Created by the Moakley Law Library
Created July 2020 using Zoom v. 5.1.2
Zoom Cloud Video: Sharing and Editing your Recordings and Transcripts
Enabling Cloud Recording
Go to
In the menu on the left, click Settings.
Click Recording.
Under Cloud Recording Toggle Cloud Recording on (NOTE: You can also enable Local Recording to record
to your computer as well as the cloud, but this is a preference):
After you have toggled this on, you can change the following settings underneath it:
o Record active speaker with shared screen: This will record screen share and whoever is actively
speaking. Turn this on to enable students viewing the recording later to see any slides or notes
you share.
o Record gallery view with shared screen: This will record screen share with the gallery view
(small video tiles of participants with a yellow box around whoever is speaking).
o Record active speaker, gallery view, and shared screen separately: This produces two
recordings, one with each of the selections described above.
o Record an audio only file: In addition to video, Zoom will also record an audio-only file.
o Save chat messages from the meeting: A text file preserving any public messages in the chat
will appear with your video(s) in the Recordings tab in Zoom both on Blackboard and
o Audio Transcript: You must enable this setting for Zoom to automatically transcribe your
recordings. The transcript will appear with your video in the Recordings tab in Zoom both in
Blackboard and This transcript can later be used as closed captions.
Automatic Recording: Toggle on (blue) to enable recordings to start automatically when your meeting
starts (NOTE: Recordings will start whenever the first person enters a meeting. For example, if a
student enters a class ten minutes early and leaves one minute later, a one-minute recording will be
created. To prevent this, navigate to Settings in the menu on the left. Under Meeting disable (gray)
Join Before Host. This will ensure that no one can enter your meeting until you or your alternate host
starts it.)
Staring a Cloud Recording in Meeting
Start your meeting.
When you are ready to record, select the Record button on the Zoom Toolbar and choose Record to
the Cloud.
To pause or stop the recording select
o Stop ends the recording. If you begin again, your recording will be split into two files.
Created by the Moakley Law Library
Created July 2020 using Zoom v. 5.1.2
o Pause pauses your recording without creating a new video file. NOTE: Press pause during
breaks or breakout room session so your students will not be confused by multiple recordings
when they go to view the class video.
Manage Cloud Recordings on Blackboard
To manage Cloud Recordings on Blackboard, navigate to your course and select Online Synchronous
Click the Cloud Recordings tab. Click on the title of the recording you wish to edit or share.
You can search recordings by meeting ID or Topic. You can also limit your search with a date range of
as many as 30 days or a period shorter than that.
In this example, you will see three files: Active Speaker View with Shared Screen, Gallery View with
Shared Screen, and Audio Only:
Students will see these files when they navigate to Online Synchronous Learning, select Course
Recordings, and select the title of the recording they wish to view. You can also click Share underneath
the file to copy a link. Anyone you send this link to can view the video (note: this is a good option in
case Blackboard is down).
To edit, select the video you wish to edit. A new window will open with the video playback on your
screen. At the bottom of the video, you will see this bar:
Select the scissors icon to trim playback on the beginning and/or end of your video.
Shared Screen with
Speaker View
Shared Screen with
Gallery View
Audio Only
Created by the Moakley Law Library
Created July 2020 using Zoom v. 5.1.2
The bar will then show the playback length of the video with sliders at the beginning and end.
Move these bars to trim (cut out) dead air or unwanted chatter from the beginning and end of the
video and click Save (note: You can continue to move the sliders to get back material you cut after
saving as long as you do not close the video).
If you have enabled a transcript, you will see the transcript beside the video. Click the pencil icon to
edit (note: Zoom transcription is very good, but it has a hard time with accents and quick speaking).
You can download the file at any time by clicking Download at the top right corner of the page.
Manage Cloud Recordings on
All of your Zoom recordings, whether the meeting was scheduled on Blackboard or not, will show in
the Recordings tab on
This portal offers more sharing settings for your recordings. If you choose these settings for recordings
you have made of classes scheduled in Blackboard, the changes will appear on the files in Blackboard
even though you cannot make the changes there.
Go to and select Recordings from the menu on the left.
You can search recordings by meeting ID, Topic, or Keyword (note: Keyword search is not available on
Blackboard). You can also limit your search with a date range of as many as 30 days or a period shorter
than that.
Created by the Moakley Law Library
Created July 2020 using Zoom v. 5.1.2
When you select the recording you wish to edit or share, this page will open:
When you click at the top right of the page, this menu will appear:
Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the link you can send via email to share the recording (note: your
recording will still appear to students on Blackboard. Sending the link is a good backup option if
Blackboard is down).
To edit, select the video you wish to edit. A new window will open with the video playback on your
screen. At the bottom of the video, you will see this bar:
Select the scissors icon to trim playback on the beginning and/or end of your video.
The bar will then show the playback length of the video with sliders at the beginning and end.
Move these bars to trim (cut out) dead air or unwanted chatter from the beginning and end of the
video and click Save (note: You can continue to move the sliders to get back material you cut after
saving as long as you do not close the video).
Here you can see the different recordings available. In
addition to the different options for Shared Screen
views and the Audio Only file, you can select a file
containing only the Audio Transcript, and a file of the
text that was sent publicly in the chat.
Toggle on (blue) to share and select Publicly to share
with anyone you send the link to or Internally to
share with users who have logged into Zoom with
their Suffolk credentials.
Toggle this on (blue) to allow students to download the video.
If you do not want students to download a copy to their
computer, toggle this off (gray).
Toggle this option on (blue) to require a password for anyone to
view this video. You can change this (and any) sharing setting at any
time (example: if you’d like to limit access to videos during finals,
you can add a password later).
Created by the Moakley Law Library
Created July 2020 using Zoom v. 5.1.2
If you have enabled a transcript, you will see the transcript beside the video. Click the pencil icon to
edit (note: Zoom transcription is very good, but it has a hard time with accents and quick speaking).
You can download the file at any time by clicking Download at the top right corner of the page.
Deleting and Retrieving Deleted Videos
On Blackboard, navigate to your course and select Online Synchronous Learning.
Click the Cloud Recordings tab. Click on the title of the recording you wish to edit or share.
Zoom retains deleted recordings for 30 days before deleting them permanently.
To restore a deleted recording, go to and select Recordings from the menu on
the left. Select Trash on the right.
1. Check the box next to the
recording(s) you wish to
2. Click Delete.
Created by the Moakley Law Library
Created July 2020 using Zoom v. 5.1.2
This menu will appear:
Restored recordings for meetings scheduled in Blackboard will appear in that course’s recordings in
Once you permanently delete a cloud recording, it cannot be recovered.
1. Click the box to check
multiple recordings to
2. Select recover to restore the recordings you
checked below.
Restore or permanently delete a
single recording by clicking
Recover or Delete in the row
beside that recording.