© Consilio 2020
Sample Performance Metrics
© Consilio 2020
Sample Performance Metrics
Goals and Objectives
Financial Management
Client Services
Skills and Development
KPI Dashboard
360 Review Questionnaire
© Consilio 2020
Sample Performance
© Consilio 2020
OGC Transformation: Goals and Objectives
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will
allow the OGC to better manage and
communicate the value it provides to
the corporation as well as measure
progress toward established goals
By establishing goals and measuring
progress through KPIs, the OGC will be
able to reward and recognize
performance, improve efficiencies,
and drive continuous improvement
OGC Transformation
Objectives for the Four Categories that support
the OGC Transformation
To be responsible stewards of resources made
available for use with outside counsel and to
effectively manage matter budgets
To develop consistent and candid channels of
communication with clients to advance appropriate
expectations and allocation of legal resources
To expose our workforce to diverse points of view
by leveraging external and internal diverse talent
and to have the best representation possible
To increase employee engagement by continuously
developing the legal skills and business acumen of
those within our group and to recognize
exceptional performance
© Consilio 2020
OGC Transformation Performance Metrics: Summary
KPI Category KPI Metric
Measuring Budget vs. Actuals variance
Measuring budget effectiveness
Using preferred firms and vendors
Using alternative fee arrangements
Enforcing Client’s Outside Counsel Retention & Billing Guidelines
Using collaborative working arrangements
Measuring client satisfaction
Measuring productivity and results
Measuring active and regular participation on the Diversity Committee
Measuring active and regular participation on OGC or Client-wide diversity projects
Tracking contribution toward OGC diversity spend target
Tracking the diverse teams working on Client matters
Measuring efforts in developing strong business and legal skills
Measuring efforts in knowledge sharing and use of standard processes, tools, templates
Using the rewards budget effectively
Measuring the frequency of feedback given to employees for development
Measuring active and regular participation in pro bono activities
© Consilio 2020
Financial Management Performance Metrics
KPI Metric Ways to Measure/Report Out
Desired Behavior Outcome
Data Source
Budget vs. Actuals Budget vs. Actuals in defined categories (i.e., matter types, “significant” matters,
regions or other categories as deemed appropriate by AGC group)
Establish budgets based on
“most likely scenario” with
ability to revise if/when
assumptions change
Matter Management/
eBilling (MMEB) System
Self report
Budget effectiveness Frequency of budget updates for specific matters with defined thresholds
(specific thresholds TBD)
Usage of budgeting tools and templates for budget analysis in alignment with
budgeting SOP
Actively manage and review
matter budgets on a regular
MMEB System
Self report
OGC Administration
Use of preferred firms and
% of spend with preferred outside counsel firms and non-law firm vendors (e.g.,
2020 OGC Preferred Provider Program)
Frequency of requests to use non-Program firms
Consistently use preferred firms
and vendors to support cost
savings goal and improved
MMEB System
Finance (SAP)
Program Lead
Use of alternative fee
% of outside counsel fees (US spend) attributable to hourly vs. non-hourly fee
Number of new arrangements for specified matters and estimated cost savings
relative to hourly arrangement (includes secondment arrangements)
Evaluate opportunities to
establish non-hourly
Promote creative thinking and
partnering with firms
MMEB System
Finance (SAP)
Self report
Enforcement of Client’s
Outside Counsel
Retention & Billing
Frequency and dollar amount of OC Guideline violation adjustments made by
Matter Management/eBilling System and then reversed by invoice reviewers (e.g.
expense codes such as Photocopy E101, Facsimile E104, Telephone E105, Word
Processing E106)
Consistent enforcement of
Guidelines; diligent and active
review of invoices
MMEB System
© Consilio 2020
Client Services Performance Metrics (1/2)
KPI Metric Ways to Measure/Report Out
Desired Behavior Outcome
Data Source
Establish collaborative
working arrangements
(CWA) to build
parameters on work
performed by the OGC vs.
client groups and to focus
on value-added work
Track the customization and utilization of standard CWA guidance materials,
templates and checklists within AGC groups
Gain clarity on the specific work
done by the OGC for their
Consistent scope of OGCs
client service delivery to reduce
Enable the exchange of
feedback and discussion on the
working relationship between
the OGC and clients
Self report
Obtain feedback from
clients and measurement
toward defined targets
Gather feedback via client satisfaction survey
Measure feedback against defined targets (i.e., responsiveness, solution
orientation, substantive results, etc.)
Example of “defined target”: Effectively provide Corporate Secretarial support to
the GC and Board
Feeds from EDP and PMP processes/criteria to provide feedback data
Review actual vs. desired
Recognize when results were
Year-end inquiries
Review Meetings
w/Managing Counsel
MMEB System
© Consilio 2020
Client Services Performance Metrics (2/2)
KPI Metric Ways to Measure/Report Out
Desired Behavior Outcome
Data Source
Optimize productivity and
(i.e., through usage of
standard tools and
templates, training
provided to clients, and
workload reports)
Track use of enterprise-wide corporate subsidiary system by other corporate
groups (e.g., tax, etc.) to gain wider adoption
Report on agency challenges charges
Achieve a minimum % success rate for issues put to shareholder vote
Use of contract templates and clauses, including key precedent document, by
List types of training provided by region, made available to clients
Identify opportunities for efficiency & effectiveness for paralegals
Workload report on Disclosures (input/output), Due Diligence Projects, Patent Apps
Filed, Patent Litigations Managed in US/Foreign, etc.
Strive to identify opportunities
for improvement, consistency,
Leverage information across
practice areas/regions
Facilitate knowledge and
information sharing across
Varies by AGC group
Self report
© Consilio 2020
Diversity Performance Metrics
KPI Metric Ways to Measure/Report Out Desired Behavior/Outcome Data Source
Active and regular participation
on the Diversity Committee
Report on employees participation in Diversity
Committee (assigned/tenured)
Report on the outcome (i.e., results of the
Committee’s achievements)
Gain clarity on the specific work done by the OGC for
their Clients
Consistent scope of OGCs client service delivery to
reduce subjectivity
Enable the exchange of feedback and discussion on
the working relationship between the OGC and
Self report
Activity reports, meeting
minutes, etc.
Active and regular participation
on OGC or Client-wide projects
that advance diversity interests
and inclusion goals
Track participation in cross functional teams,
rotational programs, other projects and initiatives
that support the OGC Transformation and diversity
and inclusion goals
Access to opportunities for employees to gain
exposure to diverse ways of thinking and performing
their work
Self report
Contribution toward OGC
diversity spend target
Report on % of outside counsel fees allocated to
member firms of the National Association of Minority
and Women-Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF)
Support the OGCs commitment to the inclusion
initiative to direct a total of $1M+ to NAMWOLF
MMEB System
Self report
Diverse teams working on
Client matters
Report stats on teams working on Client matters out
of MMEB System and/or qualitative reporting by
Client attorneys
Encourage and expand diverse staffing on Client
MMEB System
Self report
Active and regular participation
in pro bono activities
Report on employee participation in key/signature
pro bono projects and activities
Encourage increase in activity on pro bono work and
acknowledge importance of community/civic service
Self report
© Consilio 2020
Skills & Development Performance Metrics (1/2)
KPI Metric Ways to Measure/Report Out Desired Behavior/Outcome Data Source
Develop and enhance strong
Business and Legal skills
Transactional Practice Areas:
Track number of training programs relevant to your
business that are completed or taught per year (i.e.,
internal seminars, CLEs, legal topic presentations)
% of OGC members in active or leadership roles with
professional organizations (e.g., State Bar, ABA,
Gather feedback from Managers’
evaluations/assessment of people’s business acumen
and skills as part of EDP discussions
Development of legal skills and business acumen of
employees in our practice areas
Awareness of the types of training and employee
development opportunities employees take on
Optimal results through application of business and
legal skills in a practice area
Self report
Training tracking system
Managers’ feedback on
Knowledge and use of
standardized processes,
templates and tools - Technical
Contracts, Transactional:
Maintenance and timely review periods of contracts,
templates, tools, legal holds, etc. on a quarterly basis
(parameters to be defined by the AGCs)
Other Suggested Ways:
Track frequency of updates to OGC-wide knowledge
sharing platform (e.g. updating Sync profiles, updating
organizational charts, contributing exemplar
Knowledge sharing with colleagues within groups
and across the OGC
Timely updates to relevant content in accordance
with the knowledge sharing policies and procedures
(forthcoming from Processes & Technology team)
Self Report
System depending on
area to maintain (i.e.,
Legal Hold, Contracts)
Reports from Sync
© Consilio 2020
Skills & Development Performance Metrics (2/2)
KPI Metric Ways to Measure/Report Out Desired Behavior/Outcome Data Source
Effective use of the rewards
budget (i.e. distribution to key
Number/value of awards granted to key contributors
Track amount of awards distributed compared to
rewards budget
Consistently and regularly recognize and reward our
people for their contributions to enhance retention
and employee engagement
Self report
Employee development
Frequency of feedback provided by managers to
lawyers and paralegals on employee development
plan discussions
Ensure our managers provide timely and productive
Self reported by
Managers’ feedback on
HR (align with Career
Development team/HR
Employee engagement
Measured improvement in engagement survey results
Track the morale of the OGC and know what to
Build an expectation within the OGC that these
results will be monitored and reported consistently
Engagement survey (TBD)
Retention of key talent
% of key talent employees retained
Monitor the retention of key people and use results
to identify issues or improvements to calibrate and
make changes as needed
HR (confirm any existing
tracking processes)
© Consilio 2020
© Consilio 2020
Example OGC KPI Dashboard (1/2)
Legal Department Balanced Scorecard
Measure 2013 Goal YTD Status Comments
Use of collaborative working
Establish CWA process with client groups A, B,
Completed G
Measuring client satisfaction
Meet with key clients and gather feedback on
satisfaction annually (range 1 to 5 5 being
highest). Goal for 4 average score.
N/A G Will complete at year end
Measuring productivity and results Generate workload report on a quarterly basis On Target Y Q1 completed
Client Services
Measure 2013 Goal YTD Status Comments
Measuring Budget vs. Actuals
Stay within a +/- X% variance of budget v.
actuals for XYZ portfolio of matters
-8% G
Measuring budget effectiveness
Track matters with a threshold of $150K+ are
frequently updated
On Target Y
MMEB System shows X% of
matters $150K+ are updated
Using preferred firms and vendors
Stay below X% for requested exceptions on
new matters (Program firms)
Higher than normal volume
of new matters have needed
local counsel expertise
Using alternative fee
Set up X% of new matters on AFA basis On Target Y
As of end of Q1, X% new
matters are on AFA
Enforcing Client’s OC Retention &
Billing Guidelines
Limit invoice reversal on postage and local
travel expense generate year end report
N/A G Will complete at year end
Financial Management
Green Above Target
Yellow On Target
Red Attention Needed
AGC Name: John Smith
Quarter 2020 Dashboard
© Consilio 2020
Example OGC KPI Dashboard (2/2)
Legal Department Balanced Scorecard
AGC Name: John Smith
Measure 2013 Goal YTD Status Comments
Measuring efforts in developing
strong business and legal skills
Meet CLE requirements for 2012 On Target G
Measuring efforts in knowledge
sharing and use of standard
processes, tools, templates
Update the contracts, templates listing
and database by region and subject area
generate quarterly listing
On Target G
Distributed Q1 listing to
practice area group and GC
Using the rewards budget effectively
Use X% of rewards budget to key
On Target Y
Measuring the frequency of feedback
given to employees for development
Ensure managers conduct year-end
reviews for all employees
N/A G Will complete at year end
Measuring active and regular
participation in pro bono activities
Encourage staff on active participation on
pro bono activities external and internal)
On Target Y
Skills and Development
Measure 2013 Goal YTD Status Comments
Measuring active and regular
participation on the Diversity
Attain consistent representation and
participation for practice area generate
year end accomplishments report
Will generate diversity
committee report at year
Measuring active and regular
participation on OGC or Client-wide
diversity projects
Attain active participation levels from this
practice area on new Client/OGC
initiatives and projects
On Target Y
Tracking contribution toward OGC
diversity spend target
Meet or beat X% contribution to diversity
spend to NAMWOLF firms
On Target Y
Allocated $X in Q1 for new
matters to XYZ firm
Tracking the diverse teams working on
Client matters
Generate benchmark metrics for diverse
teams working on Client matters (e.g., X%
for women and X% for minorities)
Will generate benchmark
reports at year end
Green Above Target
Yellow On Target
Red Attention Needed
Quarter 2020 Dashboard
© Consilio 2020
Example: 360 Review Questionnaire
Name of person being evaluated:
Your Level:
Your Grade:
Evaluation Date:
Performance Criteria/Metric (Question)
EP FM FS No Basis Comments
Legal/Business Skills
Client Service and Satisfaction
Management and Teamwork Skills
Financial Management