We’re happy to open your credit card account. This agreement contains
information about your account. Please read it and keep it for your records.
Cardholder Agreement
1. Glossary.
2. Your agreement with us.
3. Your responsibility for the total debt.
4. Using your account and cards.
5. Authorized users.
6. Your credit limit.
7. Foreign currency transactions.
8. Other services and benets.
9. Rewards.
10. Fees we charge.
11. Interest we charge.
12. How we calculate interest.
13. Your monthly statements.
14. Telling us about statement errors.
15. Making payments to us.
16. Applying your payments.
17. Telling us about changes to your contact information.
18. Resolving disputes about transactions.
19. Lost/stolen cards and unauthorized use of your account.
20. Security funds.
21. Default & forfeiture of benet of the term.
22. Restricting or closing your account.
23. Changes to this agreement.
24. Assigning your account.
25. Governing law.
26. Non-waiver.
27. Severability.
28. Quebec residents only – clauses required
under the Consumer Protection Act.
29. Capital One Privacy Policy.
30. Addressing your concerns.
Our records indicate that your express consent to receive this credit card was captured as part of the application process.
If you feel your express consent was not captured, please call us immediately at 1-800-481-3239.
2 Cardholder Agreement
1. Glossary.
There are a lot of dened terms and “jargon” that you may not be
familiar with. Fortunately, we’ve created a handy glossary to help
you si through it all.
Account: Your Capital One Mastercard® account.
Agreement: This Cardholder Agreement (sometimes referred
to as a Customer Agreement), as well as your application, the
disclosure statement, the Privacy Policy, and any amendments,
replacements or updates we may provide from time to time.
Authorized user: A person who has been issued a card on your
account at your request.
Balance transfer: A type of funds advance that allows you
to transfer to your account all or part of a balance you owe
elsewhere. Balance transfers include both standard balance
transfers and special balance transfers.
Card: A Capital One Mastercard that we issue on your account to
you or an authorized user (including any renewal or replacement
cards). This includes any soware application we provide that
permits you to charge amounts to your account.
Cash advance: Any of the following:
a) An advance of money obtained using your Capital One
Mastercard at an automated banking machine (ABM).
The ABM must bear one of the logos shown on your
Mastercard or any other logo we designate;
b) Using an account access cheque that we designate as a
cash advance; or
c) A cash-like transaction.
Cash-like transaction: Any transaction involving the purchase of
items directly convertible into cash, including wire transfers, money
orders, bets, lottery tickets, gambling or casino gaming chips.
Disclosure statement: A document provided to you that sets out
key information relevant to the use of your account, including
the annual interest rates, fees and other charges that apply, and
any amendments, replacements or updates we may provide from
time to time.
Good standing: Your account is in good standing if it’s not past
due, over the credit limit, fraudulent, restricted, part of a
consumer credit counselling program or bankruptcy, and not
in violation of this agreement.
Grace period: The period for which you will not be charged
interest on new purchases and new standard balance transfers
if you pay your new balance in full by the payment due date.
Minimum payment: As shown on your monthly statement, the
lowest amount of money that you’re required to pay by the
payment due date each month to keep your account from going
past due.
New balance: As shown on your monthly statement, the total
amount you owe on your account as of the date your statement
was prepared. It does not include the amount of any pending
transactions that did not post to your account by the date your
statement was prepared.
Payment due date: As shown on your monthly statement, the
date when at least the minimum payment is due to be paid on
your account. It may not fall on the same date each month.
Purchase: An amount charged to your account for goods and
services at any merchant or business, other than a balance
transfer or cash advance. This includes using an account access
cheque we designate as a purchase. A new purchase is
a purchase appearing on your statement for the rst time.
Special balance transfer: An oer to make a balance transfer
at a promotional annual interest rate. The promotional rate will
be disclosed to you at the time the oer is made.
Standard balance transfer: A balance transfer which you can
make at the standard annual interest rate for balance transfers set
out in the disclosure statement. A new standard balance transfer
is a standard balance transfer appearing on your statement for the
rst time.
Security funds: Funds you’ve provided to us, which we hold as
collateral for payment of the amounts you owe to us under this
agreement, if applicable.
Transaction: Any purchase, cash advance, balance transfer, fee,
interest charge, or any other charge on your account.
We/our/us/Capital One: Capital One Bank (Canada Branch).
You/your: The person(s) who signed or submitted the application
for an account. This doesn’t include an authorized user.
2. Your agreement with us.
When you or an authorized user accesses the account for the
rst time, you accept the terms of this agreement and request
cards, including renewal and replacement cards. If we provided
this agreement to you as an amendment or update to a previous
agreement, the terms of this agreement apply on the date
we indicate.
This agreement applies to your account and any cards that we
may issue for the account. You are responsible for ensuring
that any authorized users understand and comply with this
agreement. This Cardholder Agreement replaces any other
Cardholder Agreement or Customer Agreement we may have
sent to you for this account.
You conrm that you’ve requested this agreement and all
communications and documents from us to be in English until you
advise us otherwise. Vous conrmez que vous avez demandé que
cette convention et toute communication ou tout document venant
de nous soient en anglais jusqu’à avis contraire de votre part.
3. Your responsibility for the total debt.
You are, individually and together, liable under this agreement for
all amounts owing on your account, including any indebtedness
incurred by an authorized user. Any of you may access your
account without the approval of the other, but each of you is fully
responsible for amounts owing on your account. The total debt
that you owe consists of the amounts of all transactions charged
to your account.
You can incur a debt even if:
Your credit limit is exceeded;
Your card is used aer its expiry date; or
Your account is used aer it has been restricted or closed.
4. Using your account and cards.
You can charge amounts to your account by using your card along
with your personal identication number (PIN) or your signature
on a sales receipt. We may also allow you to charge amounts in
Cardholder Agreement
other ways, such as internet, mobile and/or contactless payments.
Your Mastercard may be used at any merchant that accepts
Mastercard. We aren’t responsible if your card is not honoured by
a merchant or your account can’t be used for any reason.
You can’t use your account at any merchant or business located in
the Crimea region of Ukraine, The Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea, Sudan, Iran, Syria or Cuba. We may update this list in
the future without giving you notice.
You agree that you will use your card and account for personal,
family or household purposes only and not for any other purposes,
including for business or commercial purposes. You may not use
your account for any illegal, unauthorized or fraudulent purpose.
If your card requires a signature, you must sign your card as soon
as you receive it. You must not use your card aer the expiry date
shown on your card. If you or an authorized user charge anything
to your account aer your card has expired or your account is
restricted or closed, you are responsible for paying the amount
owing to us, together with any interest or fees.
We own all cards issued on your account and you can’t transfer
them to anyone else. You are the only person permitted to use
your card and an authorized user is the only person permitted to
use their card.
5. Authorized users.
You may add or remove authorized users by contacting us. Each
request to add an authorized user is subject to our approval
and we may limit the number of authorized users on your account.
An authorized user may make purchases and obtain cash
advances in the same manner as you but isn’t liable for any debt
incurred on the account. You are responsible for repaying any
charges an authorized user makes on your account, including
any associated interest and fees.
We may provide information to an authorized user regarding
transactions made on the account and the available credit limit,
but an authorized user isn’t able to:
Make any other transactions;
Give any instructions to us with respect to the account;
Update account information; or
Have online access to the account.
We also do not send legal notices or disclosures to an
authorized user.
6. Your credit limit.
Your credit limit is the maximum amount you (together with
your authorized users) can charge to your account. Your current
credit limit appears on each monthly statement. Each monthly
statement also shows your current cash advance limit. Your cash
advance limit is part of your total credit limit – it’s not additional
credit over and above the credit limit for your account. We may
lower your credit limit at any time without telling you in advance,
but we need your express consent to raise your credit limit.
We may allow you to exceed your credit limit, but we don’t have
to, even if we have before. If your account is subject to an over
limit fee for exceeding your credit limit, details of the fee are set
out in the disclosure statement.
7. Foreign currency transactions.
We bill you in Canadian dollars when you use your card to make
a transaction in a foreign currency. The transaction amount will
be converted to Canadian dollars using the Mastercard rate of
exchange applicable at the time the transaction is processed. If
your account is subject to a foreign currency conversion charge,
details of the charge are set out in the disclosure statement.
If a foreign currency transaction is refunded to your account, the
exchange rate for the refund may not be the same as the rate
used when the original purchase was processed. As a result, the
amount of the purchase and the refund may dier. If the amount
of the refund is less than the amount of the purchase, you will be
responsible for the dierence.
8. Other services and benets.
We may make non-nancial benets and services associated with
your card available to you. These benets and services are subject
to the terms set by the companies that provide them and may be
changed or cancelled with or without notice. We aren’t liable for
these benets and services.
9. Rewards.
If your account is eligible for rewards, the features and terms
of the rewards program will be described in the Rewards and
Redemption insert that’s provided to you. By accepting this
agreement, you agree to the terms & conditions of the rewards
program, where applicable.
10. Fees we charge.
All the fees that we charge in connection with your account are
set out in the disclosure statement.
11. Interest we charge.
The annual interest rates we charge are:
The interest rates applicable to purchases, standard balance
transfers, and cash advances as shown on the disclosure
statement; or
Any promotional interest rates we may provide to you.
We don’t charge interest on purchases appearing on your monthly
statement for the rst time (new purchases) and standard balance
transfers appearing on your monthly statement for the rst time
(new standard balance transfers) if you pay your new balance
in full within the grace period. For each new purchase and new
standard balance transfer, the grace period is the period between
the transaction date and the payment due date shown on the
monthly statement on which the transaction rst appears. If we
don’t receive payment of your entire new balance by the payment
due date, you will be charged interest on each new purchase and
new standard balance transfer, starting from the transaction date.
Interest on purchases and standard balance transfers is charged
until they are paid o. If you reside in Quebec, we will not charge
interest on any purchases and standard balance transfers for
a billing period where you pay your new balance in full by the
payment due date.
We will always charge interest on cash advances, special balance
transfers and interest charges. Interest on a cash advance,
special balance transfer or interest charge is charged from the
transaction date until it’s paid o. There is no grace period on
cash advances, special balance transfers and interest charges.
4 Cardholder Agreement
For the purpose of interest calculation, fees for cash advances
are treated as cash advances, fees for standard balance transfers
are treated as standard balance transfers, and fees for special
balance transfers are treated as special balance transfers.
All other fees are treated as purchases.
12. How we calculate interest.
The amount of interest we charge on your monthly statement
is calculated as follows:
First, we add the amount you owe on each day during the
billing period and divide that total by the number of days
in the billing period. This is your average daily balance.
Then we multiply the average daily balance by the applicable
monthly interest rate (obtained by taking the annual interest
rate and dividing by 12
When more than one interest rate applies to your account, we
calculate the interest charge based on the average daily balance
that is applicable to each interest rate. Your monthly statement
shows the interest rates applicable to your account and any
associated interest charges.
13. Your monthly statements.
We will provide you with a monthly statement for your account
for each billing period, unless there’s been no activity on your
account during that period, and:
There’s no balance owing;
You’ve been notied that your account has been suspended
or closed and we have demanded payment of the outstanding
balance; or
Your account has a credit balance and you have not been
charged any interest or fees (in which case we will provide
you with a statement at least once every 3 billing periods).
Other than for one of the reasons set out above, if you do not
receive a monthly statement for any billing period, you must
contact us or check your account balance through online banking.
You are required to meet your payment obligations each billing
period, even if you don’t receive a statement due to a change in
your contact information, a postal disruption, an internet failure
or for any other reason.
14. Telling us about statement errors.
You are responsible for informing us of any errors on your
monthly statement. If you don’t notify us of an error within
30 days of receiving your statement, you accept the monthly
statement and our records as accurate and complete.
15. Making payments to us.
You must make at least the minimum payment indicated on your
monthly statement by the payment due date shown on that
monthly statement. The method of calculating your minimum
payment is set out in the disclosure statement.
Payments must be made in Canadian dollars. You can make
payments on your account at any time using the following methods:
By telephone or online banking through your nancial
By mail, using the payment information provided on your
monthly statement
By any pre-authorized debit service we may oer
All payments must be made in a form acceptable to us. Payments
made by a cheque or money order must be drawn on a Canadian
nancial institution.
Depending on the payment method you choose, your payment
may take several days to reach us and may be credited to your
account aer the payment due date. Keep this in mind when
considering how and when to make your payment. We can accept
late payments or partial payments, or cheques and money orders
marked “payment in full” or other similar language, without losing
any of our rights under this agreement.
If a payment through your nancial institution doesn’t clear, we
will reverse the account credit and you will still owe us the amount
of the payment, which will continue to incur interest, if applicable,
until paid.
16. Applying your payments.
Any payments we receive up to and including the amount of your
minimum payment will be applied in the following order:
First, to any interest charges shown on your monthly statement;
Second, to any fees shown on your monthly statement;
Third, to any fees which have been charged to your account
but have not yet been shown on a monthly statement; and
Fourth, to any remaining balances shown on your monthly
Within each of the above categories, if there are dierent annual
interest rates that apply, the payment will be applied rst to the
balance with the lowest annual interest rate, and then to the other
balances in ascending order, based on their applicable annual
interest rates.
If you pay more than your minimum payment, your excess
payment will be applied to the remaining balance on your monthly
statement as follows:
First, we divide all the unpaid transactions shown on your
monthly statement into groups. Transactions that share the
same interest rate are placed into the same group.
Second, we pro-rate your excess payment to those dierent
interest rate groups. This means that the per cent of your
excess payment we apply to a group is the same per cent that
the balance in that group represents of the total remaining new
balance. For example, if the balance in an interest rate group
represents 60% of your total remaining new balance, we will
apply 60% of your excess payment to that group.
If you pay more than your new balance, your excess payment
will be applied to transactions that have not yet appeared on a
monthly statement, using the same payment allocation method
described above.
17. Telling us about changes to
your contact information.
You must tell us if the email, mailing, and/or residential address
or phone numbers we have on le for you change. As set out
in this agreement, dierent terms may apply to your account
depending on your province of residence. If you change your
province of residence, you agree that we may take up to 90 days
aer you notify us of the change to apply any dierent terms
to your account. You further agree that any dierent terms that
apply as a result of the change to your province of residence
will not apply retroactively.
Cardholder Agreement
If we send a statement or a notice to you that’s returned because
of an invalid address, we won’t issue further statements or
notices to you until we receive a correct address. We may choose
to restrict the use of your account, including access to online
banking, until we’ve received the updated information. There are
certain items, like cards, which we may refuse to mail to an
address that isn’t in Canada.
18. Resolving disputes about transactions.
If you have problems with anything you buy using your card or
account number, you must pay the amount owing on your
account and settle the problem directly with the merchant. You
may not stop payment on any transaction. In some circumstances,
we may be able to provide assistance in resolving disputed
transactions. If you wish to discuss a dispute, you may contact
us at 1-800-481-3239. You must contact us within 30 days of
receiving your statement.
If a merchant gives you a refund and we receive a credit note from
the merchant, we’ll credit it to the account on the day we receive
it. A merchant refund does not count towards your minimum
payment. If you have outstanding balances on your account
accruing interest at dierent rates, the merchant credit may not
necessarily be applied against the item for which you received
the credit. If we have charged you any interest on a purchase that
was returned and for which a merchant credit was applied to your
account, we may not refund this interest to you.
19. Lost/stolen cards and unauthorized
use of your account.
You have no liability if your credit card, credit card account
information or personal authentication information created or
adopted in relation to your credit card or credit card account
(“Card and Account Information”) is used in an unauthorized
manner (“Unauthorized Use”), unless you have demonstrated
gross negligence or, in Quebec, gross fault in safeguarding your
card and account information.
Additionally, if you report to us that your card and account
information has been lost or stolen or that there is a risk of
unauthorized use, you will not be liable for any unauthorized
use following our receipt of that report.
Unauthorized use doesn’t include use of your card and account
information by someone you’ve identied as an authorized
user or someone you permitted to use your card and account
You should take reasonable care to safeguard your card and
account information. If any part of your card and account
information is lost or stolen, or if someone discovers or attempts
to use your card and account information in an unauthorized
manner, you should notify the same to us immediately.
You agree to cooperate and help with any investigation that we
initiate into unauthorized use before we’ll consider reimbursing
you for any losses. If our investigation establishes that there was
no unauthorized use, you’ll be fully liable for all amounts charged
to the account before you notied us.
20. Security funds.
In some cases, you may be asked to provide us with security funds,
which we hold as collateral for payment of amounts you owe to
us under this agreement. By providing us with security funds and
accepting the terms of this agreement, you agree that if you’re in
default under this agreement, you authorize Capital One to set o
(and eect compensation, if you’re a resident of the province of
Quebec) and apply those funds against your obligations under this
agreement (whether or not then immediately due and payable).
We can do all of this without notifying you or sending you a
demand for payment. You also agree to the following:
The security funds do not constitute a deposit with
Capital One, and will be held in an account at a depository
institution we select;
You’ll have no right to access or withdraw the security funds,
except as described below; and
Any interest earned on the security funds will become our
sole property.
You represent that there are no lawsuits or bankruptcy
proceedings that might aect our ability to withdraw and apply
the security funds you provide, and you agree that you haven’t
and won’t transfer or oer any interest in the funds to anybody
other than Capital One. We’ll return any remaining funds to
you at your last known address in our records within 60 days
of closing of your account, and the payment in full of your
obligations under this agreement, whichever comes last.
21. Default & forfeiture of benet of the term.
Your account will be in default under this agreement if you:
Fail to meet the terms of this agreement;
Become the subject of a bankruptcy or insolvency
Provide any false or misleading information; or
Have legal action taken against your property.
If you’re in default, we may:
Terminate, modify or restrict your rights under this
agreement, which could include closing your account;
Demand that you immediately pay the balance of your
account in full with interest at the applicable rate(s); or
Apply any balance that you have in any other account with us
against the amount that you owe us under this agreement
(whether or not then immediately due and payable), including
any security funds in the security account, if applicable.
If you’re in default, you must also pay all legal fees reasonably
incurred to collect or attempt to collect your debt.
22. Restricting or closing your account.
You can close your account at any time by contacting us. We
can suspend or restrict the use of your card and account, reduce
your credit limit or close your account at any time for any
reason without notifying you rst, even if you’re not in default.
If you’ve provided us with security funds, restricting or
closing your account doesn’t aect our rights to those funds.
If you close your account or we do, you must pay all amounts
owing on your account, stop using your credit card and destroy
all cards issued on the account. The terms and conditions in
this agreement remain in eect until you pay the entire balance
owing on your account or we notify you otherwise.
6 Cardholder Agreement
23. Changes to this agreement.
At our sole discretion, we can change any section in this
agreement. Any change to this agreement applies to both your
outstanding and future debt.
Where required by law, we’ll provide you with notice of any
change in writing at least 30 days before the change takes
eect. Our notice will specify the date the change takes eect and
will provide either the old section and the newly amended section,
or just the newly amended section.
You can always refuse to accept a change by closing your
account before the change takes eect. Where required by law,
our notice will indicate that you can close your account and
refuse the change up to 30 days aer the change takes eect.
24. Assigning your account.
At any time, we may sell, transfer or assign any, or all of our
rights and obligations under this agreement or your account
without telling you in advance. You may not sell, assign or
transfer any of your rights or obligations under this agreement,
or your account.
25. Governing law.
This agreement will be interpreted in accordance with the
applicable laws of the province or territory in which you reside
(or the applicable laws of Ontario if you reside outside of
Canada) and the applicable laws of Canada. In the event of a
dispute, you agree that the courts in the province or territory
where you reside are competent to hear such dispute and you
agree to be bound by any judgment of that court.
26. Non-waiver.
We may choose not to act on any right under this agreement
without giving up that right. Any time we give up one of our rights,
we will do so in writing and sign a waiver.
27. Severability.
If any part of this agreement is considered invalid or unenforceable
under applicable law, the rest of this agreement is still valid
and enforceable.
28. Quebec residents only – clauses required
under the Consumer Protection Act.
The following provisions apply only if you reside in Quebec and
are a consumer as dened by Quebec’s Consumer Protection Act,
chapter P-40.1.
Clause of forfeiture of benet of the term.
Before availing itself of this clause, the merchant must forward
the consumer a notice in writing and unless the merchant is
exempted in accordance with section 69 of the General Regulation,
it must forward the consumer a statement of account.
Within 30 days following the receipt by the consumer of the
notice and, where necessary, of the statement of account,
the consumer may:
a) either remedy the fact that the consumer is in default;
b) or present a motion to the court to have the terms and
conditions of payment prescribed in this contract changed.
It is in the consumer’s interest to refer to sections 104 to 110
of the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1) as well as
to section 69 of the General Regulation made under that Act
and, where necessary, to communicate with the Oce de la
protection du consommateur.
Open credit contract for the use of a credit card.
(1) If the consumer uses all or part of the credit extended to make
full or partial payment for the purchase or the lease of goods or
for a service, the consumer may, if the open credit contract was
entered into on the making of and in relation to the sale, lease
or service contract, and if the merchant and the open credit
merchant collaborated with a view to granting credit, plead
against the lender any ground of defence urgeable against the
merchant who is the vendor, lessor, contractor or service provider.
The consumer may also, in the circumstances described in the
rst paragraph, exercise against the open credit merchant, or
against the merchant’s assignee, any right exercisable against
the merchant who is the vendor, lessor, contractor or service
provider if that merchant is no longer active or has no assets
in Quebec, is insolvent or is declared bankrupt. The open credit
merchant or the merchant’s assignee is then responsible for
the performance of the obligations of the merchant who is the
vendor, lessor, contractor or service provider up to the amount of,
as the case may be, the debt owed to the open credit merchant
at the time the contract is entered into, the debt owed to the
assignee at the time it was assigned to them or the payment the
open credit merchant received if they assigned the debt.
(2) A consumer who is solidarily liable with another consumer for
the obligations arising from an open credit contract is released
from the obligations resulting from any use of the open credit
account aer notifying the merchant in writing that the consumer
will no longer use the credit extended and no longer intends to be
solidarily liable for the other consumer’s future use of the credit
extended in advance, and aer providing proof to the merchant,
on that occasion, that the consumer informed the other consumer
by sending the other consumer a written notice to that eect
at the other consumer’s last known address or technological
address. Any subsequent payment made by the consumer must
be applied to the debts contracted before the notice was sent to
the merchant.
(3) A consumer who has entered into a preauthorized payment
agreement with a merchant under which payments are made
out of credit obtained under a credit card contract may end
the agreement at any time by sending a notice to the merchant.
On receipt of the notice, the merchant must cease to collect the
preauthorized payments. On receipt of a copy of the notice,
the card issuer must cease debiting the consumer’s account to
make payments to the merchant.
(4) Without delay at the end of each period, the merchant must
send the consumer a statement of account. The merchant is not
required to send a statement of account to the consumer at the
end of any period if there have been no advances or payments
during the period and the outstanding balance at the end of the
period is zero.
(5) If the consumer makes a payment at least equal to the
outstanding balance at the end of the preceding period within
21 days aer the date of the end of the period, no credit charges
may be required from the consumer on that outstanding balance,
except as regards money advances. In the case of a money
advance, charges may accrue as of the date of the advance until
the date of payment.
Cardholder Agreement
(6) The consumer may demand that the merchant send, without
charge, a copy of the vouchers for each of the transactions charged
to the account during the period covered by the statement. The
merchant must send the copy of the vouchers requested within
60 days aer the date the consumer’s request was sent.
(7) Until the consumer receives a statement of account at
the consumer’s address or technological address if expressly
authorized by the consumer, the merchant must not claim credit
charges on the unpaid balance, except as regards money advances.
It is in the consumer’s interest to refer to sections 103.1, 122.1, 123,
123.1, 124, 126, 126.2, 126.3, 127 and 127.1 of the Consumer Protection
Act (chapter P-40.1) and, if further information is necessary, to
contact the Oce de la protection du consommateur.
Table of examples of interest charges
for a 30-day billing period.
interest rate
Average daily balance
$100 $500 $1,000
14.9% $1.24 $6.21 $12.42
19.8% $1.65 $8.25 $16.50
21.9% $1.83 $9.13 $18.25
25.9% $2.16 $10.79 $21.58
If you have a customer service inquiry or concern, call Capital One at
1-800-481-3239 or write to us at P.O. Box 503, Stn. D, Scarborough,
ON M1R 5L1. For more information, see section 30: “Addressing
your concerns” below, or visit www.capitalone.ca/concerns for our
current complaint resolution process.
29. Capital One Privacy Policy.
Personal information is information about an identiable individual,
as dened in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act. Personal information about you is managed in
accordance with the Capital One Privacy Policy (“Policy”).
Please visit us online at www.capitalone.ca/privacy for the most
up-to-date version of our complete Policy. A summary of our
privacy practices, including how we collect, use and disclose your
personal information, is below.
Our Privacy Ocer is responsible for ensuring that we comply with
our Policy and applicable laws.
Identifying purposes.
We identify the purposes for which personal information is
collected, used or disclosed prior to, or at the time of collection.
Information we collect.
Information we collect about our customers includes, but is not
limited to:
Publicly available information, such as information from
telephone or other public directories;
The information you provided to us before you became
a customer;
Information about your transactions, including purchases,
account balances, fees, payment history, parties to
transactions and credit card usage;
Information from credit reporting agencies and other
outside sources to verify nancial information about you,
such as your employment and credit history;
Information from surveys that customers participate in, or
from third parties that customers engage with;
Information from customers’ mobile and online activity
(for example, IP address, mobile device ID, application and
website use, and history); and
Information required by law.
Use of Information.
Purposes that we use your information for include, but are not
limited to:
Contacting and authenticating you;
Assessing your creditworthiness;
Making improvements to products and services;
Preventing fraud;
Serving you oers, advertising and marketing;
Maintaining, servicing, processing, analyzing, auditing and
collecting on your account(s); and
Sharing information with consumer reporting agencies and
other parties who have nancial, employment or business
dealings with you.
If you apply for a credit product, communicate with us or provide
information to us in any way, you acknowledge your consent for
personal information collection, use and disclosure as set out in
our Policy, applicable laws and/or industry standards. You can
withdraw your consent for use and disclosure of your personal
information, other than that which is required for us to maintain
and service your account, subject to legal and contractual
restrictions, with reasonable notice to us.
Limiting collection.
We only collect personal information that’s necessary for the
purposes we identify, and as required by applicable laws.
Limiting use, disclosure and retention.
We limit use, disclosure and retention of personal information
to the purposes we identify, and as required by applicable laws.
We may share your personal information with service providers
who perform services on our behalf. Our contracts with third
parties include obligations to protect your personal information.
Your personal information may be stored and processed at
our corporate oces in the U.S. or with approved third parties
within the U.S. or elsewhere. If a third party processes or stores
information outside of Canada, foreign governments, courts
or regulatory agencies may be able to obtain such personal
information through the laws of the foreign jurisdiction.
Accuracy and safeguards.
We ensure personal information is as accurate, complete and
up to date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be
used. We also use procedures and practices appropriate to the
sensitivity of personal information to protect against loss, the
and unauthorized access. Access to your information is restricted
to individuals and parties who require access.
Openness, individual access and challenging compliance.
You can contact Customer Service for general privacy inquiries
or concerns:
To speak to a Customer Service Representative: 1-800-481-3239.
Persons with disabilities impacting speech or hearing can
communicate with us by dialing 7-1-1 and connecting with
the relay service oered through their telecommunications
You can write to our Privacy Oce to request access to the
personal information we have on le for you or to raise a privacy
concern. We will provide you with the personal information
we have, subject to certain considerations specied by law.
Canada Privacy Oce
Capital One Canada (Canada Branch)
P.O. Box 508, Stn. D
Scarborough, ON M1R 5L6
30. Addressing your concerns.
If you have a complaint, we can help resolve it. We’d like to handle
your complaint in an ecient and professional manner. As such,
we encourage you to collect all the relevant information before
you reach out.
Information that may be handy:
If you’re a current Capital One customer, your account-related
information; and
Any documents or information that might be relevant to
your complaint.
Contact Capital One.
You may contact our Customer Service Representatives through
any of the following channels:
Toll-Free Phone 1-800-481-3239
Outside of
(call us collect)
Hearing Impaired Persons with disabilities impacting speech
or hearing can communicate with us
by dialing 7-1-1 and connecting with
the relay service oered through their
telecommunications provider.
Mail Capital One Customer Service
P.O. Box 503, Stn. D
Scarborough, ON M1R 5L1
Capital One Complaint Handling Process.
Our Customer Service Representatives are your rst point of
contact and are oen able to resolve your complaint quickly and
eectively. Depending on the nature of your complaint, you may
be referred to a specialized department. In situations where you
don’t feel satised with the response you’ve received, please let
our Customer Service Representative know and you’ll be referred
to a Customer Care Manager (CCM).
If you aren’t satised with the outcome of the review performed
by the CCM, please let them know. Your complaint will then be
forwarded to the Capital One Complaints Resolution Oce
(CRO). The CRO is the most senior designated oce appointed
to address escalated complaints within Capital One.
The CRO will review your complaint and all available evidence in
order to arrive at a fair and reasonable conclusion. The CRO will
then provide you with a written response detailing the outcome
of its review and any recommendations.
External complaint body.
You may submit your unresolved concern directly to Ombudsman
for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) if:
Capital One has exceeded the prescribed period for dealing
with your complaint. The prescribed period is 56 calendar
days from the time you rst communicated your complaint
with the Customer Service Representative.
You aren’t satised with the resolution oered by the CRO.
Contact information:
Toll-Free Phone 1-888-451-4519
Hearing Impaired
Fax 1-888-422-2865
Mail Ombudsman for Banking Services
& Investments
20 Queen Street West
Suite 2400, P.O. Box 8
Toronto, ON M5H 3R3
Website obsi.ca
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.
If you believe that your complaint relates to a violation of federal
consumer protection law, public commitments, or industry
codes of conduct, you may contact the Financial Consumer
Agency ofCanada.
Toll-Free Phone
1-866-461-FCAC (3222)
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET
Toll-Free Phone
1-866-461-ACFC (2232)
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET
Phone (from
outside Canada)
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET
Hearing Impaired 1-866-914-6097 / 1-613-947-7771
Mail Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
427 Laurier Avenue West, 6
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B9
Website fcac-acfc.gc.ca
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