Google Analytics 4 Guide
Tracking Campaign Traffic with UTM Links
University Relations, Digital Marketing & Analytics
UTM BASICS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
What is UTM (Urchin Tracking Module)? ........................................................................................................................... 1
Definitions to Know............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Campaign Medium* ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Campaign Source* .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Campaign Name* ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Campaign Keyword/Term ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Campaign Content .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Campaign ID .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Best Practices ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
When to Use URLs with UTM Tracking ........................................................................................................................... 1
When Not to Use URLs with UTM Tracking .................................................................................................................... 1
Other Process Tips .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
CAMPAIGN TRACKING ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
I have an upcoming campaign I would like to track. How do I build my campaign URL? ................................................... 2
Step 1: Submit a Workfront request to the Marketing Data Manager to create your UTM link (may take 3-5 business
days to process). ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Examples of UTM Tracking (Not Actual Campaigns) ................................................................................................... 2
Step 2: Marketing Data Manager will review the UTM links. ......................................................................................... 3
Step 3: If sharing the link through Slate, use the approved UTM parameters. .............................................................. 3
Step 4: If sharing the link without the ability to hyperlink, shorten the approved URL using a link shortener ( . 3
Step 5: Use the approved URL in your marketing materials. .......................................................................................... 3
I have been using my campaign URL. How do I review the results? .................................................................................. 4
Step 1a: Access the reporting in Google Analytics (UA). ................................................................................................ 4
Step 1b: Access the reporting in Google Analytics (GA4). .............................................................................................. 4
Step 2: Consult with Marketing Data Manager for questions or additional insights. .................................................... 4
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What is UTM (Urchin Tracking Module)?
UTM codes/parameters are snippets of text added to the end of a URL to help track where website traffic comes from.
Definitions to Know
*Required UTM parameters to include in your link
Campaign Medium*
Used to identify the advertising or marketing medium.
Examples: social, organic, cpc, referral, email, paid-social, video, linktree, webinar, sms, offline
Campaign Source*
Used to identify the advertiser, website, publication, etc.
Examples: google, bing, facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram, tiktok, youtube, event, direct-mail, print, ucr-life, inside-
ucr, rgrad, rweb, rspace, slate, qr-code, thrutext
Campaign Name*
Used to identify the campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc.
Recommended naming convention: [teamname]-[recruitmentperiod]-[audience]-[campaignstage]-[datedeployed]
Campaign Keyword/Term
Used to identify paid search keywords ads are being run on.
Examples: engineering, biology, summersession
Campaign Content
Used to differentiate similar content or links within the same ad; for example, if you have two CTA links in the same
email, you can use this to differentiate which link was more effective.
Examples: photolink, hyperlink, headerlink
Campaign ID
Used to identify the Google Ads campaign being referenced.
Best Practices
When to Use URLs with UTM Tracking
When you are driving marketing campaigns or sharing website links anywhere outside of (for example, you
can use UTMs if you are directing users to a site through an email, text message, or flyer).
If you run paid search campaigns on search engines other than Google, you will need to add UTM parameters to
those destination URLs for those ads.
Referral sites are auto detected and displayed in your reports. However, if you want to associate a campaign name
or ad type (such as “banner ad”) with referral traffic, you can add UTMs to the links on those referral sites.
When Not to Use URLs with UTM Tracking
When you are engaging in more personal, quality-over-quantity types of conversations.
If your Analytics account is linked to an active Google Ads account and you have auto-tagging enabled, you do NOT
need to tag your destination URLs in Google Ads. Analytics will automatically track all your Google Ad campaigns. If
you want to manually tag your Google Ads campaigns using UTM parameters, disable auto-tagging and enable
manual tagging before starting this process.
Do not tag organic (unpaid) keyword links from search engines. Search engine names are auto detected and
displayed in your reports.
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Other Process Tips
Use only the campaign variables you need. Don’t feel the need to use all the variables if they are not applicable.
The URL will look similar to this:
Use shortener for links sent through text message or any place where you can’t hide a long link or hyperlink.
I have an upcoming campaign I would like to track. How do I build my campaign URL?
Step 1: Submit a Workfront request to the Marketing Data Manager to create your UTM link (may take 3-5 business
days to process).
To expedite the process, you can create your own UTM link(s) using the Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder.
If you choose to create your own UTM link(s), skip this step (Step 1) and send your link(s) to the Marketing Data
Manager, Stephanie Nguyen (stephanie.ngu[email protected]), for approval.
Submit a request using the Marketing Data Analytics Request Form in Workfront. This may take 3-5 business
days to process, so it is recommended to plan ahead and submit your request early.
Fill out the request form and enter/select the following request details:
- Department/Team:
- Campaign Start Date:
- Campaign End Date:
- Campaign Description:
- Campaign Medium:
- Campaign Source:
- Campaign Name:
- Campaign Keyword/Term (optional):
- Campaign Content (optional):
- Campaign ID (optional):
- Destination Link:
Examples of UTM Tracking (Not Actual Campaigns)
Paid Search Campaigns
Campaign Medium: cpc
Campaign Source: yahoo
Campaign Name: bcoe-f23-firstyear-apply-010122
Campaign Keyword/Term: engineering
Campaign Content: [blank]
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Paid Social Media Campaigns (Including YouTube)
Campaign Medium: paid-social
Campaign Source: instagram
Campaign Name: bcoe-f23-firstyear-apply-010122
Campaign Keyword/Term: engineering
Campaign Content: [blank]
Organic Social Media Campaigns (Including YouTube)
Campaign Medium: social
Campaign Source: instagram
Campaign Name: cnas-f23-firstyear-apply-010122
Campaign Keyword/Term: [blank]
Campaign Content: [blank]
Text Message Campaigns
Campaign Medium: sms
Campaign Source: slate
Campaign Name: chass- f23-firstyear-apply-010122
Campaign Keyword/Term: [blank]
Campaign Content: gif
Email Campaigns
Campaign Medium: email
Campaign Source: UCR Life Master List
Campaign Name: ua-f23-general-aware-010122
Campaign Keyword/Term: [blank]
Campaign Content: cta-subscribe-2
Offline Campaigns
Campaign Medium: offline
Campaign Source: event
Campaign Name: uga-f23-highlanderday-aware-010122
Campaign Keyword/Term: [blank]
Campaign Content: [blank]
Step 2: Marketing Data Manager will review the UTM links.
The Marketing Data Manager, Stephanie Nguyen ([email protected]), will create/review each URL to ensure
that it is formatted and set up correctly. UTM parameters are sensitive, and it is important to structure them correctly
and consistently. Otherwise, the reporting may not be accurate.
Step 3: If sharing the link through Slate, use the approved UTM parameters.
If using Slate, enter the approved fields into the native UTM parameter tool in the platform. Skip Steps 4 and 5.
Step 4: If sharing the link without the ability to hyperlink, shorten the approved URL using a link shortener (
The Marketing Data Manager will copy and paste the full link into the link shortener ( We have a paid plan with so we can create branded short links ( This will help for instances when the user typically sees a full link (i.e.,
you can’t hyperlink the URL), but you need to shorten it to meet a character limit or for a cleaner look.
Step 5: Use the approved URL in your marketing materials.
Use the approved URL(s) in your marketing campaign or share the URL(s) through the specified source and medium.
Always double check to make sure you are using the correct link.
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I have been using my campaign URL. How do I review the results?
Step 1a: Access the reporting in Google Analytics (UA).
In Universal Analytics, you will be able to see web traffic for your website broken down by the source/medium. This will
serve as a tool to assess the performance of each source/medium in driving web traffic to your site during your
campaign. Navigate to the Google Analytics platform and open the desired UA property.
Page-Specific Breakdown by Source/Medium
If you are still using a Universal Analytics property, select the correct view > Behavior > Site Content > All Pages. Filter by
the page and add a secondary dimension called “Source/Medium” to view a breakdown of how many pageviews
resulted from the source/medium combination for that specific site.
Overall Breakdown by Source/Medium
You can also select Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium to view a breakdown of each source/medium for the entire
Overall Breakdown by Campaign
You can also select Acquisition > Campaigns > All Campaigns to view a breakdown of each campaign.
Step 1b: Access the reporting in Google Analytics (GA4).
To view these metrics for GA4, navigate to the Web Analytics for Campus Partners (GA4) dashboard.
You will see the following reports:
1. Top Mediums/Sources view traffic broken down by mediums and sources for selected sites and pages.
2. Top Campaigns - view traffic driven by campaigns (defined by the UTM parameter, campaign name) for selected
sites and pages.
Step 2: Consult with Marketing Data Manager for questions or additional insights.
If you have any other questions, please contact the Marketing Data Manager, Stephanie Nguyen