Parking Garage Management and Operating Agreement
Pier 40 Parking Garage
353 West Street
New York City, NY 10014-3674
Contract No. F5220
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Section Page
1. Definitions 1
2. Engagement 3
3. Term of Agreement 5
4. Staff 6
5. Hours of Operation and Parking Rates 10
6. Management Fee, Deposit of Parking Revenues and Payment Terms 10
7. Incentive Management Fee 12
8. Costs of Operations, Expenses of the Operator, and Operator’s 13
Itemized Statements
9. Controlling Costs of Operations and Budget Approvals 16
10. Compliance with Laws 17
11. Maintenance And Purchase Of Equipment, And Security 19
12. Maintenance and Repairs of Garage 20
13. Receipts, Audits, Cash Deposits, Disbursements and Controls 21
14. Insurance 26
15. Indemnification 30
16. Access 32
17. Capital Improvements and Equipment 33
18. Procurement of Bids, Services and Goods; Tax Exemption 35
19. Meetings; Approvals 36
20. Assignment 37
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21. Defaults; Cancellation and Termination 37
22. Permits and Licenses 39
23. Sales and Parking Taxes 39
24. Marketing Activities 40
25. Telephone and Internet Service 40
26. Free Parking, Exclusive Parking Area, and Reduced Rate Parking 41
27. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, Controversies 43
28. Set-Off Rights 43
29. MacBride Fair Employment Principles 43
30. Communications 44
31. Survival 44
32. Entire Agreement/Modification 44
33. Benefits and Burdens 45
34. No Waiver 45
35. Conflict of Interest 45
36. Non-Collusive Bidding Requirement 46
37. Omnibus Procurement Act of 1992 46
38. International Boycott Prohibition 47
39. Severability 47
40. Confidentiality 47
41. Acceptance of Final Payment; Release and Discharge 48
42. No Arbitration 48
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Section Page
43. Service of Process 48
44. Interest of Others 49
45. Identifying Information and Privacy Notification 49
46. Property Loss, Damage 50
47. Disclosure of Lobbyists 50
48. Inability to Perform 50
49. No Property Interest 51
50. Penalties for Non-Performance 51
51. Operator as Independent Contractor 51
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APPENDIX A: Aerial Photographs and Plans of the Garage
APPENDIX B: Certain Garage Duties and Obligations of Operator
APPENDIX C: Parking Rates, 2015
APPENDIX D: Management Fee
APPENDIX E: Expenses of the Operator
APPENDIX G: Approved Staffing Schedule
APPENDIX H: Job Descriptions and Qualifications
APPENDIX I: Required Monthly and Annual Reports
APPENDIX J: Inventory of Existing Equipment, Materials and Supplies
APPENDIX K: Penalties for Non-Performance
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THIS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) made as of ________between the HUDSON
RIVER PARK TRUST, a New York public benefit corporation, having an address at Pier
40, 353 West Street, Suite 201, New York, New York 10014 (“Trust”), and
(“Operator”, and together with the Trust, the “Parties”).
WHEREAS, the Trust, pursuant to the Hudson River Park Act, Chapter 592 of
the laws of 1998 of the State of New York (as amended) (“Act”), is responsible for the
development, operation and maintenance of Hudson River Park and the improvements
thereon (“Park”), which is located along West Street in the Borough of Manhattan, New
York, and
WHEREAS, the Act permits the use of Pier 40, located in the Park at 353 West
Street (“Site”), for the parking of passenger cars and other commercial uses; and
WHEREAS, the Trust seeks to operate, maintain and improve the existing
parking garage located at Pier 40 as delineated in Appendix A hereof (“Garage”); and
WHEREAS, the Trust desires to engage the Operator to manage, maintain, and
operate the Garage and the Operator desires to manage, maintain, and operate the
Garage on the terms and conditions set forth herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Trust and the Operator hereby agree as follows:
1.1. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them for
the purpose of interpreting the Agreement.
1.2. Budget” means the Operator’s estimation of Parking Revenues, Costs of
Operations (including Parking Tax), and Management Fee. The initial Budget
is attached hereto as Appendix F.
1.3. Trusthas the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
1.4. Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a legal
holiday on which national banking associations in New York, New York are
authorized or delegated by law, governmental decree or executive order, to
be closed.
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1.5. City” means the City of New York.
1.6. Costs of Operations” means the reimbursable costs, fees, and expenses
incurred and paid by the Operator in connection with the management,
maintenance, and operation of the Garage as set forth in Section 8.1 of the
1.7. Emergency means an imminent threat to public health, welfare or safety or
to property in which the Trust has an interest.
1.8. Expenses of the Operator” means all costs, fees, and expenses that are
incurred and paid by the Operator that are not Costs of Operations as
described in Section 8.2 and Appendix E of the Agreement.
1.9. Garagehas the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
1.10. Hazardous Materials” means the following:
Flammable explosives or radioactive materials;
Petroleum products or petroleum hydrocarbons, including, but not limited
to, gasoline, diesel, oil, grease, organic lead, benzene, toluene, ethyl
benzene, halocarbons, xylene, cadmium, chromium, lead and zinc
products; and
Any other chemical, paint, material, substance or other matter of any kind
whatsoever that is prohibited, limited or regulated or designated toxic or
hazardous by any federal, state, county, regional or local authority or
legislation, and any and all regulations promulgated from time to time
under the foregoing.
1.11. Management Feehas the meaning set forth in Section 6.1 of the
1.12. Management Statementhas the meaning set forth in Section 8.5 of the
1.13. New Hiresmeans any employee that has not completed their labor union
probationary period and has less than thirty (30) days of job experience after
the end of the probationary period.
1.14. Operating Accounthas the meaning set forth in Section 6.4 of the
1.15. Operating Reservehas the meaning set forth in Section 6.5 of the
1.16. Operatorhas the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
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1.17. Parking Rates” means the parking rates detailed in Section 5.3 of the
1.18. Parking Revenues” means gross revenues, including without limitation, from
parking fees, income, receipts, fees, proceeds and other forms of
consideration or sums of any description, received or earned or derived by
Operator from its management, maintenance and operations at the Garage
whether directly or through any of its subtenants, sub-operators, occupants,
concessionaires, licensees or vending, token or coin machine operators.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parking Revenues shall not include any
transaction fee arising from third party aggregators.
1.19. Parking Tax” means the parking tax described in Section 13.16 of the
1.20. Sitehas the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
1.21. Term” means the period of time commencing on the Commencement Date
and expiring on the Expiration Date as provided in Section 3.1 of the
1.22. Uncollected Tickets” means those tickets that are issued by a ticket issuing
machine at the Garage and are:
Missing and not associated with a lost ticket form completed by the
Missing and not associated with reported acts of intentional theft involving
breaking of gates, or assault of a cashier; or
Missing and not as a result of an emergency situation such as fire, chemical
spill, collapse, acts of terrorism, police action, etc.
2.1. The Trust hereby engages the Operator, and the Operator hereby accepts
engagement by the Trust, to manage, maintain and operate the Garage as a
parking facility in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.
2.2. The Operator shall provide all personnel necessary for the proper
management, maintenance and operation of the Garage, including without
limitation, off-Site executive and supervisory personnel.
2.3 The Operator shall maintain a full complement of on-site staff as set forth in
Appendix G. All on-site staff on vacation, holiday, or other benefit days off
shall be replaced by similarly trained and competent replacement staff that
shall be paid at straight-time (no overtime) hours. The sole exception to this
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requirement is for replacement staff that replace on-site staff for a one (1) day
2.4 The duties and obligations of the Operator include, without limitation:
2.4.1 The timely collection and remittal of Parking Revenues as provided
in Section 6.2 of the Agreement and the payment of Costs of
Operations as provided in Section 8.1 of the Agreement;
2.4.2 The “Certain Garage Duties and Obligations of Operator” detailed
in Appendix B of the Agreement;
2.4.3 Enforcing applicable warranties for goods and services procured by
the Operator for the Garage and maintaining updated copies of all
2.4.4 Optimizing the effectiveness of the Garage revenue control
2.4.5 Performing periodic parked vehicle inventories to identify any
unauthorized, unidentified and/or unpaid vehicle within the Garage
in accordance with established inventory and follow-up procedures,
including but not limited to, the Memorial Day holiday weekend,
Independence Day holiday weekend, Labor Day holiday weekend,
and the weekend following Thanksgiving;
2.4.6 Produce a standard operations, procedure and audit manual
(SOPAM) specifically tailored for the Garage within sixty (60) days
of the execution of the Agreement for the Trust’s review and
approval. Upon the Trust’s approval, the SOPAM shall be
incorporated as an Appendix to the Agreement and the Operator
shall comply with the procedures, schedules and other provisions
set forth therein. The Operator shall update the SOPAM as needed and as
required by the Trust, but in any event no less than
annually on the anniversary date of the Agreement, to
address any substantive changes in the operations of the
Garage, including but not limited to, changes in vehicle
traffic patterns, PARCS Hardware/Software, or other
substantive operational procedures, equipment or
personnel practices that may affect the operation of the
Garage. All updates shall be submitted to the Trust for
its review and approval. Upon approval by the Trust, the
Operator shall comply with the updated provisions of the
SOPAM; and
2.4.7 The Operator shall maintain and improve, as appropriate, the website to ensure that the website provides, at
a minimum, information about rates, available spaces, monthly
parker application, Manhattan Resident Tax exempt application,
and other pertinent customer information.
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2.5 The Operator shall submit the reports detailed in Appendix I detailing various
vehicle counts on a monthly, daily and hourly basis, as well as other
operational information.
2.6 The Operator shall submit all the reports in the form and by the date required
under the Agreement and as provided in Appendix I; otherwise, the Trust
shall deduct from the Management Fee such amount set forth in Appendix K
for the month that the particular report(s) are not timely submitted or
2.6.1 Notwithstanding the above, the Operator shall submit the
missing/late report(s) with the subsequent month’s Management
Statement (as defined in Section 8.5 of the Agreement). If the
Operator fails to submit the missing/late report(s), the Trust shall
enforce the default provisions in Section 21 of the Agreement.
2.7 Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the Operator shall
not wash, perform maintenance, and/or repair vehicles within the Garage.
3.1 The term of the Agreement (“Term”) shall commence on January 1, 2021
(“Commencement Date”), and shall end on March 31, 2025, unless
extended or sooner terminated by either Party in accordance with the
provisions hereof (“Expiration Date”).
3.2 At the Trust’s sole and absolute option, the Agreement may be renewed for
two successive two-year periods (“Extension Period(s)”).
3.3 Any (or each) election of Extension Period by the Trust shall be confirmed in
a written notice from the Trust to the Operator not less than sixty (60) days
prior to the commencement of such Extension Period.
3.3.1 During any (or each) Extension Period, the Agreement shall be
extended on the same terms and conditions as are set forth herein,
provided however, the Trust and Operator may modify the terms
and conditions of the Agreement upon mutual agreement as set
forth in writing as an amendment to the Agreement.
3.4 If the Commencement Date or the Expiration Date is not on the first day of the
month, then any amounts payable on a monthly basis shall be pro-rated
according to the number of remaining days for that partial month.
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4.1 The Operator shall employ a sufficient number of trained, honest, competent,
and courteous personnel capable of managing, maintaining, and operating
the Garage in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.
4.1.1 The approved staffing schedule is provided in Appendix G.
4.1.2 Job descriptions and qualifications of the Operator’s management
personnel responsible for the Garage operations are provided in
Appendix H.
4.2 The Operator shall screen all Garage staff prior to their assignment at the
Garage and shall employ, discipline, discharge, promote, and direct the
Garage staff in the performance of their duties.
4.2.1 The costs of screening, hiring, and training Garage staff are
Expenses of the Operator and not Costs of Operations.
4.2.2 Initial and any periodic drug screenings of the Garage staff are
Expenses of the Operator and not Costs of Operations.
4.2.3 The Operator shall provide an annual certification providing that all
Garage staff have a valid state driver’s license and that said license
is not expired, revoked, or suspended.
4.3 Operator shall cause Garage staff to wear neat and clean uniforms as
approved by the Trust; Trust approval shall extend to the type and quality of
the uniform and the name(s) to be displayed on the uniform.
4.3.1 The Garage staff’s first name and “Pier 40 Parking Garage” (or
other location-specific identification, as agreed upon) shall be
prominently displayed on outerwear and/or shirts of the Garage
staff to be visible to customers.
4.3.2 The Garage staff shall wear ANSI ll or better vest/shirt/jacket over
their uniform at all times when working in the Garage (not required
when working in the parking office).
4.3.3 Uniforms for “floor” employees will consist of five (5) short sleeve
shirts, five (5) long sleeve shirts, four (4) pants, two (2) 3-season
jackets, one (1) ANSI ll rain jacket and pants, one (1) winter parka
which should last for at least two winter seasons, and any other
uniform, hats or shoes subject to Trust approval.
4.3.4 Uniforms for management employees (i.e., Foreman a/k/a
MODs, Facility Manager) will consist of five (5) short sleeve
collared business shirts with no pockets, five (5) long sleeve
collared business shirts no pockets, four (4) slacks, two (2) blazers,
three (3) ties, one (1) ANSI ll rain jacket, one (1) ANSI II pants, and
one (1) winter parka which should last for at least two winter
seasons and any other uniform or apparel subject to Trust
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4.3.5 Inappropriately attired Garage staff shall not be permitted to work
their shift. The Operator shall affect an immediate remedy either
through provision of appropriate uniform(s) or the replacement of
such Garage staff.
4.3.6 Lost uniform charges are Expenses of the Operator and not Costs
of Operations.
4.4 The number of persons employed at the Garage shall be satisfactory to the
Trust as initially provided in Appendix G, and, subject to applicable collective
bargaining agreements, shall be increased or decreased as required by the
4.4.1 The Operator must, at a minimum, provide the staff detailed in
Appendix G; otherwise, the Trust shall deduct from the
Management Fee such amount set forth in Appendix K of the
4.5 The Operator must provide a Senior/Area/Operation Manager, Facility
Manager or Foreman at the Garage at all times unless otherwise approved by
written authorization provided by the Trust to the Operator.
4.5.1 Historically, the Garage has been staffed on Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day without a Facility Manager.
The Trust will not require Facility Manager presence on such
aforementioned days unless a significant event is scheduled for any
of those particular holidays that could affect operations at the
Garage. All other Garage staff scheduled to work on these
holidays shall report to work.
4.6 The Operator shall negotiate, obtain, maintain and comply with all labor union
agreements applicable to the Garage staff.
4.7 All Garage staff salaries/wages, and any other fringe benefits not covered by
collective bargaining agreements are subject to the advanced written
approval of the Trust.
4.8 The Operator must provide trained and experienced Garage staff, including
qualified management staff as provided in Appendix H. New Hires are not
acceptable. Garage staff shall be paid at a rate not less than the greater of
the Trust-approved wage schedule set forth below or the wages set by the
governing collective bargaining agreement. The Trust-approved wage
schedule below may be modified by the Trust upon notice to the Operator.
Upon the Commencement Date the Trust-approved wage schedule shall be:
4.8.1 $16.00 hourly wage for Attendant/Janitorial staff.
4.8.2 $16.00 hourly wage for Valet staff.
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4.8.3 $18.00 hourly wage for Office Clerk staff.
4.8.4 $20.00 hourly wage for Attendant/Handyman staff.
4.8.5 $22.00 hourly wage for Foreman staff.
4.8.6 $33.65 hourly wage for Facility Manager.
4.8.7 The cost for the Senior Manager is included in the Management
4.9 The Operator shall not provide valet parking services unless as directed in
writing by the Trust.
4.10 The Operator shall not be paid for Garage staff overtime except as provided
in Appendix G or unless (i) the Operator receives advanced written
authorization from the Trust for the particular overtime request or (ii) for a
Garage emergency or system failure. The Operator must provide written
notice to the Trust within twenty-four (24) hours of any Garage emergency or
system failure in order to receive payment for such overtime.
4.11 Operator shall direct Garage staff to take time off for all earned vacation
and/or benefit days. The Trust will not reimburse Operator if it allows Garage
staff to receive any monetary compensation in lieu of unused earned vacation
and/or benefit days.
4.12 The Trust will recognize the Garage staffs’ date of hire with the Operator
when computing vacation/benefit accruals. However, the Trust will only
reimburse the Operator for those portions of Garage staffs’ vacation/benefit
accruals that were earned during their assignment to the Garage.
4.13 All vacation/benefit days shall be paid in eight (8) hour increments and shall
be reimbursed to the Operator on a pro-rata share based upon the Garage
staff’s service time at the Garage, but only after the Garage staff’s accrued
hours are taken.
4.14. The Operator shall not recruit, solicit, or transfer any Garage staff to another
facility for six (6) months before or following the expiration date of the
Agreement without the advance written permission of the Trust, which the
Trust shall not unreasonably withhold.
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4.15. The Trust may interview and approve any employee sponsored by the
Operator to fill the Facility Manager, Foreman, or Clerk’s position, with such
approval not to be unreasonably withheld. All such candidates must comply
with the qualifications cited in Appendix H.
4.15.1. The proposed Facility Manager, _________________, shall not be
transferred, suspended, replaced or terminated by the Operator
from the Garage during the Term of the Agreement without the prior
written approval of the Trust.
4.15.2. Within 60 days of assignment to the Garage, all Facility Managers
and Foreman must complete the OSHA ten (10) hour construction
training and thirty (30) hour general industry training for CFR 1910
and 1926 compliance (“OSHA Training”). OSHA Training may be
found online at All
OSHA Training shall be completed by the Facility Managers and
Foreman during non-scheduled work hours. The Operator shall be
reimbursed by the Trust for the cost of the OSHA Training and for
the staff hours expended to complete the OSHA Training upon the
Operator’s submission of the certificate(s) of completion and course
receipts to the Trust.
4.15.3. Within 60 days of assignment to the Garage, all Facility Managers
and Foreman must complete the American Red Cross Adult First
Aid/CPR/AED class (“Red Cross Training”). The Red Cross
Training classes may be scheduled and found online at: All Red
Cross Training shall be completed by the Facility Managers and
Foreman during non-scheduled work hours. The Operator shall be
reimbursed by the Trust for the cost of the Red Cross Training and
for the staff hours expended to complete the Red Cross Training
upon the Operator’s submission of the certificate(s) of completion
and course receipts to the Trust.
4.17. The Operator shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, creed, color, sex, gender identity or expression,
sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, military status, predisposing
genetic characteristics, familial status, marital status, or domestic violence
victim status pursuant to Article 15 of the Executive Law (also known as the
Human Rights Law) and all other New York State, City and Federal statutory
and constitutional non-discrimination laws. The Operator shall conspicuously
post all non-discrimination notices regarding employment opportunities at the
Garage that are provided to the Operator by the Trust. The Operator shall
expressly state in all advertisements for employment posted at the Garage, or
on the Operator’s website, that it is an equal opportunity employer.
4.18. In addition and without limitation to the Trust’s rights and remedies at law, in
equity, and/or pursuant to the Agreement, if the performance or conduct of
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the Operator (or Garage staff), in the Trust’s sole and absolute discretion, is
not reasonably satisfactory to the Trust, the Operator (and/or Garage staff)
shall make all good faith efforts to improve such performance and/or conduct
as directed by the Trust; otherwise, the Trust, at its sole and absolute
discretion, may remove the Operator (by termination of the Agreement)
and/or have the Operator remove or reassign the offending Garage staff,
subject to applicable federal, state and local employment laws and any
governing collective bargaining agreements.
5.1. The Garage shall be operated, continuously open and available to the general
public for parking twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven days per week unless
otherwise directed by the Trust in writing.
5.2. The Trust may, in its sole and absolute discretion, limit parking in designated
areas of the Garage or otherwise restrict parking during certain days and
hours, and the Operator shall comply with any such limitations. In the event
that the Trust limits parking on a long-term or permanent basis, the IMF
Threshold shall be proportionally adjusted to account for the number of
reduced or added parking spaces.
5.3. The management and operation of the Garage requires the application of
different parking rates for different parking uses, different parking areas, and
for different periods of time (“Parking Rates”), each as set forth in Appendix
C or as otherwise approved in writing by the Trust.
5.4. The Operator shallevery quarter starting January 1
, perform a rate survey of
competing parking facilities within a fifteen (15) block radius of the Garage as
set forth in Appendix A, including the area surrounding the Battery Garage,
Battery Park City and any other specific facilities as directed by the Trust.
Rate survey shall also include online rates offered by the competing parking
facilities as set forth in Appendix A. The Operator shall summarize its finding
and propose changes to the Parking Rates, if any, in a memo to the Trust
based upon this survey.
5.5. The Trust may accept, alter or reject such recommended changes to the
Parking Rates.
5.5.1. Any modifications of the Parking Rates shall be subject to all
applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.
5.5.2. The Operator shall timely implement all modifications and obtain all
governmental approvals necessary for such modifications upon its
written receipt of the Trust’s approval for such modifications.
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5.5.3. The Trust shall deduct from the Management Fee such amount set
forth in Appendix K of the Agreement if the Operator fails to timely
compile and submit the above reference surveys and/or fails to
timely implement the Trust-approved modifications to the Parking
6.1. The Operator shall be paid the management fee cited in Appendix D for each
applicable year of the Term or Extension Period of the Agreement
(“Management Fee”). The Trust shall pay the Management Fee in equal
monthly installments and shall fund the Operating Account in accordance with
this Section 6.
6.2. The Operator shall deliver all cash Parking Revenues to the Trust’s finance
department on a daily basis by not later than 12:00 PM of the following
Business Day.
6.3. Trust is the merchant of record and shall arrange for the collection of all credit
and debit card Parking Revenues.
6.4. The Operator shall open and maintain a federally insured sub-account
(“Operating Account”), which shall be maintained separately from the
Operator’s personal and/or other accounts. All Operating Account deposits
shall be held in trust for the benefit of the Trust.
6.5. The Operator shall draw on the Operating Account to pay the Costs of
Operations. The Trust has deposited a sum equal to $DDD, (the
Operating Reserve”) representing approximately seventy-five (75) days of
the annual estimated Costs of Operations to the Operating Fund to fund the
initial Costs of Operations and to offset the cost of government-mandated
Parking Taxes. The Operating Reserve may be adjusted from time to time
upon the Trust’s approval of a new Budget in accordance with Section 9.7.
6.6. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Operator’s monthly Management
Statement (submitted pursuant to Section 8.5 hereof), the Trust shall:
6.6.1. Fund the Operating Account with the amount expended by the
Operator for the Costs of Operations for the prior month, and
6.6.2. Pay the Operator the monthly installment of the Management Fee
subject to any deductions as set forth in Appendix K for the
Operator’s non-performance. If the Trust fails to make the monthly
Management Fee payment to the Operator within 30 days after
receipt of the Operator’s monthly Management Statement, then: The unpaid amount shall bear interest at the rate of one
percent (one point) above the prime rate as disclosed in
the Wall Street Journal on the last working day of the
calendar month in question; and The Operator may terminate the Agreement upon a
written notice of one hundred twenty (120) days to the
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Trust, without waiving or limiting any of its legal remedies
(including the right to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees
and any other expenses incurred, but excluding lost
profits, consequential or special damages) which the
Operator may pursue to collect the amount owed.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Operator’s termination
of the Agreement shall be deemed voided if the Trust
pays the Management Fee, together with interest
thereon, within such 30-day period. In addition, if the
Trust fails to reimburse the Operator for any amounts the
Operator is permitted to expend on the Trust’s behalf
pursuant to the Agreement and, if such funds are not
available in the Operating Account, within thirty (30) days
after the date that the Operator sends a notice to the
Trust detailing the amount of the expenditure and the
right of the Operator to such reimbursement, the
unreimbursed amount shall bear interest at the rate of
twelve percent (12%) per annum from such thirtieth
(30th) day until the date such amount is paid to the
6.7. The Agreement is intended to be construed as a management agreement and
not a lease. However, if any applicable governmental authority determines
that for the purpose of commercial rent tax, the Agreement should be
construed as a lease, and that commercial rent tax is due, then the amount of
such tax will be deemed Costs of Operations.
7.1. The Trust shall pay an Incentive Management Fee (“IMF”) to the Operator in
addition to the Management Fee. The purpose of the IMF is to incentivize the
Operator to take measures to increase Parking Revenues and control Costs of
Operations so as to increase the NOI (hereafter defined).
7.2. Net Operating Income (NOI) is defined as income comprised of Parking
Revenues (subject to the exclusions set forth below) less the Costs of
Operations and the Management Fee and before any capital expense cost is
7.3. The following revenues are excluded from the IMF calculation:
7.3.1. All parking revenues received through third party parking
aggregators, marketing firms, or websites that the Trust has directly
contracted with (e.g., ParkWhiz, Inc., Parking Panda Corporation,
Spot Hero, etc.), but excluding revenue received through third party
parking aggregators contracted through Operator; and
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7.3.2. All parking revenues generated from parking agreements initiated
or caused to enter into by the Trust (e.g., OSHA, Department of
Labor, Homeland Security, Hornblower Cruises, and any other
group accounts as may be added by The Trust) rather than the
Operator. Group parking accounts initiated or caused to be created
by the Operator, and other parking revenue generated through the
website or other marketing efforts of the Operator, shall not be
excluded from the IMF calculation.
7.4. The IMF shall be based upon an established monetary increase over the
adjusted NOI set forth in the annual Budget (Appendix F), as amended for
each year of the Agreement including any Extension Periods (IMF
Threshold”). The Operator shall receive XX% of the amounts in excess of
the IMF Threshold for each year of the Agreement and for any Extension
7.5. The Trust is under no obligation to make IMF payments to the Operator if the
Operator is in breach of the terms and conditions of the Agreement beyond
any applicable notice and cure period.
7.6. Within ninety (90) days of the end of each agreement year, and at the same
time as submittal of the Certified Annual Financial Statement (as defined
below), Operator shall submit to the Trust for its review and approval an
annual statement for the IMF (the “IMF Statement”). The IMF Statement
shall be certified as accurate and complete by an officer of the Operator.
Included as part of the IMF Statement, Operator shall provide a final
calculation of the IMF due to Operator for previous year. The provisions of
this paragraph shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this
7.7. The Trust shall pay the IMF on an annual basis within sixty (60) days of
receiving the IMF Statement, provided however if the Trust shall determine
that the IMF Statement is inaccurate or incomplete, the Operator shall
resubmit a corrected IMF Statement and the Trust’s payment obligation shall
run from the date of approval of such resubmitted IMF Statement.
8.1. Costs of Operations shall include, but are not limited to, the costs, fees and
expenses incurred and paid by the Operator (but funded by the Trust) for the
8.1.1. Payroll of Garage staff as provided in Appendix G and Section 4 of
the Agreement;
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8.1.2. Payroll taxes and Workers Compensation documented annually
calculated at the rate for “Parking Operations” (Class 8392) as
developed and adjusted periodically by the National Council of
Compensation Insurers (NCCI) for the State of New York and
applied to the total payroll;
8.1.3. Labor union health and welfare employee benefits;
8.1.4. Documented retirement, pension, or 401(k) contributions;
8.1.5. Non-structural repairs and janitorial maintenance, sweeping, and
8.1.6. Charges for insurance (other than worker’s compensation) in
accordance with Section 14 and Appendix L of the Agreement,
provided, however, that if such insurance is maintained pursuant to
blanket policies, then the charges shall be fair and reasonable,
allocable to the Garage as if the Garage was the only property
covered by such insurance, determined according to the rates
published by the insurance rating organization having jurisdiction
over the Garage, and in no event shall such charges exceed the
amounts set forth in the Trust-approved Budget;
8.1.7. Costs of third party claim settlements as approved by the Trust
(including court appearance fees and reasonable legal fees and
costs of processing, administering and investigating claims) to the
extent that the Operator is entitled under the Agreement and that
are not reimbursed by insurance carried under Section 14 and
Appendix L of the Agreement;
8.1.8. Supplies;
8.1.9. Uniforms;
8.1.10. Equipment;
8.1.11. Pest and rodent exterminator services;
8.1.12. Long distance telephone charges that are solely related to the
operation of the Garage are acceptable as Costs of Operations,
including: Long distance telephone charges originating from the
onsite Garage office and the Operator’s home office or
its affiliates; Long distance telephone charges originating from the
on-site Garage office to vendors, consultants, and
approved others.
8.1.13. Professional services approved by the Trust;
8.1.14. Licenses and permits;
8.1.15. Marketing services approved by the Trust;
8.1.16. Signage approved by the Trust, except that the Operators name or
logo shall not appear on any sign other than as/where specifically
required by law;
8.1.17. Security guard services to the extent required by the Trust and
contracted for by the Operator;
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8.1.18. Bank charges for the Operating Account referenced in Section 6 of
the Agreement and not incurred as the result of the malfeasance or
misfeasance of the Operator;
8.1.19. The cost of any insurance policies (including deductibles) required
under Section 14 and Appendix L of the Agreement;
8.1.20. Reasonable deposit and related processing or service fees (not
including charges or other processing or service fees associated
with credit card reversals where the Operator failed to respond
and/or challenge a credit card charge reversal, refund or credit card
charges directly related to the negligence of the Operator in posting
a charge);
8.1.21. Purchases, improvements, repairs and replacements as directed by
the Trust; and
8.1.22. Parking Taxes and all other sales taxes or other charges required
to be remitted to any governmental agency.
8.2. “Expenses of the Operator” shall include:
8.2.1. The expenses set forth in Appendix E and referenced in the
8.2.2. The costs, fees and expenses incurred by the Operator or the Trust
as a result of breach of the Agreement by the Operator or by the
negligence or other wrongful conduct of The Operator or its
directors, officials, employees, agents, or contractors.
8.3. Expenses of the Operator shall be paid by the Operator from its own funds,
and no portion of the Parking Revenues shall be allocated to the payment of
the Expenses of the Operator. Notwithstanding any other provisions or
definitions contained in the Agreement, Expenses of the Operator shall not be
part of the Costs of Operations.
8.4. The Operator shall pay, when due and payable, all Costs of Operations out of
the Operating Account. The Operator may transfer funds from the Operating
Account to the Operator’s payroll account for payroll expenses. The Operator
shall pay all charges and fees associated with the operation of the Garage on a
timely basis so as to avoid the imposition of interest or penalties. Any such
imposition of interest or penalties shall be paid as Expenses of the Operator.
8.5. The Operator shall submit an itemized monthly and year-to-date Management
Statement to the Trust, (“Management Statement”) certified in writing by the
regional accounting manager of the Operator on or before the fifteenth (15th)
day of the succeeding month, which shall include the Parking Revenues for the
prior calendar month, monthly and year-to-date comparison of revenue and
percentage variance to previous year, and shall itemize:
8.5.1. All expenses that constitute Costs of Operations,
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8.5.2. Payroll reports for individual employees;
8.5.3. Copies of paid invoices for items or services delivered to or
furnished at the Garage by third-party contractors;
8.5.4. Any Trust approved expenses partially paid or prepaid, to the
extent paid;
8.5.5. A statement containing line items for individual expenditures and of
the total amount of Costs of Operations paid out of the Operating
Account for the subject month;
8.5.6. A statement of available parking spaces at the Garage and the
Management Fee applicable for the subject month;
8.5.7. In addition to the monthly and year-to-date statements submitted to
the Trust, the Operator shall also submit a copy of the bank
statements and a monthly and yearly reconciliation of the Operating
Account indicating all payments from, and deposits to, the
Operating Account.
8.6. In the event the Management Statement is delivered after the 20
of the
month, the Trust shall deduct from the Management Fee such amount set forth
in Appendix K of the Agreement for the month that the Management Statement
is not timely submitted or incomplete
9.1. All Garage purchases made by the Operator are subject to the limitations set
forth in this Section 9 and elsewhere in the Agreement.
9.2. The Operator shall carefully control the Costs of Operations to minimize such
9.3. The Operator shall obtain the prior written approval of the Trust before
incurring any Costs of Operations (including professional services) in excess of
One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00).
9.3.1. Notwithstanding the preceding limits, the Trust-approved Budget
shall not constitute the Trust’s pre-approval of the line items listed
as Costs of Operations in the Budget.
9.3.2. The Operator may expend funds for Emergency costs without the
Trust’s prior approval if the Operator does not have sufficient time
to obtain such prior approval under the circumstances; provided
however, that the Operator shall notify the Trust in writing as soon
as possible, but in all instances within twenty-four (24) hours with
respect to such Emergency. The Trust shall deposit additional
funds into the Operating Account to fund the Emergency costs if
there are insufficient funds in the Operating Account to pay the
Emergency costs.
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9.4. All discounts for supplies and equipment purchased by the Operator for the
Garage shall be passed through to the Trust and indicated in the monthly
Management Statement.
9.5. The Operator shall not mark-up supplies and/or materials that are maintained
in inventory at the Operator’s local or regional supply deposit facility that are
intended to be used for the Garage.
9.6. All non-consumable items purchased by the Operator for the Trust valued at
one hundred dollars ($100.00) or greater, and/or any tools or office equipment
that can be removed from the Garage, must be identified and registered with a
numbered Trust inventory control decal when such items are (i) invoiced for
reimbursement in the Management Statement and (ii) tracked by the Operator
on an inventory control database. The Operator shall make the inventory
control database available to the Trust upon written notice of the Trust’s
9.7. No later than November 15
prior to the annual anniversary of the
Commencement Date (including any Extension Periods), the Operator shall
provide the Trust with a detailed Budget for the subsequent Agreement year.
The Budget shall be prepared on a monthly basis for a one (1) year period or
such lesser period as the Extension Period may comprise with starting month
being April 1st The Trust may modify the Budget with the Operator. Thereafter,
upon written approval by the Trust, the Operator shall implement the Budget.
The Budget may be revised or amended in the course of any year of the Term
upon agreement by the Operator and the Trust.
9.8. If in the course of any year the actual operating expenses for a particular line
item are expected to exceed the amount allocated for that particular line item in
the Budget, such increased line item shall require the Trust’s prior approval.
Thereafter, the Operator and Trust shall agree on a revised Budget to include
the increased line item.
9.8.1. Further, if the Costs of Operations noted in the Management
Statement exceed the monthly budgeted estimates for three (3)
consecutive months or if the Trust believes that the yearly Budget is
inaccurate, the Trust may, at its sole and absolute discretion,
require the Operator to submit a revised Budget for the remainder
of such Agreement year for the Trust’s review and approval. In
addition, within twenty (20) days after the end of each Agreement
year, the Operator shall provide the Trust with analyses of actual
income and expenses as compared to the estimated amounts in
the Budget.
9.9. The Budget for the first year of the Term is set forth in Appendix F.
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10.1. The Operator covenants that it will comply with all federal, state and municipal
laws, ordinances, orders, rules and regulations (“Laws”) (including without
limitation, those imposed upon the Operator and the Trust) pertaining to the
Garage and the maintenance and operation of the Garage, including, without
limitation, Laws relating to sanitation, fire code, environmental conditions,
Hazardous Materials, equal employment opportunity, labor Laws of the City
and State of New York and various acts amendatory and supplementary
thereto, and Federal, state and municipal tax and withholding laws and the
Hudson River Park Act; provided, that, with respect to environmental conditions
or Hazardous Materials, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to impose
on the Operator the costs of any clean-up or other mitigation obligation for any
environmental liability(ies) arising out of events that existed prior to the
Commencement Date or were otherwise not caused, permitted or exacerbated
by the Operator.
10.2. Costs arising from, as well as compliance with, requirements imposed by
applicable Laws with respect to, building code violations or Americans with
Disability Act claims at the Garage or the Site, if any, or systems violations for
which the Operator is not responsible, by express terms of the Agreement,
shall be the Trust’s responsibility. Any other expenses incurred by the
Operator by reason of compliance with this Section 10 shall be included as
Costs of Operations; provided, however, that any violations, penalties,
interests, fines, awards or settlements imposed upon the Operator or the Trust
as a result either Party’s failure to comply with applicable Laws shall be paid by
the Party responsible for such non-compliance. The financial provisions for
bearing the cost of any such fines shall not absolve the Operator from liability
for non-compliance with the Laws. All provisions required by Laws to be
included in the Agreement shall be deemed to be included in the Agreement
with the same effect as if set forth in full.
10.3. The Operator shall notify the Trust promptly of any inspections of the Garage
by municipal, State and/or Federal authorities, and whenever possible, shall
notify the Trust in advance of any scheduled inspections so that a
representative of the Trust may be present. The Operator shall deliver copies
of any violations to the Trust within five (5) days of receipt.
10.4. The Operator shall not maintain, manage or operate the Garage (nor shall the
Operator permit or suffer the Garage or any part thereof to be used or
occupied) for any unlawful, illegal, or hazardous business, use or purpose or in
any way in violation of any of the Laws or in such manner as may make void or
voidable any insurance then in force with respect to the Garage, the Site or any
part thereof. Immediately upon the discovery of any such unlawful, illegal or
hazardous business, use or purpose, the Operator shall take all necessary
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steps, legal and equitable, to compel the discontinuance thereof. The Operator
shall not keep, or permit to be kept, anything in the Garage except as now or
hereafter permitted by the Fire Department, Board of Fire Underwriters, Fire
Insurance Rating Organization and other authority having jurisdiction. If by
reason of Operator’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Section 10,
insurance premiums shall be increased, then the Operator shall pay the
amount of such increase as Expenses of the Operator.
11.1. The Operator shall not engage in any act or omission, nor permit any act or
omission, that would undermine, make void or voidable any warranties then in
force and effect with respect to any Garage operating equipment or any other
goods or equipment in the Garage.
11.2. The Operator shall obtain a minimum of three (3) quotes/bids for the
procurement of supplies, services, and/or equipment in excess of $750.00.
Purchases over $1,500.00 shall, in addition to the minimum of three (3)
quotes/bids, also require written approval by the Trust before a purchase is
11.3. At the direction of the Trust, Operator shall contract for the installation and
maintenance of identified security equipment and/or contract for security
services personnel to patrol the Garage as provided in Appendix B unless
otherwise directed by the Trust.
11.3.1. The Operator, on behalf of the Trust and at its direction, may
purchase security equipment or manned services from a third party
subject to Trust approval. At a minimum, security guard service shall be
provided 16 hours a day from 4:00 pm to 8:00 am the
following morning. The Operator shall request an additional security
guard for scheduled events that require parking for at
least 65 vehicles. The Trust shall determine the
schedule for the additional guard and shall make
good faith efforts to notify the Operator of such
request in advance of the event.
11.3.2. The costs of any approved security equipment and/or services shall
be considered Costs of Operations and any such security
equipment and security personnel services shall be the property or
for the benefit of the Trust, rather than that of the Operator. The Operator shall submit a copy of the “Guard
Security Rounds Report” from the “Guard One
Security System” (or successor security guard
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tracking system) along with the security invoice from
the security guard contractor showing that a minimum
of six (6) security rounds were completed in an eight
(8) hour shift. The Operator shall not be reimbursed
by the Trust for any incomplete Guard Security
Rounds Reports unless the Operator documents that
the security guard(s) was instructed by the Operator
to perform a different security activity.
12.1. The Operator shall be responsible for ordinary maintenance and repair of the
Garage and Garage equipment as set forth in Appendix B and shall pay for
such ordinary maintenance and repair as Costs of Operations.
12.2. The Operator will consult and cooperate with the Trust with regards to
maintenance and repair matters to maximize efficiency efforts.
12.2.1. The Operator’s professional staff may consult with the Trust for
such services and such professional staff costs shall be included as
Costs of Operations as approved by the Trust.
12.3. The Operator shall keep the Garage clean, neat, sanitary, orderly, and free of
objectionable odors; and shall sweep any paved portions of the Garage
regularly to remove dirt, garbage, rubbish, debris, and any other refuse.
12.3.1. The Operator shall comply with the details, schedules and
performance standards set forth in Appendix B in the course of its
maintenance and operation of the Garage.
12.3.2. If the Operator fails to perform to the objective performance criteria
identified in Appendix B, the Trust shall deduct from the
Management Fee such amount set forth in Appendix K of the
12.4. Except as otherwise provided in Appendix B, the Operator is not required to
provide ice and snow removal within or outside of the Garage. The Trust will
separately arrange for such service for the ramps and within the parking areas
of the Garage as well as areas outside of the Garage. The Operator shall
acquire and use calcium chloride after the removal of snow and/or ice for those
areas of Operator responsibility noted in Appendix B. The Operator shall
endeavor to use Peladow Calcium Chloride Ice Melter for these services.
12.5. The Operator shall notify the Trust in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after
Operator’s discovery of any occurrence that results in patent structural or
exterior disrepair. The Operator shall continually update the Trust with a status
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report of those items that are the Operator’s responsibility under the
12.6. The Operator shall make all repairs (as Expenses of the Operator) to the extent
the need for such repairs is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of
the Operator. In the case of hazardous conditions or emergencies that are the
Operator’s responsibility under the Agreement, the Operator shall immediately
take reasonable steps to prevent property damage and personal injury.
12.7. The Operator shall provide the Trust with a written monthly report for those
items that require repair and are the Operator’s responsibility, along with the
estimated cost of the repair and completion status for those items (“Monthly
Repairs and Maintenance Report”).
12.8. Except as otherwise provided in Section 17 of the Agreement, the Operator
shall not be required to perform repairs to and replacements of structural
components, unless such repair and replacement is due to the negligence or
other wrongful conduct of the Operator or its directors, officials, employees,
agents, or contractors. The Trust shall be otherwise responsible for repairs to,
and replacement of, structural components of the Garage.
13.1. The Operator shall implement and maintain an adequate system of internal
controls to record income and expenses (“Records”) satisfactory to the Trust.
13.2. The Trust, the New York State and City Comptroller Offices and the New York
State Attorney General and any other person or entity legally authorized to
conduct an examination (“Authorized Auditors”) shall have access to the
Records during normal business hours at an office of the Operator within the
State of New York or, if no such office is available, at a mutually agreeable and
reasonable venue within the State of New York, for the purposes of inspection,
auditing and copying the Records. The Authorized Auditors shall take
reasonable steps to protect from public disclosure any of the Records that are
exempt from disclosure under Section 87 of the New York State Public
Officers Law (“Statute”) provided that:
13.2.1. The Operator timely requests in writing that the Records in question
not be disclosed; identify the requested Records in sufficient detail;
and provide the reason why the Record should be exempt from
disclosure under the Statute. Nothing contained herein shall
diminish, or in any way adversely affect, the Authorized Auditors’
right to discovery in any pending or future litigation.
13.3. The Operator shall implement and maintain an accurate and efficient
accounting system for receipts and maintain (in an office provided by the
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Trust) all electronic and hard copy Records pertaining to receipts and other
records concerning the Garage operation, including, without limitation, monthly
parking records, coupon and validation stamp sales and redemption records,
cash register tapes, cashier reports, daily reports, bank statements, deposit
slips and parking tickets. The Records shall be made available for
examination and audit upon five (5) Business Days’ notice during the Term of
the Agreement and for an additional six (6) year period from the Expiration
Date (except for parking tickets, which shall only be stored for ninety (90)
13.4. The cost of producing the Records shall be Expenses of the Operator.
13.5. The Operator shall be liable for all Uncollected Tickets with the exception that
the Operator may deduct .004 (or 0.4%) of the total number of issued tickets in
the self-park area of the Garage, on a calendar month basis, from the number
of Uncollected Tickets.
13.6. Uncollected Tickets in excess of 0.004 (or 0.4%) of the monthly ticket volume
shall be paid by the Operator at the penalty rate of either the maximum all day
posted rate or at the average dollar value of all tickets collected for that
calendar month, whichever is the greater amount, which shall be recorded as
Parking Revenues not subject to Parking Tax on the applicable monthly
Management Statement.
13.7. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Operator shall not be liable for Uncollected
Tickets under this Section 13 to the extent that (i) non-collection is the result of
an equipment failure not caused by the negligence of the Operator, (ii) the
Operator made reasonable efforts to collect the tickets and associated
revenues during the period of equipment failure, (iii) the Operator placed a
timely service call for repair at the time of the equipment failure, and (iv) the
equipment failure and subsequent service call was documented and reported
to the Trust in writing within forty-eight (48) hours of the occurrence of the
equipment failure.
13.8. The Operator shall not be liable for Uncollected Tickets resulting from acts of
nature, power failure, riots, insurrection or terrorism that has direct impact to
the Garage
13.9. The Operator shall maintain continuous audit control of parking receipts and
associated accounts receivable. Parking cashiers shall validate and confirm
the parking ticket amount subject to collection with the amount actually
collected by the parking cashier. The Operator shall audit one hundred
(100%) percent of the parking transactions posted by each Garage staff on a
daily basis as identified below:
13.9.1. All manual transient transactions.
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13.9.2. All validations manually entered by Garage staff.
13.9.3. All refunds, transient and/or to monthly customers.
13.9.4. All account balance adjustments for individual or group house
13.9.5. All access card exceptions including but not limited to, area,
expired, limit, nest, pass back, time zone, void, and unpaid.
13.9.6. All lane alarm exceptions including but not limited to back out
tickets, dupe bars, gate down auto use, gate up auto use, manual
gate close, manual gate open, manual ticket issue, no tickets,
remote open, system error, terminal power off, terminal power on,
ticket not taken, and TSR communication malfunctions.
13.10. The Operator’s manager or other properly qualified Garage staff that is not a
cashier shall perform such auditing.
13.10.1. A record shall be kept of the audited daily parking transactions
including the name of the person that performs the audit.
13.10.2. The daily audited report shall be made part of the monthly
Management Statement.
13.11. The Operator shall perform at least one (1) random total operational field
audit during each year of the Term of the revenue for a calendar month;
Transient, Monthly, Events, Accounts Receivable, Tickets Issued vs Tickets
collected and Payroll. A report summarizing the results of each audit shall be
promptly submitted to the Trust upon completion of each such audit.
13.12. In addition to and without limiting any other reporting requirement set forth in
the Agreement, the Operator shall, at its sole cost and expense, perform an
annual financial statement certified by an officer of the Operator as being in
accordance with the good industry accounting practices and summarizing the
fiscal operations of the Operator for the previous year with regard to the
Operator’s management, maintenance and operation of the Garage
(“Certified Annual Financial Statement”). The Certified Annual Financial
Statement shall be submitted to the Trust no later than ninety (90) days after
the close of each Term of the Agreement including any Extension Periods.
The Certified Annual Financial Statement should be in a format consistent
with the format of the monthly Management Statement detailed in Section 8 of
the Agreement.
13.13. The Operator warrants and agrees that it shall deposit all cash revenues
collected by Operator in accordance with Section 6 hereof and to properly
expend the funds deposited in the Operating Account to pay for the Costs of
Operations; provided however, that this warranty shall not extend to any
losses due to:
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13.13.1. An occurrence covered by Comprehensive Crime Insurance (as
required to be provided by the Operator pursuant to Section 14 and
Appendix L), to the extent that the Operator collects under the
particular policy (but only to the extent that the Operator remits the
Trust’s proper share of such recovery to the Trust); and
13.13.2. Deposits in the custody of a bank, to the extent that such losses are
not recovered by the Operator or the Operator’s affiliates under
applicable deposit insurance and provided that the Operator remits
the Trust’s proper share of any recovered deposits.
13.14. The Parking Revenues must be deposited (or credited) directly into the
Revenue Account; accordingly, the Trust shall timely fund the Operating
Account with an amount sufficient to pay all applicable sales, parking or
similar taxes on the Parking Revenues (collectively, “Parking Tax”), subject
to the Operator’s obligation to collect and remit such taxes to the Revenue
Account in accordance with Section 23.1 hereof. Except as provided in
Section 13.18 below, the Trust shall pay for any liability (including, without
limitation, all penalties and reasonable attorney’s fees) imposed upon the
Operator as a result of the Trust’s failure to fund the Operating Account with
an amount sufficient to pay any Parking Tax due to taxing authorities. The
Operator shall timely remit the Parking Tax to the applicable tax authorities
and, except where the Trust has failed to fund the Operating Account as
aforesaid, the Operator agrees to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless
the Trust from and against any and all costs, expenses, fees (including,
without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees), damages, fines, penalties,
judgments, and causes of action arising from or in connection with:
13.14.1. Operator’s failure to prepare Parking Tax filings;
13.14.2. Operator’s negligence in preparing Parking Tax filings;
13.14.3. Operator’s failure to collect the Parking Tax;
13.14.4. Operator’s failure to remit cash Parking Revenues (including all
applicable Parking Tax) to the Trust;
13.14.5. Operator’s failure to charge credit and debit card customers for the
amount of credit or debit card Parking Revenues (including all
applicable Parking Tax) on the payment accounts maintained by
the Trust with the applicable credit card and/or debit card
companies for such purpose; or
13.14.6. Operator’s failure to pay any Parking Tax promptly after receipt of
Operating Account funding for the applicable Parking Tax.
13.15. The Operator shall prepare the filings for the Parking Tax in a timely manner
and promptly after receipt of copies of such filings, the Trust shall fund the
Operating Account with the amount of any Parking Tax shown to be due in
such filings, to the extent that the Operator has collected such Parking Tax
and has remitted the same to the Revenue Account.
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13.16. The Operator shall implement and maintain, at its New York office, an
accurate and efficient accounting system for disbursements. Such system
shall evidence all monies disbursed by the Operator with respect to the
management, maintenance and operations of the Garage and shall indicate
which disbursements constitute Costs of Operations within the meaning of
Section 8 of the Agreement. All records pertaining to disbursements shall be
maintained by the Operator at its New York office for the period of time that
such records are preserved in accordance with Section 13 hereof and shall
be available to the Authorized Auditors and their representatives for
examination and audit on ten (10) Business Days notice.
13.17. In addition to the obligations previously described, the Operator shall:
13.17.1. Maintain a supplies inventory control; and
13.17.2. Submit a written report to the Trust of each bodily injury claim or
potential claim and each property damage claim arising from the
operation of the Garage, within twenty-four (24) hours after the
incident occurred or reported.
13.18. The Trust may conduct audits of the books and records of the Garage
operations. The Operator shall cooperate with the Trust and its auditors and
the Operator shall receive a copy of the audit report. If the audit discloses a
discrepancy between the amounts properly payable to either the Trust or the
Operator pursuant to the Agreement, the appropriate party shall reimburse
the other within ten (10) days of written notice. The Operator shall indemnify
the Trust against any monetary damages which it may suffer by reason of:
13.18.1. Operator’s failure to deposit all cash Parking Revenues in the
Revenue Account as required herein; or
13.18.2. Operator’s misdirection of credit card and/or debit card Parking
Revenues into accounts maintained by the Operator or other than
as arranged between the Trust and such credit and/or debit card
13.19. In addition, if the Trust’s audit demonstrates that the annual or annualized
Costs of Operations previously reported by the Operator are less than the
annual or annualized Costs of Operations disclosed by the audit by more than
two percent (2%), then the Operator shall pay the auditor’s reasonable fee as
Expenses of the Operator.
13.20. The Trust’s right to audit shall survive the termination or earlier expiration of
the Agreement for the period of time that such records are preserved in
accordance with Section 13 hereof, provided that the Trust shall reimburse
the Operator for the actual reasonable out-of-pocket costs of such audit other
than as set forth above.
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13.21. Within forty-five (45) days after the Expiration Date, the Operator shall
perform a final accounting that will cover the Term of the Agreement. The
Operator shall use best efforts to address the issues, if any, raised by the
Trust with respect to the matters set forth in such final accounting.
14.1. The Operator shall purchase and maintain throughout the Term the insurance
required under Appendix L and shall provide the Trust with certificates of
insurance (“COI” or “COIs”) for the insurance policies required hereunder
evidencing compliance with all requirements contained in the Agreement.
Such COIs shall be of form and substance acceptable to Trust.
15.1. Except as described in Section 15.2 below and for those costs, fees and
expenses that are Costs of Operations, the Operator shall defend, indemnify
and hold the Trust, the State of New York, the City of New York, and their
respective offices, departments, agencies, agents, employees, officials and
officers (collectively, the “Indemnities”) harmless from and against any and
all actions, claims, judgments, fines, losses, costs, fees, expenses, damages
and liabilities of every kind (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’
fees) (collectively, “Claims”) incurred by, imposed upon, brought or asserted
against any of the Indemnities by reason of Claims of third parties and
attributable to: (i) the willful misconduct or negligence of the Operator, and/or
its agents, servants, employees, contractors or, others under the Operator’s
control (collectively, the “Operating Party”) and/or (ii) the Operating Party’s
management or maintenance of the Garage or to any of its activities or
operations at, in or about the Garage, including, without limitation by
specification, those Claims arising from, relating to or in connection with
accidents resulting in or contributing to property damage, and/or injury or
death to any person. The Trust shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless
Operator from and against any and all Claims caused by the Trust’s breach of
this Agreement or caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Trust, its
agents or employees, or by reason of the physical or structural condition of
the Garage, or equipment contained therein, or by fire, gas, water, electricity
failure or malfunction, or by the breaking, overflowing or leaking of roofs,
pipes, or walls of the Garage, or for such other damage or injury caused by
acts or omissions of third parties in or about the Garage. The foregoing
indemnification of Operator by the Trust shall include, without limitation, any
and all Claims arising out of any breach of Trust’s PCI DSS or FACTA
covenants pursuant to Section 17.3 below or Claims otherwise caused by the
Trust’s failure to abide by PCI DSS or FACTA requirements, in whole or in
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15.2. Except as otherwise set forth in the Agreement, if by reason of either party’s
violations of, or failure to comply with any governmental law, order, rule or
regulation for which it is required to comply pursuant to the terms hereof
(“Breaching Party”), the other party (“Damaged Party”) shall incur any fines,
interest or penalties payable to any government authority due to such
violation of law, then the Breaching Party shall pay the full amount of such
fines, interest and penalties to said governmental authority within the time
specified in such notice from said governmental authority. If the Damaged
Party pays any such fines, interest or penalties, the Breaching Party shall
reimburse the Damaged Party upon demand for the amount of any such
payments made with interest equal to the prime rate (posted on the date of
the breach) at JP Morgan Chase Bank or any such successor-in-interest bank
plus one (1%) percent. The obligations described in this paragraph shall be
deemed to be Expenses of the Operator or expenses of the Trust as the case
may be (unless specifically otherwise provided in the Agreement).
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in the Agreement, following
the payment of all such fines, interest and penalties, the Breaching Party or
the Damaged Party shall have the right to avail itself, at its cost, of any right of
appeal or review permitted with respect to breach of or failure to comply with
any such order, law or regulation, and if such party ultimately prevails, any
governmental refunds shall be paid to the party who initially made the
payment. If the Damaged Party made such payment and was fully
reimbursed by the Breaching Party pursuant to the terms hereof, then the
Damaged Party shall pay over to the Breaching Party any sums refunded to
the Damaged Party by governmental authorities. The provisions of this
paragraph (2) are intended only to apply to fines, interest and penalties
payable to governmental authorities. Any other liabilities or damages
resulting from violations of laws shall be governed by the provisions of
Section 15.1. above.
15.3. The Trust shall defend, indemnify and hold the Operator harmless from and
against any and all actions, claims, judgments, fines, losses, costs, fees,
expenses, damages and liabilities of every kind (including without limitation
reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred by, imposed upon, brought or asserted
against the Operator by reason of the Trust’s failure to fund the Operating
Account in amounts sufficient for the Operator to pay the Parking Tax in a
timely manner based upon the Operator’s filings with the Trust. The Trust’s
indemnification of the Operator with regard to sales tax liability on goods and
services purchased by the Operator is set forth in Section 18.4. hereof.
15.4. The Trust shall defend, indemnify and hold the Operating Party harmless from
and against any and all actions, claims, judgments, fines, losses, costs, fees,
expenses, damages and liabilities of every kind (including without limitation
reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred by, imposed upon, brought or asserted
against the Operating Party arising out any ice and/or snow removal
operations by the Trust.
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15.5. This Section 15 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the
16.1. The Operator shall permit the Trust’s employees, agents, representatives,
contractors, consultants, and public utility companies that service the Site to
enter the Garage at all reasonable times upon reasonable prior notice (except
in case of actual or suspected emergency in which event no notice shall be
required), which notice may be oral, whether or not the Operator shall be
present, for any of the following purposes:
16.1.1. To examine or inspect the Garage;
16.1.2. To show the Garage to existing or prospective parking clients,
lenders or ground lessors;
16.1.3. To comply with any Laws or the requirements of any insurance
policies, mortgage or ground lease affecting the Building;
16.1.4. To perform any alterations, repairs, improvements, additions,
replacements or restorations which the Trust deems necessary or
16.1.5. To comply with any of the Trust’s obligations under the Agreement;
16.1.6. To exercise any right or remedy of the Trust under the Agreement,
including, without limitation, the Trust’s rights to cure any default of
the Operator under the Agreement (provided that any notice of
default the Trust shall give to the Operator shall also serve as any
prior notice required to be given under this Section 16 and no
further notice of the Trust’s entry under this Section shall be
required); and
16.1.7. To show the Garage to prospective operators during the last
eighteen (18) months of the Term.
16.2. The Trust may alter the size of the Garage and the layout and number of
parking spaces in the Garage, in its sole and absolute discretion, upon
reasonable notice (or, in case of any emergency or any other circumstances
which may materially adversely affect the Trust on such lesser notice, or
without notice, as may be reasonable under the circumstances) to the
16.3. If the Trust decides to alter the Garage, the terms and conditions of the
Agreement (including, but not limited to, duration of Term and Management
Fee, subject to the calculation of the Management Fee based on the number of
parking spaces in the Garage in accordance with Appendix D) shall remain in
full force and effect with regard to the Garage as altered.
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16.4. The Trust may store materials and/or equipment in the Garage as required for
any on-going repairs, restorations, improvements, replacements, additions or
alterations and such work shall not entitle the Operator to any compensation
based upon interruption to or loss of business, nor will such on-going work be
the basis for any liability on the part of the Trust.
16.5. The Trust shall use reasonable efforts to minimize interference in the normal
conduct of the Operator’s business during any such Garage access by the
Trust, provided that the Trust shall not be obligated to pay Garage staff
overtime or premium pay rates if additional Garage staff is required.
16.5.1. The Operator shall be obligated to continue the operation of the
Garage pursuant to Section 5.1 hereof during any such access.
16.5.2. If the Operator is not present when Garage access is necessary or
desirable, the Trust’s employees, agents, representatives,
contractors or employees may enter the Garage without rendering
the Trust or such parties liable, provided that such parties shall use
reasonable care under the circumstances to avoid damage to the
Operator’s property.
17.1. The Operator accepts the Garage in its “as-is” condition as of the
Commencement Date.
17.2. The Trust, at its expense, may supply and, where necessary, install at the
Garage, the equipment, materials and supplies reasonably necessary, in the
opinion of the Trust, for use by the Operator in the operation of the Garage.
Any such equipment, materials and supplies shall at all times remain the sole
property of the Trust or the Trust’s permitted assignee pursuant to Section 20
of the Agreement. As of the date of this Agreement, the equipment, materials
and supplies referenced in Appendix J are installed in the Garage (“Existing
17.3. In addition to the Existing Equipment, the Trust has installed a Secom PARCS
system of traffic control equipment, ticket and revenue control equipment
CCTV’s and LPR CCTV’s at the Garage, with each being the sole property of
the Trust or the Trust’s permitted assignee pursuant to Section 20 of the
17.3.1. The Trust represents and warrants that the Existing Equipment,
Secom PARCS system and all other revenue control equipment,
software and systems owned by the Trust and used in connection
with the parking operations at the Garage comply with (i) Payment
Card Industry’s Data Security Standard, as currently in effect and
as may be amended from time to time (collectively, “PCI DSS”), (ii)
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the Payment Application Data Security Standard, as currently in
effect and as may be amended from time to time (collectively, “PA
DSS”), (iii) the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003, as
currently in effect and as may be amended from time to time
(collectively, “FACTA”), and (iv) any federal, state and local laws
applicable to data security, as currently in effect and as may be
amended from time to time (“Applicable Laws”). PCI DSS, PA
DSS, FACTA and Applicable Laws shall collectively be deemed the
“Data Protection Laws”. During the term of this Agreement,
Operator shall not be required to use any systems, equipment or
software at the Garage or process any credit cards through the
revenue control equipment and systems at the Garage unless
Operator can verify (as determined by Operator in its sole
discretion) that all systems, equipment and software are compliant
with Data Protection Laws, and any costs relating to such
verification shall be reimbursed as approved operating expenses.
Operator may (subject to the Trust’s reasonable approval) make
modifications, upgrades or replacements so that the systems,
equipment or software at the Garage are compliant with Data
Protection Laws and any related costs or expenses shall be
reimbursed as Costs of Operations. If the Trust does not approve
any verification or remediation work that Operator recommends for
compliance purposes (including, without limitation, testing,
upgrades or replacement of any system, equipment, or software),
then Operator shall not be in breach of this Agreement for failure to
comply with any Data Protection Laws or failure to use any system,
equipment or software at the Garage.
17.3.2. The Operator shall enter into a contract for equipment service
maintenance with Secom PARCS system for the revenue control
systems at the Parking Garage (“Maintenance Contract”). All costs
associated with the Maintenance Contract and any other
maintenance contract referenced in Sections 17.2 and 17.3 of the
Agreement shall be considered Expenses of the Operator under
Appendix E of the Agreement.
17.4. The Operator is encouraged to propose improvements resulting in enhanced
revenue or cost savings.
17.5. The Operator shall keep the Garage free and clear from any liens arising out of
any work performed by the Operator or its contractors. Any such liens shall be
paid as Expenses of the Operator and not as Costs of Operations.
17.6. The Trust, at its sole cost and expense, may make any alterations or
improvements to the Garage that, in its opinion, is required or desirable.
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17.7. The Trust anticipates undertaking certain alterations/improvements to the
Garage and the Site to expand the number of parking spaces and provide
areas for active recreation use and/or performing waterproofing and related
repairs to the rooftop level and ramp of the Garage. The Operator shall take all
reasonable actions prudent and necessary to accommodate any and all such
Garage alterations/improvements, if undertaken, and to maintain Garage
operations and available parking spaces to the maximum extent feasible during
such work. The Operator further acknowledges that the Trust is under no
obligation to undertake any Garage alterations/improvements and that the
scheduling and manner of performance, whether in whole or in part, of such
work is at the sole and absolute discretion of the Trust.
17.8. If the Trust requests that the Operator purchase any equipment or material
other than the Existing Equipment, or take responsibility for alterations or
improvements as a general contractor or otherwise, then in such event, the
cost of such equipment or materials or alteration or improvement, shall be
reimbursed to the Operator by the Trust as Costs of Operations.
17.9. If the Trust requests that the Operator utilizes an architect or engineer that is a
staff professional(s) of the Operator for the Trust work referenced in Section
17.8, then the Operator shall be paid for such services pursuant to Paragraph
17 of Appendix E. If the Operator, with the Trust’s written approval, retains a
third party to provide such services, then the Operator shall be entitled to a
reasonable fee for such services based upon prevailing and commercial
reasonable rates.
17.9.1. The Operator shall provide a cost estimate for the above services
and obtain the prior written approval from the Trust for the
aforementioned services before providing the service.
17.10. The Operator shall obtain the Trust’s prior written approval for any capital
improvements to the Garage, including without limitation, improvements to
the Garage and appurtenances to the Garage, interior painting and
lighting, installation of customer amenities, operating equipment, and
security equipment, which approval may be withheld in the Trust’s sole
17.11. The Operator shall respond to any objections to design or selection which
may be raised by the Trust and modify such plans accordingly.
17.12. The Operator acknowledges that all improvements, materials and
equipment installations, shall become the property of the Trust or the
Trust’s permitted assignee hereunder, and furthermore that the Trust shall
not be liable to any contractor or materialman for any improvements and
betterments made to the Garage by the Operator.
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17.13. No signs shall be posted in the Garage, including, without limitation,
advertising and rate charts, unless the Trust grants its prior written
consent thereto.
17.14. No signs shall be posted in the Garage with the Operators name and/or
logo unless the Operators name is required by City, State, or Federal
17.15. The Garage shall be known as Pier 40 Parking and no forms, business
cards, email addresses, uniforms, or other material used for daily work or
correspondence shall be used in the Garage with the Operators name
and/or Logo unless the Operators name is required by City, State, or
Federal Regulations.
18.1. The Operator shall enter into, or cause to be entered into, contracts for goods
or services in connection with the operation of the Garage (“Subcontracts”).
The Operator shall comply with all applicable M/WBE requirements for the
Subcontracts described in Section 36 hereof and as directed by the Trust. The
M/WBE goal for the Agreement is thirty percent (30%) of the total dollar value
of the Subcontracts procured by the Operator, and Operator shall provide such
documentation as the Trust determines to be reasonable to evidence
compliance with such requirement.
18.2. The Trust represents that it is a not-for-profit entity and, as such, is tax exempt.
18.3. Upon execution of the Agreement, the Trust shall provide the Operator with a
sales tax exemption certificate issued by the taxing authority(ies).
18.4. The Trust represents that payment for goods and services included as Costs of
Operations shall be exempt from assessment and/or payment of State of New
York sales or use tax pursuant to Article 28 of the New York State Tax Law.
The Operator may rely upon such representations by the Trust based upon the
18.4.1. In the event the State of New York or any of its subdivisions or
agencies shall assess or attempt to assess any such taxes on the
Operator’s purchase or use of goods or services for the Garage,
the Trust agrees to pay or to have paid, and be solely responsible
for, any and all such taxes payable to the taxing authority(ies);
18.4.2. The Operator agrees to take all reasonable steps and provide
assistance to the Trust to eliminate or minimize the impact of any
such taxes including participation in any hearing, appeal or other
legal action;
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18.4.3. The Trust agrees that the Operator and its contractors shall have
no obligation or responsibility for the payment of any such taxes;
18.4.4. The Trust agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
Operator and the Operator’s contractors from and against any and
all costs, expenses, fees (including, without limitation, reasonable
attorneys’ fees to contest or defend against any such assessment,
whether actual or threatened), damages, fines, penalties,
judgments, and causes of action arising from or in connection with
the assessment and/or payment of any such taxes.
18.5. The Operator shall instruct all contractors that may sell materials and/or
equipment used in connection with the Garage, that the title to such materials
and/or equipment shall be in the name of the Trust and vest in the Trust.
18.6. The Operator shall submit a list of all prospective bidders to the Trust for
approval, including the identity of the principals of such bidders, before the
Operator’s selection of a bidder for the particular work or services. The Trust
may perform a PASSPORT/VENDEX or other background check of the
prospective bidders (as required by the NYC Mayor’s Office of Contract
Services) and advise the Operator within ten (10) Business Days after receipt
of the list as to which bidders are acceptable or unacceptable and, if
unacceptable, the reasons therefor.
18.7. The Trust shall not unreasonably reject a prospective bidder.
18.8. The Operator shall use reasonable efforts to obtain proposals from at least
three (3) qualified bidders from the list of acceptable bidders.
18.9. The Operator shall cause each contractor in which the cost its work will exceed
One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) to create an account and submit
information on the Mayor’s Office of Contracts Services Procurement and
Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort). The Operator shall cause each such
contractor to complete the required PASSPort background and disclosure
submissions in a timely fashion but in no event later than the commencement of
the work to be performed by such contractor.
19.1. The Trust and the Operator shall each appoint an individual to serve as a
liaison to the other Party to review any matter of concern under the Agreement.
19.2. The Parties may change their designated liaison by written notice to the other
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19.3. The Parties shall meet from time to time, but not less than once every sixty (60)
days, and as specifically requested by either Party, to review any matters of
concern under the Agreement.
20.1. The Operator shall not assign, convey, sublet or transfer the Agreement or its
rights or delegate any of its duties hereunder, including to any affiliates, without
the prior written consent of the Trust.
20.2. The Trust shall have the right to assign, convey, or transfer the Agreement or
the Trust’s rights hereunder (“Assignment”) without the consent of the
Operator to any corporation or partnership, the City or State of New York, or
any agency or instrumentality of the City or State of New York having authority
to accept the assignment, conveyance, or transference.
20.3. In connection with any Assignment, the Trust may, in the sole discretion of the
Trust and such assignee, continue to administer the Agreement on behalf of
such assignee, or the Trust may elect thereafter to be released from all
obligations under the Agreement provided that in the event of such release,
such assignee shall agree in the instrument of Assignment to assume the
obligations of the Trust under the Agreement arising after the date of such
21.1. In the event of either the discovery of a structural condition which significantly
impairs Garage operations or the adoption by the Trust of a redevelopment
plan for all or part of the Site, the Trust shall have the right to cancel the
Agreement for convenience and without cause upon not less than sixty (60)
days’ notice to the Operator and the Trust shall have no liability to the Operator
by virtue of such cancellation, except for such matters as specifically provided
in the Agreement that survive the termination or earlier expiration of the
21.2. Notwithstanding Section 21.1 herein, either Party may terminate the Agreement
for convenience and without penalty by providing One Hundred and Fifty (150)
days written notice to the other Party, with the effective termination date to be
detailed in the notice.
21.3. All provisions of the Agreement related to the payment of moneys, adjustments
of amounts payable, indemnification, audit and reporting shall survive the
cancellation, expiration or termination of the Agreement.
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21.4. The terms cancel and terminate and the terms cancellation and
termination may be used interchangeably and shall have the same meaning,
impact, and effect for the purposes of the Agreement.
21.5. If the Operator defaults in any payment due under the Agreement or the
performance of its obligations under the Agreement, then the Trust may serve a
notice upon the Operator specifying the nature of the default and demanding a
cure within five (5) days after such notice.
21.6. Subject to the Trust’s right of cancellation or termination under Section 21, if a
non-monetary default cannot be reasonably cured within five (5) days, then the
Operator shall (i) cure the non- monetary default within a reasonable time as
determined by the Trust, (ii) undertake remedial measures (if available) within
five (5) days of such notice and (iii) diligently and continuously prosecute the
remediation to completion.
21.7. If the Operator fails to correct any default within the applicable time period, the
Trust shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure the default at the
Operator’s expense and/or to terminate the Agreement upon serving a three (3)
days’ notice to the Operator.
21.8. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trust shall have the right to terminate the
Agreement upon the Operator’s voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or
assignment for the benefit of creditors, unless the Operator is able to obtain the
dismissal of the petition within thirty (30) days of the filing.
21.9. Subject to the Trust’s obligations and direction hereunder, upon termination
and/or expiration of the Agreement, the Operator shall deliver possession of the
Garage to the Trust in the same condition as existed on the Commencement
Date, except for capital improvements and less reasonable wear and tear,
unless otherwise directed in writing by the Trust.
21.10. Upon termination and/or expiration of the Agreement, the Operator shall
promptly account for all monies received by it under the Agreement and shall
be liable for any deficiencies or other damages suffered by the Trust in
connection with such deficiencies or damages either at law or in equity.
21.11. Any representation of warranty made or deemed to have been made under the
Agreement by the Operator that shall be untrue in any material respect shall
constitute a default under the Agreement.
21.12. Nothing contained in the Agreement shall limit in any manner any and all rights
or remedies otherwise available to the Trust by reason of a default by the
Operator under the Agreement.
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21.13. The Operator agrees that any agreement or contract entered into by the
Operator in connection with the Garage services shall be subject to the terms
and conditions of the Agreement and shall include termination provisions
consistent with the Agreement.
21.14. If the Operator fails to terminate a contractor for cause when grounds for such
termination exist, and the Trust has requested such termination, such inaction
by the Operator shall be deemed grounds for termination of the Agreement for
22.1. The Operator shall apply, maintain and secure in its own name, all federal,
state and municipal permits and licenses required for the operation of the
Garage (but specifically excluding a Certificate of Occupancy and any special
permits with respect to zoning).
22.2. Any expenses incurred by the Operator under this Section 22 shall be payable
as Costs of Operations and shall be set forth in the Budget to the extent
22.3. Any penalties, interest, fines, awards or settlements incurred by the Operator
as a result of failure by the Operator to comply with the Laws shall be Expenses
of the Operator.
23.1. The Operator shall collect Parking Tax on all Parking Revenues that Operator
collects at the Garage and shall deliver such Parking Tax concurrently with the
delivery of the Parking Revenues as set forth in Section 6. The Trust shall
collect Parking Tax on all Parking Revenues that the Trust collects or receives
from a third-party parking aggregator.
23.2. The Trust shall submit to tax audits by the City, produce records and materials
for the City in connection thereof, and cooperate with the City in connection
with such submittals and record keeping. The Operator shall prepare all
returns for the Trust on a quarterly and year-end basis and shall provide the
Trust with proof of filing for the returns.
23.3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Parking Revenue
collected directly by the Trust and all Parking Tax due on such Parking
Revenue, shall be reported to the Operator within ten (10) days after the end of
each calendar month.
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23.4. The Parking Tax filings provided under Section 13.15 hereof shall include the
Parking Tax payable for Trust-collected revenues. The Trust shall fund the
Operating Account in accordance with Section 13.14 hereof to also include the
amount of Parking Tax due for Trust-collected revenues. Thereafter, the
Operator shall pay the Parking Tax due for the Trust-collected revenues.
24.1. The Operator shall cooperate with advertising and/or public relations personnel
designated by the Trust in the preparation and prompt implementation of a
detailed and coordinated program for the promotion and advertisement of the
Garage to the public.
24.2. The Operator shall not place any advertisement or otherwise market the
Garage without first obtaining the Trust’s prior written consent and approval.
24.3. To the extent that the Trust deems advisable, the Operator shall undertake
such marketing activities in a sound and efficient manner and the expense
thereof shall be included as Costs of Operations.
24.4. The Senior/Area/Operations Manager and a representative from the marketing
department shall meet with the Trust and its designated representatives on a
monthly basis (at a minimum) specifically to discuss the progress on and
results of the various marketing initiatives and to update the marketing
25.1. The Trust provides all landline telephone service and Internet service to the
Parking Garage office.
25.2. The Trust provides a cell phone and restricted service to the assigned Facility
Manager at the expense of the Trust.
25.2.1. The use of the cell phone is for Garage related calls when
the Facility Manager is off Site and/or for the Garage staff to
contact the Facility Manager in the event of an emergency.
25.2.2. Any calls that are personal in nature or are not related to the
operation of the Garage shall be Expenses of the Operator
and shall be deducted from the monthly Management Fee.
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25.3. Long distance telephone charges originating from the Parking Garage office
that are solely related to the operation of the Garage are acceptable as Costs
of Operations.
26.1. The Operator shall not establish any exclusive parking areas nor permit any
vehicles to park free or at special rates not available to the general public in the
Garage, except as specifically designated in writing by the Trust.
26.2. The Facility Manager, executive, and supervisory staff of the Operator that are
not stationed at the Garage may park free of charge while performing duties at
the Garage.
26.2. The Operator’s staff noted in Section 26.2 may only park free at the
Garage through the use of an access card authorized by the Trust.
The taking and signing of a parking ticket is an unacceptable
alternative and the value of any ticket so taken for such Operator
staff shall be deemed Expenses of the Operator.
26.3. Operator shall issue parking access cards as specified by the Trust from time to
time in which case industry standard anti-pass back systems will be employed.
26.4. The Operator may allow, at any one time, up to five (5) of its employees
stationed at the Garage to park their personal vehicles at no charge in a
designated area in the Garage solely during the working hours for such
26.5. The parking for all stationed employees, Facility Manager, executive, and
supervisory employees shall be limited to “the Roof Level. No Garage staff
parking shall be permitted in any other lined space designated for potential
26.6. The value of any free parking given by the Operator without advance written
authorization from the Trust shall be Expenses of the Operator deducted from
the Management Fee.
26.7. Undocumented “No Charge” Parking tickets shall be considered free parking
authorized by the Operator and shall be Expenses of the Operator deducted
from the Management Fee.
26.7. At a minimum, the acceptable documentation for “No Charge”
Parking tickets shall be the Customers Name, Address, Telephone
number, Driver’s License number and Vehicle License Plate
number, and a brief description of the reason that the parking was
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not charged. Acceptable reasons shall be agreed-upon and
documented by the Trust and the Operator, although it is
recognized that the list of acceptable reasons may be modified from
time to time by the Trust.
26.8. Emergency vehicles that respond to an emergency within the Garage shall not
be charged for access. Garage staff should document the agency responding
to such emergency, the vehicle number and the badge/shield number of the
vehicle driver on the ticket or on a report if a ticket is not issued.
26.9. The Trust permits up to a one (1) hour free grace period for parking customers
that require road assistance for a tire change or to jump start their vehicle(s)
while at the Garage. If the customer requires more than one (1) hour for such
assistance, then that customer shall pay the prevailing parking rate for such
additional time.
26.9.1. The Operator and/or its employees shall not engage, assist,
or provide equipment/tools for road assistance identified in
Section 26.9 above.
26.10. As of the date of the Agreement, there are 2,498 parking spaces in the Garage
of which only 1,851 are open and usable for parking, as agreed upon between
the Parties pursuant to a physical count of the parking spaces in the Garage.
26.10.1. There are currently 517 spaces blocked off for construction
that are not available for public access or use.
26.10.2. The number of available spaces will fluctuate during the
Term of the Agreement due to continued construction
projects within the Garage’s parking areas and ramps.
Additionally, the Trust’s leasing/permitting efforts may also
affect the number of available parking spaces within the
26.10.3. The Trust will notify the Operators Senior Manager, in
writing, of changes to the number of available parking
spaces within the Garage. It is the Operator’s responsibility,
upon being notified by the Trust, to make appropriate
adjustments to the insurance premiums based upon the
number of available parking spaces within the Garage.
26.11. For the purposes of the Agreement, parking spaces shall include standard,
compact car and handicapped parking spaces maintained or permitted to be
maintained in the Garage, in accordance with the Hudson River Park Act and
all other applicable laws and regulations; and any change in the number of
parking spaces in the Garage shall be confirmed, annually, by a physical count
of the number of such spaces by representatives of both the Trust and the
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27.1. The Agreement will be performed in the State of New York and the parties
consent to its interpretation according to the law of the State of New York. The
Parties agree to be subject to and submit to personal jurisdiction in the State
and Federal Courts located in the City in connection with any action, suit or
proceeding arising from the Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, the
Parties shall waive trial by jury in any action or proceeding or counterclaim
brought on any matter whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with
the Agreement, or the management, maintenance, operation, use or occupation
of the Garage.
27.2. Section 27.1 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the
28.1. The Trust shall have all of its common law, equitable and statutory rights of set-
off. These rights shall include, but not be limited to, the Trust's option to
withhold for the purposes of set-off, any moneys due the Operator under the
Agreement up to any amounts due and owing to the Trust with regard to the
Agreement, any other contract with the Trust, any other State department or
agency, including any contract for a term commencing prior to the Term of the
Agreement, plus any amounts due and owing to the State for any other reason
including, without limitation, tax delinquencies, fee delinquencies or monetary
penalties relative thereto. The Trust and the State shall exercise such set-off
rights in accordance with standard State practices including, in cases of set-off
pursuant to an audit, the finalization of such audit by the State agency, its
representatives or the State Comptroller.
29.1. The Appendix A Standard Clauses for New York State Contracts attached
hereto at Appendix M is hereby incorporated and made a part of this
Any notice, approval or other communication required hereunder shall be deemed given
if sent by in person or by certified mail or reputable nationally recognized overnight
courier to the Trust’s or to the Operator’s address as set forth below:
To Operator:
Hudson River Park Trust Page 41 January 6, 2020
Draft 3 Parking Garage Management and Operating Agreement
Attn: _________________________________
With a copy to:
Attn: General Counsel
To the Trust:
Hudson River Park Trust
353 West Street, Suite 201
New York, New York 10014
Attn.: Daniel P. Kurtz, CFO/EVP Finance & Real Estate
With a copy to:
Hudson River Park Trust
353 West Street, Suite 201
New York, New York 10014
Attn.: General Counsel
Notice shall be deemed to be given three (3) days after U.S. postmark or one (1)
business day after deposit with such reputable nationally recognized overnight courier.
31.1. Upon the Expiration Date, any amounts due to either Party shall be reconciled,
so that the Operator receives any unpaid Management Fees and any other
amounts due it, minus any outstanding penalties and the Trust receives the
balance in the Operating Account, and any amounts which may be due to or
claimed against the Trust under the provisions of Section 15 of the Agreement,
to the extent not covered by applicable insurance policies.
31.2. The requirements and obligations set forth in Sections 13,15 and 18.4.4 of this
Agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination of the Agreement.
32.1. The Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the Parties
hereto, and no statement, promise, condition, understanding, inducement or
representation, written or oral, expressed or implied, which is not contained
Hudson River Park Trust Page 42 January 6, 2020
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herein shall be binding or valid. The Agreement may not be amended or
modified, in any way, except by writing executed by the Parties.
33.1. The terms and conditions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the
benefit of the Trust, the Operator and their respective successors.
34.1. No failure by the Trust to insist upon the strict performance of any term or
condition of the Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy consequent upon
a breach thereof, and no acceptance of full or partial performance during the
continuance of any such breach, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach or
such term or condition. No term or condition of the Agreement to be performed
or complied with by the Operator and no breach thereof shall be waived, altered
or modified except by a written instrument executed by the Trust. No waiver of
any breach shall affect or alter the Agreement, but each and every term and
condition of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect with respect to
any other then existing or subsequent breach thereof.
35.1. The Operator shall not knowingly permit any officer, employee, agent or
director of the Trust or any of its subsidiaries to share in any benefit that arises
from the Operator’s work.
35.2. The Operator shall not knowingly permit any officer, employee, agent or
director of the Trust, or any of its subsidiaries, to participate in any decision
relating to the Agreement that affects the personal interest of the
aforementioned individuals, or the interests of any corporation, partnership, or
association in which those individuals are directly or indirectly interested; nor
shall any officer, agent, director or employee of the Trust, or any of its
subsidiaries be permitted by the Operator to have any interest, direct or
indirect, in the Agreement or the proceedings thereof.
35.3. The Operator shall cause, for the benefit of the Trust, every contract or
agreement with any contractor to include the representations contained in
paragraphs 35.1. and 35.2. of this Section. The Operator shall take such action
in enforcing such provisions as the Trust may direct, or, at the Operator’s
option, assign such rights as it may have to the Trust for enforcement by the
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36.1. The provisions of Article 15-A of the Executive Law and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder pertaining to equal employment
opportunities for minority group members and women and Article 17-B
pertaining to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses shall apply to the
36.2. The Operator shall submit a Workforce Utilization Report (Form EEO101),
and shall require each of its contractors to submit a Workforce Utilization
Report, in such form as shall be required by the Trust on a monthly basis
during the term of the Agreement.
36.3. The Operator shall meet a M/WBE participation goal of 30 percent as provided
in Appendix N attached hereto and a SDVOB participation goal of six (6)
percent as provided in Appendix O attached hereto.
37.1. If any term or provision of the Agreement or the application thereof to any
person or in any circumstance shall to any extent be determined to be invalid or
unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Agreement, or the application of
such terms or provisions to persons or circumstances other than those as to
which it is found to be invalid or unenforceable, shall in no way be affected
thereby, and each term and provision of the Agreement shall be valid and
binding upon the Parties, and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.
38.1. The Operator hereby agrees that all documents, data, recommendations,
reports and other materials developed in the course of the work authorized by
the Agreement are strictly confidential between the Operator and the Trust, and
the Operator may not at any time reveal or disclose such materials in whole or
in part to any third party without first obtaining permission from the Trust or as
may be required by any order of a Court of competent jurisdiction.
Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the Operator shall cooperate fully with
such third parties as the Trust may designate by written request. The Operator
shall also cooperate with any Trust requests made in connection with the
Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”).
39.1. The Operator’s acceptance of the final payment under the Agreement shall
constitute a waiver and release of the Trust solely from any claim arising from
disputed (i) Management Fees or IMF allegedly due Operator, or (ii)
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reimbursement(s) of a third-party invoice paid by Operator as a Cost of
Operation (excluding any deductible that may be due as a result of an insurable
claim), unless notice of such claim is delivered to the Trust in writing not later
than ninety (90) days after the Operator’s receipt of the final payment. It is
expressly understood and agreed that the Trust’s termination of the Agreement
pursuant to Section 21 of this Agreement shall not give rise to any claim against
the Trust for damages, compensation or otherwise as a result of such
termination, and that under such circumstances the Trust’s liability to make
payments to the Operator on account of any and all services shall be limited to
the payments set forth in the applicable section(s) of the Agreement.
40.1. Any Disputes involving the Agreement, including the breach or alleged breach
thereof, may not be submitted to binding arbitration but must, instead, be heard
in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of New York.
41.1. In addition to the methods of service allowed by the State Civil Practice Law &
Rules (“CPLR”), the Operator hereby consents to service of process upon it by
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Service hereunder shall be
complete upon the Operator’s actual receipt of process or upon the Trust’s
receipt of the return thereof by the United States Postal Service as refused or
undeliverable. The Operator must promptly notify the Trust, in writing, of each
and every change of address to which service of process can be made.
Service by the Trust to the last known address shall be sufficient. The Operator
shall have thirty (30) calendar days after service hereunder is complete in
which to respond.
42.1. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to give any person other than the
Trust and the Operator any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim. The
Agreement shall be held to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Trust
and the Operator.
43.1. Federal Employer Identification Number and/or Social Security Number
requirements for all invoices or vouchers.
43.1.1. All invoices or vouchers submitted for payment by the Trust
for the sale of goods or services or for the lease of real or
Hudson River Park Trust Page 45 January 6, 2020
Draft 3 Parking Garage Management and Operating Agreement
personal property to the Trust must include the payee’s
identification number, i.e., the seller’s or lessor’s
identification number;
43.1.2. The identification number is either the payee’s Federal
employer identification number or social security number, or
both numbers when the payee has both numbers;
43.1.3. The payee’s failure to include such number(s) on its invoices
or vouchers may delay payment(s) to the payee; and
43.1.4. The payee must provide and explanation on its invoice or
voucher if the payee does not have such number(s).
43.2. Privacy Notification.
43.2.1. Section 5 of the State Tax Law confers upon the Trust the
legal authority to request and maintain the identification
numbers reference in Section 45.1. Disclosure of this
information to the Trust is mandatory. The principal purpose
of this disclosure is to enable New York State to identify
individuals, businesses and others that may be delinquent in
filing tax returns or may have understated their tax liabilities,
and to generally identify persons affected by the taxes
administered by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance.
The information will be used for tax administration purpose
and for any other purpose authorized by law.
43.2.2. The identification numbers shall be maintained by the Trust
and will be provided to the New York State Commissioner of
Taxation upon request in accordance with Section 5.4 of the
State Tax Law. Any such submission to the State Tax
Commissioner is exempt from State Public Officers Law
disclosure of information requirements.
44.1. The Trust shall not be liable for any damage to the property of the Operator or
of others entrusted to the Operator or its employees, nor for loss of or damage
to any property of the Operator by theft or otherwise, nor for any injury or
damage to persons or property resulting from any cause of whatsoever nature,
unless caused by the negligence of the Trust; nor shall the Trust be liable for
any such damage caused by tenants or persons in, upon or about the Garage.
45.1. The Agreement and the obligation of the Operator to perform and comply with
all of the other covenants and agreements hereunder on the part of the
Operator to be performed or complied with, shall in no way be affected,
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impaired or excused in the event that the Trust shall be delayed, hindered or
45.1.1. By reason of strikes or labor troubles;
45.1.2. By reason of governmental preemption in connection with a
national emergency;
45.1.3. By reason of any rule, order or regulation of any government
agency or any department or subdivision thereof, whether in
connection with a drought, energy shortage or other like
event or otherwise;
45.1.4. By reason of the conditions of supply and demand which
have been or are affected by war or other emergency;
45.1.5. By reason of fire, casualty or other acts of God, including,
without limitation, floods, hurricanes, blizzards or other
natural disasters, or materially adverse weather conditions;
45.1.6. By reason of any other cause whatsoever beyond the
reasonable control of the Trust from performing or complying
with any of the covenants and agreements to be performed
or complied with by the Trust under the Agreement, or to
furnish any service or facility (collectively, “Force Majeure”).
45.2. No such delay or failure by the Trust in the performance of any of the Trust’s
obligations under the Agreement by reason of Force Majeure shall constitute an
actual or constructive eviction in whole or in part or impose any liability upon
the Trust or its agents because of inconvenience to the Operator or injury to or
interruption or loss of the Operator’s business or entitle the Operator to any
diminution or abatement of amounts due hereunder.
46.1. No ownership, leasehold or other property interest shall vest in the Operator by
virtue of the Agreement.
47.1. In addition to other provisions herein, should the Operator’s failure to comply
with any Laws or detailed performance standards identified in the Agreement
result in a reduction of Parking Revenues that otherwise would have accrued to
the Trust, the Operator shall be liable to the Trust for such revenue, or a portion
thereof, as determined by the Trust and the provisions in the Agreement.
47.1.1. The amount of such revenue loss shall be determined by the
Trust and its Authorized Auditors as provided in Section 13
of the Agreement.
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47.2. The Operator shall be subject to penalties for non-performance as detailed in
Appendix K or as otherwise provided in the Agreement.
48.1. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, it is specifically
understood and agreed that in the performance of the terms, covenants and
conditions of the Agreement, the Operator and its representatives shall not be
deemed to be acting as agents, servants or employees of the Trust, the State
of New York, or the City by virtue of the Agreement or by virtue of any approval,
permit, license, grant, right, or other authorization given by the Trust or any of
their representatives in connection with the Agreement, but shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor performing work or professional services for the
Trust, and shall be deemed solely responsible for all acts taken by them
pursuant to the Agreement.
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Draft 3 Parking Garage Management and Operating Agreement
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trust and the Operator have caused the Agreement to be
executed as of the date first set forth above.
By: ________________________________
Name: _______________________
Title: President
By: ________________________________
Name: _____________________________
Title: _____________________________
Aerial Photographs and Plans of the Garage
Aerial Photographs and Plans of the Garage
Rate Survey Area
The boundaries are:
North to 14
Street but include Chelsea Pier
East to Union Square/Broadway
South to Morris Street including the Battery Garage and Battery City Garages
Level 1 North and South Shed
Level 2 and Mezzanine Area
Roof Level
Space Count
Space Reconciliation by Area December 2019
Out of
Level 2
Level 1 North
Roof Phase l
& ll
Level 1 South
North Nest
Level 2 Prime
Sub Total
Area Closed
Level 2 Phase
Area Closed
Roof Phase lll
Area Closed
Sub Total
Certain Garage Duties and Obligations of Operator
In addition and without limitation to those duties and obligations of the Operator set forth elsewhere in the
Agreement, the following is a compilation of Operator’s duties and obligations in conjunction with the
management, maintenance, and operation of the Garage. The list below sets forth the minimum
acceptable standards and frequency mandated for each identified task. Due to conditions and
circumstances, the Operator may need to perform one or more of the identified tasks more frequently
than set forth below to maintain and operate the Garage in good order.
All duties and obligations of the Operator set forth in this Appendix B and elsewhere in the Agreement
must be performed for the benefit of the Garage in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Agreement. This Appendix is not intended to be and shall not be deemed to be an exhaustive statement
of the Operator’s duties and obligations under the Agreement. Other than Space Striping every three
years, all work is to be performed by using the existing scheduled on-Site personnel of the
Operator. Since all roadways in the facility are State property, employees using the sweeper, Toro
Workman vehicle or any other moving vehicles or pieces of equipment shall have a valid drivers license
to operate the equipment and/or vehicle.
Schedule or Other Details
Garage Inspection: Facility Manager and
MODs shall complete a physical inspection of
the entire Garage, parking control equipment,
four (4) stair towers from Playing Field Level to
Roof Level, Roof Elevator Lobby, and Storage
room. Facility Manager and MODs shall
complete an inspection check list noting their
findings/observations and assigned
maintenance tasks for each daily inspection.
Such checklist shall be included in the Monthly
Management Statement report.
Daily - by Facility Manager and/or Foreman
(MOD) within twenty (20) minutes of starting
their shift.
General Duties:
Sweep (using the mechanical sweeper)
large paved portions of the Garage
regularly to remove dirt, debris, and salt
accumulation, and use push brooms to do
the same in small areas and/or corners.
As noted in sub-sections i., ii., iii.
i. Sweep Ramps, Main Entrance Lanes
Daily - Weather permitting.
ii. Sweep individual Parking Areas
(suggested schedule is to sweep
sections of the Garage on a re-
occurring basis e.g., sweep area 2 on
Fridays, area 3 on Saturday mornings,
area 4 on Saturday afternoons, area 5
on Sunday mornings, and area 1 on
Sunday evenings).
Weekly, weather permitting
(Saturday/Sunday have the least number of
vehicles present).
The Garage shall be swept once weekly
weather permitting.
iii. Tenants Mezzanine Level 2
Trash and Debris Removal.
Paint/Replace Trash Receptacles.
As needed, and as requested by the Trust,
but not less than quarterly.
Schedule or Other Details
Graffiti Removal.
Immediately upon discovery. Operator shall
send the Trust an email noting the exact
location of such graffiti along with a digital
photo of such graffiti.
Paving of Potholes.
Immediately upon discovery.
Repairs of sidewalks, curbs and special
pedestrian paved areas.
Apply absorbent to oil and gas spills/leaks
to prevent slip/fall accidents.
Immediately upon discovery.
Pressure wash oil and gas spills.
Monthly, weather permitting
Repaint pavement traffic markings.
Annually before the spring season, as
weather permits.
Repaint curb lines.
Annually as weather permits and before May
Restripe Garage.
Once every 2 years
Maintain and clean the existing Sign
Package including aisle/area locators;
repair or replace signs upon discovery of
damage, defacing, or other problems.
Clean drainage systems including catch
Quarterly or as directed by The Trust.
Clean windows on South, North, North
Nest, Mezzanine Level, Level; 2 and
Level 2 Prime.
Every two months.
Clean Stair Towers “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E”
and the Roof Elevator Lobby.
Mopping and sweeping as needed, based on
shift inspections, not less than once daily.
Replace broken windows and remove all
glass shards as a safety issue.
Immediately upon discovery.
Paint Tops of all Traffic Islands.
Annually as weather permits and before May
Paint Main South and North Entry/Exit
Pressure Wash Main South and North
Entry/Exit Tunnel.
Annually in May as weather permits.
Pressure Wash Stair Towers.
As necessary, but not less than in April and
August or as otherwise directed by The Trust.
Paint Stair Towers.
Every Other Year (i.e., year 2, 4, and 6).
Paint Touch up
Touch up paint on walls, columns, and stair
towers as necessary, weather permitting.
Clean Lane Equipment with suitable
Stainless Steel Cleaner.
Clean lane traffic cones, stanchions, and
delineator posts
After Audit, pack all records, tickets,
reports, deposit slips, and data runs from
the previous month and submit to the
Trust for placement into storage.
Provide copies to the Trust of the
implemented cleaning schedule (check-
off list) and an operations schedule of
what was assigned and completed for the
Daily, submitted with the Management
Schedule or Other Details
Maintenance and Repair of Garage Operating Equipment and Systems:
The Operator maintains a full service
repairs and maintenance agreement with
SECOM on the PARCS system. Service
is available on Business Days with same
day service, provided that the Operator
has called in the service request prior to
12:00 PM EST. Calls to SECOM outside
of Monday - Friday 9:30 AM PST - 5:00
PM PST are to an answering service. A
follow-up call is necessary after 9:30 AM
PST and a service response number
must be obtained from SECOM to
indicate the Service Call has been made
and logged. Calls after 12:00 PM EST
have a 24-hour response time.
Service requests must be called immediately
upon discovery of SECOM equipment not
working/malfunctioning. The Operator must
make a telephone call to schedule SECOM
service. If the call is outside normal hours, an
emergency must be declared for a response;
otherwise, the service is scheduled for the
next business day. Emergency calls are
either at 1.5 or 2.0 the normal rate depending
on the day/time of call and a minimum of four
(4) hours portal to portal charge. Thus, a call
on a Sunday could be a minimum of $800.00
with current rates, so only true emergencies
warrant such a call to SECOM.
The Trust maintains the telephones,
telephone lines, Internet, fire alarms, and
fire extinguishers. The Operator must
notify either the IT Department or
Operations and Maintenance of any
issues, first by telephone and then by e-
mail follow up to document the problem
and copy the Trust’s Property Manager
and Parking Consultant.
Immediately upon discovery of a problem with
telephones, internet access, fire alarms or
extinguishers, Operator must notify either the
Trust's IT Department or O& M of the
problem. Follow up with an e-mail to the
person to whom they spoke with and copy the
Trust’s Property Manager and Parking
Consultant. Only the Trust may address the
telephone and Internet issues.
Lighting Maintenance including bulb,
lamp, ballast replacement and fixture
All OSHA required safety equipment must be
worn when using scaffold or lift. Cleaning of
fixtures and bulbs twice annually.
Replacement of bulbs at their 70% efficiency
life span.
Keep the adjoining sidewalks and streets
to the extent required by the law to which
the property owner is subject, in a clean,
neat, orderly and sanitary condition,
reasonably free of dirt, garbage and
rubbish and calcium chloride and other
refuse and free of objectionable odors
and in such manner as the Trust may
Daily. Operator must become familiar with
New York City requirements.
Maintenance and repair of Guard Booths
and Office without limitation, including
glazing and painting.
Ice and Snow Removal from the traffic islands
where PARCS equipment is present, ice and
snow droppings from vehicles in the South
Shed and North Shed entrance/exit lanes, on
the pedestrian island in the main entry/exit
tunnel to the end of the sidewalk curb line at
the roadway and along all sidewalks within the
As needed.
Establish and enforce security measures to ensure the safety and security of the Garage:
Schedule or Other Details
Keep and use Timecards showing start
and ending shift time. Handwritten time
sheets are not acceptable.
Daily, each employee.
Patrol the facility using a Uniformed
Security Guard with a Radio to
communicate with the parking office or
Daily 4:00 pm to 08:00 am the following
morning, 365 days.
Confirm, using Guard One system or
other Trust equipment, that complete
rounds are made of the Garage as
Six (6) complete security rounds per each
security guard’s eight (8) hour shift.
Assist with Traffic Direction during Event
Parking Entry and Exit.
As directed by the Trust, an additional
security guard may be required when more
than 65 vehicles are expected for an event.
Maintain Rodent and Pest Controls in all
Parking Areas.
Not less than twice (2) monthly.
Undertake Marketing Activities.
As directed by the Trust.
Vehicle Inventory - The inventory is the direct
responsibility of the Facility Manager. No
overtime hours shall be permitted for
conducting the physical inventory or reports
required thereof. However, up to twelve (12)
additional regular hours of labor will be
permitted for payroll reimbursement supported
by timecard audit for other employees of the
Operator if the inventory is conducted by
employees other than those assigned to the
Garage (manager’s hours are not included as
this is a salaried position). The hourly rate of
pay for those hours used in the inventory shall
not exceed the current rate of pay for onsite
employees. A report of the Inventory shall be
published within five (5) days after the
completion of the inventory.
See Section 2.4.5 of the Agreement.
Purchase improvements, provide
construction management for repairs, and
As directed by the Trust.
Valet Parking.
As directed by the Trust.
In addition and without, in any manner, limiting the duties and obligations set forth above, the
Operator (using existing Operator labor force on-site) shall utilize, keep, and maintain the Garage and
all the equipment and elements situated at the Garage in good and safe order and condition including
without limitation the Detail Elements as listed below.
Detail Elements of the Parking Areas, Points of Access and Exit, Access Ramps, and
Roadway are as follows:
Inspect Monthly and report any problems to
Bicycle racks (but Operator shall not have
any liability for the security of any bicycles
in such racks, absent the gross
negligence or willful acts of Operator’s
Inspect Monthly and report any problems to
Schedule or Other Details
Maintain a decal sticker system of all
registered bicycles. (For Parking Patrons
Remove unregistered, unpaid, or illegally
parked bicycles from any area of the
As found.
Bollards, inspect and re-anchor.
Inspect and Repair Monthly.
Fences, gates (rolling and swing) and
Inspect and Repair Monthly.
Wheel stops.
Inspect and Repair and/or Replace Monthly.
The above Table does not include counts of any items in Closed Areas as
reported in the Appendix A Table “Space Reconciliation By Area”.
Repair/Maintenance Items
Light Fixtures
8' LED
4' LED
Level 2
10" Curbing
8" Traffic Line
LED Ramp
4" Hatch
1' Letters
2' Letters
3' Letters
1 Head Arrows
2 Head Arrows
3 Head Arrows
4" Lines
4" ADA Lines
Square Feet
ADA Logo
Stop Logo
Traffic Lanes
Trash Cans
Garage CCTV's
44 Gal
T Mezz
Secured Doors
S Ramp
Fire Extinguishers
Sand Bags
N Tunnel
Security Stations
Parking Rates, 2019
Rates Effective 1/1/19
Transient Rates
Day Rate
Enter 4:00am - 8:00pm, Seven Days
Up to 3.0 hours
Up to 9.0 hours
Maximum up to 24 hours
Lost Ticket Fee
Maximum for each day parked
Night Rate
Enter 8:00pm - 4:00am, Seven Days
Early Bird North Level 1 Only, Credit Card Only, No Cash
Enter Monday - Saturday 4am - 8:30am, Exit by 6pm
Early Bird
Event Rate Starts 2 hours before a scheduled Event
Rate is valid for 10 hours, over 10 hours pays posted rate.
Monthly Rates
Oversize Vehicle
Oversize Vehicle CCOF
Level 1 South
Level 1 South CCOF
Level 1 North
Level 1 North CCOF
Tenant Mezzanine
Tenant Mezzanine CCOF
Mezzanine CCOF
Level 2 Indoors
Level 2 Indoors CCOF
Level 2 Prime
Level 2 Prime CCOF
Day North CCOF Only
Day Roof CCOF Only
Nights/Weekends CCOF Only
Miscellaneous Fees
Area Violation, per day
Bank Denied Credit Card
Boot Removal
Card Activation
Expired Credit Card
Lost/Damaged Card
Nest Violation, per day
Returned Check
Suspended Account, per month
Time Zone Violation, per day
Management Fee
Year Amount of
Management Fee
One $000.00
Two $000.00
Three $000.00
Four $000.00
Five $000.00
Option Six $000.00
Option Seven $000.00
Option Eight $000.00
Option Nine $000.00
Expenses of the Operator
“Expenses of the Operator” shall include the costs, fees, and expenses incurred by the
Operator set forth below:
1. Salaries of all executive and supervisory personnel of the Operator not
stationed at the Garage except that the salary of anyone substituting full
time for a Garage manager who is stationed at Garage shall be included in
Costs of Operations, provided, however, that the amount deemed to be
Costs of Operations shall not exceed the regular salary for the job-slot being
2. Salary or wages of any person employed by the Operator or its affiliated
companies, other than for employees stationed at Garage.
3. Cost of bookkeeping, administration, accounting or other services
performed by or for the Operator away from the Garage premises.
4. Payables processing, including the cost of data processing, payroll
processing, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable processing.
5. Cost of monthly parking invoicing other than the use of services from within
the Secom system.
6. Long distance telephone charges that are solely related to the operation of
the Garage are acceptable as Costs of Operations, including long distance
telephone charges between the Operator’s home office and its affiliates and
the Garage and long distance telephone charges between the on-site
parking office and Cashier Booth to Vendors, Consultants, and approved
7. Cost of unearned Vacation, Holiday, or Benefit Days and associated Payroll
8. Cost of Unauthorized Overtime and associated Payroll Tax
9. Cost of Regional or Corporate allocation charges for 800 numbers,
Customer Service Desk, computer access, etc.
10. Cost of VPN to Operators Network
11. HR Employment advertising, pre-employment screening, training, and/or,
pre-employment background checks, and annual Driver License certification
12. Shopper services
13. Postage/Courier services between Parking Garage office and local city,
regional or corporate offices of the Operator.
14. Preparation of federal, state, city payroll tax returns.
15. Preparation of sales or similar tax returns.
16. Auditing of receipts.
17. Planning and supervision of alterations and improvements to Garage, but
not including architect’s or engineer’s fees. If the Trust requests the
Operator take responsibility for alteration or improvement as a general
contractor pursuant to Section 17.9 of the Agreement and the Operator
utilizes an architect or engineer that is a staff professional of the Operator,
then the Operator shall be entitled to charge a fee for such work as Costs of
Operations at Operator’s standard labor rate, without markup and in no
event higher than the rate that would be charged, on an hourly basis for
such services by an outside architect or engineer charging prevailing and
commercially reasonable rates. In either case such architect’s or engineer’s
fees shall be deemed to be a part of the cost of alterations or improvement
being planned or supervised.
18. The cost of all forms used in Garage which are standard forms of the
Operator, but not including parking tickets, monthly stickers, coupon books,
and special forms required for Garage, the cost of which shall be Costs of
19. The Operator’s corporate business taxes.
20. General and administrative expenses of the Operator except as otherwise
provided herein.
21. Profit Sharing
A/R Collected
Sub-Total IMF
Aggregators (Monthly)
Monthly (HRPT Groups)
Payroll - Direct
Payroll Tax
Workers Comp
Health Welfare
Garage Liability Insurance
Garage Supplies
Office Supplies
Forms, Printing, Tickets & Receipts
Garage Repairs/Maintenance
Equipment Repairs/Maintenance
Damage Claims
Parking Sales Tax
Bank Charges
Management Fee
Total Operator Expenses
Owner R&M
Owner Capital
Total Expenses
Operator IMF NOI
Net Operating Income
The Budget line items in the Table above are the only line Items recognized in the
Trust-approved Budget. All Income or Costs of Operations that do not meet the line
item criteria shall be reported in the Miscellaneous line item for Income or Costs of
Operations as applicable and as approved by the Trust.
Approved Staffing Schedule
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
7:30 AM
10:00 AM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
4:00 PM
8:00 PM
12:00 AM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
1:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
11:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:30 PM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
1:00 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
10:00 PM
10:00 PM
10:00 PM
10:00 PM
10:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:00 PM
1:00 AM
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1:00 AM
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4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
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1:00 AM
4:30 PM
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4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
1:00 AM
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1:00 AM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
640.00 Regular Hours
Salaried Manager Hours
Day Shift
15.00 Over Time Hours
Foreman MOD
Afternoon Shift
Scheduled OT Foreman Hours
Overnight Shift
Attendant/Maintenance/Clerk Hours
Split Shift
Floor/Maintenance Hours
Guaranteed OT
Scheduled OT Attendant Hours
All schedules include a 30 minute meal break including Manager
All Schedules have two consecutive days off
All positions require valid Drivers License
All Employees do Maintenance and can be used to direct Event Traffic as needed
Daily Maintenance items posted by MRG/Foreman and inspected for compliance
All Employees must be able to operate Fee Terminal to fill in as a Cashier if needed
Over Night Foreman completes Transient Inventory between 2:30 - 3:30am
Employees trained and assigned Tenant Sweeper and Scissors Jack Lift duties receive $1.50/hour
bonus but bonus is not part of the base wage.
Over Night Attendants receives $1.00/hr. shift differential bonus but bonus is not part of the base
Approved Staffing Schedule Covid-Coverage
The above schedule was enacted 4/10/20 as a result of the down turn of business due
to Covid-19. As business returns to a pre COVID occupancy; staff positions will be
gradually added back to the schedule. The Operator will have seven (7) consecutive
days to rebid the schedule per the terms of the Local CBA and fill the vacant position.
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
10:00 AM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
4:00 PM
8:00 PM
12:00 AM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
1:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
11:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:15 AM
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:45 PM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
12:30 PM
12:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
400.00 Regular Hours
Salaried Manager Hours
Day Shift
12.50 Over Time Hours
Foreman MOD
Afternoon Shift
Scheduled OT Foreman Hours
Overnight Shift
Attendant/Handyman/Clerk Hours
Split Shift
Floor/Maintenance Hours
Guarenteed OT
Scheduled OT Attendant Hours
All schedules include a 30 minute meal break including Manager
All Schedules have two consecutive days off
All positions require valid Drivers License
All Employees do Maintenance and can be used to direct Event Traffic as needed
Daily Maintenance items posted by MRG/Foreman and inspected for compliance
All Employees must be able to operate Fee Terminal to fill in as a Cashier if needed
Over Night Foreman completes Transient Inventory between 2:30 - 3:30am
Employees assigned Tenant Sweeper & Siccors Lift duties receive $1.50/hour bonus but bonus
is not part of the base wage.
Over Night Attendants receives $1.00/hr shift differential bonus but bonus is not part of the base
Job Descriptions and Qualifications
Job Description: Senior Manager
Reports To: Regional Manage/VP Operations
Assigned To: Off-Site Administration
BASIC FUNCTION: Responsible for the daily operation of several facilities including
Pier 40. Ensures that all existing facilities operate in accordance with the specific
SOPAM specific to the Garage and the requirements of the Trust. A minimum of 25% of
this position hours should be spent at Pier 40.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Supervision of day-to-day activities of the Facility Manager;
2. Responsible for maintaining the staffing of the facilities at the Garage;
3. Directly responsible for filling shift vacancies;
4. Direct responsibility for the administration of vacation requests submitted by
Facility Manager and filling of the position while such employee is on vacation to
the extent of allowing vacations only when qualified relief labor can be provided;
5. Direct responsibility for obtaining all quotes for goods and services;
6. Ensuring the prompt completion of daily paperwork for the Garage;
7. Supervision of the safe handling of cash and the timely deposit of cash for the
8. Ensuring the proper revenue trails are established for all transactions, including,
but not limited to, proper ticket control, control over monthly permits, validations,
and the accurate maintenance of receipts, card lists, card fees, and inventories;
9. Resolution of customer complaints and problems that cannot be immediately
resolved by the Facility Manager;
10. Function as liaison between the Trust and field and executive staff as necessary;
11. Establishment of SOPAM customized for the Garage and updating existing
SOPAM as needed;
12. Supervision of the training of all employees at the Garage;
13. Ensure the compliance of all labor union rules and regulations were deemed
14. Uphold all Operator policies and procedures as stated in the Operator’s
employee handbook;
15. Personally inspect the Garage on a regular basis during all shifts of Operations.
The site inspections are to ensure that proper operating procedures, corporate
policies, and that the SOPAM rules and regulations are being followed by the
Operator’s staff;
16. Developing and implementing customer service and marketing programs;
17. Directly responsible for completing a thorough inspection of the complete parking
facility no less than bi-monthly with emphasis on facility cleanliness, appearance
of employees, revenue control system, safety, and security issues. The
inspection report is to be submitted directly reported to the Trust’s Property
Manager and included with the monthly Management Statement;
18. Identify all existing and potential operational problems and make appropriate
recommendations to the Trust;
19. Inspect and recommend improvements to upgrade the appearance and
cleanliness of the Garage;
20. Provide a mandatory and prompt response to emergency situations;
21. Review, originate, and evaluate priorities for all non-routine assignments in
accordance with established procedures;
22. Review the monthly Management Statements prior to submitting to the Trust; and
23. Address any procedural violation or possible theft uncovered as a result of a field
audit, which is to result in disciplinary action against the offending employee or
Positions Directly Supervised: Facility Manager and MODs
Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform
each essential duty and responsibility satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are
representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable
accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the
essential functions
Education Required: Bachelor’s Degree preferred.
Experience Required: Minimum of five (5) years parking management experience
with multiple location supervision.
Specific Knowledge: Strong analytical and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of
accounting, general knowledge of computer systems, and clear and effective writing
skills are an integral part of this position. Employee must possess experience and skills
with Microsoft Office Suite. Working knowledge of the PARCS with A/R balances.
Job Descriptions and Qualifications
Job Description: Facility Manager
Reports To: Senior Manager
Assigned To: On-Site Facility
BASIC FUNCTION: Responsible for the operational effectiveness within contractual
guidelines of the Garage, ensuring profitability, fostering good client relations, and
promoting a professional image and approach to the business. In addition, the on-Site
Management ensures a smooth running operation by guaranteeing that all staff
members are performing their job functions in an efficient manner.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Implementing and monitoring procedures necessary to facilitate a quality parking
2. Meeting with the Trust to discuss parking issue(s) that arise and determining the
resolution to such parking issue(s);
3. Maintaining the required staffing levels as a result of Operator’s employees
calling out sick and/or failing to report to the Garage as scheduled;
4. Preparing a daily janitorial/maintenance punch list for employees, and inspecting
the previous days maintenance list for completion; perform Garage inspection,
including stair towers, upon arrival daily;
5. Follow up on any SECOM service requests for revenue control system repairs
and maintenance;
6. Submit revenue control system error report to SECOM for resolution;
7. Review previous shifts security contractor rounds to ensure security rounds were
satisfactorily completed;
8. Review daily, weekly and monthly reporting provided by the on-Site staff and
managerial team;
9. Administer all sub-contractor and vendor agreements;
10. Ensure compliance with all aspects of the SOPAM;
11. Organizing and developing employee training programs;
12. The Facility Manager is also responsible for daily report preparation, bank
deposits, monthly access card inventory and distribution, ordering supplies,
assisting in the accounts payable process, validation bookkeeping, ticket
auditing, and other administrative duties; and
13. Conducting four (4) Garage-wide physical inventories annually.
Positions Directly Supervised: MODs, Clerk, Cashiers, Parking Attendants,
Maintenance/Porters, Valets and any other Garage employee(s).
Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform
each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of
the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made
to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions
Education Required: A minimum of an Associates Degree in Accounting, Computer
Science, Engineering, or IT; or any Bachelor’s degree.
Experience Required: Four (4) years in parking supervisory position. A credit of
two (2) years experience will be granted for candidates with a Bachelor’s degree.
Language Skills: Ability to read and interpret documents such as administrative
procedure manuals, employee handbooks, safety rule, and operating/maintenance
instructions. Must have the ability to write routine reports, correspondence and
communicate effectively before groups of customers and/or employees.
Mathematical/Bookkeeping Skills: Ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide in all
units of measure, using whole numbers, common fractions, decimals and the ability to
compute rate, ratio, and percent. Must have general accounting skills to maintain A/R
and A/P balances of monthly accounts.
Specific Knowledge: Possess strong analytical and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of
accounting, general knowledge of computer systems, and clear and effective writing
skills are an integral part of this position. Must be experienced with Microsoft Office
Suite (i.e., Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.). Must have previous experience with PARCS
that have an A/R and payment posting platform.
Physical Demands: The physical demands described here are representative of those
that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this
role. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities
to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee
is regularly required to talk and/or hear. The employee is frequently required to stand;
walk; use hands to handle cash and equipment and reach with hands and arms. The
employee is occasionally required to sit, climb, and/or balance. The employee must
frequently lift and/or move up to 40 pounds. The employee must be able to perform
daily Site inspections of the entire Garage.
Job Descriptions and Qualifications
Job Description: Foreman (MOD)
Reports to: Facility Manager
Assigned To: On-Site Facility
Basic Function: Assisting in the day-to-day management of the Garage.
Administering the Agreement to manage and operate the Garage. Fostering good client
relations and promoting a professional image and approach to the business.
Positions Directly Supervised: Clerk, Cashiers, Parking Attendants,
Maintenance/Porters, and Valets.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Provide the appropriate training and ensure the SOPAM is adhered to;
2. Monitor the performance of each associate and complete the necessary
documentation to track such employee’s performance;
3. Meeting all staffing requirements at the Garage;
4. Issue and verify all starting change funds for the cash register within the parking
5. Verify all exception transactions;
6. Coordinate with cashiers, attendants, and other support personnel to ensure
transactions are processed properly and the appropriate documentation is
included with the end of shift reports and in accordance with SOPAM;
7. Verify cashier drops and process the cash drops in a timely manner;
8. Interact with cashiers and customers during fee disputes and other difficult
9. Provide information requested by a customer should it be required;
10. Interview candidates for employment at the Garage;
11. Supervise and participate in the training sessions as directed by the Operator;
12. Review activity logs at the beginning of each shift to become familiar with the
activity that occurred prior to the start of such MOD’s shift;
13. Perform Site inspections of the Garage and stair towers at the beginning and end
of each MOD’s shift;
14. Meet with the Facility Manager to discuss details of the operation and provide
direction for the effective utilization SOPAM;
15. Review payroll, cashier, and other reports and/or logs to ensure complete and
accurate information prior to the Facility Manager's final review;
16. Provide a detailed analysis of such reports and/or logs relating to cashier activity
and auditing such reports and/or logs;
17. Act on the behalf of the Facility Manager in his/her absence and provide a
detailed synopsis should any actions be taken to the Senior Manager.
Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform
each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of
the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be
made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Education/Experience Required: High School Graduate, College Associate Degree
preferred. A minimum of twelve (12) months working in a parking facility. A credit of six
(6) months parking experience may be granted to candidates with an Associate’s
Degree, and the one (1) year parking experience requirement may be waived for
candidates with a Bachelor’s Degree.
Language Skills: Ability to read and interpret documents such as administrative
procedure manuals, employee handbooks, safety rules and operating and maintenance
instructions. Ability to write routine reports, correspondence, and the ability to speak
effectively before groups of employees.
Mathematical Skills: Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure,
using whole numbers, common fractions, decimals and the ability to compute rate, ratio
and percent.
Specific Knowledge: Possess analytical and interpersonal communication skills.
Basic knowledge of accounting, general knowledge of computer systems, and clear and
effective writing skills are an integral part of this position. Employee must be
experienced with Microsoft Office Suite (i.e., Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.).
Physical Demands: The physical demands described here are representative of those
that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this
role. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities
to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee
is regularly required to stand; walk; and use hands to handle cash and equipment. The
employee is required to reach with hands and arms and talk and/or hear. The
employee is occasionally required to sit, climb, and/or balance. The employee must
occasionally lift and/or move up to 40 pounds. The employee is required to perform
Garage-wide inspections during each shift.
Job Descriptions and Qualifications
Job Description: Event Foreman ("EMOD")
Reports to: Facility Manager
Assigned To: On-Site Facility
This position, at a minimum, is exclusive from May 1
September 30
, or as event
dates may require and/or if the season is extended due to additional Event
bookings as decided by HRPT in their sole discretion. Because this position is a
flexible work schedule outside of the current May 1 - September 30 prime event
season and requires covering all staff positions of Attendant, Clerk, MOD and
Facility Manager, the minimum base starting wage as defined in §4.8.5 of this
Agreement shall be an additional $1.50/hour above that of an operations MOD.
However, if the EMOD elects to bid down to an open operational MOD staffing
schedule, the $1.50/hour bonus will be forfeited from the hourly rate of the EMOD.
Basic Job Function:
Supervise the setup of the required road and lane traffic
patterns, manage employees assigned to Event Prepay on entry and exit lanes.
Ensure that all assigned employees have the appropriate equipment; i.e.,
equipment keys, prepay cards, roving cashier cards, safety vests, traffic direction
flashlights, radios are fully charged and are in clean uniforms etc.
If the Event does not produce sufficient traffic to warrant using all the SP Plus staff in
the lanes, the EMOD may release a suitable number of employees back to the
Garage Operational MOD for normal duties within the Garage.
This position requires the EMOD to be in the lanes working during various weather
conditions, directing customers to the proper areas, answering patron's questions and
assisting in keeping traffic moving.
The EMOD is not to direct Traffic on any roadways outside of the Garage. This
is the responsibility of PEP and/or Hornblower employees.
Due to the limited overnight staffing levels after 12:45am; the EMOV shall determine the
number of prepay vehicles remaining in the facility before 12:30am.
If there are 40 or less vehicles remaining; one (1) Attendant is required for exit
If there are greater than 40 vehicles but less than 80 vehicles remaining; two (2)
Attendants are required to cover the exits when the boat returns to the dock,
If there are greater than 80 vehicles remaining, two (2) Attendants and the
EMOD are required to address the exit traffic situation.
Once the prepay exit has ended, the EMOD shall inspect the garage areas for
housekeeping issues and to ensure that Hornblower is notified of their obligation
to clean residual derbies and to pick up and store all traffic cones and signs to
the appropriate area.
Overtime shall be offered in accordance with Article XV §3 - Hours and Overtime
of the current CBA with Local 272. The Facility Manager shall inform HRPT the
following day of the use of overtime.
During Event Season, the EMOD may not do any MOD/Manager/Clerk or other Vacation
relief coverage. If the EMOD is on vacation during prime Event season, the position
must be filled with another MOD level employee.
Secondary Job Function Outside of Prime Event Season
Outside of Prime Event season, the EMOD will provide vacation relief for the Facility
Manager, other operations MOD's, Clerk, and finally Attendants as coverage is
When the EMOD takes vacation outside of the Prime Event Season, that vacation period
does not have to be covered.
Positions Directly Supervised: Clerk, Parking Attendants, Maintenance/Porters, and
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Provide the appropriate training and ensure the SOPAM is adhered to,
2. Know the number of available spaces in the North, North Nest, South Daily and
Roof areas in the event those spaces need to be used,
3. Document and ensure that required number of Hornblower employees are also
present to assist with traffic/customer control/relations,
4. With assistance from PEP, keep the interior Pier 40 roadway traffic moving so that
vehicle backup onto West or Houston Streets does not occur and directing said
traffic from public street into North and/or South entrances,
5. If the queue of vehicles is too long for North Garage, break the incoming traffic and
redirect them to South Garage,
6. Instructing customers to have Credit Cards ready for prepayments, (the concept is
to work the line in advance of the TD to get customers paying with Credit Card on
Entry and to minimize cash in the lanes),
7. Have the T-Square Credit Card payment option available and setup in the event of
problems in the lanes,
8. Have prepaid receipts available as needed,
9. Immediately resolve exiting problems to ensure that there is no addition back up
queue of vehicles per established and written SOP,
10. Coordinating with Event sponsor on boat departure or boat over sale situation,
11. Inform arriving customers of the above situation(s) before prepaying parking,
12. Ensure the Prepay and Roving Cashier cards are properly programmed,
13. Ensure the TD's are properly set for the Event Rate Prepay Val,
14. Reset the TD's for EB or other settings after Event Prepay is completed,
15. Document and resolve any Credit Card Denied in the lanes or unknown prepay
tickets on exit,
16. Ensure enough petty cash on hand to make change from cash customers,
17. After the end of the prepay event, confirm the numbers and cash collection against
the PARCS reports,
18. Provide a detailed analysis of such reports and/or logs relating to cashier activity
and auditing such reports and/or logs, and
19. Act on the behalf of the Facility Manager in his/her absence and provide a detailed
synopsis should any actions need to be taken by the Senior Manager.
Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform
each essential duty satisfactorily. All candidates applying for this position shall have a
60 day probationary and training period in
the position before permanent assignment
to the position and wage base adjustment. The requirements listed below are
representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable
accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the
essential functions.
Education/Experience Required:
College Associate Degree is preferred with a
minimum of twelve (12) months working in a parking facility. A credit of six (6)
months parking experience may be granted to candidates with an Associate's
Degree, and the one (1) year parking experience requirement may be waived for
candidates with a Bachelor's Degree.
Language Skills:
Ability to read and interpret documents such as administrative
procedure manuals, employee handbooks, safety rules and operating and
maintenance instructions. Ability to write routine reports, correspondence, and the
ability to speak effectively before groups of employees or to effectively communicate
with parking patrons.
Mathematical Skills:
Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of
measure, using whole numbers, common fractions, decimals and the ability to
compute rate, ratio and percent.
Specific Knowledge:
Possess analytical and interpersonal communication skills.
Basic knowledge of accounting, general knowledge of computer systems, and clear
and effective writing skills are an integral part of this position. Employee must be
experienced with Microsoft Office Suite (i.e., Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.).
Physical Demands:
The physical demands described here are representative of
those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential
functions of this role. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable
individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the
duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to stand; walk; and use hands
to handle cash and equipment. The employee is required to reach with hands and
arms and talk and/or hear. The employee is occasionally required to sit, climb,
and/or balance. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 40 pounds.
The employee is required to perform Garage-wide inspections during each shift.
Job Descriptions and Qualifications
Job Description: Handyman
Reports to: Foreman (“MOD”)
Assigned To: On-Site Facility
Basic Function: Conducts daily minor repairs to the parking facility and assists in
parking operations during scheduled events as required. Can perform the duties of an
“Attendant” as necessary.
Positions Directly Supervised: None
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Sweeping the facility manually and/or using the mechanical sweeper,
2. Paint/Replace Trash receptables,
3. Graffiti Removal,
4. Patching of potholes,
5. Pressure Wash floor slab and walls,
6. Repaint Curb lines,
7. Repaint Ramp/Slab Traffic Arrows, Logos and parking stall lines,
8. Clean drainage catch basins,
9. Clean windows,
10. Replace broken windows,
11. Paint walls and columns,
12. Clean Lane Equipment with stainless steel pickling solution,
13. Lighting Maintenance, including bulb, lamp and ballast replacement,
14. Prepare supply list of replacement cleaning or maintenance items,
15. Maintain in an orderly manner the Parking storage/maintenance room,
16. Install bollards and wheel stops,
17. Use power tools such as but not limited to drills, saws, air compressor, portable
generator and drain snake.
Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform
each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of
the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be
made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
1. Valid Driver’s License
2. Ability to operate a manual transmission vehicle
3. Valid NYC OSHA 10-hour Construction Industry Safety and Health Certification
4. Valid OSHA Aerial and Scissor Lift Certification
Education/Experience Required: High School Graduate.
Language Skills: Ability to read and interpret documents such as administrative
procedure manuals, employee handbooks, safety rules and operating and maintenance
instructions. Ability to write routine reports, correspondence, and the ability to speak
effectively before groups of employees.
1. Must be able to communicate in both written and oral English with other
employees, parking patrons and the general public.
Mathematical Skills: Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure,
using whole numbers, common fractions, decimals and the ability to compute rate, ratio
and percent.
Physical Demands: The physical demands described here are representative of those
that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this
role. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities
to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee
is regularly required to stand; walk; and use hands to handle cash and equipment. The
employee is required to reach with hands and arms and talk and/or hear. The
employee is occasionally required to sit, climb, and/or balance. The employee must
occasionally lift and/or move up to fifty (50) pounds. The employee is required to
perform Garage-wide inspections during each shift.
1. This position is exempt from the Vacation/Benefit Day direct replacement
requirement as required for all other employees by this Agreement.
2. This position is exempt from the new hire requirement as required for all other
employees by this Agreement; however, this employee is subject to a 90 day
probationary period at which time the employee must enter the CBA unit covering
the facility.
3. This employee may be used for vacation shift coverage of other “Day Shift”
employees only and if said vacation relief coverage does not adversely affect the
employees primary schedule of repairs as described herein.
Required Monthly and Annual Reports
In addition to the Management Statement due on or before the 15th of each month, the
following is a list of the various reports required by the Agreement. Previously, many of
the reports have been generated from the onsite parking office via data from the Secom
PARCS system.
The Trusts reserves the right, at any time, to add additional reports as it deems
In addition to a hard copy of the report with the Management Statement, Operator will
also supply an electronic copy of each report in either MS Word or MS Excel format.
1. Tickets daily by month, Monthly, and Y-T-D Ticket Volume by rate increment
and validation
2. Tickets Monthly and Y-T-D by increment and validation as a percentage of
3. Tickets Monthly and Y-T-D by increment and validation as a percentage of
4. Tickets Monthly and Y-T-D by increment and validation as a cash values
5. Tickets Monthly and Y-T-D by increment and validation compared to previous
year as cash values.
6. Tickets Montly and Y-T-D by increment and validation compared to previous
year as percentage.
7. Monthly Census by Area Y-T-D
8. Monthly Census by House Accounts Y-T-D
9. Monthly Occupancy daily by month by area by time of day (4 a.m., 8 a.m.,
noon, 4 p.m., 8 p.m., midnight) noting maximum level of occupancy
10. Monthly Accounts opened by Area
11. Monthly Accounts closed by Area with explanation for termination
12. Space available by Area
13. ATB of Monthly Accounts at 30, 60, 90, and +90 days
14. Abandoned Vehicles
15. Vehicles on Lien
16. Running Claims report by Claimant detailing claim, area parked, reserve,
amount paid, denied, or settled
17. Payroll overtime hours paid and explanation with proof of written approvals
from the Trust.
18. Payroll other hours paid (i.e., vacation, holiday, benefit days)
19. Supervisors Report showing Senior/Area Manager and/or executive level site
visits and areas addressed.
20. Daily/Monthly Audit report by Operator.
21. Sales Tax reports showing details of tax determination.
22. Monthly Account Balance adjustments with documentation.
23. Credit Card refunds report with documentation.
24. Transient Vehicles over 30 days.
25. Open Maintenance items detailing the item, responsible party, time lime for
completion or reason for delay.
26. Waiting list by parking area.
27. Security Issues.
28. Daily MOD Maintenance Guard One exception tour report.
29. Daily MOD Maintenance checks list reports and completed assignments.
30. Guard One Security Patrol station exception tour report and documentation as
to exceptions.
29. Variance report for all revenue and expense lines comparing current month to
budget, current month to prior year, YTD variance to budget and prior year, and
explanation for variances +/- $1,000.00.
30. M/WBE and SDVOB expense totals and percentage of overall expenses to date.
Inventory of Existing Equipment, Materials and Supplies
An inventory of existing equipment, materials and supplies will be provided to and
confirmed with the Operator on the Commencement Date of the Agreement and
included in this Appendix J.
Management Deduction Fee for Non-Performance
Management Deduction Fee for Non-Performance of Contract Requirements
Per Day for
Other Action
Failure to submit on-
time reports:
Each report to be
√ Default of contract
Failure to staff
garage as
Each position to be
√ Default of contract
Parking rates:
1. annual survey
2. new rate
implementation on
prescribed schedule
√ Reimbursement
of lost revenue
Late delivery of
√ Default of contract
Appendix B
operator duties &
performance criteria:
Each duty to be
√ Default of contract
Appendix L
Insurance Requirements
Upon the execution date of the Agreement or as of the date indicated in a
“Notice to Proceed”, Operator shall provide the Trust with (i) Certificates of
Insurance naming the Additional Insureds set forth below and, (ii) at the
request of the Trust, the “Schedules of Forms and Endorsements” and copies
of the Forms and Endorsements evidencing compliance with all coverage
requirements contained in this Appendix. Such certificates and Schedules of
Forms and Endorsements shall be in form and substance acceptable to the
Trust. Acceptance and/or approval of such certificates and/or Schedules of
Forms and Endorsements and copies of the Forms and Endorsements by the
Trust do not, and shall not, be construed to relieve the Consultant of any
obligations, responsibilities or liabilities under this Appendix.
b) All insurance required by this Appendix shall include the following as
“Additional Insured” if such coverage is available under such insurance
policies: Hudson River Park Trust, the State of New York, the City of New
York, and each of their offices, departments, and agencies. The Trust offices
are located at Pier 40 - 353 West Street, Suite 201, New York, NY 10014 -
Attn: Insurance Manager. The Additional Insured protection on the General
Liability policy shall be provided on form CG 20 10 11 85 or its equivalent, or
may be obtained through a combination of CG 20 10 07 04 and CG 20 37 07
04 or their equivalents. Additional Insured coverage must apply to direct
and vicarious liability for both on-going and completed operations.
c) Operator shall require that any contractors or subcontractors that
perform work for the Operator under this Agreement in an amount of Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000) or more carry insurance with the same limits
and provisions provided herein unless otherwise approved by the Trust on a
case-by-case basis. All contractor insurance policies must include ISO
Endorsement CG 20 38 or its equivalent to ensure additional insured
protection is afforded the Trust without regard to privity of contract.
d) Each insurance carrier must be rated at least “A-” Class “VII” in the
most recently published A.M. Best’s Insurance Report. If, during the term of
the policy, a carrier’s rating falls below “A-” Class “VII”, the insurance policy
must be replaced no later than the renewal date of the policy with an insurer
acceptable to the Trust and rated at least “A-” Class “VII” in the most
recently published A.M. Best’s Insurance Report.
e) Operator shall cause all insurance to be in full force and effect as of
the execution date of the Agreement, or as of the date indicated in a “Notice
to Proceed” if issued by the Trust, and to remain in full force and effect
throughout the Term of the Agreement and as further required by this
Appendix. Operator shall not take any action, or omit to take any action,
that would suspend or invalidate any of the required coverages during the
period of time such coverages are required to be in effect. Coverage shall:
1. Be primary and non-contributing to any insurance or self-insurance
maintained by the Trust.
2. Be obtained at the sole cost and expense of Operator or its respective
(sub)contractor(s), and shall be maintained with insurance carriers
authorized to do business in New York State and acceptable to the Trust.
3. Provide written notice to the Trust, at least thirty (30) days prior to
the termination, cancellation or non-renewal or material alteration of such
insurance policies; notice shall be sent, via express or certified mail to:
Hudson River Park Trust
Attn: Insurance Manager
353 West Street
Pier 40, Second Floor
New York, NY 10014
4. Be solely responsible for the payment of their respective deductibles
and self-insured retentions to which such insurance policies are subject.
Self-Insured Retentions may not exceed Ten Thousand ($10,000) per
claim unless otherwise approved by the Trust. General liability and
umbrella/excess policies shall contain no deductibles in excess of Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000) per claim unless otherwise approved by the
f) Under no circumstances shall any insurance policies exclude coverage
for claims that result from the imposition of New York Labor Law or for any
Public Open Space or any portions of the premises used or for Public Access
and Public Benefit Uses.
g) Upon the renewal date of any insurance policies, Operator shall supply
the Trust with updated replacement proofs of coverage on Certificates of
h) Operator shall cause to be included in each of its insurance policies a
waiver of the insurer’s right of subrogation against the Trust and/or any
Additional Insureds.
i) Operator, throughout the Term of the Agreement or as otherwise
required by this Appendix, shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect,
the following insurance with limits not less than those described below and
as required by the terms of this Appendix, or as required by law, whichever
is greater (limits may be provided through a combination of endorsements,
primary and umbrella/excess policies):
(1) Commercial General Liability Insurance with a limit of not less
than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000)] per occurrence. Such insurance
shall be written on ISO Form CG 00 01 12 07 or substitute form providing
equivalent coverage and shall cover liability arising from premises
operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations,
personal and advertising injury, cross liability coverage, blanket contractual
liability (including tort liability of another assumed in a contract), extended
bodily injury coverage, pollution liability (including broad form bodily injury
and property damage, under Coverage A and B exclusions), cybercrime
liability fire legal liability (property) and explosion, collapse & underground
coverage, and damage to rented premises, If such insurance includes an
aggregate limit, it shall apply separately on a per project or per location
(2) Comprehensive Business Automobile Liability Insurance with a
limit of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) Combined Single
Limit. Such insurance shall cover owned, leased, hired and non-owned
automobiles; shall cover bodily injury, property damage and medical
payments, and include uninsured and underinsured motorists’ coverage. If
endorsement under the Comprehensive Business Automobile Liability
coverage is not available, the Operator must provide an Equipment Policy in
an amount not less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) per
occurrence. Such coverage shall apply to liability, property damage and
physical injury for non-licensed off-road vehicle(s) used in connection with
the Operator’s operations.
a. All operators of Trust vehicles shall submit a NYSDMV MV-15GC
form to the Trust for evaluation and approval prior to being
authorized to operate Trust vehicles. All drivers will then be entered
into the Trust’s NYSDMV License Event Notification System Account.
b. Damage to Trust vehicles caused by authorized Operator’s staff
shall be reimbursed to cover the full extent of damage and repair
costs attributable to the Operator. Trust vehicles and property shall
be repaired, and/or replaced to full working condition resulting from
any cause of loss due to the operation of the Operator’s staff
(3) Garage Keepers Liability coverage with a limit of Five Million
Dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence at any one location, including
full comprehensive and collision coverage on a primary basis for damage
to any automobile or equipment held in the Operator’s care, custody or
control; including but not limited to the transport or towing of vehicles of
(4) Workers Compensation, Employers Liability and Disability
Benefits Insurance at statutory limits as applicable to the
Operator’s operations and required by law. Proof of Workers
Compensation coverage must be presented on the NYS WCB C-
105.2 or equivalent form; proof of Disability coverage must be
provided on a DB-120.1 form.
i. The NY State Workers Compensation Board guideline
regarding these requirements is available at:
ii. If Exempt from Worker Compensation please refer to the
following link and provide proof on the CE200 form issues
by the NY State Workers Compensation Board:
iii. If the Operator is not a NY State based business, then the
Operator must provide a copy of its Workers’
Compensation policy’s Declarations Page to show that New
York is listed in Part 3A and to confirm the policy provides
statutory Employer’s Liability coverage applicable in NYS.
(5) If Operator is providing or subcontracting professional services,
Operator shall certify that that the Operator and/or its consultant(s)
and subconsultant(s) maintain Errors and Omissions Liability
Insurance with coverage of not less than Three Million Dollars
($3,000,000) per claim and as an aggregate annual limit. Policy
limits must be adequate to cover both the cost of defense and
damages arising out of any resulting judgments and court costs.
a. Such insurance shall apply to professional errors, acts, or
omissions arising out of the scope of services covered by the
b. If coverage is written on a claims-made policy, Operator
warrants that any applicable retroactive date precedes the effective
date of the Agreement; and that continuous coverage will be
maintained, or an extended period exercised for not less than three
(3) years and shall cover third party claims resulting from invasion
of privacy, theft of data, data corruption and restoration.
(6) Cyber Liability, Information (or Data) Security Insurance
coverage, or equivalent coverage or endorsement under an
approved policy, with a limit of not less than Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000) per each claim; such insurance policies shall include
coverage for the unauthorized access, accidental or deliberate
disclosure of any person or organization’s confidential or personal
information or data exchanged through oral, written or electronic
means. Coverage shall apply to any data or information disclosure
related liability arising from access or use of any confidential or
personal information; including but not limited to trade secrets,
processing methods, customer lists, financial information, credit
card information or any other nonpublic information accessed or
disclosed as indicated. Coverage shall also cover third party claims
resulting from invasion of privacy, theft of data, data corruption and
data restoration.
(7) The Operator shall obtain and maintain Comprehensive Crime
Insurance, including holdup, robbery and other third party crime,
employee theft, premise, transit and depositor’s forgery coverage,
with limits as to any given occurrence of One Million Dollars
(8) Commercial Property Insurance covering at a minimum, the
perils insured under the ISO Special Causes of Loss Form (CP 10
30), or a substitute form providing equivalent coverage, for loss or
damage to any owned, borrowed, leased or rented capital
equipment, tools, including tools of their agents and employees,
staging towers and forms, and property of Trust held in their care,
custody and/or control, which shall include but not be limited to
Business Personal Property, Data Processing Equipment and Data
Processing Media. Such coverage shall be in an amount not less
than the full insurable value of the property held in the Operator’s
care, custody and/or control. The Commercial Property Insurance
Policy shall name Trust at Loss Payee;
(9) If during the performance of any construction work, restoration or
alteration, “All Risk” Builder’s Risk completed value form covering
the perils insured under the ISO special causes of loss form
extended coverage, including fire, vandalism, malicious mischief,
collapse, water damage, and transit and theft of building materials,
with deductible reasonably approved by the State, in non-reporting
form, covering the total value of work performed and equipment,
supplies and materials at the location of the job as well as at any
off-Site storage location used with respect to the Garage. The
policy shall cover the cost of removing debris, including demolition
as may be legally necessary by the operation of any law, ordinance
or regulation
Exhibit M
Standard Clauses
[insert PDF of State Standard Clauses]
Exhibit N
MWBE Requirements
I. General Provisions
A. The Hudson River Park Trust (“Trust”) is required to implement the provisions
of New York State Executive Law Article 15-A and Parts 140-145 of Title 5 of
the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (“NYCRR”) for all State contracts,
as defined therein, with a value (1) in excess of $25,000 for labor, services,
equipment, materials, or any combination of the foregoing or (2) in excess of
$100,000 for real property renovations and construction.
B. The operator or contractor/consultant to the subject contract (the “Contractor”
and the “Contract,” respectively) agrees, in addition to any other
nondiscrimination provision of the Agreement and at no additional cost to the
Trust, to fully comply and cooperate with the Trust in the implementation of
New York State Executive Law Article 15-A and the regulations promulgated
thereunder. These requirements include equal employment opportunities for
minority group members and women (“EEO”) and contracting opportunities for
New York State-certified minority and women-owned business enterprises
(“MWBEs”). The Contractor’s demonstration of “good faith efforts” pursuant
to 5 NYCRR § 142.8 shall be a part of these requirements. These provisions
shall be deemed supplementary to, and not in lieu of, the nondiscrimination
provisions required by New York State Executive Law Article 15 (the “Human
Rights Law”) and other applicable federal, state, and local laws.
C. Failure to comply with all of the requirements herein may result in a finding of
non-responsiveness, non-responsibility and/or a breach of contract, leading to
the assessment of liquidated damages and such other remedies are available
to the Trust pursuant to the Agreement and applicable law.
II. Contract Goals
A. For purposes of this Agreement, the Trust hereby establishes an overall goal
of 30 percent for MWBE participation, XX percent for New York State-certified
minority-owned business enterprise (“MBE”) participation and XX percent for
New York State-certified women-owned business enterprise (“WBE”)
participation (collectively, “MWBE Contract Goals”) based on the current
availability of MBEs and WBEs.
B. For purposes of providing meaningful participation by MWBEs on the
Agreement and achieving the MWBE Contract Goals established in Section II-
A hereof, the Contractor should reference the directory of MWBEs at the
following internet address:
Additionally, the Contractor is encouraged to contact the Division of Minority
and Women’s Business Development at (212) 803-2414 to discuss additional
methods of maximizing participation by MWBEs on the Contract.
C. The Contractor understands that only sums paid to MWBEs for the performance
of a commercially useful function, as that term is defined in 5 NYCRR § 140.1,
may be applied towards the achievement of the applicable MWBE participation
goal. The portion of a contract with an MWBE serving as a broker that shall
be deemed to represent the commercially useful function performed by the
MWBE shall be twenty five percent (25%) of the total value of the contract.
D. The Contractor must document “good faith efforts,” pursuant to 5 NYCRR §
142.8, to provide meaningful participation by MWBEs as subcontractors and
suppliers in the performance of the Contract. Such documentation shall
include, but not necessarily be limited to:
1. Evidence of outreach to MWBEs;
2. Any responses by MWBEs to the Contractor’s outreach;
3. Copies of advertisements for participation by MWBEs in appropriate general
circulation, trade, and minority or women-oriented publications;
4. The dates of attendance at any pre-bid, pre-award, or other meetings, if
any, scheduled by the Trust with MWBEs; and,
5. Information describing specific steps undertaken by the Contractor to
reasonably structure the Contract scope of work to maximize opportunities
for MWBE participation.
III. Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”)
A. The provisions of Article 15-A of the Executive Law and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder pertaining to equal employment
opportunities for minority group members and women shall apply to the
B. In performing the Agreement, the Contractor shall:
1. Ensure that each contractor and subcontractor performing work on the
Contract shall undertake or continue existing EEO programs to ensure that
minority group members and women are afforded equal employment
opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, national
origin, sex, age, disability or marital status. For these purposes, EEO shall
apply in the areas of recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion,
upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff, or termination and rates of pay or
other forms of compensation.
2. The Contractor shall submit an EEO policy statement to the Trust within
seventy-two (72) hours after the date of the notice by the Trust to award
the Agreement to the Contractor.
3. If the Contractor, or any of its subcontractors, does not have an existing
EEO policy statement, the Trust may require the Contractor or subcontractor
to adopt a model statement.
4. The Contractor’s EEO policy statement shall include the following language:
a. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant
for employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age,
disability, or marital status, will undertake or continue existing EEO
programs to ensure that minority group members and women are
afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination, and
shall make and document its conscientious and active efforts to employ
and utilize minority group members and women in its work force.
b. The Contractor shall state in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees that, in the performance of the contract, all qualified
applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without
discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age,
disability or marital status.
c. The Contractor shall request each employment agency, labor union, or
authorized representative of workers with which it has a collective
bargaining or other agreement or understanding, to furnish a written
statement that such employment agency, labor union, or representative
will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin,
sex age, disability or marital status and that such union or
representative will affirmatively cooperate in the implementation of the
Contractor's obligations herein.
d. The Contractor will include the provisions of Subdivisions (a) through
(c) of this Subsection 4 and Paragraph “E” of this Section III, which
provides for relevant provisions of the Human Rights Law, in every
subcontract in such a manner that the requirements of the subdivisions
will be binding upon each subcontractor as to work in connection with
the Contract.
C. Form EEO101 - Workforce Utilization Report
1. The Contractor shall submit a Workforce Utilization Report, and shall
require each of its subcontractors to submit a Workforce Utilization Report,
in such form as shall be required by the Trust on a monthly basis during
the term of the Contract.
2. Separate forms shall be completed by the Contractor and any
D. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Human Rights Law, and
all other State and Federal statutory and constitutional non-discrimination
provisions. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall not discriminate
against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed
(religion), color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, age,
disability, predisposing genetic characteristic, marital status or domestic
violence victim status, and shall also follow the requirements of the Human
Rights Law with regard to non-discrimination on the basis of prior criminal
conviction and prior arrest.
IV. Subcontractor Utilization Plan (MWBE)
A. The Contractor represents and warrants that the Contractor has submitted a
Subcontractor Utilization Plan , or shall submit a Subcontractor Utilization Plan
at such time as shall be required by the Trust,.
B. The Contractor agrees to adhere to such Subcontractor Utilization Plan in the
performance of the Contract.
C. The Contractor further agrees that failure to submit and/or adhere to such
Subcontractor Utilization Plan shall constitute a material breach of the terms
of the Contract. Upon the occurrence of such a material breach, the Trust shall
be entitled to any remedy provided herein.
V. Waivers
A. If the Contractor, after making good faith efforts, is unable to achieve the
MWBE Contract Goals stated herein, the Contractor may submit a request for
a waiver through the NYSCS, or a non-electronic method provided by the Trust.
Such waiver request must be supported by evidence of the Contractor’s good
faith efforts to achieve the maximum feasible MWBE participation towards the
applicable MWBE Contract Goals. If the documentation included with the
waiver request is complete, the Trust shall evaluate the request and issue a
written notice of approval or denial within twenty (20) business days of receipt.
B. If the Trust, upon review of the monthly Actual Subcontractor Utilization Plan
or any other relevant information, determines that the Contractor is failing or
refusing to comply with the MWBE Contract Goals, and no waiver has been
issued in regards to such non-compliance, the Trust may issue a notice of
deficiency to the Contractor. The Contractor must respond to the notice of
deficiency within seven (7) business days of receipt. Such response may
include a request for partial or total waiver of MWBE Contract Goals.
VI. Monthly Subcontractor Utilization Plan
The Contractor is required to submit monthly Actual Subcontractor Utilization Plan
using the form provided by the Trust during the term of the Contract.
VII. Liquidated Damages - MWBE Participation
A. Where the Trust determines that the Contractor is not in compliance with the
requirements of this Appendix and the Contractor refuses to comply with such
requirements, or if the Contractor is found to have willfully and intentionally
failed to comply with the MWBE participation goals, the Contractor shall be
obligated to pay to the Trust liquidated damages.
B. Such liquidated damages shall be calculated as an amount that is no greater
than the difference between:
1. All sums identified for payment to MWBEs had the Contractor achieved the
contractual MWBE goals; and
2. All sums actually paid to MWBEs for work performed or materials supplied
under the Contract.
C. In the event a determination has been made which requires the payment of
liquidated damages and such identified sums have not been withheld by the
Trust, the Contractor shall pay such liquidated damages to the Trust within
sixty (60) days after they are assessed; provided however, that if the
Contractor has filed a complaint with the Director of the Division of Minority
and Women’s Business Development pursuant to 5 NYCRR § 142.12, liquidated
damages shall be payable only in the event of a determination adverse to the
Contractor following the complaint process.
Exhibit O
SDVOB Requirements
Article 17-B of the New York State Executive Law provides for more
meaningful participation in public procurement by certified Service-
Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (“SDVOB”) thereby further
integrating such businesses into New York State’s economy. The Trust
recognizes the need to promote the employment of service-disabled
veterans and to ensure that certified service-disabled veteran-owned
businesses have opportunities for maximum feasible participation in the
performance of the Trust contracts.
In recognition of the service and sacrifices made by service-disabled
veterans and in recognition of their economic activity in doing business in
New York State, proposers are expected to consider SDVOBs in the
fulfillment of the requirements of the Contract. Such participation may be
as subcontractors or suppliers, as protégés, or in other partnering or
supporting roles.
I. Contract Goals
A. The Trust hereby establishes an overall goal of 6% for SDVOB
participation, based on the current availability of qualified SDVOBs.
For purposes of providing meaningful participation by SDVOBs, the
Operator should reference the directory of New York State Certified
SDVOBs found at: Additionally,
following contract execution, Operator is encouraged to contact the
Office of General Services’ Division of Service-Disabled Veterans’
Business Development at 518-474-2015 or
[email protected] to discuss additional methods of
maximizing participation by SDVOBs on the Agreement.
B. Operator must document “good faith efforts” to provide meaningful
participation by SDVOBs as contractors or suppliers in the performance
of the Agreement (see clause IV below).
II. Subcontractor Utilization Plan (SDVOB)
A. The Subcontractor Utilization Plan shall list the SDVOBs that the
Operator intends to use to perform the contract services, a description
of the work that the Operator intends the SDVOB to perform to meet
the goals in the Agreement, the estimated dollar amounts to be paid to
an SDVOB, or, if not known, an estimate of the percentage of contract
work the SDVOB will perform. By signing the Subcontractor Utilization
Plan, the Operator acknowledges that making false representations or
providing information that shows a lack of good faith as part of, or in
conjunction with, the submission of a Subcontractor Utilization Plan is
prohibited by law and may result in penalties including, but not limited
to, termination of a contract for cause, loss of eligibility to submit
future bids, and/or withholding of payments. Any modifications or
changes to the agreed participation by SDVOBs after the contract
award and during the term of the Agreement must be reported on a
revised Subcontractor Utilization Plan and submitted to the Trust.
B. The Trust will review the submitted Subcontractor Utilization Plan and
advise Operator of the Trust’s acceptance or issue a notice of
deficiency within twenty (20) days of receipt.
C. If a notice of deficiency is issued, Operator agrees that it shall respond
to the notice of deficiency, within seven (7) business days of receipt,
by submitting to the Trust a written remedy in response to the notice
of deficiency. If the written remedy that is submitted is not timely or
is found by the Trust to be inadequate, the Trust shall notify Operator
and direct Operator to submit, within five business days of notification
by the Trust, additional information to cure the noted deficiency.
Failure to file the waiver form in a timely manner may be grounds for
disqualification of the bid or proposal.
D. Operator agrees that a failure to use SDVOBs as agreed in the
Subcontractor Utilization Plan shall constitute a material breach of the
terms of the Agreement. Upon the occurrence of such a material
breach, the Trust shall be entitled to any remedy provided herein.
III. Request for Waiver
A. Prior to submission of a request for a partial or total waiver, Operator
shall speak to the Designated Contacts at the Trust for guidance.
B. In accordance with 9 NYCRR § 252.2(m), an operator that is able to
document good faith efforts to meet the goal requirements may
submit a request for a partial or total waiver, accompanied by
supporting documentation.
C. Operator shall attempt to utilize, in good faith, the SDVOBs identified
within its Subcontractor Utilization Plan, during the performance of the
Agreement. Requests for a partial or total waiver of established goal
requirements made subsequent to contract award may be made at any
time during the term of the Agreement to the Trust, but must be made
no later than prior to the submission of a request for final payment on
the Agreement. Waiver requests should be sent to the Trust.
IV. Required Good Faith Efforts
In accordance with 9 NYCRR § 252.2(n), contractors must document their
good faith efforts toward utilizing SDVOBs on the Contract. Evidence of
required good faith efforts shall include, but not be limited to, the
(1) Copies of solicitations to SDVOBs and any responses thereto.
(2) Explanation of the specific reasons each SDVOB that responded to
Operators solicitation was not selected.
(3) Dates of any pre-bid, pre-award or other meetings attended by
Operator, if any, scheduled by the Trust with certified SDVOBs whom
the Trust determined were capable of fulfilling the SDVOB goals set in
the Agreement.
(4) Information describing the specific steps undertaken to reasonably
structure the contract scope of work for the purpose of subcontracting
with, or obtaining supplies from, certified SDVOBs.
(5) Other information deemed relevant to the waiver request.
V. Monthly Subcontractor Utilization Plan (SDVOB)
In accordance with 9 NYCRR § 252.2(q), Operator is required to report
Monthly SDVOB Contractor Compliance to the Trust during the term of
the Agreement for the preceding month’s activity, documenting
progress made towards achieving the contract SDVOB goals. This
information must be submitted using the Actual Subcontractor
Utilization Plan form which shall be completed by Operator for the
preceding month’s activity.
VI. Breach of Contract and Damages
In accordance with 9 NYCRR § 252.2(s), any contractor found to have
willfully and intentionally failed to comply with the SDVOB participation
goals set forth in the Agreement, shall be found to have breached the
contract and Operator shall pay damages as set forth therein.