smallpox, which is believed to have originated more than 3,000
years ago in India or Egypt, is one of the most devastating diseases
known to humanity. For centuries, repeated smallpox epidemics swept
across continents, decimating populations in their wake.
The disease, for which no effective treatment was ever developed,
killed as many as 30% of those infected. Between 65% and 80% of
survivors were marked with deep-pitted pockmarks, most prominently
on the face. Blindness was another complication. In 18th century Europe,
a third of all reported cases of blindness were because of smallpox.
As late as the 18th century, smallpox killed every 10th child born in
Sweden and France. During the same century, every 7th child born in
Russia died from smallpox. It wasn’t until 1798, when Edward Jenner
demonstrated that inoculation with pus from cowpox lesions could
protect against smallpox, that there was hope that the disease could be
contained through medical means.
In the early 1950s—150 years after the introduction of vaccination—
an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year,
a figure which fell to around 10 to 15 million by 1967 because of vacci-
nation. Based on these encouraging statistics, the World Health Organi-
zation (who) launched an intensified plan in 1967 to eradicate smallpox—
the “ancient scourge” that threatened 60% of the world’s population.
Through the success of the global eradication campaign, smallpox was
finally pushed back to the horn of Africa and then to a single last natur-
al case, which occurred in Somalia in 1977 (the last case in the United
States occurred in 1949 in Texas). There has been only one smallpox-re-
lated fatality since: a laboratory-acquired case that occurred in the Unit-
ed Kingdom in 1978. In 1979, who certified the global eradication of small-
pox—one of the greatest achievements in the history of public health.
With the end of smallpox, the virus went on to survive only in labo-
ratories in the United States and in Koltsovo, Siberia. After the Soviet
Union collapsed, reports surfaced alleging that the Soviets had produced
variola in large quantities and were attempting to weaponize the virus in
the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Bioterrorism experts began to worry that the Rus-
sians might have let the virus slip into the wrong hands, with recent
media reports suggesting that at least four countries have hidden stocks
of variola. Still, most experts have long discounted the use of variola as a
biological weapon, given numerous safety and “effectiveness” consider-
ations. However, after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, many of the nay-sayers did an
about-face and recognized that, in the hands of the wrong people, a lethal
and socially destabilizing attack using variola was possible, if not likely.
Because of the lingering threat of a terrorist attack involving vario-
la—an attack anywhere in the world could easily result in widespread dis-
semination before the first case of smallpox is officially diagnosed—a
number of health agencies throughout the world have begun the process
of reimplementing smallpox vaccination programs. In the United
States, both “pre-event” and “post-event” protocols have been set up and
there is now enough vaccine available to immunize every U.S. resident.
However, there are lingering concerns regarding the use of smallpox vac-
cination in the United States today, given that a much larger percentage
of the general population are immune compromised, including a size-
able percentage of hiv-infected individuals.
What follows is a detailed summary of smallpox and the smallpox
vaccine, including the anticipated adverse events (particularly those in
hiv-infected individuals with suppressed immune systems) and the
various contraindications that need to be considered. Also provided is
a review of the pre-event vaccination program currently under way in
New York City, along with encouraging smallpox vaccine safety data from
Israel and the United States Department of Defense.
Variola: The Basics
smallpox is caused by variola, a dna virus belonging to the
orthopoxvirus family. It is a brick-shaped virion, approximately 200
nm in diameter—roughly the size of a bacterial spore. Its dumbbell-
shaped core contains nucleic acid and is surrounded by a series of
membranes. Variola replicates in the cytoplasm of host cells, forming B-
type inclusion bodies—Guarnieri bodies—which, unlike many other
viruses, replicate in the nucleus.
In terms of its genetic composition, variola carries a single, linear,
double-stranded dna covalently closed at each end. The average vario-
la genome has 200,000 base pairs, which ranks among the largest of the
animal viruses.
Smallpox has two main forms: variola major and variola minor.
While both forms cause similar lesions, variola major is typically asso-
ciated with severe disease and high fatality rates, claiming the lives of ap-
proximately 30% of those infected. Variola minor, which includes the
strains kaffir and alastrim, tends to run a milder course of disease and
has a case-fatality rate of less than 1%.
and Smallpox
Experience and
Isaac B. Weisfuse, md, mph
Deputy Commissioner, Division of Disease Control
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Kent A. Sepkowitz, md
Director, Infection Control
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Yehuda L. Danon, md
Director, Kipper Institute of Immunology
Schneider Children’s Medical Center
Professor of Medicine, Sackler School of Medicine
Tel Aviv University
Summary by Tim Horn
Edited by Susan Forlenza, md, mph, and Allon Moses, md
Reprinted from The prn Notebook
® |
june 2003 | Dr. James F. Braun, Editor-in-Chief | Tim Horn, Executive Editor. | Published in New York City by the Physicians’ Research Network, Inc.
John Graham Brown, Executive Director | For further information and other articles available online, visit | All rights reserved. ©june 2003
Transmission and Clinical Picture
the usual route of variola entry is through the oropharyngeal
or respiratory mucosa. Secretions from the mouth and nose that become
airborne are the most important source of human-to-human trans-
mission, although this generally requires direct and prolonged face-to-
face contact (i.e., within six feet). Transmission is also possible through
direct contact with body fluids and contaminated objects. Variola is
less contagious than measles or influenza and is not known to be
transmitted by insects or animals.
Twelve to 14 days after infection, the incubation period typically ends
and the first phase of symptoms appear. These include high fevers; se-
vere body aches; abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting; and finally sores
that develop in the mouth and pharynx, where they ulcerate, quickly re-
leasing large amounts of virus into the saliva. It is at this point that the
patient is considered to be highly infectious.
Approximately four days after the onset of the first phase of symp-
toms, the second phase begins. It is during this phase that the hallmark
lesions of smallpox appear on the skin and become disseminated, with
umbilication of the lesions being a common feature. After the vesicu-
lar stage, the lesions become pustular. The pustules are characteristically
round, tense, and deeply embedded in the dermis.
With the development of an effective immune response, healing be-
gins. The contents of the pustule become dried out, and reestablishment
of the epithelial cell layer occurs between the cavity of the pustule and
the underlying dermis. The pustule then becomes a crusty scab. It is not
until the scabs fall off that the patient is considered to be no longer in-
fectious, approximately 21 days after the infection was first established.
Death caused by a variola infection is often the result of a cascade of
physiological events occurring as a result of overwhelming infection,
usually between days 10 and 16 of the illness. These events can lead to
disseminated intravascular coagulation, hypotension, and cardiovascular
collapse. Smallpox can lead to other serious complications, including res-
piratory diseases (e.g., bronchitis and pneumonia), bacterial infection
of skin lesions, encephalitis, scarring of the skin, and blindness.
Smallpox Vaccination
smallpox vaccination efforts date back to 10th century china and
India, where “variolation” became a popular public health initiative
among community healers. Variolation involved taking pus from the
pocks of someone suffering from smallpox and rubbing it into incisions
made in the skin of people who were not yet exposed to the disease. This,
of course, was associated with a number of unfavorable consequences,
including full-blown smallpox and death in a number of individuals who
underwent variolation.
It wasn’t until 1721 that variolation was introduced to the western
world. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, a writer and the wife of the British
Ambassador to Turkey, learned of variolation while living in Constan-
tinople. After surviving a disfiguring case of smallpox several years
earlier, she had her children inoculated through variolation and per-
suaded some of the British royal family to do the same.
In 1788, a smallpox epidemic erupted in the English county of
Gloucestershire. Dr. Edward Jenner, a military-trained doctor who set up
his practice in bucolic Berkeley, initiated a variolation campaign to stem
the spread of smallpox. However, this effort was met with a great deal of
resistance by many of the local residents. Dr. Jenner learned that many of
the residents, particularly dairy farmers and milkmaids, had suffered from
a mild form of cowpox and appeared to be immune to smallpox. In
turn, only a few residents saw the need for risky smallpox variolation.
These observations led to Dr. Jenner’s famous experiment in 1796.
Modifying the smallpox variolation method, he inserted pus extracted from
a cowpox pustule on the hand of a milkmaid, into an incision on the arm
of an eight-year-old boy named James Phipps. Roughly two weeks later,
he repeated varioloation on Phipps, this time with pus from a smallpox
pustule. Phipps developed cowpox but not smallpox, despite close and pro-
longed exposure to individuals with the disease. After conducting the ex-
periment on 23 different cases, he concluded that those who had suffered
cowpox were indeed immune to smallpox. Hence, the term “vaccine” was
coined by Dr. Jenner, stemming from the Latin vacca—cow.
The modern smallpox vaccine is made from live vaccinia virus—
the pathogen identified, many years after Dr. Jenner’s experiments, to be
the cause of cowpox. The smallpox vaccine does not contain variola
virus. Neutralizing antibodies induced by the smallpox vaccine are genus-
specific and cross-protective for other orthopoxviruses in addition to var-
iola virus. Although the efficacy of the smallpox vaccine has never been
measured precisely in controlled clinical trials, epidemiologic studies
demonstrate that an increased level of protection against smallpox persists
for up to five years after primary vaccination and substantial but waning
immunity can persist for up to 10 years. Antibody levels after revaccina-
tion can remain high longer, conferring a greater period of immunity than
occurs after primary vaccination alone. Importantly, administration of the
smallpox vaccine within the first three to four days after initial expo-
sure to variola can reduce symptoms or prevent smallpox disease.
Two vaccines will be used in the coming years: the calf-lymph vac-
cine and a tissue culture cell vaccine. Dryvax, the stored calf-lymph
vaccine manufactured in the 1970s by Wyeth Laboratories, is freeze dried
(lyophilized) and must be reconstituted before use. This vaccine was pro-
DAY 0 DAY 4 DAY 7 DAY 14
Figure 1. Successful Response to Smallpox Vaccination.
Photographs of vaccination site "takes" shot at different intervals over a two week period
Source: John D. Millar; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
duced by infection of skin of calves using a strain of vaccinia virus
collected by the New York City Board of Health—the nycboh strain.
Dryvax is now licensed in the United States. Before use, the vaccine
is reconstituted with a diluent that contains 50% glycerin and 0.25% phe-
nol. The licensed vaccine is packaged in multiple dose vials which,
when reconstituted, will yield 100 doses per vial.
The licensed vaccine will be used to immunize health-care workers
who volunteer to be members of the smallpox response teams being set
up around the United States (discussed in greater detail below). Dryvax
is also used to immunize laboratory workers who require vaccination to
safely conduct research activities involving vaccinia or other ortho-
Currently in development are tissue culture cell vaccines, being pre-
pared by Acambis/Baxter Laboratories. Two cell lines were selected for
propagation of vaccinia virus; the nycboh strain was selected as seed virus.
Vero monkey kidney cells and a human fibroblast cell line (mrc
were selected as host cells for the preparation of vaccine. Several lots of
both vaccines have been prepared and are undergoing testing. It is
anticipated that one of these vaccines will supplant calf-lymph vaccine
if a more extensive vaccination program is implemented.
The following sections review the official recommendations for us-
ing the Dryvax smallpox vaccine in a pre-event vaccination program, in-
cluding the vaccination program currently under way. These recom-
mendations, including descriptions of the adverse events and con-
traindications to watch for, were initially published by the Advisory
Committee of Immunization Practices in 2001 (cdc, 2001) and re-
cently updated, in their entirety, in April 2003 (cdc, 2003). acip re-
mains committed to reviewing these recommendations periodically
or more urgently, if necessary.
Vaccination Method
the skin over the insertion of the deltoid muscle or the posterior
aspect of the arm over the triceps muscle are the preferred sites for
smallpox vaccination. Alcohol or other chemical agents should not be
used for skin preparation for vaccination unless the area is grossly
contaminated. If alcohol is used, the skin must be allowed to dry thor-
oughly to prevent inactivation of the vaccine by the alcohol.
The multiple-puncture technique uses a presterilized bifurcated
needle that is inserted vertically into the vaccine vial, causing a droplet
of vaccine to adhere between the prongs of the needle. The droplet
contains the recommended dosage of vaccine, and its presence within
the prongs of the bifurcated needle should be confirmed visually. Hold-
ing the bifurcated needle perpendicular to the skin, punctures are
rapidly made with strokes vigorous enough to allow a trace of blood to
appear after 15 to 20 seconds. For individuals being vaccinated for the
first time, only three punctures are needed. For individuals who have re-
ceived the vaccine in the past, a total of 15 punctures are necessary. Any
remaining vaccine should be wiped off with dry sterile gauze and the
gauze disposed of in a biohazard waste container.
Evidence of Immunity
appearance of neutralizing antibodies after vaccination with live
vaccinia virus indicates an active immune response that includes the de-
velopment of antibodies to all viral antigens and increased vaccinia-spe-
cific cell-mediated immunity. In a person with normal immune func-
tion, neutralizing antibodies appear approximately 10 days after primary
vaccination and seven days after revaccination. Clinically, persons are
considered fully protected after a successful response or major reaction
is demonstrated at the site of vaccination (see Figure 1).
The vaccination site should be inspected six to eight days after vac-
cination and the response interpreted at that time. Two types of response
have been defined by the World Health Organization (who) Expert
Committee on Smallpox. The first type of response is a “major reaction,”
defined as a vesicular or pustular lesion or an area of definite palpable
induration or congestion surrounding a central lesion that might be a
crust or an ulcer. A major reaction indicates that virus replication has
taken place and vaccination was successful. There is also an “equivocal
reaction,” defined, somewhat vaguely, as all responses other than ma-
jor reactions. An equivocal reaction indicates a possible consequence of
immunity adequate to suppress viral multiplication or allergic reactions
to an inactive vaccine without production of immunity. If an equivocal
reaction is observed, vaccination procedures should be checked and the
vaccination repeated by using vaccine from another vial or vaccine lot,
if available.
Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
smallpox vaccination is generally considered to be a safe and
effective preventive measure against smallpox. However, in a number of
individuals, smallpox vaccination can result in untoward effects and ad-
verse reactions. Most are totally benign, if frightening in appearance. Some
are serious, but treatable. A few, which rarely occur, are potentially fatal.
Inadvertent Inoculation: In terms of less severe adverse events, inad-
vertent inoculation at other sites is the most frequent complication of
smallpox vaccination and accounts for approximately half of all com-
plications of primary vaccination and revaccination (see Figure 2). In-
advertent inoculation usually results from autoinoculation of vaccinia
virus transferred from the site of vaccination. The most common sites
involved are the face, eyelid, nose, mouth, genitalia, and rectum. While
most lesions heal without specific therapy, vaccinia immunoglobulin
(vig) can be used to manage cases of ocular implantation. However, if
Figure 2. Inadvertent Autoinoculation
Inadvertent autoinoculation of the cornea in a 12-year-old male.
Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
vaccinial keratitis is present, vig is con-
traindicated because it might increase
corneal scarring.
Rash: Erythematous or urticarial rashes can
occur approximately 10 days after primary
vaccination and can be confused with gen-
eralized vaccinia. However, the vaccinee is
usually afebrile with this reaction, and the
rash resolves spontaneously within two to
four days. Rarely, bullous erythema multi-
forme (i.e., Stevens-Johnson syndrome) oc-
curs (see Figure 3).
Moderate and severe complications of
vaccinia vaccination include eczema vacci-
natum, generalized vaccinia, progressive
vaccinia, and postvaccinial encephalitis.
These complications are rare but are more
likely to occur among primary vaccinees
than among revaccinees and are more fre-
quent among infants than among older chil-
dren and adults.
Eczema Vaccinatum: Eczema vaccinatum is
a localized or systemic dissemination of
vaccinia virus among persons who have
eczema or a history of eczema or other
chronic or exfoliative skin conditions (e.g.,
atopic dermatitis). Usually, illness is self-
limited, but it can be severe or fatal (see
Figure 4).
Generalized Vaccinia: Generalized vaccinia is
the result of the systemic spread of virus
from the vaccination site (see Figure 5). De-
spite the appearance of the lesions, it is
usually a benign complication of primary
vaccination that is self-limited except in
some individuals with underlying immune
suppression. Other post-vaccination rash-
es—examples include nonspecific autoim-
mune rashes, eczema vaccinatum, and le-
sions of inadvertent inoculation—have been
diagnosed as generalized vaccinia, making
it difficult to determine the true frequency of
this complication.
Progressive Vaccinia: Progressive vaccinia
(vaccinia necrosum) is a severe, potentially fatal illness characterized by
progressive necrosis in the area of vaccination, often with metastatic le-
sions (see Figure 6). If allowed to progress, progressive vaccinia can lead
to superimposed systemic fungal infections and/or bacterial infec-
tions, including bacteremia and endotoxic shock with or without dis-
seminated intravascular coagulation.
Massive doses of vig are necessary to control viremia in patients with
progressive vaccinia. Up to 10 ml/kg of intramuscular vig has been
used. In the event vig is not available or is not effective in managing pro-
gressive vaccinia, the cdc lists cidofovir (Vistide)—a intravenously ad-
ministered antiviral approved for the treatment of cytomegalovirus
disease—as an alternative. Studies evaluat-
ing the effectiveness of cidofovir in patients
with life-threatening vaccinia reactions are
not available; however, in vitro and animal
studies involving orthopoxviruses have yield-
ed encouraging results. Surgical removal
of massive lesions has also been performed
to reduce viral mass, usually following vig
treatment. And in patients with bacterial
or fungal superinfections, antibiotic thera-
py is often warranted.
Postvaccinial Encephalitis: Another serious
complication is postvaccinial encephalitis. In
the majority of cases, it affects primary vac-
cinees. According to the cdc, occurrence
of this complication was influenced by the
strain of vaccine virus and was higher in
Europe than in the United States. The prin-
cipal strain of vaccinia virus used in the
United States—the nycboh strain—was as-
sociated with the lowest incidence of post-
vaccinial encephalitis. Approximately 15% to
25% of affected vaccinees with this compli-
cation die, and 25% have permanent neu-
rologic complications. The risk of this seri-
ous complication is highest among chil-
dren less than one year of age.
Cardiac Complications: Finally, there are
possible cardiac complications to consider.
At the February 2003 prn meeting, when
the notable adverse events of smallpox vac-
cination were reviewed by Drs. Weisfuse,
Sepkowitz, and Danon, reports of cardiac
problems among vaccinees had not yet sur-
faced. However, on March 28, the cdc de-
scribed cases of cardiac adverse events
among vaccinated persons in the Morbidity
& Mortality Weekly Report (mmwr) (cdc,
2003a). At the time of this report, a total of
10 cases of myopericarditis had been docu-
mented among approximately 240,000 pri-
mary vaccinees in the military vaccination
program, and two such cases (one of my-
ocarditis and one of pericarditis) had been
reported among civilian vaccinees. No cas-
es of myopericarditis had been reported
among approximately 110,000 military revaccinees. Patients whose
cases were reported to the U.S. Department of Defense had onset sev-
en to 12 days after vaccination and had illness diagnosed based on
clinical features, laboratory studies, and electrocardiographic or echocar-
diographic features. Compared with the rate reported in an unvaccinated
military population during 1998 to 2000, the rate of myopericarditis is
substantially elevated.
As for cardiac ischemic events, a total of five reports had been re-
ported to the cdc as of March 28, including three patients with my-
ocardial infarctions and two patients with angina. The five patients
with ischemic events ranged in age from 43 to 60 years, and four of the
Figure 3. Erythema Multiforme
This eight-month-old patient displayed erythema mul-
tiforme lesions two weeks after his primary smallpox
Souce: Arthur E. Kaye; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Figure 4. Eczema Vaccinatum
A 22-year-old woman with eczema vaccinatum ac-
quired from her boyfriend. She became critically ill, with
nearly total involvement of her body, and required
thiosemicarbazones, as well as large doses of vig.
Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
five were aged >54 years; four were women.
Four of the five had underlying cardiovas-
cular risk factors. One had known cardio-
vascular disease, and two others had histo-
ries of chest pain (not clearly identified as
cardiac in origin on the basis of available in-
formation). Two patients died, both from
myocardial infarctions with out-of-hospital
cardiac arrests. Onset of cardiac symptoms
occurred 4, 4, 5, 9, and 17 days after vacci-
nation in the five patients; the patient who
experienced a cardiac arrest 17 days after
vaccination had symptoms of nausea, dizzi-
ness, shortness of breath, fever, and pro-
ductive cough five days after vaccination.
Two patients were revaccinees, but the pre-
vious vaccination status of the other pa-
tients is unknown; all were children at a
time when the majority of children in the
United States received smallpox vaccine.
The two deaths due to cardiac disease
among civilian vaccinees are similar to the
numbers expected among persons in these
age groups in the general population in the
absence of vaccination. The military re-
ported an additional case of a myocardial in-
farction and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
in a man aged 55 years with multiple cardiac
risk factors; the cardiac arrest occurred five
days after vaccination.
These data are consistent with a causal
relation between myocarditis/pericarditis
and smallpox vaccination, but no causal as-
sociation between the ischemic cardiac
events and smallpox vaccination has been
In summation, fatal complications
caused by smallpox vaccination have his-
torically been considered rare, with ap-
proximately one death per million primary
vaccinations and 0.25 deaths per million
revaccinations—usually because of either
progressive vaccinia or postvaccinial en-
cephalitis. However, there are lingering con-
cerns that the risk of serious adverse events, including death, will be
higher today, given the larger proportion of patients with immune
suppression currently living in the United States (and elsewhere) than
in decades past.
according to the acip, the smallpox vaccine should not be ad-
ministered for pre-event indications if any of the contraindications re-
viewed below are present or if the vaccinee lives with or has close
physical contact (e.g. persons with prolonged intimate contact with
the potential vaccinee, including the potential for direct contact with the
vaccination site) with someone who has one of these conditions (cdc,
2003). However, in the event of a smallpox outbreak, if exposure to the
variola virus has occurred or there is a high
risk of exposure to a patient, these con-
traindications would not apply. In these sit-
uations, the benefit of vaccination outweighs
the risks of potential adverse events.
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis, Darier’s Disease,
or Other Skin Conditions: Because of the
increased risk for eczema vaccinatum, the
smallpox vaccine should not be adminis-
tered to persons with eczema or any degree
of atopic dermatitis, to those with a past
history of eczema or atopic dermatitis, or to
those whose household contacts have ac-
tive eczema or atopic dermatitis or a histo-
ry of these skin conditions. Persons with
other acute, chronic, or exfoliative skin con-
ditions (e.g., burns, impetigo, or varicella
zoster) might also be at higher risk for
eczema vaccinatum and should not be vac-
cinated until the condition resolves.
Pregnancy: Because of the remote possibili-
ty of intrapartum vaccinia infection of the
infant, the smallpox vaccine should not be ad-
ministered to pregnant women for routine
pre-event immunization indications. Women
who are vaccinated should avoid getting preg-
nant for four weeks after vaccination.
Immune Suppression: Replication of vaccinia
virus can be enhanced among persons with
hiv infection and other immunodeficiency
diseases, including those being treated with
immunosuppressive drugs (e.g., as occurs
with leukemia, lymphoma, generalized ma-
lignancy, solid organ transplantation, stem
cell transplantation, cellular or humoral im-
munity disorders, or therapy with alkylating
agents, antimetabolites, radiation, or high-
dose corticosteroid therapy). Persons with
such conditions or whose household con-
tacts have such conditions should not re-
ceive the smallpox vaccine.
hiv Infection: Risk for severe complications after smallpox vaccination
for persons infected with hiv is unknown and there hasn’t been any ev-
idence concluding that smallpox vaccination accelerates the progres-
sion of hiv-related disease, particularly among patients with unde-
tectable hiv-rna levels. However, the degree of immune suppression that
would place an hiv-infected person at greater risk for adverse events is
unknown. Because of this uncertainty, until additional information be-
comes available, not vaccinating persons—under routine pre-event con-
ditions—who have hiv infection is advisable.
Allergy to Vaccine Components: The currently available smallpox vaccine
contains trace amounts of polymyxin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate,
chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate. Persons who ex-
perience anaphylactic reactions (e.g., hives, swelling of the mouth and
Figure 5. Generalized Vaccinia
This child manifested generalized vaccinia after re-
ceiving a primary smallpox vaccination.
Arthur E. Kaye; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Figure 6. Progressive Vaccinia
This adult manifested progressive vaccinia, shown
here as progressive necrosis of the vaccination area, af-
ter receiving a primary smallpox vaccination.
Source: Arthur E. Kaye; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
throat, difficulty breathing, hypotension, and shock) to any of these an-
tibiotics should not be vaccinated. The smallpox vaccine does not con-
tain penicillin. Future supplies of the smallpox vaccine will be refor-
mulated and might contain other preservatives or stabilizers. Refer to
the manufacturer’s package insert for additional information.
Infants and Children: Before the eradication of smallpox, smallpox vac-
cination was administered routinely during childhood to those over 12
months of age. However, smallpox vaccination is no longer indicated for
infants or children for routine immunization.
Cardiovascular Problems: While not a part of the original list of con-
traindications published by the acip, it is now recommended that per-
sons be excluded from the pre-event smallpox vaccination program
who have known underlying heart disease, with or without symptoms,
or who have three or more known major cardiac risk factors (i.e., hy-
pertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, heart disease at age 50
years in a first-degree relative, and smoking) (cdc, 2003a). In response
to these updated recommendations, prevaccination screening forms and
other materials have been revised and provided to state health depart-
ments. At the present time, there are no recommendations for special
medical follow-up for persons with cardiovascular risk factors who
have been vaccinated. Persons with risk factors or known atherosclerotic
coronary artery disease should be cared for and monitored by their
and Smallpox Vaccination
the heightened risks of smallpox vaccination among hiv-positive
people are not hypothetical. In April 1984, a 19-year-old African-Amer-
ican male from the mid-southwestern United States began basic train-
ing at an Army military base (Redfield, 1987). He received multiple im-
munizations—adenovirus 4 and 7, measles, rubella, bivalent influenza,
trivalent poliomyelitis, tetravalent meningococcal, tetanus, and diph-
theria—within the first three days of basic training, followed by a pri-
mary smallpox vaccination at the end of the first week.
He participated fully in basic training until two and a half weeks af-
ter the smallpox vaccination, when fever, headache, neck stiffness, and
night sweats developed. The diagnosis was cryptococcal meningitis
and, after further evaluation, it was determined that he had a cd
count of fewer than 25 cells/mm
. hiv was then isolated from pbmcs and
antibodies to the virus were detected by Western blot.
Four weeks after receiving the smallpox vaccination, while the con-
script was being treated for cryptococcal meningitis at the Walter Reed
Army Medical Center, an ulcer approximately 4 centimeters in diame-
ter developed at the vaccination site, with a smaller satellite ulceration
developing nearby. Over the next two to three days, approximately 80 to
100 pustular lesions appeared on the buttocks and the legs, many of
which became ulcerated. Generalized vaccinia was determined to be the
cause and 12 weekly doses of vig were prescribed. The ulcers gradual-
ly epithelialized and were completed healed by mid-August. The patient
subsequently died, probably as a result of progressive neurological dis-
ease, in December 1985.
Another noteworthy report was published in 1991 in The Lancet
(Guillaume, 1991). The report involved the experiences of 12 hiv-pos-
itive patients who underwent therapeutic administration of autologous
lymphocytes that were infected with a recombinant hiv-vaccinia virus.
Eight of the 12 patients had fewer than 150 cd4+ cells/mm
and three
of them developed symptoms of progressive vaccinia and subsequent-
ly died. These complications were not recognized as such and vig was
not administered.
As explained by Dr. Kent Sepkowitz, of the five notably adverse
events of smallpox vaccination—autoinoculation, generalized vaccinia,
eczema vaccinatum, progressive vaccinia, and encephalitis—generalized
vaccinia and progressive vaccinia are the most likely to occur in greater
frequency in hiv-positive vaccinees.
“Simply put, we don’t know what the risks are and I sincerely hope
that we won’t ever find out.” As for autoinoculation, Dr. Sepkowitz
does not foresee an increased risk compared to hiv-negative persons.
There is also no reason that exzema vaccinatum would be more com-
mon in hiv, except in someone with sustained chronic dermatitis of
some sort. “We don’t see as much folliculitis as we used to,” he said. “We
don’t see as many chronic skin conditions as we did in pre-haart days.
That said, one can imagine that someone with diffused Kaposi’s sarcoma
or diffused skin conditions could get into big trouble from being vac-
cinated. But the biology of hiv would not, in itself, predispose someone
to higher rates of vaccinatum.” There’s also little reason to believe that
encephalitis rates would be any higher among hiv-positive vaccinees
than hiv-negative vaccinees.
In terms of generalized vaccinia, Dr. Sepkowitz reckons that there
would almost certainly be increased rates among hiv-positive vacci-
nees. “However, this is very manageable with vig and is not one of
those oh-my-God-drop-everything sort of infections. They can become
that, but they sound much more cinematic that they actually are in the
clinic.” Progressive vaccinia remains Dr. Sepkowitz’s biggest fear. “Any-
one with underlying immune dysfunction can develop this,” he warned.
“Progressive vaccinia has occurred, in the past, in one in a million vac-
cinees. We’d expect a much higher rate in a million immune-suppressed
vaccinees. While we might be able to determine which of our diag-
nosed hiv-positive patients have suppressed immune systems, we also
know that there are many people walking around with undiagnosed
hiv infection and possible immune suppression. We can pretty much
bank on increased progressive vaccinia in today’s day and age.”
Because of these fears, hiv-positive individuals, irrespective of their
+ cell counts, are being excluded from the current pre-event smallpox
vaccination program. However, there are encouraging data to suggest that,
in the event of a “pre-event” to “post-event” vaccine strategy that includes
the immunization of hiv-positive people, the adverse event rate will re-
main relatively low. Dr. Sepkowitz pointed out that the Department of De-
fense (dod) and the cdc have estimated that between 500 and 1,000 un-
diagnosed hiv-positive conscripts received smallpox vaccination in the
1980s, with an adverse event rate of less than 0.2%. “However,” Dr. Sep-
kowitz added, “most people who join the army are relatively healthy, so
this estimate doesn’t accurately reflect what we’d expect to see in sicker
hiv-positive individuals with suppressed immune systems.”
The possible scenario doesn’t end with data from the dod. Dr. Sep-
kowitz reminded prn members that hiv-positive individuals with well-
controlled infection safely benefit from mmr, yellow fever, and Varivax im-
munizations—all live-virus vaccinations—with adverse event rates on a
par with hiv-negative individuals.
While numerous steps—including hiv-antibody testing—are in place
to prevent hiv-infected individuals from erroneously receiving the small-
pox vaccine as a part of the pre-event smallpox vaccination program,
there is still some concern that hiv-infected individuals will be inadver-
tently infected with the vaccinia virus through contact with a recently vac-
cinated person. Fortunately, Dr. Sepkowitz suspects that contacts of vac-
cinees—even those with suppressed immune systems—are unlikely to
experience either progressive vaccinia or encephalitis if they are infected.
“What we’re likely to see are cases of inoculation, eczema vaccinatum, and
possibly generalized vaccinia,” Dr. Sepkowitz said.
To better understand nosocomial spread of vaccinia virus, Dr. Sep-
kowitz performed a literature search spanning 100 years of smallpox vac-
cination and yielded 12 key reports from around the world (Sepkowitz,
2003). In short, these reports detailed the experiences of 85 secondary
cases of vaccinia infection, 23 of which involved direct contact with a vac-
cinee. Approximately 75% of these secondary cases were children and
9/85 (11%) died of complications related to secondary vaccinia infection.
Information regarding the vaccinees—the sources of the secondary
vaccinia cases—was provided in the 12 reports reviewed by Dr. Sep-
kowitz. In five of the reports, the sources were children experiencing
eczema vaccinatum. “A child with eczema vaccinatum is simply oozing
virus,” he said. “The child is misdiagnosed and is put on to a ward with
other children with eczema. From there, it spreads from person to
person by the hands of a health-care worker. It’s very easy to see how this
can happen.” As for the other seven sources, two cases were adults with
generalized/disseminated vaccinia, one was a burn patient, one in-
volved a contaminated urinary catheter (an infant with dysuria received
a urinary catheter, which was subsequently removed and placed into a
pan with other catheters, resulting in vaccinia infection of 23 other
children), and two cases involved individuals participating in a com-
munity vaccination program. Only in one report was information in-
volving the vaccinee not known.
In terms of risk factors associated with secondary infection, all of the
cases reviewed by Dr. Sepkowitz involved individuals with an underly-
ing skin disorder. For example, a large percentage of secondary vaccinia
cases were in patients with eczema at the time of infection. Pemphigus
foliaceous was a preexisting condition in some adults with secondary
vaccinia disease. Other documented skin disorders believed to increase
suspectibility to secondary vaccinia infection included burns, Mycosis
fungoides, scabies, secondary syphilis, impetigo, and acne.
All in all, Dr. Sepkowitz believes that hiv-infected individuals with
well-controlled disease will tolerate smallpox vaccination, as well as
other live vaccines. “However,” he added in his concluding remarks,
“there are lessons from tb to be learned here. Even though we’re deal-
ing with an extremely familiar and predictable disease, it’s always pos-
sible that it will become extremely unfamiliar and unpredictable in
people with hiv infection.”
The New York City Smallpox Vaccination Program
given the concerns that smallpox may used by terrorist groups or
rogue nations as a component of biological warfare, the federal gov-
ernment announced plans on December 13, 2002, for a voluntary
smallpox vaccination program for hospital-based health care personnel
who, in the event of an outbreak, would be available and willing to
care for the initial patients with suspected or confirmed smallpox. In ad-
dition to these smallpox response teams, the federal government also
announced plans to begin vaccinating public health response teams and
select military personnel.
There’s little doubting the need for a vaccination campaign to protect
“first response” health-care workers. For evidence of this, one doesn’t need
to look much further than the sars epidemic. A number of health-care
workers have come down with symptoms of sars after treating patients
with the disease and have subsequently gone on to infect others. As a re-
sult, some hospitals have been forced to shut down or to reduce vital ser-
vices—including those intended for hiv-infected patients—in order to
grapple with the spread of sars. Clearly, little good can come of health-
care providers being unprotected against a contagious disease.
The pre-event smallpox vaccination plan outlined by the federal
government consists of three waves. The first wave involves the vacci-
nation of 500,000 hospital-based health-care workers and public health
response teams nationwide. [Editor’s Note: According to a New York
Times editorial published on May 12, 2003, federal health officials are now
suggesting that perhaps 50,000 vaccinated health care workers will be enough
to complete the first wave of vaccinations.] The second wave currently
calls for the vaccination of 10 million health-care workers, along with first
responders (e.g., police, firefighters, and emergency medical service staff)
not covered in the first wave. In the third wave of the program, vacci-
nation will be made available to the general population.
In the event of a smallpox attack, it is impossible to predict where
the first cases may present for their care. Therefore, the goal of this
smallpox vaccination program is to ensure that all acute-care hospitals
who volunteer to participate in this program have pre-vaccinated staff
ready to respond if a patient with smallpox presents to their institution.
Each hospital’s health-care smallpox response team consists of vol-
unteer health-care worker staff who would be prevaccinated against
smallpox and have agreed to be available to 1) evaluate and manage pa-
tients who present to their hospital with suspected smallpox, and 2) pro-
vide in-room medical care for the first 7 to 10 days for these initial sus-
pected or confirmed smallpox patients until additional hospital staff have
been successfully vaccinated.
The initial plans in New York City called for approximately 100 to 200
health-care workers at each of the 74 acute-care hospitals—between
750 to 1500 vaccinations in total—to be included in the New York City
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (nyc dohmh) smallpox
vaccination plans. The workers are being recruited to serve on these
health-care smallpox response teams as a part of the first wave of the vac-
cination program. Health-care workers are being selected based on
those job categories that would be required to care for the initial small-
pox cases (e.g., medical and nursing staff who work in the emergency de-
partment, intensive care unit, adult and pediatric wards, as well as res-
piratory therapists, radiology technicians, security, housekeeping, and oth-
er clinical support staff). The vaccine is voluntary; however, any person
agreeing to be vaccinated should be willing to serve on the hospital’s
health-care smallpox response team to provide direct care for the initial
suspected or confirmed smallpox case(s) in the event of an outbreak. As
the incidence of vaccine adverse effects is less among persons who
have previously received smallpox vaccine, efforts are being made to tar-
get persons who have received at least one prior dose of smallpox vaccine.
The nyc dohmh, working closely with hospitals, began adminis-
tering smallpox vaccinations in March. As of May 9, 2003, a total of 319
persons have received the smallpox vaccination in New York City. As ex-
plained by Dr. Weisfuse in a recent interview, there has been very low
acceptance of the vaccinations, with the number of volunteers being sub-
stantially lower than expected. “This experience mirrors that in the
rest of the country,” he said. Participating in and plans for the second
wave of vaccinations will be reassessed after completion of the first wave.
In order to minimize the number of adverse events, all potential vol-
unteers are being educated about the contraindications to the vaccine.
The nyc dohmh is currently working with hospitals to ensure that ed-
ucational sessions are offered to all potential vaccinees prior to starting
smallpox vaccinations. The nyc dohmh is also providing information
on where potential volunteers may obtain free, confidential, or anony-
mous hiv counseling and testing, and pregnancy testing, if indicated.
hiv counseling and testing is strongly recommended for all persons con-
sidering smallpox vaccination in New York City.
Monitoring for any vaccine-related adverse events and arranging for
rapid treatment will be an essential component of the nyc dohmh
vaccine program. The nyc dohmh has mailed information to all New
York City health-care providers and posted information on the nyc
dohmh website ( that highlights
the recognition, clinical management, and reporting of suspected
smallpox vaccine adverse events, all of which have been reviewed in this
article. Prevaccination of health-care smallpox response teams is just one
component of the nyc dohmh smallpox preparedness. Also important
has been the ability of health-care workers to rapidly recognize and re-
spond to the initial suspect cases of smallpox. New York City hospitals
are expected to implement measures outlined in a nyc dohmh and New
York State Department of Health document, “Guidelines for Manage-
ment of a Suspect Case of Smallpox in Acute Care Hospitals in New York
City,” which is available through the nyc dohmh Web site cited above.
These guidelines provide detailed information on measures that
should be put into place to ensure rapid recognition, isolation, and
appropriate management of suspected smallpox patients, including
the need for strict adherence to infection control measures. Isolation of
suspected or confirmed smallpox patients and ensuring that all staff ad-
here to appropriate infection control precautions will also help pre-
vent transmission of the variola virus and protect those who can not, or
chose not to, be vaccinated.
The Israeli Experience
routine vaccination against smallpox in israel was initiated in
1924 and subsequently halted in July 1980. In August 2002, the Israeli
Ministry of Health dusted off its stockpile of smallpox vaccines and be-
gan immunizing thousands of citizens, most of them health-care per-
sonnel—first responders who would likely be involved in an immedi-
ate response to a biological attack. At the time of Dr. Yehuda Danon’s prn
presentation, 17,700 Israeli citizens had received the vaccine and safe-
ty data were available for more than 7,000 vaccinees.
The smallpox vaccine being used by the Israeli Ministry of Health
is based on the Lister strain of the vaccinia virus, grown on the chorioal-
lantoic membrane of fertilized eggs. The bifurcated needle approach
used in the United States to administer the vaccine is considered to be
too costly in Israel, where the administration equipment of choice is the
helicopter pipette. “The helicopter pipette is widely available, has high
utilization in routine medical practice, and is associated with good
take results,” Dr. Danon explained.
Vaccine contraindications in Israel are similar to those in the Unit-
ed States. These include individuals with diseases or conditions that
cause immunodeficiency, such as hiv, aids, leukemia, lymphoma,
generalized malignancy, agammaglobulinemia, or are being treated
with alkylating agents, antimetabolites, radiation, or large doses of cor-
ticosteroids. Also excluded are individuals who have ever been diagnosed
with eczema—even if the condition is mild or not presently active—as
well as individuals with acute or chronic skin conditions such as atopic
dermatitis, burns, impetigo, or varicella zoster.
Much like the pre-event vaccination program in the United States, Is-
raeli health-care workers who receive the vaccine will be permitted to con-
tinue direct patient care, provided that vaccination site remains covered.
To date, roughly 70% of vaccinees have exhibited signs of a suc-
cessful take, which is on a par with take rates observed in the past. Dr.
Danon pointed out that all of the Israeli residents who have received the
vaccine had been vaccinated in the past. “We did not want to use a vac-
cine-naive population,” Dr. Danon explained. “We didn’t have any vig
in Israel. The only vig available was through the World Health Orga-
nization, and there was concern that some of these were infected with
hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Because of this, we needed to make sure that
we were being very careful about who received the vaccine in order to
reduce the risk of adverse events.”
To replenish its vig stock, the Israeli Ministry of Health has asked
that all successfully vaccinated individuals donate plasma—two or
three times—three to six weeks after vaccination. Plasma samples col-
lected any sooner than three weeks increase the risk of viremia, where-
as plasma collected more than 90 days post-vaccination won’t likely
contain high enough titers of antibodies to be of therapeutic benefit.
The most common symptoms accompanying vaccination in 7,100
evaluable vaccinees were fatigue and weakness (31%), headaches (28%)
muscle pain (22.5%), nausea (12%), shivering (12%), and fever (8%).
Looking at the larger population of vaccinees, only ten adverse events
were documented as of early May 2003. No vaccine-related deaths have
thus far been reported to the Israeli Ministry of Health. In terms of ad-
verse events, there have been two cases of contact vaccinia, one of
which resulted in disseminated vaccinia. There have been two cases of
erythema multiforme among vaccinees, one case of polymyalgia, one
case of Stevens-Johnson optic neuritis, once case of peripheral neu-
ropathy, two cases of myopericarditis, and one case involving a patient
with both optic neuritis and vasculitis.
In terms of successful vaccine takes, there were no differences among
patients who had received either one, two, three, or four vaccinations in
the past. Also of interest, the rates of successful takes were similar in all
age groups. In terms of serologies, Dr. Danon noted that individuals
who had high vaccinia antibody titers on the day of vaccination were the
least likely to have successful takes. In contrast, 93% of those who had low
titers on the day of vaccination went on to have successful takes.
The Israeli Ministery of Health still has its work cut out for it.
“Ever since we began the vaccination program in August 2002, we’ve had
a low level of motivation and compliance among physicians,” Dr.
Danon reported. “We can’t explain why this is, because many of the doc-
tors who have experience in administering the smallpox vaccine and are
wary of its side effects are now in retirement. We have many younger
physicians who do not have much experience administering the small-
pox vaccine and are now being trained, but they’re still wary of the po-
tential for adverse events. Conversely, we’ve had a relatively high level
of motivation among nurses.”
The Department of Defense Experience
data involving the u.s. armed force’s experience with smallpox
vaccinations were not available at the time of the February 2003 prn meet-
ing but have since been released by the Department of Defense (dod,
2003). As of March 28, 2003, the dod has vaccinated 350,000 opera-
tional forces and military health-care workers against smallpox—many of
whom were naive to the vaccine prior to vaccination. Similar to the Israeli
experience, dod smallpox vaccine recipients have experienced the tem-
porary symptoms expected after smallpox vaccination (e.g., itching,
swollen lymph nodes, fever, malaise). Approximately 1% of vaccine re-
cipients developed “flat” rashes that are not dangerous and not contagious.
These vaccinees have been treated according to their symptoms (such as
itching) and have remained on the job with their units. These rashes are
consistent with known responses after smallpox vaccination.
There have been 29 cases of inadvertent auto-inoculation, none of
which were severe. There have also been 25 cases of generalized vaccinia,
most of which were treated as outpatients. There have been two in-
stances in which vig was prescribed, both of which involved patients with
generalized vaccinia. There have been 14 cases of myocarditis and/or peri-
carditis among the 350,000 smallpox vaccinees, with symptoms ranging
from mild to severe (all have since recovered). No cases of eczema vac-
cinatum or progressive vaccinia have been reported, and there have
been no deaths associated with smallpox vaccination. There have been 10
cases of vaccinia being transferred to contacts. However, none of these cas-
es were severe and primarily involved inadvertent inoculation.
“Our smallpox vaccination program expanded rapidly and effec-
tively to include more than 350,000 people,” says Dr. William Winken-
werder, Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. “The pro-
gram continues to go well, and has been administered in a thorough,
careful and professional manner. We continue to experience the types of
reactions that we expected overall. Close monitoring has afforded these
individuals prompt, effective care. We have adjusted our screening
guidelines to defer those with a history of cardiac disease, based on
guidance from the cdc and other medical experts. dod’s Smallpox Vac-
cination Program provides service members and the Nation an en-
hanced level of preparedness against the threat of smallpox.”
although the campaign to vaccinate 500,000 health-care work-
ers against smallpox appears to getting off to an unexpectedly slow
start, adverse event data collected thus far paint an encouraging picture
(see Sidebar). hiv-infected civilians are still being excluded from the pre-
event smallpox vaccination program. At the present time, the greatest
threat to hiv-infected patients is secondary vaccinia transmission by a
vaccinee. However, as this issue of The prn Notebook went to press, no
cases of vaccinia transmission to contacts have been reported to the
cdc—an indication that correct measures are being taken to reduce the
risk of adverse events.
It is with hope that smallpox never reemerges from the shadows of his-
tory. Should the day come, it is comforting that mechanisms are in place
to curtail the spread of disease and to protect those who have long been
at the greatest risk of walking onto the frontlines of epidemics in their ear-
liest stages: health-care providers and other emergency personnel.
Department of Defense. dod smallpox vaccination program: Safety summary, as of March 31, 2003. Accessed May 19, 2003.
Guillaume JC, Saiag P, Wechsler J, et al. Vaccinia from recombinant virus expressing hiv genes. Lancet
337(8748):1034-5, 1991.
Redfield RR, Wright DC, James WD, et al. Disseminated vaccinia in a military recruit with human im-
munodeficiency virus (hiv) disease. N Engl J Med 316:673-6, 1987.
Sepkowitz KA. How contagious is vaccinia? N Engl J Med 348:439-46, 2003.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (cdc). Vaccinia (smallpox) vaccine: recommendations of
the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (acip), 2001. mmwr 50(RR10):1-25, 2001.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommendations for Using Smallpox Vaccine in a Pre-
Event Vaccination Program. Supplemental Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immuniza-
tion Practices (acip) and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (hicpac). mmwr
52(RR07):1-16, 2003.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Notice to Readers: Supplemental Recommendations on
Adverse Events Following Smallpox Vaccine in the Pre-Event Vaccination Program: Recommendations of
the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. mmwr 52(13):282-4, 2003.
Status of the Smallpox Vaccination Program
Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control Prevention. State-by-state vaccination numbers and
adverse events numbers will be updated every Thursday by 12:00 pm est and can be accessed
through the World Wide Web (
Adverse Total number of
Event Cases (as of 5|9)
Eczema vaccinatum 0
Erythema multiforme/
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 0
Fetal vaccinia 0
Generalized vaccinia 2
Inadvertent inoculation,
nonocular 13
Myocarditis/pericarditis 24
Adverse Total number of
Event Cases (as of 5|9)
Ocular vaccinia 3
Postvaccinial encephalitis 1
Progressive vaccinia 0
Pyogenic infection of
vaccination site 0
Vaccinia transmission to contacts
In health-care settings 0
In other settings 0
State/ No. of Individuals
Program Vaccinated
Alabama 481
Alaska 95
American Samoa 0
Arizona 39
Arkansas 976
California 1,509
Chicago 56
Colorado 224
Connecticut 634
Delaware 107
District of Columbia 98
Florida 3,623
Georgia 135
Guam 0
Hawaii 181
Idaho 200
Illinois 228
Indiana 765
Iowa 486
Kansas 448
Kentucky 767
Los Angeles 219
Louisiana 1,107
Maine 39
Marshall Islands 0
Maryland 719
Massachusetts 94
Michigan 716
Micronesia 0
Minnesota 1,475
Mississippi 404
State/ No. of Individuals
Program Vaccinated
Missouri 1,253
Montana 101
Nebraska 1,457
Nevada 10
New Hampshire 323
New Jersey 657
New Mexico 158
New York 659
New York City 330
North Carolina 1,235
North Dakota 414
No. Mariana Islands 0
Ohio 1,760
Oklahoma 335
Oregon 95
Palau 0
Pennsylvania 198
Puerto Rico 9
Rhode Island 29
South Carolina 859
South Dakota 735
Tennessee 2,429
Texas 4,145
Utah 282
Vermont 121
Virgin Islands 0
Virginia 843
Washington 512
West Virginia 734
Wisconsin 745
Wyoming 409
Total Number of Individuals Vaccinated (as of May 16, 2003) 36,662
Adverse Events Associated with Smallpox Vaccination
Among Civilians
(Total number of adverse events associated
with smallpox vaccination, as of May 9, 2003.)
State-by-state vaccination numbers, as of May 16, 2003