The California State University (CSU) Nonresident Tuition Exemption is available for certain nonresident students (including U.S. citizens, permanent
residents, and undocumented individuals) who have attended, graduated, or achieved the equivalent from a California school. These students may be
exempted from paying nonresident tuition but must remain classified as “nonresidents” for residence classification and financial aid eligibility purposes.
The exemption originated with the passage of Assembly Bill 540, Assembly Bill 2000, Senate Bill 68 and Senate Bill 1141.
The CSU Nonresident Tuition Exemption is open to CSU students enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students who are:
U.S. Citizens
Permanent Residents
Undocumented Students (including TPS, DACA, asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile, VAWA, Humanitarian Parole [certain countries])
T and U Visa Holders Only
MUST MEET THE EXEMPTION REQUIREMENTS (Attendance and Graduation Requirements)
Attendance requirement (must meet one)
Attended a high school (public or private) in California for three or more years, OR
Attained credits earned in California from a California high school equivalent to three or more years of full-time high school course work and
attended a combination of elementary, middle and/or high schools in California for a total of three or more years.
Attended or attained credits at a combination of California high school, California adult school, or California community college* for the
equivalent of (3) years or more.
*A year’s equivalence at a California community college is either a minimum of 24 semester units of credit or 36 quarter units. Full-time
attendance at a California adult school is a minimum of 420 hours of attendance for each school year.
Graduation/Degree Requirement (must meet one)
The student must have graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent from a California high school prior to the start of
the term (for example, passing the GED or California High School Proficiency exam) or
Completed or will complete (before the first term of enrollment at the CSU) an associate’s degree from a California community college; or
Completed or will complete (before the first term of enrollment at the CSU) the minimum requirements at a California community college for
transfer to the California State University. The student must file an affidavit with the college or university stating that filed an application to
legalize their immigration status, or will file an application as soon as they are eligible to do so.
The student must file an exemption request including a signed affidavit with the campus that indicates the student has met all applicable
conditions described above. Student information obtained in this process is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required under law.
Students eligible for this exemption who are transferring to another California public college or university must submit a new request (and
documentation if required) to each college under consideration.
Nonresident students meeting the criteria will be exempted from the payment of nonresident tuition, but they will not be classified as
California residents. They continue to be “nonresidents.”
The California Dream Act extends Cal Grant A and B Entitlement awards, Cal Grant C awards, Chaffee grants, and institutional financial aid
to students that meet these criteria as well as the applicable criteria for eligibility for specific types of financial aid.
AB540 does not provide federal student financial aid eligibility for undocumented students. These students remain ineligible for federal
financial aid.
Undocumented students who are eligible for AB540 will remain ineligible for federal financial aid.
Students who take adult school or community college courses while concurrently enrolled in a CSU to qualify for the AB540 exemption will
continue to be charged out of state tuition as nonresidents until the exemption requirements are fulfilled.
Students who already earned a high school diploma or the equivalent from another state may not take courses to obtain a California high
school diploma or the equivalent in order to be granted the exemption.
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It is the responsibility of the students to verify all fee balances prior to the start of the term. Out-of-state tuition will be charged if the student did not
meet the residency or non-resident Tuition Exemption (AB540). If a student paid out-of-state tuition in previous terms, the CSU cannot grant retroactive
requests or change residency status as evidence of California residency was not provided to the campus by the stated deadlines.
Where to submit: Students will not be considered for this exemption unless the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request form is completed
and submitted along with supporting documents (i.e., official transcripts, proof of attendance at a California school) to the campus Admissions and
Records Office.
For current CSU students: If you are a current student and this is your first time submitting the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request form,
you must ensure that you submit the form along with official transcripts from all institutions you have previously attended in California. All documents
must be submitted by the last day of the current term, as stated in the campus-published academic calendar. To guarantee a timely submission, consult
with the campus Admissions Office for guidance and confirmation of the deadline. It’s important to note that any documents received after the last day
of the term will be processed for the subsequent term.
In the event of a break in enrollment necessitating a readmission application or if you apply to a graduate program, you will be required to resubmit a
new AB 540 form at the time of reapplication.
New Student Applicants: It is important to contact the campus Admissions Office to know when the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request
form (AB 540 form) with official transcripts can be submitted to the campus Admissions Office. All 23 CSU campuses will offer “conditional admission”
based on transcripts or work-in-progress. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit transcripts from all institutions previously attended in California.
A final transcript will be requested prior to enrollment.
If you think your status is an error, please contact the campus Admissions Office or refer to the California State University website,
residency, for additional information.
California Dream Act (California Financial Aid for those Granted AB 540)
The California Dream Act allows certain students who have been granted the AB 540 Exemption to qualify for California financial aid. Students
wanting to be eligible for the California Dream Act must have a California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request Form on file and remain classified as
nonresidents. It is encouraged for students, particularly students with DACA or TPS, to review the eligibility requirements and seek financial aid advice
from the campus Financial Aid Office to learn more about the California Dream Act.
Contacting your Campus Financial Aid Office
It is encouraged for students to review the eligibility requirements and seek financial aid advice from the campus Financial Aid Office to learn more
about the California Dream Act or FAFSA.
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Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Please note that while the term AB540 is used it also refers to SB1141, AB2000 and SB68 all of which
are based on California Education Code Section 68130.5.
Is the AB540 exemption only for undocumented students?
NO. The AB540 exemption is available for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, undocumented students (including TPS, Humanitarian Parole [certain
countries], DACA, asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile, VAWA), and T or U visa holders.
I am a DACA student. Is the exemption available for me?
Yes, the exemption is available for DACA students that meet the exemption requirements.
If a student was in a visa status other than T or U during attendance at a California school, can that attendance and/or graduation count
towards fulfillment of the exemption requirements?
Yes; however, with the exception of students holding a T or U visa, the visa status (e.g. F-1) cannot be active at the time the student applies for
the exemption.
What documents do I need to apply for the exemption?
Students must complete and submit the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request (affidavit) and provide supporting documentation
(e.g. official transcripts).
Where can I find the Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request (affidavit)?
This form may be obtained from the Office of Admissions at the campus of planned attendance or from the CSU website
under Residency Forms. Supporting documentation such as official school transcripts should be submitted with the form.
Where should I submit the form?
The completed form should be submitted to the Office of Admissions at the campus of planned attendance.
How many forms do I submit?
You must submit one form with supporting documentation for each campus of planned attendance.
Who determines whether a student qualifies for the exemption?
The campus Office of Admission.
Once approved, do I need to submit a new form for each semester?
NO. Once you have been approved for the exemption, it continues for subsequent terms as long as continuous enrollment is maintained.
Does AB540 status mean that I am a California resident?
NO. AB540 students are still classified as nonresidents. AB540 status merely exempts students from the payment of nonresident (out of state) tuition
so that students pay in-state tuition.
Can I be both AB540 and California resident?
NO. While you may be a California resident who qualifies for AB540, you may hold only one classification in the system at a time; therefore, for tuition
purposes you will be classified as either AB540 or California resident.
Can I change from California resident to AB540 or vice versa?
YES. However, the campus Office of Admissions cannot advise you of which status to choose. As each status determines your eligibility for certain types of
financial aid, it is strongly suggested that you consult with the campus financial aid department in order to understand how such a change will affect you.
If I am not approved for the exemption can I appeal the decision?
NO. There is no appeal process for a denial of the AB540 exemption.
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Can a student who has 3 years of attendance at a California school but left California and obtained a high school diploma or equivalent
from another state, take courses to obtain a California high school diploma or equivalent to meet AB540 requirements?
NO. Once a student has a diploma, the student cannot earn a duplicate in California in order to be granted the AB540 exemption.
If a student attends a California Community College for 3 years is that attendance alone sufficient to fulfill the attendance requirement
for the exemption?
A total of 3 years of full-time noncredit and/or credit coursework or equivalency can be completed at the community college to meet the
attendance requirement.
After enrolling at a CSU should a student take adult school courses to meet exemption attendance requirements in order to use the
exemption for the next term of enrollment at a CSU?
The purpose of the exemption is to save the student money by allowing the student to pay in-state (resident) fees. Enrolling at the CSU prior to
completion of all exemption requirements is not a good idea for it means that the student will be responsible for out of state tuition (nonresident) fees
until all exemption requirements are met.
If I have the AB 540 nonresident status can I apply for financial aid?
Yes, students who are Permanent Residents and US Citizens may apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA). Undocumented
students may apply for the Dream Act.
I have been attending the CSU and didn’t know about the AB540 exemption. Can I submit a retroactive request to have my past
nonresident fees refunded?
No, retroactive requests for a previous term will not be accepted. Students will not be considered for this exemption unless the California Nonresident
Tuition Exemption request form is completed and submitted along with supporting documents prior to the last day of the semester for which the student
is requesting the exemption.
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Education Code § 68130.5, as amended, commonly known as AB 540
Effective January 1, 2023
Complete and sign this form to request exemption from nonresident tuition charged to nonresident students. Once determined to be eligible, you will
continue to receive the exemption as long as you fulfill eligibility requirements or until the University no longer offers this exemption. Applying for this
exemption does not alter your responsibility to pay, by the campus deadline, any nonresident tuition and associated fees that may be due before your
eligibility is determined. Complete and return this form to the Campus Office of Admissions and Records. For additional information, please refer to under Exceptions & Exemptions.
I, (name of student)
California State University (specify campus)
, am applying for the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption at
and declare that the following apply to me.
1.) Check one box only:
I have a current nonimmigrant visa (not including a T or U visa) as defined by federal law.
Nonimmigrants have been admitted to the U.S. on a temporary visa and include, but are not limited to, foreign students (holding F visas) and exchange visitors
(holding J visas).
I have a current nonimmigrant T or U visa as defined by federal law.
I do NOT have a current, nonimmigrant visa as defined by federal law.
This includes, among others, U.S. citizens, permanent residents, DACA recipients, and individuals without a current or valid immigration status.
2.) Select all items that apply to you from Columns A and B (must select at least one from each column):
Column A (Attendance Requirement) Column B (Graduation Requirement)
I have 3 years of attendance at a California high school. I have graduated or will graduate (before the first term of enrollment
I have 3 or more years of high school coursework and 3 years at the CSU) with a California high school diploma or the equivalent
of attendance in California elementary schools, California (i.e., California-issued GED, CHSPE).
secondary schools, or a combination of California elementary I completed or will complete (before the first term of enrollment at
and secondary schools. the CSU) an associate’s degree from a California Community College
I attended or attained credits at a combination of California high I completed or will complete (before the first term of enrollment at the
school, California adult school, or California Community College for CSU) the minimum requirements at a California Community College for
the equivalent of (3) years or more.
transfer to the California State University.
*A year’s equivalence at a California community college is either a minimum of 24 semester units of credit or 36 quarter units. Full-time attendance at a California adult school
is a minimum of 420 hours of attendance for each school year.
5 | Revised: September 2023
Education Code § 68130.5, as amended, commonly known as AB 540
Effective January 1, 2023
Please provide information on the schools you attended and referenced, including the dates you attended and the number of credits or
hours obtained:
Name of California School City From (Month/Year) To (Month/Year)
Number of
Credits or Hours
Applicant must submit, as part of this form, official transcripts/attendance records that validate any of the information above as requested by the
campus residence official.
If you are a non-citizen without a current or valid immigration status, your signature below serves as your affidavit of the following: I have filed an
application to legalize my immigration status or will file an application as soon as I am eligible to do so.
I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury that the information I have provided on this form is true and accurate. I understand that this
information will be used to determine my eligibility for the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption. I further understand that if any of the above
information is found to be false, I will be liable for payment of all nonresident tuition charges from which I was exempted and may be subject to
disciplinary action by the University.
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