Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Early Achievers Participant Operating
Summer 2022
Adopted from the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning
Spanish and Somali versions of the Operating Guidelines
can be found on the DCYF website.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Overview: What is Early Achievers? ........................................................................................................ 1
Agency Roles ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose of the Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines .......................................................... 2
Non-Discrimination Statement ............................................................................................................... 3
Mandated Reporting ............................................................................................................................... 3
2. Continuous Quality Improvement ........................................................................................................... 3
Re-imagining Early Achievers .................................................................................................................. 3
Continuous Quality Improvement Cycle ................................................................................................. 4
3. Early Achievers Quality Recognition Framework .................................................................................... 4
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Early Achievers Quality Standards .......................................................................................................... 4
Quality Recognition Cycles ...................................................................................................................... 5
Quality Level Structure ........................................................................................................................... 6
4. Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Eligibility.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Participation Requirements .................................................................................................................... 8
Early Achievers Registration ................................................................................................................... 8
Early Achievers Contacts ......................................................................................................................... 8
Coaching ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Technical Supports and Resources .......................................................................................................... 9
5. Quality Recognition Cycle
..................................................................................................................... 10
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Quality Recognition Components ......................................................................................................... 10
Quality Recognition Support Staff ......................................................................................................... 13
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Quality Improvement Plan .................................................................................................................... 13
6. Quality Level ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Finalize My Quality Level ...................................................................................................................... 14
Eligibility Requirements for Finalizing a Quality Level ........................................................................... 14
Quality Level Assignment ...................................................................................................................... 14
Renewing my Quality Level ................................................................................................................... 15
Re-Submitting for an Updated Quality Level......................................................................................... 16
Remedial Activities................................................................................................................................ 17
Early Learning Programs That Do Not Wish to Finalize a Quality Level ................................................. 18
Withdrawing a Finalized Quality Level .................................................................................................. 18
7. Timeline Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 18
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Timeline Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 18
Timeline Extension Protocol ................................................................................................................. 20
8. Participant Supports and Incentives ..................................................................................................... 21
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Coaching Services ................................................................................................................................. 21
Birth to Three Quality Initiative ............................................................................................................ 22
Professional Development Scholarships & Grants ................................................................................ 22
Substitute Pool ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Needs-Based Grants.............................................................................................................................. 23
Tiered Subsidy Reimbursement ............................................................................................................ 24
Quality Improvement Awards ............................................................................................................... 25
Marketing and Outreach Materials
....................................................................................................... 28
9. Participant Requirements and Expectations ......................................................................................... 29
Eligibility................................................................................................................................................ 29
Definition of Active Participation .......................................................................................................... 31
Recordkeeping ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Notification Requirements .................................................................................................................... 32
How Address and Ownership Changes Affect Early Achievers Participation......................................... 32
Information Sharing .............................................................................................................................. 33
Internet Usage/Security ........................................................................................................................ 33
Conflict of Interest ................................................................................................................................ 33
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Early Achievers Services Agreement ..................................................................................................... 33
Head Start Grantee/ECEAP/Early ECEAP Contractor Responsibilities ................................................... 34
Criteria for Dismissal ............................................................................................................................. 34
Procedure for Dismissal ........................................................................................................................ 35
Withdrawal from Early Achievers ......................................................................................................... 35
Reapplication to Early Achievers ........................................................................................................... 36
Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
1. Introduction
Overview: What is Early Achievers?
Early Achievers is Washington State’s quality recognition and improvement system (QRIS). It was
developed to help early learning
programs offer high-quality care that
supports each child’s learning and
development. Early Achievers is a
framework designed to:
Ensure that children have high-
quality early learning
experiences that help them
develop the skills they need to
be successful in school and life.
Support early learning professionals to provide high-quality care by offering resources such as
professional development opportunities, coaching, and financial supports.
Help families and caregivers find high-quality child care and early learning programs that fit their
needs by providing information about program quality.
The Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) administers Early Achievers
as a key strategy of DCYF’s goal of ensuring that all children start school ready to learn.
While participation in Early Achievers is voluntary, many Washington State supports and incentives for
child care and early learning programs require active participation in Early Achievers.
Early Achievers aligns with, supports, and builds upon other key early learning initiatives in Washington.
Our goal is to create seamless programs for children and families to help all children grow, develop, and
successfully transition from early childhood into early elementary school. Early Achievers participants
are part of a system of quality that helps ensure that children receive high-quality care regardless of
where they live because every child should have the chance for a strong start.
Agency Roles
There are many organizations critical to the success of Early Achievers, such as the State Board of
Community and Technical Colleges, School’s Out Washington, The Imagine Institute, and Washington
Communities for Children. The following agencies are key partners in direct implementation of Early
Achievers and have distinct roles as described in Figure 1:
Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF)
Child Care Aware of Washington (CCA of WA)
University of Washington Cultivate Learning (UW)
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Figure 1: Implementation Partners
Purpose of the Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
This document will:
Help early learning programs understand key components of Early Achievers and support
successful participation.
Provide a detailed overview of Early Achievers policies and expectations.
Serve as a reference tool throughout participation.
It is your responsibility as a participant to read, understand, and follow the guidelines in this document.
CCA of WA, the Early Achievers regional lead agency, is available to answer questions or concerns and
help you successfully implement these guidelines. If you offer Head Start and/or Early Childhood
Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) services, you may also consult your grantee or contractor
with questions.
The term early learning program is used throughout this document to indicate child care centers and
family home child care providers, as well as facilities that provide Head Start and/or ECEAP services.
Updates to Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
DCYF updates the Participant Operating Guidelines regularly. The current version of the Operating
Guidelines (PDF) is available on the DCYF website. The Operating Guidelines posted on the DCYF website
replaces all former versions.
All agencies promote
a commitment to
continuous quality
UW is the lead
agency for all
recognition activities
including virtual
quality recognition
activities and
assessment reports.
CCA of WA is the
lead agency for all
activities, such as
training and
DCYF is the lead
agency for system
integration, and
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Early Achievers is engaged in Liberatory Design as part of our revisions process. Based on feedback and
data from Early Adopters, as well as stakeholder input, DCYF will continue to update policies in the
coming year. Any policy updates or changes will be emailed to Early Achievers participants and posted
on the website.
Non-Discrimination Statement
DCYF and its Early Achievers partners do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender,
gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in
any Early Achievers activities or operations. The Early Achievers implementing partners and their staff
represent the diversity in Washington State and are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming
environment for all participants. Staff members participate in training on cultural sensitivity and strive to
provide culturally responsive services and resources for Early Achievers participants and the families you
serve and we expect the same level of ethical conduct and respect from all Early Achievers participants.
You can find additional information on the Equity in Early Achievers webpage.
Mandated Reporting
All staff providing Early Achievers services, including Quality Recognition Specialists, Community Liaisons
and Coaches, are mandatory reporters under Washington State law and, as such, must report any
instances of suspected child abuse and neglect directly to Child Protective Services.
2. Continuous Quality Improvement
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is at the heart of Early Achievers. CQI refers to the ongoing
process of:
Learning about strengths and opportunities for growth using multiple sources of information.
Intentional commitment to quality improvement practices, such as:
o Creating a plan with goals, timelines, and action steps.
o Testing and implementing solutions.
o Evaluating the results and revising the plan.
Early Achievers is committed to CQI across the system:
Programs: Early Achievers empowers early learning program staff and leadership to identify and
achieve quality improvement goals with the support of coaching partnerships. Early Achievers
supports early learning programs through methods such as shared goals and action planning,
reflection, self-assessment, and participation in communities of practice.
Partners: Partners implementing Early Achievers participate in ongoing professional
development. They gather lessons learned from participants and recommend and develop
enhancements in service delivery.
State-System: DCYF relies on feedback from implementing partners, stakeholders, and other
data to adjust and improve policies, practices, and supporting resources on an ongoing basis.
Re-Imagining Early Achievers
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the early learning system and programs in
Washington State. Early Achievers recognizes the challenges facing programs and has embraced the
opportunity to reimagine the system with a focus on the needs of providers and efforts to advance racial
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
equity. Washington has come a long way in its quality journey. Current data shows that 93% of programs
with a finalized quality level have reached a Quality Level 3 or above, a 35% positive change over the last
five years. Building on that success, we have identified three goals to help Early Achievers meet the
needs of providers, support recovery from the pandemic, and move us into the future:
Increasing transparency.
Creating virtual methods to demonstrate quality.
Allowing a flexible menu of options to reach higher quality levels.
As part of this work, DCYF is developing a CQI cycle for the Early Achievers system so we can continue to
enhance the system over time in a regular and predictable schedule.
CQI Cycle
Everyone has room to grow, including the Early Achievers system. DCYF is committed to developing a
CQI cycle for the Early Achievers system. This CQI cycle includes a process of reflection, goal setting, and
action that allow us to evaluate our system components, policies, practices, and supporting resources.
We are doing this in partnership with Cultivate Learning and CCA of WA, as well as providers and other
stakeholders across the state. We welcomed and encouraged provider feedback throughout our revision
process, and we strive to actively involve early learning providers in our CQI cycle moving forward.
The Early Achievers Continuous Quality Improvement webpage has more information about our system
CQI work and ways that you can participate in the process.
3. Early Achievers Quality Recognition Framework
DCYF designed the Early Achievers Quality Recognition Framework for a variety of provider types
including licensed and certified early learning settings, as well as sites that provide ECEAP, Early ECEAP,
Head Start, and/or Early Head Start services in Washington. The framework includes five primary levels.
Licensing or certification is equal to Quality Level 1 and sets the foundation of quality for Early
Achievers. Participating early learning programs can earn Quality Levels 2 through 5 by meeting the
Early Achievers Quality Standards. The following section describes the structure of the Quality
Recognition and Improvement System, including an overview of the Quality Standards and Quality
Early Achievers Quality Standards
The Early Achievers Quality Standards provide a common set of best practices to recognize, support, and
improve the quality of early learning settings and improve child outcomes. They are the basis for facility
quality levels. The five quality standard areas are aligned with Child Care Licensing and include:
Learning Environment
Child Outcomes
Interactions and Curriculum
Family Engagement and Partnerships
Professional Development and Training
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
See Figure 2 for general examples of the types of program practices that the Quality Standards measure
in each area. Please refer to the Early Achievers Quality Standards booklet (PDF) for specific standards.
Figure 2: Quality Standard Areas Examples
Environment: 55
below. Recognition Components:
Program Profile 20 points
Video Highlights 5 points per video cycle (up to 30 points)
Child Outcomes: 20
• Provide ongoing assessment to learn about each child’s strengths and
needs and individualize instruction.
• Share information about children’s growth and progress with families to
Interactions and
10 points
Learning and Development Guidelines.
• Provide staff supports for improvement in curriculum and teacher-child
Family Engagement
and Partnership: 10
• Develop a Plan of Action, based on the research-based Strengthening
Development and
Training: 10 points
Childhood Education (ECE) certificates or credentials, associates, bachelor's
Accreditation: 10
• Submit as evidence a current certification or other documentation that
states the facility is fully accredited by an agency that meets the Early
Achievers accreditation requirements.
• Accreditation must be valid on the date that the accreditation request is
Quality Recognition Cycles
To better support your ongoing growth, you are now able to meet the Quality Standards and earn
recognition points over time, through the quality recognition cycle. The quality recognition cycle begins
when you submit a Request for Quality Recognition in MERIT. A guide to submitting your Request for
Quality Recognition is available on our website in English, Spanish, and Somali. Each step of the cycle
builds on the last, as you participate in a continuous process of improvement with the help and support
of your coach. The cycle is provider-driven, so you define the areas where you want to improve. Your
recognition points are not shared publicly and quality levels are not finalized until you choose to
complete the cycle by finalizing your Quality Level in MERIT.
Quality Standard Areas
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Figure 3: Quality Recognition Cycle
Quality Level Structure
In Early Achievers, all participating early learning programs share the same basic foundational
requirements at Quality Level 1 and earn points to achieve Quality Levels 2-5. All programs must
complete a Program Profile and submit two Video Highlights per classroom to earn a Quality Level 3 or
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Figure 4: Overview of Early Achievers Points by Level
4. Getting Started
To participate in Early Achievers, all early learning providers must first enroll. Early Achievers
participants have access to a range of supports and resources. The early stages of participation focus on
getting familiar with the Early Achievers system through coaching and training, as well as learning more
about provider philosophy, strengths, and goals through the Program Profile.
Licensed, certified or Certified for Payment Only early learning programs, Head Start, and ECEAP sites
are eligible to participate in Early Achievers. All licensed or certified early learning programs must be in
good standing with licensing to participate in Early Achievers. “Good standing” means having a non-
expiring license that is not suspended, revoked, or on probationary status. More information about
participation requirements and expectations can be found in Chapter 9.
earn points
by meeting
the Early
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Participation Requirements
RCW 43.216.085 requires early learning programs that accept state funding to enroll in Early Achievers
and meet participation timelines. These requirements apply to early learning programs that:
Accept subsidy payments through:
o Working Connections Child Care (WCCC)
o Seasonal Child Care
Provide ECEAP/Early ECEAP services
Additional information about timeline requirements can be found in Chapter 7.
Early Achievers Registration
The early learning provider/primary contact can access the registration application on the Facility/Site
tab in MERIT. You can find information about how to register for Early Achievers on the DCYF website,
also available in Spanish and Somali. The Early Achievers Registration includes:
Basic facility information and demographics.
Identification of the Early Achievers contact person for your program.
A link to the Early Achievers Operating Guidelines. Applicants must mark that they have read
and agree to these guidelines before submitting the registration.
An electronic signature by the applicant.
Once you submit the Early Achievers Registration, the Early Achievers contact will receive a confirmation
email from DCYF stating the program has enrolled in Early Achievers.
Early Achievers Contacts
The center director/family home child care primary provider will be designated as the Early Achievers
contact. The Early Achievers contact is responsible for the oversight and completion of all Early
Achievers activities. In early learning programs where there are multiple administrative staff members,
you may appoint a secondary Early Achievers contact to support the process.
All Early Achievers participants have access to coaching through their regional CCA of WA agency or
Head Start grantee/ECEAP contractor. Coaching is a foundational support within Early Achievers, and is
an essential part of quality recognition and growth.
Connecting and Working with Your Coach
Once you complete the Early Achievers enrollment application, you will be connected with your Early
Achievers coach. Early Achievers coaches help participants successfully engage and navigate the Early
Achievers Quality Recognition and Improvement System. Coaches support your goals and action plans
through relationship-based and culturally-responsive coaching.
Your local Child Care Aware office will reach out and connect you to available coaching services, or you
can use the Find My Coach tool. If your site offers ECEAP/Early ECEAP or Head Start services to 75% or
more of the slots in your program, please reach out to your Contractor to learn more about your
coaching support.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Each site is unique. You have unique strengths and goals for your site’s quality journey. Coaches work
with the early learning program leaders to determine the best way to use coaching resources to help
your site reach its goals. Each staff person that participates in the quality recognition process will have
access to relationship-based professional development. The total amount of coaching that an early
learning program receives will vary based on the program’s needs. Coaches and other support staff
maintain individual privacy, and information regarding specific children will remain confidential.
Technical Supports and Resources
MERIT is the system of record for staff employment, education, and qualifications. The Early Achievers
contact must ensure that all early learning program staff have entered professional records in MERIT.
Staff must associate themselves with the early learning program by logging into their own MERIT
professional records and entering their current employment information. Site supervisory staff are
required to verify employment records in MERIT using their facility/site tab in MERIT.
All Early Achievers applications and participation history are in MERIT, DCYF’s Professional Development
Registry. In MERIT, participants can:
Find current participation status, important information, and contacts.
Update the Early Achievers Primary/Secondary Contact.
Begin your quality recognition cycle by submitting the Request for Quality Recognition.
Finalize your Quality Level.
And more!
Coach and Educator Community Interface (CeCi)
CeCi is Washington State’s virtual quality recognition and coaching tool (formerly known as Coaching
Companion). CeCi is integrated with MERIT so that programs have easy access to the features of both
systems. CeCi is a wonderful way to enhance and supplement coaching practices. CeCi facilitates virtual
coaching through the Practice-Based Coaching cycle. It contains many resources to support quality early
childhood education practices. Coaches can share existing resources or upload resources of their choice
to share with providers. Coaches can connect with each other and groups of providers by creating and
using Communities of Practice. Resources such as webinars and tips for using CeCi are located in the
resource library.
CeCi supports quality improvement through virtual coaching and is a complement to the quality
recognition process by incorporating the Provider Profile, Video Highlights, Accreditation, and Records
Review components of Early Achievers.
Washington CeCi is accessible at https://wa-coachingcompanion.org/. When creating an account for the
first time, please use your work email address, if you have one, to create an account. There are also
several short quick start videos that provide guidance in using CeCi: https://wa-
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
5. Quality Recognition Cycle
DCYF designed the Early Achievers system to support a continuous
Quality Recognition Cycle, so that each step of the cycle builds on the
last. Through Early Achievers, a provider participates in an ongoing
process of improvement with the help and support of their coach.
Participants lead the process with the focus being on areas for growth
that you, as the provider, have identified. The Quality Recognition
Cycle has three components: Program Profile, Video Highlights, and
Records Review. The Program Profile lays the foundation of Quality
Recognition. The Video Highlights then expand on the Program Profile,
and serve to highlight the teaching practices within a program.
Providers who want to go further than a Quality Level 3 (including
ECEAP/Early ECEAP providers) can submit additional Quality
Recognition Components such as Records Review or additional Video Highlights.
The quality recognition cycle begins when you submit your Request for Quality Recognition in MERIT.
The first step is completing a Program Profile, followed by two video highlightsthis is the minimum
requirement to reach a Quality Level 3. These steps must be completed before your site may submit
additional evidence or earn Professional Development points. The cycle ends when you have earned the
desired number of recognition points and finalize your Quality Level in MERIT.
You will then be able to submit a new Request for Quality Recognition and begin the cycle again. Quality
Levels expire every three years. You must provide current evidence during each quality recognition
Quality Recognition Components
Program Profile
Completing the Program Profile is the first step in the Quality Recognition Cycle. The Program Profile is
an opportunity for providers and families to share information about their program and to celebrate
what they are proud of and what makes them unique. The research-based Program Profile provides
valuable feedback and data, promotes family engagement, and supports the CQI coaching cycle.
The Program Profile consists of reflective questions for the owner/director, staff, and families to
complete. Individuals complete the questions independently through an online survey or through an
interview with a Quality Recognition Specialist. Early learning programs request their Program Profile by
submitting the Early Achievers Request for Quality Recognition in MERIT. Your Community Liaison will
contact you when it’s your turn to begin your Program Profile. You can access additional information on
the Program Profile Fact Sheet on the DCYF website, along with the Program Profile questions for:
Director (English | Spanish | Somali)
Family Home Child Care Provider (English | Spanish | Somali)
Teacher (English | Spanish | Somali)
Families (English | Spanish | Somali)
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Upon completion, the Program Profile Report will give coaches and program administrators the
opportunity to plan for the quality improvement process. You will work collaboratively with your coach
to identify and create goals around your specific program needs. At this point, coaching will focus on:
Building or updating your site’s Quality Improvement Plan based on feedback.
Guiding you and your staff toward specific professional development resources.
Teaming up with you to practice the Video Highlights demonstration of teaching practices.
Video Highlights
We measure the quality of your learning environment and interactions through Video Highlights. Video
Highlights are 10-15 minute videos of quality teacher-child interactions from each classroom or learning
environment. After your program has completed the Program Profile, you may begin submitting Video
Highlights. Teachers identify an Early Learning Guideline or Core Competency to demonstrate in their
video and write a short reflection
. Quality Recognition Specialists review videos using a research-based
rubric and provide positive feedback on strengths and opportunities for growth. Through practice-based
coaching and culturally affirming approaches, your coach will collaborate with you to review feedback
together to celebrate successes and create quality improvement goals. Videos must be submitted for
each early learning (ages 0-5) classroom or session.
If your program needs additional support or you do not initially meet the video submission
requirements, you will have the opportunity to work with your Community Liaison and Coach to
resubmit the video.
If you would like to move beyond a Quality Level 3 (including ECEAP/Early ECEAP providers), then you
may choose to submit additional Video Highlights. Your program can submit up to four additional Video
Highlights, showing additional standard areas. By submitting additional Video Highlights, you can earn
up to 20 additional points.
Coaching at the Video Highlights level continues to follow your quality improvement plan and allows for
support of individual teaching practices.
You and your coach can view the videos that you have submitted together.
Your coach can guide you and your staff toward specific trainings and other professional
development based on feedback.
Your coach can work with a group of providers to support reflection and shared growth in a
trusted community.
Video Highlight Exceptions: Early learning providers that have a cultural, religious or philosophical belief
which prohibits the recording and submission of video highlights may request an in-person or virtual
observation conducted by Cultivate Learning. Requests for an exception should be sent to the Early
Achievers inbox at QRIS@dcyf.wa.gov and must include a copy of program policies that preclude the
recording of video highlights.
Records Review
Programs demonstrate other practices through Records Review. Providers can submit evidence in the
Quality Standard areas of Child Outcomes, Interactions and Curriculum, and Family Engagement and
Partnership by completing the Records Review Tool and uploading files in CeCi. Supporting documents
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
should include written proof of policies and practices, such as policies in a staff handbook. Providers can
choose which Quality Standards they would like to submit evidence for they can choose some or all.
Completing the Records Review Tool
The Records Review Tool (RRT) is a checklist that helps early learning programs and the quality
recognition team prepare for a successful review of records that demonstrates additional Quality
Standard areas. The RRT includes:
Selection of the Quality Standards the early learning program plans to demonstrate during
virtual quality recognition.
Examples of documentation and files for Quality Recognition Specialist review.
As you complete the RRT, you will “opt in” to standards and practices that you plan to demonstrate in
your evidence. If there are standards for practices that you do not have in place, then you indicate on
the tool that you choose to “opt out” of these standards. You might choose this option when a standard
does not align with your program philosophy or if your program does not have plans to implement the
standard at this time. Opting out of a standard means the Quality Recognition Specialist will not look for
evidence of that standard during virtual quality recognition. Opting out of standards will reduce the
number of points earned toward your overall quality level.
Professional Development
You can also earn points for staff education. To earn points for staff education, staff must ensure that
their education information in MERIT is both current and verified. It is important that early learning
programs prioritize this task early in order to ensure plenty of time to gather, submit, review, and
process transcripts. For more information on education verification, please visit the MERIT website:
DCYF calculates Professional Development and Training points based on education that has been
verified in MERIT. Directors and teaching staff must have verified state Early Childhood Education (ECE)
certificates or credentials, associates, bachelor's, or master's degrees in ECE or DCYF-approved degree
documented in MERIT. You can preview your Professional Development points on the Quality
Recognition Framework in the Early Achievers subtab. You must complete the Program Profile and two
Video Highlights before your program is eligible to earn points for professional development. The
Professional Development points are not finalized until you have completed the minimum requirements
and finalize your quality level. More information about Professional Development standards and
calculations can be found on the DCYF Early Achievers Supports & Resources webpage.
DCYF has incorporated certain national accreditations into Early Achievers. Eligible participants will
receive an additional ten points toward their final Quality Level as well as an Accreditation Area of
Specialization on their Quality Level certificate. Accreditation points are not retroactive. To qualify,
accredited providers must:
Be fully accredited by an agency that has met the Early Achievers accreditation requirements. At
this time, these agencies include:
o National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
o National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)
o American Montessori Society (AMS)
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
o National Accreditation Commission (NAC)
o AdvancED
Present a current certificate or other documentation during quality recognition that states the
facility is fully accredited by an agency that meets the Early Achievers accreditation
requirements. This can be completed in CeCi.
Component Review
Quality Recognition staff will work closely with you and your coach and their internal quality assurance
team to ensure accuracy in the review of all evidence. If you believe that you have been awarded an
incorrect number of points for any quality recognition component, please email [email protected]v with
information regarding the component in question, the number of points you believe you should have
been awarded, and any additional information within 30 days of receiving points for that component.
Quality Recognition Support Staff
Coaching Supports
This customized support focuses on developing and supporting program goals, preparing for quality
recognition activities, and continuous quality improvement.
Coaching requires participation from early learning program leadership and classroom teachers. The
Early Learning Development Guidelines help guide best practices around teaching practices, routines
and the setup and maintenance of learning environments. It is important for you to understand how
these resources outline best practices and how to support your staff as they work to improve quality.
Community Liaisons and Quality Recognition Specialists
Cultivate Learning’s Quality Recognition team is composed of Community Liaisons (CLs) and Quality
Recognition Specialists (QRSs). Community Liaisons work closely with participating sites and coaches to
ensure you receive personalized support during the quality recognition process. Cultivate Learning’s
QRSs are highly skilled early learning professionals who conduct observations and create data reports
for you and your coach to use as you work on quality improvement activities. Cultivate Learning is
committed to advancing equity. All CLs and QRSs complete culturally responsive training, and engage in
regular reflection and review to ensure accountability in their efforts to advance equity.
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
Participants set goals with their coaches based on their early learning program evaluation results
Feedback from the Program Profile and Video Highlights.
Components of Records Review, Early Learning Development Guidelines, or Core Competencies.
Overall early learning program Quality Level.
These goals will make up the early learning program QIP. Coaches will help participants interpret
evaluation data to develop a QIP that identifies program strengths and addresses areas of growth. The
QIP acts as a roadmap for the ongoing continuous quality improvement process and guides the work of
the early learning program and the coach.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
6. Quality Level
Finalize My Quality Level
DCYF determines your early learning program’s quality level based on points that you have earned
throughout the three-year Quality Recognition Cycle. You earn points throughout the cycle by
submitting quality recognition components for review and feedback. When Cultivate Learning reviews
each component, you will receive feedback and earn points. This means you earn points over time and
will always know how many points you have throughout the process. You can find this information in
your Quality Framework sub-tab in MERIT. Once you reach the points needed for the quality level you
want to achieve, then you can finalize your quality level in MERIT and receive your assigned quality level.
Eligibility Requirements for Finalizing a Quality Level
To be eligible to Finalize a Quality Level, your early learning program must:
Complete the Program Profile.
Have a non-expiring license in good standing.
Achieve a Quality Level 3 or higher:
o Complete at least 2 Video Highlights (2 videos per learning environment)
Quality Level Assignment
Quality Level Determinations
DCYF determines your Early Achievers Quality Level based on the number of points received for quality
recognition components such as the Program Profile and Video Highlights completed during the Quality
Recognition Cycle. QRSs compile and analyze your early learning program data, provide feedback and
determine points for each component. DCYF displays the number of points earned and calculates your
points and projected Early Achievers Quality Level in MERIT. Once you have completed all the Quality
Recognition Components for your early learning program that you want to submit for the cycle and are
satisfied with the number of points earned, you can finalize your quality level in MERIT.
Quality Level Finalization
Once your quality level has been finalized, you will need to submit a new Request for Quality
Recognition in MERIT to begin working on your next Quality Recognition Cycle. DCYF will email Early
Achievers Quality Level Certificates to your early learning program the month after you finalize your
Quality Level. Certificates highlight your early learning program’s Early Achievers Quality Level, as well as
information about early learning program strengths, or Areas of Specialization. For providers that accept
subsidy, quality levels also determine the Quality Improvement Award and tiered reimbursement
amounts for eligible early learning programs.
Areas of Specialization
Areas of Specialization recognize high quality in focused areas. This information can help families learn
more about your program as they search for an early learning program for their family. DCYF awards
Areas of Specialization based on total points earned in each Quality Standard area.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Figure 5: Areas of Specialization
Publication of Early Achievers Quality Level
A key goal of Early Achievers is to provide information to families about child care and early learning
quality to help them make informed choices. The Early Achievers Quality Levels are available 30 days
after the Quality Level is released to the provider on DCYF’s Child Care Check online search tool to
acknowledge the commitment of participating early learning programs and provide this information to
families. The CCA of WA website and CCA of WA Family Call Center also provide Quality Levels.
Quality Recognition Cycle
Early Achievers Quality Levels are valid for three years from the most recent finalization date. During
this period, your early learning program must maintain active participation through engagement in
ongoing quality improvement activities and submission of quality recognition components over the
course of the three-year cycle. As soon as your early learning program has completed a new Request for
Quality Recognition in your MERIT facility/site tab, you can begin working on the quality recognition
components for the next cycle, starting with your next Program Profile. More information can be found
below in the Renewing my Quality Level section.
Renewing my Quality Level
To maintain a current quality level, you must complete a new quality recognition cycle and finalize a
new quality level every three years. Since there are multiple components to the quality recognition
framework, you will need to complete these activities over time during the three-year cycle. You must
finalize your quality level before your three-year quality recognition anniversary. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic and resulting pause in quality recognition, a submitted Request for Quality Recognition
(formerly the Early Achievers Request for On-Site Evaluation) currently maintains your program’s
subsidy and/or ECEAP eligibility.
Awarded to providers that earn 40 out of 55 points
Learning Environment
Awarded to providers that earn 14 out of 20 points
Child Outcomes
Awarded to providers that earn 7 out of 10 points
Interactions and
Awarded to providers that earn 7 out of 10 points
Family Engagement and
Awarded to providers that earn 7 out of 10 points
Professional Development
and Training
Awarded to facilities that have a current, verified
accreditation from a recognized accreditation agency
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Renewal Process
DCYF will email the Early Achievers Contact at your early learning program 12 and six months
before your early learning program’s third quality level anniversary as a reminder to submit an
Early Achievers Request for Quality Recognition or to finalize your quality level in MERIT.
The Early Achievers contact can finalize their quality level at any time as long as they have met
the eligibility requirements.
Re-Submitting for an Updated Quality Level
Rated Early Achievers participants that did not meet their mandated or desired quality level have up to
12 months after their most recent quality level release date to request and resubmit an updated quality
Re-Submission Eligibility
To re-submit for quality recognition and finalize an updated quality level for free, participants must
meet one of the following requirements:
Did not reach their required Quality Level.
Provide ECEAP/Early ECEAP or Head Start services.
Accept subsidy payments from:
o Working Connections Child Care (WCCC)
o Seasonal Child Care
Resubmitting for quality recognition can help you reach the quality level mandate for your program type
(RCW 43.216.085). If your early learning program finalizes an updated quality level but still does not
reach the mandated quality level, you may request one paid re-submission for quality recognition.
Providers that do not accept state funding may request a paid re-submission for quality recognition.
Resubmission Process
Figure 6: Resubmitting for an Updated Quality Level
What Does it Mean to Re-submit for Quality Recognition?
Re-submitting for Quality Recognition differs from starting a new Quality Recognition Cycle. Re-
submission allows you to continue working on your previous Quality Recognition Cycle rather than
beginning a new Quality Recognition Cycle. If you are eligible for re-submission, you will regain access to
Provider finalizes a Quality Level that is lower than their desired/mandated Quality Level and selects
"Resubmit" on their Request for Quality Recognition in MERIT
Provider has 12 months to resubmit new or additional Quality Recognition Components to gain
additional points (e.g., additional video highlights, new evidence as part of Records Review, etc.)
Quality Recognition Components can be submitted throughout the 12 month period, and new points
awarded will add to the existing number of points
Once the provider has resubmitted enough evidence to reach their desired/mandated Quality Level,
they must complete the "Finalize an Updated Quality Level" process in MERIT
The date that the Updated Quality Level is finalized becomes their new Quality Level Release date
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
the Quality Recognition Framework in MERIT that you completed most recently. Your early learning
program may then earn points toward your required Quality Level by re-submitting Quality Recognition
Components and meeting Quality Standards. The table below highlights some of the key differences in
the processes:
Original Quality Level
Updated Quality Level
Must begin with the Program Profile
Reuses the existing Program Profile
May have submitted one or more Video
May submit additional Video Highlights, up to six
May submit additional components for points
May submit additional Records Review components,
or submit additional evidence (such as an updated
policy) for points that were not received
Three years to complete
12 months to complete
Remedial Activities
If you serve children receiving subsidy or provide ECEAP/Early ECEAP services and do not meet your
required quality level, then you must engage in remedial activities. These activities can help you improve
quality in time to re-submit for an updated quality level and maintain your state subsidy or ECEAP/Early
ECEAP funding.
Remedial Activities Participant Requirements
You have 12 months from the date your quality level is finalized to complete the remedial activities and
reach your mandated quality level. Please work with your coach and/or other support staff to submit
additional evidence to meet your required quality level.
Suggested Next Steps
We recommend the following actions to help you as you work toward an updated quality level:
Review your quality level data and share applicable information with staff within 60 days of
receiving it.
Work with your coach to identify areas where you would like to resubmit additional Quality
Recognition Components.
Create or update an existing QIP to outline how you plan to earn the additional points needed to
achieve your desired quality level.
Make sure your QIP outlines roles and responsibilities for staff members, as well as a timeline
for when you will submit additional evidence.
Coach and Participant Accountability
You and your coach must document your active participation in remedial activities. You can do this by:
Updating your QIP to include all notes related to your early learning program’s progress during
remedial activities.
Check in with your coach regularly. Review the progress that you and your staff have made on
your goals. Make sure you have the resources you need for successful quality improvement.
Key early learning program staff should participate in video coaching at least once per month.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Early Learning Programs That Do Not Wish to Finalize a Quality Level
If you do not accept subsidy and you do not provide ECEAP services, then you are not required to finalize
a quality level. If you are not actively engaged in quality improvement activities and/or working toward a
quality level, you and your early learning program staff may have limited access to Early Achievers
coaching supports and other resources.
Withdrawing a Finalized Quality Level
If you finalize your quality level in error, you may request to withdraw the finalized level within 30 days
of finalization. Doing so will allow you to continue working on your Quality Recognition Framework and
submit additional evidence. For more information, please email QRIS@dcyf.wa.gov.
7. Timeline Requirements
RCW 43.216.085 requires early learning programs that accept state funding to meet participation
timelines. These requirements apply to early learning programs that:
Accept subsidy payments through:
o Working Connections Child Care (WCCC)
o Seasonal Child Care
Provide ECEAP/Early ECEAP services
Additional information about timeline requirements can be found on our website’s Supports &
Resources page (English | Spanish | Somali). Details about your program’s timeline and milestones can
be viewed on the Early Achievers subtab of your Facility/Site tab in MERIT.
Timeline Requirements
Impact of COVID-19 on Timeline Requirements
We understand that COVID-19 has had an impact on providersparticipation and ability to meet Early
Achievers timelines. For specific information on the impact of COVID-19 on timelines, please visit our
website or email Q[email protected].gov.
Providers Newly Accepting Subsidy
Providers newly accepting subsidy* must meet the following requirements:
Enroll in Early Achievers within 30 days of receiving the initial subsidy payment.
Complete the Request for Quality Recognition within 12 months of enrollment in Early Achievers
or first subsidy payment, whichever is later.
Receive a Quality Level 3 or higher within 30 months of Early Achievers enrollment or first
subsidy payment, whichever is later. An early learning program that does not achieve a Quality
Level 3 within this timeline is no longer eligible to receive state child care subsidy until the
required Quality Level is met.
Maintain an up-to-date early learning program Quality Level 3 or higher by renewing their
Quality Level every three years.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
*Any provider that begins accepting subsidy payments after 12 or more months without accepting
subsidy is considered a new subsidy provider
Subsidy providers that receive a Quality Level 2 must work with their coach to complete remedial
activities and receive a Quality Level 3 or higher within 12 months of beginning remedial activities. Any
existing subsidy providers that have not received a Quality Level 3 or higher within 12 months of
beginning remedial activities will no longer be eligible to receive state child care subsidy until the
required quality level is met.
Timeline for Sites Providing ECEAP/Early ECEAP Services
All providers serving ECEAP/Early ECEAP must:
Register for Early Achievers within 30 days of the start of ECEAP/Early ECEAP services.
Receive a Quality Level 4 or higher within 24 months of the start of providing ECEAP/Early ECEAP
Maintain a current Quality Level 4 or higher by renewing their Quality Level every three years.
Provider serving ECEAP that receive a Quality Level 2 or 3 must work with their coach to complete
remedial activities and receive a Quality Level 4 or higher within 12 months of beginning remedial
activities. ECEAP providers that have not received a Quality Level 4 or higher within 12 months of
beginning remedial activities will be at risk of losing their contract to provide ECEAP services.
Figure 7: Timeline for Early Learning Programs That Receive State Funding
Enroll in Early Achievers within 30 days of receiving initial
subsidy payment or providing ECEAP services.
Complete the Early Achievers Request for Quality Recognition in
order to begin your quality recognition cycle within 12 months
of Early Achievers enrollment.
Complete quality recognition activities until enough points are
earned to meet your required quality level. Finalize your quality
level within the timeline required by RCW 43.216.085.
Maintain your required early learning program quality level by
finalizing a quality level every three years
If you finalize a quality level below your required level, you will
have 12 months to reach your required quality level.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Timeline Extension Protocol
The Early Achievers Extension allows participants who receive subsidy payments and/or provide Early
Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) services to request a one-time, six-month
extension to their timeline requirements. The extension does not provide relief of the 30-month
timeline expectation for tiered reimbursement outlined in RCW 43.216.710.
Providers may request an
extension up to 12 months before their milestone or during remedial activities.
Criteria for Extension Eligibility
Early learning providers who want to request an extension of the quality level milestone must:
Submit the Early Achievers Extension Application (English | Spanish | Somali) before the Quality
Level/remedial milestone date.
Be in full compliance with all licensing and ECEAP/Early ECEAP requirements, if applicable.
Meet all prior Early Achievers requirements, including enrollment and completion of the Early
Achievers Request for Quality Recognition.
Meet active participation requirements. The full definition of active participation is found in the
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines (English | Spanish | Somali).
Experience verifiable exceptional circumstances (see definition below).
Providers who do not wish to use their one-time extension can request a deferment, which moves you
to the bottom of the quality recognition queue, due to exceptional circumstances once per quality
recognition cycle. Please contact your Cultivate Learning Community Liaison for more information.
Definition of Exceptional Circumstances
The Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) will only grant extensions if an early learning
provider can demonstrate an “exceptional circumstance” that allows additional time prior to finalizing a
quality level. These exceptional circumstances include:
Leadership changes onsite director, assistant director or program supervisor.
Organizational leadership changes Tribal Council membership or other agency leads.
High staff turnover in a Child Care Center, Head Start or ECEAP program more than 30% of
lead staff, as defined in MERIT, have changed within the past three months (this is limited to
staff who work with children in the birth to 5-year-old age range).
Staff turnover in Family Home Child Care family child care assistant or lead staff have changed
within the past three months.
Natural disaster or accidental damage to the facility that requires professional repair.
Community defined events, subsistence lifestyles, seasonal issues such as ceremony, canoe
The facility is engaged in a grievance process with DCYF, Child Care Aware of Washington or
other entity providing Early Achievers supports.
Reallocation of Head Start or ECEAP slots that may impact quality recognition procedures.
Extended illness of the director, family home child care provider or a lead teacher.
Less than three children between birth and 5 years old per early learning environment are
enrolled in a child care center.
Less than one child between birth and 5 years old per early learning environment are enrolled in
a family child care.
Death or other tragedy that has a significant impact on the program staff or families.
Other exceptional circumstances, reviewed case by case.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
o In these situations, the facility must provide documentation that demonstrates a need
for an extension. This documentation will be reviewed by an Exception/Extension panel
to determine if the circumstances warrant an extension. The panel will include staff
from DCYF and Child Care Aware of Washington and a member of the Provider Supports
Process for Requesting an Extension
Providers must be in compliance with all timeline requirements at the time they submit the Early
Achievers Extension Application form
. The application must include the following information:
Reason for requesting an extension.
Summary of Early Achievers participation and quality improvement activities.
Documentation to verify the request (e.g., doctors’ letters, termination letters, etc.)
DCYF Early Achievers staff will review all extension requests and approve if it meets the predetermined
criteria listed on the application. If the provider’s exceptional circumstance is not on the predetermined
list, a DCYF panel will review your request. The panel includes a DCYF QRIS staff member, CCA of WA
staff member, and a member of the Provider Supports Subcommittee and/or the Early Achievers Values
and Processes Workgroup. The panel will review the request and supporting evidence to determine if
the provider qualifies for an extension. An email from the QRIS inbox will state if DCYF granted or denied
the request for an extension and will include information on next steps.
8. Participant Supports and Incentives
Early Achievers includes a range of supports and incentives to assist participants with quality
improvement efforts throughout your participation. We have designed these supports and incentives to
help you implement goals, increase your early learning program quality, and ultimately improve child
Coaching Services
Coaching is a long-term continuous service provided at no cost within Early Achievers to help you
understand Early Achievers policies and navigate the process successfully. CCA of WA regional agencies
provide most coaching services. If 75% or more of your program’s slots are dedicated for Head Start or
ECEAP/Early ECEAP services, then you may receive coaching services through your grantee/contractor.
You can access coaching if you are actively participating in Early Achievers. Active participation means
that your early learning program responds to communications, participates fully, and demonstrates
program growth based on consultation and coaching. The goals of coaching are to:
Promote relationship-based professional development.
Engage in conversations with you that promote equity and positively change practices.
Provide you with resources and recommend professional development.
Support you as you navigate the Quality Recognition system.
Help you and your early learning program staff understand the Early Achievers Quality
Help you understand and use Early Achievers Quality Level and assessment data.
Support your program goals and the creation of your QIPs.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
You will access coaching services in multiple ways, including on-site visits, email, phone calls, group
sessions, and virtual coaching through CeCi. You may work individually with your coach or within small
group sessions on topics that support continuous quality improvement and best practices.
Birth to 3 Quality Initiative
Washington State and DCYF are committed to increasing the supply and quality of care for children ages
birth to 3. Early Achievers provides specialized relationship-based support to teachers working with
children ages birth to 3. A network of infant-toddler specialist coaches deliver virtual or on-site coaching
to home-based and center-based early care and education programs.
If your early learning program provides services to children ages birth to 3 who are receiving state
subsidy benefits, then you are eligible to request focused classroom coaching by an infant-toddler
coaching team.
Specialized Coaching and Support
Birth to 3 coaches work cooperatively with Early Achievers coaches to support teachers who are working
with children under 3 years old. Some of the services they offer include:
Developmental Screening supports and materials to promote universal developmental screening
across ages birth to 5. Participants are eligible for free STARS training and a developmental
screening kit.
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation to promote social and emotional growth
and behaviors that are challenging.
Strengths-based video coaching to support warm, responsive serve and return interactions
between adults and children. Participants are eligible for free STARS training.
Relationship-based professional development and communities of practice to promote the
Program for Infant Toddler Care.
Professional Development Scholarships & Grants
Scholarships and grants are available for students working in Early Achievers early learning programs to
pursue state stackable certificates, associate’s degrees, and bachelor’s degrees in ECE. Early Achievers
Grants and Washington Scholarships for Child Care Professionals are two student financial aid resources
that DCYF has prioritized for students employed by Early Achievers early learning programs. Each
scholarship has different eligibility criteria and financial benefits. You can learn more about these
scholarships on the DCYF website under Professional Development.
Child Care Aware of Washington Scholarships
CCA of WA Scholarships support educators working toward BA degrees in ECE. You can find more
information about these scholarships on CCA of WA's website.
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Early Achievers Grants
The State Board of Community and Technical Colleges administers Early Achievers Grants. This grant
program helps employees at Early Achievers early learning programs pursue ECE credits toward state
stackable ECE certificates and associate degrees in ECE. If you are interested in Early Achievers grants,
contact the point of contact at each participating college for more information on how to apply. You can
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
find the Point of Contact and other valuable information on the Early Learning Career Planning Portal
under the “Find a Degree” tab, as well as on the State Board for Community and Technical College
Substitute Pool
Family home child care providers and child care center providers can access release time using
Washington’s Early Care and Education Substitute Pool. Early Achievers participants have access to the
substitute pool to support their growth in Early Achievers. Access depends on funding availability.
All substitutes meet the current standards for a licensed program lead teacher, have completed DCYF
training, and have a cleared Portable Background Check. You can visit the DCYF website’s Professional
Development page for more information about the substitute pool.
Needs-Based Grants
If you need funds to purchase materials or training, you may qualify for a Needs-Based Grants. Needs-
Based Grants are available to support early learning programs participating in Early Achievers to assist
with purchasing curriculum development, instructional materials, supplies, focused infant-toddler
improvements, equipment, and/or environment improvements to improve program quality. A program
is eligible for one Needs-Based Grant each fiscal year (July 1-June 30). If you meet the eligibility criteria,
you may work with your coach to prepare and submit a Needs-Based Grant application online in WA
Compass (English). You can find Spanish and Somali translated paper applications and additional
information about Needs-Based Grants on the Supports & Resources page of the DCYF website.
Grant Eligibility and Prioritization
To be eligible, Early Achievers participants must meet the following criteria:
Be registered for Early Achievers and have submitted the Program Profile, or
Be registered for Early Achievers and have a finalized Quality Level 2, 3, 3+, 4 or 5
AND meet at least one of the following:
Enrolled in the Tier 1 food program, or
Live within a school district that serves at least 20% low income children based on OSPI data (for
more information on how to determine if your school district meets this criterion, please visit
the Frequently Asked Questions section below)
DCYF may prioritize applications. When DCYF prioritizes applications, they consider:
Participants who provide services to non-school age children accessing WCCC, by the estimated
percentage of children accessing services in a center or family home child care.
Participants who demonstrate a culturally diverse program.
Distribution of Grant Funds
DCYF distributes Needs-Based Grant awards between 30 and 60 days from the date that DCYF approves
your early learning program’s completed grant application.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Your early learning program must have a Statewide Vendor Number to receive the Needs-Based
Grant Funds. Your early learning program must register as a vendor of Washington State by
submitting the Statewide Payee Registration form and W-9 to obtain a Statewide Vendor
Number. If your early learning program fails to provide this information to DCYF, you will not be
eligible to receive a grant award.
Allowable Uses of Grant Funds
You may use grant funds to assist with purchasing curriculum and instructional materials, supplies,
equipment, focused infant-toddler improvements, environmental improvements, minor renovations to
your child care facility, supports and materials or services for care of children with special needs, or
other items as identified by your coach.
You may not use award funds to purchase items considered to be:
Capital Improvements: This includes the purchase or improvement of land and the purchase,
construction, or permanent improvement of buildings. An exception is made for upgrades that
are necessary to meet health and safety requirements, including plumbing upgrades, electrical
repairs, replacing worn flooring, replacing groundcover or hazardous outdoor equipment, roof
repair, or installing a fire suppression or door alarm system.
Religious Activities: You may not use grant funds for any religious purpose or activity, including
worship or instruction.
Gift Cards: You may not use grant funds to purchase monetary equivalents such as gift cards,
traveler’s checks, or money orders.
If your early learning program receives a Needs-Based Grant, you are required to keep your receipts for
seven years, and DCYF may ask you to provide these receipts. You can find an overview of Needs-Based
Grants on the DCYF website on the Supports & Resources page (English | Spanish |Somali).
Tiered Subsidy Reimbursement
As a participant, if your early learning program serves children receiving WCCC or Seasonal Child Care
subsidies, you will receive a 2% increase to the subsidy base rate. Participants who accept subsidy
payments must submit a Request for Quality Recognition or advance to a Quality Level of 3 or higher
within 30 months of enrolling in Early Achievers or submitting your first subsidy invoice, whichever
comes later, to maintain subsidy eligibility and tiered reimbursement. If your early learning program
withdraws and then re-enrolls in Early Achievers, the 30-month timeline continues based on your first
enrollment date.
If your early learning program receives a Quality Level 3 through 5 and your serve children receiving
WCCC or Seasonal Child Care subsidies, you are eligible to earn a higher tiered reimbursement incentive
added to the base rate as follows, effective July 1, 2021:
Family home child care:*
Quality Level 3: 12% above the base rate
Quality Level 3+: 15% above the base rate
Quality Level 4: 17% above the base rate
Quality Level 5: 20% above the base rate
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
*Family home child care tiered reimbursement rates are negotiated by SEIU 925.
Child care center:
Quality Level 3: 8% above the base rate
Quality Level 3+: 8% above the base rate
Quality Level 4: 15% above the base rate
Quality Level 5: 20% above the base rate
The tiered reimbursement rates are a percentage increase over the base rate at any given time. Any
time the base rate increases, DCYF applies the reimbursement incentive is to the higher base rate.
DCYF pays tiered reimbursements for the full month and based on your early learning program’s Quality
Level on the first day of the month of service. You will receive your tiered reimbursement payments the
month after the base subsidy rate payment for the same period.
Quality Improvement Awards
DCYF pays Quality Improvement (QI) Awards to qualifying Early Achievers participants that serve
children receiving state child care subsidies and have a current Quality Level. QI Awards recognize your
achievement and support early learning programs to implement your quality improvement goals.
Purpose of Award Funds
You should use your QI Awards to reach your quality improvement goals that you have outlined on your
QIP. You and your coach can work together to document your QIP and ensure that it aligns with the
Early Achievers Quality Standards.
Award Eligibility
To be eligible to receive QI Awards, your early learning programs must:
Achieve an Early Achievers Quality Level 3 or higher. Family home child care providers who are a
Quality Level 2 or higher may qualify for QI Awards.
Serve an enrollment population of which at least 5% of total licensed capacity consists of non-
school-age children receiving state or other qualifying child care subsidies.
o For the purpose of the calculation, DCYF defines “children receiving state subsidy” to
mean children receiving state funding for child care through any of the following
Seasonal Child Care
Child care subsidies funded by Medicaid, ECLIPSE, municipalities, colleges or
universities, local school districts, the military, or federally recognized tribal
organizations may also be included in the calculation and you must submit this
information to [email protected].
Through negotiations with SEIU 925, both school-age and non-school age children using subsidies are considered when calculating the 5%
subsidy requirement for family home child care providers.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Agree to create a QIP with the help of your assigned coach within six months of the Quality Level
Request. If you do not have a QIP six months after you receive your quality level, you may be
asked to repay your QI Award.
Maintain active and engaged participation throughout the three-year Quality Recognition Cycle
by participating in ongoing and working on the goals set in your early learning program’s QIP.
Register as a vendor of Washington State by submitting the Statewide Payee Registration form
and W-9 to DCYF. You must complete registration under the early learning program name; DCYF
will not award QI Award funds to individuals. All early learning programs must submit their
payee registration and W-9 before receiving a monetary award. Failure to do so forfeits that
year’s QI award.
DCYF calculates the percentage of children receiving state subsidy for your program by dividing
the monthly average number of children receiving state subsidy your early learning program
served by your early learning program’s average monthly licensed capacity.
You can find more information about QI Awards and how they are calculated on the QI Award
Overview document.
Quality Improvement Award Amounts
DCYF distributes QI Awards annually according to provider type as follows:
Figure 8: Child Care Center Quality Improvement Award Amounts
Figure 9: Family Home Child Care Quality Improvement Award Amounts
Distribution of Award Funds
DCYF distributes QI Awards approximately 60 days after your early learning program’s quality level
release date. If your early learning program finalizes an Updated Quality Level to a higher quality level
during the Quality Recognition Cycle and you have already received a QI Award for the year, you will
receive payment for the difference between your former and current levels after the updated quality
level release date. Total annual QI Award payments will not exceed the amount of your early learning
program’s highest finalized quality level for that year. Your early learning program will receive the full
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
award amount for the updated quality level each remaining year of the quality recognition cycle, as long
as they remain eligible to receive the award.
Allowable Uses
You may only use QI Award funds in the following categories, based on the Early Achievers Quality
Standards, and aligned with your current QIP goals:
Child Outcomes: You may use funds for materials, tools, and resources to support ongoing child
assessment and developmental screening.
Early Learning Program Curriculum, Learning Environment, and Interactions: You may use funds
to strengthen and enhance your early learning program’s capacity to provide high-quality,
individualized experiences and environments for children in the following areas:
Program/Classroom Materials: Examples of acceptable items include
developmentally appropriate materials, educational toys, and equipment to
support learning and basic routines.
Curriculum: Examples of acceptable items include curriculum guides, reference
books, and other resources that supplement the curriculum.
Observational Assessment Resources: Examples of acceptable items include
tools that help you and/or your staff document children’s growth and
development and increase staff ability to individualize programming for
children. You may also use funds to purchase tools and supporting materials for
assessing the quality of early learning practices.
Family Engagement and Partnership:
o Parenting Education/Support Program: You may use funds to support the
implementation of parenting support and education.
o Strengthening Families Plan of Action Implementation: You may use funds to strengthen
and enhance the early learning program’s work with families based on the results of
their Strengthening Families Plan of Action. Examples of acceptable items include parent
education resources and training materials; program materials to create a welcoming
environment for families; and social/educational gatherings/events for families.
Professional Development and Training:
o Staff Development: You may use funds for staff professional development including but
not limited to staff training and conferences. Note: You may use funds for
registration/tuition/materials only, and you may not use funds for travel, hotel, or
related attendance expenses.
o Wage Enhancements: You may use funds to increase or supplement staff salaries. Grant
funds are not intended to fund teacher, assistant director, or director salaries in full.
o Staff Bonuses: You may use funds to provide bonuses to staff.
o Release Time: You may use funds for staff to engage in quality improvement activities
that are beyond the normal scope of work. Examples include substitute pay, out of
classroom planning time for lead teachers, and participation in family partnership
o Continuing Education: You may use funds toward credit-bearing coursework for staff.
You should first explore existing Early Achievers scholarship opportunities (WA
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Scholarships and Early Achievers Grants) described in this section in Professional
Development Scholarships before using QI funds for this purpose.
Technology: You may use QI Awards toward technology that supports early learning program
implementation of QI goals, including computers, software, cameras, and video cameras.
Paid Re-Submission: You may use QI Awards toward the cost of a re-submission to meet your
early learning program’s mandated quality level requirements.
In addition to the requirements outlined above, award funds you may not use QI Awards to purchase
items considered to be:
Capital Improvements: This includes the purchase or improvement of land and the purchase,
construction, or permanent improvement of buildings. An exception is made for upgrades that
are necessary to meet health and safety requirements, including plumbing upgrades, electrical
repairs, replacing worn flooring, replacing groundcover or hazardous outdoor equipment, roof
repair, or installing a fire suppression or door alarm system.
Religious Activities: you may not use QI Awards for any religious purpose or activity, including
worship or instruction.
Gift Cards: you may not use QI Awards to purchase monetary equivalents such as gift cards,
traveler’s checks, or money orders.
You may not use QI Awards to reimburse your early learning program for purchases made
before receiving the award funds.
Documentation and Reporting
DCYF is not responsible or liable for any tax reporting or financial liability that may apply to participants
choosing to accept QI awards. DCYF recommends that you contact your early learning program’s
accountant, auditor, and/or financial advisor for guidance on fiscal reporting.
Early learning programs that receive Early Achievers QI Award funds are required to:
Document how your early learning program used your QI Awards to support your QIP goals.
Keep all documentation including records, receipts, and paperwork related to the spending of QI
Awards on site for a minimum of seven years.
Have a current QIP in place within six months of the Quality Level release.
Misuse of Funds
If you misuse your QI Award funds, DCYF may immediately dismiss your early learning program from
Early Achievers as outlined in Participation Requirements and Expectations: Procedure for Dismissal.
DCYF defines misuse of funds as the use of funds for any purchases not included in Allowable Use of
Funds; use of funds for any purchases included in Restrictions; and use of funds for purposes not related
to early learning program QIPs.
Marketing and Outreach Materials
DCYF encourages Early Achievers participants to share their commitment to quality with families and the
community. DCYF has created materials, including an informational brochure, sample letter to families,
and a Quality Level certificate, to assist early learning programs with communication. You may share
your Early Achievers participation by accessing the many valuable outreach tools available online at
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Additionally, you may use the resources in the Marketing Plan Toolkit to support your program.
Use and Development of Early Achievers Outreach Materials
DCYF encourages you to share your participation in Early Achievers and your commitment to quality
with families and the community, both online and in your printed materials. You are welcome to use
your Early Achievers participation in your own marketing materials with the following guidelines.
Early Learning Program Website
As an Early Achievers participant, you may place the Early Achievers logo on your business website
provided you use the logo and the phrase “We are an Early Achievers Participant” along with a link to
the Early Achievers page on DCYF’s website. This is the only logo use approved for an early learning
program’s website.
You must notify DCYF when you use the Early Achievers logo on your early learning program’s business
website. You and your regional coordinator should contact DCYF by email at [email protected] before
the logo is live on the website. Please placeUse of Early Achievers Logo” in the email subject line.
Early Learning Program Business Brochure/Flyer
When you want to include the Early Achievers logo on your business brochures and/or flyers to market
your early learning program, please follow these guidelines:
The logo must not be on the title page of your early learning program’s promotional brochure.
If you use the Early Achievers logo, you must also include one of the following phrases:
o “Proudly participating in Early Achievers, Washington’s Quality Recognition and
Improvement System” or
o “Ask us how we are demonstrating our commitment to high-quality early learning by
participating in Early Achievers, Washington’s Quality Recognition and Improvement
Please work with your coach or local CCA of WA agency for support with family and community
outreach. You may also share your Early Achievers participation by accessing the many valuable
outreach tools available online at https://childcareawarewa.org/providers/
9. Participant Requirements and Expectations
The following section details your early learning program’s responsibilities and expectations as an Early
Achievers participant. Please also refer to the Early Achievers Participation Agreement for participation
This section outlines the eligibility requirements for Early Achievers enrollment and participation.
Early Learning Program Type
Licensed or Certified Providers
Licensed, certified child care centers or family home child care providers that serve children between
the ages of birth and 5 are eligible to register for Early Achievers (English | Spanish | Somali).
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Early learning programs that receive payment from the following subsidies are required to
participate in Early Achievers:
o Seasonal Child CareC
Early learning programs that serve only school-age children are not eligible to participate at this
Certified for Payment Only Providers
All early learning programs that accept state child care subsidies are required to participate in Early
Achievers (RCW 43.216.085). This includes military, school-based, and tribal early learning programs that
are Certified for Payment Only with DCYF. Military, school-based, or tribal early learning programs that
are license-exempt must be Certified for Payment Only to enroll in Early Achievers.
Download form to request Certification for Payment Only.
More information about the Tribal Certification process (Word).
Sites that Offer ECEAP/Early ECEAP Services
All early learning programs that provide ECEAP/Early ECEAP services are required to participate in Early
Achievers (RCW 43.216.515).
Child Enrollment Requirements
DCYF understands that enrollment can fluctuate, especially in family home child care. Therefore, low
enrollment will not affect an early learning program’s eligibility to register for Early Achievers.
To engage in the initial Program Profile and submission of Video Highlights, a provider must
have at least one child between birth and 5 years old enrolled.
Child care centers that drop below a minimum enrollment of three children and family child care
homes that drop below a minimum enrollment of one child must notify their coach within seven
business days. Coaches will work directly with early learning programs to develop a plan to
increase enrollment.
Licensing Status
All licensed or certified early learning programs must be in good standing with licensing to participate in
Early Achievers. “Good standing” means having a non-expiring license that is not suspended, revoked, or
on probationary status. The DCYF website has more information on licensing and definitions of terms.
Licenses with temporary closures are still considered in “good standing.”
Initial License
If your early learning program has an initial license, you may register to participate in Early Achievers
and can complete the Initial Program Profile. However, you cannot finalize the Early Achievers Quality
Level until you receive a non-expiring license.
No Referral Status
If your early learning program is on “no referral status,” you may still register to participate in
Early Achievers if you are otherwise in good standing.
If your early learning program is placed on “no referral” status during participation, you may
continue to participate in Early Achievers activities.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
If your early learning program is on “no referral status,” you may not finalize a Quality Level.
If your early learning program license is revoked, then you may not register to participate in
Early Achievers.
If DCYF revokes your early learning program’s license while you are enrolled in Early Achievers,
then your early learning program will be withdrawn, regardless of Quality Level. All activities
related to Early Achievers will stop.
Summary Suspension
If your early learning program has a license that is on summary suspension, then you may not
register to participate in Early Achievers.
If your early learning program’s license is in summary suspension while enrolled in Early
Achievers, all activities and services related to Early Achievers will pause pending the outcome
of the investigation. Additionally, you may not request or participate in the quality recognition
cycle while on summary suspension.
o If the summary suspension leads to a full restoration of your license, then you may
continue Early Achievers participation.
o If summary suspension leads to revocation of your early learning program’s license,
DCYF will immediately withdraw your program from Early Achievers and all activities
related to Early Achievers will stop.
o If summary suspension leads to a probationary license, your early learning program
must meet the eligibility requirements outlined under the Probationary License section
Probationary License
If your early learning program receives a probationary license while enrolled in Early Achievers,
you may continue to participate in Early Achievers during the probationary period. You must be
actively working with your licensor toward the reinstatement of a non-expiring license. All
coaching will focus on licensing compliance.
Future Participation
In the event that DCYF withdraws your early learning program from Early Achievers due to failure to
meet the above licensing requirements, then you may reapply for participation. To be eligible to reapply
for participation in Early Achievers, your early learning program must be licensed in good standing and
follow the procedures outlined in Participant Requirements and Expectations: Reapplication to Early
Definition of Active Participation
Active participation means that you and your early learning program staff are showing evidence that you
are working toward a Quality Level, either by yourselves or with the support of a coach. An “active
participant” meets the following expectations:
Show evidence of quality improvement activities such as working with your coach, creating a
QIP, completing components of the Quality Recognition Framework, attending Communities of
Practice, or participating in Professional Development courses related to your Early Achievers
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Maintain updated contact information in MERIT, and respond to any necessary communications
from DCYF or CCA of WA.
If you accept state funding, you must maintain Early Achievers timelines or communicate with
DCYF and/or CCA WA regional staff if you are in danger of missing a milestone.
Active Participation does not require you to accept coaching services. If you choose to opt out of
coaching, you are still responsible for maintaining timelines and responding to communications
from DCYF, CCA of WA, or Cultivate Learning.
You must keep the following records on site at your early learning program:
All signed agreements, including the Early Achievers services agreement.
All receipts, records and documentation of how you used your QI Awards (you must keep these
for seven years).
A copy of the Needs-Based Grant application spending plan and all receipts, records, and
documentation of how you used Needs-Based Grant funds (you must keep these for seven
All parent/guardian consents for children to participate in evaluation.
DCYF and CCA of WA reserve the right to request and review records pertaining to participation to verify
enrollment, use of funds, or adherence to the Operating Guidelines at any time.
Notification Requirements
You are required to notify the QRIS inbox and your regional lead agency within seven business days of
significant changes that affect participation, including:
Address change.
Early learning program closure.
Change in licensing status: suspension, probation, or revocation.
Low enrollment: fewer than three children enrolled.
Voluntary withdrawal from Early Achievers.
Change in Early Achievers contact.
Changes in ages served, whether due to licensing capacity or provider preference if the early
learning program no longer serves children birth to age 5.
Temporary change in early learning program circumstances, such as temporary closure and the
extended absence of the Early Achievers contact(s).
How Address and Ownership Changes Affect Early Achievers Participation
Change in Ownership
If your early learning program changes ownership during any stage of Early Achievers participation, you
must contact QRIS@dcyf.wa.gov. DCYF staff will work with you to determine how the change of
ownership affects participation or Quality Level status. The early learning program staff and the
environment are key components of an Early Achievers Quality Level, so sites may be required to
complete the Quality Recognition Cycle again if there are significant changes. When DCYF transfers a
child care license between owners and the Provider ID number does not change, any Early Achievers
participation history and timeline requirements will transfer with the license.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Change of Address
If your site provides ECEAP services and you have a current Quality Level and move to a new facility, you
must contact the Early Achievers team at [email protected]a.gov within six months of the move.
If you are a family home child care provider and you move, you must notify your licensor, and email
[email protected]a.gov within 30 days from the first date on the license at your new address. If you notify
DCYF within that timeframe, you will maintain your participation history, including any active Quality
Levels, tiered reimbursement rates, and QI Awards applied to your license, at the new address.
If you do not provide timely notice, your Early Achievers timelines restart and DCYF will consider you a
new subsidy provider. You will need to re-enroll in Early Achievers to access subsidy and tiered
reimbursement and must follow the new subsidy provider timeline expectations.
Information Sharing
DCYF is subject to chapter 42.56 RCW, the Public Records Act. Early Achievers participant records in the
possession of DCYF or community partners may also be subject to disclosure under chapter 42.56 RCW.
Internet Usage/Security
Early Achievers participants must use MERIT, WA Compass, CeCi, and WELS. These data systems are
required as part of Early Achievers participation. These web-based data systems are secure and require
user login to access information. DCYF, CCA of WA, and UW Cultivate Learning can access all data
entered in Early Achievers data systems to support your quality improvement work and the long-term
evaluation of the Early Achievers program. To coordinate efforts and reduce duplication, coaches can
view the files of other coaches working at the same early learning program. Additionally, all information
entered into the data systems is subject to public disclosure requests as described above.
Conflict of Interest
Early Achievers participants may not be employed as Early Achievers coaches, regional coordinators,
DCYF staff members, or a member of the UW Quality Recognition team in any way during their
participation in Early Achievers.
Early Achievers Services Agreement
CCA of WA provides coaching services to Early Achievers participants serving less than 75% of Head
Start/ECEAP/Early ECEAP slots. Each regional representative’s purpose is to help your early learning
program complete quality recognition components, prepare for your Quality Level Request, and
continue quality improvement efforts after you finalize your Quality Level. The Early Achievers Services
Agreement provides detailed information about the roles and responsibilities of both parties. You and
your early learning program staff are required to participate in Early Achievers activities as outlined in
these Operating Guidelines.
In the event that circumstances prevent your early learning program from being fully engaged, you may
request to temporarily discontinue services. It is important to note that although CCA of WA may
discontinue their services, any timelines required by RCW 43.216.085 remain unchanged.
If you and your early learning program staff are not maintaining active participation, CCA of WA staff
may elect to discontinue services. If you or your staff are unresponsive, repeatedly absent from trainings
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
and scheduled meeting times, or do not make good faith efforts to abide by the services agreement,
CCA of WA will notify you in writing that they may discontinue their services temporarily for one
quarter. Additionally, DCYF may choose to discontinue services if you or your staff are not following our
Operating Guidelines or discrimination policy.
A discontinuation in coaching services does not change your early learning program’s enrollment status
or eligibility for other incentives such as tiered reimbursement. Your early learning program will have
the opportunity to resume CCA of WA services at designated times on a quarterly basis.
Head Start Grantee/ECEAP/Early ECEAP Contractor Responsibilities
At this time, grantees/contractors for sites with more than 75% Head Start/ECEAP/Early ECEAP slots are
responsible for:
Making a plan to integrate Early Achievers into their program’s quality improvement activities,
including the use of Early Achievers tools.
Training and orienting their staff in Early Achievers.
Assisting early learning program staff in completing professional records in MERIT.
Completing applications and managing Early Achievers participation in MERIT, CeCi, and WELS.
Tracking, monitoring, and coordinating early learning program Early Achievers activities.
Preparing early learning program staff for quality recognition.
Grantees/contractors can contact DCYF for information on available Professional Development
Criteria for Dismissal
DCYF reserves the right to initiate early learning program dismissal from Early Achievers at any time if
your early learning program fails to meet any of the expectations outlined in the Early Achievers
Participation Agreement or the Early Achievers Operating Guidelines.
Criteria for dismissal include:
Not maintaining good standing with licensing: DCYF defines good standing as having an active
license that is not suspended, revoked, or on probation.
Changes in ages served: early learning program no longer serves children birth to age 5 due to
provider preference or DCYF licensing enforcement action.
Changes in early learning program enrollment: no children ages birth to 5 enrolled for 60
calendar days.
Providing false information on the Early Achievers application or any participation documents.
Not meeting Early Achievers active participation expectations as defined in the Active
Participation section of the Operating Guidelines.
Misuse of Needs-Based Grant or QI Award funds.
Not maintaining all records, including receipts and documentation of the use of Needs-Based
Grants or QI Award funds on-site for seven years.
Not reporting changes to Early Achievers regional lead agency that may render the early
learning program ineligible for Early Achievers participation.
Unprofessional conduct and behavior with Early Achievers representatives or DCYF staff.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Not following the Early Achievers Operating Guidelines or other administrative and statutory
guidelines issued by any local, state, or federal government agency.
Procedure for Dismissal
In the event that your early learning program has not met the requirements outlined in the Early
Achievers Participation Agreement or the Operating Guidelines, or if your early learning program has
committed any acts that may result in discontinuation of Early Achievers participation, the regional lead
agency must:
Notify your early learning program, in writing, of the need to take corrective action.
Give your early learning program 30 days to comply with the request for corrective action.
Request any applicable documentation from your early learning program.
Reserve the right to suspend all or part of Early Achievers activities during the review process.
Notify DCYF that your early learning program has had corrective action initiated.
Review all information provided by your early learning program, including steps that you have
taken to remedy the issue, to determine if there is sufficient evidence that your early learning
program has violated any aspect of Early Achievers participation or otherwise acted unethically.
Notify DCYF of recommendation to dismiss your early learning program. DCYF makes the final
decision about early learning program withdrawal from Early Achievers.
Notify your early learning program of the final decision, in writing, within 30 days of receiving all
necessary documentation to make a final decision.
Please note: In the event that Early Achievers dismissal is triggered by your early learning program’s
licensing status, DCYF is responsible for dismissal as outlined in the eligibility section of this chapter.
Withdrawal from Early Achievers
If you choose to withdraw your early learning program from Early Achievers, please contact DCYF at
QRIS@dcyf.wa.gov to request withdrawal.
If DCYF dismisses your early learning program from Early Achievers or you voluntarily withdraw from
Early Achievers you must:
Provide the Early Achievers regional lead agency with all outstanding reports and participation
Remove all Early Achievers marketing materials, including your early learning program Quality
Level certificate, from your early learning program premises, website, and all promotional
Return unspent QI Award funds to DCYF.
If you choose to withdraw your early learning program from Early Achievers, you are obligated
to finalize your withdrawal in an email sent to DCYF at QR[email protected].
In the event DCYF dismisses your early learning program due to suspected fraudulent use of funds or
failure to keep records of fund use, your early learning program may be liable for damages as authorized
by law, including repayment of Quality Improvement funds received by your early learning program.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Reapplication to Early Achievers
If you withdraw from Early Achievers and then reapply within 12 months of withdrawal, your early
learning program will retain all current participation information, including Quality Level and timeline
requirements. If your program reapplies within 12 months of withdrawal, you will not resume your
timeline where you left off at the time of withdrawal. For example, if your early learning program
withdraws after six months of participation and decides to reenter into Early Achievers three months
later, the program would be in its ninth month of enrollment upon reentry. Your early learning program
is not due any tiered reimbursement or QI Awards for the period when your early learning program was
DCYF reserves the right to deny reapplication to Early Achievers after a withdrawal or dismissal from
Early Achievers.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Glossary of Terms
Active Participation
An early learning program that responds to communications, participates
fully, and demonstrates efforts toward a Quality Level. Examples include:
participation in coaching, completing portions of the Quality Recognition
Cycle, completing QIPs, documenting efforts in CeCi, or attending Early
Achievers related professional development trainings.
Certified for Payment
Child care and early learning programs that are legally exempt from
licensing (military, tribal, or school-based) may apply for certification to
receive state subsidy payments. These sites are Certified for Payment
Child Care Aware of
Washington (CCA of
CCA of WA is the lead agency for coordinating improvement activities such
as relationship-based professional development and training for sites with
less than 75% Head Start/ECEAP/Early ECEAP slots. For more information,
visit www.childcareawarewa.org.
Coaching is a long-term continuous service provided within Early Achievers
to help participants understand Early Achievers policies and navigate the
process successfully. Coaching is designed to:
Promote Relationship-Based Professional Development.
Support providers in navigating the Quality Recognition system.
Engage in conversations that promote equity and positively
change practices.
Help early learning programs understand the Early Achievers
Quality Standards.
Provide resources and recommend Professional Development.
Help programs understand and use Early Achievers quality
recognition and assessment data.
Support program goals and the creation of QIPs.
Coach Educator
Collaborative Interface
(CeCi, formerly known
as Coaching
Online/Application (app) platform used to connect participants and
facilitate quality improvements led by Early Learning Programs, Coaches,
and Community Liaisons.
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Community Liaison
The Community Liaison is the first contact that Early Achievers
participants have from the Cultivate Learning Quality Recognition Team.
Community Liaisons support and guide participants through the Quality
Recognition process and serve as their point of contact with the Quality
Recognition team. The Community Liaison will reach out to participants
that have been approved for each component of the Quality Recognition
process and will:
Explain the Quality Recognition process and what will occur during
each component.
Provide individualized support during each Quality Recognition
Provide technical support in CeCi.
Provide a line of communication between the program and the
Quality Recognition team.
Contractor means the organization providing ECEAP services under a
signed contract with DCYF. This role is often grouped with Head Start
program leadership and referred to as “grantee/contractor.”
Early Achievers
Early Achievers is Washington’s quality, recognition, and improvement
system (QRIS) and is designed to:
Support child care providers to provide high-quality care by providing
resources including training, coaching, and incentives.
Help parents and caregivers find high-quality child care and early
learning programs that fit their needs.
Ensure that children have high-quality early learning experiences that
help them develop the skills they need to be successful in school and
Early Achievers
The primary early learning program contact responsible for oversight and
completion of all Early Achievers activities. Early learning programs may
appoint a second Early Achievers contact to assist the primary contact in
participation activities.
Early Learning
The Early Learning Development Guidelines are a statewide resource for
child care providers and families. The guidelines provide essential
information to support and enhance children’s development and learning,
and include information on developmental milestones and strategies for
supporting different stages of growth. The guidelines include six areas of
About me and my family and culture.
Building relationships.
Touching, seeing, hearing, and moving around.
Growing up healthy.
Learning about my world.
Early Learning and
School Age Program
Refers to all programs or facilities that care for children birth to 12 years
old. Types of child care providers within Early Achievers:
Child Care Center
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Family Home Child Care Provider or Family Home Early Learning
School-Age Program
Head Start Program (HS)
ECEAP/Early ECEAP Program
In this document, early learning program refers to the participating early
learning facility.
Early Start Act
The Early Start Act (ESA) was passed on July 6, 2015, and is intended to
help all children arrive at school ready to learn. According to the ESA,
beginning Aug. 1, 2016, licensed child care and early learning providers
offering services to children and families that qualify for WCCC subsidies
must be enrolled in Early Achievers to maintain subsidy authorization. ESA
also outlines participation and Quality Level requirements for sites
providing ECEAP/Early ECEAP services.
Finalize My Quality
Once a participant has earned a desired number of points within a
Recognition Cycle period, they may request to finalize and publish their
Quality Level.
Finalize My Updated
Quality Level
Once a participant has re-submitted a needed recognition component,
they can request to update their published Quality Level.
The Grantee is responsible for oversight of Head Start/Early Head Start
Programs. This role is often grouped with ECEAP program leadership and
referred to as “grantee/contractor.”
A space where children are routinely cared for, including but not limited
to, a classroom, outdoor learning space, licensed space in family home
child care, etc. Used instead ofClassroom”
Example of one session in one (1) learning environment.
One room with the same group of children is a Session.
Example of two (2) sessions within one (1) learning environment.
One room with two (2) different teacher/children groups identified
by a room divider.
One room where two (2) different teachers have different groups
of children in the AM and another group of children in the PM.
Washington’s Managed Education and Registry Information Tool (MERIT)
is used to document and recognize the professional achievements of early
care and education and school-age professionals. MERIT is the source of
evidence during evaluation for staff education qualifications for early
learning program Professional Development & Training. Use of MERIT is a
requirement for Early Achievers Participation.
Non-school-age is defined as children ages 6 and under who are not
enrolled in kindergarten or grade school.
Program Profile
Program Profile is an opportunity for providers and families to provide
data about their program.
Directors, teachers, and families identify strengths and areas of
growth for the early learning program through completion of an
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
The Program Profile is an opportunity for a program to celebrate
what they are proud of and what makes them unique.
The Program Profile process is based on research, provides
valuable feedback and data, promotes family engagement, and
supports the CQI coaching cycle.
Quality Improvement
Plan (QIP)
All Level 3-5 early learning programs will create a QIP in partnership with
their coaches based on early learning program evaluation results,
components of the Quality Standards, and overall early learning program
Quality Level. The QIP is a plan that includes goals, action steps to achieve
goals, timelines, and resources needed.
Quality Level
A published level achieved by an Early Learning Program which is displayed
on the DCYFs Child Care Check website.
Quality Recognition
The Quality Recognition Specialist is a member of the UW Quality
Recognition team responsible for quality recognition. Quality Recognition
Specialists will work with early learning programs to:
Provide feedback and scoring on Program Profile and Video Highlights.
Review records and documentation.
Quality Standards
The Early Achievers Quality Recognition and Improvement System
Standards (Quality Standards) is a comprehensive, research-based
framework to support positive outcomes in early learning settings. There
are five Quality Standard areas: Child Outcomes; Curriculum and Staff
Supports; Learning Environment and Interactions; Professional
Development and Training; and Family Engagement and Partnership.
Request for Quality
When a participant is ready to submit a component for review (e.g.,
Program Profile, Video Highlight, etc.), they will submit a recognition
request to DCYF who then informs Cultivate Learning.
Re-Submit for Quality
A program may re-submit a recognition component if they need to or
choose to achieve higher points.
Records Review &
Records Review Tool
Records Review allows providers to submit evidence of Quality Standards.
Providers can submit evidence in the Quality Standard areas of
Child Outcomes, Interactions and Curriculum, and Family
Engagement and Partnership by uploading files.
Supporting documents should include written proof of policies and
practices, such as policies in a staff handbook.
Providers can choose which Quality Standards they would like to
submit evidence for; they can choose some or all.
Providers complete the Records Review Tool (RRT) to track and
submit evidence.
University of
Washington (UW)
The University of Washington (UW) is the lead agency for evaluation,
assessment, and Quality Level assignment. Quality Recognition Specialists
from UW conduct early learning program on-site evaluation visits. UW is
also responsible for the development of the Early Achievers Coach
Early Achievers Participant Operating Guidelines
Video Highlights
Video Highlights are 10-15 minute videos of quality teacher-child
interactions from each classroom or learning environment.
Teachers identify the Early Learning Guideline or Core Competency
to demonstrate in their video and write a short reflection.
Quality Recognition Specialists review videos using a
research-based rubric and provide feedback on strengths
and opportunities for growth.
Through practice-based coaching and culturally affirming
approaches coaches and providers review feedback together to
celebrate successes and create quality improvement goals.
Two video highlights are required for each early learning (ages 0-5)
classroom or session.
Working Connections
Child Care (WCCC)
WCCC is a state child care subsidy program that helps families with low
incomes pay for child care while they work. All licensed or certified
providers receiving WCCC funds for non-school-age children must
participate in Early Achievers.