SAP Fieldglass
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Conguration Guide
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction...................................................................3
2 About This Guide...............................................................5
3 Request Types and Data Transfers ..................................................6
4 Request File Formats and Structures................................................8
4.1 dataTransfer................................................................... 9
4.2 dataTransferStatus..............................................................11
4.3 getDataByTransactionId...........................................................11
5 Activation and Setup........................................................... 13
5.1 Download the WSDL Document.....................................................13
5.2 Download the WSDL Schema File....................................................14
Schema Denition File Descriptions................................................15
5.3 Authentication.................................................................19
Congure X.509 Certicate Authentication..........................................20
6 Request Status Messages and Return Codes.........................................24
7 Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses.....................................25
7.1 Upload Request................................................................25
7.2 cXML Invoice Download Request with Data Marker....................................... 26
7.3 Asynchronous cXML Invoice Download Response........................................26
7.4 cXML Invoice Download Request with System ID as Connector Argument....................... 27
7.5 cXML Invoice Download Request with System ID as Separate Element..........................28
7.6 getDataByTransactionID - cXML Invoice Request File......................................29
7.7 dataTransferStatusType with transactionIdentier........................................29
7.8 Synchronous cXML Invoice Response.................................................30
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
1 Introduction
The SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication is a proprietary, Web Service Description Language
(WSDL) document that allows clients to download and upload data seamlessly between the application and a
client system.
A web service is an XML-based information exchange system that uses the Internet for direct application-to-
application interaction. The SAP Fieldglass web service is one of two data transmission methods supported for
connector downloads and connector uploads of data (the other method is SFTP, a subscription-based service). The
benet of using the web service is that it uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to establish an encrypted link between
the web server and a web browser, eliminating the need for an SFTP server to schedule a secure job.
When using the web service, SAP Fieldglass provides the client with an XML-based WSDL document, which
essentially acts as a contract between the client system and the SAP Fieldglass application. The WSDL document
describes to the client system what operations are available and how to use them.
The SAP Fieldglass application uses the web service to exchange master data and transactional data between the
application and a client system using download and upload connectors, which bypass the SFTP server. The web
service call runs on a client system such as a homegrown or third-party application, behind the client’s rewall, as
illustrated next.
The graphic illustrates the following workow:
The client/supplier system “calls” the SAP Fieldglass Web Service to trigger the respective connector.
For an upload request using a BULK or API connector version set to Asynchronous, the call sends formatted
data to SAP Fieldglass. The client system receives an HTTP response from SAP Fieldglass, which indicates
the success or failure of the upload. The response is sent as soon as it's conrmed that SAP Fieldglass has
successfully received the le, but the response doesn't indicate the success or failure of processing individual
data records. (This isn't applicable to other connector versions.)
For a download request, SAP Fieldglass sends data back to the client/supplier system. The data can be in XML
or non-XML format. The client can then extract the data from the XML and load it into the client system.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
If the response of an upload request or download request indicates a failure, then the return error code
indicates the source of the problem. To view the errors, users with the appropriate permissions can sign in to
the buyer company within SAP Fieldglass and view the le in the Integration Audit Trail, which contains a record
for each individual failed record.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
2 About This Guide
This guide provides detailed conguration information for the SAP Fieldglass Web Service.
The topics cover process and workow, technical specications, and instructions on how to activate, set up, and
use the WSDL document to download and upload data. In addition, detailed code samples illustrate the request le
formats and structures, and data transfer requests and responses.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
About This Guide
3 Request Types and Data Transfers
The SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication supports both upload request and download request types.
Upload Requests
Upload requests are used to upload data from a client system to SAP Fieldglass. Upload requests support multiple
data formats, including text, XML, and cXML.
When using an API version of a connector set to asynchronous, or any BULK upload, the client system receives
a response from SAP Fieldglass once it's conrmed that SAP Fieldglass has successfully received the le. The
response species the success or failure in initiating the upload, but it doesn't specify the success or failure of
individual data records processed. For more information, see the Asynchronous Data Transfers [page 6] section.
Download Requests
Download requests are used to download data from SAP Fieldglass to a client system. Consult the connector
documentation for information on the various data formats supported. To view connector documentation, refer to
the Fieldglass Connector Library.
The Web Service Technical Specication incorporates an optimized structure that supports the data marker
functionality used in SAP S4/HANA integration. The data markers allow you to download small batches of
cXML invoices or other data by specifying either a date, an invoice count, or a transaction ID.
Synchronous Data Transfers
Synchronous data transfers are used to execute the entirety of a transaction within a single Web service call.
Synchronous data transfers are suitable when the underlying connector execution isn't complex or time consuming
due to volume.
Asynchronous Data Transfers
Asynchronous data transfers are used to initiate the transaction at one given time, but complete the transaction
cycle later. Asynchronous data transfers are suitable when the connector request is complex and may take longer
to complete (this can help accommodate shorter connection/read timeouts).
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request Types and Data Transfers
Asynchronous data transfers executed via the4 following steps and associated operations:
1. A data transfer request is submitted using the dataTransfer operation. You can generate a unique Client
Reference ID and associate it with the request (see dataTransfer [page 9] operation elements). Optionally,
you can use the unique SAP Fieldglass Transaction ID to associate with the request.
2. (Optional) The status of the data transfer request can be veried using the dataTransferStatus operation,
which accepts both client reference ID and SAP Fieldglass transaction ID. If you associated a client reference ID
with the data transfer request, you can specify that client reference ID or the SAP Fieldglass transaction ID that
was generated. If you didn't associate a client reference ID with the data transfer request, you must specify the
SAP Fieldglass transaction ID. The status response indicates whether the associated transaction completed
successfully, is in progress, or failed.
3. Upon completion of the associated transaction, you can invoke the getDataByTransactionId operation to
receive the transaction detail. This operation accepts both client reference ID and SAP Fieldglass transaction
ID. If you associated a client reference ID with the data transfer, you can specify a client reference ID or SAP
Fieldglass transaction ID. If you didn't associate a client reference ID with the download request, you must
specify the SAP Fieldglass transaction ID.
SAP Fieldglass Professional Services can provide guidance on when to choose synchronous and
asynchronous download.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request Types and Data Transfers
4 Request File Formats and Structures
Describes the le format elements supported by the SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication.
The SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication supports the following le format elements:
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request File Formats and Structures
4.1 dataTransfer
When using the dataTransfer request type, refer the following sample code and element structure.
Element Structure
1. The login section is for authentication.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request File Formats and Structures
The username eld is the username of a valid, active buyer or supplier user in SAP Fieldglass.
The password is the license key associated with the username. This eld isn't required when using
certicate-based authentication.
2. The connector section is the name of the SAP Fieldglass connector congured for data upload or download.
3. The systemId section is supported for clients who have multiple instances in SAP Fieldglass and multiple
instances in the client system, but only one SAP Fieldglass account. Each client system may have ‘n‘ cost
centers, where each cost center in SAP Fieldglass is identied and related to its respective client system based
on the system ID. This allows clients to download a subset of invoices by ltering on the system ID. This is
currently supported for cXML Invoice Download only.
The system ID must already be populated on all admin objects, such as sites, cost centers, business units,
and so forth. If the system ID doesn't exist on the admin objects, then it must be populated via data upload.
The system ID can be dened as a connector argument or as a separate element in the systemId eld
If sending the system ID as a connector argument, then systemId eld can be removed.
If sending the system ID as separate element, then connector argument section can be removed.
If systemId element is present, even if it's empty, and any parameter is given, then the parameter is
If systemId element is blank, it's assumed the client wants to download all invoices and the system
returns all invoices.
4. The parameters in connectorArguments section allows passing parameter values for data upload or
download. Consult the respective connector document for connector names and parameters. To view
connector documentation, go to SAP Fieldglass Connector Library.
5. The clientReferenceId section is a unique ID provided by the client to retrieve the transaction response.
6. The upload section denes the request format for an upload request, such as data format, encoding, and le
formats, including cXML, XML, CDATA, and textdata.
7. The download section denes the request format of a download request, such as data format, data encoding,
and data marker.
8. The dataMarker section denes the markers that limit the number of records to download. Currently only
supported for cXML Invoice Connector. Support for other connectors may be available in the future.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request File Formats and Structures
4.2 dataTransferStatus
When using the dataTransferStatus request type, refer to the following sample code and element structure.
Element Structure
1. The login section is for authentication.
The username eld is the username of a valid, active buyer or supplier user in SAP Fieldglass.
The password is the license key associated with the username. This eld isn't required when using
certicate-based authentication.
2. The transactionIdentifier section allows you to specify an SAP Fieldglass transaction ID and/or client
reference ID.
4.3 getDataByTransactionId
When using the getDataByTransactionId request type, refer to the following sample code and element
Element Structure
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request File Formats and Structures
1. The login section is for authentication.
The username eld is the username of a valid, active buyer or supplier user in SAP Fieldglass.
The password is the license key associated with the username. This eld isn't required when using
certicate-based authentication.
2. The transactionIdentifier section allows you to specify an SAP Fieldglass transaction ID and/or client
reference ID.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request File Formats and Structures
5 Activation and Setup
Describes the requirements for activating and conguring web service calls in SAP Fieldglass.
A WSDL document is an XML formatted document that describes network services as a set of endpoints that
operate on messages and contain either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations
and messages are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to
dene an endpoint.
The setup steps apply to invoking any connector within the library: Bulk or API, standard, or custom. Some
download connectors, such as the Invoice Buyer Download, require parameters in addition to calling the connector,
based on the name in the web service call. Depending on the code, custom connectors can also require additional
To activate and set up web service calls between the SAP Fieldglass VMS system and a client system, you need the
WSDL documents, as described in Activation and Setup [page 13]. The client’s developer needs to congure
and generate the artifacts for web service calls. For information on the WSDL elements, see Schema Denition
File Descriptions [page 15].
Username and license key that you created in SAP Fieldglass. Note that the license key is the password used on
the web service request.
Endpoint URLs to post the XML in SAP Fieldglass:
Production endpoint – https://www.
Test endpoint – https://<env_code>
The URLs are case-sensitive.
5.1 Download the WSDL Document
Describes how to download the predened WSDL document based on whether you're working in a production
environment or a test environment.
The Web Service Technical Specication WSDL document contains denitions and references to the schema le.
The web service calls the WSDL as needed during the upload/download process. The WSDL document requires no
conguration by you.
Download the latest WSDL document from SAP Fieldglass using one of the following URL links, based on your
processing requirements:
Production – https://www.
Test – https://<env_code> (for example: https://
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
URLs are case-sensitive. In addition, to view the actual WSDL denition, open the link in a web browser,
right-click in the XML and select to view the page source, and then save and reopen the le. Otherwise, if you
save the open le in the browser, you get the XML format only, not the actual WSDL denition.
The following code block shows the WSDL document denition.
Sample Code
wsdl document denition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="insite:soapws:connectorn" xmlns:wsdl="http://" xmlns:v1="insite:soapws:connectorn:v1"
xmlns:xs="" xmlns:wsoap12="http://" xmlns:xsi="
<wsdl:import namespace="insite:soapws:connectorn:v1" location="connectorn?
<wsdl:service name="connectorn">
<wsdl:port name="Prod" binding="v1:dataTransferSOAP12Binding">
<wsoap12:address location="
<wsdl:port name="Local" binding="v1:dataTransferSOAP12Binding">
<wsoap12:address location="http://localhost:8080/ws2/services/connectorn"/>
5.2 Download the WSDL Schema File
Describes how to download the SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication schema le, connectorn?
The connectorn?xsd=v1_types.xsd schema le contains the SAP Fieldglass data types that require
conguration by the client’s developer.
Download the latest schema le from SAP Fieldglass at:
The URL is case-sensitive.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
5.2.1Schema Denition File Descriptions
Describes the elements and corresponding input parameters of the SAP Fieldglass Web Service schema denition
le connectorn?xsd=v1_types.xsd, and provides a comparison to the previous schema le, V3.
Schema File Descriptions
Element Name
Description Input Parameter
login – Requires buyer/supplier ID as
username and license key as password
for authentication.
connector – Requires connector
name as input value.
upload – See upload element below.
download – See download element
Parent element for data transfer re-
sponse. Data is returned in data element.
fgTransactionID – Transaction ID
returned by SAP Fieldglass system.
requestStatus – Includes status
of the transaction with the follow-
ing return parameters: statusCode,
statusMessage, and retry.
data – See data element below.
Input elements used to specify data pa-
rameters for a data upload.
Don't use for a le download.
dataFormat – Supports csvComma-
Separated. See dataFormat element
dataEncoding – None.
data – See data element. Currently
supports dataText.
textData requires data enclosed
in <CDATA> tags to allow XML pars-
ers to ignore special characters and
process the data.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
Element Name Description Input Parameter
Input elements used to specify data
parameters for a download. Format
and encoding styles of downloaded
data are set using dataFormat and
dataEncoding attributes.
Don't use for a le upload.
dataMarker – Used in download re-
quest to apply limiters on the number of
records returned.
Elements for data markers are:
date.marker Specic date (cur-
rently unsupported).
id.marker – Transaction ID (currently
count.marker – Number of invoi-
ces/batch size (currently supported for
cXML Invoice Download).
dataFormat – Currently supports
dataEncoding – Optional. Valid val-
ues are:
UTF-8 in Base64-wrapper
None (default value if no value specied)
Retrieves past data using
client reference ID or SAP Fieldglass
transaction ID.
fgTransactionId – Transaction ID
returned by SAP Fieldglass system.
clientReferenceId – Client
reference ID must be associ-
ated with the transaction in
Retrieves the status of a data transfer re-
quest. Use either client reference ID or
SAP Fieldglass transaction ID to retrieve
clientReferenceId – Must be
associated with the transaction in
fgTransactionId – Returned in
Status – Can be checked
for dataTransferRequest.
Can't be checked for
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
Element Name Description Input Parameter
data Element used in data upload request and
data download response.
Data encoding style specied by the
dataEncoding element.
Default data encoding is UTF-8. Not all
encoding styles are supported. Consult
the respective SAP Fieldglass connector
document for encoding styles supported
for each connector. To view connector
documentation, go to https://
Valid values for the data element are:
text data – further categorized as:
plain text
XML data
cXML data
Encoding styles supported for an upload
and download.
transactionIdentier Transaction identier for request. Clients can associate their own trans-
action ID with a transaction using
clientReferenceId element. SAP
Fieldglass transaction ID is used, when
known, and is returned in response to the
initial submit of a data transfer request.
Data format supported by the data ele-
Valid values are:
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
Comparison: SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication and Connector
For comparison to the Connectorn schema le described above, the following table describes the schema le
descriptions of the previous WSDL version, V3.
Comparison of SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication and Connector V3
Description Input Parameter
Application Handles upload and download request
Handles upload and download request
SOAP binding
The SAP Fieldglass Web Service Techni-
cal Specication SOAP binding suite has
three request formats:
The connectorV3 SOAP binding suite has
two request formats:
Namespace revisions remain the same
across multiple revisions.
Namespace validation
Includes namespace bindings:
Versions are managed by the bindings.
Namespace binding:
Versions are managed at service levels.
Data Marker in dataTransferRequest for
Includes the marker to limit the number
of records to download. Currently only
supported for cXML Invoice Connector.
Support for other connectors may be
available in the future.
No markers to limit the download data.
Asynchronous responses
getDataByTransactionId request
can be invoked by using client reference
ID or transaction ID of the asynchronous
requests to return responses.
Asynchronous responses can be re-
trieved by dataTransfer request us-
ing client reference ID.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
5.3 Authentication
There are two authentication options available for this web service—password and certicate.
Password Authentication
Password authentication provides a relatively simple mechanism for authenticating, i.e. username and password.
In order to leverage password authentication, a “license key” must be created and will avoid the requirement of
password rotation for the user. Refer to the SAP Fieldglass Conguration Manager to create the key. Specics on
where to apply the license key are provided in the Request Types and Data Transfers [page 6] section.
Certicate Authentication
Certicate-based authentication provides a more secure mechanism for authentication. To leverage certicate
authentication, do the following:
Use a required X509 certicate issued by a trusted Certicate Authority (e.g. DigiCert). Contact your SAP
Fieldglass representative for more information.
Use the correct URL.
The URL will include “auth” in the sub-domain.
For a test environment the URL is in the following format: https://<env_code>- For example:
Not all test environments are congured. You may need to submit a request to have it congured.
For US production, the URL is
For EU production, the URL is
To setup the X509 certicate for use in web service authentication, the following steps should be completed within
the SAP Fieldglass application. This will add the public certicate to the application and link it to a user (ensure it is
a valid, active user), thus not requiring the credentials to be supplied as part of the web service request, itself.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
5.3.1Congure X.509 Certicate Authentication
Congure the SAP Fielglass web service to use X.509 certicate authentication.
1. Obtain the public certicate to be used for authentication.
2. Log into SAP Fieldglass with the Conguration Manager role and then choose the Manage Crypto Assets
tile. For detailed information on managing crypto assets in Conguration Manager, see the SAP Fieldglass
Conguration Manager guide.
The Encryption Keys and Certicates page opens.
3. Choose New.
The Create Asset page opens.
4. In the Category list, choose X509.
5. Open the certicate in Notepad, select, and copy all text (including the Begin Certificate and End
Certificate lines), and then paste it into the Public Certicate box.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
When you click outside of the box the Begin Certificate and End Certificate lines are no longer visible.
6. In the Notication Email ID eld, enter the email contact to notify when the certicate is about to expire.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
7. Choose the Auto-Activate option to make the certicate/asset immediately active and eective in the client’s
vault within the SAP Fieldglass application.
8. Under Extended Key Usage link an object to the certicate. There are a few options for this, however in this
case we're linking a user.
9. After all the relevant elds are populated, choose Create to save the certicate in SAP Fieldglass.
The certicate details display.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Activation and Setup
6 Request Status Messages and Return
When downloading or uploading data using the SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication, you can
conrm successful transactions and troubleshoot unsuccessful transactions with the following status messages
and corresponding return codes.
Status Messages and Return Codes
Status Message
Return Code
SUCCESS/Data Ready 0
No information found. -1
Bad transaction ID or reference. 3
Unable to authenticate. 100
Too many records. 104
General Error. 106
No data found. 107
Invalid values for Object ID. 255
Internal Error/Unknown Exception. 500
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Request Status Messages and Return Codes
7 Examples: Data Transfer Requests and
When coding data transfer requests and responses, refer to the examples provided.
The following requests and responses are described:
7.1 Upload Request
Sample code block to create an Upload Request.
Sample Code
upload request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<connector>QE5ABCD123_Upload Plant</connector>
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
<ins:upload ins:dataFormat="csvCommaSeparated" ins:dataEncoding="none">
Code,Country,Address 1,State/Province,ZIP/Postal Code,Address 2,Allow Candidate
Anonymity?,City,Corporate Calendar,Hours per Day,Hours per Week,Invoice Tax
Information Code,Invoice Tax Information Required?,Parent Site,Selectable Site?
1010,Plant 1 DE,Plant 1 DE,EUR,1010,DEU,Plant 1 DE,IL,65432,,,Waldorf,,,,,,,
1710,Plant 1 US,Plant 1 US,USD,1710,USA,Plant 1 US,IL,60606,,,Texas,,,,,,,
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
7.2 cXML Invoice Download Request with Data Marker
Sample code block to create a cXML Invoice Download Request with the data.Marker element.
Sample Code
cXML invoice download request with data.Marker element
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<connector>cXML Formatted Invoice(s)</connector>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<ins:download ins:dataFormat="cXML" ins:dataEncoding="none">
7.3 Asynchronous cXML Invoice Download Response
Sample code block to create an Asynchronous cXML Invoice Download Response.
Sample Code
asynchronous cXML invoice download response
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns2:dataTransferResponseType xmlns:ns2="insite:soapws:connectorn:v1">
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
The response le doesn't require login information.
7.4 cXML Invoice Download Request with System ID as
Connector Argument
Sample code block to create a cXML Invoice Download Request with systemId as a connector argument.
Sample Code
cXML invoice download request with system id as connector argument
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<connector>cXML Formatted Invoice(s)</connector>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
<ins:download ins:dataFormat="csvCommaSeparated"
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level-->
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
7.5 cXML Invoice Download Request with System ID as
Separate Element
Sample code block to create a cXML Invoice Download Request with systemId as a separate element.
Sample Code
cXML invoice download request with systemId as separate element
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<connector>cXML Formatted Invoice(s)</connector>
<systemId>ABCD111011</systemId >
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
<ins:download ins:dataFormat="csvCommaSeparated"
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level-->
If systemId is dened as a separate element, then connector argument is ignored.
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
7.6 getDataByTransactionID - cXML Invoice Request File
Sample code block to create a cXML Invoice Request le with the getDataByTransactionId element.
Sample Code
cXML invoice request le with getDataByTransactionId element
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
7.7 dataTransferStatusType with transactionIdentier
Sample code block to create a dataTransferStatusType request with the transactionIdentifier element.
Sample Code
dataTransferStatusType request with transactionIdentifier element
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
7.8 Synchronous cXML Invoice Response
Sample code block to create a Synchronous cXML Invoice Response le.
Sample Code
synchronous cXML invoice response
<cXML xml:lang="en" payloadID="[email protected]"
<Credential domain="Fieldglass">
<Credential domain="PrivateID">
<Credential domain="VendorID">
<Credential domain="SystemID">
<Credential domain="Fieldglass">
<Request deploymentMode="production">
<InvoiceDetailRequestHeader invoiceDate="2016-08-23T07:51:25+00:00"
invoiceID="SAPZCD00000007" operation="new" purpose="lineLevelCreditMemo">
<InvoiceDetailLineIndicator isAccountingInLine="yes"
isTaxInLine="yes" isDiscountInLine="yes" isSpecialHandlingInLine="yes"/>
<Contact role="soldTo" addressID="P002">
<Name xml:lang="en">Tools US</Name>
<Country isoCountryCode="US">United States</Country>
<Contact role="billTo" addressID="P002">
<Name xml:lang="en">Tools US</Name>
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
<Country isoCountryCode="US">United States</Country>
<Contact role="remitTo" addressID="7941">
<Name xml:lang="en">769</Name>
<Street>123 Normantown Street</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="US">United States</Country>
<IdReference domain="federalTaxID" identifier=""/>
payloadID="[email protected]"/>
<Period startDate="2016-08-15T00:00:00+00:00"
<Extrinsic name="AribaNetwork.LegacyInvoices">Yes</Extrinsic>
<OrderIDInfo orderID="2345678"></OrderIDInfo>
<InvoiceDetailItem invoiceLineNumber="1" quantity="-1250">
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<Description xml:lang="en">WORKER9, TEST</Description>
<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
<Money currency="USD">0.00</Money>
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<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
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<Name xml:lang="en">PERCENTAGE</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">PERCENTAGE</
<AccountingSegment id="000000100445">
<Name xml:lang="en">InternalOrder</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">for Performance Test
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
<AccountingSegment id="400000">
<Name xml:lang="en">GeneralLedger</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">ID</Description>
<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
<Extrinsic name="Ariba.SpendCategory">Contingent Labor</Extrinsic>
<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
<Money currency="USD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en"/>
<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
<Money currency="USD">-1250.00</Money>
SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
Examples: Data Transfer Requests and Responses
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SAP Fieldglass Web Service Technical Specication
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