Buying Real Estate in Europe
A country by country summary
Commercial Law Group
England & Wales
Republic of Ireland
This is a brief initial reference guide to buying real estate in various European countries.
We have presented this in a question and answer format on a country by country basis.
Matters such as the requirement for an initial contract for purchase, registration of title,
tax, and costs are addressed in this guide. The law frequently changes in the various
countries in respect of purchase and sale of real estate, and local legal advice should
always be obtained before any action is taken. This document itself does not constitute
legal advice and no member of CLG Commercial Law Group is liable for any loss arising
from reliance on this document, as it is merely a short guide, and specific legal advice
should always be obtained before proceeding to buy any real estate in Europe. Contact
details for our CLG member firms are given on each country’s page.
This guide states the law as at 28 March 2014.
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? No; however, it is recommended and
most people do use a lawyer
2. Can EU citizens own property in Austria? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Austria? Yes, however, in most cases this
requires an approval pursuant to the land transfer law of the Austrian province in which
the real estate is located.
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes; however, for condominium
ownership connected with apartments (“Wohnungseigentum”) there is a limitation insofar
as only either one person, or two persons with one half ownership each, are entitled to
5. Can companies incorporated outside Austria own property in Austria? Yes;
however, in most cases this requires an approval pursuant to the land transfer law of the
Austrian province in which the real estate is located.
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? There are no specific
requirements for real estate purchase contracts. Therefore, such contracts can also be
concluded orally. However, it is highly recommended that a written contract be entered
into, in order to provide for good title to pass, and to deal with ancillary matters such as
searches, statutory notices etc
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? No, unless it is purchased at auction.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? In order to get title to real estate it is
necessary to have the purchase contract registered in the Land Register. The Land
Register is administered by the District Court in the territory where the real estate is
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? Yes, if the
purchaser uses a broker to get the property, and if there was a specific agreement with
the broker.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? Usually the
purchase price is transferred to a trust account of the trustee (“Treuhänder”) who is a
lawyer or a notary public, who takes care for registration of the ownership for the
purchaser on the one hand, for pays the purchase price to the seller, as soon as the
agreed conditions are met (the most common scenarios are to pay out the purchase price
either as soon as the trustee receives all documents necessary for registration of
ownership, or upon registration of the ownership).
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes, and the mortgage is registered against the purchaser’s ownership title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? The purchaser pays his lawyer’s fee
(this is negotiated at the start of the transaction) and usually the certification costs as well
as the costs of the trustee (which usually is the lawyer/notary public of the purchaser),
each plus VAT. The seller usually pays his own legal costs.
The purchaser also has to pay the land transfer tax (3.5 % of the purchase price) and the
registration fee (1.1 % of the purchase price) for registering the title in the Land Register.
If the purchaser needs to register a mortgage, 1.2 % of the registered mortgage amount
is to be paid to the Land Register.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? The seller has the choice to either
charge VAT or not. Usually, VAT is only charged in the event of a commercial sale, and
the purchaser can reclaim the VAT as input VAT (“Vorsteuer”).
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? If the seller is a limited liability company
or a stock cooperation, it has to pay normal corporate income tax on the profits from the
sale (currently 25%). In almost all other cases the seller has to pay
Immobilienertragsteuer(profit tax on real estate), which in the usual case is 25% of the
profits from the sale (i.e. the difference between the selling price and the purchase price).
Further, there is a 3,5 % land transfer tax.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
The purchaser becomes only liable for debts which are legally connected with the
property (e.g. unpaid real estate charges; certain public orders e.g. environmental
remediation). The creditor of a loan secured by a registered mortgage, which is not
cancelled in the course of the sale, can sue the purchaser as new real estate owner for
payment of the loan (upon maturity) and subsequently start compulsory enforcement
proceedings against the real estate.
Member Details:-
Firm Name Law Offices of Johann Pichler
Person to Contact Johann Pichler
Phone Number +43 1 587 84 86
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? No, but a notary public (notaris (Dutch),
notaire (French)) must be used.
2. Can EU citizens own property in Belgium? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Belgium? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes
5. Can companies incorporated outside Belgium own property in Belgium? Yes
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? No, but it is highly
recommended that a contract be entered into, in order to provide for good title to pass,
and to deal with ancillary matters such as searches, statutory notices, required
documents (i.e. soil pollution, electrical installations, energy performance certificate, land
use planning, ...) etc.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? No, but a deposit is usually paid.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? There are two registers the Cadastral
Department, which is map/location based. The other register is the Register of the
Mortgage Offices.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? Not for
residential property, even if he goes to an estate agent to buy the property, as the seller
will normally pay the estate agent a commission. If the purchaser is buying commercial
property for occupancy or as an investment, he will usually pay a “finder’s fee” to a real
estate agent.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? Through the
notary public.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes, and the mortgage is registered against the purchaser’s ownership title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? The purchaser pays his notary’s fee
plus Value Added Tax (presently 21%). The purchaser also pays land registration dues
for the conveyance (sliding scale depending on price and region; in Flanders 5% or 10%)
and mortgage document.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? There is only Value Added Tax on
newly built property (building), never on purchase of land. There are registration taxes on
land and existing property
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? The seller may have to charge and
account for value added tax and/or pay income tax, corporation tax and /or capital gains
tax on the disposal of the property.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
Not usually, as all debts have to be settled by the seller before signing the agreement.
Member Details:-
Firm Name CGK Advocaten
Person to Contact Philip LEPERE
Email philip.leper[email protected]
Phone Number +32 (0)3 286 76 60
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer?
No, although this is highly advisable in view of the complexities of buying real estate.
2. Can EU citizens own property in England & Wales? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in England & Wales? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes, although it is important to set out
in what capacity they hold the property, on behalf of whom and in what shares.
5. Can companies incorporated outside England & Wales own property in England
& Wales? Yes, although a very punitive rate of stamp duty of 15% is payable by
companies and partnerships (with certain exemptions) on the purchase of residential
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? No, although it is
advisable in order to ensure certainty.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? Yes this is usually between 5% and
10% of the purchase price.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? The vast majority of land in England &
Wales is now registered electronically at the Land Registry. With the exception of short
leases, all property transactions must be registered at the Land Registry in order to
protect the buyer’s interest in the land.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? No, unless he
or she agrees to pay a “finder’s fee”. This is more common in commercial property
transactions. Generally, it is the seller who has to pay the estate agent and these fees
range from 1 to 3% of the sale price.
10. How is the purchase price paid? Usually this is paid through the lawyers by
electronic payment. Cash will not be accepted under any circumstances.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes in most cases, the mortgage will be registered against the title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? These include legal fees: survey or
valuation fees; Land Registry fees (on a sliding scale depending on the price paid);
search fees and (if a lender instructs a separate legal firm) the lender’s legal fees. If
an overseas corporation is buying the property and securing a mortgage on it, fees
will also be payable to a lawyer in the corporation’s home jurisdiction for providing a
Certificate of Good Standing and Opinion letter.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? VAT is payable on the purchase of
some commercial properties, depending on whether or not it is a “VAT building”. This is a
complex area and requires specialist advice. VAT is never payable on residential
property. Stamp duty will be payable by the buyer within 30 days of completion of the
purchase, on a sliding scale depending on the price paid, with the rate ranging, in the
case of commercial property, from zero (below £150,000) to 4% (over £500,000) & in the
case of residential property, from zero (below £125,000) to 7% (over £2m), but it should
be carefully noted that certain companies and other non-natural entities will have to pay
15% stamp duty on residential property purchased for more than £500,000. Residential
properties owned wholly or partly by a company or other non-natural body (whether
offshore or onshore) may also be subject to Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED).
At present this applies to properties valued at £2 million on 1 April 2012 or at acquisition if
later. From 1 April 2015 it will apply to properties of £1 million or over and from 1 April
2016 to properties of £500,000 or over. The tax is a fixed amount starting at £15,400 for a
£1m property to a maximum of £143,750 for a property worth more than £20m for the
2014/15 tax year. There are some exemptions and reliefs e.g. for investment properties
let to unconnected persons. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to carry out regular
revaluations and to advise HMRC if a property falls into ATED. Properties subject to
ATED are also potentially subject to Capital Gains Tax even for a non-resident owner.
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? No stamp duty is payable by the seller,
but he or she may have to pay corporation or income tax and possibly capital gains
tax. Advice in this area is crucial.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
The purchaser can become liable for arrears of rent and service charges, the cost of
outstanding repair obligations and even some statutory charges. Great care must be
taken to ensure that the purchaser obtains an indemnity from the seller or retains
sufficient monies on completion to pay such sums.
Member Details:-
Firm Name Kidd Rapinet LLP
Person to Contact Paul Taylor
Phone Number + 44 207 925 0303
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? Not necessarily, although it is highly
advisable in view of the complexities of buying real estate in France; when appointed,
lawyers quite often take care of the preliminary sale contract (“compromis de vente”) that
parties can also sign without a lawyer’s or notary’s assistance; you may also need the
assistance of a chartered building surveyor or of an expert immobilier”; in any case the
sale can only proceed through a notary (“notaire”), who is a mandatory part of the
purchase process. You can choose your own notaire or use the same notaire as the
seller; whichever you choose the cost will be the same.
2. Can EU citizens own property in France ? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in France ? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property in France? Yes
5. Can companies incorporated outside France own property in France? Yes
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? Yes, since the purchase
or the sale will have to be recorded at the land registry (“Conservation des hypothèques”).
The signed documents will remain in the notary”s archives; once published with the Land
Registry, a copy is subsequently available to the purchaser.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? When you buy a property in France
you are required to pay a deposit, usually 10 % of the purchase price, with the balance
being due on completion. The deposit is held by the notaire (or real estate agent) who is
representing you. By law, there is a seven-day cooling-off period, during which the buyer
may withdraw from the purchase if he wishes. If you change your mind within these seven
days, you will get your deposit back.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? The deed of sale (“l’acte de vente”) will
be recorded at the Land Registry (the Conservation des hypothèques”) which depends
on the place where the real estate is located.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? There is no
obligation whatsoever.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? The
purchase price is paid to the notary, who will take care of the registration of the ownership
for the purchaser; the notary will then pay the purchase price to the seller.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes, and the mortgage is registered against the purchaser’s ownership title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? When the final contract (“l’acte de
vente”) is signed, the fees are paid to the notary; these vary, depending on the purchase
price (plus mortgage fees if applicable, Surveyor’s fee (optional), estate agent’s fees up to
10% due if completion; lawyers normally charge by the hour at rates ranging (depending
on their location, Paris/Province) from 200 to 350 €; lawyers may also charge flat fees
for specific services.
Notary’s fees are regulated by the government, and vary according to the sale price of the
property. If you ask for the assistance of a real estate agent their fees are generally in the
region of 5% - 10%; they may have been included in the price of the house; remember
that VAT (20%) is applicable to those fees.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? The total fees and taxes vary as
follows: for older property, the total fees and taxes payable for the purchase of an existing
property amount between 7% and 10% of the purchase price, excluding (if any) estate
agency fees. For new property, the total fees and taxes amount 2% to 4% in fees and
registration taxes (plus VAT) at the rate of 20% on the purchase price (although it does
not apply for sales between private individuals).
Those fees include French property tax split between the commune”, the département
and the State. Land property registration fee varies from region to region.
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? The seller pays a tax based on the
difference depending on the gain in value of the property achieved from purchase date to
sale date. Capital gains derived from the disposal of shares and real property are subject
to tax.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
Before paying the purchase price to the seller, the notary pays the debts connected with
the property. The creditor of a loan secured by a registered mortgage should be paid
through the notary as long as his title is valid
Member Details:
Person to Contact Hubert MAZINGUE, Avocat au Barreau et à la Cour de Paris
Phone number :
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? No
2. Can EU citizens own property in Germany? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Germany? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes
5. Can companies incorporated outside Germany own property in Germany? Yes
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate?
Yes, it has to certified by a notary.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? No.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered?
Ownership as well as charges are registered in the land register.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)?
In case real estate is sold involving an estate agent usually purchaser bears occurring
costs, especially metropolitan areas.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)?
Basically every way is possible. Usually price is paid to bank transfer.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
Yes, and the mortgage is registered against the purchaser’s ownership title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property?
Fees occur for notary and land register.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property?
First, there is real estate transfer tax payable by the purchaser (with sellers liability).
Real estate transfer tax is 3,5 % of the purchase price. Value Added Tax basically is
not due. If real estate is sold on a commercial basis to another entrepreneur seller is
granted an option by law to pay VAT or not.
14. What tax is payable on selling a property?
See above.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
The purchaser is only liable in regard of the real estate for registered land charges,
and he becomes liable for contamination existing in the property.
The two German member firms details:-
Firm Name: Schmid, von Buttlar & Partner Firm Name: Kanzei Dr Reuter
Contact Florian Behensky Contact: Michael Reuter
Email [email protected] Email
Phone 0049 89 55 222 0 Phone 0049 203 370063
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? Yes
2. Can EU citizens own property in Greece? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Greece? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes
5. Can companies incorporated outside Greece own property in Greece? Yes
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? Yes, it constitutes an
integral part of the purchase deed, which is drafted and executed by, and in the presence
of a notary public and the parties, or by the parties and their lawyers (since an attorney’s
participation to the conclusion of the sale contract is not compulsory).
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? The total amount of the purchase
price is usually paid at the signing of the contract and the execution of the purchase deed,
because signing and completion occur simultaneously. However, the parties may
expressly agree that the purchase price shall be payable in a number of instalments. In
that case, the amount of deposit and the number of instalments will be agreed by the
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? After signature of the purchase deed
by the notary, the deed must be delivered to the Land Registry, where it will be recorded
in the buyer’s name.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? No unless
the purchaser buys a property directly from a real estate agent, in which case he will have
to pay a corresponding commission of up to 2%.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? At the
notary’s office, the purchase price of either residential or commercial property is paid by a
bank’s cheque (payable to the seller). This occurs during the execution of the purchase
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes, and the mortgage is registered against the purchaser’s ownership title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? The purchaser has to pay notary
public fees (1%-2%), legal fees (1.5%) and the Land Registry Fee (4.75‰) on the
assessed tax value of the property (i.e. the monetary value of the property according to
the Greek Minister of Economics).
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? The law exempts buyers intending to
buy a residential property (up to 90.000 for unmarried people and up to 150.000 for
married couples) from the obligation of paying any purchase or transfer taxes (first
residence tax exemption). Buyers who do not fall within that category will have to pay
purchase or transfer tax (at a rate of 3% on the assessed tax value).
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? The seller will have to pay capital gains
tax (at a rate of 15%), which is the tax imposed on the difference between the acquisition
price (it is written on the purchase deed) and the assessed tax value of the property.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
In many cases the buyer can become liable for any outstanding or unpaid costs of repair,
utility bills etc of the property. Moreover, he will become liable for any matters burdening
the property, such as mortgages. Hence it is imperative that the buyer demands that the
seller provide him/her a title without any incumbrances.
Member Details:-
Person to Contact Dimitris Foutsis
Phone Number +30 210 38 37 459
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? No
2. Can EU citizens own property in Italy? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Italy? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes
5. Can companies incorporated outside Italy own property in Italy? Yes
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? Yes, a written contract
is required for all contracts of sale/purchase of real estate and related rights.
Moreover, signatures of such contracts must be certified by a notary public in order to
register the contract in the Real Estate Registers (see item 8).
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? It depends on the agreement
between the parties. Usually a preliminary contract is signed once the agreement is
reached and a deposit is paid at that time; the balance of the price is usually paid
when the final contract is signed before a notary public.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? Real Estate Registers (Registri
Immobiliari) are kept throughout Italy, and are now electronically accessible.
Registration has the value of publicity, i.e. earlier registrations prevails on later
registrations and this applies to transfers, mortgages, seizure and any other charges.
Registration is usually made by the notary public immediately after the signature of the
final contract. It is also possible (and sometimes highly advisable) to register the
preliminary contract.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? It depends on
the agreements; usually brokers are paid a percentage (2% to 3%) of the price;
normally fees are charged to the seller only, sometimes to both the seller and the
10. How is the purchase price paid? Directly from the purchaser to the seller, either by
cashier's cheque or bank transfer. The means of payment must be indicated in detail
in the contract, and cash is not allowed for more than 999,99 Euros (anti-money
laundering measures).
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes. The purchaser signs the mortgage contract with the bank
immediately after the final sale and purchase contract is signed and the mortgage is
registered against the title by the notary who registers the purchase.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? Notary fees (for search, certification,
registration) plus VAT are usually paid by the purchaser; lawyer's fees by any party
instructing a lawyer.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? Taxes are payable on the purchase of
both residential and commercial properties with different rates or as a fixed amount,
although from 1/1/2014 taxes on residential properties were reduced. VAT is due in
principle on the price paid, but some kind of purchases are VAT-exempt or subject to
a reduced rate of 4% or 10%. In each case, taxes should be calculated by a
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? The seller will have to pay income tax
(except in some cases) or corporation tax and /or capital gains tax.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
Where the property is part of a larger building or if there is common ownership with
other properties, the purchaser can become liable for arrears of expenses jointly for
common parts; the purchaser can also become liable for repair obligations or other
statutory charges.
Member Details:-
Firm Name CLG Italia
Person to Contact Patrizio Tumietto Irene Grassi
Email [email protected]
Phone Number 0039 02 6202201 0039 051 6449752
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer?
No, however, in view of the complexities of buying real estate, it is highly
advisable to use a lawyer.
2. Can EU citizens own property in The Netherlands?
3. Can non EU citizens own property in The Netherlands?
4. Can more than one person own a property?
Yes, e.g. if more than one person or body corporate together acquire a property, or if
heirs acquire property through succession following the death of the registered owner.
5. Can companies incorporated outside The Netherlands own property in
The Netherlands?
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase/sale of real estate?
Yes. The purchase and sale contract represents the obligatory agreement (concluded
in writing or orally) between the parties. Based on the obligatory agreement, the
transfer of title (transfer of “ownership” of the property) has to be effected through a
notarial deed, issued by a Dutch civil law notary (“notaris”).
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract?
Only if that has been agreed between the parties. And if that has been agreed, the
payment is usually made into the escrow account of the civil law notary.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered?
Ownership is registered in a public register, the Land Registry (“Kadaster”).
However, if the transfer of title/ownership is effected by an instrument of law,
e.g. by succession, the Register is not updated, and there is no obligation to
update it. A similar situation may develop following a merger. Thus the Land
Register may not always correctly reflect the present owner(s).
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)?
Only if the purchaser has entered into an agreement with a real estate agent that
provides for services to be rendered to the purchaser or the purchaser has for other
reasons voluntarily assumed an obligation to do so.
10.How is the purchase price paid?
Basically payment is made in money (the currency may be agreed between the
parties). Payment is usually effected by money transfer. The funds are transferred to
the civil law notary who keeps these in escrow, until the transfer of title/ownership
has been confirmed by the Land Register. Upon receipt of that confirmation, the
purchase price is released to the seller. However, this is not an obligatory procedure.
Parties may agree otherwise the means or procedure of payment. Even barter and
balancing may be agreed.
11.Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
Yes, as long as the prospective purchaser is also the new owner of the property or if
the (new) owner agrees, because the mortgage has to be registered against the
registered ownership title of the property in the public registers.
12.What fees are payable on buying a property?
The fees of the civil law notary are due (because of his (obligatory) involvement in
transferring the title/ownership and/or vesting and registering the mortgage).
Fees and costs in connection with the acquisition of a loan.
13.What tax is payable on buying a property?
VAT (“BTW”) or Transfer Tax (“Ovb”).
Generally spoken newly built property or if professional parties have opted for transfer
under the regime of the VAT, triggers VAT (at present 21%).
Generally, all transactions that are not taxed with VAT, will be subject to Transfer Tax
(at present 2% for private houses, and 6% for commercial property).
14.What tax is payable on selling a property?
If applicable, the VAT the seller has received from the purchaser.
(Note: Transfer Tax is collected by the civil law notary. He transfers the tax collected
to the IRS.)
If the sale leads to a profit and if that is acquired as a consequence of commercial
activities, Company Tax (“Vpb”) or Income Tax (“IB”) may be due.
(However, a sale may also trigger fiscally favorable exemptions, e.g. if certain new
investments are made (“Herinvesteringsreseve”).
15.Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the
Although usually cleared prior to transfer, that might be the case in respect of
certain debts which stem form a mortgage registered against the property, or
certain debts specifically attached to the property itself, and not related to the
ownership of the property.
Member details:
Firm Name Vink & Partners
Person to contact Peter J. Fresacher
Phone number +31-(0)20-573.21.21
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? No
2. Can EU citizens own property in Portugal? Yes.
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Portugal? Yes.
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes.
5. Can companies incorporated outside Portugal own property in Portugal? Yes.
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? Yes, either by public
deed or certified private document, using a Public Notary.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? By the time the public deed or
certified private document containing the purchase agreement is granted, the full payment
should already be made, or should happen at the same time. If a promissory agreement
is signed, a deposit is usually paid.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? Ownership of real estate is registered
in the National Land Register. The deed (see item 6 above) must be delivered as proof of
the acquisition.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? Only if a
property broker was used to make the deal happen (i.e., if the buyer came to know of the
property through a property broker).
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? There is no
rule regarding this matter, payment may be made in whichever form the parties agree. If
the payment is not fully made by the time the public deed or certified private document
containing the contract is signed, there should be special mention of that fact.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? The fee for registering at the Land
Register, fee for the public deed or the certification of the private document regarding the
Public Notary, lawyer and/or property broker, if applicable.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property?
The purchaser pays the Property Transfer Tax “IMT” (varying according to the kind of
real estate, its price, and the purpose of the acquisition), Stamp Duty tax.
14. What tax is payable on selling a property?
28% on Capital gains
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
Only mortgages, Property tax (IMI) and condominium.
Member Details:-
Firm Name - RPM - Advogados
Person to Contact Rui Pereira de Melo
Phone Number 00351 916 894 020
1. Does the Purchaser have to use a lawyer? Yes a solicitor is engaged for such a
2. Can EU citizens own property in Ireland? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Ireland? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes There are two types of
ownership in Ireland Joint Tenancy whereby in case of death the survivor inherits the
deceased partner’s interest; and Tenancy In Common by which either party can
dispose of his /her undivided share in the property to whom they wish.
5. Can companies incorporated outside Ireland own property in Ireland? Yes
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of property? No, but it is highly
recommended that a Contract be entered into, in order to provide for good title to pass. In
addition the Purchaser is afforded the protection of Warranties which are contained in the
General Conditions of Sale so as to provide an avenue of recourse should any issue arise
on the sale which may need to be addressed by the Purchaser against the Vendor.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? Yes, generally a non refundable
deposit of 10% of the purchase price is payable on signing of the Contract for Sale. A
booking deposit is payable if an Auctioneer is involved once the property is “Sale
Agreed”. The booking deposit is refundable up to signing of Contract for Sale if it is held
by the Auctioneer as stakeholder. The deposit payable with the Contract will then be the
10% minus the booking deposit paid to the Auctioneer. A binding Contract is only in place
once Contracts have been signed by both parties, the deposit is paid in full and Contracts
8. How is ownership of property registered? Under the umbrella of the Property
Registration Authority Ireland, there are currently two systems of registration in Ireland.
The Land Registry is digital Folio based and includes an Irish Government Guarantee of
good title. This register is conclusive evidence of title to the property and any right,
privilege, appurtenances or burden appearing thereon. On the other hand, the Registry of
Deeds provides a system of voluntary registration for deeds (not title) on the register and
enables priority to registered deeds over unregisterable deeds. Since June 2010 all of
Ireland is compulsorily registerable even if prior to this date the title was registered in the
Registry of Deeds.
By International comparison Ireland has a very extensive and well developed system of
Land Registration. Since the foundation of the Land Registry in 1892 there has been a
gradual ongoing and continuous programme of movement away from the old system of
recording deeds in the Registry of Deeds, to move to the more modern, flexible and
comprehensive system provided by the Property Registration Authority. 95% of the total
landmass of estate and almost 88 of legal titles in Ireland are now registered with the
Property Registration Authority, (91% of registered titles are freehold, and 9% are
9. Does the Purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? No.
Where an estate agent is involved in the sale of property, the Vendor will engage the
estate agent and will be responsible for his fee. However, the Purchaser may engage an
estate agent to act for him in locating a suitable property and in that case he would be
liable to pay a “finder’s fee”.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? Yes payment
is made through the solicitors for both parties; the purchase price historically has been
paid by loan cheque and /or bank draft. However current trends are for same to be paid
by same day electronic transfer of funds to the Vendor’s Solicitor for the protection of the
11. Can the Purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes and the mortgage/charge will be registered against the Purchaser’s title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? The Purchaser pays his solicitor’s
fee (this is negotiated at the start of the transaction) plus Value Added Tax (currently
23%) together with any outlays incurred by the solicitor on behalf of the Purchaser. Such
outlays include, but are not limited to, stamp duty and registration fees.
In the case of residential properties stamp duty is payable on the first €1 million at a rate
of 1% and at a rate of 2% for any excess over €1 million On non residential properties the
Stamp Duty payable is 2% on the full purchase price. This is payable within 28 days
through the Revenue Online System. In practice, however, penalties are not charged if
the instrument is stamped within 44 days of execution.
The Purchaser will also be liable for Land Registry fees due for the conveyance/transfer
on a sliding scale depending on the purchase price, and Mortgage document, if
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? Value Added Tax is payable except on
the purchase of second hand residential property where the Vendor is an ‘end user’ for
VAT purposes. In certain circumstances, this tax is payable on the purchase of non
residential property depending on the Vendor and of the Purchaser and whether or not
the building is being used for taxable activities. Stamp Duty on a sliding scale as outlined
above, is payable by the Purchaser on the purchase of property.
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? The Vendor may have to charge Value
Added tax and account for this to the Revenue depending on the VAT status of the
property as referred to above. The Vendor may also be liable to Capital Gains Tax on the
disposal of the property, depending on the gain in value of the property achieved from
purchase date to sale date. The Vendor of residential property will also be obliged to
discharge all Household Charges , NPPR (Non Principal Private Residence Tax) and
LPT (Local Property Tax) if not already discharged, and any interest and penalties due
for late payments.
15. Does the Purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
The Purchaser can be held liable for any outstanding property taxes such as Household
Charge/NPPR/LPT which are in arrears over the property and which were not discharged
by the Vendor on closing. Certificates of exemption/receipts of payment should be
obtained from the Vendor’s Solicitors in advance of completion to make sure no
outstanding taxes are payable in respect of the property. The Purchaser’s Solicitor should
also make enquiries if any previous bank debt is registered or held against the property
and obtain a Release/Discharge of the Mortgage from the Vendors lending institution
before completion of the purchase of the property.
Member Details:-
Firm Name O’Gradys Solicitors
Persons to Contact Kirby Tarrant: Janet Tarrant: Ronan O’Grady:;
Phone Number +353 1 661 3960
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? Yes
2. Can EU citizens own property in Scotland? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Scotland? Yes
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes, although it is important to set out
the proportion in which they own it and/or the capacity in which they hold it, on behalf
of whom and in what shares.
5. Can companies incorporated outside Scotland own property in Scotland? Yes,
although a very punitive rate of stamp duty of 15% is payable by companies and
partnerships (with certain exemptions) on the purchase of residential property.
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? No, but it is highly
recommended that a contract be entered into, in order to provide for good title to pass,
and to deal with ancillary matters such as searches, statutory notices etc.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? No, unless it is purchased at auction.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? There are two registers the Land
Register of Scotland, which is map based, and includes a UK Government guarantee of
good title (unless qualified in the Land Certificate). The Land Register was introduced in
1979, and all purchases will now be of registered land or will cause a first registration to
take place. The other register is the Register of Sasines, which is a register of deeds, and
there is no government guarantee of good title.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? Not for
residential property, even if he goes to an estate agent to buy the property, as the seller
will always pay the estate agent a fee. If the purchaser is buying commercial property for
occupancy or as an investment, he will usually pay a “finder’s fee” to a property agent.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? Through the
lawyers; residential property is usually paid by the law firm’s cheque, and commercial
property is usually paid by same day electronic transfer of funds. Cash is not acceptable.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes, and the mortgage is registered against the purchaser’s ownership title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? The purchaser pays his lawyer’s fee
(this is negotiated at the start of the transaction) plus Value Added Tax (presently 20%).
The purchaser also pays the lender’s legal fees if the lender is represented by a different
law firm (unusual for residential property, but usually the case for commercial property).
The purchaser also pays land registration dues for the conveyance (sliding scale
depending on price) and mortgage document (fixed at £60 GBP). The purchaser will also
pay his surveyor a fee to inspect and value the property. If the purchaser is borrowing in
order to buy the property, he has to pay the lender’s solicitor’s fees, if the lender is
separately represented.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? There is no Value Added Tax on
residential property, but in certain circumstances, this tax is payable on the purchase of
commercial property. Stamp Duty Land Tax on a sliding scale is payable by the
purchaser on the purchase of property. Land & Buildings Transaction Tax will replace
Stamp Duty Land Tax from April 2015.
Stamp duty will be payable by the buyer within 30 days of completion of the purchase, on
a sliding scale depending on the price paid, with the rate ranging, in the case of
commercial property, from zero (below £150,000) to 4% (over £500,000) & in the case of
residential property, from zero (below £125,000) to 7% (over £2m), but it should be
carefully noted that certain companies and other non-natural entities will have to pay 15%
stamp duty on residential property purchased for more than £500,000. Residential
properties owned wholly or partly by a company or other non-natural body (whether
offshore or onshore) may also be subject to Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED).
At present this applies to properties valued at £2 million on 1 April 2012 or at acquisition if
later. From 1 April 2015 it will apply to properties of £1 million or over and from 1 April
2016 to properties of £500,000 or over. The tax is a fixed amount starting at £15,400 for a
£1m property to a maximum of £143,750 for a property worth more than £20m for the
2014/15 tax year. There are some exemptions and reliefs e.g. for investment properties
let to unconnected persons. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to carry out regular
revaluations and to advise HMRC if a property falls into ATED. Properties subject to
ATED are also potentially subject to Capital Gains Tax even for a non-resident owner.
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? The seller does not pay stamp duty land
tax. He may have to charge value Added tax and account for this to the UK tax authority.
He may have to pay income tax, corporation tax and /or capital gains tax on the disposal
of the property.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
In many cases the purchaser will become liable for outstanding and unpaid costs of repair
etc of the property, estate, or building of which it forms part, and for works to the larger
entity that have not yet been paid for. He will become liable to pay for complying with any
works required in any statutory notice that has been issued.
Member Details:-
Firm Name Anderson Strathern LLP
Person to Contact Ken Gerber
Phone Number +44-141-242-6068
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? No
2. Can EU citizens own property in Spain? Yes
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Spain? Yes, and if the property is worth more
than 500.000a residency visa can be granted since the 2013 “Law of Entrepreneurship
Support and its Internationalisation”.
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes
5. Can companies incorporated outside Spain own property in Spain ? Yes
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? Yes.
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? No.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered?
The ownership and encumbrances of real estate in Spain are registered in the Property
Registry (Registro de la Propiedad).
In case of buying real estate in Spain, it is advisable to grant a Public Deed (Escritura
Pública) before a Public Notary, so it can be registered in the abovementioned Property
Registry, to give good title. The Notary Public is obliged to ask for registration information
just before the signature of the Deed.
After notarisation, the Notary sends an electronic copy of the Deed to the Register
(Registro de la Propiedad), and a priority notice is issued.
In order to fulfill the registration, the taxes arising from the sell and purchase agreement
must be paid. To do this, a foreign party needs a taxpayer identification number (NIE) and
the corresponding tax labels.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? Not ususally.
If an estate agent is used in order to purchase or sell real estate, the estate agent is paid
by his client who can be either buyer or seller.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? Through a
cheque, transfer of money by bank,... There are restrictions on paying the price in cash,
according to Money Laundering Prevention Laws.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes, and the mortgage is registered against the purcharser’s ownership title.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? Although it is not compulsory, it is
highly advisable to grant a public deed before a Notary Public and to register the property
in the Property Registry, so the corresponding fees will need to be paid.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property?
If it is a purchase of a new building, you will need to pay the VAT (Iva) to the
seller, which amounts a 10% of the acquisition price.
If it is a purchase of a used property, you need to pay the Property Transfer Tax,
(Impuesto sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniales Onerorsas), which amounts,
depending on the region in Spain, between 6-10% of the acquisition price.
In both cases you need to pay the Certified Legal Documents Tax (Actos Jurídicos
Documentados) (which in general is 1% of the price).
14. What tax is payable on selling a property? You need to pay a local tax called
Municipal Capital Gains (Impuesto Municipal sobre el Incremento de Valor de los
Terrenos de Naturaleza Urbana,commonly known as Plusvalía Municipal), which
depends on the value of the property, the town where is it located, and the time you have
owned it.
15. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
Yes, that is why it is recommended to obtain updated information by the Property
Registry. You will also need to pay the amount owed to the Resident’s Association for the
year of the purchase and the 3 years before, if there are still amounts due.
Member Details:-
Person to Contact: David Grasa
Phone Number + 34 934 875 894
1. Does the purchaser have to use a lawyer? No, but a notary in the same Canton as
the property must be used.
2. Can EU citizens own property in Switzerland? Yes, but there are certain
regulations ("Federal Law on the acquisition of land by persons abroad" and "agreement
on the free movement between the Swiss Confederation on the one hand, and the
European Community and its Member States, on the other hand").
3. Can non EU citizens own property in Switzerland? Yes, but there are certain
regulations ("Federal Law on the acquisition of land by persons abroad").
4. Can more than one person own a property? Yes.
5. Can companies incorporated outside Switzerland own property in Switzerland?
Yes (with the same restrictions as points 2 and 3)
6. Is a contract necessary for purchase / sale of real estate? Yes (Art. 657 ZGB)
7. Is a deposit payable on signing the contract? No, but it is usual for payment of the
whole price at the same time as the agreement is signed.
8. How is ownership of real estate registered? There is the Land Charge Register for
every Canton and District.
9. Does the purchaser have to pay an estate agent (property broker)? No.
10. How is the purchase price paid (for example through the lawyers)? Mostly
through the bank. The Swiss government will probably ban cash payments over CHF
100,000 in the future.
11. Can the purchaser borrow money to pay for the property, and grant a
mortgage? Yes, it is usual to finance a part of the price by a mortgage from a bank. The
bank gives a mortgage of 60-70% of the value for houses and apartments, 50-60% for
industrial real estate.
12. What fees are payable on buying a property? The purchaser has to pay the
notary's fee.
13. What tax is payable on buying a property? / What tax is payable on selling a
property? There is a purchase tax between 1-3% (varies from canton to canton).
Cantonal law regulates whether the tax has to be paid be the buyer (alone) or by both
parties (seller and buyer). VAT (8%) is payable in certain cases.
14. Does the purchaser become liable for existing debts in respect of the property?
The purchaser is liable for a wealth tax for the profit gained from selling the property and
also, for the insurance policy if he does not cancel it.
15. Since March 2013, the Swiss Constitution regulates the selling of houses and
apartments that are meant to be secondary homes. There is an absolute limit of 20%
secondary residences for each community.
Member Details:-
Firm Name Advokatur Krähenmann
Person to Contact Walter Krähenmann
Phone Number +41 31 351 17 33
Commercial Law Group