Annual Report
The Attic Angel Association is a not-for-profit, independent
organization of volunteers who improve
the quality of life within Dane County.
Members meet health and human service needs
through volunteer and financial support
with special concern for children and the elderly.
A major focus is Attic Angel Community,
which provides living and health care options for older adults.
Attic Angel Place and Attic Angel Prairie Point provide
high quality services in a caring and personalized atmosphere
that respects the dignity, encourages the independence,
and enhances the quality of life of each resident.
Connie Grogan Mary Ann Drescher
Association Board Chair 2009/11 President, Attic Angel Community
d, Cha
son, P
Chair Peggy Douma
Vice Chair Diane Wilcox
Treasurer Sandra Nuernberg
Secretary Burton Wagner
James Boll, Jr., Craig Hungerford,
Sally Lorenz,
Barbara Olson, Melinda Pellino
Front Row: Peg Jones, Chair Connie Grogan, Barb Tensfeldt,
Mary Ann Drescher (Board Of cer);
Second Row: Donna Chandler, Dale Wortley, Lois Buelow,
DeeDee Rikkers, Mary Beth Schmalz;
Back Row: Patty Kramer, Marlene Jaskaniec, Cindy Zellers,
Karen Perzentka
“Real generosity is doing
something nice for some-
one who’ll never nd it
- Frank A. Clark
“Thank you for providing
a beautiful and loving
home for Elizabeth.”
- Elizabeth Schar
Resident Family
Boards of Directors
Attic Angel Community
Debbie Wiora, CPA, Smith & Gesteland
Mike Scholz, Wegner CPA
John Mueller, UW Foundation
Denise O’Hara, Summit Credit Union.
Joan Burke, First Business Bank
Barb Finley, Morgan Stanley
Tom Grantham, Merrill Lynch
Jim Kaellner, Robert W. Baird & Co.
Bill McDonough, Starion Bank
Thomas Wilkinson, Wisconsin Community Bank
Mike Yankunas, Wip i
Madelyn D. Leopold, Attorney at Law
Boardman, Suhr, Curry & Field, LLP
“I love being here and
the people who help and
serve us are wonderful.
The Angels are something
- Mrs. Rathert
The number of agencies
receiving dollars from
Attic Angel Association in
support of their services
to children and the
elderly in Dane County
since 1983.
Mental Health Center
of Dane County staff
Four local non-pro t organizations were
awarded Community Grants to enable
the Annual Focus set by the Board:
“Assisting families with young
children to remain in their homes by
supporting their basic needs”:
Mental Health Center of Dane County:
The Road Home:
The Respite Center:
Attic Angel Association
Community Grants
Association Halo Awards
45 Years of Active Service
Emerald Halo
Marge Davenport
Angel Class of ‘65
35 Years of Active Service
Ruby Halo
Jane McGinn
Diane Stumpf (not pictured)
Angel Class of ‘75
30 Years of Active Service
Gold Halo
Janet Emmerich (left)
Ruthann Grantham (right)
Karen Ragatz (not pictured)
Angel Class of ‘80
“Attic Angel Association
is an organization of
which I am most proud.
You have enriched my life
and I thank you all.”
- Marge Davenport
45 year
Emerald Halo Volunteer
“Too often we
underestimate the power
of a touch, a smile, a kind
word, a listening ear, an
honest compliment, or
the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the
potential to turn a life
- Leo F. Buscaglia
25 Years of Active Service
Amethyst Halo
(l - r) Sandra Nuernberg,
Carolyn McKinney, Barbara
Armstrong, Barbara
Peterman, Dottie Dittmann,
Angel Class of ‘85
Marge Davenport is an outstanding
example of the joy of volunteering.
Marge, from the class of 1965, received
the Emerald Halo Award in celebration of
her 45 years of active service in October
2010. This is a remarkable achievement
and re ects Marge’s commitment to
serving children and the elderly in Dane
County. Marge has given 6,931 volunteer
hours to the Association, including 194
during 2009-2010. Marge joined Attic
Angel during the planning stage of the
Tower on Segoe Road. She jumped right
in and became Chairman of the Building
Committee. She served on the Board and
presided as President in 1974-75. Marge is
an exceptional woman and an inspiration
to all the Angel volunteers.
20 Years of Active Service
Silver Halo
Back Row: Lynn Hodges, Marge Tercek, Muffy Varda, Lottie Frank,
Cathie Burgess, Paula Berg, Jane O’Sheridan, Dawn Hastings ,
Mary Beth Schmalz, Marlys Bauman,
Front Row: Mary Stitgen, Glenda Lindsay, Glenda Shannahan,
Mary Lou Rashke
Angel Class of ‘90
Halo Awards
2010, continued
Awarded to
W. Robert (Bob) Koch
“Angels, we know
she appreciated your
friendly “hellos” along
with the encouraging
invitations. It made up
the environment which
over time became her
comfortable home.
Thank you all!”
- Susan Branton and
Jane Salinger
Resident family
The number of hours
volunteered by Angels
during 2010-11
An honorary Attic Angel Association
membership was presented to Bob Koch
for his long-time, outstanding service
on the Investment Advisory Board.
Bob worked tirelessly with Association
Board and committee members for many
years, and provided wise counsel and
reassurance as the Association purchased
land and made the move from Segoe Road
to its current location. Bob’s patience and wisdom were appreciated by
the Angels in leadership during that time, as the decisions were heavy.
Bob was always there to answer the late-night phone calls and to provide
a shoulder to lean on when the decision making got tough. Bob is one of
only seven people who have been awarded honorary membership during
the Association’s 121-year history. Bob’s wife Phyllis is a member of the
Angel Class of 1994.
Community Recognition Awards
Athena Award Nomination
Jo Jean Janus,
Angel Class of 2001
Athena Award Nomination
Sheila Luhman
Food Service Director, Attic Angel Place
Attic Angel Association
was one of the rst
members in the
Community Union formed
in 1922, and known today
as Dane County United
“With humor, with love,
with laughter and true
caring you all made this
(100 day) journey one
to remember and one
that we are all grateful
for. Madison is lucky to
have Attic Angels and
your staff to look after
loved ones in need of
care in our community.
We will be spreading the
word to anyone who nds
themselves in need of
your care.”
- Sally Schnarr
Resident Family
Sheila Luhman is a fantastic example of professional
dedication. Sheila, who was nominated by Attic
Angel Association for the Athena Award this past
year, has been Attic Angel’s Food Service Director
for 36 years. She has had the opportunity to train
and mentor over 250 food service employees,
inspiring many to follow in her footsteps. Sheila
takes pride in being able to provide delicious meals
while also adhering to the myriad of special diets
and texture modi cations required. In addition to
her professional af liations with the State Dietary
Managers Association, Sheila is also committed to
her community as shown by her leadership in Girl
Scouts, American Legion Auxiliary, Attic Angel’s
Alzheimers Walk team, and the Cross Plains World’s
Fair Committee. Sheila has managed for 36 years to
keep the Dietary services and her attitude as fresh and
invigorating as the food she serves.
Jo Jean Janus has made an incomparable
contribution to the development and
appreciation of the performing arts in Madison.
As mentor, teacher and coach at the Kehl School
of Dance, she has instilled self-con dence,
poise and a pure love of artistic expression in
thousands of dancers. Today, with Jo Jean’s
daughters at the helm, the Kehl School of Dance
is the oldest, continuously family-run dance
studio in the United States and celebrated its
anniversary in 2010. Jo Jean continues to
share her love of dance through many volunteer
activities in our Attic Angel Community,
enriching others through the arts.
Someone Special Awards
Diane Hornung, Melinda Pellino, Barb Sullivan & Renee Wulf
Angel Class of 2004
Cindy Zellers, Class of 2006
Kudos to Barb Sullivan, Renee Wulf, Melina Pellino and Diane Hornung. All
were named “Someone Special Volunteers” by WIBA-AM, Awards Mall/Total
Awards and Promotions, and United Way for their coordination of the Attic Sale
held in June 2010. Cindy Zellers, chair of the June 2010 House & Garden Tour,
was also named a “Someone Special Volunteer.” The combined proceeds from
the Attic Sale and House & Garden Tour were over $70,000, and all proceeds
were gifted for the bene t of children and the elderly in Dane County.
Philanthropy Day
Outstanding Individual Volunteer
JoAnn Six Plesko
Angel Class of ‘73
To JoAnn Six Plesko, giving is a necessary part of her life – a
lifelong habit instilled in her by her mother. JoAnn, an Angel
in the Class of 1973, is a quiet giver whose in uence has been
felt by many individuals and organizations in Madison. In
recognition of her generous spirit, JoAnn was named the
Outstanding Individual Philanthropist of the Year by the
Association of Fundraising Professionals – Madison Chapter.
JoAnn was honored before a crowd of 450 at the Overture Center
on November 12, 2010.
Pictured above, l-r, Patti Peterson, Class of ‘83,
Jo Ann Six Plesko ‘73, E.J. Plesko, Peg Jones ‘01
“Only a life in the service of
others is worth living.”
- Albert Einstein
“I’m sure other facilities
could learn a good deal
from the Attic Angel
philosophy and approach.
The human touch,
especially in vulnerable
times, means everything.”
- Jana Branch
Resident family
Community Recognition Awards
Thanks to our publicity consultant, Joan Collins, Attic
Angel was named the Local Business of the Week in
August of 2010.
A Celebration of
Ten Years of Attic Angel Community
“Treat people as if they
were what they should
be, and you help them
become what they are
capable of becoming.”
- Goethe
The number of
centenarian residents at
Attic Angel Place
Our community gathered on October
10, 2010 (10-10-10) to mark ten years
in our new Attic Angel Place facility
and the new of ces of Attic Angel
Association. Attic Angel Community
has become a reality. With the addition
of Attic Angel Prairie Point (starting in
2001) and the Haven memory care unit
(opened in 2007), the Community is
now a true continuum of care.
All photos on this
page courtesy of
Amy Lynn Schereck
Diane Harvey,
Vice Chair
Peg Jones and
Jean Cowden
Residents Carol Perry and
Flossie Griswold
Director of Nursing, Lisa McGlynn,
serves resident Betty Ann Oldenburg
at the treats table.
Residents Sylvia & Lester Laedtke
Resident Dee Scott, Lisa McGlynn, President Mary Ann
Drescher and resident Sarita Trewartha
Attic Angel Association
Operational Position/Committee Leadership
Position/Committee 2010-11 Chair
Angel Herald Avis Smart
Apartments Kathy Neher
Attic Angel Community Activities Linda Wise
Attic Sale 2010 Diane Hornung, Melinda Pellino,
Barb Sullivan, Renee Wulf
Audit Caroline Liedtke
Building & Grounds Sarah Lancaster
Community Grants Pat Carroll
Development Dale Wortley
Education Ann Walser
Finance Marlene Jaskaniec
Health Center/Households Joanne Salzmann, Edyie Walther
House & Garden Tour 2010 Cindy Zellers
Human Resources Barb Tensfeldt
Intern Advisor Pat Wahlton
Intern Advisor 2
Year Pat Bernhardt
Membership Nancy Moore
Nominating Barb Tensfeldt
Planned & Major Gifts Mona Steele
Planning & Outreach Carol Johnson
Policy Peg Jones
Public Relations Mary Ann Drescher
Volunteer Betty Brunner
Attic Angel Place Management Team
2010 - 2011
President & Board Of cer Mary Ann Drescher
Administrator Beth Richardson/Derek Buckley
Dir. of Activities/Volunteer Coord. Tricia Nicoll
Dir. of Admissions/ Social Services Deb Bergen
Director of Finance David Meister
Director of Food Service Sheila Luhman
Director of Human Resources Cheryl Beiersdorff
Director of Nursing Lisa McGlynn
Director of Plant Operations Dave Schmidt
Attic Angel Prairie Point Management Staff
2010 -2011
President & Board Of cer Mary Ann Drescher
Marketing Specialist/Residential Community Director Claire Merkt
“Everyone was so upbeat,
cheerful and happy to our
mother in her last days.
We were so fortunate to
have her at Attic Angel. You
made a huge contribution
to her life.”
- Susie McIntyre and
Mary Klismith
Resident family
“Always be a little kinder
than necessary.”
- James Barrie
Team Leadership
Attic Angel Legacy Recognition Event
The number of evening
dinner trays delivered to
Apartment residents at Attic
Angel Place in 2010/11.
“Thank you for your
kindness to Mom. Thanks to
each and every one of you
for all your help. To have
this many caring people in
public service working this
hard and this cooperatively
for one little person is
astonishing, remarkable,
admirable and a credit to
what you stand for and who
you are. We don’t know
where they make people
like all of you, but wherever
that factory is, they need to
make some more.”
- Doug and Margie King,
Resident family
On September 23, 2010
members of Attic Angel
Legacy gathered in the
Community Room at Attic
Angel Place to enjoy wine
and hors d’oeuvres at the
annual Legacy Honorary
Recognition Event. Hosted
by the Planned & Major Gifts
Advisory Committee, the
reception is a time to thank
donors for their generous
nancial gifts and/or for their
designation of Attic Angel as
a bene ciary in their estate
planning. Eighty- ve people
attended the evening event.
Planned & Major Gift
Chair Mona Steele (l) and
committee member Carole
Pohlson greet guests.
Mary Alice Shahidi, Planned & Major
Gifts Committee, prepares to offer
sweets to the delighted guests.
New & Renewed Members of
Attic Angel Legacy
(Gifts of $10,000 and above)
Florence Branch Estate *^
Carl and Jane Loper Foundation +
Doris “Dee” Scott Estate +
Daws Strother *+
* Denotes membership renewals to Attic Angel Legacy this year.
+ All or part of gift to Resident Aid
^ Gift to Memory Care
“If you want something
done, ask a busy person.”
- Benjamin Franklin
The number of community
outings for Haven (memory
care) residents in 2010/11.
Hugh & Joyce Bell
Norman & Stella Berven
Keith & Arlene Brink
Tom & Suzan Buresh
Cathie Burgess
Joan Collins
Dorothy Dickert
Susie Drane
Mary Ann Drescher
Betty P. Elsas
Ed & Cathy Felten
E. M. Foster
Mary Ellen Gerloff
Truman & Sylvia Graf
Betty Grif th
William & Jane Hilsenhoff
Joni Jaeger
Elsa Johnson
Coky Klimpel
Sarah Lancaster
Jean Lewis
Lila Lightfoot
Arthur & Patricia McClure
Jane McGinn
Nora McKinley
William & Carolyn
Sandra Nuernberg
Elizabeth B. Peck
John & Mary Lou Rashke
Mickey Rath
Cindy Rogerson
Carol Ruhly
Hans & Miriam Schneider
Jane Stark
Diane Stumpf
Judith Taylor
Marilynn G. Thompson
Dorothy Traisman
Carol von Elbe
Georgene Wegener
Judy Wencel
Robert & Lucille Westervelt
Melinda Wilcox
Mahoney Society
Legacy Members who maintain
Attic Angel in their Estate Plans
“We would like to thank
you and the Attic Angel
nurses, aides and other
staff for the care and
consideration you gave my
mother during her time
at Attic Angel. She often
mentioned how happy she
was living there.”
- Rolf and Joan Reitz
Resident family
“We are all here to
add what we can to life
not to get what we can
from it.”
- William Oster
George and Jean Hess, residents
of Prairie Point, are ne examples
of “cheerful givers.” During the
summer of 2010, George and Jean
sat down to think about the causes
they could contribute to. In the end,
they decided to support the two
that meant the most to them – the
Resident Aid Fund at Attic Angel
Place and the Salvation Army. They
shared their decision with Judy
Brannstrom, Development Of cer
for Attic Angel. They described their
gift to Resident Aid as a tribute to
the community that nurtures them daily through supportive neighbors
and staff, community friendship and fellowship, and opportunities for
learning and personal growth. Their generous gift to Resident Aid was
a wonderful way for George and Jean to express gratitude for their
retirement life at Prairie Point.
Along the Road to Giving
In Memoriam
Association Members
Linda Parisi ‘95
Jo Schultz ‘68
Phyllis Spohn Marschke ‘80
Betty Geppert ‘68
Jean Schilling ‘76
Ellen Buck ‘72
Charlotte Spohn ‘67,
Past President 1975/76
“I wish to acknowledge
the excellent service I
received from Solare
(Admissions Coordinator.)
She was knowledgeable,
cordial and very
courteous throughout
the transaction...Attic
Angel Association is most
fortunate to have such a
competent person to ful ll
the position she does.”
- Elliott Shuler
“Three things in human life
are important.
The rst is to be kind.
The second is to be kind.
And the third is to be kind.”
- Henry James
Major Corporate Sponsors of the Attic Angel
Community and of the Attic Sale and House & Garden
Tour, with cash and in-kind gifts of $1,000 and above
during Fiscal Year 2010-2011:
Axley Brynelson, LLP
Brookstone Printing
Brownhouse Design, LLC
Capital Newspapers
Company Store
Connie Miller Watercolors
Fox 47 WMSN Madison
Joan Collins Publicity
Melli Law, SC
M&I Bank and M&I Wealth Management
Magic 98 (WMSN)
Orange Tree Imports
Orchids Garden Centre & Nursery
Select Enterprises
Thank you to our
Generous Sponsors
Attic Sale customers ocked in to pick up bargains
galore at our 2010/11 Attic Sale in June.
One generation plants
the trees, another gets
the shade.
~Chinese proverb
“Thank you for
making the Attic Angel
Community a place
my grandma could call
- Laura Ashleigh
Resident family
Thank You To Our
Generous Donors
Fiscal Year 2010-11
Gifts of $1,000 -$9,999
Mary Agee~
Marion Applegate+
Norman and Stella Berven+
Mary Booth
John Brugger
Lois Buelow+
Mary Carbone+
Frances Culbertson
Dorothy Dickert, in memory of Margaret Pharo and George Uselman, and
in honor of Mary Jean Uselman
Wally and Peggy Douma+
Mary Ann Drescher
ExxonMobil Foundation+, in honor of Barbara Weavers volunteer service
Rosemary Gall, in memory of Louise Schwab and Mildred C. Schwab
Tom and Jo Greenhalgh+
George and Jean Hess+
Larry and Mary Lou Hogan+
Rollin Jansky, in memory of his mother, Helen Jansky
Maurice and Jeanne Kiley
Joan Kuypers+
Lila Lightfoot
Pat and Peg Luby
Barbara McFarland
Richard and Mary McGary+
Marilyn Nelson+
Joan Pulver, in memory of her mother, Helen Jansky
Mickey Rath+
Leroy and Esther Rathert+
Roth Schleck+
Rotter Family Foundation
Anne Seidenberg
Avis Smart, in memory of Brian Smart and F. James Smart
Gretchen Smith, in memory of John Smith^
Barbara Tensfeldt+
Bjorn &Gail Thompson*
Mary Janet Wellensiek, in memory of her parents, Janet & Alden Bergquist
Bob and Lu Westervelt+
Marilyn Wolf+
+All or part of donation(s) to Resident Aid
* All or part of donation to Attic Angel Prairie Point
^Gift to Memory Care
~In-kind gift to Attic Angel Place
2010 Attic Angel Association Intern Class
Front Row: Hope Soroos, Sue Heller, Signe Buchholz, Nancy Jay Larson, Joan Foster Thorson
Back Row: Pat Wahlton (Intern Advisor), Carol Compton, Alice Honeywell, Sue Rayburn, Claudia Brown,
Barbara Mittelstaedt, Andrea Henrich, Deb Gleason, Jo Greenhalgh
(not pictured, Asst. Intern Advisor, Judy Winkel)
The total number of
dollars given by Attic Angel
Association to the Greater
Madison Community since
New Members
To the Angels’ Angels
By Everette Hanson,
Someone nice made a basket,
and hung it on my door.
This act of kindness,
means very much to me.
It was done while I was
so I didn’t get to see.
The secret hands that made it,
will remain a mystery.
Hand-made, with paper owers,
makes me love it even more!
The basket held candy kisses,
very good to eat.
My kids are grown,
and live so far away.
My grandkids do baskets,
on the rst of May.
I hope they make folks happy,
like you did today!
Happiness is just knowing,
there is anyone so sweet!
The number of
medical transport rides
provided for residents
by Angel volunteers in
Angels at Work
Volunteers Joanne Salzmann
and Edyie Walther dressed
up as Attic Angel founders
Elva and Mary Bryant for the
Annual Meeting.
“Angels, Thank you again
for your support of the
Respite Center and all of
the less fortunate members
of our community. You are
a wonderful resource and a
very thoughtful community
- Meg Miller
Executive Director
Respite Center
Angel Choir members perform at
Hilldale Shopping Center during the
December holiday season
Social Accountability
$0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000
Education for
For Facilities
(from Assn.)
For Resident
Aid (from
kitchen disaster
In the early morning hours of December 11, 2010, a heavy
winter storm caused a ceiling to collapse in the Attic Angel
Place kitchen. Thankfully, no one was injured. The repair
was quickly undertaken and after a month of serving dinner
out of a make-shift kitchen in the dining room, regular food
service was restored. The freezer and cooler repair were
deferred to summer when staff can access temporary coolers
more safely.
Kitchen Event
Staff Are Recognized for
Their Dedication to Attic Angel Community
The number of individual
containers of yogurt
consumed by Attic
Angel Place residents in
The number of pounds of
bacon consumed by Attic
Angel Place residents in
In February of 2011, the annual
Staff Recognition Party was held
at Attic Angel Place to recognize
those staff members who have
devoted many years of their
lives serving the residents of
Attic Angel. Angel volunteers
hosted the party, attended by
residents and other staff. As
each staff member received their
commemorative pin, a short
biography was presented about
that person. “It’s nice to get to
know more about the people we
see every day” was a familiar
comment heard that day.
Attic Angel has 250 employees
serving in many capacities. We
salute them all and thank them for
their resourceful and caring ways.
Linda “L.S.”
Leeder, Unit
Supervisor, has
served for 35 years.
Agnes Ter Maat,
Certi ed Nursing
Assistant, 25 years
Marilyn Koula,
20 years
10 year employees (above, l-r) -
Namgyal Dolma, CNA; Julie Thierer,
Health Center Night Shift Supervisor;
Tashi Dhondup, CNA; Carmen Hill,
Restorative Nursing Asst.; Joanne Buie,
Housekeeper and (not pictured) John
Perkins, bus driver, Alejandra Diaz, Food
Service Asst. II
5 year employees (left, l-r) - Amy
Wilcox, CNA; Janine Crary, Apt.
Nursing Supervisor; Anne Pagels,
Medication Asst.; Sheila Schultz,
Employment Coordinator, as
well as (not pictured) Virginia
Sincaban, Leonard Lewis, Fadey
Feyman, Rachel Wang and Yang
Chen Tso.
15 year employees (above, l-r) -
Yingjian Zhang, LPN; Tobin Buschke,
Food Service Asst. II; Deb Bergen,
Director of Admissions/Social Services
and Marcie Vaage (not pictured),
Marcia Carignan,
Certi ed Nursing
Assistant, 30 years
25 other staff members
celebrated 3 years of
Staff Recognition
“There is no better exercise
for the heart than reaching
down and lifting people up.”
- John Andrew Holman
“Almost 70% of Falk’s students
live in poverty and cannot
afford their own school
supplies. Your generosity has
allowed us to out t many of
these students with backpacks
and supplies to help them
grow and learn. From staff,
students and families alike,
we truly appreciate your
- Cailin Taggart,
school social worker
Residents and volunteers had two busy “Blanket Making
Days” in July and August 2010 to make 45 blankets for
children served at Madison-area hospitals, the Ronald
McDonald House, and Interfaith Hospitality Network.
Pictured here with a new blanket are volunteer Cindy
Zellers (lt.) and resident Mrs. Billye Newcomb.
Proceeds from the Snow Angel
luncheons and the expanded Angel Wear
Sale added enhancements to the Haven
(wheelchair swing pictured right) and
Attic Angel Place activities, as well
as a $2,000 gift to Resident Aid. The
Fall Silent Auction brought in $7,000
to assist the Association in its mission.
All hands were on deck for the 2010
Attic Sale and House & Garden Tour.
Hard work and the enthusiasm of our
wonderful volunteers yielded fabulous
gifts to the community: $15,000 to the
Respite Center, $15,000 to S.A.I.L., and
$40,095 to Attic Angel Resident Aid.
Well done, Angels!
Helping Others
A school supply
drive for Falk
School yielded
many backpacks
and school supplies
for children who
would, otherwise,
have gone without.
Value of the
contributions was
just over $1,400.
“Helping to steer
the Attic Angel Sale
was one of the most
rewarding and fun
things I have done
in my life. I loved
the camaraderie,
the “treasures”,
the excitement and
success on Sale day,
and even the dusty
- Melinda Pellino,
Attic Angel Association’s
Attic Sale and House & Garden Tour
(Above, l-r) 2010 Attic Sale Steering Committee:
Renee Wulf, Barbara Sullivan, Melinda Pellino, and
Diane Hornung
(Above, l-r) House & Garden Tour
2010 General Chair, Cindy Zellers,
and Karen Weaver, Asst. Chair
Audited Financials
The number of people
served per month in the
Attic Angel Place Café
Attic Angel Community
For Period Ended March 31
Attic Angel
Association Attic Angel Place Prairie Point Total Total Total
Program operating revenues 12,320,839 2,073,665 14,394,504 14,044,841 13,001,824$
Resident subsidies 128,116 128,116 184,554 329,694
Investment income (loss) 323,656 124,261 1,760 449,677 506,876 425,326
Contributions 51,200 96,251 147,451 72,665 132,945
Fundraising-net 165,899 165,899 167,600 191,662
Real estate rental - 375,403 375,403 434,646 409,075
Dues 42,841 42,841 41,421 36,235
Net assets released from restrictions 30,249 30,249 127,738 56,867
Other 4,957 107,514 10,452 122,923 173,139 147,638
Total Revenues and Gains 618,802 13,152,384 2,085,877 15,857,063 $15,753,480 $14,731,266
Resident Services 8,276,944 459,817 8,736,761 8,445,859 7,716,453$
Community contributions 84,252 84,252 27,971 57,216
Fundraising 111,574 111,574 80,904 100,647
Resident subsidy exp - 128,116 128,116 184,554 329,694
Expenses to benefit Attic Angel Place 15,088 15,088 2,362 57,034
Management and general expenses 303,142 2,219,368 243,567 2,766,077 2,724,344 2,812,627
Depreciation and amortization 42,183 1,049,891 1,346,795 2,438,869 2,486,699 2,454,157
Interest expense 966,445
105,859 1,072,304 1,112,599 1,027,095
Real Estate Taxes 32,529 32,529 37,898 16,387
Total Operating Expenses 556,239 12,640,764 2,188,567 15,385,570 15,103,190$ 14,571,310$
INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS 62,563 511,620 (102,690) 471,493 $650,290 159,956$
Contributions 47,933$ 335,531$
Loss on sale of property and equipment (2,455) (8,546) (11,001) -$ -511
Grants (to) from affiliates (87,968) 79,191 8,777 - -$ -
Realized loss on SWAP Termination (63,837) (63,837)
Loss on Early Retirement of Debt (217,640) (217,640)
(903,203) (903,203)
Change in fair value of interest rate swap - 573,314$ (658,667)
Total Other Income (87,968) (1,107,944) 231 (1,195,681) 621,247 ($419,513)
(25,405) (596,324) (102,459) (724,188) $1,271,537 (259,557)$
Reclassification of cumulative Loss from Cash Flow Hedge upon
Termination of Interest Rate SWAP
The number of books provided
in a year by the Madison Public
Library for residents using the
Attic Angel Place Library.
Attic Angel Community
For Period Ended March 31,
Attic Angel
Attic Angel
Attic Angel
Prairie Poin
Current assets 472,300 3,245,567 590,209 4,308,076 4,830,947 4,678,284$
Due from affiliates 1,975,235 1,975,235 2,671,078 2,240,329
Assets limited as to use 94,989 94,989 94,989 73,055
Investments 7,527,531 6,629,217 14,156,748 11,554,112 8,035,499
Property and equipment, net 1,717,795 16,651,376 31,264,190 49,633,361 51,847,026 54,032,958
Other assets & deferred costs 73,955 187,834 257,942 519,731 586,130 511,294
TOTAL ASSETS 11,766,816 26,808,983 32,112,341 70,688,140 71,584,282 69,571,419$
Current liabilities 63,554 1,475,263 667,179 2,205,996 1,960,955 1,698,695
Due to affiliates 1,982,369 1,982,369 2,231,414 2,676,641
Reservation fees 60,500 346,435 406,935 426,935 442,435
Deferred revenue-entrance fees 1,146,051 29,683,320 30,829,371 31,970,649 33,061,718
Liability under interest rate swap agreement - 988,555 1,561,869
Long-term debt 16,305,500 16,305,500 16,705,500 17,115,000
Total Liabilities 63,554 18,987,314 32,679,303 51,730,171 54,284,008 $56,556,358
Unrestricted 11,601,092 7,821,669 (566,962) 18,855,799 17,252,788 12,970,950
Temporarily restricted 52,170 52,170 7,486 4,111
Permanently restricted 50,000 50,000
40,000 40,000
Total Net Assets 11,703,262 7,821,669 (566,962) 18,957,969 17,300,274 13,015,061
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 11,766,816 26,808,983 32,112,341 70,688,140 71,584,282 69,571,419$
20092010 2011
Audited Financials
2010-2011 (cont.)
Photo courtesy of Amy Lynn Schereck Photography
Resident Roth Schleck and Admissions
Coordinator Solare O’Brien-Brethorst
“Thank you for making
a difference in the lives
of women, children and
families we serve.” (for
the YWCA Housing First
community grant).
- Eileen Mershart,
Executive Dir.,
Attic Angel Association , Inc.
640 Junction Road
Madison, WI 53717
We are a registered 501 (c) 3 organization.
Your tax-deductible donations are always welcome.
Graphic Design by Jim Brannstrom