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Welcome to F.Learning Studio’s guide to create an awesome animaon for educaonal purposes.
Animaons, if done right, could be the best teaching materials for eLearning professionals. The success
of KhanAcademy and Ted-ED is such a good evidence of how animaons inspire and engage learners
of all ages, backgrounds and genders.
The problem is, how to create an animated video?
Is it dicult, especially for those with no designing background?
The answer is yes! It is hard to create something with Cartoon Network standard. However, you don’t
need unicorns or sparkles to engage online students. The impact of visuals is denitely strong but it
cannot overpower the importance of content. We don’t want the unnecessary “fun” distracon, we
create something that brings true values to students.
This ebook is for anyone with a need to create animaons in eLearning industry, whether you are an
online teacher who wants to create simple animaon for class, or an instruconal designer who is
collaborang with a professional studio to create awesome content.
We will guide you through how to make a proper animated video for online courses. You would
nd informaons on how to create animaons on your own, or what you need to work with your
producon team.
Why educaonal animaons?
How to choose an animaon style for your course?
How to create an educaonal animaon?
Illustraon & Animaon
What to do if you don’t have any skills in illustraon or animaon?
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The use of animated videos on eLearning is a controversial issue. Some
researches reveal a signicantly posive impact of videos on learning
outcomes while others show no enhancement when applying animaons
to educaon. However, visuals informaon is consumed approximately
60,000 mes faster than text. Animaon, if done right, could become an
eecve teaching material for eLearning educators.
There are two major movaon classicaons idened by Educaonal
Psychology: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic movaon comes from
within the students like their own interest and desire to learn. For
example, if a student is fascinated in painng, then he is more likely to
enjoy art classes. On the other hand, extrinsic movaon comes from
external sources like recognion from lecturers and peers.
Animated videos for educaonal purposes could inspire students in both
ways. They could be appealing teaching resources for online learners
with sounds and visuals. Then with a powerful storytelling and explaining
ability, they help learners absord the informaon beer in an engaging
way. When students feel more accomplished with their work, they are
movated to learn more.
Concentraon booster
The millennials have much shorter aenon span nowadays. A research
of Microso shows a shocking fact that people generally lose their
concentraon aer eight seconds, which is lower than a nine-second
memory span of an ill-focused goldsh. Then how can we keep learners’
aenon in long hours? A well-designed eLearning course should be
able to keep learners focused throughout the learning process. An
informave animaon is not a distracon then.
An addional animated video could give online learners an educaonal
break. It explains the subject in an engaging way, it saves people from
ring texts then it movates them to connue their lesson. A series of
short animated videos is more appealing than forever long slides anyway.
The bite-sized animaons could help learners digest the informaon
easier. It follows the concept of micro-learning when a long course is
divided into much smaller modules.
Amazing explainer
It would be beer to let people see how things work than taking forever
to tell what happened. Animaons then have such an amazing explaining
ability, no maer how complicated the topics could be. While texts force
the brain to create an image from scratch, the video gives the pictures
right away. Any types of teaching content could be simplied and
converted into highly-visual and engaging videos. Moreover, animaons
capture the abstract ideas much beer than a normal live-acon clip.
Live-acon shows what is in front of the camera, however, animated
videos are beyond that.
As a result, animaons help students understand and focus on the
lessons beer, which has a posive eect on the learning outcomes.
When students get a sense of achievements in the course like praises
from lecturers or good grades, they are likely to be movated to
accomplish more.
The Power of Visual Content
Fresh and engaging experiences
Animaons could break the common assumpon of scienc courses
to be painfully boring. Learning should be fun. Animaons have such an
incredible story-telling ability that converts any dull topics into the most
interesng ones. Words become visuals and charts turn to movements.
Students’ experiences are no longer limited in the pen and paper
method with engaging animated videos.
However, the most important thing is that animaon brings new
experiences to learners. It gives them a getaway from long and stressful
documents, which may inspires their enthusiasm in the lesson. There
are various ways to movate a student. We could give them praises,
show them full support or personalize the eLearning. However, if a
student take great interest in the subject, they could develop a desire to
learn deeper without a demand for high grades or recognion.
There are various ways you could reuse your educaonal animaon.
You could edit it into an animated explainer video to show o the key
features of your course. It would be much nicer than a long post on the
website explaining the same ideas. You could also public some parts of
the animaon on the company fanpage to let people hear about your
project. Most social media channels supports video content greatly
nowaday. The potenal of animaons is unlimited. It all depends on you,
and how you use it.
Animaon is beyond looking nice
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There are various types of animaon for educators to choose. The most
common types that are used for educaonal purposes are:
2D Cartoon Animaon
3D Animaon
Moon graphics
Infographic animaon
Typographic animaon
Stop-moon animaon
In fact, each type has its own advantages and there is no parcular type
that is beer than others. However, if you are lost in the animaon
diversity, this guide may help you.
Lets start with your audience’s insights. You should design your course
based on the behaviors and needs of online learners. Who are they? Are
they K-12 students? Are they corporate employee? Each type of learners
has their own tastes in animated videos. By understanding their needs,
you can create videos that not only aract their interest but also result
in posive impression and learning outcomes.
K-12 students:
In terms of animaons for children and adolescence, you must think of
those on Cartoon Network. The idea is obviously fascinang considering
how fun and beauful it can be done. However, it requires a lot of me
and eort as well as a stable fund to create such high quality. This is not
impossible but it is unnecessary when you can produce moon graphics
with same quality but less trouble.
However, there are 2 lessons in relaon to styles we could learn from 2D
Vibrant color: Vibrant colors are more appealing and inspiraonal to
school children. They release a happy vibe, making the lessons more
fun and lively.
Humorous character design: We can feel the fun at rst glance
without any silly acons. The emoons or the body shapes alone
aract their interest immediately.
So, the key here is fun. Learning should be fun, and learning for children
should be way more fun. The fun concept lies in not only the content,
the script but also the style. The more you make it more lively and
colorful, the more young students feel curious about the subject.
F.Team Suggeson: Moon graphics
Who are you teaching?
Bar Model
Character Design
Higher Educaon or Corporate Employees:
Courses for higher educaon or corporate training have a tendency to
be more academic and formal. It is important to pick and highlight just
the key points in the animated lessons. Despite this step, the lessons sll
convey a large number of knowledge in form of charts and numbers.
Then the right type of videos for those courses should be fun to impress
learners and informave enough to guarantee the course quality.
More formal design: Contrary to the vibrant color of K-12 courses,
higher educaon and corporate training instruconal designers oen
choose a more neutral scheme. Pastel and Pantone palees are good
examples. Those colors create a more formal and serious vibe.
More text: Informaon can be conveyed by voice-over. Voice-
over is highly recommended for educators to enhance the human
connecon and reduce the self-paced learning isolaon of online
learners. However, this doesn’t mean text should not be included. In
fact, texts make the lessons more easy-to-follow and help students
idenfy the important points.
F.Team Suggeson: Moon graphics, Infographic Animaon, and
Typographic Animaon.
Both infographic and typographic animaons opmize the movements
and arrangements of texts and icons to aract the audience. These 2
types of animaon are best at presenng complicated informaon like
charts or numbers. Moon graphics also do this funcon beaufully
with an addion of storytelling ability.
Subjects with facts, charts, and numbers
Animaons play an important role in enhancing students learning
experiences. Subjects like science require a great number of facts,
charts, and numbers. Consuming all informaon could be overwhelming
to learners, leading to a loss in their interest and movaon. Educators
need teaching materials like animaons to explain the topics in a new
fun and informave way.
F.Team suggeson: Moon graphics, infographic animaon, typographic
animaon and whiteboard animaon.
All of above types do best in presenng complicated ideas with number
elements. Whiteboard animaon is an aordable choice.
Viral video from AsapSCIENCE
What are you teaching?
White-board animated video records an arst drawing on a whiteboard
to present a topic or an idea. It is so simple that anyone could do their
own whiteboard animaon. It requires lile details with mostly black
and white color, sck gures would work as long as you have quality
content. Moreover, it has both the power of storytelling and informaon
However, the whiteboard animaons could look a lile bit slobby and
not everyone is a fan of moving hand on screen. The other animaon
styles give you a more neat and professional look. It requires specic
designing skills that you may want to seek for professionals.
Fine arts and music
In terms of subjects like ne arts or music, you want something with
a more arsc vibe. All menoned above types could indeed present
the ideas well. There is no rule saying that you cannot teach music
with whiteboard animaon. However, hand-drawn animaon is best at
inspiring learners.
F.Team suggeson: Tradional hand-drawn animaon.
Hand-drawn animators illustrate the movement by a series of images
drawn frame-by-frame. This type of videos requires the producers to
master both skills in animang and designing, which obviously requires
lots of me and eort. However, it results in such a beauful and
inspiraonal animated video.
Informaon Technology
IT is a complicated eld with high demand for concise details. Therefore,
the best way to teach IT seems to be screencast animaon, in which
learners could observe and follow how things work exactly. However,
it is not just as simple as recording the computer screen. There are
various free tools to get such work done. To produce a movang
and inspiraonal videos for IT students, you may need to contact
professionals. Animators could add graphics to the animated videos,
making them more engaging and completed.
F.Team suggeson: Screencast animaon
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The rst step of creang an educaonal animaon, whether it is a product of your internal or external producon
team, is the brief. The brief idenes the learning objecves, primary audience, animaon style and video
messages also. This step is vital in giving you the overall direcon of the animated videos, which aects the whole
course in the long run. Proper me and eort should be invested to gather informaon. However, since it is a
brief, it would be best to stay under two pages.
The rst thing you need to include in the brief is learning objecves. The
learning objecves are the specic knowledge or skills you want learners
to achieve aer compleng the course. Designing an online course with
consistent objecves will give you an overall look on how to organize the
materials to gain beer outcomes. Therefore, they could help you build
a great structure of the educaonal video content to best reect the
Lets start by asking yourself:
What do you want to put in your course?
How are the learners expected to learn from it?
Why do they need to learn it?
To make sure that you are on the right track, it is important to give above
quesons clear and achievable answers.
Be specic
The learning objecves are supposed to be specic. It would be
confusing if you come up with mainstream things like you are building a
course to help people understand things. It is obvious that, for example,
a watercolor course is supposed to teach learners how to paint. This
simple fact is unable to show how you can help with the art skill or
why they need to learn it anyway. Then it would be beer to go into
more details with parcular tasks or acons learners perform. Go back
to the watercolor course example, you could describe the objecves in
sub-categories like helping students learn how to select the materials,
decide on the color properes or apply paints with dierent techniques.
However, two pages of learning objecves are unnecessary. Just keep
them short and straighorward so that your team would understand
the full context. Then we could produce animaons with appropriate
content to keep learners focus on important elements.
Be measurable
The objecves in some aspects could perform as the KPIs of the course.
If you write them clear enough with measurable metrics, they would
help you in evaluang the eecveness of the instruconal design.
The most important thing is you could use these informaon for the
development of the course.
ELearning professionals could use various methods to measure the
success of the course. A quiz could test how students convey and apply
the skills or knowledge. Feedbacks and surveys are supposed to reect
learning sasfacon. Other data like compleon rates could also tell
how online students are engaged to the content.
Whats about animaon?
A quick way to test if they work for you is leng students watch the
videos. Geo Lawton the founder of Permaculture Design Online
Course gave his online learners a sneak peak of his course by sharing
a clip on Facebook. Vois la! The 90-second animated video resulted in
over 140.000 views and 3200 shares. The posive reacon proves that
animaons are such a great tool for his permaculture course. Then if you
want to test if animaons are such good investment, just publish a demo
on a forum or your social media fan page!
Learning Objecves
Request a free animaon demo
Everything of the video, including the content and styles, should
strictly follow the viewers’ tastes. You cannot expect a fresh graduate
to understand a leadership training video for senior employees, and a
musician is less likely to enjoy an animaon explaining business model.
The dierences in tastes could come from dissimilarity in individual
backgrounds and lifestyles. One’s age, gender, occupaon or living
environment could have signicant inuence on their video preference.
Then if you idenfy the learners’ personas with concise and accurate
insights, we could produce high-quality animaons with relatable
To start, these are main quesons you need to ask yourself:
Who is your primary audience?
Is there a secondary audience?
How do they expect the course to become?
The descripon of the learners should be more demographically
What is their average age?
What is their gender? Men, women or mixed?
What is their educaonal background?
What is their culture, race and naonality?
These informaon could give your team an overall view of the
audience’s taste. It would be much beer to go further researching
on their psychological traits. Since everyone is unique, personality is
not something that could be answered with a few quesons. However,
the general character of the learners could have great impact on the
instruconal design. For example, kids are more interested in courses
with silly humorous videos in vibrant colors. On the other hand, the
adult, especially corporate employees, may prefer formal, short and
sharp teaching materials.
In fact, we need much more data to produce a detailed audience
analysis for an online course. They are the technical ability of learners
or their existed knowledge and experience. An instruconal designer
may take great me and eort to collect these informaon. A survey, an
online community or an interview could be eecve tools to collect the
However, it is utmost important to get your team understand the
demographics and psychographics factors of the audience. Those
points could help you decide on the appropriate tone and style of the
animaon to best t the tastes of viewers.
To decide on the appropriate length of the video, lets start with the right
content. Whether you are building a full video-based online courses, or
you are using animaons as addional materials, a good educaonal
video should be short and sharp.
You should only sck to one single point in a video. If you keep the
video concise with highlighted key points, it would be easier to track
and follow the main ideas. If a video contains too many things without
stress on the important elements, then it could cause confusion from
informaon overload. The learning content could be broken into smaller
ideas. Instead of creang one 10-minute video with ve concepts, create
ve 2-minute videos covering one concept each.
Primary Audience
Video Length
It would be best to maintain the
engagement with short under-2-
minute video. We could make it up to
4 minutes if you think students need
more informaon to understand the
ideas. However, there is a signicant
decrease in engagement if a video is
longer than 5 minutes.
The same concept is applied to the
Permaculture Design Online Course
of Geo Lawton. The course conveys
a huge amount a knowledge that is
divided into thousands of live-acon
and animated videos. How many
animated videos did we produce
for Permaculture? We created 330
animaons for the whole course. Each
video is short, sharp and focuses on
one single point only, which makes it
much easier to manage and track.
Average Engagement
Video Length (minutes)
123456789 10 11 12 31 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Source: Wisa.com
Instruconal designers are supposed to make sure every students
including ones with disabilies have equal access to the learning
materials. In eLearning, the tables of content, headings, hyperlinks or
visual design could be opmized for beer understanding and clear
navigaon. For mulmedia content like animated videos, a proper
descripon, transcript, and capon would denitely help learners with
audio or visual problems.
Transcript and capon are the most common ways to get the video
content accessible. They are most useful for people with audio
disadvantage. Audio disadvantages here are not only those with hearing
loss but also anyone with a broken speakers, and people who are not
uent in the language the video is in. If people have dicules in
understanding the video without sounds, then we use text to help them.
Capons are the text represenng the spoken words within the video. It
appears appropriately at the same me the audio is available. Capons
can either be closed or open. Closed capons can be turned on or o but
open capons are always visible. For eLearning videos, closed capons
are more recommended since it would cause less distracon for people
with full hearing accessibility.
Transcript is an easier way for video makers at the beginner stage.
Compare to the previous tool, it is much less a maer. Capon requires
a specic set of skills in using the soware uently to match the text
and the audio while with transcript, all you need to do is write down the
voice-over. Further informaon like video descripons, explanaons or
comments could be added to help the audience understand the lesson
beer. However, its largest throwback is that viewers have to go back to
the video to access the visual content. It could become less convenient
experience when capon allows them to read at the same me watching
the animaon.
Video descripon
Video descripon provides online learners a short summary of the
lessons, making it much easier for them to follow the lessons. A good
descripon should be short and informave enough for students to
take note the key points, and it should be engaging enough to movate
students watch the whole video.
You can use one among these tools to help online learners reach the
video content, or combine all to maximize the accessibility.
You don’t need a professional writer to create an animaon that works. Wring an educaonal video script is
much dierent from those for movies. The script doesn’t need to be too formal unless you are pitching it to a
producer. The main point is to express your ideas to your team members and yourself also.
The script is a good start to know how things work together. It may seem
like an easy step to skip but you will be surprised by how much me and
work you can save later in the producon process. Especially if you are
collaborang with a studio to create awesome animated resources, the
script helps you avoid misunderstanding or error in the visual content.
Not everyone is e-learning professionals though. Producers can consult
you on what types of animaon work for online courses, or how to
produce the best quality in budget but they are no beer instruconal
designers than you.
Where to start?
There are various stages of wring a simple script that seems
overwhelming to most people. To make it easier, lets go back to your
brief. The brief idenes the learning objecves, primary audience,
animaon style and video messages also. It helps you with the overall
direcon of the animated videos.
Write down
If you are a teacher or an instructor, then the work is easy. Lets make
a dravoice-over for your animaon. Imagine yourself teaching a class
like usual, then write down what you need to say. Please remember
to eliminate all the unnecessary or distracng informaon to keep the
videos on the point. This is similar to the common self-recorded video
courses in the MOOC world. The instructors need to break down the
lesson into bite-sized videos, and it should be no longer than 5 minutes.
The ideal length of the video ranges from 1 to 2 minutes. If you have
experiences in producing live footages like that, then bravos, the voice-
over is a piece of cake now.
If you are not sure about the length of the clip, you could use this basic
word count p:
45 seconds – 90-110 words
60 seconds – 120-170 words
90 seconds – 200-250 words
2 minutes – 250-300 words
Create a story
When you have the basic outline ready, use your own imaginaon and
creavity to create a story. You could break the script into dierent
scenes. Then set the meline, match the voice-over and add texts for
A story with characters:
A script oen contains three basic acts. Act One introduces viewers the
set-up and the tone of the story. Act Two presents the problems the
characters meet. Act Three is the resoluon. Wring an educaonal
animaon script is dierent from the entertaining ones. However, we
could use this structure to make the videos more engaging and easy to
understand. If you have trouble with story ideas, then think about the
examples you give learners in every lesson. They are reality-based with a
clear scenario, which would make great suggesons for your story.
A story without characters:
Lots of the me we create videos explaining some processes or facts
without any characters.
Why should you do your own script?
How to create an awesome animaon script?
The key to engagement to these types of videos lies in the design. Just
visualize all the informaon in your mind rst with images or icons. We
are supposed to go into more visual details in the storyboard, however,
you can note down these ideas in your script to make it easier later.
Make it fun
Make sure you add humor factors into the script. Learning should be
fun! These small addions to the courses could make big dierences in
the learning outcomes. We don’t need to be silly to have fun. The fun
elements lie in the character design (if you have any characters, and you
should have!), the dialogue or the video tone.
For example, if you are creang an online course about the markeng
strategy for beginners, instead of explaining the forever long theory,
you could make it into a dialogue! The scene could be a conversaon
between a struggling shop owner, and his friend who happens to be
a markeng consultant. A simple story like this could teach learners
markeng basics in an easy and engaging way. The content is not new
but the revoluon lies in the way we approach and improve it.
Format the script
You can format the script whatever you think that makes sense. Many
of our clients use a table to write the script for animaon. This is an
unocial way for script wring but it works, and it is easy to read also.
However, you could follow these basic rules to have a decent script.
Font: Courier 12. This is mainly because one script page in Courier
12 is about 1 minute of lm.
Heading and character name: caps
Music, scene direcon or transion: italics
Or long story cut short. You can download a template here.
The script would hardly come out perfect the rst me. You should either
clear your mind by leaving it for a few days or give it to your colleagues
to approach new perspecves. Your teammates with decent knowledge
about the project could give you the best instruconal design advice.
Animaons could become a good visual supporng tool for your online
courses. You don’t need to be too formal in the format or the structure
of the script. The utmost important thing is to get the ideas through
your team and follow strictly your learning objecves.
Storyboard is essenal for a good animaon. We can’t just redo a scene if something goes wrong. It would cost
too much me and eort for any revision. Minor amendment in video lter or sound eect could be less a maer,
but a change in the script or video angle could cause more trouble than you thought. Then, the best soluon is to
edit the video before it is even produced. There we have the storyboard.
If you are an instruconal designer then storyboard must be a familiar
term. The storyboards for animaons are prey much similar to those
produced while designing a course. There you have the project tle, the
text, the audio and also the graphics. Basically, it is the visualized version
of your script that includes everything the learners are going to see on
screen with extra informaon for your team members to work it.
Storyboard is utmost important in producing animaons for eLearning.
The main purpose is to get your team on the same page. Your colleagues
or producon partners would have a clearer vision of how the content
is going to be developed. Then it would be much easier for your team to
review and restructure the video if needed.
The rst storyboard ever came from Walt Disney studio. Animator
Webb Smith has come out with an idea of drawing dierent scenes on
separated sheets of paper, then he pinned them up on a bullen board
to tell a story. This sll works nowadays. You can do it roughly with a
pen and paper, or you may use various storyboarding tools to create a
proper digital one.
Get yourself a template
This is easy. You can google and welcome yourself to a huge source of
templates, or maybe you could check out our free template here. This
simple template shows you exactly what you need in a storyboard that
Project le, scene, acon, vo, and FX.
Break down your script
Doing storyboard is just like creang a comic strip. You have a story
in your mind, then you illustrate it in lile rectangles. Storyboarding is
prey much the same. You also break down the script and choose the
most important scenes to ll in the boxes. Divide your script into several
parts, then note them down under dierent frames. The same goes
with the voice-over narraon. How many frames should you have? It all
depends on your story but one minute of animaon should contain 6-10
What is a storyboard?
How to create a storyboard?
Break down your script
Doing storyboard is just like creang a comic strip. You have a story
in your mind, then you illustrate it in lile rectangles. Storyboarding is
prey much the same. You also break down the script and choose the
most important scenes to ll in the boxes. Divide your script into several
parts, then note them down under dierent frames. The same goes
with the voice-over narraon. How many frames should you have? It all
depends on your story but one minute of animaon should contain 6-10
Start drawing
Do you need to be an arst to do the storyboard?
Should the storyboard go deep into the details with background and
That would be good. However, sckman also works.
As menoned above, the main purpose is to bring the team together on
the same page and to edit the animaon before it is even produced. You
don’t need to be too detailed in the visual design. It is more important
to let your team understand the story progression rst. Just print out
a template, pick up a pen and start drawing. Then you would nd
yourself doing what professionals call a rough storyboard. This type of
storyboard concentrates on indicang the movements and the ow of
the videos. It doesn’t need to be clean. Why would you spend so much
me on something that could be rejected anyway? The sck gures with
simple arrow navigaons work as long as they illustrate the story clearly
Show it to your colleagues
Now its me to seek feedbacks and approach new perspecves from
dierent people. They will help you make sure that the animaons
bring beer engagement and follow the learning objecves closely. The
animaons are not something just to entertain, they must have clear
purposes as everything else in your course.
Pen and paper is the simplest way for storyboarding. It looks rough but it
works. However, with animaons that require a decent level of accuracy,
especially those explaining a complicated process like how a car engine
works, it would be beer to get an upgrade. This storyboard describes
the visual details much beer than the previous one. However, it is sll
a storyboard, you don’t need to make it look like screenshots from an
animaon short. Professionals could do that anyway, but they require
much less me to work.
It would be amazing if you have a good skill of design. If you don’t, leave
the work to an arst or use supporng tools like
Storyboardthat. This
tool oers pre-dened illustraons like characters with a basic storyline.
For example, if you want to create an animated video explaining how
a drone works, then it would result in a conversaon describing the
process. If you want to actually show learners how it ies, you need
It is not necessary to have a voice-over if you choose to include more texts in the animated learning videos.
However, the voice-over is a wise choice. It is always beer to reduce the text and help learners consume all the
informaon with visuals and sounds.
The answer is denitely yes. Trained voice-actors could do the job
They have years of experiences in delivering the best audio quality.
They know how to interpret your script for the audience
They have various styles of vocal performance.
They could even edit your audio!
Yes, they are experts. However, great value comes with a price. If you
happen to be that eLearning instructor who wants to save some money,
use your own voice.
In fact, to hire or not to hire a voice-actor, it depends greatly on the
instruconal design. If you create animaons for a massive course
with clear storyline and characters, then it would be best to seek
for professionals. However, if you only use animaons as supporng
materials for the teaching resources, yes, ask the lecturer to do the
So whats the visual-supporng animaons? For example, you create an
animated video on basic emoons of human. The video is to describe
the process of how they are triggered without any plots. It is like giving
the students explanaon with animaons instead of some slides or
documents, a slightly amateur record would be ne. However, if you
plan to do something like Inside Out, hire a voice-actor.
Don’t just grab random people from your company into the studio. This
is not the job anyone could do. The best suggeson would be using the
lecturers’ voice. In fact, most video-based courses are designed with
the lecturers standing in front of the camera giving a class, or slides
being showed with their audio narraon. Then you don’t want to break
the ow by including some strangers’ voices. It is natural to include the
instructors’ speech in the animated videos. With years of teaching, they
could give you an appropriate voice-over with conversaonal tone.
Should you hire a voice actor?
When to use your voice actor?
Whose voice axactly?
Congratulaon! You have a brief, a script, a storyboard and a voice-over!
What le now is illustraon and animaon. If you are collaborang with
an animaon studio or freelancer, then all above materials are far more
enough for them to deliver the job with best quality. However, if you have
experiences in designing and animang, then you can do it yourself.
This step brings you further to the details. Remember what we have before
in the storyboard? Now imagine lling it with more images represenng
every characters and items. This is sure a lot of work. Whatever type of
animaon you choose, you should have everything in digital forms to
prepare for the animang step. Illustrate them with tools or scan and edit
all of the work you draw by hand.
Is this step hard? Not really. However, if you don’t have any background in
designing or illustrang, you should consider a professional illustrator to
do the work properly.
Now all le is add movement in your work. Depending on your expectaon
and type of animaon, the movement should be smooth or slightly rough
like stop-moon videos. Then add a nal touch with sounds and eects.
A short Cartoon Network standard animated video could take months to produce. It involves plenty of work including script wring,
storyboarding, designing, illustrang, and animang. All of them require dierent sets of skills that could take years to master. Obviously,
if you are looking for a way to upgrade online courses with high-quality animated videos, you should contact a professional studio to get
the work done nicely. However, if you want to produce it yourself, there are various tools that help people, with no designing background,
produce their own animaons
1. Moovly
Moovly is a cloud-based digital media content creaon plaorm
which enables users to create engaging animated videos,
presentaons, and infographics. Moovly allows people to use
a huge library of pre-built, pre-animated and editable groups of
media objects with users’ own content to create stunning video
Huge royalty-free media library with over 500,000 videos,
illustraons, photos, sounds, and music.
Moovly Studio editor with a new and improved user
interface for more exible and intuive experience.
Video generator Moovly Bots automacally creates
content based on templates and users data.
Pricing: US$5/month or US$55/year
2. GoAnimate
GoAnimate is one of the best cloud-based animaon tools in the market.
It gives users easy drag-and-drop experiences with a large number of
templates in design and animaon. You could create your own high-
quality animated video in just 5 minutes with this tool.
Voice-over narraon is automac. Users just have to provide the
words then the tools would sync the characters voice.
Various themes from all industries and occupaons are available
with more being added all the me.
Full character customizaon is oered with hundreds of color
shades and dierent styles.
US$39/month or US$299/year for Publish plan.
US$79/month or US599/year for Premium plan.
3. PowToon
With a mission “so everyone can animate”, PowToon is an intuive
animaon soware that enables anyone, even those with no designing
background to create engaging animated videos.
Huge library with dierent looks including modern edge,
whiteboard, infographic, cartoon, and corporate styles.
Various templates of characters, objects, backgrounds, and layouts.
Unlimited royalty free music
Export to PDF and PowerPoint is available
Pricing: US$19/month for Pro plan
4. VideoScribe
VideoScribe is an amazing soware specializing in whiteboard animated
videos. It enables users to achieve a cleaner look than the tradional
animaons where narrators record themselves drawing.
Full customizaon of font, images, canvas, hand drawing styles,
and music track
Enable users to upload and use their own content
Easily export to PowerPoint
Pricing: US$29/month
These tools are user-friendly and most requires no installaon. You could easily create your own animaons for educaonal
purposes with an aordable annual fee. However, it seems that these tools are best for general ideas or presentaon. The pre-
designed illustraons and animaons could limit users in more specic subjects. For example, if you are designing a drone training
course, you would nd it hard to create animated videos on how to use the controller.
Send a free animaon demo request
Thats how you make animated learning videos for your online courses!
It is not that dicult.
Ok, the illustraon and animaon part may be overwhelming for you. You may
use cloud-based animaon soware or choose to work with a producon
partner instead. However, you can do the brief, the script, the storyboard
and even the voice-over! Just remember to always start with a brief. You
need a proper brief to work with your team, and to ensure that everything
has a purpose. Animaon is an eecve tool as long as it has clear learning
Bring true values to learners, not distracon.
Well, if you are looking for that animaon partner
who has vast experience in eLearning,
Contact us
We oer you a free tailored-made animaon demo up to 30 seconds