File No. 2020-BCFP-
In the Matter of:
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) has reviewed certain
student loan servicing activities of Discover Bank, The Student Loan Corporation,
and Discover Products, Inc. (collectively, Respondent, as defined below),
including Respondent’s compliance with a 2015 Consent Order issued by the
Bureau and Respondent’s migration of its student loan servicing platform to a new
servicing system. The Bureau has identified the following law violations: (1)
Respondent violated the 2015 Consent Order by misrepresenting the minimum
periodic payments owed by consumers, the amount of annual interest paid by
consumers, and other facts material to consumers concerning the servicing of their
loans, and by failing to provide all redress required by the 2015 Consent Order, in
violation of Section 1036(a)(1)(A) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of
2010 (CFPA), 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A); (2) Respondent engaged in deceptive
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acts and practices by misrepresenting the minimum periodic payments owed by
consumers and the amount of annual interest paid by consumers, in violation of
Sections 1031(a) and 1036(a)(1)(B) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §§ 5531(a) and
5536(a)(1)(B); (3) Respondent engaged in unfair acts and practices by withdrawing
payments from consumers’ accounts without valid authorization and by cancelling
or not withdrawing payments without notifying consumers, in violation of Sections
1031(a) and 1036(a)(1)(B) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §§ 5531(a) and 5536(a)(1)(B);
(4) Respondent violated the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA), 15 U.S.C.
§1693e(a) and (b), and Regulation E, 12 C.F.R. § 1005.10(b) and (d), by
withdrawing payments from consumers’ accounts without a valid authorization;
and (5) Respondent’s violations of EFTA were also violations of Section
1036(a)(1)(A) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A). Under Sections 1053 and
1055 of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §§ 5563, 5565, the Bureau issues this Consent Order
(Consent Order).
1. The Bureau has jurisdiction over this matter under: (a) Sections 1053
and 1055 of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §§ 5563 and 5565, and (b) Section
918(a)(5) of EFTA, 15 U.S.C. § 1693o(a)(5).
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2. Respondent has executed a “Stipulation and Consent to the Issuance
of a Consent Order,” dated December 14, 2020 (Stipulation), which is
incorporated by reference and is accepted by the Bureau. By this
Stipulation, Respondent has consented to the issuance of this Consent
Order by the Bureau under Sections 1053 and 1055 of the CFPA, 12
U.S.C. §§ 5563, 5565, without admitting or denying any of the
findings of fact or conclusions of law,
except that Respondent admits
the facts necessary to establish the Bureau’s jurisdiction over
Respondent and the subject matter of this action.
3. The following definitions apply to this Consent Order:
a. “2015 Consent Order” means the administrative consent order
the Bureau issued on July 22, 2015 at docket number 2015-
b. “Affected Consumers” includes any consumers potentially
impacted by a Consent Order Violation, as defined below, or a
Migration Issue, as defined below.
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c. “Backdate” or “Backdating” means a loan adjustment applied
retroactively, resulting in the reprocessing of all loan
transactions from the effective date of the loan adjustment
going forward to ensure the adjustment is fully incorporated
and reflected in the loan history and amounts owed, or other
appropriate adjustment as provided in the approved Redress
Plan, as described in Section VIII.
d. “Board” means Respondent’s duly elected and acting Board of
e. “Consent Order Violation” means any act or omission that was
not in compliance with the 2015 Consent Order, while such
order was in effect.
f. “Effective Date” means the date on which this Consent Order is
entered on the administrative docket.
g. “Migration” means the migration of Respondent’s student loan
servicing platforms to a new system in 2017-2018.
h. “Migration Issue” means any student loan servicing error
arising from the Migration that impacted student loan
borrowers or cosigners.
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i. “Regional Director” means the Regional Director for the
Midwest Region for the Office of Supervision for the Bureau,
or his or her delegate.
j. “Related Consumer Action” means a private action by or on
behalf of one or more consumers or an enforcement action by
another governmental agency brought against Respondent
based on substantially the same facts as described in Section IV
of this Consent Order.
k. “Respondent
means, collectively, Discover Bank, The Student
Loan Corporation, and Discover Products, Inc., and their
successors and assigns.
Bureau Findings and Conclusions
The Bureau finds the following:
4. Discover Bank, which is headquartered in Greenwood, Delaware, is
an insured depository institution with assets greater than
$10,000,000,000 within the meaning of 12 U.S.C. § 5515(a).
5. The Student Loan Corporation and Discover Products, Inc. are
affiliates of Discover Bank, and are also service providers to Discover
Bank within the meaning of 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6)(B).
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6. Discover Bank, the Student Loan Corporation, and Discover Products,
Inc. each service student loans. Servicing loans is a “financial product
or service” within the meaning of 12 U.S.C. § 5481(15)(A)(i), and
thus is a “consumer financial product or service” under 12 U.S.C. §
7. Discover Bank, The Student Loan Corporation, and Discover
Products, Inc. each are a “covered person” under 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6)
because they are each engaged in the offering or providing of a
“consumer financial product or service.
8. On July 22, 2015, the Bureau issued the 2015 Consent Order for the
following violations of the CFPA: (1) Respondent engaged in unfair
and deceptive acts and practices by failing to furnish clear information
about the student loan interest consumers paid, in violation of
Sections 1031(a) and 1036(a)(1)(B) of the CFPA; (2) Respondent
engaged in unfair acts and practices by initiating collection calls to
consumers before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. in the time zone of their
address, in violation of Sections 1031(a) and 1031(a)(1)(B) of the
CFPA; (3) Respondent engaged in deceptive acts and practices by
overstating the minimum amount due in student loan billing
statements, in violation of Sections 1031(a) and 1036(a)(1)(B) of the
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CFPA; and (4) Respondent violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices
Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1692, et seq., through its collection activities on
certain defaulted student loans.
9. Approximately two years after the 2015 Consent Order was issued, in
September 2017, Respondent began the migration of its student loan
servicing platform to a new system.
10. Respondent migrated approximately 1.5 million loans for
approximately 778,000 borrowers to the new system during the
11. The Migration resulted in hundreds of Migration Issues that harmed
tens of thousands of consumers and resulted in numerous Consent
Order Violations.
12. In September 2017, the Bureau examined Respondent to assess
Respondent’s compliance with the 2015 Consent Order.
13. Respondent knew shortly after the Migration that many Migration
Issues were leading to potential Consent Order Violations.
14. Although Respondent was aware of potential Consent Order
Violations arising from the Migration while Bureau examiners were
on-site examining Respondent’s compliance with the 2015 Consent
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Order, Respondent did not report these violations to the Bureau at that
15. While Bureau examiners were on-site, Respondent was also aware of
other potential Consent Order Violations that occurred before the
Bureaus examination that were unrelated to the Migration.
Respondent did not report these potential pre-Migration Consent
Order Violations to the Bureau while Bureau examiners were on-site.
16. Respondent’s representations to the Bureau during the examination
about its compliance with the 2015 Consent Order were incomplete
and misleading.
Violations of the 2015 Consent Order
17. Section 1036(a)(1)(A) of the CFPA prohibits a covered person from
offering or providing any consumer financial product or service not in
conformity with Federal consumer financial law or committing any
act or omission in violation of a Federal consumer financial law. 12
U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A).
18. “Federal consumer financial law” includes any orders previously
issued by the Bureau. 12 U.S.C. § 5481(14).
19. The 2015 Consent Order is an order previously issued by the Bureau
within the meaning of § 5481(14).
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20. Respondent violated the 2015 Consent Order as described herein.
Each of its violations of the 2015 Consent Order constitutes a
violation of Section 5536(a)(1)(A) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §
Misrepresentations of the Minimum Periodic Payment
21. Paragraph 49(b)(i) of the 2015 Consent Order states that Respondent
“may not misrepresent. . . the minimum periodic payment owed by
22. While the 2015 Consent Order was in effect, Respondent made
misrepresentations to more than 100,000 consumers about the
minimum periodic payment these consumers owed. Respondent made
these misrepresentations in mailed account statements, letters, online,
and on phone calls.
23. Most of these misrepresentations occurred as a result of the Migration.
24. In these communications, Respondent either overstated or understated
the minimum periodic payment owed by consumers.
25. Consumers were harmed by Respondent’s misrepresentations of the
minimum periodic payment owed, resulting in some consumers
paying more or less than the correct monthly amount, and some
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consumers may have become late or delinquent because they could
not pay the amount they believed was the minimum amount due.
26. Respondent’s numerous misrepresentations of the minimum periodic
payment due from consumers violate Paragraph 49(b)(i) of the 2015
Consent Order, and thus also violate Section 5536(a)(1)(A) of the
CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A).
Misrepresentations of the Amount of Interest Paid
27. Paragraph 49(b)(ii) of the 2015 Consent Order states that Respondent
“may not misrepresent . . . the amount of interest paid by
28. The tax code allows student loan interest, up to $2,500, to be deducted
as an adjustment to income for some taxpayers.
29. While the Consent Order was in effect, Respondent misrepresented to
more than 8,000 consumers the amount of interest they had paid in
1098E tax forms, letters, online, or over the phone.
30. Most of these misrepresentations occurred as a result of the Migration.
31. In the misrepresentations, Respondent either overstated or understated
the amount of interest paid by consumers.
32. Respondent misrepresented the amount of interest consumers had paid
by amounts ranging from less than $100 to more than $40,000, and
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which could have impacted consumers’ student loan interest
deductions by as much as $2,500.
33. By misrepresenting the amount of interest consumers paid,
Respondent may have caused consumers to claim an inaccurate
student loan interest deduction, which could lead to financial harm,
including causing consumers not to claim their allowable deduction,
not to claim their maximum allowable deduction, or to choose to refile
their taxes.
34. Respondent’s numerous misrepresentations of the amount of interest
paid by consumers violate Paragraph 49(b)(ii) of the 2015 Consent
Order, and thus also violate Section 5536(a)(1)(A) of the CFPA, 12
U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A).
Misrepresentations of Other Material Facts
35. Paragraph 49(b)(iii) of the 2015 Consent Order states that Respondent
“may not misrepresent . . . any other fact material to consumers
concerning the servicing of their loans.
36. While the 2015 Consent Order was in effect, Respondent
misrepresented multiple other facts material to the terms and servicing
of consumers’ student loans to more than 390,000 consumers.
37. Most of these misrepresentations occurred as a result of the Migration.
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38. These misrepresentations to consumers were material because they
related to important facts about consumers’ loans that could influence
consumers’ decisions about their loans. For example, Respondent
misrepresented (a) the amount of interest some consumers owed due
to charging incorrect interest rates or incorrectly capitalizing interest,
(b) the applicable interest rate, (c) how payments would be allocated
by failing to properly apply consumers’ payments, (d) the due date,
amount due, or whether a payment was past due, (e) repayment
information, and (f) the availability of a reward or a discount, among
other things.
39. Respondent’s numerous misrepresentations of material facts violate
Paragraph 49(b)(iii) of the 2015 Consent Order, and thus also violate
Section 5536(a)(1)(A) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A).
Failure to Pay Redress Required by 2015 Consent Order
40. Paragraph 58(c) of the 2015 Consent Order requires Respondent to
remediate consumers to whom it placed six or more attempted calls or
contacts before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. in the time zone where the
consumer resides.
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41. Respondent improperly excluded consumers it had called between
January 29, 2014 and July 21, 2015 from the population of consumers
it remediated.
42. Respondent initially failed to remediate up to 777 consumers owed
money under the 2015 Consent Order.
43. Respondent later remediated these consumers, more than two years
after the 2015 Consent Order was issued, after the Bureau questioned
Respondent about its failure to remediate this population.
44. By failing to provide this remediation until more than two years after
the 2015 Consent Order was issued, Respondent violated Paragraph
58(c) of the 2015 Consent Order, and thus violated of Section
5536(a)(1)(A) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A).
Deceptive Acts and Practices
45. Section 1036(a)(1)(B) of the CFPA prohibits “unfair, deceptive, or
abusive” acts or practices. 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(B).
Misrepresentations of the Minimum Periodic Payment
46. As described in paragraphs 21 through 26, Respondent’s numerous
misrepresentations of the minimum periodic payment owed by
consumers constitute deceptive acts or practices in violation of
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Sections 1031(a) and 1036(a)(1)(B) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §§
5531(a), 5536(a)(1)(B).
Misrepresentations of the Amount of Interest Paid
47. As described in paragraphs 27 through 34, Respondent’s numerous
misrepresentations of the amount of interest paid by consumers
constitute deceptive acts or practices in violation of Sections 1031(a)
and 1036(a)(1)(B) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §§ 5531(a), 5536(a)(1)(B).
Unfair Acts and Practices
48. As a result of the Migration, which began in September 2017,
Respondent withdrew automatic payments from more than 17,000
consumers’ bank accounts without proper authorization.
Respondent’s actions included:
a. In some instances, Respondent withdrew automatic payment
amounts that were higher than the amounts specified in
consumers’ billing statements;
b. In some instances, Respondent withdrew unauthorized
automatic payments without providing notice to consumers in
advance; and
c. In some instances, Respondent withdrew the same automatic
payment twice.
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49. As a result of Respondent’s actions described in paragraph 48,
consumers were deprived the use of their funds and may have
incurred NSF and overdraft charges or other fees.
50. In addition, for more than 14,000 consumers, Respondent cancelled,
or failed to withdraw, automatic payments without providing notice to
51. As a result of Respondent’s actions described in paragraph 50,
Respondent incorrectly placed some of the 14,000 consumers in a
delinquency status, caused some consumers’ loans to accrue excess
interest, and deprived consumers of certain interest rate benefits.
52. Section 1036(a)(1)(B) of the CFPA prohibits “unfair, deceptive, or
abusive” acts or practices. 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(B). An act or
practice is unfair if it causes or is likely to cause consumers
substantial injury that is not reasonably avoidable and if the
substantial injury is not outweighed by countervailing benefits to
consumers or to competition.
53. Respondent’s practice of withdrawing automatic payments from
consumers’ accounts without a valid authorization and cancelling or
failing to withdraw automatic payments without providing notice to
consumers caused substantial injury to consumers that was not
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reasonably avoidable or outweighed by any countervailing benefit to
consumers or to competition.
54. Thus, Respondent engaged in unfair acts and practices in violation of
Sections 1036(a)(1)(B) and 1031(c)(1) of the CFPA. 12 U.S.C. §§
5536(a)(1)(B), 5531(c)(l).
Violations of EFTA and Regulation E
55. The automatic payments described in paragraphs 48 to 51 above are
known as electronic funds transfers (EFTs) under the Electronic Fund
Transfer Act (EFTA), 15 U.S.C. § 1693, et seq.
56. EFTA, 15 U.S.C. § 1693e(a), and its implementing Regulation E, 12
C.F.R. § 1005.10(b), require preauthorized EFTs from a consumer’s
account to be authorized in writing.
57. As described in paragraphs 48 to 51, in many instances Respondent
withdrew preauthorized EFTs from consumers’ accounts without a
valid authorization, including by withdrawing amounts that were
higher than authorized or withdrawing the same payment twice.
58. EFTA, 15 U.S.C. § 1693e(b), and its implementing Regulation E, 12
C.F.R. § 1005.10(d), require a financial institution or designated
payee to provide a consumer with notice at least ten days in advance
of any automatic withdrawal that varies from the previous payment or
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from the preauthorized amount, unless the consumer has opted out of
the notice for a specified range of payment amounts.
59. Although consumers authorized preauthorized EFTs, many of the
withdrawals at issue varied from what consumers authorized,
Respondent failed to provide advance notice of the varying amounts,
and many consumers did not opt out of such notice. Other
withdrawals were duplicative of withdrawals Respondent had already
made, and thus not authorized.
60. Respondent therefore violated Regulation E, 12 C.F.R. § 1005.10(b)
and (d).
Respondent’s EFTA Violations are Violations of the CFPA
61. Section 1036(a)(1)(A) of the CFPA makes it unlawful for covered
persons, such as Respondent, to “commit any act or omission in
violation of a Federal consumer financial law.12 U.S.C. §
62. EFTA is a “Federal consumer financial law. 12 U.S.C. §
5481(12)(C), (14).
63. By violating EFTA as described in paragraphs 55 to 60, Respondent
violated the CFPA. 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A).
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IT IS ORDERED, under §§ 1053 and 1055 of the CFPA, that:
64. Respondent and its officers, agents, servants, employees, and
attorneys who have actual notice of this Consent Order, whether
acting directly or indirectly, in connection with student loan servicing,
may not violate Sections 1031 and 1036 of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. §§
5531 and 5536.
65. Respondent and its officers, agents, servants, employees, and
attorneys who have actual notice of this Consent Order, whether
acting directly or indirectly, must consider compliance with the
Consent Order in any new initiatives affecting its student loan
servicing, including transfer to, acquisition, or implementation of new
technologies, systems, or platforms, and implement measures
reasonably necessary to achieve compliance with this Consent Order
in the execution of such initiatives.
66. Respondent and its officers, agents, servants, employees, and
attorneys who have actual notice of this Consent Order, whether
acting directly or indirectly, in connection with student loan servicing,
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may not violate EFTA, 15 U.S.C. § 1693, et seq., and Regulation E,
12 C.F.R. § 1005, et seq.
67. Respondent, and its officers, agents, servants, employees, and
attorneys who have actual notice of this Consent Order, whether
acting directly or indirectly, may not misrepresent, or assist others in
misrepresenting, expressly or impliedly, to consumers:
a. the minimum periodic payment owed by student loan
b. the amount of annual interest paid by student loan consumers;
c. any other fact material to consumers concerning the servicing
of their student loans.
68. Respondent, and its officers, agents, servants, employees, and
attorneys who have actual notice of this Consent Order, whether
acting directly or indirectly, in connection with student loan servicing,
may not:
a. withdraw payments from consumers’ accounts without
authorization; or
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b. cancel authorized withdrawals or fail to withdraw payments
from consumers’ accounts without providing notice to
69. Respondent must provide all remediation required by the 2015
Consent Order related to call times, to the extent not already provided.
Compliance Plan
70. Within 90 days of the Effective Date, Respondent must submit to the
Regional Director for review and determination of non-objection a
comprehensive compliance plan designed to ensure that Respondent’s
student loan servicing complies with all applicable Federal consumer
financial laws and the terms of this Consent Order (Compliance Plan).
The Compliance Plan must include, at a minimum:
a. detailed steps for addressing each action required by this
Consent Order;
b. detailed steps for developing policies, procedures, and
processes for reporting to the Board, or any committee thereof,
any (i) student loan servicing misstatements, including those
relating to minimum amount due and annual interest paid, (ii)
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potential violations of federal consumer financial law relating to
misstatements of the minimum amount due, annual interest
paid, or other material information relating to student loan
servicing, and (iii) potential violations of this Consent Order,
within 45 days of identification of the issue as reportable under
this provision;
c. detailed steps for developing policies, procedures, and
processes for reporting to the Bureau any (i) student loan
servicing misstatements, including those relating to minimum
amount due and annual interest paid, (ii) potential violations of
federal consumer financial law relating to misstatements of the
minimum amount due, annual interest paid, or other material
information related to student loan servicing, and (iii) potential
violations of this Consent Order, within 30 days of the date the
issue is reported to the Board or relevant committee as
reportable under this provision;
d. detailed steps for developing policies, procedures, and
processes reasonably designed to ensure that when errors occur,
impacted consumers are identified and consumer harm is
redressed timely; and
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e. specific timeframes and deadlines for implementation of the
steps described above.
71. The Compliance Plan must also attach a copy of each Order
Acknowledgment obtained under Section XII, unless previously
submitted to the Bureau.
72. The Regional Director will have the discretion to make a
determination of non-objection to the Compliance Plan or direct
Respondent to revise it. If the Regional Director directs Respondent
to revise the Compliance Plan, Respondent must revise and resubmit
the Compliance Plan to the Regional Director within 30 days.
73. After receiving notification that the Regional Director has made a
determination of non-objection to the Compliance Plan, Respondent
must implement and adhere to the steps, recommendations, deadlines,
and timeframes outlined in the Compliance Plan.
Role of the Board
74. The Board, or a relevant committee thereof, must review all
submissions (including plans, reports, programs, policies, and
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procedures) required by this Consent Order prior to submission to the
75. Although this Consent Order requires Respondent to submit certain
documents for review or non-objection by the Regional Director, the
Board will have the ultimate responsibility for proper and sound
management of Respondent and for ensuring that Respondent
complies with the laws that the Bureau enforces, including Federal
consumer financial laws and this Consent Order.
76. In each instance that this Consent Order requires the Board to ensure
adherence to, or perform certain obligations of Respondent, the Board,
or a relevant committee thereof, must:
a. Authorize whatever actions are necessary for Respondent to
fully comply with the Consent Order;
b. Require timely reporting by management to the Board on the
status of compliance obligations, including reporting (i) student
loan servicing misstatements, including those relating to
minimum amount due and annual interest paid, (ii) potential
violations of federal consumer financial law relating to
misstatements of the minimum amount due, annual interest
paid, or other material information related to student loan
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servicing, and (iii) potential violations of this Consent Order,
within 45 days of identification of the issue as reportable under
paragraph 70; and
c. Require timely and appropriate corrective action to remedy (i)
student loan servicing misstatements, including those relating to
minimum amount due and annual interest paid, (ii) potential
violations of federal consumer financial law relating to
misstatements of the minimum amount due, annual interest
paid, or other material information related to student loan
servicing, and (iii) potential violations of this Consent Order.
Order to Pay Redress
77. Respondent shall provide redress to all harmed Affected Consumers
pursuant to this Consent Order as set forth below, in an amount not
less than $10 million, which includes approximately $7.7 million in
redress Respondent has already voluntarily provided, and at least $2.3
million Respondent must pay to harmed Affected Consumers.
78. Redress that is required to be paid pursuant to this Consent Order shall
be paid in accordance with the following principles:
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a. Redress provided pursuant to any sub-section of paragraph 79
shall be paid either through checks mailed by Respondent to
harmed Affected Consumers (Cash Redress), or through loan
credits Respondent will provide to harmed Affected Consumers
(Credit Redress).
i. Cash Redress and Credit Redress for the harmed
Affected Consumer shall be provided in accordance with
the approved Redress Plan.
b. Where time value of money is a required component of redress,
it shall be calculated using the highest applicable interest rate
for the loan, as will be described in the approved Redress Plan.
79. Respondent shall pay redress pursuant to this Consent Order and the
approved Redress Plan to harmed Affected Consumers for each
Migration Issue or Consent Order Violation that impacted them.
Respondent shall pay such redress to address the primary impact of
each issue that harmed each Affected Consumer as follows:
a. Misstatement of Annual Interest Paid or Incorrect 1099MISC or
i. For any harmed Affected Consumer to whom
Respondent either misstated the amount of interest the
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Affected Consumer paid in a year by more than $100, or
provided the Affected Consumer with a form 1099MISC
or 1099C that misstated the amount of income received
by more than $100, Respondent shall provide (i) Cash
Redress of $75 for the cost of tax refiling, and (ii) up to
$300 to reimburse the harmed Affected Consumer for the
cost of retaining their own tax professional. Respondent
shall not be required to provide the redress described in
Section 79(a), if both (1) the amount actually paid in
interest by the Affected Consumer, and (2) the amount
reflected on the misstated interest paid disclosure or
form, exceeded the allowable student loan interest
deduction, currently $2,500.
ii. For any harmed Affected Consumer to whom
Respondent either misstated the amount of interest the
Affected Consumer paid in a year by less than $100, or
provided the Affected Consumer with a form 1099MISC
or 1099C that misstated the amount of income received
by less than $100, Respondent shall provide, where
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appropriate, redress as will be set forth in the approved
Redress Plan.
b. Overstated Minimum Payment Amount. For any harmed
Affected Consumer to whom Respondent overstated the
minimum payment amount due, Respondent shall provide
redress in an amount equal to 12% of the amount overpaid by
the consumer.
i. Respondent shall not be required to provide the redress
described in paragraph 79(b) to the extent an Affected
Consumer (1) did not pay the bill in which Respondent
overstated the minimum payment amount due, (2)
received a misstated minimum payment amount that was
overstated by less than $5, (3) paid more than the
overstated minimum payment amount, or (4) paid less
than the correct minimum payment amount.
c. Understated Minimum Payment Amount. For any harmed
Affected Consumer to whom Respondent understated the
minimum payment amount due, Respondent shall provide
redress equal to the difference between the correct amount that
should have been billed to an Affected Consumer and the
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amount an Affected Consumer did pay, plus interest at an
annual rate of 12% from the date Respondent sent the harmed
Affected Consumer an understated minimum payment amount
due billing statement through the earlier of (1) the date
Respondent provides redress, or (2) the last date on which
interest accrued on the loan.
i. Respondent shall not be required to provide the redress
described in paragraph 79(c) to the extent an Affected
Consumer (1) did not pay the bill in which Respondent
understated the minimum payment due, (2) received a
misstated minimum payment amount that was
understated by less than $5, (3) paid less than the
understated minimum payment amount, or (4) paid more
than the correct minimum payment amount.
d. Incorrect Higher Interest Rate. For any harmed Affected
Consumer to whom Respondent incorrectly charged an interest
rate higher than disclosed to the harmed Affected Consumer,
Respondent shall either (1) retroactively apply the correct
interest rate by Backdating the loan, or (2) if Backdating is not
feasible, provide redress in an amount equal to the amount of
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additional interest accrued on the loan due to the error, as
described in the approved Redress Plan.
e. Payment Not Applied. For any harmed Affected Consumer for
whom Respondent failed to apply a loan payment, if the
payment was withdrawn, Respondent shall (1) correctly apply
the Affected Consumer’s payment and Backdate the loan, (2) if
the loan is paid off at the time of redress, provide Cash Redress
equal to the amount of the payment. If the payment was not
withdrawn, Respondent shall provide redress equal to the
amount that should have been applied, plus interest at an annual
rate of 12% from the date Respondent should have withdrawn
the payment through the earlier of (1) the date Respondent
provides redress, or (2) the last date on which interest accrued
on the loan.
f. Unauthorized Withdrawal of Payment or Unauthorized
Withdrawal of Amount Too High. For any harmed Affected
Consumer from whom Respondent withdrew without
authorization a payment or a payment amount that was higher
than authorized, Respondent shall refund the unauthorized
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payment or excess unauthorized amount withdrawn, pursuant to
the approved Redress Plan.
g. Withdrawal of Payment Amount Too Low. For any harmed
Affected Consumer from whom Respondent automatically
withdrew a payment amount that was lower than the amount
requested by the Affected Consumer, Respondent shall provide
redress equal to the difference between the correct amount that
should have been withdrawn and the amount that was
withdrawn, plus interest at an annual rate of 12% from the date
Respondent withdrew the incorrect amount through the earlier
of (1) the date Respondent provides redress, or (2) the last date
on which interest accrued on the loan.
h. Material Servicing Misrepresentations. For any harmed
Affected Consumer to whom Respondent made material
servicing misrepresentations not otherwise described above,
including, without limitation, misstating the payment due date,
the deferred interest amount, or bankruptcy dischargeability,
Respondent shall (1) correct the misstatement in a manner to be
set forth in more detail in the approved Redress Plan, and (2)
conduct additional research to determine whether the
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misrepresentation caused financial harm and make the harmed
Affected Consumer whole through appropriate redress for the
financial harm.
i. All Other Migration Issues and Consent Order Violations that
harmed Affected Consumers. For all other Migration Issues or
Consent Order Violations not otherwise described in this
Consent Order or the approved Redress Plan that harmed
Affected Consumers, Respondent shall conduct additional
research to determine whether the Migration Issue or Consent
Order Violation caused financial harm and make the harmed
Affected Consumer whole through redress for the financial
harm pursuant to an approved Redress Plan.
j. Respondent will provide redress for harmed Affected
Consumers related to the following additional Migration Issues,
as will be set forth in the approved Redress Plan:
i. Billing statements not sent because bills were not
ii. Payments applied incorrectly;
iii. Too much interest capitalized;
iv. Late move into repayment status; and
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v. Failure to provide lump sum rewards or failure to provide
lump sum rewards timely.
80. Respondent shall provide the following additional redress to Affected
a. NSF Reimbursement. Respondent shall provide $35 for each
returned debit to any harmed Affected Consumer whose
account Respondent debited without authorization, including,
without limitation, where Respondent debited a larger amount
than authorized, earlier than disclosed, or twice, where such
debit was returned due to insufficient funds.
b. Inaccurate Delinquencies and Credit Reporting. Respondent
shall provide $50 to any harmed Affected Consumer who was
incorrectly reported to a consumer reporting agency as
delinquent as a result of a Migration Issue or Consent Order
Violation, either because Respondent reported the consumer as
delinquent contrary to Respondent’s records, or because
Respondent reported the consumer as delinquent because a
Migration Issue or Consent Order Violation caused the
consumer to become 60 or more days delinquent.
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c. Unreimbursed Fees, Costs, Time or Penalties. Respondent shall
provide Cash Redress to harmed Affected Consumers who
provide reasonable documentation, as more particularly
described in the approved Redress Plan, for reimbursement
related to (1) amending tax returns, (2) correcting credit
reporting, (3) paying overdraft fees, or (4) disputing errors with
Respondent or the consumer’s account-holding financial
institution as a result of a Migration Issue or Consent Order
Violation. Additionally, Respondent shall provide Cash
Redress of $50 to harmed Affected Consumers who provide
reasonable documentation that they dedicated more than one
hour related to amending a tax return, correcting a credit report,
filing an error dispute with their account-holding institution or
other payment provider, or disputing an error with Respondent.
d. In addition to the Redress required by paragraph 79,
Respondent shall provide as additional redress $25 to each
harmed Affected Consumer provided redress pursuant to the
following sub-sections:
i. paragraph 79(b) (Overstated Minimum Payment
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ii. paragraph 79(c) (Understated Minimum Payment
iii. paragraph 79(d) (Incorrect Higher Interest Rate), to the
extent any harmed Affected Consumer received billing
statements that overstated the minimum payment amount
iv. paragraph 79(f) (Unauthorized Withdrawal of Payment
or Unauthorized Withdrawal of Amount Too High); or
v. paragraph 79(g) (Withdrawal of Payment Amount Too
81. After completing the approved Redress Plan for harmed Affected
Consumers identified by December 31, 2021, if the amount of redress
provided to Affected Consumers is less than the $10 million required
by paragraph 77, within 30 days of the completion of the Redress
Plan, Respondent must pay to the Bureau, by wire transfer to the
Bureau or to the Bureau’s agent, and according to the Bureau’s wiring
instructions, the difference between the amount of redress provided to
Affected Consumers and $10 million. Notwithstanding this provision,
Respondent shall continue to provide redress consistent with this
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Consent Order and the approved Redress Plan to any newly identified
harmed Affected Consumers.
82. The Bureau may use these remaining funds to pay additional redress
to Affected Consumers. If the Bureau determines, in its sole
discretion, that additional redress is wholly or partially impracticable
or otherwise inappropriate, or if funds remain after the additional
redress is completed, the Bureau will deposit any remaining funds in
the U.S. Treasury as disgorgement. Respondent will have no right to
challenge any actions that the Bureau or its representatives may take
under this Section.
83. Within 90 days of the Effective Date, Respondent must submit to the
Regional Director for review and non-objection a comprehensive
written plan for providing redress consistent with this Consent Order
(Redress Plan). The Regional Director will have the discretion to
make a determination of non-objection to the Redress Plan or direct
Respondent to revise it. If the Regional Director directs Respondent to
revise the Redress Plan, Respondent must revise and resubmit the
Redress Plan to the Regional Director within 30 days. After receiving
notification that the Regional Director has made a determination of
non-objection to the Redress Plan, Respondent must implement and
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adhere to the steps, recommendations, deadlines, and timeframes
outlined in the Redress Plan,
84. The Redress Plan must:
a. Specify the methodology Respondent has used or will use to:
i. identify all harmed Affected Consumers;
ii. identify the first date the Affected Consumer was
affected by a Migration Issue or Consent Order
iii. identify the last date the Affected Consumer was affected
by a Migration Issue or Consent Order Violation;
iv. calculate the Cash Redress or Credit Redress due to any
harmed Affected Consumer for a Migration Issue or
Consent Order Violation; and
v. calculate and provide all other redress due under this
Consent Order.
b. Describe Respondent’s procedures for issuing and tracking
redress to each harmed Affected Consumer, as well as
overseeing and auditing Respondent’s provision of redress to
each harmed Affected Consumer;
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c. Describe the redress that Respondent will provide to each
category of harmed Affected Consumers;
d. Provide that Respondent will send each harmed Affected
Consumer an explanatory letter that includes a statement that
redress is being provided in accordance with the terms of this
Consent Order, states why the harmed Affected Consumer is
receiving the letter, and describes the process for submitting a
claim pursuant to paragraph 80(c). (Redress Notification
e. Provide that Respondent shall not include in any envelope
containing a Redress Notification Letter any materials other
than the letter, and Cash Redress, as applicable.
f. Provide an exemplar of each Redress Notification Letter
envelope and template;
g. Provide detailed descriptions and documentation of the redress
Respondent performed for each Migration Issue or Consent
Order Violation prior to implementing the Redress Plan, and
certify that such redress has been effectuated;
h. Specify timeframes and deadlines for implementing the Redress
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i. State that Respondent’s Board has reviewed and approved the
Redress Plan;
j. Describe the process Respondent will implement to consider,
process, and provide refunds to harmed Affected Consumers
who have filed claims pursuant to paragraph 80(c), including
any documentation Respondent will require from harmed
Affected Consumers in support of a claim; and
k. Provide that Respondent will pay all costs of administering
redress as required by this Order.
85. After Respondent has completed administration of the Redress Plan,
as described in paragraph 84, Respondent shall submit a report to the
Regional Director, and identify the amount of Cash Redress and
Credit Redress provided to harmed Affected Consumers.
86. Respondent may not condition the payment of any redress to any
Affected Consumer under this Consent Order on that Affected
Consumer waiving any right.
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Order to Pay Civil Money Penalty
87. Under § 1055(c) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5565(c), by reason of the
violations of law described in Section IV of this Consent Order, and
taking into account the factors in 12 U.S.C. § 5565(c)(3), Respondent
must pay a civil money penalty of $25 million to the Bureau.
88. Within 10 days of the Effective Date, Respondent must pay the civil
money penalty by wire transfer to the Bureau or to the Bureau’s agent
in compliance with the Bureau’s wiring instructions.
89. The civil money penalty paid under this Consent Order will be
deposited in the Civil Penalty Fund of the Bureau as required by §
1017(d) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5497(d).
90. Respondent, for all purposes, must treat the civil money penalty paid
under this Consent Order as a penalty paid to the government.
Regardless of how the Bureau ultimately uses those funds,
Respondent may not:
a. Claim, assert, or apply for a tax deduction, tax credit, or any
other tax benefit for any civil money penalty paid under this
Consent Order; or
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b. Seek or accept, directly or indirectly, reimbursement or
indemnification from any source, including but not limited to
payment made under any insurance policy, with regard to any
civil money penalty paid under this Consent Order.
91. To preserve the deterrent effect of the civil money penalty in any
Related Consumer Action, Respondent may not argue that
Respondent is entitled to, nor may Respondent benefit by, any offset
or reduction of any compensatory monetary remedies imposed in the
Related Consumer Action because of the civil money penalty paid in
this action or because of any payment that the Bureau makes from the
Civil Penalty Fund. If the court in any Related Consumer Action
offsets or otherwise reduces the amount of compensatory monetary
remedies imposed against Respondent based on the civil money
penalty paid in this action or based on any payment that the Bureau
makes from the Civil Penalty Fund, Respondent must, within 30 days
after entry of a final order granting such offset or reduction, notify the
Bureau, and pay the amount of the offset or reduction to the U.S.
Treasury. Such a payment will not be considered an additional civil
money penalty and will not change the amount of the civil money
penalty imposed in this action.
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Additional Monetary Provisions
92. In the event of any default on Respondent’s obligations to make
payment under this Consent Order, interest, computed under
28 U.S.C. § 1961, as amended, will accrue on any outstanding
amounts not paid from the date of default to the date of payment, and
will immediately become due and payable.
93. Respondent must relinquish all dominion, control, and title to the
funds paid to the fullest extent permitted by law and no part of the
funds may be returned to Respondent.
94. Under 31 U.S.C. § 7701, Respondent, unless it already has done so,
must furnish to the Bureau its taxpayer-identification numbers, which
may be used for purposes of collecting and reporting on any
delinquent amount arising out of this Consent Order.
95. Within 30 days of the entry of a final judgment, consent order, or
settlement in a Related Consumer Action, Respondent must notify the
Regional Director of the final judgment, consent order, or settlement
in writing. That notification must indicate the amount of redress, if
any, that Respondent paid or is required to pay to consumers and
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describe the consumers or classes of consumers to whom that redress
has been or will be paid.
Reporting Requirements
96. Respondent must notify the Bureau of any development that may
affect compliance obligations arising under this Consent Order,
including but not limited to a dissolution, assignment, sale, merger, or
other action that would result in the emergence of a successor
company; the creation or dissolution of a subsidiary, parent, or
affiliate that engages in any acts or practices subject to this Consent
Order; the filing of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding by or
against Respondent; or a change in Respondent’s name or address.
Respondent must provide this notice, if practicable, at least 30 days
before the development, but in any case no later than 14 days after the
97. Within 7 days of the Effective Date, Respondent must:
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a. designate at least one telephone number and email, physical,
and postal addresses as points of contact that the Bureau may
use to communicate with Respondent;
b. identify all businesses for which Respondent is the majority
owner, or that Respondent directly or indirectly controls, by all
of their names, telephone numbers, and physical, postal, email,
and Internet addresses; and
c. describe the activities of each such business, including the
products and services offered, and the means of advertising,
marketing, and sales.
98. Respondent must report any change in the information required to be
submitted under paragraph 97 above at least 30 days before the
change or as soon as practicable after the learning about the change,
whichever is sooner.
99. As will be more particularly described in the approved Compliance
Plan, Respondent must report to the Bureau any (i) student loan
servicing misstatements, including those relating to minimum amount
due and annual interest paid, (ii) potential violations of federal
consumer financial law relating to misstatements of the minimum
amount due, annual interest paid, or other material information
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relating to student loan servicing, and (iii) potential violations of this
Consent Order, within 30 days of the date the issue is reported to the
Board pursuant to paragraph 76(b).
100. Six months after the Effective Date and every six months thereafter
for five years from the Effective Date, Respondent must submit a
compliance report (Compliance Report) to the Regional Director,
sworn under penalty of perjury. The Compliance Report must, at a
a. identify the primary, physical, postal, and email address and
telephone number, as designated points of contact which
representatives of the Bureau may use to communicate with
b. List each applicable paragraph and subparagraph of the Order
and describe in detail the manner and form in which
Respondent has complied with each such paragraph and
subparagraph of the Consent Order, including detailed steps for
addressing each action required by the Consent Order; and
c. describe all other actions Respondent has taken under the
Redress Plan and Compliance Plan.
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101. Beginning five years after the Effective Date, Respondent shall
provide the Compliance Report to the Bureau on an annual basis until
termination of this Consent Order.
Order Distribution and Acknowledgment
102. Within 7 days of the Effective Date, Respondent must submit to the
Regional Director an acknowledgment of receipt of this Consent
Order, sworn under penalty of perjury.
103. Within 30 days of the Effective Date, Respondent must deliver a copy
of this Consent Order to each of its board members and executive
officers, as well as to any managers, employees, service providers, or
other agents and representatives who have responsibilities related to
the subject matter of the Consent Order.
104. For 10
years from the Effective Date, Respondent must deliver a copy
of this Consent Order to any business entity resulting from any change
in structure referred to in Section XI, any future board members and
executive officers, as well as to any managers, employees, service
providers, or other agents and representatives who will have
responsibilities related to the subject matter of the Consent Order
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before they assume their responsibilities related to the subject matter
of the Consent Order.
105. Respondent must secure a signed and dated statement acknowledging
receipt of a copy of this Consent Order, ensuring that any electronic
signatures comply with the requirements of the E-Sign Act, 15 U.S.C.
§ 7001 et seq., within 30 days of delivery, from all persons receiving a
copy of this Consent Order under this Section.
106. Within 90 days of the Effective Date, Respondent must provide the
Bureau with a list of all persons and their titles to whom this Consent
Order was delivered through that date under paragraphs 103-104 and a
copy of all signed and dated statements acknowledging receipt of this
Consent Order under paragraph 105.
107. Respondent must create and retain the following business records:
a. all documents and records necessary to demonstrate full
compliance with each provision of this Consent Order,
including all submissions to the Bureau.
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b. All documents and records pertaining to the Redress Plan,
described in Section VIII above, including, without limitation,
for each individual harmed Affected Consumer: the consumer’s
name, address, phone number, email address (where
applicable), the amount of redress, the date of redress, the
names of Affected Consumers who filed claims pursuant to
paragraph 80(c), the type of claim filed, the amount of the
claim, the amount paid on the claim, and the date the claim was
c. copies of all scripts, training materials, letters, emails, call
recordings, or other communications, including documents
sufficient to demonstrate the experience of consumers on each
materially different version of Respondent’s online billing
center, and including any such materials used by a third party
on Respondent’s behalf;
d. all consumer complaints and claims filed about redress
provided pursuant to the Redress Plan (whether received
directly or indirectly, such as through a third party), and any
responses to those complaints or claims;
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e. Records showing, for each service provider providing services
to Respondent related to student loan servicing, the name of a
point of contact, and that person’s telephone number, email,
physical, and postal address, job title or position, dates of
service, and, if applicable, the reason for termination for the
service provider.
108. Respondent must make the documents identified in paragraph 107
available to the Bureau upon the Bureau’s request.
109. Unless otherwise directed in writing by the Bureau, Respondent must
provide all submissions, requests, communications, or other
documents relating to this Consent Order in writing, with the subject
line, “In re Discover Bank, File No. 2020-BCFP-” and send
by overnight courier or first-class mail to the below address and
contemporaneously by email to Enforcement_Compliance@cfpb.gov:
Regional Director, Midwest Region
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
230 South Dearborn Street
Suite 1590
Chicago, IL 60604
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Cooperation with the Bureau
110. Respondent must cooperate fully to help the Bureau determine the
identity and location of, and the amount of injury sustained by, each
Affected Consumer. Respondent must provide such information in its
or its agents’ possession or control within 14 days of receiving a
written request from the Bureau.
Compliance Monitoring
111. Within 14 days of receipt of a written request from the Bureau,
Respondent must submit additional Compliance Reports or other
requested information, which must be made under penalty of perjury;
provide sworn testimony; or produce documents.
112. For purposes of this Section, the Bureau may communicate directly
with Respondent, unless Respondent retains counsel related to these
113. Respondent must permit Bureau representatives to interview any
employee or other person affiliated with Respondent who has agreed
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to such an interview regarding: (a) this matter; (b) anything related to
or associated with the conduct described in Section IV; or (c)
compliance with the Consent Order. The person interviewed may have
counsel present.
114. Nothing in this Consent Order will limit the Bureau’s lawful use of
civil investigative demands under 12 C.F.R. § 1080.6 or other
compulsory process.
Modifications to Non-Material Requirements
115. Respondent may seek a modification to non-material requirements of
this Consent Order (e.g., reasonable extensions of time and changes to
reporting requirements) by submitting a written request to the
Regional Director.
116. The Regional Director may, in his or her discretion, modify any non-
material requirements of this Consent Order (e.g., reasonable
extensions of time and changes to reporting requirements) if he or she
determines good cause justifies the modification. Any such
modification by the Regional Director must be in writing.
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117. The provisions of this Consent Order do not bar, estop, or otherwise
prevent the Bureau from taking any other action against Respondent
except as described in paragraph 118. Further, for the avoidance of
doubt, the provisions of this Consent Order do not bar, estop, or
otherwise prevent any other person or governmental agency from
taking any action against Respondent.
118. The Bureau releases and discharges Respondent from all potential
liability for law violations that the Bureau has or might have asserted
based on the practices described in Section IV of this Consent Order,
to the extent such practices occurred before the Effective Date and the
Bureau knows about them as of the Effective Date. The Bureau may
use the practices described in this Consent Order in future
enforcement actions against Respondent and its affiliates, including,
without limitation, to establish a pattern or practice of violations or the
continuation of a pattern or practice of violations or to calculate the
amount of any penalty. This release does not preclude or affect any
right of the Bureau to determine and ensure compliance with the
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Consent Order, or to seek penalties for any violations of the Consent
119. This Consent Order is intended to be, and will be construed as, a final
Consent Order issued under § 1053 of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5563,
and expressly does not form, and may not be construed to form, a
contract binding the Bureau or the United States.
120. This Consent Order will terminate 10 years from the Effective Date or
10 years from the most recent date that the Bureau initiates an action
alleging any violation of the Consent Order by Respondent. If such
action is dismissed or the relevant adjudicative body rules that
Respondent did not violate any provision of the Consent Order, and
the dismissal or ruling is either not appealed or upheld on appeal, then
the Consent Order will terminate as though the action had never been
filed. The Consent Order will remain effective and enforceable until
such time, except to the extent that any provisions of this Consent
Order have been amended, suspended, waived, or terminated in
writing by the Bureau or its designated agent.
121. Calculation of time limitations will run from the Effective Date and be
based on calendar days, unless otherwise noted.
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122. Should Respondent seek to transfer or assign all or part of its
operations that are subject to this Consent Order, Respondent must, as
a condition of sale, obtain the written agreement of the transferee or
assignee to comply with all applicable provisions of this Consent
123. The provisions of this Consent Order will be enforceable by the
Bureau. For any violation of this Consent Order, the Bureau may
impose the maximum amount of civil money penalties allowed under
§1055(c) of the CFPA, 12 U.S.C. § 5565(c). In connection with any
attempt by the Bureau to enforce this Consent Order in federal district
court, the Bureau may serve Respondent wherever Respondent may
be found and Respondent may not contest that court’s personal
jurisdiction over Respondent.
124. This Consent Order and the accompanying Stipulation contain the
complete agreement between the parties. The parties have made no
promises, representations, or warranties other than what is contained
in this Consent Order and the accompanying Stipulation. This Consent
Order and the accompanying Stipulation supersede any prior oral or
written communications, discussions, or understandings.
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125. Nothing in this Consent Order or the accompanying Stipulation may
be construed as allowing Respondent, its Board, officers, or
employees to violate any law, rule, or regulation .
Consumer Financial
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