AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 1
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Tactical Doctrine
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OPR: AF/A4CXX Certified By: AF/A4CX
(Colonel Michael J. Zuhlsdorf)
Pages: 35
PURPOSE: To provide tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) for asphalt
batch plant operations during Rapid Airfield Damage Repair (RADR). It supports
Air Force Instruction (AFI) 10-210, Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force
(BEEF) Program, AFPAM 10-219, Volume 4, Airfield Damage Repair
Operations, and Air Force Doctrine Annex 3-34, Engineer Operations. Ensure
that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are
maintained IAW Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records,
and disposed of IAW the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) in the
Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS). Refer
recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of
Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for
Change of Publication; route AF Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate
functional chain of command.
APPLICATION: This publication applies to all regular Air Force, Air National
Guard, and Air Force Reserve Command Civil Engineer personnel performing
RADR asphalt batch plant operations. This document is authoritative but not
directive. The asphalt batch plant operations TTPs in this publication take
precedence over those found in other nondirective publications. Applicable AFIs
take precedence when this publication and those AFIs conflict.
2 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
SCOPE: This publication provides TTPs to produce asphalt concrete with a
contingency batch plant after an attack. It provides resource requirement
information for manpower, vehicle, equipment, and repair material; preparatory
actions taken prior to an attack and before commencing repair activities. Finally,
the publication describes batching, stockpiling, and delivery of asphalt to airfield
pavement repair personnel.
The TTPs within this publication are best practices as determined by the Airbase
Acquisition Branch, Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC/CXAE). Where
applicable, use procedures found in applicable manufacturer’s owners/operators
manuals for specific asphalt recycler make and models.
The use of name, procedures, or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial
product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by
the Air Force.
1.1. Overview .......................................................................................... 5
1.2. Asphalt Batch Plant Layout .............................................................. 5
Figure 1.1. Typical Asphalt Batch Plant Layout .................................................. 5
1.3. Resources .......................................................................................... 6
Table 1.1. RADR Asphalt Batch Plant UTCs ...................................................... 7
Table 1.2. Asphalt Batch Team Required Resources ........................................... 7
1.4. Asphalt Recycler .............................................................................. 8
Figure 1.2. Asphalt Recycler External Profile View ............................................ 8
Figure 1.3. Asphalt Recycler Internal Profile View ............................................. 9
Figure 1.4. Asphalt Recycler Burner (Rear Hatch) .............................................. 9
1.5. Remote Operation ............................................................................. 9
Figure 1.5. Hydraulic Control Umbilical ........................................................... 10
1.6. Training .......................................................................................... 10
2.1. Overview ........................................................................................ 11
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 3
Table 2.1. Batch/Mix Design Specifications ...................................................... 11
2.2. Creating Asphalt Cookies ............................................................... 11
2.3. Recommended Cookie Storage Technique ..................................... 12
Figure 2.1. Creating Windrows .......................................................................... 12
2.4. Alternate Storage Technique .......................................................... 13
2.5. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) .............................................. 13
2.6. Maximum Raw Material Stockpile Storage Time .......................... 13
3.1. Batch Start Times ........................................................................... 14
Table 3.1. Asphalt Production and Consumption Rates ..................................... 14
3.2. Tracking Production, Hold Times, and Deliveries ......................... 14
3.3. Overview of Recycler Operation .................................................... 15
3.4. Recycler Operating Tips ................................................................. 15
3.5. Smoke Emission Indicators ............................................................ 17
3.6. Safety .............................................................................................. 17
3.7. Setup Location ................................................................................ 18
3.8. Recycler Setup Procedures ............................................................. 18
Figure 3.1. Four Corner Jacking System ............................................................ 19
3.9. Pre-Operational Checks .................................................................. 19
3.10. Start Up Process ........................................................................... 19
Figure 3.2. Infrared Control Head ...................................................................... 20
3.11. Warmup Process ........................................................................... 21
Figure 3.3. Loading Asphalt Recycler ............................................................... 22
3.12. HMA Production .......................................................................... 23
3.13. Work Interruption ......................................................................... 24
3.14. Shut Down .................................................................................... 25
3.15. Batching Complete ....................................................................... 25
4 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
4.1. During Production Run ................................................................... 26
4.2. End of Production Run ................................................................... 26
5.1. Daily ............................................................................................... 28
5.2. Monthly .......................................................................................... 28
5.3. Annually ......................................................................................... 28
5.4. Engine Service and Burner Fuel Filters .......................................... 29
5.5. Hydraulic System Oil and Filter ..................................................... 29
5.6. Burner Malfunction and Troubleshooting ...................................... 29
6.1. Overview ........................................................................................ 30
6.2. Reconstitution ................................................................................. 30
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 5
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview. The Rapid Airfield Damage Repair (RADR) mobile asphalt
recyclers are used to batch hot-mixed asphalt (HMA) from virgin asphalt blocks
(referred to as cookies in this publication), reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP),
and/or pelletized asphalt for crater repairs with an asphalt cap. Asphalt batching
is accomplished when airfield repairs require asphalt caps, typically when making
repairs to asphalt pavement. One batch plant supports up to two crater repair
1.2. Asphalt Batch Plant Layout. Batch plants should be located within a seven
minute commute to the airfield. The asphalt batch plant requires space with a
stabilized surface for storing asphalt products (i.e. asphalt cookie stockpiles, RAP,
HMA stockpiles), operational space for two recyclers, and space to load RADR
warehouse dump trucks. Figure 1.1 provides an example batch plant layout.
Figure 1.1. Typical Asphalt Batch Plant Layout.
6 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
1.2.1. Batching may be setup indoors (e.g., inside a hangar) during inclement
weather conditions, but proper ventilation and sufficient clearance to overhead
structures must be provided when batching indoors. Batch plants may also be
collocated with a RADR warehouse (see AFTTP 3-32.18, RADR Warehouse
1.2.2. Position recyclers on stable ground and that is as level as possible. Use a
mat under jack feet when setup on soft ground.
1.2.3. Clear area of flammable materials and ensure area is clear of overhead
structures and utilities. In addition, position recyclers clear of air handling systems
of nearby structures.
1.2.4. Locate recyclers in close proximity to one another so that one operator may
operate both recyclers simultaneously, and to provide one general area for
collecting the HMA for loading dump trucks or stockpiling (Figure 1.1). One
front end loader (FEL) and operator is dedicated to load the hopper (also known
as the charging box/tray, but will be referred to as the hopper from this point on)
on both recyclers and to load the produced HMA in dump trucks, or create HMA
stockpiles when dump trucks are full or delivering asphalt to the airfield.
1.2.5. In many instances, the 4-yard buckets delivered with the RADR FELs are
too large to fit under the recycler discharge chute, even when the jacks are fully
raised (this issue is being addressed in future purchases). It is recommended an
inventory be conducted on FEL buckets on the installation to determine if there is
smaller 4-yard bucket that fits under the recycler discharge chute, or if there is a
2-yard bucket, and designate that bucket for Asphalt Batch Plant operations. If a
smaller bucket is not found, choose from one of the following options as a
Dig a pit beneath the discharge chute; however, this option is not suitable
for batching indoors during inclement weather)
Park recyclers on an elevated platform, such as 2” x 8” lumber
Use a back-hoe to drag the HMA from underneath the discharge chute
1.3. Resources. Table 1.1 lists Asphalt Batch Plant Unit Type Codes (UTCs).
Table 1.2 identifies manning requirements and their duties and responsibilities.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 7
Table 1.1. RADR Asphalt Batch Plant UTCs.
Very Lg
4FWAE – RADR Asphalt Batch Plant Operations
Asphalt Recycler Set (2 per set) 1 2 3 4
Front End Loader
4FWAB – WRM RADR Asphalt Crater Repair Material
Flowable-Fill (Super Sacks)
*Asphalt (Tons)
*At the time of publishing it was not determined if asphalt will be included in
4FWAB or if the user will have to source material locally.
Note: Flowable fill will be postured at the applicable warehouse. Asphalt will be
stockpiled at the asphalt batch plant.
Table 1.2. Asphalt Batch Team Required Resources.
Suitable AFSCs
Primary: 3E2X1
Subs: 3E3X1, 3E4X3, 3E5X1,
Primary: 3E0X2,
Subs: 3E0X1, 3E1X1, 3E2X1
Asphalt Recyclers
Shovel, Rake, etc.
Note: Hand tools, infrared thermometers, and release agent and sprayers can be
found in the RADR Tool Trailers (UTC 4FWCR).
Note: A light cart from the 4FWCR UTC is earmarked for the asphalt batch plant
for nighttime operations.
1.3.1. Logistics Chief. A primary responsibility of the Logistics Chief is to ensure
batch teams are completing their assigned tasks as efficiently as possible and to
help remove obstacles that negatively impact their operations. The Logistics Chief
also stays informed on batch plant operations to include RAP stockpiles, batch
start times, total HMA produced, HMA maximum hold times, and delivery
1.3.2. Batch Plant Team Lead. The Batch Plant Lead operates the recyclers and
manages the production of asphalt for applicable repairs. He/she ensures produced
asphalt is loaded in warehouse dump trucks to be delivered to the airfield at
8 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
appropriate times as directed by the Warehouse 1 Lead. Each plant supports up to
two repair teams and receives directions from the Warehouse 1 Lead on when to
begin and stop production. Raw asphalt material (e.g., cookies or rap) inventory,
production, hold times, and deliveries are reported to the Logistics Chief so
actions may be initiated to share material with other batch plants as needed, and
acquire, or produce additional materiel if shortages are expected.
1.3.3. Warehouse 1 Team Lead. When supporting asphalt repairs, the
Warehouse 1 Lead manages all aspects of asphalt production and delivery. He/she
determines the number of plants required to meet the required tonnage, when to
start production to ensure asphalt is ready for placement, but not stockpiled long
enough to cool below 270°F before placement, and when to begin plant shutdown.
He/she also manages the delivery schedules from the batch plants to appropriate
repair zones.
1.4. Asphalt Recycler. The asphalt recycler in the 4FWAB UTC is a tandem axle
trailer weighing 11,000 pounds and can be towed by any 1.5-ton vehicle. When
transporting, adjust the drawbar so the recycler is in a horizontal positon and the
permitted supporting load will not be exceeded. The recycler’s intended use is
recycling cold asphalt mix (fines, milling asphalt) and broken slabs up to 11.8
inches by 15.75 inches by 4 inches.
1.4.1. The hopper on top of the recycler is loaded with a FEL; the hopper tilts and
dumps material into the tumbler chute as needed. Do not fill more than 4,400 lbs
into the recycler tumbler, which corresponds to 1,015 psi (70 bar) on the hydraulic
oil pressure gauge. The unit uses a rotating drum with internal baffles to tumble
the asphalt through a bath of hot air. Figure 1.2 shows an external profile view of
the asphalt recycler and Figure 1.3 portrays the internal profile view.
Figure 1.2. Asphalt Recycler External Profile View.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 9
Figure 1.3. Asphalt Recycler Internal Profile View.
1.4.2. The hot air is produced by a diesel fired, twin stage burner at the rear of the
drum (Figure 1.4). The burner introduces hot air into the drum through a coned
opening in the end of the drum; this prevents direct contact of the flame with the
material being heated. The burner is equipped with four settings: off, fan only,
low heat, and high heat.
Figure 1.4. Asphalt Recycler Burner (Rear Hatch).
1.5. Remote Operation. A 25-foot hydraulic control umbilical (Figure 1.5),
which can be connected to either side of the recycler, provides an efficient means
to operate both recyclers simultaneously. Umbilical functions include:
Drum forward and reverse with detent in forward position
Hopper up and down with detent in lower position
10 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
Drum high speed; engage and disengage
Note. Never reverse drum or open door while in high speed
Open DoorOperate drum reverse direction - hold door switch in open
position. When drum stalls, release door switch. Engage drum in forward
position (detented).
Close DoorOperate drum in normal forward direction (detented).
Move door switch to closed position. When drum stalls, release door
switch. Reverse Drum one (1) rotation and then back to forward or
detented position.
Figure 1.5. Hydraulic Control Umbilical.
1.6. Training. Pavements and Construction Equipment (3E2X1) and Electrical
Power Production (3E0X2) personnel receive asphalt recycler training at home
station via computer based training on the Civil Engineer Virtual Learning Center,
and hands-on training during Silver Flag training.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 11
Chapter 2
2.1. Overview. The recommended mix design in UFC 3-250-03, Standard
Practice Manual for Flexible Pavements, is for a gradation 2 (12.5 mm or 0.5
inch) nominal HMA Pavement (see AFH 32-1034, Materials Testing, for
gradation testing instructions). If the recommended mix design is not available,
experiments have shown that a locally procured HMA SP-12.5 provides adequate
performance. Table 2.1 shows the UFC 3-250-03 specified gradation range and
the gradation range provided by a commercial asphalt provider.
Table 2.1. Batch/Mix Design Specifications.
Actual Mix Design from
Local Procured HMA
Sieve Size
UFC Control
(% Passing)
HMA Fine SP-12.5
(% Passing)
76 96
69 89
No. 4
53 73
No. 8
38 60
No. 16
26 48
No. 30
18 38
No. 50
11 27
No. 100
6 18
No. 200
3 6
Note: Italicized number represent values outside UFC criteria.
2.2. Creating Asphalt Cookies. Asphalt cookies are non-compacted chunks of
HMA and virgin asphalt mix components. Cookies should be created before
hostilities are imminent. The following vehicles and equipment are recommended
for constructing HMA cookies:
FEL with bucket
Hand tools: shovel (x2), scale/measuring tape
Compact track loader (CTL) with sweeper attachment (optional)
12 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
2.2.1. Step 1. Designate and prepare a paved surface area by clearing any debris
or objects. Use the CTL sweeper attachment to sweep the surface (optional).
2.2.2. Step 2. Stockpile HMA material near the designated windrow area.
2.2.3. Step 3. Use the FEL to pick up approximately 0.5 ton of stockpiled material
and dump material at one end of the designated area for windrows.
2.2.4. Step 4. Place the bucket just over the dumped HMA with the bucket tilted
down so the underside is almost vertical. Using a tape or scale, set the cutting edge
of the bucket approximately 2.5 inches from the paved surface.
Note: Available footprint may determine the windrow height. The thinner the
windrow, the better the material breaks into manageable size chunks when
scraping up the windrow with the loader bucket.
2.2.5. Step 5. Move FEL backwards to drag, strike off, and spread the HMA and
create the windrow. Use shovels to keep HMA behind the bucket as necessary.
2.2.6. Step 6. Repeat steps 3 thru 5 until all stockpiled material is spread into
2.2.7. Step 7. Let windrow material cool to ambient temperature.
2.3. Recommended Cookie Storage Technique. The preferred method of
storage is to keep the HMA material placed in windrows until it is needed for use
(Figure 2.1). When ready to begin producing HMA scrape/push windrow
material to the center of the windrow. As the material is being pushed, the material
breaks into cookies. Use the FEL bucket edge to break up any HMA cookie with
a length or width dimension larger than 15 inches. The HMA cookies can then be
stockpiled at the HMA batch plant. This storage method requires a significantly
larger area for storage than stockpiling the same amount of material.
Figure 2.1. Creating Windrows.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 13
Note: There is an inversely proportional relationship between the cookie size and
production rate of the asphalt recycler. The optimum cookie size for the recycler
is 2.5 inches thick and no larger than 15 inches wide by 15 inches long.
2.4. Alternate Storage Technique. If space is an issue, store cooled cookies in
20-ton stockpiles. The two major problems associated with stockpiling are
consolidation and moisture retention.
2.4.1. Experience has shown that large, conical stockpiles have a tendency to form
an 8 to 10 inch crust over the stockpile. This crust can be easily broken by a front
end loader. Also, the crust tends to shed water and prevent the rest of the pile from
2.4.2. The stockpile should be built on a solid surface to prevent contamination or
compaction of the underlying surface. The finer particles in the processed cookies
tend to absorb and retain moisture, which increases the moisture content of the
material. Cookies or the production rate has to be sacrificed if there is an increase
in moisture content. An increase in moisture content by even 0.5 percent will
seriously hinder HMA production capabilities. Hence, proper drainage of the
stockpile should be provided. Tall conical stockpiles provide better drainage
compared to low, flat stockpiles. Depending on the annual moisture level in the
region, use of protective coverings such as tarps or structures should be
2.4.3. Check stockpiles for consolidation weekly and when consolidation
becomes obvious, turn and re-pile (consolidation time varies depending on
stockpile size and environmental factors).
2.5. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). The quality of RAP cannot be
guaranteed without material testing as described in AFH 32-1034. Possible use of
a rejuvenator or additional asphalt may be required when using RAP. If a need
arises to use existing paved asphalt surfaces to make RAP supplies, use
conventional practices and equipment for removing and breaking the asphalt
paved surfaces.
2.6. Maximum Raw Material Stockpile Storage Time. Research to determine
the effects of weathering and oxidation on asphalt stockpiles is currently being
conducted. Findings will be included in this publication as they become available.
14 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
Chapter 3
3.1. Batch Start Times. Begin the recycler warmup process when released from
the shelter area after the attack (see paragraph 3.11) so the recyclers are ready to
produce quality asphalt when needed. Warehouse 1 Lead manages the asphalt
production and delivery processes. For asphalt capped repairs, the Crater Repair
Team Lead informs the Warehouse 1 Lead when pavement breaking is about to
commence. At this time, Warehouse 1 Lead requests the Batch Plant to begin
batching operations in order to have HMA delivered to the airfield when the
capping crew is ready to begin capping repairs. Table 3.1 provides data used to
help manage the asphalt production process.
Table 3.1. Asphalt Production and Consumption Rates.
Batch Plant
Hourly Prod
Surplus / Deficit
uction Start
Min. Prod
1 14 1 9 + 5
2.5 hrs. after release
(1 hr. before need)
1 14 2 18 - 4
1.5 hrs. after release
(2 hr. before need)
2 28 3 27 + 1
2 hrs. after release
(1.5 hrs. before need)
3 42 5 45 - 3
1.5 hrs. after release
(2 hr. before need)
4 56 7 63 - 7
0.5 hr. after release
(3 hr. before need)
*One batch plant using two asphalt recyclers, each one capable of
producing 7 tons per hour of asphalt.
**Assumes 8.5’ x 8.5’ x 4” cap @ 150 lbs/ft
mat density.
3.2. Tracking Production, Hold Times, and Deliveries. The Batch Team Lead
keeps Warehouse 1 Lead informed of asphalt production, stockpile size and hold
times. Dump truck operators inform the Warehouse 1 Lead of dump truck load
and hold times, and start and finish of asphalt deliveries.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 15
3.2.1. Maximum stockpile hold times vary, depending on environmental
conditions and whether the batch plant is located indoors or outdoors. A rule of
thumb is maximum stockpile hold times consistently being added to in temperate
and dry weather conditions is three hours. There is no rule of thumb for cold
weather conditions; stockpiles must be constantly monitored in cold weather to
ensure the stockpiles are used before cooling below useable temperatures. Projects
are scheduled to determine more definitive stockpile hold times and will be added
to this publication when projects are complete.
3.2.2. Cover the HMA stockpile with tarps, from the inclement weather kit in the
4FWCR UTC, when temperatures are below 70°F or when crater repair delays
occur to help prevent the HMA from cooling too quickly.
3.3. Overview of Recycler Operation. The described operating procedures
herein maximize HMA production rate and meet specific discharge temperatures
(340° F is the typical target) while operating the recycler in continuous mode
using HMA cookies. The operator attempts to maintain a constant 1,015 PSI (70
bar) drum pressure during warm-up (paragraph 3.11) and continuous operation
by monitoring the drum pressure read-out and adding material in the charging box
as necessary. The unit should be operated on high heat for the majority of the
warm-up period (approximately 10 minute warm-up). After the warm-up period,
the operator adjusts the heat as necessary to meet the target discharge temperature.
When the discharge temperature becomes relatively constant, the operator
typically switches to low heat for the majority of the continuous production run.
3.3.1. If material discharge temperatures drop below specified temperature ranges,
the operator switches to high heat for a short period (approximately 1-2 minutes)
to increase the drum temperature and then switches back to low heat to continue
production. The operator may need to cycle in and out of high heat more
frequently if the RAP material has high moisture content or if the operator
overloads the drum (more than 1,015 PSI [70 bar]) inadvertently or in an effort to
increase the production rate.
3.3.2. Circumstances may dictate a higher target discharge temperature (i.e. 350-
370°F). Two operating adjustments can be made to increase the discharge
temperature. First, the operator can cycle in and out of high heat more often.
Second, the operator can under-fill the drum (below 1,015 PSI [70 bar]) to
increase heat transfer from the drum to the material inside the drum. A
combination of these two options may be required.
3.4. Recycler Operating Tips.
16 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
3.4.1. Do:
Make sure machine is properly leveled and weight is on all jacks.
Maintain consistent load in machine to reduce smoke and overheating.
Make sure door on drum is at the bottom position and opened when
machine is idle to drain water.
Keep rollers and chain well lubricated they are exposed to high
Keep drum drive chain in proper adjustment, chain and teeth will last
Keep roller path clean, rollers will last longer.
Minimize loading of oversize chunks and rocksthe drum paddles and
shell will last longer.
Keep drum rotating and blower on during cool down at end of
Keep door actuator paddles clean to avoid excessive drum door ramp
wear and paddle damage.
Keep engine RPM and generator belt tension properly adjusted to
maintain correct voltage for burner system.
Keep burner properly adjusted.
Bleed fuel system after changing filters.
Keep machine clean, material buildup will cause rapid wear to
Turn drum while burner is firing.
3.4.2. Do Not:
Run machine on extremely soft surfaces without pads under jacks as the
machine can settle unevenly and cause misalignment and uneven loads
on drum.
Surge load machine.
Run burner without drum rotating.
Run burner without material in the drum except for initial warm-up.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 17
Leave material in drum at end of production, it will all fall to bottom of
drum and cause excessive unbalance in drum on startup causing possible
drive damage.
Attempt to run burner without engine at full RPM, electrical component
damage may result due to low voltage.
Weld on machine without unplugging generator and disconnecting
Hit override button repeatedly (more than 3 consecutive times as it could
damage fire control relay) locate the problem and correct.
Drop material from excessive height into charging box.
3.5. Smoke Emission Indicators. Smoke from the recycler indicates some
operating conditions.
3.5.1. White smoke coming out of the inlet, but dissipates within 50 feet: caused
by water and is not an issue.
3.5.2. White/blue smoke out of inlet, but does not dissipate within 50 feet:
Finishing area of drum is well above 350°F and is flashing A/C off material. This
will be more defined if in Low Fire or Burner Off/Blower On. Adjust feed/
discharge rate of machine to control. Use shutdown steps to control. White smoke
off material at discharge indicates material is overheated, should only see slight
blue haze coming off material at discharge. Target 300-325°F. Also, can be result
of overfilling machine and pushing material up into burner funnel bringing
material in contact with flame.
3.5.3. Black smoke at burner start and during operation indicates low air volume
on burner. Material buildup in fan segments cutting air volume resulting in wrong
air/fuel mixture. Clean blower fan.
3.5.4. Brown/black smoke. There is a fire in the drum. Cut burner, add material
to cool drum. Leave door closed five minutes then start discharging and resume
3.5.5. Slight blue haze out inlet and off of material. Optimal!
3.6. Safety. Before putting the recycler into operation, familiarize yourself fully
with all parts and functions of the machine and the manufacturer’s operating
instructions/safety precautions (provided with the recyclers).
18 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
3.7. Setup Location. The asphalt batch plant area should be setup in an area that
meets the following criteria.
3.7.1. Set recyclers up on stable ground as level as possible.
3.7.2. Leave ample space around recyclers for loading and unloading.
3.7.3. Clear the area of flammable materials.
3.7.4. Locate recyclers in an area free of overhead obstructions such as structures,
overhangs, power lines, and trees.
3.7.5. Avoid operating recyclers in areas where exhaust gases could enter air
handling systems for adjacent facilities.
3.7.6. Do not operate recyclers in enclosed structures without adequate overhead
clearance, proper exhaust handling system and sufficient make up air to handle
exhaust and requirements of engine and burner.
3.7.7. Stockpile HMA cookies (feed stockpile) near the asphalt recyclers so that
the FEL operator can easily access the feed stockpile but not be hindered when
retrieving HMA from both recycler discharge areas. Spacing/dimensions in
Figure 1.1 are examples and may not be the same for all locations. It is the FEL
operator’s discretion how much space is necessary between the stockpiles and the
asphalt recycler equipment.
3.8. Recycler Setup Procedures.
3.8.1. After positioning recycler, set parking brake and chock wheels before
disconnecting from tow vehicle.
Note. If setting up on very soft (i.e. loose dirt) surface, place mats under supports
to help keep the recyclers from sinking and becoming out of level on soft ground.
Setting recyclers on asphalt surfaces works the best.
3.8.2. Unlock manual locks and lower drop legs and pins (Figure 3.1).
3.8.3. Operate jack control (Figure 3.1) to raise the recycler to operating height.
Do NOT operate jack actuators with manual locks engaged. Adjust all four
corners to level the unit.
3.8.4. Tighten manual locks.
3.8.5. Spray down the throat, backstop, and discharge gate mechanism with
release agent.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 19
Figure 3.1. Four Corner Jacking System.
3.9. Pre-Operational Checks.
3.9.1. Inspect all engine fluid levels.
3.9.2. Check hydraulic oil level (bottom quarter of sight glass when cold).
3.9.3. Inspect engine and generator belts for condition and correct tension.
3.9.4. Inspect burner filters.
3.9.5. Lubricate rollers and drive chain.
3.10. Start Up Process.
Note. If below 32°F, use extension cord in toolbox and connect to receptacle on
front panel of machine and 120VAC power source and allow minimum of 5
minutes to warm fluids and battery.
3.10.1. Step 1. Remove hydraulic control umbilical (Figure 1.5) from toolbox to
connect to right side (R/S) or left side (L/S) of recycler as required. Set control
switch in engine compartment to correspond with side chosen for operation (right
or left). Make sure all umbilical switches are in off position.
20 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
3.10.2. Step 2. Remove infrared control head (Figure 3.2) from toolbox and
position on desired side of machine and connect wiring accordingly.
Figure 3.2. Infrared Control Head.
3.10.3. Step 3. Start engine and allow to warm and stabilize at idle (if below 60°F,
turn on 12VDC fuel heater).
3.10.4. Step 4. Turn on master switches to enable hydraulics and infrared
thermometers to monitor discharge temperature.
3.10.5. Step 5. Engage drum to aid in warming up hydraulic system.
3.10.6. Step 6. Remove ratchet and socket from toolbox for jack manual locks
and loosen all jack locks.
3.10.7. Step 7. Lower dropdown sections of elevation jacks to last pin hole. Install
support pins and safety pins.
Note. It may be required that you lower the front of machine by lowering propping
jacks to get pins in for rear drop legs. Then raise the front of machine to set front
drop legs.
3.10.8. Step 8. Bring engine to full throttle with drum drive engaged.
3.10.9. Step 9. Open jack control box and use the ALL JACKS LOWER switch
to extend all jacks at the same time. Raise machine to end of jack stroke. The amp
gauge will jump up when the first jack reaches the end. The breaker for that jack
will pop if switch is maintained...if breaker pops, reset.
3.10.10. Step 10. Use individual switches (Figure 3.1) to level machine by
referencing the dual axis level to the lower right of jack control box.
3.10.11. Step 11. When machine level has been achieved, tighten all elevation
jack manual locks with ratchet and socket provided.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 21
3.10.12. Step 12. Lower manual backstops for backboard down to 4th hole and
3.10.13. Step 13. With aid of the mini-chain fall in the toolbox, first raise the
backboard to remove transport chains. Connect hooks to loop on back of board to
stow them. Using chain fall, lower the backboard to ground and unfold extensions.
3.10.14. Step 14. Lower and pin ladder assembly.
3.10.15. Step 15. Open burner control panel and move step switch to Position #1.
Confirm fuel suction and pressure values are correct.
3.10.16. Step 16. Confirm display is correct. Clean drum temperature sensor
window if required.
Note. Drum temperature display will start to read low as the window gets dirty.
Clean with a soft rag, wetted with some fuel oil.
3.10.17. Step 17. Operate umbilical to verify all functions:
Drum forward and reverse with detent in forward position
Hopper up and down with detent in lower position
Drum high speed; engage and disengage
Note. Never reverse drum or open door while in high speed
Open door and operate drum reverse direction - hold door switch in open
position. When drum stalls, release door switch. Engage drum in forward
position (detented).
Close Door and operate drum in normal forward direction (detented).
Move door switch to closed position. When drum stalls, release door
switch. Reverse Drum one (1) rotation and then back to forward or
detented position.
3.10.18. You are now ready for operation. Ensure a sufficient quantity of material
is on-hand for desired production before lighting burner.
3.11. Warmup Process. The warmup process is a multi-step process to run
asphalt cookies or RAP through the asphalt recycler to produce HMA at the
correct temperature.
3.11.1. Step 1. Move burner control switch to Position #2. Burner should light at
8-second mark. Run burner in Position 2 (low fire) approximately two (2) minutes
depending on ambient temperature (up to five (5) minutes in extreme cold).
22 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
3.11.2. Step 2. Fill hopper (Figure 3.3) and load drum with light load
(approximately 725 psi [50 bar]). Leave in “Low Fire for five (5) minutes.
Figure 3.3. Loading Asphalt Recycler.
3.11.3. Step 3. Move burner control to Position #3. Continue with door closed
(approximately three minutes).
3.11.4. Step 4. Open door. The first couple of drops may not be turned yet.
Monitor temperature. If not above 250°F by fifth (5th) drop, close door and move
burner switch back to Position #2. Wait approximately three (3) minutes. Then
open door and check temperature of the discharge material. It should be
approaching 300°F at this time. Leave the door open and return step switch to
Position #3 (High Fire). Maintain drum load at about 725 psi (50 bar) by using
small dumps out of the hopper. As the drum gains temperature, you will need to
increase drum load to a maximum of 1015 psi (70 bar) to control discharge
temperature. Do not exceed 1015 psi (70 bar) at any time. If unable to control
discharge temperature at 1015 psi (70 bar), switch back to low fire.
3.11.5. If the HMA discharge temperature is within or above the specified
temperature range, continue discharging HMA. Lowering the burner setting
and/or loading more material into the drum will reduce the temperature of the
material in the drum which in turn lowers the discharged HMA temperature.
3.11.6. If the HMA discharge temperature is below the specified temperature
range, close the discharge gate and continue to heat and mix the material.
3.11.7. It is common for material discharge temperatures to rise or fall a few
degrees before normalizing and leveling out. If the initial discharged material
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 23
temperature is slightly below the specified range, discharge HMA for 30 seconds
to allow the temperature to rise into the acceptable range. If temperature does not
rise into the acceptable range, close the discharge gate.
3.11.10. Step 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the HMA discharge temperature is
within the desired range. The burner switch may have to be switched between
setting 2 (burner stage 1) and 3 (burner stage 2) to maintain a discharge
temperature within the specified temperature range.
3.11.11. Step 6. Once the warm-up period is complete (material temperature has
stabilized), place asphalt produced during the warmup period back in the feed
stockpile to be rerun and used for repairs if it has not been overheated (above
380°F). Dispose the asphalt produced during the warmup period if it was
Note: If the plant is on semi-improved surfaces, use the asphalt produced during
warmup as a bed for the stockpiled material.
3.12. HMA Production. Remove HMA material under the discharge gate as
needed and load in dump trucks or transport to storage using a front end loader
with a bucket.
Note: Early in the production process, maintain temperatures in the higher part of
the desired range (350 - 380°F) to help ensure proper stockpile temperatures. As
asphalt production nears 50 percent of the required production, gradually bring
the temperature down to the lower part of the range (290 - 310°F) to decrease time
required to cool repairs.
3.12.1. During asphalt production, the operator should ensure the pressure ratings
are maintained between 900-1,000 pounds per square inch (60-70 bar). If the drum
pressure drops, the temperature will begin to rise in the drum affecting quality of
the asphalt. If the drum pressure is too high, temperature will begin to drop
lowering its effect on the consistency of the asphalt.
3.12.2. Maintain a consistent drum pressure by monitoring the intake and
production of material. Making the drum lighter or heavier as needed to maintain
a consistent temperature.
3.12.3. During batching operation the asphalt recycler can become jammed or
clogged with debris. The recycler operator removes any debris or asphalt clumps
within the recycler to ensure the proper operation. Perform the following actions
to help prevent buildups, clogs, and jams:
24 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
Check throat area periodically for obstructions. Blockage in this area
causes rapid overheating of material in the drum due to reduced airflow.
In extreme cases, a pry bar may be used to remove buildup of asphalt
lumps at the charging box/tumbler chute entrance.
For large chunks, reverse drum direction for approximately one minute
and pull chunk materials back into production area of the drum to reheat.
Between production runs, check for any buildup of materials at the
charging box/tumbler chute entrance.
Note: Stockpiles should be covered with tarps and a berm constructed around the
stockpiles during inclement weather. Tarps and berm material are included in the
Inclement Weather Kit from UTC 4F9CR.
Note: Tests in temperate and dry weather suggests 10 tons of asphalt can be held
in a 10-ton dump truck no longer than 3 hours. Asphalt may cool below minimum
placement temperature of 270°F if held beyond 3 hours.
3.12.4. When enough HMA has been produced, cease loading the hopper, but
continue dumping hopper contents into the drum until empty. Do not over load
the drum (exceed 1,015 PSI [70 bar]). Raise the loading tray fully and continue
producing asphalt.
3.12.5. Monitor the drum temperature and reduce the burner stage accordingly as
material moves through the drum and out the discharge gate.
3.13. Work Interruption. Perform the following actions if there is an interruption
in the HMA production process.
3.13.1. If the work is to be interrupted for up to thirty minutes, discharge the
tumbler to one third or half of its contents, close the discharge gate, keep the
tumbler turning and switch burner to position "0".
3.13.2. If the work is to be interrupted for more than 30 minutes, discharge the
tumbler completely and switch off burner and engine.
3.13.3. At continuous operation keep the contents of the tumbler at a level
corresponding to 1,015 PSI (70 bar) on the hydraulic oil pressure gauge, keep
burner operation at maximum rate and discharge the reprocessed asphalt
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 25
3.13.4. Fill asphalt lumps into the recycler until the reading of the hydraulic oil
pressure gauge is 1,015 PSI (70 bar) and 870 PSI (60 bar) when using asphalt
fines (material passing through a #4 sieve [4.75-mm]).
3.14. Shut Down.
3.14.1. Step 1. Perform an end-of-production run to clean the recycler and to
ensure it is ready for its next mission (see paragraph 4.2).
3.14.2. Step 2. Unlock all manual locks on elevation jacks. Lower front of unit to
free up backboard. Clean and raise backboard and secure. Raise all elevation jacks
completely and secure all manual locks.
3.14.3. Step 3. Idle engine down and shut off all control switches. Allow engine
to cool two (2) minutes and shut down.
3.14.4. Step 4. Stow all gear.
3.15. Batching Complete. Batch Plant Team Lead informs the Logistics Chief
when personnel have finished their tasks and are idle so they may be loaned to
other teams as necessary.
26 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
Chapter 4
4.1. During Production Run. Check for material buildup between production
runs at the charging box/ tumbler chute entrance. If major build-up occurs, use
crowbar and hand tools (chisel, hammer-drill, hammer, etc.) to remove material
buildup. Machine must be totally cooled and not in operation (OFF) before
removing any buildup inside these areas.
4.2. End of Production Run.
4.2.1. Step 1. Close the discharge gate and keep the contents tumbling for five
minutes at the first burner firing stage to ensure all the asphalt lumps are
thoroughly heated.
4.2.2. Step 2. Fully open discharge gate to discharge material in the tumbler.
4.2.3. Step 3. Switch the burner to stage 1 (burner fan still blowing, no heat).
4.2.4. Step 4. With the aid of the leveling jacks, lower the discharge end of the
recycler to ensure complete discharge of the contents.
4.2.5. Step 5. Fully open the discharge gate (manually) to remove any bigger
chunks of material trapped in the tumbler.
4.2.6. Step 6. While the engine is still running and the burner fan blowing, spray
the gate, gate tracks, and drum channel with asphalt release agent to ensure all
asphalt has been removed.
4.2.7. Step 7. Leave the engine running and the burner fan blowing (burner switch
in stage 1) until the tumbler has cooled below 120°F (50°C).
4.2.8. Step 8. Close the discharge gate.
4.2.9. Step 9. Stop the tumbler drive with the discharge gate at the bottom of the
drum open.
4.2.10. Step 10. Turn the burner switch to stage 0 (everything off) and turn off the
recycler engine.
4.2.11. Step 11. Clean caked or stray asphalt off the recycler.
4.2.12. Step 12. Clean up the area surrounding the recycler.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 27
4.2.13. Step 13. Wash down the throat area, discharge gate, and backstop with
release agent.
28 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
Chapter 5
Asphalt Recycler Maintenance Requirements
5.1. Daily:
Check engine oil, water, and air filter restriction.
Check engine and generator drive belt tension.
Check hydraulic oil level.
Check fuel filters.
Check and lubricate all rollers and drive chain. (10 shots rollers, keep
chain wet).
Check that all burner components are secure.
Check burner for fuel leaks.
5.2. Monthly:
All items on Daily list.
Clean roller paths and roller pockets.
Check drum drive chain tension and adjust if necessary.
Note. Adjusting chain tension should be accomplished by an experienced
operator. Improper tension will cause damage to drum chain, drum drive
components, and/or drum teeth.
Clean burner primary fuel screen and inspect secondary filters.
Check drum end clearance and adjust if required.
Lubricate charging box cylinder pins.
Clean all tank breathers.
If stationary, rotate wheels to keep from damaging bearings.
5.3. Annually:
All items on Daily and Monthly list.
Change hydraulic oil and filter.
Inspect drive chain, drum teeth, drive sprocket and idler.
Inspect all carry, side and thrust rollers.
Inspect drum inlet area and drum for wear.
Inspect drum door and actuators for wear and buildup as required.
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 29
Clean and inspect burner, replace nozzles, reset electrode gap.
Clean valley of blower vanes, air box and damper door. As they fill with
debris air volume drops and burner falls out of adjustment. More
frequently if operated in very dusty environment.
5.4. Engine Service and Burner Fuel Filters. 250 hours normal service, 200
hours severe conditions.
5.5. Hydraulic System Oil and Filter. 1000 hours/1 Year.
5.6. Burner Malfunction and Troubleshooting. In case of a burner malfunction
do not try to re-start the burner by pushing the reset button more than three times.
Too many re-starts which fail again may cause the burner relay to become
overloaded and fail completely. It is advisable to solve the problem by systematic
study and following the trouble shooting diagram in the Operators’ Manual.
30 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
Chapter 6
6.1. Overview. This phase begins when directed to return to normal operations.
During this phase, begin implementing plans to reconstitute the RADR
equipment, materials, and vehicles and then resume normal operations. Supervise
an orderly return to the normal operating facilities, or movement to a temporary
or permanent facility. Maintain communication with command and control (C2)
agencies during transition and report mission manpower and capability.
6.2. Reconstitution. When directed, begin the following reconstitution actions:
Replenish virgin asphalt/rap stockpiles.
Perform vehicle post operational inspections and take appropriate action
for any discrepancies found.
Clean recyclers.
Refuel recyclers and vehicles.
Return vehicles to their duty locations or staging areas.
JOHN B. COOPER, Lieutenant General, USAF
DCS/Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 31
Attachment 1
AFDA 3-34, Engineer Operations, 30 Dec 2014
AFI 10-210, Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force (BEEF) Program, 21 Jan
AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 Mar 2008
AFH 32-1034, Materials Testing, 3 Apr 2015
AFPAM 10-219V4, Airfield Damage Repair Operations, 28 May 2008
AFTTP 3-32.18, Rapid Airfield Damage Recovery Warehouse Operations, Apr
UFC 3-250-03, Standard Practice Manual for Flexible Pavements15 May 2001
UFC 3-270-07, O&M: Airfield Damage Repair, 12 Aug 2002
Bagela BA 10000 Asphalt Recycler Operators’ Manual, no date
AFCEC/CXA Publication, Asphalt Production Using Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)
Cookies and an Asphalt Recycler, no date
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFRIMSAir Force Records Information Management System
BEEFBase Engineer Emergency Force
C2command and control
CTLcompact track loader
FODforeign object debris
OICOfficer in Charge
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
RADRRapid Airfield Damage Repair
RAPreclaimed asphalt pavement
RDSRecords Disposition Schedule
TTPtactics, techniques, and procedures
32 AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018
UFCUnified Facilities Criteria
UTCUnit Type Code
AirfieldAn area prepared for the accommodation (including any buildings,
installations, and equipment), landing, and takeoff of aircraft.
CraterCraters represent damage that penetrates through the pavement surface
into the underlying base and sub grade soil, which uplifts the surrounding
pavement and ejects base, sub base soils, rock, and pavement debris around the
impact area. Large craters have an apparent diameter equal to or greater than 6 m
(20 ft). Small craters have an apparent diameter less than 6 m (20 ft).
DebrisMaterial ejected from the crater including broken pavement and soil.
Debris is some-times usable as backfill material particularly for large crater repair,
but for small crater or spall repair it is generally not advisable.
FacilityA real property entity consisting of one or more of the following: a
building, a structure, a utility system, pavement, and underlying land.
Minimum Airfield Operating Surface (MAOS)The combined requirement
for airfield surfaces for both runway and access routes. The MOS is part of the
Minimum Operating Strip (MOS)1. A runway which meets the minimum
requirements for operating assigned and/or allocated aircraft types on a particular
airfield at maximum or combat gross weight. 2. The MOS is the smallest area to
be repaired to launch and/or recover aircraft after an attack. Selection depends
upon mission requirements, taxi access, resources available, and estimated time
to repair. For fighter aircraft, the typically accepted dimensions are 5,000 feet long
by 50 feet wide.
Mission1. The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action
to be taken and the reason therefore. 2. In common usage, especially when applied
to lower military units, a duty assigned to an individual or unit; a task. 3. The
dispatching of one or more aircraft to accomplish one particular task. (JP 1-02)
PersonnelThose individuals required in either a military or civilian capacity to
accomplish the assigned mission.
ProceduresStandard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific
AFTTP 3-32.19 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 33
RecoveryThe development, coordination, and execution of service- and site-
restoration plans for impacted communities and the reconstitution of government
operations and services through individual, private-sector, nongovernmental, and
public assistance programs that: identify needs and define resources; provide
housing and promote restoration; address long-term care and treatment of affected
persons; implement additional measures for community restoration; incorporate
mitigation measures and techniques, as feasible; evaluate the incident to identify
lessons learned; and develop initiatives to mitigate the effects of future incidents.
RunwayA defined rectangular area of an airfield, prepared for the landing and
takeoff of aircraft along its length. A runway is measured from the outer edge of
the thresholds from one end of the runway to the others. The width of the runway
is typically measured from the outer edge of the load-bearing pavement on one
side to the outer edge of the load-bearing pavement on the other side. In some
cases the runway may be measured from the outside edge of the runway marking
line on one side to the outside edge of the marking line on the other side and any
remaining load bearing pavement is considered shoulder.
SpallPavement damage that does not penetrate through the pavement surface
to the underlying soil layers. A spall damage area could be up to 1.5 meters (5
feet) in diameter.
Support1. The action of a force that aids, protects, complements, or sustains
another force in accordance with a directive requiring such action. 2. A unit that
helps another unit in battle. 3. An element of a command that assists, protects, or
supplies other forces in combat. (JP 1-02)
Tactics1. The employment of units in combat. 2. The ordered arrangement and
maneuver of units in relation to each other and/or to the enemy in order to use
their full potentialities. (JP 1-02)
TechniquesNon-prescriptive ways or methods use to perform missions,
functions, or tasks.
ThreatAn indication of possible violence, harm, or danger.