Catalog #13
Button Collector
1317 Lynndale Rd.
Madison, WI 53711-3370
This Catalog
This catalog offers products to assist collectors with the organiza-
tion and display of collectible buttons. While many collectors utilize
their own resources for these items, Button Images makes them
available for your convenience.
In addition to the products listed in this catalog we have a large in-
ventory of collectible buttons. We also offer appraisal, consulting,
and reference information services. Button Images accepts private
collections on consignment or will submit an offer to purchase with
an appraisal.
Our Objective
We are avid collectors of antique clothing buttons. Having pursued
this hobby for many years, we have come to appreciate the crafts-
manship, history and art represented in these treasures.
Buttons have become highly desirable collectibles. Rare buttons
fetch prices in the hundreds of dollars from earnest collectors. Un-
fortunately, many collectible buttons are lost because their identity
and value is not recognized when they are found.
Button Images has been established for the purpose of collecting
information and promoting the hobby of button collecting. To en-
courage the exchange of information and access to collectible but-
tons, we strive to enhance the awareness of collectible clothing but-
tons by providing services for collectors and other interested indi-
viduals. Utilizing computer information services and our network of
contacts, information is exchanged and buyers and sellers are intro-
duced. Through these exchanges, information and collections be-
come accessible and these miniature pieces of art are preserved.
We encourage your correspondence, requests and suggestions.
Help ........."Preserve Button Art".
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Services Available
Button Approvals
Individual minimum purchase (or charge) of $35.
Club minimum purchase (or charge) of $100.
All buttons are carded with prices identified unless otherwise notified.
Postage and insurance is paid to your destination.
Your payment and the buttons not selected must be returned within 10
days unless other arrangements have been made.
Return postage and insurance is paid by you.
An approval form listing the cards and initial value is included. Space is
provided for totaling the value of your selections and calculating the return
insurance value.
Checks or Money orders are accepted.
Button Images has buttons in most National Button Society classification
categories. Please be specific about what you would like to see.
All appraisals will be done at our WI address unless otherwise arranged.
We do not appraise any buttons from photographs.
The customer is responsible for shipping and insurance charges to and
from the WI location.
Appraisal fees are charged at a rate of $40 per hour. The minimum charge
is $40.
Three options are available.
A preliminary appraisal and report
A preliminary appraisal is strongly recommended as the first step. The cus-
tomer should send a sampling of the better buttons and an estimate of the
quantity of the buttons to be appraised. Button Images will provide a de-
tailed report for this sampling and a recommendation for appraisal of the
entire collection.
A general appraisal
A general appraisal involves viewing and estimating the value of the entire
collection based on the value and condition of the better buttons in the col-
A detailed appraisal
A detailed appraisal involves sorting the buttons into value categories. All
buttons having values over $25 will be itemized separately in a report. But-
tons with values less than $25 will be grouped for reporting purposes.
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Visit our web site
Our web site contains an online shopping cart which includes all
items in this catalog. You may also shop for collectible buttons
listed there. When ordering from our website your totals including
shipping and handling fees are calculated automatically. You can
pay using PayPal and you can check your order status at any time.
You will also find more information about button collecting.
Visit us at a button show
We attend several button shows each year and we are a senior
dealer with the National Button Society. Our show schedule is on
the website. We encourage you to attend one of the shows and
stop by to introduce yourself.
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Catalog Contents
Mounting Wire 6
Wire Spiders 6
Polishing Cloths & Squares 6
Cleaning Brush 7
Hot Needle Tester 7
Punch Board 7
Display Envelopes 8
Clear Envelopes 8
Storage Envelopes 8
Wood Display Frames 9
Project Cards 10-11
Border Cards 12-15
Display Cards 16-26
Product Weight Chart 27
Shipping and Handling 28
Order Form 29
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Mounting Wire
This is recycled telephone wire, just the right size for threading
through most shanks for attaching buttons to a display card. Pieces
have been precut to 2-3 inch lengths for your convenience.
Catalog # Description Price
MWR1 Mounting wire (pkg. of 300) $2.00 pkg.
Wire Spiders
Spiders are used for mounting buttons with delicate shanks such as
pad back buttons. They can also be used to reverse mount buttons
to show the shanks or back marks. These spiders are made from
mounting wire. They are available stripped or with the plastic cov-
Catalog # Description Price
SPR1 Wire Spiders - Stripped (pkg. of 5) $2.00 pkg.
SPR1C Wire Spiders - Covered (pkg. of 5) $2.00 pkg.
Polishing Cloths & Squares
Polishing cloths can be used on all button materials, but they work
especially well on metal buttons. Avoid the use of polishing pastes
that are difficult to remove completely. These cloths are soft and
effective. Some collectors use the PSQ5 cloths to test bakelite
(some bakelite will leave an orange residue on the square).
Catalog # Description Price
PCL1 Polishing Cloth ( 7 1/2 x 4 3/4” 1/pkg) $4.00 ea.
PSQ5 Polishing Square ( 2 x 2” pkg. of 5) $3.00 ea.
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Cleaning Brush
This brush has a wood handle. The bristles are made of fine brass
wire which will get down in the cracks but wont scratch the button.
The primary use is of this brush is on metal buttons. Using it on
other materials is not recommended.
Catalog # Description Price
CBR1 Cleaning Brush $5.00 ea.
Hot Needle Tester
This tester is ideal for identifying button materials. It has a very fine
point which always heats to the same temperature.
Catalog # Description Price
HNT1 Hot Needle Tester $40.00 ea.
HNP1 Replacement Tip for HNT1 $7.00 ea.
HNS1 Hot Needle Stand for HNT1 $7.00 ea.
Punch Board
This is a piece of carpet pad affixed to a 10 x 13” board. Place it
under a mounting card to punch mounting holes.
Catalog # Description Price
PB1 Punch Board (10” x 13”) $12.00
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Display Envelopes
These envelopes are heavy gauge vinyl envelopes with a transpar-
ent front window, stitched black back and metal hanging eyelet.
This envelope can be used when submitting buttons for competi-
tion. Although not as nice as a display frame, they can be used for
hanging display cards.
Catalog # Description Price
DNV1 Display Envelope $2.00 ea.
Clear Envelopes
These envelopes are heavy 10 mil clear vinyl envelopes with
sealed seams. They have a punch out for hanging and can be used
for display, but we recommend them as a deluxe storage envelope.
The heavy gauge material allows easy insertion and removal of
9x12 display cards.
Catalog # Description Price
CNV1 Clear Envelope $1.00 ea.
Storage Envelopes
Transparent 3 mil polyethylene envelopes are an economical alter-
native to the CNV1 for storage. They protect your buttons from
dust and prevent the mounting wires from getting caught when sort-
ing and moving cards. These envelopes are 9 1/8 x 12 1/4 inches
and have a flap at the top that can be tucked inside.
Catalog # Description Price
ENV1 Storage Envelopes (pkg. of 10) $3.00 pkg.
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Wood Display Frames
Display frames provide an attractive way of wall mounting your fa-
vorite buttons. Standard frames are finished with a walnut stain.
They accept 9 x 12 inch display cards and have 1/2 inch of space
(depending on supplier) between the card and glass.
To insert the button display card the frame back is removed by slid-
ing it out the top. This exposes a recessed area in the frame which
accepts the display card. The back is then reinstalled to cover the
mounting wires and provide a dust barrier.
Other sizes, colors and materials are available. If you have a spe-
cial request please write or call for ordering information.
Catalog # Description Price
WFM1 Button Frame (for 9 x 12 cards) $22.00 ea.
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Project Cards
Project cards are an educational tool for learning about different
button characteristics such as class identification, shank types, or
These cards are 8 1/2 x 11 inch laser printed sheets affixed to 9 x
12 color card stock. All card designs are a square grid pattern. PCD
cards have a color border, a title, and labeled cells.
Laser printed sheets are available separately for mounting to your
own card stock. They are identified by the prefix PSH.
To help new collectors with material identification, the Assorted Ma-
terials card is available with or without buttons. The catalog num-
ber for the card with pre-mounted buttons is SCD1.
Catalog # Description Price
SCD1 Assorted Materials (Button Sampler) $15.00 ea.
PCDxx Project Card $1.50 ea.
PSHxx Project Sheet $.50 ea.
xx represents the number of a specific card listed in the table on the following
Customers must punch the mounting holes.
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Assorted Material Project Card
Cards listed below are similar in design. Only the
titles and labels are changed
Project Cards & Sheets
Catalog # Description
Assorted Materials (card only)
Assorted Materials with buttons
PCD2, PSH2 Plastic
PCD3, PSH3 Black Glass
PCD4, PSH4 Clear & Colored Glass
PCD5, PSH5 Blank Card (no title, no labels)
PCD6, PSH6 Metals
PCD7, PSH7 State Seals
PCD20, PSH20 Shanks – Card A
PCD21, PSH21 Shanks – Card B
PCD25, PSH25 Clear & Colored Glass Div. I (42 small)
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Border Cards
Border cards have copyright free decorative black border designs
which surround an open space. This configuration allows free form
mounting of buttons. Decorative borders enhance the appearance
of displayed buttons.
These cards are 8 1/2 x 11 inch laser printed sheets affixed to 9 x
12 color card stock. Border designs include birds, floral, architectur-
al and other miscellaneous items. These cards are identified by the
prefix BCD.
Laser printed sheets are available separately for mounting to your
own card stock. They are identified by the prefix BSH.
Catalog # Description Price
BCDxx Border Design Card $1.50 ea.
BSHxx Border Design Sheet $0.50 ea.
xx represents the number listed by the illustration on the following pages
Customers must punch the mounting holes.
(flowers & trellis)
(birds & vine)
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(buildings & vines)
CCD21, CSH21, DCD21
(42 small)
(70 diminutive) BCD9, BSH9
(bees, mirror & plants)
(birds & grass)
(swallows & water lily)
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BCD11, BSH11
BCD14, BSH14
BCD13, BSH13
BCD16, BSH16
BCD15, BSH15
BCD10, BSH10
- 15 -
BCD23, BSH23
BCD22, BSH22
BCD20, BSH20
BCD21, BSH21
(cupid & mirror)
BCD19, BSH19
BCD17, BSH17
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Display Cards
Display cards are available for all button sizes and National Button
Society competition categories. Cards are 9 x 12 inches and fit in
standard display frames or envelopes. A storage envelope is in-
cluded with each card.
DCD cards are traditional cards with the design drawn or printed
directly on 9 x 12 inch card stock.
CCD cards are 8 1/2 x 11 inch laser printed sheets affixed to 9 x
12 color card stock. CCD cards have a color border, uniform line
art and a mounting location target. They are an attractive, inexpen-
sive alternative to traditional cards.
Laser printed sheets are available separately. Individual sheets are
identified by catalog prefix CSH.
Not all cards are available in the DCD style. The styles available
are listed below each card illustration.
CCD cards will be supplied in the colors available at shipping time.
If you have a color preference please note it on your order. For
optimal color matches, we recommend that you purchase your own
color card stock and use our CSH sheet. Construction details are
available on request.
Custom design requests are always welcome. Please send a
sketch and request for quotation.
Catalog # Description Price
CCDxx Computer Design Card $1.50 ea.
CSHxx Computer Design Sheet $0.50 ea.
DCDxx Traditional Design Card $3.00 ea.
xx represents the number listed by the illustration on the following pages
Customers must punch the mounting holes.
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(70 diminutive)
(70 diminutive)
(70 diminutive)
(70 diminutive)
(70 diminutive)
CCD10, CSH10
(56 diminutive)
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CCD22, CSH22, DCD22
(42 small)
CCD25, CSH25, DCD25
(42 small)
CCD21, CSH21, DCD21
(42 small)
CCD24, CSH24, DCD24
(42 small)
CCD11, CSH11
(56 diminutive)
CCD12, CSH12
(56 diminutive)
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CCD32, CSH32, DCD32
(42 small)
CCD29, CSH29, DCD29
(42 small)
CCD28, CSH28, DCD28
(42 small)
CCD27, CSH27, DCD27
(42 small)
CCD26, CSH26, DCD26
(42 small)
CCD34, CSH34, DCD34
(42 small)
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CCD50, CSH50
(42 small)
CCD38, CSH38
(42 small)
CCD37, CSH37
(42 small)
CCD40, CSH40
(42 small)
CCD36, CSH36
(42 small)
CCD35, CSH35, DCD35
(42 small)
- 21 -
CCD63, CSH63, DCD63
(35 mixed)
CCD62, CSH62, DCD62
(35 mixed)
CCD68, CSH68, DCD68
(35 mixed)
CCD64, CSH64, DCD64
(35 mixed)
CCD69, CSH69, DCD69
(35 mixed)
CCD60, CSH60
(35 mixed)
- 22 -
CCD78, CSH78, DCD78
(30 medium)
CCD75, CSH75, DCD75
(30 medium)
CCD73, CSH73, DCD73
(30 medium)
CCD76, CSH76, DCD76
(30 medium)
CCD71, CSH71, DCD71
(30 medium)
CCD70, CSH70, DCD70
(30 medium)
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CCD80, CSH80
(30 medium)
CCD98, CSH98, DCD98
(25 various)
CCD97, CSH97, DCD97
(25 various)
CCD96, CSH96, DCD96
(25 various)
CCD90, CSH90
(25 various)
CCD95, CSH95, DCD95
(25 various)
- 24 -
CCD114, CSH114, DCD114
(24 medium/large)
CCD113, CSH113, DCD113
(24 medium/large)
CCD112, CSH112, DCD112
24 medium/large)
CCD111, CSH111, DCD111
(24 medium/large)
CCD110, CSH110, DCD110
(25 various)
CCD99, CSH99, DCD99
(25 various)
- 25 -
CCD120, CSH120, DCD120
(20 large)
CCD122, CSH122, DCD122
(20 large)
CCD125, CSH125
(20 large)
CCD115 CSH115
(24 medium/large)
CCD121, CSH121, DCD121
(20 large)
CCD123, CSH123, DCD123
(20 large)
- 26 -
CCD148, CSH148
(12 medium/large)
CCD151, CSH151
(12 oversize)
CCD146, CSH146
(15 pair small/medium)
CCD150, CSH150, DCD150
(12 oversize)
CCD140, CSH140
(15 pair small/large)
CCD126, CSH126, DCD126
(20 large)
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Catalog # Shipping Weight in oz.
BCDxx 2.5
BSHxx 0.4
CBR1 0.8
CCDxx 2.5
CNV1 1.5
CSHxx 0.4
DCDxx 2.5
DNV1 1.5
ENV1 3.5
HNP1 0.3
HNS1 1.2
HNT1 3
MWR1 2
PB1 13
PCDxx 2.5
PCL1 0.5
PSQ5 0.2
PSHxx 0.4
SCD1 7
Spider 0.3
WMF1 26
Product Weight Chart
Please use this cart to determine the shipping weight of each item
that you order. Enter this Ship Wt. ea (in ounces) for each line
item on the order form. Multiply Ship Wt. the quantity or-
dered and enter that weight in the Total Wt.column. Then total
that column to get the final shipping weight for your order.
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Shipping & Handling Charges
Continental US customers please use the chart below to calculate
your shipping and handling charge. Shipping and handling charges
to other locations will be quoted on a per order basis. Shipping
charges are based on weight. Please use our product weight chart
and order form to determine the total shipping weight. A per order
handling fee of $3 is added to cover packaging and other incidental
Total Weight of Items ordered Shipping Charge
Up to 8 oz. $4.00
8-16 oz. $7.00
Above 16 oz.
Handling Fee $3.00 per order
We encourage you to order your items online using our web shop-
ping cart. The cart will calculate all totals including shipping for
you. We accept PayPal, Personal Checks and Money Orders only.
A full page printable order form is available on our web site but
please feel free to use or copy the order forms printed in this cata-
log. If you need assistance in placing your order please call before
mailing your order or payment.
This catalog was published in January 2016. Prices are subject to
change without notice. Feel free to call or email for our latest pric-
es. Please include your telephone number or email address on the
order form.
Add $3 for every additional 16 oz. (i.e. a
total weight between 4864 oz would
result in a shipping charge of $16 and a
$3 handling charge for a total shipping
and handling fee of $19.
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Your Name
Zip Code
Telephone or email
Button Images
Preserving Button Art
1317 Lynndale Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Order Form
Catalog # 13
Qty. Catalog #
Ship Wt.
ea. (oz)
Total Wt.
Qty x Wt. ea.
Total Price
Qty x Price ea.
Total above
Total from back
Grand total
WI Residents add 5.5% of item total
Total Shipping (per total wt.)
See Chart
Total Payment due
Personal checks or money order payments only
(Payable to Button Images)
- 30 -
Order Form Page 2 Catalog # 13
Qty. Catalog #
Ship Wt.
ea. (oz)
Total Wt.
Qty x Wt. ea.
Total Price
Qty x Price ea.
Total above (transfer to front side)
- 31 -
Your Name
Zip Code
Telephone or email
Button Images
Preserving Button Art
1317 Lynndale Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Order Form
Catalog # 13
Qty. Catalog #
Total Wt.
Qty x Wt. ea.
Total Price
Qty x Price ea.
Ship Wt.
ea. (oz)
WI Residents add 5.5% of item total
Total Shipping (per total wt.)
See Chart
Total Payment due
Personal checks or money order payments only
(Payable to Button Images)
Button Images
1317 Lynndale Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Preserving Button Art