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Six Mobile Apps to
Make Prescribing Easier
These apps can help you more eectively make
medication decisions on the go.
Dr. Rebedew is a family physician at Monroe Clinic
in Albany, Wis., and a faculty member for the
University of Illinois Rockford Family Medicine
Residency. Author disclosure: no relevant financial
aliations disclosed.
hysicians and other clinicians use a wide range of mobile
applications in their practices, and prescribing apps are
the most common.
Most prescribing apps are tied to online
pharmaceutical databases, the use of which can decrease mor-
tality and the number and length of hospital stays.
The scope, com-
pleteness, accuracy, and ease of use of various databases has been
studied extensively.
This article focuses on six commonly used pharmaceutical apps
that were reviewed using FPM’s “SPPACES” criteria. Key features,
including interaction checking, drug monitoring information, dos-
ing information, and pill identification, are summarized in a tabular
format (see “Prescribing app comparison,” page 13).
The Medscape app is a comprehensive
resource for medications, diseases,
and medical calculators.
Source: WebMD Health Corp.
Platforms available: Android 4.0.3
or later (hp://bit.ly/2Nhe3ik); iOS
10.0 or later for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (hps://apple.
Pertinence to primary care practice: Medscape is listed
as one of the most commonly used medical apps in multiple
The app provides an extensive resource for clini-
cians, including data on more than 8,000 medications and
7,600 diseases or conditions as well as step-by-step proce-
dural articles and image collections. It also offers a consult
service that allows users to confer with other physicians on diagno-
ses and treatment options and provides continuing medical educa-
tion (CME) for some of its activities. The drug interaction checker
can compare up to 30 medications, herbals, or foods simultaneously.
Authoritativeness/accuracy/currency of information: The app
was developed with the help of physicians, PhDs, and pharmacists
and relies on the medication database RxList and pricing database
WebMDRx. Studies have rated Medscape as the most comprehensive
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12 | FPM | November/December 2018 www.aafp.org/fpm
app for geriatrics
and best overall resource
for pediatrics.
A 2016 study determined
the app had the best interaction checker
and dose calculator among the 59 apps
An earlier test ranked Medscape
as having the most complete and accurate
medical calculator.
Medscape has been
downloaded more than 10 million times
and has won multiple awards. The app was
last updated in September 2018 (iOS) and
October 2018 (Android).
Cost: Free.
Ease of use: Finding information about
dosing, interactions, side effects, warnings,
use during pregnancy, formularies, pricing,
and administration is quick and easy, and
the search function has an autocomplete
feature. However, users cannot search for
medications and herbals phonetically. The
procedures portion of the app is lengthy
and not ideal for point-of-care use. There
is no search feature in the conditions sec-
tion, so numerous taps and scrolling are
required. Users can bookmark frequently
viewed articles. The app is available in
English only.
Sponsor: WebMD LLC
Rating: ★★★★
This is an essential app for
identifying pills and is a good
overall medical reference.
UpToDate is one of
the most widely used
clinical decision support
resources for medication
and disease management.
Source: UpToDate Inc.
Platforms available: Android
4.1 or later (hp://bit.ly/2P4uejq);
iOS 8.0 or later for iPhone, iPad,
and iPod touch (hps://apple.co/2woQkFH).
Pertinence to primary care practice:
Users can earn and track free CME credit by
searching topics in UpToDate. They can also
print from the app, email topics or graphics
to patients or colleagues, and bookmark
commonly viewed topics. The interaction
checker can compare more than 50 medica-
tions simultaneously. UpToDate sets itself
apart by providing overdose treatment,
symptoms, and toxidromes for both medica-
tions and household products. It also offers
monitoring parameters, a fea-
ture matched only by Epocrates.
currency of information: The
app, which uses pharmaceutical
information from the databases
of Lexicomp, Medi-Span, and
Facts & Comparisons, claims
that more than 1.3 million clini-
cians worldwide use UpToDate.
Use of the UpToDate database
has been associated with
reduced length of stay and
lower mortality.
percent of the recommenda-
tions in UpToDate are concordant with the
Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation (GRADE)
It was the top-ranked resource
for pediatric hospitalists in 2015.
More than
6,500 physicians are involved in the process
of creating, editing, and updating the app’s
information, according to UpToDate. The app
was last updated in September 2018 (Android)
and October 2018 (iOS).
Cost: Downloading the app is free, but
using it requires a subscription to UpToDate
Online, which also provides access via
Prescribing apps are the most common mobile apps used by
physicians and other clinicians.
Physicians can use prescribing apps to choose the best medication
for specific patient conditions based on ecacy, side eects, inter-
actions, and other factors.
Some prescribing apps also provide easy access to medical calcula-
tors, pill identifiers, alternative medicine information, or education
materials to share with patients.
S — Source or developer of app
P — Platforms available
P — Pertinence to primary care practice
A — Authoritativeness/accuracy/currency
of information
C — Cost
E — Ease of use
S — Sponsor(s)
www.aafp.org/fpm November/December 2018 | FPM | 13
computer and costs $519 for one year, $929
for two years, or $1,229 for three years.
Ease of use: The app shares the same
categories of information as the full website,
but it requires quite a bit of scrolling. The
medical calculators are complete and opti-
mized for smartphones. The app is available
in English and several other languages.
Sponsor: Wolters Kluwer Health
Rating: ★★★★
This is an ideal resource for pharmacoge-
nomics information and drug interactions,
especially among oncology medications.
Clinical Pharmacology
is an extensive medi-
cation database for
use by clinicians and
Source: Elsevier Inc.
Platforms available: Android 4.0.3
or later (hp://bit.ly/2NgdcOH); iOS 8.0
or later for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Pertinence to primary care practice:
Many local pharmacists use this resource
for answering pharmaceutical questions.
The app sets itself apart by listing
inactive ingredients and is one
of only three apps that describe
what to do if a patient misses
a dose. It provides pictures of
various medications and specifies
how to tailor doses based on gen-
der, weight, and ethnicity.
currency of information: This app,
whose Gold Standard database
is run by pharmacists, is used in
more than 2,000 hospitals and
35,000 retail pharmacies. It was a
top performer in the 2018 Best in
KLAS report for clinical decision
and was rated in one study as the
best database for clinical decision support.
The app was last updated in December 2017.
Cost: Downloading the app is free, but
using it requires an institutional subscrip-
tion to Clinical Pharmacology.
Ease of use: The app is initially difficult
to navigate but gets easier with familiarity.
Compared with other apps, it requires more
Medscape UpToDate Drugs.com Epocrates
Antibiotic resources X X X X X X
Calculators X X X X
Dialyzability information X X X
Drug interactions X X X X X X
Formulary information X X
Guidelines X X X X X
Herbal interactions X X X X
Inactive ingredients list X
Missed dose guidance X X X
Monitoring parameters X X X
Overdose treatment
Pill identifier X X X X
Pricing information X X X X
Rx images X X X
14 | FPM | November/December 2018 www.aafp.org/fpm
taps but less scrolling to view indications.
Sponsor: Elsevier Inc.
Rating: ★★★★★
The app’s nuanced information is pri-
marily of interest to pharmacists, but this
is still a great app for clinicians.
Drugs.com has a multitude of infor-
mation on diseases and medications
as well as a symptom
Source: Drugs.com
Platforms available:
Android 4.4 or later (hp://bit.
ly/2P4j9im); iOS 9.0 or later for
iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Pertinence to primary care
practice: Drugs.com is the app
version of a website that has
more than 25 million U.S. visi-
tors per month and frequently
is the first website that appears
in searches for certain medica-
tions. With the app, patients
can use a symptom checker, record their
medications in My Med List, and perform
phonetic searches for medications. The
interaction checker can track more than
50 medications and foods at once. Other
unique features include its list of top 40
drug searches, drug popularity rankings,
user ratings and commentaries, pregnancy
safety warnings, alcohol effects and warn-
ings, recent alerts from the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), and a drug
comparison tool. The drug comparison
tool considers price, half-life, number
of medication interactions, and disease
interactions. Drugs.com is also one of only
two databases with overdose treatment
(UpToDate being the other database with
this information).
of information: The app has information
on more than 24,000 prescription medica-
tions, over-the-counter medications, and
natural products compiled from mul-
tiple sources, including Wolters Kluwer
Health, Cerner Multum, Micromedex from
Truven Health, the American Society
of Health-System Pharmacists, and the
Physicians’ Desk Reference. Micromedex
has been rated highly for clinical deci-
sion support,
pharmacogenomics data,
antibiotic completeness,
and medication interac-
tion tracking.
provides monographs from
the FDA and the American
Hospital Formulary Service
Drug Information as well
as articles from the Mayo
Clinic. A.D.A.M. Inc. supplies
the app’s health encyclope-
dia, which was developed by
physicians and is reviewed
by a content review board
of physician specialists.
The symptom checker was
created by Harvard Health
Decision Guides, which draws on the
expertise of 9,000 faculty physicians at
Harvard Medical School. Many of the app’s
underlying databases are updated at least
quarterly. The app itself was last updated
in May 2018 (Android) and September 2018
Cost: Free; removing ads costs $1.99 for
three months or $4.99 for a full year.
Ease of use: Finding information
requires a lot of scrolling because the data
is compiled and not synthesized. This is
compounded by ads placed within the text.
Looking for medications by condition or
class is a very useful feature. The app is
available in English only.
Sponsors: The app is produced by
Drugsite Trust, which is privately held and
administered by two New Zealand phar-
macists. The app is not affiliated with phar-
maceutical companies, but it does feature
pharmaceutical advertising.
Rating: ★★★★
This is a free, unbiased resource for
patients and institutions with limited
resources to view medication information
and check interactions as well as compare
medications head-to-head with both objec-
tive and subjective data.
Prescribing apps are the most
common mobile apps physicians
and other clinicians use.
www.aafp.org/fpm November/December 2018 | FPM | 15
Epocrates is an exhaus-
tive reference for
medications, pricing,
medical calculators, dis-
ease information, and
herbal supplements.
Source: Epocrates Inc.
Platforms available: Android 4.0 or later
(hp://bit.ly/2wx5yse); iOS 9.0 or later for
iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (hps://apple.
Pertinence to primary care
practice: Epocrates is one
of the most commonly used
apps by both clinicians and
medical students.
Users can
view national and regional
health insurance formularies,
coordinate care with HIPAA-
compliant text messaging, and
find specialists for consults or
referrals in the provider direc-
tory. The app is one of the few
to include safety and monitor-
ing parameters. Unfortunately,
it does not list the frequency
of side effects by percentage for each
medication. It does list off-label or prescrip-
tion-strength uses and includes dosing
recommendations found in generic mono-
graphs. Beyond medications, Epocrates
also provides numerous guidelines that
list key points organized by specialty. It
also includes numerous calculators such
as unit and dose converters, medical equa-
tions, clinical criteria, and decision trees.
Note, however, that these resources are not
searchable. Lastly, Epocrates offers picture
quizzes and numerous tables featuring
content based on Advanced Cardiac Life
Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support,
Glasgow Coma Scale, Beers List, Rapid
Sequence Intubation, and other resources.
of information: Epocrates uses a number
of sources for its information, including
GoodRx for pricing, MedCalc 2000 for
calculators, and Therapeutic Research
Center’s Natural Medicines Inc. for dietary
supplements and natural medicines. The
company claims its app is used by more
than 1 million health care profession-
als worldwide and half of physicians in
the United States. In studies, Epocrates
was determined to have the best medica-
tion interaction accuracy.
For depth
and accuracy of antibiotic treatment
recommendations, Epocrates was equal
to Sanford Guide while outperforming
Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide, 5 Minute
Clinical Consult, and 5 Minute Infectious
Diseases Consult.
The disease references
are created by the British Medical Journal
group. Medications in the underlying data-
bases are updated quarterly with herbals
updated annually. New medica-
tions are not added until they
become commercially available.
The app itself was last updated
in October 2018.
Cost: The basic app is free;
Epocrates Plus, which allows
users to search by disease, view
ICD-10 and CPT codes, review
herbal medications, and gain
insight into lab values, costs
$174.99 a year.
Ease of use: The interface
is easy, and users can save
favorites and write notes. The
drug interaction checker can
track 30 medications and herbals at once
but is slower than other apps when add-
ing medications. The app is available in
English only.
Sponsors: Epocrates Inc. and
AthenaHealth Service
Rating: ★★★★★
This is the best overall reference app,
especially for looking up medication infor-
mation and drug interactions and review-
ing guidelines.
Tarascon is primarily for view-
ing pharmaceutical dosing and
Source: Atmosphere Apps Inc.
Platforms available: Android 4.4
or later (hp://bit.ly/2NyjPw3); iOS
9.0 or later for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Pertinence to primary care practice:
In its printed versions, Tarascon is already
a trusted resource for medication dosing
information. The app includes data for more
than 4,500 medications as well as some use-
ful drug reference tables, a few calculators,
and information from Consumer Reports’
16 | FPM | November/December 2018 www.aafp.org/fpm
“Best Buy Drugs.
racy/currency of information:
The use of Tarascon was pri-
marily studied in personal digi-
tal assistants and rated as one
of the top performers for sen-
sitivity in drug interaction.
The data is reviewed by mul-
tiple pharmacists, physicians,
and PhDs as well as a peer-
review panel of 50 clinicians of
multiple specialties. It has no
affiliation with any pharmaceu-
tical companies. The underly-
ing database is updated weekly, but the app
itself was last updated in September 2018.
Cost: Free for 30 days; a one-year sub-
scription costs $39.99.
Ease of use: The app features succinct
descriptions, which significantly reduces
scrolling. For each medication, the app lists
information on cost, metabolism and excre-
tion, and safety in pregnancy and lactation.
The app is available in English only.
Sponsors: Jones & Bartle Learning
Rating: ★★★★★
This is a great app for quickly finding
FDA-approved and off-label use and dosing
information for medications.
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Send comments to fpme[email protected], or
add your comments to the article online.
The scope, completeness, accuracy,
and ease of use of various online
pharmaceutical databases has
been studied extensively.