Haiku for iOS Users
Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Download Haiku ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Log in .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
What is an activity? .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Log out ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Find Your Patients ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Find admitted patients ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Find clinical appointments and surgical cases ..................................................................................................... 4
Find other patients ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Manage In Basket Messages ........................................................................................................................... 5
Prioritize messages .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Work with Staff Messages ................................................................................................................................... 5
Review results ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Release results to MyChart .................................................................................................................................. 6
Send a reminder to follow up on a result ............................................................................................................ 6
Create a result note ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Refill prescriptions ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Cosign clinic orders .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Address Chart Completion tasks .......................................................................................................................... 7
Respond to patient advice requests .................................................................................................................... 8
Complete dictation placeholders in notes ........................................................................................................... 8
Review Patient Information ............................................................................................................................ 9
Review a snapshot of medical information ......................................................................................................... 9
Review past encounters ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Review documents from outside organizations .................................................................................................. 9
Mark information as reviewed ............................................................................................................................ 9
Capture and Review Patient Photos and Media ............................................................................................ 10
Update a patient's photo ................................................................................................................................... 10
Capture clinical images ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Review clinical images and media ..................................................................................................................... 10
Review Results .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Review results .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Review a patient's critical or abnormal results ................................................................................................. 11
View a graph of results ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Focus on one type of result ............................................................................................................................... 11
Focus on one result value .................................................................................................................................. 11
View and Create Notes and Letters ............................................................................................................... 12
Use filters to narrow down the list of notes ...................................................................................................... 12
Create a new note or letter ............................................................................................................................... 12
View Information in a Push Notification ....................................................................................................... 13
Open an activity from a push notification ......................................................................................................... 13
Review recent notifications ............................................................................................................................... 13
Choose which push notifications appear ........................................................................................................... 13
Write Orders ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Write new orders ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Document a patient-reported medication ........................................................................................................ 14
Record a Dictation ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Record a new dictation ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Open pended dictations .................................................................................................................................... 15
Edit a dictation ................................................................................................................................................... 15
File or delete a dictation .................................................................................................................................... 15
Document Professional Charges.................................................................................................................... 16
File a new charge ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Copy a charge ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Contact Care Team Members ........................................................................................................................ 17
Contact previous care team members .............................................................................................................. 17
Message Colleagues with Secure Chat .......................................................................................................... 18
Read and reply to new messages ...................................................................................................................... 18
Review all conversations and start new ones .................................................................................................... 18
See who has read a message ............................................................................................................................. 18
Getting Started
Welcome to Haiku, Epic's mobile app for iPhones and iPod Touch.
Download Haiku
On your device, tap to open the App Store and search for "Epic Haiku". Next to the Epic Haiku app in the
search results, tap and then tap . When prompted, enter the password for your Apple ID.
Log in
On your device, tap the app's icon and enter your user ID and password in the login fields. Tap the label at the
top of the login screen to connect to a different organization or instance.
If you forget your Epic user ID or password, call the Eskenazi Health Service Desk at 317.880.7800
Tap and hold an item on the screen to see a tooltip with more information on patients,
appointments, In Basket messages, and more.
What is an activity?
Each activity supports a specific task, such as reviewing the chart or e-prescribing medications. You can access
activities from the tabs on the bottom of the screen or by tapping a patient's name from the schedule or
patient list.
Tap and drag the activity bar at the bottom of the screen to the left to see more activities.
Log out
When you leave Haiku, the app continues to run in the background. For security reasons, Haiku automatically
logs you out after 5 minutes of inactivity. However, you can also manually log out. To do so, tap , Options,
and then Logout.
Find Your Patients
Find admitted patients
Tap to open your default patient list or all patient list folders if you don't have a default list. With a default
list, you don't have to pick one from your folder each time you open the activity. You can set up a default list
back in Hyperspace by right-clicking the list and clicking Default List. You can tap Back to open a different
patient list. The following icons indicate that a patient has new information to review.
indicates new abnormal results.
indicates new critical results.
indicates new notes.
To edit a patient list, open the list and tap Edit. To remove a patient from the list, tap the icon and then tap
Remove. To add a patient, tap the + button, search for a patient, and then select the patient. When you are
finished editing the patient list, tap Done.
Find clinical appointments and surgical cases
Tap to open your schedule. Select a date on the calendar view to see your schedule for that day.
To see schedules for other groups, departments, or colleagues, tap .
If you're a surgeon and your cases are scheduled in Epic, they also appear on your schedule.
The schedule shows each patient's age and sex, as well the appointment type. The ring icons that appear
around the appointment time indicate the appointment's time and length. For example:
Previous appointment (yellow), 15 minutes
Current appointment (green), 15 minutes
Future appointment (blue), 15 minutes
Surgical cases appear like this:
Find other patients
To find a patient who isn't on your patient list or schedule, tap and Search to open the Patient Search
activity. Then search as you normally do in Hyperspace, using the patient's name or MRN, as well as sex or
date of birth, and the results appear with more patient details, such as address.
If you select a patient from a search, any documentation you do in Haiku is linked to the most recent available
encounter. If Haiku can't find a recent encounter for the patient, a new encounter is created to store your
Manage In Basket Messages
In the In Basket activity, you can read and respond to many types of messages, including:
Rx Request
Staff Message
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Cosign - Clinic Orders
Pt MedAdvc Rq (Patient Medical Advice Request)
Patient Call
Dictate Later
Chart Completion (Cosign Notes and Cosign Orders only)
You can also create new Staff Messages.
The In Basket folder appears with the number of unread messages. The number is red if any of the unread
messages are high priority. If you don't have any unread messages, no number appears. If you don't have any
messages in that folder at all, the folder is gray.
Prioritize messages
The following icons appear next to messages in a folder to help you prioritize them:
High priority
Low priority
Unread message
Pended message
Overdue message
You are responsible for the message.
Swipe left on an In Basket message and tap Defer to remove the message from your mobile In Basket.
Messages you defer appear in your Hyperspace In Basket, but are hidden from your mobile In Basket.
Work with Staff Messages
1. To create a new Staff Message, tap from the In Basket activity.
2. Write your message and, optionally, add the following flags to your message before sending it:
flags the recipient to call you.
flags the message as high priority.
3. Tap Send to send the message.
When you receive a Staff Message, tap to reply or forward the message.
Review results
Tap a result to open it.
The following icons can appear next to Results messages:
The patient has abnormal results. After you read the message, the icon becomes round.
The patient has critical results. After you read the message, the icon becomes round.
The patient had a previously abnormal result for this order.
The green circle indicates that all the patient's orders have been resulted. A number indicates
the total number of resulted orders that you haven't yet reviewed.
Not all orders for this patient have been resulted. A number indicates the total number of
orders that have been resulted that you haven't yet reviewed.
Release results to MyChart
1. In a Results message, tap Rslt Release.
2. Select the results you want to release.
3. To add a comment for the patient, tap .
4. On the Results Release screen, tap Accept to release the results to MyChart.
Send a reminder to follow up on a result
If you see a result in a Results message that you want to investigate further, you can send yourself a reminder
to do so. The reminder is sent as a Patient Reminder message with the original Results message attached to it.
Note that you can only access the reminder message in your Hyperspace In Basket.
1. In a Results message, tap .
2. Enter any additional text you want to add and tap Send to send the reminder to yourself.
Create a result note
1. In a Results message, tap . For some messages, you might need to tap and Rslt Note.
2. At the top of the screen, a box shows how many results are currently selected. Tap the box.
3. Select one or more orders and then tap Result Note to return to the Result Note screen.
4. Tap the middle box and enter a note for the result.
5. Tap Route and search for a recipient. Select one or more recipients and tap Result Note to return to
the Result Note screen.
6. If you want to mark the note as Important, select the Important option.
7. If you want to file your note as a QuickNote, select the Also File as Quick Note option.
8. Tap Send to send the note.
Refill prescriptions
1. In an Rx Request message, tap a pending medication to review the order details. Tap Rx Request to
return to the message.
If you need to review the full chart, tap the patient's name.
2. Act on the request:
Tap Edit to selectively approve and refuse pending medications or edit the order details. Tap a
medication to edit the order details and, when you are finished, tap Accept.
Tap Approve to approve all pending medications.
Tap Refuse twice to refuse all pending medications. Select a reason for refusal for each medication
and tap Accept.
3. To change pharmacies or split up prescriptions between multiple pharmacies, tap Associate
4. Tap Sign to sign any approved refill requests. If you have addressed all the requests in the message, it
is removed from your In Basket.
If you aren't ready to close the encounter, toggle Close encounter off.
5. Tap Accept.
You can also swipe up on the Patient Info tab to see more about the patient.
Cosign clinic orders
1. In a Cosign - Clinic Orders message, tap an order to review the order details.
If you need to review the full chart, tap the patient's name.
2. Act on the request to complete the message and remove it from your In Basket:
Tap Sign to cosign the orders.
Tap Decline to decline to provide your cosignature.
Tap to sign or decline individual orders in a single message.
Address Chart Completion tasks
You can act on the following Chart Completion messages in Haiku or Canto:
In a Cosign Note message, tap Sign to either sign or attest the note. If you need to attest the note, a
field appears to enter your part with the keyboard or speech-to-text.
In a Cosign Order message for inpatient orders, tap Sign or Decline to take the same action for all
orders, or tap Select to choose which ones you want to sign.
You can review other types of deficiencies but not act on them. To clear a message that you can't complete
right now, tap Defer to Workstation.
Respond to patient advice requests
1. In a Patient Medical Advice Request message, tap View to see any attachments.
If you need to review the full chart, tap the patient's name.
2. Act on the request:
Tap to reply to the patient by email.
Tap to forward the message to another provider.
Tap to call the patient.
Tap Done to remove the message from your In Basket.
Tap to mark the message as New or defer it to read later.
Complete dictation placeholders in notes
While writing a note, you can type .dictatelater to add a placeholder that you can fill in later from Haiku. You
complete these placeholders from your In Basket.
1. In the Dictate Later folder, open a note and go to a placeholder text box.
2. Tap to begin dictating.
3. Tap Save in the upper right corner to save your changes.
If you have to stop dictating a note partway through, your changes are saved in Haiku, but aren't
visible to other clinicians until you're done.
4. Tap Done to complete the placeholders and finalize the note.
Any unfinished .dictatelater links are deleted when you mark a note as done.
If you accidentally delete a placeholder for which you already dictated text, that text is sent to your
In Basket as a Staff Message so you don't lose your work.
Review Patient Information
Review a snapshot of medical information
You can see an overview of the patient's current medical information from the Patient Summary activity,
which appears when you open a patient's chart.
The Current Medications section shows all the patient's outpatient and hospital medications. The following
icons appear in this section:
Long-term medication
Patient-reported medication
Review past encounters
From the Encounters activity, you can review information about previous encounters. Tap an encounter to
review it.
Review documents from outside organizations
From a patient's chart, tap to open the CE Reports activity.
Tap Summaries to review a patient's clinical summary.
Tap Documents to review a patient's clinical documents.
Documents listed in black text are available to view, while documents listed in gray text must be
requested from Hyperspace before you can view them.
Mark information as reviewed
In the Patient Summary activity, tap Mark as Reviewed to record that you've reviewed the patient
Capture and Review Patient Photos and Media
Update a patient's photo
1. In the patient's chart, tap the patient photo or camera icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
2. Tap Update ID Photo and use the camera on your device to take a picture.
3. Tap Use Photo to save the photo to the Demographics activity in the chart.
Capture clinical images
1. In the Media Capture activity, tap Capture Clinical Image and use the camera on your device to take a
2. Tap Use Photo, select a document type, such as Annotation, and enter a description.
3. Tap Save to save the media to the chart. You can review media captures in the Media Manager or the
Chart Review activity in Hyperspace.
Review clinical images and media
1. In the patient's chart, tap .
2. Scroll through the list of media files or, to find a specific media file, search using information such as:
Document type
The user who imported the file
Keywords from the image's description
The date the file was imported
3. Tap a photo or document to see a full-screen view, where you can zoom in and out or pan around the
Review Results
Review results
After you open the patient's chart, tap to see a list of recent results for the patient. Tap a result to see
For lab tests, a table of lab results appears. Swipe left to see past values for the same lab. You can tap
to see the report view.
For imaging or EKG results, a narrative report appears.
Tap and hold on a result to see the reference range for that component.
Review a patient's critical or abnormal results
An icon appears in the patient list for patients with any new results. These same icons appear in the Results
Abnormal result
Critical result
View a graph of results
Review discrete lab results in a graph. While reviewing a table in the Results activity, turn your device
Each result component appears on the graph in a unique color. To help you match the line color to a particular
result component, a key appears at the top of the graph.
Focus on one type of result
Tap the colored circle on the left side of the screen that corresponds to that component's color. The line that
represents that component appears brighter than the other lines. Slide your finger up and down in order to
choose the component you want to bring to the front of the graph.
Focus on one result value
Each white data point on the graph represents a specific result value for a component. Tap and hold near a
data point to view more information about that value, including the actual result value, the reference range,
the result date, and the result time.
View and Create Notes and Letters
Tap to see a list of encounter notes. From the list, tap a note you want to review.
Use filters to narrow down the list of notes
To filter the notes you see in the activity, tap and choose a filter category. For example, you might filter by
note type and show only progress notes. Tap Done to apply the filters you've selected.
Create a new note or letter
Notes and letters you create are automatically associated with an encounter in the patient's chart.
1. Tap New Note to create a new note or letter. The encounter associated with the note appears in a gray
banner beneath the patient header.
2. Enter text or tap Record to use M*Modal speech-to-text. Tap the question mark to see more text
3. Tap to edit the note's details.
Tap Note Type and choose Progress Note, H&P, or Letter.
Tap Service to change the service.
Tap Time of Service to change the time and date.
4. Tap Sign at Close Enc. or tap to pend or sign the note. Pended notes appear in the Notes Entry
activity, where you can edit them later. Signed notes are filed to the chart. Note that you can't use
Haiku to edit pended notes that were created in Hyperspace.
View Information in a Push Notification
Open an activity from a push notification
When you're already logged in to Haiku, you can open an activity directly from a notification.
Simply tap the notification to open the related activity. For example, a critical result notification opens the
related message in the In Basket activity.
Review recent notifications
1. Tap More at the bottom of the screen.
2. Tap Notifications to open the Notifications activity.
Choose which push notifications appear
1. In the Notifications activity, tap .
2. To turn off a certain type of notification, slide the button next to that notification type to the left. For
example, to turn off push notifications for staff messages, slide the button next to "Staff messages" to
the left. When you turn off a notification type, the notification still appears in the Notifications activity,
but no alert or banner appears when you receive the notification.
3. To turn off all push notifications, slide the button next to "Push notifications" to the left. This setting
overrides any individual notification settings.
Write Orders
To begin, tap to open the Orders activity.
A list of active orders appears. In outpatient visits, the list shows medications. If the patient is admitted or in
the ED, it shows both medications and procedures. If you use a Quick List, tap the list title to switch between
active orders and your Quick List.
You can write most outpatient and inpatient orders from Haiku, but note these limitations:
You can't e-prescribe controlled medications.
For non-medication orders and inpatient orders, you can only edit indications of use and
answer questions.
You can't manage your preference list.
If you can't sign an order because details are missing, tap Pend or Save Work and finish entering
the order from a workstation.
Write new orders
1. To enter an order in Haiku:
Search for an order or browse your preference list by tapping .
Tap to write a new order for one of the patient's current orders.
2. Tap the orders you want to select and tap Done.
3. To review and sign, tap . In the list of selected orders:
To print or call in a medication that can't be e-prescribed, select the appropriate Class in the order
details. You'll see a list of orders to call in to the pharmacy after you sign.
To get a notification when results for an inpatient lab are ready, tap .
To change pharmacies for a prescription, tap the pharmacy name. You can split prescriptions
between multiple pharmacies if needed.
4. To verify the patient's coverage information or associated an order with a diagnosis, tap .
5. If you select the wrong order or change your mind, swipe left on an order and tap .
6. Tap Sign.
7. If you entered any call-in medications, a window appears with a list of orders to phone in.
Document a patient-reported medication
1. Tap to enter a new order.
2. Tap Add Patient-Reported.
3. Search for the medication you want to add.
4. Enter details as needed and tap Add.
Record a Dictation
Haiku provides a dictation activity for you to record and file dictations to your server, from which they can
later be transcribed. The note is then entered in the patient's chart for you to read in Haiku or Hyperspace.
Record a new dictation
From the patient's chart, tap .
1. Start a new dictation by tapping the red record button. A graph indicates the volume of your voice as
you record.
2. Tap Pend to save the dictation.
Tap OK to return to the recording screen in the patient's chart.
Tap Manage to go to the Dictations activity.
If you access another activity while recording, the dictation pauses. When you return to the
recording screen, you can continue your dictation where you left off.
Open pended dictations
1. From the home screen, tap . (You might need to tap to see this button.)
2. Tap the dictation you want to open.
Edit a dictation
If you are interrupted while recording a dictation or want to re-record some information, you can edit the
1. Open the dictation you want to edit. Then, tap and hold one of the icons in the upper corners of the
2. Slide the line to the section you want to trim. The section to be removed appears dark green.
3. Tap Trim to remove the dark green section from the recording.
Note that you cannot edit filed dictations.
File or delete a dictation
1. Select the radio button next to any dictations you want to delete or send.
2. Tap Delete or Send. Alternatively, tap Send All to send all pended dictations. The word Sent appears
beside a dictation when it has been successfully filed.
Document Professional Charges
File a new charge
1. In a patient's chart, tap to open the charge calendar.
2. Select a date for which to file charges and tap Add.
3. On the Add Charges screen, select a charge.
4. To use the same details for all the charges you add in this session, tap Edit Defaults. Tap Done to select
the charge.
5. Tap each charge to add associated diagnoses and enter comments.
You can select a diagnosis from the patient's problem list, a list of recently used diagnoses, or a
database search that includes your preference list.
The primary diagnosis has a small blue diamond next to it.
6. Swipe a charge to the left and tap Remove to delete it.
7. Tap File to file the charges. If any charges are missing details, you can complete them before filing.
You can leave the activity at any point to pend the charges you're working on. A reminder to
finish the charges is sent to your in Basket. Pended charges that you enter in Haiku or Canto are
filed automatically 30 days after the service date, even if there are errors.
Copy a charge
1. In a patient's chart, tap to open the charge calendar.
2. Select a date for which to file charges and tap Add.
3. Tap and select a charge from the list.
4. Tap Done. If you need to make small changes, tap to edit the charge.
5. Tap File to file the charge.
Contact Care Team Members
Tap to see other providers who work with the patient.
Contact previous care team members
1. Tap to place a call to the care team member directly from your iPhone. (The phone also appears if
you are using an iPod touch, but the button is not active.)
2. Tap to open a map of the care team member's clinic location.
Note that your phone number will appear on calls you make from your iPhone. The application
cannot mask your number.
Message Colleagues with Secure Chat
Read and reply to new messages
When you receive a new Secure Chat message, you get a notification on your device. Tap the notification to
open the conversation and type your reply in the field at the bottom of the screen.
Review all conversations and start new ones
1. Tap to open the Secure Chat activity and see a list of all your conversations.
The icons next to each message indicate who is participating in the conversation.
If a conversation is about a patient, that patient's name and, if they're admitted, their location,
appear above the message.
2. Tap to start a new conversation.
See who has read a message
Tap a message bubble to see the full list of users who have read it.
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