German Language School Westwood
Parent and Student Handbook
Unlawful Harassment Policy (Including Sexual Harassment) 3
Enrollment 3
Mommy/Daddy and Me 3
Kindergarten and Above 3
Registration and Tuition 3
Tuition 4
Non-refundable fees 4
Registration Deadline and Late Fee 4
Withdrawal 4
Academic Program 4
Standardized Testing 5
Students 5
Attendance 5
Homework 5
Illness Policies 6
Student Allergy Information 6
Communication 6
Facebook 7
Communication with Teachers/ Principal 7
Ongoing Communication 7
Report Cards 7
Family Contact Information 7
Contact Information 8
Parent Participation 8
General Information 8
Calendar 8
Hours 8
Break Time 8
Location and Parking 9
Entrance Procedures 9
School Cancellations 9
Photo permission 9
Handbook Acknowledgement 10
Student Conduct 10
Disciplinary Measures 11
Corporal Punishment 12
Investigation of Complaints 12
Unlawful Harassment Policy (Including Sexual Harassment)
The School expects all employees, students and non-employees to be treated and to treat others
with respect. The aim is to provide an educational environment free from unlawful harassment,
intimidation, or discrimination in any form, which may affect the dignity of the individual or the
individuals ability to participate in the educational experience. The Schools policy prohibits sexual
harassment and harassment based on race, sex, sexual identity, color, ethnicity, religion, national
origin, disability, genetic information, age, military status, or any other basis protected by federal,
state, or local law or ordinance or regulation.
The school is open to both children and adults with the academic skills and desire to master the
German language. A significant number of our students hear and/or speak German at home.
Students range in age from 18 months of age to Adulthood.
Mommy/Daddy and Me
At the entry level, students must be at least 18 months or age by August 31 of the enrolling year.
A caregiver of enrolled student is required to be present in the classroom at all times.
Kindergarten and Above
Children are placed in classes according to age and/or language ability. The school may combine
children from different classes/ages to maintain a positive learning environment.
The school reserves the right to transfer a student to a different class if it is deemed to be in the
best interest of the student. The Principal makes the final decision about classroom placement and
parents will be notified about any changes.
Registration and Tuition
Registration and tuition payment must be completed online through the school’s Active Network
Portal. To register a child, parents need to visit the “Registration” area on our website
( where instructions are posted.
The Board of Trustees sets tuition annually, announced at our Annual General Meeting, and posts
it on To keep tuition costs as low as possible, the school greatly relies
on Volunteers. For further information see section “Parent Participation”.
Non-refundable fees
Registration fees, installment charges and late fee are non-refundable.
Registration Deadline and Late Fee
Registrations after July 31st are subject to a non-refundable late fee per family.
In case of withdrawal, notification must be made in writing to the Principal
( The withdrawal policy provides for refunds is as follows:
Prior to the 3rd class - 100% of the tuition
Prior to the 4th class - 75% of the tuition
Prior to the 5th class - 50% of the tuition
After the 5th class no refund
Academic Program
The goal of the German Language School Westwood is for every graduating student to have a
strong command of German vocabulary and structure, to understand spoken German in a
conversational situation, and to be able to express ideas fluently and accurately in oral and in
written form, as well as to prepare students for German placement exams and college courses.
German is the primary language of instruction. Acquainting students with the cultures of German-
speaking countries is an integral part of our curriculum. Please visit our school website for more information about our academic program.
Standardized Testing
Several standardized German tests are administered at the school including:
DSD Level I
DSD Level II
Regular attendance to your assigned class is integral to the academic program of the German
Language School Westwood. Students should make every effort to attend classes.
If classes are missed, it is the parents responsibility to inform the teacher ahead of time.
Attendance sheets are maintained, and attendance is noted on the report cards. Teachers are not
expected to provide extra help to make up any missed work; rather, it is the student’s or parents
responsibility to obtain worksheets, homework assignments etc.
Students are expected to prepare for class. Weekly homework assignments begin at an early level.
In the upper grades there are quizzes, compositions, reading assignments, and long-term projects.
Practice with parental participation and encouragement is important at all grade levels.
The general guidelines for homework each week are as follows:
Grades 1 and 2: 1/2 hour
Grades 3 to 5: 1 hour
Grades 6 to 12: 1.5 - 2 hours
These guidelines do not take into consideration individual student motivation, efficiency or work
pace. Parents are expected to reinforce the learning process outside the classroom and to
encourage their children to use supportive materials such as books and other audio/visual
materials. The library at the school offers a selection of these materials for all ages and language
Illness Policies
Please keep your child home from school if he/she:
has been vomiting during the past 24 hours
has diarrhea
has an oral temperature of 100.5 degrees or higher (A child must be fever-free for 24 hours
before returning to school.)
has a severe sore throat
has pink bloodshot eyes with discharge
has just begun antibiotics (Any child with a contagious condition, such as
strep throat, must be taking the medication for 24 hours before returning to school.)
has lice or untreated nits. A child should be checked by a medical professional before
returning to the classroom.
Children are expected to be up to date on their normal childhood vaccines
Student Allergy Information
It is the parent’s responsibility to inform a child’s teacher as well as the school administration of
any food or environmental allergies the child may have and to document any procedures that are
to be followed in case of an allergic reaction. The school does not employ a school nurse and
medication for students cannot be held at the school for the duration of the school year. In cases
of severe allergies, the school may require a parent to remain in the building while the student
attends class.
Throughout the year the school administration communicates with parents primarily via e-mail. It
is therefore extremely important to provide the school with updated e-mail addresses. Parents can
opt to receive text messages from the school (“Remind” app). Parents also obtain information
from the school’s website at:
The school administers a closed Facebook business page under the name GLSWwhere general
contact info and school information is posted.
The school communication team also administers a closed Facebook groupGerman Language
School Westwood” to which only current school or family members are admitted. This is where
photos, school events, news and other information of interest to the school community are posted
on a regular basis. Parents and students are encouraged to like” the school’s business page, and
follow school news in the closed group.
Parents and students can post to this closed group if e.g. they are looking for babysitters, want to
offer tutoring services, are looking for a carpool, or the like.
Communication with Teachers/ Principal
Questions about a child’s classroom, academic progress etc. should first be directed to your child’s
teacher. Parents may contact the Principal if a matter requires further attention.
Ongoing Communication
The Principal, and several board members are at the school on Saturdays and are also accessible
by e-mail to respond to any questions or concerns. For e-mail contact information see section
Contact Information.”
Report Cards
Report cards are issued twice a year, in January and May. Grades are based on an evaluation of
the students performance in the areas of participation and written work in class, homework,
attendance and achievement tests.
Family Contact Information
Each family is responsible for keeping their family, student and emergency contact information
updated during time of registration and also during the school year in Active Network in their
family account. Should any edits to the contact information during the school year be performed,
please notify the teacher that changes have been made.
Contact Information
School Telephone Number: 201-675-7281
On Saturday mornings during the school year, the hall monitor can be reached directly under this
telephone number.
On all other days, email members of the school administration.
Please do not call the office of Saint John’s Academy with questions regarding the
Saturday School.
Parent Participation
The GLSW depends heavily on parent helpers to keep tuition costs as low as possible. An added
benefit of becoming part of the parent helper system is the increased involvement of parents in
their children’s educational experience at the school. The tuition fees have been set assuming that
the administration and operation of the school can continue to rely on families pitching in. The
School offers a variety of opportunities for parents to help with various time commitments and
based on a diverse range of interests and skills.
General Information
Classes are held on thirty Saturdays from September to May. In order to accommodate families
and keep absences to a minimum the school calendar is tailored to public school calendars and
major holidays as best as possible. The School reserves the right to alter the calendar if necessary
during the school year. A make-up day is scheduled in case of school cancellation due to snow
(see snow cancellation) or other emergencies. A copy of the school calendar is available on the
schools web site:
Classes are from 8:45 AM to 11 and 11:15 to 1:30 PM. Students are expected to be punctual and
to be ready to start class at 8:45 AM/11:15 AM. Parents should arrive a few minutes early for pick-
up, so teachers are able to dismiss the children promptly at dismissal time. Before and after class,
parents are solely responsible for their children.
Break Time
For organizational reasons, break times vary from class to class and are held in the designated
break room.. Please check with the teacher at the beginning of the school year for the specific
times. During break students may eat snacks brought from home in the break room(no eating
allowed inside the classroom). All snacks must be nut-free as Saint John’s Academy is designated
as nut-free. Students must clean up after themselves to ensure that no food or drink is left in the
cafeteria. Students are not allowed to leave the building during breaks or at any time while school
is in session unless under supervision by the teacher. Please also see section Student Conduct”.
Teachers supervise the breaks and are helped by aides.
Location and Parking
All Saturday classes are held at Saint John’s Academy, 460 Hillsdale Avenue, Hillsdale, NJ. The
school is a parochial school building that the German Language School Westwood leases for the
purpose of teaching on Saturdays.
There is sufficient parking available by the main entrance at Saint John’s Academy.
We ask that parents park responsibly, and most importantly to not block fire exit roads, handicap
access ramps or double park on lanes which will narrow to a degree that emergency vehicles may
not be able to pass. The Town of Hillsdale will periodically check if parking rules have been
followed and issue tickets if necessary.
Entrance Procedures
Students, teachers and parents may only use the designeted entrance on Saturday mornings to
access the building.
School Cancellations
School may have to be cancelled due to inclement weather (i.e. snow) or other emergency
conditions. The school administration will make every attempt to communicate any short notice
cancellations in a timely manner via e-mail and text messages. For snow cancellations, check the
schools web site at or Facebook page. Weather conditions can vary
greatly from locality to locality. Parents should therefore use their own discretion and best
judgment in making the decision to travel in bad weather. A snow make-up day is scheduled in
case of snow cancellation.
Photo permission
From time to time the school uses photos or videos taken during the school year and school
events on the school’s Web site, Facebook site and other promotional printed materials such as a
brochure or year book. Permissions to do so were included in the agreement section during online
Handbook Acknowledgement
Each family is required to acknowledge during the online registration process that this Handbook
has been read, understood and its rules and regulations have been accepted. The purpose of this
handbook is to acquaint students and parents with the rules and regulations of the German
Language School of Westwood The handbook provides students with a better understanding of
the school and its expectations. Parents will find useful information about the organization and
operations of the school.
Student Conduct
The rules of proper conduct apply to all students throughout the school day.
Students are expected to:
1. Show proper respect to teachers, staff and classmates at all times.
2. Be punctual when arriving for class and returning from breaks.
3. Remain inside the building between 8:30 AM and 1:30 PM while classes are in session
(unless otherwise directed by and under supervision of the teacher or for break purposes).
4. Respect personal property, in particular the St. John’s Academy building and its property, as
well as the property of the German Language School of Westwood. Parents shall be held
responsible for any damage caused by their children.
5. Not remove, damage or alter in any way any items from the walls, teachers’ desks, shelves,
or black/white boards that belong to students or teachers of SJA and GLSW.
6. Not eat or drink while inside any of the classrooms or hallways at the SJA. Snack time will
be held in the break room during assigned break times.
7. Help at the end of the school day to return the classroom to its original condition.
8. Not prop open any locked door
9. All students of GLSW have to enter and leave through the designated access door, except
in case of a fire or similar emergency.
10. Come to class properly prepared to participate fully in all classroom activities. This
preparation includes bringing completed homework assignments, the class textbook and
workbook, a notebook, paper, pen or pencil and any other materials required by the
11. Not run or play ball in the hallways.
12. Not bully or harass any individuals in the school including but not limited to engaging in
verbal or written abuse, actual or threatened physical harm, or destruction of school or
personal property
Also note: the following are NOT allowed during class:
Eating, drinking and gum-chewing
Use of electronic devices (e.g. iPod, cell phone) unless authorized by the teacher (upper
grades only).
Disciplinary Measures
Violations of the school’s rules are dealt with on an individual basis according to the specifics of
the infraction. Teachers will resolve minor offenses, such as disruptive behavior in class. For
continued offenses, teachers will work with the Principal. After consultation with the parents, the
Principal will decide on a resolution.
The Principal will report serious offenses to the Board of Trustees for a final determination.
Serious offenses include, but are not limited to, physical violence, possession or use of weapons or
other dangerous objects (i.e. firecrackers), possession or use of drugs, including alcohol or
tobacco,vandalism and triggering of false fire alarms. Such offenses constitute illegal behavior and
may result in immediate expulsion and referral to legal authorities if appropriate. The GLSW also
reserves the right to dismiss students due to poor academic performance, improper conduct and
lack of regular attendance.
Corporal Punishment
The German Language School of Westwood Board of Trustees assert that corporal punishment is
not a desirable method of enforcing decorum, order or discipline. The Board prohibits the use of
corporate punishment by any German Language School Westwood (GLSW) employees and
A. No teacher, administrator, officer, employee, volunteer or agent in the German Language
School Westwood shall use corporal punishment against a pupil.
B. As used in this section, corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force for the
purpose of punishing a pupil, except otherwise provided in subdivision (C), below.
C. In situations in which alternative procedures and methods not involving the use of physical
force cannot reasonably be employed, nothing contained in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the use of reasonable physical force for the following purposes:
a. to protect oneself from physical injury;
b. to protect another student or teacher or any other person from physical injury;
c. to protect school property or the property of others;
d. to restrain or remove a student whose behavior is interfering with the orderly
exercise and performance of GLSW functions, powers of duties, if that student has
refused to comply with a request to refrain from further disruptive acts.
Investigation of Complaints
Any complaint about the use of corporal punishments shall be submitted in writing to the German
Language School Board of Trustees. This written complaint will be investigated by the Board of
Trustees the to determine whether an incident actually took place, and if so, to determine the
identity of the person or persons who administered the punishment, the identity of the student or
students punished, reasons for the action and any other relevant facts or circumstances.
German Language School Westwood does not permit actual or threatened acts of physical or mental abuse,
sexual abuse, sexual molestation or sexual misconduct (“prohibited conduct”) to occur in the school or at
any activity sponsored by or related to it. In order to make this “zero-tolerancepolicy clear to all
employees, volunteers and staff members, we have adopted mandatory procedures that employees,
volunteers, family members, board members, individuals and victims must follow when they reasonably
suspect, learn of or witness prohibited conduct.
Abuse or molestation means each, every and all actual, threatened or alleged acts of physical or mental
abuse, sexual abuse, sexual molestation or sexual misconduct performed by one person or by two or more
persons acting together.
Reporting Procedure
All staff members who learn of, have a reasonable suspicion of prohibited conduct must immediately report
it to: Principal and/or Assistant Principal and/or Board Member. If the victim is an adult, abuse or neglect
will be reported by this designee to the legal authorities. If a child is the victim of abuse or neglect the
designee will report it to the legal authorities. Appropriate family members of the victim must be notified
immediately of suspected child abuse or neglect.
Investigation & Follow Up
We take allegations of prohibited conduct seriously. Once the allegation is reported we will promptly,
thoroughly and impartially initiate an investigation to determine whether there is a reasonable basis to
believe that the prohibited conduct has occurred and that it was committed by the target(s) of the
investigation. The investigation may be undertaken by an internal team comprised of fellow employees or
we may hire an independent third party. We will cooperate fully with any investigation conducted by law
enforcement or regulatory agencies and we may refer the complaint and the result of our investigation to
those agencies. We reserve the right to place the target(s) of the investigation on an involuntary leave of
absence or reassigning that person to responsibilities that do not involve personal contact with individuals or
students. To the fullest extent possible, but consistent with our legal obligation to report suspected prohibited
to appropriate authorities, we will endeavor to keep the identity (ies) of the target(s) and the alleged
victim(s) confidential.
If the investigation substantiates the allegation, our policy provides for disciplinary penalties, including but
not limited to termination of the target’s relationship with our organization.
Retaliation Prohibited
We prohibit retaliation against anyone, including an employee, volunteer, board member, student or
individual, who in good faith reports prohibited conduct. Retaliation against a participant in the investigation
is also prohibited.
Anyone who retaliates against someone who has made a good faith allegation of prohibited conduct or
intentionally provides false information to that effect will be subject to discipline, up to and including
I, ___________________________________________________, acknowledge that I have received and
read the physical or mental abuse and sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and sexual molestation policy
immediately preceding my signature below. I understand that I am bound to follow the policy and
understand the consequences in the event that I fail to do so.
Print Name of Employee/Volunteer
Date(s) of Annual Review(s) (employee/volunteer to write date in his/her own handwriting) (Add additional
sheets if necessary).
1. _____________ 2. ____________ 3._____________ 4. ____________
5. _____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________
9. _____________ 10. ____________ 11. ____________ 12. ____________