UC-266 (Rev. 11/30/2018)
Handbook on Unemployment Benefits
The Unemployment Insurance (UI) program, administered by the UI Division of the State Department of
Labor and Industrial Relations, provides temporary financial support to qualified workers who are
unemployed through no fault of their own and meet the requirements of the law. Employers pay all UI costs
through a tax on their payrolls or on a reimbursable basis. Workers do not contribute to the UI program.
Filing an Application for Unemployment Insurance
How Do I File for UI Benefits?
To file a new application or to reactivate an unexpired UI claim for benefits, go to:
and “Login as a Claimant.” If this is the first time you are accessing this Web
site, you will first need to create a personal account. Your claim is effective from the week that you file -
- not from when you became unemployed. If you do not have Internet access or need assistance, go to
your local claims office to use the computer kiosks or ask for help. A listing of the various offices may
be found on the last page of this handbook.
After logging onto the system, selectFile an Initial Claim for a new application or “Reactivation” to
restart an unexpired claim for benefits. File between 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (HST), Monday to Friday
or between 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (HST) on weekends and holidays. Print your confirmation page at
the end and download applicable forms to submit to the department as required. Failure to submit the
required forms may affect your UI payments.
If you are in another state, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or Canada, file your
application online at http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov
. Do not file an application from anywhere else.
Establishing a Valid Claim
How Can I Qualify for UI Benefits? You need:
1. Wages pai
d for insured work in at least two calendar quarters in your base period.
2. Wages paid for insured work of least 26 times your weekly benefit amount (WBA) in your base period.
3. Wages paid of at least five times your WBA for work during the prior claim if filing a new claim
immediately after a prior claim expires.
NOTE: You can combine out-of-state wages with your Hawaii wages to qualify for a valid claim or to
increase your weekly benefit amount if you worked in several states during the 18 months prior to filing
your Hawaii claim.
What is My Base Period?
The base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters from the effective date of your
new application for benefits. Under certain conditions, an alternate base period, consisting of the most
recent four completed quarters, may be used. To find your base period:
EXAMPLE: UI Claim filed effective: 4/6/2020
Base Period:
1/1/19 to 12/31/19 (firs
t four of the last five quarters)
Alternative Base Period: 4/1/19 to 3/31/20 (last four quarters)
How Much Will I Receive?
You will get an “Unemployment Determination of Insured Status” form with the following information:
ges paid by each employer in the four quarters and the total wages paid in the base period.
Your benefit year -- the 52-week period starting from the week you filed your initial application.
Your WBA -- highest quarter of wages in your base period divided by 21 provided that it does not
exceed the maximum WBA for the calendar year. To find the current maximum WBA go to:
Your maximum benefit amount (MBA) -- total amount of benefits that you can receive during
your benefit year which equals 26 x WBA.
If you receive an invalid “Unemployment Determination of Insured Status,” you may request a
reconsideration of the determination by providing proof of earnings or see if you qualify using the
alternative base period method.
Am I Eligible for UI Benefits? You must meet the following eligibility conditions to collect UI benefits:
1) Be Totally or Partially Unemployed. You must be totally separated from a regular job or still be
attached to an employer but work less than full-time hours and earn less than your WBA. (See
Partial/Part-Total Claims.)
2) File an Application to Establish a UI claim that is effective the week of filing, not when you
became unemployed.
3) File Claim Certifications on a weekly/bi-weekly basis to request payment of benefits while
unemployed. (See Filing Weekly or Bi-Weekly Claim Certifications.)
If the
date of
your claim
is in this
Lag Qtr. Your standard base period is:
Qtr 4
Qtr 3
Qtr 2
Qtr 1
Year before prior year
Current year
Prior year
4) Register for Work with the State Workforce Development Division (WDD). Post an online
resume in HireNet Hawaii within seven calendar days after you applied for UI benefits at
http://www.hirenethawaii.com/. The WDD offices are listed at http://hawaii.gov/labor/wdd.
Registration for work with WDD may be waived for some union members or if you are partially
unemployed. Your union must complete Form UC-226, “Verification of Registration With A
Referring Union and it must be submitted to your local claims office. Find Form UC-226 at: https://
5) Participate in Reemployment Services (Worker Profiling) if you are selected for referral to WDD
or another service provider for orientation, assessment, job placement, or other similar services.
6) Be Physically and Mentally Able to Work. If you become ill/disabled after filing an application for
UI benefits, a medical waiver may apply if your condition is certified by a doctor and you do not
refuse suitable work because of your illness/disability. Continue to file your claim certifications and
ask your local office for more information.
7) Be ready and willing to Seek and Accept Work that you are reasonably fitted for by training or
experience without any undue restrictions.
Make three or more work search contacts every week. Keep a record of all your work search
contacts on Form UC-253,Record of Contacts Made for Work,” and submit when requested. Go to
http://labor.hawaii.gov/ui/files/2012/12/UC-253_Record_of_Job_Contacts.pdf to download Form
You must notify your local claims office of any changes in your availability for work such as loss of
child care, going to school, taking a trip, illness, performing self-employment, etc. Changes in your
availability for work may affect your eligibility to benefits.
Members in good standing of referring unions must be on the union’s out-of-work list and comply
with all union reporting requirements. You must notify the local claims office if: 1) you refuse work
referrals, 2) the union will not refer you to jobs, or 3) you otherwise change your union status in
which you may be required to register for work with WDD (see number 4 above).
8) Serve a One-Week Waiting Period which is the first eligible week on your UI claim. You must file a
claim certification for the waiting period week even though no benefits will be paid to you.
9) Report for Required Interviews -- Respond immediately whenever the department contacts you
regarding your claim or report as scheduled by UI or WDD.
Fact-finding Interviews -- Whenever possible, information will be obtained by telephone for an
issue regarding your claim. If a telephone message is left for you to provide more information on
an issue and you do not respond as directed, a decision will be made based on available
information. Your failure to respond may affect payment of your benefits.
Eligibility Review Interview (ERI) or Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment
(RESEA) -- Periodically scheduled to enhance job search efforts and review continued eligibility for
Quality Control Audits -- Randomly selected claims for intensive review of job separations, current
and past eligibility status, wages used to establish your claim, and any determinations rendered.
The job contacts listed on your claim certifications will be personally verified.
You may be disqualified from receiving UI benefits for the following reasons:
1) Voluntary Quit Without Good Cause. If you leave your job, you must show that you had
compelling reasons and tried reasonable alternatives before quitting.
2) Discharge or Suspension for Misconduct Connected with Work. If you are terminated by
your employer, the employer must show evidence of misconduct connected with work.
3) Failure to Accept Suitable Work without Good Cause. If you refuse a bona fide job offer of
suitable work, you must show that you had compelling reasons to do so.
4) Not Able and/or Not Available for Work. If you are not physically able to work and the medical
waiver does not apply or not available for work, you are not entitled to receive benefits until these
conditions no longer exist. If you are attached to an employer (partial or part-total claims), you
may be denied benefits if you decline to accept all work offered by your employer or requested
time off.
5) Labor Dispute. If there is a labor dispute in your workplace that directly affects you, payment of
UI benefits will depend on whether or not there is evidence of work stoppage.
6) Other Unemployment Benefits. You may not collect UI benefits concurrently under more than
one state or federal law.
7) Fraud. Knowingly making false statements or omitting material facts to obtain benefits may
result in a two-year disqualification and repayment of all overpaid UI benefits plus a 15% penalty.
Depending on the seriousness of the offense, you may be subject to CRIMINAL
PROSECUTION. If convicted, you can be fined up to $10,000 or imprisoned up to five years
or both.
Appeal Rights
If you are denied benefits and disagree with the “Notice of Decision on Unemployment Insurance Claim,
you may request reconsideration and/or file an appeal to the Employment Security Appeals Referees
Office (ESARO) within 10 calendar days after the determination or redetermination was mailed to you.
The appeal period may be extended to 30 calendar days for good cause by ESARO. If you file an appeal
or request reconsideration, do not stop filing your claim certifications.
File your appeal online at http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov or submit your appeal directly to ESARO. You could
also use the appeal form at your local claims office or write your own letter to submit to your local claims
office. Attach a copy of the decision(s) which you disagree with. The address for ESARO is 830
Punchbowl Street, Room 429, Honolulu, HI 96813.
Filing Weekly or Bi-Weekly Claim Certifications
How Do I File My Weekly or Bi-Weekly Claim Certifications?
File your weekly or bi-weekly claim certifications online at: http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov/
. If you do not have
Internet connection, go to your local claims office to use the computer kiosks or visit any public library and
request to use their Internet computers to access the UI claims filing Web site.
What Weekending Date(s) Do I File For?
Unless otherwise specified, a “week” means a calendar week that starts on Sunday and ends on
Saturday. A week claimed is referred to by the week ending date or the Saturday of that week.
Once you file a new claim or reactivate an unexpired claim, you must certify weekly or biweekly to request
UI payments. Your confirmation page or e-mail confirmation will have a link to download your
weekly/biweekly filing schedule. Check the “Claim Inquiryfeature or “My Claim Status” to verify your prior
claim certification(s) and when the claim certification(s) are due. Record your claim certifications filed and
payments on a calendar.
Note: If you stop filing claims for two or more consecutive weeks, you must reactivate your claim to
resume filing (exception: partial claims). Only claims filed after the reactivation are properly filed so any
prior weeks may be denied. (See Additional Claim or Reopened Claim.)
When Do I File?
For weekly filing, you certify for the past Sunday to Saturday period. The claim must be filed within
seven days from the end of the certification period or benefits may be denied for late filing.
Example A: You are filing for the one week period ending on Saturday, 8/23 (week began on
Sunday, 8/17). You have seven days, 8/24 through 8/30 (shown in gray) to timely file your
claim certification.
When filing biweekly, you are certifying for the prior two weeks that started on Sunday in the first week and
ends on Saturday in the second week. The claim must be filed within seven days from the end of the two
week period or benefits may be denied for late filing.
Example B: You are filing for the two-week period from Sunday, 8/10 thru Saturday, 8/23. You
have seven days, 8/24 through 8/30 (shown in gray) to timely file your bi-weekly claim
IMPORTANT: When you file for a bi-weekly period, you must file for each week separately. You should start with the
first week, answer all questions relating to the first week, and submit. Continue the same process for the second
week. You must file for both the first week and the second week to get paid for two weeks.
How Soon Can I Expect My First Check?
You can receive your first check in about three weeks after you file your new claim if claim certifications are
filed timely, all eligibility requirements are met, and no disqualification is in effect. Conversely, any
situations that raise conflicts with the law will delay payment pending a fact-finding investigation. If your
claim is denied, you will not be paid.
New claim application filed.
Certify for the 1
week the waiting period. No benefits
will be paid for the waiting period week.
Certify for the 2
week. If there are no issues, receive a
check for the second week.
What If I Leave the State?
If you go out-of-state to look for work, you can file courtesy claim certifications online at
for two consecutive weeks. When the online filing system asks you to share
your location, respond immediately as benefits may be delayed or denied for improper filing. Transfer
your claim if you are permanently relocating or staying more than two weeks. (See Liable Interstate
Benefits.) NOTE: filing from a foreign country or leaving the state for other personal reasons will raise an
issue which must be investigated.
What If I Return to Work?
As soon as you are back to work, report your employment, including hours worked and gross earnings for
the week (even if not yet paid) on your next claim certification. If you earn less than your WBA during the
week that you return to work (provided you did not work full-time hours), UI payment will be your WBA
minus your gross earnings that is more than $150. A fraud determination can be made if you do not
report gross earnings from work in the same week that you collect UI benefits.
Additional Claim or Reopened Claim
If you stopped filing claim certifications because you returned to work and were separated within your
unexpired benefit year, file an additional claim to reestablish your eligibility for benefits. You must also
file an additional claim if you have a partial or part-total claim and become separated from that
employer. Reopen your claim if you stop filing claim certifications for two or more consecutive weeks
for reasons other than employment. To file an additional or reopen a claim, go to
and login as a claimant. Select “Reactivate Claimfrom the menu or task list.
An additional or reopened claim is reactivated effective from the week in which it is filed and any weeks
filed prior to the reactivation may be denied.
Partial Claims
If you are still attached to your regular employer, worked less than your full-time hours, and earned less
than your weekly benefit amount during a week, you may be eligible for partial unemployment benefits
which can be backdated up to 28 calendar days to a week of less than full-time employment.
After filing your application, Form UC-348, “Verification of Partial Unemployment Status,” will be mailed to
your employer. The employer must verify that you have a definite return to work date, is maintaining your
medical insurance plan or sick leave/vacation credits or you will be scheduled to work reduced hours
each week due to lack of full time work to qualify for partial unemployment status. If your employer does
not respond within 5 working days or does not confirm your partial unemployment status, you will be
required to change your status, register for work and begin making work search contacts.
You must accept all work offered by the employer and file your weekly claim certifications online, for
periods of no work or less than full-time work, within 28 days from the week ending date. In addition to
filing weekly claim certifications, your employer must report your hours and earnings, employment status,
and availability for work offered by going online to http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov
Part-total Claims
If you are working on-call, part-time or on an intermittent basis while seeking full-time work, you may be
eligible for part-total unemployment benefits. You must be registered for work (WDD or a referring
union), be able and available for work, and make work search contacts for each week you claim benefits.
You file claim certifications on a weekly and/or biweekly basis which are due within seven calendar days
(See Filing Weekly or Bi-Weekly Claim Certifications). You must report your hours and gross earnings
for each week you claim benefits even if you have not been paid. In addition to filing your claim
certifications, your employer must report your hours and earnings, employment status, and availability for
work each week by going online to http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov
Payment of Benefits
Are Earnings From Employment Deducted From My UI Benefits?
Yes. Gross earnings (before taxes) from all employment, including part-time, intermittent, or on-call
that do not exceed your UI WBA are deductible from your UI benefits. You and your employer are
responsible for correctly reporting your gross earnings for each week that you certify for benefits even if
you have not yet been paid. The first $150 in wages is disregarded and will not affect your UI payment.
Example A: UI WBA = $400. Gross earnings for the week = $250. Only $100 is deductible
from $400 ($250 - $150 earnings disregard = $100).
Your UI benefit payment = $300 benefits + $250 earnings = total weekly income
of $550.
Example B: UI WBA = $400. Earnings from working 25 hours for the week = $450. Since
your earnings exceed the UI WBA, you are considered not unemployed and
ineligible for UI benefits.
Are UI Benefits Taxable?
Yes. You may elect to withhold 10% for federal taxes and 5% for Hawaii state taxes from your UI
benefits. To request withholdings of Federal and/or State taxes, go to: http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov
. Login
to your online account and under “My Account” click on “Tax Withholdings” and follow the prompts.
Form 1099-G is mailed every January showing the total benefits paid and any federal or state income
taxes withheld in the previous calendar year. Also, as no adjustments are made for repayments of
overpaid benefits, you need to keep your receipts of the repayment for your tax returns. Make any
address change(s) on your UI online account to receive your Form 1099-G.
Can Child Support be Deducted From UI?
Yes. The Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) enforces child support obligations and can
intercept UI benefits. The amount deducted is based on an order or orders for income withholding. The
deductions may be limited to the maximum allowable under federal law.
For questions regarding the payment of child support, call CSEA:
Oahu ............................................................................................ 692-8265
Neighbor Island and Out-of-State ..................... (toll-free) 1-888-317-9081
Liable Interstate Benefits
Hawaii may pay your UI benefits even if you relocate to another state (including Puerto Rico, Canada,
Virgin Islands, or Washington D.C.). Statutory requirements and responsibilities apply similarly to in-state
and out-of-state claimants alike. To apply online, go to http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov
and login as a claimant.
For new claims, select “File an Initial Claim” from the menu or task list. If you have an existing Hawaii
claim before moving, report your address change first by selecting address change from the menu. Then
return to the main menu and select reactivation and complete the process. If you have questions
regarding your interstate claim, contact the Hawaii Liable Interstate Unit at (808) 586-8970 or e-mail
Federal Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE). Civilian employees for the federal
government will base their UI claim on federal wages as reported on Standard Form (SF) 8 and SF 50. In
general, the location of your last duty station in federal civilian service determines the statutory requirements
of the claim. To apply online go to http://uiclaims.hawaii.gov and login as a claimant.
Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members (UCX). Claims for ex-military service members
depend on the character of service and completion of the first full term of service. If you were released
before completing your first full term of active service, you may still be eligible if the narrative reason for
separation is on the acceptable list provided by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Effective 11/17/91,
active duty for a continuous period of 90 days or more in a reserve status is usable for UCX purposes.
However, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2016 increased the requirement
to 180-days of continuous service for those individuals who began service on or after November 25, 2015.
As an ex-service member, you may file your claim in any state (including Puerto Rico, Canada, Virgin
Islands, or Washington D.C.). Your state of residence when you file your initial claim not your duty station
determines which state pays your UI benefits.
When you file your initial claim application online, you must submit your Member 4, Form DD-214
Report of Transfer or Discharge, to your local claims office. If you don't have a copy of your Form
DD-214, request a copy online at www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/
The UI Division is committed to fair and equal treatment to all individuals without regard to race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, or arrest/court
record. If you feel that you have not been treated equitably in the UI process, contact the local claims
office manager. If you feel your job separation was due to discrimination, you may file a complaint with
the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission (HCRC) in addition to filing your UI claim. For contact information for
HCRC, go to http://labor.hawaii.gov/hcrc/contact/
Unemployment Insurance Claims
Offices http://labor.hawaii.gov/ui
Oahu Claims Office, 830 Punchbowl Street, Room 110, Honolulu, HI 96813-5080
Ph: (808) 586-8970, Fax: (808) 586-8980
E-mail: dlir.ui.oahu@hawaii.gov
Hilo Claims Office, 1990 Kinoole Street, Room 101, Hilo, HI 96720-5293
Ph: (808) 974-4086, Fax: (808) 974-4085
E-mail: dlir.ui[email protected]
Kona Claims Office, Ashikawa Building, 81-990 Halekii Street, Room 2090, P.O. Box 167, Kealakekua,
HI 96750-0167
Ph: (808) 322-4822, Fax: (808) 322-4828
E-mail: dlir.ui.kona@hawaii.gov
Maui Claims Office, 54 South High Street, Room 201, Wailuku, HI 96793-2198
Ph: (808) 984-8400, Fax
: (808) 984-8444
E-mail: dlir.ui.maui@hawaii.gov
Kauai Claims Office, 4370 Kukui Grove Street, Suite 3-214, Lihue, HI 96766
Ph: (808) 274-3043, Fax: (808) 274-3046
E-mail: dlir.ui.kauai@hawaii.gov
Liable Interstate Unit, 830 Punchbowl Street, Room 110, Honolulu, HI 96813-5080
Ph: (808) 586-8970, Fax: (808) 586-8980
Employment Security Appeals RefereesOffice
830 Punchbowl Street, Room 429
Honolulu, HI 96813-5080
Ph: (808) 586-8930, Fax: (808) 586-8944
E-mail: dlir.e[email protected]
Rev. 4/5/2019
American Job Center
1505 Dillingham Blvd., Rm. 110
Honolulu, HI 96817
Telephone: 768
2064 Wells St., Ste. 108
Wailuku, HI 96793
Telephone: 984
(limited services)
55 Makaena Pl., Rm. 4
Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Telephone: 553
Telephone: (808)984
ʻi Island
427 Kilauea Avenue
Hilo, HI 96720
Telephone: 935
4444 Rice St. #302
Līhuʻe, HI
Telephone: 274
Fax: 274