Rev. 05/2021
These Home Resort Rules and Regulations (the “Rules and Regulations”) have been designed to govern the use and
operation of the Home Resort Reservation Component at each Disney Vacation Club Resort as well as provide Club
Members with information concerning the use of the Home Resort Reservation Component at each Disney Vacation Club
Resort. The DVC Operator (defined below) may amend these Rules and Regulations from time to time, as it determines
necessary in its discretion.
1. Annual Dues shall mean that portion of the operating budget for a Club Member’s Home Resort that has been assessed
against that individual Club Member’s Ownership Interest together with the Club Member’s proportionate share of the ad
valorem taxes for the Ownership Interest.
2. Association shall mean the owners’ association for each DVC Resort.
3. Banking shall mean the act of a Club Member in deferring the use of all or a portion of the Club Member’s Home Resort
Vacation Points from the current Use Year into the next succeeding Use Year.
4. Borrowing shall mean the act of a Club Member in using all or a portion of the Club Member’s Home Resort Vacation
Points from the next succeeding Use Year for the purpose of making a reservation in the immediately preceding Use Year.
5. Breakage shall mean those Use Days which have not been reserved by Club Members prior to the commencement of
the Breakage Period, the use of which may only be reserved by Club Members pursuant to the priorities set forth in these
Rules and Regulations.
6. Breakage Period shall mean the sixty (60) day period preceding a given Use Day, including the Holding Period.
7. Club or Disney Vacation Club shall mean the Disney Vacation Club. The Club is not a legal entity or association of any
kind, but rather is a service name for the services and benefits appurtenant to and the restrictions imposed upon the use and
enjoyment of Ownership Interests. These services presently include, among other things, the operation of a central
reservation system consisting of the Home Resort Reservation Component and the DVC Reservation Component.
8. Club Member or Member shall mean the owner of record of an Ownership Interest.
9. DVC Membership Identification shall mean the Disney Vacation Club Membership Card, digital DVC Membership
Identification, or any other types of identification issued to each Club Member named on the deed of an Ownership Interest.
10. DVC Operator shall mean the entity responsible for operating the Home Resort Reservation Component for each DVC
Resort and shall mean, as applicable, either Disney Vacation Club Management, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, its
successors and assigns, formerly known as Disney Vacation Club Management Corp., a Florida corporation, or Disney
Vacation Club Hawaii Management Company, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, its successors and assigns.
11. DVC Reservation Component shall mean the exchange component of the Club central reservation system through
which Vacation Homes in any DVC Resort may be reserved using DVC Vacation Points.
12. DVC Resort shall mean each Disney Vacation Club Resort, including the Club Member’s Home Resort, in which eligible
Club Members are entitled to access and use the DVC Reservation Component and other applicable Club services and
13. DVC Vacation Points shall mean Vacation Points used by a Club Member to make a reservation through the DVC
Reservation Component at a DVC Resort.
14. DVD shall mean Disney Vacation Development, Inc.
15. External Exchange Documents shall mean all information provided to Club Members, from time to time, regarding the
operation of any External Exchange Program.
16. External Exchange Program shall mean the contractual arrangement between or among DVC Operator, an Association,
or individual Club Members and an external exchange company or companies under which Club Members may request and
reserve, under certain conditions, the use of accommodations in resorts other than the DVC Resorts.
17. Fixed Ownership Interest shall mean an Ownership Interest with the attendant right to reserve and use a specific
Vacation Home type during a specific period of time each Use Year.
18. Guaranteed Reservation shall mean an automatic reservation made on behalf of a Club Member who owns a Fixed
Ownership Interest.
19. Guest shall mean a non-Club Member staying with or on behalf of a Club Member at a DVC Resort.
20. Holding Period shall mean the sixty (60) day period preceding a given Use Day.
21. Holding Account Vacation Points shall mean those Home Resort Vacation Points which have reservation rights
restricted to the Holding Period because of a late cancellation by a Club Member.
22. Home Resort shall mean any DVC Resort in which a Club Member owns an Ownership Interest, which Ownership
Interest is symbolized by Home Resort Vacation Points.
23. Home Resort Priority Period shall mean the period of time at each DVC Resort during which only Club Members having
an Ownership Interest at that DVC Resort are entitled to request a reservation for the Vacation Homes at that DVC Resort
through that DVC Resort’s Home Resort Reservation Component.
24. Home Resort Reservation Component shall mean the component of the Club central reservation system through which
Vacation Homes may be reserved using Home Resort Vacation Points pursuant to the priorities, restrictions and limitations
established for the Club and each DVC Resort, including those set forth in these Rules and Regulations.
25. Home Resort Vacation Points shall mean Vacation Points symbolizing an Ownership Interest at a Home Resort and
which Vacation Points may be used to reserve Vacation Homes at that Home Resort where that Ownership Interest is held.
26. Home Resort Vacation Points Chart shall mean the chart that shows the number of Home Resort Vacation Points
required to make a reservation for one of the various Vacation Homes at a given DVC Resort for a given Use Day.
27. Member Services shall mean the division that handles and processes reservation requests and other Club Member
services for the Club from time to time.
28. Ownership Interest shall mean the property interest in a DVC Resort.
29. Reservation Points shall mean Home Resort Vacation Points used to reserve accommodations at a non-DVC Resort,
except accommodations available through the RCI
External Exchange Program.
30. Rules and Regulations shall mean these Home Resort Rules and Regulations which DVC Operator in its discretion
determines are necessary or desirable from time to time in order to implement and enforce the provisions of the Disney
Vacation Club Membership Agreement for each DVC Resort.
31. Special Event Right shall mean the right of a Club Member who owns a designated Fixed Ownership Interest to reserve
Use Days during which a special event, as designated by DVC Operator in its discretion, occurs in each calendar year.
32. Special Season Preference List shall mean any reservation list established by Member Services from time to time for
high demand Use Days at a given DVC Resort created for the purpose of allowing Club Members to have an opportunity to
reserve these Use Days.
33. Transfer shall mean the assignment by one Club Member (other than DVD) of the use of the Club Member’s Home
Resort Vacation Points to another Club Member (other than DVD) during a given Use Year.
34. Unit shall mean that portion of a DVC Resort which is subject to exclusive ownership by one or more persons.
35. Use Day shall mean a twenty-four (24) hour period, or such lesser period as may be designated by DVC Operator from
time to time, during which a Vacation Home subject to reservation and use by Club Members.
36. Use Year shall mean the twelve (12) month period beginning on the first day of the month designated for each
Ownership Interest. The Use Year shall continue for successive twelve (12) month periods.
37. Vacation Home shall mean and refer to those portions of a Unit designed and intended for separate use and occupancy.
38. Vacation Point shall mean the symbolic unit of measuring the respective rights of a Club Member to enjoy the
benefits of the Ownership Interest within the Club.
39. Wait List shall mean the waiting list for Club Members who wish to make a reservation for Use Days that are currently
unavailable for reservation as set forth in these Rules and Regulations.
1. Home Resort Vacation Points. When a Club Member purchases an Ownership Interest at a DVC Resort, he or she will
receive an annual allotment of Home Resort Vacation Points. To encourage purchase for personal use, Owners, whether
in the name of the Owner or those related to or associated with such Owner (e.g., a corporation controlled by such Owner
or relative), and other than DVD or any parent, subsidiary or affiliate of DVD, may not aggregate Ownership Interests so as
to compile more than 4,000 Home Resort Vacation Points per DVC Resort or an aggregate of 8,000 Home Resort Vacation
Points at all DVC Resorts, unless it is approved by DVD in its sole, absolute, and unfettered discretion. Further, use by
corporations or other business entities (other than DVD, DVCMC, DVCHMC or BVTC) is strictly limited to recreational use
by their directors, officers, principals, or employees.
Some important things to know about Home Resort Vacation Points:
a. Home Resort Vacation Points represent the amount of real estate that a Club Member has purchased at a particular
DVC Resort. The DVC Resort in which a Club Member purchases an Ownership Interest is that Club Member’s
“Home Resort.” Home Resort Vacation Points are for administrative convenience in the reservation of Vacation
Homes and have no value of their own. A Club Member may own an Ownership Interest at more than one DVC
Resort. If so, the Club Member must consider each DVC Resort where he or she owns an Ownership Interest to
be that Club Member’s Home Resort only as to the Ownership Interest that he or she owns at that DVC Resort.
b. Home Resort Vacation Points provide Club Members access to the Home Resort Reservation Component run by
Member Services. The various Vacation Homes have been assigned Home Resort Vacation Point values based
on such factors as the type of the Unit, season of the year, and expected demand.
c. Home Resort Vacation Points are allotted annually on the first day of the first month of the Club Member’s Use
Year. Use Years are described in more detail in paragraph 4 of this Article II.
d. Club Members will be allotted the same number of Home Resort Vacation Points every year. Home Resort
Vacation Points must either be used for a reservation, Banked, Borrowed, Transferred, or used for an exchange
during the Use Year for which they are allotted, or they will expire.
e. To initiate any transaction involving Home Resort Vacation Points, Club Members must submit a request to Member
Services by phone, e-mail, in writing, or via the DVC Website. The appropriate number of Home Resort Vacation
Points are debited from the Club Member’s account when the reservation is confirmed.
2. DVC Vacation Points. To make a reservation at a DVC Resort other than the Club Member’s Home Resort, an eligible
Club Member must participate in the DVC Reservation Component by converting all or a portion of the Club Member’s Home
Resort Vacation Points into DVC Vacation Points. Home Resort Vacation Points may not be converted into DVC Vacation
Points except in connection with making a reservation through the DVC Reservation Component. If a Club Member has
Ownership Interests in more than one DVC Resort, Home Resort Vacation Points from multiple DVC Resorts may be
combined as DVC Vacation Points for reservations made less than seven (7) months in advance. Club Members cannot
apply Home Resort Vacation Points from one DVC Resort as DVC Vacation Points to any other DVC Resort during the
destination DVC Resort’s Home Resort Priority Period. Special rules also apply to Special Season Preference Lists.
3. Reservation Points. Reservation Points are Home Resort Vacation Points used to reserve accommodations at non-
DVC Resorts, except accommodations available through the RCI® External Exchange Program. Currently, one (1)
Reservation Point is equivalent to one (1) annually allotted Home Resort Vacation Point in the central reservation system.
Reservation Points have no other relationship with or comparison to Home Resort Vacation Points, and Reservation Points
are established for convenience of reference only. Reservation Points expire at the end of the Use Year in which they are
allotted. Reservation Points cannot be Banked, Borrowed, Transferred, or used to reserve accommodations through the
RCI® External Exchange Program, nor to reserve Vacation Homes at DVC Resorts. Reservation Points cannot be returned
to a Club Member as Home Resort Vacation Points.
4. Use Years. A Use Year is a twelve (12) month period beginning on the first day of a month. A Club Member’s Use
Year may be printed on the purchase agreement or deed or is available by contacting Member Services. Subject to the
limited exceptions set forth in paragraph 5 of this Article II, at any given time, there are two (2) active Use Years—the current
Use Year and the successive or next Use Year. Club Members may make reservations, Bank, Borrow, Transfer, or
exchange Home Resort Vacation Points allotted during the two (2) active Use Years only. (Banking, Borrowing, and
Transferring are described in paragraphs 5 and 6 of this Article II. Exchanges are described in Article V).
5. Banking and Borrowing Home Resort Vacation Points. Club Members may expand their vacation options by
“Borrowing” Home Resort Vacation Points from the next succeeding Use Year to secure a reservation in the immediately
preceding Use Year. Club Members may increase their future vacation options or save unused Home Resort Vacation
Points by “Banking” Vacation Points from the current Use Year into the next Use Year. Home Resort Vacation Points may
be Banked or Borrowed within the same Home Resort only. Banking and Borrowing procedures are as follows:
a. Banking Home Resort Vacation Points. Any time during the first eight (8) calendar months of a Club Member’s
Use Year, a Club Member may Bank up to one hundred percent (100%) of their annual allotment of Home
Resort Vacation Points to the next Use Year. After the first eight (8) calendar months of a Club Member’s Use
Year, Members cannot Bank any portion of their annual allotment of Home Resort Vacation Points for that Use
Year. In order for Banked Home Resort Vacation Points to be used for a reservation, the Home Resort Vacation
Points must be Banked before the reservation is made. Once Banked, Home Resort Vacation Points cannot
be Banked again into another Use Year. Also, Banked Home Resort Vacation Points cannot be returned to
their original Use Year and will expire if not used. From time to time, the DVC Operator, in its discretion, may
provide for extended Banking rights to Club Members during their first Use Year.
b. Borrowing Home Resort Vacation Points. A Club Member may Borrow under the following rules:
1) Club Members may Borrow up to one hundred percent (100%) of their allotted Home Resort Vacation Points
from their next succeeding Use Year to secure a reservation in the immediately preceding Use Year.
2) Once Borrowed, Home Resort Vacation Points cannot be returned to their original Use Year and will expire if
not used by the end of the Use Year into which they were Borrowed. However, if a Club Member purchases
an additional Ownership Interest after Borrowing Home Resort Vacation Points, that Club Member may
substitute newly allocated Home Resort Vacation Points of a current Use Year for the Borrowed Home Resort
Vacation Points that were used toward a future reservation, and the Borrowed Home Resort Vacation Points
will be returned to their original Use Year.
3) Club Members may only Borrow Home Resort Vacation Points when they are ready to make a reservation
and only if additional Home Resort Vacation Points are needed. Member Services will first use Home Resort
Vacation Points available in the current Use Year before Borrowing Home Resort Vacation Points from the
next succeeding Use Year when making a reservation.
c. Banking and Borrowing Limitations.
1) To be eligible to participate in Banking and Borrowing, Club Members must be current on their Annual
Dues, other sums due an Association, monthly loan payments (if applicable), and any other outstanding
balances, including fees associated with any exchange programs, miscellaneous services booked by
Member Services in connection with Club Member reservations, and any incidental charges or balances
due in relation to stays reserved through the Club’s central reservation system.
2) The total number of Home Resort Vacation Points combined from Home Resort Vacation Points that are
allotted, Banked, and Borrowed may not exceed three-hundred percent (300%) of the Club Member’s Home
Resort Vacation Point allotment for the current Use Year.
3) Banking or Borrowing may be suspended or limited by DVC Operator from time to time, in its discretion, in
order to maintain a proper balance of reservations and Home Resort Vacation Points in the Club’s central
reservation system.
d. Canceling Reservations Made With Banked or Borrowed Home Resort Vacation Points.
1) If a Club Member cancels a confirmed reservation that was made using Banked or Borrowed Home Resort
Vacation Points, the Banked or Borrowed Home Resort Vacation Points will not be returned to their original
Use Year.
2) If the reservation is canceled more than thirty (30) days before the arrival date, then those Banked or Borrowed
Home Resort Vacation Points remain available for another reservation during the same Use Year into which
the Vacation Points were Banked or Borrowed.
3) If the reservation is canceled thirty (30) or fewer days before the arrival date, then those Banked or Borrowed
Home Resort Vacation Points are placed in the Holding Account. Holding Account Vacation Points may be
used for another reservation during the same Use Year into which the Vacation Points were Banked or
Borrowed subject to the rules of the Holding Account (see Article III, paragraph 13 - “Holding Account Vacation
4) All Vacation Points applied to a reservation are considered used starting on the reservation arrival date. If a
reservation is canceled on the date of arrival, the Vacation Points will not be refunded.
e. No Retrieval of Banked or Borrowed Home Resort Vacation Points. Once Home Resort Vacation Points have
been Banked or Borrowed, they may not be returned to their original Use Year except as noted in section 5.b.2) of
this Article.
6. Transferring Home Resort Vacation Points Between Club Members. Transfers allow a Club Member to assign all
or a portion of the Club Member’s Home Resort Vacation Points to another Club Member. Transfers are subject to the
following restrictions:
a. Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points associated with any Ownership Interest owned by a Club Member
who did not purchase such Ownership Interest directly from DVD may not be used for any Club Member benefit
program that does not transfer with the acquisition of the Ownership Interest (including the benefit programs
currently known as the Membership Extras).
b. In order to give or receive a Transfer, both the Club Member Transferring the Home Resort Vacation Points
and the Club Member receiving the Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points must be owners of their
respective Ownership Interests (i.e., not be pending purchasers) and be current on their Annual Dues, other
sums due an Association, monthly loan payments (if applicable), and any other outstanding balances, including
fees associated with any exchange programs, miscellaneous services booked by Member Services in
connection with Club Member reservations, and any incidental charges or balances due in relation to stays
reserved through the Club’s central reservation system.
c. All Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points retain the Use Year of the Transferring Club Member’s Ownership
Interest and expire at the end of the Use Year of the Transferring Club Member’s Ownership Interest, unless
they are Banked.
d. Once Banked, Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points will expire at the end of the next Use Year of the
Transferring Club Member’s Ownership Interest, unless they are used. In addition, Transferred Home Resort
Vacation Points cannot be un-Banked or returned to their original Use Year.
e. The Club Member who is Transferring the Home Resort Vacation Points to another Club Member is still
responsible for the Annual Dues payment on those Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points.
f. Banked or Borrowed Home Resort Vacation Points may not be Transferred.
g. Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points may not be Borrowed or returned to the Transferring Club Member.
h. If a Transfer occurs between Club Members from different Home Resorts, the Transferred Home Resort
Vacation Points retain all the reservation rights of the Transferring Member.
1) The recipient of the Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points may use them to make a reservation at the
Transferring Member’s Home Resort during the Home Resort Priority Period or at other qualified DVC
Resorts after the Home Resort Priority Period and any other applicable priority periods.
2) The recipient of the Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points may not use the Transferring Member’s Home
Resort Vacation Points at the recipient Member’s Home Resort until the end of the Home Resort Priority Period
and any other applicable priority periods.
i. Transfer requests may be made by phone and must be confirmed in writing, by mail, fax, or e-mail to Member
Services. DVC Operator and Member Services will not assist Members in finding another Member for a Transfer
j. Club Members are expressly prohibited from receiving compensation for engaging in any Transfer activity.
k. During a given Use Year, only one (1) Transfer per Club Member or Club membership, either as Transferee or
Transferor, will be permitted.
l. DVC Operator may prohibit a Transfer, not permit to be made (or cancel a reservation already made) with
Transferred Home Resort Vacation Points, or suspend or terminate a Club Member’s right to Transfer if DVC
Operator determines, in its discretion, that the Transfer activity is for commercial purposes.
7. Increasing Annual Home Resort Vacation Point Allotment with Additional Ownership Interests. Club Members may
permanently increase their annual allotment of Home Resort Vacation Points by purchasing an Additional Ownership
Interest, or “Add-On.”
a. Additional Ownership Interests may have the same Use Year as previously purchased Ownership Interests.
b. Certain minimum purchases of Additional Ownership Interests will be established, but may change from time-to-
time. Club Members will be notified of the current minimum purchase requirements at the time that they request to
purchase an Add-On.
c. For sales made by DVD, in the year that the Club Member obtains ownership of the Additional Ownership Interest,
Annual Dues on Additional Ownership Interests may be calculated by prorating the Annual Dues from the date of
the purchase agreement, the first day of the Club Member’s Use Year, the date on which the Club Member’s Unit
is available for occupancy by Club Members to the end of the calendar year, or any other method of proration as
determined by DVD in its sole, absolute, and unfettered discretion.
8. Completion of Construction. With respect to any Ownership Interest which has been deeded prior to the completion of
construction of the Unit containing such Ownership Interest, a Club Member may only use Vacation Points associated with
the Ownership Interest to make reservations for an occupancy date that will occur after the completion of construction of the
1. Member Services. Club Member reservations for DVC Resorts are taken by Member Services. Current operating hours
are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Prevailing
Time). Member Services is closed on holidays and hours are subject to change. In addition, online reservation booking and
international toll-free contact numbers for reservations are available via the DVC Website. Online reservation booking is
currently only available for Vacation Point reservations at DVC Resorts.
a. Member Services Reservation Lines. To speak with a Member Services Vacation Advisor by phone, Club
Members may call the following numbers:
1-800-800-9800 United States, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and most of Canada
1-407-566-3800 All Other Countries
b. Fax Line and E-mail Address. For Club Members who do not find it convenient to call during normal operating
hours, Member Services will accept reservation requests and most other reservation-related correspondence via
fax or e-mail from all countries:
Fax Number: 1-407-938-4151
E-mail Address: [email protected]
c. Communications for the Hearing Impaired. Hearing-impaired Club Members may contact Member Services via
Live Chat on the DVC website during normal Member Services operating hours.
2. Types of Club Members and Who Can Make a Reservation.
a. A “Purchaser” is any person who is named on the deed conveying the Ownership Interest. Purchasers are also
referred to as “Club Members.” The Primary Purchaser is the first person named on the deed. All financial
information pertaining to the Club membership, including Annual Dues statements and Form 1098 (reporting
mortgage interest), will be mailed to the Primary Purchaser. To designate a different Primary Purchaser, a request
must be submitted to Membership Administration and must be signed by all Purchasers. All Purchasers have equal
ownership rights to make reservations, and all Purchasers receive DVC Membership Identification in form of a
physical card or digital identification based on their purchase.
b. An “Associate” is a person named by the Purchaser or Purchasers who is only authorized to Bank, Borrow,
and make reservations using the Club Member’s Home Resort Vacation Points. Associates do not receive
DVC Membership Identifications and are not entitled to the benefits and privileges that are available to a Club
Member. In addition, Associates may only access financial information related to Annual Dues or mortgage
loan, if any, pertaining to the Club membership, if named by the Purchaser or Purchasers in a written request
to the DVC Operator.
c. Associates are subject to all the rules and regulations to which Club Members are subject, including the
prohibition of the use of Vacation Homes for commercial purposes. Associates are also subject to the following:
1) Associates may only be Associates for a maximum of four (4) Club memberships in DVCM’s discretion.
2) The addition of an Associate to a Club Member’s account is subject to the approval of the DVC Operator
in its discretion.
3) An Associate can be removed from a Club Member’s account by DVC Operator in its discretion.
d. A “Corporate Member” is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or other entity that purchases an
Ownership Interest and is named on the deed.
e. An “Officer” is a person who has been authorized to execute the purchase documentation on behalf of a
Corporate Member. An Officer is entitled to all benefits and privileges that are available to a Club Member and
will receive DVC Membership Identification. Officers may also access Annual Dues or mortgage loan
information and make payments on behalf of the Corporate Member. The designation of an officer for a Club
Member’s account is subject to the approval of the DVC Operator in its discretion
f. An “Affiliate” is a person named by the Officer who is authorized to make reservations using the Corporate
Member’s Home Resort Vacation Points. An Affiliate must be an officer of the Corporate Member that owns
the Ownership Interest. Affiliates are entitled to receive the benefits and privileges of a Member and are issued
DVC Membership Identification. However, Affiliates may not access financial information related to the Annual
Dues and or mortgage loan pertaining to the Corporate Member’s Club membership. The designation of an
affiliate to a Club Member’s account is subject to the approval of the DVC Operator in its discretion
g. Either a Purchaser or an Associate may call Member Services to request a reservation or make a reservation
online via the DVC Website.
h. Guests are not authorized to use a Club Member’s Vacation Points to make their own reservations. Club
Members may make a reservation on behalf of a Guest.
i. The “Principal Contact” is the individual who will act on behalf of all Purchasers in case there is any
disagreement among multiple Purchasers regarding the use of an Ownership Interest. The Principal Contact
may be someone other than a Purchaser or Associate. A Principal Contact is not entitled to the benefits or
privileges of Club membership unless he or she is also a Purchaser or Associate. To designate a new Principal
Contact, a request must be submitted in writing to Membership Administration. The request must be signed
by the current Principal Contact and all Purchasers. The designation of a Principal Contract for a Club
Member’s account is subject to the approval of the DVC Operator in its discretion.
If DVC Operator, in its discretion, perceives a disagreement between or among multiple Purchasers regarding
the use of a jointly-owned Ownership Interest, DVC Operator will contact the Principal Contact for final
confirmation or cancellation of the reservation in question. In all disputes between or among Purchasers of a
jointly-owned Ownership Interest, the Principal Contact’s decision is final and will be binding upon all
Purchasers and will be upheld by DVC Operator unless DVC Operator is required to comply with a binding
court order or other binding legal process to the contrary. DVC Operator assumes no responsibility for the use
or non-use of the Ownership Interest in the event of a dispute or disagreement between or among Purchasers
or others.
3. Home Resort Vacation Points Charts. A Home Resort Vacation Points Chart lists the number of Home Resort Vacation
Points required to make a reservation for one of the various Vacation Homes at a given DVC Resort for a given Use Day.
The determination of the required number of Home Resort Vacation Points is based on the size of the Vacation Home and
expected seasonal demand for Vacation Homes at that DVC Resort. Home Resort Vacation Points Charts for the various
DVC Resorts will be updated from time to time.
4. Minimum Stay. The current minimum stay at any DVC Resort is one (1) Use Day. However, DVC Operator may require,
from time to time, that a minimum number of consecutive Use Days for a particular season or special season be reserved.
The number of consecutive Use Days required to be reserved shall in no event exceed five (5) Use Days. The minimum
stay requirement may vary from DVC Resort to DVC Resort.
5. First Come, First Served Reservations. Reservation requests for DVC Resorts are taken on a first come, first served
basis. All Vacation Homes are reserved on a space-available basis. To request a reservation at their Home Resort, Club
Members may call Member Services or make a reservation online via the DVC Website no earlier than eleven (11) months
prior to the desired check in day for a reservation of up to seven (7) consecutive days after the desired check in day.
6. Home Resort Priorities and Reservations at Other DVC Resorts.
a. Home Resort Priority Period.
1) From eleven (11) months through and including eight (8) months in advance of their desired check in day for
a reservation of up to seven (7) consecutive days after the desired check in day, Club Members have priority
access to make reservations at their Home Resort. During the Home Resort Priority Period, only Club
Members who have Ownership Interests at the Home Resort and who are using Home Resort Vacation Points
will be able to request reservations at their Home Resort.
2) Members who wish to reserve Vacation Homes at a DVC Resort that is not their Home Resort may begin
requesting reservations seven (7) months in advance of their desired check in day for a reservation of up to
seven (7) consecutive days after the desired check in day. During this period, all Club Members will be able
to request reservations at all DVC Resorts.
3) DVC Operator may increase or decrease the length of the Home Resort Priority Period; however, the Home
Resort Priority Period will be at least one (1) month except as defined in section 6.a.4).
4) During the initial year of opening of each new DVC Resort, DVC Operator may modify these reservation
windows for the new DVC Resort to give greater priority (the “Opening Priority Period”) for reservations for,
and access to, Vacation Homes at such new DVC Resort to Members with Home Resort Priority at that new
DVC Resort. The Opening Priority Period may vary for each new DVC Resort. DVC Operator, in its discretion,
will determine how long the Opening Priority Period will be for Members with Home Resort Priority as well as
for Members who own at other DVC Resorts.
b. Club Members with Ownership Interests at Multiple DVC Resorts.
1) If a Club Member has Ownership Interests in more than one DVC Resort, Home Resort Vacation Points from
multiple DVC Resorts may be combined as DVC Vacation Points for reservations made seven (7) months or
less in advance of your check in date.
2) If a Club Member requests a Home Resort reservation during the Home Resort Priority Period and the
reservation requires more Home Resort Vacation Points than the Club Member has available in that particular
Home Resort, he or she may Borrow Home Resort Vacation Points from that particular Home Resort’s next
Use Year, subject to all Borrowing rules. Or, at the end of that particular DVC Resort’s Home Priority Period,
Club Members may use their Home Resort Vacation Points from other DVC Resorts as DVC Vacation Points
to complete the reservation.
3) Club Members cannot apply Home Resort Vacation Points from one DVC Resort as DVC Vacation Points to
any other DVC Resort during the destination DVC Resort’s Home Priority Period.
7. Other Priority Periods. Other priority periods may be established from time to time, such as a continental priority period
if any DVC Resorts located outside of North America are associated as DVC Resorts.
8. Wait List. If a Club Member requests specific dates that are unavailable in a DVC Resort, then he or she may request
to be placed on a Wait List. Wait Lists are administered under the following rules:
a. Member Services will maintain a Wait List for each DVC Resort. To add their name to a Wait List, Club Members
must call, e-mail, submit a request via the DVC Website, or write Member Services with their requests.
b. Club Members may maintain up to only two (2) active Wait List requests per Club membership, per Use Year.
If there are two (2) active Wait List requests in the same Use Year for a particular Club membership and the
Member would like to be added to another Wait List, one of the existing requests must be cancelled before a
new request can be created. Each request, however, will be handled separately, and Club Members will
receive no special priority by having one or more requests on any Wait List.
c. All requests must represent the entire length of time desired in the requested Vacation Home type. Wait List
requests must be for consecutive days of a stay and may not be submitted as multiple or “night-by-night”
d. Member Services will research requests until thirty (30) days before the requested reservation is to begin. A Club
Member must call, e-mail, update their request via the DVC Website, or write Member Services if he or she would
like Member Services to continue searching for a reservation from thirty (30) to seven (7) days before the requested
arrival date. All requests that cannot be fulfilled will be removed from the Wait List.
e. Club Members requesting reservations at DVC Resorts other than their own Home Resort will not be placed on the
Wait List during that DVC Resort’s Home Resort Priority Period or, if applicable, any other priority period.
f. The Wait List does not supersede any applicable Special Season Preference Lists.
g. Member Services, in its discretion, in order to increase the efficiency of the Wait List process, will provide automatic
confirmations of matching availability for requests received. In other words, if a Wait List request is matched by
Member Services, then Member Services will confirm a reservation for the request and conflicting reservation(s)
will be cancelled. Member Services will not be obligated to contact the Club Member in advance of confirming the
Wait List request and cancelling the conflicting reservation(s). Such automatic confirmations will be issued
according to these Rules and Regulations; provided, however, that Club Members shall be advised, in advance of
making a Wait List request(s), of any additional rules relevant to automatic confirmations.
h. Member Services, in its discretion, may: (i) amend or eliminate any Wait List at any time; (ii) limit the number of
Club Members on any Wait List at any time; and (iii) limit or deny Club Member requests to join any Wait List, if
DVC Operator, in its reasonable business judgment, determines that such limitation would be for the principal
purpose of improving upon the quality and operation of the Wait List and furthering the collective enjoyment of the
use of the Club by Club Members taken as a whole.
i. Member Services, in its discretion may, from time to time, offer Club Members Wait List opportunities that can alter
or amend their Wait List options. Such opportunities will be made available according to rules established by
Member Services, and are not transferable or assignable. Club Members are not obligated to accept such
9. Breakage Period Priorities. The “Breakage Period” is the period sixty (60) days before a given Use Day. During this
period, Club Members may contact Member Services to reserve Vacation Homes or book online via the DVC website,
subject to availability. If a reservation request is not received by Member Services by the beginning of the Breakage Period,
Member Services’ ability to confirm the reservation request will be limited by and subject to the following:
a. Any reservations made by DVC Operator for Vacation Home maintenance.
b. Any reservation requests contained in the Wait List.
c. Any rental reservations made by third parties prior to Member Services’ receipt of a reservation request.
d. Any other reservation and use determined by DVC Operator in its discretion
Club Members are encouraged to submit reservation requests as far in advance as possible to obtain the best
choice of Vacation Homes and dates.
10. Special Season Preference Lists. Because of high demand for certain DVC Resorts or during certain periods, DVC
Operator may, but is not obligated to, establish Special Season Preference Lists at any one or all DVC Resorts. The purpose
of the lists is to provide all Club Members with opportunities to make reservations at high-demand DVC Resorts or during
specific high-demand periods. Club Members will receive adequate notice of the establishment of any Special Season
Preference Lists. All reservation requests that include a day covered by a Special Season Preference List are subject to the
following rules:
a. Club Members are added to a Special Season Preference List on a first come, first served basis by calling Member
Services. If more than one Special Season Preference List is established, either at a single DVC Resort or at
multiple DVC Resorts, then Club Members may sign up for each list separately. However, an Ownership Interest
may only be represented once per Special Season Preference List. Each Special Season Preference List is
administered independently of any other Special Season Preference List.
b. DVC Operator may institute minimum stay requirements for any Special Season Preference List. Reservation
requests that include a Use Day covered by a Special Season Preference List are subject to such minimum stay
c. DVC Operator may impose limitations on the number of reservations allowed per Club membership. Reservation
requests that include a Use Day covered by a Special Season Preference List are subject to such limitations on
the number of reservations per Club membership.
d. Member Services may begin contacting Club Members on the Special Season Preference List up to fifteen (15)
months before the designated special season. Club Members will be contacted in the order that their Special
Season Preference List request was received by Member Services.
e. If a Club Member accepts a reservation offered by Member Services from the Special Season Preference List, the
Club Member will be removed from that DVC Resort’s Special Season Preference List after receiving a confirmed
reservation. Club Members will also be removed from the Special Season Preference List if they confirm a special
season reservation received through a cancellation. If a Club Member declines a reservation offered by Member
Services from the Special Season Preference List the first time it is offered, the Club Member’s name will remain
on the Special Season Preference List for one (1) additional year (if applicable).
f. The second time a Club Member declines a reservation offered by Member Services from the Special Season
Preference List, the Club Member’s name will be removed from that DVC Resort’s Special Season Preference List.
Club Members who wish to remain on the same Special Season Preference List must submit a new request to
Member Services. Member Services will add their request to the bottom of that DVC Resort’s Special Season
Preference List.
g. If a Club Member cancels a confirmed reservation made through a Special Season Preference List, the Club
Member’s name will not be returned to that same list. Club Members who wish to remain on the same Special
Season Preference List must submit a new request to Member Services. Member Services will add the Club
Member’s request to the bottom of a Special Season Preference List.
h. Special Season Preference Lists are not subject to the four (4) month Home Resort Priority Period. Special Season
Preference Lists are subject to a one (1) month Home Resort Priority Period. Therefore, during the thirteenth (13
month in advance of their desired check in day, Club Members have exclusive access to reservation requests for
Special Season Preference Lists at their Home Resort. Only Club Members who have Ownership Interests at the
Home Resort and who are using Home Resort Vacation Points will be able to request reservations at their Home
Resort for reservations that are the subject of a Special Season Preference Lists. Club Members who are using
DVC Vacation Points to request reservations at a DVC Resort that is not their Home Resort and that are the subject
of a Special Season Preference Lists may begin requesting reservations twelve (12) months in advance of their
desired check in day. All other Home Resort Priority Period rules apply to reservations made off of a Special
Season Preference Lists.
i. Member Services, in its discretion may institute a lottery system for selecting Club Members from a Special Season
Preference List to receive a confirmed reservation and impose other limitations and restrictions as it deems
11. Confirmations and Vacation Home Preferences.
a. While written reservation confirmations are normally mailed or sent via email to the Primary Purchaser by Member
Services, any Club Member may request to receive the reservation confirmation instead of the Primary Purchaser.
In addition, a Club Member may request the reservation confirmation be mailed to a Guest that is not a Club
b. The confirmation specifies the particular Vacation Home type as well as arrival and departure times, check in and
check out times, and other reservation information. Special room requests, such as ground level Vacation Homes,
specific buildings or views, may be noted as a preference in the reservation record but cannot be guaranteed.
c. Specific Vacation Homes are not assigned at the time of reservation. The DVC Resort front desk will assign a
specific Vacation Home on or near the day of check in.
d. Member Services should be notified if any Club Members or Guests have medical conditions that require the use
of specially equipped Vacation Homes.
12. Cancellations and Changes to Confirmed Reservations. If a Club Member cancels a confirmed reservation more than
thirty (30) days before arrival, the Vacation Points used to make that reservation will be fully restored to the Club Member.
If a reservation is changed more than thirty (30) days before arrival and the revised reservation uses fewer Vacation Points
than the original reservation, the remaining Vacation Points will also be fully restored to the Club Member. The restored
Vacation Points may be used according to the standard rules during the remainder of that Use Year, subject to availability.
If a Club Member cancels a confirmed reservation thirty (30) or fewer days before arrival, the Vacation Points used to
make that reservation are placed in a Holding Account. If a reservation is changed thirty (30) or fewer days before arrival
and the revised reservation uses fewer Vacation Points than the original reservation, the remaining Vacation Points are
placed in a Holding Account. Holding Account Vacation Points are described in more detail in paragraph 13 of this Article
All of the Vacation Points applied to a reservation are considered used starting on the reservation arrival date. If a Club
Member cancels a confirmed reservation on the date of arrival, the Club Member is not entitled to a refund of the Vacation
Points or any portion thereof.
13. Holding Account Vacation Points. If a confirmed reservation is canceled thirty (30) days or less before the arrival
date, Vacation Points used to make that reservation are placed into a Holding Account. “Holding Account Vacation Points”
are subject to the following restrictions:
a. Holding Account Vacation Points can only be used to book reservations within sixty (60) days of check in.
b. Holding Account Vacation Points must be used for reservations during their Use Year. Any Holding Account
Vacation Points remaining in the Holding Account at the end of the Use Year will expire.
c. Holding Account Vacation Points cannot be Banked.
d. Holding Account Vacation Points used to reserve and stay during the last sixty (60) days of a Use Year may be
used for reservations at any DVC Resort, subject to availability.
14. Check In and Check Out Times. Check in time for all DVC Resorts is after 4:00 p.m. Check out time for all DVC Resorts
is by 11:00 a.m. The front desk must be notified and approve any exceptions to these times. The DVC Operator shall have
the right to change check in and check out times in its discretion.
15. Late Arrivals and No-Shows. If Club Members or their Guests are unable to check in on their arrival day, they must,
prior to their arrival day, notify Member Services or the destination DVC Resort’s front desk of their revised arrival time. Club
Members do not receive an extension of their reservation or a partial refund of Vacation Points due to late arrivals or check
ins or failure to cancel prior to the arrival date. If the Club Member or their Guests do not check in and fail to notify Member
Services or the DVC Resort of their revised plans, Club Members will lose all of the Vacation Points used to make that
reservation and are not entitled to any refund.
16. Early Check outs. All of the Vacation Points applied to a reservation are considered used starting on the reservation
arrival date. Club Members receive no credit for unused Use Days and are not entitled to a partial refund of Vacation Points
if the Club Member or their Guest checks out before the scheduled departure date.
1. For each Club Member who owns a Fixed Ownership Interest, Member Services will automatically book that Club
Member’s Guaranteed Reservation every year prior to the beginning of the applicable Home Resort Priority Period. All
Home Resort Vacation Points associated with a Fixed Ownership Interest shall be used to make the Guaranteed
Reservation. As a result of any reallocation as reflected in the Home Resort Vacation Points Chart, the number of
Vacation Points that are necessary for a Club Member who does not have a Fixed Ownership Interest to reserve a
Vacation Home of the Vacation Home Type during the Guaranteed Reservation may increase or decrease from year to
year. Regardless of any such changes from year to year and any difference between the Home Resort Vacation Points
Chart for the Guaranteed Reservation and the Vacation Home Type and the number of Vacation Points the Fixed
Ownership Interest Club Member owns, the Fixed Ownership Interest Club Member will be entitled to the Guaranteed
Reservation, even if the number of Vacation Points required to make that specific reservation as reflected on the Home
Resort Vacation Points Chart is more than the number of Vacation Points set forth on the Fixed Ownership Interest Club
Member’s purchase agreement and deed.
2. In addition, if a Club Member’s Fixed Ownership Interest includes a Special Event Right, so long as the special
event dates occur, Member Services will automatically book that Club Member’s Guaranteed Reservation to include the
special event. If the special event date changes, Member Services will attempt to book that Club Member’s Guaranteed
Reservation to correspond with the special event date change, based on availability, unless advised otherwise by the
Club Member. Notwithstanding the ownership of a Special Event Right, Club Members are not guaranteed that
any special event will be held in any calendar year. Club Members should not purchase a Fixed Ownership
Interest with a Special Event Right in reliance on the continued occurrence of the special event.
3. For all Guaranteed Reservations, check in is on Sunday after 4:00 p.m. and check out is on the following Sunday
by 11:00 a.m., except if the Guaranteed Reservation is modified as allowed in paragraph 5 and 7 of this Article IV, then
the check in and check out date may be different however, the check in and check out times remain the same. The
DVC Operator shall have the right to change check in and check out times in its discretion.
4. Once the Guaranteed Reservation is booked for a Club Member, no changes may be made to the Guaranteed
Reservation except for changes as to party mix and guest names. However, Guaranteed Reservations for a special
event reserved with a Special Event Right allow for some modifications.
5. If the Club Member’s Guaranteed Reservation includes a special event reserved with a Special Event Right, the
Club Member may modify the check in and check out date by removing dates within the Guaranteed Reservation.
Guaranteed Reservations have a standard check in day of Sunday and a check out day of Sunday. However, the
Guaranteed Reservation may be modified to change the check in day from Sunday to another day following the same
week (the check in day cannot be moved to days of the previous week). For example, the Club Member may modify
the check in day from Sunday to Wednesday by removing the first three days of the Guaranteed Reservation.
6. If a modification is made to the Guaranteed Reservation that includes a special event reserved with a Special Event
Right to remove days, the difference in the number of Vacation Points needed for the Guaranteed Reservation, as
required by the Home Resort Vacation Points Chart, less any Vacation Points that may have been provided for the
Guaranteed Reservation in that particular year resulting from reallocation (described in paragraph 1 of this Article IV), if
applicable, will be returned to the Club Member as Home Resort Vacation Points. For example, if the Club Member’s
Fixed Ownership Interest is equal to one hundred forty (140) Vacation Points as indicated on the purchase agreement
and deed and the modified reservation requires one hundred and ten (110) Vacation Points, thirty (30) Vacation Points
will be returned to the Club Member as Home Resort Vacation Points. The Club Member may use these Home Resort
Vacation Points to make reservations in accordance with these Rules and Regulations, subject to availability.
7. The Club Member may also modify the Guaranteed Reservation that includes a special event reserved with a
Special Event Right, by removing days within the Guaranteed Reservation (as described in paragraph 5 of this Article
IV) and then adding consecutive days to the week following the original Guaranteed Reservation dates. Guaranteed
Reservations have a standard check in day of Sunday and a check out day of Sunday. For example, the Guaranteed
Reservation may be modified to change the check in day from Sunday to Wednesday, and the check out day from the
following Sunday to the following Wednesday, by adding consecutive days only to the week following the original
Guaranteed Reservations dates.
8. If a Club Member chooses to modify the Guaranteed Reservation by adding dates to the week following the original
Guaranteed Reservation dates, the Club Member will be required to utilize the Vacation Points associated with the Fixed
Ownership Interest as set forth on the Club Member’s purchase agreement and deed and the DVC Operator will not
provide any additional Vacation Points for the additional reservation dates in the following week if those reservation
dates require additional Vacation Points. For example, if the Club Member’s Fixed Ownership Interest is equal to one
hundred and forty (140) Vacation Points as indicated on the purchase agreement and deed and the modified reservation
requires one hundred and sixty (160) Vacation Points, the Club Member will be required to provide the additional twenty
(20) Vacation Points required for the reservation.
9. For all modifications as outlined in paragraphs 5 through 8 of this Article IV, all requested modifications need to
occur every year prior to the applicable Home Resort Priority Period, otherwise requested changes will be subject to the
Home Resort Priority Period and subject to availability.
10. In a Use Year that a Club Member uses the Guaranteed Reservation, all of the Home Resort Vacation Points
associated with that Fixed Ownership Interest for that Use Year will be applied towards the Guaranteed Reservation,
regardless of how many Home Resort Vacation Points would otherwise be necessary to make that specific reservation
if the Club Member did not have a Fixed Ownership Interest. When a Club Member uses the Guaranteed
Reservation, the Club Member has no more Vacation Points available for use that Use Year, even if the number
of Vacation Points required to make that specific reservation as reflected on the Home Resort Vacation Points
Chart is less than the number of Vacation Points associated with the Fixed Ownership Interest (except as
defined in paragraph 6 of this Article IV).
11. In any given Use Year, a Club Member may elect to opt out of the Guaranteed Reservation by calling and advising
Member Services that the Club Member is opting out of the Club Member’s Guaranteed Reservation for that Use Year.
If the Club Member opts out of the Club Member’s Guaranteed Reservation, the Club Member may use the Home Resort
Vacation Points associated with the Fixed Ownership Interest to make a reservation in accordance with these Rules
and Regulations, subject to availability. A Club Member’s election to opt out of the Club Member’s Guaranteed
Reservation must be made more than thirty (30) days prior to the Guaranteed Reservation arrival date.
12. Home Resort Vacation Points related to a Fixed Ownership Interest may not be Banked, Borrowed, or Transferred
unless the Club Member has opted-out of or cancelled the Club Member’s Guaranteed Reservation for the Use Year
during which the Club Member intends to use the Home Resort Vacation Points for such other purposes. If, in any Use
Year, a Club Member wants to Bank Home Resort Vacation Points into the following year, the Club Member must first
opt out of the Guaranteed Reservation for the current Use Year. If, in any Use Year, the Club Member wants to Borrow
Home Resort Vacation Points from the following year, the Club Member must first opt out of the Guaranteed Reservation
for the following Use Year. If, in any Use Year, the Club Member wants to Transfer Home Resort Vacation Points, the
Club Member must first opt out of the Guaranteed Reservation for the applicable Use Year.
13. Once a Club Member opts out of a Guaranteed Reservation, the opt out is final, and a Club Member cannot change
the opt out decision and re-instate the Guaranteed Reservation for that Use Year.
14. If Club Members or their Guests are unable to check in on their Guaranteed Reservation arrival day, they must, prior to
the arrival day, notify Member Services or the DVC Resort’s front desk of their revised arrival day. Club Members do not
receive an extension of their reservation or a partial refund of Home Resort Vacation Points due to late arrivals or check ins
or failure to cancel prior to the arrival date. If a Club Member or their Guest does not check in and fails to notify Member
Services or the DVC Resort of their revised plans, the Club Member will lose the Home Resort Vacation Points associated
with the no-show dates and are not entitled to any refund.
15. All of the Home Resort Vacation Points applicable to a Fixed Ownership Interest are considered used starting on the
reservation arrival date for the Guaranteed Reservation. If the Club Member or their Guest checks out before the scheduled
departure date any unused Use Days are forfeited, the Club Member receives no credit for unused Use Days and the Club
Member is not entitled to a partial refund of Home Resort Vacation Points.
16. If a Club Member opts out of or cancels a Guaranteed Reservation thirty (30) or fewer days before the Guaranteed
Reservation arrival date, the Home Resort Vacation Points associated with that Fixed Ownership Interest are placed in a
Holding Account. If a Club Member opts out of or cancels a Guaranteed Reservation on the Guaranteed Reservation arrival
date, the Club Member is not entitled to a refund of the Home Resort Vacation Points associated with the Fixed Ownership
Interest or any portion thereof. Holding Account Vacation Points are described in more detail in paragraph 13 of Article III
(“Vacation Point Reservations”).
1. Disney Vacation Club Membership Identification Card.
a. Each Club Member named on the deed of an Ownership Interest will receive DVC Membership Identification in
form of a physical card or digital identification based on their purchase. DVC Membership Identification includes
the name of the Club Member and the Club Member’s Membership number.
b. DVC Membership Identification will not be issued to Associates. DVC Membership Identification will not be issued
to the Principal Contact unless he or she is also a Club Member.
c. Club Members may be issued new DVC Membership identification as long as they are current on their Annual
Dues, other sums due an Association, monthly loan payments (if applicable), and any other outstanding
balances, including fees associated with any exchange programs, miscellaneous services booked by Member
Services in connection with Club Member reservations, and any incidental charges or balances due in relation
to stays reserved through the Club’s central reservation system.
d. Presentation of the DVC Membership Identification may be necessary to receive certain Club Member benefits and
privileges. Digital DVC Membership Identification may not be valid to receive certain Club Member benefits and
2. Club Member Benefit Programs. From time to time, DVD, Buena Vista Trading Company, DVC Operator, or their
affiliates may establish special Club Member benefit programs to enhance membership for Club Members. Participation in
any Club Member benefit program is completely voluntary. These special programs are not a component of or an
appurtenance to any Ownership Interest or Additional Ownership Interest. Some or all Club Member benefit programs may
be limited, modified, canceled, or terminated at any time. In addition, some or all of Club Member benefit programs
may be offered solely with respect to Ownership Interests purchased and owned by Club Members who
purchased the Ownership Interests directly from DVD and these special programs, including those benefits
marketed as incidental benefits under Section 721.075, Florida Statutes, may not be hypothecated, bought,
sold, exchanged, rented, or otherwise transferred, except upon written approval of DVD, and are solely for the
original Club Member’s benefit and not for the benefit of that Club Member’s assigns or successors-in-interest.
If a Club Member sells the Club Member’s Ownership Interest, these benefit programs do not automatically
transfer to the Club Member’s buyer. The availability of these benefit programs may or may not be renewed or
extended to such assigns or successors-in interest.
3. Making Reservations for Guest.
a. Club Members may use their Home Resort Vacation Points to reserve Vacation Homes that will be occupied by
b. When a Club Member uses Home Resort Vacation Points to reserve Vacation Homes on behalf of a Guest,
and the Club Member does not charge any rental or other fees to the Guest for the reservation, then the Guest
may be eligible for all or some of the Club Member privileges and benefits that a Club Member would normally
receive during the Club Member’s stay in the reserved Vacation Home. If the Guest is renting, it is the
responsibility of the Member to notify Member Services when making the reservation. Member privileges and
benefits cannot be extended to Guests who rent Vacation Homes from Club Members.
1. Lock-Off Vacation Homes. Some two-bedroom Vacation Homes at the DVC Resorts have a “lock-off” capability. Two-
bedroom lock-off Vacation Homes have two (2) doors between the second bedroom and the rest of the Vacation Home.
These doors can be closed and locked independently, creating separate “studio” and “one-bedroom” Vacation Homes. The
studio typically features a kitchenette and a private porch. Reserved two-bedroom lock-off Vacation Homes and dedicated
two-bedroom Vacation Homes have the same Vacation Point reservation values. The studio and one-bedroom Vacation
Homes in a two-bedroom lock-off Vacation Home that are separately reserved may have a higher reservation value then
they would if combined as a reserved two-bedroom Vacation Home. Home Resort Vacation Point reservation values for
studios and one-bedroom Vacation Homes are shown on the Home Resort Vacation Points Chart.
2. Housekeeping. Club Members or their Guests receive the following housekeeping service during a stay at a DVC
a. All Vacation Homes will be cleaned prior to check in.
b. For all stays regardless of the length of the stay, daily trash removal will be provided.
c. For stays of seven (7) or less consecutive nights in the same Vacation Home, the DVC Resort will provide a
“Trash & Towel” service on the fourth consecutive day of the stay. During a Trash & Towel service,
housekeeping will:
Empty the trash and put new liners in the trash bins.
Provide fresh bathroom linens.
Replace facial tissues, paper towels, and toilet paper.
Replace coffee, sugar, cream, and sweeteners.
Replace dish washing liquid, dish washing detergent, sponges, and laundry detergent.
d. For stays of eight (8) consecutive nights or more in the same Vacation Home, the DVC Resort housekeeping
will provide:
1) One (1) “Full Cleaning” service on the fourth consecutive day of the stay. During a “Full Cleaning,”
housekeeping will:
Provide all of the services included in a “Trash & Towel” cleaning.
Change the bed linens.
Vacuum and dust the Vacation Home.
Clean the Bathroom(s).
Clean the Kitchen/Kitchenette and wash the dishes.
2) Following the initial Full Cleaning service, housekeeping will provide another Full Cleaning Service every eight
(8) consecutive days in the same Vacation Home.
3) Following the initial check in, a “Trash & Towel” will be provided every eight (8) consecutive days reserved in
the same Vacation Home.
e. Cleanings do not include laundering of personal items.
f. For stays of more than eight (8) consecutive days in the same Vacation Home, the Full Cleaning/”Trash & Towel”
cycle will begin again.
g. All Vacation Homes will be cleaned following check out.
3. Access to Units and Vacation Homes. Notwithstanding the use of a sign on the door of a Unit or Vacation Home that
it is occupied or a request to forgo housekeeping services or any other request not to be disturbed that is made by the
occupant of the Unit or Vacation Home or other person, the Association, the DVC Operator, and each of their respective
employees, agents, or designees (“Authorized Persons”) shall have the right to enter the Unit of Vacation Home for any
purpose, including performing maintenance and repairs, conducting a visual inspection of the Unit or Vacation Home,
or checking on the safety and security of occupants, other persons, and property. An Authorized Person will give
reasonable notice prior to entry by knocking and announcing the intent to enter the Unit or Vacation Home. Such entry
shall not be deemed a trespass or make the Association, the DVC Operator, or any Authorized Person liable in any way
to any person for any damages on account of such entry or for any abatement, removal, reconstruction, repair, or
remedy that is performed.
1. Annual Dues. Around the beginning of each calendar year, Club Members will receive a statement setting forth their
Annual Dues. Annual Dues are based on calendar years, not on Use Years. These Annual Dues may be paid in one of two
a. A single lump-sum payment due on or before the due date. Annual Dues are considered past due on the date
set forth in the governing documents for each DVC Resort or the arrival date of a reservation made with Home
Resort Vacation Points, whichever is earlier. If the Club Member’s payment arrives on or after the past due
date, interest will accrue from due date, and a late fee may be imposed.
b. Equal monthly direct debit installments collected by the 1
or 15
of each month. The number of such
installments will be determined by the mailing of the statement of Annual Dues. The monthly payment option
is only available on a direct debit basis from a U.S. bank account.
Notwithstanding the Annual Dues payment procedure set forth in these Rules and Regulations, the board of
directors of the Association for each DVC Resort may amend the due date, past due date, the number of direct
debit installments, and the collection date for direct debit installments from time to time.
2. Lock-Out. Pursuant to the governing documents for each DVC Resort and applicable law, DVC Operator is
authorized to deny membership privileges to any Club Member who fails to pay Annual Dues with respect to any
Ownership Interest that the Club Member owns or fails to adhere to the requirements of any of the governing documents
for their Home Resort or another DVC Resort or the Club (“Lock-out”). Reservations associated with a Club membership
that is in Lock-out status may be canceled and all cancellation fees or penalties will be the responsibility of the Club
Member. Lock-out status will prevent the Club Member from making any reservations with respect to their Club
membership either at their Home Resort or at any other DVC Resort through the DVC Reservation Component, checking
in at any DVC Resort in the event of an already confirmed reservation, Banking or Borrowing Home Resort Vacation
Points, Transferring Home Resort Vacation Resorts, making an External Exchange Program reservation, or accessing
or using any other Club Member benefit program. It will also prohibit the use of any of the accommodations and facilities
of the Club Member’s Home Resort or any other DVC Resort unless and until the total amount of the delinquent Annual
Dues is satisfied in full with guaranteed funds or the violation of the governing document is remedied, as determined by
DVC Operator in its discretion. If a Club Member is prohibited from making a reservation or using accommodations and
facilities at their Home Resort, the Club Member will also automatically be prohibited from making a reservation or using
accommodations and facilities at any other DVC Resort, except as permitted by DVC Operator in its discretion.
1. Amendments. DVC Operator reserves the right to amend these Rules and Regulations, in its discretion. These changes
may affect a Club Member’s right to use, exchange, or rent the Club Member’s Ownership Interest and may impose
obligations upon the use and enjoyment of the Club Member’s Ownership Interest and the appurtenant Club Membership.
Club Members will be notified of any such changes through Member Services publications, including posting on a Club
website. Current publications supersede prior publications with respect to the terms and conditions of these Rules and
2. Interpretation. Where the context so indicates, a word in the singular form shall include the plural. The term “include”
and similar terms (e.g., includes, including, included, comprises, comprising, such as, e.g., including but not limited to,
including without limitation, and for example), when used as part of a phrase including one or more specific items, are not
words of limitation and are not to be construed as being limited to only the listed items. Whenever the consent or approval
of DVC Operator, Member Services, or DVD is referred to in this Agreement or the taking of any action under these Rules
and Regulations is subject to the consent or approval of DVC Operator, Member Services, or DVD, it shall mean DVC
Operator’s, Member Services’, or DVD’s prior written approval to be given or withheld in its discretion. Further, any references
to the use, exercise, or grant of the right of a DVC Operator’s, Member Services’, or DVD’s discretion as set forth in these
Rules and Regulations shall mean DVC Operator’s, Member Services’, or DVD’s sole, absolute, and unfettered discretion
to the exclusion of any other person unless specifically provided otherwise. No provision of these Rules and Regulations
shall be construed against the DVC Operator because the DVC Operator provided for the drafting of these Rules and
Regulations. The use of headings, captions, and numbers in these Rules and Regulations are solely for the convenience of
identifying and indexing the various provisions of these Rules and Regulations and shall in no event be considered otherwise
in construing or interpreting any provision of these Rules and Regulations.
3. Emergency Actions. DVC Operator shall have the right to temporarily modify, adjust, or amend these Rules and
Regulations, or suspend enforcement of, or make exceptions to enforcement of or adherence to, these Rules and
Regulations, as DVC Operator determines necessary in its discretion, for life, health, property protection, safety, demand
balancing, or reservation system operational effectiveness or efficiency purposes, as DVC Operator determines in its
discretion, as a result of an emergency situation, including acts of terrorism, pandemics or epidemics, or act of God, or other
such circumstances that DVC Operator determines, in its discretion, require such modification, adjustment, amendment,
suspension, or exception and for such duration as DVC Operator determines is necessary, in its discretion; provided,
however, that such modification, adjustment, amendment, suspension, or exception is in the best interests of the Members
as a whole, as determined by DVC Operator in its discretion.