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Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Motorcycles are a major component of road transport in Indonesia with more than 120 million estimated to
be in use. While the number of motorcycles operating in the country has steadily grown in recent years, the
proportion of electric motorcycles remains very low. A shift away from fossil-fuel-based motorcycles will
provide considerable benefits for Indonesia by reducing air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions,
and reliance on fuel imports. This report examines how such a shift can be achieved with a focus on electric
motorcycle charging infrastructure. It draws on best practices from other economies to provide a road map
and policy recommendations for developing this infrastructure.
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ISBN 978-92-9269-474-6 (print); 978-92-9269-475-3 (electronic); 978-92-9269-476-0 (ebook)
Publication Stock No. TCS220426
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On the cover: Electric mobility can help make transportation more sustainable. Many elements, charging stations,
batteries, operators must come together to enable the electric transport transition.
Cover design by Claudette Rodrigo.
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2.1 Vehicle Category Focus 3
2.2 Geographical Focus 4
3.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 5
3.2 National GHG Commitments and Electric Vehicle Policies 6
3.3 Electricity Generation 7
4.1 Experiences with Promotion Policies for Electric Motorcycles 9
4.2 Experiences with Charging Infrastructure for Electric Motorcycles 12
6.1 Private Users 23
6.2 Commercial Users 28
6.3 Summary Electric Two-Wheeler Usage Type 30
7.1 Conversion of Motorcycles 32
7.2 Battery Standardization 33
8.1 Ocial Scenarios 34
8.2 Scenario Modelling 36
8.3 Impact of Decreasing Electric Motorcycle Prices 37
8.4 Impact of a Carbon Tax 38
8.5 Conclusions on Business-As-Usual Development 39
8.6 Subsidy Scenario 39
8.7 Regulatory Scenario 41
8.8 Comparison of Electric Motorcycle Deployment of Scenarios in JABODETABEK and Bali 42
8.9 Viewpoint of Manufacturers 43
9.1 Battery Swapping Infrastructure 47
9.2 Battery Charging Infrastructure 54
10.1 Impact of Charging Electric Motorcycles on the Power System 59
10.2 Connections 66
10.3 Quality of Power Supply 70
10.4 Summary and Conclusion on Grid Impact 73
10.5 Investments Required 74
11.1 International Electric Vehicle Battery Standards 77
11.2 Regulations in Indonesia 79
13.1 Environmental and Economic Benefits 97
1 Standards 99
2 Data Details 100
Tables, Figures, Boxes, and Maps
S1 E-Motorcycle Characteristics for Urban Usage xiii
1 Main Components of Taipei,Chinas E-Motorcycle Road Map 2018–2022 10
2 Technical Properties of a Typical Swappable Electric Vehicle Battery and a Typical Swap Station 19
3 Sample of Electric Two-Wheelers Sold in Indonesia 23
4 Main Features and Cost Components of Gasoline and Electric Motorcycles 24
5 Cost Comparison Electric and Gasoline Motorcycle Indonesia, 2021 26
6 Cost Components of High-Powered Electric Scooters for Urban Usage 26
7 Cost Comparison of High-Powered Electric Scooters and Gasoline Motorcycles in Indonesia, 2021 27
8 Are E-Motorcycles Attractive for Clients? 28
9 Cost Components of Commercial Electric Motorcycles for Urban Usage 28
10 Cost Comparison between Electric and Gasoline Motorcycles for Commercial Usage, 2021 29
11 E-Scooter Characteristics 30
12 E-Motorcycle Characteristics 31
13 Tentative Target of Electric Two-Wheeler Production and Sales in Indonesia 34
14 Electric Vehicle Deployment Target Based on the Draft Grand Strategy for Energy 35
15 Electric Vehicle Deployment Target Based on the Public Launching Commitment 35
16 Core Elements and Impacts of a Carbon Tax on Fuels 38
17 Estimated Subsidy Requirement to Achieve Target of 2.1 Million E-Motorcycles by 2025 39
18 Subsidy Level versus Economic Benefits of Emission Reductions per E-Motorcycle 40
19 Projected Population 41
20 Projected Number of E-Motorcycles with Regulatory Interventions 41
21 Projected Number of E-Motorcycles in JABODETABEK with Dierent Scenarios 42
22 Projected Number of E-Motorcycles in Bali with Dierent Scenarios 43
23 Docking Station Plans Swap Energi 46
24 General Assumptions for Swapping and Charging Infrastructure 48
25 Overview JABODETABEK 49
26 Scenarios for 2025 in JABODETABEK 49
27 Projected Number of Swapping Stations in JABODETABEK under Scenario 2 50
28 Overview of Bali 51
29 Scenarios for 2025 in Bali 51
30 Projected Number of Swapping Stations in Bali under Scenario 2 52
31 Potential Size of Charging Locations 55
32 Number of Chargers in JABODETABEK and Bali in 2025 for E-Motorcycle Scenarios 57
33 Projected Electricity Usage of E-Motorcycles with Regulatory Interventions 59
34 Limit of Harmonic Distortion – Flow in Indonesian Distribution Code CC3.0 72
35 Impact of Chargers on the Electricity Network 73
Tables, Figures, Boxes, and Maps
36 Expected Investment Related to Charging Infrastructure for E-Motorcycles in Indonesia 74
37 Overview of Central Government Agencies’ Roles and Responsibilities Related to the Transport Sector 81
38 Derivative Regulations from Presidential Decree 55/2019 82
39 Other Relevant Regulations Concerning Electric Vehicles 83
40 Local Government Regulations on Electric Vehicle in Jakarta and Bali 84
41 Expected Regulations Concerning Electric Vehicles to be Released 84
42 Summary of Incentives for Electric Vehicles 85
43 Targeted Electric versus Gasoline Motorcycles for Private and Commercial Urban Usage 90
A2.1 General Parameters used for Calculations of the Impact of E-Motorcycles 100
A2.2 Environmental Impact per E-Motorcycle Lifespan 100
A2.3 Cost of Gasoline Fueled Motorcycles 101
A2.4 Projections of Cost of E-Motorcycles of Same Power as Gasoline Motorcycles Used Currently 101
A2.5 Impact on Total Cost of Ownership of Applying a Carbon Price in Indonesia 101
A2.6 Projected Number of E-Motorcycles in Total Indonesia with a BAU Scenario, 102
an Urban Regulation Scenario and a Financial Incentive Scenario
A2.7 Motorcycle Total and E-Motorcycle Sales Projections 103
A2.8 Estimated Subsidy Requirement to Achieve Target of 2.1 Million E-Motorcycles by 2025 103
A2.9 Scenarios of Number of Swapping Stations for E-Motorcycles in JABODETABEK 104
A2.10 Scenarios of Number of Swapping Stations for E-Motorcycles in Bali 104
A2.11 Destination Chargers 105
A2.12 Scenario Calculations 105
A2.13 Scenario Calculations 105
A2.14 Charging Infrastructure 106
A2.15 Scenarios for 2025 in JABODETABEK 107
A2.16 Scenarios for 2025 in Bali 107
S1 User Categories and Charging Infrastructure xii
S2 Projected E-Motorcycle Market in Indonesia xvi
1 Vehicle Registration in Indonesia, 2015–2019 3
2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Indonesia, 1990–2018 5
3 Greenhouse Gas Transport Emissions in Indonesia, 1990–2018 6
4 Source of Electricity Generation in Indonesia, 2019 7
5 Development of the National Carbon Grid Factor in Indonesia, 2000–2016 8
6 Electric Vehicle with Swappable Batteries without an On-Board Charger 12
7 Swapping Station with Charger 13
8 Overview of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure 14
9 Mode 1 Charging 15
10 Mode 2 Charging 15
11 Mode 3 Charging 16
12 Mode 4 Charging 16
13 Connectors for Mode3 Charging (IEC 62196) 17
14 Electric Two-Wheeler User Categories 21
15 Usage of Electric Two-Wheelers 30
16 E-Motorcycle Scenarios for Indonesia 36
17 Price and Cost Comparison of Higher Powered Electric versus Gasoline Motorcycles 37
Tables, Figures, Boxes, and Maps
18 Required Subsidy for E-Motorcycles versus Potential Revenue from Carbon Tax on Gasoline Fuel 40
19 E-Motorcycle Scenarios in JABODETABEK 42
20 E-Motorcycle Scenarios in Bali 43
21 Indonesia Battery Corporation Production Plans 44
22 Projected Service Area per Swap Station with Non-Standardized Batteries, JABODETABEK 50
23 Projected Service Area per Swap Station with No Standardization, Bali 52
24 Typical Charging Profile of Swap Station with 20 Docks of 1 kW Each 53
25 Indicative Charging Pattern for Home Charging 55
26 Indicative Charging Pattern for Small Area Charging 56
27 Indicative Charging Pattern for Medium- to Large-Sized Area Charging 56
28 Simplified Overview of Power System and Connection Level of Charging Sites 58
29 Electricity Usage of E-Motorcycles for Scenario 2 and Forecasted Total Electricity Sales in Indonesia 60
30 Net Peak Demand Projections Compared with Generation in the Power System of Bali and Java 61
31 Reserve Margin for Bali and Java 61
32 Total 150-Kilovolt Transformer Capacity Projections, 2019–2028 63
33 Typical Distributions Network for JABODETABEK 64
34 Distribution of Connection Capacity of PLN Customers in Jakarta and Bali in 2021 68
35 Power Ratings of Selected Household Appliances Applied in Indonesia 69
36 Reliability of Power Supply Indicators SAIDI and SAIFI, 2014–2019 70
37 Used Battery Options 75
38 Electric Two-Wheeler User Segments 89
39 Projected E-Motorcycle Market in Indonesia 92
40 Projected E-Motorcycle Market in JABODETABEK and Bali 92
41 Projected Destination Electric Vehicle Charger Market 93
42 Projected E-Motorcycle Battery Swap Station Market 94
43 Reduced Emissions Due to E-Motorcycles in Indonesia 97
44 Reduced Emissions Due to E-Motorcycles in JABODETABEK 98
45 Reduced Emissions Due to E-Motorcycles in Bali 98
1 An Introduction to Smart Charging 65
2 Smart Charging in Indonesia 66
3 What is Harmonic Distortion? 72
1 Java-Bali Electricity Transmission Map 62
2 Potential Initial Location of Swap Sites in JABODETABEK 95
3 Potential Initial Location of Swap Sites in Bali 96
ADB Asian Development Bank
BAPPENAS Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional (National Development Planning Agency)
BAU business-as-usual
BMS battery management system
carbon dioxide
CAGR compound annual growth rate
CAPEX capital expenditure
CNG compressed natural gas
DEN National Energy Council
EU European Union
GHG greenhouse gas
GSE Grand Strategy for Energy
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
JABODETABEK DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi
MEMR Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
OPEX operational expenditure
PRC People's Republic of China
PLN PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara
RUEN Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (Ministry of National Development Planning)
SoH state of health
SOE state-owned enterprise
TCO total cost of ownership
Weights and Measures
km kilometer
kg kilogram
kV kilovolt
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
ton of carbon dioxide
V volt
Electric Two-Wheeler Definitions
Electric vehicle. This is any vehicle using 100% electricity (battery electric vehicle) including all types of electric
Electric two-wheeler. This includes all types of electric vehicles with two wheels such as electric bicycles, electric
scooters, and electric motorcycles.
Electric bicycle. This is an electric two-wheeler with a support engine but with
the possibility to also use muscular power to move the vehicle.
Electric scooter. This is an electric two-wheeler with limited engine power
and speed (25–35 km/h maximum), which does not need vehicle registration.
In some places such as the People’s Republic of China, electric scooters may
have pedals, although they cannot be used. There are countries that do not
classify vehicles with pedals as motorcycles, thus they can still be allowed even if
motorcycles are restricted.
Electric motorcycle. This is an electric two-wheeler or e-motorcycle with an
engine power above 500W and maximum speeds higher than 35 km/h. Such
vehicles require registration as a motorcycle.
Note: This publication focuses on electric motorcycles. The term “electric two-wheelers” applies to electric
scooters as well as electric motorcycles.
More than 120 million motorcycles operate in Indonesia, of which an estimated 12,000 are electric motorcycles.
The numbers continue to grow. Motorcycles are used for private as well as commercial purposes including
ride-hailing and delivery services. Electrification of motorcycles would result in improved air quality and reduced
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, fuel imports, and noise. Indonesia therefore aims to increase the share of
electric motorcycles or e-motorcycles.
The report focuses on Greater Jakarta, i.e., DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (JABODETABEK),
and Bali. This allows for developing the characteristics required for a charging infrastructure for an urban area,
as well as for a densely populated nonurban area. Results from these “typical” areas can then be extrapolated to
other areas of the country, dierentiating between urban and nonurban zones.
The total GHG emissions of Indonesia in 2016 were 1,458 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO
Transport GHG emissions in 2018 are estimated at 154 MtCO
e, representing 16% of total emissions excluding
land use change and forestry emissions, or 26% of energy emissions. Emissions from motorcycles are estimated to
contribute around 20% of total transport emissions.
In its nationally determined contribution (NDC), Indonesia has committed to reduce its GHG emissions unconditionally
by 29% compared to a business-as-usual scenario by 2030. To achieve this, Indonesia focuses on land use change and
forestry emissions and the energy sector. E-mobility is on top of the political agenda in Indonesia to achieve the NDC
target. The focus of the e-mobility strategy is on electric two-wheelers and on electrifying public transport buses.
Details on objectives, study focus, and climate change background can be found in Chapters 1–4.
Types of Motorcycles
Three distinct types of electric two-wheelers exist: (i) electric bicycles with a support engine plus the possibility
to use muscular power to move the vehicle; (ii) electric scooters with a limited engine power and speed
(25–35kilometers per hour [km/hr] maximum), which do not need vehicle registration; (iii) e-motorcycles with
an engine power above 500 watts (W) and maximum speeds higher than 35 km/h, which require registration as
a motorcycle. E-motorcycles are dierentiated from electric scooters, which have a limited engine power and
speed and generally do not require vehicle registration. Converted e-motorcycles can be of any category. The
focus of this report is on e-motorcycles.
Standard motorcycles as purchased in Indonesia are 110 to 150 cc (cubic centimeter), with a maximum power
of 6.5 to 12 kilowatts (kW) (9 to 16 horsepower [HP]). A same power e-motorcycle requires a 2.5x higher initial
investment. This incremental investment is not recovered during the e-motorcycle lifespan. Urban trips could,
however, be made just as quickly and conveniently with a lower-powered e-motorcycle of around 2,000 W with
speeds of 70–80 km/h. This type of e-motorcycle has sucient power to comply with urban requirements and
can thus be considered comparable in terms of convenience or usage value to a fossil-fuel-based motorcycle.
The initial investment for such an e-motorcycle is 40% higher than for a gasoline motorcycle. This incremental
investment is recovered during its lifespan due to having 80% lower operational expenditures. However, this type
of e-motorcycle is not in line with the aspirations of customers concerning power and speed and additionally has
range issues. Technology trends and lower battery costs will not resolve this customer preference issue.
Based on a purely rational purchase choice, lower-powered e-motorcycles are financially attractive and sucient
for urban trips. From a societal point of view, e-motorcycles are beneficial due to reduced air and noise pollution.
Therefore, it could be justified that the government introduces regulations that swap the emotional benefits of
high power and speed for reduced environmental pollution and improved health outcomes. As lower-powered
e-motorcycles are profitable, this would not result in an additional financial cost to users, and it would generate
considerable economic, social, health, and environmental benefits.
Details on motorcycle types, costs, and operation conditions are found in Chapter 7.
User Categories and Charging Infrastructure
E-motorcycles can be dierentiated based on user category (private or commercial) and usage purpose.
This results in dierent two-wheeler types and charging systems relative to user and usage purpose.
Figure S: User Categories and Charging Infrastructure
Usage Purpose
Goods transport
Passenger transport:
rent and ride-hailing
Vehicle Type
e-Motorcycle with
1 battery
e-Motorcycle with
2 batteries
Charging Type
Home +
Home /
destination +
Source: Grutter Consulting.
Private users can be dierentiated in regular or standard electric two-wheeler users and students. Regular
owners use their vehicle for daily trips to work, shopping, visiting friends, or other activities. The average trip
length is 9–13kilometers (km) in the urban area of Jakarta. Students are an important segment of the motorcycle
user population. Low-powered and low-speed e-scooters are popular among students as they do not require
a license. In practice, low-powered e-scooters often replace bicycles, ride-hailing services, or public transport.
Private e-motorcycles will be charged at home and at the destination. Battery swapping is not a necessity or a
big advantage for private users except for long-distance rides. Charging facilities at work or school (so-called
destination chargers) are critical to reduce range anxiety issues of private users.
Commercial users can be divided into ride-hailing services for passengers, rental services, and goods transport. On
average, commercial users drive 80–100 km per day. Commercial clients would therefore purchase an e-motorcycle
with two batteries. For commercial users, battery swapping has an advantage as daily mileage is higher and it reduces
the recharging time. The batteries of e-motorcycles cannot receive a high-powered charge and therefore require
a minimum charging time of 1–2 hours, far too long for commercial applications; thus, battery swapping is an ideal
option for commercial users to not have range issues and to allow for short “charging” times.
Table S: E-Motorcycle Characteristics for Urban Usage
Parameter Private Usage Commercial Usage
Average engine power (watt) 1,800–2,500 1,800–2,500
Maximum speed (kilometer per hour) 70–80 70–80
Driving range (kilometer) 50 (one battery) 100 (two batteries)
CAPEX e-scooter Rp24 million (with one battery) Rp29 million (with two batteries)
Battery cost per unit Rp5 million Rp5 million
Electricity usage (kilowatt hour per kilometer) 0.025 0.025
Average daily trip length (kilometer) 45 80
CAPEX = capital expenditure.
Source: Grutter Consulting based on market assessment.
Details on user categories and necessities of former can be found in Chapters 6 and 7.
Experience of Economies in Asia
The electric two-wheeler market is estimated at around 300 million units by 2030. The People’s Republic of
China (PRC) dominates the electric two-wheeler market, with around 90% of both vehicle stock and sales.
In many economies, a large share of electric two-wheelers are electric scooters with a maximum speed of 25
km/h which are not registered, making ocial data dicult to obtain.
Taipei,China has been subsidizing e-motorcycles since 1996. Since 2013, the subsidy level is $240 for electric
scooters and up to $1,200 for e-motorcycles, with a slight decline since 2020. Swapping-cum-charging stations
are also subsidized, with up to 50% of construction costs and free publicly accessible land. Battery swap sites are
placed every 500 meters in urban Taipei,China, and turn up every 2–5 km in rural areas. Nonfinancial incentives
include exclusive parking spaces, preferential parking fees, and prohibition for two-strokers in certain areas. The
large subsidies had a positive impact on e-motorcycle sales but have not resulted in a paradigm change. The
market share of e-motorcycle sales grew from 3% in 2017 to 15% in 2019 but dropped back to 10% in 2020. This
loss of market share came at the same time as subsidy levels were decreased.
In the PRC, electric two-wheelers dominate the market without massive subsidies, with more than 200 million units,
the majority of which are deemed to be electric scooters. Nearly every major PRC city has banned gasoline-powered
motorcycles. Thus, the driver of the electric two-wheeler boom in the PRC has been the local motorcycle bans.
As of 2014, Viet Nam had around 43 million registered motorcycles. The electric two-wheeler market peaked in
2016 and then dropped again, basically due to frustration of users over the low quality of vehicles. Most units in
Viet Nam are low-powered e-scooters used by students as they do not require a license and have a lower cost.
Promotion of e-motorcycles has only had limited success in other economies to date, although at first glance
e-motorcycles seem to be comparable in purchase costs and have lower operational costs. Viet Nam only achieved very
limited sales of e-motorcycles, with the market only taking up low-powered electric scooters used primarily by students.
In Taipei,China, massive subsidies in swapping stations and vehicles have resulted in a stagnating market share of 10% of
e-motorcycles. The only success case for widespread adoption of electric two-wheelers is the PRC, where gasoline units
have been replaced with electric ones due to banning fossil-fuel-based motorcycles in most cities.
In the absence of either high financial subsidies or regulations, customers will prefer to purchase gasoline
motorcycles, which have more power and speed than their same-cost electric equivalents. While the limited
driving range and the absence of charging infrastructure is a challenge, it is not the core issue with e-motorcycles.
This is clearly shown, for example, in Taipei,China, which has established a very dense swapping network without
e-motorcycles increasing their market share beyond 10%–15% and still requiring massive subsidies. The core
critical point for why customers prefer gasoline units is the “need for speed.
Some lessons from other economies concerning the promotion of e-motorcycles are clear: (i) without
government intervention, the market for electric two-wheelers in the next few years will focus on low- powered
e-scooters that do not replace primarily gasoline motorcycles but bicycles and public transport; (ii) financial
incentives need to be (very) high to persuade customers to choose e-motorcycles; and (iii) regulations limiting
the usage of gasoline motorcycles result, on the other hand, in a swift uptake of electric units.
Details on the experiences of other economies can be found in Chapter 5.
Conversion Kits
Trials have been realized in Indonesia to convert used gasoline motorcycles to electric units. The conversion kit
includes the engine, the battery pack, a main controller, and a speed regulator.
The client receives an old motorcycle with an outdated chassis, brakes, lights, etc., combined with new electric
components without the original manufacturer guarantee. The resultant e-motorcycle costs as much as a new
gasoline motorcycle. For a 50% additional investment (RP24 million), the client could get a same-powered new
e-motorcycle with brand-new components and a manufacturer warranty. For a similar price, the client could
purchase a 2- to 3-year used e-motorcycle or a new gasoline motorcycle. Converted e-motorcycles are therefore
not considered to be a technically and commercially attractive option for clients and subsidizing such eorts is not
recommended as a strategy to increase the uptake of e-motorcycles. Conversions, oered initially
in Viet Nam, have not proven to be popular. The same is also true for all other electric road vehicles, where initially
some conversions were made but as soon as manufacturers started mass-producing electric units,
the market for such backyard ventures disappeared.
Details on conversion from fossil-fuel-based -fuel to e-motorcycles can be found in Section 8.1 of Chapter 8.
Battery Standardization
Indonesia has plans to standardize batteries for two-wheeler usage. Standardized batteries have the advantage
of allowing for easy interchange and for a higher density of swapping stations as all motorcycles would have the
same battery. Taipei,China included standardization of batteries in its road map without achieving this target.
Standardization of batteries had also been tried in the PRC when battery swapping was made with buses and
passenger cars; however, the PRC also dropped this approach.
Battery standardization is problematic due to the dynamics of market forces. The battery is a core element of
an e-motorcycle and a main competitive distinction and cost parameter. Standardization reduces competition
between e-motorcycle/battery manufacturers, which diminishes the innovation speed and again results in fewer
price decreases. Standardization can thus hamper instead of promote the uptake of e-motorcycles.
Standardization is only required for battery swapping not demanded by private users, i.e., by commercial clients
with long driving distances that want to recharge or swap batteries within minutes. However, commercial
customers can realize a cooperation agreement with a manufacturer to standardize their fleet and thus have a
sucient e-motorcycle density with identical batteries to warrant the set-up of battery swap stations.
The analysis also showed that the required number of identical e-motorcycles for ecient battery swapping is
not very high and can be achieved quickly.
Details on battery standardization can be found in section 8.2 of Chapter 8.
Policies for Promoting Electric Motorcycles
From a market perspective, e-motorcycles will succeed if they oer a higher value than a conventional unit.
Without government intervention, the share of e-motorcycles is marginal, since fossil-fuel-based units have
lower costs and are more convenient. Sticker price parity of an electric and a gasoline motorcycle will only be
achieved by around 2030. The impact of a planned carbon tax of Rp30,000 per ton of carbon dioxide (CO
) will
be negligible as it influences cost structures by less than 1%.
Without massive financial subsidies or restrictions on fossil-fuel-based motorcycle usage, the e-motorcycle
market will not grow; Indonesia will not achieve its e-motorcycle targets by 2025.
An estimate of the required subsidies to achieve the target (2.1 million e-motorcycles operating in 2025) results in a
price tag of around $1.1 billion (Rp1.6*10
), most of which would be subsidies for motorcycles and a smaller part for
charging stations. This subsidy would be around Rp7.5 million per e-motorcycle. The economic value of emission
reductions is less than the subsidy cost, i.e., from an economic viewpoint, the subsidy is not justified.
Instead of subsidies, the government could make regulations favoring e-motorcycles and restricting the usage of
fossil-fuel-based motorcycles. The regulatory scenario would prescribe that motorcycles need to be electric to
enter specific zones or areas from a given year onward. The regulatory scenario requires no subsidies. Swapping
stations can be established without subsidies as they can cover service costs due to having a captive demand.
Lower-powered e-motorcycles would be chosen by the people and commercial agents as they can fulfil the
urban transport demands. Ride-hailing and delivery service companies could be obliged to gradually increase the
share of electric kilometers driven. Regulations would aect neither private nor commercial users financially due
to comparable total costs of ownership of electric and gasoline units. For low-income residents that live within
or commute to areas with restrictions and are dependent on their motorcycle, the government can establish an
initial purchase subsidy paid against scrapping of the fossil-fuel-based motorcycle on a one-time basis.
Details on policies can be found in Chapters 9 and 13.
Proposed Road Map for Electric Motorcycles for Indonesia
E-motorcycles will outpace fossil-fuel-based units in terms of market share of newly sold units by 2030.
E-motorcycles result in less air pollution, climate gases, and noise compared to fossil-fuel-based units.
This improves the health and social well-being of citizens. The Indonesian motorcycle industry can profit by
having a strong and growing domestic market demanding e-motorcycles thereby positioning themselves in a
future growth market.
The projections are based on following a policy clearly favoring e-motorcycles by restricting usage of fossil-
fuel-based motorcycles, initially in urban areas and thereafter also in rural areas. The following figure shows the
projected market share of e-motorcycles for Indonesia until 2030 under the stated strategy. By 2030, 80% of
newly sold motorcycles would be electric and the share of e-motorcycles in the total stock of vehicles would be
around 45%, representing some 55 million units.
Charging is divided into home charging, destination charging, and battery swapping, with the latter being
used predominantly by commercial users. Home charging is a feature of all e-motorcycles. However, not all
e-motorcycles are charged simultaneously and every day. Charging at home or at work could be done just
by plugging into a wall socket, with no need for a dedicated charging infrastructure. In total, some 5.5 million
Figure S: Projected E-Motorcycle Market in Indonesia
Number of e-motorcycles (million)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 202
2028 20
9 2030
Market Share
Number of E-Motorcycles (million) Market Share
Note: Data presented are for road map scenario.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
destination chargers would be required by 2030 to meet the projected e-motorcycle numbers. Battery centers
allow swapping a low-energy battery with a new, fully loaded battery. This system is predominantly used by
commercial users. It is feasible to operate with various battery types and sizes, either within the same battery
swapping site or at dierent locations if the number of e-motorcycles is large enough. Typically, such sites
handle 10–30 batteries and are densely distributed, having a swap point every 4–6 km. Business models used for
swapping often include monthly subscriptions or payments per swap, with batteries often owned by the swapping
company or the motorcycle manufacturer.
Policy steps proposed to restrict area usage
of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles would start
in 2023. Motorcycle rental services in Bali
and other selected islands should be obliged
to have an electric fleet that is a minimum
of 20% of their total oered for rental. For
ride-hailing and delivery services, a certain
minimum share of e-motorcycles operating
in urban areas should be requested.
An initial target for 2023 could be that 10%
of each ride-hailing or delivery company’s
motorcycles in JABODETABEK and in Bali
must be electric. Restricting the usage of
fossil-fuel-based motorcycles is justified
in economic and social terms as: (i) trips
can be made also with e-motorcycles with
comparable convenience levels;
(ii) e-motorcycles have a comparable cost
or are even less expensive than fossil-fuel-
based units over their entire lifespan; (iii)
the environmental impact of fossil-fuel-
based motorcycles is highly negative due
to emission of air pollutants, climate gases,
and high noise levels; and (iv) in the absence
of such policies, private and commercial
users will continue using fossil-fuel-based
There are numerous environmental and
economic benefits of e-motorcycles under
the road map scenario for Indonesia. By
2030, e-motorcycles could reduce 39million
tons of CO
, 10,000 tons of particulate
matter 2.5 (PM
), and 65,000 tons of
nitrogen oxides. This results in economic
benefits of Rp50,000 billion ($3.4billion)
annually due to reduced emissions. Reducing
GHG emissions by 39 MtCO
e is highly
relevant for Indonesia considering that 2018
total transport emissions were 154 MtCO
By 2030: E-motorcycles shall
outpace fossil units in terms of
market share of newly sold units.
Private and commercial users (ride-hailing and delivery services)
The Government of Indonesia takes decisive steps to increase
significantly the market share of e-motorcycles based
on a phased approach.
Access to urban areas being limited to e-motorcycles
with a gradual expansion of these spatial areas.
By 2025: 12 million units in Indonesia
1.7 million in JABODETABEK
0.4 million in Bali
By 2030: 55 million units in Indonesia
8 million in JABODETABEK
2 million in Bali
By 2030
38 million tons CO
less emitted
10,000 tons PM
65,000 tons NO
$3.4 billion savings due to reduced emissions
Home charging
Destination charging
Battery swap for commercial users
and would be around 301 MtCO
e by 2030, assuming the same average annual growth rate as in the period 1990
to 2018; this would represent a 13% reduction relative to a business-as-usual GHG scenario.
Total additional electricity demand in 2030 due to e-motorcycles would be around 21 terawatt-hours, or 4% of
the national consumption. The grid impact is limited. Additional investments for generation or transmission are
only required after 2025. Total investments until 2030 for grid upgrades are estimated at less than $9 billion while
being able to sell an additional 21 terawatt-hours of electricity per year. Investments will primarily be required in
upgrading home connections. Smart charging flexibility could reduce loads and reduce the need for upgrades.
Details on the road map can be found in Chapter 14.
1. Introduction and Background
More than 120 million motorcycles currently operate in Indonesia, and the number continues to grow. Motorcycles
are used for both private and commercial purposes, including ride-hailing and delivery services. The electrification
of motorcycles would improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, fuel imports, and noise. Indonesia,
therefore, aims to significantly increase the share of electric motorcycles or e-motorcycles in the coming years.
The issuance of Presidential Decree 55 of 2019, which provides the framework legislation for the introduction of
electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and battery technology, is an important initial step in promoting electric
vehicles in Indonesias transportation system. Charging infrastructure will be developed based on projections for
electric transportation deployment, the availability and reliability of grid-based electricity service, and conducive
taris for electric transportation.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources’ release of Ministerial Regulation 13 of 2020 specifically regulates
the provision of charging infrastructure, from private to public charging stations, including battery swapping
facilities. The State Electricity Company (PLN), has been tasked with kickstarting the deployment of charging
stations across the country, starting with the capital city of Jakarta.
To provide the technical framework and assistance for charging infrastructure, Indonesia, represented by the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to study a realistic
road map for the deployment of e-motorcycles. ADB supports Indonesia’s ambitious plan for e-mobility, as
it is consistent with multiple Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the operational priorities set forth in
ADB’s Strategy 2030. This report was prepared under the technical assistance grant to Indonesia for Electric
Transportation and Charging Infrastructure and was administered by ADB with grant-based financing from the
Republic of Korea’s e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund.
This report highlights best practices and assesses lessons learned in the implementation of e-motorcycle charging
infrastructure experiences elsewhere in Asia. The report proposes policies and a strategy to foster electric
motorcycle usage in Indonesia in line with governmental targets, focusing on private and commercial uses. It does
not cover other electric vehicle categories due to dierences in technologies, policies, strategies, and targets.
The study area focuses on Greater Jakarta (DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi) and Bali, so
characteristics for both urban areas and a densely populated nonurban area can be identified and incorporated
in planning.
Focusing on e-motorcycles, the report covers (i) experiences elsewhere in Asia, (ii) projections on deployment,
(iii) strategies and a conceptual plan for a charging infrastructure road map, (iv) grid impacts of charging
infrastructure, (v) an analysis of dierent battery policies, (vi) policies and strategies for the promotion of
charging infrastructure, and (vii) core elements of a road map for the deployment of charging infrastructure.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Indonesia has taken steps to promote the deployment of electric vehicles in its transportation system.
Presidential Decree 55 of 2019 provides the framework legislation for the introduction of electric vehicles,
charging infrastructure, and battery technology in Indonesia. Of key importance is the development of charging
infrastructure based on projections for electric transportation deployment and the availability and reliability of
grid-based electricity service, as well as conducive electricity taris for electric transportation.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has released Ministerial Regulation 13 of 2020 that
specifically regulates the provision of charging infrastructure, from private to public charging stations, including
battery swapping facilities. As a state-owned enterprise (SOE), the State Electricity Company (PLN) was given the
task to kickstart the deployment of charging stations across the country, starting from the capital city of Jakarta.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supportive of Indonesia’s ambitious plans for e-mobility, as it is consistent
with multiple Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the operational priorities in ADB’s Strategy 2030.
The MEMR has requested a study on a realistic road map for the deployment of e-motorcycles and charging
The report was prepared under the technical assistance (TA) grant to Indonesia for Electric Transportation and
Charging Infrastructure. The TA was administered by ADB with grant-based financing from the Republic of
Korea's e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund.
2. Focus of the Report
2.1 Vehicle Category Focus
Charging infrastructure is linked with specific vehicle categories. Buses, passenger cars, or motorcycles each
need dierent types of chargers, as well as business models related to the charging infrastructure. The focus of
this report is on charging infrastructure for e-motorcycles. This includes privately as well as commercially used
e-motorcycles, which might require dierent types of charging infrastructure.
Indonesia has a total population of around 256 million, with an expected population in 2030 of 294 million.
In 2019, the country had some 134 million vehicles, 84% of which (113 million) were motorcycles. Motorcycles
also have the largest increase in vehicle numbers, with an annual increase between 2015 and 2019 of 6.2%
This clearly shows the importance of initiating the electrification of motorcycles in the country.
National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Statistics Indonesia (BPS), and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 2018. Indonesia
Population Projection 2015-2045. UNFPA Indonesia | Indonesia Population Projection 2015-2045.
BPS. 2019. Statistik Indonesia 2019.
Figure : Vehicle Registration in Indonesia, –
Registered Vehicles
Bus Truck
017 2018 2019
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS). 2019. Statistik Indonesia 2019.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
The actual operating number of motorcycles is probably significantly lower than the ocial registration statistic
as the annual sales figures of new motorcycles in Indonesia prior to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was
6–6.5 million units and is expected to reach 9.5 million units by 2025.
This is an indication of a total market
of operational motorcycles of around 70–80 million units (the lifecycle of motorcycles is estimated to be at
a maximum of 15 years). Based on actual motorcycle sales statistics, it is estimated that perhaps 30% of the
registered motorcycles are either not operating anymore or are seldom operated, with a very low mileage. This is
a common phenomenon in vehicle registration data if not based on annual vehicle taxes, as old vehicles are not
taken out of registries.
2.2 Geographical Focus
The report focuses on (i) Greater Jakarta: DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (JABODETABEK);
and (ii) Bali. This allows developing the characteristics required for a charging infrastructure for an urban area,
as well as for a densely populated nonurban area. Results from these “typical” areas can then be extrapolated to
other areas in the country dierentiating between urban and nonurban zones.
JABODETABEK has an estimated population of 35 million in 2020, around 30% of which is in DKI Jakarta,
27% in Bogor, 23% in Tangerang, and 20% in Bekasi. By 2030, the population is expected to be at 42 million, with
89% of households owning at least one motorcycle, 36% owning two, and 11% owning three or more.
Jakarta has some 20 million motorcycles responsible for 63% of all trips and 76% of all motorized trips in 2018
(footnote 4). This is thus clearly the dominant transport mode. The number of ride-hailing motorcycles in
Greater Jakarta is estimated at 1.25 million units.
Bali has an estimated population of 4.3 million in 2020, with the city of Kota Denpasar having some 0.7 million
residents (17% of the total) and the rest distributed in eight districts.
By 2030, the population is expected to
reach 4.9 million. More than 6 million tourists also visit the island annually.
This could result in
around 100,000 additional visitors to the island during the peak season.
As of 2019, Bali had some 3.7 million
motorcycles operating.
Association of Indonesia Motorcycle Industry (AISI). Statistic Distribution. Jakarta: AISI. (accessed 5 July 2021);
Statista. Motorcycles - Indonesia. (accessed 5 July 2021).
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 2019. Annex 02: JABODETABEK Urban Transportation Master Plan.
Government of Indonesia. 2021. Accelerating e-Mobility Adoption and GESI Mainstreaming in e-Mobility Adoption. Presentation. 9 March.
Jakarta: Ministry of Transport.
Sensus Penduduk 2020 BPS. Jumlah Penduduk Hasil SP menurut Wilayah dan Jenis Kelamin, Indonesia 2020.
tabular/sp2020/83 (accessed 5 July 2021).
R. Woods. 2020. A Brief Review of Bali Tourism in 2019. Hotel Investment Strategies. 4 February.
Based on peak month of arrivals of tourists 2018 and 2019 with around 620,000 arrivals (July) and average stay of 5 days. Bali Hotels Association.
Visitors Statistics. (accessed 5 July 2021).
3. Climate Change Background
3.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Indonesia were 1,458 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO
in 2016, 538 MtCO
e of which were from the energy sector.
The country is one of the worlds largest GHG emitters.
Energy sector emissions increased between 2000 and 2016 by a factor of 1.7. Transport GHG emissions in 2018 are
estimated at 154MtCO
e, representing 16% of the total, excluding land use change and forestry emissions (LUCF) or
26% of energy emissions (Figure 2). Land transportation accounted for more than 90% of total transport emissions.
Figure 3 shows how transport emissions in Indonesia have grown fivefold, or with a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of nearly 6%, since 1990. Energy emissions in the same period have “only” grown by 4% and total
emissions by 2%, i.e., the share of transport emissions is clearly growing.
Government of Indonesia. 2018. Second Biennial Update Report.
Figure : Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Indonesia, –
1990 1992
Total excluding LUCF Energy Transportation
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
e = carbon dioxide equivalent, Gt = gigaton, LUCF = land use change and forestry emissions, Mt = metric ton.
Source: Climate Watch Data. Historical GHG Emissions. Indonesia.
T&start_year=1990 (accessed 7 May 2021).
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Figure : Greenhouse Gas Transport Emissions in Indonesia, –
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
e = carbon dioxide equivalent, Mt = metric ton.
Source: Climate Watch Data. Historical GHG Emissions. Indonesia.
9&regions=IDN&sectors=transportation&start_year=1990 (accessed 11 July 2022).
An initial estimate of GHG emissions of two-wheelers results in around 32 MtCO
(direct emissions) or 20% of
the total from transport in Indonesia.
3.2  National GHG Commitments
and Electric Vehicle Policies
Indonesia has committed in its nationally determined contribution (NDC) to reduce its GHG emissions
unconditionally by 29% compared to a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario by 2030.
To achieve this target,
Indonesia has focused on two sectors, i.e., LUCF and the energy sector.
E-mobility tops the political agenda in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia's strategy on the promotion of
electric vehicles aims at (i) decreasing the number of fossil-fuel-based vehicles to reduce emissions; (ii) reducing
the growth of oil consumption and imports to increase energy security; and (iii) promoting innovative new
technologies that ensure that Indonesia remains competitive as a vehicle manufacturer. The government also
recommends the development of electric vehicles and its supporting charging infrastructure to boost electricity
demand and resolve problems of oversupply at PLN.
Presidential Regulation No. 55 on the acceleration of
battery-based electric vehicles for road transport was decreed in 2019. The regulation, which includes fiscal
and non-fiscal incentives, focuses on electric two-wheelers and on electrifying public transport buses. In order
to improve air quality and to create jobs, Indonesia plans to introduce a fiscal scheme that will oer tax cuts to
electric vehicle battery producers and automakers, as well as preferential tari agreements with other economies
Calculation by Grütter Consulting.
Republic of Indonesia. 2021. 2nd Nationally Determined Contribution. The target has not changed with the updated NDC published in 2021.
BAPPENAS. 2020. Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional Tahun 2020-2024.
Climate Change Background
Figure : Source of Electricity Generation in Indonesia, 
Source: International Energy Agency. Data and Statistics. Data Tables. (accessed
5July 2021).
that have a high electric vehicle demand. The Ministry of Industry has set targets that, by 2025, 20% of all
manufactured vehicles should be low carbon.
3.3 Electricity Generation
The current electricity generation matrix of Indonesia is still dominated by coal (Figure 4), resulting in a
high-carbon grid factor of 0.825 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour (kgCO
The grid factor has, however, been decreasing in the last 2 decades, as can be seen in Figure 5, and the renewable
energy potential of the country excluding bioenergy is very high at 410 gigawatts.
Based on the historic trend, the targets set in the NDC, and the renewable energy potential of Indonesia, a
significant decrease of the country’s electricity production carbon factor can be expected in the next decade.
E. Gui and F. Theda. 2021. Indonesia Has Set an Ambitious Target for Electric Vehicles: What Factors Can Support the Nations Shift to an Electric-
Dominated Transport Sector? Climateworks Centre. 26 April.
Calculation by Grutter Consulting Based on IEA/OECD data for 2018; calculated with GHG emissions of net electricity production. International
Energy Agency. Data and Statistics. Data Tables. (accessed 5 July 2021).
Government of Indonesia. 2018. Second Biennial Update Report.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Figure : Development of the National Carbon Grid Factor in Indonesia, –
2010 20162005
e/kWh = kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour.
Source: International Energey Agency, calculated and compiled by Grütter Consulting.
4.  Asias Experience with
Electric Motorcycles
This chapter assesses strategies followed by other Asian Development Bank members to foster e-motorcycles
and looks at their experiences. In Asia, e-motorcycles are widely used in the People’s Republic of China;
Taipei,China; and Viet Nam. This chapter assesses their strategies to foster e-motorcycles and looks at their
experiences with charging infrastructure. Others that may be well-known for their proactive e-mobility policies—
such as Iceland, the Netherlands, and Norway, as well as the state of California in the United States—have a
relatively small number of motorcycles used, thus they are not considered in this chapter.
4.1  Experiences with Promotion Policies
for Electric Motorcycles
Experiences in the People’s Republic of China and Taipei,China
Taipei,China has been subsidizing e-motorcycles since 1996. Between 1998 and 2002, Taipei,China’s
Environmental Protection Agency spent $60 million on e-motorcycle subsidies, reducing purchase prices to a
level comparable to gasoline-powered units. However, the program ineciently stimulated demand because of
a lack of consumer confidence in battery reliability, insucient charging infrastructure, and e-motorcycles’ lack
of convenience. From 2009 to 2012, Taipei,China promoted lithium battery e-motorcycles, subsidizing some
26,000 units. Since 2013, central and local governments oered new electric two-wheeler subsidies from $240
(small scooter) to $1,200 (e-motorcycles; central plus local subsidies, including if a two-stroker is eliminated).
Subsidies have been declining gradually to $1,000 in 2020 and $800 in 2021. Charging stations are also
subsidized with up to 50% of construction costs, along with publicly accessible land.
The Ministry of Economic
Aairs picked Gogoro over other e-motorcycle brands to set up Taipei,Chinas 1,300 battery swap stations.
Battery swap sites are placed every 500 meters (m) in urban Taipei,China and turn up every 2–5 kilometers (km)
in other parts of the island. Nonfinancial incentives include exclusive parking spaces, preferential parking fees,
and prohibition for two-strokers in certain areas. Table 1 shows the main components of Taipei,China’s e-scooter
development road map from 2018 to 2022.
B. M. Lin. 2018. Presentation on Taipei,China for Session 1: E-Vehicles and New Transport Technology. 12 September. Manila: ADB.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
The large subsidies did have a positive impact on e-motorcycle sales but have not resulted in a paradigm change
of purchase practices. Gogoro sales (by far the largest electric scooter manufacturer in Taipei,China) plummeted
43% in 2020, while overall motorcycle sales increased by 3.3% in the same period and dropped another 25% in
the first quarter of 2021, with the overall market growing by 13%.
Total market share of e-motorcycle sales grew
from 3% in 2017 to 10% in 2018, to 15% in 2019, and then back to around 10% in 2020.
This loss of market share
coincided again with decreased subsidy levels.
In the PRC, electric two-wheelers dominate the market without massive subsidies, with more than 200 million
units, the majority of which are deemed to be electric scooters. Unique to the PRC is that it uses nonfinancial
incentives that in fact have not been targeted toward e-scooters but have eectively favored them. Nearly
every major PRC city has banned gasoline-powered motorcycles but electric bicycles (e-bikes) and scooters are
frequently classified as nonmotorized transportation due to being equipped with (decorative) pedals and thus
exempt from the motorcycle prohibition. In the 1990s, the PRC had also attempted to foster e-motorcycles but
without much success. The rapid expansion of e-scooters came when this was the only alternative for customers
if they wanted to use a two-wheeler in cities. Thus, the ultimate driver of the electric two-wheeler boom in the
PRC has been the local motorcycle bans. E-scooters do create less air pollution, but have no dierent impact
than gasoline motorcycles on congestion and safety. The loosely enforced e-scooter standards allowed them to
continue operations, although some cities since 2010 started banning or restricting them.
MotorCyclesData. 2021. https.//
J. Quartly. 2019. Electric Scooters Could be the Future of Mobility. 23 October.
mobility/; G. Liao. 2020. KYMCO has been the best-selling brand for the first nine months of 2020. 6 October.
C. J. Yang. 2010. Launching Strategy for Electric Vehicles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 77 (2010). pp. 831–834; W. Shepard.2016.
Why Chinese Cities Are Banning the Biggest Adoption of Green Transportation in History. Forbes. 18 May.
Table : Main Components of Taipei,China’s E-Motorcycle Road Map –
Current Status
Promote common
components of e-motorcycle
Common batteries (by 2018),
engines (by 2019) and other
components (by 2020)
Some manufacturers share Gogoro batteries, but
the major competitor (KYMCO) is putting up its
own battery swap stations with dierent battery
types. The goal of common components could
thus not be achieved.
Foster charging or swapping
Targeted number of charging stations:
2,100 by 2018, 3,500 by 2020, and
5,000 by 2022
Some 2,100 battery swap stations of Gogoro are
operational in 2021 and KYMCO plans to install
another 1,500 units in 2021.
Lower price of e-motorcycles Target price below $2,300 for
higher-powered and below $1,500 for
lower-powered electric two-wheeler
prior to 2020
The lowest cost and most popular Gogoro model
in 2021 is VIVA Mix with a price tag of $2,200 but
this excludes batteries and a riding and battery
plan needs to be made.
Establish non-price incentives Preferential parking spaces and
lower parking costs and from
2020 prohibition for two-stroke
motorcycles in some areas
Two-stroke vehicles are basically only mopeds
while motorcycles are all four-stroke—thus, the
impact of this incentive is very limited.
 B. M. Lin. 2018. Presentation on Taipei,China for Session 1: E-Vehicles and New Transport Technology. 12 September. Manila: ADB.
 Grütter Consulting.
Source: Authors.
Asia’s Experience with Electric Motorcycles
The following conclusions can be learned:
• The PRC is dominated by slow, low-powered electric scooters or mopeds, and not motorcycles comparable
to the fossil-fuel-based 100-cc units dominating the streets of Indonesia.
• The surge of electric scooters in the PRC has been due to fossil-fuel-based motorcycles not being allowed to
operate in most cities. Thus, electric scooters were the only motorized option instead of a car or public transport.
• Taipei,China tried twice to foster e-motorcycles through financial incentives and succeeded in increasing the
market share to around 15% of sales. However decreasing subsidies have been paired with decreasing market
shares of e-motorcycles. The sustainability of support measures seems to be limited and e-motorcycles
are seemingly still not competitive in terms of price and convenience to customers, despite having a dense
battery swap network.
Experiences in Viet Nam
As of 2014, Viet Nam had around 43 million registered motorcycles.
The electric two-wheeler market peaked in
2016 and then started dropping again due to frustration of users over vehicles’ low quality.
Gasoline motorcycles are four-stroke in Hanoi and Euro 2 or 3 with an engine displacement of 110 cc. Average
urban fuel consumption is around 2.5 liters (l) per 100 km with an average annual mileage of 4,100 km.
quality gasoline motorcycles cost between $700–$1,400, while low-powered e-scooters are available at a lower
price. However, even good quality e-scooters that have a comparable investment cost still do not have the
convenience of a gasoline unit in terms of power, speed, and driving range. Also, batteries need to be replaced
around every 1–2 years and are lead-acid units with a high potential for environmental damage. The majority of
electric two-wheelers in Viet Nam are low-powered e-scooters used by students. E-motorcycles are
not frequent.
Viet Nam National Trac Safety Committee. Trang thông tin điện tử Uỷ ban An toàn Giao thông Quốc gia (
World Bank. 2014. Motorcycle, Motor Scooter and Motorbike Ownership & Use in Hanoi. Washington, DC: World Bank; original household survey data.
Motorcycle use in Viet Nam. More people use conventional motorcycles than e-scooters in Hanoi (photo by Grütter Consulting).
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
E-scooters have lead-acid batteries and are charged overnight. Battery swap facilities are not available.
A Swiss-financed electric scooter and e-bike sharing program was of limited success and folded due to high
prices and limited public interest. The system was based on a few fixed points, i.e., not free floating and thus of
limited convenience for users. Also, most students (which were the target group) already owned an electric or
conventional scooter.
4.2  Experiences with Charging Infrastructure
for Electric Motorcycles
Electric Vehicle Batteries—Fixed and Swappable
A battery needs to be recharged when it is (almost) empty.
In many electric vehicles, the batteries are fixed
and the charger is also on board . The number of battery packs varies with the size and the required range of the
vehicle. The charging cable generally has a plug at each end, so it can be carried in the cargo space of the vehicle.
The charging plug can simply be plugged into a normal wall socket (in houses, oces, commercial spaces, etc.).
If the electric vehicle has swappable batteries, no charger is needed on board (Figure 6). Batteries are charged
outside the electric vehicle in a swapping station, i.e., the swapping station is at the same time a charging station.
The swapping station can have a plugged grid connection or a fixed grid connection, depending on the size and
power need (Figure 7).
Only lithium-ion batteries are assumed in this report, no other types of chemistries.
Figure : Electric Vehicle with Swappable Batteries without an On-Board Charger
Source: Delft University of Technology, Det Norske Veritas.
Asia’s Experience with Electric Motorcycles
A simple charging cable and plug will suce for a two- or three-wheeler. However, for larger electric vehicles like
passenger cars or trucks, a dedicated charging point is needed for power supply and safety. For these cables, plugs
and charging points, various international standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are
adhered to (the latter is working on standards for swappable batteries in two-wheelers).
Technical Properties of Electric Vehicle Chargers
In this section, the hardware-related technologies of charge points are enumerated. The terms mentioned
in this section are applicable to nonswappable batteries, hence the charging of the e-motorcycle (or electric
vehicle) occurs onboard with the battery present in the e-motorcycle during the charging process. Charging of
an e-motorcycle can be conducted either by alternating (AC) or direct (DC) current charging technology; in
both approaches, the power from the grid is converted from AC to DC and is used to charge the battery that is
present in the e-motorcycle. Technologies of electric vehicle charging stations can be dierentiated based on the
charging level, the charging mode and the charging system (Figure 8).
The IEC is aninternational standardsorganization that prepares and publishesinternational standardsfor allelectrical, electronic, and related
technologies, collectively known as "electrotechnology."
Figure : Swapping Station with Charger
Charging plug
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Charging Levels, SAE J1772
AC charging of an e-motorcycle is executed utilizing the AC/DC power converter that is present on board. AC
charging can also be listed based on charging levels. AC Level 1 refers to a 120-volt single phase AC charging
capability of maximum 16 A. Level 1 charging can hence be carried out by a line cord charger that can be plugged
into the e-motorcycle and a wall socket at home. Level 2 charging refers to a 240-volt single phase AC charging
capability of maximum 80 A. Level 2 charging is hence carried out by a dedicated e-motorcycle charger from
which a cord can be plugged into the e-motorcycle.
Charging Modes, IEC 61851-1
The IEC standard 61851-1:2017 “Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System - Part 1: General Requirements”
defines AC and DC charging modes for all electric vehicle supply equipment for charging electric road vehicles,
with a rated supply voltage up to 1,000 volts (V) AC or up to 1,500 V DC and a rated output voltage up to 1,000
V AC or up to 1,500 V DC. The AC charging modes are listed as Mode 1, Mode 2, and Mode 3; the DC charging
mode is Mode 4. In summary: Mode1 and Mode2 are suitable for charging an emotorcycle or an e-scooter.
Mode3 charging would require special adaptations to the e-motorcycle connector or plug. Mode4 DC charging
is unsuitable for two or three-wheelers.
Figure : Overview of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Private Charging
Inductive Charging
Type 1
1ϕ - SAE J1772
Type 2
1ϕ and 3ϕ
Type 3
1ϕ and 3ϕ
EV Plug Alliance
Type 4
Public Fast
AC Charging
Public Fast
DC Charging
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Mode 1
AC Slow Charging
without safety
AC Slow Charging
with safety
Wired AC Charging Wired DC Charging
Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4
AC = alternating current, DC = direct current, EV = electric vehicle, IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission, SAE = society of
automotive engineers.
Note: Charging Levels (left side of the figure) are defined in the United States-based standard SAE J1772. Charging modes (lower
side) are defined in the international standard IEC61851-1. Charging system types (plugs and sockets) are defined in IEC62196,
referring to other standards.
Source: Det Norske Veritas .
Asia’s Experience with Electric Motorcycles
Mode 1 (AC)
This mode entails slow AC charging via a regular electrical socket (e.g., in the house or oce). There is no
communication between the vehicle and the charging point. It is therefore required to provide an earth wire to
the electric vehicle and have an external means of protection against faults. In many places, this form of charging
is considered unsafe and is not allowed due to the lack of communication and protection devices. However, in
the case of two/three-wheelers, Mode1 charging could be considered due to the limited battery capacity (and
therefore a lower safety risk; Figure 9).
Mode 2 (AC)
This mode provides for slow AC charging from a regular electricity socket. In addition, the charging cable is
equipped with an In-Cable Control and Protection Device, that is responsible for control, communication and
protection (including residual current protection). This is the preferred charging mode for two or three-wheelers
(Figure 10).
Mode 3 (AC)
This mode entails both slow and semi-fast charging via a dedicated electrical socket (a wall box or a charge pole)
for electric vehicle/e-motorcycle charging. The charger (or the charging point) has an electric vehicle specific
socket, generally corresponding to Type 1 or Type 2 (see below). A charging cable permanently fixed to the
charger, or with an electric vehicle plug on both sides, is used to connect the electric vehicle to the charger.
The charging station is responsible for the control, communication, and protection of the charging process
Figure : Mode  Charging
Source: Delft University of Technology.
Figure : Mode  Charging
Control and
Source: Delft University of Technology.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
(including residual current protection). This mode is commonly used for public charging stations for four-
wheelers (passenger cars and small trucks/vans; see Figure 11).
Figure : Mode  Charging
Control and
Source: Delft University of Technology.
Mode 4 (DC)
DC enables charging power levels beyond 50 kilowatts (kW) for electric vehicles. DC charging is defined under
Mode4 according to IEC 61851-1. Mode 4 uses a dedicated electrical socket for electric vehicle charging. The
charger has a permanently fixed cable with an electric vehicle plug. Mode 4 is specifically used for DC, which is
recommended for fast charging of larger electric vehicles; it is not suitable for two- or three-wheelers because
their batteries are relatively small and cannot handle the power. In the case of DC, the AC/DC converter is
located within the charging station. The control, communication, and protection functions are built into the
charging station (Figure 12).
Figure : Mode  Charging
Control and
Cable connected to charger
Source: Delft University of Technology.
Asia’s Experience with Electric Motorcycles
Charging Types: Connectors (Plugs and Sockets)
The types of AC charging connectors for Mode3 are listed as Type 1 and Type 2 and are used globally (Figure 13).
Mode1 and Mode2 charging cables and plugs are connected to regular wall sockets in the oce, commercial,
or residential building.
Type 1 refers to a single-phase charger that is primarily used in the US, which is defined according to the standard
SAE J1772-2017 (equal to IEC 62196 Type 1). The Type 1 plug contains three power pins that are phase (L1),
Neutral (N) and Earth pin (E) for single-phase charging.
Type 2, referred commonly as Mennekes, is a single- and three-phase charger that is primarily used in Europe,
which is defined according to the standard IEC 62196 Type 2. The Type 2 plug contains three or five power pins,
which are one- or three-phase pins (L1, L2, and L3), Neutral (N), and Earth pin (E).
For DC charging, other types of connectors are available, such as CCS (Europe, US), ChaDeMo (mainly in Japan),
Tesla (worldwide for Tesla cars), and GB/T (PRC).
Technical Properties of Battery Swap Stations
Battery swapping for cars or buses is complex and expensive and asks for a sophisticated regional battery logistics
organization. However, swapping is potentially a viable option for two and threewheelers. This means that the
(almost) empty battery is taken o the vehicle and recharged inside the house or building, using Mode1 or
Mode2 charging. After recharging, the battery can be put back onto the vehicle for the next ride. Alternatively,
at removal of the empty battery, it can be swapped for a full battery and the ride can continue almost
immediately. Of course, this practice depends on the ease of removing the battery from the vehicle and on the
weight of the battery. This is a general practice in the PRC, the US, and Europe for electric bicycles.
At present, the Level 1 portable charger is most commonly used for e-motorcycle charging, since separate charger
installation is not required. Level 1 charging takes from 1 to a few hours to fully charge an e-motorcycle depending
on the model of the vehicle and the available grid power.
Battery swapping stations provide a viable solution to provide faster and/or frequent recharges. Battery swapping
also helps in reducing space and weight constraints since there is no necessity for an onboard charger on the
e-motorcycle. Models that have swappable or extractable batteries, such as KYMCO and Gogoro, are currently
Figure : Connectors for Mode Charging (IEC 62196)
Type 1 Type 2
Source: Home - Elaad NL.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
the early adopters of this strategy. Battery swapping provides portability since the batteries can be taken for
charging in a dedicated swapping station or in personal places. The driver of the e-motorcycle can swap batteries
and continue to operate without needing to take breaks for recharging. This charging strategy is hence interesting
for delivery service operators and for fleet e-motorcycles.
Gogoro, founded in 2011, introduced e-motorcycles with battery infrastructure in Taipei,China with around 2,100
local swapping station locations across convenience stores, supermarkets, and parking lots.
KYMCO provides
a network of battery swap stations along with the ambition to standardize universal removable and swappable
Battery vending machines are deployed where batteries can be swapped.
Lack of standardization is one issue that inhibits public swapping stations, because batteries from dierent
brands will have dierent dimensions and dierent connectors. This means that swapping systems, to be
successful, require a large number of same-brand electric vehicle motorcycles or fleet operations, wherein all
electric vehicles have the same type of batteries, and swapping stations that are owned, leased, or contracted by
the fleet operator are placed at locations where most of the electric vehicles will pass during their daily routes,
e.g. at the base station of the fleet company or at popular sites. Gogoro charging stations are, for example,
available around every 500 m in urban Taipei,China and every 2 to 5 km in other parts of the island.
Presently, international standardization is ongoing at the IEC regarding charging for two- and three-wheelers at
a voltage of 120V max. This is mainly focusing on electrical safety, not on standardizing dimensions of batteries
of swap stations. The new standard, IEC61851-3, includes requirements for conductive charging <120volt direct
current, battery swap systems, and communications between the electric vehicle and the charger, and between
the battery and the charger inside the swap/recharge station. Appendix 2 has an overview of this standard under
Technical Properties
Table 2 shows the technical properties of a typical swappable electric vehicle battery and battery swap station.
The maximum charging power of a swappable battery is in the range of 1to2kW. The actual charging power
will vary and can be controlled by the battery or the swap station, or it can be limited by the house or building
connection. At maximum charging power, the charging time is around 1hour. If less power is available,
the charging will take longer.
The battery needs a battery management system (BMS) that is an integral part of the battery pack. The BMS
must safeguard the battery (monitor voltage, current, power, and temperature) and issue warnings and stop
operations if something is wrong. Furthermore, the BMS must calculate the actual energy content of the battery;
this is the state of charge (SoC). The SoC is proportional to the remaining driving range (distance). The BMS will
also record and keep track of the use and the health status of the battery.
Kymco. 2021. Ionex Premiere Conference. 18 March.
Asia’s Experience with Electric Motorcycles
Table: Technical Properties of a Typical Swappable Electric Vehicle Battery
and a Typical Swap Station
Battery metric Value Remark
Voltage 24V or 48V <60V for electrical safety
Energy capacity 1–2 kWh Typical range
Charging power (max) 1–2 kW Typical range
Weight 10–15 kg Typical range
Dimensions (LxWxH) 350 x 200 x 150 mm Typical values
Swap station metric Value Remark
Number of batteries 10–30 Typical range
Charging power (max) 10–30 kW At 1kW per battery
Grid connection power 15–40 kW Additional power, e.g., for cooling
kg = kilogram, kW = kilowatt, kWh = kilowatt-hour, mm = millimeter, V = volt.
Source: Gogoro, Sun Mobility, Det Norske Veritas analysis.
To inform the driver about the battery status and the SoC, the battery needs to have a communication system.
Furthermore, the battery also needs to communicate with the swap/recharge station. Communication can be
arranged through wires and pins in the battery connectors, or though wireless communication. Information can
be shared through displays on the vehicle and the swap station, or there can be a smartphone app.
A monitoring system would be desired to keep track of all batteries, electric vehicles, and swap station operations,
preferably in a coordinated way. Therefore, a monitoring and back-oce system would be needed.
The complexity of the back-oce system depends on the monitoring functions needed in the fleet operation.
One battery is sucient for a light two-wheeler, e.g., a small scooter. Larger two-wheelers can be equipped with
two or three or even more swappable batteries. For standardization of swappable batteries, it is important that
the batteries have standardized physical dimensions, voltage level, physical connectors, and communication
protocols. For the near future, this can be arranged by fleet-based operation in a collaboration between a few
electric vehicle builders, battery suppliers, swap station suppliers and/or operators, and electric vehicle fleet
owners and/or operators (the latter could be, e.g., a delivery company or a ride-hailing company). However,
in the future, a more generalized standardization may emerge (e.g., at a national level) that would enable
interoperability of electric vehicles, batteries, and swap stations of dierent brands and vendors.
Environmental and Safety Aspects
It might be interesting to place battery swap stations near fuel stations, because they are located on trac routes
in a dense network, and drivers are used to going there. Care must be taken that the national regulations for
co-location of electric vehicle charge and/or swap stations and fuel stations are followed. As a common rule, the
charge points shall be installed outside the extent of hazardous areas at the fuel service stations (mainly areas
designated as explosive atmospheres, e.g., around the fuel hoses of the pumps). It is often required to conduct
a detailed risk assessment about the safety, installation, handling, and operation of the charging station at fuel
stations, but also at other locations. This is even more important, because public charging and battery swapping is
new to the general public, so safety and user acceptance are very important.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Experience with Swapping Systems
Gogoro is the market leader for e-motorcycles in Taipei,China. While the customer owns the Gogoro motorcycle, the
batteries are owned by the company and the client needs to subscribe to a membership to gain access to a swapping
network with battery reservation performed through an app. The subscription includes the batteries and the swapping
service. If your battery does not work anymore, you can just replace it with a fresh one in a swap station and Gogoro will
take care of the repair. The energy charged into the battery is billed separately. Gogoro uses algorithms to optimize where
to distribute battery inventory and when to charge its batteries. Thus, it can also take advantage of charging when prices
are low and avoids overstressing the grid. The company now sees itself becoming more of an energy utility, oering city-
wide battery storage and feeding back into the power grid if needed, rather than a motorcycle manufacturer.
some 2,100 battery swap stations of Gogoro are available in Taipei,China.
This results in an average of oneswap station
per 17square kilometers (km
). The number of Gogoro e-motorcycles in Taipei,China is around 375,000, i.e., there is a
swap station for every 180e-motorcycles. KYMCO plans to install another 1,500units in 2021.
K. Hao. 2021. The Future of Transportation May Be About Sharing Batteries, Not Vehicles. Quartz. 25 September.
Gogoro. 2020. 2020–A Year of Positive Change. 31 December.
5. Electric Two-Wheeler User Categories
Figure 14 shows dierent segments and profiles of motorcycle users.
The dierent users have a distinct profile, use their vehicles in a dierent manner, and have dierent vehicle
specification demands. This results in dierent types of electric two-wheelers and also in dierent charging
Private use. Private users can be dierentiated in regular or standard electric two-wheeler users and students.
Regular owners use their vehicle for daily trips to work, shopping, visiting friends, or other activities. In urban
areas, the electric two-wheelers, which are basically used for urban trips, can also be used for excursions, which
implies other trip distances and speed demands. The average trip length is 9–13 km in the urban area of Jakarta.
For motorcycle commutes, the average trip length is 19 km one way, i.e., 38 km per day.
Noteworthy is that 21%
Lower value for higher income population probably and higher trip distance for lower income population (JICA, 2019, Annex 02: JABODETABEK
Urban Transportation Master Plan).
BPS. 2019. Statistik Komuter Jabodetabek 2019 (JABODETABEK Commuter Statistics 2019).
eab87d14d99459f4016bb057/statistik-komuter-jabodetabek-2019.html (accessed 5 July 2021).
Figure : Electric Two-Wheeler User Categories
Passenger transport
Goods transport
Private + Commercial
Taxi service
Rental service
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
of external trips out of the urban zone of Jakarta are by motorcycle, i.e., while they are predominantly used for
short urban trips, a considerable number of trips are also made inter-urban with longer distances.
Students are an important segment of the motorcycle user population. This is especially relevant for electric
two-wheelers. Low-powered and low-speed electric scooters are very popular among students as they do not
require a license and can often be driven without a helmet.
Commercial use. Commercial users can be divided into ride-hailing services for passengers, rental services,
and goods transport. Passenger ride-hailing services are dierent from motorcycle rental services, which are
important in, for example, tourism sites. Goods transport includes courier services, food, grocery, and other
deliveries. On average, commercial users drive their motorcycles 80–100 km per day.
Commercial and private use. The large majority of motorcycles used for passenger ride-hailing services or for
goods delivery are owned by the driver and thus are also used for private purposes. The purchase decision is
with the private person and the motorcycle must be convenient for work as well as for private usage. Also, daily
mileage will not only be during work hours but also to commute to and from work. Payment of vehicle operators
includes (partially) the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and operating the motorcycle. If the company provides
the motorcycle on an exclusive basis, the driver will require a private motorcycle to get to and from the workplace
except if the company allows the driver to use the company-owned unit for private purposes. A system with
company-owned motorcycles is thus potentially less attractive for the driver, as well as for the company (higher
payment for the motorcycle purchase due to having to pay the full cost of the motorcycle and not sharing it with
the driver).
JICA, 2019, Annex 02: JABODETABEK Urban Transportation Master Plan.
Grab, Data, 2021. Jakarta.
6. Motorcycle Classification and Comparison
6.1 Private Users
For students, low-powered e-scooters are an interesting alternative to gasoline mopeds, bicycles, or public
transport. That said, the emission impact of such e-scooters can be negative if they replace public transport and
bicycle trips.
Standard motorcycles as purchased in Indonesia have 110 to 150 cc with a maximum power of 6.5 to 12 kW
(9to 16 horsepower). Table 3 lists electric two-wheelers as sold in Indonesia and their power and maximum speed.
In terms of power, none of the electric two-wheelers oered are in the range of a fossil-fuel-based motorcycle.
With peak power, they can get close, but they cannot be considered to be fully comparable in terms of
convenience and power to fossil-fuel-based units. Gogoro (not active in Indonesia), as well as some other
manufacturers, do have 5–7 kW e-motorcycles, which can be considered as compatible. While a 2,000-watt
Table : Sample of Electric Two-Wheelers Sold in Indonesia
Rated Real Engine Power
Maximum Speed
Niu EUB-01 Sport 250 25
Selis Hornet 350 30
Sepeda Listrik 350 30
Viar Akasha 500 35
Viar Q1 800 60
United T1800 1,800 70
Gesits 2,000 70
Niu NGT 3,500 70
km/h = kilometer per hour, W = watt.
Note: Electric two-wheeler manufacturers often state real and peak power (e.g., Gesits real power
being 2,000 and peak power 5,000 W); in the perfect scenario, which is a straight, long, flat road
with no obstacles on it, and ideal temperatures, the vehicle will be able to generate the most power it
possibly can. This is known as its peak motor power. This is uncommon, and most motors usually start
to overheat. The power that the electric two-wheeler produces most of the time, in actual real-world
scenarios, with driving in trac, stopping frequently, turning, and avoiding obstacles, and going up and
down hills, will be its real motor power.
Source: Grütter Consulting, based on market survey.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
engine might be sucient for urban purposes and delivery companies, private users might demand more power,
comparable to their gasoline version, which will allow them to easily drive along with two persons also outside the
city at higher speeds.
The average driving range of the electric two-wheelers listed is 50 km. The average commuter trip length in
Jakarta is 38 km. This means that a 50-kilometer range for a large share of commuters will be insucient without
recharging due to
• realization of not only commuter trips but also additional trips;
• decreasing state of health of batteries, with which the range will drop by 10%–20% within a year; and
• many commuters having longer than average commuter trip distances.
Thus, either charging facilities at work or school (so-called destination chargers) will be critical to reduce range
anxiety issues or purchasers of electric two-wheelers will have to opt for a two-battery pack version with a higher
price tag.
Table 4 compares the main features and cost components of electric and gasoline motorcycles (not scooters) for
Indonesia for a private user.
Table : Main Features and Cost Components of Gasoline and Electric Motorcycles
Parameter Value Source
General Parameters
Exchange rate Rp14,300 = $1 May 2021;
Annual mileage 13,680 km Daily mileage of 38 km
+20% for 300 days
Annual compound interest rate for
motorcycles (real)
29% Nominal rate minus inflation; based on compound annual rate
Share of financing 75% Down payments can also be only 10% but then the interest rate
tends to be higher and reverse (some e-motorcycle manufacturers
claim that down payments for e-motorcycles are higher than the
ones for gasoline units, presumably due to risk of low resale price
perceived to be higher of e-motorcycles).
Loan tenor 2 years BFI; some dealers provide up to 36 months.
Electricity price home charging Rp1,445/kWh Residential rate, non-subsidized
Gasoline price Rp7,850/liter May 2021 based on “Pertalite”, the cheapest gasoline normally
bought by motorcycle operators
Inflation rate 2% For 2020
Gasoline Motorcycle
CAPEX gasoline motorcycle Rp17,000,000 Honda Beat 110cc (top selling motorcycle in Indonesia)
Gasoline consumption 2.5 l/km average value monitored, e.g., in Viet Nam
continued on next page
Motorcycle Classification and Comparison
Parameter Value Source
Annual maintenance cost Rp600,000 First year (free service/manpower): 4,000 km tune up, lubricant
Rp45,500; 8,000 km tune up, lubricant, spark plug, di Rp86,000;
12,000 km tune up, lubricant Rp45,500;
Second year: 16,000 km tune up, lubricant, spark plug, di lubricant,
filter, front brake Rp292,500; 20,000 km tune up, lubricant, rear brake
Rp220,500; 24,000 km tune up, lubricant, spark plug, di lubricant,
v-belt, roller, cvt grease, piece slide, braking fluid; IESR, 2020.
Lifespan of motorcycle 5 years same as electric; BPPT uses an 80,000 km mileage lifetime (around
6 years) for their comparison.
Electric Motorcycle
CAPEX e-motorcycle Rp 40,000,000 average 2,000–3,500W e-motorcycles (comparable power to
gasoline motorcycle)
CAPEX battery Rp5,700,000 1.5 kW battery
Projected battery cost reduction in
2.5 years
25% United States Department of Energy
Electricity consumption 0.030 kWh/km average value
Annual maintenance cost Rp370,000 Institute for Essential Service Reform, 2020
Lifespan of motorcycle 5 years same assumed as gasoline
Average lifespan of battery 2.5 years 500–1,000 cycles
Capacity of battery 1.5 kWh standard for this motorcycle power
Driving range with 1 battery 50 km NIU and Gesits
CAPEX = capital expenditure, cc = cubic centimeter, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, km = kilometer,
kW= kilowatt, kWh = kilowatt-hour, l = liter, Rp = Indonesian rupiah.
Badan Pusat Statistik (Statistics Indonesia). 2019. Statistik Komuter Jabodetabek 2019 (JABODETABEK Commuter Statistics 2019). (accessed
5 July 2021).
 Peta Situs BFI Finance (BFI Finance Sitemap).
World Today News. 2021. This Is the PLN Electricity Tari for the April-June 2021 Period. 8 March.
the-pln-electricity-tari-for-the-april-june-2021-period/; State Electricity Company (PLN). 2021. Penyesuaian Tarif Tenaga Listrik (Tari
Adjustment) July to September 2021.
Pertamina. 2021. Daftar Harga BBK TMT 01 April 2021 (Price List). 1 April.
Statista. Indonesia: Inflation Rate From 1986 to 2026. (accessed
15 June 2021).
IESR, 2020. The Role of Electric Vehicles in Decarbonizing Indonesia’s Road Transport Sector.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Table 4: continued
Table 5 realizes a financial comparison of gasoline and electric motorcycles based on the total cost of ownership
A more or less comparable e-motorcycle is around 57% more expensive and requires a 2.5x higher initial
investment, which also means 2.5x more equity investment. Per-kilometer costs of gasoline motorcycles are very
low, which also means that for an e-motorcycle to be attractive it would have to provide the same convenience at
a comparable investment cost since operational savings are not very relevant and, in absolute terms, are very low.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
While having a high-powered motorcycle can be in line with the consumer preference, the necessity of this
for urban trips is questioned. Urban trips can be made just as quickly and conveniently with a high-powered
electric scooter as with a low-powered e-motorcycle instead of a higher-powered e-motorcycle. Table 6 shows
the standard features and costs of a higher-powered electric scooter, i.e., versions that can drive 70–80 km/h
without problems.
Table 7 compares the financial costs of such a lower-powered e-motorcycle (equivalent to a high-powered
e-scooter) against a fossil-fuel-based motorcycle. The dierence to the former comparison is that the e-motorcycle
is of significantly lower power resulting in lower purchase costs. It is important to reiterate that this type of
e-motorcycle, in terms of power and speed, is not comparable to a fossil-fuel-based motorcycle. However, it
has sucient power to comply with urban requirements and can thus, in terms of convenience, be considered
comparable to a fossil-fuel-based motorcycle (not necessarily, however, in terms of preference).
Table : Cost Comparison Electric and Gasoline Motorcycle Indonesia, 
Item Gasoline Electric
CAPEX 17,000,000 40,000,000
Battery replacement 0 4,275,000
Annual maintenance cost 600,000 370,000
Annual energy cost 2,684,700 593,028
Annual finance cost 2,101,103 4,943,771
TCO Rp/km  
Annualized cost 7,525,000 11,796,000
Life cycle cost 37,600,000 59,000,000
Incremental cost 
CAPEX = capital expenditure, km = kilometer, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, TCO = total cost of ownership.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Table : Cost Components of High-Powered Electric Scooters for Urban Usage
Parameter Value Source
CAPEX e-scooter (Rp) 24,000,000 average Gesits 2,000 W, United T1800 and Viar Q1
800 W
CAPEX battery (Rp) 5,000,000 1.2 kW battery
Electricity consumption (kWh/km) 0.025 average value
Annual maintenance cost (Rp) 370,000 Institute for Essential Service Reform, 2020
Lifespan scooter (Year) 5 same assumed as gasoline
Average lifespan battery (Year) 2.50 500–1,000 cycles; assumed one cycle per day
Capacity of battery (kWh) 1.2 standard for this vehicle power
Range with one battery (km) 50 Gesits, United, Viar
Projected reduction of battery cost in 2.5 years 25% United States Department of Energy
CAPEX = capital expenditure, km = kilometer, kW= kilowatt, kWh = kilowatt-hour, l = liter, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, W = watt.
Source: Grütter Consulting based on market survey.
Motorcycle Classification and Comparison
A high-powered electric scooter (or low-powered e-motorcycle) with sucient power and speed for an urban
setting (maximum speed of 70 km/h with peak speed potentially more) has the same total cost of ownership as
a gasoline motorcycle. The initial investment is still 40% higher, which can be a deterrent but annual operational
costs excluding financing are 80% lower. The profitability of the incremental investment is 10%. The incremental
investment is recovered (including finance costs based on loans for 2 years) at the end of the fifth year (in the
third year, the owner needs to purchase a new battery, thereby pulling the dierential cash flow again into the
negative). Thus, from a financial perspective, the two options can be considered comparable. However, vehicle
purchase has little in common with a rational financial calculation. Table 8 exemplifies why e-motorcycles are
not attractive for private users and will not take o under current conditions and why higher-powered electric
scooters, albeit rationally attractive, have not been the preferred choice of customers in Indonesia, as well as
many other parts of the world with high shares of motorcycles.
The comparable e-motorcycle is too costly while still having range issues and not having a comparable
convenience value. Even significant subsidies will not eliminate these problems and will not be sustainable.
The lower-powered e-motorcycle, which would cater to the demands of urban trips and reflect a rational
customer choice, is not in line with the aspirations of customers concerning power and speed and has additionally
driving range issues. Again, this problem will not be resolved with financial support. Neither technology trends nor
financial support will resolve in the short- to medium-term (next 5 years) the power-cum-cost and range issues
of e-motorcycles. However, based on a purely rational purchase choice, lower-powered e-motorcycles would be
financially attractive and sucient for urban trips. From a societal point of view, e-motorcycles are beneficial due
to reduced air and noise pollution. Therefore, it could be justified that the government introduces regulations
that pit the emotional benefits of high power and speed against reduced environmental pollution and improved
health. This would even be financially beneficial to customers (not consumer surplus or welfare benefits as the
latter include emotional benefits). This could be done in a straightforward manner by only allowing circulation
of e-motorcycles in urban areas of the city. This measure would need to be announced with a lead-time of a
minimum 2 years to allow people to renovate their motorcycles.
Table : Cost Comparison of High-Powered Electric Scooters
and Gasoline Motorcycles in Indonesia, 
Item Gasoline Electric
CAPEX 17,000,000 24,000,000
Battery replacement 0 3,750,000
Maintenance cost, annual 600,000 370,000
energy cost annual 2,684,700 494,190
finance cost annual 2,101,103 2,966,263
TCO Rp/km  
Annualized cost 7,525,000 7,601,000
Life cycle cost 37,600,000 38,000,000
Incremental cost 
CAPEX = capital expenditure, km = kilometer, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, TCO = total cost of ownership.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
6.2 Commercial Users
Commercial clients use the same gasoline motorcycles as private clients, but with more mileage. Yet, it is
assumed that they could also use low-powered electric motorcycles as they are more rational and performance-
oriented compared to individuals. However, they would also purchase the motorcycle with two batteries replacing
one at their premises (or at swapping sites; Tables 9 and 10).
Table : Are E-Motorcycles Attractive for Clients?
Comparison of high-powered e-motorcycle with
gasoline motorcycle
Comparison of low-powered e-motorcycle
(high-powered e-scooter)
with gasoline motorcycle
Power, speed
Operating cost
Lifetime cost
: gasoline version is preferred by customers and has advantages compared to electric versions.
  : electric version is preferred by customers and has advantages compared to gasoline versions.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Table : Cost Components of Commercial Electric Motorcycles for Urban Usage
Parameter Value Source
CAPEX e-motorcycle (Rp) 29,000,000 average 800–2,000 W e-motorcycles
CAPEX battery (two units) (Rp) 10,000,000 1.2 kW battery; cost for two units
Electricity consumption (kWh/km) 0.025 average value
Annual maintenance cost (Rp) 740,000 Institute for essential Service Reform, 2020 (double mileage
compared to private e-motorcycle)
Lifespan motorcycle (Years) 4 same assumed as gasoline
Average lifespan of battery (Years) 2 500–1,000 cycles; assumed one cycle per day
330 days
Capacity of battery (kWh) 1.2 standard for this motorcycle power
Range with two batteries (km) 100 Gesits, United, Viar
Projected reduction of battery cost
in 2.5 years
25% United States Department of Energy
CAPEX = capital expenditure, km = kilometer, kW= kilowatt, kWh = kilowatt-hour, l = liter, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, W = watt.
Source: Grütter Consulting based on market survey.
Motorcycle Classification and Comparison
The financial model thus includes two battery sets.
Table : Cost Comparison between Electric and Gasoline Motorcycles for Commercial Usage, 
Item Gasoline Electric
CAPEX 17,000,000 29,000,000
Battery replacement 0 7,500,000
Annual maintenance cost 1,200,000 1,480,000
Annual energy cost 4,710,000 127,000
Annual finance cost 1,050,551 1,637,624
TCO Rp/km  
Annualized cost ,, ,,
Life cycle cost ,, ,,
Incremental cost 
CAPEX = capital expenditure, km = kilometer, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, TCO = total cost of ownership.
Note: based on 24,000 km per annum; two batteries replaced after 2 years; other costs per kilometer idem to private motorcycles.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
TCOs are comparable with a fossil-fuel-based or an e-motorcycle. Commercial users will also be able to get a
discount on the motorcycle as well as the battery. The main issue with commercial motorcycles is that they are
in general not owned by the delivery company but by the drivers. This means that the motorcycle is also used to
commute to work as well as for private usage. This entails following diculties:
• Private owners will have a preference for the gasoline motorcycle for private usage due to power.
• Due to commuting mileage, one additional spare battery would be required for daily operations,
thus increasing costs.
• Drivers currently receive a compensation that partially pays for the acquisition of the motorcycle. If the
company supplies the e-motorcycle and it needs to be charged and left at the premises of the company,
they will still need their private motorcycle to commute to work, which can reduce their net income as they
would not receive the benefit of partial payment of the asset. If the e-motorcycle is not left at the company
premises for charging, this barrier does not exist, but an additional battery will be required.
• For the company owning the motorcycle, this results in a higher cost due to the need to purchase the
e-motorcycle while they only pay part of the investment cost in the private motorcycle. The alternative
is that the company rents the e-motorcycle from the driver as with fossil-fuel-based units and obliges the
driver to purchase an electric unit.
Therefore, some barriers exist that prevent the market from switching toward e-motorcycles for commercial
applications on its own, although system costs are comparable.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
6.3 Summary Electric Two-Wheeler Usage Type
The typical or standard electric two-wheelers and their charging infrastructure as used for projections and for
modelling purposes are shown in Figure 15 and Table 11.
Figure : Usage of Electric Two-Wheelers
Usage Purpose
Goods transport
Passenger transport:
rent and ride-hailing
Vehicle Type
e-Motorcycle with
1 battery
e-Motorcycle with
2 batteries
Charging Type
Home +
Home /
destination +
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Table : E-Scooter Characteristics
Parameter Value
Average engine power 250–800 W capable of speeds of 25–35 km/h
Battery capacity 0.7 kWh
CAPEX e-scooter including battery Rp7 million
Battery cost Rp3 million
Range with one battery 40 km
Electricity usage 0.017 kWh/km
Main charging system Home charging and destination charging
CAPEX = capital expenditure, km = kilometer, km/h = kilometer per hour, kWh = kilowatt-hour,
Rp = Indonesian rupiah, W = watt.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
E-scooters are not further considered in projections or modelling as they typically replace bicycles and
public transportation.
Motorcycle Classification and Comparison
Table 12 summarizes the main features of the targeted e-motorcycles. As mentioned, they are low- to
medium-powered e-motorcycles, which have less power and a lower maximum speed than a conventional
gasoline unit but are more than adequate for urban usage and also for short inter-urban trips.
The same type of e-motorcycles can be used for private or commercial usage with the dierence being that the
e-motorcycles for commercial use will generally be equipped with two batteries to increase range and flexibility.
Private e-motorcycles will be charged at home and the destination. Battery swapping is neither a necessity for
private users nor a big advantage, except perhaps for long-distance rides. For commercial users, battery swapping
has an advantage as daily mileage is higher and battery swapping reduces the recharging time. While uniform
battery technologies would facilitate swapping and reduce costs, this is not a necessity as smaller swap stations
can be used or with dierent battery types. It is not deemed realistic that manufacturers will agree on a specific
battery type given that it is a distinctive component of an e-motorcycle. Uniform battery types could also hamper
competition and thus avoid innovation and further development of this technology.
Table : E-Motorcycle Characteristics
Parameter Private usage Commercial usage
Average engine power 1,800–2,500 W 1,800–2,500 W
Maximum speed 70–80 km/h 70–80 km/h
Driving range 50 km (1 battery) 100 km (two batteries)
Battery capacity 1.2–1.5 kWh (one battery) 2.4–3 kWh (with two batteries)
CAPEX e-scooter Rp24 million (with one battery) Rp29 million (with two batteries)
Battery cost per unit Rp5 million Rp5 million
Electricity usage 0.025 kWh/km 0.025 kWh/km
Average daily trip length 45 km 80 km
Annual average mileage 13,700 km 24,000 km
CAPEX = capital expenditure, km = kilometer, km/h = kilometer per hour, kWh = kilowatt-hour, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, W = watt.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
7.  Conversion of Gasoline Motorcycles
and Battery Standardization
7.1 Conversion of Motorcycles
Indonesia is interested in converting used petrol motorcycles to electric units and has issued Regulation
No.65/2020 regarding conversion of internal combustion engine (ICE) motorcycles to e-motorcycles.
Trials have been conducted in Indonesia to convert used gasoline motorcycles to electric units. The conversion
would include a 2,000 W engine, the battery pack, a main controller, and a speed regulator. The conversion
cost is estimated at Rp10.5–11 million, excluding the cost of the old gasoline motorcycle and certification costs
and profits of the conversion company (MEMR pilot conversion project). The project estimates are based on
using 10-year-old gasoline motorcycles. If the assumption is made (as in the cost estimate above) that the old
motorcycle has no resale value, this implies that the individual components such as brakes, wheels, chassis, lights,
etc., are all without value anymore. To make conversion costs comparable, the value of the old motorcycle plus a
profit from the conversion company needs to be considered. The resultant cost of a converted but still not new
e-motorcycle would then be around Rp16 million.
The client receives an old motorcycle with outdated chassis, brakes, lights, etc., and new electric components
without an original manufacturer guarantee that costs as much as a new gasoline motorcycle. A purpose-built
e-motorcycle is designed to incorporate a battery, wiring, and the hub, thus maximizing the “e” side of the
e-motorcycle in contrast to retrofitted gasoline motorcycles. Putting electric components on an old motorcycle
results in a costly old motorcycle. For a 50% additional investment (RP24 million), the client could get a
same-powered new e-motorcycle with brand-new components and a manufacturer warranty. For a similar price,
the client could purchase a 2- to 3-year used e-motorcycle or a new gasoline motorcycle. It makes absolutely no
financial sense and is not attractive for a customer to get an old motorcycle with many old components that will
need replacement but with a costly new drive-train and without a guarantee from a manufacturer. Conversions,
oered initially in Viet Nam for example, have not proven to be popular. The market for conversions might be
limited and attractive for special motorcycles but not for standard units. The same is true for all other electric road
vehicles; initially, some conversions were made but as soon as manufacturers started mass-producing electric units,
the market for such backyard ventures disappeared.
Mass conversion of existing vehicles is useful for compressed natural gas or liquefied propane gas vehicles, but
for electric vehicles this is not considered to be a useful strategy as the electric vehicle components easily make
up more than 50% of the total vehicle cost and thus an old and low-value vehicle would be upgraded with a very
expensive equipment, without being at the end a new unit.
Based on a 5-year-old gasoline motorcycle with a remnant value of 20% of the original investment of Rp17 million plus 10% profit margin for a converter.
Conversion of Gasoline Motorcycles and Battery Standardization
7.2 Battery Standardization
Indonesia has plans to standardize batteries for two-wheeler usage. Standardized batteries have the advantage
that they allow for easy interchange and for a higher density of swapping stations as all motorcycles would have
the same battery and thus stations can get a larger market. This sounds initially attractive and Taipei,China has
included standardization of batteries in its tasks and road map. This target could never be achieved and batteries
have not been standardized. Taipei,China also heavily subsidized just one supplier (Gogoro) with its battery-swap
stations; nonetheless the market has come up with another brand oering its own charging stations (KYMCO).
Standardization of batteries had also been tried early on in the PRC, when battery swapping was made with buses
and passenger cars; however, the PRC also dropped this approach.
For battery standardization to reach its target of having uniform units, it must include not only voltage levels,
battery dimensions, and shape, but also core properties of the battery such as chemistry, C-rate, energy density,
lifespan, capacity, etc. If these elements are not identical, the client will not receive an identical product back
by swapping but potentially a battery with lower energy density and range or less capacity, resulting in changing
potentially a high-value product with a low-value one.
Battery standardization problems are related to the dynamics of market forces. The battery is a core element of
an e-motorcycle and a main competitive distinction. It is also a major cost component. Standardization reduces
competition between e-motorcycle and battery manufacturers as, e.g., higher power density or reduction of size
and weight will not be honored in the market. Reducing competition in a highly dynamic market will reduce the
innovative potential and will result in less dynamics toward decreasing prices. Standardization can thus result
in a reduced uptake of e-motorcycles in the medium term as it results in reduced competition, less innovation,
and less price pressure on manufacturers. There is also no demand for battery swapping from private users of
e-motorcycles. They can purchase an e-motorcycle with one or two batteries, which is sucient for their daily
ranges and will charge basically at home or at their destination. Battery swapping is required more for commercial
clients that drive long distances daily and want to be able to recharge or swap batteries within minutes. However,
commercial customers can establish a cooperation agreement with a manufacturer to standardize their fleet and
thus have a sucient motorcycle density with identical batteries to warrant the set-up of battery swap stations.
As the analysis in the following chapters for Bali and JABODETABEK also shows, the required number of identical
e-motorcycles for ecient battery swapping is not very high and can be achieved quickly. Also, battery swapping
and recharging facilities are for various battery types and standards, i.e., one swapping station can accommodate
up to three battery types and the client can exchange theirs with the same type of battery.
8. Electric Motorcycle Projections
Based on the Indonesian State Police, there were 113 million motorcycles in Indonesia in 2019. Compared to the
statistics of 2018, the number of motorcycles has been reduced by 14 million for 2018.
However, this number
also presumably includes many motorcycles that are out of use or only in marginal use, as the annual sales
numbers of 6 to 6.5 million units are of the same magnitude as the annual increase of registered motorcycles,
while some motorcycles that are very old or suer accidents would be retired from trac.
To establish alternative energy vehicle penetration scenarios, the estimated annual vehicle sales rate is taken.
Based on a market assessment, the share of clients that are potentially willing to purchase an electric unit is
estimated. The resultant electric fleet is integrated with the total fleet to calculate vehicle penetration ratios.
For projection purposes, motorcycle sales prior to COVID-19 are taken. In 2019, these were 6.5 million units.
Projections for 2025 point to 9.5 million units.
8.1 Ocial Scenarios
The Ministry of Industry (MoI) Ministerial Regulation 27/2020 provides a tentative target on the number of
electric two- and three-wheelers to be manufactured in Indonesia (Table 13).
In 2018, 120.1 million motorcycles were originally reported, and this number was reduced to 106.7 million units; Badan Pusat Stastik. Statistics
Indonesia 2018 and 2019. Jakarta.
Association of Indonesia Motorcycle Industry (AISI). Statistic Distribution. (accessed 2021).
Statista Market Forecast. accessed 2021.
Table : Tentative Target of Electric Two-Wheeler Production and Sales in Indonesia
Variable    
Production Total (units) 7,500,000 8,800,000 9,800,000 10,750,000
electric vehicle % 10 20 25 30
electric vehicle Total (units) 750,000 1,760,000 2,450,000 3,225,000
Domestic Sales Total (units) 6,750,000 7,700,000 8,400,000 9,000,000
Export Total (units) 750,000 1,100,000 1,400,000 1,750,000
Source: Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Industry. 2020. Ministerial Regulation 27/2020.
Electric Motorcycle Projections
The National Energy Masterplan (RUEN) has a BAU scenario of 2.1 million e-motorcycles operating by 2025.
The optimistic scenario has 100 million e-motorcycles by 2025; this, however, is unlikely given that between 2021
and 2025, the total sales market for motorcycles in Indonesia is only estimated at around 41 million units, i.e.,
a large number of existing motorcycles would have to be converted to electric units, which makes only limited
financial sense.
From the energy sector, the electric vehicle deployment target is linked with eorts to curb fuel oil imports and
to utilize high-generation reserve margins, especially for the Java-Bali grid. Prior to the acceleration program,
the national energy masterplan released by the National Energy Council (DEN) put a minimum target of 2,200
electric four-wheelers and 2,100,000 electric two-wheelers in operation by 2025. This is regarded as the BAU
scenario by the government. With the acceleration program, the target was increased as reflected in the draft
of the national Grand Strategy for Energy (GSE) document, which is yet to be released by DEN. In 2025, the
number of operational units is expected to reach 374,000 four-wheelers and 11,800,000 two-wheelers
(Table 14).
In the recent public program, MEMR also tried to gather the electric vehicle unit deployment planning from
various government bodies, SOEs, and private companies as illustrated in Table 15.
By the end of 2021, 219 public electric vehicle charging stations were available throughout Indonesia.
Government of Indonesia, MEMR. 2022. PLN Engages Private Sector To Install More Charging Stations. 4 January.
center/news-archives/pln-gandeng-pihak-swasta-perbanyak-spklu-dengan-skema-bagi-hasil (accessed 21 February 2022).
Table : Electric Vehicle Deployment Target Based on the Draft Grand
Strategy for Energy
Electric Vehicle Target   
Four-Wheeler 374,000 1,700,000 2,100,000
Two-Wheeler 11,800,000 13,000,000 28,000,000
Source: Data provided by by the Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Table : Electric Vehicle Deployment Target
Based on the Public Launching Commitment
Electric Vehicle Target 
Four-Wheelers 34,000
Two-Wheelers 750,000
Source: Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources. 2021. Rekapitulasi Data Jumlah KBLBB di Indonesia,
2021–2025 (English Translation). Presentation. 11 January.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
8.2 Scenario Modelling
From a market perspective, e-motorcycles will be purchased if they oer a higher value than a conventional unit.
Three scenarios have been created by Grütter Consulting for this purpose:
• Business-as-usual. This means no government interventions. Under this scenario, only low-powered
electric scooters are purchased, which are used at least partially in lieu of public transport and bicycles and
are not registered vehicles. Under the BAU scenario, the share of e-motorcycles is marginal as fossil-fuel-
based units have lower costs and are more convenient.
• Financial incentives. This scenario would be in accordance with the path followed by Taipei,China:
the incremental cost of an e-motorcycle that is comparable to a fossil-fuel-based version is subsidized
(currently that would entail a subsidy of around Rp20 million per motorcycle). Swapping systems would
also be subsidized to around 50%. It is estimated that this would result in a comparable market share for
e-motorcycles as in Taipei,China, i.e., in the order of 10%–20%. Gasoline-powered motorcycles would
remain to be more convenient.
• Regulation. A third scenario is based on having regulatory measures not allowing the circulation of fossil-
fuel-based motorcycles in (certain) urban areas and/or not allowing people and freight carriers to operate
with fossil-fuel-based motorcycles. Such measures would allow for a massive and rapid move toward
Figure 16 shows the number of e-motorcycles under each scenario compared with annual motorcycle sales. This
includes only e-motorcycles and not electric scooters.
Figure : E-Motorcycle Scenarios for Indonesia (millions)
Motorcycles sold
Motorcycle sales
BAU scenario Subsidy scenario Regulation scenario
2022 2023 2024 2025
RUEN base target
GSE target
BAU = business as usual, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, RUEN = Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan).
 This results in around 2.1 million e-motorcycles by 2025.
 This results in around 11.8 million e-motorcycles by 2025.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Projections
The following points can be noted:
• Under a BAU scenario, e-motorcycles will play a marginal role with an expected 0.5 million units sold in
2025 representing 5% of sales and 0.04% of the total motorcycle fleet.
• The RUEN BAU/DEN target of 2.1 million e-motorcycles is comparable to a scenario with high financial
incentives, i.e., to materialize this target, the government would need to considerably subsidize the
e-motorcycle market. This could result in sales of 1 million e-motorcycles by 2025, representing 11% of sales
and 2% of the total motorcycle fleet.
• The GSE target of around 12 million e-motorcycles could be achieved with a strategy that makes use of
e-motorcycles compulsory for commercial and/or urban operations. This could result in sales of 4–5 million
e-motorcycles by 2025, representing 45%–50% of sales and 11% of the total motorcycle fleet.
8.3 Impact of Decreasing Electric Motorcycle Prices
E-motorcycles are expected to become less expensive due to decreasing battery component costs and increased
competition. Based on the car market, price tag parity of higher-powered e-motorcycles with comparable power
levels to gasoline motorcycles is expected by 2030.
This results in average expected price decreases of 9% from
2022 to 2030. Figure 17 shows the expected price decrease of higher-powered e-motorcycles in Indonesia, as
well as the resultant TCOs for gasoline and e-motorcycles over time.
Deloitte. 2020. Electric Vehicles - Setting a Course for 2030.
Figure : Price and Cost Comparison of Higher
Powered Electric versus Gasoline Motorcycles
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
TCO electric TCO fossil
Total Cost of Ownership
CAPEX = capital expenditure, Rp = Indonesian Rupiah, TCO = total cost of ownership.
Note: Based on e-motorcycles with 2,000 to 3,500 watts.
Source: Grütter Consulting, based on price trends for e-cars by Deloitte.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Sticker price parity of an electric and a gasoline motorcycle would be achieved by 2030. By 2027, the life cycle
costs of comparably powered e-motorcycles would be equivalent to gasoline units. Life cycle costs, however,
are not considered a common criterion for private vehicle purchases, with sticker price being far more convincing
and even this is not sucient to make large shifts in the motorcycle market, as the experience in Taipei,China has
shown. The BAU uptake is thus modelled primarily around the e-scooter uptake and not an e-motorcycle uptake
prior to 2030.
8.4 Impact of a Carbon Tax
The impact of a potential carbon tax of Rp30,000 per ton of CO
on the demand for e-motorcycles was
modelled and the main results are shown in Table 16.
The price tag dierence between a gasoline and a similar powered e-motorcycle is Rp23 million. Additional
savings due to a carbon tax of Rp30 per kilogram of CO
of the e-motorcycle for a 5-year period non-discounted
are around Rp0.1 million. The TCO of a same-powered e-motorcycle is Rp862/km and the TCO of a fossil-
fuel-based one with or without carbon tax is significantly lower, with the carbon tax making an extremely
marginal dierence. Calculation results thus show that the carbon tax will not have any measurable impact on
e-motorcycle sales. Increases in fuel prices due to a carbon tax also result not only in potential changes of the
vehicle stock toward energy saving units but also to fuel price usage decrease, e.g., through less driving, usage of
nonmotorized and public transport, and more fuel-ecient driving. Fuel prices are not elastic, with short-term
average elasticities of around –0.3 and long-term ones of around –0.6, i.e., a 1% increase of fuel prices results in a
decrease of 0.3% to 0.6% of fuel consumption.
H. B. Huntington, J. J. Barrios, and V. Arora. 2019. Review of Key International Demand Elasticities for Major Industrializing Economies. Energy
Policy. 133 (October). 110878.
Table : Core Elements and Impacts of a Carbon Tax on Fuels
Parameter Value Comment
Carbon price Rp30,000 /tCO
Proposed carbon price by Ministry of Finance
Impact of carbon tax per liter of gasoline Rp68 /l Calculated based on CO
emissions per liter of
gasoline (tank-to-wheel)
Projected increase in gasoline price 1% Relative to price in May 2021
Cost increase per km of fossil-fuel-based
Rp2 /km Based on average fuel consumption of
Annual cost impact for fossil-fuel-based
motorcycle operator
Rp23,000 Based on average annual mileage
TCO gasoline motorcycle excl. carbon tax Rp550 /km
TCO gasoline motorcycle incl. carbon tax Rp552 /km
km = kilometer, l = liter, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, TCO = total cost of operation, tCO
= ton of carbon dioxide.
R. Simatupang, J. Pineda, and T. Murdjijanto. 2021. On Indonesia’s New Carbon Tax and Its Eectiveness at Reducing Greenhouse Gas
Emissions. Devtech. 24 November.ectiveness-at-
reducing-greenhouse-gas-emissions/ (accessed 15 December 2021).
Source: Calculations by Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Projections
The impact of a carbon tax of Rp30,000 on the e-motorcycle market is therefore considered to be negligible.
However, if revenues from the carbon tax are invested into a specific promotion of e-motorcycles, the impact
could be far higher. Switzerland, for example, established more than a decade ago a very minor carbon levy on
fossil-fuel-based fuels ($0.01 per liter of diesel and gasoline). This had no direct impact on fuel consumption.
However, the proceedings of this levy were used for a climate fund that co-funded domestic oset projects,
e.g., investments in e-mobility. These projects then received funding that could be on the order of +$150/tCO
thereby avoiding having a significant impact on uptake of e-mobility. In short, the existence of a low-carbon tax
on transportation fuels is not deemed to have a notable impact on the deployment of e-motorcycles, especially in
light of low price elasticities and standard market fluctuations of liquid fossil fuel prices, which go far beyond the
proposed carbon tax. However, if such proceeds would be used to cofinance individual oset projects,
e.g., in the realm of e-mobility, then the impact could be significant.
8.5 Conclusions on Business-As-Usual Development
Without massive financial subsidies or restrictions on fossil-fuel-based motorcycle usage, the BAU scenario is
the most probable one. The market itself, with some minor interventions like the carbon tax, will not result in a
massive deployment of e-motorcycles by 2030. For a significant deployment of e-motorcycles that goes beyond
e-scooters, either massive government subsidies or government regulations concerning usage of
fossil-fuel-based motorcycles are required.
8.6 Subsidy Scenario
An estimate of the required subsidies to achieve the DEN target (2.1 million e-motorcycles operating in
2025) results in a price tag of around $1.1 billion (Rp1.6*10
) of which the large part would be for subsidies to
motorcycles and a smaller part for subsidies of charging stations (Table 17).
Table : Estimated Subsidy Requirement to Achieve Target of . Million E-Motorcycles by 
Parameter Value Source/Explanation
Targeted e-motorcycles 2.1 million DEN masterplan target for 2025
Number of swapping stations 10,500 200 motorcycles per swap station based on data of Taipei,China
(e-motorcycle registration data and ocial data of number of
swapping stations)
Average subsidy level per
Rp7.5 million
Initially Rp10 million, reduced gradually to Rp5 million; subsidy
level based on covering at minimum 50% of incremental cost
of comparable power electric scooter to gasoline unit based on
experience in Taipei,China
Average subsidy level per
swapping station
Rp35 million
Based on cost per swapping station of $5,000 excluding land with
50% subsidy level based on Taipei,China
Total subsidy Rp1.6*10
$1,100 million
Subsidy motorcycle plus subsidy for 25% of all swapping stations
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Figure 18 compares the required subsidy level and a projected revenue level of the proposed carbon tax (only using
gasoline). Not even using 100% of the carbon tax on gasoline (to be potentially levied) would be sucient for the
subsidy levels required. Currently, no gasoline subsidy is made by the government based on the enactment of the
Presidential Regulation 191/2014, which removed the subsidy for RON 88 gasoline.
This subsidy would be the equivalent of around $530 per e-motorcycle, including the proportion on swapping
stations. The economic value of emission reductions is, however, only around $280, i.e., not justified from an
economic viewpoint (Table 18).
Government of Indonesia, MEMR, and Ministry of Finance. 2019. Indonesia’s Eort to Phase Out and Rationalise Fossil-Fuel Subsidies: A Self Report on
the G20 Peer Review of Inecient Fossil-Fuel-Based Fuel Subsidies that Encourage Wasteful Consumption in Indonesia.
Figure : Required Subsidy for E-Motorcycles versus Potential Revenue
from Carbon Tax on Gasoline Fuel
Required e-Motorcycle subsidy
0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000
Rp million
Estimated revenue from CO
tax on gasoline
= carbon dioxide, Rp = Indonesian rupiah.
Note: Gasoline fuel sales for 2021 estimated at 233 million barrels; estimated carbon tax Rp75,000/tCO
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Table : Subsidy Level versus Economic Benefits of Emission Reductions per E-Motorcycle
Parameter Value Source/Explanation
Estimated average subsidy level per electric
Rp7.5 million/
Grütter Consulting
Economic Benefits of reduced greenhouse
gas emissions
Rp1.8 million/
Based on lifespan mileage of around 65,000 km and
emission factors well-to-wheel for electric and gasoline
motorcycles; social cost of carbon of $40/t
Economic benefits of reduced local air
Rp2.2 million/
Based on lifespan mileage of 65,000 km and combustion
emission factors for NO
and PM
; economic costs of
pollutants based on IMF data
for Indonesia
Total economic benefits of reduced emissions Rp4.1 million
IMF = International Monetary Fund, km = kilometer, NOx = nitrogen oxides, PM2.5 = particulate matter 2.5, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, t = ton.
 I. W. H. Parry et al. 2014. Getting Energy Prices Right: From Principle to Practice. IMF.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Projections
8.7 Regulatory Scenario
The regulatory scenario would prescribe that motorcycles need to be electric to enter specific zones or areas.
The regulatory scenario requires no subsidies. Swapping stations can be established without subsidies as they
can charge suciently for their services due to having a captive demand. Lower-powered e-motorcycles would
be chosen by the people and commercial agents as they can fulfill the urban demands. They would not have the
opportunity of using higher-powered gasoline units. Therefore, they would also not entail a financial loss, as these
e-motorcycles have comparable total financial costs to gasoline versions.
Tables 19 and 20 illustrate the projected number of e-motorcycles for Indonesia and specifically for Bali and
JABODETABEK under a scenario of regulatory interventions for usage of e-motorcycles.
It is assumed that 90% of e-motorcycles are private units while the rest are commercial units. The projected
environmental and economic impacts of this strategy are discussed in Chapter 13.
Table : Projected Population
(million persons)
Area         
Indonesia 137.9 139.1 140.4 141.6 142.7 143.9 145.0 146.1 147.2
JABODETABEK 37.6 38.9 40.1 41.5 41.6 41.7 41.9 42.0 42.1
Bali 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS). Japan International Cooperation Agency. 2019. JABODETABEK Urban Transportation Policy Integration
Project Phase 2 in the Republic of Indonesia.
Table : Projected Number of E-Motorcycles with Regulatory Interventions
(million operational units)
Area         
Indonesia 0.80 2.90 7.30 12.00 18.20 26.00 35.00 45.00 56.00
JABODETABEK 0.12 0.40 1.02 1.69 2.56 3.65 4.91 6.28 7.85
Bali 0.03 0.09 0.24 0.40 0.60 0.86 1.16 1.48 1.85
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
8.8  Comparison of Electric Motorcycle Deployment
of Scenarios in JABODETABEK and Bali
Tables 21 and 22 compare the projected deployment of e-motorcycles with the dierent scenarios in
JABODETABEK and Bali. Scenario 1 requires financial subsidies and scenario 2 requires regulatory steps limiting the
usage of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles in the area. In the absence of subsidies or regulations, the BAU scenario is
the probable outcome.
Table : Projected Number of E-Motorcycles in JABODETABEK with Dierent Scenarios
Scenario         
Total motorcycles 17,848 18,205 18,387 18,387 18,387 18,387 18,387 18,387 18,387
BAU e-motorcycles 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13 14
Scenario 1: RUEN / DEN
with subsidies
21 67 154 301 517 829 1,250 1,887 2,869
Scenario 2 e-motorcycles:
GSE with regulations
116 403 1,022 1,690 2,556 3,648 4,911 6,276 7,847
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and Bekasi, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Figure : E-Motorcycle Scenarios in JABODETABEK
BAU e-MCs Scenario 1: RUEN/DEN with subsidies
Scenario 2 e-MCs: GSE with regulations
Total number of motorcycles
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor,
Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, RUEN = National Energy Plan, e-MC = e-motorcycle.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Projections
8.9 Viewpoint of Manufacturers
PT EzyFast Energi Pratama Indonesia (EzyFast) is a battery swap service provider for e-motorcycles operating in
the Jakarta area. EzyFast has a certain target for their battery swap facility (a grid of 3x3 to 4x4 km
) for Jakarta.
Once this target is achieved, they plan to expand their service to Surabaya and Bali. At the moment, the EzyFast
battery swap stations are still in the pilot stage. However, they claim that they are prepared to commercialize it
Table : Projected Number of E-Motorcycles in Bali with Dierent Scenarios
Scenario         
Total motorcycles 4,209 4,293 4,336 4,336 4,336 4,336 4,336 4,336 4,336
BAU e-motorcycles 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
Scenario 1: RUEN / DEN
with subsidies
5 16 36 71 122 196 295 445 677
Scenario 2 e-motorcycles:
GSE with regulations
27 95 241 399 603 860 1,158 1,480 1,851
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Figure : E-Motorcycle Scenarios in Bali
BAU e-MCs Scenario 1: RUEN/DEN with subsidies
Scenario 2 e-MCs: GSE with regulations
Total number of motorcycles
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, RUEN = National Energy Plan,
e-MC = e-motorcycle.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
using a business–to–business scheme. The battery swap station provided by EzyFast has 12 slots or dockings, which
is quite large compared to other companies. The electric power consumed per cabinet is ±4,500 kW. The parts
are imported from the PRC and assembled in Indonesia. EzyFast plans to produce in the medium term their own
cabinet in Indonesia to achieve a higher domestic content level, in collaboration with the Indovickers company.
Battery health and maintenance is EzyFast’s responsibility. Every battery has a battery
management system (BMS), which is integrated with the EzyFast application using
internet-of-things technology to maintain its condition. EzyFast has a collaboration
with several e-motorcycle manufacturers, e.g., Viar and Gesits. Customers can
purchase a Viar e-motorcycle without the battery and opt for the battery service
provided by EzyFast. To enable this, EzyFast modifies their battery to fit the holder in
the e-motorcycle. With Gesits, the battery is compatible. The battery swap locations
planned by EzyFast are at the site of PLN’s substations. Taris have not yet been
established but a monthly subscription with unlimited battery swapping is estimated
at Rp350,000 (this would be around the equivalent of gasoline costs for 1,800 km).
Per swapped battery, the cost would be around Rp8,000, which amounts to a cost of
Rp160/km (gasoline cost is around Rp200/km).
Indonesia Battery Corporation
The Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC) is a national battery holding company with the shareholder composition
of Antam, Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID), Pertamina, and PLN, each having 25% ownership. It was legally
established on 21 April 2021. IBC's mission is establishing an electric vehicle battery ecosystem, and supporting
Indonesia as a production hub for battery and electric vehicle production in Southeast Asia. IBC is looking at the entire
value chain for the electric vehicle battery ecosystem development from the raw material to battery recycling facilities.
IBC projections of e-motorcycles are based on PLN projections (Chapter 8). The IBC target is to manage the
precursor, cathode, and cell (nickel-based) plants by 2025 (Figure 21).
Source: EzyFast.
Figure : Indonesia Battery Corporation Production Plans
Energy Storage System Usage
Operation of Precursor,
cathode and cell Plants
Operation of RKEF,
HPAL, & Recycling
New Capital City,
with 100% EV
Partner Selection for EV Battery
and ESS and Joint Studies
Engineering Procurement
and Construction
Becoming a Regional
EV Battery Player
Capacity Expansion
to Become a Global
Battery Player
2021 2023 2025 2027
2022 2024 2026
EV = electric vehicle, ESS = energy storage system, RKEF = rotary kiln electric furnace, HPAL = high-pressure acid leach.
Source: Indonesia Battery Corporation.
Electric Motorcycle Projections
Next to the upstream manufacturing business, as a short-term business plan, IBC is exploring the downstream
battery ecosystem business opportunity including battery pack production, charging infrastructure, and
battery recycling.
PT WIKA Industri Manufaktur–Gesits
PT WIKA Industri Manufaktur (WIMA) is a joint venture between PT Wijaya Karya Industri & Konstruksi
(WIKON, a state-owned company) and PT Gesits Technologies Indo (GTI). WIMA’s business line revolves on
electric two-wheeler research and development, manufacturing, and after-sales service. Their first and most
well-known product is called Gesits. WIMA has one factory for assembling Gesits, located in Cileungsi, Bogor,
Indonesia. Their current production capacity is 200 units per shift, with a maximum capacity of up to 500 units
per two-shift per day. As of June 2021, their sales target was 48,000 units per year.
Viar is a motorcycle manufacturer, including electric ones. In June 2017, they introduced Viar Q1, their first
e-motorcycle. Viar Motor Indonesia split their electric two-wheeler products into two segments, electric
motorcycles (e-motorcycle; 800 W unit) and electric scooter or e-bike (400 W unit). The main sales barrier is
the lower power when compared with the ICE. Also, much higher down payments are asked for electric units
compared to gasoline motorcycles, probably due to risks concerning the resale price of used e-motorcycles. The
current production capacity for all their electric vehicle products is 200 units per day (73,000 per year). Currently,
this capacity is split into 60% for e-motorcycles and 40% for e-scooters. If needed, they can allocate all 200 for
e-motorcycles only. Viar is quite confident of its long-term market prospect but more careful with its short-term
expansion plan. Viar relies more on home and destination charging and not on battery swapping, but they are open
to any collaboration with battery swap developers and have an agreement with EzyFast.
Viar believes that standardization of specific battery types will be a barrier for technology improvement and
innovation, i.e., while standardization removes a certain barrier of battery swap, it can create other long-term
problems of lack of innovation and a decline in cost.
Viar also has a subsidiary for renting electric two-wheelers, called Vrent, operating both as a business–to–business
and business–to–consumer business in JABODETABEK, but mainly in Jakarta with currently 500 e-motorcycles
and e-scooters. Users have to meet a number of requirements to ride the e-motorcycle, i.e., must be at least 17 years
old, have a driving license (in Indonesia called “SIM C”), not exceed the maximum capacity load of the e-motorcycle
(250 kg), use a helmet while riding, and obey the trac rules. The e-motorcycle has an ocial vehicle registration
number released by the Indonesian National Police. E-motorcycles can be rented for 15 minutes (Rp2,500) up
to 1day (Rp50,000). Monthly schemes were introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, at Rp650,000 for
e-scooters and Rp800,000 for the higher-powered version.
G. Satria. 2021. Target Penjualan Gesits 2021, Ikuti Kapasitas Produksi (Gesits Sales Target 2021, Follow Production Capacity). Kompas. 6 April.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Swap Energi
Swap Energi has three business lines related to electric two-wheelers and battery usage:
• As a battery swap service provider for electric two-wheelers, they currently operate in JABODETABEK, but
mainly in Jakarta, their docking station has three battery slots with a 1,000 W power rating.
• As an energy provider, they use battery swap technologies, however this business line is still in the planning
stage and is a part of their expansion plan.
• They are also an electric two-wheeler manufacturer under the brand Smoot (1,500 W unit).
Swap Energi battery is currently only compatible with Smoot, an electric two-wheeler brand under the same
company as a part of its ecosystem. Every purchase of a Smoot e-motorcycle has already included one swap battery
inside. Expanding the compatibility to other manufacturers is part of their expansion plan. Every battery has an ID
number and is integrated with the Swap App using internet-of-things technology to maintain its condition. It also
has a BMS to avoid battery damage from overcharging and overheating.
Swap Energi oers dierent subscription packages: Rp20,000 per 100 km (valid for 30 days), Rp45,000 per
250km (valid for 60 days), and Rp80,000 per 500 km (valid for 60 days). This means that the tari per km with
battery swap scheme is Rp160–200 (this is less than the gasoline cost per kilometer for a typical motorcycle, which
amounts to around Rp200; however, the e-motorcycle is, at 1,500 W, not identical to a gasoline motorcycle in terms
of power and speed).
Swap Energi’s expansion plans for docking stations are listed in Table 23. The e-motorcycle production capacity is
planned to be expanded from 3,000 units in 2021 to 50,000 units in 2025 and 400,000 units by 2030.
Astra Honda Motor
Astra Honda Motor is a market leader in the motorcycle industry in Indonesia. As of 2020, Astra Honda Motor sold
± 3 million units of ICE motorcycles. Astra Honda Motor currently has the PCX Hybrid electric vehicle (1,400 W)
and the Honda PCX electric vehicle (4,200 W). The Honda PCX electric vehicle is not yet commercially available.
Currently, Astra Honda Motor does not have a specific road map for e-motorcycles in their production line as they
are more in a wait-and-see position. Astra Honda Motor can currently manufacture 3,000 Honda PCX Hybrid
electric vehicles per year.
Table : Docking Station Plans Swap Energi
Docking Stations   
JABODETABEK, Bandung 500 4,000 10,000
Bali, Surabaya, Jogjakarta 0 2,500 8,000
Indonesia 500 6,500 18,000
Source: Swap Energi.
9.  Electric Motorcycle Charging Systems
for Indonesia
In Chapter6, motorcycle usage was divided into private usage (e-motorcycle users and students with electric
scooters) and commercial usage; the latter can be divided into passenger and goods transport. Within passenger
transport, ride-hailing (i.e., taxi) services constitute an important part of the national system. Scooter rental
services are important in tourism sites such as Bali. Goods transport includes courier services, food, grocery,
and other deliveries.
Battery swapping is not standardized yet. This can cause issues if dierent types of batteries are not compatible
with dierent swap stations. Swapping infrastructure could be standardized on a national level; like the known
AA-size “penlight” cell, this standard size could be produced by many manufacturing companies. This could be
an opportunity for the Government of Indonesia, since the swapping concept is at its nascent stage. Taipei,China
followed a dierent route: they picked Gogoro over other electric scooter brands to collaborate on battery swap
stations, thereby promoting a private brand as the de facto standard of battery swapping in the country. However,
this did not work since KYMCO is currently putting up dierent swapping stations not compatible with the
Gogoro units. Drawbacks regarding standardization are that the competition around battery performance could
be hampered. Without standardization, local fleet operations can team up with a swap infrastructure company.
Because service companies have a limited geographical service area, the swapping infrastructure can focus on
this area and expand from there. Lack of standardization is therefore not considered to be a major impediment to
e-motorcycle and swapping station deployment.
9.1 Battery Swapping Infrastructure
This section presents scenarios for the deployment of swapping stations that match the electric vehicle projections
of Table 20 based on a regulatory scenario. It is assumed that 90% of all e-motorcycles are for private usage and
10% are for commercial usage. Commercial e-motorcycles are assumed to have at least two batteries on board and
private ones, on average, have only one. Commercial users would then swap batteries once or twice a day while also
charging at home or at the nighttime destination. It is assumed that private users, in general, charge the battery at
home or use destination charging, i.e., the usage of swapping stations of private users would be limited. At swapping
stations, it is assumed that the user immediately receives a fully charged equivalent battery, i.e., the battery received
needs to be identical to the battery turned over. This allows the driver to continue their journey and also avoids
having to return to the station to recover the charged battery.
Inside the swap station, the recharging time is assumed to be 1hour or less, so each dock in the station can give a full
battery every hour. This means that the maximum number of batteries that can be serviced equals the number of
batteries inside the swap station multiplied by the number of hours per day the station is operational (e.g., 16hours
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
from 6a.m. to 10p.m.). It is further assumed that swapping stations have a minimum of 10 docking stations,
i.e., they could serve around 100 batteries per day (Table 24). Swapping stations with 20 slots would serve around
200batteries per day, which is a comparable number to Taipei,China.
With these assumptions, the number of swap stations needed for a certain number of electric vehicles in an area
can be calculated. Furthermore, the distance between swap stations must not be too large for general users. Initially,
it makes sense to focus on fleet operations in a limited area to have the electric vehicles with swappable batteries
circle around the swap station(s) that would be located more or less in the center of the fleet delivery area. When
many swap stations are available, it makes sense to have a typical distance between swap stations of around 5–6km
resulting in around 9 km
of capture area per swapping station.
This would mean that a rider can start looking for a
swap station when the motorcycle's battery is at 10%–20%.
At a certain level of electric vehicle and corresponding swap station deployment, the theoretical average distance
between swap stations could become relatively small (e.g., less than 3km). In that case, it would be logical to group
swap stations together in one location with a larger number of docks. However, if batteries are not standardized—
which resembles the most probable case—multiple swapping stations with dierent battery types can be located at
the same site. For modelling purposes, a scenario with “standardized” battery sets and one with non-standardized
battery sets is assumed. For the latter, it is assumed that three dierent battery types for swapping are oered.
With 6 km between each station, the capture area is roughly 9 km
This swapping area coincides with that defined by EzyFast.
Table : General Assumptions for Swapping and Charging Infrastructure
Parameter Commercial Usage Private Usage
Number of batteries per e-motorcycle 2 1
Distance driven daily (km) 80 46
Specific energy usage (kWh/km) 0.025 0.025
Battery useable capacity (kWh/battery) 1 1
Battery swaps per day per motorcycle (swaps/day/motorcycle) 1.5 0
Charging power per battery (kW) 1
Slots/docks at swap station 10
Station number of operating hours (hour) 16
Average recharge time per battery (hour) 1
Station capacity (slots x operating hours) 160
Projected station utilization 60%
Projected number of battery swaps per station per day 96
Calculated e-motorcycles attended per day
(e-motorcycles) 64
km = kilometer, kW = kilowatt, kWh = kilowatt-hour.
Private users are assumed to charge in general at home or use destination charging.
Average value assuming same motorcycle swaps 2x battery.
Source: Grütter Consulting and Det norske veritas.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Systems for Indonesia
Swapping Infrastructure in JABODETABEK
Table 25 shows general features relevant for the swapping infrastructure in JABODETABEK.
Table 26 shows the required number of swapping stations and the service area they would have to attend to.
The service area is inversely correlated to the number of e-motorcycles, i.e., the more e-motorcycles circulate,
the smaller the service area that each swapping station must cover.
Eventually, the number of service stations will be less but with more slots. From the data on Table 26, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
• Initially the swapping stations will require a focus on a certain geographic area. If initially the focus is
on Central Jakarta the service area by 2025 would be less than 2 km
for the two scenarios assuming
standardized batteries and less than 5 km
assuming non-standardized batteries.
• With non-standardized batteries, only scenario 2 results in a sucient density of swapping stations by 2025.
Table : Overview JABODETABEK
Parameter   
7,000 km
of which DKI Jakarta 660 km
Projected inhabitants 38million 41 million 42million
Total number of motorcycles, of which 10% are commercial 18 million 18million 18 million
Number of e-motorcycles
• BAU scenario
• Scenario 1: RUEN / DEN with subsidies
• Scenario 2: GSE with regulations
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
I. F. Robbany, A. Gharghi, K-P. Traub. 2019. Land Use Change Detection and Urban Sprawl Monitoring in Metropolitan Area of Jakarta
(JABODETABEK) from 2001 to 2015. KnE Engineering. 10.18502/keg.v4i3.5862.
Source: Grütter Consulting; for number of e-motorcycles per scenario, see Table 20.
Table : Scenarios for  in JABODETABEK
Parameter BAU
Scenario : RUEN–
Scenario : Scenario
Number of e-motorcycles 7,000 300,000 1,690,000
Total number of battery swaps per day 1,050 45,000 254,000
Number of swap stations 11 470 2,640
Service area per swap station “standardized” 640 km
15 km
2.7 km
Service area per swap station “non-standardized” 1,914 km
45 km
8 km
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and Bekasi, km
= square kilometer, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Note: Non-standardized assuming three battery types; based on stations with 10 slots
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Initially, the focus could thus be on DKI Jakarta getting from the start a sucient density of swapping stations and
then expanding to the entire urban zone. Table 27 and Figure 22 detail the annual increase of swapping stations
for scenario 2 (regulatory scenario).
The high initial number of e-motorcycles would be sucient to establish a relatively dense network of swap
stations in DKI Jakarta but not all over JABODETABEK. Without battery standardization, by 2025, the density
would be sucient for the entire region. From there on, it would be expected that the number of swap stations
would not continue to grow much more, i.e., the growth would be more in the number of slots, as this would be
more profitable than expanding the number of stations.
Table : Projected Number of Swapping Stations in JABODETABEK under Scenario 
Parameter         
Total e-motorcycles (thousand) 116 403 1,022 1,690 2,556 3,648 4,911 6,276 7,847
Swapping stations standardized 181 629 700 700 700 700 700 700 700
Area per swap station standardized (km
) 39 11 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
Swapping stations non standardized 181 629 1,596 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100
Area per swap station non-standardized (km
) 116 33 13 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, km
= square kilometer.
Note: This is based on stations with 10 slots; minimum service area 10 km
, i.e., if the area drops below this threshold value, the number of
slots is increased per swapping station and not the number of swapping stations.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Figure : Projected Service Area per Swap Station
with Non-Standardized Batteries, JABODETABEK
Area Covered per Swap Station
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Scenario 2 Minimum DensityScenario 1
DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and
Bekasi, km
= square kilometer, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Scenario: 1 RUEN / DEN with subsidies; Scenario 2: GSE with regulations; minimum density 10 km
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Systems for Indonesia
The number of required swap stations under a model of standardized batteries is significantly smaller and would
reach the required density quicker. However, the probability of achieving such a standardization is limited as
market players prefer to push their technologies and standardization would require same type batteries, which
also influences the design of the motorcycle.
Under scenario 1, with financial incentives, the number of e-motorcycles would be much lower, resulting in a
sucient density of swapping stations by around 2026–2028 assuming standardized and non-standardized
batteries, which, in eect, means that charging stations need to be subsidized under that scenario (compare with
Figure 25). Scenario 2, with regulations, has a clear advantage in terms of density of swapping stations but, more
importantly, does not require a politically and economically dicult standardization of battery types.
Swapping Infrastructure in Bali
Table 28 shows general features relevant for the swapping infrastructure in Bali.
Table 29 shows the required number of swapping stations and their service area they would have to attend to.
Table : Overview of Bali
Parameter   
Bali land area
5,800 km
, of which Kota Denpasar 124 km
Projected inhabitants 4.5million 4.7 million 4.9million
Tourists on island during peak time 0.1 million 0.1 million 0.1 million
Total number of motorcycles, of which 10% are
commercial and 25,000 for rent
4.2 million 4.3million 4.3 million
Number of e-motorcycle
• BAU scenario
• Scenario 1: RUEN / DEN with subsidies
• Scenario 2: GSE with regulations
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, km
= square kilometer, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Encyclopaedia Brittanica. "Bali." (accessed 21 February 2022).
Source: Grütter Consulting; for the number of e-motorcycles per scenario, see Table 21.
Table : Scenarios for  in Bali
Parameter BAU
Scenario : RUEN -
DEN / subsidies
Scenario : Scenario GSE
/ regulations
Number of e-motorcycles 2,000 70,000 400,000
Total number of battery swaps per day 250 11,000 60,000
Number of swap stations 3 110 620
Service area per swap station “standardized” 2,240 km
52 km
9 km
Service area per swap station “non-standardized” entire Bali 160 km
28 km
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, km
= square kilometer, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Source: Grütter Consulting and Det Norske Veritas.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
From the data on Table 29, the following conclusions can be drawn:
• Initially, the swapping stations will require a focus on a certain geographic area. If initially the focus is on Kota
Denpasar, the service area by 2025 would be less than 2 km
for the two scenarios assuming standardized
batteries, and less than 10 km
assuming non-standardized batteries.
• With non-standardized batteries only, scenario 2 can result in a sucient density of swapping stations in the
medium term.
Initially, the focus could thus be on Kota Denpasar getting a sucient density of swapping stations from the start
and then expanding to the entire island. Table 30 and Figure 23 detail the annual increase of swapping stations for
scenario 2 (regulatory scenario).
Table : Projected Number of Swapping Stations in Bali under Scenario 
Parameter         
Total e-motorcycles (thousands) 27 95 241 399 603 860 1,158 1,480 1,851
Swapping stations standardized 43 148 376 580 580 580 580 580 580
Area per swap station standardized (km
) 136 39 15 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
Swapping stations non standardized 43 148 376 623 942 1,344 1,740 1,740 1,740
Area per swap station non-standardized (km
) 407 117 46 28 18 13 <10 <10 <10
= square kilometer.
Note: This is based on stations with 10 slots; minimum service area 10km
, i.e., if the area drops below this threshold value, the number of slots
is increased per swapping station and not the number of swapping stations.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Figure : Projected Service Area per Swap Station with No Standardization, Bali
2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Scenario 2
Minimum DensityScenario 1
DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, km
= square kilometer, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Scenario 1: RUEN--DEN with subsidies.
Scenario 2: GSE with regulations.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Systems for Indonesia
Figure: Typical Charging Profile of Swap Station with  Docks of  kW Each
Charge power
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hour of the day
Power Power_
kW = kilowatt.
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
The initial number of e-motorcycles would not establish a relatively dense network of swap stations sucient
for the requirements. However, the focus could be initially on Kota Denpasar. This means that, at the start,
focus should be given to the main towns, and to the touristic areas to have sucient stations in these places.
This would also match two important touristic uses of the wheelers: ride-hailing and rental. Without battery
standardization, an island-wide sucient density could be reached around 2028. Under scenario 1, with financial
incentives, the number of e-motorcycles would be much lower resulting in a sucient density of swapping
stations only after 2030 (compare with Figure 23). The graph only shows the stations as per 2025 onwards. Prior
to 2025, no sucient density can be achieved with either scenario without focusing on certain regions of Bali.
Scenario 2 with regulations allowing for a quick increase of e-motorcycles thus has a clear advantage in terms
of density of swapping stations but, more importantly, does not require a politically and economically dicult
standardization of battery types.
Expected Usage Pattern of a Swapping Station
It is assumed that most of the battery swapping will take place during the day, e.g., between 6a.m. and 10p.m.
The average charging time of the batteries inside the swap station is assumed to be 1hour, so every dock of
the station can make oneswap per hour. If all 10docks are continuously used for 16hours, 160swaps can be
made per day. Assuming a utilization of 60%, this is almost 100swaps. This would also mean a consistently high
charging power close to the maximum of 10docks times 1kW, i.e., 10kW. A typical charging profile of one larger
swap station with 20 docks could look like the pattern in Figure 24.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Safety Aspects
A swapping station needs to be a safe installation on dierent aspects:
• Mechanical. The integrity of the swap station should be checked regularly, which can be done by the owner
or operator of the site where it is located, with users reporting damage by an app or by phone.
• Electrical. Electrical safety must be maintained by a service team at least once per year. The station design
should include protection against over-current, short-circuit, and electric shock.
• Thermal. Overheating of a battery or charger may lead to fire. Also, a temperature below 40°C is best for
battery longevity. Therefore, cooling of the batteries in the swap station is recommended. It is also advised
to have a fire extinguisher (CO
or water) at the swap station.
• Safety. A first-aid kit would be handy for personal injuries.
Business Models
The peer companies investigated, like Gogoro and Sun Mobility, use a subscription model for the battery and
the swapping service. Furthermore, the electricity for the battery recharge must be paid separately, e.g., through
credits on the subscription card (uploaded by the rider). As a big advantage to electric vehicle riders or owners,
they do not need to buy the electric vehicle batteries. Moreover, the risk of a failed battery is borne by the swap
operator: if something is wrong with the battery, the rider can just swap it for a healthy one. If this is not the case,
then the swapping company will have to charge a base swapping fee, including electricity cost. A typical swap
cost for a motorcycle battery is around Rp8,000.
Around Rp1,000 is due to the electricity cost and Rp7,000
due to the swapping cost. For owners of motorcycles, it is clear that home charging is more profitable than battery
swapping. Private users will only use battery swapping when they ride for longer distances. For most owners, this
will still be a better option than purchasing an additional battery (investment of Rp4–5 million). For commercial
users, two batteries in general will be purchased. They will have agreements with battery swap stations or even
their own battery swapping sites. Also, substantial charging can be done at the premises of the service company,
especially if the latter is related to courier or postal services with sites where parcels are picked up once or twice
per day.
Swapping stations can be automated like the stations of Gogoro or, at a lower investment cost, be located within
a small shop as an additional business. This reduces overhead costs considerably.
9.2 Battery Charging Infrastructure
This section presents scenarios for the deployment of charging stations or chargers that match the electric
vehicle projections. For two-wheelers, both home and destination charging are considered. If there are many
electric two-wheelers in the future, parking areas with many chargers will be needed. In this report, a maximum of
1,000 chargers per parking area is assumed. Of course, charging locations with fewer chargers will also exist.
Based on EzyFast with Rp800 per 10% discharge of battery; Swap Energi charges Rp160–200 per kilometer, which amounts to Rp80,000–10,000
pre-swapped, based on a 50-kilometer range of a battery.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Systems for Indonesia
For the scenario analysis, charging locations of various sizes are assumed. The maximum power of each charger
is assumed to be 1kW, so the maximum charging power at a certain location is equal to the number of chargers
multiplied by 1kW. In many cases, the charging power may be an issue for the local grid connection. Therefore,
it is assumed that all chargers can reduce the power in case of grid constraints (smart charging), and that all
chargers at a location can share the available grid power (smart charging or load balancing). It is assumed that
charging control is part of the charge point (Mode3 charging), or built in the electric vehicle cable, i.e., an in-cable
control box (Mode2 charging; Table 31).
It is assumed that an electric vehicle will start charging when it is connected to the charger. The smart charger
will then control the power level. Typical charging power profiles during a day are shown in Figures 25, 26, and 27.
Important aspects are therefore
• Home charging will primarily occur in the evening or at night (Figure 25).
• Small-sized area charging will mainly occur in the daytime (Figure 26).
• Medium- and large-sized area charging will occur during the entire day (Figure 27).
Table : Potential Size of Charging Locations
Charging location (examples) Number of Chargers
Maximum Charging Power
Home 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5
Small parking area (oce, workplace) 10 10
Medium parking area (business area) 100 100
Large parking area (shopping mall, university) 1,000 1,000
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
Figure: Indicative Charging Pattern for Home Charging
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hour of the day
Home Power_
Charge power
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
The capacity of the electric vehicle battery is set at 1kWh. Generally, the electric vehicle will be charged partly at
home and partly at the destination. This means that a charging session at full power will last less than 1 hour. With
reduced power, the charging session may take several hours. Reduced-power charging is a good strategy for home
charging, where the grid connection power may be limited. In that case, the charging can take all night, as long
Figure: Indicative Charging Pattern for Small Area Charging
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hour of the day
Small Power_ mmax
Charge power
Note: Small area charging is for a maximum of 10 chargers.
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
Figure: Indicative Charging Pattern for Medium- to Large-Sized Area Charging
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hour of the day
Charge power
Note: Medium- or large-sized area charging is for 100 to 1,000 chargers.
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Systems for Indonesia
as the e-motorcycle is fully charged in the morning. At the destination, it may not be necessary that the electric
vehicle is fully charged, as long as there is enough charge for the next ride. Of course, when not enough chargers
are available, this can become a problem, so the number of chargers must be sucient to serve all electric
vehicles, but there is no need to have one charger for each. With low numbers of electric vehicles, the number of
chargers is relatively high; with high numbers of electric vehicles, the number of chargers can be much lower.
The geographical distribution of charger locations is dierent than the spread of swap stations. Electric vehicle
charging is done while working or doing other business. Stations need not be distributed in a fine mesh. On the
other hand, it is important that sucient chargers are available at a certain location, especially at popular sites.
Regarding the chargers needed, in the first year with a small number of electric vehicles, the number would
be almost equal to that. In later years, the number of chargers is estimated to be approximately one-tenth the
number of electric vehicles.
In a massive deployment of electric vehicle chargers, vehicles will be grouped in the
stations. These stations could have 10, 100, or even 1,000 chargers at a single location, as previously explained.
The overall projected numbers of chargers for two-wheelers in JABODETABEK and Bali in 2025 are shown in Table 32.
Safety aspects for a charger location are the same as for swapping stations.
Estimate by DNV; this was also mentioned in discussions with PLN.
Table : Number of Chargers in JABODETABEK and Bali in  for E-Motorcycle Scenarios
Scenario : RUEN -
DEN / subsidies
Scenario : Scenario
GSE / regulations
Number of e-motorcycle 7,000 300,000 1,690,000
Number of e-motorcycle private usage (90%) 6,300 270,000 1,520,000
Number of chargers 630 27,000 152,000
Number of e-motorcycle 1,700 700,000 400,000
Number of e-motorcycle private usage (90%) 1,500 490,000 360,000
Number of chargers (#e-motorcycle/10) 150 49,000 36,000
BAU = business as usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = Grand Strategy for Energy, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and Bekasi, RUEN = National Energy Plan.
Source: Grütter Consulting, Det Norske Veritas.
10. Grid Impacts
This chapter provides an overview of the impact of charging e-motorcycles on the power system, including
generation, transmission networks, distribution networks, and network connections (Figure 28).
The chapter will be structured around four typical charging locations:
• Large charging sites. These are sites with 1,000 chargers with a typical connection power of 1,000kW.
• Medium-sized charging sites. These can be located in shops or shopping malls with 50–100 chargers with
a typical connection power of 50–100kW.
• Swapping stations. These are stand-alone stations with 10–30 battery chargers with a typical connection
power of 15–40kW.
• Home charging. Typically one or more two-wheelers charged from home connections.
Figure : Simplified Overview of Power System and Connection Level of Charging Sites
Large charging site
via dedicated transformer
Medium-sized charging site
Battery swapping station
Home charging
Transmission networks
500kV and 150 kV
Distribution networks
20 kV
Distribution networks
230/400 V
Household connections
kV = kilovolt, V = volt.
Note: This overview only indicates the elements that are relevant for connecting chargers for e-motorcycles.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Grid Impacts
The left-hand side of Figure 31 shows a simplified overview of the power system in Indonesia and, more
specifically, in the subsystem of Java and Bali. The generation of electricity (A) is dominated by centrally
located large power plants that generate most of the power in Java and Bali. The centrally generated electricity
is transported by 500-kilovolt and 150-kilovolt transmission networks (B) to the load areas, including
In 150/20-kilovolt substations (C), the electricity is transformed to 20 kilovolts (kV)
and accordingly distributed via underground 20-kilovolt distribution networks (e.g., in the center of Jakarta) or
overhead 20-kilovolt distribution networks (e.g., in outskirts of Jakarta and Bali) (D) to 20-kilovolt/400-volt
transformers that transform the electricity to 400V (E).
Then, 400-volt underground cables or overhead lines
(F) distribute the power accordingly to the household customers (G). Section 11.1 describes the impact of the
charging e-motorcycles on the dierent parts of the network.
The right-hand side of Figure 31 indicates at which level the four types of charging locations will be connected
to the power system. Large charging sites (1) will typically connect via one or more dedicated transformers
connected to the 20-kilovolt feeders. Medium-sized charging sites and battery swapping stations (2 and 3) will
be connected directly to the low voltage grid (400V). Home chargers (4) may connect to a normal power point
behind the household power connection. Section 0 discusses these connections.
10.1  Impact of Charging Electric Motorcycles
on the Power System
Because of the largely central generation in the power system on Java and Bali, charging of e-motorcycles
will typically increase the load on all parts of the power system. After first discussing the impact on electricity
demand, the sections below will therefore discuss the impact on electricity generation plant, transmission
networks, and distribution networks.
Electricity Supply
Table 33 shows e-motorcycles’ projected electricity demand from scenario 2.
There is currently no 500-kilovolt transmission network to Bali. Bali is only connected by 150-kilovolt transmission lines. A 500-kilovolt line
between Java and Bali is being planned.
In this document, low-voltage networks are referred to as 400-volt networks, which is the nominal phase-to-phase voltage in Indonesia. This 400-
volt phase-to-phase voltage aligns with the 230-volt (phase-to-neutral) voltage that is applied in (single phase) household connections.
Table : Projected Electricity Usage of E-Motorcycles with Regulatory Interventions
Area         
Indonesia 304 1,054 2,676 4,427 6,696 9,555 12,864 16,437 20,553
JABODETABEK 43 148 376 622 940 1,342 1,806 2,308 2,886
Bali 10 35 89 147 222 316 426 544 681
GWh = gigawatt-hour, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
According to PLN’s long-term demand forecasts for 2022 to 2028, the electricity sales in Indonesia increase
6%–7% per year. Figure 29 compares this increase with the additional electricity sales caused by charging
e-motorcycles in Indonesia according to scenario 2 with regulatory interventions. The figure shows that the
impact on the total sales increase is relatively small. However, by the end of the decade, more than 4% of the
electricity sold by PLN in Indonesia may be used for e-motorcycle charging.
Generation Capacity
Figure 30 compares the projected generation capacity in the Bali and Java power system (blue lines) and the
forecasted peak demand (red line). The figure shows that the expected increase of the peak demand until at least
2025 is similar to the increase of generation capacity.
Reserve Margin and Peak Power
Figure 31 shows the reserve margin, which is the dierence between the total installed generation capacity and
the peak demand. The reserve margin provides an easy-to-understand indicator that shows the adequacy of
power generation capacity.
Setting the target for a reserve margin depends on many issues such as generation
type and is dierent for each power system. The figure shows that, at least until 2026, the reserve margin is quite
high. This is due to an overestimated load increase in the previous decade being followed up by a large generation
development program.
It is noted that reserve margin is a simplified parameter that does not cover complexity such as availability of water for hydro plants or dierences
between plants.
Figure : Electricity Usage of E-Motorcycles for Scenario  and Forecasted Total Electricity
Sales in Indonesia
0.2% 0.7%
1.1% 1.5%
Electricity sales (Indonesia) Electricity Usage of Electric MCs with Regulatory Interventions
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
a = ampere, GWh = gigawatt-hour, MC = motorcycle.
Sources: Government of Indonesia, Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL), 2019 (National Electricity Supply Business
Plan), Grütter Consulting.
Grid Impacts
Figure : Net Peak Demand Projections Compared with Generation in the Power System
of Bali and Java
Net Peak Demand Total Existing, Ongoing and Committed generation capacity
Total Existing, Ongoing and Committed, Planned generation capacity
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
+1.8% +1.1%
2025 2026 2027 2028
MW = megawatt.
Source: Government of Indonesia, Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL), 2019 (National Electricity Supply Business Plan).
Figure : Reserve Margin for Bali and Java
Reserve Margin Total Existing, Ongoing and Committed
Reserve Margin Total Existing, Ongoing, Committed, Planned
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Source: Government of Indonesia, Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL), 2019 (National Electricity Supply Business Plan).
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Although the generation capacity in the Java/Bali system should be sucient to facilitate the small impact of
demand by e-motorcycles until 2025, the reserve margins drop after 2025. To prevent reserve margins being
below the target, in 2027–2028, additional generation plants may need to come online. Charging an electric
vehicle can reduce its impact on the need for additional generation capacity by limiting its contribution to the
load peak. Hence, if possible, charging should take place outside the hours that the electricity demand is at
its peak, which, in Jakarta, is around noon and during the evening in Bali. PLN’s initiatives in “smart charging”
(Box1) for four-wheelers are therefore of large importance for reducing the necessity of new generation plants
or replacing plants in (especially) the next decade. The same may apply for e-motorcycles. In section 11.3, smart
charging is discussed for the dierent charging sites.
Transmission Networks
Transmission networks transport electricity in bulk from the large generation plants to the load centers.
Transmission networks are characterized by long overhead power lines and large substations. Planning and
realization of these power lines and substations typically take 5 to 10 years. Consequently, transmission systems
should be planned well in advance and based on a long-term demand and generation forecast (Map 1).
JABODETABEK and Bali are connected to the transmission network of the Java/Bali power system. This
transmission network consists of overhead lines measuring hundreds of kilometers. JABODETABEK is connected
with both 500-kilovolt and 150-kilovolt lines. In the central Jakarta area, underground 150-kilovolt cables
transport the electricity in bulk to the dense load centers. Bali is only connected with 150-kilovolt lines, although
a 500-kilovolt connection is penciled in PLN’s plans.
Map : Java-Bali Electricity Transmission Map
Note: blue line = existing 500kV transmission, and dashed line = planned transmission.
Source: M. R. Abdullah. 2020. Averting Another 8 Hours of Dark Ages. Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center. 15 June. https://www.
Grid Impacts
Simultaneous with increasing generation capacity, PLN is reinforcing the transmission network that connects the
generation plant with the distribution networks in JABODETABEK and Bali. In 2019, PLN realized investments
that increase the total Indonesian substation capacity by 17,674 megavolt-amperes and completed 6,222 km of
transmission lines.
The investment value in the Indonesian transmission systems in 2019 was Rp39trillion
($2.7 billion). Figure 33 shows the realized and planned capacity of 150-kilovolt transformers that connect the
transmission system with the distribution system. Although the capacity increase in recent years seems to exceed
the increase in generation capacity, in the coming years, the planned transformer capacity increase is lower than
the load increase.
As the additional increase by e-motorcycle load is limited, it may be considered just a small addition to the total
load. However, here the same applies as for generation, which means that if electric vehicles can be charged if the
system is not at its peak, the need for future investments may be reduced.
Distribution Networks
Distribution networks in the Jakarta region mainly consist of 20-kilovolt networks and 400-volt networks
connected to each other by 20kV/400V transformers. The distribution networks consist of both overhead lines
and underground cables. Dierent from transmission networks, distribution networks can be expanded rather
quickly and can rely on a shorter load forecast. In order to keep up with the current demand increase in Indonesia,
PLN is continually investing in new distribution networks and reinforcing existing networks (Figure 33).
PLN. 2019. Memaknai Tantangan, Meningkatkan Layanan: Laporan Tahunan 2019 (Redefining Challenges, Enhancing Services: Annual Report 2019).
Figure : Total -Kilovolt Transformer Capacity Projections, –
Indonesia Jakarta Province Bali Province
+3% +1%
+2% +2%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 20252026 2027 2028
MVA = megavolt-ampere.
Source: Government of Indonesia, Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL), 2019 (National Electricity Supply Business Plan).
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Considering that the expected load of even the large charging sites will not exceed 1,000kW, charging sites will
be connected to the distribution grids and typically directly to the 400V networks. However, large charging sites
may be connected via one or more dedicated transformers to the 20kV network.
On an aggregated level, the load increase in distribution networks caused by charging e-motorcycles will follow
the same path as transmission and generation. However, there may be large dierences between areas with
respect to charging activity and consequently some distribution networks may require more e-motorcycle
charging reinforcements that others. For example, connecting a large charging site with a load of 1megawatt may
well be possible within the reserve margin of typical 20-kilovolt feeders with a capacity of 10megavolt-amperes,
but if several large charging sites will be connected to this feeder, a new one may be required.
On a smaller scale, a similar issue may happen with medium-sized charging sites and swapping stations. Connecting
one or a few of these charging sites to the 400-volt networks will usually not require reinforcements. However, if
several charging sites with a load of 15–100kW will be connected to a 400-volt distribution feeder, the 20kV/400V
transformer with a capacity of 400 kilovolt-amperes (kVA) may become overloaded and new transformers need to be
added to the network.
The need for more 20kV/400V transformers may even be triggered by home chargers, which is likely not
because of the size of their individual load, but because of the number of e-motorcycles that should be charged.
It must be noted that e-motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular and that households may own more than
one e-motorcycle.
Furthermore e-motorcycle owners tend to start home charging when they return from work,
which takes several hours. Consequently, evening loads in distribution networks may increase significantly and
may add to the already high residential load in peak hours.
Based on CLASP/IPSOS 2020 it is estimated that in the entire country, half the households with a power connection up to 1,300 volt-amperes
owns one motorcycle and one-quarter owns two motorcycles.
Figure : Typical Distributions Network for JABODETABEK
20kV feeder (10 MVA)
Feeder to other
150/20kV substation
Connections of other 20kV transformers,
large businesses, small industries and large charging sites
400V feeder
Connections of households, small businesses (up to 100’s per 20kV/400V transformer)
medium-sized charging sites, battery swapping stations
kV = kilovolt, MVA = megavolt-ampere, PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara, (State Electricity Company), V = volt, VA = volt-ampere.
Source: Grütter Consulting, based on information from PLN.
Grid Impacts
To put this in context, the impact on the distribution system cannot be seen separately from the total demand
increase. It is noted that, because of the government’s and PLN’s promotion of electricity use, there will also be an
autonomous growth of the consumption of households by adapting more electrical appliances. Furthermore, it is
anticipated that the impact of electric four-wheelers will add load as well. As the additional loads of e-motorcycles
are small compared to the total load increase, the impact of electrifying two-wheelers will be that reinforcements
will need to be realized earlier than without e-motorcycles. This adds to PLN’s workload and investments in
distribution networks (Rp27trillion/$1.9 billion in 2019 for Indonesia) (footnote 48). Box 2 and Section 11.3 provide
considerations on the use of “smart charging,” aiming for reducing the investments in Indonesia.
Box : An Introduction to Smart Charging
In practice, charging a battery is not always time-critical. For example, when plugging in an e-motorcycle at the oce
in the morning, a commuter may only be interested in a suciently charged battery that allows reaching home in the
afternoon. This provides flexibility in when to charge and with how much power. Implementation of so-called “smart
charging” makes use of this flexibility by adapting charging times and power to the system dynamics.
Many countries that foresee a large increase of electric transport consider the application of smart charging. Its main
characteristic is that the charging process can be adapted in such a way that it reduces the impact of the load to the power
system. In some implementations, smart charging even contributes to the power system needs. The objective of smart
charging is to reduce the power system cost, related both to operational expense by, e.g., charging in hours when electricity
is produced at low cost, and to capital expense by reducing the need for additional investments in generation and
networks. A recent German study suggests that “managed charging” of four-wheelers results in 50% lower reinforcement
cost for distribution networks than “unrestricted charging.
Governments (e.g., the United Kingdom, city of Rotterdam)
support an ecient power system and require the use of smart charging for the charging points that they funded.
Smart charging can be triggered by an incentive that aects a customer’s decision on when to start charging. For
example, a household subject to a time-of-use tari may be eager to start charging in hours with a low tari. The
implementation of these examples may be as simple as using time clocks for starting the charge and/or limiting the
charging power through an adjustable “mode 2” charger.
In a more sophisticated implementation, smart charging may be implemented as a large-scale optimization of many
electric vehicle chargers that considers real-time electricity price (forecasts), network constraints, charge information of
vehicles, etc. In this implementation, continuous communication between a central system and all chargers is required.
The implementation of this kind of smart charging is largely foreseen for four-wheelers that apply “mode 3” chargers.
Although both examples share the same objective to reduce power system cost, the optimizations are on dierent parts of
the power system. More advanced implementations may provide additional features that further optimize the power system.
For example, in some European countries, aggregated portfolios including electric vehicle chargers provide fast-acting
reserves that respond to a failure in the power system, a service that is traditionally provided by a generation plant.
K. Burges. 2020. Infrastructure for Charging Electric Vehicles and Renewables—How Much Do We Need to invest? Presentation at
the 4th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium. 3 November.
Government of the United Kingdom. 2018. Government Funded Electric Car Chargepoints To Be Smart by July 2019. 14 December.; Government of
Rotterdam. 2021. 1,500 Nieuwe Laadpunten Voor Elektrische Auto’s in Rotterdam (1,500 New Charging Points for Electric Cars in
Rotterdam). 8 April.
TenneT. 2018. End Report FCR Pilot: Just A Matter of Balance. 28 June.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
10.2 Connections
This section describes the connections of the dierent charging sites and their impact on the grid.
Connections for Large Charging Sites
The connection of large charging sites (1,000 chargers, 1,000kW) will typically take place via one or more
dedicated transformers connected to the 20-kilovolt feeders. This connection may be realized in a compact
substation, which is a small building that includes a transformer, switchgear, electrical protection, and metering
equipment. In general, PLN should be able to realize a connection for the chargers within their target of 75 days.
Within this time, PLN needs to identify a 20-kilovolt feeder with sucient capacity, cut this cable, and install
the compact station and a connection cable. If there is insucient capacity, it may be necessary to install new
20-kilovolt feeders from the 150/20kV substation.
Box : Smart Charging in Indonesia
For household and business customers who own electric four-wheelers, the State Electricity Company (PLN)
introduced a discounted o-peak tari for additional electricity consumption between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. PLN also
developed a smart charging system in which the home chargers communicate with a central system. A smartphone app
takes care of charging control by the customer and providing information to the customer. PLN’s objectives with this
initiative include supporting the government program to accelerate the use of electric vehicles and obtaining data on
the charging behavior of electric four-wheeler owners.
For e-motorcycles, PLN does not consider smart charging. As discussed, the additional load by e-motorcycles is
only a small share of the total load increase. However, since it adds to the load, it may also add to the peak load and
consequently require investments in the power system. To put this in perspective, a comparison is made with the
year 2019 in which the sales in electricity increased by 12.3 TWh/year. To catch-up with the demand increase, PLN
required investments in the power system of Rp105trillion in 2019.
Although not all of these investments were
related to keep up with the load increase, it may be assumed that a significant portion of them were. In scenario 2,
the e-motorcycle charging load will increase to 21TWh/year in 2030, i.e., more than the load increase in 2019. It
may therefore be concluded that, without smart charging, e-motorcycle charging may require investments of around
Rp100 trillion ($7 billion). This figure provides an indication of the potential investment savings of e-motorcycle smart
charging for Indonesia. It may therefore be considered to implement some kind of smart charging for e-motorcycles
as well. Section 11.3 therefore also includes smart charging possibilities for the dierent sites and the mitigating impact
on the load of dierent parts of the power system.
PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State Electricity Company), TWh = terawatt-hour.
  PLN. 2020. Memaknai Tantangan, Meningkatkan Layanan: Laporan Tahunan 2019 (Redefining Challenges, Enhancing Services:
Annual Report 2019).
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Grid Impacts
Chapter 9 shows that large charging sites are mainly operated during the day and hardly during the night.
However, at many of these charging stations, for example, at sites where commuters are working the entire day,
there is no need to charge the battery as fast as possible but should only be completed by the end of the working
day. This would provide the flexibility to distribute the charging load over the day instead of creating a peak in the
morning hours when people plug in their e-motorcycles.
This can be achieved by smart charging (Box 1). In this case, smart charging may be as simple as choosing for
a lower installed capacity of each of the chargers at the site. By using, for example, 300 W chargers instead of
1kW chargers, the charging load may be spread out over the day. Accordingly, the peak load for 1,000 chargers
is reduced from 1,000kW to 300kW. This would reduce the need for dedicated 20-kilovolt to 400-volt
transformers from three 400kVA transformers to only one 400kVA transformer. Similarly, fewer reinforcements
in the 20kV distribution network may be required.
A more advanced implementation of smart charging may be by centrally controlling (groups of) charging sites.
Dierent from the first implementation, this implementation could also actively reduce the contribution of the
chargers to system peaks, e.g., at midday in JABODETABEK. By doing this, the benefits for the power system are
further increased, but so are the implementation costs and complexities.
It is further noted that the impact of smart charging of even a large charging site (1–2megawatts) may seem to
be small. However, it needs to be considered that, according to scenario 2, up to 50 million e-motorcycles can
connect in 2030 to thousands of large charging sites. In that case, the figures grow to thousands of megawatts,
which is in the same order of magnitude to the size of a large generation plant.
Connections for Medium-sized Charging Sites and Battery Swapping Stations
Medium-sized charging sites (50–100 chargers) and battery swapping stations (10–30 chargers) will be connected
directly to PLN’s low voltage grid (400V). In practice, this may require extensions to these 400-volt networks and,
in some cases, reinforcements of the 20kV/400V transformers and 400-volt cables as previously discussed.
The potential for smart charging for medium-sized charging stations used by commuters is similar to the
potential for large charging stations and may be worth exploring. The potential of smart charging for other
medium-sized charging stations may be limited though. For example, at shopping centers or at other sites where
people reside only for a short period of time, there is little flexibility to shift the charging time. However, in theory,
it would be feasible to implement price dierentiation or (fixed) hours with limited availability of charge.
As shown in Chapter 9, swapping stations will operate continuously between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. A battery will
start charging immediately after plugging in so that it can be fully charged as soon as possible, typically within
1 hour. Consequently, the required power for the swapping station will be constantly high during the day and
evening and low at night. Because of this load pattern, there is only limited flexibility for postponing charging.
However, since the battery swapping stations will be highly IT-driven, connected in real time with central IT
systems and with operators that will likely operate many swapping stations, the cost for smart charging may be
limited as well. Consequently, if the right incentives are in place (e.g., time of use tari), there may be a business
case for smart charging.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Household Connection
PLN oers dierent standard household connections. While historically the smallest connection of 450VA
was the choice of most household customers, in recent years many customers upgraded to 900VA, 1,300VA,
2,200VA, 3,500–5,500VA or >6,600VA.
Figure 34 shows that in 2021, approximately three-fourths of the
customers in Jakarta and Bali had a connection capacity of not more than 1,300kVA.
In 2018, household customers had an average power consumption of 4 kWh/customer/ day (footnote 48). PLN’s
“Electrifying Life Style” Program aims to increase the use of electricity in daily life to optimize PLN’s available
capacity and to use more environmentally friendly electrical equipment. This program includes discounted fees
for connection capacity upgrades for users of electric stoves and electric vehicles.
An e-motorcycle battery charger for household use will usually connect to a normal power point behind
the household power connection and typically has a capacity of up to 1 kW. Particularly for households with
a connection capacity of 450VA and 900VA, the charging load may exceed the connection capacity. For
connections with a capacity up to 1,300VA, charging load may compete with other household appliances that
require similar amounts of power. This may be especially the case during the residential peak load periods in the
evening and if a household owns more than one e-motorcycle that needs to be charged.
Government of Indonesia, MEMR. 2019. Regulation No. 19 of 2019 Concerning the Third Amendment to MEMR Regulation No. 28 of 2016
Concerning Electricity Taris Provided by PLN.
Figure : Distribution of Connection Capacity of PLN Customers in Jakarta and Bali in 
Connection Capacity
450 VA
900 VA
1,300 VA
2,200-5,500 VA
> 5,500 VA
500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
million connections
Jakarta Bali
PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State Electricity Company), VA = Volt-ampere.
Source: PLN.
Grid Impacts
Figure 35 shows several household appliances with connections up to 1,300 VA, including their typical range of
power ratings. The figure shows that the power rating of a two-wheeler charger is in the same range as the power
rating of small (0.5horsepower) air conditioners, rice cookers, washing machines, and irons, for example. However,
e-motorcycle chargers may be applied for more hours per day than most of these appliances. Moreover, there may
be several e-motorcycles per household that need to be charged. The figure also indicates the connection classes
of PLN and shows that, especially for connections of 450VA or 900VA, charging the motorcycle at the same time
as using other electrical appliances may easily overload the connection and consequently trip the main micro circuit
breaker. To prevent this, an upgrade to a higher connection class may be required unless the household is managing
to charge the battery at hours with low electricity consumption, e.g., at night. This may be considered a form of
smart charging, which is discussed below. For households with several e-motorcycles, upgrading to a higher capacity
seems unavoidable, but smart charging could limit the required upgrade.
The connection capacity of many Indonesian households may be especially tight on capacity if charging starts
when e-motorcycles arrive home in the evening when it adds to the already high evening load of households.
Charging e-motorcycles during the evening could therefore increase the peak load of single households and
residential areas. This would likely require an increase of the connection capacity of individual households and
may require reinforcements of networks in residential areas in JABODETABEK and Bali (e.g., more or larger
20kV/400V transformers).
However, home charging is quite flexible. For example, a commuter requires that his e-motorcycle is charged
suciently when he leaves home the next morning. It is not important to this commuter when and with what
power his e-motorcycle is charged. It is this flexibility that provides an opportunity for smart charging. If it would
Figure : Power Ratings of Selected Household Appliances Applied in Indonesia
Air conditioner (0.5 HP)
Electric MC
Rice cooker
Washing machine
Electric fan
Cell phone charger
Connection classes PLN
450 VA 900 VA 1,300 VA
0 500 1,000 1,500 W
HP = horsepower, MC = motorcycle, PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State Electricity Company).
Note: Data applies to Indonesian households with connections up to 1,300 VA related to mostly applied connection classes at
PLN. Volt-ampere diers from watt if the power factor is 1. Since this is in practice not the case, the figure shows a simplification for
illustration purposes.
Source: Based on data from PLN and CLASP/IPSOS 2020.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
be possible to shift the home charging load from the evening to the night, there may be less need to increase
connection capacities or reinforce distribution networks in residential areas.
The term “smart charging” covers a wide range of implementations. Customer-controlled smart charging can be
triggered by incentives that aect a customers decision on when to start charging. In Indonesia, the connection
upgrading fee (about Rp500,000 for upgrading from 900VA to 1,300VA) provides an incentive to reduce the
load peak and consequently avoid the upgrade. Another example of an incentive scheme is a tari system that
provides incentives to reduce the household peak load by a progressive electricity tari ($/kWh) that increases
with the connection capacity. These incentives could lead to household decisions to charge their e-motorcycles
at night. Households could quite easily realize this by applying a time clock on each charger and making sure
that the e-motorcycle batteries are charged when no other applications are used. In addition, they can limit the
charging power through an adjustable “mode 2” charger.
10.3 Quality of Power Supply
Reliability of Power Supply
Increasing power supply reliability is one of the main objectives of PLN and the government. In 2019, the Minister
of Energy and Mineral Resources issued a regulation that provides an incentive to PLN to increase reliability.
This regulation stipulates that PLN is required to pay their customers a compensation payment for each outage,
dependent on the duration of the outage (events of force majeure are exempted).
Government of Indonesia, MEMR. 2019. Permen 18/2019. Jakarta.
Figure : Reliability of Power Supply Indicators SAIDI and SAIFI, –
System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)
hour per year
outage per year
2014 2015 2016
Jakarta Raya Bali Distribution
2017 2018 2019 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Jakarta Raya Bali Distribution
Source: Perusahaan Listrik Negara. Laporan Statistik (Statistics Report). 6 years (2014–2019).
laporan-statistik(accessed 5 June 2021).
Grid Impacts
Since electrical vehicles rely totally on electricity, the reliability of the power supply is important. PLN reports
that their customers in Jakarta faced in 2019 on average 2.4 outages (SAIFI) with a total duration of 9.4 hours
(SAIDI). A significant factor in this figure was the large blackout on 4 August 2019 that lasted for many hours
and aected 22 million customers in the Greater Jakarta area and parts of West and Central Java (footnote 48).
Figure 36 shows that 2018 is a more representative year, when customers in Jakarta were on average without
power for 2.6 hours distributed over 2.2outages. On average, an outage took 72 minutes.
For Bali, the customers were interrupted in 2019 on average for 3.8 hours distributed over 2.6 outages.
On average, an outage took 87 minutes.
Neglecting the large outages, the reported reliability figures should not be an issue for electric two-wheeler charging.
It shall be noted though that large incidents such as the blackout that happened on 4August 2019 may occur
again. In these—hopefully rare—circumstances, it will not be possible to charge e-motorcycles. Additionally,
recovery of the power supply may need to consider that electric vehicle owners want to recharge their batteries
immediately and all at the same time. Centrally controlled smart charging (Box 1) could help PLN in preventing an
immediate overload after recovery of an outage.
Connection Requirements, Standards, and Power Quality
E-motorcycle chargers will only function well if the technical quality of the voltage in the power system—the
so-called power quality—is on a sucient level. The Distribution Code of Indonesia establishes the rules on the
minimum power quality of PLN’s service. On the other hand, vehicle chargers may also impact the quality of
the power system themselves. The Distribution Code therefore also includes requirements for connections and
connected equipment to limit this impact.
Most prominently, chargers may aect the voltage level (i.e., the deviation from the 230V/400V) and harmonic
distortion are aected (Box 3). The Distribution Code includes minimum quality levels for voltage and harmonic
To meet these standards, the distribution code also specifies limits for the impact on harmonic
distortion by connected equipment (Table 34). There are no strict limits on the power factor of equipment,
which aects the voltage level.
However, PLN in practice requires a minimum power factor of 0.85 (lagging),
which should be manageable by the charging sites.
The Distribution Code also refers to Indonesian standards and—where national standards do not exist —to
international standards for connected equipment. The focus of the Directorate General of Electricity (DJK)
is on implementing IEC standards for chargers up to 150kW, standards which are (being) adopted as
Indonesian standards.
Distribution Code CC3.0: Deviation in normal situation not more than -10% or +5% of nominal voltage; Distribution Code CC3.0: 3% in Voltage of
individual harmonics, not more than 5% in total – THD.
However, section SC 2.0 of the Distribution Code stipulates that if the monthly average power factor is less than 0.9 lagging in some classes of
consumers, an excess charge for reactive power is charged according to the tari applicable.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Chargers for e-motorcycles may also result in an asymmetrical load on the power system. However, if battery
swapping stations and large and medium-sized charging sites, which typically have three-phase connections, are
loaded in a balanced way, this issue should, in practice, be limited.
The impact of the chargers on power quality will add to the impact of other equipment, including air conditioners,
chargers, metro, trains, and light rail. A poor power quality may in itself aect the functioning of the equipment,
including chargers. Consequently, PLN shall monitor the power quality in distribution networks. PLN already
monitors the power quality in 150/20 kV substations. It is recommended to extend this measurement program by
also monitoring a sample of 20-kilovolt and 400-volt nodes within dierent distribution networks. By monitoring
several nodes regularly, PLN would gain knowledge on the trend of the voltage quality in their network.
Table : Limit of Harmonic Distortion—Flow in Indonesian Distribution Code CC.
Harmonics Odd, h h h h h h TDD
Harmonic Distortion
-Current (%)
4,0 2,0 1,5 0,6 0,3 5,0
ESDM = Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, h = harmonics Odd, TDD = Total Demand Distortion.
Source: ESDM.
Box : What is Harmonic Distortion?
The voltage in a non-disturbed grid looks like a sine wave, as in the grey line in the picture below. Customer appliances
like classic light bulbs or water heaters (linear loads) do not influence the shape of the wave. Conversely, appliances
that are controlled by electronics, like LED lights and electric vehicle-chargers (nonlinear loads, often including
alternating and direct currency converters) do influence the wave form. In the following figure, the red line shows an
example of resulting harmonic distortion, which looks abnormal compared to the grey sine wave. The more the wave
form diverts from a sine wave, the more the harmonic distortion.
No harmonic distortion Harmonic distortion
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Grid Impacts
10.4 Summary and Conclusion on Grid Impact
Table 35 summarizes the power grid impact of the four types of charging sites.
Table : Impact of Chargers on the Electricity Network
Area Home Charging Swapping Stations
Charging Sites Large Charging Sites
Number of chargers 1–5 10–30 50–100 1,000
Total power of chargers 100–2,500W 15–40kW 50–100kW 1,000kW
Required connection Increase with at least
20–50kVA 60–120kVA 1,200kVA
Typically connected to 400V network
(single phase)
400V network
400V network
20kV network
(via own
Contribution to the system
peak load
(if not controlled by smart
Charging expected
during evening/nights
Charging during the day 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
Impact on system demand In 2030, e-motorcycle charging load may form 4% of PLN’s electricity sales.
Impact on Generation Sucient reserve margin in Java/Bali subsystem until at least 2025. Investments after 2025
may be significantly reduced by smart charging.
Impact on Transmission Grid Large investments in Transmission Grids completed and planned. Investments in future may
be significantly reduced by smart charging.
Impact on distribution grid Investments may be significantly reduced by smart charging.
Realization of Connection New connection may be realized within 75 days
Smart charging – flexibility incentives may help to
shift the peaks to the
Limited flexibility
to shift load
Potential to reduce connection cost and
power system cost by shifting load from peak
Smart charging – potential
Large for connections
and distribution
Large for connections, distribution networks
and generation
Reliability of Supply For Jakarta:
On average, 2.2 outages per year, with approx. 2.6-hour duration
For Bali:
On average, 2.6 outages per year, with approx. 3.8-hour duration
Power Quality Distribution Code rules are in line with international standards
International standards apply
kVA = kilovolt-ampere, kW = kilowatt, PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State Electricity Company), V = volt, W = watt.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Table : Expected Investment Related to Charging Infrastructure for E-Motorcycles in Indonesia
Parameter         
e-motorcycles (million) 0.8 2.9 7.2 12 18 26 35 45 56
Electricity usage (GWh) 304 1,054 2,676 4,427 6,696 9,555 12,864 16,437 20,553
Distribution investment (Rp billion) 700 1,640 2,600 3,190 4,450 5,870 6,990 7,690 8,980
Transmission investment (Rp billion) 0 0 0 0 5,570 7,340 8,740 9,610 11,230
Generation investments (Rp billion) 0 0 0 0 5,320 7,020 8,360 9,190 10,740
Total investments (Rp billion) 700 1,600 2,600 3,200 15,300 20,200 24,100 26,500 31,000
Total investments ($ million) 50 110 180 220 1,070 1,410 1,690 1,850 2,170
GWh = gigawatt-hour, PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State Electricity Company), Rp = Indonesian rupiah.
Source: Grütter Consulting; based on PLN Annual Report 2019 and assumption that 80% of investments in 2018 and 2019 were for system
expansion (6% for transmission and generation, sales increase for distribution).
10.5 Investments Required
Table 36 provides an estimate on investment costs for upgrading the power system that are required to serve
the additional load of e-motorcycles. It is not expected that upgrades in generation and transmission,
in addition to the already planned reinforcement, will be required until 2025. Furthermore, the related investment
cost may be significantly reduced by applying smart charging. The investment levels are to be understood as
initial approximation to indicate the order of magnitude.
11. Reusing and Recycling Battery
In the transition to electric mobility around the world, one of the main concerns is the use of batteries once they
have reached the end of their useful life in the vehicle. This is a valid concern as most countries do not have yet
specific regulations for the proper treatment of lithium batteries from electric vehicles, along with other types of
batteries that not recycled, presenting a serious threat to health and the environment. In Australia, for example,
only 3% of lithium batteries are recycled. The rest goes to landfill, where toxic materials leach into the soil.
Batteries are hazardous materials, so reusing and recycling are important aspects of their life cycle. Batteries have a
limited technical life and during their life, the energy capacity slowly decreases. This has an eect on the electric vehicle
range. At a certain point, the number of kilometers on a full battery charge is too low for daily operation. The battery
may still be used, e.g., for another stationary application (i.e., reuse or second life). When the battery is at its end of life
(or damaged), recycling is needed according to safe and environmentally friendly methods (Figure 37).
Figure : Used Battery Options
When an electric vehicle battery can
no longer meet its performance
requirement, it is replaced by a
new battery pack. The used battery
pack is removed from the car for
1 of 3 destinations.
Disposal If packs
are damaged or in
regions without proper
market structures or
regulations, packs may
be thrown away.
Recycling Packs can be
processed to extract
valuable rare-earth
extraction and
2nd-life application
in stationary storage
Used battery
New battery
Reuse Packs can be repurposed
for a 2nd-life application in
energy-storage services that is
suitable to their reduced
performace capabilities.
Source: H. Engel, P. Hertzke, and G. Siccardo. 2019. Second-Life EV Batteries: The Newest Value Pool in Energy Storage. McKinsey
& Company. 30 April.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Disposal in illegal landfills or dumps is naturally the least desirable. It occurs in countries where there is no
regulation regarding battery disposal or where the body that would oversee these practices is weak. In cases
where the battery pack is damaged in a collision, the battery will also have to be disposed of. Damage to the
battery can cause the electrolyte to spill and can lead to fires. This already happens in scrap yards or landfills.
Energy Storage
With a growing share of renewable energy, especially solar, the demand for storage options is also increasing
significantly. In addition, with the rapid adoption of electric vehicles and the number of batteries reaching their
end of life, a significant secondary market is emerging. According to a McKinsey study, it is estimated that the
supply of secondary batteries for stationary applications will exceed 200 GWh by 2030. The market value is
estimated to be more than $30 billion. But certain challenges also need to be addressed to realize this potential.
For the batteries to be used in a stationary manner, they must first be adapted. To do so, dierent procedures will
be required instead of a standardized one. Another challenge will be to remain competitive with new batteries,
the price of which is falling rapidly. The lack of standards and regulations for the use of stationary batteries
presents one of the most important obstacles. There are no guarantees in terms of performance quality, safety,
eciency, etc. However, there are already manufacturers establishing alliances with energy companies to secure
their place in the emerging energy storage market.
If reuse of electric vehicle batteries is applied (probably mainly in small-scale stationary applications), the battery
should still be in a proper technical condition. For four-wheeled cars, the battery is at its economic end of life at
a state-of-health (SOH)—the remaining capacity as a percentage of the original capacity—of 70%. The battery
can still be used safely until an SOH of around 50%, either inside the electric vehicle or in a second-life, stationary
application. Below 50% SOH, the performance drops and also safety issues could arise. The explanation above
shows that, for second use to become a success, it is very important to accurately know the battery’s SOH. The
main issue with the declining SOH is the proportional reduction of the driving range. So, at a certain point, the
driver is not satisfied with the range anymore and would like to have a new battery in the electric vehicle, although
the battery can still be useful in another application. The main electric car manufacturers expect that the battery
will live as long as the vehicle in the near future.
It is expected that a battery for e-motorcycles or e-scooters is used intensively, i.e., for many kilometers per day
and with one or even more recharging cycles per day. This means that the battery will reach a low SOH and be at its
technical and economic end of life within a few years without value left for second use. In some cases, a second life
for an electric vehicle battery might make sense, e.g., because the first use was benign. However, in such a case, the
second-life battery still needs to compete with new batteries that have declined in price in the meantime. This is
another reason why second use of electric vehicle batteries is expected to be a small market in the future.
P. Kramliczek. 2019. E-Mobilität: Warum Das Batterie-Recycling So Schwierig Ist (E-Mobility: Why Battery Recycling Is So Dicult). BR24.
H. Engel, P. Hertzke, and G. Siccardo. 2019. Second-Life EV Batteries: The Newest Value Pool in Energy Storage. McKinsey & Company. 30 April.
Reusing and Recycling Battery
Lithium-ion batteries are composed of dierent high-value materials. However, the profitability of recycling will
depend on the costs of collection, transport, storage, sorting, dismantling, etc. Some lithium recyclers in the PRC,
which are operating today, are operating at an attractive profit margin and are expected to grow substantially.
In Europe, most electric vehicle batteries have not yet reached the end of their useful life, so there is not yet a
competitive recycling market.
The battery recycling process is complex. Almost all disassembly occurs manually and there are very few options
to automate it.
In addition, the amount of materials in each battery is dierent according to the model, which
also makes manual processes necessary. This is why high volumes are required to be cost-eective. Generally,
vehicle manufacturers have agreements with battery suppliers so that they fulfill their extended producer
responsibility. Just because a country has good recycling practices for lead-acid batteries, such as for internal
combustion vehicles, does not mean that the same can be done for lithium batteries.
11.1 International Electric Vehicle Battery Standards
European Union
Collection and recycling of used batteries in the European Union (EU) is arranged by the EU Batteries Directive.
successor of this Directive, the EU Batteries Regulation, is under development.
These regulations require proper
waste management of batteries, including collection, take-back programs, disposal, and recycling. Also, targets for
waste battery collection rates are set. One of the key points in the regulation is that EV batteries should not be disposed
in landfills. The regulation requires EU countries to maximize the separation of batteries from regular municipal waste
and requires spent batteries to be collected separately. Recycling and collection targets are called for so that fewer
batteries end up in landfills. The actual legal implementation is each country’s own responsibility. EU Member States
are required to provide collection sites that are accessible and free of charge. Battery distributors may be required to
provide this and manufacturers may not refuse to take back waste batteries from end-consumers.
In practice, EU manufacturers or importers of batteries need to make sure they have applied the legal framework to
their company. For collection and recycling of used batteries, the battery industry in most EU countries has set up a
national organization that includes recycling factories. In many countries, this is separate for the automotive industry
(part of car and motorcycle recycling, including starter batteries and electric vehicle propulsion batteries) and for
general industrial and household batteries.
In the EU, it is a common rule that retailers of products with a battery
(e.g., toys or e-bikes) must take back the waste batteries and send them to a recycling organization.
The largest battery recycling company in the EU is Umicore.
This company recycles all battery chemistries and
extracts all valuable materials from the batteries. Like its European competitors, it produces new battery materials
and sub-components that are manufactured from the recycled materials.
Avicenne Energy. 2018. Worldwide Rechargeable - Battery Market 2017-2030 - 2018 edition.
D. M. Steward. 2019. Economics and Challenges of Li-Ion Battery Recycling from End-of-Life Vehicles. Procedia Manufacturing, 33. pp. 272–279.
EU. 2006. Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on Batteries and Accumulators and Waste
Batteries and Accumulators.
The EU has a proposed regulation on batteries and waste batteries. EU. Waste and Recycling. Batteries and Accumulators. https://environment.
The automotive organization in NL is ARN,; the general battery collection organisation is Stibat,
Umicore. Industries.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
In the EU Member States, the battery industry is responsible for the cost of battery collection and recycling
and it must facilitate the collection of waste batteries from end-users. This means that in many shopping areas,
collection boxes are present for consumers to return their waste batteries. Batteries of electric bikes and scooters
must be returned to the bike or scooter retailer.
There is a big dierence between the business case of modern lithium-ion battery recycling versus conventional
lead-acid battery recycling: the lead from the lead-acid batteries is more valuable than the cost of recycling,
so the company will pay a small sum for the waste battery and still earn money. Therefore, recycling lead-acid
batteries is good business. The materials of lithium-ion batteries, however, are less valuable than the cost of
recycling. This means that additional incentives or more stringent legislation are needed to ensure a high rate of
lithium-ion battery recycling. In Europe, this is arranged such that your electric vehicle dealer will take back the
battery and arrange the recycling through the national recycling organization. The associated low cost of a few
tens of euros is added up front to the electric vehicle price.
Reuse of batteries, especially automotive batteries, is still at an early stage of development in Europe and the rest
of the world. Some car manufacturers do not promote battery reuse and want to collect all their electric vehicle
batteries themselves.
North America
The rechargeable battery industry has formed the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC), which
operates a battery recycling program called Call2Recycle throughout Canada and the US.
RBRC provides
businesses with prepaid shipping containers for rechargeable batteries of all types while consumers can drop
o batteries at numerous participating collection centers. It claims that no component of any recycled battery
eventually reaches a landfill. Other programs, such as the Big Green Box, oer a recycling option for batteries.
The Peoples Republic of China
In the PRC, regulations on the second life of electric vehicle batteries have become clearer and stricter in
recent years. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2018 issued a series of interim measures
to strengthen the management of battery recycling or stationary use. These measures require manufacturers
to establish channels for battery recycling and collection points. These mechanisms are similar to extended
producer responsibility. In addition, they require batteries to be traceable, to ensure that they are properly treated
and in case they are not, to know who is responsible. However, there are no sanctions for manufacturers in case
of noncompliance. Another interim measure is to promote the standardization of batteries, to make recycling
processes simpler and thus more cost-eective. A list of five manufacturers that meet the required standards
was established and put on a priority list. However, according to Avicenne Energy, with all regulations in place, the
recycling of lithium vehicle batteries in the PRC still leaves something to be desired. Dismantling happens illegally
and under non-standardized procedures. Moreover, the companies that do exist expect the government to give
them subsidies.
Big Green Box.
Avicenne Energy. 2018. Worldwide Rechargeable Battery Market 2017–2030. 2018 edition.
Reusing and Recycling Battery
11.2 Regulations in Indonesia
In the Presidential Decree 55/2019, a section on environmental protection was established. It mentions that used
battery waste must be handled by recycling and/or waste management in accordance with the waste handling
and management law and that further regulation will be administered by the Ministry for the Environment and
Forestry. A state-owned enterprise subsidiary, PT Nasional Hijau Lestari, has also been tasked to participate in
the battery recycling program as part of the battery industry ecosystem in Indonesia.
12. Proposed Policies and Actions
Transport policy and decision making in Indonesia involve stakeholders at the national, provincial, and city or
district level. In some cases, the policy formulation also involves nongovernmental actors such as international
development agencies. Table 37 provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of organizations within the
central government related to the transport sector policy and decision making.
At the national level, the overall planning process is headed by BAPPENAS, in coordination with the other
ministries. As the policy framework goes into a more detailed level, the Ministry of Transport is responsible
for formulating a national policy that provides guidelines for local governments. Within this ministry, the
responsibilities are split between several dierent general directorates: road transportation, sea transportation,
civil aviation, and rail transportation. High-level transport policies are formulated in a document called the
National Transportation System, which acts as a guide for the transport system integration and transport planning
system in general. Electric vehicles, especially electric two-wheelers, are under the road transportation general
Regulatory and Policy Framework
Indonesia has taken initial steps to promote the deployment of electric vehicles in its transportation system.
Presidential Decree 55 of 2019 provides the framework legislation for the introduction of electric vehicles,
charging infrastructure, and battery technology in Indonesia. Of key importance is the development of charging
infrastructure based on projections for electric transportation deployment and the availability and reliability of
grid-based electricity service, as well as conducive electricity taris for electric transportation.
The Presidential Decree 55/2019 serves as the legal framework for accelerating electric vehicle adoption for land
transport in Indonesia for both two- or three-wheelers and four-wheelers. The decree emphasizes:
• accelerating the development of local electric vehicle-related industry as per the road map set by the
relevant ministry;
• encouraging electric vehicle technology research, development, and innovation collaboration between
corporation, university, research institute, and government;
• setting a gradually increasing local content requirement for electric vehicles in Indonesia to support the
development of a local related industry;
S. E. Wijaya and M. Imran. 2019. Moving the Masses: Bus-Rapid Transit (BRT) Policies in Low Income Asian Cities.
Proposed Policies and Actions
Table : Overview of Central Government Agencies’ Roles and Responsibilities
Related to the Transport Sector
Organization Roles and Responsibilities
Ministry of National
Development Planning
• Formulate and develop national development planning as a guideline for central,
provincial, and city government
• Control and review regional development planning
• Coordinate and control national and international programs
• Decide budget allocations for programs, together with the MoF
Ministry of Transport • Prepare national transport policy that provides guidelines to provincial and city
• Manage the operation of public transport facilities and infrastructure
Ministry of Public Works
and Housing
• Formulate national policy for public works infrastructure including roads and bridges
• Develop and construct public works infrastructure
Ministry of State-Owned
• Develop national policy for the operation of transport infrastructure
• Manage the operation of national transport infrastructure and public transport services
Ministry for the Environment
and Forestry, including
National Council on Climate
• Develop national policy and guidelines for environmental management and control of
• Control and review environmental problems
• Provide guidelines on climate change in Indonesia
• Coordinate and negotiate with international agencies dealing with climate change
Ministry of Home Aairs • Coordinate national, provincial, and city government programs and activities for
• Supervise national and regional government to improve development practices
Coordinating Ministry for
Economic Aairs
• Formulate national economic policy, planning and implementation procedures
• Coordinate and create synergy in economic policy that relates to urban transport policy
among line ministries
Ministry of Finance (MoF) • Formulate national policy on economic growth
• Allocate a budget for road and public transport infrastructure projects, together with
Source: S. E. Wijaya and M. Imran. 2019. Moving the Masses: Bus-Rapid Transit (BRT) Policies in Low Income Asian Cities. https://link.springer.
• regulating the usage of conventional vehicles in stages;
• possible incentives that can be provided by the government to all stakeholders;
• charging infrastructure deployment, mandating PLN as state-owned utility to spearhead the initial
• electricity tari regulation for charging, to be set by the relevant ministry;
• technical requirement for electric vehicles in Indonesia, including type test requirement;
• environmental protection concerning the electric vehicle ecosystem, including battery waste, to be regulated
by the relevant ministry; and
• creation of a coordinating team for the acceleration program, headed by the maritime minister.
Several derivative regulations have been made following the presidential decree to support the acceleration
program, as summarized in Table 38.
Other relevant regulations have been released as well, as described in Table 39. The central government ocials
have also repeatedly made a statement that they will push the adoption of electric vehicles starting with
government fleets and encouraging state-employed sta to use electric vehicles as much as possible.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Table : Derivative Regulations from Presidential Decree /
Regulation Description
MoHA Ministerial
Regulation 8/2020
• This provides a legal framework for regional or local government to set the electric vehicle tax
and vehicle return duty with maximum rate limit stated.
• Compared with the conventional ICE vehicle tax rate, the maximum rate limit for private
electric vehicles is similar. But for electric vehicles used for public transport (yellow licensed
plate), the maximum rate limit is lower.
MoT Ministerial
Regulation 44/2020
• This regulates the type test specific for any electric vehicle to be operated in Indonesia,
including two- or three-wheelers, which will be the basis for later releasing the vehicle
• The type test also covers additional complementary equipment such as chargers for electric
MoT Ministerial
Regulation 87/2020
• This regulates the type of test specific for electric vehicles to be operated in Indonesia,
including two- or three-wheelers, which will be the basis for releasing the vehicle registration.
• It also regulates how and by whom the type test shall be carried out.
• This regulates the test for batteries, protection of direct and indirect contact, and insulation
• This regulates the noise required for safety reason.
MEMR Ministerial
Regulation 13/2020
• This regulates the deployment of charging infrastructure, including charging station and
battery swapping facilities.
• Private charger is not allowed to be used for buying and selling electricity or charging services,
while public chargers can do so.
• Owners of public chargers must have a license for buying and selling electricity, similar to the
license owned by the utility, and owners must have chargers in more than one province.
• Battery swapping facility owners do not have to own a license for buying and selling
• Several possible business schemes for public chargers and battery swapping facilities are
described here.
• PLN is mandated to spearhead the initial charging infrastructure deployment, with the
possibility to collaborate with other SOEs and business entities and is required to create a
deployment road map for both charging stations and battery-swapping facilities.
• Electricity taris for charging infrastructure are also regulated here, covering wholesale
electricity from the utility to the charging infrastructure owner, private chargers (as per
normal tari), and electricity sales from the infrastructure owner to the user.
• Incentives such as a reduced connection cost, subscription guarantee fee, and minimum
payment for the first 2 years are provided to the charging infrastructure owner.
MoI Ministerial
Regulation 27/2020
• This provides a classification of electric vehicles based on the specification of the
components such as drivetrain and battery capacity, according to the ministerial regulation.
• Road map for development of electric vehicle-related industries is provided here and
planned for the national motorized vehicle industry.
• Method for calculating the local content requirement number, verification, and certification
process is specified under this regulation.
• This also establishes the tentative targets for electric two- or three-wheeler production,
sales, and export.
MoI Ministerial
Regulation 28/2020
• This regulates import and manufacturing of electric vehicles in the form of completely
knocked down and semi-knockdown.
MoTr Ministerial
Regulation 100/2020
• This regulates the importation of lithium as raw material for the battery industry to support
the national electric vehicle-related industry.
ICE = internal combustion engine, MEMR = Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, MoHA = Ministry of Home Aairs, MoI = Ministry of
Industry, MoT = Ministry of Transport, MoTr = Ministry of Trade, PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State Electricity Company), SOE = state-
owned enterprise.
Source: Asian Development Bank.
Proposed Policies and Actions
Table : Other Relevant Regulations Concerning Electric Vehicles
Regulation Key Points
Regulation 65/2020 • This regulates the conversion of ICE motorcycles to e-motorcycles.
MoT Ministerial
Regulation 45/2020
• This regulates other type of electric motor-based vehicle not specified in the MoT Ministerial
Regulation 44/2020, dubbed as specific vehicle which includes electric scooter, hoverboard,
unicycle, otopet, and electric bike.
• Instead of type test, safety equipment requirements are regulated here.
MoT Ministerial
Regulation 65/2020
• This regulates conversion of conventional motorcycle to e-motorcycle.
• It covers the requirement for the licensed workshop, and the conversion certification process
to signify that the motorcycle is allowed to operate.
Government Regulation
• This specifies zero value added tax for luxury goods (tari 15%, tax base 0%) for electric
vehicle under the fuel consumption or emission threshold.
• The regulation will come into eect 2 years after the date of release, in October 2021.
MoF Ministerial
Regulation 72/2020
• This specifies that the government’s procurement for electric vehicles will be based on the
available market price to facilitate using them as operating vehicles.
Regulation from MoF and
Indonesia Investment
Coordinating Board
• This establishes income tax reduction for companies in the electric vehicle-related industry,
with dierent duration depending on the amount of investment as long as the requirement is
Regulation from Financial
Services Authority (OJK)
• OJK made a press release summarizing incentives provided for electric vehicle ecosystem, as
Financing for electric vehicle purchase or development of relevant upstream industry
(battery, charging station, component) can be categorized as implementation of
sustainable financing.
Financing for electric vehicle manufacturing and the supporting infrastructure can be
categorized as a government program with maximum credit limit exemption.
Credit quality scoring for electric vehicle purchase or development of relevant upstream
industry with upper limit up to Rp5 billion can be based only on principal and/or interest
payment punctuality.
Financing for electric vehicle purchase or development of relevant upstream industry is
eligible for lower risk weight (75% instead of the usual 100%) during the assessment.
Regulation from Bank of
• This allows zero down payment for the purchase of vehicle considering its environmental
ICE = internal combustion engine, MoF = Ministry of Finance, MoT = Ministry of Transport.
Source: Asian Development Bank.
At the local government level, several provinces have started rolling out the regulations to support the
acceleration program. The Ministry of Home Aairs has also repeatedly pushed the provincial governments
to release the local regulation to provide incentives for the electric vehicle ecosystem, such as vehicle tax
and return duty rates which are under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. Table 40 summarizes
regulations released by the local government in Jakarta and Bali. Consistent with the central government, the
local government ocials are also trying to push electric vehicle adoption starting from government fleets and
encouraging state-employed sta to use them as much as possible.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Beside the regulations that are already released as listed in the previous tables, Indonesia expects more derivative
and related regulations to be released as part of the acceleration program stated in the presidential decree. The
list, together with the responsible government bodies, is in Table 41.
Table : Local Government Regulations on Electric Vehicles in Jakarta and Bali
Regulation Key Points
Jakartas Governor
Regulation 3/2020
• The regulations states 0% return duty rate for electric vehicles in Jakarta.
Jakartas Governor
Regulation 88/2019
• The vehicle restriction based on the last digit in the vehicle plate (odd/even restriction) is not
applicable to electric vehicles
Bali’s Governor
Regulation 9/2019
• The regulation states 10% return duty rate for the first owned electric vehicle. For the second
and the following, a 1% return duty rate applies.
Bali’s Governor
Regulation 48/2019
• The regulation lists a strategy and action plans for accelerating electric vehicle adoption in Bali.
• The regulation includes requirements for local material and service usage for an electric
vehicle industry in Bali.
• The regulation lists options and recipients of incentives that can be provided.
• Electric vehicles must pass a type test and a periodic test administered by the local
government or an authorized private company licensed by the Ministry of Transport.
• The regulation lists options for an action plan to limit conventional vehicles that later can be
implemented are listed in this regulation.
• Battery waste must be recycled and managed by authorized institutions.
Bali’s Governor
Instruction 11 / Transport
Department / 2021
• Government bodies and SOEs are asked to procure electric vehicles wherever applicable.
• Electric vehicles must have passed the type test stated by the law.
• Government sta are urged to switch to electric vehicles.
• Government bodies and SOEs shall prepare the charging infrastructure.
• Head of Transport Department in Bali shall facilitate any electric vehicle procurement.
SOE = state-owned eneterprise.
Source: Asian Development Bank.
Table : Expected Regulations Concerning Electric Vehicles to be Released
Institution Description
MoF, MEMR, DEN • Regulation concerning subsidy shift to the electric vehicle purchaser
MoI, National Standardization
Agency (BSN)
• Regulation concerning battery standardization to support battery swapping
MoEF, MoI, MoTr • Regulation concerning used battery management and governance
Local Government • More regulations regarding incentives (financial or nonfinancial) to be released by
the local government
DEN = Dewan Energi Nasional (National Energy Council), MEMR = Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, MoEF = Ministry for the
Environment and Forestry, MoF = Ministry of Finance, MoTr = Ministry of Trade.
Source: Government of Indonesia, MEMR.
Table 42 summarizes the current incentives for electric vehicles, both financial and nonfinancial. Beside the
incentives provided as per the list of regulations mentioned in the previous tables, there are also additional
incentives provided by PLN and by credit facility providers. Most of the incentive providers are SOEs that have
been mandated by the government to support the acceleration program.
Proposed Policies and Actions
Table : Summary of Incentives for Electric Vehicles
Type Recipient Provider Incentives
Electric Vehicle
• For private electric vehicles, the tax rate is similar to
conventional vehicles, but the rate for electric vehicles is
set as a maximum limit, giving local government room to
provide incentives.
• For public transport electric vehicles, the vehicle tax rate
maximum limit is lower.
• Zero value added tax for luxury goods
• Zero down payment for financing electric vehicle purchase
• More relaxed credit scoring evaluation for electric vehicle
• Zero return duty rate for electric vehicles in Jakarta
• 10% return duty rate for a first electric vehicle and 1% for
subsequent electric vehicles in Bali
Credit Provider • Besides the zero down payment, a lower interest rate and
longer credit duration are provided
Government and
• MEMR mandated PLN to provide incentives in the form
of connection cost reduction, subscription guarantee fee
reduction, and minimum payment exemption for the first
• Tari discount provided by PLN for charging during the
non-peak load time (10 p.m. to 4 a.m.).
• More relaxed credit scoring evaluation for charging
infrastructure development.
Electric Vehicle-
Related Industry
• Income tax reduction with various duration for investment
in Indonesia that met the requirement
Non-Financial Electric Vehicle User Local
• Exemption from odd–even license plate restrictions in
MEMR = Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State Electricity Company).
Sources: Government of Indonesia, MEMR; Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Maritime and Investment; and various government
regulation documents.
Proposed Policies
E-motorcycles are attractive for society due to lowering emissions and noise. However, compared to their fossil-
fuel-based counterparts, they only have a limited attractiveness for users:
• For private users, fossil-fuel-based motorcycles are more attractive due to having more power and unlimited
range. An e-motorcycle with more or less comparable power to a 110 cc petrol version i.e., with 3,500 W,
costs around three times more than the fossil-fuel-based version plus requires a costly battery replacement
after 2–3 years and only has a range of 50 km. Even if operational costs are lower with an e-motorcycle, the
incremental investment is not recovered during its lifespan. E-motorcycles in a comparable price range are
much lower powered. While this power rationally is not required for urban purposes, customers do cherish
it and will continue choosing fossil-fuel-based units. The limited range is not really a large issue for urban
usage but motorcycles are also often used outside the urban zone.
• For commercial users, the limited power is of less concern as 1,500–2,000 W motorcycles also have sucient
power to transport two passengers or goods at typical urban speeds. The main problem why e-motorcycles
are not attractive to commercial users is their business model based on the drivers supplying the motorcycle,
which increases flexibility and reduces costs of the delivery company, while drivers cherish that a part of
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
their motorcycle cost is being paid. Drivers will not purchase e-motorcycles as they prefer a gasoline version.
Battery swapping would need to be established at the company level.
Without regulatory intervention, e-motorcycles will remain in the short and medium term confined to low-
powered scooters used especially by students. This is also clearly reflected in other large motorcycle markets such
as Viet Nam, where e-motorcycles are confined to students that use the low-powered units without registration.
Taipei,China is a good example of a market-based intervention with large purchase incentives for e-motorcycles
plus financial support in the establishment of a dense battery swapping infrastructure. The financial support
for high-powered e-motorcycles allowed them to compete with fossil-fuel-based versions. But even with
this support, the market share of newly registered e-motorcycles did not surpass 20% and with a reduction of
subsidies has dropped to 10%, i.e., even with close-to-purchase-cost parity for high-powered e-motorcycles and
with a high density of swapping stations, customers still preferred fossil-fuel-based units.
In contrast, the PRC has a huge market for e-motorcycles. This is, however, only due to not permitting the
registration and usage of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles in most urban areas of the country.
Technically, low- to medium-powered e-motorcycles (1,000–2,000 W) are fast and strong enough for any urban
trips including ride-hailing services, and have lower lifetime costs than fossil-fuel-based units and a comparable
capital expenditure. While some charging infrastructure is required, this can be tailor-made for commercial
services. The preference of customers for power and speed and the business models of ride-hailing and delivery
services are the barriers. Economic incentives for private users will not change this picture fundamentally and
will result in a very limited impact while costing large amounts of money. Subsidizing commercial companies to
move to e-motorcycles while they enjoy huge profits is not justified. Thus, from a policy perspective the message
is clearly that the government should not embark of giving financial incentives for the purchase of e-motorcycles
or for the establishment of charging infrastructure as such policies are neither ecient, eective, nor sustainable.
The policy proposed to spur usage of e-motorcycles is to regulate the usage of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles
and thereby reduce their attractiveness. Usage of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles should be restricted with a clear
pathway. To avoid sunk investments, this should be announced with a sucient time-lag, as motorcycles are used
for various years. Suggested pathways are:
• Pathway . Gradual expansion of electric-only zones for motorcycles. Initially, urban downtown areas could be
limited to only usage of e-motorcycles and then this could be gradually expanded, e.g., from 2023 onward, only
e-motorcycles can enter downtown; by 2025, the zone is then expanded to the entire JABODETABEK.
• Pathway . Focus on commercial services: This can be by allowing only e-motorcycles for certain operating zones
(similar to pathway 1) or by demanding that e-motorcycles be a certain share of the fleet. This is, however, far
more dicult to control, especially as ride-hailing and delivery services generally do not own the motorcycles. For
motorcycle rental services, e.g., in Bali, this approach could, however, be used by demanding that their fleet be 25%
electric by end-2022, with shares increasing 25% every year to reach 100% by end-2025.
Restricting fossil-fuel-based motorcycle usage is the pathway that has been followed successfully by the PRC. In
Viet Nam, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have also announced bans on fuel-powered motorbikes entering their
downtown areas starting in 2025.
C. F. Wu. 2020. Gogoro’s EV Dream Facing Major Headwinds. Common Wealth Magazine. 24 July.
Proposed Policies and Actions
Asking commercial ride-hailing companies to go electric if they want to keep their licenses is also being applied,
e.g., by California.
The California Air Resources Board has approved ambitious emissions-reductions goals
for ride-hailing services, eectively requiring companies like Uber and Lyft to go all-electric by the end of the
The new rules require ride-hailing companies to start ramping up electrification in 2023 (2% of all
miles), continuing to 50% of all miles by 2027 and to ensure that 90% of vehicle miles are electric by 2030.
“Ensure” is the key word here, as the business models of Uber and Lyft rely on drivers supplying their own cars.
Instead of looking at vehicles themselves, compliance will be determined by vehicle miles traveled. Thus, ride-
hailing and delivery companies will eectively no longer be able to shield themselves behind the excuse of not
owning vehicles. Such a system could well be applied also by the Government of Indonesia, demanding that
service companies, ride-hailing, or delivery companies become fully electric within a given time period based on
their service miles.
Restricting the usage of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles is justified in economic and social terms as:
• trips can be made also with e-motorcycles with comparable convenience levels;
• financially, e-motorcycles have a comparable cost or are even less expensive than fossil-fuel-based units;
• the environmental impact of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles is highly negative due to emission of air pollutants,
GHGs, and high noise levels; and
• in the absence of such policies, private and commercial users will continue using fossil-fuel-based
motorcycles due to the preference for high-powered, high-speed units and due to commercial ventures
that maximize profits without taking into consideration the environment and the well-being of society.
For low-income, motorcycle-dependent residents that live within or commute to areas with restrictions, the
government can establish an initial purchase subsidy paid against scrapping of the fossil-fuel-based motorcycle
on a one-time basis.
Policies to standardize batteries are not recommended. Private e-motorcycles will be charged at home and at the
destination. Battery swapping is not a necessity for private users nor a big advantage, except perhaps for long-
distance rides. For commercial users, battery swapping has an advantage as daily mileage is higher and battery
swapping reduces the recharging time. While uniform battery technologies would facilitate battery swapping and
reduce costs at least initially, this is not a necessity as smaller battery swap stations can be used with dierent
battery types. It is not deemed realistic that manufacturers will agree on a specific battery type given that it is a
main distinctive component of an e-motorcycle. Uniform battery types could also hamper competition and thus
avoid innovation and further development of this technology.
Additional incentives could be given next to regulatory measures. However, these are not needed. The customers
will purchase lower-powered e-motorcycles, which are around 40% more expensive than gasoline units but these
incremental costs are quickly recovered. Using a standard bank loan with standard interest rates, the monthly
payment for finance together with energy and maintenance cost will be lower for e-motorcycles than for gasoline
units. Providing subsidized loans is thus not recommended and not necessary within a regulatory framework that
demands the usage of electric units. Without regulatory measures, subsidized interest rates will not be a sucient
measure to increase demand for e-motorcycles (Section 9.7).
S. Edelstein. 2021. California Approves EV Mandate for Uber and Lyft. Green Car Reports. 24 May.
California Air Resources Board. 2021. Proposed Clean Miles Standard.
13.  Outline Road Map for
Electric Motorcycles in Indonesia
Electric motorcycles or e-motorcycles will outpace fossil-fuel-based units in terms of market share of newly sold
units by 2030. Indonesia has taken decisive steps to significantly increase the market share of e-motorcycles
based on a phased approach of limiting access to urban areas in favor of e-motorcycles and gradually expanding
the restricted areas.
This long-term vision builds upon the following aspects:
(i) E-motorcycles result in less air pollution, GHGs, and noise compared to fossil-fuel-based units. This
improves the health and social well-being of citizens.
(ii) E-motorcycles are already technically and financially a feasible alternative, especially for urban trips and
commercial services including ride-hailing and delivery services.
(iii) Conversion of old gasoline motorcycles to electric units is not recommended and not a strategy that
will have market success. Conversion results in old motorcycles with new but non-guaranteed electric
components at a price tag comparable to a new gasoline motorcycle and only 50% below the price
of a new electric unit, while having many old components, no manufacturer guarantee, and potential
malfunctions. This is not what customers will demand and electric vehicle conversion has failed in all
vehicle categories, except for special utility vehicles.
(iv) Medium-powered e-motorcycles are on the market, are convenient especially for urban usage, and have
comparable life-time costs to gasoline motorcycles. Clients, however, prefer fossil-fuel-based motorcycles
due to higher power and speed, although this is not required in urban settings.
(v) The experiences of the PRC; Taipei,China; and Viet Nam, with a significant market share of electric
two-wheelers is that, in the absence of significant subsidies or of regulations, only low-powered electric
scooters will be sold. E-scooters do not require a license and are thus convenient for students. However,
they will replace bicycles and public transport.
(vi) The dissemination of e-motorcycles requires government policies that clearly favor the usage of
e-motorcycles. Fossil-fuel-based motorcycles result in costs to society that are not being born by
the user.
(vii) In the absence of either massive subsidies (about Rp5–10 million per motorcycle) or of regulations
that favor e-motorcycles, gasoline motorcycles will continue to dominate the market and the targets of
Indonesia on having 2 million e-motorcycles operating by 2025 will not be reached. The proposed carbon
tax will have no measurable influence on the sale of e-motorcycles as the resultant lifetime cost saving is
less than 1%. Incentives such as preferential interest rates are insucient and will not convince clients to
purchase e-motorcycles since the main issues are the high incremental price tag, the limited driving range,
and the limited speed and power.
(viii) A subsidy policy like that realized in Taipei,China, for example, would require an investment of around
$1.1billion (Rp1.6*10
) to reach the target of 2 million e-motorcycles by 2025. The same target could be
reached without financial investment and without costs to the private sector by regulating the usage of
fossil-fuel-based motorcycles, as was done very successfully in the PRC.
Outline Road Map for Electric Motorcycles in Indonesia
(ix) Limiting usage of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles is the most eective and ecient policy to promote usage
of electric two-wheelers. The usage of motorcycles in urban areas should be limited to electric units.
Electric vehicle zone areas could be gradually expanded. The same approach could be made for islands
such as Bali.
(x) For ride-hailing and delivery services, regulations can be applied asking for a certain share of
e-motorcycles (including not only company-owned, but all vehicles operating under their brand) or a
share of electric mileage of services provided by or through the company, with gradually increasing targets.
Such a policy has for example been implemented recently by the state of California obliging that all ride-
hailing and service delivery companies eectuate 90% of their mileage electric by 2030.
(xi) The regulatory policy proposed requires no government subsidies. Private parties invest in e-motorcycles,
battery swapping stations, and destination chargers within JABODETABEK with their own financial
means. To accommodate for additional electric vehicles and their chargers, investments in the distribution
network worth cumulative Rp9 trillion are required by 2030, as well as investments in transmission
(starting 2025, worth Rp11 trillion) and generation (starting 2025, worth
Rp11 trillion). Total cumulative grid investments costs of Rp31 trillion can be significantly reduced by
applying smart charging. These are long-term investments which can be recovered through the energy bill.
(xii) The Indonesian motorcycle industry can profit by having a strong and growing domestic market
demanding e-motorcycles, thereby positioning themselves in a future growth market.
Target Users
The users targeted are commercial and private users of electric two-wheelers (Figure 38).
Figure : Electric Two-Wheeler User Segments
Usage Purpose
Goods transport
Passenger transport:
rent and ride-hailing
Vehicle Type
e-Motorcycle with
1 battery
e-Motorcycle with
2 batteries
Charging Type
Home +
Home /
destination +
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
E-scooters used by students replace often bicycles or public transport and not fossil-fuel-based units.
Commercial users targeted include ride-hailing services, rental services, and delivery services. This sector is
growing at a two-digit pace and will result in significant emissions damaging the health of citizens if not aligned
with environmental policies.
E-Motorcycles and Charging Systems
E-motorcycles for urban usage are available today in Indonesia. The technical and financial characteristics of
such motorcycles compared to fossil-fuel-based units are shown in Table 43.
Many lower-powered electric scooters are available in the market with 500- to 800-watt engines and speeds of
25–30 km/h. However, they do not have sucient power and speed to be considered comparable to gasoline
units and are not targeted by this road map.
Table : Targeted Electric versus Gasoline Motorcycles for Private and Commercial Urban Usage
Parameter Gasoline motorcycle Electric motorcycle Comment
Engine 110–125 cc engine with
6 to 9 kW power
1,800–2,500 W engine
with peak power of
5–7kW and speeds of
50–70 km/h
Lower powered e-scooters are not considered to
be comparable and are thus not included; higher
powered e-motorcycles such as the Niu NGT are
not included due to having triple investment cost
of a fossil-fuel-based motorcycle.
Batteries --- Lithium-ion of 1.2–1.5
kWh with a lifespan of
2–3 years (1,000 cycles)
Electric motorcycles are oered in general with
the option of one or two batteries; 2–3 hours are
required for a full charge at home
Driving range 150 km 40–70 km with one
battery; 80–140 km with
two batteries
Average distance per day for an urban Jakarta
private user: 40–50 km; Average distance per day
for commercial user: 80–100 km
Popular brands Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki Gesits, Swag Type X,
United T1800,
Brands as sold in Indonesia currently
CAPEX Rp17–21 million Rp24–28 million with 1
Battery cost around Rp5 million. The battery cost
is declining annually 5%–10%
OPEX private
Rp3.4 million per year
or Rp240 per km
Rp1.0 million per year or
Rp70 per km
Based on annual mileage of 14,000 km; includes
maintenance and energy cost; excludes finance
Rp5.9 million per year
or Rp250 per km
Rp1.6 million per year or
Rp70 per km
Based on annual mileage of 24,000 km; includes
maintenance and energy cost; excludes finance
Total Cost of
Rp550 per km
Rp470 per km
Rp556 per km
Rp520 per km
Includes CAPEX (including battery replacement),
OPEX and finance cost; 5-year lifespan of
motorcycle private and 4-year commercial usage
CAPEX = capital expenditure, cc = cubic centimeter, km = kilometer, kmh = kilometer per hour, kW = kilowatt, OPEX = operating expenditure,
Rp = Indonesian rupiah, W = watt.
Source: Grütter Consulting; JABODETABEK Commuter Statistics, 2019.
Outline Road Map for Electric Motorcycles in Indonesia
Three systems for charging are used potentially by e-motorcycle owners: home charging, destination charging,
and battery swapping stations.
Home charging. All e-motorcycles will be charged at home on a regular basis from home connections. Home
charging will primarily occur in the evening/at night. The household might have various e-motorcycles and thus
various units are connected. A typical e-motorcycle battery charger for household use will require 200 to 500 W
and will connect to a normal power point within the household power connection. An e-motorcycle battery will
typically require approximately 1 kWh per charge, which means that the e-motorcycle will be recharged in 2 to 5
hours. Home charging or overnight charging is used by private as well as commercial users of e-motorcycles.
Destination charging. Sites can be designed for charging 100 to 1,000 motorcycles. They are used primarily by
private e-motorcycle users and have as characteristic that the motorcycle is at the site for various hours and can
thus be charged with the battery on-board the vehicle. This allows recharging fully the battery or topping-up the
battery if only parked for a short time, thus reducing the need for a spare battery and thus reducing range anxiety.
Typically, a low fee is levied, which includes space utilization, electricity consumed, and the service oered.
To foster usage of e-motorcycles, institutions and companies could oer free energy provision.
Battery swapping stations. These will allow swapping a low battery with a new fully loaded one. This system is
basically used by commercial users. Standardized batteries facilitate battery-swapping; it is, however, also feasible
to operate with various battery types and sizes, either within the same swapping site or at dierent locations if the
number of e-motorcycles is large enough. Typically, such sites handle 10–30 batteries and are densely distributed
(having a swap point every 4–6 km). Business models used for swapping often include monthly subscriptions or
payments per swap, with batteries often owned by the swapping company or the motorcycle manufacturer.
Market Projections
The projections are based on following a policy clearly favoring e-motorcycles by restricting usage of fossil-fuel-
based motorcycles, initially in urban areas and thereafter also outside urban areas. This can be pushed quicker
for commercial motorcycles than for private units, but the assumption used for projections is that this is realized
simultaneously. Figure 39 shows the projected market share of e-motorcycles for Indonesia until 2030 under
such a strategy.
The market share increases slowly due to vehicle survival rates. However, with the proposed policies, by 2030,
80% of newly sold motorcycles would be electric and their share in the total stock of vehicles would be around
45%, representing some 55 million units.
Figure 40 shows the projected number of e-motorcycles in JABODETABEK and Bali. For both sites, an
e-motorcycle market share of 45% is targeted for 2030.
By 2030, nearly 8 million e-motorcycles are expected to circulate in JABODETABEK and close to 2 million units
in Bali. It is assumed that around 10% are commercial and 90% private e-motorcycles.
Charging is dierentiated, as mentioned, among home charging, destination charging, and battery swapping, with
the latter being used basically by commercial users. Home charging would be a feature for all e-motorcycles.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Figure : Projected E-Motorcycle Market in Indonesia
Market Share
60.00 45%
E-Motorcycles (million) Market Share
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: Grütter Consulting, based on regulatory policies favoring e-motorcycles.
Figure : Projected E-Motorcycle Market in JABODETABEK and Bali
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
2028 2029 2030
e-Motorcycles JABODETABEK e-Motorcycles Bali
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Outline Road Map for Electric Motorcycles in Indonesia
However, not all e-motorcycles are charged simultaneously and every day, with some households possibly having
multiple units being charged at the same time. Charging at home or at work could be done just by plugging into
the wall socket with no need for a dedicated charging infrastructure.
Figure 41 shows the projected numbers of destination electric vehicle chargers for JABODETABEK and Bali
in relation to the e-motorcycle projections mentioned above. If, on average, each destination has some 100chargers,
one can get an idea of the number of destination charging sites.
In total, some 5.5 million destination chargers would be required by 2030; of these, some 800,000 are needed in
JABODETABEK and about 200,000 in Bali.
Figure 42 shows the projections on the number of swapping stations for JADOBETABEK and Bali, which levels
out once a certain density is reached and is related to the number of e-motorcycles. Thereafter, it is assumed
that swapping stations grow in number of slots rather than in number of swap sites. The projections assume that
batteries are not standardized and that three battery types are used. This requires a larger number of swapping
sites so that each customer can, within 4–6 km, reach a swap site commensurate with the battery used on his
Figure : Projected Destination Electric Vehicle Charger Market
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
At both sites, a smaller area is targeted initially, e.g., DKI Jakarta for JABODETABEK and Kota Denpasar for Bali
(Maps 2 and 3). This allows reaching a sucient density of swap stations. The area is then increased. Between
2025 and 2027, a sucient density of swap stations would be achieved, i.e., a station would be available every
4–6 km and stations would primarily grow in size. In case of regulations standardizing battery types, a higher
density of swap stations would be achieved earlier.
Policies and Measures
In the absence of policies fostering e-motorcycles, the market uptake will be very limited and confined primarily to
low-powered scooters with a maximum speed of 25–30 km/h which do not require a license. E-motorcycles are
technically and financially feasible but not suciently attractive for private users due to limitations on speed and
range (both are, however, under rational reasons, not a hindering factor for urban usage).
Financial incentive instruments as used in Taipei,China for example have proven to be very costly and with limited
impact and sustainability. This is not considered to be an eective and ecient policy instrument. On the other
hand, regulations limiting the usage of fossil-fuel-based motorcycles in urban operations have been very eective
without limiting mobility mode choices of residents and with negative financial eects on neither private nor
commercial users. This is therefore the recommended policy intervention.
The following policy steps are proposed:
• By . Only allow e-motorcycles to operate in selected urban downtown areas of Jakarta and other large
cities. Motorcycle rental services in Bali and selected other islands must have an electric fleet of minimum
20% of their total fleet oered for rental.
Figure : Projected E-Motorcycle Battery Swap Station Market
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Swap Stations
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Note: Data presented is for road map scenario.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Outline Road Map for Electric Motorcycles in Indonesia
Map : Potential Initial Location of Swap Sites in JABODETABEK
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Potential Initial Location of Swap Sites in JABODETABEK
South Tangerang
J a k a r t a B a y
This map was produced by the cartography unit of the Asian Development Bank. The boundaries,
colors, denominations, and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the part of
the Asian Development Bank, any judgement on the legal status of any territory, or any other
endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries, colors, denominations, or information.
0 5 10
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
• By . Only allow e-motorcycles to operate in urban areas of Indonesia and the island of Bali plus selected
other islands.
• By . Only allow e-motorcycles to be newly registered.
Additionally, for commercial operations, a minimum share of e-motorcycles operating in urban areas is requested.
This shall be applied to all motorcycles under contract or owned by the company or brand, i.e., it applies for all
motorcycles which deliver at least one service during 1 year for the brand, independent of the ownership. The
service company must have records on the number of motorcycles and their mileage, which are managed under
the brand. The following targets are proposed:
• By . A minimum 10% of motorcycles operating in JABODETABEK and in Bali within each ride-hailing
or delivery company must be electric.
• By . A minimum 20% of motorcycles operating in JABODETABEK and in Bali within each ride-hailing
or delivery company must be electric.
• By . A minimum 35% of motorcycles operating in JABODETABEK and in Bali within each ride-hailing
or delivery company must be electric.
• By . A minimum 60% of motorcycles operating in JABODETABEK and in Bali within each ride-hailing
or delivery company must be electric.
• By . A minimum 80% of motorcycles operating in JABODETABEK and in Bali within each ride-hailing
or delivery company must be electric.
• By . All motorcycles operating in JABODETABEK and in Bali within each ride-hailing or delivery
company must be electric.
Map : Potential Initial Location of Swap Sites in Bali
Potential Initial Location of Swap Sites in Bali
This ma p was produ ced by the cartograph y unit of th e Asian Development Bank. The boundar ies,
colors, denominations, and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on th e part of
the Asian Development Bank, an y judgeme nt on the legal status of any territ ory, or any othe r
endorsement or acceptance of such bou ndaries, colors, denominations, or in formation.
0 10 20
Source: Det Norske Veritas.
Outline Road Map for Electric Motorcycles in Indonesia
Figure : Reduced Emissions Due to E-Motorcycles in Indonesia
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Ton of PM
and NO
GHG reduction total PM
reduction total NO
reduction total
GHG = greenhouse gas, NO
= nitrogen oxide, PM
= particulate matter 2.5, tCO
e = ton of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
13.1 Environmental and Economic Benefits
Figure 43 shows the environmental impacts of the e-motorcycles under the road map scenario for Indonesia.
Total electricity demand in 2030 would be around 21 TWh or 4% of national consumption. By 2030,
e-motorcycles could reduce around 39 million tons of CO
, around 10,000 tons of particulate matter 2.5 (PM
and 65,000 tons of nitrogen oxides (NOx), thus reducing significantly emissions and especially improving
urban air quality.
This results in economic benefits of annually Rp50,000 billion ($3.4 billion) due to
reduced emissions.
Reducing GHG emissions by 39 MtCO
e is highly relevant for Indonesia, taking into account that 2018 total
transport emissions were 154 MtCO
e and would be around 301 MtCO
e by 2030 assuming the same average
annual growth rate as in the period 1990 to 2018; this would represent a 13% reduction relative to a BAU
GHG scenario.
Figure 44 shows the main results for JABODETABEK.
JABODETABEK could reduce 5.4 million tons of CO
annually by 2030, 1,400 tons of PM
, and more than 9,000
tons of NO
emissions, thereby improving the air quality. This would cost the area nearly $0.5 billion less in terms of
air pollution costs per year (Figure 45).
GHG reductions in practice might be more, as the carbon grid factor of Indonesia is reducing.
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Bali could reduce 1.3 million tons of CO
annually by 2030, 330 tons of PM
, and 2,200 tons of NO
thereby improving the air quality and the environmental reputation of the island. This would bring economic
benefits in terms of avoided pollution costs worth more than $100 million per year.
Figure : Reduced Emissions Due to E-Motorcycles in Bali
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
GHG reduction
reduction NO
Ton of PM
and NO
GHG = greenhouse gas, NOx = nitrogen oxide, PM
= particulate matter 2.5, tCO
e = ton of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Figure : Reduced Emissions Due to E-Motorcycles in JABODETABEK
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
GHG reduction PM
reduction NO
Ton of PM
and NO
GHG = greenhouse gas, NOx = nitrogen oxide, PM
= particulate matter 2.5, tCO
e = ton of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Source: Grütter Consulting.
Appendix 1: Standards
Standards for light electric vehicle, direct current (DC) charging <120volts (V), including battery swap systems.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61851-3 subseries is under development and is intended to cover
electric vehicle supply equipment with a DC output not exceeding 120 V where reinforced or double insulation or
class Ill is used as the principal means of protection against electric shock (information on scope as available on
• Part 3-1: Electric vehicles conductive power supply system - Part 3-1: General Requirements for Light Electric
Vehicles (LEV) alternating curent (AC) and DC conductive power supply systems.
• Part 3-2: Electric vehicles conductive power supply system - Part 3-2: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles
(LEV) DC o-board conductive power supply systems.
• Part 3-3: Electric vehicles conductive power supply system - Part 3-3: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles
(LEV) battery swap systems.
• Part 3-4: Electric vehicles conductive power supply system - Part 3-4: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles
(LEV) communication.
• Part 3-5: Electric vehicles conductive power supply system - Part 3-5: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles
communication - Pre-defined communication parameters.
• Part 3-6: Electric vehicles conductive power supply system - Part 3-6: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles
communication -Voltage converter unit.
• Part 3-7: Electric vehicles conductive power supply system - Part 3-7: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles
communication - Battery system.
Appendix 2: Data Details
Table A.: General Parameters used for Calculations of the Impact of E-Motorcycles
Parameter Value Source
NCV of gasoline 44.3 MJ/kg IPCC, 2006, table 1.2
emission factor of gasoline 69.3 gCO
/MJ IPCC, 2006, Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Density of gasoline 0.741 kg/l International Energy Agency
IEA, 2005, Energy Statistics Manual
Well-to-tank mark-up factor gasoline 19% UNFCCC (2014), CDM Methodological Tool: Upstream leakage
emissions associated with fossil fuel usage, Version 02.0
United Nations Framework Cionvention on Climate Change
Carbon grid factor Indonesia 0.825 kgCO
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/
IEA (2018) for CO
emissions and IEA for electricity production
minus losses
Economic cost per ton NO
emissions $1,334/t
Economic cost per ton PM
emissions $180,330/t
Economic cost of CO
$40/t International Monetary Fund (2014), Getting Prices Right
Battery manufacturing emissions 110 kgCO
ICCT (2018), Eects of battery manufacturing on electric vehicle
life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions International Council on
Clean Transportation
Conversion kWh to MJ 3.6 MJ/kWh Energy Fundamentals. Units of Energy. https://home.uni-leipzig.
emissions MC 0.012 g/km European Environmental Agency (2019), Air pollutant emission
inventory guidebook update December 2019
emissions MC 0.080 g/km
Exchange rate, May 2021 Rp14,300 = $1 Currency Converter | Foreign Exchange Rates | OANDA
g/km = gram/kilometer, gCO
= gram Carbon Dioxide, kg = kilogram, kgCO
= kilogram Carbon Dioxide, kWh = kilowatt-hour, l = liter,
MJ = Mega-joule, t = ton.
Source: ADB.
Table A.: Environmental Impact per E-Motorcycle Lifespan
Parameter Value
GHG reduction 3.2 tons
reduction 0.82 kg
reduction 5.47 kg
Economic value of emission reduction $284.00
GHG = greenhouse gas, NO
= nitrogen oxides, PM
= particulate matter 2.5.
Source: Calculation by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Cost of Gasoline Fueled Motorcycles
Parameter Value Details
CAPEX gasoline motorcycle Rp17,000,000 Honda Beat 110cc
Gasoline consumption 2.5 l/100 km Average value monitored e.g., Viet Nam
Annual maintenance Rp600,000 IESR, 2020
Lifespan motorcycle 5 years Same as electric
CAPEX = capital expenditure, cc = cubic centimeter, IESR = Institute for Essential Services Reform, km = kilometer.
Source: ADB.
Table A.: Projections of Cost of e-Motorcycles
of Same Power as Gasoline Motorcycles Used Currently
Parameter          
40,000,000 36,426,635 33,172,494 30,209,058 27,510,359 25,052,745 22,814,680 20,776,551 18,920,496 17,230,250
TCO electric
862 800 740 680 630 590 550 510 480 450
TCO fossil
550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
TCO fossil with carbon tax
554 554 554 554 554 554 554 554 554 554
Relative FIRR (%)
(35%) (32%) (27%) (22%) (15%) (4%) 14% 69%
CAPEX = capital expenditure, FIRR = financial internal rate of return, TCO = total cost of ownership.
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Impact on Total Cost of Ownership
of Applying a Carbon Price in Indonesia
Parameter Value
Carbon price Rp75,000/tCO
Impact per liter of gasoline Rp171
Increase in gasoline price 2%
Impact per kilometer Rp4
Impact per annum Rp58,350
New FIRR (%) (5)
Old FIRR (%) (35)
TCO old fossil Rp550/km
TCO new fossil Rp554/km
FIRR = financial internal rate of return, km = kilometer, l = liter, Rp = Indonesian
rupiah, TCO = total cost of ownership, tCO
= tons of carbon dioxide.
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Projected Number of E-Motorcycles in Total Indonesia with a BAU Scenario,
an Urban Regulation Scenario and a Financial Incentive Scenario
           
Total motorcycles (million)
113 119 123 127 130 131 131 131 131 131 131 131
Additional units
6 5 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sales market
. . . . . . . . . . . .
EV target GSE cumulative
0.0 0.5 1.3 2.7 4.6 7.6 11.8 12.0 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.0
EV target GSE per annum new
0.0 0.5 0.9 1.3 2.0 3.0 4.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
EV target as share of sales (%)
0 7 13 17 24 34 44 2 2 2 2 2
Market share (%)
0 0 1 2 4 6 9 9 9 10 10 10
EV target BAU RUEN national energy target cumulative
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.1 2.1
EV target BAU RUEN national energy target annual
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.0
EV target as share of sales (%)
0 0 0 3 4 7 11 0 0 0 0 0
Market share (%)
0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
RUEN optimistic scenario
100 100 100 100 100 100
No government intervention BAU EV share sales (%)
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sales of EVs BAU
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Cumulative EVs BAU
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.3 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.8 6.2
Market share (%)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Urban regulation strategy (%)
0 0 1 10 25 50 50 60 70 75 75 80
Sales of EVs regulations
0.00 0.00 0.07 0.76 2.04 4.41 4.76 6.17 7.77 9.00 9.72 11.19
Cumulative EVs regulations
0.00 0.00 0.07 0.83 2.87 7.27 12.04 18.20 25.98 34.97 44.69 55.88
Market share (%)
0 0 0 1 2 6 9 14 20 27 34 43
High economic incentives (like Taipei,China) EV sales share (%)
0 0 0 2 4 7 11 15 20 25 35 50
Sales of EVs high finance incentives RUEN SCENARIO
0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.5 7.0
Cumulative Evs high incentive benefits
0 0 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.1 2.1 3.7 5.9 8.9 13.4 20.4
Market share (%)
0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 5 7 10 16
2019 Data
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
CAGR MCC 2015 to 2019 (%)
6 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Expected CAGR 2030 (%)
BAU = business-as-usual, CAGR = compound annual growth rate, EV = electric vehicle, GSE = grand strategy for energy, RUEN = Rencana Umum
Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan), STD = statistik transportasi darat (land transportation statistics).
1. Assumed decreasing CAGR due to saturation of market reaching populaiton growth by 2030
2. Replaced units based on 5 year usage and then replaced based on old data of new units plus additional ones
Source: STD, 2019, table 3.3.
Table A.: Motorcycle Total
and E-Motorcycle Sales Projections
Parameter     
Motorcycle sales 7.0 7.6 8.2 8.8 9.5
RUEN base target 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.0
GSE target 0.9 1.3 2.0 3.0 4.1
BAU scenario 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5
Financial incentives scenario 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.0
Regulation scenario 0.1 0.8 2.0 4.4 4.8
BAU = business-as-usual, GSE = grand strategy for energy, RUEN = Rencana Umum
Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan).
Source: Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Estimated Subsidy Requirement to Achieve Target of . Million
E-Motorcycles by 
Parameter Value
Subsidy dierential investment cost per motorcycle year 1 based on 50% Rp10 million
Subsidy dierential expected year 5 Rp5 million
Number of e-motorcycles targeted in 5 years by RUEN 2.1 million
Motorcycle estimated subsidy Rp1.58E+13
Number of motorcycles per charging station based on relation in Taipei,China 200
Cost per swapping station excl. Land Rp71.5 million
50% subsidy charging station Rp35.75 million
Total number of charging stations 10,500
Subsidy charging station based on subsidizing 25% of units Rp93,844 million
Total subsidy Rp1.58E+13
Motorcycle estimated subsidy $1,101 million
Subsidy charging station $6.56 million
Total subsidy $1,108 million
Subsidy per motorcycle Rp7.5 million
Economic value of reduced GHG emissions Rp1.8 million
Economic value of reduced air pollutants Rp2.2 million
Economic value of reduced emissions total Rp4.1 million
GHG = greenhouse gas, Rp = Indonesian rupiah, RUEN = Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan).
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Scenarios of Number of Swapping Stations for E-Motorcycles in JABODETABEK
Parameter         
BAU e-motorcycles
2,809 4,213 5,617 7,021 8,426 9,830 11,234 12,638 14,043
Scenario 1: RUEN / DEN with subsidies
21,228 67,079 153,739 300,813 517,412 829,316 1,250,386 1,887,043 2,869,315
Scenario 2 e-motorcycles: GSE with regulations
115,966 402,539 1,021,536 1,690,054 2,556,453 3,648,115 4,911,324 6,275,590 7,847,224
Total motorcycles
17,847,907 18,204,865 18,386,913 18,386,913 18,386,913 18,386,913 18,386,913 18,386,913 18,386,913
Swap stations scenario 1
33 105 240 470 808 1,296 1,954 2,949 4,483
Area swap stations scenario 1
211 67 29 15 9 5 4 2 2
Area assumed non-standardization
633 200 87 45 26 16 11 7 5
Actual number of swap station non-standardized
33 105 240 470 808 1,296 1,954 2,100 2,100
Swap stations scenario 2
181 629 1,596 2,641 3,994 5,700 7,674 9,806 12,261
Area swap stations scenario 2
39 11 4 3 2 1 1 1 1
Actual number of swap stations standardized
181 629 700 700 700 700 700 700 700
Area assumed non-standardization
116 33 13 8 5 4 3 2 2
Actual number of swap station excluding standardization
181 629 1,596 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100
Area targeted
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
BAU = business-as-usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = grand strategy for energy, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang
and Bekasi, RUEN = Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan).
1. Non-standardization assumed with three battery types
2. Actual number assumed that density is not more than targeted area i.e., swap stations get bigger
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Scenarios of Number of Swapping Stations for E-Motorcycles in Bali
Parameter         
BAU e-motorcycles
662 993 1,325 1,656 1,987 2,318 2,649 2,980 3,312
Scenario 1: RUEN / DEN with subsidies
5,006 15,818 36,254 70,937 122,015 195,567 294,863 444,998 676,635
Scenario 2 e-motorcycles: GSE with regulations
27,347 94,926 240,896 398,545 602,857 860,290 1,158,177 1,479,895 1,850,514
Total motorcycles
4,208,852 4,293,029 4,335,959 4,335,959 4,335,959 4,335,959 4,335,959 4,335,959 4,335,959
Swap stations scenario 1
8 25 57 111 191 306 461 695 1,057
Area swap stations scenario 1
742 235 102 52 30 19 13 8 5
Area assumed non-standardization
2,225 704 307 157 91 57 38 25 16
Actual number of swap station excl. standardization
8 25 57 111 191 306 461 695 1,057
Swap stations scenario 2
43 148 376 623 942 1,344 1,810 2,312 2,891
Area swap stations scenario 2
136 39 15 9 6 4 3.2 2.5 2.0
Actual number of swap stations standardized
43 148 376 580 580 580 580 580 580
Area assumed non-standardization
407 117 46 28 18 13 10 8 6
Actual number of swap station excl. Standardization
43 148 376 623 942 1,344 1,740 1,740 1,740
Area targeted
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
BAU = business-as-usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = grand strategy for energy, RUEN = Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (National Energy
1. Non-standardization assumed with three battery types
2. Actual number assumed that density is not more than targeted area i.e., swap stations get bigger
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Destination Chargers
Parameter         
Indonesia 82,581 286,654 727,453 1,203,515 1,820,492 2,597,883 3,497,435 4,468,951 5,588,138
JABODETABEK 11,597 40,254 102,154 169,005 255,645 364,811 491,132 627,559 784,722
Bali 2,735 9,493 24,090 39,854 60,286 86,029 115,818 147,990 185,051
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Note: Data based on 10% of e-motorcycles.
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Scenario Calculations
Parameter         
JABODETABEK 181 629 1,596 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100
Bali 43 148 376 623 942 1,344 1,740 1,740 1,740
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Scenario Calculations
Indonesia         
Total e-motorcycles (cumulative)
825,811 2,866,545 7,274,529 12,035,152 18,204,919 25,978,826 34,974,347 44,689,509 55,881,377
Private (90%)
743,230 2,579,890 6,547,076 10,831,637 16,384,427 23,380,943 31,476,912 40,220,558 50,293,239
Commercial (10%)
82,581 286,654 727,453 1,203,515 1,820,492 2,597,883 3,497,435 4,468,951 5,588,138
Electricity usage total MWh
303,733 1,054,315 2,675,572 4,426,529 6,695,769 9,555,012 12,863,565 16,436,802 20,553,170
Electricity usage private MWh
254,185 882,322 2,239,100 3,704,420 5,603,474 7,996,283 10,765,104 13,755,431 17,200,288
Electricity usage commercial
49,549 171,993 436,472 722,109 1,092,295 1,558,730 2,098,461 2,681,371 3,352,883
GHG reduction total
571,652 1,984,312 5,035,657 8,331,110 12,602,017 17,983,359 24,210,341 30,935,482 38,682,844
reduction total
146 506 1,284 2,125 3,214 4,586 6,175 7,890 9,866
reduction total
972 3,374 8,562 14,165 21,426 30,576 41,163 52,598 65,770
Economic benefit million (Rp)
721,483 2,504,402 6,355,506 10,514,699 15,905,013 22,696,808 30,555,886 39,043,690 48,821,640
Economic benefit ($ million)
50 175 444 735 1,112 1,587 2,137 2,730 3,414
JABODETABEK         
Total e-motorcycles (cumulative) 115,966 402,539 1,021,536 1,690,054 2,556,453 3,648,115 4,911,324 6,275,590 7,847,224
Private (90%) 104,369 362,285 919,383 1,521,048 2,300,807 3,283,303 4,420,192 5,648,031 7,062,502
Commercial (10%) 11,597 40,254 102,154 169,005 255,645 364,811 491,132 627,559 784,722
Electricity usage total MWh 42,652 148,054 375,721 621,602 940,263 1,341,777 1,806,385 2,308,162 2,886,209
Electricity usage private MWh 35,694 123,901 314,429 520,199 786,876 1,122,890 1,511,706 1,931,627 2,415,376
Electricity usage commercial
6,958 24,152 61,292 101,403 153,387 218,887 294,679 376,535 470,833
GHG reduction total 80,275 278,650 707,140 1,169,908 1,769,657 2,525,340 3,399,773 4,344,161 5,432,095
reduction total 20 71 180 298 451 644 867 1,108 1,385
reduction total 136 474 1,202 1,989 3,009 4,294 5,780 7,386 9,236
Economic benefit million (Rp) 101,315 351,684 892,481 1,476,542 2,233,485 3,187,233 4,290,855 5,482,767 6,855,850
Economic benefit ($ million) 7 25 62 103 156 223 300 383 479
Bali         
Total e-motorcycles (cumulative) 27,347 94,926 240,896 398,545 602,857 860,290 1,158,177 1,479,895 1,850,514
Private (90%) 24,612 85,433 216,807 358,690 542,571 774,261 1,042,359 1,331,906 1,665,463
Commercial (10%) 2,735 9,493 24,090 39,854 60,286 86,029 115,818 147,990 185,051
Electricity usage total MWh 10,058 34,914 88,602 146,585 221,731 316,415 425,978 544,305 680,619
Electricity usage private MWh 8,417 29,218 74,148 122,672 185,559 264,797 356,487 455,512 569,588
Electricity usage commercial
1,641 5,696 14,454 23,913 36,171 51,617 69,491 88,794 111,031
GHG reduction total 18,930 65,711 166,756 275,885 417,316 595,520 801,727 1,024,430 1,280,984
reduction total 5 17 43 70 106 152 204 261 327
reduction total 32 112 284 469 710 1,013 1,363 1,742 2,178
Economic benefit million (Rp) 23,892 82,933 210,463 348,195 526,695 751,606 1,011,860 1,292,934 1,616,731
Economic benefit ($ million) 2 6 15 24 37 53 71 90 113
GHG = greenhouse gas,
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, MWh = megawatt hour, NO
= nitrogen oxides,
= particulate matter 2.5, Rp = Indonesian rupiah.
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Charging Infrastructure
General assumptions for the swapping and charging infrastructure
Parameter Commercial Usage Private Usage
Number of batteries per EV 2 1
Number of km driven daily (km) 80 46
Energy usage (kWh/km) 0.025 0.025
Battery useable capacity (kWh/battery) 1 1
EV swaps per day 1.5 0
Share of motorcycles (%) 10 90
Charging power (kW) 1
Slots in swap station (minimum) 10
Number of operating hours 16
Average recharge time per battery (hour) 1
Maximum station utilization (number of batteries) 160
Station utilization (% of slots x operating hours) 60
Number of battery swaps per station per day 96
Number of e-motorcycles served per day 64
Parameter   
Land area JABODETABEK (km
) 7,000
Land area DKI Jakarta (km
) 660
Number of citizens 37,630,356 41,458,000 42,131,000
Total number of motorcycles 17,847,907 18,386,913 18,386,913
Motorcycles used for ride-hailing 1,784,791 1,838,691 1,838,691
Number of e-Motorcycles
BAU e-motorcycles 2,809 7,021 14,043
Scenario 1 : RUEN / DEN with subsidies 21,228 300,813 2,869,315
Scenario 2 e-Motorcycles: GSE with regulations 115,966 1,690,054 7,847,224
BAU = business-as-usual, DEN = National Energy Council, EV = electric vehicle, GSE = grand strategy for energy,
JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, km = kilometer, km
= square kilometer,
kW =kilowatt, kWh = kilowatt-hour, RUEN = Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan).
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Scenarios for  in JABODETABEK
Parameter BAU
Scenario : RUEN /
DEN with Subsidies
Scenario : GSE with
Number of e-motorcycles 7,021 300,813 1,690,054
Total number of battery swaps 1,053 45,122 253,508
Number of swap stations 11 470 2,641
Service area per swap station standardized
) 638 14.9 2.7
Jakarta (km
) 60.2 1.4 0.25
Service area JABODETABEK non-standardized (km
) 1,914 45 8
Overview Bali
Parameter   
Land area Bali (km
) 5,800
Land area Kota Denpasar (km
) 124
Number of residents 4,500,000 4,700,000 4,900,000
Number of tourists on island peak time 100,000 100,000 100,000
Kota Denpasar 700,000 900,000 1,000,000
Number of (combustion) motorcycles 4,208,852 4,335,959 4,335,959
Rental (25% of peak tourists) 25,000 25,000 25,000
Number of e-Motorcyles
BAU e-motorcycles 662 1,656 3,312
Scenario 1 : RUEN / DEN with subsidies 5,006 70,937 676,635
Scenario 2 e-MCs: GSE with regulations 27,347 398,545 1,850,514
BAU = business-as-usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = grand strategy for energy, JABODETABEK = DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and Bekasi, km
= square kilometer, RUEN = Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan).
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Table A.: Scenarios for  in Bali
Year  BAU
Scenario : RUEN /
DEN with Subsidies
Scenario : GSE
with Regulations
Number of e-motorcycles 1,656 70,937 398,545
Total number of battery swaps 248 10,641 59,782
Number of swap stations 3 111 623
Service area per swap station*/**
Bali (km
) 2,242 52.3 9.3
Kota Denpasar (km
) 47.9 1.1 0.2
Service area JABODETABEK non-standardized (m
) 6,726 157 28
BAU = business-as-usual, DEN = National Energy Council, GSE = grand strategy for energy, km
= square kilometer, m
= square meter,
RUEN = Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (National Energy Masterplan).
* Distance between swap locations on Bali (average): urban 6 km; suburban 20 km.
Source: Calculations by Grutter Consulting.
Further Reading
Avicenne Energy. 2018. Worldwide Rechargeable - Battery Market 2017-2030 - 2018 Edition.
European Commission. 2019. Commission Sta Working Document on the Evaluation of the Directive 2006/66/EC
on Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators and Repealing Directive 91/157/EEC.
International Monetary Fund. 2014. Getting Energy Prices Right.
Swartenbroux, L. V. 2018. Belgium: Enviroment & Climate Change LAW 2019.
Government of Indonesia. 2016. Nationally Determined Contribution.
Motilal Oswal. 2021. Sector Update 19.3.2021 Automobiles: Disruption from e-2Ws ahead, e-3Ws near an inflection point.
6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City
1550 Metro Manila, Philippines
Electric Motorcycle Charging Infrastructure Road Map for Indonesia
Motorcycles are a major component of road transport in Indonesia with more than 120 million estimated to
be in use. While the number of motorcycles operating in the country has steadily grown in recent years, the
proportion of electric motorcycles remains very low. A shift away from fossil-fuel-based motorcycles will
provide considerable benefits for Indonesia by reducing air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions,
and reliance on fuel imports. This report examines how such a shift can be achieved with a focus on electric
motorcycle charging infrastructure. It draws on best practices from other economies to provide a road map
and policy recommendations for developing this infrastructure.
About the Asian Development Bank
ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific,
while sustaining its eorts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members
—49 from the region. Its main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue,
loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance.