Asda Programme Transition - Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the programme evolving?
Asda is updating its programme to focus on mitigating and managing risk, maintaining
compliance and drive continuous improvement, as we move away from the Walmart Global
What are some of the key changes?
Key changes to the programme include:
- Better utilisation of data from ALL suppliers via the SEDEX platform
- A tiered system of responses to data including Self-Assessment Questionnaires,
remediation tools or third-party audit.
- Developed key policies and documents including - Standards for Suppliers, Supplier
Requirements and Guidance and Transparency Policy
- A robust consequence process.
- Clear lines of accountability for suppliers to self-manage via Self-Assessment
How is this different to the Walmart programme?
The Walmart programme required suppliers to undergo audits based on country level risk only
with ongoing cadence determined by a colour graded audit assessment. The new Asda
Responsible Sourcing programme will be initiated with a supplier self-assessment providing
risk visibility to Asda without automatically first requiring an audit. Suppliers will need to be a
SEDEX member and complete the SEDEX Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to 100%.
This will inform the risk score which determines the next step which could be audits and /or
training or ongoing 6 monthly maintenance to updated site SAQ information. This approach
encourages suppliers to proactively manage their own suppliers, sites and supply chains and
potentially benefit from reduced audit costs and frequency. In addition, it allows Asda to
monitor ongoing due diligence and appropriate remedial actions where required. The scope
of the Responsible Sourcing programme is also being extended to provide greater coverage
for our Goods Not for Resale (GNFR) suppliers. GNFR suppliers who are currently not in
scope, but are required to provide transparency will be contacted by the Responsible Sourcing
When do these changes come into effect?
We will be transitioning to the Asda programme from the 19th May 2021.
What should I stop/start doing from this date?
START doing the following:
- Read and understand the Standards, Transparency policy and Supply Chain Monitoring
Requirements and Guidelines.
- Understand the audit programme’s expectations and requirements.
- If an existing SEDEX member link to the Asda applicable codes and update your SAQ.
STOP doing the following:
- Communicating with the Walmart team on any Asda responsible sourcing issues or
- Scheduling Walmart Responsible Sourcing Audits for Asda
What is SEDEX?
SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is one of the world's leading ethical trade
membership organisations, working with businesses to improve working conditions in global
supply chains. They provide an online platform, tools and services to help businesses operate
responsibly and sustainably, protect workers and source ethically.
If I am not already a member, do I need join SEDEX immediately?
For those suppliers who are not already members of SEDEX, we aim for end September 2021
for suppliers to join, link their facilities and complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaires. If
this poses a challenge, please talk to us about specific timelines.
Are there different types of SEDEX Memberships?
Yes, and you will need to ensure you have the correct one in order to link to us and your
facilities. This is typically an AB membership depending on your business structure.
Is there a cost for joining SEDEX?
We are aware that many of our suppliers are already SEDEX members, additional costs will
only be applicable if they need to disclose additional facilities to us or if a change in your
membership type is required. The cost of adding a site (B membership) to the SEDEX platform
is £100 per site. For suppliers that are not currently members of SEDEX, full details of pricing
are available at
If you are not already a member, there is an initial one-time set-up cost and associated
membership fee that is based on your annual turnover. If you have any queries relating to your
membership fees, please speak with SEDEX directly.
Can Asda request the relationship in Sedex? *Added 28.05.21
We expect suppliers to initiate the Sedex relationship and link all facilities to their profile. If
you experience issues please contact Sedex directly or who will assist.
What do suppliers need to do on SEDEX?
Non-members: Join SEDEX and link your supplier account AND your sites to the correct
Asda SEDEX code that you supply as below. If you supply multiple areas and codes, please
link to both. Following this please complete the SAQ and make sure all audits are visible to
- Asda General Merchandise - ZC414283949
- George - ZC1086103
- IPL (International Procurement and Logistics) - ZC4175422
- Asda Grocery - ZC1069018
- Asda GNFR - ZC4175399
Existing Members: Link your supplier account (directly to Asda) AND sites (directly to you
and indirectly to Asda) to the correct SEDEX code as above ensuring that site relationships
are correctly established and that your SAQ information is up to date.
All SAQs should be completed to 100%. Once complete, inform the Responsible Sourcing
team via: responsiblesourcingqueri[email protected]k who will provide next steps and guidance
based upon the site risk score.
Cadence: In all circumstances Suppliers will be required to update SAQs every six months to
demonstrate their compliance and continuous improvement.
Should suppliers experience difficulties with anything related to SEDEX there are local SEDEX
helpdesk numbers:
What does ‘Transparency’ mean?
Transparency is the method for suppliers to share their facility audit information with Asda,
including demonstrating compliance and continuous improvement. This enables the
Responsible Sourcing team to approve facilities for order placement to the buying teams.
What risk ratings will Asda use? *Added 28.05.21
These will be reviewed periodically. As our data improves and we better understand the risks
within our supply chains we will begin to set thresholds that align with our objective to drive
continuous improvements.
Will my sites need an audit?
Only if they are identified as higher risk following completion of their SAQ. Please note,
subsequent partial audits may be required to remediate any non-conformances identified
enabling your sites to reduce their overall risk scores and thus mitigating the need for
repeated audits. Suppliers are accountable for the closure of ALL non-conformances found in-
line with the specified timeframes and they must notify Asda Responsible Sourcing within 48
hours of their audit should any Business Critical and / or Critical findings be found.
How will I know when my sites require an audit?
The Asda Responsible Sourcing team will contact suppliers required to submit an Audit.
How much does an audit cost?
Asda is not involved in determining the cost of 3
party audits. Audit fees are primarily set by
audit firms and will vary depending on the firm selected, facility location, number of workers
and other factors. We therefore suggest suppliers acquire quotations from APSCA approved
audit firms and negotiate as necessary.
What happens if we cannot meet the requirements?
The Asda Responsible Sourcing team will work with you where possible to understand any
challenges and takes a pragmatic view and recognises that audits are not always the answer
to social and ethical supply chain issues and recognises and rewards suppliers with the right
attitude to Responsible Sourcing.
What will happen to Retail Link and Factory Audit System?
You will be adding and maintaining your sites directly onto Asda systems, this will no longer
be required for Responsible Sourcing, and your primary connection with Asda for Responsible
Sourcing audit information will be via SEDEX.
Will we still need to use Retail Link? *Added 28.05.21
The business will still utilise retail Link and generate factory IDs for the listing of new lines
and placement of orders.
The key change will be for facilities in scope for the Transparency policy, the facility will need
to meet the requirements (e.g. Join Sedex, link to the correct business area(s) and ensure
the facility has completed their Sedex SAQ.) before it will be activated by Responsible
Is the George onboarding form still required? *Added 28.05.21
Yes the business will still utilise onboarding forms, please continue to provide information
to Asda in the same formats to enable facility activations.
What if I supply Asda with Disney branded products?
All facilities that supply Disney products under the “Direct To Retail (DTRT)" process to Asda
must still submit a Disney compliant audit on an annual basis to comply with the Disney Facility
and Merchandise Authorization (FAMA) certification.
If you have any queries, please use the following contacts:
George Apparel suppliers please contact Indira.C[email protected]k
All other suppliers please contact ResponsibleSourcingQue[email protected].uk
What if I have a facility in Bangladesh?
All Bangladesh facilities require an additional Structural, Electrical and Fire safety audit under
If you have any queries, please contact the following:
George Apparel suppliers please contact Indira.C[email protected]k
GNFR suppliers please contact
All other suppliers please contact your sourcing manager
What if I still supply Walmart, or Asda via Walmart Global Sourcing (WGS)?
Suppliers via WGS must comply with the specifications laid out by Walmart. Please speak to
the below contacts if you have any further queries on the Walmart programme.
Suppliers based in North, South & Central America:
Suppliers based in China & Far-East:
Suppliers based in India, Europe, Africa, Middle East and all other
Suppliers to Asda via WGS will be required to link to WGS at the supplier level and indirectly
to Asda at the facility level.
I am a GNFR products supplier/services provider who is currently not in scope for the
Responsible Sourcing programme, do I need to provide Transparency to my supply
At present we are working to assess the risk associated with certain GNFR products
suppliers and service providers. We will contact all suppliers who we deem to be in-scope
shortly. At this time, if you have any questions, please contact
What if I require support regarding Supply Chain Security (SCS)?
Please contact
What if I require support regarding Factory Capacity & Capability Audits (FCCA)?
Please contact
Who do I contact if I require support?
In this first instance please direct any queries via email
to responsiblesourcingqu[email protected].uk, and the Asda Responsible Sourcing team will be
happy to provide guidance and support. Should you need to speak to your
relevant Responsible Sourcing partner, contact details are below:
Asda Responsible
Sourcing Contact
General Queries
IPL & Non-edible
Carrie Worsley
Danielle Cairns
George & GM
Caroline Gee
Fresh Food
Duncan Warner
Modern Slavery
Anna Smith
In addition, supplier drop-in sessions have been arranged should you have further questions
about the changes scheduled below:
Drop-in time
Meeting ID
time (GMT)
Zoom Meeting
May 2021
July 2021
May 2021
June 2021
June 2021
Further sources of information can be found on the Supplier websites:
Asda Standards for Suppliers
Asda Disclosure/Transparency Policy
Asda Audit Policy
George Apparel suppliers please use this link to the George Clothing supplier website
All other suppliers please use this link to the Asda supplier website
Asda Modern Slavery Statement
Colleague Modern Slavery Policy
Supplier Modern Slavery Policy