic of the hypothesis?
i.e., if the hypothesis was true, what should we expect to happen?
Methods Briefly describe the study design
What were the independent and dependent variables?
Briefly describe the study procedure in everyday terms
Results What were the important results?
Inferences What did the authors conclude from their study?
How did the authors use the results to make inferences and conclusions about the
hypothesis and research question?
What did the authors conclude from the results of all the studies and how do those
conclusions they relate to the broad question?
Appendix A
Articles from Study 1
Hosek, C. A., Phelps, B. J., & Jensen, J. (2004). Average sleep times
among undergraduate college students. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate
Research, 9, 57-61.
Colleen, F., McKenna, M.B., Brooks, C.I., O’Brien, J.P. (1996). Self-esteem
and health-related behaviors in college students and their parents. Psi
Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 1, 71-77. 3..Smith, C. (2007).
Social Anxiety and Public Self-Consciousness as Predictors of Appearance
Accuracy. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 12(2).
Snyder, A.J. (2003). The effect of text organization and alignment on
memory. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 8, 121 - 127.
Beals, J. M., Arruda, J. E., & Peluso, J. P. (2002). The effects of language
proficiency on test performance. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research,
7, 155-161.
Appendix B
Articles from Study 2
Brooklyn College
Song, H., & Schwarz, N. (2008). If it’s hard to read, it’s hard to do:
Processing fluency affects effort prediction and motivation. Psychological
Science, 19 (10), 986-988.
Nairne, J. S., Thompson, S. R., & Pandeirada, J. N. (2007). Adaptive
memory: Survival processing enhances retention. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 33 (2), 263.
Stoet, G., O’Connor, D. B., Conner, M., & Laws, K. R. (2013). Are women
better than men at multi-tasking? BMC Psychology, 1 (1), 18.
Raz, A., Kirsch, I., Pollard, J., & Nitkin-Kaner, Y. (2006). Suggestion
reduces the Stroop effect. Psychological Science, 17 (2), 91-95.
Yin, R. K. (1969). Looking at upside-down faces. Journal of Experimental
Psychology, 81 (1), 141.
College of Staten Island
Stroop, J. R. (1935). Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions.
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 28, 643-662.
Roediger, H. L., III, & McDermott, K. B. (1995). Creating false memo-
ries: Remembering words not presented in lists. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 21(4), 803-814.
Masters, M. (1998). The gender difference on the mental rotations test is
not due to performance factors. Memory and Cognition, 26(3), 444-448.
Meyer, D. E., & Schvaneveldt, R. W. (1971). Facilitation in recognizing
pairs of words. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 90, 227-234.
Treisman, A. M., & Gelade, G. (2000). A feature-integration theory of at-
tention. In Yantis, S. (Ed.), Visual perception: Essential readings. (pp. 347-
358.) Psychology Press.