Bursary Award Agreement
(iThemba LABS)
Identity number
Field of Study
WHEREAS iThemba LABS undertakes to grant the Bursar a bursary award in order
to allow
him/her to obtain a degree in Engineering subject to the terms and conditions contained in
AND WHEREAS the Bursar indicated an intention to engage in studies to obtain a
degree in Engineering subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.
2.1. The Bursary-holder must be a South African resident.
2.2. The Bursary-holder will be registered as a full-time student during the tenure of the Bursary
at the Institution of High Learning as stipulated in the letter of award.
2.3. The Bursary-holder may not hold any bursary, awards, assistantships or benefits
concurrently with iThemba LABS Bursary which bind him/her to enter the service of any
organisation upon completion of his/her studies.
2.4. If a Bursary-holder wishes to change the field of study, institution for which the Bursary was
awarded, details must be submitted to iThemba LABS through the appropriate university
authority for consideration prior to such a change.
2.5. Should the Bursary-holder fail to fulfil any of the aforesaid conditions or should it transpire
that a Bursary was awarded on the basis of false information supplied to iThemba LABS,
iThemba LABS would be entitled to forthwith cancel the agreement, in which event the
Bursary-holder will be liable to refund the Bursary plus interest at a rate determined by
iThemba LABS from time to time.
2.6. This agreement contains all the general provisions related to the bursary, including a service
binding clause compelling the student on completion of the qualification to enter and remain
in iThemba LABS, for a minimum of 12 months for every year of study in which a bursary
was paid out to the student.
3. Contract of employment will be determined by the availability of funds, and future needs
regarding personnel composition, provided that appropriate vacancies exist.
4. If there is no vacancy within iThemba LABS nothing in this agreement shall be taken as to
impose an obligation on iThemba LABS to employ the candidate after completion of the
5. The Bursary- holder agrees to vacation work during June-July and December-January
holidays, accommodation arrangements are the student’s responsibility and must be paid for
by the student with the allowance received.
6.1. The Bursary will be awarded for one year only for full-time study and may in the sole
discretion of iThemba LABS be renewed for the subsequent year/s depending on the
availability of funds and academic progress by the Bursary-holder
6.2. The Bursary award shall consist of an amount, determined by iThemba LABS, equivalent to
the registration, class and examination fees of the University of Cape Town in respect of the
Study Course, as well as reasonable costs in
respect of tuition, accommodation, meals and
study books for the academic year of
hereinafter collectively referred to as “allowances”.
6.3. Funds will be paid to the university, where the student is registered.
6.4. The first instalment will be paid at the beginning of the first semester the second instalment
will be paid in the second semester, subject to satisfactory academic performance.
6.5. The amount remaining after tuition, and residence fees if relevant, has been paid to the
Institution of High Learning, must be used by the student to pay for living costs (rent, food,
travel etc.), and for books and stationery.
6.6. No additional funding will be provided for any reason.
6.7. Any other funding received by a student must be declared to the iThemba LABS in writing.
Signed by the Bursary-holder at ……………………………………… on this ……………. day of
…………………… 20…… in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
As witnesses:
1. ……………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………
Duly assisted by me as the parent/guardian of the Bursary holder.
…………………………………. ………………………………….
Parent/Guardian Initials and surname of Parent/
Guardian in block letters
Address of parent/guardian
Signed on behalf of iThemba LABS at ……………………………………………………. on
this ……………………. day of ……………….. 20 ….. In the presence of the undersigned
As witnesses:
1. ………………………………….
2. ………………………………….