A KidZone party has a place for food, gis and
games in addion to access to the KidZone play
space, which includes a bounce house, ball pit,
basketball hoops, structures for kids to climb, an art
area, and games. KidZone pares are best suited for
kids ages 2-7.
KidZone Party Perks:
30-45-min group cra/acvity in KidZone area
Choose a theme from eight dierent opons
2 hours of private room and KidZone use
Gi for birthday child
KidZone party fee: $100*
Choose from the following KidZone themes.
All opons include a few theme specic decoraons
and plasc tablecloths.
Princess: Princess crown and wand cra
Pirate: Pirate eyepatch and sword cra
Slime Time: Ingredients to make custom slime
Superhero: Superhero mask and headband cra
Unicorn: Unicorn wand and mask cra
Shark Aack: Shark tooth necklace and shark
puppet cra
Mermaid/Under the Sea: Mermaid ornament
and under the sea picture frame cra
Construcon: Construcon hard hat and tool
belt cra
Children get a group tennis me on the court.
Drills, games and tennis FUN. We supply the
kid-focused instructor, the racquets and the
memories. Tennis pares are best suited for
kids ages 3-12.
Tennis Party Perks:
1 hour group tennis games
2 hours of private room use
Gi for birthday child
Tennis party fee: $100*
It’s their most important day of the year – their BIRTHDAY!
Make it memorable by having a Tennis Party or a KidZone Party.
Move the party to our place and avoid the mess at home. Here are
the opons for you to consider to make it their best birthday ever.
*Eight children are included in fee. Addional children may be added at regular daily fee based on availability.
For more informaon or to schedule
a birthday party, contact Katrina at 221-6855.
3200 N. 10th St., Bismarck
3200 N. 10th St., Bismarck
Thank you for hosng your child’s party with us!
Here are some ps so you know what to expect before you arrive.
Package Details: Party groups get two hours of private room use. This includes a one hour group
tennis lesson or 30-45 minute cra/acvity and a gi for the birthday child. The cost is $100.
Room Setup: Room will be setup with tables, chairs and trash receptacles. Please note: there are
no power outlets in these rooms.
Reservaons: Eight children are included in the birthday party fee. Addional children may be
added for $4.25 each based on instructor availability (maxium 16 parcipants). A nal guest count
must be received by Tuesday before your party date in order for our sta to prepare. At this me
the addional fee, if applicable, will be charged to the birthday host.
Billing: Payment must be made in full at the me of the reservaon. Payment may be made with
cash, check or credit card.
Decoraons: Decoraons are allowed, and you may decorate the party room any way you wish.
However, please no confe, glier, noisemakers or bubbles. All decoraons must be removed
once the party is nished.
Food and Beverage: Outside food and beverage is allowed. All food must be removed once the
party is nished. No alcoholic or red beverages.
Supervisor: Children must be supervised by at least one adult at all mes.
KidZone: Children should remove shoes and wear socks in the bounce house and ball pit while in
the KidZone area. The bounce house capacity is three children at a me.
Tennis: Children should be dressed in appropriate are for a tennis lesson. Tennis shoes, shirt and
shorts/tness pants. No street shoes (i.e. heels, boots, sandals, etc).
Accidents: Capital Racquet & Fitness Center is not responsible for accidents. We have rst aid kits
available at our front desk area.
Damage: The party host is responsible for any damage to the birthday party area and will be billed
aer the event if necessary.
Cancellaon noce: We do not cancel pares due to weather or illness but with a 24-hour
noce we will make an aempt to reschedule your party within two months of the original date.
However, the rescheduled date and me will depend on availability. If you prefer, with 24-hour
noce of cancellaon, we will refund the full amount as a credit to your facility account.
For more informaon, call Katrina at
Capital Racquet & Fitness Center, 221-6855.