University of Cincinnati
Blue Ash College
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
UCBA Guiding Statements ............................................................................................................................ 4
Organization of UC Blue Ash College ............................................................................................................ 5
Overview of Requirements for Adjunct Faculty ............................................................................................... 8
University Academic Calendars .............................................................................................................. 10
Policy on Class Scheduling ...................................................................................................................... 10
Emergency Cancellation Policy .................................................................................................................... 10
Policy on Blackboard Use ....................................................................................................................... 10
Policy on Choosing a Textbook ............................................................................................................... 10
Add/Drop/Withdraw Course Policies .................................................................................................... 11
University-Wide Grading Policies ............................................................................................................... 12
Grade Explanations (“I,” “W,” “UW,” or “X”) ............................................................................................ 13
Preparing Your Course Syllabus ....................................................................................................................... 15
College Program for Academic Success (CPAS) .......................................................................................... 18
Academic Misconduct Guidelines .............................................................................................................. 19
Other UC Benefits for You .......................................................................................................................... 21
UCBA Library ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Adjunct Faculty Shared Office Space ...................................................................................................... 2
Employee Self Service (ESS) Site ............................................................................................................. 21
Tuition Remission ................................................................................................................................... 21
Getting Your UC Paycheck ...................................................................................................................... 21
Overview & FTE Calculations ................................................................................................................. 22
Appointment & Pay Guidelines ............................................................................................................. 22
Adjunct Faculty Promotion .................................................................................................................... 24
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Welcome to the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College! The origins of the University of Cincinnati can be traced
back to the founding of the Cincinnati College and The Medical College of Ohio in 1819. The City of Cincinnati
established the University of Cincinnati in 1870. In 1968, the University of Cincinnati became a municipally-
sponsored, state-affiliated institution. Full state university status occurred in 1977.
Raymond Walters College was established in 1967 in the community of Blue Ash with the original building now
known as Muntz Hall. This building, with the 1976 addition, was dedicated as the Ernest G. Muntz Hall on February
24, 1991. Flory Hall, built in 1970, was the second campus building and was dedicated as the Harriette E. Flory Hall
on May 6, 1990. The campus has been dramatically enhanced with the addition of the Science and Allied Health
Building, dedicated as Walters Hall on May 14, 2012, the Veterinary Technology Building and the creation of a
central quadrangle.
Dr. Hilmar Krueger, the Founding Dean, was succeeded in 1969 by Dr. Ernest G. Muntz. Dr. Neal Raisman was
appointed as Dean in 1990. Dr. Roger Barry and Dr. Howard Gundy served as Interim Deans from 1992 to 1993. Dr.
Barbara Bardes served as Dean from 1993 thru August 2003, and Dr. Dolores Straker served as Dean from
September 2003 to September 2007. Dr. Don O’Meara served as Interim Dean from September 2007 through June
2010. Dr. Cady Short-Thompson began serving as Dean July 1, 2010. In June 2011, the Board of Trustees of the
University of Cincinnati approved the college’s name change from Raymond Walters College to the University of
Cincinnati Blue Ash College.
The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College Adjunct Faculty handbook contains information that serves as a guide
for adjunct faculty members.
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UCBA Guiding Statements
UCBA Mission Statement:
The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College provides an excellent and accessible education for students from a
wide array of educational and cultural backgrounds. Our student-centered approach to teaching and
comprehensive services engage students so that they can acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed
academically, personally, and professionally. We promote innovative scholarship and creative works, free inquiry,
lifelong learning, and service beyond the classroom.
UCBA Vision Statement:
The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College will be a recognized leader in providing exceptional teaching that
inspires students to unlock their potential and contribute to the local and global communities. Thus, we are
committed to excellence in teaching, service, and professional activity. We regularly host and attend workshops on
teaching topics, serve on multiple committees at all levels (department, college, university, and community), and
engage in discipline-specific and/or scholarship of teaching and learning research, leading to conference
presentations and publications. If you are interested in learning more about the specifics of our work, please feel
free to ask. We are more than happy to share with you our teaching philosophies, opportunities for professional
growth, and ideas on how to improve your teaching at UCBA.
UCBA Core Values:
UC Blue Ash College Core Values. The faculty, staff, and students of the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
work together to carry out the college’s mission and vision, guided by a special set of core values that are the
foundation of who we are and what we want to become.
At UC Blue Ash College we value
The individual talents of our students, faculty and staff
Student-centered teaching that challenges and inspires
Comprehensive education that develops critical thinking and an engaged citizenry
Rigorous, accredited programs of study
Accessible and affordable education
Diversity in experiences and perspectives
Innovative scholarship and creative works
Service to the broader community
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Organization of UC Blue Ash College
The Dean.
The Dean is appointed by the President of the University in consultation with the Provostal Committee to which
two UC Blue Ash College faculty members are elected by the UC Blue Ash College faculty.
The Dean is reviewed every five years as required by the policies set by the Board of Trustees. He/She may be
reappointed. The Dean reports to the Senior Vice President and Provost for Academic Affairs.
Department Chairpersons are nominated to the president through the provost by the Dean, in consultation with
the respective Departments, which adopt their own procedures and criteria for evaluation and for recommendation
of a candidate. The term of office is three to seven years. The Department Chairperson receives
an added stipend and reduced teaching load during the term of office.
Directors are appointed by the Dean upon recommendation of a search committee. The Dean requests these
Departments to evaluate their Directors periodically. By contract, the term of office is between three and seven
years. (See AAUP Contract.)
Each Department adopts its own bylaws and procedures and sets its own advancement criteria. None of these,
however, may be in conflict with College and University requirements found in their respective bylaws or in the
University-AAUP Contract.
Each Department member is obligated to participate in the business of the member’s Department and to be
completely familiar with its practices and expectations.
The duties of each Chairperson and Director will be determined by the Department’s bylaws, by the College
bylaws, and by the Dean. These duties include (but are not limited to):
Serving on the UC Blue Ash College Curriculum Committee;
Presiding at Department meetings;
Making recommendations with respect to budget matters, new courses, new programs, advancement,
tenure, or dismissal (or non-reappointment) of Department members;
Evaluating members on a regular basis in accordance with Department, College, and University policy and
AAUP Contract;
Keeping each member informed as to his/her status in the Department and in the College Promotion and
Tenure process;
Keeping records of Department bylaws, practices, procedures, and criteria for advancement and making
such information available annually to every member of the Department, to the Dean, the Executive
Committee, the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee;
Keeping adequate written records of all matters affecting the status of each Department member;
Maintaining such other records as are required by the College, the Dean, and the University.
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UC Blue Ash College
Academic Structure
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Overview of Requirements for Adjunct Faculty
Make sure you sign and return your teaching contract each term in a timely fashion.
Complete the Verification of Teaching Assignments online form sent via e-mail from the Business office
each semester.
Have your official transcripts sent to the UC Blue Ash College Dean’s Office to the attention of Meg
Parking decals can be obtained from the business office (Muntz Hall room 140) each semester. More
information and a parking permit decal request form can be found here:
An Adjunct FAQ guide can be found here:
Participate in at least one professional development opportunity each year. This could be in your
discipline or about pedagogy or technology. You’ll report this yearly.
Hold at least one office hour per week, per course. Ensure students know how, where, and when they
can reach you. We collect this information the beginning of each semester.
Check your UC email regularly. Respond to your department chair and students within 48 hours.
Use Blackboard for your courses, or discuss alternatives with your department chair.
Get the learning outcomes and course description from your department chair.
Report attendance as federally required, either through Blackboard or the college alternative.
Submit grades within 48 hours of the final exam. Enter the Online Class Grading application through one
of two web options:
Canopy and Blackboard users. You may “export” your grades into Online Class Grading
from Course Tools in Blackboard. By exporting your grades you will be transported into
Online Class Grading without the need to re-enter a User ID or password. You will verify
the grades exported & submit within the application.
Instructors not using Canopy and Blackboard: Log in to Online Class Grading by
following the link on the Registrar’s website Once logged
in, you will be asked to select the term desired then you will be presented with a list of
your classes. Click a class link and enter grades accordingly. There are instructions for
the Online Class Grading application on this website as well. Select Faculty Resources
(left column) then Grading.
Know and understand the grading options. A complete description is available at:
W = Withdrawal (Official)
UW = Unofficial Withdrawal
X = Unofficial Withdrawal - No academic attendance
I = incomplete.
UCBA Security Office, Muntz 134 or (513)
556-1111. Badge can be used to access buildings
after hours. Contact your department chair for
more information.
UCBA Business Office, Muntz 140 or (513)
745-5660. Parking registration form & payment is
required. Parking pass will be delivered to on
campus mailbox if submitted through mail.
UCBA Business Office, Muntz 140 or (513)
5660. Keys can be picked up one week prior to
of the semester. Your chair must give approval first.
UCBA Mailroom, Muntz 108A or (513) 936-1663.
A voicemail phone number can be established
UCBA IT Office, Muntz 110 or (513) 745-8308.
You must use your department assigned
copy code to make copies. Call
513-745-5660 if you lose your code.
Account activation questions: (513) 745-5660
Helpline (after activation): (513) 556-1602
Shared office space is available. Contact your
department secretary for details.
M03784 565
Faculty /Staff
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UC Blue Ash Policies and Procedures
University Academic Calendars:
There is a university calendar for all important dates such as holidays, scheduled breaks, exam week, and course
add/drop deadlines. These dates must be adhered to. A link to official university calendars can be found here:
Policy on Final Exams:
Final Exams are scheduled at a different time and does not occur when the course usually meets. Please see the
calendar link above for a description of exam times. You are not permitted to give a final exam or final assignment
during the last week of courses because that short-changes students a week of instruction.
Policy on Class Scheduling
You are not permitted to cancel the Wednesday class before Thanksgiving.
In order to change a classroom, contact your department chair.
You are not permitted to give a final exam or final assignment during the last week of courses
All students must be enrolled to attend class. They must enroll as “auditing” the course if no grade or credit is
Emergency Cancellation Policy
If this class must be cancelled due to an emergency, the cancellation must be posted as an announcement on
Blackboard as soon as possible, and an announcement will be placed on the door to the classroom. Contact your
department chair or your program coordinator as soon as you know class must be canceled.
Weather Cancellation Policy
In the event our campus closes due to inclement weather, an announcement will be posted on the university’s
website as well as blackboard and local news outlets. You can also sign up to receive text messages that alert you
to any closures or emergencies. For more information see:
Policy on Blackboard Use Your Online Connection to Your Students
The minimum expectations for your use of Blackboard include posting your syllabus, contacting students through
the e-mail function, posting announcements for class changes and important reminders (e.g. an upcoming exam),
and using the Gradebook function so that students can track their grades throughout the semester. If you are new
to Blackboard, you can look at the tutorial videos at Instructional Workshops
are also available. Contact your department chair for help in attending one of these workshops.
Policy on Choosing a Textbook
UC Bookstore textbook ordering site:
You will need to create an account that you will continue to use as long as you are a faculty member at UCBA.
Follow the prompts. Select College Code 28 which will require the book to be sent to the Blue Ash College
Bookstore. This system is very user-friendly; however, if you run into any problems, either email the bookstore
([email protected], or [email protected]om) or stop in to our bookstore (745-5610) in Muntz Hall for
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Add/Drop/Withdraw Course Policies
Students requesting a course addition:
Student must provide an “Add/Drop Form.” From the eighth (8th) day of the term through the 16th day of the
term, additions to a class schedule requires only the approval of the instructor. Thus, only the class instructor's
signature is required on the Registration Change (Add/Drop) Form" through the 16th day of the term. A college
signature is not required.
Beginning with the 17th day of the term, however, both the approval of the instructor and the college are
required, and so the "Registration Change (Add/Drop) Form" must be signed by both the instructor and a
representative of the college offering the class
Dropping Courses - Students should refer to the proper deadlines calendar to ensure that they will receive a full or
partial refund for dropping a course or to ensure they meet the deadline for withdrawing from a course.
Drop verses Withdrawal- A drop occurs up through the 16th day of the term. A dropped course will not appear on
a transcript. A withdrawal occurs after the 16th day of the term, but still within the term. Students may withdraw
after the 16th day up through the 58th day of the term. An official withdrawal appears as a “W” and does not
impact GPA
Student Course Evaluation Policy
Student course evaluation forms have been designed to use a five-point scale. Spaces for students’ written
comments are also included on the document. Individual departments may use additional evaluation forms as they
see fit. Procedures are as follows:
The instructor shall arrange for a student, colleague or other responsible person to administer the student
opinion survey while the instructor absents herself/himself from the room.
The person administering the survey will place the surveys in a sealed envelope and will return the completed
forms to the program coordinators.
A typed summary of the results of the evaluations will be given to the instructor. Original evaluations are the
property of the Faculty member being evaluated. In order to maintain student confidentiality, however, each
Department will determine when it is appropriate to return the original evaluations to the Faculty member.
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University-Wide Grading Policies
Grades must be submitted within 48 hours of the final exam. To assign grades, you must log in online at the link
University’s Grading Scale
GPA Points
Excellent Work
Good Work
Satisfactory Work
Poor, But Passing Work
Minimum Passing Work
Failing Work with Full Participation
Official Withdrawal with academic attendance
Official Withdrawal without academic attendance
Unofficial Withdrawal with academic attendance
Unofficial Withdrawal without academic attendance
In ProgressSatisfactory
In ProgressUnsatisfactory
Not Proficient
No Grade Reported
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Grade Explanations (“I,” “W,” “UW,” or “X”)
"I" (Incomplete)
The incomplete grade is awarded as a final course grade (without grade point assignment) at the end of a term
when a significant portion of course work has been satisfactorily completed, but not all of the course work has been
completed. The incomplete grade is appropriate only when the completed course work is of passing quality and
the student has had such hardship that completion of the remaining course work within the term timeline
would present an additional hardship. Completion of the remaining course work does not include attending course
sessions in a subsequent term.
The instructor who assigns the incomplete grade may set a specific date (up to one year) by which the student
must complete the remaining course work. The student must work with the instructor to develop an agreement
that indicates the date by which the remaining course work is to be completed and submitted to the instructor.
The instructor is not obligated to provide the student with a full year to complete the remaining course work. If the
remaining course work is completed within the time period agreed upon by the instructor and the student, and that
completion occurs within the one year, then the instructor will submit, to the Registrar’s Office, a change of
grade based on the quality of the remaining work. If no specific time for completion is set by the instructor, the
student has one year (from the end of the term in which the incomplete was assigned) to complete the remaining
course work. If the course-work is not completed within the one-year period (i.e., one year from the end of the term
in which the “I” grade was assigned), the “I” grade automatically converts to an “I/F” grade.
The incomplete grade incurs no grade quality points (none) in the term following the assignment of the incomplete
grade and is not calculated into the grade point average (GPA). Thereafter, zero (0.0000) grade quality points are
assigned, and zero quality points are calculated into the GPA. After one year, if the incomplete grade has not been
resolved, the “I” grade is converted to an “I/F” grade which carries zero (0.00) quality points and affects the
student’s GPA the same as the grade of “F.
“W” (Official Withdrawal, partial Academic Attendance)
Drop verses Withdrawal
A drop occurs up through the 16th day of the term. A dropped course will not appear on a transcript.
A withdrawal occurs after the 16th day of the term, but still within the term. Students may withdraw
after the 16th day up through the 58th day of the term. An official withdrawal appears as a “W” and
does not impact GPA.
"UW" (Unofficial Withdrawal, partial Academic Attendance)
Given to those students who did not officially complete the withdrawal process; the lack of academic attendance is
the basis for a failing grade. The "UW" carries zero (0.00) quality points. It is calculated into the GPA like the "F"
Students who cease academically attending at some point in the course or who never academically attend the
course are considered to be “unofficially withdrawn students.” These students will receive a “UW” or “X” grade.
Both carry zero (0.00) quality points and are calculated into the GPA like the “F” grade.
"X" (Unofficial Withdrawal, No Attendance)
Given to those students who did not officially complete the withdrawal process and did not academically attend
any classes or submit any assigned work. The “X” will appear on the transcript and will carry zero (0.00) quality
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points. It is calculated into the GPA like the “F” grade.
Students who are considering an official or unofficial withdrawal from a course should consult the university’s
policies and procedures and consider the implications of these actions with respect to financial planning including
but not limited to financial aid, alternative loans and other sources of tuition funding.
Federal funds are awarded to the student with the expectation that the student will complete the course(s) for
which he or she has registered in a given term. When a student does not complete the course(s), then it is
necessary for the University to review the aid amount awarded to the student based on the courses that the
student has dropped or withdrawn. Student who completely withdraw from courses for any term are subject to
the Return of Title IV (R2T4) refund calculation as dictated by federal regulations. Instructors approached by a
student wishing to discuss withdrawal from one or more courses should refer the student to the One Stop Student
Service Center for information related to the student’s specific financial circumstances. Instructors are reminded
that their final grade assignments must be based upon the student’s academic performance in the course and
must not take into account the financial aid and/or personal financial consequences of that grade assignment on
the student.
"WX" (Official withdrawal, Non-attendance)
Given to those students who did officially complete the withdrawal process but who did not academically attend
any classes and did not submit any assigned work.
Appears in the Online Class Grading roster as either “EW” or “W.” The instructor may replace a “W” appearing on
the Online Class Grading roster with a "WX" by clicking "no" attendance for that student. An assignment of “WX”
no impact on the student’s GPA. A “W” will appear on the student’s online grade report and on the transcript.
“WX” recognizes the student’s official withdrawal from the class and only records the fact of non-attendance.
Students who wish to withdraw from a course must officially complete the process per University guidelines; doing
so is solely the student’s responsibility. In doing so, the student should refer to the appropriate term’s academic
calendar posted at the Registrar’s Office website, as the withdrawal process will vary according to the chosen
withdrawal date.
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Preparing Your Course Syllabus
Your syllabus acts as a contract with your students. It is essential that one is prepared and made available to them.
Here are some items that you may want to include in your syllabus:
Learning outcomes and course description
Attain these from your department chair
Disability Services
The University is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to all university programs and
facilities. If you have a disability requiring accommodations please contact the Disability Services office. Location:
Muntz Hall 112J. Telephone: (513) 792-8625.
UC Code of Conduct
The University Rules, including the Student Code of Conduct, and other documented policies of the department,
college, and university related to academic integrity will be enforced. Any violation of these regulations, including
acts of plagiarism or cheating, will be dealt with on an individual basis according to the severity of the misconduct. Resources about plagiarism can be found at this link: Contact Assistant Dean Greg Metz for more
Plagiarism is representing someone else’s work as your own and is considered academic misconduct at the
University of Cincinnati. Any final document submitted that contains plagiarism will receive a failing grade. The
easiest way to avoid plagiarism is to cite your sources. The University of Cincinnati has an extended statement on
plagiarism at this website:
Writing Center and Study Skills Center
The Writing and Study Skills Centers at UCBA offer writing, reading, and study skills tutoring services free of charge
to UCBA students. Appointments can be made through Starfish (an option in Blackboard) or by calling 513-792-
8625. They encourage appointments, but they also welcome walk-ins. Location: Muntz Hall 112K. You may contact
them online through Skye using the Skype name of: ucbawritingcenter.
Science Learning Lab
The Science Learning Lab, located in Walters 200, is designed to help students in Biology, Chemistry, Nursing, and
Allied Health. The lab provides free individual and small group tutoring as well as space for peer study groups.
Students using the lab have access to computers, anatomical models, microscopes, radiological films, and
Fall Hours: M – R 8 – 8, F 8 – 4:30, Su 12 – 4
Computer Lab
The student computer lab on the UCBA campus is located in 110 Muntz Hall. The hours are M-Th 7:30am10pm, F
7:30am-5pm, and Sat 10am-4pm. For updated info, see this website:
Math Lab
The Mathematics Department provides a tutoring center, which is free to all UCBA students on a regular or drop-in
basis. It is equipped with supplementary texts and materials, is staffed by academic tutors and is administered by a
member of the Mathematics Department. Its located in 112G Muntz Hall. The hours are M-Th 8am 8pm, Fri 8am
5pm. And Sat 12pm 4pm. Kevin Keller is the Lab Manager. Phone: 936-5760.
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Our library is located in 117 Muntz Hall, just beyond the food court area. This space includes printing facilities,
computers, books, periodicals, study space, and rooms that can be reserved for group work. Please see the
website for updated hours and services:
Counseling Services
Counseling services are available to provide a healthy and supportive environment for student success through
services that address the developmental, clinical, and preventive needs of students. Our therapist is Jill Trigg.
Services are available to UC Blue Ash matriculated students free of charge. Call 513-745-5670 to schedule.
General Education [Only for General Education Courses]
[Course name, e.g., English Composition] comprises a set of university-wide required General Education courses
that are designed to help you develop knowledge and skills as you work to achieve the four Baccalaureate
Competencies. The Baccalaureate Competencies are the critical abilities shared by all educated persons, and they
comprise a major component of the General Education Program. There are four Baccalaureate Competencies:
Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Knowledge Integration, and Social Responsibility. [Course name, e.g.,
English Composition] focuses on [Choose appropriate ones, e.g., Critical Thinking] and [Effective Communication]
More information on General Education Course Syllabi can be found here:
Blackboard Help
For Blackboard password issues, contact the Blackboard help desk at 513-556-1602 or
Blue Ash offers technology and Blackboard workshops for students, free of charge. Please see this website for
more information: Furthermore, for quick little video tutorials
for some common Blackboard tasks, like posting to a discussion board, checking grades, or submitting
assignments, this website contains short, helpful clips:
Emergency Cancellation Policy
If this class must be cancelled due to an emergency, the cancellation will be posted as an announcement on
Blackboard as soon as possible, and an announcement will be placed on the door to the classroom. If you do not
have access to Blackboard before leaving for class, you may want to exchange phone numbers with someone in
class who can pass on this announcement.
Weather Cancellation Policy
In the event our campus closes due to inclement weather, an announcement will be posted on the university’s
website as well as blackboard and local television news outlets. You can also sign up to receive text messages that
alert you to any closures or emergencies. For more information see:
Drop/Withdraw Dates
Students should refer to the proper deadlines calendar to ensure that they will receive a full or partial refund for
dropping a course or to ensure they meet the deadline for withdrawing from a course.
If you receive financial aid, you should check with a financial aid adviser before dropping or withdrawing from a
coursethis can affect your aid. See this website for more information:
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Academic Progress Report:
Many students need or want to meet with their professors to complete academic progress reports throughout the
term. You may need to do this if you:
are in the College Program for Academic Success (CPAS)
are a student-athlete
are receiving a scholarship or grant
want additional feedback on your academic performance for yourself or your advisor
In order to have a productive discussion that gives you valuable feedback, please come to my office hours or make
an appointment. Please fill-out the first part of the form and bring it to our meeting so that we can complete the
second section together.
The UCBA Academic Progress Report is a required form for CPAS students and is available for all students to use.
The form is posted under the Resources section of the UCBA Advising Center’s CPAS webpage at
Bearcat Bond
As a member of the University of Cincinnati, I will uphold the principles for a Just Community and the values of
respect, responsibility, and inclusiveness. I will promote the highest levels of personal and academic honesty and
aspire continuously to better myself, the Bearcat community, and the world.
Academic Excellence
Responsibility and Empowerment
Civility and Community
Scheduled University Holidays or Breaks
You may also want to provide a list of days where there is no school for the university. Such days can be viewed on
the university calendar in the link above.
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College Program for Academic Success (CPAS)
The College Program for Academic Success is an intensive, support program for students who are conditionally
admitted to the college. CPAS supports the college’s mission to provide opportunities to students from a wide
array of backgrounds, but it goes even further: It also helps at-risk students to succeed and reach their goals.
CPAS students are required to meet bi-weekly with their academic advisors and take specific courses, with the goal
of developing study skills and a strong academic foundation during their first year in college. CPAS students are
required to utilize UCBA academic support systems (i.e., tutoring labs) and to meet with their professors to
complete Academic Progress Reports several times each term. Students must meet a minimum percentage of
participation in these CPAS activities in order to be eligible to register for the next term. In addition, each CPAS
student is required to earn a minimum grade point average and earn 67% of the credit hours attempted each
semester. After successfully completing two semesters in CPAS, students are granted regular admission.
Students who do not meet the program requirements are excused from the university for one year and are
encouraged to pursue work, volunteer, or other educational opportunities so that they can return to UCBA better
prepared for the challenges of college.
Faculty members often ask what they can do to help CPAS students. Here are some helpful tips and advice to help
CPAS and other students:
Encourage CPAS students, just as you would any other student. You can help CPAS students by
promoting their participation in class. Let them know that asking appropriate questions is a sign of a good
student and that you are available to meet with them. CPAS activities are designed to help students learn
to take the responsibility for their own success, and they are encouraged to identify themselves to you
early in the term. Except for meeting to complete Academic Progress Reports, you do not need to provide
extra or unusual support for CPAS students.
In your syllabus, please include directions for meeting with you to complete Academic Progress Reports.
The purpose of the report is to provide a structured discussion between you and the student.
This is to help the student develop the habit of interacting with faculty and seeking individualized support
when needed. The program tells students to either attend your office hours or make an appointment to
do this. NOTE: Please avoid completing the form without meeting with the student. Most faculty
members report that these meetings only take about 10-15 minutes.
Encourage students to utilize the UCBA tutoring centers and to participate in productive study groups.
Use the Starfish Early Alert system to report academic concerns to the UCBA Advising Center. Alerts for
CPAS students are sent to their CPAS Advisors, who can help them make changes to address problems.
Contact a faculty member of the CPAS Committee or the CPAS Advising Coordinator, Cathy Willoughby,
if you have any questions!
Each fall and spring semester, the Office of Institutional Research will provide unit heads with a list of courses in
which CPAS students are enrolled. If you have an excessive number of CPAS students that would prohibit you from
meeting individually with students to complete progress reports, please contact Cathy Willoughby
( make alternate arrangements to provide feedback to the students and the advisors.
You can find more information about CPAS at the Advising Center’s webpage:
The Academic Progress Report form is also posted there under the Resources link.
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Academic Misconduct Guidelines
This Q&A” on academic misconduct includes -
Link to formal university guidelines and resources pertaining to misconduct.
Suggestions for preventing academic misconduct
Procedures / process to follow should misconduct nonetheless occur.
Clarification of role(s) of College Conduct Administrator (Greg Metz at UCBA).
How I can serve as a resource for instructors or students as regards misconduct.
Establish expectations up front be positive yet pragmatic. Place a link to the UC student code of conduct on your
syllabus -
Indicate that you expect integrity; specify unacceptable practices
Should a misconduct allegation be necessary
Notify the student in a sensitive and civil manner and per procedures below.
Follow process per below
Feel free to consult me at any time
Look for the “teachable moments” yet employ sanctions when appropriate and applicable.
Where can I find formal University of Cincinnati information on academic misconduct definitions,
procedures to follow with students, forms related to procedures and resources as well as suggestions for
This link provides:
Forms utilized to report misconduct (see link at very top)
Examples of types of academic misconduct
Suggestions for educating students to avoid misconduct
How can/should I respond to academic misconduct should I encounter it?
Phase 1 – Less Formal Allegation of Misconduct & (Possible) Negotiated Resolution (per Form A which can be
accessed in web link cited above).
Notify studente-mail or in person - that you suspect academic misconduct. Notice should be
provided ASAP but within 10 days of suspecting academic misconduct.
In notification, make sure you include -
What you believe happened
That student has five days to respond before any action would be taken
That student can and should remain in class without prejudice or bias pending
Sanction you would impose were allegation to be accepted
An offer to meet with you to discuss allegation
You may notify student in-person, via e-mail or via letter.
You may allude to all of the items in “form A” or utilize form A.
What happens once the student is notified of an allegation?
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Following receipt of allegation student has 5 days to -
Accept responsibility regarding allegation and accept sanction
Request a review meeting with instructor
If student accepts the responsibility the instructor may provide a copy to College
Conduct Administrator (Greg Metz) highly recommend but not required.
Alternatively, the student may dispute either allegation or sanction.
What role(s) can College Conduct Administrator (CCA) serve in process?
Student can consult with CCA during process.
Instructor can consult with CCA during process.
Phase 2 - Formal Sanction Notice and Response Phase
If student does not respond within five days, denies allegation or challenges
Send student “Form B”.
If student does not respond within 5 days, allegation/sanction
Possible other responses to Form B include
Student accepts responsibility and sanction
Allegation and sanction stand.
Student disputes either; requests College Hearing
What options and/or obligations does instructor have as regards reporting misconduct?
Failure on an assignment may be reported to CCA highly encouraged but not required.
Failure of course must be reported to CCA.
CCA will inform Office of Judicial Affairs.
Phase 3 – College Hearing Panel
If student challenges allegation or sanction student can request College Hearing
A College Hearing Panel consists of
A faculty member (from Academic Actions Committee).
A student (from Student Government or tribunal
CCA (for UCBA Dean Greg Metz).
CHP conducts hearing and makes recommendation to Dean
These can include dismiss allegation, approve sanction, reduce
sanction or increase sanction.
*If you have any questions about Academic Misconduct or would like to discuss a specific situation, please contact
Greg Metz at, or 936-1641.
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Other UC Benefits for You
Learning and Teaching Center
Our UCBA Learning and Teaching Center (
) can
assist you in finding ideas for dealing with difficult students, getting students engaged in the classroom, and
developing innovative and rigorous classroom activities and assessments. Check the website for calendar updates
on workshops being offered, and keep an eye out on your UC email for announcements about upcoming seminars.
UCBA Library
As an adjunct, you are entitled to three-week loan privileges at all UC Libraries, including ours, when you present
your Faculty ID card. You also have access to all the University electronic databases and OhioLink media. You can
access our library website by going to Our library liaison is Ms. Kellie Tilton
(kellie.tilt[email protected]) she is the primary contact person for our department if you need any assistance with
library-based research.
Adjunct Faculty Shared Office Space
Shared adjunct faculty office space is available in room 213 in Muntz Hall. Contact your department chair to gain
access to using this office space.
Employee Self Service (ESS) Site
This website is essential to view and edit your personal information. You can set up
direct deposit, retrieve tax documents, and view pay stub information. You can also contact the Business Affairs
Office for assistance. 513-745-5560. For off campus access, you must first log into the UC VPN: and then navigate to ESS.
Tuition Remission
Adjuncts are eligible to take some classes without paying tuition. 3 credit hours of tuition remission is accrued per
term taught. The free tuition credit hours must be used within 12 months of accrual. You can find additional
information at
Getting Your UC Paycheck
Adjuncts are paid MONTHLY. Payment occurs on the last business day of the month. See the table below for a pay
schedule. You will receive your pay information by way of a teaching contract that must be signed and returned to
the dean’s office Muntz 140. You can set up direct deposit on the Employee Self Service site.
Term Adjunct Appointments & Pay Schedule
Appointment Term
Appointment Dates
Equal Monthly Pay at the End of
Full Semester
August 15 - December 31
September, October, November, December
1 - April 30 January, February, March, April
1 – August 14 May, June, July, August
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Guidelines for Appointments of Adjunct Faculty
Overview & FTE Calculations
Adjunct appointments are, by definition, part-time and are classified according to their full-time equivalency (FTE). The
calculation of FTE is based on the principle that one semester credit hour equals 6% FTE.
The basic FTE calculation is a characterization of the work effort in any given week during the term, not of the
aggregate work effort across an entire academic term.
The FTE limits described above apply to the individual faculty member, not to one academic unit's appointment of
that individual. Sometimes two or more academic units appoint the same individual in a single term. His or her FTE is
based on total credit hours taught in all units of the university, and while each unit may wish to appoint the person as
a term adjunct, the FTE calculation may necessitate an appointment as an annual adjunct.
Appointment & Pay Guidelines
Term Adjuncts: A term adjunct may not be appointed for more than one semester at a time- even if the unit intends
to appoint that individual for more than one semester in a year. Despite that limitation and despite the 8.33 credit-
hour limit cited in Table 1above, a unit may appoint a term adjunct to 9.0 credit hours in one semester, provided that
person's appointment in the other semester of the same academic year is low enough that the total credit hours for
the year do not exceed 16.67. For a term adjunct to teach more than 9 credit hours in one term or to teach more than
16.67 credit hours in two semesters of the same academic year, the academic unit and college must request an
exception. See below for details on requesting exceptions.
Annual Adjuncts: As the title suggests, an annual adjunct receives a single appointment for an
entire year (12
months), accruing pay over two semesters but paid in twelve equal monthly
installments. Unless an annual
adjunct appointment is initiated in January, all annual adjunct
appointments coincide with the academic year as
newly defined for semesters: August 15
through August 14. Assuming an appointment at the beginning of the
academic year, benefits, with the exception of tuition remission, become effective for annual adjunct faculty
on October
1(the first day of the month following 28 days of employment). Tuition remission becomes
effective for an annual adjunct as of the beginning of the semester in which he or she teaches.
In general, an annual adjunct's teaching load should not exceed 10.83 credit hours in a single
semester or 21.67
credit hours in the two semesters of a single academic year; those limits are
associated with 49.99% FTE.
However, the annual adjunct may exceed the 10.83-credit limit in
one semester, provided a commensurate
reduction in credit hours is made in the other
semester of the same academic year, provided that the total
credit hours in any single semester
do not exceed 12, and provided the total credit hours for the year do not
exceed 21.67. For
example, an annual adjunct may teach four 3-credit courses in fall semester and two 3-credit
courses in spring semester without requesting an exception. A unit that assigns an annual
adjunct more than
Table 1: Adjunct Titles & FTE Ranges
Title Class
FTE Range
Credit-Hour Range
Per Semester
Per Year (2 Semesters)
Term Adjunct
0% throuqh 49%
0.00 to 8.33
Annual Adjunct
50% throuqh 64%
8.33 to 10.83
16.67 to 21.67
Represented Adjunct
65% through 99%
10.83 to 16.67
21.67 to 33.33
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10.83 credit hours in fall with intention of assigning commensurately fewer credit hours in spring must request
an exception if plans change and would result in an
assignment greater than 21.67 for the two semesters of the
same academic year.
Represented Adjuncts: A part-time faculty member whose regular teaching load equals or
exceeds 65% FTE,
must become a member of the AAUP bargaining unit with compensation and
other terms of employment
governed by the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Entrance
into the bargaining unit is not automatically
triggered by a person's occasionally exceeding the
FTE threshold through exceptions. Nor can a unit simply
decide to redefine a position as
"represented" by increasing the teaching load of a term or annual adjunct; such
redefinition of a
position requires approval through Vacancy Review and typically requires a formal search to fill
the position.
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Adjunct Faculty Promotion Policy
Recommended Guidelines
The Academic Dean’s Office, at approximately the second week of fall semester, will disseminate
to the current adjunct faculty the information concerning adjunct promotion. This information
should include the departmental criteria for promotion as well as the department and college
timetables for adjunct promotion. In each subsequent semester (both spring and summer), this
information will be sent to new adjunct faculty.
Eligibility requirements follow the AAUP Guidelines, which are as follows: “Faculty with the title of
Adjunct Instructor or Adjunct Assistant Professor are eligible to apply for promotion to the next
rank after serving as an adjunct faculty member for a minimum of 10 semesters in the University
(calculated cumulatively not consecutively), 8 of which must be in the academic unit in which the
promotion is being sought. The faculty member must have an active appointment in that unit at
the time of application for promotion. A faculty member must also serve at one rank before
moving on to another rank. That is, 20 or more semesters of service would not make one eligible
to be promoted two levels above the current rank. The longevity requirement stated above must
also be met for eligibility for all subsequent promotions except for the promotion to Adjunct
Professor. Eligibility for promotion to Adjunct Professor will not have a longevity requirement but
will be based on the unit’s assessment of the faculty member’s contributions to the instructional
goals of that unit.”
Evidence of teaching effectiveness and accessibility to students Additionally, units may also
consider evidence of
Curriculum development
Professional development
Participation in University governance
Contribution to the unit
Other relevant factors such as community service, etc.
Recommended Timetable
Adjunct faculty promotional applications are due to the chairperson of the department by the end
of the last day of fall term. Minimally, such an application should include:
Letter from the candidate
A current curriculum vitae
Evidence of effectiveness in teaching
A departmental letter acting on the promotion application should be sent to the Dean by the fifth
week of spring term. A copy of this departmental letter should be sent to the adjunct faculty
requesting promotion at least one week prior to forwarding it to the Dean.
A letter stating the Dean’s decision on the promotion application should be sent to the adjunct
faculty requesting promotion no later than May 15. A copy of this letter should also be forwarded
to the chairperson of the department.
If the application is approved, the promotion will take effect on August 15.
Adjunct Ranks
The ranks for adjunct faculty are: Adjunct Instructor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct
Associate Professor and Adjunct Professor.
Former full-time University of Cincinnati faculty who return as adjunct faculty will retain their