Andrea L. Eisfeldt
Gregor Schubert
Miao Ben Zhang
Working Paper 31222
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
May 2023
Gregor Schubert gratefully acknowledges funding from the UCLA Fink Center for Finance and
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© 2023 by Andrea L. Eisfeldt, Gregor Schubert, and Miao Ben Zhang. All rights reserved. Short
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Generative AI and Firm Values
Andrea L. Eisfeldt, Gregor Schubert, and Miao Ben Zhang
NBER Working Paper No. 31222
May 2023
JEL No. E0,G0
What are the effects of recent advances in Generative AI on the value of firms? Our study offers
a quantitative answer to this question for U.S. publicly traded companies based on the exposures
of their workforce to Generative AI. Our novel firm-level measure of workforce exposure to
Generative AI is validated by data from earnings calls, and has intuitive relationships with firm
and industry-level characteristics. Using Artificial Minus Human portfolios that are long firms
with higher exposures and short firms with lower exposures, we show that higher-exposure firms
earned excess returns that are 0.4% higher on a daily basis than returns of firms with lower
exposures following the release of ChatGPT. Although this release was generally received by
investors as good news for more exposed firms, there is wide variation across and within
industries, consistent with the substantive disruptive potential of Generative AI technologies.
Andrea L. Eisfeldt
Anderson School of Management
University of California at Los Angeles
110 Westwood Plaza
Suite C4.10
Los Angeles, CA 90095
and NBER
Gregor Schubert
UCLA Anderson
School of Management
Miao Ben Zhang
University of Southern California
701 Exposition Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Recent advances in Generative Artificial Intelligence are widely seen as a major technology
shock with important implications for firm values. Relative to earlier artificial intelligence
models, Generative AI models can digest more complex inputs, and can produce human-
like output, making Generative AI more versatile and scalable than prior innovations in AI
and machine learning. As a result, Generative AI has the potential for widespread corporate
adoption, with implications for firm values both across and within a wide array of industries.
One of the biggest questions surrounding advances in Generative AI is what effect these
technologies will have on corporate valuations as a result of the impact of Generative AI on
firms’ labor inputs. We construct a novel dataset containing firm-level workforce exposures
to Generative AI. We provide a quantitative measure of the impact of Generative AI based
on our firm-level exposure data combined with financial market data. Using this measure
we compute the first estimates of the effect of Generative AI on firm values by studying the
impact of the release of ChatGPT on firms with varying exposures to the technology shock.
We measure the impact of a major event in the advancement and dissemination of Gen-
erative AI technology, namely, the public release of ChatGPT, on equity returns at the firm
level. This event had a substantial impact on firm returns, consistent with Generative AI
advancement representing a major technological shock, one for which we can measure the
arrival and impact in real time. While firms may progressively adopt the technology, the
unmatched media attention and user base that ChatGPT has garnered within just months
indicates that firms and investors are actively assessing the potential fast diffusion of this
technology. We show that Twitter mentions and earnings call mentions of Generative AI
increased substantially following the release of ChatGPT. Moreover, the massive information
gathering and processing ability of ChatGPT itself allows us to assess each firm’s exposure
to ChatGPT’s disruption in real-time.
Our key finding is that the arrival of ChatGPT had a sizable positive effect on the value
of firms whose labor forces are more exposed to Generative AI and related Large Language
Models (LLMs). Firms with higher exposure to the release of ChatGPT, as measured by
the exposure of their labor force to being made more productive by tools like ChatGPT,
outperform firms with lower exposures by over 40 basis points in daily excess returns during
the two weeks following its release. Notably, these return differences are not only due to
differences in labor force exposures across industries. Returns of firms with high labor
force exposures also outperform firms with low exposures by about 40 basis points daily in
Recent studies of Generative AI include Eloundou, Manning, Mishkin, and Rock (2023) who study the
impact of Generative AI on industries’ labor forces, Noy and Zhang (2023) who study the displacement
effects of Generative AI on professional writing tasks, and Brynjolfsson, Li, and Raymond (2023) who study
the effects of Generative AI on customer support agents, and Felten, Raj, and Seamans (2023) who consider
heterogeneity in occupational exposure.
industry-neutral portfolios.
Our methodology builds on the idea that ChatGPT and related technologies will in-
crease firm-level free cash flows through a labor effect that can work through two potential
channels. First, firms whose labor force can be substituted for with cheaper Generative
AI-based capital will experience higher free cash flows by lowering input costs.
firms whose labor inputs are more complementary to Generative AI will experience higher
cash flows due to the technological improvement in an input that is complementary to their
While we do not take a stand on whether (and for which workers) Generative AI
is a substitute for, or a complementary to, labor, we are able to show that firms that have
a higher share of occupations exposed to Generative AI experience gains in value across a
wide array of industries. At the same time, the effect of the release of ChatGPT on firm
values varies widely across industries, as well as within industries across firms. Indeed, we
find a significantly negative impact from the release of ChatGPT for some industries. Value
losses for incumbents are consistent with the idea that for some industries Generative AI
will lead to new entrants and displacement of existing firms. While advances in Generative
AI can have effects through the product market as well as through the labor market (for
example, increasing demand for cloud computing services), our results support the idea that
AI advances will have a broad impact on the economy through its effects on labor inputs.
The fact that the overall impact of the arrival of ChatGPT on firms with more exposure
to Generative AI is significantly positive is consistent with recent studies showing that it is
increasingly more difficult for new entrants to displace incumbent firms.
We measure firm-level exposure to Generative AI in two steps. First, we build on Eloun-
dou et al. (2023) and use ChatGPT itself to assess whether each of the 19,265 tasks cur-
rently performed by various occupations can be done by the current ChatGPT or by future
ChatGPT after investment in additional capabilities. Following Eloundou et al. (2023), we
aggregate the task-level exposure measures to the occupations in the O*NET database. Sec-
ond, and novel to our analysis, we map occupations to publicly-traded firms using data from
Revelio Labs. This dataset is constructed from millions of public employee profiles such as
LinkedIn. Our firm-level exposure measure thus captures the ability of the tasks currently
performed by labor at those firms to be performed (or made more efficient) by Generative
AI. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to create a firm-level measure of
exposure to Generative AI.
We next validate our labor-based measure of firms’ exposure to Generative AI by examin-
See Autor, Levy, and Murnane (2003) and Zhang (2019) for measures of firm exposure to automation
and Webb (2019) and Lane and Saint-Martin (2021) for the impact of AI on firms.
See Krusell, Ohanian, R´ıos-Rull, and Violante (2000) and Eisfeldt, Falato, and Xiaolan (2022).
See, for example, Guti´errez and Philippon (2019) and Akcigit and Ates (2020).
ing firms’ earnings call transcripts in 2023. We document a strong relationship between our
measure of exposure to Generative AI and firms’ discussions of Generative AI and related
technologies in firms’ earnings calls following the release of ChatGPT. In contrast, firms with
higher exposure to Generative AI do not increase discussions common technological topics
such as Engineering following the release of ChatGPT. Moreover, these findings remain even
after we exclude all firms from the most IT-related sectors,
suggesting that firms’ recent
discussions about Generative AI go beyond its impact on related products, and extend to
the impact on operations including labor inputs.
We start by showing the types of occupations that will be affected by advances in Gen-
erative AI. We find that the most affected occupations are those that involve non-routine
cognitive tasks. This is in stark contrast with prior findings that automation mainly dis-
places occupations involving routine tasks (Autor et al. (2003)). Indeed, the most affected
occupations are those with a high share of non-routine cognitive analytical tasks or routine
cognitive tasks, while manual physical tasks are relatively unaffected. Interpersonal tasks lie
in between cognitive and manual tasks in terms of their exposure to Generative AI. Occupa-
tions with higher wages also have higher exposure to Generative AI. Our result is consistent
with recent findings by Kogan, Papanikolaou, Schmidt, and Seegmiller (2019), who find that
technological advances impact workers at the higher end of the wage distribution.
Exposure to Generative AI through firms’ labor inputs has an intuitive relationship to
average firm characteristics across and within industries. At the industry level, more exposed
sectors have higher wages, consistent with those sectors employing more workers in higher-
paid occupations that also tend to be more exposed to Generative AI. Regarding labor
inputs, firms in more exposed industries tend to have higher labor intensity in terms of the
number of employees per unit of capital, and lower asset tangibility. More exposed firms also
have higher ratios of organizational to total capital.
For the characteristics related to firm
valuation, more exposed sectors have lower average firm size as measured by total assets and
higher Tobin’s Q. Importantly, we also observe similar relationships between firms’ exposure
to Generative AI and firm characteristics within industry sectors. The robust patterns of
variation in industry and firm-level exposures with firm characteristics support our study of
stock returns both across and within industries.
Firms with higher exposure to Generative AI experience higher volatility around the
release of ChatGPT. However, it appears that it takes some time for the information in
ChatGPT’s release to be impounded into stock prices. The cumulative excess returns for
To be precise, we exclude the NAICS 51 “Information” and NAICS 54 “Professional, Scientific, and
Technical Services” sectors.
See Eisfeldt and Papanikolaou (2014) and Eisfeldt and Papanikolaou (2013).
Figure 1: Generative AI exposure quintile portfolio returns over time: market factor-
adjusted. The graph shows the cumulative excess realized returns on portfolios based on value-weighted
sorts. All portfolio returns shown are net of the risk-free rate. The data set consists of daily stock returns
from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023. The figure shows returns adjusted for market factor
the highest-exposure quintile of firms vs. the lowest-exposure quintile diverge for several
weeks following the release of ChatGPT. Figure 1 plots the returns of the highest-exposure
quintile, the lowest-exposure quintile, and a long-short portfolio, which we denote AMH for
“Artificial Minus Human”. Cumulative returns to holding the AMH portfolio that is long
the highest-exposure quintile, and short the lowest-exposure quintile from the released date
through March 31, 2023, are over 9%.
We study the effect of Generative AI on firm values by comparing the returns of firms with
higher and lower occupational exposure to Generative AI during and outside the two-week
window following the release of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. The effects are substantial,
and monotonic, within industries across Generative AI-exposure quintiles. Adjusting for the
market factor, the excess returns to quintile portfolios formed based on firm-level occupa-
tional exposure to Generative AI are monotonically increasing, with the highest-exposure
quintile of firms within industries earning positive excess daily returns of over 40 basis
points while the lowest exposure quintile experiences negative excess returns of around 25
basis points. The fact that these strong effects exist within industries for many industries
provides evidence that Generative AI can have a broad impact on firm values through the
effects on their labor inputs.
Across industries, the effects of Generative AI on firm value also vary widely. Publishing,
information and computing-related industries have positive returns following the release of
ChatGPT, while finance and transportation-related industries experience negative returns
overall. Dispersion in industry returns is much higher during the two-week period following
the release of ChatGPT than over the full sample from November 30, 2022 to March 31,
2023 overall.
Our within-industry results also display striking differences across industry sectors. Within
finance, the return of more exposed firms relative to less exposed firms is substantially and
significantly positive. Combined with the overall negative industry effect, this is consistent
with some firms benefitting greatly from Generative AI advances while overall the impact
of the release of ChatGPT was negative for value in the finance industry. Firms with higher
exposures to Generative AI within manufacturing as well as the administrative support,
waste management, and remediation services industry also significantly outperform firms
with lower exposures. On the other hand, firms with higher exposures in the real estate
and rental and leasing industry significantly underperform firms with lower exposures. This
could mean that existing firms with large exposures to Generative AI may be displaced by
new entrants in those industries. Finally, several industries do not display significant re-
turn spreads following the release of ChatGPT, including construction of buildings, mining,
and heavy and civil engineering construction. The negligible impact in these industries is
consistent with manual tasks’ lower exposure to Generative AI.
Our study contributes to the literature studying the impact of disruptive technologies on
firm valuations.
Papanikolaou (2011) and Kogan and Papanikolaou (2014) study the effects
of investment-specific technological changes on asset prices. Eisfeldt and Papanikolaou (2013)
and Eisfeldt and Papanikolaou (2014) study firms’ exposure to the organization capital
technology frontier. Zhang (2019) studies firms’ exposure to routine-biased automation.
In a series of papers, Babina, Fedyk, He, and Hodson (2020), Babina, Fedyk, He, and
Hodson (2021), and Babina, Fedyk, He, and Hodson (2022) study the effects of AI on firm
growth, compensation, and workforce composition. See also Webb (2019) for the impact
of AI on firms. Kelly, Papanikolaou, Seru, and Taddy (2021) study firms’ exposure to
disruptive technological shocks using patent textual data, and Kogan et al. (2019) assesses
worker displacement from technological change over a very long sample. These studies offer
important insights into investors’ and firms’ responses to technological shocks in historical
Our study departs from these works by focusing on measuring firms’ exposure to Gen-
See Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Krusell (1997) for an early contribution on the long-run impacts of
investment-specific technological change.
erative AI and assessing investors’ reaction to the technology shock upon its arrival. We
argue that the release of ChatGPT in November of 2022 is an observable, large technology
shock. We also highlight our contribution of measuring investors’ reactions to this shock in
real-time. Indeed, the information in market prices can potentially inform employees’ and
firms’ ultimate responses to technological disruption. Timely assessment of the market’s
expectations of Generative AI’s impact on firms can also help policy makers to effectively
evaluate regulatory policies in response to the arrival of the new technology.
While other contemporaneous or recent studies such as Eloundou et al. (2023) also address
the exposure of occupations to Generative AI advances, our paper is novel in its contributions
to the effect on firms. Our use of the Revelio Labs data to link occupations to firms yields
a unique opportunity to study corporate outcomes.
The paper proceeds as follows: Section I describes our data and measure of firms’ expo-
sure to Generative AI. Section II provides descriptive facts about Generative AI exposures
across occupations, industries, and firms. Section III documents corporate communications
to investors regarding Generative AI, and the relationship between those communications
and our measure of Generative AI exposures. Section IV presents our results documenting
the substantial changes in firm valuations following the introduction of ChatGPT. Finally,
Section V concludes.
I. Data and Measurement
We measure a firm’s labor exposure to Generative AI in two steps. First, we measure
each occupation’s exposure to Generative AI based on the occupation’s task statements from
the O*NET database. Second, we aggregate the occupation-level Generative AI exposure
measure to the firm level using the firm-occupational employment data from the Revelio
Labs Workforce Dynamics database.
A. Measuring occupational exposure to Generative AI
Occupational task data To assess whether an occupation will likely experience a change
in absolute or relative productivity as a result of Generative AI models becoming widely
available and used, we use a task-based approach. That is, similar to Eloundou et al. (2023),
Indeed, as we draft this study, IBM, the company ranked #1 in our exposure to Gen-
erative AI measure among the largest U.S. firms (see Table II) announced to halt hir-
ing of 7,800 jobs that could be replaced by AI. See https://www.businessinsider.
we consider an occupation to be a set of tasks-to-be-done and evaluate for each task whether
it can be done more productively using ChatGPT and similar large language models (LLMs)
or future applications that will be built based on their capabilities.
We obtain information on the tasks involved in each occupation from the O*NET database,
which provides a list of task statements created by practitioners or experts.
A task state-
ment is usually one sentence, and an occupation has on average 22 tasks. The 19,265 pairs
of task statements and the occupations that they belong to then need to be coded as being
exposed to Generative AI technologies or not.
Task scoring We build on the approach for scoring tasks that was suggested and validated
by Eloundou et al. (2023). In particular, we use GPT itself to score exposure of tasks based
on whether the task can already be done directly using the ChatGPT interface, or can be
done with additional tools built on top of it. Two advantages of using an LLM to assess task
statements are that it allows for better replicability of the research in terms of cost and speed
of execution, and rapid scaling of the method to the full set of 19,265 task statements.
Specifically, we use Open AI’s GPT 3.5 Turbo model to classify the full set of task
statements and validate its reliability on a smaller subsample of tasks.
The model is given
an overall rubric for scoring LLM exposure, as well as two example interactions between a
user and an assistant that showcase the kind of output it is expected to produce. Then, a task
statement is submitted together with its O*NET title, and the model returns a score. The
scores capture whether the time taken to complete task is reduced by at least half, at constant
quality, if the worker can access ChatGPT-like tools. The scores fall into the following
categories: E0 indicates no exposure as the tool is either insufficiently useful for this task,
or cannot be brought to bear as a result of the intrinsic nature of the task, e.g. if it involves
physical activities; E1 is applied if a 50% reduction in completion time is already feasible
with the existing large language model interfaces; E2 requires that such a productivity gain
is feasible, but only once the current capabilities of the model can be deployed through
applications with further inputs (e.g. access to internet or proprietary databases), or if it is
trained on domain-specific issues or data; E3 is applied when the productivity increase would
require image processing capabilities in addition to current text processing. Importantly, the
This data can be accessed via the O*Net database at https://www.onetonline.org/
While similar large-volume classification tasks in the past often relied on crowd-workers on online plat-
forms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), ChatGPT has recently been shown to outperform human
crowd-workers in accuracy in text classification tasks, while also exhibiting lower variability in scores across
multiple runs of the program (Gilardi, Alizadeh, and Kubli, 2023). Economists have also recently used other
large language models to classify unstructured text from job postings and found that they outperformed
other machine learning methods Hansen, Lambert, Bloom, Davis, Sadun, and Taska (2023).
The structure of the prompt submitted to the Open AI GPT API is shown in Appendix A.
model is asked not only to respond with the score but also to explain its reasoning, which
allows the researcher to audit whether GPT is in fact understanding the prompt as intended
and interpreting the task correctly. Note that this exceeds the auditing capabilities that are
available in many instances of human text classification - and that outputting this additional
information is enabled by the feature of LLMs that text generation is relatively cheap in terms
of time cost.
A random sample of scored tasks together with the model’s explanations can
be found in Table C1.
Consistency of Generative AI scoring To validate the consistency and replicability
of our procedure, we compare the scores assigned across 3 different GPT runs (which may
vary in results due to the randomized order of example cases provided, or non-deterministic
features of the underlying LLM) for a randomly selected subsample of 100 task statements.
We compare the different sets of scores as follows: First, we construct 3 different classi-
fications for each task based on the assigned score: (1) “Current exposure”: score 1 has
been assigned. (2) “Expected exposure:” Either score 1 or 2 has been assigned. (3) “Broad
exposure:” Any score other than 0 has been assigned (this includes exposure conditional on
image capabilities becoming further developed). Then, we compute the agreement between
different scoring runs with regard to which tasks belong in these categories. The compar-
ison between different runs is shown in Appendix Table C2. We find that the agreement
between different GPT runs is very high - they arrive at the same score for at least 88%
of all cases independent of the exposure classification considered. This validates that GPT
reliably provides classifications that are highly consistent across different runs.
Scoring occupations’ exposure to Generative AI We next aggregate tasks’ exposure
to Generative AI to the occupation level. For each 8-digit Standard Occupational Classifi-
caltion (SOC) occupation from the O*NET, we calculate the share of the total number of
tasks for each occupation that are affected by Generative AI. We follow Eloundou et al.
(2023) and focus on an aggregation that takes into account that scores of 1 represent the
current direct feasibility of productivity improvements, while exposure scores of 2 rely on
investment in additional capabilities, such as interaction through custom-built applications
or the ability to search local or online databases, that complement the current LLM chat
interface. Therefore, our main measure of the share of an occupation’s exposed tasks counts
both the number of tasks with exposure rubric 1, (N
) and those with exposure rubric 2
) but applies half the weight to the latter. That is, our exposure score at the occupation
The model was also asked to return a confidence score (low/medium/high) for its prediction, but while
this may have led the LLM to focus on refining its answer in this regard, we do not use this dimension of
the response. In the large majority of cases, the model expresses “high confidence” in its assessment.
level for each occupation o is:
tasks in o
+ 0.5 N
+ N
+ N
+ N
Finally, we aggregate across 8-digit O*Net occupation codes to the 6-digit SOC level to match
the occupation-level exposure measure to firms’ occupational data. Note that the Gener-
ative AI exposure measure is bounded by 100% on the upper end, which would represent
that all tasks in that occupation can be done at least 50% faster with the already-existing
functionality of ChatGPT and similar tools. On the lower end, 0% indicates that none of
the tasks involved in the occupation are likely to be more productive now, or even after
additional applications have been built on top of current Generative AI technology. The
full set of 6-digit occupations for which we compute Generative AI exposures consists of 778
occupations, of which 678 are also contained in the firm-level employment structure data
described below. The mean and median exposure in the latter set of occupations are 23%
and 18%, respectively, with a standard deviation of 21 ppt. The inter-quartile range extends
from 6% to 38% exposure.
B. Measuring firms’ exposure to Generative AI
To estimate a firm’s exposure to Generative AI, we use data on firms’ occupational struc-
ture to aggregate our occupational exposure measure. We obtain data on firms’ occupational
employment from Revelio Labs, which collects information on job titles and employers from
LinkedIn and other resume profiles and constructs occupation-by-firm employment counts.
Our customized data define a firm at the unique Compustat identifier gvkey and define an
occupation using the 6-digit SOC. We use the employment counts for each gvkey-SOC6 as
of March 2022, which is the latest month in our data.
We construct a firm’s Generative AI exposure as the weighted average of its occupations’
Generative AI exposure, using the firm’s occupational employment as weights. That is,
occupations in f
where EmpShare
is the employment share of occupation o in firm f. The result
of this procedure is a cross-section of 2,518 publicly-traded firms with predicted exposure to
Generative AI and basic company characteristics from Compustat. Summary statistics for
the distribution of Generative AI exposure across this set of firms are shown in Table I.
C. Other data
Firm earnings call transcripts data We manually collect firm earnings call transcripts
from the Seeking Alpha website for the tickers of all S&P 500 firms over the 2018-2023
period. To account for variations in the word forms, we applied standard natural language
pre-processing techniques to the text data, such as tokenizing and lowercasing. We then
counted the frequency of each keyword in each transcript and created a panel data set that
contained each ticker, quarter, year, and word counts for particular topics as variables.
Social media attention data To measure social media attention to GPT and related
technologies, we obtain data on Twitter mentions of “GPT” and “ChatGPT” by day for
2022 and 2023 from the media search platform Media Cloud.
II. Descriptive Facts about Generative AI Exposures
A. Generative AI Exposure and occupation characteristics
Table C3 shows an overview of the 20 occupations with the highest and lowest Genera-
tive AI exposure scores.
Note that among the highest exposure occupations, many, such
as “Telemarketers”, Computer programmers”, and “Interpreters and translators”, map
closely onto some of the key recent technological advances in Generative AI regarding its
ability to hold natural text-based conversations, generate functioning code based on high-
level descriptions of a programming task, and translate texts accurately between languages
and styles.
To better understand which occupation characteristics are associated with higher expo-
sure, Panel A of Figure 2 shows the relationship between the average wage level of each 2-digit
major occupation group in 2021 and our estimated Generative AI exposure. As the graph
shows, higher-wage occupations are generally more likely to be exposed to ChatGPT-like
technological advances making their constituent tasks more productive. One notable excep-
tion are the relatively low-wage “Office and Administrative Support” occupations, which are
URL: https://mediacloud.org/
Note that the lowest score category only shows a subset of a larger set of occupations with zero Generative
AI exposure.
While “Mathematicians” might seem out-of-place among occupations with high exposure to Generative
AI, note that Fields Medal winner Terence Tao of UCLA remarked in April, 2023, that “GPT-4 has saved
[him] a significant amount of tedious work”, noting that “while these AI tools do not directly assist [him]
in core tasks such as trying to attack an unsolved mathematical problem, they are quite useful for a wide
variety of peripheral (but still work-related) tasks (though often with some manual tweaking afterwards).”
(Source: https://pandaily.com/mathematician-terence-tao-comments-on-chatgpt/)
also predicted to be highly exposed. The positive relation between Generative AI exposure
and wage is also observed at the industry level. In Panel B of Figure 2, we aggregate oc-
cupational Generative AI exposure and occupational wages to the NAICS 2-digit industry
level using the 2021 BLS National Employment Matrix. We observe a similar pattern that
high-wage industries also tend to have high exposure to Generative AI.
Occupational skills and Generative AI exposure Our measure of exposure to Gen-
erative AI technologies is based on the ability of tools like ChatGPT to make certain tasks
more productive. Thus, we would like to understand how our exposure measure relates to
other classifications of occupations which have been previously been defined based on the
tasks that are involved in them. In particular, Acemoglu and Autor (2011) suggest that
technology-based productivity changes of past decades can be understood by scoring oc-
cupations based on the skills they involve. They suggest a characterization based on the
degree to which an occupation involves particular combinations of routine vs. non-routine,
cognitive vs. manual, and analytical vs. interpersonal aspects. To understand how their
categories map onto occupations that can be made more productive by ChatGPT-like tech-
nologies, we regress our 6-digit occupation Generative AI exposure measure jointly on the
set of occupational skill scores defined by Acemoglu and Autor (2011). That is, we run the
following regression:
= α +
+ ε
The results are shown in Figure 3. We find that occupations with higher Generative AI
exposure are more likely to involve non-routine cognitive analytical skills or routine cognitive
skills, and less likely to involve different kinds of manual skills, or interpersonal skills.
The literature on previous waves of computer-based automation argued that routine work
was most likely to be substituted by computers and to complement non-routine communica-
tion and problem-solving tasks (Autor et al., 2003). This “routinization” hypothesis assumed
that “computers and computer-controlled equipment are highly productive and reliable at
performing the tasks that programmers can script - and relatively inept at everything else”
(Acemoglu and Autor, 2011). While routine tasks and jobs were taken over by comput-
ers, workers skilled in “abstract” tasks were in high demand, leading to wage polarization.
However, while in the past abstract jobs requiring “problem-solving, intuition, persuasion,
and creativity” (Acemoglu and Autor, 2011) appeared safe from substitution by comput-
ers, Figure 3 suggests that the labor market impact due to recent Generative AI advances
may be different. Tools like ChatGPT can interpret and respond to relatively unstructured
inputs, display a surprising amount of common sense in filling in gaps in instructions, and
can respond with relatively complex outputs, such as texts in different styles, or in the
case of image generators like Stable Diffusion or Midjourney even with new and original
images (Bubeck, Chandrasekaran, Eldan, Gehrke, Horvitz, Kamar, Lee, Lee, Li, Lundberg,
et al., 2023). As a result, this wave of technological change may differ from previous waves
in that many tasks in non-routine cognitive analytical jobs that were safe from automation
by previous technologies are now suddenly more likely to be substituted for by software and
computers. Combined with the unprecedented speed with which this wave of computer-based
automation tools is being adopted, this portends that the effects on wages and inequality
across different demographic groups may look very different this time around than for the
automation waves of the past.
B. Summary of firms’ Generative AI exposure
Table I shows the summary statistics of our sample which includes 2,518 publicly traded
firms in the cross-section of 2022. On average, the firms in our sample have a mean and
median task exposure score of 35%, with a standard deviation of 8 ppt. The firm-level
measure of exposure to Generative AI spans from 27% at the 10th percentile to 44% at the
90th percentile. Figure 4 shows that the variation of firm-level exposure to Generative AI
has both across-industry and within-industry components. While industry sectors such as
“Information” and “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services” have an average firm
exposure to Generative AI of about 13 ppt greater than industries such as “Accommodation
and Food Services,” there are substantial variations of firms’ exposure to GPT within each
industry. A variance decomposition shows that industry differences explain about 18% of
the firm-level variation in exposure to Generative AI.
Table II lists the 15 firms with the highest and lowest exposure to Generative AI, re-
spectively, among the top 100 largest U.S. firms by market capitalization in 2022. While
many IT firms, such as IBM and Intuit, not surprisingly have a large fraction of employees
exposed to Generative AI, we also observe manufacturing firms, such as 3M, and adminis-
trative conglomerates, such as S&P Global, in this high-exposure category. The large U.S.
firms ranked at the bottom of the exposure distribution include restaurants, such as Star-
bucks and McDonald’s, retail firms, such as Target and Walmart, transportation firms, such
as UPS, and manufacturing firms, such as Tesla, suggesting that they have a smaller fraction
of employees exposed to Generative AI.
The rich cross-industry and within-industry variations in firms’ exposure to Generative
AI motivate us to explore our firm-level empirical analyses within and across industries.
Importantly, our within-industry analyses also help to differentiate our labor-based mech-
anism from the product-based mechanism when studying the effects of firms’ exposure to
Generative AI on firm values.
How do firms’ and industries’ exposure to Generative AI relate to their other character-
istics? Panel A of Table III shows that firms with higher exposure to Generative AI tend
to be smaller, have greater Tobin’s Q, and are less profitable. These findings are consistent
with the notion that such small and high-growth firms tend to focus their workforce on
cognitive tasks such as R&D. Indeed, we also observe that firms with high R&D intensity
are more exposed to Generative AI. Moreover, we also observe that firms with higher la-
bor intensity, higher organizational capital ratio (Eisfeldt and Papanikolaou, 2013) and less
tangible capital are more exposed to Generative AI. These cross-firm findings hold consis-
tently within-industry and cross-industry as well. Panel B of Table III shows that the above
findings are qualitatively similar after we include NAICS 2-digit industry fixed effects in
the regressions. Figure 5 plots the relationship between industry sectors’ mean exposure to
Generative AI (averaged across Compustat firms) and industries’ other characteristics. In
line with the firm-level patterns, we observe a consistent picture that industries with higher
exposure to Generative AI have firms that are smaller, have higher Tobin’s Q and lower
current profitability, and feature higher organizational capital and lower tangible capital.
III. Investor Communication and Exposure to
Generative AI Technology
To understand whether firms communicate that they are affected by the technological
change as a result of the evolution of large language models and other Generative AI tools,
and to validate our bottom-up measure of language model exposure based on firms’ employ-
ment structure, we first analyze the public communication between firms and investors. We
focus on earnings conference calls, as firms use earnings conference calls to communicate
their views regarding risks and opportunities, (see, e.g. Hassan, Hollander, Van Lent, and
Tahoun (2019)) as well as past and expected future performance. Moreover, they respond
to questions by analysts who may reflect investors’ perspectives of which issues particular
firms should focus on. If the technological change resulting from the recent rapid evolution
of large language models is indeed affecting firms as we postulate, we should see both a time
pattern of increasing communication regarding these issues that coincides with the launch of
ChatGPT, as well as a cross-sectional pattern of larger increases in this kind of firm-investor
communication among firms for which our bottom-up measure predicts higher Generative
AI exposure.
A. Measuring earnings conference call mentions of technologies
We use the Seeking Alpha website to manually collect a panel of the earnings conference
call transcripts for S&P 500 firms, for calls that were held from July 2018 to March 2023. For
each of these earnings calls, we assign a calendar month, quarter, and year (as distinct from
the fiscal year and quarter referenced in the call), based on the time stamp of the earnings
call transcript. We process each transcript by converting it into a list of lower-case tokens,
creating separate lists of unigrams (one-word tokens) and bigrams (two-word tokens).
Topic definitions We define four categories of words (incl. their plural form where ap-
plicable) that we compare to the list of unigrams and bigrams in each earnings call: (1)
Machine learning-related words that are not specific to Generative AI technologies.
Generative AI -specific words: “LLM”, “ChatGPT”, “GPT”, “GPT3”, “GPT4”, “genera-
tive”, “language model”. (3) Generic engineering-related words: “engineer”, “engineering”.
Our sample size and composition vary somewhat across years, and we may not fully cap-
ture all earnings calls for each firm, but we capture the vast majority of relevant earnings
calls, with the number of unique S&P 500 companies with calls in our sample in each quar-
ter varying from 377 to 474. Moreover, our sampling procedure of hand-collecting publicly
available transcripts from Seeking Alpha is unlikely to be biased with regard to Generative
AI exposure - which would be the selection bias of relevance.
B. Aggregate trends in earnings call mentions
To see how mentions of these topics evolve over time, we compute two aggregate variables
for each month and topic: First, we capture the share of calls in our sample that mention
a word from that category, which captures the extensive margin of whether there is any
sufficiently large perceived firm exposure for investors or firm management to mention it.
Second, we compute the mean number of category words per call in our sample, which
additionally captures the intensive margin of longer discussions of the topics. The aggregate
trend in these variables for the Generative AI topic, which is our proxy for firms discussing
ChatGPT-like technologies, is shown in Figure 6. For comparison, each graph also shows the
equivalent trends for other machine learning topics, and for generic mentions of engineering.
To allay concerns that only investors in software companies are likely to be knowledgeable
about, or have an interest in, the Generative AI topic, we also show the same trends excluding
the “Information” (NAICS 51) and “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services” (NAICS
These are: “deep learning”, “ML”, “machine learning”, “deep learning”, “natural language”, “neural
net”, “neural network”, “NLP”.
54) sectors in Panels B and D, as determined by Compustat industry codes.
While the sample only reflects companies that had earnings calls before March 2023, there
is an unmistakeable break in the trend shortly after the release of ChatGPT in November
2022: both measures show that an increasing number of firms seem to consider language
models and generative AI as important enough that they are discussed in earnings conference
calls. Moreover, these trends are separate from discussions of machine learning or engineering
in general, which do not show a large increase in 2023 so this is not simply a reflection of
companies in general - or in our sample - becoming more technical in their language over
time. Generative AI-related topics were discussed in 27% of all earnings conference calls
by March 2023, and in 13% of calls outside the software-related sectors. The number of
mentions per call in Panel C rises even more steeply than the share of firms discussing the
topic, suggesting that discussions of the topic increase at the intensive margin in addition to
the extensive margin. Overall, earnings call mentions show that the rapid rise in importance
of language model technologies is reflected in the communication between firms and analysts
- suggesting that they are also likely to influence valuations by investors.
C. Firm-level Generative AI exposure and earnings call topics
While Figure 6 shows that general interest in LLM-related topics is on the rise following
the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, we also want to understand which firms are more
likely to discuss related topics. To see how our firm-level predicted Generative AI exposure
relates to these changes in earnings call mentions, we run repeated cross-sectional regressions
of the form,
[Topic X]
= α
+ β
+ γ [Topic X]
+ ε
where the dependent variable is a binary indicator for whether company i’s earnings calls
in quarter t have any mentions of topic X, and E
is the firm’s Generative AI exposure.
We also control for whether the firm already mentioned the topic in any 2019 earnings calls.
This means that the coefficient β
here estimates the degree to which firms with higher
Generative AI exposure are more likely to start (or stop) discussing topic X in earnings calls
in comparison to 2019.
The quarterly β
coefficients over 2020-2023 for each topic are shown in Figure 7. The
findings validate our Generative AI exposure measure’s ability to pick up on firms’ exposure
to a technology shock driven by Generative AI. Panels A and B confirm that exposed firms
according to our bottom-up measure were more likely to discuss Generative AI topics
than other firms, both in the full sample and when we exclude sectors with many software
and technology companies. Moreover, they only became more likely to discuss Generative
AI topics after the recent wave of innovation in those fields in Q4 of 2022 - so our exposure
measure does not identify companies that were involved in discussions about these technolo-
gies before ChatGPT was released. Put differently, the fact that our Generative AI exposure
measure does not predict a higher likelihood of mentioning these technologies before the re-
cent productivity shock suggests that it does a reasonable job of identifying companies that
are newly exposed to this particular way of using AI to improve productivity. Moreover, the
similar patterns in Panels B and D, where we exclude firms in the “Information” (NAICS 51)
and “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services” (NAICS 54) sectors, confirms that this
pattern is not limited to investor communication for IT companies. The effect on mentions
of generic engineering topics in Panels C and D shows that the break in trend with regard to
the effect of our Generative AI exposure measure on whether a firm mentions Generative AI
does not extend to higher mentions of engineering topics more generally. This validates our
firm-level exposure measure capturing the potential impact of technologies like ChatGPT in
The magnitude of these effects is large: The β
coefficients indicate the percentage point
change in the probability that the firm mentions the topic in an earnings call in that year,
relative to 2019, for each percentage point change in the share of tasks in that firm that is
exposed to Generative AI . That is, the March 2023 coefficient in Panel A suggests that a 1
ppt increase in firm exposure is associated with a more than 1 ppt higher likelihood in 2023
of the firm mentioning Generative AI relative to 2019.
Firm-level panel regressions of earnings call topics on Generative AI exposure
In order to be able to more flexibly control for different firm characteristics in determining
the association between our Generative AI exposure measure and topics mentioned in firm
earnings conference calls, we also estimate firm-level panel regressions. We aggregate our
monthly data into a firm-quarter panel in order to ensure that most firms have a continu-
ous time series of earnings calls over the period of Q3 2018–Q1 2023. Then, we estimate
regressions of the form
[Gen. AI Topic Mentioned]
+ α
+ β
+ β
× [Post-ChatGPT] (2)
+ γ [Post-ChatGPT] + ε
where we regress whether a firm mentions Generative AI related words in an earnings con-
ference call in that quarter on the measure of firm exposure to to the technology and its
interaction with an indicator of whether the quarter is “post-ChatGPT”, which corresponds
to Q4 2022 and Q1 2023 in our sample. This specification allows us to quantify the precise
degree to which higher exposure under our measure is associated with a higher likelihood of
mentioning Generative AI technologies after the launch of ChatGPT compared to before
which was not possible in the repeated cross-sectional regressions in Figure 7.
The results of estimating Equation 3 in our sample are shown in Table IV. In the first four
columns, we add increasingly stringent combinations of fixed effects to the baseline regression.
In column 1 we control for calendar quarter fixed effects, which will capture the degree to
which people are in general more likely to speak about the topic in particular periods. We
also add first industry sector fixed effects, and then firm fixed effects, to control for the degree
to which particular sectors and firms are more likely to mention particular technology topics
at all times. The most stringent specification in column 4 suggests that a 10 ppt increase in
Generative AI exposure is associated with a 7.6 ppt increase in the likelihood of mentioning
the Generative AI topic or that the interquartile range of exposure to Generative AI is
associated with about a 7 ppt difference in the likelihood of talking about the topic. To
ensure that this pattern is not limited to software companies, we repeat the most stringent
estimation in column 5, and exclude NAICS sectors 51 and 54. The result shows that,
even outside of these sectors, more exposed firms are significantly more likely to mention
Generative AI after the ChatGPT launch, but the coefficient is smaller, suggesting a 3.1 ppt
increase in the share of firms mentioning it for a 10 ppt increase in exposure. In general,
our results on investor communication reveal that the technological advances in question are
salient to investors, rapidly rising in importance based on their prevalence in communication,
and more likely to be mentioned by firms that our bottom-up measure predicts to be more
IV. Stock Market Impact of Generative AI Exposure
A. Stock return volatility, social media attention, and firms’ Generative AI
Our measure of firm-level Generative AI exposure is intended to capture the relative
degree to which tasks in a firm can be made more productive by advances in language models.
However, it is ex-ante ambiguous whether greater exposure should be associated with higher
returns: while higher productivity should lead to lower costs of producing the output of firms
in a particular industry, the degree to which this cost improvement is captured by incumbent
firms can vary. For instance, if new entrants are more likely to be flexible enough to take
advantage of the benefits of large language models, incumbent profits could actually fall in
response to the technology shock.
Even if the sign of the impact of Generative AI exposure on stock returns is unclear, the
release of new information about the technology can be expected to increase the volatility
of returns for affected companies. Conversely, if our exposure measure is a valid proxy for
firm-level characteristics that are specific to GPT-like technologies, higher return volatility
associated with this exposure should be associated with new information about these tech-
nologies. First, we explore whether Generative AI exposure is in fact associated with higher
stock return volatility on the days after the release of ChatGPT on November 30th, 2022,
which was the beginning of the period when the technological advances around large lan-
guage models started to become widely known. For each trading day from November 15th
to March 31st, we run separate regressions of the form
= α
+ α
+ β
+ ε
where β
captures the degree to which our firm-level measure of Generative AI exposure
predicts higher return volatility on that day, and we control for 2-digit industry sector fixed
effects α
to capture the degree to which Generative AI exposure might simply correlate
with industry news coming out around the same time. The time series of t-statistics testing
whether this coefficient is zero on each day are shown in Panel A and B of Figure 8 for
the specifications without and with industry fixed effects. There are only a small number
of periods when the stock return volatility effect of Generative AI exposure clearly exceeds
conventional significance thresholds with a t-statistic well above 2, but in both graphs they
include November 30th, 2022, which is the day that ChatGPT was released to the public, and
at least one other day in the two weeks after the release, which corresponds to the period
when many major news outlets were first covering the surge in interest in large language
models, that resulted from encounters with ChatGPT’s capabilities. Note that, even though
our exposure measure uses no information other than a firm’s employment structure, its
association with stock returns actually identifies the relevant period when the capabilities of
ChatGPT were first becoming known, suggesting that it captures exposure to this particular
Panels C and D of Figure 8 confirm that the days on which our firm employment-structure
based measure of Generative AI exposure predicts higher stock return volatility around the
release of ChatGPT closely coincide with surging social media attention to the technology:
Twitter mentions of “ChatGPT” and “GPT” spike relative to their trend right after the
release of ChatGPT, supporting the argument that the higher association between stock
volatility and Generative AI exposure in this period indeed reflects investor incorporating
new information into stock prices. The fact that the volatility impact of our Generative AI
exposure measure reliably identifies the key period when major related news was released
validates that it captures a dimension of exposure to the associated technologies that is
relevant to market participants.
Defining the ChatGPT “event” period In order to identify the effect of Generative
AI exposure on firm returns in this relatively short time series, we want to focus on days
when market participants were incorporating substantial news about related technologies
into their valuation of firms. The method above suggests that Generative AI exposure was
associated with high stock return volatility particularly during the initial ChatGPT launch
and in the weeks thereafter as the market discerned the likely impact of this technological
advance and aggregated relevant information. This period also coincides with a time period
when the growth in Twitter mentions of the topic suggests a high level of interest and new
information. We, therefore, focus on the “ChatGPT release period” consisting of November
30, 2022, and the two weeks following it in our main analysis of the stock return impact of
the new technology.
B. Realized returns and Generative AI exposure
Forming Generative AI exposure portfolios To estimate whether Generative AI ex-
posure affects the realized returns of stocks during the event window, we first form value-
weighted high and low exposure quintile portfolios, and also a high-minus-low portfolio (H-L)
which we will also refer to as the “Artificial Minus Human” (AMH ) portfolio – that repre-
sents the zero net investment portfolio long high exposure (H) stocks and short low exposure
(L) stocks.
All portfolios are formed based on market capitalization weights as of October
31, 2022, and exposure measures based on March 2022 firm-level employment structures,
and weights are adjusted daily to mimic passive buy-and-hold exposure. The returns data
set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31st,
2023, as well as Fama-French 5-Factor data and risk-free returns from Ken French’s web-
site. We also form industry-neutral portfolios by first forming within-2-digit NAICS industry
value-weighted quintile portfolios, and then averaging portfolio returns for the same quintiles
across industries while applying industry market capitalization as weights.
Generative AI exposure returns after ChatGPT release We compute realized excess
daily stock returns across Generative AI exposure portfolios during different time periods,
To be precise, we use returns on all trading days from Nov. 30, 2022 to Dec. 14, 2022.
See the Appendix for details on the portfolio construction.
estimated from regressions of the form
[ChatGPT release period]
+ α
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
+ β
) + ε
where the intercept represents either the mean return for the full period, or is allowed to vary
with whether the day is part of the ChatGPT release period or not, as defined above. Table
V shows the mean excess realized returns by portfolio for different specifications, comparing
returns for the full time period of Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023, and returns on the days
when we would expect the Generative AI exposure to matter for returns, i.e. the two weeks
after the ChatGPT release.
Panel A of Table V shows raw excess returns: The AMH high-minus-low exposure port-
folio has positive daily excess returns of 0.4% (t-statistic > 3) on average during the post-
ChatGPT release dates, but not outside of that period. This key finding that highly
exposed companies have higher average returns only on days when advances in language
model technology become known also validates our bottom-up measure of technology ex-
posure, as it predicts higher returns if, and only if, the dates are likely to be associated with
updating about the potential of the recently released technology.
In Panel B of Table V, we additionally control for each portfolio’s exposure to the market
return factor. The magnitude of the positive return effect is largely unaffected, and continues
to be statistically highly significant and large. One additional concern might be that the
Generative AI exposure quintiles load on particular industries, such as technology companies,
and that the exposure to the relative performance of these industries drives the realized
return variation across exposure quintiles. While the fact that the portfolio outperformance
occurs only on GPT news release dates makes it unlikely that this is an important issue
in our analysis, in Panel C we show the performance of sector-neutral factor portfolios,
also adjusted for market factor exposure.
In this specification, the excess returns to the
AMH portfolio are almost identical to those in Panel B, suggesting that the Generative
AI exposure factor is not simply driven by an association between exposure and particular
industry sectors.
Note that, across the different models in Table V, mean daily excess returns across the
period as a whole and returns outside of the ChatGPT release period are small, statistically
indistinguishable from zero, and almost flat across Generative AI exposure quintiles for the
These portfolios are formed by sorting firms into quintiles within each industry and then forming quintile
portfolios by taking a weighted average of the corresponding quintile in each industry sector, thereby pre-
venting the quintiles from loading excessively on particular industries. See the Appendix for further details
on the portfolio construction.
period as a whole. This reduces concerns that Generative AI exposure spuriously correlates
with other firm characteristics that are driving differential returns over the period in question.
In contrast, on the days when exposure to large language model productivity changes should
actually matter, returns vary significantly with whether a firm is more or less exposed based
on our bottom-up task-based measure. In the two week period after the ChatGPT release,
excess returns monotonically increase across Generative AI exposure quintiles, as shown in
Figure 9 for the market-factor adjusted, industry-neutral exposure quintiles.
As a robustness check for our analysis, we also consider whether the excess returns on
the Generative AI-exposed stocks after the release of ChatGPT can be explained by an
association between this exposure and other risk factors. We replicate the previous portfolio
returns analysis but additionally control for the returns on the factors in the Fama French
5-factor model (Fama and French, 2015). The results are shown in Appendix Table C7.
We find that the 5-factor-adjusted excess returns (and the industry-neutral version) on the
AML portfolio during the ChatGPT release period are smaller, albeit still sizable, in this
specification, suggesting daily excess returns of 0.3%, and statistically highly significant.
Moreover, Appendix Figure B2 shows that excess return variation across Generative AI
exposure portfolios is highly monotonic even in this specification.
Time series of Generative AI exposure portfolio returns To further validate that
the Generative AI exposure factor returns are associated with the advances in the related
technology, we also consider the time series of daily excess returns on industry-neutral port-
folios in Figures 1 and 10 – which show the results for global sorts and industry-neutral sorts
comparing the cumulative excess returns of the high, the low, and the high-minus-low
AMH portfolios. The graphs of the high and low exposure portfolios show that, if anything,
that the high exposure portfolio had lower returns in the two weeks preceding the release
of ChatGPT. On the other hand, the returns of the “A” and “H” portfolios diverge rapidly
thereafter, with most of the gains to the high exposure portfolio concentrated in the two-week
period after the release. The cumulative returns to the high-minus-low zero net investment
portfolio over the full time period through March 31st are large. Cumulative returns to
holding a portfolio that is long the highest-exposure quintile, and short the lowest-exposure
quintile from the release date (Nov. 30, 2022) through March 31, 2023 are 9.4% for the
global sort across all stocks, and 5.1% for the sector-neutral sorts (see Appendix Figure B4
for the time series of the cumulative excess returns without adjusting for market factors).
The corresponding values when adjusting for the market factor are 8.5% and 5.0%.
See Figure B1 for the variation across portfolios sorted jointly across all stocks (not industry-neutral) in
market-factor adjusted returns.
C. Heterogeneity in returns to Generative AI exposure
The results in the previous section showed our key result that, on average, a higher
exposure to Generative AI technology advances due to a prevalence of affected tasks in a firm
was associated with higher realized stock returns after the release of ChatGPT. However,
there is reason to believe that these effects might vary in size, and perhaps also in sign,
across different industries. On the one hand, our exposure measure focuses on the labor
cost and productivity dimensions of the impact of these technology shocks. However, there
will likely also be simultaneous effects on product market competitiveness for different firms,
depending on whether their product complements, or substitutes for, the capabilities of
products like ChatGPT for end-consumers. Similarly, some companies may have valuable
intangible capital that is made obsolete e.g. because ChatGPT obviates the productivity
advantage of proprietary internal software and processes or increases in value, for instance
if the company controls access to data sources that can be more effectively analyzed in
conjunction with large language model capabilities.
In addition, industry structure and contestability might affect the impact of higher Gen-
erative AI exposure on publicly traded incumbents. If entry into the product market becomes
easier as Generative AI technology lowers the cost of putting together minimum viable prod-
ucts, or if start-ups in an industry are more likely to have the organizational flexibility to
quickly incorporate these new technologies into their workflows, then incumbents with high
exposure to Generative AI technologies may lose out in relative terms, even if the overall
impact on the industry’s productivity is positive. While it is too early to make definitive
statements about which firms will be winners or losers as a result of recent technology ad-
vances, this section will provide early suggestive evidence of what industry characteristics
have been associated with higher return effects.
Industry portfolio heterogeneity in ChatGPT release period returns One way
of looking at industry heterogeneity is to consider which industry portfolios exhibit returns
after the release of ChatGPT that exceed or fall short of that predicted by their Generative
AI exposure. Figure 11 shows the variation in market factor-adjusted excess realized returns
of 3-digit industry portfolios either during the two weeks after the ChatGPT release (upper
panel), or on all other days of the Nov 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023, period (lower panel).
There is a positive association across industries between average industry level Generative
AI exposure and returns during the weeks after the ChatGPT release. Moreover, as the
lower panel confirms, this is not due to the fact that high Generative AI exposure industries
incidentally experienced systematically higher or lower returns over the nearly 5 months in
our study: the average excess daily returns of almost all 3-digit industry portfolios are small
and do not vary with Generative AI exposure over this period. That is, the Generative AI
-related returns effect is evident at the industry level only on the event days when ChatGPT
news is most likely being incorporated into valuations.
However, Figure 11 also shows that some industries with high Generative AI exposure
perform even better on news days than we would expect based on a simple linear relationship
between exposure and returns, i.e. their news day returns lie above the red line. For example,
the highest returns on news days among large subsectors accrue to firms in the industry
subsector “Publishing industry (except internet)”, in which the largest firms by market cap
are Microsoft, Salesforce, and Intuit. While Microsoft is directly associated with the success
of ChatGPT and related products through its investment in Open AI, the company releasing
this tool, Salesforce and Intuit operate software businesses focused on customer relationships,
tax, personal finance, and accounting data. It is intuitive that better analytical tools based
on Generative AI can, for instance, make the proprietary data resulting from these business
lines more valuable.
Within-industry Generative AI exposure effects While there is substantial variation
across industries in their overall exposure and performance after the release of ChatGPT,
there may also be differences in the degree to which high-exposure firms outperform low-
exposure firms relative to other firms within the same industry. That is, in some industries
the ability to convert relatively higher exposure to the technology shock into higher firm-
level returns may be better than in others, independent of whether the industry as a whole is
benefiting from higher Generative AI exposure or not. Moreover, exploring how the within-
industry outperformance varies also provides evidence for how widespread the Generative AI
technology effects are outside of the “Information” sector that is most likely to see impacts
distorted by simultaneous product market effects.
Figures 12 and 13 show the average daily return alpha during the ChatGPT release period
for H-L portfolios within each sector or subsector, respectively, for quintiles at the NAICS
2-digit sector and terciles at the 3-digit subsector level.
Although the standard errors for these within-industry portfolio regressions are necessar-
ily larger, as some industries have a limited number of firms in the sample, we do indeed find
that the Generative AI exposure effect is significantly different from zero in several sectors
and subsectors. Focusing on the more detailed categories in Figure 13, we find significant
Each graph only includes sector or subsectors that have (1) a large enough sample of firms in the data,
consisting of at least 10 firms across the high and low exposure quantile, and (2) a large enough Generative
AI exposure spread between the high and low exposure portfolio, with cutoffs set at a 10 ppt spread between
the high and low quintiles for 2-digit sectors, and at 5 ppt between the high and low tercile for 3-digit
positive returns within ‘credit intermediation & related activities”, which contains several
large banks and brokerages, “publishing industries (except internet)”, which contains Mi-
crosoft, Salesforce, and Intuit, as noted above, and also the “administrative and support
services” subsectors. In contrast, the “real estate”, “other information services”, and “food
manufacturing” subsectors” all show negative within-industry returns to higher Generative
AI exposure. Contrasting this with non-release period within-industry returns shown in
Appendix Figures B5 and B6, we can see that the latter are more precisely estimated and
small, as well as not significant with few exceptions. This suggests that the variation in
within-industry returns to Generative AI exposure are likely to be driven by information in-
corporated during the ChatGPT release period, rather than generally during our 4.5 month
sample period.
Industry characteristics and within-industry Generative AI exposure effects The
previous analysis raises the question of what industry characteristics can explain the observed
heterogeneity in whether industries are more likely to exhibit a high return on the within-
industry AMH exposure portfolio. We explore this question by running regressions of the
= η + γCharacteristic
+ ε
which relate the subsector AMH Generative AI exposure portfolio alpha to various industry
characteristics that are computed as either the average of the characteristics for the industry
(left panel of Figure 14), or the difference between the high and low Generative AI exposure
portfolios in the characteristic within that industry (right panel of Figure 14). In either case,
both the dependent and independent variables are transformed into standardized Z-scores,
such that coefficients capture the relationship between a change in the characteristic by one
standard deviation and a standardized change in within-industry returns to Generative AI
As shown in Figure 14, industry subsectors with larger firms are more likely to have high
within-industry returns to differences in Generative AI exposure. Moreover, high Generative
AI exposure firms are more likely to outperform the low exposure firms in the same industry,
if the former have higher ROE, ROA, market capitalization, gross profitability, or organi-
zational capital. However, these associations are only suggestive: the precise characteristics
that allow some firms to take better advantage of language model-driven technological ad-
vances will hopefully be considered in future studies.
V. Conclusion
Market prices indicate that the arrival and diffusion of large language models and Gen-
erative AI represent a major technology shock with important effects on the overall value
of firms, as well leading to winners and losers. This paper uses occupational exposures to
Generative AI, along with firm-level measures of occupational composition, to assess the ex-
posure to Generative AI innovations at the firm level for publicly traded U.S. corporations.
We find that the effect of the release of ChatGPT on firm values was large, driving a differ-
ence in firm returns of approximately .4% daily, translating to over 100% on an annualized
basis. These differences were realized both within and across industries, and display wide
variation which is correlated with firm characteristics such as organizational capital or gross
profitability. According to investors, ChatGPT represents an important shock to corporate
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Figure 2: Generative AI exposure and wages by major occupation group and
industry sectors.
(A) Major occupation groups
(B) NAICS 2-digit industry sectors
Figure 3: Occupational skills and Generative AI exposure. The graph below shows
the results of regressing our 6-digit occupation’s Generative AI exposure measure jointly
on a set of occupational skill scores defined in Acemoglu and Autor (2011), converted into
standard z-scores. That is, we run the following regression:
= α +
+ ε
The regression sample contains 690 occupations. The bars around each coefficient show 95%
confidence intervals based on heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors.
Figure 4: Generative AI exposure Across and Within Industries This figure plots
the average and the standard deviation of Compustat firms’ Generative AI exposure within each
NAICS 2-digit sector.
Accommodation and Food Services
Retail Trade
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Transportation and Warehousing
Other Services (except Public Administration)
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
Health Care and Social Assistance
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
Finance and Insurance
Wholesale Trade
Educational Services
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and
Remediation Services
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Figure 5: Generative AI exposure and average firm characteristics by industry
sector. The graphs show the market capitalization weighted average of the characteristic
among firms in our Generative AI exposure sample in each NAICS sector, and plots against
it the weighted average of our Generative AI exposure measure in the same sector. The
firm characteristics are based on Compustat fiscal year 2021 data., and the wages are from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The red line is the market-capitalization-weighted linear fit
across the sector level aggregates.
Figure 6: Topic mentions in company earnings conference calls. The graphs below
show data on the share of calls mentioning Generative AI related words (Panels A and B) or
the average number of such mentions per call across the sample (Panels C and D). The data
set is a manually collected panel of earnings conference call transcripts for S&P 500 firms’
tickers from the Seeking Alpha website. The graphs show monthly statistics for calls that
were held from Jan 2019 to March 2023. Calls are assigned a calendar month, quarter and
year based on the time stamp at the beginning of the transcript. Each transcript is converted
into a list of lower-case unigrams and bigrams. Word tokens in these lists are counted as
Generative AI-specific words if they are in the following set: “llm”, “chatgpt”, “gpt”, “gpt3”,
“gpt4”, “generative”, “language model”. Trends in other machine learning-related words and
generic engineering terms are shown for comparison - see text for details. in Panels B and
D, the sample of firms excludes the “Information” (NAICS 51) and Professional, Scientific,
and Technical Services (NAICS 54) sectors, as determined by Compustat industry codes.
(A) Share of calls: all firms
(B) Share of calls: excl. Information &
Profess., Scient., and Tech. Svcs. sectors
(C) Mentions per call: all firms
(D) Mentions per call: excl. Information &
Profess., Scient., and Tech. Svcs. sectors
Figure 7: Firm-level Generative AI exposure and topics in company earnings
conference calls: Each graph show the result of estimating regression specifications of the
[Topic X]
= α
+ β
+ γ [Topic X]
+ ε
for each topic for the fiscal quarters 2019 Q1-2023 Q1 for a manually collected panel of
earnings conference call transcripts for S&P 500 firms’ tickers from the Seeking Alpha website.
Calls are assigned a calendar month, quarter and year based on the time stamp at the
beginning of the transcript. Each transcript is converted into a list of lower-case unigrams
and bigrams. Word tokens in these lists are counted as LLM/Generative AI-specific words
if they are in the following set: “llm”, “chatgpt”, “gpt”, “gpt3”, “gpt4”, “generative”,
“language model”. The association of Generative AI exposure with generic engineering
terms is shown for comparison - see text for details of other topic definitions. in Panels
B and D, the sample of firms excludes the “Information” (NAICS 51) and Professional,
Scientific, and Technical Services (NAICS 54) sectors, as determined by Compustat industry
codes. Quarterly sample sizes for the regressions are 341-416 for the full sample, and 299-368
firms for the sample exluding NAICS 51 and 54. Dotted lines show 95% confidence intervals
based on heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors.
(A) LLM/Gen. AI: all firms
(B) LLM/Gen. AI: excl. Information &
Profess., Scient., and Tech. Svcs. sectors
(C) Engineering: all firms
(D) Engineering: excl. Information & Profess.,
Scient., and Tech. Svcs. sectors
Figure 8: Stock return volatility, Generative AI exposure, and social media
attention: Panel A shows the t-statistic for the hypothesis β
= 0 in the regression |r|
, estimated at the firm level, for each trading day from Nov.
15, 2022, to March 31, 2023. Panel shows the estimates without, and Panel B including, 2-
digit NAICS sector fixed effects. The dependent variable is the absolute value of daily stock
returns, and the independent variable is the firm-level measure of task exposure to Generative
AI technology productivity changes. Standard errors are heteroskedasticity-robust. The
dashed horizontal line indicates where t-statistics exceed 2. Panel C shows the total count
of Twitter mentions of “ChatGPT” or “GPT” reported by Media Cloud, and Panel D shows
the growth rate (using the average base method) of these Twitter mentions.
(A) Exposure & stock return volatility: no
industry FEs
(B) Exposure & stock return volatility: incl.
industry FEs
(C) Twitter mentions: raw count (D) Twitter mentions: growth rate
Figure 9: Industry-neutral Generative AI exposure quintile portfolio returns: market-factor
adjusted. Each bar shows the average daily return alpha during the ChatGPT release period and also
for all days, for portfolios based on industry-neutral Generative AI exposure sorts, and also for the net
zero investment high-minus-low exposure portfolio that represents the “Artificial Minus Human” (AMH )
factor. Industry-neutral portfolios are computed by first forming within-industry value-weighted quintile
portfolios, and then averaging portfolio returns for the same quintiles across industries. Returns within-
industry quintiles are value-weighted, while across-industry averages are industry market-cap. weighted.
The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023, and
factors from Ken French’s website. The figure shows alphas estimated from portfolio-level regressions of the
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
where the bars show either the intercept for the “ChatGPT release period”, or the intercept from a regression
where all days have the same intercept. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using Newey
West standard errors with five lags.
Figure 10: Generative AI exposure industry-neutral quintile portfolio returns over time:
market factor-adjusted. The graph shows the cumulative excess realized returns on portfolios based on
industry-neutral Generative AI exposure sorts. Industry-neutral portfolios are computed by first forming
within-industry value-weighted quintile portfolios, and then averaging portfolio returns for the same quintiles
across industries. Returns within-industry quintiles are value-weighted, while across-industry averages are
industry market-cap. weighted. All portfolio returns shown are net of the risk free rate. The data set consists
of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023. The figure shows returns
adjusted for market factor exposure.
Figure 11: Industry Portfolio Stock Returns in ChatGPT Release Period. Each graph shows
the average daily return alpha for the 3-digit NAICS industry portfolios corresponding to the 50 largest
subsectors. The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 -March 31,
2023. The table shows market-factor adjusted alphas estimated from regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
where the intercept is allowed to vary with whether the day is part of the “ChatGPT release period” (Nov.
30, 2022, and the following two weeks), as defined in the text, or not. The upper panel shows the excess
daily returns estimates for the GPT release period, while the lower panel shows excess returns on all other
days for the Nov. 15, 2022 to March 31 2023, period. The ten largest 3-digit industry subsectors by market
capitalization are indicated in red and labeled. Grey lines indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using
Newey West standard errors with five lags.
Figure 12: Within-Sector AMH Generative AI exposure Portfolio Realized Returns: ChatGPT Release
Period. The graph shows the average daily return alpha for the ChatGPT release period for AMH Generative AI exposure
portfolios within each industry, at the 2-digit NAICS sector level Each AMH portfolio is formed by taking the value-weighted
highest and lowest quintiles of Generative AI exposure within each industry (based on NYSE stock cutoffs) and forming zero
net investment AMH portfolio returns as the equal-weighted difference in the daily realized returns between these portfolios,
and then subtracting the daily risk-free return. The industries shown omit any sectors with fewer than 10 firms combined in
the highest and lowest quantiles in the sample, as well as sectors with less than a 10 ppt Generative AI exposure spread at the
sector level between the high and low quintile. The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15,
2022 - March 31, 2023. The graphs show market-factor adjusted alphas estimated from regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
+ α
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
+ β
) + ε
where the intercept is allowed to vary with whether the day is in the release period defined by Nov. 30, 2022, and the following
two weeks, or is one of the other trading days in the sample. The returns are shown in units of average daily excess realized
returns (controlling for the market factor). Red error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using Newey-West
standard errors with five lags.
Figure 13: Within-Subsector AMH Generative AI exposure Portfolio Realized Returns: ChatGPT Release
Period. Each graph shows the average daily return alpha for the ChatGPT release period for AMH Generative AI exposure
portfolios within each industry, at the 3-digit subsector level. Each AMH portfolio is formed by taking the value-weighted
highest and lowest terciles of Generative AI exposure within each industry (based on NYSE stock cutoffs) and forming zero
net investment H-L portfolio returns as the equal-weighted difference in the daily realized returns between these portfolios, and
then subtracting the daily risk-free return. The industries shown omit any subsectors with fewer than 10 firms combined in the
highest and lowest quantiles in the sample, as well as subsectors with less than a 5 ppt Generative AI exposure spread between
the high and low tercile. The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023.
The graphs show market-factor adjusted alphas estimated from regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
+ α
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
+ β
) + ε
where the intercept is allowed to vary with whether the day is in the release period defined by Nov. 30, 2022, and the following
two weeks, or is one of the other trading days in the sample. The returns are shown in units of average daily excess realized
returns (controlling for the market factor). Red error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using Newey-West
standard errors with five lags.
Figure 14: Industry Characteristics and Heterogeneity in Within-Industry Returns to Gen-
erative AI exposure. Each graph shows the result of a regression where the dependent variable is the
average daily return alpha during the ChatGPT release period on the AMH tercile portfolio within each
industry subsector, corresponding to the estimates shown in Figure 13. The independent variable is either
the average of the characteristics for the industry (left panel), or the difference between the high and low
Generative AI exposure portfolios in the characteristic within that industry, in either case transformed into
standardized Z-scores. Each coefficient in the graph represents an estimate of ˆγ from a regression of the form
= η + γCharacteristic
+ ε
where z
is the within-industry H-L Generative AI exposure portfolio return for each 3-digit in-
dustry subsector i as shown in Figure 13, transformed into a standardized Z-score. Each characteristic
has also been transformed into a standard Z-score. Only subsectors with a total of at least
10 firms in the high and low tercile are included, as well as with a Generative AI exposure spread of at
least 5 ppt between the highest and lowest tercile. Depending on the characteristic, the sample size varies
from 19 and 22 subsectors for regressions involving R& D or organizational capital to 26 subsectors for
other characteristics. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using heteroskedasticity-robust
standard errors.
Table I: Summary statistics for selected firm characteristics. Generative AI exposure
is our bottom-up task-based measure of occupational exposure, aggregated to the firm-level
based on the firm’s occupational employment structure. Log Size is the natural logarithm of
total assets. Labor Intensity is the logarithm of the ratio of Property, Plant & Equipment
(PP&E) to Total Assets, based on Donangelo (2014). Tangibility is the ratio of PP& E to
Total Assets. Org. Capital Ratio is the ratio of the organizational capital stock from Eisfeldt
and Papanikolaou (2013) divided by Total Assets.
Measure Mean Std. Dev. p10 p50 p90 Obs.
Generative AI Exposure 0.354 0.078 0.268 0.353 0.442 2,518
Log Size 1.876 2.381 -1.091 2.063 4.636 2,517
Tobin’s Q 3.667 10.081 1.354 2.176 5.832 2,380
ROA -0.011 0.891 -0.181 0.093 0.216 2,513
Labor Intensity 0.761 1.761 -2.157 1.126 2.512 2,387
Org. Capital Ratio 1.190 4.416 0.137 0.712 2.179 1,571
Tangibility 0.301 0.266 0.036 0.198 0.758 2,515
Table II: Major U.S. Firms with the Highest and Lowest Exposure to GPT. This
table shows the 15 large U.S. publicly traded firms with the highest employee exposure to
ChatGPT in Panel A and the 15 firms with the lowest exposure in Panel B. We select the
large U.S. publicly traded firms as the top 100 firms with the largest market capitalization
as of November 1, 2022, which also have headquarters in the U.S. Generative AI exposure is
the firm’s labor exposure to ChatGPT-like technologies defined in Section I. MktCap is the
firm’s market capitalization as of November 1, 2022, in B. Sector is defined at the NAICS
2-digit level.
Panel A: Top 15 Large U.S. Companies with Highest Exposure to ChatGPT
Company Name Generative AI exposure MktCap Sector
Int. Business Machines Corp 0.488 125 Information
Intuit Inc. 0.480 111 Information
QUALCOMM Inc. 0.479 132 Manufacturing
Fiserv Inc. 0.475 66 Information
NVIDIA Corporation 0.468 337 Manufacturing
S&P Global Inc 0.452 103 Admin. & Support Services
Broadcom Inc 0.449 195 Manufacturing
Verizon Communications Inc 0.444 157 Information
Microsoft Corp 0.442 1,700 Information
3M Co 0.442 69 Manufacturing
Advanced Micro Devices Inc 0.441 96 Manufacturing
ServiceNow Inc 0.434 85 Information
Adobe Inc 0.427 147 Information
PayPal Holdings Inc 0.418 96 Information
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 0.411 203 Manufacturing
Panel B: Bottom 15 Large U.S. Companies with Lowest Exposure to ChatGPT
Company Name Generative AI exposure MktCap Sector
Starbucks Corp 0.119 100 Accommodation & Food Svcs
McDonald’s Corp 0.194 201 Accommodation & Food Svcs
Dollar General Corporation 0.212 57 Retail Trade
Target Corp 0.235 76 Retail Trade
Walmart Inc 0.235 385 Retail Trade
Lowe’s Cos Inc 0.238 120 Retail Trade
TJX Companies Inc 0.243 83 Retail Trade
Costco Wholesale Corp 0.252 221 Retail Trade
Union Pacific Corp 0.253 121 Transportation & Warehousing
CSX Corp 0.256 61 Transportation & Warehousing
United Parcel Service Inc 0.256 123 Transportation & Warehousing
Home Depot Inc 0.261 303 Retail Trade
Tesla Inc 0.283 719 Manufacturing
Northrop Grumman Corp 0.291 83 Manufacturing
Mondelez International Inc 0.292 85 Manufacturing
Table III: Firm Generative AI exposure and Firm Characteristics This table re-
gresses our firms’ Generative AI exposure measure on firm characteristics using the cross-
section of U.S. publicly traded firms in 2022. See Table I for variable definitions. Panel B
controls for fixed effects at the NAICS 2-digit level. Standard errors are clustered at the
industry level and reported in parentheses.
, and
indicate significance at the 10%,
5%, and 1% level, respectively.
Panel A: Across All Firms
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Log Size -2.653
Tobin’s Q 3.076
ROA -21.516
Labor Intensity 7.892
Org. Capital Ratio 9.139
Tangibility -89.931
Observations 2517 2380 2513 2387 1571 2515
Adjusted R
0.006 0.013 0.006 0.038 0.022 0.107
Panel B: Within-Industry
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Log Size -2.101
Tobin’s Q 1.499
ROA -13.850
Labor Intensity 5.476
Org. Capital Ratio 3.742
Tangibility -72.084
Observations 2517 2380 2513 2387 1571 2515
Adjusted R
0.200 0.210 0.197 0.227 0.211 0.227
Table IV: Firm-level effects of Generative AI exposure on earnings call topic
mentions. The table shows firm-quarter panel regressions over the period of Q3 2018 - Q1
2023 of the form
[Gen. AI Topic]
= α
+ α
+ β
+ β
× [Post-ChatGPT] + γ [Post-ChatGPT] + ε
where we regress whether a firm mentions Generative AI related words in an earnings con-
ference call in that quarter on the measure of firm exposure to Generative AI technologies
and its interactions with an indicator of whether the quarter is “post-ChatGPT”, which
corresponds to Q4 2022 and Q1 2023 in our sample. The firm sample consists of all S&P 500
firms for which we were able to collect earnings call transcripts in columns 1-4. In column 5,
we exclude the “Information” (NAICS 51) and “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Ser-
vices” (NAICS 54) sectors, as determined by Compustat industry codes. The panel includes
437 firms for the most restrictive specification with all firms, and 385 firms when excluding
NAICS 51 and 54. T-statistics in parentheses based on standard errors clustered at the
NAICS sector level.
Dep. var.: [Generative AI Topic Mentioned]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
× Gen. AI Exposure
0.660** 0.659** 0.644** 0.761** 0.310**
(2.307) (2.303) (2.319) (2.407) (2.474)
R-squared 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.27 0.19
Observations 6235 6235 6235 6228 5502
Fixed Effects & Controls
Quarter FEs X X X X
Industry Sector FEs X
Firm FEs X X
Excl. NAICS 51 and 54 X
Table V: Realized returns of portfolios sorted on Generative AI exposure after ChatGPT
release. This table reports daily excess stock returns of value-weighted portfolios of firms sorted on Gener-
ative AI exposure. AMH is the ”Artificial Minus Human” zero net investment portfolio long high exposure
(H) stocks and short low exposure (L) stocks. Quintile thresholds that define value-weighted portfolios are
solely based on the sample of stocks listed on NYSE as of the sorting date. All quintile portfolios are formed
based on value weights on October 31, 2022, and weights are adjusted based on daily returns to mimic
passive buy-and-hold exposure. Industry-neutral portfolios are computed by first forming within-industry
value-weighted quintile portfolios, and then averaging portfolio returns for the same quintiles across indus-
tries. Returns for within-industry quintiles are value-weighted, while across-industry averages are industry
market-cap. weighted. The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 -
March 31, 2023. The market factor and risk free returns are obtained from Ken French’s website. The table
shows alphas estimated from regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
where the intercept is either for the full sample, or is allowed to vary with whether the day is in the ChatGPT
release period consisting of Nov 30, 2022 - Dec. 14, 2022. Panel A does not include the market factor. T-
statistics in parentheses are computed using Newey-West standard errors with five lags.
Sample Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 AMH
A: Excess returns (%)
All days 0.042 0.027 0.050 0.037 0.134 0.076
(0.38) (0.25) (0.54) (0.31) (1.17) (1.33)
Not ChatGPT release period 0.066 0.030 0.038 0.037 0.110 0.028
(0.57) (0.25) (0.36) (0.28) (0.85) (0.44)
ChatGPT release period -0.137 0.000 0.137 0.034 0.316 0.437
(-0.53) (0.00) (0.43) (0.11) (0.82) (3.08)
B: Market factor-adjusted alpha (%)
All days 0.014 -0.005 0.020 0.003 0.098 0.068
(0.38) (-0.15) (0.56) (0.07) (2.50) (1.11)
Not ChatGPT release period 0.042 0.003 0.013 0.008 0.079 0.021
(1.07) (0.08) (0.32) (0.17) (1.83) (0.32)
ChatGPT release period -0.196 -0.066 0.076 -0.036 0.240 0.420
(-4.88) (-0.55) (0.82) (-0.63) (5.29) (5.42)
C: Ind.-neutral mkt. factor-adjusted alpha (%)
All days -0.003 0.000 0.011 0.005 0.065 0.052
(-0.07) (0.01) (0.54) (0.24) (2.60) (0.95)
Not ChatGPT release period 0.031 0.013 -0.001 -0.008 0.050 0.002
(0.69) (0.26) (-0.03) (-0.41) (1.86) (0.05)
ChatGPT release period -0.257 -0.091 0.100 0.106 0.182 0.423
(-5.32) (-2.82) (4.78) (4.37) (5.88) (6.20)
Appendix A. Appendix: Methodology Notes
Generative AI exposure portfolio construction.
Portfolios for the main realized return analysis are formed from quintiles of stocks that
have Yahoo Finance data for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023. Quintile thresholds that
define value-weighted portfolios within industries or for all stocks are solely based on the
sample of stocks listed on NYSE as of the sorting date. All portfolios are formed based on
value weights on October 31, 2022, and weights are adjusted based on daily returns to mimic
passive buy-and-hold exposure. Industry-neutral portfolios are computed by first forming
within-industry value-weighted quintile portfolios, and then averaging portfolio returns for
the same quintiles across industries. Returns for within-industry quintiles and for all global
(not industry-neutral) portfolio sorts are value-weighted, while across-industry averages are
industry market-cap. weighted. AMH is the ”Artificial Minus Human” (also referred to as
H-L) is the zero net investment portfolio long highest exposure quintile (H) stocks and short
lowest exposure quintile (L) stocks.
GPT prompt for exposure scoring
The following prompt structure was based on the rubric language by Eloundou et al.
(2023), as well as insights by Willison (2023) and Underwood (2023) about how to best
structure API calls for GPT classification. Here are the instruction prompts submitted be-
fore asking GPT 3.5 Turbo to classify each task statement (using the version as of March
28th, 2023). Note that the order in which the two user-assistant interactions are provided
to the API is randomized for each task, and the GPT temperature is set to 0:
systemprompt = ”Consider the most powerful OpenAI large language model (LLM).
This model can complete many tasks that can be formulated as having text input and text
output where the context for the input can be captured in 2000 words. The model also
cannot draw up-to-date facts (those from <1 year ago) unless they are captured in the
input. Assume you are a worker with an average level of expertise in your role trying to
complete the given task. You have access to the LLM as well as any other existing software
or computer hardware tools mentioned in the task. You also have access to any commonly
available technical tools accessible via a laptop (e.g. a microphone, speakers, etc.). You do
not have access to any other physical tools or materials. You are a helpful research assistant
who wants to label the given tasks according to the rubric below. Equivalent quality means
someone reviewing the work would not be able to tell whether a human completed it on their
own or with assistance from the LLM. If you aren’t sure how to judge the amount of time a
task takes, consider whether the tools described exposed the majority of subtasks associated
with the task.
# Exposure rubric:
## E1 - Direct exposure: Label tasks E1 if direct access to the LLM through an interface
like ChatGPT or the OpenAI playground alone can reduce the time it takes to complete
the task with equivalent quality by at least half. This includes tasks that can be reduced
to: - Writing and transforming text and code according to complex instructions, - Providing
edits to existing text or code following specifications, - Writing code that can help perform
a task that used to be done by hand, - Translating text between languages, - Summarizing
medium-length documents, - Providing feedback on documents, - Answering questions about
a document, - Generating questions a user might want to ask about a document, - Writing
questions for an interview or assessment, - Writing and responding to emails, including ones
that involve refuting information or engaging in a negotiation (but only if the negotiation is
via written correspondence), - Maintain records of written data, - Prepare training materials
based on general knowledge, or - Inform anyone of any information via any written or spoken
## E2 - Exposure by LLM-powered applications: Label tasks E2 if having access to the
LLM alone may not reduce the time it takes to complete the task by at least half, but
it is easy to imagine additional software that could be developed on top of the LLM that
would reduce the time it takes to complete the task by half. This software may include
capabilities such as: - Summarizing documents longer than 2000 words and answering
questions about those documents, - Retrieving up-to-date facts from the Internet and using
those facts in combination with the LLM capabilities, - Searching over an organization’s
existing knowledge, data, or documents and retreiving information, - Retrieving highly
specialized domain knowledge, - Make recommendations given data or written input, -
Analyze written information to inform decisions, - Prepare training materials based on highly
specialized knowledge, - Provide counsel on issues, and - Maintain complex databases. ##
E3 - Exposure given image capabilities: Suppose you had access to both the LLM and a
system that could view, caption, and create images as well as any systems powered by the
LLM (those in E2 above). This system cannot take video as an input and it cannot produce
video as an output. This system cannot accurately retrieve very detailed information from
image inputs, such as measurements of dimensions within an image. Label tasks as E3 if
there is a significant reduction in the time it takes to complete the task given access to a LLM
and these image capabilities: - Reading text from PDFs, - Scanning images, or - Creating
or editing digital images according to instructions. The images can be realistic but they
should not be detailed. The model can identify objects in the image but not relationships
between those options
## E0 - No exposure: Label tasks E0 if none of the above clearly decrease the time it takes
for an experienced worker to complete the task with high quality by at least half. Some
examples: - If a task requires a high degree of human interaction (for example, in-person
demonstrations) then it should be classified as E0. - If a task requires precise measurements
then it should be classified as E0. - If a task requires reviewing visuals in detail then it
should be classified as E0. - If a task requires any use of a hand or walking then it should
be classified as E0. - Tools built on top of the LLM cannot make any decisions that might
impact human livelihood (e.g.hiring, grading, etc.). If any part of the task involves collecting
inputs to make a final decision (as opposed to analyzing data to inform a decision or make a
recommendation) then it should be classified as E0. The LLM can make recommendations.
- Even if tools built on top of the LLM can do a task, if using those tools would not save
an experienced worker significant time completing the task, then it should be classified as
E0. - The LLM and systems built on top of it cannot do anything that legally requires a
human to perform the task. - If there is existing technology not powered by an LLM that
is commonly used and can complete the task then you should mark the task E0 if using an
LLM or LLM-powered tool will not further reduce the time to complete the task. When in
doubt, you should default to E0.”
user prompts = [””, ””, ””, ””] user prompts[0] = ”Read the following occupation title
and one of the tasks that belong to that occupation. Then do three things. 1: Reason step
by step to decide which of the labels (E0/E1/E2/E3) from the exposure rubric you were
given applies to the task’s exposure to LLM. Report. Give an explanation for which label
applies and report the label that you think fits best. Do not say zero or N/A.
2: Report only the label that you determined for the task, which should match the label in
step 1. Do not reply N/A.
3: Given the amount of speculation required in step 1, describe your certainty about the
estimate–either high, moderate, or low.
The task to label follows:
Occupation: Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers. Task: Adjust, clean, or
repair products or processing equipment to correct defects found during inspections.”
assistant prompts = [””, ””, ””, ””] assistant prompts[0] = ”1: Label (E0/E1/E2/E3):
E0. Explanation: The model does not have access to any kind of physicality, and more than
half of the task (adjusting, cleaning and repairing equipment) described requires hands or
other embodiment.
2: E0.
3: High confidence.”
user prompts[1] = ”Read the following occupation title and one of the tasks that belong
to that occupation. Then do three things. 1: Reason step by step to decide which of the
labels (E0/E1/E2/E3) from the exposure rubric you were given applies to the task’s expo-
sure to LLM. Report. Give an explanation for which label applies and report the label that
you think fits best. Do not say zero or N/A.
2: Report only the label that you determined for the task, which should match the label in
step 1. Do not reply N/A.
3: Given the amount of speculation required in step 1, describe your certainty about the
estimate–either high, moderate, or low.
The task to label follows:
Occupation: Computer and Information Research Scientists. Task: Apply theoretical ex-
pertise and innovation to create or apply new technology, such as adapting principles for
applying computers to new uses.”
assistant prompts[1] = ”1: Label (E0/E1/E2/E3): E1. Explanation: The model can
learn theoretical expertise during training as part of its general knowledge base, and the
principles to adapt can be captured in the text input to the model.
2: E1.
3: Medium confidence.”
Appendix B. Appendix Figures
Figure B1: Generative AI exposure quintile portfolio returns: market-factor adjusted. Each
bar shows the average daily return alpha during the ChatGPT release period and also for all days, for
portfolios based on Generative AI exposure sorts across all stocks in the sample, and also for the net zero
investment high-minus-low exposure portfolio that represents the “Artificial Minus Human” (AMH ) factor.
The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023, and
factors from Ken French’s website. The figure shows alphas estimated from portfolio-level regressions of the
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
where the bars show either the intercept for the “ChatGPT release period”, or the intercept from a regression
where all days have the same intercept. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using Newey
West standard errors with five lags.
Figure B2: Industry-neutral Generative AI exposure quintile p ortfolio returns: Fama French
5-factor adjusted. Each bar shows the average daily return alpha during the ChatGPT release period and
also for all days, for portfolios based on industry-neutral Generative AI exposure sorts, and also for the net
zero investment high-minus-low exposure portfolio that represents the “Artificial Minus Human” (AMH )
factor. Industry-neutral portfolios are computed by first forming within-industry value-weighted quintile
portfolios, and then averaging portfolio returns for the same quintiles across industries. Returns within-
industry quintiles are value-weighted, while across-industry averages are industry market-cap. weighted.
The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023, and
Fama French factors from Ken French’s website. The figure shows alphas estimated from portfolio-level
regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
facF F 5
where the bars show either the intercept for the “ChatGPT release period”, or the intercept from a regression
where all days have the same intercept. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using Newey
West standard errors with five lags.
Figure B3: Generative AI exposure quintile portfolio returns over time: Fama French 5-
factor adjusted. The top graph shows Generative AI exposure quintile sorts across all stocks in the
sample. The bottom graph shows the cumulative excess realized returns on portfolios based on industry-
neutral Generative AI exposure sorts. Industry-neutral portfolios are computed by first forming within-
industry value-weighted quintile portfolios, and then averaging portfolio returns for the same quintiles across
industries. Returns within-industry quintiles are value-weighted, while across-industry averages are industry
market-cap. weighted. All portfolio returns shown are net of the risk free rate. The data set consists of
daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023, and Fama French factors from
Ken French’s website. The Fama French 5-factor model robust regressions include the market factor, HML,
SMB, RMW, and CMA factor returns in the regression.
Figure B4: Generative AI exposure quintile portfolio returns over time. The top graph shows
Generative AI exposure quintile sorts across all stocks in the sample. The bottom graph shows the cumulative
excess realized returns on portfolios based on industry-neutral Generative AI exposure sorts. Industry-
neutral portfolios are computed by first forming within-industry value-weighted quintile portfolios, and then
averaging portfolio returns for the same quintiles across industries. Returns within-industry quintiles are
value-weighted, while across-industry averages are industry market-cap. weighted. All portfolio returns
shown are net of the risk free rate. The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov.
15, 2022 - March 31, 2023.
Figure B5: Within-Sector H-L Generative AI exposure Portfolio Realized Returns: Not ChatGPT Release
Period. The graph shows the average daily return alpha for days that are not in the ChatGPT release period for H-L Generative
AI exposure portfolios within each industry, at the 2-digit NAICS sector level Each H-L portfolio is formed by taking the value-
weighted highest and lowest quintiles of Generative AI exposure within each industry (based on NYSE stock cutoffs) and
forming zero net investment H-L portfolio returns as the equal-weighted difference in the daily realized returns between these
portfolios, and then subtracting the daily risk-free return. The industries shown omit any sectors with fewer than 10 firms
combined in the highest and lowest quantiles in the sample, as well as sectors with less than a 10 ppt Generative AI exposure
spread at the sector level between the high and low quintile. The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance
for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023. The graphs show market-factor adjusted alphas estimated from regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
+ α
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
+ β
) + ε
where the intercept is allowed to vary with whether the day is in the release period defined by Nov. 30, 2022, and the following
two weeks, or is one of the other trading days in the sample. The returns are shown in units of average daily excess realized
returns (controlling for the market factor). Red error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using Newey-West
standard errors with five lags.
Figure B6: Within-Subsector H-L Generative AI exposure Portfolio Realized Returns: Not ChatGPT
Release Period. Each graph shows the average daily return alpha for days that are not in the ChatGPT release period for
H-L Generative AI exposure portfolios within each industry, at the 3-digit subsector level. Each H-L portfolio is formed by
taking the value-weighted highest and lowest terciles of Generative AI exposure within each industry (based on NYSE stock
cutoffs) and forming zero net investment H-L portfolio returns as the equal-weighted difference in the daily realized returns
between these portfolios, and then subtracting the daily risk-free return. The industries shown omit any subsectors with fewer
than 10 firms combined in the highest and lowest quantiles in the sample, as well as subsectors with less than a 5 ppt Generative
AI exposure spread between the high and low tercile. The data set consists of daily stock returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov.
15, 2022 - March 31, 2023. The graphs show market-factor adjusted alphas estimated from regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
+ α
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
+ β
) + ε
where the intercept is allowed to vary with whether the day is in the release period defined by Nov. 30, 2022, and the following
two weeks, or is one of the other trading days in the sample. The returns are shown in units of average daily excess realized
returns (controlling for the market factor). Red error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals computed using Newey-West
standard errors with five lags.
Appendix C. Appendix Tables
Occupation Task
Task GPT
GPT Explanation
Secretaries and
Assistants, Except Legal,
Medical, and Executive
20283 Operate office equipment, such as fax
machines, copiers, or phone systems
and arrange for repairs when
equipment malfunctions.
0 The task requires physical interaction with office
equipment, which cannot be done by the LLM.
Nuclear Technicians 22315 Monitor instruments, gauges, or
recording devices under direction of
nuclear experimenters.
0 The task requires monitoring physical instruments
and gauges, which cannot be done by the LLM.
Veterinary Technologists
and Technicians
4180 Administer emergency first aid, such
as performing emergency resuscitation
or other life saving procedures.
0 The task requires hands-on physical intervention
and cannot be completed through text
input/output alone.
Penetration Testers 21754 Document penetration test findings. 1 The model can be trained on penetration testing
and can generate text output based on the input.
Gambling Dealers 4453 Open and close cash floats and game
0 The task requires physical interaction with cash
and game tables, and the LLM cannot perform any
physical actions.
Agricultural Engineers 5337 Meet with clients, such as district or
regional councils, farmers, and
developers, to discuss their needs.
0 The task requires human interaction and
communication skills, which cannot be replaced by
the LLM.
Farm Equipment
Mechanics and Service
13750 Maintain, repair, and overhaul farm
machinery and vehicles, such as
tractors, harvesters, and irrigation
0 The task requires physical maintenance and repair
of machinery and vehicles, which cannot be done by
the LLM.
Adult Basic Education,
Adult Secondary
Education, and English
as a Second Language
6846 Meet with other professionals to
discuss individual students’ needs and
1 The model can assist in writing and responding to
emails, including those that involve discussing
student progress with other professionals.
Payroll and Timekeeping
2526 Distribute and collect timecards each
pay period.
0 The task does not involve writing or transforming
text, nor does it require any complex
decision-making or analysis that the LLM could
assist with.
Engineering Technologists
and Technicians
3647 Obtain product information, identify
vendors or suppliers, or order materials
or equipment to maintain inventory.
2 The model can help identify vendors or suppliers by
searching the internet and retrieving information.
It can also help order materials or equipment by
generating text that can be sent to suppliers.
Table C1: Examples of GPT scores assigned to task statements and GPT-provided explanations.
Table C2: Exposure score variation across GPT scoring runs
Agreement %
Score comparison Current Exposure Expected exposure Broad exposure
GPT #1 vs. GPT #2 95 90 90
GPT #1 vs. GPT #3 93 88 88
GPT #2 vs. GPT #3 96 88 88
SOC Code Occupation Title Exposure
41-9041 Telemarketers .96
43-9081 Proofreaders and copy markers .95
43-3031 Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks .87
15-2021 Mathematicians .86
15-1251 Computer programmers .85
43-9022 Word processors and typists .85
43-3011 Bill and account collectors .83
27-3091 Interpreters and translators .82
43-9111 Statistical assistants .82
15-1254 Web developers .81
43-6011 Executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants .77
43-3051 Payroll and timekeeping clerks .77
43-6014 Secretaries and administrative assistants, except legal, medical, and executive .77
43-5061 Production, planning, and expediting clerks .76
15-1212 Information security analysts .75
43-6013 Medical secretaries and administrative assistants .75
27-3043 Writers and authors .75
43-4021 Correspondence clerks .74
43-9061 Office clerks, general .74
41-3091 Sales representatives of services, except advertising, insurance, financial
services, and travel
39-5093 Shampooers 0
51-6041 Shoe and leather workers and repairers 0
51-6042 Shoe machine operators and tenders 0
51-3023 Slaughterers and meat packers 0
47-2022 Stonemasons 0
47-2221 Structural iron and steel workers 0
51-2041 Structural metal fabricators and fitters 0
29-9093 Surgical assistants 0
51-6052 Tailors, dressmakers, and custom sewers 0
47-2082 Tapers 0
49-9052 Telecommunications line installers and repairers 0
47-2053 Terrazzo workers and finishers 0
51-6064 Textile winding, twisting, and drawing out machine setters, operators, and
47-2044 Tile and stone setters 0
51-9197 Tire builders 0
49-3093 Tire repairers and changers 0
51-4194 Tool grinders, filers, and sharpeners 0
39-3031 Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers 0
49-9064 Watch and clock repairers 0
53-7073 Wellhead pumpers 0
Table C3: Highest and lowest Generative AI exposure score occupations
Industry Title Exposure
52 Finance and insurance .49
54 Professional, scientific, and technical services .49
55 Management of companies and enterprises .48
51 Information .47
42 Wholesale trade .35
91 Federal government .34
53 Real estate and rental and leasing .33
90 Government .3
22 Utilities .29
61 Educational services; state, local, and private .29
56 Administrative and support and waste management and remediation
81 Other services (except public administration) .24
31-33 Manufacturing .24
44-45 Retail trade .22
62 Healthcare and social assistance .22
71 Arts, entertainment, and recreation .22
21 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction .21
48-49 Transportation and warehousing .2
23 Construction .17
72 Accommodation and food services .11
11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting .086
Table C4: Generative AI exposure scores by industry
Table C5: Within-industry H-L Generative AI exposure returns: 2-digit sectors.
The table shows the realized excess return on GPT news days and no-GPT-news days on
the within-industry H-L Generative AI exposure quintile portfolio for the Nov. 15, 2022 -
March 31, 2023, period, in daily returns data from Yahoo Finance, controlling for average
market returns. Each H-L portfolio is formed by taking the value-weighted highest and
lowest quintiles of Generative AI exposure within each industry sector and forming zero net
investment H-L portfolio returns as the equal-weighted difference in the daily realized returns
between these portfolios, and then subtracting the daily risk-free return. The industries
shown are 2-digit NAICS sectors, omitting any sectors with fewer than 10 firms combined
in the high and low quintiles in the sample, as well as industries with less than a 10 ppt
Generative AI exposure spread between the high and low quintile. Standard errors shown
are Newey-West standard errors with a five period lag bandwidth.
Industry Title News
Day α
Day α
52 Finance and Insurance 0.81 2.54 0.11 0.82
33 Manufacturing: Other Products 0.81 2.22 -0.00 -0.02
56 Admin. and Support and Waste Mgmt and
Remediation Svcs
0.54 2.66 -0.02 -0.11
42 Wholesale Trade 0.24 1.47 0.05 0.57
51 Information 0.10 0.73 -0.03 -0.28
62 Health Care and Social Assistance 0.06 0.22 -0.07 -0.27
54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Svcs -0.01 -0.05 -0.07 -0.89
44 Retail Trade: Motor Vehicle and Parts
-0.08 -0.29 -0.29 -2.53
48 Transportation and Warehousing:
-0.11 -0.64 0.02 0.16
72 Accommodation and Food Svcs -0.22 -1.56 0.00 0.01
53 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing -0.49 -3.05 0.07 0.40
Table C6: Within-industry H-L Generative AI exposure returns: 3-digit sub-
sectors. The table shows the realized excess return on GPT news days and no-GPT-news
days on the within-industry H-L Generative AI exposure tercile portfolio for the Nov. 15,
2022 - March 31 2023, period, in daily returns data from Yahoo Finance, controlling for
average market returns. Each H-L portfolio is formed by taking the value-weighted highest
and lowest terciles of Generative AI exposure within each industry subsector and forming
zero net investment H-L portfolio returns as the equal-weighted difference in the daily real-
ized returns between these portfolios, and then subtracting the daily risk-free return. The
industries shown are 3-digit NAICS subsectors, omitting any sectors with fewer than 10 firms
combined in the high and low quintiles in the sample, as well as industries with less than
a 5 ppt Generative AI exposure spread between the high and low tercile. Standard errors
shown are Newey-West standard errors with a five period lag bandwidth.
Industry Title News
Day α
Day α
511 Publishing Industries (exc. Internet) 1.19 2.14 -0.23 -1.10
522 Credit Intermed. and Rel. Activ. 1.09 3.52 0.22 1.17
336 Transp. Equipment Mfg. 0.68 1.21 -0.32 -1.04
561 Administrative and Support Svcs 0.55 2.53 0.07 0.65
441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers 0.42 1.53 -0.10 -0.46
621 Ambulatory Health Care Svcs 0.36 1.75 0.07 0.26
523 Secur., Commod. Contracts, Other Fin. Inv. 0.25 0.59 -0.01 -0.14
334 Computer and Electronic Prod. Mfg. 0.22 1.52 0.18 1.37
423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 0.19 0.74 -0.01 -0.15
213 Supp. Activ. for Mining/Oil/Gas Extraction 0.17 0.53 0.09 0.72
424 Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods 0.13 0.58 0.09 0.79
722 Food Svcs and Drinking Places 0.07 0.77 -0.01 -0.30
518 Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Svcs 0.03 0.20 -0.08 -0.37
236 Construction of Buildings 0.01 0.15 0.08 0.74
237 Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction -0.02 -0.05 0.03 0.18
212 Mining and Quarrying (except Oil and Gas) -0.04 -0.41 0.13 1.36
533 Lessors of Nonfin. Int. Assets (exc.
-0.06 -0.15 0.61 3.24
541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Svcs -0.12 -0.58 -0.11 -1.62
481 Air Transp. -0.17 -1.11 0.08 0.68
335 Electr. Equip., Appliance, and Comp. Mfg. -0.20 -0.41 0.01 0.06
325 Chemical Mfg. -0.26 -1.87 0.11 2.24
332 Fabricated Metal Product Mfg. -0.26 -0.75 0.07 0.57
515 Broadcasting (except Internet) -0.29 -0.66 -0.02 -0.16
311 Food Mfg. -0.37 -2.40 -0.10 -1.85
531 Real Estate -0.39 -2.55 0.08 0.76
519 Other Information Svcs -0.65 -3.60 -0.01 -0.04
Table C7: Realized returns of portfolios sorted on Generative AI exposure after ChatGPT
release.: adjusted for Fama French 5 factors. This table reports daily excess stock returns of value-
weighted portfolios of firms sorted on Generative AI exposure. AMH is the ”Artificial Minus Human” is
the zero net investment portfolio long high exposure (H) stocks and short low exposure (L) stocks. Quintile
thresholds that define value-weighted portfolios are solely based on the sample of stocks listed on NYSE as of
the sorting date. All quintile portfolios are formed based on value weights on October 31, 2022, and weights
are adjusted based on daily returns to mimic passive buy-and-hold exposure. Industry-neutral portfolios are
computed by first forming within-industry value-weighted quintile portfolios, and then averaging portfolio
returns for the same quintiles across industries. Returns for within-industry quintiles are value-weighted,
while across-industry averages are industry market-cap. weighted. The data set consists of daily stock
returns from Yahoo Finance for Nov. 15, 2022 - March 31, 2023. Daily market returns, risk free rates,
and additional factors are obtained from Ken French’s website. The table shows alphas estimated from
regressions of the form
= α
[ChatGPT release period]
not release
[Not ChatGPT release period]
facF F 5
where the intercept is either for the full sample, or is allowed to vary with whether the day is in the ChatGPT
release period consisting of Nov 30, 2022 - Dec. 14, 2022. The Fama French 5-factor model robust regressions
include the market factor, HML, SMB, RMW, and CMA factor returns r
in the regression. T-statistics
in parentheses are computed using Newey-West standard errors with five lags.
Sample Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 AMH
A: Excess returns (%)
All days 0.042 0.027 0.050 0.037 0.134 0.076
(0.38) (0.25) (0.54) (0.31) (1.17) (1.33)
Not ChatGPT release period 0.066 0.030 0.038 0.037 0.110 0.028
(0.57) (0.25) (0.36) (0.28) (0.85) (0.44)
ChatGPT release period -0.137 0.000 0.137 0.034 0.316 0.437
(-0.53) (0.00) (0.43) (0.11) (0.82) (3.08)
B: Fama French 5-factor-adjusted alpha (%)
All days 0.040 0.021 -0.024 0.036 0.068 0.011
(1.11) (0.71) (-1.05) (1.27) (2.40) (0.22)
Not ChatGPT release period 0.061 0.024 -0.025 0.034 0.057 -0.020
(1.57) (0.76) (-0.94) (1.09) (1.91) (-0.36)
ChatGPT release period -0.132 -0.000 -0.021 0.053 0.155 0.272
(-1.96) (-0.00) (-0.43) (0.86) (3.37) (3.09)
C: Ind.-neutral Fama French 5-factor-adjusted alpha (%)
All days 0.044 0.041 -0.006 -0.005 0.055 -0.005
(1.24) (1.84) (-0.33) (-0.28) (2.35) (-0.11)
Not ChatGPT release period 0.067 0.043 -0.016 -0.018 0.045 -0.039
(2.00) (1.69) (-0.75) (-0.99) (1.80) (-0.84)
ChatGPT release period -0.148 0.026 0.069 0.095 0.140 0.273
(-1.63) (0.86) (2.67) (3.51) (3.44) (2.64)
Table C8: Generative AI exposure for the Largest 100 U.S. Firms This table lists
the Generative AI exposure scores for the largest 100 publicly-traded firms with headquarters in the
U.S., where size is measured as the market capitalization as of November 1, 2022. Generative AI
exposure is the firm’s labor exposure defined in Section I. MktCap is the firm’s market capitalization
as of November 1, 2022, in B. Sector is defined at the NAICS 2-digit level.
Company Name Gen. AI exposure MktCap Sector
International Business Machines Corp 0.488 125 Information
Intuit Inc. 0.480 111 Information
QUALCOMM Inc. 0.479 132 Manufacturing
Fiserv Inc. 0.475 66 Information
NVIDIA Corporation 0.468 337 Manufacturing
S&P Global Inc 0.452 103 Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
Broadcom Inc 0.449 195 Manufacturing
Verizon Communications Inc 0.444 157 Information
Microsoft Corp 0.442 1,701 Information
3M Co 0.442 69 Manufacturing
Advanced Micro Devices Inc 0.441 96 Manufacturing
ServiceNow Inc 0.434 85 Information
Adobe Inc 0.427 147 Information
PayPal Holdings Inc 0.418 96 Information
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 0.411 203 Manufacturing
Intuitive Surgical Inc 0.404 87 Manufacturing
Automatic Data Processing Inc 0.398 101 Information
Comcast Corp 0.396 136 Information
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 0.395 81 Manufacturing
Analog Devices Inc 0.392 74 Manufacturing
AbbVie Inc 0.391 260 Manufacturing
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 0.390 81 Manufacturing
Gilead Sciences Inc 0.388 99 Manufacturing
Micron Technology Inc. 0.388 60 Manufacturing
Intel Corp 0.386 117 Manufacturing
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 0.385 165 Manufacturing
Illinois Tool Works Inc. 0.382 66 Manufacturing
Netflix Inc 0.381 128 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
Meta Platforms Inc 0.381 217 Information
Lam Research Corp 0.380 56 Manufacturing
SALESFORCE INC 0.379 160 Information
General Dynamics Corp 0.378 69 Manufacturing
Abbott Laboratories 0.376 174 Manufacturing
AT&T Inc 0.375 131 Information
Applied Materials Inc 0.374 77 Manufacturing
Booking Holdings Inc 0.373 75 Information
General Electric Co 0.373 85 Wholesale Trade
Merck & Co Inc 0.372 253 Manufacturing
T-Mobile US Inc 0.371 189 Information
Johnson & Johnson 0.371 453 Manufacturing
Honeywell International Inc 0.368 137 Manufacturing
Alphabet Inc 0.366 546 Information
Amgen Inc 0.365 146 Manufacturing
Eli Lilly and Co 0.364 335 Manufacturing
Apple Inc 0.364 2,397 Manufacturing
Philip Morris International Inc 0.364 142 Manufacturing
DEERE & COMPANY 0.364 117 Manufacturing
Texas Instruments Inc 0.363 148 Manufacturing
Caterpillar Inc 0.358 115 Manufacturing
CVS Health Corp 0.356 124 Health Care and Social Assistance
Cisco Systems Inc 0.355 187 Manufacturing
Zoetis Inc 0.355 71 Manufacturing
Pfizer Inc 0.352 269 Manufacturing
Southern Co (The) 0.351 71 Utilities
Danaher Corp 0.350 186 Manufacturing
Procter & Gamble Co (The) 0.342 320 Manufacturing
Raytheon Technologies Corp 0.339 140 Manufacturing
Colgate-Palmolive Co 0.337 62 Manufacturing
Becton Dickinson and Co 0.331 67 Manufacturing
Dominion Energy Inc 0.330 58 Utilities
NextEra Energy Inc 0.329 154 Utilities
Walt Disney Co (The) 0.328 193 Information
Altria Group Inc 0.327 83 Manufacturing
Air Products and Chemicals Inc. 0.326 56 Manufacturing
Waste Management Inc. 0.325 64 Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
Duke Energy Corp 0.322 72 Utilities
EOG Resources Inc. 0.322 80 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Exxon Mobil Corp 0.320 466 Manufacturing
Amazon.com Inc 0.317 987 Retail Trade
Stryker Corp 0.317 83 Manufacturing
Schlumberger Ltd 0.316 73 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Conocophillips 0.316 163 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
HCA Healthcare Inc 0.312 63 Health Care and Social Assistance
Marathon Petroleum Corp 0.308 59 Manufacturing
Occidental Petroleum Corp 0.307 69 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Coca-Cola Co (The) 0.306 258 Manufacturing
Boston Scientific Corp 0.305 61 Manufacturing
PepsiCo Inc 0.303 249 Manufacturing
Chevron Corp 0.301 357 Manufacturing
Berkshire Hathaway Inc 0.300 324 Finance and Insurance
Lockheed Martin Corp 0.299 127 Manufacturing
Boeing Co 0.298 85 Manufacturing
Sherwin-Williams Co (The) 0.296 58 Manufacturing
Activision Blizzard Inc 0.295 57 Information
Pioneer Natural Resources Co 0.294 60 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Mondelez International Inc 0.292 85 Manufacturing
Northrop Grumman Corp 0.291 82 Manufacturing
Tesla Inc 0.283 719 Manufacturing
Home Depot Inc. (The) 0.261 303 Retail Trade
United Parcel Service Inc 0.256 123 Transportation and Warehousing
CSX Corp 0.256 61 Transportation and Warehousing
Union Pacific Corp 0.253 121 Transportation and Warehousing
Costco Wholesale Corp 0.252 221 Retail Trade
TJX Companies Inc (The) 0.243 83 Retail Trade
Lowe’s Cos Inc 0.238 120 Retail Trade
Walmart Inc 0.235 385 Retail Trade
Target Corp 0.235 76 Retail Trade
Dollar General Corporation 0.212 57 Retail Trade
McDonald’s Corp 0.194 201 Accommodation and Food Services
Starbucks Corp 0.119 100 Accommodation and Food Services