Zoning Text
Tuscany Apartments
302 Samuel Drive
April 2, 2014
X:\1351-Gallina Attic Angels\Project Information\Zoning & Site Plan Approvals\2014-04-02 Land Use Application\2014-04-02 SIP zoning text
with duplex.doc
Legal Description: See attached exhibit A.
A. Statement of Purpose:
Lot 2: This zoning district is established to allow for the construction of a 174 unit
apartment building to be known as Tuscany Apartments.
Lot 3: This zoning district is established to allow for the construction of a cottage duplex.
B. Permitted Uses: Following are permitted uses:
1. Multifamily residential uses as shown in approved plans.
2. Accessory uses including but not limited to:
a. Accessory uses directly associated with those permitted uses including
parking for residents and guests.
b. Temporary buildings for storage of building materials and equipment for
construction purposes when on the same lot as a principle use for a period not
to exceed the duration of such construction.
C. Lot Area: As shown on the approved plans.
D. Height Regulations: As shown on the approved plans.
E. Yard Regulations: As shown on the approved plans.
F. Landscaping: Site Landscaping will be provided as shown on the approved plans.
G. Usable Open Space Requirements: Usable open space will be provided as shown on the
approved plans.
H. Parking & Loading: Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as shown on the
approved plans.
I. Family Definition: The family definition shall coincide with the definition given in
M.G.O. 28.211 for the TR-U1 zoning district.
J. Signage: Signage for the residential buildings will be allowed as per the TR-U1 zoning
district or as provided in the approved SIP plans or as a minor alteration to the approved
K. Alterations and Revisions: No alteration or revision of this Planned Unit Development
shall be permitted unless approved by the City Planning Commission, however, the
Zoning Administrator may issue permits for minor alterations or additions which are
approved by the Architectural Review Committee, Director Of Planning and
Development and the alderperson of the district and are compatible with the concept
approved by the City Planning Commission.