04.01.105 (04/10/2023)
MCL 330.1001 et seq., MCL 750.316, 768.36,
780.131, 791.204, 791.264, 791.265, 791.266,
791.267, 800.50, Prison Rape Elimination Act
(PREA) of 2003
The Department shall provide reception facility services as set forth in this policy.
01.05.125 Escape and Apprehension Reporting/Processing
01.06.115 Sex Offenders Registration Act
03.02.120 Youthful Trainees
03.03.145 Housing Youths
05.01.140 Prisoner Placement and Transfer
A. Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) - A physician, psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, physicians
assistant, psychologist, social worker, licensed professional counselor, or registered nurse who meets the
requirements set forth in MCL 330.1100b and is trained and experienced in the areas of mental illness or mental
B. Prisoners recently sentenced to the Department’s jurisdiction shall be received, housed, and provided intake
processing at the Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center (RGC), Thumb Correctional Facility (TCF),
or the reception center at the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility (WHV) as appropriate. Prisoners
returned due to a technical parole violation, returned due to reclassification from the Special Alternative
Incarceration Program (SAI), or returned from escape status also may be temporarily housed at RGC, TCF,
WHV, or Marquette Branch Prisoner (MBP) as appropriate.
C. All prisoners recently committed to Department custody under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act (HYTA), or
youths under 18 years of age, shall be received, housed, and provided intake processing at TCF or WHV, as
D. Youths under the age of 18 shall not be placed in housing units where they will have sight, sound, or physical
contact with any adult prisoner aged 18 or older through use of a shared dayroom or other common space,
shower area, or sleeping quarters. In areas of the facility where it is necessary for youths under the age of 18
to have contact with adult prisoners, staff shall provide direct supervision as defined in the PREA Manual.
E. Prisoners shall be received consistent with the placement criteria identified above except as follows or as
otherwise authorized by the Deputy Director of Correctional Facilities Administration (CFA) or designee:
1. A prisoner who receives a new sentence while in a CFA facility to be served with the Department shall
be received at the facility from which they were released for sentencing. The prisoner shall receive a
security classification review in accordance with PD 05.01.130 "Prisoner Security Classification" and
an assaultive and property risk review in accordance with PD 05.01.135 "Statistical Risk Screening.”
The prisoner shall be transferred to another facility if determined necessary due to the results of the
security and risk classification review.
2. Except for youths under the age of 18, a male prisoner sentenced in the Upper Peninsula shall be
received at MBP for transfer to RGC as soon as possible unless the sentence was received while the
prisoner was incarcerated in a CFA facility. This also includes parole violators returned to MBP who
are subsequently sentenced to a new term of imprisonment.
3. Unless on escape status, a prisoner who has been outside Michigan Department of Corrections’
(MDOC) custody (e.g., WRIT) shall be returned to the facility in which he was last housed unless there
are medical circumstances that would no longer make that facility the proper placement for the prisoner
(e.g., needs hospitalization). However, if the prisoner was released to the community, they shall be
returned to RGC, TCF, or WHV, as appropriate, for proper intake processing.
F. Each HYTA offender received shall be accompanied by the documents set forth in PD 03.02.120 "Youthful
G. Prisoners received at a reception center with a new sentence to be served with the Department should be
accompanied by the following:
1. A copy of the Judgment of Sentence that is signed by the Judge and contains the official county seal
except as set forth in Paragraph H. The Judgment of Sentence must be legible and state the statutory
citation for the crimes for which the prisoner was sentenced and the minimum and maximum term of
imprisonment. Electronically transmitted copies are not acceptable.
2. One completed copy of the Sheriff's Questionnaire for Delivered Prisoners (CAH-136).
3. One copy of the Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI) report as set forth in PD 06.01.140 "Pre-Sentence
Investigation and Report” except as set forth in Paragraph H. A copy of the PSI report shall be
provided to the prisoner, with receipt documented on the Basic Information form (CSX-104).
4. One copy of the Commitment Order Pending Sentencing (CC 520) for prisoners who are convicted of
Murder 1
degree (18 or older at the time of the offense) and are required to be committed to the
MDOC for incarceration immediately following the conviction in accordance with Public Act 149 of 2022.
Intake staff shall contact the Time Computation Unit (TCU) Specialist if they have questions concerning
the Commitment Order Pending Sentencing (CC 520).
H. If a prisoner with a new sentence to be served with the Department is received without at least one copy of the
Judgment of Sentence, the prisoner shall not be accepted unless they are convicted of Murder 1
degree (18
or older at the time of the offense) and are required to be committed to the MDOC for incarceration immediately
following the conviction in accordance with MCL 750.316. The sentencing court is required to sentence the
prisoner within 45 calendar days of commitment to the MDOC, after which the MDOC will be provided the
judgement of sentence and the PSI. Following commitment, TCU staff shall follow up on sentencing hearings
on these cases to secure a final Judgment of Sentence. The absence of a Sheriff's Questionnaire or the PSI
report shall not be a basis for refusing to accept a prisoner.
I. A prisoner convicted in accordance with MCL 750.316 shall remain at a reception facility until they are
sentenced unless it is necessary to transfer them for medical reasons (e.g., dialysis treatment), writ, or other
reason as determined by the CFA Deputy Director or designee. Health Care and transportation costs for a
prisoner convicted in accordance with MCL 750.316 shall be handled in the same manner as costs for prisoners
who have been sentenced to the MDOC.
J. All prisoners and any personal property in their possession shall be searched for contraband in accordance
with PD 04.04.110 "Search and Arrest in Correctional Facilities" when received. Prisoners received with any
of the following personal property items in their possession shall be permitted to keep the items, no other items
are permitted:
1. Personal legal property as defined in PD 04.07.112 "Prisoner Personal Property."
2. Personal photographs, provided they are not prohibited by PD 05.03.118 "Prisoner Mail."
3. Religious items, other than reading material, that are necessary to the practice of the prisoner's religion
and do not present a threat to the order and security of the facility. This determination shall be made
consistent with PD 05.03.150 "Religious Beliefs and Practices of Prisoners." Individual items shall not
exceed the maximum allowable retail value as identified in PD 04.07.112.
4. Personal addresses.
5. Prescription glasses as set forth in PD 04.06.165 "Optometric Services."
6. Medically necessary items, consistent with the requirements set forth in PD 04.06.160 "Medical Details
and Special Accommodation Notices."
7. One plain ring or wedding band set, without stones or insignia, that does not exceed the maximum
allowable retail value as identified in PD 04.07.112.
K. All essential documents, e.g., birth certificate, social security card, passport, visa, general education degree
(GED) certificate, state identification card, etc., shall be secured in the prisoner’s Record Office file.
Documents paid for by the MDOC shall not be sent to the prisoner’s family unless approval to do so is received
from the Offender Success Administration (OSA) Administrator or designee. A Prisoner Receipt (CAJ-291)
shall be completed for these documents and provided to the prisoner. Each document saved in the Record
Office file shall be documented in the Department’s computerized database.
L. Any other personal property received with a prisoner shall be mailed at the prisoner’s expense to a person
designated by the prisoner, except that food items not in a sealed can or in an unopened vacuum-packed
container shall be destroyed. The property shall not be sent to another prisoner, a court, an identified public
official, or a Department employee unless the public official or employee is related by blood or marriage to the
prisoner. A prisoner who does not have sufficient funds to pay the cost of postage shall be loaned the funds
provided the prisoner agrees in writing to repay the debt at 100% of future funds received. If the prisoner does
not agree to do so, the property may be destroyed no sooner than ten business days after the prisoner is notified
in writing of this intent. The property may be mailed out during this ten-day period if the prisoner receives
sufficient funds or agrees to repay the debt as set forth above. Official documents the prisoner may need upon
release, however, shall not be destroyed but instead shall be retained as set forth in Paragraph K.
M. All funds accompanying a prisoner shall be credited to the prisoner's trust account as set forth in PD 04.02.105
"Prisoner Funds."
N. Each prisoner shall be provided state-issued clothing as set forth in PD 04.07.110 "State-Issued Items and
Cell/Room Furnishings."
O. Prisoners housed at MBP pursuant to Paragraph E or in a reception facility are in the unclassified status of
quarantine. Prisoners on quarantine status shall be separated from non-quarantine prisoners to the extent
possible, including in their housing assignment. However, they shall be provided access to basic programs
and services as authorized by the CFA Deputy Director or designee. This shall include at least the following:
1. Visits from staff from the Office of the Legislative Corrections Ombudsman, qualified clergy, attorneys,
and representatives acting on an attorney's behalf who are on official business with the prisoner.
2. Access to law library services as set forth in PD 05.03.115 "Law Libraries."
3. Mail privileges and writing materials in accordance with PD 05.03.118 "Prisoner Mail." Facility staff
shall notify each prisoner of the requirements set forth in PD 05.03.118 that must be met in order to
receive special handling of legal mail.
4. Prisoner store ordering arrangements for metered envelopes, mandatory health care products, and, as
approved by the Warden, over-the-counter personal care products, hygiene products, stationery
products, and other items as approved by the CFA Deputy Director or designee, as identified on the
Standardized Store List pursuant to PD 04.02.130 "Prisoner Store."
5. Telephone privileges as set forth in PD 05.03.130 "Prisoner Telephone Use."
6. Group religious services in accordance with PD 05.03.150 "Religious Beliefs and Practices of
7. Access to the prisoner grievance system as set forth in PD 03.02.130 "Prisoner/Parolee Grievances."
P. Prisoners shall be provided meals consistent with PD 04.07.100 "Offender Meals." Therapeutic diets shall be
provided as set forth in PD 04.07.101 "Therapeutic Diet Services." Prisoners in an area of a reception facility
designated for managing problem cases may be fed food loaf in lieu of regular meals consistent with the
requirements set forth in PD 04.05.120 “Segregation Standards.”
Q. Prisoners shall be required to attend an orientation program developed in accordance with PD 04.01.140
"Prisoner Orientation." The orientation program shall include information on the type and purpose of reception
processing and evaluations the prisoner may receive while in the reception facility. Such programs shall stress
risk reduction both during incarceration and after release. In addition, prisoners identified as foreign nationals
shall be provided with information on how to contact their foreign consulate. Prisoners also shall be educated
regarding sexual conduct prohibited by PD 03.03.140 “Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment of Prisoners -
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA),” self-protection, how to report conduct or threats of conduct prohibited by
PD 03.03.140, and treatment and counseling available to them. Information on communicable bloodborne
infections also shall be provided as set forth in PD 03.04.120 “Control of Communicable Bloodborne Diseases.”
Record Keeping
R. Prisoner identification numbers shall be assigned, and commitment files shall be created using this prisoner
identification number as set forth in PD 01.04.130 "Prisoner Commitment Files" or PD 03.02.120 "Youthful
Trainees," as necessary. The commitment files for prisoners who have a conviction for child abuse, criminal
sexual conduct, or any other assaultive or violent behavior against a person under the age of 18 shall be
conspicuously marked. The information also shall be entered in the visitor tracking database.
S. Records shall be created for all prisoners for each new commitment on the Department's computerized
database by Field Operations Administration (FOA) field staff and/or reception facility staff, as appropriate.
HYTA computerized records shall be properly coded to ensure general access and use are restricted.
T. A Basic Information Sheet (CSX-117) shall be generated for a prisoner for each new commitment or new
sentence after commitment.
Time Computation
U. RGC Record Office staff shall compute the Parole Board Jurisdiction (PBJ) and the minimum and maximum
dates for new prisoners received. The Time Computation Unit (TCU) shall process and compute the PBJ,
minimum, and maximum dates for prisoners with additional sentences, amendments to existing sentences, and
resentences that are received from the courts, consistent with PD 03.01.100 "Good Time Credits,"
PD 03.01.101 "Disciplinary Credits" and PD 03.01.105 "Disciplinary Time." Electronic copies of the Judgment
of Sentence shall be allowed as approved by the TCU Manager or designee. For HYTA prisoners, dates shall
be computed as set forth in PD 03.02.120 "Youthful Trainees." Dead time for escapees, parole absconders,
and prisoners shall be computed by RGC Record Office staff or TCU as applicable.
V. A prisoner who was serving a sentence in another jurisdiction before being physically received and processed
at a reception facility as required by this policy, may receive credit against their Michigan sentences for time
served in the other jurisdiction as indicated on the Judgment of Sentence.
Photographic Identification
W. Photographs shall be taken of and identification cards prepared for prisoners as set forth in PD 04.04.100
"Custody, Security, and Safety Systems."
X. A complete set of fingerprints shall be taken from each prisoner for each new commitment. Fingerprints for
new commitments and parole violators with a new sentence shall be taken electronically and maintained in the
electronic fingerprint system.
Felony Charges and Detainers
Y. Record Office staff shall check the Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN), the PSI report(s), Parole
Violation Report(s), Probation Violation Report(s), electronic case notes, Sheriff's Questionnaire, and any other
documentation deemed relevant to determine if there are any pending felony charges, detainers, or warrants
for each prisoner received. If a pending felony charge, detainer, or warrant is found, staff shall proceed as set
forth in PD 03.01.120 "Detainers and Pending Felony Charges." A prisoner with a pending out-of-state charge
or detainer shall only be transferred or released to that state as outlined in PD 06.01.110 "Interstate Compact
Z. Within one business day after a prisoner is first identified as a foreign national, Central Records Section (CRS)
staff shall contact ICE to determine whether it wants to take custody of the prisoner. Such cases shall be
handled consistent with the requirements set forth in PD 03.01.120 "Detainers and Pending Felony Charges."
Sex Offenders Registration Act
AA. Record Office staff at reception facilities shall enter a change of address, i.e. the facility address, into the
Michigan Sex Offender Registry (MSOR) application and select the proper area in the MSOR application to
indicate that the prisoner is incarcerated.
BB. Record Office staff at reception facilities shall review the entire criminal history record for every prisoner coming
into the Department to determine whether the prisoner is required to be entered into the MSOR application
pursuant to PD 01.06.115 “Sex Offenders Registration Act” and the Sex Offender Registration and Notification
Reporting of Prisoner Assets
CC. Each prisoner shall be required to complete an Offender Financial Status Report (CAJ-140) as set forth in
PD 04.02.140 "Reporting of Offender Assets."
DD. The suicide potential of each prisoner shall be assessed as set forth in PD 04.06.115 "Suicidal and Self-
Injurious Behavior."
EE. The programming needs of HYTA prisoners shall be established as set forth in PD 03.02.120 "Youthful
Trainees." All other prisoners, including youths under the age of 18 who are housed at TCF in accordance
with PD 03.03.145 “Housing Youths,” shall receive a validated risk and needs assessment (e.g., COMPAS).
Prisoners serving for a sexual offense, or an offense that involved illegal sexual conduct that was committed at
18 years of age or older also shall receive a specialized validated risk assessment (e.g., STATIC 99R). Other
assessments shall be conducted to identify educational and other programming, including:
1. A comprehensive diagnostic assessment for each prisoner when initially committed to determine their
level of educational development, aptitude, and interests. Staff shall take into consideration the
assessment results, program availability, and the need for therapeutic intervention when determining
appropriate institutional placement. Prisoners who were assessed during their most recent
incarceration shall be reassessed as determined necessary by the Warden or designee.
2. A substance abuse assessment and recommendation for substance abuse programming in accordance
with PD 03.03.115 "Substance Use Programming and Testing." Prisoners identified as experiencing
substance abuse withdrawal shall be referred immediately to Health Care.
FF. Health Care staff shall conduct a health screening, appraisal, and other assessments for each prisoner as set
forth in PD 03.04.100 "Health Services." This includes a dental exam as set forth in PD 04.06.150 "Dental
Services," and an optometric exam as set forth in PD 04.06.165 "Optometric Services."
GG. All newly committed prisoners shall be tested for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as set forth in
PD 03.04.120 "Control of Communicable Bloodborne Diseases." Testing is not required if the prisoner has a
documented prior positive test result. Post-test counseling as set forth in PD 03.04.120 shall be provided
before medical clearance for transfer is given.
HH. A Hepatitis C (HCV) risk factor screening shall be performed on each prisoner within 14 calendar days after
arrival at the reception facility unless the prisoner has a documented prior positive test result or test results
accompanying the prisoner indicate that the prisoner was tested within the preceding three months. A prisoner
who has identified HCV risk factors shall be offered HCV testing, and each consenting prisoner tested, during
this same time period HCV education and counseling shall be provided prior to any HCV testing. The test
results shall be provided confidentially to the prisoner along with any recommended follow-up medical care and
II. A QMHP shall assess each prisoner for the presence of mental illness, mental disorder, or other mental
disability. All prisoners sentenced as "Guilty but Mentally Ill" and those who appear to have a serious mental
illness/mental disorder shall be referred for a comprehensive psychiatric assessment.
JJ. A QMHP shall assess each prisoner for possible placement in the Adaptive Skills Residential Program (ASRP)
unless the prisoner was previously assessed. If necessary, a gender identity disorder evaluation also shall be
performed as set forth in PD 04.06.184 "Gender Dysphoria."
KK. Reception facility staff shall complete the PREA-Aggressor Risk Assessment-Prison and the PREA-Victim Risk
Assessment-Prison in accordance with the PREA Risk Assessment Manual. The assessment shall be
completed using information contained within the prisoner’s file, in electronic databases available to staff, and
gained from discussions with the prisoner. Staff shall personally interview the prisoner during the assessment.
This shall be completed within 72 hours of a prisoner’s arrival at a reception facility.
LL. In addition to the assessments identified in Paragraph KK, reception facility staff shall complete a PREA-Risk
Assessment Review-Prison within 30 calendar days of the prisoner’s arrival. Staff shall complete a new
assessment whenever warranted due to a referral, request, incident of sexual abuse or receipt of additional
information that affects the prisoner’s risk of being sexually abused by or being sexually abusive toward other
prisoners. If any such incident requires that the prisoner be transferred, the sending facility shall ensure that
the new risk assessments are completed prior to the transfer.
MM. If the prisoner is identified as having used force or the threat of force to engage in, or attempt to engage in,
abusive sexual contact or a non-consensual sexual act with a victim of the same sex, as determined based on
verifiable documentation (e.g., Judgments of Sentence, PSI Reports, Parole Violation Reports, Probation
Violation Reports, electronic case notes, Sheriff's Questionnaires), the case shall be reviewed with the CFA
Assistant Deputy Director (ADD) of the Operations Division or designee to determine whether the prisoner
should be placed in single-cell housing in a Level IV or V facility to reduce the potential assaultive risk to other
NN. A prisoner identified as having a history of physical or sexual abuse, or who poses a reasonable concern that
they may be sexually victimized while incarcerated due to age, physical stature, history, or physical or mental
disabilities shall be referred to a QMHP. When necessary, prisoners shall be referred for mental health
services in accordance with PD 04.06.180 "Mental Health Services."
Special Problem Offender Notice (SPON)
OO. Each prisoner shall be interviewed, and any newly received information reviewed, to determine whether a
Special Problem Offender Notice (CAJ-544) needs to be entered into the Department’s computerized database
and placed in the prisoner’s Record Office file in accordance with PD 03.03.110 "Special Problem Offender
Notice." Staff shall pay particular attention to information contained in PSI reports, Parole Violation Reports,
Probation Violation Reports, electronic case notes and Sheriff's Questionnaires.
Security Threat Group Member Identification
PP. Each prisoner shall be interviewed, and any newly received information reviewed, to determine if a Security
Threat Group Member Identification form (CSJ-102) needs to be prepared in accordance with PD 04.04.113
"Security Threat Groups." Staff shall pay particular attention to information contained in PSI reports, Parole
Violation Reports, Probation Violation Reports, electronic case notes, and Sheriff's Questionnaires.
SAI Eligibility
QQ. Staff shall screen prisoners to identify those who are eligible to be considered for placement in SAI as set forth
in PD 05.01.142 "Special Alternative Incarceration Program."
Parole Eligibility
RR. Parole guideline information shall be entered on the Department's computerized database for each prisoner
received with a new sentence to be served with the Department, as set forth in PD 06.05.100 "Parole
Guidelines." A Parole Eligibility/Lifer Review Report (CSJ-123) shall be prepared for each prisoner eligible for
a parole interview pursuant to PD 06.05.103 "Parole Eligibility/Lifer Review Reports."
SS. Except for HYTA prisoners, a classification packet shall be prepared for each prisoner upon commitment to
assist with program and security classification decisions. At a minimum, the packet shall consist of the
following completed documents:
1. Basic Information forms (CSJ-104; CSX-104) for prisoners with a new commitment.
2. Security Classification Screen - Initial Male Prisoners Only (CSJ-480) or Security Classification
Screen - Initial - Female Prisoners Only (CSJ-482), in accordance with PD 05.01.130 "Prisoner Security
3. Property Risk Screening sheet (CSJ-352) as set forth in PD 05.01.135 "Statistical Risk Screening."
4. Assaultive Risk Screening sheet (CSJ-353) for male prisoners only, as set forth in PD 05.01.135. All
female prisoners shall be automatically designated as very low assaultive risk without being screened.
5. A validated risk and needs assessment (e.g., COMPAS).
6. PREA Prisoner Education Verification (CAJ-1036).
7. Substance Abuse Assessment.
TT. Intake processing shall generally be completed within four weeks after arrival at the reception facility. After
intake processing is completed, the prisoner shall be transferred as set forth in PD 05.01.140 "Prisoner
Placement and Transfer,” or PD 05.01.142 "Special Alternative Incarceration Program" if approved for
placement in SAI.
UU. If necessary, to implement requirements set forth in this policy directive, Wardens shall ensure that procedures
are developed/updated.
VV. A Primary Audit Elements List has been developed and is available on the Department’s Document Access
System to assist with self-audit of this policy pursuant to PD 01.05.100 "Self-Audits and Performance Audits."
APPROVED: HEW 08/02/2023